International Harvester Company Corporate Archives Central File, 1819-1998

Container Title
McCormick Mss 1E
Series: Incoming Correspondence
Subseries: A
Box   1-2
Box   2
Abarbanell, Madame, 1910 April 21
Note: Invitation to Halley's Comet party.
Box   2
Abbas, Philip, 1940-1942
Note: Thank you note for Christmas gift.
Box   2
Abbe, Robert, 1918 October
Note: Note expressing grief concerning son's death.
Box   2
Abbey and Hall, 1919 January
Note: Agency trying to collect $200 medical bill for Ben Morgan, M.D.
Box   2
Abbotson, Edward, 1914? August
Note: Concerning some lectures.
Box   2
Abbott, A.H., and Company, 1894-1929
Note: Bills for artists' materials.
Box   2
Abbott, Charles Patterson, Mrs., 1902 December
Note: Wedding invitation.
Box   2
Abbott, Donald Putnam, Mrs., 1942 March
Note: Wedding invitation.
Box   2
Abbott, Dr., 1925
Note: See also: Bureau of Health, Department of Hygiene, University of Pennsylvania.
Box   2
Abbott, Edith, 1924, 1946
Note: See also: Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Immigration Policy-dinner refusal, 1946 June.
Box   2
Abbot, Edward C., Dr., 1913-1934
Note: Bills and correspondence with Dr. Abbot concerning Miss McCormick, who remained at Toronto and sometimes traveled with Miss McCormick.
Box   2
Abbott, Gerard Alan, 1915 April
Note: Bill collector for Karl W. Kahmann.
Box   2
Abbott, Grace, 1919-1940
Note: Reference to various voter's leagues and children's Bureaus. Personal correspondence concerning immigration, labor laws, and child welfare. Miss Abbott of School of Social Science Administration, University of Chicago.
Box   2
Abbot, Inez I., 1911-1916
Note: Principal of Samokov, Bulgaria Girls' School requesting and receiving money. Includes information concerning the state of affairs in Europe before World War I.
Box   2
Abbot, Mary P., 1889-1890
Note: Letters concerning children's recitals, etc.
Box   2
Abbott, Mrs. (London), 1938 August 30
Note: A notice about a “sitting.”
Box   2
Abbott, S. Frank, 1917
Note: Thank you note from Royal Naval Hospital for Christmas gift.
Box   2
Abbott's Art Store, 1918-1927
Note: Bills.
Box   2
Abel, Mary Hinman, 1899 May
Note: Letter concerning an organization for the improvement of household services.
Box   2
Abel, Wilma, 1948
Note: Concerning a future appointment.
Box   2
Abercrombie and Fitch Company, 1903-1944
Note: Numerous bills for sporting and camping goods which Mrs. Blaine likely gave away.
Box   2
Aberdeen Fund of America, 1915 November
Note: Request for Mrs. Blaine to sponsor Lord and Lady Aberdeen in a fund raising drive in Chicago for handicapped Irishmen of World War I.
Box   2
Abernethy, W.J., 1896
Note: Salesman wanting to show folding shades to Mrs. Blaine.
Box   2
Abiko, Yona T.S., 1924 January
Note: Request to see Mrs. Blaine.
Box   2
Abraham, Lucile, 1909
Note: Accepted Mrs. Blaine's invitation for June 18.
Box   2
Abrahamsen, Christian, 1937-1955

Abrahamsen was a prominent Chicago artist.

Correspondence and office calls concerning memorial plaque of Emmons Blaine. Also includes notes concerning Sweitzer and Dr. Bunche.

Box   2
Abrahamson, Emma, 1907
Note: Records of payments to cleaning lady, $1.50 daily.
Box   2
Abt, Isac A., M.D., 1907-1947
Note: Letters concerning: conditions in Germany in 1935; general education; juvenile research; Professor Finkelstein of Germany coming to Northwestern University Medical Department and Mrs. Blaine's support of the same.
Box   2
Academy of Political Science, New York, 1909-1949
Note: Requests for money. Function and projects of the academy. Mrs. Blaine's membership.
Box   2
Acadia Landing Corporation, 1903-1950
Note: Payments for use of harbor at Bar Harbor, Maine. Pleasure boating.
Box   2
Ace Scale Repair Service, 1949 October
Note: Bill.
Box   2
Acheatel, Louis, 1917 October
Note: Interview with Mrs. Blaine.
Box   2
Acker, Jessica, Dr., 1925 March
Note: Request for a car to aid in his work. No follow up.
Box   3
Ackerlund, Anna, 1920
Note: Request to see Mrs. Blaine in February.
Box   3
Ackermann, Arthur, and Son, 1916-1941
Note: Advertisements and bills for art objects and antiques.
Box   3
Ackert, Elizabeth, Mrs., 1903
Note: Request for money for medical aid, eye trouble. No follow up.
Box   3
Ackert, Fred, 1911 April
Note: Apology for not attending dinner.
Box   3
Acklan, William Hayes, 1892
Note: Expressing grief at death of husband.
Box   3
Ackley, L. Meredith, 1943 May
Note: Thank you for flowers.
Box   3
Acme Scale Company, 1945-1946
Note: Bills.
Box   3
Actors Equity Associates, undated
Note: Invitations to dinner.
Box   3
Actors Fund of America, 1909
Note: Request for money.
Box   3
Ada St. Methodist Episcopal Church, 1908 August
Note: Reverend Clancy requested money. No follow up.
Box   3
Adair, Fred L., 1931
Note: See also: Chicago White House Conference. Regarding Child Health Protection.
Box   3
Adami, J.G., 1913 July
Note: Mrs. Blaine apparently requested a book on Child Welfare.
Box   3
Adamic, Louis, 1948
Note: Two pamphlets on H. Wallace campaign.
Box   3
Adamowski, T., 1892
Note: Barely legible letter from Bar Harbor.
Box   3
Adams, Alex Buell, Mrs. (Lucy Dunlap Smith), 1940
Note: Graduation announcement from Bryn Mawr College.
Box   3
Adams, Belle T., 1924 September
Note: Wanted secretarial work.
Box   3
Adams, Brooks, 1907
Note: Four letters written, it seems, just before and after a visit to Chicago. Incidental subjects.
Box   3
Adams, Charles P., 1900 November
Note: Requested Mrs. Blaine to come and see his landscape paintings.
Box   3
Adams, Cyrus Hall, 1889-1917
Note: Important estate matters and much material on family history.
Box   3
Adams, Cyrus Hall, Mrs. (Emma Blair), 1896-1924
Note: Dinner invitations.
Box   3
Adams, Cyrus Hall, Jr., 1910-1947
Note: Legal affairs, financial affairs, requests for money for various purposes, and matters of interest to family.
Box   3
Adams, Cyrus Hall, Jr., Mrs. (Mary Shumway), 1918, 1923
Note: Notes at times of son's death and mother's death.
Box   3
Adams, Cyrus Hall, III, 1940, 1946
Note: Wanted aid for education of underprivileged boys in American institutions.
Box   3
Adams, Cyrus Hall, III, Mrs., 1947, 1951
Note: Newspaper clip pins of society life.
Adams, Edward S.
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Access Restrictions: These folders were originally filed in Boxes 3-4. They have been reported missing as of October 5, 2012.
Note: Constant requests for money and later loans for Adams and Samuel Company, Chicago, which dissolved June 30, 1910.
Note: Much information on Edward S. Adams and Company, an investment house. Monthly reports for 1912 and 1913. Constantly asking for large sums and receiving them.
Note: Continued requests for money. Checks sent to him in Florida.
Box   4
Adams, Elmer H., 1914
Note: Requests money to push for a law concerning Illinois housing conditions.
Box   4
Adams, Emma Skinner, 1889-1919
Note: Notes at death of husband and son. Requests for Audubon Society.
Box   4
Adams Express Company, 1916-1918
Note: Bills.
Box   4
Adams, Francis Page, Mr. and Mrs., 1900-1913
Note: Wedding invitations.
Box   4
Adams, Frank, 1940
Note: Note after party.
Box   4
Adams Furniture Company, 1906
Note: Bills at Toronto.
Box   4
Adams, George, 1923
Note: Rolls Royce salesman called when Mrs. Blaine was away.
Box   4
Adams, George Everett, 1889-1914
Note: Wedding invitation. Real estate information.
Box   4
Adams, George Everett, Mrs. (Adele Foster), 1897
Note: Invitation to reception.
Box   4
Adams, Herbert, Mrs. (Elsie Payne), 1912 December
Note: Request for information concerning McCormick Memorial Foundation.
Box   4
Adams Hotel, Phoenix, Arizona, 1909 January 7
Note: Bill.
Box   4
Adams, H.T., 1943 September
Note: Wanted to see Mrs. Blaine about a “souvenir.”
Box   4
Adams, Hugh L., 1956
Note: Clipping on death of H.T. Adams.
Box   4
Adams, James W., 1901-1917
Note: Possibly in Mrs. Blaine's employ as financial agent. Real estate broker.
Adams, James W., Mrs., (Grace C.)
Physical Description: 9 folders 
Box   4
1915 May 20-1918 December 31
Note: Mrs. Blaine sent monthly checks. Information on cost of living. Mrs. Adams lived at Devereux Mansion, Marblehead, Massachusetts. Folder of Powder Point School.
Box   4
1919 January 20-December 29
Note: Numerous itemized bills for Mrs. Adams family expenses. Many letters on the health of her son Jack.
Box   4
1920 January 14-December 20
Note: Much correspondence concerning son Robert's education. Report cards. More itemized family expenditure.
Box   4
1921 January 2-November 11
Note: Letter from Jack at Trinity College, England. More notes on boys' education. Bills. Requests for more money.
Box   4
1922 October 22-December 11
Note: Bills, requests for money.
Box   4
1923 January 17-1925 December 25
Note: Requests for monthly checks. Many personal belongings burned in small house fire. Wanted Mrs. Blaine to pay for them.
Box   4
1926 July 3-1929 January 7
Note: Continual requests for monthly allowance.
Box   4
1929 January 27-1943 October 25
Note: Continual requests for monthly allowance.
Box   4
1944 June 22-1950 September 27
Note: Continual requests for monthly allowance. Mrs. Adams evicted from hotel.
Box   4
Adams, James W., Jr., 1919 January 22-1934 July 5
Note: Numerous cross references. Information on his education. Letters show misuse of all opportunities Mrs. Blaine advanced to him.
Box   4
Adams, James W., Jr., Mrs. (Helen Gelds), 1926 January 12
Note: Asking for help for husband.
Box   4
Adams, James W., Jr., Mrs. (Carolyn F.), 1930 October-1943 December 20
Note: Mostly on medical and physical condition of her husband.
Box   4
Adams, John B., 1909 October 17
Note: Thank you for some kindness received in New Mexico.
Adams, John Bellingham
Physical Description: 6 folders 
Box   4
1927 November 20-1934 May 11
Note: Letters on his son's (Jack) health. Requests for money, mostly for Jack's medical expenses.
Box   4
1935 May 1-1936 December 15
Note: Further pleas for money for Jack's health and education. Congratulations for Mrs. Blaine's radio message of October 31, 1936.
Box   4
1937 February 2-1938 December 7
Note: Further pleas for money for Jack's health and education.
Box   4
1939 January 26-1940 December 4
Note: Further pleas for money for Jack's health and education.
Box   4
1941 February 25-1943 November 7
Note: Further pleas for money for Jack's health and education.
Box   5
1944 August 29-1946 July 17
Note: Further pleas for money for Jack's health and education.
Box   5
Adams, John Bellingham, Mrs. (Marion Kennedy), 1930 December 20-1947 September 27
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Note: Letters on family life. 1947 newspaper clippings on the killing of her son Jack and her insanity and suicide.
Box   5
Adams, John Bellingham, Jr., 1935 September-1947 May 20
Note: Letters to Aunt Anita thanking her for gifts, etcetera.
Box   5
Adams, John M., 1918 March
Note: Mrs. Blaine paid the medical bills of a Miss Kate Graham to Dr. Adams.
Box   5
Adams, John Q., Jr., Mrs. (Anne Daughaday), 1943 May 16
Note: Asking for donation for North Ave. Day Nursery. No follow up.
Box   5
Adams, John Russell, 1902 June 5
Note: Wedding invitation.
Box   5
Adams, John W., 1949 May 17
Note: Congratulation for interest in world affairs.
Box   5
Adams, Joseph, 1900 February
Note: Couldn't accept invitation.
Box   5
Adams, Kathryn, 1928 January 11
Note: See also: Dodge, Bayard and report of address before the Chicago Woman's Club.
Box   5
Adams, Lydia R., Mrs., 1904 August 3
Note: Wedding invitation.
Box   5
Adams, Martha, 1906 February 3-November 2
Note: Young working girl with aged mother requests aid. No follow up.
Box   5
Adams, Milward, Mrs. (Florence James), 1900, 1910 May
Note: Invitation for opera in 1900. Request for scholarship money in 1910.
Box   5
Adams, Robert McCormick, I, 1901 February-1918 June
Note: As an old man who couldn't get a job, wanted money. Wedding invitations.
Box   5
Adams, Robert McCormick, I, Mrs. (Virginia Claiborne), 1890-1919
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Note: Letters of personal nature. Family affairs. Requests money for doctor bills and children's education.
Box   6
Adams, Robert McCormick, II, 1909-1953 June 26
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Note: Letters, Princeton University in 1909. Adams, a law student. Letters requesting grants to Peoples Ticket Against Coalition Business Men's Republican Organization. Chicago politics. Radio address of Mr. Adams on behalf of Cook County Progressive Republican Committee. The Third Party (against Kelly in 1935). Radio address of 1935 while seeking Republican seat in United States House as Congress man at large. Psychiatric examination report of Marion K. Adams, August 26, 1947, and correspondence concerning the same. One folder of press clippings of Adams family.
Box   6
Adams, Robert McCormick, II, Mrs. (Janet Lawrence), 1942-1947 January 23
Note: Invitations and thank-you notes.
Box   6
Adams, Robert McCormick, III, 1948 December 25
Note: Can't accept invitation.
Box   6
Adams, Robert McCormick?, 1919-1951 June 22
Physical Description: 4 folders 
Note: Early letters on choice of education. A number of introspective, mystical letters of religious nature. Many interesting and informative letters telling of the various stages of his education in archaeology. Notes on employment with WPA. Worked with the Red Cross during World War II.
Box   6
Adams, Robert McCormick, Mrs. (Marion), 1933 August 3, 1936 November 1
Note: Letters concern family.
Box   6
Adams and Pigott, 1908 April 27-1943 August 28
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Note: Dry cleaning bills.
Box   6
Adams, Samuel, 1937 September-December
Note: Telegrams asking for allowance and thanking for same.
Box   6
Adams, Samuel, Mrs. (Helen Barker), 1938 January 12, 1942 June 5
Note: First concerns husband's health. Second an invitation.
Box   6
Adams, Samuel, Mrs. (Louise K.), 1908 January 16
Note: Request for money for School Children's Aid Society.
Box   6
Adams, Spencer L., 1915 August 19
Note: Article on position of neutrals in time of war.
Box   6
Adams, Van Rensselaer, Mrs. (Beatrice Filbert), 1914 August 20-1928 October 19
Note: Requests to see Mrs. Blaine.
Box   6
Adams, Walter S., 1931 January 19
Note: Stenographic report over the radio of banquet in honor of Dr. Albert Einstein, at the University Club, Pasadena, California.
Box   6
Adams, W. Jeff, and Company, 1890 May 23
Note: Grocery bills.
Box   6
Adams, W.W., 1925 September 1-1941 December 1
Note: Bills for flowers.
Box   6
Adams-Clark, Frances?, 1912
Note: Concerning paintings.
Box   6
Adary, Shoshona, 1949 September 4
Note: Letter from Legal Aid Bureau of Tel-Aviv, Israel asking for aid. No follow up.
Box   6-7
Addams, Jane, 1894-1935 May 27
Physical Description: 7 folders 
Note: A wealth of material on the activities of Hull House and Jane Addams. Mrs. Blaine was very sensitive to the requests of Jane Addams. Names of societies and organizations appearing in this correspondence are: Reform Club, Investigating Committee of City Home Association, Sanitation Committee, Chicago Municipal Museum, Public Library, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Child Welfare Exhibition, International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Chicago Federation of Settlement, Citizens Committee, National Club of Chicago.
Box   7
Addams, Jane, Memorial Fund, 1935 June 26, 1936 January 21
Note: Asking for donations.
Box   7
Addams, Jane
Physical Description: photographs 
Box   7
Addams, Jane, 1913 July 14-1950 March 8
Note: Press clippings.
Box   7
Addison, Helen, 1937 December 7
Note: Accepting dinner invitation.
Box   7
Adelphia Hotel, 1924 May 3
Note: Reservations.
Box   7
Adirondack Camp, 1918 June 20
Note: See also: McCormick Estates for inventory of camp furnishings.
Box   7
Adirondack Greenhouses, 1929 September 1
Note: Bill.
Box   7
Adirondack Hardware Company, 1940 July, August
Note: Bills.
Box   7
Adirondack Mission, 1912 December 10-1914 January 8
Note: Requests, and receipts for donations.
Box   7
Adirondack Piano Company, 1936 July 28
Note: Bill for piano.
Box   7
Adkerson, J. Carson, 1950 July 28
Note: Concerning Pathfinder News magazine.
Box   7
Adler, Alfred, 1927 March 16-26
Note: Series of 8 lectures delivered by Alfred Adler at the Field Museum and Palmer House at Chicago:
  • "The Feeling of Inferiority and its Compensations"
  • "Preparation for Adolescence"
  • "Dangerous Corners in Childhood"
  • "Importance and Significance of Social Feeling"
  • "Fighting Children"
  • "Love and Marriage"
  • "The Function of the Mother"
  • "Treatment"
Box   7
Adler, David, 1922 June 13
Note: Concerning plans for Mrs. Blaine's sister's house.
Box   7
Adler, David, Mrs., 1924 September
Note: Concerning the purchase of a shawl from an old Spanish lady.
Box   7
Adler, Felix, 1902 February 10
Note: Declines invitation.
Box   7
Adler, Herman M., 1922 October 24-1929 October 10
Physical Description: 4 folders 
Note: 10 lectures (untitled) by Dr. Adler. Letters concerning Behavior Research Fund. Mrs. Blaine gave Dr. Adler financial aid.
Box   8
Adler, J.B., Mrs. (Bertha H.), 1907 July
Note: Request for aid for a Mrs. Leicht by Mrs. Adler.
Box   8
Adler, Larry, 1944 June 5
Note: Ms. Blaine apparently asked the man for a bill for an afternoon spent with him. He said to give the money to Red Cross. No Bill.
Box   8
Adsit, Charles Chapin, Mrs., undated
Note: Invitation.
Box   8
Adult Education Council of Chicago, 1924 February 13-1951 March 21
Note: Requests for money and information concerning the program.
Box   8
Advertising Association of Chicago, 1915 November 1
Note: Invitation to band concert.
Box   8
Aeolian Company, 1896 July 21-1927 February 2
Note: Bills, correspondence, and advertising of musical instruments. Bar Harbor Maine.
Box   8
Aepinus-Haggstrom Manufacturing Company, 1912 March 1
Note: Bill for sheet metal.
Box   8
Aero Club of Illinois, 1912 June 4-1914 November 13
Note: Two pamphlets on early aviation. Mrs. Blaine gave at least $2,000 for an air show in 1912.
Box   8
Aetna Life Insurance Company, 1913 September 20, 1930 January 12
Note: 1913 elevator inspection. Policy cancelled in 1930 for non-payment of premiums.
Box   8
Affeld, Helen W., 1905 July 2
Note: Miss Affeld requested aid for a female teacher. No follow up.
Box   8
Affiliated Arts Producers, 1921 July 21
Note: Concerning lectures of Walton Pyre.
Box   8
After School Club of America, 1912 December 13
Note: Asking Mrs. Blaine for her opinion concerning an enclosed plan of education, which was later known as the American Institute of Child Life.
Box   8
Agar, Frank, 1899 November 14
Note: Requested aid for his Mission Field in the mountains of eastern Kentucky. No follow up.
Box   8
Agar, Herbert, 1940 December 24-1943 July 13
Physical Description: 3 folders 


  • "What the War is About," Chicago, 1940 December 28
  • "The Press and National Unity," Chicago, 1941 March 4
  • Untitled address before Midday Club, Chicago, 1941 October 20
  • "America as Seen From England," 1943 June 18

Also includes personal correspondence from W. Agar concerning these lectures.

Box   8
Agassiz, Mabel Simpkins, 1904 May 21-1904 December 13
Note: Concerning speeches delivered at the opening of Emmons Blaine Hall.
Box   8
Agnes Scott College, 1921 March 4-1933 November 27
Note: A small Presbyterian College in Decatur, Georgia. Mrs. Blaine established the Virginia Peeler Scholarship Fund here. Also contributed to a student loan fund.
Box   8
Agnew, William J., 1903 January 31-1904 October 11
Note: A graduate of McCormick Seminary. Asked for money for a Mission in Wisconsin. Apparently was refused. Also refused was any aid to Poynette Academy.
Box   8
Agresti, Signora Olivia Rosetti, 1937 February 18
Note: See also: Norman Thomas radio addresses “Can Democracies Avoid Dictatorship?”
Box   8
Agricultural History Society, 1941 September 24
Note: Request for volume 15 of Agricultural History.
Box   8
Agricultural and Mechanical College for Negroes, Normal, Alabama, 1910 September-1916 March 4
Note: Mrs. Blaine contributed toward a building program in 1910. College catalogs for 1912 and 1913. Letters concerning Virginia McCormick Hospital. Many requests for money for equipment, land, etcetera, which Mrs. Blaine contributed toward.
Box   8
Agricultural School for Boys, 1914 May 1-1914 May 18
Note: Requests for money. No follow up.
Box   8
Ahern, M.E., 1904 August 1
Note: Letter from M.E. Ahern of Public Libraries of Chicago concerning some document (unnamed) which was soon to be published.
Box   8
Ahern, Thomas J., and Brothers, 1915 April 28; 1915 August 1
Note: Funeral bill.
Box   8
Ahlborn, Gerda, 1889 January 19
Note: Thank you note for Christmas present (not named).
Box   8
Ahlborn, Lea, 1887 September-1889 September 1
Note: Concerning portraits and frames.
Box   8
Ahrbin, Christian, Mrs.
Note: See also: “Hartman and Regner, Stephen.”
Box   8
Ahrensburg, G., 1947 June 4
Note: Can't accept invitation.
Box   8
Aikin, Wilford M., 1931 November 9-1933 July 7
Note: Eight conference papers of July 1933 concerning the “Eight Year School Experiment at Bennington College.” Progressive education.
Box   8
Aime Dupont Studio, 1916 April 3; 1952 May 20
Note: A 1916 request to photograph Mrs. Blaine “for reproduction in the high class publications.” 1952 Request to photograph Mrs. Blaine in her Chicago home. No follow up.
Box   8
Ainge, Thomas S., 1903 December 25 and 30
Note: Ainge wrote to Raymond Robins of the City Homes Association of Chicago announcing himself as candidate for the position of Sanitary Inspector. Mrs. Blaine is not mentioned in the correspondence.
Box   8
Ainley, Richard, 1940 February 20
Note: An actor thanking for hospitality of Mrs. Blaine while he was in Chicago, Illinois.
Box   8
Ainslie Galleries, 1940 November 6-26
Note: Advertising painting entitled “Lincoln at Gettysburg” by A.B. Bicknell $1,500 and another portrait of Lincoln by Thomas Hicks for $11,100.
Box   8
Ainsworth, Mrs., 1927 July 25
Note: A lady offers to work for Mrs. Blaine if she will give clothing to her sister's children.
Box   8
Air Comfort Corporation, 1937 July 21-1947 July 18
Note: Advertising.
Box   8
Aiston Shoe Company, 1915 February 13-1915 May 1
Note: Bill for foot wear and several letters attempting to collect the money.
Box   8
Aitchison, Mr., 1925 March 20, 1925 June 1
Note: Request for President Burton of some unnamed University to see Mrs. Blaine regarding a donation.
Box   8
Aitchison, June Orneas, 1946 August 29
Note: A physical education teacher of Parker school expresses thanks for Mrs. Blaine's interest in children's play activity through the years.
Box   8
Aitken, Son and Company, 1890 January 1-1897 May 20
Note: Bills for fancy ribbons, laces millinery, and infant's wear.
Box   8
Akeler, Stuart R., 1938 January 9
Note: A letter concerning a position in the World Foundation.
Box   8
Akerlund, Anna, 1916 January 2-1917 June 19
Note: Bills from a “Medico-Gymnast and Masseuse.”
Box   8
Akers, Hattie G., 1899 March 1, 1900 July 4
Note: Thank you note for some gift.
Box   8
Alabama Child Labor Committee, 1914 June 11-December 13
Note: Request and thank-you letter for funds for an investigation of the conditions of Alabama children.
Box   8
Alabama Orphans Home, 1922 June 5-26
Note: Information concerning this home for African American orphans. Requests for aid. No follow up.
Box   8
Albanian American School of Agriculture, Kavaja, Albania, 1925 May 6-1933 February 14
Note: Information concerning the education of Albanian children. Requests for aid to the Albanian schools, especially a girls' school. No follow up.
Box   9
Albany Boat Corporation, 1924 June 6-1926 August 15
Note: Bills for purchase and upkeep of boat at St. Regis. Much information concerning boats: styles, engines, extra equipment, etc.
Box   9
Albany College, 1911 April 1-1931 July 21
Note: Continual requests for money for this Presbyterian College in the State of Oregon. It seems that Mrs. Cyrus H. McCormick donated money to the college but Mrs. Blaine would not.
Box   9
Albemarle Stationery Company, 1887 May 10
Note: Bill contracted in London.
Box   9
Albert, Allen D., 1931 October 30-1944 January 15
Note: See also: Chicago Regional White House Conference and United Nations Association Congress.
Box   9
Albert Lea College for Women, 1907 September 3-1910 January 29
Note: Mrs. Cyrus H. McCormick donated a building to this college in Albert Lea, Minnesota. Mrs. Blaine was asked to contribute toward another building program. She gave, it seems, about half of the cost of a telescope.
Box   9
Albert Teachers' Agency, 1910 September 15-1914 July 30
Note: Requests aid for a community house at Elmhurst and for Sayre College for Women, Lexington, Kentucky, a Presbyterian institution. No follow up on either.
Box   9
Alberts, Lee, Mr., 1935 October 22
Note: Request to see Mrs. Blaine regarding her taxes.
Box   9
Albion, Edouard, Ms. (Marietta Stockard), 1948 May 10-1949 June 7
Note: Three requests for Mrs. Blaine to join the Patrons of Music group. No follow up.
Box   9
Albion House, 1948 March 30
Note: Hotel bill in Rochester, Minnesota.
Box   9
Albrecht, Dorella, 1920 June 17
Note: Member of senior class of Francis W. Parker School thanking for corsage.
Box   9
Albright, Edna, 1922 September 1
Note: Job interview for secretarial position.
Box   9
Albright, Ivan, 1933 October 2
Note: Concerning tickets for Artists' Old Masters' Ball.
Box   9
Alcoholics Anonymous, 1945 May 28
Note: Request by J. Stuart Harrison of A.A. to see Mrs. Blaine.
Box   9
Alder, Charles E., 1910 February 16; 1910 March 8
Note: Advertising paintings.
Box   9
Aldis, Aldis, Northcote and Watson, 1902 April 2-1903 July 31
Note: Concerns Mrs. Blaine's investments in Lake Michigan Land Company.
Box   9
Aldis, Arthur T., 1899 March-1926 June
Note: Social engagements, purchase of some land, New Theatre enterprise, request to contribute toward an African American theatre in Chicago, Illinois.
Box   9
Aldis, Arthur T., Mrs. (Mary Duncan Reynolds), 1894 May-1917 January 11
Note: Correspondence concerns: sewing circle, Social Betterment Legislation, Nurses society, Chicago Little Theatre, League to Enforce Peace, and much concerning family affairs and social engagements.
Box   9
Aldis and Company, 1910 March 11-1953 September 3
Note: Advertising a real estate investment on Michigan Avenue. Data on Mrs. Blaine's Lake Forest Improvement investments.
Box   9
Aldis, Cornelia, 1886 January-1918 October 10
Note: Early letters are of a friendly, joshing, personal nature. Later letters concern the push toward a Pure Food and Drug Act, which interested Cornelia Aldis very much. Note about Gifford Pinchot in one letter.
Box   9
Aldis, Graham, 1924 March 26-1952 July
Note: Request for aid for Library of University of Louvain, Belgium. Mr. Aldis, treasurer of Lake Forest Improvement Trust, wrote concerning her dividend checks which she constantly lost or refused to cash. Invitations to daughters' weddings.
Box   9
Aldis, Graham, Mrs. (Dorothy Keeley), 1941 June 4
Note: Note at Mrs. Blaine's sister's death.
Box   9
Aldis, Owen Franklin, 1892 June 19-1914 December 15

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter expressing grief at the time of Mr. Blaine's death.

Early letters concern the educational methods and theories of Colonel Parker.

Letter, 1899 December 16, contains information on education in Egypt.

Pamphlet, 1901 May 13, concerning the Lake Michigan Land Company and Lake Michigan Land Trust of which Stanley McCormick and Owen Aldis and others were trustees.

Letter, 1902 March 9, contains a summary of the life work of Colonel Parker.

Report, 1903 February 14, concerns the advantage of forming a larger land company from the Lake Michigan Land Company in which Stanley McCormick was instrumental.

Many notes of purely social interest.

Box   9
Aldis, Owen Franklin, Mrs. (Marie Madeleine du Mas), 1914 December 15; 1928 January 31
Note: First note in French. Second declines an invitation.
Box   9
Aldrich, Frederick, 1918 January 19
Note: Wedding invitation.
Box   9
Aldrich, Julia, 1916 November 7
Note: Interview with Mrs. Blaine. Voice student with family troubles, throat complications, and no money wanted aid. No follow up.
Box   9
Aldrich, Knight, 1937 December 21
Note: Accepts invitation.
Box   9
Aldrich, Nelson Wilmarth, 1902
Note: Wedding invitation.
Box   9
Aldrich, Winona, 1922 August 21
Note: Requested position as substitute Secretary. But later took position in Iowa.
Box   9
Aleck, Bertha, 1949 March 2
Note: Requested information about Foundation for World Government.
Box   9
Alemite Die-Casting and Manufacturing Company, 1919 April 3
Note: Requested reference for a Mr. Alfred Olofson.
Box   9
Alexander, Andrew, 1892 May 1
Note: Bill for footwear.
Box   9
Alexander, Elizabeth T., 1904 November 8
Note: Luncheon invitation to Mrs. Blaine.
Box   9
Alexander, F. Matthias, 1923 December 17
Note: Advertising his services as expert in “psyche-physical” functioning of children.
Box   9
Alexander, Franz, Dr., 1938 December 1; 1946 April 15
Note: Bills for two consultations.
Box   9
Alexander, Georgia, 1907 January 20, 1907 February 21
Note: Mrs. Blaine was on the Board of Education in Chicago and was in a position to choose text books. These letters are from an author of a spelling book who tried to influence Mrs. Blaine to vote for the purchase of her book.
Box   9
Alexander, Henry Addison, Mrs., 1910 May 20
Note: Invitation to a tea and an invitation to the wedding of her daughter, Eleanor Butler, to Theodore Roosevelt Jr.
Box   9
Alexander, James Greenleaf, 1935 December 16
Note: Wedding invitation.
Box   9
Alexander and Oviatt, 1930 March 11-1930 December 24
Note: Bills from a Los Angeles importer.
Box   9
Alexander, Ruth, Dr., 1938 February 3
Note: See also: Town Meeting of the Air, 1938 February 3, “What Does Democracy Mean?”
Box   9
Alexander Sanatorium, 1903 January 12
Note: Letter answering Mrs. Blaine's request for information concerning the subject of malignant disease as treated by the Alexander Method.
Box   9
Alexander, Stuart R., 1905 May 31-1918 June 8
Note: Bills, advertising, and directions for making coffee. Mrs. Blaine seems to have patronized this man for some time.
Box   9
Alexander, Stuart R., Mrs. (Elizabeth Forsythe), 1892-1903 January 6
Note: Letter at death of husband. Requests reference for an acquaintance.
Box   9
Alexander, Stuart R., Jr., Mrs. (Margaret M. Martin), 1937 October 18
Note: Could not attend Mrs. Blaine's granddaughter's debut.
Box   9
Alexander, W.A., and Company, 1903 December 1
Note: Insurance for plate glass window.
Box   9
Alexandria Hotel, 1923 April 23
Note: Overdue bill.
Box   9
Alexian Brothers' Hospital, 1904 February 12-1918 April 1
Note: Mrs. Blaine contributed $25 yearly to this hospita1. Reports of hospital, receipts, requests, and thank-you letters.
Box   9
Alexian Brothers' Hospital Photographs, 1908 January 23
Note: Picture of Brother Redel.
Box   9
Alfaro, Ricardo J., 1943 January 27
Note: Proceedings of Ceremonies Commemorating 50th Anniversary of Death of James G. Blaine. Delivered January 27, 1942 at Pan American Union, Washington, D.C.
Box   9
Alff, Rudolph, 1902 August 6
Note: Wedding invitation.
Box   9
Alfredal Company, 1914 October 27
Note: Bill for shock absorbers.
Box   9
Alger, Russell A.
Note: Wedding invitation.
Box   9
Alhambra Hotel, 1909 January 7
Note: Bill.
Box   10
Alice Home Hospital, 1926 September 7-1942 August 25
Note: Many small bills for X-rays. Bills for several hospital tenures.
Box   10
Alinsky, Saul D., 1948 May
Note: Notice concerning the plight of 20,000 striking packing house workers.
Box   10
Alixe Lingerie Shop, 1926 February 8-1936 April 17
Note: Attempts, by telephone, to get Mrs. Blaine as a customer.
Box   10
Allahabad Agricultural Institute, 1920 February 17-1948 November 16
Note: Considerable information concerning agriculture in India during these years. No indication that Mrs. Blaine gave any money toward it.
Box   10
Allahabad Christian College, 1936 January 10-1940 September 14
Note: Much information about this Presbyterian College in India. Reports of their agricultural experiments, etcetera. No indication that Mrs. Blaine gave any money toward it.
Box   10
Allais, Paul, 1925 January 25
Note: Interview concerning a banquet for Mrs. Fannie Bloomfield Zeisler. No follow up.
Box   10
All-American Exposition, 1919 August 30
Note: Invitation to a 2-day conference for “furthering the Americanization spirit amongst club women.” No follow up.
Box   10
All-Chicago Citizens' Committee on America's Crisis, 1941 May 27-June 14
Note: Mrs. Blaine contributed $100 to help sponsor a “great National Unity Mass Meeting at the Chicago Stadium on June 6th.” Speakers were Wendell Willkie and Carl Sandburg.
Box   10
Allebone, 1892 February 17-1921 October 3
Note: Bills for Mrs. Blaine's clothing. Account sometimes running over $5,000. Some information on fashions in year 1914.
Box   10
Allee, Warder C., Professor, 1924 June 4
Note: Request for return of manuscript entitled “The Biological Basis for International Cooperation” delivered at the League of Women for Peace and Freedom on May 19, 1924. See this organization for the lecture.
Box   10
Allegretti Chocolate Cream Company, 1897 May 1-1903 July 13
Note: Bills for candy.
Box   10
Allen, A. Brom, Dr., 1919 June 23
Note: Bill from exodontia specialist.
Box   10
Allen Adjustment Company, 1909 May 29
Note: Collection agency trying to collect $33 for Dr. W.B. Crain.
Box   10
Allen, Albert W., 1923 June 19-1923 October 3
Note: Allen tried to get Mrs. Blaine to help him publish his poem, “The Heroic Race; An American Tribute to Greece.” No follow up. Copy of poem included.
Box   10
Allen, Andrew Hussey, 1892 June 18-1907 July 3
Note: Note at death of husband. Allen seems to have given or sold some books such as Documentary History of the Constitution and some pamphlets to Mrs. Blaine.
Box   10
Allen, Anne Elizabeth, 1896-1924 October 17
Note: Miss Allen, of the Chicago Normal School Kindergarten Department, corresponded with Mrs. Blaine concerning a teacher; perhaps for her son, perhaps a Sunday school teacher. Qualifications of some teachers given.
Box   10
Allen, Charles Bronson, 1897 July 26
Note: Methodist minister of Bar Harbor, Maine asks for aid. No follow up.
Box   10
Allen, Charles L., Mrs. (Lucy P.), 1921 February 14
Note: Sent $200 to Mrs. Blaine for some reason not mentioned.
Box   10
Allen, Chilion B., 1905 December 8
Note: Requested Mrs. Blaine to have the Chicago School Board consider scheduling his lecture, “A Square Deal in Education.” No follow up.
Box   10
Allen, Devere, 1940 November 5-1940 November 19
Note: Advertising the “Nofrontier News Letter.” Sample of same.
Box   10
Allen, Dora, 1908-1918 January 9
Note: Requested money for North Side Parks Committee. This lady wanted the City Park Commission or the Board of Education to take over the job of getting parks and playgrounds for Chicago children. Campaign card of 1912 Wilson organization of Madison, Wisconsin.
Box   10
Allen, Edward, 1948 December 30
Note: Requested to see Mrs. Blaine about a proposed biography of Clarence Ring, a geologist and contemporary of Henry Adams. No follow up.
Box   10
Allen, Edward, Dr., 1935 September 1
Note: Bill for $400.00 contracted by Marion Adams.
Box   10
Allen, Elizabeth, 1941 December 1-1943 August 31
Note: Requests in behalf of Miss Doris Hutchinson, whom Mrs. Blaine had helped previously, for further medical assistance. No follow up.
Box   10
Allen, Florence E., 1931 November 9
Note: See also: World Alliance for International Friendship through Churches.
Box   10
Allen, Fred, 1927 April
Note: Requests for references for a position of manager of Lake Shore Drive Hotel of Chicago.
Box   10
Allen Hall and Company, 1916 November
Note: Advertising ancient tapestry.
Box   10
Allen, Harland H., 1939 September 25-1944 January 28
Note: Letter with arguments for aiding the allies in 1939. Information on Ball-Hatch-Burton-Hill resolution of United States Senate March 16, 1943 and stressing support of same. September 8, 1943 report on “The Businessman's Stake in American-Soviet Friendship.” Important for beginning of Wallace bid for presidency.
Box   10
Allen, Harvey S., M.D., 1948 September 15-1949 February 4
Note: Attempts to collect $40 for care of Alfred Olofson.
Box   10
Allen, Henry J., 1937 March 30

Discussion: Does President Roosevelt's Supreme Court Enlargement Mean Dictatorship?

See also: Town Hall Meeting of Chicago.

Box   10
Allen, Ira W., 1923 July 7
Note: Pastor of First Presbyterian Church, La Grange, Illinois, sent letter at death of Mrs. Blaine's mother.
Box   10
Allen, Jay, 1937 March 13-1941 November 4
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Note: Three lectures before the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations:
  • "Spanish Nightmare," 1937 March 13
  • Untitled lecture on Spain, 1937 October 8
  • "What I saw in France"
Box   10
Allen, J.J., 1949 April 22-May 3
Note: Allen, for a time successful in the oil industry, turned to a mail order business in Buffalo, New York. As president of the National Negro Economic Foundation he appealed for aid to promising business concerns of his people. Folders, photographs, and briefs of NNEF and personal letter appealing especially for help to ward off foreclosure of Department Store. No indication that Mrs. Blaine assisted.
Box   10
Allen, J. Milton, 1897
Note: Bill for fancy tableware. Bar Harbor.
Box   10
Allen, John D., 1940 June 12
Note: Request to see Mrs. Blaine concerning the completion of Franklin D. Roosevelt library at Hyde Park. No follow up.
Box   10
Allen, Joseph E., 1908 October 2
Note: Bill for automobile light repairing.
Box   10
Allen, Judson, 1937 October 28
Note: See also: Progressive Education Association Conference.
Box   10
Allen, Laura R.S., 1903 June 3
Note: Miss Allen wanted Mrs. Blaine's help in attaining the position of Factory Inspector for the State of Illinois. She was especially interested in a home for aged toward which she would give 50 acres of land if she could get this position and be able to pay off the mortgage. No follow up.
Box   10
Allen, Lillian M., 1943 March 27-1943 April 19
Note: Miss Allen, a school teacher, wrote Mrs. Blaine several letters and had an interview during which she wanted Mrs. Blaine to take a mortgage on her house because both her mother and father were ill and should have been in the hospital, they lost a home recently, the aunt and uncle they lived with were both ill, etcetera. No follow up.
Box   10
Allen Military School, 1919 February 12-1920 August 30
Note: James Adams attended this school in Newton, Massachusetts. Bills. Reports of his progress.
Box   10
Allen, Thomas D., M.D., 1940 June 1-1946 July 1
Note: Medical bills for John Adams and Alfred Olofson.
Box   10
Allen, William D., 1918 January 2-1923 January 25
Note: Requests for aid for Northwestern University Settlement and Central Council for Nursing Education. No follow up.
Box   10
Allen, W. Reid, Company, 1941 October 20
Note: Insurance company wants to write a policy for Mrs. Blaine's dwelling in Pasadena, California.
Box   10
Allen, Yorke, Mrs. (Mary Findlay), 1935 November 10
Note: Mrs. Allen wanted Mrs. Blaine to withdraw her name from those nominated for the Board of the League of Nations.
Box   10
Allenby, Edmund, 1928 October 25
Note: Address to the Commercial Club of Chicago by Field Marshal Viscount Edmund Allenby. Experiences in Palestine in World War I.
Box   10
Allendale Farm, 1905 September 20-1953 November 18
Note: Mrs. Blaine made small contributions to this school for dependent boys. Requests, thank-you letters, and folders on the function of the farm.
Box   11
Allerton Hotel, 1930 June 24-1950 February 22
Note: Bills. Apparently Mrs. Blaine sent many of her guests to this Chicago hotel.
Box   11
Alliance Française of Chicago, 1901 June 3-1951 December 13
Note: Early aim to supply a French library at the University of Chicago. Many invitations to social functions of same. During and after both world wars this club sent aid to children's hospitals, etcetera, in France. Robert Hall McCormick was president of this organization in 1947. Mrs. Blaine seems to have kept up her membership through the years.
Box   11
All Hallows Church (London), 1941-1953 October 10
Note: Mrs. Blaine received an invitation from Queen Mary to the reopening of All Hallows Church on July 14, between 1948 and 1953? Mrs. Blaine contributed $500 toward the reconstruction of All Hallows after World War II. File includes several folders printed by the church, the All Hallows Barking by the Tower (a short newsletter) and personal letters from Reverend P.B. Clayton. Also included is a photograph of the church records documenting the marriage of John Quincy Adams on July 6, 1797.
Box   11
Alliance of Civic Organizations, 1905 May 12
Note: Letter indicating that the “Publications of the Alliance of Civic Organizations,” no. 1, was sent to Mrs. Blaine. Publication not included.
Box   11
Allied Bazaar, 1916 May 26-1917 February 6
Note: Mrs. Blaine contributed $1200.00 to this organization. It took the officials several months to collect her pledge.
Box   11
Allied Forces for Prohibition, 1932 February
Note: Mrs. Nell S. Gates had an interview with Mrs. Blaine's secretary concerning this subject and left a pamphlet, Yes, But Give America the Truth About Prohibition, which presented a plan for educating the American public. Mrs. Blaine wanted to find out all she could about this organization but there is no indication that she supported it.
Box   11
Allied Music Service
Note: See also: Ray O'Hara.
Box   11
Allied News Service, 1940 October 2
Note: Request for recent photograph of Mrs. Blaine.
Box   11
Allied Youth Inc., 1933 September 15-1953 January 22
Note: Yearly correspondence indicating activities of the organization. Mainly it was interested in education in use of alcohol. Annual requests for money. No follow up.
Box   11
Alliger, Fanny, 1936
Note: Request to see Mrs. Blaine concerning colleges in the near east. No follow up.
Box   11
Alling, Charles, 1901 December 12 and 26
Note: Concerns a hand book of municipal government in Chicago area, for use of school and Sunday school children.
Box   11
Alling, John, Jr., 1900 January 1
Note: Wedding invitation.
Box   11
Allinson, Brent Dow, 1950 February 7
Note: Calls Mrs. Blaine's attention to the construction of a “hydrogen-helium super bomb” and advocating international control of same through the United Nations.
Box   11
Allis, Edward S., Mrs. (Mary Louise), 1919 June 18-1920 July 31
Note: Mrs. Blaine seems to have sent her daughter, Stanis, to summer camp.
Box   11
Allis, G., Mrs., 1915 January 27
Note: Advertising a Japanese Art Store in Chicago, Illinois.
Box   11
Allis, Jack, Mrs. (Mary Paul Welling), 1937 December-1939 December 23
Note: Accepting and rejecting invitations of Mrs. Blaine's.
Box   11
Allis, Maud, 1889 September 25
Note: Congratulations at time of wedding.
Box   11
Allison, Grace, 1933 June 29
Note: Letter to “Mr. McCormick,” thanking him for pleasant associations at Meadow House. Miss Allison apparently worked there.
Box   11
Allison, Larkin Sandidge, Mrs.
Note: Wedding invitation.
Box   11
Allison, B.D., 1904 December 5
Note: Letter from United States Senate Committee on Appropriations promising that he will do what he can on the subject of pure food and drug law.
Box   11
Allison, Z.M., 1929 October 5-1933 August 31
Note: Expert on aviation in Latin America, with a lengthy list of troubles, wanted Mrs. Blaine to help finance some of his publications. No follow up.
Box   11
Alloy, Genevieve, 1949 March 8, 1949 December 6
Note: Three attempts to see Mrs. Blaine to show her New Worlds Productions Tolerance Film, and discuss Harris Wofford's address.
Box   11
Allport, May, 1900 February-1913 April 18
Note: Invitations to recitals.
Box   11
Allport, W.H., Dr., 1892 December 5-1917 June 16
Note: Bill. Wedding invitation.
Box   11
Allport, W.H., Mrs., 1914-1917 March 3
Note: Invitation. Concerning a lecture at Parker school.
Box   11
Alma College, 1919 June 16, 1925 May 7
Note: 1919 request for aid for a “University of Nations.” 1925 request for this Presbyterian college in Michigan. No follow up.
Box   11
Alma Mater Home, 1921 June 10-1921 October 27
Note: Requested aid for homes for paralytics. No follow up.
Box   11
Almini Company, 1895 October 22
Note: Estimate of work to be done on Mrs. Blaine's home.
Box   11
Almquist, Mr., 1910 July 10
Note: Accepts Mrs. Blaine's invitation.
Box   11
Almy, J.P., Mrs., 1903 September 13
Note: Wedding invitation.
Box   11
Alpert, Ben, Inc., 1937 December 16-1942 June
Note: Bills for auto parking service.
Box   11
Alpert, Ida, 1926 May-1940 February

Location: New York, New York.

Letters requesting assistance in providing medical care and employment for members of Alpert family, apparently acknowledged. Later offer of secretarial assistance to Mrs. Blaine.

Box   11
Alpert, Joseph Loeb, 1932 October

Location: New York, New York.

Wedding announcement of Ida Alpert marriage to Julius Ritter in September 1932.

Box   11
Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority, 1935 August-September

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telephone memo describing the sorority's sponsorship of a benefit concert designed to continue its financial support of camps for undernourished and underprivileged children. Mrs. Blaine is asked to be a patron.

Box   11
Alschuler, Rose H., 1937 September

Location: Winnetka, Illinois.

Letter expressing regret on inability to accept invitation to visit Mrs. Blaine's granddaughter, Anne.

Box   11
Alsfasser, J.J., 1902 February

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Note requesting information on Francis W. Parker School on behalf of “a young friend.”

Box   11
Alsop, George, 1930 October

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Bill for etching and photograph - receipted.

Box   11
Alstrom, Mathilda, 1910 April-1911 September

Location: Chicago, Illinois?.

Request on behalf of former servant of Mrs. Blaine, seeking reemployment. The same woman later requests that Mrs. Blaine assist “a sick minister.”

Box   11
Altgeld Centenary Committee of Illinois, 1947 November-1948 February

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters and printed announcement aiming to persuade Mrs. Blaine to join other distinguished Americans in honoring former Illinois Governor John Peter Altgeld on the one hundredth anniversary of his birth. The Centenary Committee later requested by letter and telegram that Mrs. Blaine offer a $100 prize for an Illinois high school essay contest. The subject would be “John Peter Altgeld and his meaning for today.” This folder gives no indication as to whether Mrs. Blaine complied with either request. Also a request from author Harry Barnard asking information on Mrs. Blaine's father's political relations with Judge Lambert Tree.

Box   11
Altgeld, John P., 1900 April-November

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Three interesting letters from Altgeld. Altgeld praises Mrs. Blaine for undisclosed actions which “are drawing fire from the worst class of oppressors.” Later in the year he expresses a desire to visit her, warmly the commending the success of “tie school” and briefly noting the Democratic defeat in the elections of 1900.

Box   11
Altgeld, John P., Memorial Association, 1907 March

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter and program announcing memorial services for the late Governor Altgeld.

Box   11
Altland Historical Library, 1928 May

Location: Hanover, Pennsylvania.

Letter requesting that Mrs. Blaine purchase a copy of “The Pictorial Bible” by Kitto for the benefit of this “Library for the Poor People.” Letter contains stamp which was sent for the purpose of Mrs. Blaine's reply.

Box   11
Altman, B., and Company
Note: Location: New York, New York.
Box   11
1890 August-1915 August
Note: Bills. Acknowledgements of inquiries concerning the purchasing of clothes and household goods.
Box   11
1916 March-1919 December
Note: Bills and notifications of shipment of goods.
Box   11
1923 October-1928
Note: Bills, second notices, and notifications of shipment of goods.
Box   11
1927 February-1947 March
Note: Bills, fashion announcements, and notices of shipment of goods.
Box   11
Altman, John A., 1919 January

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill for services rendered by engineer at Henrotin Hospital - paid. Thank you note enclosed.

Box   12
Alton, Benjamin Harrison, 1942 September

Location: Worcester, Massachusetts.

Invitation to wedding and reception of Elizabeth Alton.

Box   12
Alton, Buddy, 1919 November-1939 August

Location: Worcester, Massachusetts?

Mostly travel letters from a family who seem to have been close to the Blaines'.

Box   12
Altrichter, John, Sr., 1944 September-1949 January

Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Gifts by Mrs. Blaine to hotel employees. Also, letters of thanks.

Box   12
Altrichter, John, Jr., 1945 December-1953 December

Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Letters indicating assistance in meeting expenses of Mayo Clinic treatment.

Box   12
Alvarez, Arthur C., 1931 January

Location: Santa Barbara, California.

An architect's report on “Stone house” in Santa Barbara. No indication of Mrs. Blaine's connection with the matter.

Box   12
Alvey, Helen V., 1937 July-1942 October

Location: Salisbury, England.

A considerable collection of letters from a close English friend, “Jane” Alvey. An English “popularizer of science,” Sir Oliver Lodge, is frequently referred to in the correspondence. There is also evidences of interest in “spiritualism.” Finally there is concern with the approach of war and some interesting comment on how one Britisher viewed its coming.

Box   12
Alzer, R.A., 1892 June
Note: Telegram expressing sorrow on death of Mr. Blaine.
Box   12
Amateur Musical Club, 1910 April-1917 January

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters and announcements to persuade Mrs. Blaine to patronize scholarship fund concerts.

Box   12
Ambassador Hotels, 1931 December-1949 December

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Hotel bills of individuals who charged them to Mrs. Blaine.

Box   12
Ambler, Lucy Johnston, 1899 November

Location: Charlestown, West Virginia.

A letter to a “Cousin Hattie” on behalf of a friend inquiring as the new school in Chicago.

Box   12
Ambrose, John, 1920 December

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Army veteran who served with members of the Blaine family asks to hear from them through Mrs. Blaine.

Box   12
Ambrosius, Robert, 1911 May

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Cello soloist receives payment for recital.

Box   12
Amee, William F., 1913 October-1918 May

Location: Kittery Point, Maine.

Small bills. Apparently a former summer employee of Mrs. Blaine. He later becomes blind and requests assistance.

Box   12
Amee, William F., Mrs., 1913 September-1913 October

Location: Kittery Point, Maine.

Laundry and ironing bills.

Box   12
American Academy of Medicine, 1909 October

Location: New Haven, Connecticut.

Mrs. Blaine is asked to attend a “Conference on Prevention of Infant Mortality.” No follow up. The program of the conference is enclosed.

Box   12
American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1902 August-1935 June

Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Letters and printed programs sent to Mrs. Blaine, a life member. Frequent requests for money to expand the activities of the Academy, some of them answered. Most of the material deals with the years 1902-1913.

Box   12
American Academy of Teachers of Singing, 1933 May

Location: New York, New York.

A pamphlet reprint of a series of radio broadcasts on the importance of music.

Box   12
American Agricultural Cadets, 1917 September

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Typed record of proceedings at banquet of this organization held in Chicago. The American Agricultural Cadets were a World War I youth organization combining farm labor with military drill. Mrs. Blaine's connection with this group is not spelled out.

Box   12
American Agricultural Organization Society, undated

Location: New York, New York?

Typewritten prospectus of new organization. Among stated purposes is spreading European-style farm co-operatives in United States. No data on Mrs. Blaine's connection.

Box   12
American Aid to France, 1945 October-1949 June

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Formerly “American Relief for France.” Mrs. Blaine on board of directors; most of this folder consists of announcements of fund-raising events for post-war relief work in France.

See also: Louisa Nevins Kirk (formerly Mrs. Walter R. Kirk).

Box   12
American Aid for Homeless Belgian Children, 1917 January

Location: New York, New York.

Illustrated announcement appealing for funds to carry on work.

Box   12
American Air Filter Company, 1932 April-1933 September

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters and advertising folder to persuade Mrs. Blaine to install ventilating equipment.

Box   12
American Aluminum Manufacturing Company, 1909 March

Location: Lemont, Illinois.

Letter of reply to Mrs. Blaine's inquiry concerning aluminum cooking utensils.

Box   12
American Ambulance Field Service, 1917 April

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation to benefit sponsored by Chicago unit - British war films and British speakers included in program. No follow up.

Box   12
American Anti-War Crusade, 1940 June

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Chicago branch of “Keep America Out of War Congress.” Letter appealing for Mrs. Blaine's support, financial and otherwise, if she agrees with their policies. Membership forms and anti-war rally announcements enclosed.

Box   12
American Art Galleries of Chicago, undated

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

See also: John H. Weeks.

Box   12
American Art Theatre, 1935 August

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Government-financed theatre group invite Mrs. Blaine to attend play. They also express desire to meet her in person.

Box   12
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1908 January-1937 October

Location: Washington.

Letters, membership data, and announcements of meetings. Mrs. Blaine and A.A.A.S. disagree as to whether she paid up her full membership dues. 1937 letter announces her election to American Sociological Society.

Box   12
American Association for the Advancement of Science, Committee of One Hundred on National Health, 1907 December-1908 April

Location: New Haven, Connecticut.

Request that Mrs. Blaine accept a position on the Chicago advisory board. These letters contain clear statements of the purpose of the Committee and some information on organization. No apparent follow up.

Box   12
American Association of Eugenics, 1924 June-November

Location: Tarpon Springs, Florida.

Letters and pamphlets from Association founder George P. Roberts explaining purposes and requesting financial backing from Mrs. Blaine. No indication of reply in this folder.

Box   12
American Association for Highway Improvement, 1912 March

Location: Washington, D.C.

Request membership in apparently new organization.

Box   12
American Association for Labor Legislation, 1906 May-1931 June
Physical Description: 2 folders 

Location: Albany, New York; Madison, Wisconsin; and New York, New York.

Letters, programs, and pamphlets to Mrs. Blaine desiring her membership and support. This organization was extremely active during these years. The folders give an excellent account of the growth of the organization. Only for the period 1915-1920 is there an absence of incoming correspondence.

Box   12
American Association of Museums, 1923 March

Location: Washington, D.C.?

Request financial help in setting up Washington headquarters and expanding art and science museums within the United States. No follow up.

Box   12
American Association for Old Age Security, 1931 March-June

Location: New York, New York.

Letters and illustrated folders to persuade Mrs. Blaine to give financial and moral support to this organization. This concern was with the legislative protection of the aged poor.

Box   12
American Association for Organizing Family Social Work, 1929 November

Location: New York, New York.

Letters and folder describing functions and accomplishments during the depression. Request financial contribution.

Box   12
American Association of Social Workers, 1906 May

Location: New York, New York.

Telegram requesting financial backing.

Box   12
American Association for Study and Prevention of Infant Mortality, 1913 March

Location: Baltimore, Maryland.

Letter and descriptive folder inviting Mrs. Blaine to become a member of the association.

Box   12-13
American Association for the United Nations, 1945 February-1953 November
Physical Description: 3 folders 

Location: New York, New York.

Sizeable collection of letters, pamphlets, and other material revealing scope of efforts by this leading American educational group on behalf of the United Nations. Collection contains some officers' reports and gives some indication of divergent views within the organization on international issues such as recognition of Communist China. Mrs. Blaine was a vice-president and board member of the A.A.U.N. and the receipts for her subscriptions indicate that she gave the group heavy financial support.

See also:

  • Eichelberger, Clark
  • Roosevelt, Eleanor
  • Welles, Sumner
  • United Nations Association of Greater Chicago
Box   13
American Association of University Women, 1937 April

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request contribution for Illinois chapter fellowship in honor of Miss Marion Talbot.

Box   13
American Association of Workers for the Blind
Note: See also: American Foundation for the Blind.
Box   13
American Automobile Association, 1937 July-1939 January

Location: New York, New York.

Receipts for insurance payments on shipping Mrs. Blaine's car to Europe during her visits there.

Box   13
American Baby, 1911 August

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Partly illegible letter from magazine editor, apparently requesting permission to quote writing of Mrs. Blaine on problem of elementary education.

Box   13
American Bataan Clan, 1942 July-October

Location: Maywood, Illinois.

Organization to provide food, clothing, and medical supplies to American prisoners-of-war in the Philippines requests financial backing.

Box   13
American Bible Society, 1901 March-1922 September

Location: New York, New York.

Letters explaining financial difficulties and requesting Mrs. Blaine's support in meeting world wide program.

Box   13
American Bible Society-Northwestern Agency, 1909 April-1915 November

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Valuable pamphlet materials and letters. Mrs. Blaine was asked to contribute to “matching fund” created when Mrs. Russell Sage of New York City made a $500,000 gift to the Society. Material on society's centennial anniversary. Among pamphlet material reflecting Chicago A.B.S. concern with immigrant is The Immigrant: America's Greatest Problem.

Box   13
American Birth Control League
Note: See also:
  • Rublee, Juliet Barrett
  • Sanger, Margaret
Box   13
American Bison Society, 1907 December

Location: Meriden, New Hampshire.

Request for financial support.

Box   13
American Book Company, 1905 September-1908 February

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters and book advertisements. Mrs. Blaine a member of the School Management Committee of the Chicago Board of Education. The company was interested in securing her approval of textbooks, particularly a new elementary spelling text called “The Progressive Course in Spelling.”

Box   13
American Bronze Foundry Company, 1902 May

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter apologizing for delay in delivering “Keney's bronzes.” No follow-up to indicate what the bronzes were.

Box   13
American Brotherhood for the Blind, 1935 December-1940 December

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters and pamphlet material describing the Brotherhood's functions and appealing for financial support.

Box   13
American Brotherhood of Railroad Employees, 1947 October

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Brotherhood's public relations director, E.J. Swan, requests that Mrs. Blaine buy his set of imported Haviland china. No follow up.

Box   13
American Business Men's Prohibition Foundation, 1930 February-1931 July

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters, newspaper clippings, and pamphlet material aiming to enlist financial backing in educational campaign in defense of Prohibition amendment. The Director of the organization was interested in a personal conference with Mrs. Blaine. This folder very revealing on prohibitionist defensive tactics at the time.

Box   13
American Cancer Society, 1945 August-1949 May

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Mostly letters and pamphlet material from Illinois division of American Cancer Society. Frequent requests for financial support to push cancer education, research, and treatment. Folder contains one receipt for $500 gift. Effort to arrange conference of Blaine and a Mr. Robert Murphy to explain Society's achievements, but no indication that this meeting came off.

Box   13
American Child Health Association
Note: See also:
  • American Public Health Association, 1928 October 15-19
  • 57th annual meeting of the American Child Health Association
Box   13
American Citizenship Foundation, 1926 December, 1927 October

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Records of telephone conversations and interviews, the Foundation's magazine The American Citizen, and illustrated pamphlets. The Foundation wanted Mrs. Blaine's financial and moral backing. Much interesting material on this organization which called itself “a practical movement headed by business leaders to train young and adult Americans for effective citizenship.”

Box   13
The American City, 1913 January

Location: New York, New York.

Letters requesting that Mrs. Blaine subscribe to this “Illustrated Monthly Review of Municipal Improvements and Civic Advance.” Mentions that she is already a director of the National Housing Association.

Box   13
American Civic Association, 1904 October-1931 December
Physical Description: 2 folders 

Location: Philadelphia and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Washington, D.C.

Letters, pamphlets, and circulars describing association's comprehensive program and requesting various kinds of financial and public support. This large collection includes much material on A.C.A. efforts to protect scenic American landscape (Niagara Falls fight) and expand American National Parks. Many other programs of A.C.A. are discussed. The collection is particularly thorough in the 1904-1910 period. Mrs. Blaine became life member in 1913.

Box   13
American Civic Reform Union, 1925 February

Location: Cleveland, Ohio.

Letter noting Mrs. Blaine's assistance in the Floyd Collins case and urging that she also give assistance (financial) to this organization's campaign against vice and prostitution.

Box   13
American College of Madura, India, 1907 March

Location: New York, New York.

Request financial contribution for American school in India which wishes to expand scientific and technical education among natives. Interesting references to Indian social conditions and the American educators' attitudes toward them at that time.

Box   13
American College for Girls at Constantinople
Note: See also: Constantinople College.
Box   13
American College of Surgeons, 1915 February-1938 June

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

This folder contains letters, telephone memos, and invitations relative to the College's successful efforts to pay for a building site (permanent) in Chicago. Mrs. Blaine's support was sought. Some programs of College convocations during 1930s.

Box   13
American College of Teheran (Persia), 1929 November-1930 November

Location: New York, New York.

Letters requesting Mrs. Blaine to continue her “interest” in the college's endeavors to furnish Persia with Christian leaders. Illustrated folder outlines the school's activities.

Box   13
American Commission for Relief in Belgium, 1916 December
Note: Verbatim report of speeches given at Chicago luncheon. The speeches provide a thorough discussion of the origins, organization, finances, and accomplishments of the Relief Commission. Hoover role, and Chicago backing of Relief Commission evaluated.
Box   13
American Committee for Christian Refugees, 1940 October

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter and illustrated folder. Request financial aid for German Christian refugees.

Box   13
American Committee for the Control of Rheumatism

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request financial contribution for Chicago Century of Progress Exhibit where Committee would display medical exhibition on rheumatism and arthritis.

Box   13
American Committee for Defense of British Homes, 1940 September

Location: New York, New York.

This committee's objective was to collect arms and ammunition from American citizens for shipment to England in the hour of crisis. Mrs. Blaine was asked to provide a cash contribution if she could not provide arms and ammunition.

Box   13
American Committee - Fifth Olympiad, 1912 June

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request subscription of $100 or $500 to help finance American Olympic team at Stockholm games.

Box   13
American Committee for Non-Participation in Japanese Aggression, 1939 January-1940 March

Location: New York, New York.

Committee including Henry L. Stimson, William Allen White, and A. Lawrence Lowell appeal for both financial support and political pressure on Illinois, congressmen to end American shipments of war materials to Japanese. Both letters and pamphlets enclosed.

Box   13
American Committee on Preservation of Sacred Places in the Holy Land, 1923 November

Location: New York, New York.

Financial aid sought in preserving Patriarchate of Jerusalem which is “chief custodian of the Sacred Places in the Holy Land.” Letter and illustrated folder enclosed.

Box   13
American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born, 1940 April-October

Location: New York, New York.

Letters and folders urging Mrs. Blaine's financial help in expanding this committee's efforts to prevent war-generated anti-alien measures, particularly Congressional anti-alien legislation. Data on Committee sponsors and officers and some of its accomplishments during 1940.

Box   13
American Committee For Relief in Czechoslovakia, 1939 February

Location: New York, New York.

Committee headed by Nicholas Murray Butler and Thomas W. Cement appeals for financial contribution to provide relief to 200,000 Czechs, Slovaks, and Sudeten Germans who were displaced by German occupation.

Box   13
American Committee for Relief of Russian Children, 1922 October-1925 June

Location: Chicago, Illinois; New York, New York.

Letters and illustrated pamphlets urging aid to Russian children caught in famine. This organization was headed by Paxton Hibben, and succeeded the American Committee for Russian Famine Relief. Mrs. Blaine gave to the Committee. Hibben's letters are very dogmatic.

Box   13
American Committee for Russian Famine Relief, 1921 December-1922 April

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters and printed announcements urging various kinds of financial support and asking Mrs. Blaine to join the Illinois advisory committee. Announcements tell of Committee's methods of meeting urgent need for relief - “famine week.”

Box   13
American Committee on United Europe, 1950 April; 1950 August

Location: New York, New York.

Letters, brochure, and pamphlets. Request Mrs. Blaine's financial backing of United Europe movement. Also, urges her to sign statement endorsing Shuman Plan. Effort to arrange personal meeting with her but it apparently failed due to her illness in August 1950. General William J. Donovan, Robert P. Patterson and Allen W. Dulles were leading figures on this committee.

Box   13
American Committee For Vienna Relief, 1920 April-1922 November

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Transcript of Committee meeting, letters of appeal, and “bulletin” describing Committee actions. Mrs. Blaine a member of committee which staged fun-raising drives in Milwaukee, Chicago, and Kansas City. Enclosed letters appealing for her help came from individual members of Vienna's depressed professional classes. Folder is interesting both for its description of unusual relief organization and the Viennese victims it assisted.

Box   13
American Continental Congress For Peace, 1949 July-August

Location: New York, New York.

Letters urging Mrs. Blaine to support this organization's inter-American conference at Mexico City in September 1949. Diego Rivers, the Mexican artist, wrote her a personal invitation. She was asked to make a $2500 contribution to the work of this organization of intellectuals hostile to the Cold War.

Box   13
American Council Institute of Pacific Relations
Note: See also:
  • Institute of Pacific Relations
  • Carter, Edward C., 1930-1943
  • Embree, E.R., 1943 September 28
  • Field, Frederick V., 1935-1938
Box   13
American Council For Non-Cooperation With Aggressor Nations, 1933 March

Location: New York, New York.

Letter asking support of boycott on Japanese trade in light of Manchuria aggression. Enclosed circular of this group outlines their comprehensive program for immediate boycott.

Box   13
American Culture, 1948 January-February

Location: New York, New York.

Telephone memos. American Culture magazine desired to speak with Mrs. Blaine on forthcoming article on Chicago and Illinois culture.

Box   13
American Daughters of Sweden, 1938 November

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telephone memos. Mrs. Blaine supports Chicago University scholarship fund by purchasing concert tickets. The folder describes her delay in paying for them.

Box   14
American District Telegraph Company, 1901 December-1953 December
Physical Description: 3 folders 

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Large collection of receipted bills for telegram service. Letters, telephone memos, and receipted bills relative to Mrs. Blaine acquiring fire alarm service for her Chicago home and her yearly renewal of the service.

Box   14
American Economic Association, 1910 December 12-1936 November 1

Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts; Ithaca, New York; New Haven, Connecticut; New York, New York.

Correspondence concerns only Mrs. Blaine's membership in this organization made up of noted economists, such as Richard T. Ely, and other people interested in the economic problems of the country. Mrs. Blaine kept up her membership from 1910 until sometime in the 1920s.

Box   14
American Educational Association, 1907 May

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Correspondence concerns the plan of Harry J. Myers to set up a sort of educational clearing house, which finally took the name of School Information Bureau, to direct students to the schools best fitted for their needs. He wanted financial aid.

Box   14
American Education Fellowship, 1944 December 22-1946
Note: This organization was formerly the Progressive Education Association. It wanted Mrs. Blaine to give financial assistance to expanding its operations.
Box   14
American Ethical Union, 1914 January 17; 1918 November 15

Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; New York, New York.

Bills for International Journal of Ethics and The Standard, both publications of the organization.

Box   14
American Eugenics Society, 1927 September 1-1931 March 4

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for Mrs. Blaine's opinion of the Society and for financial aid. No follow up.

Box   14
American Express Company, 1892-1939
Physical Description: 2 folders 

Location: Postmarked from enumerable places.

Bills for shipping many items.

See also: Railway Express Agency.

Box   14
American Express Company, 1939

Location: London, England.

Concerns a case of 12 bath dresses received from Paris that were held up by British customs officials.

Box   14
American Express Company, 1938-1953

Location: Lucerne, Switzerland.

Folder contains a catalog of 1938 shipping prices. Bills. Cash balance.

Box   14
American Farm Economic Association, 1924 December 29-30

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Type written report of the proceedings of this organization: (1) Dean Downie, “Did Deflation Ruin the Farmer and Would it Save Him”; (2) Mr. Benner, “Has Rural Credit Legislation Gone Far Enough and in the Right Direction”; (3) Dr. John D. Black, “The Role of Public Agencies In The Internal Readjustments of the Farm”; (4) Discussion of Professor Jeness' Paper; (5) Professor J.T. Horner.

Box   14
American Federation of Arts, 1909 November 12-1940 April 30

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Attempts to get Mrs. Blaine to join the AFA. Enclosed is a February 1940 issue of the Magazine of Art.

Box   14
American Federation for Sex Hygiene, 1912 September 20-1913 October 30

Location: New York, New York; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Mrs. Blaine contributed $1,000 to this organization whose chief function was sex education.

Box   14
American Federation of Teachers, 1936 March 20

Location: Washington.

Copy of a letter from Selma M. Borchardt, Legislative Representative of AFT, to Mrs. Bayard. Cutting in appreciation of the Relief Bill granting federal aid to schools which was introduced to the Senate by her husband. The tribute paid to the Senator by the AFL in Atlantic City in October of 1935 is also mentioned.

Box   14
American Field Service, 1942 February 27

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Edward T. Clerk of this organization wanted to contact Mrs. Blaine. Pamphlet enclosed.

Box   14
American Field Service Fellowships for French Universities, 1923 April 23

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Mrs. Blaine paid $75 for a box seat at the benefit concert of this organization.

Box   14
American Flag Association, 1898 September 20

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

This letter announces the Peace Jubilee, Charity Ball and reception for the soldiers returning from the Spanish American War. The United States Junior Military Band was to provide the music and there was to be a Prize Cake Walk for Soldiers in Uniform etcetera. Also enclosed were facsimile copies of letters from James G. Blaine, William McKinley and others.

Box   14
American Foreign Language Newspaper Agency, 1952 October 24

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Memo of telephone conversation with Mr. Peterson of this group, who wanted financial aid to print Governor Stevenson's speech of October 23 in the foreign language newspapers so as to pick up some votes.

Box   14
American and Foreign Teachers' Agency, 1932 March 9

Location: New York, New York.

AFTA requested Mrs. Blaine to send confidential information on a French, history, and mathematics teacher named Michel G. Stcherbinine.

Box   14
American Foundation, 1925 July 24-1935 March 18

Location: Chicago, Illinois; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; New York, New York.

The 1925 correspondence concerns the World Court issue and urges Mrs. Blaine to promote the Court in the Chicago area. A short paper in the 1926 correspondence explains the relationship of the United States to the World Court. Mrs. Blaine was apparently active in the Chicago World Court Committee. In 1930 letters is a pamphlet by Charles Evans Hughes entitled The Permanent Court of International Justice. The issue of protocol appears throughout the 1930-1932 correspondence with urges to petition Congressmen. In 1932 correspondence is a copy of “Mr. Root's Statement to the Foreign Relations Committee of the Senate,” delivered on January 21, 1931. This folder reveals some techniques of an organization that tried to swing public opinion on a vital issue. All the correspondence is signed: Esther Everett Lape, member-in-charge.

Box   14
American Foundation for the Blind, 1921 August 8-1925 March 14

Location: Baltimore, Maryland; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Certificate of Incorporation and by-laws of this organization. In 1921 Mrs. Blaine's name appeared among the alternate nominations for the first board of trustees of this organization. From April 1921 to December 1921 Mrs. Blaine was asked in several letters if she would be available as a Trustee. There is no indication that Mrs. Blaine ever responded. In 1925 Mrs. George Stift of this organization attempted to get Mrs. Blaine to use her influence on the Chicago Tribune to aid in a drive to give radios to the blind. No follow up.

Box   14
American Friends of China, 1926 April 10-1940 June 23

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

The American Friends of China and Chicago Council of Foreign Relations sponsored a joint meeting at the Palmer House to hear Dr. Ping Wen Kuo speak on the subject “China and the Treaty Powers.” Address enclosed. Two letters ask Mrs. Blaine to join the American Friends of China.

Box   14
American Friends of France-Chicago Committee, 1940 January

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation to hear Miss Anne Morgan speak on “Civilian Relief in France.”

Box   14
American Friends of German Freedom, April 15-1941 May 23

Location: New York, New York.

This organization was in strong opposition to the Lindbergh view that Germany was no serious threat to America. Enclosed in the folder are: “Why Lindbergh is Wrong,” by Major Alexander F. De. Seversky and “Norway Does Not Yield, The Story of the First Year,” by Mrs. J. Borden Harriman. The latter is a 64 page booklet on the Nazi occupation of Norway.

Box   15
American Friends for Italian Aid, 1947 January 10

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Mrs. Blaine had contributed to this organization previous to January 10 and this letter is an appeal for further aid. Hull House apparently aided in the collection of food and clothing for shipping to Italy.

Box   15
American Friends of Lafayette, 1933 November 21

Location: Jersey City, New Jersey.

The president of this organization wished to present Mrs. Blaine's name for membership in this society of “writers, educators, collectors, and others interested in the history of Lafayette,” and in planning a celebration in 1934 of the centenary of Lafayette's death.

Box   15
American Friends of Musicians in France, 1918 March 15-1920 November 29

Location: Chicago, Illinois; New York.

On March 15, 1918, the organization wanted Mrs. Blaine to be chairman of a Chicago branch. The aim was to bring financial help to musicians in France and their families made destitute by the First World War. The Chicago branch of the organization failed.

Box   15
American Friends of a New Middle Europe, 1918 November 11

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation for Mrs. Blaine to join.

Box   15
American Friends Service Committee, 1921 December-1954 March 31

Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Chicago, Illinois.

Leaflets and appeals for financial aid. Germany and Russia after World War I were the main projects of the Friends. Relief work in Spain at the time of the Spanish Civil War. This organization also aimed to promote peace and education especially among the young. The last 3 letters in the folder are addressed to Mrs. Blaine's granddaughter inquiring about the possibility of buying Mrs. Blaine's house at 101 E. Erie in Chicago.

Box   15
American Friends of Turkey, 1927 December 12-1940 January 12

Location: New York.

The purpose of AFT was “the promotion of a better understanding and development of goodwill between the peoples of Turkey and of the United States.” The driving forces of this organization were Admiral Jennings and his son (see copy of article in Scribner's Magazine) and W.H. Hoover of vacuum cleaner fame. In 1931 Mrs. Blaine was Vice President of the organization and in 1933 a member of the committee of One Hundred formed to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Republic of Turkey. Mrs. Blaine seems to have been active in this organization especially in the early 30s.

Box   15
American Genetic Association, 1915 May 5-1924 June 6

Location: Washington, D.C.

Apparently Mrs. Blaine subscribed to the journal of this organization for the Colonel Parker School. Letters concern membership and subscription bills.

Box   15
American Geographical Society, 1917 March-1937

Location: New York, New York.

On three occasions this society elected Mrs. Blaine a “Fellow.” No follow up.

Box   15
American Government Society, 1923 June 22

Location: Washington, D.C.

An invitation for Mrs. Blaine to join the AGS which was organized “for the dissemination of facts and information concerning the actual, practical, everyday workings of the American Government.” No follow up.

Box   15
American Guild of Variety Artists, 1948 September 24-1948 October 28

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Memos of telephone conversations with Thomas H. Burke of AGVA asking Mrs. Blaine to aid in providing transportation for disabled children to the Chicago Stadium where this organization planned to put on a show for them. No follow up.

Box   15
American Heart Association, 1948 September 30

Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Invitation for Mrs. Blaine to join the National Sponsors of the AHA. No follow up.

Box   15
American Himalayan Christian Colony, 1909 April 26
Note: See also: Tufts, Gorham, Jr., General Superintendent.
Box   15
American Historical Association, 1914 April 15-1938 November 21

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Early correspondence asks Mrs. Blaine to join the AHA. In making preparations for the convention of December 28-30, 1938, which was held in Chicago, the Departments of History at Chicago University and Northwestern selected Mrs. Blaine as a member on the Committee on Local Arrangements. Tracy E. Strevey of Northwestern wrote Mrs. Blaine several letters asking her aid in providing a luncheon for the convention. No follow up.

See also: Gustave Anjou.

Box   15
American Historical Society, 1920-1937 January 30

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

The 1920 correspondence reveals that a representative of the AHS wished to interview Mrs. Blaine for information on the genealogies of the Blaine, McCormick, and Fowler families. In 1936 correspondence documents fifteen telephone conversations between Mrs. Blaine's secretary and Mr. J. Hayer of the AHS for the purpose of arranging an interview for checking an article for the Encyclopaedia of American Biography on Colonel Parker. It seems that Mrs. Blaine paid $500 to have Colonel Parker's portrait appear in the publication.

See also: Tatgenhorst, George.

Box   15
American Homes Bureau, 1923 January 29

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Advertisement for Better American Homes Almanac and Year Book for 1923. The editor pointed out to Mrs. Blaine in a letter that the Almanac contained “6 pages about the League.”

Box   15
American Hospital of Chicago, 1920 March 22-1924 September 4

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

In 1921, 1922 and 1924, Mrs. Blaine was sent tickets for the benefit performance of the Hospital. Letters request either the tickets or $10.

Box   15
American Humane Association, 1906-1947
Physical Description: 2 folders 

Location: Albany, New York.

Mrs. Blaine kept up membership in the AHA and gave small contributions. Numerous pamphlets are found throughout the folders. In the 1930s the main project seemed to be keeping bullfighting from getting a foothold in the United States. A letter dated August 10, 1906 urges Mrs. Blaine to choose a certain line of elementary readers because of their “moral tone.”

Box   15
American Institute of Social Service, 1904 August 12-1907 October 15

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

The object of this group was “social and industrial betterment.” Mrs. Blaine's brother, Stanley McCormick, and such notable people as Jane Addams, Booker T. Washington, Charles W. Eliot, Andrew Carnegie, and many others were active in the AISS. Requests aid from Mrs. Blaine.

Box   15
American Institute of Sacred Literature, 1905 May 12-1931 May 7

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

This institute operated within the framework of the University of Chicago. The folder consists of appeals for financial aid and numerous examples of the type of tracts which the institute circulated. A letter dated May 7, 1931 reveals that John D. Rockefeller Jr., supplemented each gift received by the institute with a 90% addition. Shailer Mathews was the driving force of the AISL for many years. There is no indication of the support which Mrs. Blaine may have given.

See also: Harper, William R.

Box   15
American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology, 1919 April 23; 1919 June 30

Location: Evanston, Illinois.

This organization, whose leader was Robert H. Gault of Northwestern University, sought Mrs. Blaine's financial aid in “maintaining a representative in Springfield… to bring strong pressure to bear upon legislators in favor of our approved measures.” In 1913 Mrs. Blaine contributed $250.

Box   15
American Institute of Child Life, 1913 January

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Previously known as The After School Club of America. This organization with wide aims in adult-child companionship, etcetera, requested Mrs. Blaine to become a member of their Advisory Board in January of 1913. No follow up on this matter. Folder contains information on the purpose and activities of this group.

Box   15
American Indian League, 1912 October 1; 1914 August 18

Location: New Haven, Connecticut; New York, New York.

Two letters carefully explaining the aims of the League and asking Mrs. Blaine for aid. No follow up.

Box   15
American Indian Institute, 1929 December 13

Location: Wichita, Kansas.

Henry Cloud, president of this organization, sought aid especially for education of Indian boys in health, sanitation and general citizenship. He mentioned that a late trustee, Knox Taylor, was a classmate and friend of Harold McCormick.

Box   15
American Indian Foundation, 1933 August 8

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request from an Indian female vocalist, Tsianina [Redfeather Blackstone?], to see Mrs. Blaine.

Box   15
American Ideal Commission, 1925 January 29-1926 January 28

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

The minutes of the first meeting of this group are found in this folder. Its aim was to spread the “gospel of true Americanism.” Mrs. Blaine was a member of the executive committee which was appointed by Mayor William E. Dever. Also included in the folder are the minutes of the second meeting including an address by Mr. William E. McAndrew. Request for funds.

Box   15
American Humus Company, 1928 March

Location: Cleveland, Ohio.

Bill of $3.50 for 200 lbs of “fertiluvia.”

Box   15
American Interchurch College, 1912 January 13-1914 November 17

Location: Nashville, Tennessee.

This college was designed to train both African American and white religious and social workers in separate departments. Appeals for aid. No follow up.

Box   15
American International Shipbuilding Corporation, 1918 October 11

Location: Hog Island, Pennsylvania.

Mrs. Blaine's son Emmons was employed at the American International Shipbuilding Corporation, Agent United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation. Enclosed as a telegram announcing the death of Emmons.

Box   15
American Jersey Cattle Club, 1929 May 23-November 29

Location: New York, New York.

Correspondence concerns the official papers on some Jersey cattle on the estate of Mary Virginia McCormick, incompetent sister of Mrs. Blaine. The estate was called Kildare Farm and was located near Huntsville, Alabama.

Box   15
American Journal of Public Health, 1913 September 8

Location: New York, New York.

Notice that Mrs. Blaine's name was put on the mailing list of the American Journal of Public Health.

Box   15
American Kennel Club, 1922 March 30

Location: New York, New York.

Registration papers on an Irish Terrier which Mrs. Blaine bought.

Box   15
American-LaFrance Fire Engine Company, 1912
Note: Bills for fire extinguishers.
Box   15
American Law Institute, 1942 January 29-1942 March 31

Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

In January of 1942 Mrs. Blaine had an interview with John R. Ellingston of the ALI and asked him to keep her up to date on the Institutes Youth Correction Authority program. Therefore he sent her the following booklets from time to time:

  • “Preventing Criminal Careers” / Leonard V. Harrison
  • “Los Angeles County Forestry Camps For Delinquent Boys” / R.H. Scott
  • “Virginia Children's Bureau” / John R. Ellingston
  • “Youth in Crime” / American law Institute
  • “American Law Institute's Restatement of the Law.”
Box   15
American League for Free Palestine, 1945 October 11
Note: Mr. A.B. Merker requested aid for Jews that had been in German concentration camps so that they could be sent back to Palestine and also aid to bring about a free Palestine.
Box   15
American League for National Unity, 1917 June 7

Location: Washington.

Invitation for Mrs. Blaine to join this group which was dedicated to a more thorough and deep-rooted Americanization of both native and foreign born people.

Box   15
American Legion, 1919 November 7-1950 March 24

Location: Chicago, Illinois, et al.

This folder contains a great deal information on the activities of the Legion in the Chicago area. Mrs. Blaine was contacted several times each year, especially after World War I, by the Legion and she often responded with donations.

See also: McCormick, Cyrus H., Post No. 1831.

American Library Association
Physical Description: 2 folders 

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

In 1928 and 1929 several representatives of the ALA attempted to see Mrs. Blaine, apparently without success. In 1929 correspondence is a lengthy folder entitled “Bells Drums Gongs,” which outlines a series of children's radio programs. From 1930 on the ALA attempted to reach Mrs. Blaine by mail rather than personal interview. Each year she received some manner of appeal for money but she seems never to have responded.

Box   15
Box   16
Box   16
American Library in Paris, 1940 April 4

Location: New York, New York.

Appeals for aid and for use of Mrs. Blaine's name as a sponsor in the Chicago district.

Box   16
American Locomotive Company, 1909 January 28-April 10

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Advertises cars.

Box   16
American Machine and Metals, 1938 December 9-1947 December 6

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills for purchase and repair of laundry equipment.

Box   16
American Majority, 1941
Note: Transmittal letter and their report.
Box   16
American Manual Training School, 1904 March-November
Note: School to teach manual training by letter desires Mrs. Blaine's support.
Box   16
American Medical Association, 1916 January; 1916 May
Note: Conservation of vision information.
Box   16
American Missionary Workers, 1924 August
Note: Interview of mission worker named Koller.
Box   16
American Mission to Lepers, 1927 February
Note: Letter of appreciation.
Box   16
American Monthly, 1908 February
Note: Receipt.
Box   16
American Museum of Natural History, 1909 November-1940 May
Note: Invitations to functions and membership cards.
Box   16
American Music Foundation, 1940 May
Note: Letter requesting assistance.
Box   16
American Mutual Conference Committee, 1916 August
Note: Telephone call information concerning organization.
Box   16
American Nature Association, 1932-1947
Note: Receipts for subscription to magazine.
Box   16
American Negro Exposition, 1940 July
Note: Letter-telephone conversations concerning donation.
Box   16
American Negro Music Festival, 1942 June-November
Note: Purchase of tickets for festival at Soldier's Field, Chicago, Illinois.
Box   16
American Neutral Conference Committee, 1916 December
Note: Letter of transmittal with duplicate copy of one sent to Woodrow Wilson.
Box   16
American Olympic Games Association, 1913 May
Note: Request and receipt for money.
Box   16
American Opera Society of Chicago, 1928 September-1937 November
Note: Telephone conversation and membership acknowledgement.
Box   16
American Otological Society, 1929 April-June
Note: Telephone and letter requests for money.
Box   16
American Overseas Aid, 1948 January; 1948 September
Note: Telephone memo with leader for China drive and luncheon invitation.
Box   16
American Park and Outdoor Art Association, 1900 March
Note: Notice of organization meeting.
Box   16
American Peace Award, 1923 July-1925 March
Note: Information concerning award, request for money to circulate material and correspondence.
Box   16
American Peace Centenary Committee, 1914 April
Note: Letter and phone conversation regards serving on committee, answer - no.
Box   16
American Peace Society, 1908 December-1929

Request for membership-joined.

Membership cards.

Society pamphlet-The Contract of Nations.

Box   16
American Philosophical Society, 1929-1931
Note: Society dinner invitations.
Box   16
American Planning and Civic Association, 1937 April-1948 November
Note: Letters concerning Mrs. Blaine's status in organization.
Box   16
American Political Science Association, 1910 May-1945 October
Note: Membership cards and letters. Pamphlet and letters concerning activities and publications.
Box   16
American Posting Service, 1911 May; 1920 October
Note: Cross reference, receipt, and list of postings for Democratic National Committee.
Box   16
American Posture League, 1914 December
Note: Letter of explanation, request for money, and pamphlet.
Box   16
American Press Clipping Bureau, 1902 January-April
Note: Bills for clippings.
Box   16
American Prison Association, 1913 September
Note: Letter concerning meeting.
Box   16
American Public Health Association, 1918 September-1929 January
Note: Letter concerning meeting and proceedings of 57th annual meeting.
Box   16
American Public Welfare Association, 1947 August; 1947 December
Note: Request for appointment and letter concerning continuance of membership.
Box   16
American Radiator and Standard Sanitary Corporation, 1917 January-1950 April

Notification of dividend payment.

Summary of stock payments to Emmons Blaine.

Stock purchases.

Letters concerning lost checks and replacements.

Stock transfer.

Letters concerning change of address.

Box   17
American Railway Bureau, 1922 May
Note: Introduction forms for applicants for stenographers and secretary.
Box   17
American Railway Express Company, 1920 January-1937 May
Note: Various letters and calls regarding lost package shipment.
Box   17
American Recording Company, 1949 May
Note: Calls concerning recording made at Roosevelt College dinner. Bill and receipt.
American Red Cross
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Note: Cross references. Request for appointments. Request for donations. Membership notices. Contributions acknowledgements as high as $10,233.34 in 1919.
Box   17
1905-1929 December
Box   17
Box   17
1950-1954 February
Box   17
American Red Cross Hospital (Munich), 1916 January
Note: Letter of information and pamphlet.
Box   17
American Reforestation Association, 1925 August
Note: Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce committee report on reforestation with letter of transmittal.
Box   17
American Relief for France, 1945 July-August
Note: Letter of explanation to Mrs. Blaine as a director of group and invitation to group dinner at which General DeGaulle will speak.
Box   17
American Relief for the German People D.A.H., 1920 April
Note: Letter information concerning Mrs. Blaine as a honorary vice-president requesting aid. A proposed list of honorary officers is included. Letter telling of Governor Lowden's acceptance of the position of honorary chairman of drive. No indication of Mrs. Blaine's response.
Box   17
American Relief for Russian Women and Children, 1920 June-1923 May
Note: As member of Chicago Committee an explanatory letter sent to Mrs. Blaine, plus leaflet information. Financial statement indicates need for more money. Notice of organization meeting with minutes of that meeting attached. Mrs. Blaine was not listed as present. Letter reports of progress and meeting dates. No evidence of Mrs. Blaine's support except good deal of material would not have come if some support had not been given. (Surmised).
Box   17
American Relief Ship for Spain, 1938 October
Note: Single letter of explanation requesting aid.
Box   17
American Rescue Ship Mission, 1940 November-December
Note: Letters requesting Mrs. Blaine as sponsor of ship to Spain. No indication of answer.
Box   17
American Rescue Workers, 1927 September; 1934 November
Note: Typed record of two interviews with Worker's representative concerning program and donations.
Box   17
American Rolling Screen Company, 1931 October-November
Note: Invoice and contract concerning screening for 11th floor of Farwell building.
Box   17
American Russian Institute, 1931 May; 1934 April
Note: Letter and news bulletin concerning institute and support for it and dinner invitation and bound result of dinner program sent and its letter of transmittal to Mrs. Blaine. Speakers in favor of Russia and the beginning relations after diplomatic recognition.
Box   17
American-Scandinavian Foundation, 1924 February-1940 February
Note: Letter requesting Mrs. Blaine as an associate. Dinner invitations and receipt for tickets for one at which Finnish minister to the United States spoke. Complimentary copy of American Scandinavian Review and letter asking aid for Dr. Fatten of Dartmouth to study fossils in Norway.
Box   17
American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society, 1924 April
Note: Request for membership of Mrs. Blaine by society and leaflet of explanation.
Box   17
American School Board Journal, 1905 June-1950 February
Note: Letter request for her picture for publication in journal. Series of letters concerning her subscription renewal. Receipts periodically up to February 1950. Picture was printed in the journal as part of Board of Education, Chicago.
Box   17
American School of Classical Studies, 1898 April-1914 June
Note: Typed letter of information concerning meeting and a long hand letter from J.R. Wheeler of Columbia in answer to a letter of Mrs. Blaine concerning school at Athens and their instruction procedure.
Box   17
American School of Design, 1938 March; 1938 September
Note: Letter concerning school and need of contributions necessary to open it.
Box   17
American School Furniture Company, 1900-1902
Note: Invoice for blackboard and three letters requesting payment for. Request for payment of desks and a letter discussing repair of the tops on some.
Box   17
American School of Home Economics, 1911 May
Note: Receipt for 300 booklets.
Box   17
American Schools' Association, 1918 March
Note: Western Military Academy request payment of fees for son of Mrs. James Adams.
Box   17
American Secular Union and Freethought Federation, 1907 February-November
Note: Demand directed to school board members against the use of the book Readings from the Bible used in the public schools. Pamphlets also to this point.
Box   17
American Security and Trust Company, 1908 October
Note: Letter concerning shipment of china and glass from Mrs. H.S. Blaine Beale with bill of lading.
Box   17
American Sentinels, 1923 January-May
Note: Series of letters and telephone memos regarding getting the Sentinels ideas to Mrs. Blaine for consideration. Quite insistent but no indication of any response. The Sentinels backed by President Harding is to be a boy's organization which will take boys after their Boy Scout experience up to age 21.
Box   17
American Ship Building Company, 1901 October-1922 April
Note: Stockholders' notices. Letters regarding the payment of dividends to Harriet Blaine Beale or Margaret Blaine Damrosch, wife of Walter Damrosch. Letters concerning the stock holdings of Emmons Blaine. Letters indicating premium payments. Schedule of dividends on preferred stock. Change of stock recipient from Emmons Blaine to Emmons Blaine Jr.
Box   17
American Sign Works, 1911 May
Note: Invoice and letter regarding oilcloth signs.
Box   17
American Social Hygiene Association, 1914 June-1949 September
Note: Letter reminders of $1000 pledge for three years. Association meeting notices and requests for aid. Letters of information concerning association progress. Evidently did not give again after 1916 despite nearly annual requests. Association bulletins concerning venereal disease and action against it.
Box   17
American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 1931 March-1943 June
Note: Letter acknowledgement concerning $10,000 to society as trust fund for annual awards or medals. Letter of thanks from Society and information that medal will be termed the Cyrus Hall McCormick Medal. Paper discussing symbolism of the medal by sculptor Fred M. Torrey. Information about award in 1934 with Agricultural Engineering magazine containing the article about information concerning award in 1943.
Box   17
American Society for Cultural Relations with Russia, 1929 October
Note: Dinner invitation.
Box   17
American Society for Judicial Settlement of International Disputes, 1911 February-1917 February
Note: Letters of request and appreciation for gifts. Membership cards and address of President Taft at banquet of group December 17, 1910.
American Society for Psychical Research
Note: Request for biographical materials concerning Dr. Hodgson. Request for donations and receipts for gifts as an associate member. Amount increased to $25 or “Fellow” member in 1940-1941. Meeting announcements and responsibilities of members impressed on members by letter. Dinner invitation for gathering at Cosmopolitan Club. Miss (Dr.) Margaret Mead speaker. Research report and letter requesting her comment. Membership in society for 1943 - lost 50; enrolled 55 - gain 5. (Certainly a small, probably a select group.) Membership voting groups divided into three groups, Mrs. Blaine's membership (voting) expires in two years (45). Discussion of coming experiments in ESP with Mrs. Rogers of Boston. Mrs. Blaine as a voting member doesn't indicate her degree of activity in this organization, not by the contents of these folders.
Box   17
1904 March-1949 February
Box   18
1950 January-1954 January
Box   18
American Sociological Society, 1913 March-1947 May
Note: Letters acknowledging membership and payment of dues receipts. Meeting notices.
Box   18
American Steam Pump Company, 1931 March
Note: Part for power pump invoice.
Box   18
American Straw Board Company, 1896 December
Note: Statements from company concerning money owed on account no indication given of material concerned.
Box   18
American Sunday-School Union, 1891 December-1904 December
Note: Request for aid, thank-you letter for same and various letters indicating progress of union's work in mission fields.
Box   18
American Surety Company of New York, 1916 October-1945 January
Note: Request to file probate bond. Four pieces concerning recommendation of former chauffeur for work with above company.
Box   18
American Symphony Orchestra, 1915 October
Note: Request for support and purchase of box at first concert.
Box   18
American Tariff League, 1948 June
Note: Transmittal letter with pamphlet entitled Declaration of Principles and Program for World Trade.
Box   18
American Taxpayers League, 1927 June-1938 April
Note: Desire to lower higher bracket income tax rates. Material denouncing high inheritance tax. (Tax called socialistic.) Remainder of material in same line of thought.
Box   18
American Temperance University, 1900 January
Note: Emotional appeal in letter form to assist girls not being able to attend school due to lack of finance.
Box   18
American Theatrical Hospital Association, 1915 September-1930 October
Note: Mailed tickets to Mrs. Blaine for ball, proceeds to be used for hospital, series of communications as to what her intent toward them is. Sent tickets first and then persisted in number of letters and calls for the 25. This technique used several times, Evidently effective. In 1919 cost of box $30.
Box   18
American Tract Society, 1903 December
Note: Informative letter and descriptive pamphlets.
Box   18
American Trustee and Receivers Company, 1907 December
Note: Letter to a Miss Booth concerning interest of Mrs. Blaine in books. (Type not indicated.)
Box   18
American Union Against Militarism, 1918 November
Note: Mimeographed sheets regarding military training in England and a rebuttal.
Box   18
American Union for Concerted Peace Efforts, 1939
Note: Request to be nonpartisan sponsor. Letter acknowledging acceptance of position with thanks. Material concerning group's effort to revise neutrality law in 1939. Desire embargo on arms to democracies be raised.
Box   18
American Union Institute, 1907 November
Note: Information concerning training of children in industrial arts taken during an interview.
Box   18
American Unitarian Association, undated
Note: See also: Eliot, Samuel A.
American University of Beirut
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Note: Commencement invitation in 1923. Letter regards raising money for Chair of Science in Beirut. Material concerning college activities. Annual presidential reports.
Box   18
1923 June-1943 November
Box   18
1944 September-1952 October
American University at Cairo
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Note: University information bulletins plus letters to Mrs. Blaine regarding the work there including the consideration of donations in money.
Box   18
1915 April-1930 September
Box   18
1931 January-1947 April
Box   18
American University Students Club (Italy), 1926 March
Note: Letter request for contribution to student so he may finish his course of studies.
Box   18
American Vigilance Association, 1912 July-1913 September
Note: Letter of invitation to luncheon, not attended. Vice commission's report sent to Mrs. Blaine by her request according to letter. Magazine Vigilance founded, request that Mrs. Blaine subscribe. Letter asking Mrs. Blaine's thoughts on the attendance at a theatrical performance to be staged by association.
Box   18
American Waldensian Aid Society, 1949 May
Note: Request for aid concerning the religious sect in Italy known as the Waldenses.
Box   18
American Way Broadcasting Council, 1939 August
Note: Telegram concerning important message on WAAF. Hard covered transcript of that message--concerned religious freedom. Mrs. Blaine not in country at time.
Box   18
American Welfare Association, 1921-1925 June
Note: Illustrated leaflets indicating need for aid for destitute children of Austria and Germany. Letter sending (Box Seats?) Mrs. Blaine ordered.
Box   18
American White Cross First Aid Society, 1904 December-1905 January
Note: Message regarding formation of committee and later letter informing her that she had been elected to it.
Box   18
American Window Shade Cleaners, 1941 October-1948 December
Note: Invoices and receipts for cleaning services.
Box   18
American Women, circa 1939
Note: Information on publication of volume 3 of American Women, and a questionnaire she is to fill out if she is to be included in listing. She was selected for including due to her work in philanthropy.
Box   18
American Women's Club of Berlin, 1949 May
Note: Information concerning cookbook, Operation Vittles. Proceeds used for charitable purposes.
Box   18
American Women's Hospitals, 1921 February-1925 May
Note: Letters concerning aid project carried on by group in Persia, Armenia, and Greece with illustrated leaflets and request for aid.
Box   18
American Women's Victory Dinner and Conference, 1919 February
Note: Bound proceedings of that event.
Box   18
American Women's War Relief Fund, 1914 December-1915 April
Note: Requests for assistance.
Box   18
American Young People's Temperance Union, 1900 May
Note: Letter of explanation concerning group's activities.
Box   18
American Youth Commission, 1938 November; 1940 July
Note: Two letters one regarding the education of youth on problem of drinking and the other on African Americans. Leaflets concerning publications dealing with this group.
Box   18
American Youth Congress, 1938 June; 1939 July
Note: Letter and pamphlet concerning the Congress and the proceedings of the congress in July 1939 in bound booklet.
Box   18
American Youth Odyssey, 1943 July
Note: Report of telephone conversation regarding interview with representative of this group.
Box   19
Americana Corporation, 1912 June-1940 November
Note: Correspondence regards reproduction of Cyrus H. McCormick's for including in encyclopedia. More letters regarding replacement of old encyclopedia sets by new ones. Questionnaire to be filled out concerning Emmons Blaine for including in Biographical section of encyclopedia.
Americans for Democratic Action
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Note: Invitation to conference. Letter confirming presence of Mrs. Blaine at speakers' table during dinner March 1st. An agenda of that meeting is included. A bound copy of the proceedings is also here. Follow up letter from Leon Henderson regarding their meeting at the above event. Conference invitations. General purposes of Americans for Democratic Action and Constitution and by-laws, plus foreign policy program. Various other reports. Letter of appreciation concerning party Mrs. Blaine gave for ADA and for the contributions. Memorandum concerning Spanish problem. Request for contributions.
Box   19
1947 February-1947 September
Box   19
1948 January-1953 November
Box   19
Americans United for World Organization, 1944 June-1945
Note: Meeting notices, information on such projects as the Dumbarton Oaks Conference, aims of the organization, and membership drives.
Box   19
America's Cooperatives, 1936 November
Note: Letter concerning radio address? Mrs. Blaine gave, which pleased this group for the letter concerned and transmitted flower seed and a poem.
Box   19
America's Future Inc., 1949 September-1950 October
Note: Brochure covering group's plan. Telegram explaining arrangement of speakers, one a week for the year to discuss American free enterprise. Money needed. Follow up telephone message regarding Mrs. Blaine's intention. Printed broadcasts of various speeches. No indication in this folder that Mrs. Blaine supported group.
Box   19
Amerocratic Union, 1940 November-1940 October
Note: Letter discussing something called Amerocracy having purpose of working toward ideological unity and the philosophical continuity of progressive ideals. The organization has a protestant religious bias. Money requested for project. Other testimonial letters are included in photostatic copy.
Box   19
Ames, C.W. (Mary Lesley), Mrs., 1921 January
Note: Reply to a letter seeking information about Dr. Henry Baird Favill, “the friend of your friend.” Response for necessary information not in letter.
Box   19
Ames, John L., 1929 September; 1929 December
Note: Doctor bill for Mrs. Alfred Gooding concerning consultations at $100 each, total of five visits.
Box   19
Ames, Marie, undated
Note: See also: School for Political Education for Women.
Box   19
Amicable Accident Association, 1912 February
Note: Information concerning Workmen's Compensation Insurance.
Box   19
Aminoff, Fritz, 1906 August; 1930 November-December
Note: Letters from the above person regarding maintenance of home, particularly the boiler. This man is evidently gardener or custodian. Last two letters from above person concern request of money due to severe hard times. In as much as he previously worked for Mrs. Blaine, he feels he can ask. The second letter is a warmly expressed thank-you. So Mrs. Blaine did advance some money.
Box   19
Aminoff, Fritz, Mrs. (Gunhild), 1946 September
Note: Letter of thanks for gift sent to Sweden. Expression of feelings regarding the leaving of Americas and “transplant your self back again.”
Box   19
Amis Des Sciences, 1933 April-1939 December
Note: Correspondence.
Box   19
Anatolia College, 1946 September
Note: Dinner invitation to which Dr. Riggs, president of Anatolia College, is to come. Mrs. Blaine's presence is requested.
Box   19
Ancient Order of Egyptians, 1900 May-September
Note: Letter request for interview, followed by letter explaining organization. Subsequent request for money indicates no help was forthcoming.
Box   19
Andera's Department Store, 1932 August; 1932 November
Note: Bill for yarn, miscellaneous items and resulting letters concerning payment.
Box   19
Anderman, G.L., Mrs., 1907 May
Note: Request for a “finished waist.”
Box   19
Andersen, Adolf, 1911 February-March
Note: Letter concerning job for Adolf Andersen.
Box   19
Andersen, Arthur, 1932 December-1939 February
Note: Letters concerting Chicago Sunday Evening Club and its support, securing of a speaker, and other notes regarding the attendance at meetings.
Andersen, Arthur, and Company
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Note: Auditor reports for Milford Meadows Stock Farm. Tax matters.
Box   19
1921 January-1925 March
Box   19
1926 March-1947 February
Box   19
Andersen, Mary M., 1902 August
Note: Letter concerning bill for “one term of lessons for Emmons.”
Box   19
Anderson and Son, 1931 April
Note: Invoice for welding casting on primp pump.
Box   19
Anderson, Alice A., 1925 April; 1927 December
Note: Letter of thank-you on the death of Miss Emma Dryer, friend of Mrs. Blaine's mother. Also a Christmas greeting in memory of the deceased.
Box   19
Anderson, Anna, 1925 November-1928 June
Note: Bills for hats.
Box   19
Anderson, Anna E., 1923 January-1928 December
Note: Bills, letters, and thank-you notes regarding earnings and payment of same for services rendered to Mrs. Blaine.
Box   19
Anderson Art Company, 1894 February-1940 May
Note: Invoices concerning painting viewed and purchased.
Box   19
Anderson Brothers, 1925 December
Note: Bill for silk and spool of cotton - receipted.
Box   19
Anderson, C.A., 1897 July
Note: Receipted grocery bill.
Box   19
Anderson, Charles, 1924 November
Note: Thank you note for present.
Box   19
Anderson, Charles Palmerston, Rev. and Mrs., 1924 February-1928 January
Note: Telephone message regarding the League of Nations from above person, and a letter of later date. Wedding invitation.
Box   19
Anderson, Clara Louise, 1897 May
Note: Letter asking Mrs. Blaine to write Mr. Damroch giving a favorable opinion concerning Miss Anderson's methods for kindergarten and the book concerning same.
Box   19
Anderson, Claude, 1889 May
Note: Note regarding acceptance of invitation.
Box   19
Anderson, Dora M., 1943 May
Note: Thank you letter for gift from Mrs. Blaine upon the death of someone.
Box   19
Anderson, Douglas V., 1949 May
Note: Letter congratulating Mrs. Blaine on her intent to begin a paper. Letter full of concern regarding the need to print the truth.
Box   19
Anderson, Ellen G., 1938 March
Note: Letter concerning the disposition of papers addressed to this woman's father in regard to the reaper sent by Mrs. Blaine. She wishes those letter be added to the McCormick collection.
Box   19
Anderson, Ellen S., 1925 December; 1926 January
Note: Note informing Mrs. Blaine of her address and a thank-you note.
Box   19
Anderson, Elsa, 1923 August
Note: Letter of sympathy concerning the death of Mrs. McCormick.
Box   19
Anderson, Elsie, 1922 November
Note: Acknowledgement upon receipt of money for payment of bill.
Box   19
Anderson, France, Jr., 1939 December-1940
Note: Invitations declined, by person above.
Box   20
Anderson, Frank Swan, 1913 June
Note: Interview and letter concerning request for $1200, this money to be used to settle an embezzlement charge, secured through a “friend” - not his own fault. Could Mrs. Blaine help? No indication of same in folder.
Box   20
Anderson, Galusha, 1900 February
Note: Invitation to hear Professor Geddes sent by Mrs. Blaine declined, due to fact G. Anderson is out of city.
Box   20
Alderson, G. Bernhard, 1935 January
Note: Letter concerning future placement of Lina Olson in old people's home or home with some family. Would Mrs. Blaine discuss the matter?
Box   20
Anderson, Hannah, 1936 February
Note: Letter discussing the poor economic status of Anderson family.
Box   20
Anderson, Harrison Ray, 1930 March-1949 December
Note: Mr. Anderson is minister at Fourth Presbyterian Church and the folder contains a variety of items. Letters in which the aid of Mrs. Blaine is asked in getting his children in to Parker School; thanks for contribution to be used for church music and subsequent requests that $500 donation be repeated. Invitations to functions and meeting are also here.
Box   20
Anderson, Harrison Ray, Mrs. (Margaret), 1937 February-1948 March
Note: Notes expressing pleasure at visit to the Blaine home, others in refusal of invitation due to previous engagement, thank-you for plant and other friendly letters.
Box   20
Anderson, Helen J., 1929 September
Note: Invitation to Mrs. Blaine's camp to see Mr. and Mrs. Laurence declined.
Box   20
Anderson, Jacquelin, 1937 December-1940
Note: Invitations declined.
Box   20
Anderson, James, 1899 July-1899 November
Note: Mrs. Blaine's account book with the above grocer listing dates, purchases, prices, and balances.
Box   20
Anderson, James, Jr., 1914 December-1916 November
Note: Bills and receipts and telephone messages regarding the surveying and plotting of various land lots.
Box   20
Anderson, James K., 1949 May
Note: Telegram seeking position on Mrs. Blaine's paper.
Box   20
Anderson, L.F., Mrs., 1895 February-1911 May
Note: Invoice for handkerchiefs and fancy pillow work. Two later letters in which Mrs. Blaine's patronage is requested.
Box   20
Anderson, Louise C., 1908 January
Note: Listing of various jewelry type items and prices purchases from above name.
Box   20
Anderson, Martin C., 1913 October-1921 May
Note: Interviews regarding continuance of magazine subscriptions for the purpose of aiding above through law school. $25 gift acknowledged. Back in 1921 selling a set of books - War History.
Box   20
Anderson, Martin E., 1912 July-1917 March
Note: Request for money for women's residence hall at University of Illinois. University Presbyterian Church doing the soliciting and request evidently refused.
Box   20
Anderson, Mary Louisa Blair, 1915 February
Note: Reply to letter of Mrs. Blaine in regard to some telegram Mr. Anderson was to send but could not. Subject of her letter or telegram not given.
Box   20
Anderson, Mary Murphy, 1922 May-1923 November
Note: Mother's Day card. Personal letter regarding sympathy for Mrs. Blaine. Letter concerning the personal life of Mary Anderson in regards to her husband whom she has left and discussing assumed names and new address plus a financial appeal for money to buy low heeled shoes.
Box   20
Anderson, Myrtle, 1922 August
Note: Interview of above for position as secretary plus introduction form.
Box   20
Anderson, N.D., 1925 March
Note: Letter transmitting manuscripts Mrs. Blaine is to assist in publishing if she is favorable to the work.
Box   20
Anderson, Nelson C., 1949 January
Note: Letter concerning leasing of Mrs. Blaine's property.
Box   20
Anderson, Nicholas L., Mrs., 1899 June
Note: Wedding invitation.
Anderson, O.S., 1921-1926
Physical Description: 8 folders 
Note: Financial credits to Blaine's General Account in the Merchants' Loan and Trust Company. Later renamed Illinois Merchants Trust Company. Income primarily from rents and stock dividends.
Box   20
1921 June-December
Box   20
1922 January-June
Box   20
1922 July-December
Box   20
1923 January-June
Box   20
1923 July-December
Box   20
1924 January-June
Box   20
1924 July-December
Box   20
Box   20
Anderson, Robert G., 1939 December
Note: Regrets inability to attend function.
Box   20
Anderson, Sarah Bushnell, 1929 May
Note: Request for source material for a chapter the above person is writing in a history book concerning Mr. McCormick and the early days of the reaper.
Box   20
Anderson, Sophia, 1924 February-1937 December
Note: Bills for cleaning and laundry work done by the above. Letters of thanks for gifts, Christmas, Easter and so forth. The final expression of thanks from family of the above for floral offering upon death of the above.
Box   20
Anderson, Sven, 1949 March
Note: See also: Civil Rights Congress.
Box   20
Anderson, T. Bertram, 1914 January-1915
Note: Thank you letter for aid and a letter requesting aid.
Box   20
Anderson, Walter Christopher, 1939 June
Note: Wedding invitation.
Box   20
Anderson, W.G., 1911 November-1913 November

Request for funds for annual African American newsboys' Christmas dinner.

Also a letter regarding funds to defray cost of delegation attempting to stay execution of African American convicted on finger print evidence.

Box   20
Anderson, William A., 1911 January-1915 February
Note: A highly interesting folder, it consists of a series of letters from the above, an Attorney at Law, employed by Mrs. Blaine, discussing the presentation of portraits to the Stockbridge County Courthouse. The difficulty is that the portraits are those of Robert and Leander McCormick and there is no similar honor for Cyrus. The issue in fact increases to the point where the family is involved to determine who is the rightful inventor of the reaper. Statements of people living at the time of the reaper demonstrations are included. The findings of the investigators is also extracted in letters from the above person.
Box   21
Anderwald, Frank P., 1948 October-November
Note: A telephone and letter request for an interview regarding an opinion from Mrs. Blaine regarding Austria.
Box   21
Andilus, E.B., 1928 July
Note: Pencil written personal letter concerning this person's present status in New Mexico concerning the difficulty of securing work and his eventual intention to repay a $15 loan.
Box   21
Andre, Addie Farrar, undated
Note: Two letter requests for an interview regarding educating a ? class of children.
Box   21
Andre, Malva, 1928 March
Note: Letter request for position as a stenographer.
Box   21
Andrew Female College, 1902 August
Note: Request for financial assistance for school.
Box   21
Andrews, A.H., and Company, 1898 February-1933 September
Note: Invoices regarding school supplies and other items of furniture. Letters and calls regarding payment overdue.
Box   21
Andrews, Alfred B., Mrs. (Jane V.), 1936 January
Note: Letter recommending a Mr. Bond if he should desire an interview as a person who “has brought to light much evil that was thought hidden.”
Box   21
Andrews, Charles McLean, 1928 November
Note: Wedding invitation.
Box   21
Andrews, Clement W., 1907 April-1929 January
Note: This man is librarian at The John Crerar Library. Letters regards the compilation of a book list, the purpose is not given. Letter discussing the composing of a bibliography and the training a person might need for such a responsibility. Letter recommending two people for some type of library work for Mrs. Blaine (private cataloging). Expression of thanks for a gift.
Box   21
Andrews and Company, 1915 September-1918 March
Note: Notes and phone notations regarding the buying and selling of various stocks.
Box   21
Andrews, Earl B., 1925 January-1939 December
Note: A long series of typed reports regarding interviews of the above to secure employment, more often requesting small sums of money to get work or help him out. Some money was given but mostly the requests appear to be refused. The man was certainly persistent.
Box   21
Andrews, Fannie Fern, 1922 February
Note: See also: National Education Society.
Box   21
Andrews, Fargo, Mrs., 1908 December
Note: Calling card type thins indicating when above person is at home.
Box   21
Andrews, Fran Taylor, 1914 November; 1921 June
Note: Invitation to an “Evening with Burbank” and a wedding invitation.
Box   21
Andrews, Fran Taylor, Mrs. (Clara Gallup), 1911 January
Note: Thank you note for Dr. Martin Edward's booklet.
Box   21
Andrews, John Paul, 1947 June
Note: Letter request to return book, Directory of Chicago Consuls.
Box   21
Andrews, P., 1910s January
Note: Bakery invoice for cakes.
Box   21
Andrus, Drelle Moulton, 1942 September; 1942 December
Note: Notes of thanks for an evening invitation and Christmas message.
Box   21
Andrus, E. Cowles, Mrs. (Miriam), 1938 October
Note: Request for plans of the World Foundation.
Box   21
Andrus, Vincent, 1942 September
Note: Letter of thanks “for the jolliest evening.” Comments on dinner, a Rembrandt drawing, six beautiful chairs and “the forces of Evil.”
Box   21
Angel Guardian Orphanage, 1939 August-1940 January
Note: Telephone request to use Mrs. Blaine's name as a sponsor plus leaflet concerning the functions of the group.
Box   21
Angelini, Arabella, 1903 February; 1904 April
Note: Letters of thanks, for what is not made clear.
Box   21
Angelini, Luigi, 1903 March-1907 February
Note: Husband of the above woman, both active in The Waldensian Society. Letters of gratitude for help given them personally and the society. Luigi Angelini was missionary for Waldensian Society in Italy, supported by the Elizabeth McCormick Memorial Fund.
Box   21
Angell, James R., 1902 December-1926 November
Note: Letters regarding “discussion of Latin question,” securing a “first class woman coach for a girl,” and notes on a recent lecture. (A unique hand writing specimen.) A wedding invitation also.
Box   21
Angell, James R., Mrs. (Marion Watrous), undated
Note: Letters concerning the University of Chicago settlement league and Mrs. Blaine's participation in them as a Patroness.
Angell, Norman
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Note: Bound addresses by the above, first two to the Chicago Council of Foreign Relations, third at the Fortnightly Club and the last at the English Speaking Union. Titles: (1) “Security Preparedness and Patriotism”; (2) “Where is Europe Going?”; (3) “Some Illusions of Current Political Thought”; (4) “British Imperialism and the Future.”
Box   21
1925 February; 1926 February
Box   21
1932 January; 1944 February
Box   21
Angle, Gertrude, 1928 November
Note: Interviews regarding position as possible social worker for Mrs. Blaine. No indication of acceptance.
Box   21
Angsburg, Paul, 1912 June
Note: Note accepting supper invitation from the Senior Class.
Angster, Blanche Booth
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Note: Numerous and various materials concerning the conduct of Mrs. Blaine's affairs by her secretary, in the absence of Mrs. Blaine.
Box   21
1903 August-1919 December
Box   21
1921 May-1930 October
Box   21
1931 January-1954 October
Box   21
Angster, Herbert C., 1920 April
Note: Telephone message regarding the reaching of Mrs. Angster.
Box   21
Anjou, Gustave, 1900 October-1934 March
Note: This man is a genealogical researcher, and in letter explains the amount of work done on many family lines and inquires into the possibility of interesting Mrs. Blaine in such work. No indication of response.
Box   21
Anna Flower Shop, 1947 December-1951 January
Note: Invoices for flowers purchased, highest sum $900.95 for Christmas flowers and a November balance.
Box   21
Annalist, 1923 March-April
Note: Subscription renewal notices, three in number.
Box   21
Annals of Psychical Science, 1906 December; 1908 August
Note: Subscription notice and request for an opinion on feature in magazine.
Box   21
Annesley, Claire, Lady, 1924 May
Note: See also: Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.
Box   21
Annin and Company, 1924 July
Note: Invoice for Yacht Ensign and Private Signal.
Box   21
Annis, F.T., 1927 May
Note: Telegram concerning telegram sent, and offer to assist.
Box   21
Anson, E.G., Mrs., 1927 March; 1928 February
Note: Telephone inquiries regarding sale of property.
Box   21
Anthony, E. and H.T., and Company, 1886 July
Note: Advertisement for an Anthony Satchel Detective Camera, and a bill for miscellaneous camera supplies.
Box   22
Anthony, Susan B., 1900 January; 1906 September
Note: Letter from the above requesting Mrs. Blaine to attend annual suffrage convention or to assist the work with a contribution. The second letter is in regard to Susan B. Anthony Memorial Association.
Box   22
Anthony, William R., 1905 May
Note: This man, a dealer in pearls, writes to Mrs. Blaine on the possibility of securing, from her, some business. Since she purchased a pearl someplace else, might she do so from him.
Box   22
Anti-Age Limit Bureau, 1905 November
Note: Request for assistance.
Box   22
Anti-Bolshevik League of America, 1916 May
Note: Letter requesting names of any foreign help who should receive the literature of this organization. Newspaper clipping explaining league attached.
Box   22
Anti-Cruelty Society, 1908 October-1914 February
Note: Group helps abused children and animals, will Mrs. Blaine help the work by contributing?
Box   22
Anti Child Slavery League, 1906 July
Note: Request to use Mrs. Blaine's name in connection with the work.
Box   22
Anti-Dust-and-Draft Ventilator Company, 1906 October
Note: Letter to Mrs. Blaine as a member of school board to consider their product.
Antioch College
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Note: Letter request for nomination for woman to act as “manager” of an Antioch College Club. Request for aid and letter evaluations of the school's accomplishments. Letters transmitting magazine articles that concerned the school. Letter concerning the work of Robert Adams at the school and suggestions of possible area of work for him. College Bulletin. Antioch's educational philosophy as written in an article “A Budget for Your Life.” Others publications are contained within folder having same purpose.
Box   22
1922 November-1933 February
Box   22
1934 March-1952 October
Box   22
Antiquarian Society of the Art Institute, 1906 December-1949 April
Note: Invitations to functions, membership cards, requests for dues, and a questionnaire concerning the interests of members.
Box   22
Antique Shop, 1914 June
Note: Invoice for one mahogany magazine stand.
Box   22
Anti-Saloon League of Illinois, 1904 November-1925 December
Note: Letters, pamphlets, and telephone bills explain repeating, requesting interviews, and money in regard to the above group's program.
Box   22
Antisdel, Albert, Mr. and Mrs. (Mary F.), 1893 October-1900 February
Note: Wedding invitation, and notes excusing non-attendance at function's given by Mrs. Blaine.
Box   22
Anti-War League of the World, 1921 February
Note: Two letters concerning support for program, one concerns a luncheon and each transmit a sheet titled, “A Call For Action to End War.”
Box   22
Antlers Hotel, 1943 August-1945 July
Note: Hotel bill and receipts including a series of signed notes acknowledging tips by numerous hotel attendants.
Box   22
Antonow, Joseph P., 1949 April
Note: Series of calls and letters regarding an appointment with Professor Urey by the above with Mrs. Blaine as go between. The meeting in regard to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.
Box   22
Apollo Musical Club, 1897 May-1930 September
Note: Notices of concerts, bills for box tickets, and receipts. Letters request contributions and letters of appreciation for gifts.
Box   22
Apperson, John S., 1898 July
Note: Letter concerning “care of your daughter . . . as will secure for her the best possible care both as to custody and Treatment.” Letter addressed to Mrs. McCormick.
Box   22
Applegate, Charles Franklin, undated
Note: Offer from this doctor to treat Mrs. Blaine's brother.
Box   22
Appleton, Caroline Dawes, 1911 November-1915 September
Note: Request for aid to erect home for women art students in Paris evidently through subscription to a magazine. Mrs. Blaine did assist.
Box   22
Appleton-Century, D., Company, 1922 September
Note: Letter and circular concerning the New Century Dictionary.
Box   22
Appleton, D., and Company, 1903 May-1906 December
Note: Letters in regard to books used in Chicago schools, plus a price list of Educational Publications of the company. Letters transmitting various books and leaflet explanations of same, testimonials.
Box   22
Appleton, Katharine Todd, 1912 December
Note: Mother of the above Caroline Appleton, working on the same project and also asking funds to establish this home for women art students.
Box   22
Appleton, Robert, 1906 June-1922 March
Note: Aid requested to help publish The Catholic Encyclopedia. Also to take Founder's Preferred Stock in a “Monumental Christian Undertaking.”
Box   22
Appleton, Sumner, 1918 October
Note: Letter of sympathy upon death of Mrs. Blaine's husband.
Box   22
Appoyer, Oskar, 1948 December
Note: Letter from the above to “Hochverehrte Giradige Frau,” his address in Austria, written in German.
Box   22
Aprile, S., 1939 January-1953 January
Note: Statements and letters concerning the making of custom shoes for Mrs. Blaine and others. Usual correspondence in regard to tardiness of paying bills. The final letter indicates a moving of Mr. Aprile's shop from Los Angeles to New York. Price of a pair of shoes averaged at between fifty and sixty dollars.
Box   22
Aquascutum Ltd., 1939 July
Note: Statement for purchase of three Aquascutum coats from firm located in London.
Box   22
Aranstein, Elaine, 1949 March
Note: Typed telephone copy conversation regarding aid for the Illinois Parent's Council for Nursery Schools.
Box   22
Arbuthnot, William Reierson, Jr., Mrs. (Mabel Slade), 1905-1914 December
Note: Series of short letters regarding invitations to dinner, thank-you notes for gifts, and expressions of the season.
Box   22
Arcadia Book Company, 1905-1916 February
Note: Prospectus of this book company for a book, Education with Reference to Sex. Letter requests for help financially in getting this book published and distributed among teachers and church personnel.
Box   22
Arcady Farm, 1910 March-1920 November
Note: Statements for milk and cream received from this dairy. Several letters recommending Mrs. Blaine change to Bowman Dairy for better service. No indication of compliance.
Box   22
Archaeological Institute of America, 1898 April-1949 April
Note: Submitted and accepted as a life member of the institute. Series of meeting notices and luncheon announcements. Several newsletters from organization.
Box   22
Archambault, Blanche A., 1905 March-October
Note: Series of letters regarding the above's attempt to have Mrs. Blaine sponsor or pay enough money to allow the publishing of a manuscript.
Box   22
Arch-Bridge Garage, 1920 November
Note: Bill for the use of an auto and driving certain persons to destinations.
Box   22
Arche Club, 1901 February-1931 April
Note: Invitation to club dinner. Request that Emmons Blaine be a speaker for the group and telephone calls regarding the purchase of “some bird cards” for the boy scouts by Mrs. Blaine.
Box   22
Archer, I.B., Mrs., 1909 June-1926 May
Note: Series of statements for paintings followed by a note indicating the death of the husband of the above. A series of letters concerning family sickness and intention to pay an obligation to Mrs. Blaine follow.
Box   22
Archer, Laird, 1923 March
Note: Letter explaining need for help and leaflet explaining Near East Relief.
Box   22
Archer, Osceola, 1898 April
Note: Wedding invitation.
Box   22
Archer, William W., 1916 July
Note: Copy of telegram announcing bill of Miss F.G. Evans as $2,170.
Box   22
Arden Shore Association, 1912 October-1949 June
Note: Arden Shore is a convalescent camp and needs money. Mrs. Blaine gave $100 a year and requests continued for same or more.
Box   22
Ardinghe, A.P., 1931
Note: Letters concerning California real estate that Mrs. Blaine might purchase. Property descriptions and prices included. No indication of any action taken.
Box   22
Area Project, 1932 June
Note: A program for preventing delinquency is outlined and a meeting date given in this mimeographed material.
Box   22
Argentine Consulate, undated
Note: See also: Dr. Antonio Silvetti.
Box   22
Argentine Republic - Special Commissioners of Education, 1907 May
Note: Letter concerning the preparation of an exhibit for the above by students.
Box   22
Argus Book Shop, 1923 July; 1928 June
Note: Book store has an original edition of Through the Looking Glass. Second letter indicates they can secure a book France in 1829-30.
Box   22
Argus Club of Chicago, 1914 December-1916 October
Note: This club sponsors social service room for self-supporting girls and women. They need money and so request funds, sell tickets to Mrs. Blaine for a ball, and a ball game, concert, and so forth.
Box   22
Arksey, R.A., 1906 September
Note: Letter describing this man's property and would Mrs. Blaine be interested in purchasing it.
Box   22
Arlington, 1912 October
Note: Letter of transmittal for hotel bill.
Box   22
Arlington Heights College for Women, 1908 August
Note: Request for support for this school.
Box   22
Arliss, George, undated
Note: Declined dinner invitation note.
Box   23
Arliss, George, Mrs., undated
Note: Letter indicating distress at not being able to accept Mrs. Blaine's invitation.
Box   23
Armattoe, R.E.C., 1949 April
Note: See also: Arts, Sciences, and Professional Council.
Box   23
Armbruster, George W., 1910 March; 1923
Note: Letter of appreciation and two phone messages regarding something to be done about Mrs. B1aine's mother's house.
Box   23
Armenian and Syrian Relief, 1919 January-March
Note: Request for donation, letters of appreciation for $1,000 donation.
Box   23
Armitage, Florence, 1896 October
Note: Letter concerning position as governess.
Box   23
Armour, Allison, 1892 June
Note: Note declining invitation.
Box   23
Armour, Anne Louise, undated
Note: Note of congratulations “at your choice for I have always admired Mr. Blaine.”
Box   23
Armour, A. Watson, 1930 December-1931
Note: Invitation to a ball and year later to wedding of daughter.
Box   23
Armour, George Allison, 1896 November-1897 December
Note: Telegram and letter expressing regrets that he cannot attend “Trial of the new organ you have been building in Emmon's memory at Richfield.” Telegram concerning “Olson being horseman.” Later wedding invitation is not dated.
Box   23
Armour, George Allison, Mrs. (Harriette Foote), 1894 May-1897 February
Note: Invitation declined and two invitations to dinner for Mrs. Blaine.
Box   23
Armour Institute of Technology, 1931 September
Note: Gift of Cyrus Hall McCormick's biography acknowledged.
Box   23
Armour, J. Ogden, 1901 November; 1921 June
Note: Letter of transmittal with check for $250 sent to Mrs. Blaine for “a very worthy cause.” Specific cause not indicated. Dance and wedding invitations.
Box   23
Armour, J. Ogden, Mrs. (Lolita Sheldon), 1901 January; 1905
Note: Invitations, one for a violin recital and another for “music at three thirty.”
Box   23
Armour, Lester, 1921 November; 1928 November; 1935 October
Note: Requests for aid to the Salvation Army. Letter indicates a $500 donation in 1921.
Box   23
Armour, Lester, Mrs. (Leola Stanton), 1923 May; 1925 February
Note: Request for Mrs. Blaine's promised check for purchase of a box for benefit of the DePaul University. In 1925, phone calls as to whether Mrs. Blaine will take a box this year.
Box   23
Armour, Philip D., I, Mrs., 1899 February; 1906 December; 1916 November
Note: Letter asking Mrs. Blaine to chose three of her friends for membership in the Woman's Athletic Club. Dinner invitation from the latter club. Invitation to a ball.
Box   23
Armour, Philip D., III, 1935 January; 1935 October
Note: Request for money for Infant Welfare Society and Community Fund Campaign.
Box   23
Armstrong, Alexander, Jr., 1941 January
Note: Midshipman Armstrong thanks Mrs. Blaine for being able to attend her New Year's party.
Box   23
Armstrong Association of New York, 1906 December
Note: Request for $50 to help in sponsoring a model demonstration farm by a Hampton Institute graduate.
Box   23
Armstrong Cork and Insulation Company, 1922 November
Note: Letter and pamphlet regarding the care of Armstrong Cork Tile Floor.
Box   23
Armstrong, E. Royce, 1898 January
Note: Letter requesting Mrs. Blaine “to pardon for having been so thoughtless as to take Miss Tevis to Rector's yesterday evening.”
Box   23
Armstrong, Florence R., 1925 January-1936 June
Note: Several expressions for gifts received from Mrs. Blaine. Florence Armstrong, nurse companion to Mrs. Blaine's older sister, sends a series of telegrams while the sister is recovering from pneumonia, and letters while traveling with her through the country.
Box   23
Armstrong, F.M., 1898 August
Note: Three long letters to Mrs. Blaine from the above discussing the condition of the soldiers coming from the war in Cuba (Spanish American) and the hospital and Red Cross efforts.
Box   23
Armstrong, Hamilton Fish, 1941 April
Note: Long telegram requesting aid for the Yugoslavian peoples who have decided to fight Hitler.
Box   23
Armstrong, John, Mrs., 1919 October
Note: Wedding invitation.
Box   23
Armstrong, Nellie C., 1932 January
Note: This woman working on Mrs. Cyrus McCormick's papers had an interview concerning her qualifications; this is typed up. Also a letter regarding an expense account for the trip.
Box   23
Armstrong, Nellie L., 1925 May
Note: Letter applying for a position as teacher at the Francis Parker School.
Box   23
Armstrong's, Mrs., Lace Makers, 1915 August-1917 April
Note: The above group sent to Mrs. Blaine for inspection and to show her friends a series of laces. If she did not buy nor any of her friends they were to be returned. Letters for the return of them are many in the folder and finally after almost two years she purchased the laces.
Box   23
Army and Navy Club of Chicago, 1926 November-1951 December
Note: Invitation to dinner functions of group. Requests for donations and receipts for same.
Box   23
Army and Navy Legion of Valor, 1940 September-1941 June
Note: Correspondence and calls regarding the purchasing of tickets for the Military Ball and Flag Day Ceremony, the receipt for $50, plaque with seal for special honors to Mrs. Blaine.
Box   23
Army and Navy Relief Benefit, 1942 April-May
Note: Telephone requests to have his Mrs. Blaine purchase a box for the Army and Navy Benefit at the stadium.
Box   23
Army and Navy Union, 1947 June-December
Note: A bundle of typed telephone calls, most of them follow up to an original request to help the benefit for the boys' In Vaughan's and Hines' Hospitals. The caller by the end of the series is rather impatient, impatient to the point of rudeness. No indication of help being given.
Box   23
Army Relief Society, 1900 June
Note: Organization to benefit the dependent widows and orphans of the regular Army, leaflet explains need and a letter requests assistance.
Box   23
Arnd, Henry M., 1917 April-May
Note: Dealer in honey, maple syrup, olives, and other delicacies. Two letters with order blanks sent requesting Mrs. Blaine's order for any of the material listed.
Box   23
Arndt, Moritz G., 1920
Note: “Resume” of talk given by Sir Oliver Lodge concerning “something about electrons, in a very short time.”
Box   23
Arnett, L.D., 1904 April
Note: Letter concerning the dramatizing of some teacher's life, preferably Pestalozzi, so that people who attend the theater would have a more sympathetic view toward education.
Box   23
Arnett, Trevor, 1927 April
Note: A letter of introduction for Ross A. McFarland to Mrs. Blaine. The former is “placing in universities and colleges men who have been especially trained in the underlying principles of philosophy and religion.”
Box   23
Arnold, Alice H., 1900 November
Note: Letter concerning possibility of her teaching art in Mrs. Blaine's school.
Box   23
Arnold, B.J., Mrs., 1917 August
Note: Financial help requested to move a boys' school in Michigan from one not so good location to a more desirable one. The change takes money. Will Mrs. Blaine help?
Box   23
Arnold, Constable and Company, 1890 April-1927 March
Note: Invoices for towels, hosiery, linens and miscellaneous cloth goods.
Box   23
Arnold, Ella, 1922 October

Letter from the above in which she appeals for Mrs. Blaine to assume the cost of child so it can enter “Kindergut” (The Children's Farm) and secure good care and food.

See also: Kindergut.

Box   23
Arnold, F.L., 1901 March
Note: Personal letter appeal to borrow $2000 due to sickness in family and moving to new job location.
Box   23
Arnold, Frances M., 1910; 1912; 1915
Note: Three replies to invitations to attend senior Class supper given by the Francis Parker School.
Box   23
Arnold, George Albert, Mrs., 1929 April
Note: Wedding invitation to marriage of daughter, Ella.
Box   23
Arnold, G.L., and Company, 1892 May
Note: Bill for mixed fresh fruit.
Box   23
Arnold, H.H., undated
Note: See also: Army, Navy, Air Force Benefits.
Box   23
Arnold, Katherine D., 1915 February
Note: A note accepting tea invitation on the occasion of Mrs. McCormick's 80th birthday.
Box   23
Arnold, T.H., 1935 September
Note: Two letters from the above contractor to a Mr. Clark. J. Lawrence regarding estimates for various repairs on a camp at Titus (New York), and “on your Upper St. Regis roof job.”
Box   23
Arnold, Victor H., 1904 June; 1909 March
Note: Letter request for an interview to explain something - to quote Mr. Arnold, “I know the matter would bring you genuine happiness.” This something is explained in a follow up latter. The man has received an insight into how adulterated the Christian religion has become and he strives to inform people of the “truth.” Beyond this he would like assistance in starting in a business, the purpose being to manufacture several inventions put in his mind in the past two months through God's goodness. These are seven in number, for example: a dinner pail “sanitary and convenient to carry,” an iron piece to connect sidewalks and street level, and so on. A third letter thanks Mrs. Blaine for evidently verbal encouragement. A letter five years later is concerned almost entirely with religious wordiness on his part about what he plans to do. No evidence of results, however.
Box   23
Arnold, William, 1900 March-1908 February
Note: Invoices for shoes purchased.
Box   23
Arnold's, 1933 January-1950 May
Note: Invoices for purses and handbags.
Box   23
Arntzen, Bernard E., 1913 May-1936 July
Note: Invoices for ambulance service or “Limousine Invalid Conveyances.” And bills for two funerals for a Louis and Gustave Nelson.
Box   23
Arp, O.D., 1933 February-1943 May
Note: Interviews concerning repair of Pasadena property. The 1940 budget for the Pasadena and Santa Monica properties. And an acknowledgement of $5,000 received by Mr. Arp from the Mary Virginia McCormick Pension Fund.
Box   23
Arrick, Clifford, Mr. and Mrs., 1917 February
Note: Invitation to daughter Lucy's wedding.
Box   23
Art Craft Institute, 1904 April-1916 February
Note: Interview and letter requesting Mrs. Blaine to serve on a committee for the group. Several follow up letters attempting to gain the interest of Mrs. Blaine.
Art Institute of Chicago
Physical Description: 6 folders 
Note: Mrs. Blaine's Governing Member certificate. Receipts for dues paid. Institute's annual reports. Announcements of annual meetings of Governing Members. Announcements of exhibits. Miss Evans, secretary to Mrs. Blaine, has her Japanese coins refused for lack of “enough art and design to make them suitable for a place in our collections.” Letter concerning a life membership for Mrs. Blaine's son. Would Mrs. Blaine care to be a donor for tapestry of the acanthoid style of the 16th century, cost $4500? No record of action taken. Mrs. Blaine changes membership status to Governing Life Membership. Receipt for dues paid to the "Orientals" - a group to promote interest in the art of the near and far east Asia.
Box   23
1898 May-1910 November
Box   23
1911 November-1917 December
Box   23
1918 January-1921 December
Box   23
1922 January-1929 December
Box   24
1930 January-1936 December
Box   24
1937 March-1954 March
Box   24
Art Metal Products Company, 1917 February; 1928 April
Note: Two telephone calls, one regarding library equipment Mrs. McCormick had borrowed, the other a discussion concerning radiator covers at new offices at the Farwell Ads.
Box   24
Art Millinery College, 1910 April
Note: Request for an interview and a letter discussing the starting of the Millinery College in New York plus a discussion of what the college is to be.
Box   24
Art Service League, 1919 December
Note: Letter concerning the exhibition of Charles Francis Browne's painting and the hope Mrs. Blaine might be interested in purchase of a painting.
Box   24
Arthern Furniture Company, 1909 February-September
Note: The company makes custom furniture. A letter and invoice concern the purchase of a rosewood library set.
Box   24
Artists' Guild, 1915 April; 1917 November
Note: One interview and one telephone call concerning gaining Mrs. Blaine as an Associate Member of their guild.
Box   24
Artists' Housing Committee, 1935 March
Note: Would Mrs. Blaine serve as a member of the advisory committee for the Artists' Housing Committee?
Box   24
Arts Club of Chicago, 1915 November-1951 October
Note: Cross reference sheet. Series of letters attempting to gain Mrs. Blaine as a member. Evidently successful for dues cards follow. Notices of functions being held. Telephone conversation regarding the lending of a Courbet painting to the group for an exhibition. Letters and notices requesting payment of dues, past due.
Box   24
Arts Club (New York), undated
Note: Leaflet describing club, desiring membership and a list of organizing members.
Box   24
Arts and Decoration, 1921 September; 1922 July
Note: Three letters requesting Mrs. Blaine buy stock in the company that publishes this periodical.
Arts, Sciences, and Professions
Chicago Council
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Note: Letter and two telephone calls regarding a party to be given for Miss Lillian Hellman, and can Mrs. Blaine attend. Material concerning the cultural and Scientific Conference for World Peace held in Chicago 1949. The above group were denied by the State Department permission to travel in the United States, “And we wondered if Mrs. Blaine would care to give us a statement that we could give the press?” The meeting was still held but a series of substitute speakers had to be engaged. Bound proceedings of council's meeting are here. Organization and program announcements.
Box   24
1948 May-1949 March
Box   24
1949 April
Box   24
1949 May-1952 June
Box   24
Independent Citizens' Committee, 1944 December-1946 October
Note: Request to join organization. Dinner announcement in honor of Hon. Harold L. Ickes. Letter, “We independents must ante up some chips of our own if we expect to elect a liberal congress.”
Box   24
National Council, 1950 March
Note: Report about the proposed cultural center for the National Council of the Arts, Sciences and Professions. Announcement of dinner for Dr. Harlow Shapley.
Box   24
Art Theatre of Chicago, 1949 July
Note: Would Mrs. Blaine grant an interview to Mr. Wittman regarding Arts Theatre of Chicago, a telephone request.
Box   24
Arundel-Bell, S.H., 1911 January-February
Note: Notes, letters, and calls concerning the purchase of rare books from this firm, “especially the Ruskin.”
Box   24
Arwell Service Company, 1932 April
Note: Interview concerning the purchase of crystal or liquid exterminators for moths and for moth control.
Box   24
Asbury, Hallie, 1929 December-1930 January
Note: Personal letter of extreme wordiness adding up to sickness and misfortune, the addressee has tuberculosis, needs a higher climate and would like to publish a book. This takes money.
Box   24
Ascher, Helen, 1937 November
Note: Frontier films is making a child labor film, they need $20,000.
Ascher-LeVin Inc.
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Note: Invoices and letter for or about purchases of imported art linen and embroidery. Delay in paying bill is evident here.
Box   24
1913 January-1917 November
Box   24
1918 April-1926 October
Box   24
1927 November-1937 October
Box   24
Ascoli, Max, 1949 April
Note: Letter informing Mrs. Blaine she will soon receive a copy of the first issue of The Reporter. Wishes to know her opinion and hope a subscription will be forthcoming.
Box   24
Ash, Nathan, 1892 July; 1892 October
Note: Invoices from a livery and boarding stable in Bar Harbor, Maine. (Cut-under vehicle - one in which the wheels in front pass under the frame in turning.)
Box   24
Ashbee, C.R., 1900 December; 1908 November
Note: Two letters from this man, an architect from England, regarding a visit to Mrs. Blaine's home and his expected arrival in Chicago.
Box   24
Ashbrook, Claude, 1902 December
Note: Letter requesting reply to previous letter which concerned the stock purchase of the Aurora, Elgin, and Chicago Street Railroad.
Box   24
Ashenhurst, John, 1956 February
Note: Letter to Miss Ann DeMooy with a sketch of Mrs. Blaine written by the above person.
Box   24
Asheville University, 1923 September
Note: Request for money to carry out the program of this school.
Box   24
Ashland, Jerry, 1905 June
Note: Proprietor of a livery stable in Saranac Junction, New York, writes about the possibility of being of service to Mrs. Blaine.
Box   24
Ashland Non-Partisan Improvement Club, 1903 January; 1903 May
Note: Letters concerning the location of a new high school in Englewood.
Box   24
Ashleman, Lorley Ada, 1900 December-1945 November
Note: A letter of Christmas sentiments, request that Mrs. Blaine be a sponsor to the “Jeanne D'Arc Evening,” request for an interview so Mrs. Blaine can see a book the above has written in which are collected the most popular French games and rounds, and finally a letter explaining status of book - she must publish it herself and doesn't have the money, would Mrs. Blaine fill out the rest of the cost, $220-250?
Box   24
Ashley, L.E., undated
Note: Acceptance of senior class invitation to luncheon.
Box   24
Asia, 1923 May-1946 October
Note: This is a magazine and the folder is full of renewal information, notices, bills, and receipts.
Box   24
Asia-Africa Information Syndicate, 1952 May-September
Note: Stenciled topics designed for printing in Newspapers. Mrs. Blaine's comments were desired. Title examples: “Tunisia presents Her Case,” “Malan's Challenge to Britain,” “Beware! Italians are Back,” and so forth.
Box   25
Askwith, Herbert, 1925 November
Note: Interview, above person wants a record that he has tried to contact Mrs. B1aine about support for Our World Today, so that he can satisfy his employer.
Box   25
Asprey and Company, 1937 August; 1937 November; 1939 May

London, England.

Letters from Messrs Asprey notifying Mrs. Blaine that her order had been received and fulfilling a request for a brochure. Receipt for three fitted traveling bags.

Box   25
Asquine, Herman, 1934 December

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Receipt for services of electrician Asquine.

Box   25
Assemblies of God Orphanage, 1921 November

Location: Ariton, Alabama.

A request from S.C. Johnson, editor of The Home Missionary for some financial aid up to $3000. A copy of The Home Missionary.

Box   25
Assiut College, 1923 February; 1924 September

Location: Assuit, Egypt.

F.S. Thompson request financial aid for Assiut College. A request for money to repair McCormick Hall.

Box   25
Associated British and Irish Railways, 1939 June-July

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Representative of the company obtained hotel reservations for her party.

Box   25
Associated Charities of Boston, 1912 December; 1915 July
Note: The Associated Charities asked by Mrs. Blaine to aid one Miss Magennis report that they have found someone. Letter stating that the organization would be glad to aid one Mrs. George Howard if she contacted them.
Box   25
Associated Charities of Cincinnati, 1911 January
Note: Notification that the organization was aiding one William M. Bliss and wanted Mrs. Blaine to help with transportation for him to Chicago.
Box   25
Associated Charities of Huntsville, 1917 December

Location: Alabama.

Thank you note for a donation made by Mrs. Blaine.

Box   25
Associated Charities of Kansas City, 1901 January
Note: Letter from the General Secretary asking advice on the organization of an Association for the improvement of the dwellings of the poor
Box   25
Associated Charities and Philanthropies, 1912 November

Location: Peoria, Illinois.

Apology for an appeal for assistance that proved to be unnecessary.

Box   25
Associated Charities of Toronto, 1908 February

Location: Toronto, Canada.

Appeal for further financial aid.

Box   25
Associated Charities of Washington, D.C., 1915 May-October

Location: Washington, D.C.

Letters concerning an attempt of Mrs. Blaine to aid Mr. and Mrs. George Howard. Through the Associated Charities she sent fifty dollars which was refused by them.

Box   25
Associated Christian Volunteers, 1929-1930; 1936-1939
Note: Recorded telephone calls, personal interviews, and letters from the ACV requesting financial aid.
Box   25
Associated Court Reporters, 1936 November

Location: Detroit, Michigan.

Receipt for payment of the reporting and transcribing of a debate between the Hon. Gerald P. Nye and Dr. Clark M. Eichelberger, at Temple Beth El.

Box   25
Associated Elgin Creameries, 1910 June

Location: Elgin, Illinois.

Request for stock subscription.

Box   25
Associated Kin of Canadian Expeditionary Forces, 1917 October

Location: Toronto, Canada.

Request for aid.

Box   25
Associated Orchestras, 1939 December
Note: Wanted to furnish music for Mrs. Blaine's New Year's Eve party.
Box   25
Associated Press, 1925 February-May; 1942 October
Note: Requests for information on whether or not Mrs. Blaine as starting a memorial fund for Floyd Collins and on the marriage of Mrs. Blaine's sister-in-law.
Box   25
Associated Retail Credit Men's Adjustment Bureau, 1930 November
Note: Wires requesting payment before suing.
Box   25
Associated Yacht and Power Boat Clubs of America, 1912-1914

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

In 1912 Mrs. Blaine donated $100 to Water Carnival and Naval Review. She contributed the same amount again in 1913 and 1914.

Box   25
Association Against the Prohibition Amendment, 1923 April

Location: Washington, D.C.


Box   25
Association on American Indian Affairs, 1948-1949

Location: New York.

Appeals for contribution to the American Indian Fund.

Box   25
Association of American Rhodes Scholars, 1929 June

Location: New York.

Letter calling attention to the American Trust Fund for Oxford University.

Box   25
Association of Arts and Industries, 1923-1938

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Various requests for contributions.

Box   25
Association for the Chinese Blind, 1941-1951

Location: Shanghai, China (New York office).

Letters concerning a contribution of $100 made in 1941 to provide schooling for 3 blind children for one year, and subsequent financial appeals.

Box   25
Association for Family Living, 1941-1947

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Requests for financial aid.

Box   25
Association of Friendly Relations for Foreign Students, 1923 January 12
Note: Record of a meeting of the AFRFS held at Francis Parker School.
Box   25
Association House, 1904-1914

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters concerning two contributions of $10 and $25 made to the Association House.

Box   25
Association of Housekeeping Centers, 1913-1925

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Requests for contributions.

Box   25
Association Internationale des Automobile-Clubs Reconnus, 1939

Location: Paris, France.

Certificate of membership in the American Automobile Association.

Box   25
Association of Neighborhood Workers, 1908

Location: Chicago, Illinois.


Box   25
Association for Peace Education, 1923-1928

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters concerning a contribution in the form of a rent payment for the Association's quarters in 1923 and subsequent contributions.

Box   25
Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks, 1913-1914

Location: New York.

Invitation to become a member.

Box   25
Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, 1916-1925

Location: Washington, D.C.

Appeals for subscription and donations.

Box   25
Association for the Suppression of Newspaper Abuses, 1923

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for an interview.

Box   25
Astle, S.R., 1909

Location: Providence, Rhode Island.

Notification of a shipment of flowers.

Box   25
Astor, Vincent, undated

Location: New York.

An invitation to call.

Box   25
Astor, Viscount and Viscountess, 1924

Location: London, England.

Invitation to attend the marriage of their daughter.

Box   25
Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway System, 1940-1946

Location: No address.

Recorded telephone conversations, wire, letters, and receipts concerning railroad transportation.

Box   25
Athenaeum, The, 1902

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter to Flore J. Cooke advising they publish no journal on penmanship.

Box   25
Atherton, Ray, 1945
Note: United States Ambassador to Canada. Copy of his speech: “North America and International Affairs.”
Box   25
Atholl, Dutchess of, 1938 October 15
Note: Copy of an address, “Britain in the Crisis” - given before the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations.
Box   25
Atkeisson, J.E.H., 1926

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill and receipt concerning services rendered as anesthetist.

Box   25
Atkins, Edward, Mrs. (Caroline Prentis), 1914

Location: No address.

Friendly note.

Box   25
Atkins, L.R., 1952

Location: New Boston, Texas.

Letter asking advice about nonpayment of a debt by a friend of Mrs. Blaine.

Box   25
Atkinson, C.J., undated

Location: Toronto, Canada.

New Year Card from Boy's Dominion, Moss Park Province.

Box   25
Atkinson, Francis B., 1889-1906

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Editor of The Little Chronicle urges Mrs. Blaine to use his current affairs magazine in the Francis W. Parker School. He attempts to justify circularizing teachers.

Box   25
Atkinson, George H., 1912-1916; 1917-1942
Note: President of Albemarle Normal and Industrial Institute of North Carolina. Later became Salisbury Normal and Industrial Institute. He makes requests for money for the Institute and the correspondence reveals a considerable description and history of the school and its work with some figures. He also includes letters of endorsement from Mrs. Stonewall Jackson and others.
Box   25
Atkinson, Henry A., 1942

Location: New York.

General Secretary of the Church Peace Union requests an interview for advice.

See also:

  • World Alliance for International Friendship through the Churches, 1931
  • United Nations Association Congress, 1944
Box   25
Atkisson, R.V., 1902

Location: Jacksonville, Florida.

Pastor Atkisson asks Mrs. Blaine if she would contribute to the rebuilding of the McLyein Memorial M.E. Church which was destroyed by fire.

Box   25
Atlanta Normal and Industrial Institute, 1922

Location: Atlanta, Georgia.

Reverend Richard D. Stinson, Principal of the Institute, asks Mrs. Blaine to contribute money to help pay bills. Included are two pamphlets on the Institute.

Box   26
Atlanta School of Social Work, 1925-1930

Location: Atlanta, Georgia.

Requests for donations to the school and attached information on the school with a wealth of detail and some figures. Letters of recommendation included.

Box   26
Atlanta University, 1909-1936

Location: Atlanta, Georgia.

Requests for donations to the University which include a great deal of information on the school and the race problem in general.

Box   26
Atlantic Monthly, 1912-1936

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Notification of rejection of a sonnet on the sinking of the Titanic. Questionnaire on early reading experiences. Renewal notice.

Box   26
Atlantic Union Committee, 1950

Location: New York.

Mrs. Blaine is asked to support the Atlantic Union Committee which proposes to bring about a federal convention of democracies to insure peace with her influence and money. Pamphlet on Committee enclosed.

Box   26
Atlas Film Corporation, 1951

Location: Oak Park, Illinois.

Proposition to make a film in connection with Francis W. Parker School's 50th Anniversary which would be a report on the contribution of the School and its founders to American education.

Box   26
Atmore, Grace C., 1902

Location: Cimarron, New Mexico.

Personal letter from friend at whose ranch Emmons had stayed.

Box   26
Atteridge, Thomas, 1897

Location: Lake Forest, Illinois.

Receipts for milk and cream.

Box   26
Atwater, H.C., Mrs. (Anita Trumbill-Dodge), 1918-1920

Location: White Plains, New York.

Letter from singer friend asking for an introduction to Walter Damrosch.

Box   26
Atwood, B.R., 1921

Location: Chicago, Illinois.


Box   26
Atwood, Wallace W., 1903-1941

Location: University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.

Birth announcement. Request for advice regarding the future of Hillside Home School which was in jeopardy because of the bankruptcy of its owners, the Jones sisters. Report of a meeting of the Geographical Society of Chicago on April 22, 1910 at which Atwood spoke. A statement of what the real educational ideals of the School of Education of the University of Chicago should be by Dr. Judd. Letters of recommendation for Herbert S. Huston, the publisher of Our World. Wedding invitation from Worcester, Massachusetts where Atwood moved to teach at Clark University. Wedding invitation from Worcester, Massachusetts.

Box   26
Atwood, Wallace W., Mrs. (Harriet T.B.), 1902-1921

Location: Chicago, Illinois; Worcester, Massachusetts.

Thank you note for a gift and advice on how to stimulate little Emmons interest in specimen classification. Note telling Mrs. Blaine that she resigned her position at the University (1902). Request that Mrs. Blaine address a group of parents of some ninety children enrolled in the School of Education, University of Chicago, on the founding of the school in an attempt to find the ideals that the parents felt no longer exist. Enclosed also a statement of grievances presented by the parents to the President of University of Chicago leers by the parents, and a list of teachers that recently left the school and their backgrounds. Reply of President Harry Pratt Judson to the parents grievances. Letter notifying Mrs. Blaine that she cannot attend Emmons' wedding.

Box   26
Audibert, P. Raymond, 1912-1913

Location: New York.

Letters asking payment for a portrait painted.

Box   26
Auditorium Hotel, 1903-1941

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills for use of the hotel restaurant and garden. Letters concerning the account of Mr. Arthur Brownlee and receipts for the payment of his bills.

Box   26
Auditorium Pharmacy, 1897-1907

Location: Chicago, Illinois.


Box   26
Auditorium Theatre, 1899-1912

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters concerning opera tickets.

Box   26
Audrain, A.L., and Company, 1917

Location: New York.


Box   26
Audubon Society (Illinois), 1921-1952

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters concerning meetings of the society and fund raising matters.

Box   26
Audubon Society (National), 1911-1948

Location: New York.

Membership cards. A great deal of information on the society.

Box   26
Aufferth, C.J., 1924
Note: Decorator looking for work talks to secretary.
Box   26
Aughinbaugh, T.J., 1929

Location: Portland, Oregon.

Letter to Mr. A.E. McKinstry stating that an interview with Mrs. William Gray about her memories of the McCormick family will soon be completed and forwarded.

Box   26
Augspurg, Anita, undated

Location: No address.

See Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Box   26
Augusburg, Helen, 1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Acceptance of an invitation to attend the Senior Class luncheon. [Parker School]

Box   26
Augusburg, Paul, 1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Acceptance of an invitation to attend the Senior Class luncheon. [Parker School]

Box   26
Augur, James R. - Hyde Park, 1908

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Mrs. Blaine offered to have her car sent up to provide transportation for Augur who thanked her.

Box   26
Augur, Wheaton, Mrs., 1912-1936

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Two invitations to visit and a wedding announcement concerning the marriage of Mrs. Wheaton Augur's daughter, Ellen Adair.

Box   26
Augustana Hospital, 1907-1951

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Requests for a donation. Hospital bills and cancelled checks concerning Mrs. Anna Olofson and Mrs. Virginia Olofson.

Box   26
Augusta Savings Bank, 1895-1937

Location: Augusta, Maine.

Letters concerning the transference of the account of Williams Emmons Blaine to Mrs. Blaine. Letters concerning the transference of the account from Mrs. Blaine to Emmons Jr. Statements of the interest earned for most of the years.

Box   26
Augusta Trust Company, 1935-1938

Location: Augusta, Maine.

Letter of notification of the amount of interest earned in 1935 and a notification that the bank was in liquidation.

Box   26
Aurex Corporation, 1938

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill for a hearing aid delivered to Miss Grace T. Walker.

Box   26
Aurora, Elgin and Chicago Railroad Company, 1908

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters telling Mrs. Blaine that an article lost on the train cannot be found.

Box   26
Austin, Alfred Ely, 1919

Location: Norwalk, Connecticut.

Wedding announcement concerning the marriage of Mrs. Elizabeth Austin Miller to Mr. David Swing Starring.

Box   26
Austin, Barbara Keith, undated

Location: No address.

Married to Foote, Robert Lake.

See Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Austin

Box   26
Austin Bond and Mortgage Company, 1948

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Real estate company notification that there is an interested purchaser for her property on Clark Street.

Box   26
Austin College, 1901

Location: Effingham, Illinois.

Request for contribution to endowment fund and supporting letters.

Box   26
Austin, Edwin Charles, Mr. and Mrs., 1937-1941

Location: Glencoe, Illinois.

Invitation to spend the afternoon and a wedding invitation to the marriage of Barbara Keith Austin to Mr. Robert Lake Foote.

Box   26
Austin, Frances E., 1896

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Inquiry about a cook's position.

Box   26
Austin, H.W., Mrs., undated
Note: See: National Committee on Cause and Cure of War.
Box   26
Austria-Hungary Consulate, undated
Note: For papers concerning law-suit begun in Budapest against the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company sent by Consulate-General see McCormick Harvesting November 27, 1901 (No. 39584), February 5, 1902 (No. 356), April 5, 1904 (No. 2418)
Box   26
Automobile Club of Southern California, 1927-1931

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Letters concerning insurance for the cars of the McCormick Estate and an insurance claim against Mrs. Blaine.

Box   26
Automobile Repairing Shop, 1908

Location: Chicago, Illinois.


Box   26
Au Touriste, 1889

Location: Paris, France.


Box   26
Avent, Caroline, 1925

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter and interview concerning the possibility of a loan of $1000 on property.

Box   26
Avenue Road United Church, 1926-1928

Location: Toronto, Canada.

Letters of thanks for a gift of $1500 from Mrs. Blaine acting for the Trustees for Mary Virginia McCormick.

See also: Presbyterian Avenue Road Presbyterian Church for correspondence prior to 1926.

Box   26
Averill-Morgan Company, 1931-1946

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Cleaning bills.

Box   26
Avery, Loren William, 1937

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Doctor bills of Mrs. Odman.

Box   26
Avery, Sewell Lee, 1924-1937

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter expressing a desire to refrain from giving an opinion as to the political treatment of the League question. Announcement of the marriage of their daughter, Nancy, to Mr. Rogers Follansbee.

Box   26
Avery, William A., 1897-1909

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills for services and goods of a carpenter, builder, and electrician.

Box   26
Aviation Cadet Recruiting Aids, 1942

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for contribution for advertising poster.

Box   26
Avondale School, 1906

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation to present diplomas to the graduating class of the Avondale School.

Box   27
Axtell, Francis, Mrs., undated
Note: See also: American Women's Victory dinner, 1919 February.
Box   27
Aydelotte, Frank, 1936-1946

Location: Swarthmore, Pennsylvania; Princeton, New Jersey.

Aydelotte sent copy of letter written by Michael Lindsay while in China describing the situation to Mrs. Blaine. A lengthy report from Lindsay. Letters concerning foreign affairs and most specifically the preparation of a pamphlet on the San Francisco Conference of 1945. Aydelotte asks that the pamphlets be sent to all Rhodes Scholars and makes some suggestions.

See also:

  • Progressive Education Association, 1925 April 23-25. Report of meetings, Philadelphia
  • Michael Lindsay, 1938 November 9
Box   27
Aydelotte, George C., 1936

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Interviews and letters for an appointment for Dr. Sherman P. Young, American Representative of Yenching University to see Mrs. Blaine. Condolences for the death of Mrs. Blaine's brother, Cyrus.

Box   27
Ayer, Albert Azro, Mr. and Mrs., 1908

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Announcement of the marriage of their daughter, Grace, to Mr. Herbert William Hamlin.

Box   27
Ayer, Benjamin F., 1900

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Wedding invitation for the marriage of their daughter, Janet, to Mr. Kellogg Fairbank.

Box   27
Ayer, Benjamin F., Mrs. (Janet Hopkins), 1907-1929

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Calling cards.

Box   27
Ayer, Edward E., 1900-1909

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation to call. Notification that Ayer is out of town.

Box   27
Ayer, Edward, Mrs. (Emma Burbank), 1932

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

In Memoriam card from the Fortnightly of Chicago.

Box   27
Ayer, Walter, 1900-1936

Location: Chicago, Illinois; Madison, Wisconsin.

Acceptance of an invitation to attend a lecture given by Professor Geddes in February 1900. Invitation to call. Invitation to a Ball in honor of Miss Janet Ayer. Wedding invitation for the marriage of their daughter, Janet, to Mr. Ross James Beatty Jr.

Box   27
Ayer, Walter, Mrs. (Phoebe L. McCormick), 1887-1946

Location: Chicago, Illinois; Madison, Wisconsin.

Note written when a child. Letter telling Mrs. Blaine that she is engaged. Invitation to spend the week end. Letter expressing regret that she could not attend Mrs. Blaine's birthday party.

Box   27
Ayers, Homer W., 1901

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Attorney writes Mrs. Blaine about the paving of Webster Avenue. Petition to the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Chicago enclosed.

Box   27
Ayers, Paula, 1937

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Requests for an appointment.

Box   27
Ayres, Clinton J., Inc., 1929-1939

Location: Saranac Lake, New York.

Offer of services in connection with the insurance on the buildings and furnishings of her camp Littlepond. Inquiry as to whether she would want to rent the camp. Letter inquiring if she would mind letting Mr. Avery Rockefeller build within one hundred feet of her western boundary.

Box   27
Ayres, Lillian, 1921

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter asking an appointment to discuss the possibility of enabling a Buddhist Bishop to give lectures on Applied Psychology in Chicago.

Box   27
Ayrshire Breeders' Association, 1921

Location: Brandon, Vermont.

Letter informing Mrs. Blaine that her letter was received but the addressee, Mr. J.D. Watson, has gone to Scotland. The letter concerned the Memorial to be founded in memory of Doctor Henry Baird Favill.

Box   27
Azad, Abul Kalam, 1942

Location: Calcutta, India.

Wires concerning trouble between India and Great Britain over the establishment of a provisional national government.

Box   27
Azamar, Luida Prussing, 1937

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Attempts to make Mrs. Elaine's acquaintance. She says she has a letter on introduction from Mr. Houghteling who thought they had a lot in common.

Box   27
Azar, J.W., and Company, 1928

Location: New York.


Box   27
Azemar, Mrs., 1914

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Through secretaries asks Mrs. Blaine if she knew of anyone who would like to buy some old glassware.

Subseries: B
Box   27
Babcock, Elizabeth

Location: New York.

Letters concerning luncheon engagements.

Box   27
Babcock, James W., 1930

Location: New York.

Doctor Babcock asks Mrs. Blaine if she would accept a bill for services rendered to Mr. James W. Adams.

Box   27
Babcock, Robert H., 1907-1919

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter of recommendation for Miss A. Paldani, a professional masseuse, who is applying for the position with Mrs. Blaine's mother. Inquiry as to who was Mrs. Blaine's real estate agent. Invitation to attend the wedding of his daughter, Eleanor Clinto, to Mr. Merrill Coit. Receipt for payment of bill of Mrs. James Adams.

Box   27
Babcock, Robert H., Mrs., 1902

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for financial aid for Mrs. Emma Lilly.

Box   27
Babcock, Rushton and Company, 1913-1917

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Dealer in stocks and bonds purchased and sold preferred stock in the American Radiator Company. Includes letters of suggestion, bills, and receipts.

Box   27
Babcock, Russell B., 1939

Location: Winnetka, Illinois.

Letter regretfully rejecting dinner invitation.

Box   27
Babcock, W.I., 1892-1896

Location: Colehour, Illinois.

The manager of the Chicago Ship Building Company sent letter expressing sympathy over Emmons death and included a formal statement from the company. Letter informing Mrs. Blaine that he will not be able to be present at the dedication of the memorial organ to Emmons Blaine.

Box   27
Baber, Zonia, 1896-1956

Location: Chicago, Illinois; Paris, Illinois.

Letter declining a dinner invitation and suggesting literature on the Bar Harbor locality. Letter informing Mrs. Blaine that she had been elected a vice-president of the Chicago Geographical society. Invitation to attend the reception of the Kindergarten Club. Letter describing Colonel Parker's character. Letters concerning the election of a new principal for the Chicago School of Education. Letters informing Mrs. Blaine that her speech delivered at the dedication of Emmons Blaine Hall is not in form to be published. Letter asking Mrs. Blaine to get Cyrus McCormick's consent to study a ravine preparatory to use. Map enclosed. Condolence over the death of Emmons Jr. Letter accenting an offer to work in the League of Nation's Children School upon condition. Article by Zonia Baber, “Peace Monuments and Symbols of the United States.” Letter thanking Mrs. Blaine for donating “The World's Destiny and the United States,” and “The United Nations, What They Are, What They May Become.” Article - “Lost Opportunities in Teaching Geography,” by Zonia Baber. Article - “The Oceans: Our Future Pastures,” by Zonia Baber. Obituary notice.

Box   27
Baby Carriage Hospital, 1932

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Receipt for carriage.

Box   27
Baby Hygiene Association, 1921

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Thank you note for the gift of a winter coat.

Box   27
Bachelder, M. Abbie, 1927

Location: Little Boars Heed, New Hampshire.

Thank you note for a gift.

Box   27
Bachelder's, 1927-1930

Location: Little Boar's Head, New Hampshire.

Bills and receipts for hotel and cottage accommodations.

Box   27
Bachelder's Garage, 1927

Location: Little Boars Head, New Hampshire.


Box   27
Bachelors' Cotillon Club, undated

Location: Baltimore, Maryland.

Invitation to attend a series of German Cotillons.

Box   27
Bachrach, Louis Fabian, Inc., 1923-1924

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Letters, bill, aria receipt for photographic prints.

Box   27
Bachrach, Sam B., 1938

Location: St. Louis, Missouri.

Announcement of the marriage of their daughter, Betty Rose, to Mr. Robert McCormick Adams.

Box   27
Bachus, Clyde I., 1924

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for a contribution to Kiwanis Milk Fund.

Box   27
Back Bay Veterinary Hospital, 1908

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.


Box   27
Back Number Budd and Sons, 1898

Location: New York.

Bill for back issues of the New York Daily and Sunday Sun.

Box   27
Backus, Dana Converse, 1934-1939

Location: Flushing, New York.

Calling cards.

Box   27
Backus, E. Burdette, 1930

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Copy of a sermon - “The Conquest of Fear.”

Box   27
Backus, Levi Louis, 1907

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Announcement of the marriage of their daughter, Pearl Imogene, to Mr. Neale Seberance Carley.

Box   27
Bacon, Charles Sumner, 1910-1947

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter of thanks for an address sent to him by Mrs. Blaine. Letter of reaction against the anti-German teaching in Parker School (1918). A Metabolic Study of Mrs. Emmons Blaine Jr. Request for an interview to discuss the possible purchase of some property belonging to the McCormick Estate in order to enlarge the American College of Surgeons. Invitation to join the Citizens School Committee of Chicago and a statement of its purposes. Polite refusal to sign the Conant-Douglas letter on the grounds that he opposes war with Germany (December 1940). Condolences for the death of Harold McCormick. Letter commenting on Truman's attitude toward the situation in Greece in 1947. One folder of press clippings describing Bacon's trip to Austria and his appeals for relief and economic aid, 1921.

See also:

  • American Russian Institute
  • American Russian Institute for Cultural Relations: report, page 1, 1934 April 20
Box   27
Bacon, Charles Sumner, Mrs. (Marie Rosthorn), 1923-1951

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for aid for Austria.

Christmas card.

Get well note.

Box   27
Bacon, Eugenia Jones, 1904

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter inquiring of Mrs. McCormick and requesting an interview. Enclosed a pamphlet on a book written by her.

Box   27
Bacon, Francis H., Company, 1896-1938

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Bills for furniture and interior decorating.

Box   27
Bacon, Henry, Mrs. (Louisa Lee), 1913

Location: St. Louis, Missouri.

Invitation to attend an exhibition given by her husband and a newspaper clipping describing his abilities as a water colorist.

Box   27
Bacon and Kinsman, 1926-1927

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Bill and receipt for reporting services of Memorial Service to the late Dr. Charles W. Eliot.

Box   27
Bacon, Lucy Allerton, 1895

Location: Rochester, New York.

Letter expressing interest in a position, caring for Mrs. Blaine's child.

Box   27
Bacon, Marie Rosthorn, 1919

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Thank you note for flowers.

Box   27
Bacon, R.H., and Company, 1948-1949

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills and receipts for clipping service by the Business Paper Editorial Service concerning the Foundation For World Government.

Box   27
Bacon, Whipple and Company, 1932-1934

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Inquiry as to whether or not Mrs. Blaine is interested in buying bonds or securities.

Box   27
Badger, Alpheus C., 1900-1901

Location: Kenilworth, Illinois.

Announcement of their fiftieth anniversary. Announcement of the marriage of their daughter, Ada, to Mr. Embry Lee Twearingen.

Box   27
Badger, Arthur Campbell, 1923

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Announcement of the marriage of their daughter, Doris, to The Reverend Allen Williams Clark.

Box   27
Badger, A. Shreve, Mrs. (Frances Cowles), 1899

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation for Emmons Jr. to attend a Valentine's Day party.

Box   27
Badger, Elvira Cecelia, 1900

Location: No address.

Accepts invitation to hear Professor Geddes speak.

Box   27
Badger, Richard G., 1909-1927

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Bills and receipts from book publisher. Invitation to send in any manuscripts that she might have for possible publication.

Box   27
Baer, Arnold, undated
Note: See also: Progressive Education Association Conference, 1937 October 28-30.
Box   27
Baer, Carlyle S., 1910
Note: Request for Mrs. Blaine to write an article on Lincoln. Memorial College to appear in The Survey. A copy of the Mountain Herald (June 1909) which contains the annual catalogue of Lincoln Memorial University of Cumberland Gap, Tennessee.
Box   27
Baer, Gertrude, undated
Note: See also: Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, 1924 May 19-31. Regarding Youth Movement.
Box   27
Baer, John Willis, 1915-1927

Location: Pasadena, California.

Request for a contribution to the Presbyterian Pension Fund of Pasadena in the name of Virginia McCormick.

Box   27
Baetjer, Walter A., 1936-1942

Location: Baltimore, Maryland.

Report of doctor on the condition of Mrs. Cora Adams and Mrs. Amanda Tracy.

Box   27
Bagby, R.B., 1931

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

College friend of Emmons Jr. wants Mrs. Blaine to invest in a filling machine.

Box   28
Baggot, E., Company, 1895-1928
Physical Description: 5 folders 

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills, statements, and receipts concerning the company's services for the installation and repair of plumbing, gas and electrical fixtures repair, and general carpentry work.

Box   28
Bagley, Frederick, Mrs., undated
Note: See also: School for Political education for Women, 1920 February 19-26.
Box   28
Bagley, Grace H., 1900-1901

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter informing Mrs. Blaine that she will be unable to serve on a committee for tenement improvement. Copy of a letter to Jane Addams giving her reasons why she would not accept a resolution passed which outlined a proposed model tenement that she was to plan. Plats and specifications for a model tenement for tenants earning laborer's wages.

Box   28
Bagshawe, T.E., Mrs., 1900

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for an interview to discuss an idea of hers about education.

Box   28
Bay City State Park, 1950

Location: Bay City, Michigan.

Speech: “Presentation of Bird Museum” / by Mrs. George Birney Jennison - which gives some information on the movement to establish the museum.

Box   28
Bahr, Alfon E., and Company, 1951

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Recorded interview with secretary concerning the possibility of sub-leasing a part of the second floor of the Thompson Building from Mrs. Blaine.

Box   28
Bailey, Albert E., 1937

Location: Evanston, Illinois.

Interviews and telephone call relating to the hiring of Bailey to deliver lectures for Miss McCormick in Los Angeles.

Box   28
Bailey, Banks and Biddle Company, 1894

Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Bill and receipt for jewelry.

Box   28
Bailey, Charlotte O., 1906-1907

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

A teacher of Wendell Philips High School complains in a letter that she deserves a promotion.

Bailey, David Algar, 1938

Location: Woodbridge, New Jersey.

Copy of a letter to Dr. Wilbur of Stanford University containing testimonials to the soundness of Bailey's philosophy of world peace.

Box   28
Bailey, Edward P., 1912-1921

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation to call. Announcement of the marriage of their daughter, Harmon Spruance, to Mr. Carroll Leslie Tyler.

Box   28
Bailey, Frank M., 1900-1927

Location: Chicago, Illinois; Elmhurst, Illinois.

Letters asking Mrs. Blaine to help him find work. Letter thanking Mrs. Blaine for a loan of $500 with a promissory note. Letter answering a request by Mrs. Blaine for information on the Chicago Lying-in Hospital and Dispensary; two pamphlets are enclosed. Letters concerning the rental of the “Orchard House” through agent Bailey. Letters expressing sympathy for Mrs. Blaine's ill-health. Appeals for money. Bills and receipts for squab ordered from Bailey's squab farm. Letters outlining Mrs. Blaine's financial support of the farm. Invitation to attend the wedding of their daughter, Harriet Lewall.

Box   28
Bailey, Frank M., Mrs., 1899-1948

Location: Chicago, Illinois; Elmhurst, Illinois.

Letters of thanks for gifts and money. Letters of request for money. Letters asking advice. Letters discussing the problems of the squab farm. Letters arranging the use of the Tea Shop as a luncheon service for Parker School. Letters give a great deal of information on the personal lives of the Bailey's and Mrs. Blaine's relationship with them.

Box   28
Bailey, Frederic T., and Company, 1916-1930

Location: North Scituate, Massachusetts.

Bills and receipts for services as plumber to Miss Grace Walker and Miss M.V. McCormick. Framing plan of Sunrise Garden, The Caravels, Cohasset, Massachusetts.

Box   28
Bailey, Harriet, 1892-1904

Location: Sugar Hill, New Hampshire; Washington, D.C.

Letter thanking Mrs. Blaine for her hospitality. Letter expressing sympathy for Emmons death. Letter of introduction for Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Bailey.

Box   28
Bailey, Marcellus, Mrs., 1899-1900

Location: Washington, D.C.

Request for contribution of clothing or money to help the destitute in Cuba together with an extract from a letter written by General Joseph P. Sanger, Military Governor of Matanzas, Cuba, describing the conditions of the people. Thank you note for flowers.

Box   28
Bailey, W.H., 1925

Location: Louisville, Kentucky.

Telegram from a man who has a plan to rescue the man trapped in the cave if he can get the rights from the Collins family. He needs some equipment.

Box   28
Bailey, William, Mrs., 1908

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Mrs. Bailey called to see if Mrs. Blaine would be interested in taking $1000 worth of stock in the Jarvie Shop. She left calling card and a brochure showing some articles for sale.

Box   28
Bain, Minnie L., 1911

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation to speak to the Department of Civics and Philanthropy of the West End Woman's Club of Chicago.

Box   28
Bain News Service, 1917

Location: New York.

Request for a photo of the late Cyrus H. McCormick for use in a history.

Box   28
Bainbridge, Katharine, 1944

Location: Upper St. Regis Lake.

Request to call on Mrs. Blaine.

Box   28
Baird, Hal, undated
Note: See also: The Country Home School.
Box   28
Bajpai, Girja, 1942

Location: Washington, D.C.

Representative of the Government of India.

Copy of a speech in which Bajpai states that Indians will resist the Japanese.

Box   28
Baker, A. Florence, 1933

Location: Rushville, Illinois.

Criticism of Mrs. Blaine for endowing buildings instead of helping individuals.

Box   28
Baker, Alfred, 1906

Location: Toronto, Canada.

Baker tells Mrs. Blaine of available sailing yachts.

Box   28
Baker, Alfred L., 1913-1922

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for a contribution to the Playground and Recreation Association of America. Announcement of the marriage of their daughter, Isabelle, to Mr. Robert M. Curtis. Invitation to spend the evening. Invitation to attend the wedding of their daughter, Mary, to Mr. Hamilton McCormick (1921). Thank you for a letter, probably of sympathy and advice.

See also: Citizens Terminal Plan.

Box   28
Baker, Alfred L., Mrs., 1918

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Report on Hannah Burk as a prospective maid by Mrs. Baker for Mrs. Blaine.

Box   28
Baker, Alfred L., and Company, 1902-1916

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Sheet describing the Wisconsin Central and Chicago Great Western Railroad and recommending investment. Grateful acknowledgement of $500 contribution to the Merriam Campaign Fund. Report of Walter L. Fisher and Bion J. Arnold to the Citizens' Terminal Plan Committee of Chicago. Suggestions for purchasing bonds. Bills and receipts for bond purchasing.

Box   28
Baker, Benjamin May, 1911-1917

Location: Norfolk, Virginia.

Report of the condition of Berthas case. Announcement of the marriage of their daughter, Helen, to Matthew Page Waller.

Box   28
Baker, C.E., 1901

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for money to aid juvenile delinquents.

Box   28
Baker, Clara, 1924

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter applying for a position as a social secretary. Interview in which her qualifications are noted. Letter thanking Mrs. Blaine for a gift of money.

Box   28
Baker, Fannie, 1929-1930

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Requests to have Mrs. Blaine visit her shop in the Drake Hotel.

Box   28
Baker, Frank, 1924-1928

Location: Upper St. Regis, New York.

Receipts for services rendered.

Box   28
Baker, Frank, Mrs., 1924-1926

Location: Upper St. Regis, New York.

Receipts for services rendered as cook at camp.

Box   28
Baker, Frank C., 1908-1909

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Announcement of the monthly meeting of the Chicago Academy of Sciences for December 22, 1908. Report of a lecture delivered by Baker entitled Birds.

Box   29
Baker, George H., 1895

Location: St. Louis, Missouri.

Notification that he will meet Mrs. Blaine at her home.

Box   29
Baker, George T., 1902

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill for wall paper.

Box   29
Baker, Harvey H., 1910

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Letter of introduction for Mr. Birtwell to Mrs. Blaine.

Box   29
Baker, Hostetler and Sidlo, undated
Note: See also: Newton D. Baker. Griffith and Thornburgh Heaney, Price and Postel.
Box   29
Baker, J.A., 1943

Location: Los Angeles, California.

Thank you note for a gift of $2500 from Mary Virginia McCormick Pension Fund.

Box   29
Baker, Jane, 1901

Location: West Plains, New York.

Thank you note for a gift.

Box   29
Baker, Josephine Turck, 1919

Location: Evanston, Illinois.

The editor Correct English sent Mrs. Blaine one of her poems entitled “The Dawn.”

See also: American Women's Victory dinner and conference, 1919 February 12-13.

Box   29
Baker, Mabel McIlvaine, 1935-1937

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Note and brochure describing the accomplishments of a singing teacher Tula Miller.

Letter of introduction for Mrs. Florence Hertter.

Box   29
Baker, M.N., 1903

Location: Broadway, New York.

Letter addressed to Raymond Rohuil of the City Homes Association, Northwestern University Settlement giving advice on how to go about improving sanitation.

Box   29
Baker, Newton D., 1917-1929

Location: Cleveland, Ohio.

Material outlining the disagreements between Mrs. Stanley McCormick and the rest of the McCormick family over the estate of Stanley McCormick which resulted in a court proceeding.

See also:

  • American Women's Victory dinner, 1919 February 12-13
  • Thomas, Mr. Norman, 1937 March 18
  • Report at Fourth Annual Woman Congress
Box   29
Baker, Orville D., 1889-1892

Location: Augusta, Maine.

Telegram of congratulations. Telegram expressing sympathy.

Box   29
Baker, P.H., 1938

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill for keys.

Box   29
Baker, Philip, 1923

Location: Richmond, Virginia; New York

Letter informing Mrs. Blaine that he has written to the League of Nations Union in England asking them to send her a complete set of their literature. Enclosed is a list of questions usually asked about the league and answers for them as cited by Lord Robert Cecil. Monthly Summary of the League of Nations, March 1923. Pamphlets describing the first three years of the League and stating its objectives. A sermon entitled “The Righteousness of God” by the Archbishop of Canterbury before the League. “Notes for Lessons, or Addresses, to Young People” by Frederick J. Gould. “The League of Nations and the Churches.”

Box   29
Baker, Prescott, 1920

Location: No address

Note from 7th grader about a talk given by Sir Oliver Lodges Falk.

Box   29
Baker, Rachel, 1930-1932

Location: Los Angeles, California

Bills for hats.

Box   29
Baker, Roland M., Mrs. (Edith M.), 1940

Location: Boston, Massachusetts

Thank you note for the privilege of a sitting with Mrs. Rogers arranged through Mrs. Blaine.

Box   29
Baker, Sarah, 1923

Location: No address


Box   29
Baker and Smith Company, 1894

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bid to furnish and erect Hot Water Warming Apparatus.

Box   29
Baker, Theodosia Potts, 1888-1927

Location: Norfolk, Virginia; Somerville, New Jersey

Note of best wishes for her coming marriage. Congratulations on her marriage. Congratulations on having a baby. Sympathy note. Thank you note. Expression of sympathy following Mrs. McCormick's death. Letter asking the help of Mrs. Blaine for Agnes Moyler should she need it.

Box   29
Baker-Vawter Company, 1899

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request for an application for membership in the Woman's Athletic Club.

Box   29
Baker, William F., 1928-1950

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills and receipts for professional services of a chiropodist.

Box   29
Baker, William T., 1903

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Announcement of the marriage of their daughter, Bertha, to Mr. Van Wagenen Alling.

Box   29
Bakewell, Benjamin, 1916

Location: Santa Barbara, California.

Bills and receipts concerning the professional services of a physician.

Box   29
Bakke, Otto, 1908

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill for shoes.

Box   29
Baird, John Wyllys, 1937-1943

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Acceptances of invitations to dine.

Christmas Card.

Box   29
Baird, Katharine, 1938-1940

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Acceptance of invitations.

Box   29
Baird, Maria M., 1939

Location: Perthshire.

Acceptance of dinner invitation. Thank you for the dinner.

Box   29
Baird, Stevens, Mrs., 1941

Location: New York.

Letter requesting advice on who would make a good state chairman (Illinois) for Young America Wants to Help; an auxiliary branch of the British War Relief Society. Enclosed is a verse that is sold to bring in funds.

Box   29
Baird, Walter, 1932

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Baird's secretary wants to know if Mrs. Blaine plans to attend luncheon at Union League Club of the World Court Committee.

Box   29
Baird, Warner, 1943

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Invitation to attend the wedding of their daughter, Katherine Dole, to Herbert Leighton Hansen

Box   29
Baird, Warner, Jr., 1940

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Acceptance of dinner invitation.

Box   29
Baird and Warner Inc., 1922-1933

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters inquiring if Mrs. Blaine wants to sell various pieces of property.

Box   29
Baird, William M., Mrs., 1935

Location: River Forrest, Illinois; Pyeug Yaug, Korea.

Principal of the Women's Higher Bible School in Pyeug Yaug, Korea request a contribution to a fund for a new dormitory.

Box   29
Baird, William T., 1949-1950

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Reverend Baird makes requests to see Mrs. Blaine. He appeals to her for financial aid to help “The Protestant.” Expression of sympathy for her illness and expression of joy at her recovery.

Box   29
Baird, Wyllys Warner, 1901-1922

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter concerning the possible entrance or his daughter to Francis Parker School.

Request to see Mrs. Blaine in reference to some church work.

See also: League of Women Voters-Illinois, 1924 April 12. Report of Conference on Economic Aspects of International Affairs.

Box   29
Baird, Wyllys Werner, Mrs., 1901

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Request to enter her daughter in Francis Parker School.

Box   29
Balderston, John C., 1899

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Invitation to attend the marriage reception of their daughter Ada and Mr. Robert Edward Stone.

Box   29
Baldridge, Westmoreland, 1912-1916

Location: Huntsville, Alabama.

Doctor bills for Virginia McCormick.

Baldwin, C.B. (Beanie)
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Box   29

Location: New York.

Invitation to attend meeting of “progressives” to be held in Chicago on September 28 and 29, 1946. Enclosed is “A Call To Progressives” which gives officers and statement of purposes of the National Citizens Political Action Committee.

Request payment of cost of printing Wallace's speech in Chicago Sun, March 25, 1947.

Thank you note for a contribution to Wallace's manager in Washington amounting to $5000.

Report of the Second Annual Convention of the Progressive Citizens of America, January 17-18, 1948.

Letter from Rexford G. Tugwell to Leon Henderson giving his reasons for not attending a meeting of Americans for Democratic Action and telling why he supports Henry Wallace.

Copy of Wallace's letter to Stalin asking for a conference to settle difficulties.

“Call” to the National Founding Convention of the New Political Party at Convention Hall, Philadelphia July 23-25, 1948.

List of state parties and requests to give certain amounts to each amounting to $142,000.

Report of the Meeting of the National Committee of November 13, 1948.

Copy of a letter from Olin Downes to Henry Wallace in which he praises the latter.

Box   29
1949 January-September

Thank you for a donation which made it possible to publish Wallace's speech in the New York Times, April 6, 1949.

Letter asking Mrs. Blaine to give the rest of the $50,000 promised to finance a tour of Wallace and members of European Parliaments.

Statement of expenses enclosed.

“Atlantic Pact: Peace Pact or War Pact” by H. Wallace.

“An Urgent Letter” by H. Wallace.

Newspaper Clipping on C. Baldwin's clash with Sen. Eastland.

Open Letter to President Truman from Baldwin on economic policy.

Text of letter being sent to members of the United States Senate by Wallace on the Atlantic Pact. (Released July 5, 1949).

Wallace's Open Letter to Stalin and Stalin's reply.

Speech of Wallace on disarmament.

Speech on economic policy by Wallace delivered before National Conference on Jobs end the Economic Crisis, September 17, 1949.

Speech by Wallace delivered at the National Labor conference for Peace, October l, 1949.

Box   29
1949 October-1952

Speech by Wallace against depression, fascism, violence and war, delivered at Chicago Coliseum Rally, November 18, 1949

Speech by Wallace for peace, delivered at community Church Boston, Massachusetts, November 27, 1949 .

Speech by Wallace entitled “The True Meaning of Religion in the Modern World.” Christmas wire, delivered at Community Church of New York, December 4, 1949.

Request to give to a fund for Baldwin in honor of his fiftieth birthday.

See also:

  • Wallace, Henry A.
  • Kenny, Robert W., 1952 July 29
Box   29
Baldwin, C.B., Mrs. (Lillian), 1948

Location: New York.

Thank you note for hospitality shown. People's Songs: Songs of Labor and the American People.

Box   29
Baldwin, Bird T., 1924-1925

Location: Ames, Iowa.

Report of an address by Dr. Bird T. Baldwin of Iowa State University delivered on January 25, 1924 at Francis Parker School entitled “Social Adjustments.” Report of a lecture by Baldwin delivered at Francis Parker School on January 16, 1925 entitled “The Preschool Child.”

Box   29
Baldwin, David, 1948

Location: No address

Declines invitation.

Box   29
Baldwin, E.G., 1902

Location: Morningside Heights, New York.

Librarian of Bryson Library requests a catalogue or any other publication from Francis W. Parker School.

Box   29
Baldwin, Hanson W., 1939

Location: No address

Report of an address by Henson W. Baldwin given before the Chicago Council of Foreign Relations on November 7, 1939 entitled “Can Germany Break Through.” Discussion of the military strength of Germany.

Box   29
Baldwin, Helen, 1926

Location: West Chop, Massachusetts.

Thank you note for hospitality.

Box   29
Baldwin, Henry deForest, 1917-1921

Location: New York.

Invitation to attend the marriages of their daughters Marian and Dorthea to Parker McCollester and Perry Smith.

Box   29
Baldwin, Henry deForest, Mrs. (Jessie), 1917

Location: New York.

Invitation to call.

Box   30
Baldwin, Hope, 1940

Location: No address.

Thank you note for hospitality and gift.

Box   30
Baldwin, Katherine Key, 1940

Location: Phoenix, Arizona.

Thank you note for Christmas gifts.

Box   30
Baldwin, John C., 1917

Location: New York.

Request to see Mrs. Blaine.

Box   30
Baldwin, Louis B., 1940-1942

Location: Phoenix, Arizona.

Reports of the physical condition of Mrs. Karl Krueger from Doctor Baldwin. Bills for Mrs. Krueger's care. Bill for services rendered to Mrs. Edwin Clough.

Box   30
Baldwin, Roger P., 1937-1948

Location: New Haven, Connecticut.

Acceptance and decline of dinner invitations. Report of an address by Roger Baldwin given at a luncheon of the American Civil Liberties Union in Chicago March 9, 1948 on the subject of extending civil rights in Germany.

Box   30
Baldwin, Roescrans, 1937-1948

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Accepts and declines dinner invitations.

Box   30
Bale, Alton G., 1949

Location: Aurora, Illinois.

Request for an interview. Enclosed picture of himself and family.

Box   30
Balfour, Harold, 1902

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter advertising a new tea.

Box   30
Balgeman, Louis, 1903

Location: Elmhurst, Illinois.

Bill for room rented.

Box   30
Blagemann, Ernst, 1902-1903

Location: Elmhurst, Illinois.

Bill for lumber and carpentry work.

Box   30
Blinsky-Jundzill, undated
Note: See International Students Organization, February 19, 1926; “The New Student” and “The Open Road” March 5, 1926.
Box   30
Balke Indian Trading Company, R.L., 1909

Location: Chicago, Illinois.


Ball, Fred E., 1928-1951

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills for services renders as physician together with receipts.

Box   30
Folder   1
Ball, Charles B.
Note: Location: Chicago, Illinois.
Box   30
Folder   1
Ball, Charles B., 1903-1906
Note: As Secretary of the City Homes Association of Chicago, Ball sent Mrs. Blaine a report of the meetings of the Association which contain a great weal of information on the work and problems of the Association.
Box   30
Folder   2
Note: Notification of meetings of the Association. “Conditions Found in 1000 Chicago Bakeries.” Proposed Budget for the Association for 1913-1914. “Health Departments and Housing,” by Ball reprinted from American Journal of Public Health.
Box   30
Ball, Joseph H., 1944

Location: Minnesota.

Speech by Senator Ball from Minnesota before the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations on September 20, 1944 entitled “The Consequence of Dumbarton Oaks.”

See also: Chicago United Nations Committee to Win the Peace, 1943 September 11.

Box   30
Ball, Lydia G., 1904

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Thank you note for an Easter remembrance.

Box   30-33
Ball, Russell, Agent for the Trustees for Virginia McCormick, 1926 April-1941 July
Physical Description: 40 folders 

Location: Pasadena, California.

Telegrams, letters, and papers dealing with the acquisition and remodeling of 1400 Hillcrest Avenue, Pasadena. Setting up account for Miss McCormick and auditing. Details about the later stages of remodeling and the initial matters of upkeep: taxes, insurance, and cooperation with adjoining property owners in improvements. Landscaping and rewiring, April 1926-March 1929.

Acquisition of Santa Monica property. Construction of bungalow, tea house, croquet court. Contracts and subcontracts. Purchase of additional land, March 1929-December 1929.

Continued upkeep, remodeling, and improvement of both estates. Recreation hall, guest house, servants quarters and improvement of the grounds at Santa Monica. Relocation of driveway, new work on sewer, improvement of grounds, and six-car garage at Pasadena, January 1930-December 1931.

Budget submitted (March 1932) for the first six months of 1933. Ball, himself on Community Chest Committee, wrote about even larger help than usual from the McCormick. Further correspondence relating to curtailing expenses: wages cuts for men, curtailed expenditures, abandonment of various projects, January 1932-September.

Upkeep and minor repairs of the two estates. Considerable correspondence dealing with the condition of the bluff at Santa Monica property which suffered two landslides, in September and October 1932. Removal of debris, and efforts to “dry out” bluff to prevent further slides, October 1932-September 1934.

Continued work of bluff. A series of letters dealing with Ball's efforts as a Republican supporter to solicit Mrs. Blaine's support against Upton Sinclair's candidacy for Governor in California, October 1934-December 1934.

Correspondence continues to cover variety of matters, but greatest concern remained the condition of the Santa Monica bluff, January 1935-December 1936.

Continued correspondence on estate matters. Also Ball's letters seeking to establish some new arrangement for, and to get compensation for, carrying on the management of the estate now that he had retired from the bank in Pasadena previously handling it, January 1937-December 1937.

Ball's continued efforts to arrange compensation for the handling of the estate in 1937. He resigned at the end of the year. Bill still not paid in 1942.

See also: Nay, A.J. and Stocksick, H.J., January 1938-August 1942.

Box   33
Ball, Russell, Mrs. (Louise S.), 1932 December

Location: Pasadena.

Thank you note for gift of vases.

Box   33
Ball, Sidney Young, 1930 June

Location: Winnetka, Illinois.

Wedding invitation for their daughter Florence.

Box   33
Ball, Thomas W., 1925 February
Note: See also: Fund for Near East Colleges. Memo on phone conversation.
Box   33
Ballantyne, A.W., 1906-1907; 1919; 1926-1927

Location: Toronto, Canada.

Attorney handling affairs for “Oaklands” property. Letters dealing with upkeep, alterations, possible acquisition of adjoining land, opposition to the extension of several blind streets through the property. 1919 correspondence deals with arrangements to get Miss McCormick's household through Canadian immigration without a repetition of the delay attending the investigation of the background of some previously mistaken for “enemy aliens.”

Box   33
Ballantyne, Ethelwin, 1923 June

Location: Toronto, Canada.

Telegram of thanks for the use of Oaklands for a garden party for Presbyterian Mission Group.

Box   33
Ballard, Eliza Cheesborugh, 1941 February; 1941 June

Location: Baltimore, Maryland.

Letter from former member of Miss McCormick's household, mentioning present poverty and requesting Mrs. Blaine's permission to send some needlework. She hoped to receive payment. Second letter on occasion of Miss McCormick's death.

Box   33
Ballard, Ellis Ames, 1937-1939, 1948

Location: Hubbard Woods, Illinois.

Social notes accepting or thanking Mrs. Blaine for invitation to Christmas and New Year's parties.

Box   33
Ballard, Ernest Schwefel, 1934, 1936, 1940

Location: Hubbard Woods, Illinois.

Letter written as president of Chicago Council of Social Agencies discussing its work and mentioning Mrs. Blaine's possible contribution, December 1936. Letter on subject of telegraphing the White House to influence action, December 1940. Variety of social notes, mostly about dinners.

Box   33
Ballard, Ernest Schwefel, Mrs. (Elizabeth D.), 1938-1946

Location: Hubbard Woods, Illinois.

Letter concerning her work for the Library of International Relations to which books were being donated in the name of individual service men lost in the war, March 1946. Social correspondence including that relating to marriage of daughter.

Box   33
Ballard, Harry C., Dr., 1920

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter on conditions of Edward J. Gorman's feet, and possible treatment. Subsequent bill.

Box   33
Ballard, Russell W., 1947-1950

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Telegrams: one accepting invitation to dinner for Henry Wallace, the others largely Christmas greetings.

Box   33
Ballard, Virginia Ames, 1939-1940

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Social notes about New Year's Eve parties.

Box   33
Ballentine, Edmund W., 1907

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

Letter seeking financial aid to continue his research for a cure to consumption.

Box   33
Ballentine, Harriet L., 1918-1919

Location: Milan, Pennsylvania.

Notes, October 6-8, 1918 at deathbed of Emmons Blaine. Two subsequent letters of consolation which also relate Miss Ballentine's doings.

Box   33
Balliet, Thomas M., 1904

Location: Springfield, Massachusetts.

Balliet, Superintendent of Schools in Springfield, gave a dedicatory speech, which Mrs. Blaine sought to reprint. Correspondence limited to arranging this matter.

Box   33
Balmer, C., 1898-1900

Location: Chicago, Illinois; some from other locations.

Letters, in French, from a visiting French acquaintance of Mrs. Blaine.

Box   34
Balmer, Edwin, 1911

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters dealing with awarding the prizes at the Child Welfare Exhibit.

Box   34
Baltimore Blind Company, 1899

Location: Baltimore, Maryland.

Letter, brochure, and order blank in answer to Mrs. Blaine's enquiry about awnings.

Box   34
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, 1892

Location: Chicago, Illinois; Baltimore, Maryland.

Acknowledgement of C.H. McCormick's gift of Emmons Blaine's letter book. Correspondence dealing with payment of his remaining salary for May and June of 1892.

Box   34
Baltimore School of Art and Needlework, 1929

Location: Baltimore, Maryland.


Box   34
Banby, C.H.
Note: See also: Presbyterian, American Presbyterian Church, North India Mission.
Box   34
Bancroft, Edgar A., 1909-1924
Physical Description: 2 folders 

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Considerable correspondence dealing with development of Henry Baird Favill Foundation. Favill, a professor at University of Chicago, Bancroft, a Chicago lawyer, and many others served with Mrs. Blaine on committee to organize Memorial activities in his name. Ultimately settled on laboratory. Also letters of condolence for death of Emmons Blaine, 1909-1919.

More material, now on the General Committee, dealing with details of Favill Memorial during years 1920-1924. Several letters from Bancroft in which he gave Mrs. Blaine his reasons for not aiding her efforts to found an Illinois branch of the Non Partisan Association for the League of Nations in 1923. Copy of Bancroft's speech on “World Court” to the graduating class of John Marshall Law School, June 26, 1924, in Chicago.

Box   34
Bancroft, Edgar, Mrs. (Margaret H.), 1912, 1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Mrs. Blaine wanted Mrs. Bancroft to discuss with her the best possible means to utilize interest in equal suffrage. Mrs. Bancroft's secretary answered that they were in the South at the time (1912). A note arranging a social call in 1915.

Box   34
Bancroft, Edward E., Dr., 1914

Location: Wellesley, Massachusetts.

Letter seeking payment for bill to Miss Ruth Cambell.

Box   34
Band Box, The, 1915

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Phone memo about misplaced order.

Box   34
Banga, H., Dr., 1910

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter thanking Mrs. Blaine for gift of pamphlet on Harvard Medical School in China.

Box   34
Bangler, Rosa, Mrs., 1901

Location: Columbia, New Jersey.

Letter from a poor woman seeking gift of $1000 to build her home.

Box   34
Bangs International Company, American Division, 1948-1949

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Four phone memos. Mrs. Blaine had given her Lake Mills' property to the University of Wisconsin. The Bangs Company sought to get them or any other agricultural college to conduct controlled experiments on Bangs Disease in order to test their claims for their remedy. They hoped Mrs. Blaine would instruct Wisconsin to use her former property for that purpose.

Box   34
Bangs, Jno. D., and Company, 1906

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill for wrought iron basket.

Box   34
Bank of America, 1939

Location: Pala Alto, California.

Letter on new checking account for John Blaine Lawrence.

Box   34
Bankers' Club of Chicago, 1925 February 20

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Address of Sir George Paish, noted economist. Introductory remarks by Eugene Stevens, and General Charles Dawes.

Box   34
Bankers' Credit Service, 1922

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter seeking whereabouts of Miss Jesse, Van French, presumably a former employee of Mrs. Blaine.

Box   34
Bankers' Publishing Company, 1922

Location: New York.

Bill for an issue of Bankers' Magazine.

Box   34
Bankers' Trust Company, 1922, 1946

Location: New York.

Letter about book Mrs. Blaine had ordered: French Public Finance. Correspondence (1946) about setting up a joint account for Mrs. Blaine and Mrs Clark J. Lawrence with power of attorney to Dr. Edward J. Kempf. A secondary account also set up for John Blaine Lawrence.

Box   34
Banks, Charles Eugene, 1902

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter soliciting photographs of Mrs. Blaine and her house for a projected book on American Home Life and Social Customs.

Box   34
Banks, Edgar J., 1928

Location: Eustis, Florida.

Attempted to sell “genuine ancient inscribed Babylonian tablets which he presumably acquired while Field Director of recent . . . exhibition from the University of Chicago.”

Box   34
Baptist, 1926

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Notice that Mrs. Blaine's subscription was in arrears.

Box   34
Baptist, Central Baptist Orphanage, 1904, 1911

Location: Maywood, Illinois.

Tickets for benefit; request for $500.

Box   34
Baptist, Clear Mountain Springs, 1927

Location: Middlesboro, Kentucky.

Appeal for $10,000 to build waterfront.

Box   34
Baptist, Dallas Baptist Church, 1922

Location: Huntsville, Alabama.

Note thanking Mrs. Blaine for gift from M.V. McCormick.

Box   34
Baptist, Englewood Community Church, 1925

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Three memoranda on pastors appeal for funds to further work on Youth Center.

Box   34
Baptist, Fifth Street Church, 1927

Location: Huntsville, Alabama.

Request for funds to build annex.

Box   34
Baptist, First Baptist Church, 1912-1930

Location: Huntsville, Alabama.

Considerable correspondence; nearly all notes of thanks for the contributions of M.V. McCormick.

Box   34
Baptist, First Baptist Church, 1904

Location: Marinette, Wisconsin.

Appeal for funds.

Box   34
Baptist, First Baptist Church, 1914, 1920-1924, 1928

Location: North Scituate, Massachusetts.

Letters of thanks for contributions of M.V. McCormick.

Box   34
Baptist, Friendship Church, 1930

Location: Pasadena, California.

A letter thanking Mrs. Blaine for contribution of M.V. McCormick and mentioning work of Church in uplifting African Americans.

Box   34
Baptist, Hyde Park Baptist Church, 1938

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

An appeal for funds for A Movement for World Christianity, an effort to meet the pressing world crisis. Mentions Mrs. Blaine's past work.

Box   34
Baptist, Jeffery Manor Baptist Church, 1949

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Reverend Stanley Olson brought Palmquist to see Mrs. Blaine about Christian Broadcasting Association. Letter left to explain their visit and brochure on the network, whose missionary efforts were broadcast from Honolulu. They needed funds.

See also: Palmquist, Charles R.

Box   34
Baptist, LaSalle Baptist Church and Social Center, 1937

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Appeal for funds; they did so since their former wealthier members had moved from that section of the city.

Box   34
Baptist, University Avenue Baptist Church, 1917

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

A note of thanks for $50.

Box   34
Baptist, Walmer Road Baptist Church, 1912-1915

Location: Toronto, Canada.

Thanks for gifts from M.V. McCormick, including $1500 for Memorial Institute toward workers salaries.

Box   34
Baptiste, J.E., 1901

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letter from a young flower seller seeking aid.

Box   34
Baraca Club of Toronto, 1912

Location: Toronto, Canada.

Letter of thanks to Mrs. Blaine for Miss McCormick's gift to this religious and social organization.

Box   34
Barber, Albert Harris, 1935, 1938, 1943

Location: Hubbard Woods, Illinois.

Personal letter thanking Mrs. Blaine for buying his daughter's ticket home at Thanksgiving. Other social notes.

Box   34
Barber, Albert Harris, Mrs. (Lucie B.), 1938, 1940

Location: Hubbard Woods, Illinois.

Social notes: daughter's debutante party, etcetera.

Box   34
Barber, Albert Harris, Jr., 1939

Location: Hubbard Woods, Illinois.

Acceptance of invitation to New Year's Eve Party.

Box   34
Barber, Courtenay, Jr., 1942-1944

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Most of material from summer of 1942, Letters, news-releases, and pamphlets dealing with campaigning against “reactionary” congressmen and supporting the war effort. Speeches by McLeish and Agar. The most personal material are letters from “Courtenay” seeking her participation on a committee for effective political action during the campaign in 1944.

See also:

  • Fight for Freedom, 1941 July 29
  • Report of joint meeting with Committee to defend American by Aiding the Allies
  • Friends of Democracy
  • United Nations Association Congress, 1944 January 14-15, proceedings
Box   34
Barber, Harris, 1937-1940

Location: Hubbard Woods, Illinois.

Social notes.

Box   34
Barber, J. Max, 1907

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Memorandum on a interview with Barber, editor of the African American magazine, The Voice, which was in need of $800 to continue publication. He sought first $300 and, after finding $250 elsewhere, then only $50 from Mrs. Blaine. He got the latter. Two copies of the magazine also in file.

Box   34
Barber, John W., 1902

Location: Danville, Illinois.

Letter from a semi literate, or deranged, individual seeking funds from Mrs. Blaine for the publication of his life story.

Box   34
Barber, Maryphyllis, 1939

Location: Hubbard Woods, Illinois.

Social note.

Box   34
Barbet, William A., 1914

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Memorandum on interview; he needed money.

Box   34
Barbour, George Harrison, 1920

Location: New York.

Invitation to marriage of daughter, Estelle.

Box   34
Barbour, William Delamater, 1898

Location: New York?

Invitation for marriage of daughter, Jeanie.

Box   34
Barclay's Bank Ltd., 1939, 1942, 1953

Location: London, England.

Letter dealing with account opened while Mrs. Blaine visited England and Scotland in 1939. Subsequent bank correspondence matters of form, and new regulation.

Box   34
Bard, George Winfield Scott, 1953

Location: Bronxville, New York.

Invitation to marriage of daughter, Harriet B.

Box   34
Bard, Ralph
Note: See also: Planned Parenthood Association, 1949 January 11.
Box   34
Barets, Sam, Importing Company, 1904

Location: Denver, Colorado.

Bill for order by Miss Jordon.

Box   34
Bar Harbor Banking and Trust Company, 1895

Location: Bar Harbor, Maine.

Answer to her request about the state of Emmons Blaine's account.

Box   34
Bakan, Hans, 1940

Location: San Francisco, California.

Letter dealing with raising of funds for scholarship is memorial to Dr. Harry Baordman, a mutual friend.

Box   34
Barker, Cyrus, 1919

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Memo on his effort to see Mrs. Blaine. He was a friend of Emmons.

Box   34
Barker, Edwin L., 1917

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Pamphlet, The Birth of a Race, written by Barker, and praising the role of various races in the formation of America.

Box   34
Barker, John N., 1905

Location: Harbor Springs, Michigan.

Invitation to marriage of daughter, Anna Ogden.

Box   34
Barker, Lewellys F., Dr., 1928-1929

Location: Baltimore, Maryland.

Typescript dealing with work of Illinois Mental Hygiene Association which begins with a lengthy quotation from speech delivered by Dr. Barker to National Committee for Mental Health in 1912.

Box   34
Barker, Lilian H., 1930

Location: Santa Barbara, California.

Letter thanking Mrs. Blaine for gift.

Box   34
Barkhausen, Henry, 1940

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Social note for New Year's Eve Party.

Box   34
Barkhausen, Henry George, Mrs., 1943

Location: San Francisco, California

Invitation to marriage of daughter, Katherine.

Box   34
Barkley, M.H., 1886

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill for dress goods.

Box   34
Barlow, Frances R., 1921-1943

Location: Toronto, Canada

Miss Barlow a companion of Miss McCormick during these years. Most of the correspondence deals with day to day happenings, Mrs. Blaine's gifts and letters to them, and, occasionally Miss McCormick's comments. During the 1930s Miss Barlow's sister in Canada was taken ill and required considerable treatment; Mrs. Blaine gave more frequent attention to Miss Barlow's problems.

Box   34
Barlow, George S., 1920-1921

Location: New York

Booklet advertised in this letter contained songs including a march dedicated to the Washington Conference.

Box   34
Barlow, Lester

Barlow represented World War Veterans.

See also: Labor Party Convention, 1920 July 12

Box   34
Barlow, Mrs., 1903

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

A request for an interview.

Box   34
Barnaby, Marietta, 1903

Location: Peak Island, Maine

Seeking a job as a private nurse, she wrote to Mrs. Blaine who had once interviewed her.

Box   34
Barnard, Edward, 1907

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Memoranda on his visits. During the summer Mrs. Blaine's electric automobile was “borrowed” by William Shea, who hit and injured Barnard before being caught. Barnard claimed that he was subsequently afflicted by loss of memory (only momentary) which caused him to lose his job as a waiter. He reluctantly visited Mrs. Blaine (her secretaries) to suggest she make up the wages he had lost. The secretaries continually wondered whether he would initiate a law suit.

Box   34
Barnard, H.E.
Note: See also: Chicago Regional White House Conference, 1931 October 30-31. Child health and protection.
Barnard, Joseph H., 1930-1945
Physical Description: 68 folders 

Location: Riven Rock Estate, Montecito, California (near Santa Barbara).

Riven Rock was an estate operated by a Board of Guardians consisting of Mrs. Blaine, Harold McCormick, Mrs. Stanley McCormick, and a group of professionals at a cost of over $250,000 per year for Stanley McCormick, incompetent son of Cyrus Hall McCormick.

Joseph H. Barnard acted as executive secretary to the board of guardians for the administration of Riven Rock from 1930 to 1945. Lieutenant Colonel Barnard served 32 years in the United States Army before accepting this position. The 68 folders filed under the name of Joseph Barnard consist mainly of his weekly reports from Riven Rock and very comprehensive monthly reports to the board of guardians.

Several maps of the estate grounds and buildings are found in the folder for September and October, 1931.

The primary interest of Barnard in his reports was the general administration of Riven Rock. From his very complete monthly reports much can be learned: about prices of almost anything from 1930 to 1945, wage and salary rates, problem of securing adequate water supply, the progression of taxes on personal income during the war years, administration of a large estate, and a host of day to day problems. Important to the fruit growing economy of the West is a telegram dated March 1, 1935, which explains very concisely the operation of the Johnston Fruit Company, a growers' cooperative of Montecito to which every fruit grower had to belong in order to market his fruit.

Although Barnard's reports do not attempt to explain the development of Mr. Stanley McCormick's mental health from 1930 to 1945, much can be learned through the minutes of the annual meetings of the Board of Guardians which usually met between March and July. This source of information is valuable as a case history of a mental patient whom some doctors classified as suffering from psychosis, others from schizophrenia. What is unusual about this case is that money was no object in the treatment of this man's malady. Thousands of dollars were spent each month in securing the best medical aid. The reports of the different doctors on this case are revealing. The more complete reports are listed below.

Reports filed under:

  • July 14, 1832. Arguments regarding the relative value of Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, and medical treatment of the patient. (Mrs. Stanley McCormick is found usually favoring only medical treatment while the brother and sister of the patient are willing to try almost anything).
  • May 20, 1935.
  • April 12, 1937. In addition to the usual report on the mental health of Mr. McCormick includes a consideration of possible shock treatment through the injection of insulin.
  • April 28, 1943. Includes a summary of current treatments of schizophrenia which is very complete.

Other items of interest in these folders are:

  • Musical therapy. Mr. McCormick was interested in orchestral and vocal music and had on the estate a small orchestra. Mr. Eldred, musical director at Riven Rock, reveals the type of therapy in letters dated December 6, 1935, but found in the June and July, 1936 folder. See also monthly financial reports for special artists brought to Riven Rock to perform for Mr. McCormick.
  • Legal case of Miss Copren. She was a R.N. at Riven Rock who was injured by a blow from Mr. McCormick. Information on this case is found throughout the 1935 -1936 folders.
  • Security. A report dated May 27, 1942 reveals some measures of the United States government to protect the California coast from invasion. The general tone of the reports in the war years is that there should be less spending for luxuries that are visible to the public.
  • Western ranches. The guardians thought it necessary to arrange an alternative estate for Mr. McCormick in case of evacuation from the coast. The folder for August, 1942 contains information and photographs of ranches in the West which were considered by the guardians.

Scattered throughout the folders are documents which indicate the legal status of an incompetent person.

Box   34
1930 August-October
Box   35
1930 November-1932 July
Box   36
1932 July-1934 December
Box   37
1935 January-1937 June
Box   38
1937 July-1940 March
Box   39
1940 April-1942 August
Box   40
1942 September-1945
Box   41
Barnard, Joseph H., Mrs. (Maude), 1930 December 30-1949 December 28

Location: Santa Barbara, California.

Most of the letters are thank-you notes for flowers sent to the Barnards on holidays. Some express beauty of flowers on the Stanley McCormick estate.

Box   41
Barnard and Miller, 1911 May 31-1919 July 1

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Printing bills for various speeches and pamphlets which Mrs. Blaine had printed for distribution. Also Liberty Loan circular bills, posters, etcetera.

Box   41
Barnard, W.W., and Company, 1905 October 2-1929 April 25

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills for lawn supplies and chickens.

Box   41
Barnes, Benjamin Ayer, 1937 December 13-1940 December 23

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Accepts and rejects dinner invitations.

Box   41
Barnes, Cecil, Mrs. (Margaret Ayer), 1910 January 9-1939 December 11

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Letters accepting invitations. Request in 1925 for Mrs. Blaine to see a Miss W.E. Park, President of Bryn Mawr College.

Box   41
Barnes, Cecil, Jr., 1937 December-1939 December

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Accepts invitations to New Years Eve parties.

Box   41
Barnes, Charles J., Mrs., 1907 April 24

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Social engagement at Mrs. C.J. Barnes's home for the purpose of meeting Mrs. Nelson Ludington Barnes.

Box   41
Barnes, Clifford W., 1907 April 19-1944 September 7

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

References to “Legislative Voters League,” “Chicago Community Trust,” and “Report of Unity Day Meeting,” by Mayor Kelly on June 6, 1941, p. 5.

Clifford Barnes was president of the Chicago Sunday Evening Club during the entire duration of this correspondence. Most of the letters concern the speakers and programs of this organization. At times Mrs. Blaine sent contributions to the organization.

Other organizations which Barnes corresponded about were: The International Committee On Moral Training Inquiry, which was designed to promote moral training and good citizenship through the public schools; Committee of Fifteen, which had as its purpose to combat prostitution in the Chicago area; Chicago Church Federation, designed to organize the Chicago Protestants; Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America; World Court Committee, of which Barnes was chairman; In most cases Barnes' letters do not go into detail about the organization. Mrs. Blaine was most interested in the Chicago Sunday Evening Club which she gave money from time to time, and the Committee of Fifteen of which she was a member.

Box   41
Barnes, Edward L., 1937 December-1949 January 4
Note: Barnes was invited to several New Year's Eve parties at Mrs. Blaine's during and after his time as a student at Harvard.
Box   41
Barnes, Edwin C., and Brothers, 1941 May 15

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bill for voice dictating machine.

Box   41
Barnes, George S., 1914 December 1-1915 June 3

Location: Barnes, Wisconsin.

Bill for $29.95, but no indication of what it is for.

Box   41
Barnes, Harry Elmer, 1932 March 12

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Reference to Chicago Association for Child Study and Parent Education, March 12, 1932.

Box   41
Barnes, Helen F., 1901
Note: Reference to Young Women's Christian Association - U.S.A.
Box   41
Barnes, Jessie F., 1909 June-1930

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

It seems that Miss Barnes was a teacher with whom Mrs. Blaine was acquainted. Acceptances of invitations. Thanks for some gift Mrs. Blaine gave her in the 1930s.

Box   41
Barnes, Jules H., 1922 March 20

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Address “The Agricultural Revival” delivered at Casino Club, Chicago, March 20, 1922.

Box   41
Barnes, Lilace Reid, 1938 October 20, 1944 October 3

Location: Chicago, Illinois?

October 20, 1938 note is invitation to Mrs. Blaine to come to YWCA and hear Countess Goblet-d' Alerella. October 3, 1944 correspondence is note thanking Mrs. Blaine for flowers.

Box   41
Barnes, O.P., Publisher, 1906 October 5-November 6

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Text book publisher wanted Mrs. Blaine to examine and endorse his line of spellers for both elementary and secondary schools.

Box   41
Barnes, Ralph E., 1932 March 14

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

A letter from Mr. Barnes on behalf of Dr. Early A. Roadman, president of Dakota Wesleyan University, appealing for funds because the endowments of the college were vested in farm mortgages and drought and grasshoppers made it impossible for many farmers to meet their obligations. No follow up.

Box   41
Barnes Theatre Ticket Service, 1946 May 31-July 1

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Three bills for the same item of 2 tickets for Civic Opera National.

Box   41
Barnes, Thurber Wud, 1892 June 26

Location: Nantucket, Massachusetts.

Letter of sympathy at death of Emmons Blaine.

Box   41
Barnes, Walter, 1922 February 28
Note: Reference to National Education Society, February 28, 1922, “Report of Joint Health Committee.”
Box   41
Barnett, B., Ltd., 1939 August 16

Location: Piccadilly, London, England?

Small bill for jewelry.

Box   41
Barnett, E.T., 1904 December 13-1927 March 22

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Miss Eleanor Barnett was Mrs. Blaine's secretary at one time. She worked during 1904 and 1905 then became sick. She applied for jobs to both Mrs. McCormick and Mrs. Blaine but apparently was not rehired. A secretarial report dated July 21, 1905 reveals the things that concerned Mrs. Blaine at this time.

Box   41
Barnett, George D., M.D., 1940 January 5

Location: San Francisco, California.

Bill for $100 from Dr. Barnett of Stanford University Hospital for a consultation with Dr. Conroy.

Box   41
Barnett, Ida B. Wells, 1915 January

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

One letter seeking appointment; another thanking Mrs. Blaine for a check which helped the “Orchestra Hall” meeting of the Negro Fellowship League of which Mrs. Barnett was a member.

Box   41
Barnett, Nathan S., 1909 August 4-1943 February 26

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Mrs. Blaine employed Mr. Barnett as her chauffeur and mechanic for her Locomobile in 1909. There are several inventory sheets in the folder which reveal the equipment used in the operation of this Locomobile.

In 1943, long after his employment with Mrs. Blaine had terminated, Barnett wrote a letter to her outlining a program for his proposed “Mrs. Emmons Blaine Foundation.” Some of the points of this program are: pushing for a federal law forbidding private citizens to own or manufacture fire arms, censorship of movies, magazines, books, etcetera (suppression of all atrocious crimes and sex problems), establishing a youth education program including a Club, magazine, and lectures. No follow up.

Box   41
Barnett, S.A., Mrs. (Henrietta O.), 1920 October 17-1925 January

Location: Cleveland, Ohio; Hampstead Garden Suburbs, England.

Mrs. Barnett was director of the Hampstead Garden Suburb Institute, a progressive school, including elementary and secondary divisions. This school belonged to the “National Federation of Settlements” of which Jane Addams was a member. Folder contains 3 pamphlets on the school.

Box   41
Barney, Laura Dreyfus, 1925 April

Location: Washington, D.C.

Request for address of “League of Nations Non-Partisan Association” of which Mrs. Blaine was a member.

Box   41
Barnum, Gertrude, 1911 January 11

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

A request that Miss Mary Agnes Best, famed story teller, be allowed to make an engagement in Chicago for the benefit of the Garment Worker's Relief Fund. Letter asks if Mrs. Blaine knew anyone who would like to engage Miss Best for this purpose.

Box   41
Barr, Alfred T., 1923 July 20

Location: Baltimore, Maryland.

Letter of sympathy at death of Mrs. McCormick.

Box   41
Barr, John Christie, 1918 January 7; 1929 January 25

Location: New Orleans, Louisiana.

Two requests for money for the Presbyterian Hospital. No follow up.

Box   41
Barr, John Christie, Mrs., 1929 January 18-21
Note: Notes on three visits of Mrs. Barr on behalf of Presbyterian Hospital of New Orleans. Mrs. Barr tried desperately to get $50,000 for the hospital so as to keep it in operation. Her arguments are very convincing and emotional; yet Mrs. Blaine would not see her. No follow up.
Box   41
Barr, Norman B., 1900-1943
Physical Description: 3 folders 

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Reference to “Fellowship of Reconciliation.” May 3-5, 1935. Dr. Norman S. Barr was pastor and superintendent of Olivet Institute, a community service center, in the heart of Chicago. Dr. Barr served as devoted pastor and skillful fund raiser for the Institute from 1900-1942. Olivet Institute served the poor, especially the poor immigrants, of Chicago. As early as 1911 the Institute had seven departments; athletic, educational, musical, medical, outing, relief, and religious. Under Dr. Barr's leadership the Institute continually expanded. Mrs. Cyrus Hall McCormick generously responded to Dr. Barr's requests and at one time contributed a lump sum of $100,000. Harold McCormick served on the Board of Trustees for many years. Mrs. Blaine was not as enthusiastic about Olivet Institute as her mother was, but she did respond to Dr. Barr's frequent requests. He wanted aid for buildings, mothers' and children's camp at Lake Geneva, but most often for operating expenses. The 1941 and 1942 correspondence contains Mr. Barr's views of international affairs. Throughout the correspondence Mr. Barr's skill as fund raiser is demonstrated.

Box   41
Barr, R.J., 1909 April 15

Location: Springfield, Illinois.

Letter from the 46th general assembly of the State of Illinois acknowledging Harold McCormick's views on Senate Bill No. 311. No further explanation.

Barr, Stringfellow, 1948 January-1953 September
Physical Description: 8 folders 

Location: Chicago, Illinois; New York, New York; Charlottesville, Virginia; and elsewhere.

Mrs. Blaine established the Foundation For World Government to promote world government and world peace with a fund of $1,000,000. Knowledge of the objectives of this organization is necessary for an understanding of Mrs. Blaine's philanthropy. Trustees were: Anita McCormick Blaine, Stringfellow Barr, Scott Buchanan, and Robert Maynard Hutchins. The Foundation engaged eminent scholars on its research projects.

Box   41
1948 June 25-27
Note: See also: Pocono Pines Conference.
Box   41
1948 January-July
Note: Documents show that the Foundation was taking form. Progress Report to the Trustees, January 13-14, 1948. “Let's Join the Human Race.” a booklet by Mr. Barr. Proceedings of the World Government, April 23, 1948 including addresses by Mr. Cord Meyer Jr. and Stringfellow Barr. (Chicago). Proceedings of Meeting of The United World Federalists at Chicago, July 2, 1948. Final Report on the Pocono Conference by S. Barr, Chairman. Personal letters in this folder concern details of the Foundation and Pocono Pines Conference.
Box   41
1948 August-December
Note: Folder contains personal correspondence relative to the Foundation.
Box   42
1949 January-July
Note: Telegram of January 6 hints at the consideration of Henry Wallace as a trustee. Two recording disks post marked, Paris, concern Barr's trip to Europe and his views of world government along with interviews with European leaders in the same field. Letter dated February 22, 1949 hints that Barr wanted financial aid from Mrs. Blaine to combat the Byrd machine of Virginia in the next election.
Box   42
1949 August 1
Physical Description: 2 folders 

Folder 1: Aide Memoire to the Trustees, contains a summary of the Foundation's activities and its plans for the future. The remainder of the folder contains outlines of proposed areas of research: Political Democracy in Europe, World Security Through International Resources Development, Report of a Committee to Frame a World Constitution, Some Shortcomings of International Agreements: The International Wheat Agreement of 1949, and others.

Folder 2: Article for Peuple Du Monde on the Stockholm Congress of the World Movement for World Federal Government, by Clifford Dancer which proposes, among other things, a world constitution. An Institute for World Government, by Scott Buchanan. Passage to India, 57 page manuscript of Harry Wofford.

Box   42
1949 August 2
Note: Reprinted article from The Nation by Alden Stevens, “Small Town America.” A Draft Proposal For World Security Through International Resources Development, by Hermann Herrey and Harlow Shepley. Barr's letters to Mrs. Blaine reveal policies of the Foundation.
Box   42
1949 October-December
Note: Financial report of first half of 1949 reveals the expenditures on the projects undertaken by the Foundation. An Action Program On an Expanded Point Four Project, is a comprehensive outline by the Public Affairs Institute on economic topics the world over. Report: to the Trustees reveals the turmoil of the first year of operation and how the Foundation's objectives were thwarted by the “Cold War” An interesting report dated December 13, 1949 on the research of Palmer Weber, reveals his attempts to compare the ethics, economics, and politics of the 3 main traditions in the Western World; the Aristotlean, the Marxist, and the Lockean.
Box   42
Note: Report of the President dated April 24, 1950 reveals that the objectives of the Foundation were pretty well defined by this time. Scott Buchanan's World Government and World Development, reveals the point of view of the Foundation's secretary on this topic. Financial report of June 39, 1951 reveals expenditures up to that time.
Box   42
Barrett, Charles R., 1904 February 1

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Mr. Barrett requested that Mrs. Blaine set up a scholarship for unfortunate children; orphans, children of indigent widows, etcetera, at a school called The Athenaeum. No follow up.

Box   42
Barrett-Christie Company, 1916 December 11-1917 March 7

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Bills for tolls and plumbing supplies.

Box   42
Barrett Company, 1917 April 26-August 8

Location: Boston, Massachusetts.

Bills for tarvia shipped to “McCormick Estate at Jerusalem Rd.” near Boston?

Box   42
Barrett, Frederick J., 1914 September 15-1915 April 1

Location: New York, New York.

Doctor bills. (small)

Box   42
Barrett, John, 1910 April 19-1918 October 11

Location: Washington, D.C.

Barrett, international director of the American Republics, asked and received from Mrs. Blaine the “loving cup” presented to her father-in-law, James G. Blaine. The cup was displayed at the dedication of the Pan American Union Building, April 26, 1910. The program of this dedication is enclosed. Telegram at death of Emmons Jr. Clippings.

Box   42
Barrett, Juliet, 1897 September 9
Note: Thanks Mrs. Blaine for a “little red book.”
Box   42
Barrett, Katharine Barker, 1925

Location: New York.

Invitation for Mrs. Blaine to come for supper to Camp Woodmere on upper St Regis Lake, Franklin County, New York.

Box   42
Barrett, Robert, 1908 November
Note: Written on board the Pennsylvania Limited. Tells Mrs. Blaine about his schooling.
Box   42
Barrett, S.E., 1899-1909 April 13

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Three wedding invitations for members of Eddy Barrett family. Two letters in 1909 reveal that David Shumaker was in a position to exert pressure on the Illinois Legislature. (Senate Bill #311 1909).

Box   42
Barritt, Leon, 1909 July 19

Location: New York.

Bill of $2 for The Moose, by Philip Fauch?

Box   42