People's Video Records, 1974-1977


People's Video was a collective in Madison, Wisconsin, which sought to use audio-visual media to promote community dialogue and social change. Although People's Video dated from informal gatherings in early 1972 to discuss media matters, incorporation did not take place until December 1973. Throughout four years of existence, activity primarily focused on two objectives: provision of public access programming and training of “communications advocates” for various organizations. Program production began in 1972 with the airing of the weekly Mondo Video on Viking Media Cable in Monona; later broadcasting switched to Madison's Complete Channel Television. Training programs were carried out by People's Video largely by means of funds granted under the Comprehensive Education and Training Act. Other financial support came from VISTA, which provided full-time community coordinators, and from video taping contracts. PV was also instrumental in the formation of the Madison Cable Television Advisory Council and the Madison Community Access Center, the staging of a Midwest Video Conference, and the leasing of Madison's cable franchise to Complete Channel Television.