The Raleigh W. Gamble Papers cover that portion of his career involved with the construction of an expressway system for the City of Milwaukee, roughly from 1946 to Gamble's retirement in 1954. They consist primarily of newspaper clippings on expressways and highway planning for the years 1946, 1949, and 1951 and to his retirement in 1954 and a folder of unsorted clippings covering 1951 through 1953. The papers include a set of illustrative photographs of expressways, a 1946 article by Gamble entitled “Milwaukee's Street Inventory,” and two articles by William A. Norris on expressways that appeared in the Milwaukee Sentinel in August 1952. Included with the material on expressways is a 1946 study by the State Highway Commission of origin-destination traffic flow in the Milwaukee metropolitan area and the preliminary plans for the Milwaukee expressways by Ammann and Whitney, the consulting engineers.
The collection also contains a small amount of personal correspondence arranged chronologically from 1954 to 1963, newspaper articles and articles in professional journals about Gamble, a brief biography prepared by the America Society of Civil Engineers, and miscellaneous memorabilia.