Summary Information
Stowarzyszenie Weteranow Armii Polskiej w Ameryce. Post No. 94: Records 1942-1977
- Stowarzyszenie Weteranow Armii Polskiej w Ameryce. Post No. 94 (Milwaukee, Wis.)
Milwaukee Mss 51
0.2 c.f. (1 archives box)
UW-Milwaukee Libraries, Archives / Milwaukee Area Research Ctr. (Map)
Records of one of two Milwaukee chapters of the Polish Army Veterans Association of America (Stowarzyszenie Weteranow Armii Polskiej w Ameryce), consisting of minutes of meetings, all in Polish, 1945-1966, and jubilee albums of the Post and its Ladies Auxiliary. The organization is composed of veterans of the Polish army from World Wars I and II, and Americans of Polish descent who served with the American armed forces during World War II. English, Polish