The records of the Vine City Project consist of photocopied and mimeographed copies of correspondence, reports, leaflets, clippings, organizational data, and publications, primarily from 1966 and early 1967. All original items were photocopied and returned to the donor.
The organizational records of the Vine City Project (1965-1967) contain a wide variety of materials. Among these are early project position papers, a notebook probably kept by William Ware, correspondence arranged chronologically, and miscellaneous financial papers such as cancelled checks, receipts, etc. Address files contain information on SNCC staff plus a Mississippi mailing list. The publications file contains a copy of Atlanta's Black Paper.
A subject file (1966-1967), arranged alphabetically, contains information on the activities and issues related to the Vine City Project. The contents of each subject file are arranged chronologically. The types of records contained are quite varied and include petitions, press releases, mimeographed notices and reports, leaflets, and brochures.
Posters and visual materials (circa 1964-1971) contains posters and other materials, primarily from the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee's Atlanta, Georgia, office, many with photographs by Danny Lyon; other materials include a hand-made poster from the Arkansas office, campaign posters for Julian Bond, a broadside, 1971, for the Oppressed People 2nd Anniversary Unity Celebration at St. Columba's Church in Cairo, Illinois, sponsored by the Cairo United Front; a broadside for a rally and march in support of the Chicago Eight, undated, sponsored by SMC, Black Council, MAPAC, YAWF (Youth Against War and Fascism), and SDS (Students for a Democratic Society); and a poster for the Simuel Brent Schultz Jr. Defense Committee.