Summary Information
La Crosse County (Wis.). Register of Deeds: Deeds 1851-1886
- La Crosse County (Wis.). Register of Deeds
La Crosse Series 50
31 reels of microfilm (35 mm)
UW-La Crosse Murphy Library / La Crosse Area Research Ctr. (Map)
Warranty deeds, quit claims, land contracts, tax deeds, leases, and other real estate transactions in la Crosse County, 1851-1886. The last volume on the last reel of microfilm (Volume A) contains land transactions for Pettibone Island, 1854-1922, which was ceded to Wisconsin by Minnesota (Houston County) under a federal law passed in 1918. This film was produced by the Genealogical Society of Utah which holds the master negatives. English