Summary Information
State Bar of Wisconsin Records 1878-2000
Mss 260; M64-101; M69-149; M89-008; M92-328; M2010-026
13.2 c.f. (33 archives boxes); plus additions of 10.3 c.f. and 3 tape recordings
Wisconsin Historical Society (Map)
Records of an organization founded as the Wisconsin Bar Association which in 1957 became the integrated bar for Wisconsin to which all lawyers were required to belong. The records include convention proceedings (1933-1947), the Board of Governors minutes (1939-1948), correspondence of the president's office (1933-1945), and records of the secretary-treasurer (1913-1948). The records document the lobbying efforts by the association to establish an integrated bar, activities of the American Bar Association and Wisconsin county associations, membership campaigns, and financial activities of the organization. English