Arms-Yager Railway Car Company Records, 1885-1944

Scope and Content Note

The proceedings of the stockholders' and directors' meetings include by-laws, articles of incorporation, minutes of meetings, copies of resolutions, treasurer's reports, and other financial records. Other corporate records have been arranged in general files of tax returns, correspondence with the Treasury Department, records of capital structure changes, stockholders' evidences of ownership, dividend records, salaries, vouchers of both officers and employees, documents dealing with the War Production Board, and liquidation records; stockholders' records including copies of wills and certifications of probate courts; and operating records on the rolling stock such as inventories, mileage, repairs, and depreciation.

There are also financial records consisting of cash books, a general ledger, a file of balance sheets, and Social Security records including payrolls and taxes of employees. A general journal and ledger pertaining to Glen View Lodge, Inc., kept by J.B. Bassett, Fiscal Agent, 1926-1931, is included with the company's books.