Gene Boyer Papers, 1925-2002


Gene Boyer was a founder and first treasurer of the National Organization for Women (NOW), and later president of the NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund. She was also a founder of the National Women’s Conference Committee and the Jewish Women’s Coalition, and president of the National Women’s Conference Center. She was instrumental in creating a municipal commission on the status of women in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, in the mid-1960s, the first such commission in Wisconsin; was founding chair of the Wisconsin Women’s Network and the Wisconsin Business Women’s Coalition, and active in Wisconsin NOW. Boyer was a member of many committees, councils, and commissions, including the Wisconsin Business Owners Advisory Council of the U.S. Small Business Administration and the Governor’s Commission on the Status of Women. Active as a feminist speaker and consultant, later in life she also delivered speeches and training services primarily aimed at women business leaders and entrepreneurs and was a delegate to the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing.