La Crosse County (Wis.). Superintendent of Schools: Closed Rural School Records, 1865-1965

Appendix: Name Index

Name Year Action Case number
Abbey, Solomon Estate 1715
Abbott, S.W. Will 3691
Ableman, Christian Estate 117
Abley, Angeline Will 7227
Abley, J.W. 1923 Estate 9468
Abley, Jacob Will 4166
Abley, Melchior 1925 Will 9914
Abott, Emily S. Will 417
Abott, Simon W. Will 417
Abrams, Franklin Estate 3501
Ace, Elijah S. 1922 Will 9381
Ackermann, Alois Max Extate 4923
Adams, Elvira 1909 Will 7402
Adams, George Estate 2958
Adams, Henry Estate 953
Adams, Henry Estate 973
Adams, James Estate 659
Adams, John Will 4963
Adams, Levi J. 1913 Will 8052
Adams, Lucinda A. Will 2927
Adams, Lucinda A. Estate 2927
Adams, Nathaniel Estate 549
Adams, Roscoe E. 1924 Descent 9761
Adank, Rosina 1913 Will 8020
Adank, Rosina 1914 Heirs 8149
Aebersold, Fred 1919 Estate 8801
Aebly, Henry Will 4031
Aebly, Henry Estate 4212
Aebly, Katherine 1929 Estate 10766
Aebly, Solomon Estate 1842
Aeschbacher, Frederich 1915 Will 8336
Aeschbacher, Maria Estate 7089
Aeschbacher, Peter Will 7313
Aeschlimann, John 1912 Heirs 7905
Affolter, Roni Estate 4170
Agan, Patrick Estate 73
Agur, Belle Anderson Estate 5069
Aims, Margarett Estate 1090
Ainsworth, Jane M. Estate 4474
Ainsworth, Madie 1928 Estate 10692
Ainsworth, Madie 1929 Minor Heirs 10759
Albert, Frederick Estate 3861
Albert, Frederick Estate 3930
Albertson, Christie 1929 Estate 10749
Albrecht, Frank 1915 Estate 8236
Albrecht, Michael F. Will 4977
Albrecht, Regina Estate 7278
Albricht, Fred 1909 Estate 7424
Albright, Albert 1914 Will 8099
Albright, David H. 1924 Will 9635
Albright, George E. 1918 Estate 8755
Alcott, William Estate 3921
Alder, Fred Estate 4907
Alder, Fred Estate 6005
Alder, Gustave Estate 7122
Aldrich, Betsey Estate 2019
Alexander, F.B. Will 2483
Alexander, Virginia M. 1910 Heirs 7610
Alexander, Virginia M. 1910 Will 7614
Allan, Susan 1917 Heirs 8546
Allemann, John Estate 4378
Allen, Aaron Estate 4694
Allen, Aaron Estate 4895
Allen, Asaph J. 1909 Will 7451
Allen, Caroline Will 3575
Allen, Caroline Estate 4245
Allen, E.R. Estate 3521
Allen, Edward Estate 138
Allen, Herman M. Will 960
Allen, Herman M. Estate 1236
Allen, John Estate 297
Allen, Levi C. Estate 258
Allen, Philip 1915 Will 8266
Allenman, Peter Estate 1156
Alsop, Frances E. 1926 Special Admin. 10004
Alsop, Keziah J. Will 2312
Alsop, Mabel 1921 Estate 9252
Altermann, Henry 1910 Will 7596
Altman, Henry 1929 Estate 10775
Altman, Jost 1918 Estate 8693
Altman, Maria Estate 4198
Altman, Rosina 1917 Estate 8510
Altman, Samuel 1911 Heirs 7751
Altmann, Caspar Estate 4156
Altmann, Caspar Estate 4607
Altmann, Casper H. 1927 Estate 10434
Altmann, Henry 1917 Heirship 8529
Altmann, Henry 1917 Heirs 8530
Altmann, John C. 1928 Estate 10516
Altmann, Jost Estate 7050
Altmann, Jost 1928 Will 10663
Altmann, Kaspar 1922 Will 9371
Altmann, Mary 1928 Descent 10754
Altmann, Ottillie 1911 Feeble Minded 7674
Altmann, Susanna 1918 Descent 8665
Amelong, Emma 1920 Minor Heirs 9000
Amelong, George and Richard 1910 Incorrigible 7627
Amerphol, Christian Will 3212
Amerphol, Ella J. Payler 1911 Estate 7694
Amerpohl, Christian 1920 Descent 9016
Ames, Levi F. 1928 Descent 10550
Ames, Mary Ann Estate 3785
Ames, Obadiah Estate 3367
Ames, W.O. Estate 2513
Ames, William A. Estate 2209
Amidon, Fannie 1922 Estate 9304
Amidon, Lorenzo Estate 3546
Ammidon, Lorenzo Estate 3976
Amstutz, Samuel 1917 Will 8604
Anderson, Amelia 1920 Descent 8923
Anderson, Amelia 1920 Minor Heirs 8926
Anderson, Amelia 1921 Infant Heir 9278
Anderson, Amelia 1921 Special Admin. 9283
Anderson, Amos C. Estate 895
Anderson, Amos C. Estate 959
Anderson, Boer Estate 2242
Anderson, Charles A. Estate 3148
Anderson, Garland 1924 Will 9773
Anderson, Gunnell 1930 Estate 11057
Anderson, Hans M. Estate 3830
Anderson, Jeramah Estate 1633
Anderson, Jeremiah Estate 1652
Anderson, Jeremiah Estate 1895
Anderson, Martin Estate 1293
Anderson, Martin Estate 1294
Anderson, Mary Estate 927
Anderson, Nels Will 4247
Anderson, Nels Estate 6073
Anderson, Nicholas Will 6081
Anderson, Ole Estate 145
Anderson, Ole A. 1930 Estate 11067
Anderson, Ole O. Estate 2973
Anderson, Peter O. 1929 Descent 10910
Anderson, Peter O. 1929 Estate 10921
Anderson, Stork Estate 1203
Anderson, T.J. 1910 Heirs 7540
Anderson, Thomas Estate 3329
Anderson, Thomas J. 1913 Heirship 8042
Andreck, J., Rev. 1914 Descent 8073
Andrew, Edmund Estate 3252
Andrews, J.C. Estate 1823
Andrews, S.C. Estate 1810
Andrick, Christopher Estate 147
Andrick, Jacob Estate 500
Andrick, Jacob Estate 627
Annis, Olive S. 1927 Descent 10289
Annis, Olive S. (empty) 1927 Will 10321
Anstee, Harry 1924 Descent 9752
Appleby, John Estate 276
Argue, Rollin S. 1919 Estate 8767
Armison, K. Estate 1917
Armsbury, Isaac T. Estate 335
Armstrong, Aretus, Sr. 1928 Termination of life Estate 10508
Armstrong, Gertrude 1928 Life Estate 10507
Armstrong, Huldah Estate 3524
Armstrong, J.J. 1913 Will 8009
Armstrong, John Henry 1926 Estate 10049
Armstrong, Robert Will 1311
Arneson, Kettle Estate 1580
Arnold, John W. Estate 146
Arnold, Lois E. 1914 Heirship 8145
Arnsmeier, David 1926 Will 10218
Arnsmeier, Frederick Estate 7232
Arnsmeier, Frederick 1925 Will 9980
Arnsworth, Luther Will 979
Arthur, Austin 1910 Minor Heirs 7643
Arthur, Catherine 1910 Estate 7605
Arthurs, Austin Will 4971
Arzethauser, Jacob Will 4021
Ash, Thomas Estate 1621
Ashenfelter, Emma J. Estate 3209
Askey, Thomas Estate 1304
Asmus, C.F. 1912 Will 7928
Asmus, Fred W. 1927 Estate 10387
Asmus, Lydia 1929 Estate 10725
Asmus, Mary 1929 Will 10802
Asmus, Otto F. Estate 3758
Asmus, Otto F. Estate 3759
Asmus, William Will 7347
Aspel, Rosey Estate 2400
Aspel, William Will 7068
Atherton, Ann E. Estate 7058
Atherton, Oliver H. 1927 Estate 10305
Atkinson, George Estate 2408
Atkinson, George Estate 2505
Atkinson, Richard Estate 2172
Atkinson, Richard Will 2499
Atwood, Elizabeth E. 1911 Will 7770
Atwood, Pervine 1910 Estate 7565
Augenstein, Bernard 1921 Descent 9108
Augenstein, Bernard 1921 Minor Heirs 9132
Aulauf, Agatha 1928 Estate 10646
Ault, Frederick 1930 Will 10990
Ault, Leonard Estate 204
Ault, Loranzo D. 1930 Will 11061
Ault, William Will 2601
Ault, William Estate 2613
Aultman, Andrew Estate 3603
Aultman, Leonard Estate 2890
Austin, Ann Estate 362
Austin, David W. Estate 3801
Austin, David W. 1913 Descent 7985
Austin, J.M. Will 1822
Austin, Jane E. Will 4299
Austin, Julius Estate 1013
Austin, Julius Estate 1017
Austin, Sarah D. 1922 Estate 9307
Austin, Seth B. Estate 1839
Avery, Henry Estate 127
Axtel, Emily Estate 1078
Axtel, Joseph D. Estate 1077
Axtel, Joseph D. Estate 1205
Axtell, J.D. Estate 1688
Ayen, Ida Jeremiason 1919 Guardianship 8771
Babbit, Lydia Estate 2477
Babkirk, Cynthia 1923 Estate 9480
Babler, Albert, Jr. 1925 Will 9953
Babler, Albrecht 1912 Will 7806
Babler, Alvin J. 1927 Estate 10439
Babler, Anna Barbara 1911 Estate 7752
Babler, Anna Barbara 1912 Heirs 7873
Babler, Christopher Will 1516
Babler, Conrad 1917 Estate 8496
Babler, Dorethea Will 3270
Babler, Esaias Estate 4788
Babler, Esaias Estate 4932
Babler, Esayas Will 1262
Babler, Ezra L. 1909 Estate 7446
Babler, Fredolin Will 3977
Babler, H.H. Estate 4758
Babler, Henry 1915 Will 8263
Babler, Henry H. Estate 4899
Babler, Henry O. 1927 Estate 10397
Babler, Henry, Sr. 1915 Estate 8312
Babler, Henry, Sr. 1922 Infant Heir 9298
Babler, Jacob Estate 2793
Babler, Jacob Estate 4931
Babler, Oswald 1929 Descent 10810
Babler, Oswald 1927 Estate 10443
Bachman, John Estate 324
Bacon, Mary A. Estate 995
Bacon, Orin Will 2836
Bacon, Orrin Estate 3337
Bacon, Ralph W.L. 1916 Will 8494
Badertscher, Ulrich 1927 Estate 10345
Baebler, Henry, Sr. 1917 Minor Heirs 8569
Baebler, Vivenz Estate 7242
Baehler, Karl 1921 Estate 9189
Baertschi, Magdalena 1912 Will 7855
Baertschi, Magdalena 1913 Minor Heirs 8008
Bagan, Ann Estate 1047
Bagerly, Everett W. Estate 1244
Bagley, George W. 1928 Descent 10527
Bagley, Harriet A. 1928 Descent 10526
Bagley, Mary Ann 1928 Descent 10525
Bagley, Orestus P. 1928 Descent 10528
Bailey, Caroline 1927 Will 10384
Bailey, David D. Estate 282
Bailey, Ellen Estate 4660
Bailey, Gertrude Perrine 1928 A Minor 10455
Bailey, J.H. Will 1805
Bailey, James H. Estate 4775
Bailey, John R. Estate 6058
Bailey, John S. Estate 141
Bailey, John S. Estate 755
Bailey, Uriah G. Will 2445
Bailey, William C. Estate 641
Baily, John Estate 402
Baird, Elizabeth H. 1916 Descent 8423
Baird, V.S., Dr. 1913 Inebriate 8001
Baird, William Will 2637
Baird, William Estate 3893
Baker, Appiah Will 2960
Baker, Benjamin C. Estate 872
Baker, Fred Estate 658
Baker, George W. 1927 Descent 10335
Baker, Henry Estate 624
Baker, J.C. 1910 Estate 7644
Baker, Lewis Estate 7178
Baker, O.M. Estate 2955
Baker, Sarah Estate 3072
Baldwin, Charles S.B. 1916 Will 8428 1
Baldwin, Charles S.B. 1916 Will 8428 2
Baldwin, Eliza M. 1909 Will 7460
Baldwin, Harry M. 1930 Estate 11106
Baldwin, Harvey Estate 4268
Baldwin, Julius 1914 Estate 8078
Balis, Henry M. Estate 1462
Balis, John C. Estate 3164
Ball, Catherine E. Will 2294
Ball, Charles 1926 Will 10183
Ball, D.W. Estate 1990
Ball, Ellen M. 1925 Estate 9817
Ball, Emma Estate 4027
Ball, Farlin Estate 728
Ball, Farlin Q. Will 380
Ball, Gary Estate 133
Ball, Henry L. 1926 Will 10163
Ball, John S. 1911 Heirship\Descent 7737
Ball, Polly Will 1144
Ball, Samuel D. Estate 6046
Ball, Samuel D. Estate 7096
Ballard, Judson Estate 3763
Ballard, Judson Estate 3799
Ballard, William Henry Estate 3066
Ballard, William Henry Harrison Estate 3962
Ballenger, Horatio Estate 860
Ballou, Leander Will 4414
Balsely, Christian Estate 623
Baltzer, Cecil Ward 1926 Estate 10054
Balzy, William, Sr. 1924 Minor Heirs 9626
Bancroft, Caroline Estate 4836
Bancroft, Caroline Estate 4937
Banks, George W. Estate 3558
Banks, George W. Estate 3580
Banks, Grace M. Estate 2428
Banks, Thomas Estate 490
Banks, Thomas Estate 613
Bankson, William Estate 250
Banta, Caroline R. Estate 2694
Bantel, John Estate 4248
Barber, Belle Estate 4645
Barber, John B. Estate 386
Barber, Joseph Estate 1682
Barber, Joseph C. Estate 1729
Barber, Joseph C. 1912 Descent 7927
Barber, Norman D. Estate 1055
Barder, Earl Estate 4761
Bark, Karie Estate 2101
Barker, Mary H. Estate 3723
Barlow, Nora 1920 Minor Heirs 8940
Barmore, Alfred Will 1902
Barmore, Joseph Will 1157
Barmore, Keziah Estate 4893
Barmore, Nancy E. Will 1130
Barnes, Alonzo Will 4349
Barnes, James E. Estate 1725
Barnes, Lydia C. Estate 2412
Barnes, W.H. Estate 1782
Barnes, William H.T. Estate 140
Barney, Anna 1915 Descent 8291
Barney, James Will 1274
Barney, Milo L. 1916 Will 8369
Barney, Morvaldine Estate 1464
Barnum, Francis Estate 3784
Barnum, Francis Estate 3784 1/2
Barr, Ida Elizabeth 1921 Descent 9181
Barrett, James C. 1925 Will 9802
Barrington, Lewis Estate 2484
Barrington, Lewis Estate 2506
Barry, Elizabeth Will 3634
Barry, Joseph Estate 2133
Barth, Rudolph 1918 Minor Heirs 8753
Bartlett, Channey Thomas 1930 Estate 11063
Bartlett, Edmund M. Estate 566
Bartlett, Edmund M. Will 768
Bartlett, George 1928 Minor Heirs 10603
Bartlett, George W. 1925 Will 9932
Bartlett, John E. Estate 2744
Bartlett, Joseph 1916 Will 8355
Bartlett, Mortimer D. 1920 Descent 9048
Bartlett, Robert E. 1924 Estate 9794
Bartlett, Simon Will 4383
Bartlett, William H H. Estate 606
Barton, George 1917 Will 8632
Barton, Henry Estate 83
Bask, Kasi Estate 2001
Basr, A. Estate 1910
Bast, August Estate 1962
Bast, Bessie 1925 Will 8951
Bast, F. William Will 3156
Batchelder, Esther Estate 4776
Bateman, Christian Estate 252
Batty, Hannah Estate 1102
Baucroft, Harvey Will 2571
Baueraft, Isaac Estate 4230
Baugham, Mathias 1929 Will 10807
Baughman, John Estate 324
Baughman, John Estate 480
Baughman, John Estate 598
Baughman, John M. Estate 785
Bauks, James A. Will 1014
Baukson, Phebe Will 382
Bauman, Emil Fred 1929 Will 10704 1
Bauman, Emil Fred 1929 Will 10704 2
Bauman, Emil Fred 1929 Minor Heirs 10785
Bauman, John Estate 4022
Bauman, Margaret 1924 Estate 9741
Bauman, Rudolph Estate 4509
Baumann, Rudolf 1921 Descent 9266
Baumgartner, Anna Estate 368
Baumgartner, Anton Will 3245
Baumgartner, Anton, Sr. 1917 Estate 8583
Baumgartner, Henry S. 1917 Minor Heirs 8519
Baumgartner, Jacob 1922 Will 9332
Baumgartner, Jacob 1922 Minor Heirs 9362
Baumgartner, Melchior 1929 Estate 10764
Baxter, Asahel Estate 941
Baxter, Celia Estate 3829
Baxter, Charles H. Estate 4842
Baxter, Ira Estate 1753
Baxter, Thomas Estate 1451
Baxter, Zilpha Estate 988
Baxter, Zilpha Estate 1467
Bayer, Jacob Estate 1896
Bayer, Jacob Estate 1963
Baynton, Lena 1909 Heirship\Descent 7463
Bayrhoffer, Charles 1910 Estate 7571
Bayrhoffer, Charles T. Will 2540
Bayrhoffer, William 1928 Estate 10467
Beach, Ann Will 4605
Beach, George Will 4013
Beach, John 1918 Will 8688 1
Beach, John 1918 Will 8688 2
Beach, John H. Estate 271
Beach, John H. Will 784
Beach, Margaret J.S. 1924 Will 9787
Beach, Robert Will 4459
Bean, Ebenezer S. Estate 78
Beaty, Hannah Estate 1102
Beaver, George Estate 268
Bechtel, Peter Estate 6015
Bechtol, Peter Estate 1683
Bechtolt, Daniel B. 1912 Will 7864
Bechtolt, Samuel 1909 Estate 7414
Bechtolt, Samuel 1910 Heirs 7570
Becker, Barney Will 942
Becker, Bertha 1928 Will 10491
Becker, Casper Will 2917
Becker, Clarence H. 1930 Estate 11069
Becker, Clarence H. 1930 Minor Heirs 11128
Becker, David 1927 Estate 10352
Becker, David 1928 Minor Heirs 10648
Becker, Fred J. Estate 7150
Becker, Fred J. 1909 Heirs 7422
Becker, Fridolin 1913 Will 7960
Becker, Henry 1912 Will 7821
Becker, Hepsibah Will 2957
Becker, J.M. 1926 Will 10199
Becker, Jacob Will 1866
Becker, John Will 1315
Becker, John S. 1917 Estate 8594
Becker, John S. 1919 Guardianship 8795
Becker, Louisa L. 1922 Will 9342
Becker, Maria 1918 Estate 8675
Becker, Mary E. 1926 Estate 10162
Becker, Peter 1925 Will 9983
Becker, Ruth Estate 4008
Becker, Ruth Estate 4152
Becket, Eliza Will 5015
Beckman, Christian Estate 252
Beckman, Louisa 1925 Will 9902
Beckman, Michael F. Estate 567
Beckman, William 1920 Will 8929
Beckman, William 1920 Minor Heirs 9103
Beckwith, Alfred A. 1920 Estate 9008
Beckwith, Edwin R. Estate 2308
Bedford, Emma E. Estate 3996
Bedford, Emma E. Estate 4235
Bedford, Lucinda Estate 2016
Bedford, Lucinda Estate 3413
Beekman, Michael F. Estate 567
Beers, Daniel Estate 2068
Behrendt, Gottfried Will 5024
Beier, John Estate 4639
Beier, John Estate 7018
Beier, John Estate 7019
Bell, Edward Estate 394
Bell, Peter Estate 5067
Bell, William Estate 139
Bell, William R. Estate 3888
Beller, Elizabeth 1926 Special Admin. 10056
Beller, Elizabeth 1928 Estate 10578
Beller, Gottlieb Will 4669
Belleville, Chester 1919 Minor Heirs 8904
Belleville, Chester A. 1919 Estate 8773
Belveal, George W. Estate 4339
Belveal, George W. Estate 4404
Belveal, Joseph Estate 7032
Bement, George B. 1928 Estate 10479
Bemis, Orinda M. Estate 1213
Bemis, Orinda M. Estate 1216
Benage, Samuel D. 1915 Estate 8314
Bender, William Guagi Estate 871
Bengelsdorf, Fred Estate 2259
Benglesdorf, Frederick Estate 826
Benjamin, Charles 1928 Estate 10691
Benjamin, Effia Estate 1072
Benjamin, Henry 1909 Will 7493
Benjamin, Salina 1918 Will 8672
Benkert, Eliza Estate 4285
Benkert, Fred 1922 Will 9297
Benkert, Rudolph 1918 Will 8650
Benkert, Rudolph 1928 Estate "10,698"
Bennage, Franklin Estate 508
Bennage, Jacob Estate 1062
Bennage, Samuel W. Will 1019
Bennage, Samuel W. Estate 1062
Bennett, Adam Will 3606
Bennett, Ann D. Will 4663
Bennett, D.T. 1929 Will 10828
Bennett, Daniel Estate 75
Bennett, Ella Estate 2181
Bennett, Ella 1916 Will 8422
Bennett, Estella 1888 Guardianship 2621
Bennett, Felix C. Will 7286
Bennett, Franklin Will 6070
Bennett, George B. Estate 1505
Bennett, George B. Estate 1799
Bennett, Hannah C. 1913 Will 7949
Bennett, James M. Estate 1229
Bennett, James M. Estate 1237
Bennett, James R. Estate 1988
Bennett, Jesse Estate 75
Bennett, Michael Will 3848
Bennett, Samuel Estate 2199
Bennett, Wiley Estate 2105
Bennis, Orinda Estate 3316
Benscoter, Charity 1922 Descent 9397
Benscouter, Minerva Estate 1400
Benson, David E. Will 3650
Benson, James A. Will 7261
Benson, Merrick Estate 2127
Benson, William Will 3608
Benston, Peter Estate 3390
Berg, Erick Knudson Will 7159
Berg, Knud M. Estate 3508
Berg, Liv Knudson 1921 Will 9262 1
Berg, Liv Knudson 1921 Will 9262 2
Berg, Liv Knudson 1921 Will 9262 3
Berg, Ossie 1915 Heirs 8241
Berger, Andrew Estate 420
Berger, Friedrick 1920 Estate 8933
Berger, Jacob Estate 2250
Berkey, Jacob Estate 991
Berkey, Joshua H. 1911 Will 7732
Berndt, Ernst 1930 Will 10972
Bernstein, August 1925 Will 9877
Bernstein, August B. 1926 Minor Heirs 10143
Bernstein, Charles F. 1916 Estate 8429
Berry, James Will 1268
Berry, William Estate 2374
Berryman, Adrian L. 1922 Will 9337
Berryman, Albert L. 1919 Will 8877
Berryman, Ephraim Estate 1105
Bertschi, Ferdinand 1913 Descent 7978
Betram, Peter Estate 1214
Betrum, Peter Estate 1214
Beutler, Jacob 1909 Estate 7456
Beutter, Jacob 1910 Heirs 7572
Beyers, Freida W. 1925 Special Admin. 9862
Bidlingmaier, Michael Estate 4420
Bidlingmaier, Michael Estate 4572
Bidlingmeier, John George Will 1591
Bidwell, Josiah Estate 207
Bienema, Marguerite 1927 Estate 10349
Bieri, Fred 1919 Estate 8897
Biery, Jacob Will 2551
Biery, John Will 2552
Bigelow, David Estate 129
Biggs, George Will 2984
Biggs, James Estate 878
Biggs, Thomas Estate 730
Biggs, Thomas M. Estate 316
Billings, Elizabeth H. Estate 511
Billings, John Will 544
Billings, Priscilda Ann Estate 839
Binder, George and Anna Marie 1910 Guardianship 7600
Binger, Samuel 1921 Estate 9193
Binger, Samuel 1921 Minor Heirs 9212
Binger, William Will 2916
Binger, William 1915 Descent 8253
Bingham, Caroline E. 1917 Estate 8542
Bingham, John A. Estate 531
Binsack, Michael Will 3022
Bishop, Nancy P. Estate 496
Bissell, George F. Will 3630
Black, Andrew Estate 5078
Black, David W. Estate 4308
Black, Eliza 1917 Heirs 8544
Black, Stephen D. Estate 4309
Black, Stevenson D. Estate 3968
Blackford, Enoch J. Estate 4630
Blackford, James Estate 7067
Blackford, Jane Will 3143
Blackford, Temperance 1926 Foreign Will 10212
Blackford, William S. 1917 Estate 8533
Blain, Dorcas Estate 4701
Blain, Joseph Will 4529
Blaine, Lydia 1919 Estate 8901
Blaine, Lydia 1920 Minor Heirs 9092
Blair, Robert T. Estate 2707
Blair, William G. Estate 3873
Blakely, George A. Estate 4929
Blakely, George A. Estate 7106
Blakely, Newel Estate 4168
Blakley, Weltha O. 1922 Estate 9333
Blanchard, Helen M. 1914 Will 8148
Blanchard, John A. Estate 1803
Blanchard, John B. Estate 1310
Blanchard, John B. 1918 Descent 8707
Blasing, Frederica 1927 Estate 10427
Blasing, William C. 1928 Will 10589
Blauchard, John B. Estate 1319
Bleiler, George Will 3058
Bleiler, George Estate 7147
Bliss, C.C. Will 1578
Block, Frederick 1919 Will 8764
Block, Martha 1930 Estate 11077
Block, William Estate 4935
Block, William Estate 5076
Blockford, William Estate 978
Bloom, Catharine 1924 Descent 9657
Bloom, Fred 1923 Will 9522
Bloom, George Estate 2543
Bloom, George W. Estate 3158
Bloom, Hannah Estate 3559
Bloom, Jacob 1929 Will 10888
Bloom, John S. Estate 3340
Bloom, Martha E. 1926 Estate 10071
Bloom, Mary P. Estate 7101
Bloom, Michael Estate 274
Bloom, Oswald Estate 828
Bloom, Peter Estate 3116
Bloomer, Adam Estate 137
Blotz, Maria 1927 Will 10421
Blotz, Martin 1918 Will 8719
Blum Wagner, Fredolin Will 3487
Blum, Casper Will 1238
Blum, Dorothea 1926 Descent 10072
Blum, Emma 1921 Will 9233
Blum, Fred W. 1909 Estate 7459
Blum, Fred W. 1910 Heirs 7582
Blum, Fredolin Will 1138
Blum, Fridolin 1913 Will 8036
Blum, Henry 1929 Will 10920
Blum, Jacob Will 1196
Blum, Jacob Estate 1783
Blum, Jacob Estate 2237
Blum, Jacob 1915 Will 8285
Blum, John Will 7334
Blum, John Casper 1914 Will 8174
Blum, John Rudolph Will 4494
Blum, Rosina Will 1196
Blum, Rosina Will 4583
Blum, Werner, Sr. 1918 Will 8687
Blumer, Adam 1918 Will 8685
Blumer, Anna 1910 Estate 7553
Blumer, Edward 1930 Minor Heirs 11075
Blumer, Edward, Dr. 1930 Estate 11052
Blumer, Emanuel Estate 3421
Blumer, Emanuel Estate 3422
Blumer, Ezra 1912 Will 7913
Blumer, Fred 1925 Will 9893
Blumer, John Estate 4813
Blumer, John 1909 Will 7442
Blumer, John, Sr. Will 4431
Blumer, John, Sr. Estate 4557
Blumer, Joseph Will 3743 (I)
Blumer, Joseph Will 3743 (II)
Blumer, Joshua Estate 3720
Blumer, Joshua Estate 4805
Blumer, Katharina 1915 Will 8248
Blumer, Margareth 1920 Estate 9073
Blumer, Samuel Estate 985
Blumer, William G. Estate 4626
Blumer, William G. Estate 4754
Blummer, John 1913 Will 8051
Blunt, Hezekial Estate 339
Blunt, John Estate 1499
Blunt, William Estate 1480
Blunt, Wilson Estate 660
Bodenman, Albert 1926 Estate 10117
Boeck, Frank Will 3982
Boeck, Louisa 1922 Estate 9429
Boegli, Ernest 1928 Estate 10457
Bogan, Mathew Will 899
Boland, John T. 1917 Heirship 8597
Boland, Michael 1917 Descent 8596
Bolander, F.S. Will 2288
Bolander, Michael Estate 2061
Bolender, Franklin 1922 Descent 9398
Bolender, John Estate 4691
Bolender, John Estate 4692
Bolender, Sarah E. 1921 Will 9187
Boncroft, Elizabeth Estate 702
Bontly, Anton 1914 Heirs 8138
Bontly, Anton 1924 Descent 9682
Booher, Ella Will 4131
Booher, Lucinda Estate 7220
Booher, Robert C. 1916 Will 8457
Boohers, William H. Will 1352
Booth, Charles A. 1921 Descent 9264
Booth, Elizabeth 1925 Descent 9933
Booth, Rexford G. 1924 Descent 9757
Born, William 1919 Estate 8839
Boss, John 1913 Estate 7990
Boss, Louisa Estate 4296
Bost, John Will 2276
Bouer, August 1916 Will 8368
Bourbeau, Sarah Estate 2144
Bowell, Alexander Estate 2913
Bowell, Catherine 1912 Estate 7815
Bowell, Lucinda L. Estate 3152
Bowen, Catharine E. 1913 Estate 8060
Bowen, Daniel D. 1926 Will 10194
Bowen, David Will 1107
Bowen, Ephraim Estate 2811
Bowen, Farmer Estate 912
Bowen, Hiram 1913 Estate 8059
Bowen, James Edgar Will 7192
Bowen, Jared J. Estate 2375
Bowen, John C. Estate 2092
Bowen, Justus 1911 Will 7693
Bowen, Thomas Estate 2033
Bowen, Thomas S. Estate 2119
Bowers, Wili Will 2437
Bowker, Thomas P. Estate 3397
Bowker, Thomas P. Estate 3426
Bowles, Charles A. 1925 Estate 9841
Bowles, Lewis N. 1919 Estate 8809
Bowman, John M. Estate 785
Bowman, Sophia Will 1069
Boyer, Jacob Estate 1849
Boyer, Jessie Estate 3932
Boyle, Patrick Estate 932
Boyles, Mary F. Estate 2024
Brackenwagen, Rosanna Will 4551
Bradford, Frederick M. 1912 Will 7909
Bradley, Elizabeth Estate 3056
Bradley, Joseph 1923 Estate 9506
Bradley, Mapelyt 1923 Will 9509
Bradley, Orrilla 1921 Estate 9122
Bradley, Seth M. 1918 Will 8706
Bradley, William Estate 2580
Bradley, William Will 2582
Bradley, William Estate 7293
Bradshaw, Nancy M. Estate 3039
Brager, Jens A. and Mary 1929 Special Admin. 10848
Bragg, Emily, J. Estate 4751
Bragg, Mary A. 1927 Will 10344
Bragg, W.P. 1928 Will 10685
Bramhall, Morris Estate 3782 I
Brandt, August Herman 1925 Will 9704
Brandt, Charles Estate 4837
Brandt, Christian (also known as Brant) Estate 3798
Brandt, Christian (also known as Brant) Estate 3813
Brant, Frank P. Estate 3503
Brant, John A. Estate 3511
Brant, John A. Estate 3538
Brant, John A. Estate 4367
Brant, John A. 1911 Heirs 7786
Brant, Rachel J. Estate 6088
Brant, Samuel Will 4287
Brant, Samuel 1910 Heirs 7562
Bratley, James 1911 Will 7720
Bratley, James 1914 Heirs 8137
Bratley, Mary C. Estate 5093
Braun, Fred 1915 Estate 8220
Braun, Fred 1916 Heirs 8410
Braut, Franklin P. Estate 3372
Bray, Eliphalet D. Estate 341
Bray, Eliphalet D. Estate 626
Bray, Eliphalet D. Estate 714
Brayton, Sidney Estate 1676
Brazel, Henry M. Estate 4524
Brazel, John 1926 Descent 10221
Brazel, William Estate 144
Brazel, William F. 1917 Will 8535
Brechlin, Sophia 1927 Descent 10259
Brechlin, Sophia 1926 Minor Heirs 10223
Brechlin, William 1922 Will 9372
Brecklin, August 1922 Estate 9406
Brecklin, William and Sophia 1927 Minor Heirs 10249
Bregenzer, Edward 1921 A Minor 9171
Brenneman, John A. 1927 Special Admin. 10371
Brennen, Daniel Estate 2196
Brennen, Daniel Estate 2197
Brennen, John (also known as Brennan) 1920 Will 9057
Brennen, Timothy Estate 2273
Brewer, Jeremiah Estate 4054
Brewer, John W. 1926 Estate 10009
Brewer, Lucy J. 1926 Descent 10216
Brewer, Maria 1924 Descent 9630
Breylinger, Fred J. 1911 Will 7722
Breylinger, Otis F. 1921 Estate 9146
Bridge, David Will 1557
Bridge, George W. Estate 3401
Bridge, Isaac Estate 2790
Bridge, Jeremiah Estate 559
Bridge, John Estate 79
Bridge, John H. Estate 2110
Bridge, John W. Estate 596
Bridge, Joseph T. Estate 3635
Bridge, Joseph T. Estate 4316
Bridge, M.J. Will 1873
Bridge, M.J. Estate 1994
Bridge, Mary J. 1917 Descent 8637
Bridges, Elizabeth Estate 3160
Bridges, William Estate 80
Briggs, Marnius Estate 1863
Briggs, Marnius Estate 1863
Briggs, Mary C. Will 3230
Briggs, Mary C. Estate 4196
Bringold, John Estate 76
Broadbent, Benjamin Estate 196
Brobst, Daniel 1915 Will 8247
Brobst, Isaac Will 2791
Brobst, Isaac 1918 Will 8671
Brobst, Scott 1929 Estate 10730
Brockway, Henry W. 1913 Will 7994
Brockway, James F. 1913 Heirship 8018
Brockway, Julia A. Estate 2785
Broderick, Alta J. Estate 2884
Broege, August F. 1927 Will 10407 1
Broege, August F. 1927 Will 10407 2
Broege, August F. 1927 Minor Heirs 10418
Broege, August Wilhelm 1919 Will 8777
Bronson, Arthur Will 3854
Broughton, Frank Estate 7062
Broughton, Frank, Jr. Estate 7063
Broughton, John A. Estate 3756
Broughton, John A. 1922 Estate 9355
Broughton, Walter J. 1927 Estate 10274
Broughton, William 1909 Estate 7503
Brown, Asbury Estate 2794
Brown, Asbury Estate 3742
Brown, Catherine J. 1913 Estate 7932
Brown, Eliza Estate 2975
Brown, Frank C. Estate 1088
Brown, George Estate 1010
Brown, Henry J. 1913 Heirs 7941
Brown, Henry J. 1912 Estate 7842
Brown, James A. Estate 3162
Brown, John S. Will 4745
Brown, John W. 1920 Descent 8977
Brown, Jonathan L. Will 4288
Brown, Maria Estate 313
Brown, Maria 1923 Estate 9511
Brown, Patience Estate 310
Brown, Patience Estate 422
Brown, Simon Estate 3513
Brown, Wellington 1912 Estate 7860
Brown, William Will 7086
Brownell, Joseph Estate 143
Brownfield, Elizabeth Estate 1163
Brugger, Arnold 1922 Estate 9359
Brugger, Arnold 1923 Minor Heirs 9512
Brundage, Andrew J. Will 349
Brunger, James W. 1912 Guardianship 7850
Brunger, James W. 1913 Estate 7966
Brunger, Mary E. 1929 Will 10933
Brunger, Mary E. 1930 Minor Heirs 11056
Bruni, Jacob Estate 7266
Bruni, Jacob Estate 7339
Brunkow, Frederick Estate 1301
Brunkow, Frederick Will 7353
Brunkow, Friedrich W. Estate 4655
Brunkow, Mary Estate 2174
Brunkow, Verena Estate 3185
Brunnen, Hilda Zum 1929 Will 10742
Brunnen, Jacob Zum 1911 Will 7746
Brunner, Albert 1921 Estate 9215
Brunner, Arnold 1930 Estate 10995
Brunner, John Will 5055
Brunner, John 1882 Guardianship 1932
Bryan, Elizabeth Estate 7315
Bryerly, Marguerite Estate 77
Bubb, Alfred 1930 Estate 11058
Bubb, Ann Estate 7295
Bubb, William Estate 1222
Bucher, Oliver Perry Estate 4926
Bucher, Oliver Perry 1912 Heirs 7920
Buchholtz, William Estate 2317
Buck, Theodore Z. Will 3087
Buckingham, John Estate 232
Buckley, Andrew Will 4595
Buehl, George 1911 Will 7659
Buehl, George 1922 Minor Heirs 9340
Buehl, George 1922 Minor Heirs 9341
Buehler, Andrew Estate 4570
Buehler, Gottfried 1917 Estate 8609
Buehler, John 1924 Estate 9723
Buehler, John, Sr. 1925 Estate 9941
Buehler, Samuel 1928 Estate 10606
Buehler, Ursula 1909 Will 7518
Bufton, Ellen 1926 Descent 10188
Bufton, Thomas 1909 Heirs 7430
Bufton, Thomas W. Estate 4398
Bufton, Thomas W. Estate 4400
Buhler, Anna Will 2041
Bulfinch, Alice Fletcher 1921 Estate 9121
Bulfinch, Arthur Fletcher 1929 Estate 10708
Bulfinch, Erwin M. 1915 Descent 8319
Bulfinch, George W. 1911 Estate 7727
Bullock, William Estate 280
Bullock, William Estate 1224
Bumke, August F. 1926 Will 10048
Bump, Mary F. 1925 Special Admin. 9883
Bunker, Blanche Bradford 1926 Will 10027
Bunt, Valtair D. Estate 4241
Bunting, Jesse Estate 551
Burcalow, Cornelius Estate 241
Burdick, Clark Estate 1720
Burdick, Heram Will 3753
Burgi, Anna Barbara Will 3271
Burgi, Christian Estate 3269
Burgor, Andrew Estate 420
Burgy, Barbara 1930 Descent 11021
Burgy, Jacob Will 3540
Burgy, John 1924 Will 9644
Burgy, Louisa 1926 Estate 10224
Buri, Frederick M. Estate 4808
Burington, Cordelia A. (Burrington) Estate 7319
Burington, Kessley 1910 Incorrigible 7588
Burington, Reuben Estate 5061
Burke, Bertha 1929 Estate 10782
Burke, Fred T. 1918 Heirs 8729
Burke, Peter Francis 1929 Estate 10930
Burkey, Jacob Estate 991
Burkhalter, Alfred 1919 Estate 8905
Burkhalter, Gottfried Estate 7199
Burkhalter, Gottfried 1909 Minor Heirs 7403
Burkhard, Jacob 1928 Estate 10630
Burl, Thomas Estate 992
Burmeister, Magdalena 1930 Estate 11131
Burnham, Horace E. 1911 Estate 7793
Burnham, Solomon Estate 453
Burns, Charles W. Estate 4424
Burns, Charles W. Estate 4493
Burns, John Estate 2729
Burns, Norah Estate 2866
Burreson, Edward 1914 Heirship 8179
Burrington, Hannah Estate 3228
Burrington, Lena 1923 Estate 9595
Burrington, Lewis Estate 2378
Burrington, Lucy Estate 3228
Burrington, Nathan Estate 3228
Burt, Abraham Will 2157
Burt, F.J. Will 2360
Burt, Fred 1914 Estate 8081
Burt, John Estate 142
Burt, Lillie R. 1929 Descent 10836
Burt, Russel Estate 568
Burtis, Cheesman Will 790
Burtis, Chesman Estate 2509
Burtis, Lorinda Estate 1636
Burtness, Ole G. Estate 7166
Busby, Sarah Estate 2413 I
Busby, Walter Estate 652
Bush, Jane Estate 62
Bush, Jane Estate 514
Bush, Mary A. 1909 Will 7474
Bush, William S. Estate 514
Bushnel, C.E. Insurance 1242
Bushnell, Clark E. 1914 Will 8075
Busic, Benjamin Estate 61
Busic, Martha Estate 61
Busick, Benjamin Estate 148
Buss, Charles F. Will 5094
Bussey, George W. Estate 4961
Bussey, Mahlon I. 1915 Will 8323
Bussey, Nelson Estate 4983
Bussey, Nelson Estate 5077
Butcher, Ben 1927 Descent 10446
Butcher, Ben 1928 Estate 10481
Butcher, Henry Estate 1573 1/2
Butler, Fancy Estate 1495
Butler, John Estate 1001
Butler, John Estate 1060
Butler, John Estate 1970
Butler, Kathryn (also known as Katherine) 1924 Estate 9778
Butler, Magdalena 1919 Will 8884
Butt, Carl Will 2164
Butt, Carl Will 4584
Butt, Dora 1890 Transfer of Custody 2908
Butt, Gottfried Will 7000
Butt, Gottfried 1919 Estate 8911
Butt, Henry 1920 Estate 9089 1
Butt, Henry 1920 Estate 9089 2
Butterfield, Jane D. 1919 Descent 8825
Button, Hollis W. Estate 3361
Butts, Gottfried 1921 Minor Heirs 9156
Butts, Sherman E. 1924 Descent 9687
Butts, Wesley 1930 Infant Heir 11088
Byers, Ferdinand 1920 Estate 8999
Byers, Frederick W. 1915 Will 8289
Byrne, James Estate 818
Byrne, Kate Estate 4646
Byrnes, James Estate 2233
Cackler, Samuel Estate 534
Cadwell, George S. Estate 1290
Cain, Etter M. Estate 2873
Cain, Michael Estate 2152
Calon, John Estate 1935
Calvin, George Estate 4430
Campbell, Alexander 1915 Estate 8272
Campbell, Charles H. 1919 Estate 8883
Campbell, Delilah 1924 Descent 9688
Campbell, Hiram Estate 3289
Campbell, James Estate 195
Campbell, Joseph T. 1930 Estate 10974
Campbell, Louisa Will 4806
Campbell, Lydia 1909 Will 7412
Campbell, M.F. 1923 Estate 9536
Campbell, Ruth Estate 1706
Campbell, S.C. 1915 Will 8316
Campbell, Thomas Will 4829
Campbell, Thomas J. Estate 4035
Camron, Franklin 1917 Will 8526
Camron, Margarett Estate 2972
Canfil, Lou 1926 Descent 10207
Cannon, James 1914 Will 8191
Cannon, Patrick 1915 Estate 8271
Capel, William G. Estate 3629
Caradine, Elizabeth Estate 1943
Caradine, Elizabeth Estate 1977
Caradine, Elva J. 1927 Will 10251 1
Caradine, Elva J. 1927 Will 10251 2
Caradine, H.N.B. 1930 Will 11044
Caradine, John G. 1930 Estate 11078
Caradine, John P. 1910 Estate 7555
Caradine, Mahlon H. 1922 Estate 9322
Caradine, Norris I. Estate 7348
Caradine, W.H. 1921 Will 9219
Carlan, Lida L. Jones 1927 Descent 10441
Carle, B.F. Will 3767
Carle, David H. Estate 704
Carolfi, Anton 1915 Estate 8239
Carpenter, Austin W. Will 1070
Carpenter, Caroline C. Will 3708
Carpenter, Charles H. Estate 801
Carpenter, Cornelius N. Will 7202
Carpenter, Isaiah Estate 2753
Carpenter, Joel M. Estate 151
Carr, George J. 1929 Will 10868 1
Carr, George J. 1929 Will 10868 2
Carr, Glenn E. 1926 Will 10028
Carroll, Dennis 1917 Estate 8616
Carroll, Henry P. 1929 Will 10934
Carroll, Michael Estate 3262
Carroll, Patrick Estate 7026
Carroll, William Estate 84
Carroll, William Will 1809
Carroll, William Estate 1881
Carrothers, John Estate 439
Carrothers, John Estate 647
Carrothers, Margarett Estate 156
Carson, Alanson Will 1547
Carson, D.F. Estate 2555
Carson, Harriett (empty file) 1909 Will 7512
Carter, Dorothy 1926 Descent 10047
Carter, Elizabeth Estate 3339
Carter, Elizabeth H. Estate 723
Carter, George H. Will 4629
Carter, James W. Will 1953
Carter, John Estate 351
Carter, John Estate 864
Carter, John Estate 1771
Carter, Rheuby Jane 1923 Estate 9546
Carter, William Estate 371
Carter, William Estate 680
Carter, William 1918 Will 8674
Carter, William C. Will 3085 1/2
Carter, William E. Estate 257
Carter, William E. Estate 482
Carter, William E. Estate 594
Carter, William E. Estate 901
Carver, Hannah Estate 945
Carver, James W. Will 6028
Case, Orlando M. 1921 Estate 9140
Casey, John 1926 Estate 10113
Casey, Phillip 1923 Will 9591
Caughy, James Estate 553
Caughy, James Estate 648
Caulton, Fernando Estate 673
Cayton, Anna Estate 4042
Chace, Abby G. Estate 4858
Chace, Helen K. Will 7025
Chadwick, Elizabeth C. Estate 1974
Chadwick, Harriet 1912 Will 7868
Chadwick, James Estate 149
Chadwick, Jehu Estate 653
Chadwick, John Estate 462
Chadwick, John Estate 653
Chadwick, Jonthan C. Estate 3498
Chadwick, William W. 1916 Estate 8474
Chafin, Ephram Bradly Estate 911
Chamberlain, Theodore Estate 535
Chambers, Harriett C. Estate 3448
Chambers, Henrietta 1914 Estate 8118
Chambers, John A. 1913 Estate 7967
Chambers, Robert Estate 87
Chambers, Robert B. Estate 900
Chambers, Robert N. Estate 1295
Chambers, William 1925 Estate 9961
Chamlers, Agnes 1924 Guardianship 9783
Chamness, Isaac Will 7291
Chandler, Eliza A. Estate 3349
Chandler, Harriet 1928 Descent 10667
Chandler, Harriet 1930 Descent 11010
Chandler, Jeremiah 1930 Descent 11009
Chandler, Jerry Estate 3539
Chandler, Josepheus Will 2634
Chandler, Josepheus Estate 2635
Chandler, Peter Estate 1703
Chandler, Samuel C. Will 1185
Chandler, Susan A. 1925 Will 9868
Chapel, Austin C. Estate 3343
Chapel, Austin C. Estate 3343 1/2
Chapel, James H. 1912 Heirs 7817
Chapel, William G. Estate 3368
Chapen, Nancy Will 2498
Chapin, Eli Estate 3490
Chapin, Ephram Bradly Estate 911
Chapin, Mack Will 3638
Chapin, Marie 1918 Will 8704
Chapin, Mary Francis Estate 7084
Charley, Francis Raymond 1915 Minor 8292
Charlton, Edwin Will 3812
Charlton, Helen Holmes Will 7148
Chase, Corinna C. 1920 Will 9040
Chase, Ellis 1897 A Minor 3866
Chase, Esther 1911 Minor Heirs 7678
Chase, John B. Estate 4336
Chatman, Maria Will 2275
Cheney, S.C. Estate 2429
Cheney, S.C. Estate 4850
Chenorreth, Rosanna 1910 Estate 7545
Chenoweth, Benjamin Will 4874
Chenoweth, Chester C. 1902 A Minor 4699
Cherry, John Estate 1664
Chesebro, Eldredge W. 1919 Estate 8867
Chesebro, Eldridge W. 1910 Will 7637
Chesebro, Elmina 1919 Will 8835
Chesebro, Oscar Estate 2778
Chesebro, Oscar Estate 2786
Chilton, James Estate 240
Chilton, Joshua Estate 1794
Christ, John B. Estate 540
Christen, Sam, Jr. 1919 Estate 8811
Christen, Samuel 1919 Minor Heirs 8898
Christianson, Haagen Will 2762
Chruchill, Norman Will 4506 II
Chryst, Jane Will 1864
Chryst, John Will 4861
Chryst, John B. Estate 495
Chryst, John B. Estate 610
Churchill, Alice Estate 4462
Churchill, Armida E. Estate 468
Churchill, Charles B. Estate 5066
Churchill, Charles B. 1911 Heirs 7706
Churchill, George 1912 Will 7885
Churchill, Maria 1920 Will 8938
Churchill, Norman Will 4506 I
Churchill, William W. 1910 Will 7573
Churchill, William W. 1911 Heirs 7689
Chute, Thomas Estate 898
Clapp, Ezekiel Estate 571
Clark, Christiana Estate 153
Clark, Daniel W. Will 1409
Clark, Daniel W. Estate 1885
Clark, Elizabeth 1910 Will 7575
Clark, Elizabeth 1920 Descent 8961
Clark, Emma Estate 6014
Clark, Emma Knight 1918 Will 8721
Clark, Ginevra J. 1909 Heirs 7524
Clark, Jabez Will 7366
Clark, James Estate 1215
Clark, James Estate 1654
Clark, James Estate 1952
Clark, James 1911 Will 7701
Clark, Jane Will 1563
Clark, John 1926 Estate 10158
Clark, John W. 1911 Will 7728
Clark, Joseph Will 688
Clark, Joshua Will 3007
Clark, Leonard Estate 1996
Clark, Levi P. 1919 Descent 8774
Clark, Mary 1914 Heirship 8169
Clark, Mary E. Estate 2975
Clark, Michael Estae 7330
Clark, Patrick 1923 Will 9523
Clark, Roswell Estate 615
Clark, Solomon B. Will 1002
Clark, Sylvia M. Will 4114
Clark, Therello Estate 528
Clark, Tirzah Will 3698
Clark, William H. 1911 Will 7680
Clark, William Simms 1929 Estate 10906
Clarke, Alfred C. Estate 7294
Clarno, Andrew Estate 86
Clarno, Mary Estate 3553
Clarno, Oliver H.P. Will 2113
Clarno, Oliver H.P. Estate 2135
Claus, Dominich Estate 744
Clawson, Bowen R. 1913 Will 7995
Clawson, Isaac Estate 1955
Clawson, Kattie G. Estate 3206
Clawson, Matilda R. 1914 Estate 8205
Clawson, Phineas Estate 1847
Clawson, Phineas J. 1910 Will 7613
Clawson, Rebbeca Estate 1752
Clayton, Jay W. 1921 Estate 9185
Clayton, Samuel T. Estate 2804
Clayton, Samuel T. Estate 2815
Clayton, William S. Estate 2162
Clayton, William S. Estate 2772
Clemaus, James Harvey Will 1389
Clemens, J.H. Estate 1554
Clemmener, Jasper Estate 2652
Clemmer, James Estate 357
Clemmer, John A. 1912 Estate 7824
Cleveland, A.L. Estate 6002
Cleveland, Edith C. Will 3035
Cleveland, Edith C. Estate 4517
Cleveland, Horatio G. Estate 2799
Cleveland, James Y. Estate 735
Cline, D.A. 1924 Will 9714
Cline, John W. Estate 533
Clingman, George N. Estate 347
Clingman, George W. Estate 370
Clingman, George W. Estate 519
Clinton, Edmund D. Will 2205
Clinton, Edson C. Estate 921
Clinton, Edson C. Estate 971
Clinton, Henry P. Estate 423
Clunie, John Will 1167
Clyde, George C. Will 2781
Coates, Charles 1914 Estate 8136
Coates, Charles A. 1915 Heirs 8280
Coates, George E. Estate 2302 1/2
Coates, George E. Estate 2494
Coates, Jane M. Estate 5096
Coates, William H. WIll 2627
Coates, William H. Estate 4292
Coldren, William H. 1912 Will 7859
Cole, Austin Estate 1550
Cole, Austin Estate 2268
Cole, Catherine 1912 Will 7897
Cole, Edmund 1910 Estate 7534
Cole, Mary E. 1909 Will 7396
Cole, Norman Estate 4897
Cole, Norman Estate 6012
Collentine, Bridget Will 4403
Collentine, Bridget Delia 1927 Will 10426
Collentine, James L. 1920 Estate 9055
Collentine, James, Sr. Will 3308
Collentine, Thomas Will 4077
Collins, A.J. Estate 7137
Collins, Augustus A. Will 4449
Colton, Arden H. Will 6060
Colton, Elizabeth 1920 Estate 8980
Colton, John Estate 321
Colton, John Estate 424
Colton, John Estate 968
Colton, John Estate 2816
Colton, Margaret Jane 1915 Will 8297
Colton, Marvin Estate 466
Colton, Melzer Estate 3021
Colton, Pliny Will 499
Colton, Rufus T. 1914 Estate 8127
Combs, Elias Estate 4900
Combs, Louis 1913 Indigent Person 8023
Combs, Maria M. Estate 4818
Combs, Mariah M. Will 774
Combs, Mary Estate 3075
Comstock, Alta 1923 Will 9508
Comstock, Asa 1927 Descent 10256
Comstock, Lewis Will 4411
Comstock, Louisa Estate 3260
Conant, Eunice Estate 4089
Conant, Eunice G. Estate 3140
Condee, Adam C. Will 998
Condee, Simon P. Estate 599
Conden, Nathaniel B. Estate 219
Conets, Daniel Estate 765
Confer, F.M. Will 4413
Confer, Frank M. Estate 4541
Confer, Frank M. Estate 4542
Confer, James Will 3033
Confer, James Estate 4511
Coniter, Harriet C. Estate 4394
Conkey, Amos Will 1230
Conklin, Lucy Estate 1218
Connelly, John Estate 6097
Connelly, Michael Estate 5097
Conners, John 1922 Will 9319
Conners, Samuel Will 3918
Conners, Thomas 1918 Estate 8655
Connery, John 1910 Estate 7542
Connery, John 1910 Heirship 7560
Connet, Daniel Estate 217
Connolly, Patrick Estate 4295
Connors, James, Sr. 1926 Will 10075
Conradson, Barbara 1916 Estate 8366
Conradson, T.B. Estate 4036
Conway, Charles W. Estate 1131
Conway, Ellen Estate 4304
Conway, James Estate 1220
Conway, James Estate 1235
Conway, Johanna 1920 Will 9058
Conway, John Will 3297
Conway, Martin Estate 7034
Conway, Patrick Estate 619
Conway, Thomas 1923 Estate 9568
Conway, Wirlin C. Will 2208
Conway, Wirlin C. Estate 4497 I
Conway, Wirlin C. Estate 4497 II
Conyne, Mary Anne Will 3142
Cook, James Estate 293
Cook, John J. Estate 1101
Cook, Reuben Estate 1439
Cooley, William B. Will 1258
Cooley, William B. Estate 1368
Cooley, William B. Estate 1377
Coopen, Alazanna Estate 155
Coplien, Christ 1919 Will 8832
Coplin Michael Estate 2310
Coppock, Watey Estate 3788
Corey, Jonathan Estate 251
Corey, Jonathan Estate 471
Corliss, Jeremiah Estate 967
Corliss, Jeremiah C. Estate 81
Cormany, Sarah 1924 Will 9632
Cornelius, Nicholas 1911 Will 7753
Corning, Ariel Estate 157
Correy, Riley Will 2904
Corse, Anna 1920 Descent 8960
Corse, Charles Estate 412
Corse, Charles Estate 817
Corson, Frank E. 1928 Descent 10461
Cortelyou, William 1921 Will 9169
Cortelyou, William 1921 Trust Estate 9248
Coryell, DeGrand J. 1919 Will 8858
Coryell, Mary Ellen 1920 Descent 8937
Cossort, Andrew Will 2877
Cothermoan, Thomas Estate 4872
Coudee, Simon P. Estate 477
Couden, Nathaniel B. Estate 887
Couller, James R. Will 3926
Couller, Simon A. Will 1372
Coulton, John Estate 968
Courtney, Mary 1909 Estate 7449
Courtney, Michael Estate 4956
Covell, William H. 1914 Trust Estate 8097
Coville, William H. Will 3183
Cowan, Nancy Estate 2301 1/2
Cowen, Harvey Q. Estate 875
Cox, Edward Will 4795
Cox, Frederick O. 1914 Estate 8158
Cox, Frederick O. 1927 Descent 10239
Cox, Mary A. 1913 Will 8014
Crago, Charles C. 1922 Will 9431
Crago, Fordeyce Estate 670
Crago, Isaac F. Estate 358
Crago, Perry Estate 1498
Craig, James Estate 3404
Craiger, C.H. 1919 Descent 8790
Crakers, Cassius Henry, Jr. 1930 A Minor 11025
Crawford, Elizabeth C. Estate 222
Crawford, John C. Estate 150
Crawford, Marvin C. 1913 Estate 8039
Crayton, George Estate 1125
Creuzer, Fred L. 1926 Estate 10021
Creuzer, Fred L. 1927 Minor Heirs 10420
Cribben, Mary 1915 Will 8281
Croak, Edmund Will 840
Croak, Edward Will 840
Croak, Edwin Will 840
Croak, Jas. K. Estate 4619
Croak, Jeffrey and Johannah 1909 Heirship\Descent 7439
Croak, John 1922 Estate 9326
Croak, Patrick Estate 2770
Croak, Richard 1928 Estate 10649
Croak, Thomas Estate 4060
Crockett, Brittannia Estate 3837
Crockett, Solomon Will 4228
Crockett, Solomon Estate 4368
Crockett, Solomon Estate 4369
Crolly, Patrick Estate 1328
Crompton, James Estate 4049
Crompton, John Will 4596
Cronk, Donald 1918 Minor Heirs 8694
Cronoble, William Will 4980
Crook, Patrick Will 2743
Crooke, Mary 1910 Heirs 7646
Crooks, George 1909 Will 7470
Crooks, Margaret J. 1930 Will 10991
Crooks, Thomas Estate 220
Crooks, William Estate 319
Crosby, Daniel P. Estate 1395
Crosby, George W. Estate 2796
Crosby, Henrietta 1924 Estate 9708
Crosgrove, Elijah E. Estate 461
Crosgrove, William Estate 4939
Crossgrove, James E. Estate 1223
Crossgrove, William 1903 Administration 4833
Crosson, George Estate 1127
Crotly, Patrick Estate 2611
Crotty, Catherine 1930 Will 10968
Crotty, Frank Estate 4124
Crotty, John Will 3454
Crotty, John Estate 3499
Crotty, Michael Estate 2531
Crotty, Michael Estate 2828
Crouch, Henry Estate 190
Crouch, James Estate 1068
Crouch, James Estate 1433
Crouch, Margaret Will 2956
Crouch, Nancy Estate 1750
Crouch, Samuel Estate 2988
Crow, Abraham Estate 4467
Crow, Alice 1927 Minor Heirs 10436
Crow, Belle W. 1917 Estate 8602
Crow, Belle W. 1918 Heirs 8702
Crow, Elizabeth Estate 4418
Crow, Elizabeth (see also Fife, Matilda G.) Estate 4201
Crow, John Estate 3902
Crow, Maria Will 4294
Crow, Orpha A. Will 7292
Crow, Robert Estate 3023
Crow, Robert Estate 3236
Crow, Thomas 1927 Estate 10316
Crowell, Albra Estate 1625
Crowell, Andrew B. 1914 Will 8091
Crowell, Andrew B. 1921 Trust Estate 9180 1
Crowell, Andrew B. and Mary J. 1921 Trust Estate 9180 2
Crowell, John Estate 1338
Crowell, Mary J. 1915 Will 8235
Crowell, Roswel Estate 3425
Crowell, William Estate 302
Cruezer, Earnest Estate 2461
Cullen, Bessie Flood 1914 Heirship 8180
Cullen, James Will 846
Cullen, James Will 1045
Cullen, James Will 2638
Cullen, Julien 1910 Heirs 7568
Cunningham, Adline 1927 Will 10320
Cunningham, Andrew B. Estate 154
Cunningham, James Will 1920
Cunningham, Keziah Estate 2792
Cunningham, Mary Estate 1921
Cunningham, Sarah A. Estate 4289
Cuplin, John G. 1922 Estate 9419
Cuplin, Lewis Estate 3032
Curran, Thomas P. 1913 Estate 8035
Curtis, Oscar D. 1925 Special Admin. 9878
Cushman, Horace Estate 7001
Dahler, Anna and Ernest 1916 Minor's 8446
Dahms, Fred A. 1914 Estate 8199
Dahms, Fred A. 1916 Heirs 8454
Dahms, Martha P. Estate 3545
Dahms, Martha P. Estate 4762
Daily, Bridget 1916 Estate 8395
Dale, Mary 1912 Estate 7804
Dale, William Estate 247
Daley, Frank H. 1911 Estate 7682
Daley, Frank H. 1912 Heirs 7839
Dalruple, Lawrence Estate 1899
Dalrymple, Abbie Estate 7129
Dalrymple, Clyde C. Estate 3879
Dalrymple, John Will 3227
Dalrymple, Lewis Estate 1870
Dalrymple, Selina Will 3227
Dalton, John Will 4500
Dalton, Lacy Ann Estate 3692
Dalton, Michael Estate 4486
Daly, John Will 3412
Daly, John Will 4841
Daly, John Estate 4857
Daly, John F. 1923 Special Admin. 9584
Daly, William Will 7259
Dammen, Bertha 1930 Estate 11091
Dammen, John 1927 Estate 10267
Daniels, Rosetta and Flossie 1898 A Minor 3988
Danks, Mary 1928 Estate 10602
Darby, Mary B. 1928 Will 10601
Darkin, William Will 2532
Darling, Andrew J. Estate 4134
Darling, Ezekiel P. Estate 164
Darling, Henry O. Will 4090
Darling, Nelson 1916 Will 8463
Darrow, Frank Estate 2826
Dart, O.G. Estate 1275
Daugherty, Con Will 3780
Daugherty, James H. Estate 2241
Davenport, Lewis Will 7253
Davenport, Mary A. Estate 7359
Davenport, Seymour Estate 6077
David, Sears Will 1698
Davis, Agnes 1918 Estate 8667 1/2
Davis, Agnes 1918 Heirs 8714
Davis, Albert A. 1925 Will 9844
Davis, Archibald Will 1620
Davis, Archibald 1913 Estate 7938
Davis, Bliss N. Estate 4260
Davis, David Estate 1829
Davis, David M. 1912 Will 7810
Davis, Edward 1914 Will 8089
Davis, Elizabeth A. Will 3268
Davis, Emma J. Estate 2586
Davis, Evan W. and Mary E. Estate 4362
Davis, George W. 1909 Estate 7409
Davis, J.G. Estate 1907
Davis, J.Q. Estate 1358
Davis, James Estate 2015
Davis, James M. 1916 Will 8438
Davis, Jeptha Estate 447
Davis, John Estate 262
Davis, John Estate 750
Davis, John N. 1930 Estate 11050
Davis, Joseph J. Estate 1012
Davis, Joseph J. Estate 1022
Davis, Joseph S. Estate 1746
Davis, Leah Estate 4331
Davis, Levi Estate 1184
Davis, Levi Estate 1282
Davis, Ray and Ben 1899 Custody of Children 4137
Dawson, James 1917 Heirs 8560
Dawson, John J. Will 3644
Day, Daniel Estate 159
Day, Russell J. 1911 Will 7787
Day, Samuel J. Estate 343
Day, W.J. Estate 1699
Day, William R. 1916 Estate 8390
De Haven, Alpheus Will 3309
De Haven, O.O. 1921 Estate 9285
Deal, Isaiah Estate 2062
Deal, Isaiah Estate 2067
Deal, John H. 1921 Descent 9139
Deal, Levi Will 3121
Deal, Lucy and Rosa 1909 Heirs 7526
Deal, Lucy L. Estate 7130
Deal, Margaret Will 4611
Deal, Solomon Will 7252
Deal, Veronica Estate 4045
Debolt, George Will 1738
Decker, George Estate 275
Decker, M. Estate 1879
Dedrick, Nicholas Will 1708
Dedrick, Peter L. 1918 Will 8643
DeHaven, Theophilus G. 1929 Descent 10791
Deininger, Frederick 1911 Will 7761
DeLong, Edward Estate 131
Dempsey, Thomas 1930 Will 11011
Denniston, John W. Estate 165
Denson, John R. Estate 580
Denure, Charles Estate 3478
DeRemer, Peter Will 3944
DeRemer, Peter Estate 4081
DeRemer, Rose 1909 Will 7475
DeRemer, Rose 1912 Heirs 7822
Derendinger, John 1914 Will 8163
Derendinger, Maria 1929 Estate 10904
Derrick, Elizabeth Estate 126
Derrick, Ephraim Estate 126
Derrick, F.R. 1928 Will 10642
Derrick, Franklin H. Will 6092
Derrick, Franklin H. 1915 Heirs 8231
Dettwiler, Carl E. 1928 Will 10675
Dettwiler, Emanuel 1924 Will 9662
Devereax, Alvin E. Will 1658
DeVoe, Charles E. 1915 Estate 8252
Devoe, George S. Will 3453
Devoe, Henry A. Estate 838
Devoll, Ray 1909 A minor 7420
Dewey, Erasmus D. Estate 1488
Dewey, Maria Estate 3493
Dexter, Asaph W. Estate 4571
Dexter, Asaph W. Estate 4794
Dick, Jacob Will 813
Dick, Jacob 1929 Descent 10911
Dick, John Estate 574
Dick, John Estate 3851
Dick, John, Sr. 1910 Will 7641
Dickey, Clara S. 1915 Descent 8304
Dickey, Cyrus F. Will 3220
Dickinson, Lyma Will 4344
Diemer, Lillian 1918 Estate 8691
Dietz, Fannie B. 1919 Will 8781
Dietz, Jacob 1927 Will 10425
Dietz, Leonard 1916 Descent 8471
Dillon, Constantine Estate 4597
Dinges, Andrew Estate 2986
Dinges, Elizabeth Estate 4649
Dinges, Elizabeth Estate 4945
Disch, Abraham 1930 Estate 10982
Disch, Balthasar 1912 Estate 7831
Disch, Baltz 1920 Will 9061
Disch, Casper 1912 Estate 7809
Disch, Elsbeth Estate 3915
Disch, George Estate 2898
Disch, Harry P. 1924 Will 9677
Disch, John Estate 2844
Disch, John Estate 2881
Disch, John, Sr. 1927 Estate 10414
Disch, Katherine 1909 Will 7519
Disch, Paulus Estate 4169
Disch, Paulus Estate 4433
Disch, Peter 1927 Estate 10369
Disch, Peter 1930 Descent 11102
Disch, Rudy 1924 Estate 9743
Disch, Susanna 1926 Will 10122
Disck, Martin 1909 Heirship\Descent 7458
Dissinger, Albert D. Estate 6045
Dittmer, Friedrich 1909 Will 7435
Dittmer, Herman Estate 7221
Divan, Emanuel Will 2952
Divan, Henry Estate 160
Divan, Henry 1930 Special Admin. 11107
Divan, Howard M. 1928 Estate 10524
Divan, John Estate 378
Divan, Mary Estate 1796
Dix, Ella 1928 Estate 10573
Dixon, Estra Estate 3078
Dixon, Hester Estate 3278
Dixon, John E. Will 3834
Dixon, John E. Estate 4461
Dixon, Jonathan Estate 216
Dixon, Knud 1924 Descent 9639
Doan, Amos Estate 290
Dodge, Adam Clark 1917 Estate 8576
Dodge, Edward J. 1912 Estate 7870
Dodge, Emilie Seltzer 1926 Will 10033
Dodge, Herbert B. Estate 803
Dodge, John M. Estate 4399
Dodge, John M. Estate 4635
Dodge, John, Dr. WIll 2777
Dodge, Lewis 1911 Estate 7738
Dodge, Lewis 1912 Heirs 7872
Dodge, Martha E. 1912 Estate 7923
Dodge, Oren 1919 Descent 8878
Dodge, Parker Will 3031
Dodson, Elizabeth 1916 Will 8412
Dodson, William M. Estate 4051
Doherty, Cornelius Will 7042
Doig, George Will 1329
Dolan, John Will 3001
Dolan, Michael Estate 1472
Dolan, Michael Estate 1949
Dolan, Thomas Estate 4293
Dolan, Thomas Estate 4491
Dolly, Tessie Maud Estate 7054
Dolon, Margaret Estate 3118
Domholdt, Bertha Maria Will 3581
Donahue, Michael 1930 Termination of life Estate 11094
Donegan, John Estate 3364
Donmeyer, Florence A. 1917 Heirs 8553
Donovan, John F. 1925 Descent 9818
Donyes, John Estate 726
Dooley, Francis Estate 7307
Dooley, George Estate 7219
Dooley, John R. 1930 Will 10976
Dooley, Richard 1924 Will 9779
Dooley, Richard 1925 Minor Heirs 9970
Dooley, Tessa Maude 1922 Infant Heir 9301
Dooley, Tessa Maude 1922 Heirs 9302
Dooley, William and Estate 7307
Doolittle, John E. Estate 4756
Doolittle, Kate A. 1914 Estate 8150
Dooly, James 1930 Will 11122
Dooly, Patrick Estate 4487
Dooly, Patrick Estate 4594
Dooly, Richard Will 1527
Dooly, Richard, Sr. 1922 Estate 9299
Dorman, Lily Day and Ida May 1886 Infants 2298
Dorman, Thomas Will 2348
Dorman, Thomas Estate 3234
Dorr, Edward B. Estate 2932
Dorr, Sarah Estate 4391
Dorty, John 1924 Will 9709
Douglas, Abbie E. 1929 Estate 10715
Douglas, Albert C. Estate 4176
Douglas, Amanda H. 1919 Descent 8776
Douglas, Andrew S. 1912 Will 7869
Douglas, Arthur G. 1920 Will 9069
Douglas, Hannah 1922 Will 9404
Douglas, John Estate 3352
Douglas, Mary B. 1916 Estate 8365
Douglas, Rose 1922 Will 9346
Douglas, Stella 1917 Estate 8520
Douglas, Thomas B. Estate 1381
Douglas, Thomas B. Estate 2038
Douglas, William H. Will 4478
Dow, Cornelius Estate 1860
Dowle, James Estate 298
Dowling, Francis Estate 3595
Downer, Maria 1929 Estate 10714
Downs, Edward A. Estate 161
Downs, John A. Estate 162
Dows, Mary Estate 3458
Doyle, Arthur, Sr. and Doyle, Hannah Estate 7005
Doyle, Frances 1914 Estate 8117
Doyle, James Estate 1106
Doyle, John Estate 4072
Doyle, Mary E. Estate 1037
Doyle, Owen 1929 Will 10811
Doyle, Samuel D. 1929 Will 10960
Draheim, John Frederick Will 2014
Drake, Abuer Estate 1629
Drake, Amos Estate 1160
Drake, Charles 1927 Will 10368
Drake, Jefferson Estate 5081
Drake, Kinsey 1914 Will 8103
Drake, Mary Will 4817
Drake, Samuel Estate 2961
Drane, James Estate 393
Drane, Sarah Will 3010
Dreaky, Frederick Will 1159
Dreibelbis, John 1921 Will 9110
Dreibelbis, John 1921 Trust Estate 9244
Dreibelbis, Martin Estate 1399
Dreibelbis, Martin Estate 2297
Dreibelbis, Martin 1887 Infant 2459
Dreier, John 1914 Will 8154 1
Dreier, John 1914 Will 8154 2
Dreier, John 1914 Will 8154 3
Dreier, John 1914 Will 8154 4
Drummey, John 1914 Will 8076
Drury, Owen Estate 3719
DuBois, Richard A. Estate 7055
DuBois, William Estate 1085
Duchow, Fred 1913 Will 8016
Duebendorfer, Dorothea 1924 Will 9793
Duebi, Fred Estate 4855
Duell, Charles M. Estate 6006
Duersh, Daniel Will 4677
Duerst, Balthasar Estate 4962
Duerst, Clarence A. 1915 Guardianship 8269
Duerst, Fred H. 1915 Estate 8332
Duerst, J. Jacob Estate 7176
Duerst, John Henry 1924 Estate 9693
Duerst, Melchior Estate 4997
Duerst, Ursula 1924 Will 9703 1
Duerst, Ursula 1924 Will 9703 2
Duerst, Ursula 1924 Minor Heirs 9728
Dufford, Samuel Estate 408
Duffy, Edward Estate 387
Duffy, Margaret Will 972
Dumars, Mary A. Will 3019
Dunaway, Clayton 1892 Infant 3180
Dunaway, Emily 1910 Guardianship 7592
Dunbar, Arthur Estate 3141
Dunbar, Arthur 1890 Guardianship 2851
Dunbar, Bernice E. 1928 Minor Heirs 10625
Dunbar, Bertha Estate 3067
Dunbar, John Will 3045
Dunbar, Joseph Will 2347
Dunbar, Joseph Estate 2911
Dunbar, Joseph Estate 2936
Duncan, Leander 1919 Estate 8870
Dundore, John Estate 2300
Dunlap, Kate Estate 1133
Dunlavy, Hannah B. 1910 Estate 7552
Dunlavy, Walter 1910 Will 7591
Dunn, Ruth Estate 235
Dunnwiddis, Mary Estate 3348
Dunphy, Margaret 1926 Estate 10152
Dunphy, Michael 1920 Will 9007
Dunphy, Thomas 1925 Estate 9881
Dunwidde, Daniel 1909 Estate 7533
Dunwiddie, Hiram Estate 804
Dunwiddie, Mary Estate 3511 1/2
Dunwiddie, Mary Elizabeth 1920 Estate 9091
Dunwiddie, Sarah 1926 Estate 10112
Durfey, Lummie and Eliza 1894 Guardianship 3375
Durgin, George and Alice 1927 Minor Heirs 10359
Durgin, George Ames and Arthur Nelson 1890 Guardianship 2813
Durgin, Harry 1910 Feeble Minded 7647
Durn, Barbara Will 924
Durn, Leonard Estate 522
Durner, Mary Estate 3973
Durst, Adam Estate 1656
Durst, Adam Estate 1944
Durst, Andrew Will 4547
Durst, Henry Estate 4896
Durst, Jacob Estate 2675
Durst, Jacob Estate 2678
Durst, John Henry Will 3353
Durst, Margareth 1917 Estate 8515
Durst, Mathias 1916 Descent 8491
Durst, Minnie 1927 Will 10282
Durst, Nicholas Will 809
Durst, Nicholas S. 1923 Will 9453
Durst, Nickolaus C. 1923 Estate 9545
Durst, Samuel Estate 163
Durst, Samuel Will 3602
Durst, Thomas Estate 3099
Durst, Thomas Estate 3120
Durtschi, John 1924 Will 9786
Dustrude, Ole T. 1910 Will 7618
Dustrude, Ole T. 1912 Heirs 7921
Dwyer, Honora Estate 3110
Dwyer, Honora Estate 3526
Dwyer, Patrick Estate 3526
Dwyers, Thomas Estate 3623
Dye, Albert M. 1911 Will 7754
Dye, Louisa M. 1911 Will 7782
Dysart, James Estate 937
Eagen, Hugh 1921 Estate 9104
Eastman, Justin Estate 186
Eaton, James H. 1924 Will 9656 1
Eaton, James H. 1924 Will 9656 2
Eaton, James H. 1924 Will 9656 3
Eaton, Lizzie Estate 7201
Eaton, Wilber 1930 A Minor 11016
Eberhardt, Traugott Empty file 10022
Ebersold, Rosa Will 5000
Ebersold, Rosa Estate 6029
Edelman, Emeline V. 1924 Infant Heir 9716
Edelman, Emma W. 1926 Will 10086
Edelman, Ernest L. 1913 Estate 7937
Edelman, J.W. 1929 Will 10706
Edelman, J.W. 1929 Minor Heirs 10796
Edgar, Mathew Estate 2628
Edgar, William Estate 5088
Edgren, John L. Will 2554
Edleman, Eli 1914 Will 8082
Edleman, Josiah Will 3984
Edmonds, Thomas Estate 4948
Edmonds, Thomas Estate 4970
Edmonds, Thomas Estate 6010
Edmunds, Alfred 1920 Estate 8935
Edmunds, Alfred 1920 Minor Heirs 9027
Edmunds, John Will 2825
Edmunds, Richard Estate 3079
Eduards, Allen Estate 1657
Edwards, Anson D. 1921 Estate 9284
Edwards, Florence Estate 4710
Edwards, Frank 1915 Estate 8262
Edwards, Hawling Estate 333
Edwards, Luke Estate 3560
Edwards, Mary Strasser 1919 Heirs 8780
Edwards, Pembroke 1929 Estate 10801
Edwards, Robert Will 1123
Eells, Charles H. 1912 Heirs 7828
Effert, Wilhelm 1909 Will 7483
Effert, Wilhelmina 1925 Will 9960
Eggleston, W.T. Estate 2390
Eggleston, William T. Will 1348
Eichelkraub, Julius Estate 4695
Eichelkraut, Charles 1921 Estate 9275
Eichelkraut, William J. 1926 Estate 10059
Eichelkraut, William J. 1927 Minor Heirs 10360
Eicher, Madaline 1914 Estate 8200
Eidsmor, T.A. Estate 2728 II
Eidsmor, T.A. Estate 3388
Eidsmor, Tosten A. Estate 3073
Eilert, J.K. Will 3151
Eilert, Michael Estate 166
Einbeck, Hugo 1929 Estate 10710
Eitel, J.G. Estate 4037
Eitel, John G. Estate 4528
Eldred, Alonzo H. Will 3543
Eldred, Mary J. Estate 7114
Eldred, Mary Jane 1913 Heirship 8037
Eldred, S.L. Estate 3562
Eldred, Stephen L. Estate 3027
Eldred, Stephen R. 1912 Will 7840
Eley, Aaron Will 2482
Eley, Abraham Will 1933
Eley, Abraham Will 4501
Eley, Adam Estate 2204
Eley, George Will 2681
Eley, George Estate 2792
Eley, Hannah C. Estate 1872
Eley, Henry 1910 Heirs 7547
Eley, James Will 2706
Eley, Phoebe J. 1918 Estate 8750
Eley, Phoebe Jane 1922 Infant Heir 9310
Eley, Sarah E. Estate 4730
Ellefson, George 1926 Will 10211
Ellefson, George 1927 Minor Heirs 10294
Elliker, Paul 1926 Minor Heirs 10079
Ellingson, Ole Estate 4862
Ellis, Albert G. 1925 Estate 9995
Ellis, Benjamin Estate 1428
Ellis, Clifford G. Estate 4323
Ellis, Emma 1917 Descent 8586
Ellis, Japheth C. 1929 Estate 10787
Ellis, John Estate 676
Ellis, Kate 1929 Descent 10843
Ellis, Mark Estate 1490
Ellis, Rachel M. Estate 1502
Ellis, Rachel M. Will 1884
Ellis, Ursula H. Estate 4526
Ellsworth, Charles D. Estate 373
Elmer, Adam 1920 Estate 8959
Elmer, Anna Will 7145
Elmer, Barbara 1916 Will 8493
Elmer, Barbara 1918 Heirs 8683
Elmer, Beat Will 2128
Elmer, Beat Estate 6052
Elmer, Catherine Estate 1346
Elmer, Catherine Estate 1362
Elmer, Christopher Will 2474
Elmer, Conrad Estate 4210
Elmer, Conrad Estate 4365
Elmer, Conrad K. Will 4465
Elmer, Conrad, Jr. Estate 4666
Elmer, Emma 1930 Estate 11098
Elmer, Fridolin 1914 Will 8211
Elmer, Henry Estate 2751
Elmer, Henry Estate 2752
Elmer, Henry Will 3906
Elmer, Henry Estate 3940
Elmer, Henry Estate 4211
Elmer, Henry 1911 Estate 7743
Elmer, Henry 1911 Heirs 7749
Elmer, Henry J. 1925 Will 9988
Elmer, J. Ulrich Will 3153
Elmer, J. Herman 1925 Highway 9910
Elmer, J. Ulrich 1923 Will 9520
Elmer, Jacob 1918 Will 8715
Elmer, John 1921 Will 9109
Elmer, John C. 1919 Estate 8770
Elmer, Lisetta 1921 Will 9176
Elmer, Maria 1924 Descent 9658
Elmer, Marie 1923 Minor Heirs 9515
Elmer, Matheus 1928 Will 10450
Elmer, Mathias Estate 4539
Elmer, Mathias Estate 4910
Elmer, Nicholas Estate 3221
Elmer, Nicholas Estate 3505
Elmer, Oswald Estate 2027
Elmer, Pancratius Will 2775
Elmer, Pankratius 1915 Will 8380
Elmer, Peter Jenny Estate 1687
Elmer, Rebecca Estate 3240
Elmer, Regula Estate 3138
Elmer, Rosa Estate 1460
Elmer, Rosa Estate 1461
Elmer, Sebastian Estate 2933
Elmer, Sebastian Will 4415
Elmer, Ursula Estate 4059
Elmer, Verona Estate 3233
Elmer, Walter 1919 Descent 8909
Elmer, Will 1920 Estate 9011
Elmer, Will 1920 Minor Heirs 9074
Elsworth, Charles D. Estate 243
Elsworth, Hannah Estate 243
Ely, Henry Estate 1655
Ely, John Will 1743
Emerick, Ira C. Estate 7014
Emerick, Ira C. Estate 7017
Emerick, Joseph Estate 1291
Emerick, Joseph Estate 1296
Emerson, Margaret L. 1918 Heirship 8679
Emerson, Richard Estate 260
Emerson, Richard Estate 483
Emerson, Richard Estate 507
Emerson, Thomas Will 3074
Emery, Kittie 1925 Descent 9964
Emmenegger, Fred 1926 Will 10208
Emmenegger, Fred 1927 Minor Heirs 10226
Emminger, John Nelson 1916 Estate 8381
Emrick, L.D. Will 3015
Enfield, Frederick Will 3900
Englehart, Joseph Will 4643
Engler, Albert Estate 1027
Engler, William B. 1927 Estate 10336
Ennis, John W. Estate 539
Entreken, George W. Will 2091
Entriken, George W. Will 2091
Epling, Charles 1925 Minor Heirs 9959
Erb, Samuel 1913 Estate 8031
Erb, Samuel 1914 Heirs 8121
Erickson (Gunhus), Truls 1926 Estate 10133
Erickson, Erick Estate 1277
Erickson, Erick Estate 1342
Erickson, Inger Estate 4105
Erickson, John Estate 198
Erickson, Maria Will 4408
Erickson, Nels 1915 Descent 8305
Erickson, Ole Estate 169
Erickson, Ole Estate 608
Erickson, Ole Estate 622
Erickson, Ole B. 1911 Estate 7740
Erickson, Ole B. 1911 Heirs 7771
Erickson, Olive Lee 1923 Will 9504
Erickson, Thore Will 2300 1/2
Erwin, Hester Catherine (née Divan) 1928 Descent 10515
Estee, D.V. Estate 1269
Estee, D.V. Estate 1281
Estee, John W. Estate 468
Estee, Stephen Estate 407
Estes, Andrew 1916 Estate 8361
Etter, Mary 1928 Will 10464
Etter, Robert A. 1910 Estate 7608
Eugen, Gullick S. 1918 Estate 8708 1/2
Evans, Mary Elizabeth 1928 Estate 10591
Evans, Thomas Estate 3369
Evenson, Christian Estate 3059
Evenson, Christian Estate 3344
Evenson, Hendrick Estate 3341
Evenson, Ole 1921 Estate 9141
Evenstad, Anna 1927 Descent 10276
Evenstad, Anna 1927 Minor Heirs 10277
Everell, David Estate 1503
Everett, David M. 1925 Descent 9852
Everett, Mary E. 1915 Estate 8229
Everett, L. Estate 1583
Everhardt, Tragott 1926 Minor Heirs 10084
Everson, Haldor 1910 Will 7550
Everson, Ole Estate 1298
Everson, Ole Estate 1506
Everson, Sveno H. 1924 Will 9637
Ewing, George Estate 476
Faeser, Bertha 1927 Special Admin. 10324
Faeser, John A. 1925 Will 9908
Faeser, John G. Will 7312
Fairbrother, Alfred G. 1919 Descent 8845
Fairman, Alonzo 1922 Will 9417
Fairman, Alonzo 1924 Minor Heirs 9648
Fairman, Eli Wesley 1915 Will 8265
Fairman, Mary R. 1919 Will 8871
Falk, Frederick 1928 Estate 10626
Fankhauser, Christian Estate 5002
Farm Drainage No.10 1923 Farm Drainage No. 10 9560
Farmer, Andrew Will 1780
Farmer, Charles Estate 893
Farmer, Charles F. 1910 Heirs 7579
Farmer, Enoch F. 1921 Will 9195
Farmer, Fay 1920 A Minor 8997
Farmer, Isaac Estate 96
Farmer, Isaac Estate 583
Farmer, Isaac N. 1930 Will 11150
Farmer, Jacob Estate 1265
Farmer, James Estate 1600
Farmer, Margarett Estate 1679
Farmer, Rosa A. 1926 Will 10186
Farmer, William Will 2833
Farmsworth, Ray 1897 A Minor 3899
Farnsworth, David Estate 2022
Farnsworth, Edmund 1918 Estate 8652
Faubel, Helen Estate 7060
Faubel, Ida 1913 Will 7984
Faulkner, Maurice Estate 4875
Faust, Jacob Estate 3649
Fawler, William Estate 1024
Fayette, Sharolia Estate 807
Feathers, Jefferson Estate 1893
Featherston, John Estate 97
Feldmann, Anna 1926 Will 10170
Feldmann, Jacob 1929 Descent 10744
Feldmann, Levi 1919 Estate 8842
Feldt, August 1929 Descent 10857
Feldt, August 1924 Estate 9767
Feldt, Daniel 1916 Will 8466
Feldt, Wilhelmina Riemer 1926 Estate 10127
Felt, August Estate 3479
Felts, John Estate 7172
Fenne, Lars Will 7043
Fenton, Maria D. Will 4994
Fenton, Sally E. Will 4690
Fenton, Thomas Estate 604
Fenton, Thomas Estate 4482
Fenton, William Estate 4736
Fenton, William Estate 4740
Ferguson, John 1924 Descent 9698
Ferguson, John P. 1917 Estate 8572
Ferguson, Sarah 1924 Will 9646
Ferguson, William H. 1923 Estate 9577
Ferguson-Green, Mary Ellen 1924 Descent 9699
Fessenden, E.S., Dr. 1923 Estate 9444
Fessenden, Jared Estate 1520
Fetterhoff, Anna M. Estate 2140
Fidler, James O. 1914 Will 8184
Fife, Matilda G. Estate 4029
Fife, Matilda G. (see also Crow, Elizabeth) Estate 4201
Figi, George Will 7230
Figi, George Estate 7327
Figi, Henry Estate 7110
Figi, Henry 1927 Estate 10429
Figi, Mathias Will 3863
Figi, Mathias Estate 3958
Figi, Melchior Estate 7149
Figi, Melchior 1909 Heirship\Descent 7418
Figi, Paulus 1911 Will 7777
Figi, Peter 1916 Will 8483
Figi, Ralph 1924 Guardianship 9769
Figi, Rudolf 1923 Estate 9461
Fiji, Melchior Estate 7251
Fiji, Melchior Estate 3764
Filber, Joseph Estate 552
Fillebrown, William H. Estate 645
Finch, John Will 1514
Finn, William Will 3081
Finnana, Daniel Estate 3065
Fischer, F.W. Will 7133
Fisher, Clementine Fleek 1921 Will 9216
Fisher, Clementine Fleek 1922 Minor Heirs 9305
Fisher, Emma J. 1916 Will 8364
Fisher, Franklin F. Estate 520
Fisher, Loring S. 1919 Descent 8857
Fitch, Alfred B. 1919 Estate 8819
Fitch, James Albert 1924 Estate 9674
Fitch, Jessie H. Estate 2910
Fitch, Martha J. 1914 Will 8104
Fitch, Newell D. Estate 7098
Fitch, Ulyssa Will 2519
Fitts, Ansel Estate 700
Fitts, Ansel Estate 1166
Fitts, Ansel Estate 1509
Fitts, Ansel Estate 2295
Fitzgerald, Michael Estate 3551
Fitzgerald, Michael Estate 4195
Fitzgerald, Patrick Estate 3154
Fitzgerald, Thomas Estate 1283
Fitzgibbons, Anna Estate 4139
Fitzgibbons, James Will 3389
Fitzgibbons, James M. 1911 Will 7718
Fitzgibbons, James M. 1911 Heirs 7721
Flagler, Silas Will 2321
Flanagan, Michael 1909 Will 7388
Flanagan, Nell 1927 Will 10269
Flanagan, William 1928 Will 10639
Flanery, Edward 1910 Heirs 7543
Flanery, Michael 1910 Estate 7654
Flanery, P.F. 1928 Will 10581
Flannery, James Estate 4552
Flannery, James 1924 Estate 9722
Flannery, Mary 1917 Will 8514
Flannery, Michael 1917 Heirs 8595
Flannery, Michael 1923 Infant Heir 9607
Flannery, Patrick 1909 Will 7395
Flannigan, Elizabeth Estate 2070
Flannigan, James Estate 2070
Flannigan, James Estate 2697
Flannigan, William Will 3786
Flannigan, William Estate 3948
Fleck, Mary Ann Will 1930
Fleek, Adam Estate 101
Fleek, Adam and Mary Ellen Estate 1900
Fleek, Alta Josephine 1917 Descent 8619
Fleek, Benjamine Estate 1942
Fleek, Conrad Estate 102
Fleek, Edmund Will 2726
Fleek, George Roland 1920 Estate 8945
Fleek, George Rolland 1920 Minor Heirs 9062
Fleek, Jerome B. Will 4126
Fleek, Jerome B. Estate 4372
Fleek, John V. Estate 4574
Fleek, Malvina 1921 Will 9255
Fleek, Mary Ellen 1923 Descent 9525
Fleek, Renaldo R. Estate 5041
Fleek, Reubin G.B. 1915 Heirs 8230
Fleming, Andrew D. Will 3618
Fleming, James H.B. Estate 98
Fletcher, George Estate 307
Fletcher, William Estate 894
Fletre, B.S. Estate 426
Flickinger, Aaron J. 1888 Guardianship 2564
Flickinger, Flora 1891 Guardianship 3051
Flint, Frank S. Estate 4479
Flint, Frank S. Estate 4480
Flint, Harold E. 1908 A Minor 7317
Flint, Jashua Will 3509
Flint, John Will 1442
Flint, Sally A. Will 7349
Flint, Thomas Estate 4665
Flint., Hannah M. 1926 Will 10026
Flisram, Olena E. 1926 Descent 10096
Flood, Edward Estate 4070
Flood, James Will 4366
Flood, John Will 938
Flood, Julia 1925 Estate 9971
Flood, Peter 1920 Will 8978
Flynn, Daniel 1914 Estate 8106
Flynn, Garrett 1930 Descent 11049
Focht, Amandas D. Estate 4440
Focht, Amandus D. Estate 3833
Foley, Margaret 1927 Will 10248
Folmer, William 1930 Descent 11035
Force, John W. Estate 984
Ford, James Estate 2622
Forham, William Ralph 1919 Descent 8846
Forney, Joeseph Estate 99
Fossnight, Emanuel C. 1927 Infant Heir 10432
Foster, Abraham Will 1518
Foster, Albert 1911 Minor Heirs 7733
Foster, Charles S. Estate 1030
Foster, Charles S. Estate 1075
Foster, Eben C. Estate 205
Foster, Ira L. Estate 95
Foster, Lucy H. Will 1113
Foster, Margaret A. 1910 Estate 7587
Foster, Wadsworth Will 982
Foster, William Estate 1651
Fowler, Redmond B. Will 3415
Frame, James Estate 284
Frame, Mary Will 6042
Francis, Henry Estate 2841
Francis, James 1927 Descent 10291
Francis, James 1927 Will 10304
Francis, Mary Ann 1930 Estate 11018
Francis, Thomas Will 6059
Francis, William Will 1006
Francis, William Will 2734
Frank, John Will 2085
Frau, Florence Estate 1898
Frau, James Estate 1458
Fraut, Horace N. Will 3793
Frautschy, Fred G. 1909 Estate 7486
Frautschy, Fred G. 1912 Heirs 7853
Frautschy, John Will 1140
Frautschy, John Estate 4221
Frautschy, Leland 1923 Estate 9475
Free, Christopher Estate 2761
Freese, J.C. Fred 1924 Will 9678
Freese, Theodore Estate 2949
Freese, Theodore Estate 4610
Freidig, Christian 1920 Will 8958
Freishknecht, John Estate 3601
Freisler, Olga Mungo 1893 Guardianship 3249
Freitag, Alma Estate 425
Freitag, Dietrich Will 4358
Freitag, Henry Estate 1369
Freitag, Henry Will 4678
Freitag, Henry 1911 Guardianship 7716
Freitag, Jacob Estate 425
Freitag, Jacob Estate 3264
Freitag, Jacob Estate 3917
Freitag, Sam Estate 3815
Freitag, Verena 1918 Will 8708
French, Charles 1923 Estate 9477
French, Sarah Jane 1921 Will 9165
Fricker, Rudolph 1911 Heirship\Descent 7711
Frie, Christopher Will 2749
Friekle, Alfred L. Estate 2745
Fries, Israel 1926 Descent 10209
Frisbee, Albert R. Estate 1459
Frisbee, Alden Estate 414
Frisbee, Alden Estate 572
Frisbie, Alden Estate 365
Frisbie, Alden Estate 391
Frisbie, David Estate 1444
Frisbie, Eli 1929 Will 10735
Frisbie, Julia Estate 632
Frisbie, Pamela Estate 100
Frisby, Alden Estate 933
Frischknecht, Balthazar Will 2810
Fritsch, John D. Estate 2682
Fritsch, Louisa Will 4240
Fritsch, Louisa Estate 4264
Fritsche, John D. Estate 3243
Fritschi, Reinhold G. 1919 Minor Heirs 8831
Fritschi, Reinhold Gottlieb 1919 Estate 8816
Fritz, David Will 2328
Fritz, Emma 1922 Minor Heirs 9379
Fritz, Mathias 1923 Estate 9503
Fryslie, Andrew Estate 4274
Fryslie, Ole 1915 Foreign Will 8246
Fuchs, John 1923 Will 9583
Fuelker, William 1916 Will 8401
Fulfs, Elizabeth Will 7033
Fuller, Cassius M. 1926 Estate 10104
Fuller, Cassius M. 1927 Minor Heirs 10385
Fuller, Charles W. 1924 Estate 9673
Fuller, Charles W. 1927 Minor Heirs 10383
Fuller, Joseph W. 1926 Will 10197
Fulton, James T. Will 7170
Fulton, Matilda 1921 Estate 9238
Fulton, William T. Estate 3147
Furman, Gideon Estate 2903
Gabi, John 1912 Estate 7802
Gabrey, George Will 4889
Gadow, Christian 1909 Estate 7445
Gadow, Christian 1910 Heirship 7561
Gainor, Patrick Will 1525
Galeraup, Kathryn Stine 1929 Minor Heirs 10877
Gallagher, Patrick Will 4315
Galusha, H.B. 1927 Estate 10433
Galusha, Jane J. 1922 Trust Estate 9412
Galusha, Jane J. 1922 Will 9325
Galusha, Julius B. Will 7289
Galway, Martin 1915 Estate 8257
Galway, Martin 1916 Heirs 8384
Galway, Patrick 1913 Will 7956
Galway, Patrick 1913 Heirs 8950
Gammon, Marietta 1928 Will 10529
Gange, John Estate 103
Gange, William Estate 103
Gans, Joseph Will 1276
Gansell, John M. 1923 Minor Heirs 9486
Gansell, John Milton 1921 Estate 9251
Gapen, Lewis Will 2448
Gapen, Lewis Estate 2460
Gapen, Lewis 1925 Special Admin. 9840
Gapen, Mary E. 1926 Will 10179
Garde, Catherine 1928 Will 10688
Gardenwise, Nicholas Estate 193
Gardner, Adelia 1927 Estate 10334 1
Gardner, Adelia 1927 Will 10334 2
Gardner, Benjamin Estate 1080
Gardner, Benjamin Estate 1165
Gardner, Caleb J. Estate 4167
Gardner, Dewey Will 1093
Gardner, E. Temple Will 3070
Gardner, Edward T. Will 638
Gardner, Elijah L. Will 1522
Gardner, Elisabeth Will 3070
Gardner, George W. Estate 1035
Gardner, Gurdon C. Estate 3016
Gardner, Virginia M. 1925 Estate 9957
Gardner, Warren E. Will 7203
Garman, John Estate 59
Garrison, William Estate 683
Garton, Augustus M. Estate 950
Garvey, David E. 1925 Estate 9894
Gassett, Mary M. 1910 Heirship\Descent 7611
Gassir, John B. Estate 187
Gassy, Thomas P. Estate 901 1/2
Gauld, Hattie L. Estate 1763
Gavey, Lee 1926 Estate 10100
Gavigan, William Estate 3825
Gay, Charles Estate 107
Gebhardt, Maria Estate 1853
Gebhardt, Maria Estate 1853
Geigel, Martin 1916 Will 8371
Geigel, Martin 1926 Will 10134
Geiger, Jacob Estate 6076
Geiger, Jacob Estate 7160
Geiger, Jacob Estate 7161
Geiger, Leonard Estate 4856
Geil Charles H. 1919 Guardianship 8798
Geil Charles H. 1919 Estate 8841
Geiser, Frederick Estate 637
Geiser, Frederick Estate 1193
Geiser, Frederick Estate 2081
Geissberger, Charles 1921 Descent 9154
Geissberger, Charles 1921 Minor Heirs 9276
Geissberger, Charles 1921 Infant Heir 9280
Geissberger, Karolina 1921 Will 9159
Gelbach, George F. 1927 Estate 10375
Gelbach, Jennie 1920 Trust Estate 9066
Gelback, Jennie 1913 Will 7935
Gempeler, Alfred 1916 Estate 8398
Gempeler, David 1924 Descent 9749
Gempeler, Frederick Estate 4604
Gempeler, Frederick, Jr. Estate 4427
Gempeler, Fredrick Estate 4350
Gempeler, Friedrich, Jr. Estate 4255
Gempeler, Herman 1926 Will 10102
Gempeler, John, Sr. 1916 Estate 8443
Gempeler, Pearle A. 1916 Minor Heirs 8427
Gempler, Rosina 1913 Will 8013
George, Harriet Estate 4934
George, Harriett Will 1192
George, Henry Estate 1126
George, Henry Estate 2095
Gerber, Christian Estate 536
Gerber, Fred 1926 Estate 10146
Gerbitz, Leopold 1927 Will 10438
German, John 1924 Special Admin. 9721
German, Samuel Estate 1034
Germann, Daniel Estate 6098
Gettings, Catherine Estate 7103
Gettings, James J. 1910 Heirship\Descent 7634
Gettings, John Will 3654
Gettings, John 1930 Estate 11138
Gettings, M.C. 1914 Estate 8155
Gettings, Miles T. 1923 Estate 9538
Gettings, Roger Estate 7103
Gettings, Teresa J. 1922 Special Admin. 9312
Gettle, Lewis Will 3469
Gettle, Mary Estate 4484 1/2
Gibbons, James Estate 997
Gibbons, John Estate 6035
Gibbons, John Estate 7183
Gibbons, Richard Will 3203
Gibbons, Richard 1920 Estate 8991
Giese, Anna 1917 Heirs 8508
Giese, Anna 1921 Descent 9128
Giese, Anna 1921 Infant Heir 9135
Giese, Annie 1924 Descent 9790
Giese, John Will 727
Giese, John Marvin 1914 Will 8157
Giese, Louise 1914 Estate 8206
Gifford, C.A. 1925 Will 9986
Gilbert, Charles 1930 Will 11030
Gilbert, Hans 1930 Estate 10983
Gilberts, Henry Will 4205
Gilberts, Louis 1924 Minor Heirs 9739
Gilbertson, Jacob 1915 Will 8245
Gilbertson, Martha 1928 Will 10683
Gilbertson, Ole 1916 Will 8392
Gill, George Estate 3541
Gill, George Estate 3818
Gill, George Estate 4044
Gill, John M. Estate 4125
Gillet, David Estate 712
Gillett, Daniel B. Estate 303
Gillett, William 1921 Will 9194
Gillies, Robert S. 1921 Estate 9183
Gilligan, Harry Will 4951
Gilmore, Brice Will 3715
Gilson, Charles C. Estate 93
Gingrich, Ida E. 1930 Will 11115
Gist, Charles B. Estate 2389
Gist, Samuel Estate 70
Gist, Samuel Estate 132
Gitzmacher, Ernest Estate 1797
Glading, Solomon Estate 1393
Glascott, Archibald F. Estate 4162
Glascott, David S. Will 4999
Glascott, Francis Estate 1139
Glascott, Mary A. 1910 Heirs 7551
Glascott, Mary Ann 1909 Will 7434
Glaus, Dominich Estate 744
Glausen, John Estate 3695
Glauss, Sebastian 1928 Estate 10541
Gleason, Oliver Estate 3717
Gleason, Robert Estate 130
Glennan, Richard Will 3076
Glennan, Richard Estate 3077
Gloege, Frederick Estate 4727
Glower, Jacob Estate 463
Gmur, Robert 1915 Heirs 8276
Gnagi, Ann Elvira 1910 Will 7656
Gnagi, Peter Will 7243
Gobble, Ettna F. 1924 Estate 9672
Goddard, A.W. Estate 800
Goddard, Alice M. 1921 Will 9198
Godfrey, Jerome Estate 667
Goecks, Carl 1925 Will 9934
Goecks, Ernest S. 1926 Will 10215
Goecks, Fred C. 1919 Estate 8778
Goecks, Fred C. 1920 Minors 9064
Goetz, Conrad Will 3697
Goetz, Conrad 1919 Will 8887
Goetz, Muriel 1916 Minor 8469
Golacksen, Nels Estate 905
Golaxan, Larce Estate 1210
Golden, Reuben Estate 2003
Golliday, Alvin R. Estate 54
Golz, William 1912 Estate 7820
Golz, William 1913 Heirs 7977
Gombar, David 1912 Estate 7841
Good, John 1928 Estate 10697
Goodair, Hanby Estate 2886
Goodman, David Estate 4061
Goodman, David Estate 4312
Goodman, George 1912 Estate 7862
Goodman, George 1913 Heirs 7961
Goodrich, George Estate 4186
Goodrich, George A. Estate 2649
Goodrich, Martheua Will 2864
Gordee, Anna 1926 Estate 10142
Gordee, Ben Estate 4355
Gordee, Ben Estate 4495
Gordee, Mary Will 7282
Gordee, Mary 1910 Heirs 7557
Gordee, Ole 1824 Will 9669
Gordon, Ole O. Estate 2418
Goreham, Henry C. Estate 1109
Gorham, Clinton Estate 558
Gorham, Elisha Will 1120
Gorham, Elvira M.C. Estate 4984
Gorham, Rice D. 1923 Will 9465
Gorham, Sarah Estate 1695
Gorham, William Will 4922
Gorham, William C. Will 3949
Gorman, Harry W. 1929 Estate 10757
Gorman, John Will 1731
Gorman, John Estate 3049
Gorman, John Estate 7260
Gortz, Chas Estate 1833
Gortz, Chas Estate 1834
Gosling, Belle 1926 Will 10036
Gosling, Sarah A. 1922 Descent 9363
Goslyn, Edith M. 1915 Heirs 8219
Gothompson, Peter 1921 Will 9168
Gothompson, Sever Estate 1690
Gothompson, Sever L. 1923 Estate 9500
Gothompson, Thomas Will 249
Goul, Emma Estate 7272
Goul, Guttrum 1929 Will 10718
Gould, Lemuel Estate 767
Gould, Lemuel Estate 1402
Grace, George Estate 94
Grady, Anna 1923 Estate 9482
Grady, Patrick 1917 Will 8532
Graenicher, Ann 1926 Will 10118
Graham, Ellet E. Estate 7241
Graham, Ellet E. 1910 Heirs 7583
Graham, Luke Estate 1403
Graham, Lura A. Estate 7248
Graham, Lura A. 1909 Heirs 7401
Graham, Sylvanus Estate 7247
Grant, Levi T. Estate 7305
Grant, Maria M. 1910 Will 7537
Grant, Nancy Estate 7080
Graut, J. Estate 1923
Gravenor, Thomas 1926 Estate 10150
Gravenor, William J. 1925 Estate 9865
Graves, Louisa 1920 Estate 8969
Gray, Alhana A. Estate 2131
Gray, Charles S. Will 4942
Gray, George M. 1918 Minor Heirs 8736
Gray, Sylvester Estate 2632
Greatsinger, Alvira Estate 4985
Greatsinger, Elvira L. Estate 4282
Greatsinger, Elvira L. Trust Estate 4656
Green, Cutler L. Will 2216
Green, Eliza Estate 2568
Green, Francis Allen 1912 Estate 7848
Green, Henry C. Estate 2217
Green, Joseph Will 1721
Green, Joseph P. Estate 1862
Green, William C. Will 1174
Green, William H. Estate 611
Greenwald, Catharine 1919 Descent 8869
Greenwald, Rudolph Estate 1264
Greenwald, Rudolph Estate 1266
Greenwood Cemetery (Monroe [Wisconsin]) 1921 9235
Greidenwise, Nicholas Estate 193
Grenzow, Alice 1923 Minor Heirs 9517
Grenzow, Clara Alice 1922 Descent 9420
Grenzow, E.O. 1913 Estate 7972
Grenzow, E.O. 1914 Heirs 8069
Grenzow, Sophia 1924 Descent 9645
Grenzow, W.F. 1918 Estate 8746
Grenzow, William Estate 2814
Gressley, Alma S. 1926 Descent 10145
Greub, Clara 1930 Will 11027
Grey, Charles A. Estate 841
Griedenwise, Nicholas Estate 193
Griessen, Samuel 1911 Estate 7796
Griffith, Amassa Estate 90
Griffith, Gard 1920 Will 8954
Griffith, Jacob Estate 690
Griffith, Jane Will 935
Griffith, William Estate 106
Griffith, William Estate 108
Grimm, Carl 1913 Will 8032
Grinnel, Betsey Estate 642
Grinnel, Robert P. Estate 757
Grinnell, Carson 1915 Estate 8214
Grinnell, James 1909 Heirship\Descent 7419
Grinnell, Lydia L. 1928 Will 10618
Grinnell, Myrtle 1922 Minor Heirs 9421
Grinnell, Willard E. 1910 Will 7621
Gritzmacher, Fred Estate 1631
Grochowsky, Charles 1911 Estate 7668
Groelle, Charles Estate 3127
Groelle, Charles F. Estate 3359
Groove, Ole Oson Estate 1613
Grossmann, August 1925 Estate 9879
Grout, Clara 1914 Heirship 8197
Grout, Melissa 1917 Will 8516
Grout, Orrin 1909 Estate 7522
Groves, Uriah Estate 72
Grunenwald, William Estate 6023
Grunert, Caroline Alvinia Estate 3398
Grunert, Ferdanand Will 3205
Grunert, John 1914 Will 8095
Grunewald, William 1919 Descent 8765
Grunwald, Albert B. Estate 3564
Grunzo, August Will 2184
Gruver, Benjamin Will 1015
Guelson, Guel O. 1917 Will 8501
Guelson, Stanley 1924 Minor Heirs 9652
Guerdenwise, Nicholas Estate 399
Guidon, Andrew Estate 2817
Guinter, William Will 4667
Gullachsen, Nels Estate 858
Gulson, Christopher 1911 Heirship 7675
Gundy, John Estate 181
Gundy, William E. Estate 754
Gunn, Chloe A. 1925 Will 9871
Gut, Alfred 1917 Estate 8574
Guthramson, Guthram Estate 261
Guttman, Esther and John 1915 Minor 8294
Gutzmer, August 1920 Will 8968
Gutzmer, Wilhelm 1909 Will 7425
Guul, Andrew 1926 Descent 10110
Guul, Gena Olena Estate 4637
Haas, Anton 1920 Estate 9004
Haas, Anton 1920 Minor Heirs 9005
Haas, David Estate 1691
Haas, Solomon Will 1736
Haas, Valentine 1912 Will 7799
Haase, Carl 1909 Will 7476
Haberman, Frederick William Estate 2642
Haberman, Margaret Alice 1920 Estate 8979
Haberman, William F. Estate 2643
Haberman, William F. Estate 3519
Hackworth, William Estate 47
Haddinger, Frederick 1911 Estate 7690
Hadfield, Ann Will 3323
Hadinger, Jane 1927 Estate 10394
Haegele, Constantine Estate 2603
Haemerly, Casper 1912 Estate 7856
Haenni, Christian 1909 Estate 7452
Hafeman, Ernestine 1924 Termination of life Estate 9726
Hafeman, Ferdinand Estate 7182
Hafen, Emil 1929 Estate 10954
Haferman, Ferdinand 1915 Estate 8298
Hahn, Ernest Will 7027
Hahn, Ernest 1918 Will 8644
Hahn, John A. Will 7226
Hahn, Theresa 1915 Descent 8311
Haimson, Joe Estate 4442
Haiser (baby) 1910 Dependent Child 7595
Haley, Daniel Estate 1938
Haley, Ellen Estate 4481
Haley, Oscar P. Estate 325
Haley, Oscar P. Will 352
Hall, Augustus Estate 831
Hall, Charles H. 1927 Will 10252
Hall, Clara C. 1928 Estate 10611
Hall, Daniel H. Estate 7156
Hall, Frank Estate 1134
Hall, Frank Estate 1707
Hall, James Estate 332
Hall, James Estate 2124
Hall, Levi N. Estate 781
Hall, Mary E. Estate 7276
Hall, Phebe A. Will 5060
Hall, William 1911 Will 7712
Hall, William R. and Addie E. 1913 Will 8010
Halstead, Haiver O. Estate 2488
Halverson, Andrew 1929 Descent 10984
Halverson, Arne Estate 996
Halverson, Jennie 1929 Estate 10794
Halverson, Syver Estate 4108
Haman, Frederick W. Estate 2109
Haman, Lydia A. 1929 Will 10830
Haman, Samuel H. Will 7280
Hamblett, Horace F. Estate 1021
Hamer, Richard Will 4425
Hamer, William R. 1921 Will 9160
Hamillon, Thomas Estate 2556
Hamilton, John 1918 Descent 8699
Hamilton, Mary Will 3279
Hamilton, Mary 1910 Will 7548
Hamilton, Thomas Estate 4376
Hamilton, Thomas Estate 4379
Hamilton, William 1909 Estate 7481
Hamilton, William S. Estate 2145
Hamm, Clara 1924 Descent 9659
Hamman, Ida M. 1925 Estate 9814
Hamman, John Estate 1121
Hammerly, Casper 1913 Heirs 7965
Hammon, Ida M. 1925 Minor Heirs 9921
Hammon, Jacob 1911 Estate 7747
Hampshier, Samuel Estate 740
Hamsher, Samuel Estate 740
Hancock, Charles E. 1916 Descent 8478
Hanlin, Hart 1889 Guardianship 2724
Hanm, William Estate 3494
Hanna, Samuel Estate 353
Hanna, Samuel M. Estate 1143
Hansen, Julius Estate 3807
Hanson, Bertha Estate 5063
Hanson, Gilbert Will 3257
Hanson, Gilbert Estate 4621
Hanson, Henry H. Estate 4772
Hanson, Henry H. Estate 4979
Hanson, Iver Estate 2712
Hanson, Karen Martia Will 2640
Hanson, Lewis Will 3300
Hanson, Mary Jane Estate 3239
Hanson, Rasmus Will 2617 II
Hanson, Simon Estate 4129
Hanson, Simon Estate 4452
Hanson, Syver Will 2319
Hardy, Albert C. Estate 855
Hardy, Frank Estate 603
Hardy, George G. 1919 Descent 8836
Hare, Alvah E. 1916 Estate 8479
Hare, Clarinda Estate 4000
Hare, Louis Estate 1947
Hare, Mary Will 3292
Hare, Patrick Estate 1616
Haren, D.H. 1929 Will 10770
Haren, Michael Will 4783
Harkins, Lyman Estate 1871
Harper, Agnes M. 1921 Will 9184
Harper, Agnes M. 1922 Trust Estate 9391
Harper, Andrew, Jr. 1916 Estate 8437
Harper, Andrew, Jr. 1920 Minor Heirs 8988
Harper, Andrew, Sr. 1915 Will 8215
Harper, John S. Will 3577
Harper, Maranda 1914 Will 8128
Harper, Michael Estate 3380
Harrigan, James Estate 4822
Harrington, Abraham Estate 2912
Harrington, James 1926 Will 10023
Harris, Helen T. 1917 Estate 8600
Harris, Peter Estate 2950
Harris, William Estate 48
Harroun, Mariah Estate 811
Hart, John Estate 1874
Hart, Mariah Estate 847
Hart, Mariah Estate 857
Hart, Ruth Estate 2372
Hartman, Mayo S. 1928 Descent 10605
Hartman, Uriah G. 1929 Descent 10771
Hartwich, Gottlieb 1913 Estate 8033
Hartwick, Sophia 1915 Will 8244
Hartwig, Catherine 1929 Estate 10881
Hartwig, Ferdinand A. Will 2221
Hartwig, Ferdinand A. Estate 2789
Hartwig, George 1915 Will 8228
Hartwig, George A. 1923 Estate 9473
Hartwig, Henry 1917 Estate 8559
Hartwig, Henry 1918 Heirs 8657
Hartwig, Rosa 1922 Will 9378
Hartwig, W.F. Estate 2416
Hartwig, William 1922 Descent 9315
Hartwig, William F. Estate 2704
Hartwig, William L. Estate 3038
Haseltine, Joseph W. Estate 3991
Haskins, Rinaldo Estate 3029
Hasse, John Will 4760
Hastings, Hugh Estate 224
Hathman, D.C. Estate 1718
Hauert, Mathias Estate 758
Haug, Alice 1902 Sparta School 4687
Haugen, Ole O. 1913 Will 7973
Hauk, John 1916 Estate 8486
Hausch, John Will 1992
Hauser, Casper 1914 Estate 8187
Hauser, Edward 1930 Estate 11076
Hauser, Jacob A. 1921 Estate 9267
Hauser, John 1924 Will 9782
Hauser, Oswald 1925 Estate 9965
Hauser, Oswald 1926 Minor Heirs 10003
Havens, Forrester 1917 Will 8636
Havens, Luther Estate 1735
Haveu, Luther Estate 766
Havrus, Luther Estate 766
Hawes, Martha Estate 2165
Hawes, Morris F. Estate 721
Hawkins, Judson 1925 Descent 9938
Hawthorn, Edwin E. Will 3978
Hawthorn, James Will 2630
Hawthorn, William B. 1912 Estate 7852
Hawthorne, Andrew J. 1909 Will 7473
Hawthorne, Andrew J. 1909 Heirs 7500
Hawthorne, James Estate 2034
Hawthorne, Ray A. Estate 4243
Hawver, Daniel 1915 Descent 8341
Hay, Daniel Estate 1561
Hayberberger, John Will 1150
Hayden, James Estate 314
Hayden, James Estate 2644
Hayden, Lucinda Will 2604
Hayes, Gurney C. 1918 Estate 8731
Haynes, Marvin H. Estate 6085
Haynes, Mina and Baldwin, Julius 1913 Heirs 7969
Haynes, Palmer A. 1918 Estate 8651
Hazen, Reuben Will 759
Heal, Rosa B. Estate 7213
Healy, Julia 1915 Estate 8232
Healy, Martin 1927 Estate 10362
Healy, Mary Will 1494
Heare, Lewis Estate 1982
Heath, James Henry 1921 Will 9197
Heath, Joel M. 1918 Descent 8684
Heath, Robert Emmet Estate 5089
Heckman, James Estate 1412
Heckman, James Estate 2591
Heckman, Thadeus T. Estate 2077
Heer, Abraham 1927 Will 10332
Heer, Fred W. 1924 Estate 9628
Hefele, John Will 2125
Hefty, Abraham 1927 Descent 10279
Hefty, Adam Estate 345
Hefty, Adam Will 4689
Hefty, Barbara Will 6043
Hefty, Barbara 1914 Heirship 8133
Hefty, Casper Estate 1367
Hefty, Casper Estate 1397
Hefty, Eisbeth Will 3467
Hefty, Fabian Estate 7369
Hefty, Frans Will 1308
Hefty, Fred J. Will 4034
Hefty, Fred K. 1925 Will 9981 1-6
Hefty, Fredolin 1917 Estate 8507
Hefty, Fredolin 1918 Will 8686
Hefty, Fridoline Estate 1786
Hefty, Henry Will 1117
Hefty, Henry Estate 3218
Hefty, Henry Estate 3647
Hefty, Henry Estate 4416
Hefty, Henry 1913 Descent 7971
Hefty, Henry 1914 Estate 8132
Hefty, Henry H. 1928 Estate 10551
Hefty, Jacob Estate 2928
Hefty, Jacob Will 4310
Hefty, John Henry Estate 188
Hefty, John Jacob Will 2584
Hefty, John R. Estate 733
Hefty, Margaretha 1912 Estate 7884
Hefty, Maria Estate 7003
Hefty, Marianna Estate 4275
Hefty, Olga K. 1930 Estate 11083
Hefty, Paul Leo 1925 Estate 9923
Hefty, Rosina 1926 Estate 10101
Hefty, Samuel Estate 3617
Hefty, Samuel Estate 3666
Hefty, Samuel 1923 Estate 9469
Hefty, Thomas 1927 Estate 10422
Hefty, William H. 1923 Estate 9450
Hegna, Caroline Grove 1913 Foreign Estate 7969 1/2
Hein, Carl 1917 Estate 8621
Hein, William Will 7153
Heindel, George Estate 1094
Heinselman, Martin Estate 3591
Heintzelman, William 1913 Estate 8034
Heinzelman, Louisa 1923 Estate 9578
Heinzelman, Martin Estate 3386
Heinzelman, Martin Estate 4303
Heisy, Maria Estate 281
Heitz, Baltz Estate 824
Heitz, Baltz Will 7021
Heitz, Baltz Estate 7141
Heitz, John Will 6044
Heiz, Marie Estate 281
Held, Barbara Estate 233
Held, Fred 1923 Estate 9539
Held, Fred 1924 Minor Heirs 9696
Helm, Heber 1913 Descent 7933
Helm, Nellie Estate 7211
Helmeid, Brede B. 1927 Estate 10444
Hemperle, Frederick Will 1112
Hemstreet, Jennette Will 3884
Hemstreet, Margaret Estate 884
Hendrickson, Knute 1922 Infant Heir 9415
Hendrie, Thomas Estate 961
Hendrie, William Estate 579
Hendris, Julia A. Estate 3345
Henn, Phillip Estate 2515
Henn, Phillipene 1920 Estate 9068
Henper, James F. Will 3456
Henry, Eliza Estate 1983
Henry, Eliza Estate 1984
Herbert, Joseph Estate 541
Herbert, Joseph Estate 542
Herren, Fritz 1912 Estate 7849
Herrick, Gilbert A. Estate 2336
Herrick, Melvina Estate 1392
Hess, Christian 1914 Heirs 8116
Hess, Fred 1909 Will 7406
Hess, Rhinehart 1922 Estate 9313
Hess, Rhinehart 1923 Minor Heirs 9466
Hess, Rosina Estate 7322
Hess, Thomas 1911 Heirs 7795
Hess, Thomas 1917 Descent 8617
Hewitt, Chloe M. 1919 Will 8824
Hickey, Bridget Estate 3699
Hickey, Patrick Will 4142
Hickman, Benjamin Estate 312
Hicky, James B. Estate 2819
Hicky, Patrick Estate 4314
Higgins, Roger Estate 587
Hill, Charles Estate 45
Hill, Eunice Estate 7195
Hill, George D. Estate 1533
Hill, Juliet Will 4405
Hill, Juliet L. Estate 4527
Hill, Washington Estate 3258
Hill, William Will 3974
Hill, William W. Will 5020
Hill, William W. Estate 6091
Hillcrest Cemetery [Association]. Albany, Wisconsin 9919
Hilliard, Lonson D. Will 4902
Hills, Frank E. Estate 2159
Hills, Ira 1912 Will 7801
Hills, Joel Will 1335
Hills, Olin L. 1911 Will 7703
Hills, Polly Estate 1336
Hills, Samuel G. Estate 4641
Hills, Thomas Estate 681
Hilton, Lucinda Estate 2414
Hinds, Margaret 1921 Estate 9257
Hintz, Frederick F. 1925 Will 9969
Hintz, Mary E. Will 3766
Hintzman, William F. Estate 2353
Hintzman, William F. Estate 2771
Hirsig, Elizabeth 1923 Will 9613
Hitchcock, Hiram Estate 738
Hixon, Ole Estate 3751
Hochstetler, Levi Estate 591
Hodges, David Estate 575
Hodges, David Estate 581
Hodges, Frank L. 1930 Will 11149 1
Hodges, Frank L. 1930 Will 11149 2
Hodges, G.T. 1917 Estate 8614
Hodges, Isabel Estate 3927
Hodges, Lewis Estate 46
Hodges, W.W. Will 4419
Hoeft, Adolph 1918 Heirship 8658
Hoeft, Adolph 1925 Descent 9979
Hoeft, Charles Will 4705
Hoehn, Eliza 1921 Will 9239
Hoehn, Henry 1918 Will 8756
Hoesley, John Will 1924
Hoesli, Katharina 1925 Will 9823
Hoesly, Andrew 1912 Will 7808
Hoesly, Andrew 1929 Estate 10918
Hoesly, Balthasar Estate 4386
Hoesly, Baltz 1924 Estate 9720
Hoesly, David 1920 Estate 8939
Hoesly, Elizabeth 1923 Estate 9558
Hoesly, Esaias Will 2057
Hoesly, Esaias Estate 2071
Hoesly, Euphemia 1914 Estate 8072
Hoesly, Fridolin Estate 5053
Hoesly, Henry Estate 845
Hoesly, Henry Estate 4301
Hoesly, Henry J. 1914 Will 8190
Hoesly, Henry, Sr. 1927 Descent 10292
Hoesly, Jacob L. 1913 Estate 8041
Hoesly, Jacob L. 1915 Heirs 8217
Hoesly, John 1909 Estate 7443
Hoesly, John, Sr. Estate 4466
Hoesly, Jost 1915 Estate 8283
Hoesly, Jost 1923 Estate 9530
Hoesly, Jost 1928 Descent 10571
Hoesly, Jost, Sr. Estate 4589
Hoesly, Kasper Estate 2004
Hoesly, Magdalena 1915 Will 8242
Hoesly, Marie 1927 Will 10396
Hoesly, Markus B. 1913 Estate 8005
Hoesly, Markus, Sr. 1916 Will 8353
Hoesly, Peter Will 1008
Hoesly, Rudolph 1911 Estate 7745
Hoesly, Ruth and Hazel 1926 Minor Heirs 10080
Hoesly, Salome 1920 Will 9070
Hoesly, Salome 1921 Trust Estate 9118
Hoesly, Samuel Will 3887
Hoesly, Samuel 1916 Heirs 8453
Hofer, Rosa 1928 Minor 10616
Hoff, Lars Larsen Estate 2147
Hoffmaister, Wilhelmina Estate 2824
Hoffmaister, Wilhelmina Estate 2926
Hoffman, Abner Will 806
Hofmeister, Mathias 1912 Will 7846
Hofmeister, William Estate 4866
Hofstetter, Fritz 1909 Estate 7387
Hofstetter, Fritz 1909 Heirs 7529
Hogan, Maria Will 4395
Hogan, William 1909 Will 7530
Hogeman, Henry Will 2880
Hohl, Otto 1929 Minor Heirs 10876
Hohn, J. Jacob Will 1323
Hohnest, Lee G. Estate 2735
Holcomb, Ernest 1930 Estate 10999
Holcomb, Randolph J. 1919 Descent 8915
Holcomb, Sarah E. 1912 Heirship 7863
Holcomb, T. Estate 1334
Holcomb, Trella M. 1912 Guardianship 7857
Holey, Patrick Estate 1903
Holloway, A. Clifton 1930 Estate 11151
Holloway, Ara S. Estate 3486
Holloway, Harriet J. 1930 Estate 11108
Holloway, J.S. 1926 Estate 10192
Holloway, Jacob S. 1926 Descent 10180
Holmes, Albert S. Will 2539
Holmes, David Will 3690
Holmes, Harmon W. Estate 783
Holmes, Harmon W. Estate 4521
Holmes, Lee G. Estate 2835
Holsted, Ole O. 1911 Heirs 7684
Holverson, Holver Estate 4811
Holverson, Holver Estate 5084
Holverson, Ole 1911 Heirship 7666
Holverson, Ole O. 1910 Will 7617
Holverson, Ole O. 1910 Minor Heirs 7619
Holz, F.W. Will 7344
Holzberger, Rosa 1919 Estate 8851
Honeywell, Jesse Doty 1924 Will 9788
Honeywell, Mary Laurene 1925 Descent 9990
Honeywell, Mary Laurene 1926 Special Admin. 10000
Hooker, Lewis 1920 Descent 9044
Hopinger, George Estate 3842
Hopkins, Caleb Estate 124
Hopkins, Kate 1912 Heirs 7900
Hopkins, Sanford E. Estate 1558
Horan, Bridget Will 7131
Horan, John J. 1927 Descent 10232
Horan, Malachi Will 3835
Horn, Leonard Estate 2842
Horne, Grace 1911 Indigent 7792
Horne, James H. Estate 2971
Horne, James H. Estate 4568
Horne, James H. 1927 Descent 10356
Horne, Lillian H. 1929 Will 10806
Horne, Robert W. Will 2320
Horton, George Will 4025
Horton, George Estate 4213
Hosier, Evan Estate 529
Hosier, Lucy Estate 672
Hoskins, Joseph D. Estate 1018
Hostettler, Esther Estate 2924
Hotchkiss, Andy B. 1928 Estate 10640
Houck, Angeline J. Estate 1054
Houck, Irwin A. Estate 1054
Hovde, Lizzie 1929 Minor Heirs 10517
Hover, John Estate 309
Hoverman, Theo 1927 Minor Heirs 10253
Howard, Etta L. 1928 Will 10549
Howard, John Will 4073
Howard, William H. Estate 3105
Howard, William Henry Estate 4579
Howart, Mathias Estate 758
Howder, David 1924 Will 9666
Howder, David 1927 Minor Heirs 10326
Howe, Anna M. 1914 Will 8181
Howe, Ida M. 1923 Minor Heirs 9611
Howe, William Estate 2822
Howe, Z.H. Will 1324
Hoylands, Sarah S. Estate 679
Hubb, Ida 1927 Descent 10247
Hubburt, Lucius P. Estate 237
Huber, Anton 1929 Will 10912
Huber, Olga 1914 Minor Heirs 8193
Hudson, Helen 1911 Estate 7764
Hudson, James Estate 489
Hudson, James Estate 873
Hudson, William Estate 4580
Hudson, William H. 1923 Will 9483
Huffman, E.A. 1927 Estate 10307
Huffman, Jacob Estate 89
Huffman, Jacob 1913 Estate 8040
Huffman, James 1921 Will 9214
Huffman, Mary Elizabeth Estate 306
Huffman, Sophia A. 1928 Will 10563
Hugelshafer, Henry Estate 4011
Hughes, Johannah 1917 Estate 8571
Hughes, Patrick 1918 Descent 8745
Hughs, James Estate 743
Hughs, Sarah Will 3028
Hulbert, Erastus Estate 639
Hulbert, Julius Will 1793
Hulburt, Ann Will 2235
Hulburt, Dorwin Estate 2069
Hulburt, E.P. Estate 3091
Hulburt, Florence E. 1910 Heirship\Descent 7632
Hulburt, Jane 1922 Will 9416
Hulburt, Mary J. 1913 Estate 7936
Hulburt, Nancy 1923 Estate 9478
Hume, Olivia Estate 874
Humes, Caroline G. Estate 92
Humes, Samuel M. Will 1426
Humes, Samuel M. Estate 1719
Humiston, Ira Estate 5064
Humphrey, Albert H. Estate 2546
Humphrey, Guy Estate 1383
Humphrey, Jessie 1924 Estate 9675
Hunnel, David L. Estate 259
Hunnel, David L. Estate 1066
Hunt, Carrie A. 1915 Estate 8295
Hunt, Edmund L. Estate 4272
Hunt, Elma R. 1928 Estate 10608
Hunt, George L. 1916 Estate 8464
Hunt, Horace Estate 327
Hunt, Howard C. 1927 Will 10230
Hunt, Isaac H. Will 1122
Hunt, John J. Estate 3752
Hunt, Oliver H. Estate 199
Hunter, David Estate 1194
Hurd, Eugene G. 1913 Estate 7997
Hurlburt, Isadora Estate 3529
Hurlbut, Bessie E. 1921 Will 9230
Hurlbut, Bessie E. 1921 Minor Heirs 9247
Hurlbutt, Erastus P. Estate 2803
Hutchins, Mary Estate 4735
Hutrzel, Catherine 1911 Estate 7784
Hutzel, Jacob M. Will 1772
Hutzel, Mary Estate 2818
Hutzel, Samuel 1910 Estate 7653
Hyde, Hannah Maria 1925 Estate 9958
Hyland, Patrick 1919 Estate 8891
Ihuse, Ole O. Estate 2130
Ihuse, Ole O. Estate 2139
Imfeld, Walter 1919 Estate 8833
Indergand, Albin 1927 Will 10235
Ingold, Ferdinand 1926 Estate 10030
Ingold, Fred 1920 Will 9014
Ingraham, Kesia Estate 1132
Ingram, John Estate 277
Irion, Henson Estate 3411
Irvin, Crassie K. Estate 2905
Isaacson, Nils Will 1023
Iseli, George A. 1918 Estate 8742
Iseli, George A. 1920 Minor Heirs 9081
Iseli, George A. 1921 Infant Heir 9157
Isely, Christian 1920 Will 9076
Isely, Jacob 1909 Heirs 7436
Isely, John Estate 3187
Isely, Samuel 1927 Will 10333 1
Isely, Samuel 1927 Will 10333 2
Isely, Samuel 1927 Will 10333 3
Isely, Samuel 1927 Will 10333 4
Iseminger, Sarah Estate 2439
Itten, Christian 1923 Will 9554
Iverson, Iver A. Will 2121
Iverson, Mollie 1926 Estate 10165
Iverson, Thomas Estate 459
Iverson, Thor Estate 396
Jaberg, Anna Will 1007
Jack, Agnes Will 3819
Jackett, Mary Ann Estate 3438
Jackson, Abraham Estate 958
Jackson, Andrew Will 3950
Jackson, Andrew Estate 4283
Jackson, Andrew Estate 4284
Jackson, Bery F. Estate 6022
Jackson, Charlotte Estate 1548
Jackson, Charlotte Estate 1728
Jackson, Emily 1919 Will 8854
Jackson, James Will 4978
Jackson, Lester U. 1918 Estate 8737
Jackson, Richard Estate 1136
Jackson, Richard Estate 3729
Jackson, Samuel 1920 Estate 8998
Jackson, Samuel 1922 Trust Estate 9306
Jackson, Sarah Rebacca 1910 Heirs 7652
Jackson, Susan Estate 928
Jackson, Willis P. 1911 Will 7772
Jacobsen, Marjorie Alice 1925 Guardianship 9926
Jacobson, Charles T. Estate 4598
Jacobson, Charles T. 1910 Heirship 7589
Jacobson, Gilbert Will 3068
Jacobson, Stephen Estate 4784
James, Andrew Brooks Estate 775
James, Thornton Estate 128
James, Wilbur E. Estate 4375
James, Wilbur E. Estate 4543
Janny, Balse Estate 2064
Janny, Balse Estate 2065
Jarenby/Jombey, Harold Estate 3535
Jarman, John Will 6061
Jarman, John Estate 7144
Jarman, Statia 1926 Estate 10222
Jay, Michael Will 3855
Jelliff, H. Wesely Estate 2829
Jenison, Albert Estate 467
Jennings, Guilford D. Will 983
Jennings, Jane Will 2901
Jennings, Jane 1919 Estate 8907
Jenny, John Will 7326
Jenny, Mary 1930 Descent 11066
Jenny, Peter Estate 254
Jenny, Peter, Sr. 1918 Estate 8732
Jenny, Ursula 1921 Estate 9138
Jensvold, Christian Will 2730
Jewell, Augustus Gilman Estate 52
Jliff, Alvira Estate 61
Jobes, Hiram Estate 3811
Johns, Rose Will 5099
Johnson, Andrew J. 1919 Estate 8881
Johnson, Anna 1926 Descent 10116
Johnson, Anna M. 1923 Will 9543
Johnson, Catharine Will 3036
Johnson, Easton Estate 3789
Johnson, Easton Estate 3874
Johnson, Elizabeth A. 1919 Will 8876
Johnson, Ellick 1930 Estate 11134
Johnson, Elmer Habeus Corpus 794
Johnson, Frank Estate 2737
Johnson, G.W. Estate 1642
Johnson, George I. 1917 Estate 8613
Johnson, Harriet M. 1920 Descent 9052
Johnson, Hebron Estate 3641
Johnson, Hebron Estate 3844
Johnson, Henry Estate 44
Johnson, Henry 1925 Descent 9812
Johnson, Henry P. Estate 7087
Johnson, Ingeborg Estate 4698
Johnson, John A. 1928 Will 10615
Johnson, John H. 1914 Will 8162
Johnson, Katherine 1927 Will 10415
Johnson, L.B. Estate 3567
Johnson, Lewis 1922 Descent 9295
Johnson, Lina 1929 Special Admin. 10841
Johnson, Lynn 1916 Will 8480
Johnson, Margaret F. 1923 Dependent Child 9553
Johnson, Ole 1911 Estate 7755
Johnson, Samuel Will 1371
Johnson, Sever 1910 Estate 7624
Johnson, W.F. 1916 Will 8363
Johnson, William 1913 Will 7940
Joice, Martin Estate 2303
Jones, Albert C. Estate 692
Jones, Edward Estate 4530
Jones, Elias Estate 51
Jones, George 1911 Will 7700
Jones, George J. Estate 779
Jones, Herb 1921 Minor Heirs 9281
Jones, Hugh Estate 53
Jones, Jacob Will 1351
Jones, Jacob Estate 2086
Jones, Jacob Will 3088
Jones, James 1916 Will 8450
Jones, James 1916 Heirs 8456
Jones, John Estate 1640
Jones, John Estate 4050
Jones, John Estate 4757
Jones, John 1912 Heirs 7901
Jones, John 1920 Will 9060
Jones, Joseph Estate 43
Jones, Margaret Will 3810
Jones, Mariette Estate 334
Jones, Peter Estate 951
Jones, Peter Will 2966
Jones, Richard Estate 4330
Jones, Sarah Will 4232
Jones, Sarah A. Will 2323
Jones, Susanna Estate 1890
Jones, William A. Estate 1507
Jones, William C. Estate 428
Jones, William W. Estate 4342
Jordan, Alonzo Will 994
Jordan, Alonzo Estate 1103
Jordan, Joesphine M. Estate 1674
Jordan, Volney Estate 4307
Jordan, Volney Estate 7210
Jordan, Volney 1925 Descent 9977
Jordan, William 1919 Will 8853
Jorden, George A. Estate 1531
Jordon, Josephine Maria (alt: Wilcox, Josephine Maria) Estate 3317
Jordon, Volney Estate 2801
Joslyn, Mary A. Will 2718
Joy, Michael Will 7047
Joyce, Kate 1926 Will 10064
Joyce, Martin 1918 Estate 8752
Joyce, Patrick Estate 1998
Judd, Franz Estate 5068
Judge, Bridget Estate 4001 II
Judge, Michael Estate 4001 I
Kaderly, Ida 1925 Descent 9896
Kaderly, Jacob Estate 834
Kaderly, Jacob Estate 885
Kaderly, John Will 1666
Kaderly, Rudolph 1926 Estate 10073
Kaderly, Rudolph 1930 Minor Heirs 11023
Kaelin, John B. 1911 Will 7778
Kafer, Ida Ruth 1922 Estate 9373
Kafer, Joe 1928 Estate 10468
Kafer, Joe 1928 Descent 10469
Kaiser, Fred 1919 Estate 8821
Kaiser, Gotthilf 1927 Estate 10361
Kane, Samuel B. Estate 753
Kant, August 1929 Will 10922
Kargus, Frank 1910 Estate 7544
Karlen, David (empty) 8618 1-3
Karlen, Elizabeth 1928 Minor Heirs 10489
Karlen, Emanuel Will 3418
Karlen, Gottfried 1916 Will 8448
Karlen, Gottfried 1917 Will 8534
Karlen, Jacob 1920 Will 8928
Karlen, Louise Magdalena 1916 Will 8367
Karlen, Sam G. 1921 Will 9186
Karlen, Susanna C. 1916 Estate 8413
Karlen, William 1924 Estate 9683
Karlen, William 1924 Minor Heirs 9796
Karlin, Rudolph Estate 2985
Karn, George L. 1910 Estate 7622
Karney, Abbie T. 1920 Descent 9051
Karney, Clay Putnam Estate 5006
Karney, I. Mellville 1923 Estate 9488
Karney, Marion L. 1921 Estate 9107
Karney, Powell Estate 3331
Kassler, Rosena Estate 1149
Kassler, Rosena Estate 1152
Katz, Samuel 1924 Estate 9719
Kaufman, Maria Will 3624
Kay, John Estate 2279
Kay, William Will 2261
Kean, James Will 2874
Kean, Miles D. Estate 521
Keating, Dennis 1909 Estate 7496
Keating, Jeremiah 1910 Will 7536
Keckler, Samuel Estate 534
Keefe, John Will 4063
Keefe, John Estate 4254
Keegan, Bridget Will 2963
Keegan, John 1918 Estate 8717 1
Keegan, John 1918 Estate 8717 2
Keegan, Richard Will 2671
Keegan, Richard Will 4429
Keegan, Richard 1911 Heirs 7798
Keehner, Charles H. 1929 Will 10936
Keen, Charles S. 1918 Heirs 8725
Keen, Daniel Will 4032
Keen, Hannah Will 4082
Keen, Hannah Estate 4244
Keen, John S. 1911 Estate 7765
Keen, John S. 1912 Heirs 7931
Keen, Rebecca 1910 Estate 7645
Keiser, Lewis Estate 2508 II
Keister, David S. Estate 2440
Keister, David S. Estate 2470
Keister, David S. Estate 2511
Keister, David S. Estate 2820
Keister, George Estate 273
Keister, Harvey R. 1918 Estate 8758
Keister, Mary Estate 3677
Keister, Mary Estate 3845
Keister, Mary 1910 Incompetent 7658
Keister, Mary 1911 Estate 7713
Keistler, Frederick Estate 2853
Keller, Charles Estate 1517
Keller, Herman Estate 4741
Keller, John Estate 1504
Keller, Johnathan Estate 1892
Keller, Johnathan T. Estate 916
Keller, Konrad 1920 Will 8964
Keller, Otto J. 1923 Estate 9569
Keller, Sarah Will 7244
Kelley, Hannah 1916 Will 8360
Kelley, Newell Will 4192
Kelley, Reuben Estate 2229
Kelley, Samuel Estate 882
Kelly, Absalom Estate 60
Kelly, Agnes 1922 Will 9434
Kelly, Carrie 1923 Descent 9564
Kelly, Christopher Will 3103
Kelly, Christopher C. 1912 Will 7847
Kelly, David Estate 65
Kelly, Ephraim 1924 Descent 9724
Kelly, Horace O. 1928 Will 10631
Kelly, John Estate 2431
Kelly, John Estate 3385
Kelly, John Will 3385 II
Kelly, Margaret Will 3883
Kelly, Mordecai Estate 3057
Kelly, Mordecai, Jr. Estate 3135
Kelly, Samuel Will 3125
Kelly, Susie 1914 Minor Heirs 8209
Kelly, Timothy Estate 6099
Kelly, Willie L. Estate 2802
Kempter, Jacob 1915 Will 8243
Kempter, John 1920 Estate 8962
Kempter, Mary 1921 Estate 9200
Kenedy, Lawrence Estate 1551
Kenedy, Mary Estate 3242
Kennedy, Dominick 1921 Will 9133
Kennedy, Jeremiah Estate 3473
Kennedy, Lizzie 1929 Estate 10729
Kennedy, Mathew 1909 Will 7515
Kennedy, Michael Estate 1454
Kennedy, Susan Will 3585
Kennison, William H. Will 5004
Kenyon, Emmet 1907 Guardianship 7200
Kepler, Daniel Estate 902
Keppler, William 1925 Estate 9845
Kern, Barbara Estate 2898
Kerr, James H. Estate 67
Kerr, Joseph Estate 109
Kerr, Joseph Estate 654
Kerwin, Dennis Will 4159
Kesler, Daniel Will 1483
Kesler, W.J. 1922 Estate 9424
Kessler, Rosena Estate 1149
Kessler, Rosena Estate 1152
Keyder, Andres J. Will 3463
Keyes, William Will 3137
Keylock, Anna 1911 Will 7699
Kiesow, Emielie 1929 Will 10755
Kiester, Uriah 1911 Estate 7678 1\2
Killgore, Erasmus M. Estate 4869
Killgore, James Estate 705
Killgore, James A. Estate 344
Kilwie, Mary Estate 2714
Kilwine, Nancy E. 1918 Will 8682
Kilwine, Philip W. 1924 Descent 9737
Kilwine, Philip, Sr. 1924 Descent 9736
Kilwine, Philipp Will 1632
Kilwine, Phillip Estate 4644
Kilwine, Phillip W. Estate 7102
Kimberly, Henry Will 2393
Kimp, Johanna Estate 4567
King, Charles M. 1927 Descent 10329
King, Francis 1929 Will 10737
King, Frank and Nellie Estate 4393
King, George H. Will 2923
King, Henry Will 1137
King, Hesden Estate 643
King, Hesden Estate 655
King, Hesden Estate 1292
King, Hiram Estate 496
King, Jane 1929 Descent 10834
King, John Estate 752
King, John Estate 756
King, Mary L. Will 2631
King, Otto Estate 430
King, William 1929 Descent 10835
Kingdom, Henry Estate 1946
Kingdon, Henry Will 1267
Kingdon, William Estate 3451
Kingman, Herbert A. Estate 4488
Kingman, Herbert A. Estate 4489
Kingman, Kirk E. Estate 4338
Kingman, Samuel Estate 1164
Kingman, Samuel Estate 1341
Kingman, Sarah Will 7215
Kingman, Sarah A. 1909 Heirs 7513
Kinney, Newcomb Estate 66
Kinney, Thomas Estate 1519
Kirkpatrick, Joshua Estate 1748
Kirkpatrick, Joshua Estate 2285
Kirkpatrick, William Estate 1447
Kirpatrick, William Estate 1379
Kirpatrick, William Estate 1398
Kiser, Mary A. Estate 2856
Kiser, Mathilda Estate 2557
Kittellsen, Christine 1930 Estate 10985
Kittellsen, Oliver H. 1924 Estate 9655
Kittelson, Ole E. 1929 Will 10711
Kittlesen, Andrew E. 1925 Will 9931
Kittleson, Aaste Estate 4111
Kittleson, Edwin Estate 4111
Kittleson, Holver Estate 1128
Kittleson, Oliver 1922 Descent 9422
Kizer, Matilda A. Will 1726
Kjellsvig, Anton 1919 Estate 8902
Klaas, Amelia Estate 4084
Klaas, David Estate 4214
Klaas, Henrietta Will 7031
Klaas, Henry 1929 Will 10709
Klaas, Ida M. 1924 Descent 9636
Klaas, Louisa Estate 3108
Klapy, Joachim Estate 3406
Klass, Louis Estate 1594
Klass, Louis Estate 1607
Klass, Louis Estate 1672
Klassey, Samuel 1928 Estate 10545
Klassi, Samuel Estate 3907
Klassy, David Estate 2137
Klassy, David 1919 Will 8852
Klassy, Fred, Sr. 1924 Estate 9777
Klassy, Henry 1915 Estate 8308
Klassy, Henry, Sr. 1912 Guardianship 7902
Klassy, Jacob 1917 Estate 8498
Klassy, John Peter 1916 Will 8442
Klassy, Katherine Will 4814
Klassy, Melchior Estate 537
Klassy, Melchior Estate 1000
Klassy, Peter Estate 1299
Klassy, Peter Estate 1394
Klassy, Samuel 1922 Trust Estate 9442
Klassy, Samuel B. 1921 Will 9268
Klaus, Dominich Estate 744
Klaus, Dominick Estate 5010
Kleb, Lizzie 1929 Will 10826
Kleckner, Charles W. 1927 Will 10306 1
Kleckner, Charles W. 1927 Will 10306 2
Kleckner, Charles W. 1927 Will 10306 3
Kleckner, Isaac Estate 1401
Kleckner, Isaac Estate 1611
Kleckner, Joseph Will 3594
Kleckner, Joseph Estate 4183
Kleeberger, John H. 1916 Estate 8495
Kleiner, Sylvia 1898 Infant Custody 4017
Kleinsmith, August Estate 3749
Klemm, Wilhelm 1928 Will 10664
Kleppe, Lars Ole Estate 2045
Kleppe, Lars Olson Estate 1429
Kleppe, Ole L. Estate 3063
Kline, Eli Estate 7337
Kline, Isaac Estate 469
Kline, Isaac Estate 4251
Kline, Joel Will 4317
Kline, Joel Estate 4457
Kline, John Estate 1044
Kline, John Estate 1059
Kline, John H.C. 1914 Will 8173
Kline, Lucinda Will 6049
Kline, William Estate 3670
Klingbeil, Julius 1917 Descent 8585
Kloepping, Henry 1909 Will 7393 1\2
Klossner, Alfred 1909 Incorrigible 7393
Klumb, Jacob Estate 1951
Klumb, Rebecca Will 4546
Klwine, Frank G. 1930 Estate 11112
Knapp, Consider Estate 213
Knapp, O.P. Will 956
Knapp, Theresa A. Will 1384
Knapp, William H. Will 2894
Kneeland, E.G. 1911 Heirship\Descent 7702
Kneeland, Mary W. 1916 Descent 8415
Kneeland, Mary W. 1916 Heirs 8418
Knight, Anna 1913 Estate 8012
Knight, Carl 1929 Estate 10951
Knight, Imogene Estate 1815
Knight, John Will 3714
Knight, Margaret Will 3800
Knight, Margaret 1910 Will 7631
Knight, Mary 1914 Estate 8109
Knight, Michael Will 1316
Knight, Nellie M. 1928 Will 10480
Knight, Owen Will 4943
Knight, R.A. 1914 Estate 8094
Knight, Ralsey Will 3911
Knight, Thomas 1910 Estate 7549
Knight, Thomas 1912 Heirs 7837
Knipschield, John Estate 1396
Knipschield, Louise K. 1913 Descent 7992
Knipschild, Adam 1909 Heirship\Descent 7465
Knipschild, Adam 1928 Will 10494 1
Knipschild, Adam 1928 Will 10494 2
Knipschild, Adam 1928 Will 10494 3
Knipshal, Adam Estate 1916
Knobel, Abraham Will 2056
Knobel, Clara Estate 7061
Knobel, Fred B. 1918 Guardianship 8722
Knobel, John Will 3025
Knobel, John 1917 Descent 8577
Knoeri, Emanuel Estate 6064
Knoerl, Emanuel Will 5033
Knoll, Julius 1921 Estate 9249
Knowles, Rachel Estate 4257
Knox, Harvey Estate 3247
Knud, Salsaa Estate 2138
Knudsen, Abraham Will 3178
Knudson, Betsey Estate 2907
Knudson, John L. Estate 5014
Knudson, Levi O. 1925 Will 9972
Knudson, Lewis A. Estate 5016
Knudson, Tham L. 1911 Will 7676
Knutson, Ansely Estate 236
Knutson, Ole 1909 Estate 7479
Kocher, George W. Estate 4266
Koecher, George W. Estate 7264
Koehler, Carl Ludwig Will 5073
Koehler, Mathilda 1928 Estate 10694
Koehner, George 1917 Estate 8608
Koepnick, William 1917 Will 8630
Kohl, David Will 356
Kohl, David Estate 366
Kohl, David Estate 513
Kohli, Barbara Estate 1178
Kohli, Robert 1911 Will 7696
Kohner, Michael 1917 Minor Heirs 8518
Kohner, Michael 1916 Will 8409
Kolander, William Estate 4464
Kolb, John Will 7002
Kolb, John 1920 Estate 9084
Kolb, John 1921 Minor Heirs 9243
Kollen, John A., Jr. Estate 7020
Koller, John Adams 1925 Minor Heirs 9808
Koller, Kate C. 1921 Minor Heirs 9175
Koons, Rose 1912 Will 7889
Koplin, Michael Will 3440
Korn, Bernhard 1917 Estate 8582
Kotz, Samuel Estate 4576
Kramer, Andrew Estate 3442
Kramer, Godfrey 1929 Absconded 10902
Krause, August 1921 Estate 9114
Krause, August 1923 Minor Heirs 9617
Krause, Fred W. 1909 Estate 7468
Krause, Frederick Estate 4634
Krause, Fredrick Will 4439
Krauss, Leonard 1929 Will 10824
Kreeg, Jacob Plazedies 1916 Will 8379
Kron, Frederic Estate 547
Krone, Frederick Estate 248
Krueger, Frank 1918 Estate 8739
Krueger, Fred 1929 Descent 10812
Kryder, Andrew J. 1914 Will 8198
Kryder, John J. 1917 Will 8570
Kryder, Lavina Will 4291
Kubby, Rudolph Estate 120
Kubli, Balthasar Estate 7039
Kubli, Chloe Estate 2943
Kubli, Deitrich Estate 7308
Kubli, Fridolin 1919 Estate 8827
Kubli, Jacob Estate 3627
Kubli, Johan Peter 1920 Will 9098
Kubli, John M. Estate 4764
Kubli, Rudolf 1911 Will 7724
Kubly, Abraham 1910 Heirship 7539
Kubly, Anna Maria 1923 Estate 9464
Kubly, Balthasar Estate 6071
Kubly, Barbara 1928 Estate 10476
Kubly, Elizabeth 1929 Will 10723
Kubly, Ernest 1926 Estate 10149
Kubly, Ernest 1927 Minor Heirs 10472
Kubly, Henry Estate 4991
Kubly, Jacob Will 5032
Kubly, Joderich Will 4514
Kubly, John A. 1925 Estate 9866
Kubly, John U. 1918 Estate 8653
Kubly, Lydia Estate 4989
Kubly, Maria 1918 Estate 8654
Kubly, Oswald Estate 4297
Kubly, Oswald 1917 Will 8527
Kubly, Oswald H. 1911 Estate 7760
Kubly, Oswald H. 1911 Heirs 7774
Kubly, Vincent 1913 Estate 7959
Kubly, Vincent 1914 Minor Heirs 8071
Kubly, Vincent H. 1919 Will 8820
Kubly, Vincent H. 1920 Minor Heirs 9100
Kuchner, Lewis Estate 3053
Kuehn, August 1917 Estate 8540
Kueng, Jacob 1930 Will 11073
Kuenzie, John 1918 Descent 8649
Kuenzie, Minnie 1922 Minor Heirs 9392
Kuhl, Ernst 1923 Will 9521
Kuhl, Wilhelmine 1926 Will 10032
Kuhnke, August 1919 Estate 8847
Kunder, Paulus 1911 Heirs 7697
Kundert, Abraham Estate 4623
Kundert, Abraham 1923 Will 9609
Kundert, Baltz Estate 7135
Kundert, Baltz Estate 7231
Kundert, Balz Estate 1950
Kundert, Elizabeth Estate 3667
Kundert, Fred Estate 4863
Kundert, Fred Estate 4927
Kundert, Fred M. Will 7362
Kundert, Fred V. 1910 Will 7635
Kundert, J. Will 1922
Kundert, Jacob Estate 1945
Kundert, Jacob Will 3712
Kundert, John 1909 Estate 7505
Kundert, Mary Will 7116
Kundert, Mathias Estate 3669
Kundert, Oswald Will 1645
Kundert, Palmer 1926 Minor Heirs 10078
Kundert, Paul W. Will 7364
Kundert, Peter 1917 Estate 8605
Kundert, Rosina Estate 1345
Kundert, Rudolph Will 448
Kundert, Rudolph Will 943
Kundert, Rudolph Estate 4914
Kundert, Solomon Estate 2186
Kundert, Thomas Estate 3671 (II)
Kundert, Thomas Will 4747
Kundert, Verena Will 7123
Kundson, John L. 1920 Descent 9847
Kunz, Sam 1919 Will 8803
Kuobel, Casper Estate 631
Kurtz, Andrew Estate 719
Kurtz, John 1912 Will 7925
Kurtz, Peter A. 1928 Estate 10623
Kurtz, William H. 1921 Descent 9136
Kurz, Reinhard 1916 Will 8444
Kutrke, Frederick Estate 3668
Kutzka, Frederick Estate 2629
Laager, Fridolin 1912 Estate 7835
Laboard, David Will 1880
Labord, Peter Will 4492
Labord, Philip Will 3466
LaBorde, Lydia 1923 Will 9459
Laborde, Peter Estate 4636
Ladell, Christine C. 1928 Descent 10652
Ladwig, Fiederick Estate 2006
Lager, Elizabeth 1888 Infant 2567
Lager, Lizzie 1930 Will 11062
Lagerson, Levin 1929 Will 10767
Lageson, Embrecht 1922 Will 9432
Lageson, Embrecht 1923 Infant Heir 9619
Lahr, Amalia A. 1924 Estate 9759
Lahr, Conrad 1921 Will 9129
Laird, Betsey Estate 3557
Laird, Catherine P. Estate 1569
Laird, Ella, et al. Estate 7083
Laird, Jerome Estate 562
Laird, Jerome Estate 1612
Laird, Richard C. 1917 Will 8537
Laite, Walter Will 3217
Lake, Amanda L. 1921 Descent 9231
Lake, French Estate 2278
Lake, Jefferson Estate 7229
Lake, Jefferson Estate 7323
Lambert, Lavina Jane Estate 4839
Lamboley, Joseph Will 7269
Lamont, Benjamin Will 4010
Lamson, Elnathan 1916 Will 8356
Lancaster, Minnie M. Estate 1541
Land, J.R. 1927 Estate 10227
Land, James Estate 1770
Lane, Clara E. 1909 Estate 7385
Lang, Amelia Estate 4483
Lang, Fred Estate 6017
Langacher, Gottfried 1923 Estate 9518
Langacher, Gottfried 1924 Minor Heirs 9689
Lange, August Estate 3246
Lange, August Estate 3423
Langton, James Estate 2175
Langton, Richard J. Estate 2553
Lantzsch, Theodore Estate 1831
Lantzsch, Theodore Estate 1832
Lanz, Andrew 1909 Will 7480
Lanz, Anna E. 1929 Will 10863
Lanz, Edward 1929 Will 10713
Lanz, Ulrich Will 4887
Lanz, Verena 1919 Will 8793
Larmer, Amy Jane 1913 Estate 8015
Laroque, Francois Will 4015
Laroque, Francois Estate 4087
Larson, Erick Estate 1413
Larson, Erick Estate 1801
Larson-Bristal, Lars Estate 3144
Lassell, Harris Estate 2173
Lathrop, Cynthia Estate 3510
Lattin, George C. 1927 Estate 10428
Laubaugh, Ellen 1921 Will 9177
Laube, Louis S. 1927 Estate 10330
Laube, Sebastian 1914 Will 8085
Laughbaugh, Andrew J. 1914 Will 8172
Laugs, George Estate 2878
Lauker, Moses Estate 5001
Lawler, Joseph 1917 Descent 8635
Lawler, Nora 1916 Estate 8458
Lawton, Catharine M. 1916 Heirs and Heirship 8470
Lawton, Tina A. Estate 7139
Lawver, George 1922 Estate 9360
Layton, Eliza J. Estate 1359
Layton, Evan Estate 2361
Layton, Evan Estate 2425
Layton, Jane 1922 Estate 9328
Layton, Thomas Estate 227
Layton, Thomas 1921 Estate 9192
Layton, Thomas 1922 Minor Heirs 9296
Layton, Thomas 1922 Infant Heir 9394
Layton, Thomas A. 1909 Estate 7437
Layton, Thomas D. Estate 1492
Layton, William Will 1825
Layton, William Y. Estate 395
Leake, Abraham Will 863
Leake, Rachael 1922 Will 9396
Leaver, Christ Estate 4803
Leck, George 1919 Estate 8830
Leck, Henry Estate 6069
Leck, Henry Estate 7132
Leck, Henry 1921 Infant Heir 9142
Lee, James Estate 1263
Lee, Margaret Estate 3050
Lee, Ole H. Estate 1768
Lee, Ole H. Estate 2668
Lee, Ole H. Estate 3198
Leehee, James Estate 3686
Leemann, Gottfried 1924 Will 9731
Legler, Andrew 1913 Estate 8019
Legler, David Will 1361
Legler, Fredolin Will 3898
Legler, Fridoline Will 4504
Legler, G. John 1912 Will 7833
Legler, George Estate 4385
Legler, George Estate 5070
Legler, Henry H. 1924 Estate 9621
Legler, John 1912 Will 7886
Legler, John 1912 Estate 7894
Legler, John C. Will 1639
Legler, Susie Estate 7351
Lehmann, Friedrich 1930 Will 11024
Lehnherr, Jacob Estate 1141
Lehnherr, Louisa 1925 Minor Heirs 9859
Lehnherr, Louise 1923 Estate 9559
Lehnherr, Rosaline Estate 3208
Lehnhers, Louise 1925 Descent 9826
Leibly, Mary Estate 4891
Leibundgut, Frederick Will 4959
Leichti, Oscar 1929 Minor Heirs 10813
Leistekow, William 1911 Minor Heirs 7683
Lemmel, Elizabeth Estate 3548
Lemmel, John Will 4187
Lemmel, Orhpe Will 2314
Lemmon, Sarah Estate 3614
Lemon, William, Sr. 1921 Estate 9228
Lemont, Elizabeth A. Estate 3112
Lempen, John 761
Lempen, Magdalena Estate 761
Lempen, Magdelena Estate 6026
Leng, William Lloyd 1930 Descent 11114
Lens, Sophia Estate 1806
Lentz, Carl 1922 Will 9427
Lentz, Wilhelmina 1925 Estate 9996
Leonard, C.D.W. Estate 3188
Leonard, Henry 1912 Will 7883
Leonard, Henry 1912 Estate 7895
Leunberger, Henry 1881 Guardianship of Minor 1798
Leuront, B. Estate 7121
Leutenegger, William 1919 Estate 8828
Leuzinger, Elizabeth Will 722
Leuzinger, Hilarius 1911 Estate 7705
Leuzinger, Jacob Estate 3396
Lewis W.A. 1912 Minor Heir 7854
Lewis, Almond Will 1928
Lewis, Amsa and Sheldon 1929 Minor Heirs 10852
Lewis, Amza 1928 Will 10695
Lewis, Amza B. Estate 729
Lewis, Andrew 1923 Estate 9452
Lewis, Benjamin Estate 4153
Lewis, Elisabeth Estate 445
Lewis, Eliza 1927 Estate 10347
Lewis, Frank B. 1917 Estate 8626
Lewis, Fred 1922 Estate 9331
Lewis, George Estate 6094
Lewis, George E. 1921 Will 9190
Lewis, James 1919 Will 8800
Lewis, Jeremiah Will 3573
Lewis, Jesse E. 1927 Estate 10346
Lewis, John Habeas Corpus 113
Lewis, John Will 1169
Lewis, John 1926 Estate 10074
Lewis, John H. 1922 Estate 9425
Lewis, John H. 1926 Minor Heirs 10041
Lewis, John, Sr. Estate 3626
Lewis, Lucy Estate 832
Lewis, Margaret Will 4903
Lewis, Mary Will 3682
Lewis, Mary Estate 3864
Lewis, Polly Estate 116
Lewis, Roy A. 1929 Estate 10858
Lewis, Samuel J. Estate 4189
Lewis, Thomas Estate 509
Lewis, Thomas Estate 4987
Lewis, W.A. 1911 Estate 7670
Lewis, W.A. 1911 Minor Heirs 7736
Lewis, William 1921 Will 9134
Lewis, William R. 1930 Estate 11096
Lichtenwalner, A.F. 1910 Will 7584
Lichtenwalner, A.F. 1910 Estate 7584
Lichtenwalner, Catherine 1928 Estate 10536
Lichtenwalner, Hugh 1930 Will 10971
Lichtenwalner, John P. 1929 Will 10783
Lichtenwalner, Joseph Will 2190
Lichtenwalner, Joseph S. Estate 2226
Lichtenwalner, Mary Ann 1912 Will 7893
Lichtenwalner, Mary C. 1929 Estate 10939
Lichtenwalner, Mertie 1907 Infant 7177
Lichtenwalner, Peter Will 2995
Lichtenwalner, Simon P. 1920 Estate 8982
Liebly, Annie Estate 2512
Liechti, Fred 1911 Estate 7677
Lien, Arne Estate 3965
Lincicum, Martha M. 1915 Estate 8287
Lincoln, Jonathan Estate 3722
Linder, John Will 2888
Linder, John Estate 2892
Linder, Magdalena Will 3665
Lindhantsen, Alfred 1913 Heirs 8017
Lindhartsen, Alfred 1912 Estate 7890
Lindley, Mary Estate 118
Lindley, Pitts Estate 685
Linzey, James D. 1929 Estate 10821
Litel, John F., Sr. Will 7335
Lloyd, Edward Estate 4231
Lloyd, Edward Estate 4538
Lloyd, Mary Estate 4417
Lloyd, Thomas Estate 2750
Lockman, Ruby 1923 Estate 9471
Lockwood, Elsie 1910 Will 7599
Lockwood, Fred 1928 Estate 10570
Lockwood, Gaylord 1921 Descent 9286
Lockwood, John Will 3430
Lockwood, Sophia 1920 Estate 8965
Loertacher, Christian Will 4038
Loertscher, Charles 1929 Estate 10788
Loertscher, Gottfried Will 4955
Loertscher, John Will 4340
Loertscher, John Estate 4469
Lofthus, Annie M. Will 7029
Loken, Sever 1926 Will 10013
Lombard, Stephen G. Estate 771
Lombers, Thomas Estate 1100
Lombors, Deora Estate 1760
Long, Gerusha Will 1552
Loofbourow, Nathan A., Dr. 1916 Will 8440
Loomis, C.W. Will 1980
Loomis, Cyrus Will 4995
Loomis, Cyrus Estate 6021
Loomis, Norman Estate 2715
Loomis, Samuel B. 1914 Will 8074
Loomis, Sarah L. 1921 Will 9271
Loper, John Estate 2701
Lord, Lousia S. Estate 1811
Lore, Frank D. Estate 7336
Lore, William Estate 3107
Lorenz, Mathilde 1927 Estate 10348
Lortscher, Emil 1908 Estate 7380
Losberger, Christian Gottlieb 1911 Estate 7672
Losberger, Christian Gottlieb 1912 Heirs 7830
Losberger, Gottlieb C. 1918 Estate 8762
Losberger, Gottlieb C. 1919 Minor Heirs 8782
Losli, Ulrich Estate 3301
Loss, George W. 1914 Estate 8085 1/2
Loughead, Samuel Will 3657
Lounsbery, Isaiah H. Estate 3195
Lounsbury, Olive Will 3689
Louver, Lloyd and Cyrus 1891 Minor Heirs 2918
Lovelace, Jefferson Estate 1104
Loveland, Franklin Will 7237
Lovesee, Edwin R. 1929 Will 10795
Lucas, Bashie 1928 Will 10588
Lucas, Charles Warren Will 5019
Luce, Burgess 1911 Heirship 7750
Luce, Etta 1920 Minor Heirs 9017
Luce, Etta 1921 Descent 9201
Luchsinger, Amelia Estate 5046
Luchsinger, Arthur 1919 Guardianship 8860
Luchsinger, Balthasar Estate 4233
Luchsinger, Balthazer 1929 Will 10717
Luchsinger, Catharine 1913 Will 8056
Luchsinger, Elsbeth 1927 Will 10303
Luchsinger, Fred 1929 Minor Heirs 10944
Luchsinger, Henry 1910 Will 7564
Luchsinger, Jacob Will 4154
Luchsinger, John 1922 Will 9349
Luchsinger, Margreth 1915 Will 8277
Luchsinger, Mary 1922 Will 9394
Luchsinger, Robert 1929 Infant Heir 10945
Luchsinger, Samuel 1913 Guardianship 8007
Luchsinger, Samuel 1914 Will 8170
Luchsinger, Samuel 1917 Will 8603
Luchsinger, Sebastian Will 3052
Luchsinger, Susanna Will 4845
Luchsinger, Thomas Estate 3967
Lucksinger, John Estate 355
Ludlow, Adella and Frances 1920 Dependents 8972
Ludlow, Arabut Will 3740
Ludlow, Calvin 1912 Descent 7929
Ludlow, Henry 1923 Will 9585
Ludlow, Henry 1925 Trust Estate 9905
Ludow, Henry 1924 Minor Heirs 9729
Lueck, Frederick 1922 Will 9365
Luehsinger, Hattie Estate 1732
Luethy, Fred Estate 3356
Lumbers, Deborah Estate 1792
Luttrall, Elias Estate 114
Luttrall, Elias Estate 115
Lutts, Samuel Estate 390
Lutz, Ferdinand 1915 Descent 8255
Lutz, Gottfried 1924 Descent 9745
Lutz, William 1925 Will 9967
Lutzi, Jacob Estate 2845
Lutzi, Jacob Estate 2910
Lyman, Clark 1928 Guardianship 10641
Lyman, Eva 1924 Estate 9760
Lyman, James W. Estate 5040
Lyman, Laura W. Will 3041
Lyman, Maria Estate 2396
Lyman, Naomi Estate 3119
Lyman, Sarah Estate 1929
Lynch, Simon P. Will 3111
Lynch, Simon P. Will 4346
Lynch, Thomas A. 1913 Estate 7980
Lynd, James Estate 668
Lynn, Robert Estate 3500
Lyons, Charles J. 1927 Estate 10285
Lyons, Edward Martin 1929 Estate 10842
Lysaght, Jane 1919 Will 8804
Lysaght, Jane 1920 Trust Estate 9088
Lysaght, Jane 1921 Memorial Fund 9120
Lysaght, Jane (Cemetery Fund) 1921 Cemetery Fund 9119
Lysaght, William Will 4770 I/II
Maaske, Carl 1924 Will 9624
Maaske, Fred 1915 Heirs 8324
Mack, Henry Estate 1273
Mack, Julia Estate 524
Mackey, James Estate 1320
Mackey, Norval B. 1927 Descent 10337
Macomber, Addison Estate 485
Macomber, Isaac 1913 Estate 7946
Maeder, Fritz 1912 Will 7919
Magee, James Estate 2648
Mahar, Daniel Estate 4091
Mahar, Edward 1924 Estate 9661
Mahar, Elizabeth 1911 Minor Heirs 7707
Mahar, John Estate 4190
Mahar, Mary D. Estate 7035
Mahar, Nellie 1920 Minor Heirs 8924
Maher, Julianna 1909 Estate 7516
Maher, Thomas Estate 4793
Maher, Thomas Estate 4915
Mahle, Adam 1909 Estate 7455
Mahle, Dorothea 1911 Estate 7803
Mahley, Gottlieb 1918 Estate 8703
Mahlkuch, Ferdinand 1914 Heirs 8144
Maley, Bridget Estate 2930
Malia, Patrick Will 4982
Malkuch, Christ 1922 Minor Heirs 9368
Malkuch, Ferdinand Will 7249
Malkuck, Wilhelm 1927 Will 10278
Man, Fred 1917 Minor Heirs 8502
Manchester, Sarah Will 3857
Manchester, Sarah Will 7104
Maneghan, James Estate 1056
Manerman, William H. Estate 7100
Mani, David 1911 Will 7744
Mani, Jacob Estate 7285
Mani, Rudolph Will 5098
Mann, Charles 1924 Minor Heirs 9795
Mansfield, Charles M. Estate 2457
Marble, Ephraim Estate 1555
Marean, Aesabeus Will 1437
Marean, Jacob 1914 Descent 8100
Marks, John Estate 443
Marsh, Edward H. Estate 7325
Marsh, Ephraim Estate 272
Marshall, George R. 1918 Estate 8724
Marshall, James 1911 Estate 7718 1/2
Marshall, Robert Estate 939
Marshall, Robert Estate 987
Marshall, Templeton Estate 172
Marshall, Will H. 1930 Minor Heirs 11141
Marshall, William B. Estate 786
Marshall, William H. 1928 Will and Trust Estate 10673 1
Marshall, William H. 1928 Will and Trust Estate 10673 2
Martens, Gose Estate 2343
Marti, Jacob Estate 2954
Martin, Andrew Estate 1468
Martin, Catherine Estate 3017
Martin, Elizabeth 1923 Estate 9499
Martin, Honora Estate 2596
Martin, Horatio W. Will 7053
Martin, Hugh Estate 212
Martin, Hugh Estate 432
Martin, Isaac E. Estate 1191
Martin, J.E. Estate 4925
Martin, James Will 1173
Martin, James 1916 Will 8416
Martin, James F. 1928 Foreign Will 10580
Martin, M.P. 1912 Estate 7845
Martin, Malvina 1922 Will 9344
Martin, Mary Will 1745
Martin, Mary S. Estate 2893
Martin, Michael Estate 2610
Martin, Nathaniel Estate 836
Martin, Rhoda H. 1929 Special Admin. 10740
Martin, Thomas Estate 4218
Martin, William Will 2871
Martin, William W. Estate 4249
Martry, J. Henry 1917 Descent 8543
Marty, Anna Will 1422
Marty, Barbara 1921 Estate 9226
Marty, Barbara 1924 Descent 9629
Marty, Barbara 1929 Estate 10720
Marty, Barbara 1929 Descent 10743
Marty, Christ 1930 Estate 11008
Marty, Christ 1928 Will 10509
Marty, Dietrich 1919 Estate 8834
Marty, Fred D. 1926 Will 10002
Marty, Fred N. 1926 Will 10063
Marty, Fridolin Estate 3802
Marty, Fridolin Estate 3865
Marty, Fridolin 1915 Estate 8256
Marty, Fridoline Will 816
Marty, Fridoline Estate 1158
Marty, Fridoline Estate 1438
Marty, George 1909 Inebriate 7527
Marty, Henry 1912 Will 7844
Marty, Jacob Estate 7165
Marty, Jacob 1910 Estate 7636
Marty, Jacob 1911 Heirs 7775
Marty, Jacob P. 1926 Will 10066
Marty, John 1911 Will 7719
Marty, John 1913 Estate 7991
Marty, John 1914 Minor Heirs 8096
Marty, John Casper 1915 Will 8274
Marty, John Casper 1916 Heirs 8414
Marty, Jost 1914 Estate 8201
Marty, Jost 1916 Heirs 8399
Marty, Louisa Estate 4141
Marty, Magdelena 1926 Minor Heirs 10019
Marty, Melchin Will 2258
Marty, Melchior Will 2897
Marty, Nicholas C. Estate 4734
Marty, Nicholas C. Estate 4949
Marty, Paul 1912 Estate 7904
Marty, Rosina Will 4798
Marty, Rosina Estate 4998
Marty, Verena 1916 Descent 8492
Marty, Vincent Estate 1339
Maschler, Dan 1930 Will 11136 1
Maschler, Dan 1930 Will 11136 2
Mason, J. Will 2371
Mather, John Estate 7198
Mather, Joseph 1926 Estate 10169
Mather, Maria M. 1910 Will 7593
Mathers, A.E. Estate 4470
Matter, Conrad Estate 3725
Matter, John Estate 876
Matter, Ursula W. 1912 Will 7871
Matzke, Augusta 1912 Estate 7922
Matzke, Christ F. 1930 Will 11042
Matzke, Frank W. 1929 Estate 10937
Matzke, Fred Will 2727
Matzke, Hannah L. 1909 Estate 7398
Matzke, John F. Estate 4180
Matzke, Michael 1909 Will 7394
Matzke, Samuel Estate 7331
Matzke, William 1910 Heirs 7556
Matzke, William F. Will 5030
Mau, Anna Estate 2037
Mau, Fred 1915 Estate 8346
Mau, Martin 1921 Estate 9208
Mau, Minnie 1923 Estate 9576
Mauerman, Herman F. 1922 Estate 9399
Mauerman, Herman F. 1924 Minor Heirs 9768
Mauermann, William 1927 Will 10250
Maughimer, Edward P. 1910 Heirship 7558
Maurer, Reinhold 1927 Descent 10322
Maveus, Carl M. Will 7222
Maveus, William H. 1917 Estate 8504
Maveus, William H. 1917 Heirs 8645
Mayer, Agatha Estate 2269
Mayer, Mary 1918 Estate 8681
Maynard, John F. Estate 4262
McBride, Emma Will 2667
McBride, George 1909 Inebriate 7504
McBride, James Estate 4006
McBurnney, James M. Estate 2257
McCall, Mary Estate 903
McCamant, Adeline 1916 Estate 8391
McCammant, Adeline 1919 Estate 8918
McCammant, John R. 1920 Descent 8952
McCammant, Samuel Will 1313
McCann, Patrick Will 3774
McCann, Robert 1927 Descent 10273
McCarthy, Charles Will 2391
McCarthy, John F. Estate 5054
McCarthy, Michael Will 2716
McCarty, John Estate 7044
McCarty, Olive Grace Estate 1061
McClaren, Catharine P. Estate 177
McClear, Thomas Will 2805
McClellan, James 1928 Descent 10471
McClellan, James 1928 Estate 10478
McComber, Jane Estate 713
McConnell, James Will 7279
McConnell, Joseph Will 1939
McCormick, Ann Estate 1146
McCormick, Elizabeth Estate 1146
McCormick, John Estate 294
McCracken, Charles J. Estate 2099
McCrady, Ann Will 4715
McCraken, William S. Will 3129
McCreed, Mary S. 1927 Estate 10389
McCreedy, Cornelius 1913 Heirship 8043
McCreedy, Melissa 1923 Will 9603
McCreedy, Silas W. Estate 3660
McCreedy, William W. 1925 Estate 9998
McCulley, George Estate 1004
McCullow, Francis Estate 4522
McCunniff, Michael Estate 182
McDaniel, John 1920 Descent 9020
McDaniels, John Will 2783
McDermott, John 1921 Estate 9125
McDermout, Stephen Estate 1322
McDonnell, Clifford 1912 Dependent Child 7899
McElwee, James W. 1923 Will 9590
McElwee, Maurice 1923 Special Admin. 9547
McFarland, Julia A. Estate 3525
McGee, Mary I. Estate 633
McGill, David Estate 110
McGoon, Maria Estate 4957
McGrath, Dennis Estate 7111
McGrath, Edward 1921 Will 9227
McGrath, Edward 1923 Heirs 9463
McGrath, John 1914 Will 8171
McGrath, John 1925 Will 9805
McGrath, Margaret Estate 3943
McGrath, Patrick 1912 Will 7829
McGrath, Richard Estate 3942
McGrath, Richard 1918 Heirship 8659
McGrath, William H. and Mary Elizabeth 1923 Guardianship 9448
McGready, Mattie M. 1889 Guardianship 2733
McGuillin, James Estate 886
McGuire, Mary A. Will 7015
McGuire, Richard 1924 Minor Heirs 9642
McGuire, Richard 1922 Estate 9308
McGuire, William Estate 289
McGuire, William Estate 4614
McGuire, William Estate 4720
McGuire, William Estate 4755
McKee, Mary I. Estate 633
McKibben, Joseph T. Will 2385
McKibben, Nancy J. Estate 3483
McKibben, Sarah M. Estate 3012
McKibbins, John Estate 1581
McKiney, Louro Estate 1404
McKinney, Alonzo Estate 1095
McKinney, Burdette Estate 2405
McKinney, Chester Estate 299
McKinney, Chester Estate 563
McKinney, James 1885 Guardianship 2224
McLane, George Estate 431
McLane, James Estate 446
McLaughlin, Mary 1913 Will 7939
McLaughlin, Mary E. 1914 Trust Estate 8090 1
McLaughlin, Mary E. 1914 Trust Estate 8090 2
McLaughlin, Mary E. 1914 Trust Estate 8090 3
McLaughlin, William W. Estate 1388
McLean, Charles H. Estate 5013
McLean, Clara Estate 5011
McLean, George Estate 4940
McLeland, Chancy Estate 64
McMahan, Fanny Estate 634
McManamin, Thomas 1928 Estate 10592
McManis, John Estate 3184
McMannis, Fanny Estate 1861
McMannis, James Estate 656
McManus, Ann Estate 1175
McManus, Georgiana Estate 1048
McMitt, Daniel Estate 486
McNair, David Estate 4766
McNair, Edward 1929 Will 10855
McNair, Egbert D. 1926 Descent 10046
McNair, Egbert D. 1916 Estate 8435
McNair, Grace E. 1913 Guardianship 8046 1/2
McNair, Lavina Will 1407
McNair, Miles M. 1913 Will 8053
McNair, Rachel Elizabeth 1911 Will 7623
McNaught, Gilbert Estate 3820
McNish, Alexander Will 1739
McNish, Alexander Estate 2607
McNish, Alexander Estate 2615
McNish, Archibald Estate 1039
McNish, Elizabeth Estate 1040
McNish, Elizabeth Estate 1074
McNitt, Daniel Estate 283
McNitt, Jennie 1930 Descent 11004
McNitt, Nathan P. Estate 1643
McNutt, Joseph Estate 1147
McNutt, Michael Estate 125
McNutt, Michael Estate 171
McPhillips, Martha 1917 Estate 8522
McVean, Elizabeth Will 7041
McVean, Peter Estate 1466
McVean, Peter Estate 1530
McVey, Ann Eliza Estate 56
McVey, Thomas Estate 63
Meacham, Ed. L. 1926 Minor Heirs 10176
Meacham, Edward L. 1926 Estate 10015
Meacham, Hosea Will 2831
Meacham, John A. 1914 Will 8084
Meacham, Mary 1915 Heirship 8237
Meacham, William Estate 1363
Meara, Patrick O. Estate 7194
Medberg, Hiram Will 2277
Meeker, Adeline Estate 1349
Meier, Henry Estate 5056
Meier, Jacob Will 2577
Meinert, Abigail 1911 Estate 7667
Meinert, Christopher Will 2179
Mellen, Gideon C. Estate 4222
Melvin, Alonzo Estate 1053
Melvin, Alonzo Estate 1246
Melvin, Hanora 1919 Will 8862
Melvin, Lattie A. 1911 Estate 7717 1/2
Melvin, Peter Will 7306
Menehan, James Estate 4683
Menehan, James Will 4718
Menehan, William Estate 4729
Menehaus, Thomas Estate 3716
Menor, Ephraim 1909 Heirship\Descent 7438
Merian, Ferdinand 1909 Indigent 7407
Merritt, Emma 1926 Estate 10052
Messerli, Christian 1926 Descent 10185
Messerli, Fred Will 7092
Messerli, Mary 1925 Estate 9899
Messmer, Ella 1914 Estate 8125
Messmer, Lorenz Will 5007
Metcalf, Ella Estate 3996
Metcalf, George 1922 Estate 9423
Mevius, Arthur W. 1924 Estate 9740
Mevius, William Estate 7077
Mevius, William Estate 7085
Mewell, William Estate 179
Meyer, Gotlieb Will 1723
Meyer, Jacob Estate 1789
Meyer, Jacob Estate 2078
Meyer, John Estate 1376
Meyer, John 1915 Heirs 8278
Meyer, John 1913 Estate 8000
Meyer, Kaspar 1911 Heirs 7769
Meyer, Mary Will 7152
Meyer, Stephen Will 1251
Meythaler, Andrew 1916 Will 8436
Meythaler, Charles T. 1923 Descent 9604
Meythaler, Jacob Will 3620
Meythaler, Louisa 1929 Will 10724
Michael, George Estate 3497
Michael, Jane 1913 Guardianship 8025
Michaels, Cynthia Estate 1287
Michaels, George Estate 4458
Michaels, Philip Estate 58
Michaelson, Erick Will 2167
Michaelson, Sarah Estate 3588
Michell, Joseph Estate 1206
Mickelson, Ole Estate 105
Milbrandt, August F. 1924 Will 9690
Milbrandt, Frank Estate 4625
Milbrandt, Frank Estate 4781
Milbrandt, Lillian 1917 Estate 8509
Milbrant, Frank Estate 4781
Miles, Isabella Will 684
Miles, James L. Estate 1168
Miles, James L. Estate 1344
Milk, William J. Will 1300
Milks, Hannah M. 1912 Will 7924
Milks, Sally Will 725
Milks, Sally Will 3342
Millard, H.J. 1919 Descent 8784
Millen, Gideon C. Estate 492
Miller, Abraham Estate 4638
Miller, Albert 1910 Estate 7625
Miller, Albert 1911 Heirs 7767
Miller, Albert H. 1921 Heirs 9270
Miller, Alice Estate 4151
Miller, Ann Estate 3062 II
Miller, Anton Will 2148
Miller, Anton Estate 4181
Miller, Augusta 1925 Will 9880
Miller, Catherine Estate 2589
Miller, Catherine J. Will 2608
Miller, Catherine J. Estate 7048
Miller, Ellen 1911 Will 7768
Miller, Ellen 1912 Heirs 7910
Miller, Ellen V. Will 2736
Miller, Emanuel 1929 Will 10765
Miller, Ephraim Will 7143
Miller, Erastus Estate 3485
Miller, Franklin Estate 6084
Miller, Fred 1918 Estate 8700 1/2
Miller, Gotlieb Estate 1791
Miller, Gottlieb Estate 2867
Miller, Hamilton Estate 825
Miller, Hamilton C. Estate 55
Miller, Harvey T. Estate 7189
Miller, J.H. 1925 Will 9929
Miller, Jacob Estate 6041
Miller, Jacob Estate 7268
Miller, James Estate 454
Miller, James Estate 798
Miller, James Estate 2202
Miller, John Estate 1781
Miller, John A. 1912 Estate 7926
Miller, John C. 1920 Descent 9041
Miller, John F. Will 3925
Miller, John F. 1920 Estate 8951
Miller, Joseph A. Estate 7174
Miller, Joseph B. Estate 3326
Miller, L.B. Estate 1709
Miller, Lucy Estate 3619
Miller, Mary A. Estate 7173
Miller, Moses Estate 7267
Miller, Peter Estate 403
Miller, Phares Will 4002
Miller, Rachel 1909 Heirship\Descent 7441
Miller, Simon Estate 57
Miller, Stephen Estate 925
Miller, Stephen 1911 Will 7691
Miller, Thomas Estate 3030
Miller, Thomas Estate 3901
Miller, Thomas Estate 4185
Miller, William J. Estate 2588
Milliken, Benona Estate 2455
Milliken, Edith 1929 Estate 10816
Milliken, Ellen Will 4215
Milliken, Matilda 1909 Will 7484
Millington, Newton 1917 Estate 8575
Millman, Elizabeth 1911 Estate 7717
Millman, Robert Estate 1365
Millman, Robert B. Estate 405
Millman, Thomas J. Will 2624
Mills, Ann Will 1411
Mills, Hiram Estate 1700
Mills, Laura Ann Will 2413 II
Mills, Martha J. 1915 Will 8345
Mills, Thomas Estate 1576
Miner, Catherine Estate 993
Miner, Daniel Estate 173
Miner, Samuel H. Estate 999
Minert, Christopher Will 4782
Misteli, August 1910 Will 7606
Misteli, August 1910 Heirs 7649
Misteli, Kathrina 1924 Will 9705
Mitchel, Augustus Estate 662
Mitchel, Martin Estate 340
Mitchel, Samuel 1916 Estate 8402
Mitchel, Thomas G. 1916 Estate 8403
Mitchell, Abner Estate 1199
Mitchell, Benjamin Will 2456
Mitchell, Charles W. Estate 7124
Mitchell, Frank O. 1924 Will 9679
Mitchell, Henry Estate 732
Mitchell, Ida 1916 Heirs 8468
Mitchell, Jesse Will 3536
Mitchell, Mary 1916 Descent 8387
Mitchell, Perry Estate 183
Mitchell, Perry Estate 239
Mitchell, Perry Estate 602
Mitchell, Priscilla Estate 119
Mitchell, Samuel Will 2946
Mitchell, Stewart M. 1921 A Minor 9115
Mitchell, Thomas G. 1913 Estate 7934
Mitchell, Washington 1912 Will 7797
Mitcheltree, Rosella Will 3428
Mitcheltree, Rosella Estate 3433
Mitmer, David Estate 1330
Mittmon, Carl O. 1908 Estate 7383
Mix, Ethel Estate 1469
Mock, Catherine A. Estate 3346
Moe, Arne O. Estate 931
Moe, Arne O. Estate 966
Moe, Lewis H. Will 4819
Moe, Uldrick K. Will 7238
Moen, Anton A. 1916 Descent 8431
Moen, Bertha 1920 Estate 9015
Moen, Ole A. Estate 5027
Moen, Ole A. 1921 Infant Heir 9223
Moen, Ole Andreas Estate 4944
Moen, Ole O. 1909 Will 7511
Moen, Ole, S. 1927 Estate 10388
Moen, Syver A. 1924 Descent 9647
Mohns, August 1923 Descent 9610
Mohns, Henry 1923 Will 9620
Mohns, Mary Estate 3969
Mohns, Minnie 1923 Estate 9519
Moldenhauer, A.F. 1913 Estate 7930
Moldenhauer, A.F. 1917 Heirs 8524
Moldenhauer, W.F. Will 4525
Moldenhauer, W.F. Estate 7056
Moldenhauer, W.F. Estate 7181
Mollen, Sarah A. Estate 4423
Monaghan, Anthony Will 5086
Monaghan, Edward M. 1928 Minor Heirs 10458
Monaghan, Hugh Will 2849
Monaghan, Michael Estate 7040
Monahan, James 1928 Estate 10538
Monahan, Michael Estate 4348
Monahan, Patrick Will 7163
Monroe, W.B. 1929 Will 10886
Monroe, William Will 7340
Monroe, Z.W. Will 4881
Monteith, William Estate 2739
Monteith, William 1911 Estate 7709
Montgomery, Amanda M. 1914 Heirship 8207
Montgomery, Jarvis Earl 1930 Minor Heirs 11060
Montgomery, Jarvis W. 1909 Will 7457
Montieth, Mary 1913 Will 7988
Moon, Milton Estate 226
Mooney, Annie 1929 Descent 10784
Mooney, William Estate 3276
Moore, Adin S. 1912 Heirs 7879
Moore, Adin S. 1911 Estate 7757
Moore, Eliza Estate 3133
Moore, Frederic Estate 749
Moore, G. Estate 1694
Moore, George Estate 1553
Moore, Harvey Will 1391
Moore, James 1909 Heirship\Descent 7423
Moore, Jane E. 1911 Will 7685
Moore, Julia A. Estate 1694
Moore, Mary Will 4135
Moore, Sophia B. Estate 4273
Moore, Susan Estate 664
Moore, Thomas Estate 665
Moore, William F. Estate 3069
Mor, Nedrick K. 1911 Heirs 7783
Morehouse, Homer 1920 Estate 9077
Morehouse, Homer 1921 Minor Heirs 9170
Moreland, John Will 3574
Moreland, John Will 4774
Moreland, John Estate 4911
Moreland, Martha Will 1179
Moreland, Robert Will 1162
Morgan, Anson Will 523
Morgan, Anson Estate 1038
Morgan, Charles J. 1917 Estate 8612
Morgan, Cordelia L. Will 3199
Moritz, John, Sr. 1923 Estate 9460
Morris, Harvey P. Will 4147
Morris, James Will 4946
Morris, John Estate 1512
Morris, John Estate 2795
Morris, John S. 1916 Estate 8467
Morris, Keziah Estate 2795
Morris, Martha M. 1928 Will 10584
Morris, Mathew K. Estate 3354
Morris, Russell Serring 1914 Estate 8204
Morrison, James Estate 25
Morrison, James Estate 61
Morrison, Tivis Estate 61
Morrison, William Estate 61
Morrison, William Estate 338
Morrison, William Estate 505
Morrizon, W.H. Estate 1689
Morse, Celia 1895 Guardianship 3517
Morse, Elias C. 1912 Estate 7858
Morse, Frances E. 1913 Estate 7982
Morse, George W. Estate 1084
Morse, Josiah Estate 2153
Morse, Nancy D. Estate 1757
Morton, Alexander Will 4947
Morton, Amy 1921 Estate 9263
Morton, Edgar Estate 4475
Morton, John D. Will 1841
Morton, Lewis W. Will 2937
Morton, Mary 1909 Heirs 7428
Morton, Sarah Estate 3633
Morton, Sophia 1919 Estate 8822
Morton, Susanna Estate 74
Morton, William F. 1923 Will 9498
Moser, Hugh Estate 890
Moser, John 1927 Absconded 10325
Moser, Susanna Estate 2430
Mosher, Elisha Will 3061
Mosher, Jared J. Estate 736
Mosher, Jared J. Estate 815
Mosher, Jared J. Estate 1025
Mosher, Reuben Will 4938
Mosher, Stewart Estate 354
Moulton, Salena Will 36
Mourey, Alexander Estate 184
Mowry, Alexander Estate 184
Moyer, George V. Will 4885
Moyer, George V. Estate 4888
Moyer, Samuel Rufus 1923 Will 9458
Mt. Vernon Cemetery (Juda, Wisconsin) 1921 9242
Muehlhein, John Estate 3222
Mueller, August 1919 Estate 8805
Mueller, Bartlome 1911 Will 7665
Mueller, Edward Estate 3970
Mueller, Ernest 1928 Heirship 10604
Mueller, Ernest 1929 Estate 10823
Mueller, Herman 1909 Dependent 7415
Mueller, John Estate 4300
Mueller, Magdalena 1928 Will 10650
Muhlematter, Johan 1922 Will 9348
Muhlethaler, Fred 1928 Special Admin. 10627
Mukelman, Henry Estate 3750
Mulhern, Gus 1925 Estate 9804
Mulhern, John 1914 Descent 8083
Mullen, Martin Estate 2351
Mullen, Mary 1912 Estate 7834
Mullen, Patrick Will 2035
Muller, John 1919 Estate 8769
Mullin, Charles Estate 3817
Mullin, Frank 1914 Will 8152
Mullin, Martin Estate 3816
Multer, Adam P. Estate 6089
Multer, Adam P. Estate 6090
Mulvihill, Ida M. 1925 Estate 9956
Mulvihill, Ida M. 1926 Minor Heirs 10077
Munger, Judson 1911 Estate 7723
Munger, Thomas Estate 4791
Munger, Thomas Estate 4936
Murdock, Clayton R. 1922 Estate 9395
Murdock, Clayton R. 1926 Minor Heirs 10055
Murdock, John C. 1918 Estate 8733
Murphy, Charles 1918 Estate 8697
Murphy, Charles P. Estate 4588
Murphy, Cynthia Will 4810
Murphy, Francis 1920 Descent 8932
Murphy, Francis John 1924 Estate 9453
Murphy, James Estate 104
Murphy, John Estate 336
Murphy, Luke S. Will 4941
Murphy, Luke S. 1921 Trust Estate 9182
Murphy, Nora 1913 Will 8027
Murphy, Rose 1924 Estate 9685
Murphy, Sarah Ann 1929 Descent 10953
Murphy, Thomas Estate 1648
Murphy, Thomas P. or J. 1921 Estate 9279
Murphy, William F. 1914 Will 8135
Murray, Alexander Estate 2807
Murray, Delamator Estate 488
Murray, James Estate 3146
Murray, John 1920 Will 9045
Murray, Lorenzo Estate 458
Murray, William Estate 1733
Murrey, Delamarta Estate 392
Murrey, Eugene 1917 Descent 8620
Musher, Erastus Estate 1991
Musser, Hannah Estate 4132
Musser, Kate E. 1925 Estate 9886
Musser, Mary M. 1920 Estate 9059
Muzzy, Plinney D. Estate 820
Myer, John Jacob Estate 922
Myers, Alfred Clayton 1918 Estate 8754
Myers, Edgar 1917 Estate 8551
Myers, Elizabeth 1908 Heirship\Descent 7382
Myers, George Estate 1821
Myers, George Estate 2180
Myers, George Estate 2544
Myers, Isaac Estate 3622
Myers, Isaac 1908 Heirship\Descent 7381
Myers, John Estate 4585
Myers, Orville 1910 Will 7585
Myers, Sam 1921 Will 9240
Myers, Samuel Estate 400
Myers, Samuel Partition of Land 526
Myers, Samuel Estate 595
Myers, Willard L. 1925 Minor Heirs 9819
Myers, William Estate 859
Nack, Nelson T. Estate 494
Nafzger, Daniel 1910 Will 7597
Nafzger, Gottfried 1929 Will 10837
Nafzger, Rosina 1926 Estate 10136
Nall, Matthew C. 1916 Estate 8375
Nally, William R. 1927 Estate 10327
Nalty, Aloysius Patrick 1920 Descent 9002
Nalty, Richard Estate 4498
Nalty, Richard Estate 4797
Nan Kevil, Mary 1919 Estate 8786
Nance, Emily J. Estate 7186
Nankeavil, William Estate 4333
Narks, John Estate 270
Narveson, Andrew 1912 Heirs 7823
Narveson, Knud Estate 1083
Narveson, Knud Estate 1116
Nash, Eliza A. Will 4964
Naughton, John Will 7273
Navin, Patrick Estate 1526
Neath, Kate 1924 Will 9663
Neben, Louis Estate 2005
Nee, James C. 1911 Will 7789
Neffeler, Samuel Will 1453
Neffeler, Samuel Estate 2122
Nefty, David 1914 Estate 8065
Nelson, Anna 1924 Descent 9670
Nelson, Carl 1919 Estate 8812
Nelson, Christina 1923 Descent 9597
Nelson, Knud Estate 2092
Nelson, Martin 1922 Special Admin. 9317
Nelson, Ole Estate 1606
Nelson, Olene Estate 3435
Nelson, W.K. Estate 1675
Nesheim, Sever E. Estate 4496
Neumann, Christian F. 1921 Estate 9166
Nevel or Neville, Patrick 1928 Will 10522
Nevel, John 1926 Estate 10008
Nevil, Thomas Will 2606
Neville, Catherine Will 3113
Newcomer, George Estate 573
Newcomer, George Estate 989
Newcomer, George Estate 1119
Newkirk, Mathew Estate 851
Newman, Ephraim K. Estate 342
Newman, Ephraim K. Estate 1449
Newman, Esther A. 1923 Estate 9567
Newman, Gilbert K. Estate 7265
Newman, Gilbert K. Estate 7298
Newman, Isaac Estate 3460
Newman, J.J. Estate 7007
Newman, Julia E. 1917 Estate 8633
Newman, Julia E. 1917 Minor Heirs 8633 1/2
Newman, Julia E. 1924 Descent 9738
Newman, Lena V. 1921 Will 9162
Newman, Lydia 1911 Estate 7704
Newman, Mary Estate 7024
Newman, Nancy Will 7196
Newman, Samuel Estate 1306
Newman, Samuel Estate 1777
Newman, Vashti Estate 1200
Newman, William Estate 433
Newman, William Estate 550
Newman, William Estate 1197
Newman, William S. 1908 Estate 7384
Neyhardt, Mary A. Will 1545
Neyhart, Mary A. Estate 1562
Nicholas, Charlett Will 1971
Nicholas, S.T. Will 1247
Nichols, Asa C. Will 1716
Nichols, Bartel W. Estate 3161
Nichols, Charles J. 1916 Descent 8432
Nichols, Ella M. 1925 Descent 9895
Nichols, Ella M. 1925 Estate 9897
Nichols, Julia A. Estate 3168
Nichser, Catherine 1924 Descent 9725
Nicks, Clara E. 1924 Estate 9712
Niffenegger, Edward 1910 Estate 7580
Niffenegger, Edward 1910 Heirs 7581
Niffenegger, Edward 1923 Infant Heir 9556
Niffenegger, Idella 1920 Estate 9090
Nifiler, Jacob Estate 185
Niles, Jefferson Estate 246
Niles, John S. Estate 3790
Niles, Nathaniel Will 2290
Niles, Sally Estate 3459
Niles, Sally Estate 3532
Nilson, Ever Estate 1249
Nilson, Maria D. Estate 4769
Nipple, Frederick Will 2748
Nish, Archabald M. Estate 71
Nix Wells, Louisa Will 3781
Nix, August F. 1928 Will 10500
Nix, George G. 1923 Estate 9594
Noble, Almina 1927 Descent 10401
Noble, Frank B. Will 4229
Noble, George Estate 3084
Noble, Mary C. Estate 4406
Noble, Simon P. Estate 3335
Noeske, Carl Estate 3894
Noll, Mary A. Estate 2808
Nolty, Barnett Will 929
Nolty, Richard Will 3728 (II)
Noodworth, Napolean B. Estate 1887
Noonan, Thomas Will 1425
Noonan, Thomas 1918 Will 8661
Norder, Emil 1927 Estate 10280
Norder, Glenn 1925 Estate 9951
Norder, Jacob Will 2922
Norder, Leonard Will 1931
Norman, Ole 1926 Will 10065
North, Egbert F. Estate 2379
North, Egbert F. Estate 2386
North, James Estate 1601
North, Michael Estate 278
North, Michael Estate 2211
North, Michael Estate 3355
North, Michael 1924 Estate 9623
Northcraft, Elmira Estate 4144
Northcroft, Samuel Estate 3117
Northrop, Clyde 1925 Estate 9848
Norton, John Estate 2002
Norton, John 1926 Descent 10124
Norton, John N. Will 4412
Norton, Mary 1916 Estate 8419
Norton, Thomas 1923 Will 9445
Norton, William Estate 2023
Nunnemacher, Anna Will 1385
Nuster, George Estate 879
Nybroten, Anna 1928 Minor Heirs 10465
Nybroten, Anton A. 1927 Estate 10237 1
Nybroten, Anton A. 1927 Estate 10237 2
Nybroten, Arne 1922 Estate 9350
Nybroten, Arne 1923 Heirs 9456
Nybroten, Gilbert 1922 Estate 9369
Nybroten, Gilbert 1923 Minor Heirs 9481
Nyman, John 1924 Descent 9780
Oakes, Thomas Will 4831
Oakes, Thomas Estate 5023
Obermuller, John M. Estate 1588
O'Brian, Moses Estate 434
OConner, Richard Estate 1356
O'Conner, Timothy Estate 4768
O'Conners, James Will 2953
O'Connor, Ella J. 1919 Minor Heirs 8900
O'Connor, Ella J. 1915 Estate 8282
O'Connor, James 1910 Will 7604
O'Connor, Michael Estate 326
O'Connor, Michael Estate 578
O'Connor, Michael Estate 920
O'Connor, Patrick Will 6013
O'Donnell, John Will 3357
O'Donnell, John Estate 3431
O'Donnell, John, Sr. Estate 3313
O'Donnell, Michael 1910 Will 7651
O'Donnell, Michael O. 1910 Heirs 7657
Ohl, John 1915 Estate 8224
Ohm, Fred Estate 1476
Ohm, Fred Estate 3613
Oien, Ole 1926 Will 10135
Olds, Darius Estate 3043
Olds, Loristen M. 1918 Estate 8662
Olds, Lovina Will 2941
Olds, Mary Will 502
Oleson, Halver Estate 904
Oleson, Halver Estate 975
Oleson, Ole Will 1198
Oleson, Tore Estate 82
Olin, Hannah Estate 4616
Olmstead, Peter H. 1926 Estate 10184
Olsen, Holsten Estate 3576
Olson, Andrew 1916 Heirs 8484
Olson, Anna 1927 Descent 10377
Olson, Arne Estate 2406
Olson, Augusta 1912 Estate 7876