Appendix: Name Index
Case number
Abbey, Solomon |
Estate |
1715 |
Abbott, S.W. |
Will |
3691 |
Ableman, Christian |
Estate |
117 |
Abley, Angeline |
Will |
7227 |
Abley, J.W. |
1923 |
Estate |
9468 |
Abley, Jacob |
Will |
4166 |
Abley, Melchior |
1925 |
Will |
9914 |
Abott, Emily S. |
Will |
417 |
Abott, Simon W. |
Will |
417 |
Abrams, Franklin |
Estate |
3501 |
Ace, Elijah S. |
1922 |
Will |
9381 |
Ackermann, Alois Max |
Extate |
4923 |
Adams, Elvira |
1909 |
Will |
7402 |
Adams, George |
Estate |
2958 |
Adams, Henry |
Estate |
953 |
Adams, Henry |
Estate |
973 |
Adams, James |
Estate |
659 |
Adams, John |
Will |
4963 |
Adams, Levi J. |
1913 |
Will |
8052 |
Adams, Lucinda A. |
Will |
2927 |
Adams, Lucinda A. |
Estate |
2927 |
Adams, Nathaniel |
Estate |
549 |
Adams, Roscoe E. |
1924 |
Descent |
9761 |
Adank, Rosina |
1913 |
Will |
8020 |
Adank, Rosina |
1914 |
Heirs |
8149 |
Aebersold, Fred |
1919 |
Estate |
8801 |
Aebly, Henry |
Will |
4031 |
Aebly, Henry |
Estate |
4212 |
Aebly, Katherine |
1929 |
Estate |
10766 |
Aebly, Solomon |
Estate |
1842 |
Aeschbacher, Frederich |
1915 |
Will |
8336 |
Aeschbacher, Maria |
Estate |
7089 |
Aeschbacher, Peter |
Will |
7313 |
Aeschlimann, John |
1912 |
Heirs |
7905 |
Affolter, Roni |
Estate |
4170 |
Agan, Patrick |
Estate |
73 |
Agur, Belle Anderson |
Estate |
5069 |
Aims, Margarett |
Estate |
1090 |
Ainsworth, Jane M. |
Estate |
4474 |
Ainsworth, Madie |
1928 |
Estate |
10692 |
Ainsworth, Madie |
1929 |
Minor Heirs |
10759 |
Albert, Frederick |
Estate |
3861 |
Albert, Frederick |
Estate |
3930 |
Albertson, Christie |
1929 |
Estate |
10749 |
Albrecht, Frank |
1915 |
Estate |
8236 |
Albrecht, Michael F. |
Will |
4977 |
Albrecht, Regina |
Estate |
7278 |
Albricht, Fred |
1909 |
Estate |
7424 |
Albright, Albert |
1914 |
Will |
8099 |
Albright, David H. |
1924 |
Will |
9635 |
Albright, George E. |
1918 |
Estate |
8755 |
Alcott, William |
Estate |
3921 |
Alder, Fred |
Estate |
4907 |
Alder, Fred |
Estate |
6005 |
Alder, Gustave |
Estate |
7122 |
Aldrich, Betsey |
Estate |
2019 |
Alexander, F.B. |
Will |
2483 |
Alexander, Virginia M. |
1910 |
Heirs |
7610 |
Alexander, Virginia M. |
1910 |
Will |
7614 |
Allan, Susan |
1917 |
Heirs |
8546 |
Allemann, John |
Estate |
4378 |
Allen, Aaron |
Estate |
4694 |
Allen, Aaron |
Estate |
4895 |
Allen, Asaph J. |
1909 |
Will |
7451 |
Allen, Caroline |
Will |
3575 |
Allen, Caroline |
Estate |
4245 |
Allen, E.R. |
Estate |
3521 |
Allen, Edward |
Estate |
138 |
Allen, Herman M. |
Will |
960 |
Allen, Herman M. |
Estate |
1236 |
Allen, John |
Estate |
297 |
Allen, Levi C. |
Estate |
258 |
Allen, Philip |
1915 |
Will |
8266 |
Allenman, Peter |
Estate |
1156 |
Alsop, Frances E. |
1926 |
Special Admin. |
10004 |
Alsop, Keziah J. |
Will |
2312 |
Alsop, Mabel |
1921 |
Estate |
9252 |
Altermann, Henry |
1910 |
Will |
7596 |
Altman, Henry |
1929 |
Estate |
10775 |
Altman, Jost |
1918 |
Estate |
8693 |
Altman, Maria |
Estate |
4198 |
Altman, Rosina |
1917 |
Estate |
8510 |
Altman, Samuel |
1911 |
Heirs |
7751 |
Altmann, Caspar |
Estate |
4156 |
Altmann, Caspar |
Estate |
4607 |
Altmann, Casper H. |
1927 |
Estate |
10434 |
Altmann, Henry |
1917 |
Heirship |
8529 |
Altmann, Henry |
1917 |
Heirs |
8530 |
Altmann, John C. |
1928 |
Estate |
10516 |
Altmann, Jost |
Estate |
7050 |
Altmann, Jost |
1928 |
Will |
10663 |
Altmann, Kaspar |
1922 |
Will |
9371 |
Altmann, Mary |
1928 |
Descent |
10754 |
Altmann, Ottillie |
1911 |
Feeble Minded |
7674 |
Altmann, Susanna |
1918 |
Descent |
8665 |
Amelong, Emma |
1920 |
Minor Heirs |
9000 |
Amelong, George and Richard |
1910 |
Incorrigible |
7627 |
Amerphol, Christian |
Will |
3212 |
Amerphol, Ella J. Payler |
1911 |
Estate |
7694 |
Amerpohl, Christian |
1920 |
Descent |
9016 |
Ames, Levi F. |
1928 |
Descent |
10550 |
Ames, Mary Ann |
Estate |
3785 |
Ames, Obadiah |
Estate |
3367 |
Ames, W.O. |
Estate |
2513 |
Ames, William A. |
Estate |
2209 |
Amidon, Fannie |
1922 |
Estate |
9304 |
Amidon, Lorenzo |
Estate |
3546 |
Ammidon, Lorenzo |
Estate |
3976 |
Amstutz, Samuel |
1917 |
Will |
8604 |
Anderson, Amelia |
1920 |
Descent |
8923 |
Anderson, Amelia |
1920 |
Minor Heirs |
8926 |
Anderson, Amelia |
1921 |
Infant Heir |
9278 |
Anderson, Amelia |
1921 |
Special Admin. |
9283 |
Anderson, Amos C. |
Estate |
895 |
Anderson, Amos C. |
Estate |
959 |
Anderson, Boer |
Estate |
2242 |
Anderson, Charles A. |
Estate |
3148 |
Anderson, Garland |
1924 |
Will |
9773 |
Anderson, Gunnell |
1930 |
Estate |
11057 |
Anderson, Hans M. |
Estate |
3830 |
Anderson, Jeramah |
Estate |
1633 |
Anderson, Jeremiah |
Estate |
1652 |
Anderson, Jeremiah |
Estate |
1895 |
Anderson, Martin |
Estate |
1293 |
Anderson, Martin |
Estate |
1294 |
Anderson, Mary |
Estate |
927 |
Anderson, Nels |
Will |
4247 |
Anderson, Nels |
Estate |
6073 |
Anderson, Nicholas |
Will |
6081 |
Anderson, Ole |
Estate |
145 |
Anderson, Ole A. |
1930 |
Estate |
11067 |
Anderson, Ole O. |
Estate |
2973 |
Anderson, Peter O. |
1929 |
Descent |
10910 |
Anderson, Peter O. |
1929 |
Estate |
10921 |
Anderson, Stork |
Estate |
1203 |
Anderson, T.J. |
1910 |
Heirs |
7540 |
Anderson, Thomas |
Estate |
3329 |
Anderson, Thomas J. |
1913 |
Heirship |
8042 |
Andreck, J., Rev. |
1914 |
Descent |
8073 |
Andrew, Edmund |
Estate |
3252 |
Andrews, J.C. |
Estate |
1823 |
Andrews, S.C. |
Estate |
1810 |
Andrick, Christopher |
Estate |
147 |
Andrick, Jacob |
Estate |
500 |
Andrick, Jacob |
Estate |
627 |
Annis, Olive S. |
1927 |
Descent |
10289 |
Annis, Olive S. (empty) |
1927 |
Will |
10321 |
Anstee, Harry |
1924 |
Descent |
9752 |
Appleby, John |
Estate |
276 |
Argue, Rollin S. |
1919 |
Estate |
8767 |
Armison, K. |
Estate |
1917 |
Armsbury, Isaac T. |
Estate |
335 |
Armstrong, Aretus, Sr. |
1928 |
Termination of life Estate |
10508 |
Armstrong, Gertrude |
1928 |
Life Estate |
10507 |
Armstrong, Huldah |
Estate |
3524 |
Armstrong, J.J. |
1913 |
Will |
8009 |
Armstrong, John Henry |
1926 |
Estate |
10049 |
Armstrong, Robert |
Will |
1311 |
Arneson, Kettle |
Estate |
1580 |
Arnold, John W. |
Estate |
146 |
Arnold, Lois E. |
1914 |
Heirship |
8145 |
Arnsmeier, David |
1926 |
Will |
10218 |
Arnsmeier, Frederick |
Estate |
7232 |
Arnsmeier, Frederick |
1925 |
Will |
9980 |
Arnsworth, Luther |
Will |
979 |
Arthur, Austin |
1910 |
Minor Heirs |
7643 |
Arthur, Catherine |
1910 |
Estate |
7605 |
Arthurs, Austin |
Will |
4971 |
Arzethauser, Jacob |
Will |
4021 |
Ash, Thomas |
Estate |
1621 |
Ashenfelter, Emma J. |
Estate |
3209 |
Askey, Thomas |
Estate |
1304 |
Asmus, C.F. |
1912 |
Will |
7928 |
Asmus, Fred W. |
1927 |
Estate |
10387 |
Asmus, Lydia |
1929 |
Estate |
10725 |
Asmus, Mary |
1929 |
Will |
10802 |
Asmus, Otto F. |
Estate |
3758 |
Asmus, Otto F. |
Estate |
3759 |
Asmus, William |
Will |
7347 |
Aspel, Rosey |
Estate |
2400 |
Aspel, William |
Will |
7068 |
Atherton, Ann E. |
Estate |
7058 |
Atherton, Oliver H. |
1927 |
Estate |
10305 |
Atkinson, George |
Estate |
2408 |
Atkinson, George |
Estate |
2505 |
Atkinson, Richard |
Estate |
2172 |
Atkinson, Richard |
Will |
2499 |
Atwood, Elizabeth E. |
1911 |
Will |
7770 |
Atwood, Pervine |
1910 |
Estate |
7565 |
Augenstein, Bernard |
1921 |
Descent |
9108 |
Augenstein, Bernard |
1921 |
Minor Heirs |
9132 |
Aulauf, Agatha |
1928 |
Estate |
10646 |
Ault, Frederick |
1930 |
Will |
10990 |
Ault, Leonard |
Estate |
204 |
Ault, Loranzo D. |
1930 |
Will |
11061 |
Ault, William |
Will |
2601 |
Ault, William |
Estate |
2613 |
Aultman, Andrew |
Estate |
3603 |
Aultman, Leonard |
Estate |
2890 |
Austin, Ann |
Estate |
362 |
Austin, David W. |
Estate |
3801 |
Austin, David W. |
1913 |
Descent |
7985 |
Austin, J.M. |
Will |
1822 |
Austin, Jane E. |
Will |
4299 |
Austin, Julius |
Estate |
1013 |
Austin, Julius |
Estate |
1017 |
Austin, Sarah D. |
1922 |
Estate |
9307 |
Austin, Seth B. |
Estate |
1839 |
Avery, Henry |
Estate |
127 |
Axtel, Emily |
Estate |
1078 |
Axtel, Joseph D. |
Estate |
1077 |
Axtel, Joseph D. |
Estate |
1205 |
Axtell, J.D. |
Estate |
1688 |
Ayen, Ida Jeremiason |
1919 |
Guardianship |
8771 |
Babbit, Lydia |
Estate |
2477 |
Babkirk, Cynthia |
1923 |
Estate |
9480 |
Babler, Albert, Jr. |
1925 |
Will |
9953 |
Babler, Albrecht |
1912 |
Will |
7806 |
Babler, Alvin J. |
1927 |
Estate |
10439 |
Babler, Anna Barbara |
1911 |
Estate |
7752 |
Babler, Anna Barbara |
1912 |
Heirs |
7873 |
Babler, Christopher |
Will |
1516 |
Babler, Conrad |
1917 |
Estate |
8496 |
Babler, Dorethea |
Will |
3270 |
Babler, Esaias |
Estate |
4788 |
Babler, Esaias |
Estate |
4932 |
Babler, Esayas |
Will |
1262 |
Babler, Ezra L. |
1909 |
Estate |
7446 |
Babler, Fredolin |
Will |
3977 |
Babler, H.H. |
Estate |
4758 |
Babler, Henry |
1915 |
Will |
8263 |
Babler, Henry H. |
Estate |
4899 |
Babler, Henry O. |
1927 |
Estate |
10397 |
Babler, Henry, Sr. |
1915 |
Estate |
8312 |
Babler, Henry, Sr. |
1922 |
Infant Heir |
9298 |
Babler, Jacob |
Estate |
2793 |
Babler, Jacob |
Estate |
4931 |
Babler, Oswald |
1929 |
Descent |
10810 |
Babler, Oswald |
1927 |
Estate |
10443 |
Bachman, John |
Estate |
324 |
Bacon, Mary A. |
Estate |
995 |
Bacon, Orin |
Will |
2836 |
Bacon, Orrin |
Estate |
3337 |
Bacon, Ralph W.L. |
1916 |
Will |
8494 |
Badertscher, Ulrich |
1927 |
Estate |
10345 |
Baebler, Henry, Sr. |
1917 |
Minor Heirs |
8569 |
Baebler, Vivenz |
Estate |
7242 |
Baehler, Karl |
1921 |
Estate |
9189 |
Baertschi, Magdalena |
1912 |
Will |
7855 |
Baertschi, Magdalena |
1913 |
Minor Heirs |
8008 |
Bagan, Ann |
Estate |
1047 |
Bagerly, Everett W. |
Estate |
1244 |
Bagley, George W. |
1928 |
Descent |
10527 |
Bagley, Harriet A. |
1928 |
Descent |
10526 |
Bagley, Mary Ann |
1928 |
Descent |
10525 |
Bagley, Orestus P. |
1928 |
Descent |
10528 |
Bailey, Caroline |
1927 |
Will |
10384 |
Bailey, David D. |
Estate |
282 |
Bailey, Ellen |
Estate |
4660 |
Bailey, Gertrude Perrine |
1928 |
A Minor |
10455 |
Bailey, J.H. |
Will |
1805 |
Bailey, James H. |
Estate |
4775 |
Bailey, John R. |
Estate |
6058 |
Bailey, John S. |
Estate |
141 |
Bailey, John S. |
Estate |
755 |
Bailey, Uriah G. |
Will |
2445 |
Bailey, William C. |
Estate |
641 |
Baily, John |
Estate |
402 |
Baird, Elizabeth H. |
1916 |
Descent |
8423 |
Baird, V.S., Dr. |
1913 |
Inebriate |
8001 |
Baird, William |
Will |
2637 |
Baird, William |
Estate |
3893 |
Baker, Appiah |
Will |
2960 |
Baker, Benjamin C. |
Estate |
872 |
Baker, Fred |
Estate |
658 |
Baker, George W. |
1927 |
Descent |
10335 |
Baker, Henry |
Estate |
624 |
Baker, J.C. |
1910 |
Estate |
7644 |
Baker, Lewis |
Estate |
7178 |
Baker, O.M. |
Estate |
2955 |
Baker, Sarah |
Estate |
3072 |
Baldwin, Charles S.B. |
1916 |
Will |
8428 1 |
Baldwin, Charles S.B. |
1916 |
Will |
8428 2 |
Baldwin, Eliza M. |
1909 |
Will |
7460 |
Baldwin, Harry M. |
1930 |
Estate |
11106 |
Baldwin, Harvey |
Estate |
4268 |
Baldwin, Julius |
1914 |
Estate |
8078 |
Balis, Henry M. |
Estate |
1462 |
Balis, John C. |
Estate |
3164 |
Ball, Catherine E. |
Will |
2294 |
Ball, Charles |
1926 |
Will |
10183 |
Ball, D.W. |
Estate |
1990 |
Ball, Ellen M. |
1925 |
Estate |
9817 |
Ball, Emma |
Estate |
4027 |
Ball, Farlin |
Estate |
728 |
Ball, Farlin Q. |
Will |
380 |
Ball, Gary |
Estate |
133 |
Ball, Henry L. |
1926 |
Will |
10163 |
Ball, John S. |
1911 |
Heirship\Descent |
7737 |
Ball, Polly |
Will |
1144 |
Ball, Samuel D. |
Estate |
6046 |
Ball, Samuel D. |
Estate |
7096 |
Ballard, Judson |
Estate |
3763 |
Ballard, Judson |
Estate |
3799 |
Ballard, William Henry |
Estate |
3066 |
Ballard, William Henry Harrison |
Estate |
3962 |
Ballenger, Horatio |
Estate |
860 |
Ballou, Leander |
Will |
4414 |
Balsely, Christian |
Estate |
623 |
Baltzer, Cecil Ward |
1926 |
Estate |
10054 |
Balzy, William, Sr. |
1924 |
Minor Heirs |
9626 |
Bancroft, Caroline |
Estate |
4836 |
Bancroft, Caroline |
Estate |
4937 |
Banks, George W. |
Estate |
3558 |
Banks, George W. |
Estate |
3580 |
Banks, Grace M. |
Estate |
2428 |
Banks, Thomas |
Estate |
490 |
Banks, Thomas |
Estate |
613 |
Bankson, William |
Estate |
250 |
Banta, Caroline R. |
Estate |
2694 |
Bantel, John |
Estate |
4248 |
Barber, Belle |
Estate |
4645 |
Barber, John B. |
Estate |
386 |
Barber, Joseph |
Estate |
1682 |
Barber, Joseph C. |
Estate |
1729 |
Barber, Joseph C. |
1912 |
Descent |
7927 |
Barber, Norman D. |
Estate |
1055 |
Barder, Earl |
Estate |
4761 |
Bark, Karie |
Estate |
2101 |
Barker, Mary H. |
Estate |
3723 |
Barlow, Nora |
1920 |
Minor Heirs |
8940 |
Barmore, Alfred |
Will |
1902 |
Barmore, Joseph |
Will |
1157 |
Barmore, Keziah |
Estate |
4893 |
Barmore, Nancy E. |
Will |
1130 |
Barnes, Alonzo |
Will |
4349 |
Barnes, James E. |
Estate |
1725 |
Barnes, Lydia C. |
Estate |
2412 |
Barnes, W.H. |
Estate |
1782 |
Barnes, William H.T. |
Estate |
140 |
Barney, Anna |
1915 |
Descent |
8291 |
Barney, James |
Will |
1274 |
Barney, Milo L. |
1916 |
Will |
8369 |
Barney, Morvaldine |
Estate |
1464 |
Barnum, Francis |
Estate |
3784 |
Barnum, Francis |
Estate |
3784 1/2 |
Barr, Ida Elizabeth |
1921 |
Descent |
9181 |
Barrett, James C. |
1925 |
Will |
9802 |
Barrington, Lewis |
Estate |
2484 |
Barrington, Lewis |
Estate |
2506 |
Barry, Elizabeth |
Will |
3634 |
Barry, Joseph |
Estate |
2133 |
Barth, Rudolph |
1918 |
Minor Heirs |
8753 |
Bartlett, Channey Thomas |
1930 |
Estate |
11063 |
Bartlett, Edmund M. |
Estate |
566 |
Bartlett, Edmund M. |
Will |
768 |
Bartlett, George |
1928 |
Minor Heirs |
10603 |
Bartlett, George W. |
1925 |
Will |
9932 |
Bartlett, John E. |
Estate |
2744 |
Bartlett, Joseph |
1916 |
Will |
8355 |
Bartlett, Mortimer D. |
1920 |
Descent |
9048 |
Bartlett, Robert E. |
1924 |
Estate |
9794 |
Bartlett, Simon |
Will |
4383 |
Bartlett, William H H. |
Estate |
606 |
Barton, George |
1917 |
Will |
8632 |
Barton, Henry |
Estate |
83 |
Bask, Kasi |
Estate |
2001 |
Basr, A. |
Estate |
1910 |
Bast, August |
Estate |
1962 |
Bast, Bessie |
1925 |
Will |
8951 |
Bast, F. William |
Will |
3156 |
Batchelder, Esther |
Estate |
4776 |
Bateman, Christian |
Estate |
252 |
Batty, Hannah |
Estate |
1102 |
Baucroft, Harvey |
Will |
2571 |
Baueraft, Isaac |
Estate |
4230 |
Baugham, Mathias |
1929 |
Will |
10807 |
Baughman, John |
Estate |
324 |
Baughman, John |
Estate |
480 |
Baughman, John |
Estate |
598 |
Baughman, John M. |
Estate |
785 |
Bauks, James A. |
Will |
1014 |
Baukson, Phebe |
Will |
382 |
Bauman, Emil Fred |
1929 |
Will |
10704 1 |
Bauman, Emil Fred |
1929 |
Will |
10704 2 |
Bauman, Emil Fred |
1929 |
Minor Heirs |
10785 |
Bauman, John |
Estate |
4022 |
Bauman, Margaret |
1924 |
Estate |
9741 |
Bauman, Rudolph |
Estate |
4509 |
Baumann, Rudolf |
1921 |
Descent |
9266 |
Baumgartner, Anna |
Estate |
368 |
Baumgartner, Anton |
Will |
3245 |
Baumgartner, Anton, Sr. |
1917 |
Estate |
8583 |
Baumgartner, Henry S. |
1917 |
Minor Heirs |
8519 |
Baumgartner, Jacob |
1922 |
Will |
9332 |
Baumgartner, Jacob |
1922 |
Minor Heirs |
9362 |
Baumgartner, Melchior |
1929 |
Estate |
10764 |
Baxter, Asahel |
Estate |
941 |
Baxter, Celia |
Estate |
3829 |
Baxter, Charles H. |
Estate |
4842 |
Baxter, Ira |
Estate |
1753 |
Baxter, Thomas |
Estate |
1451 |
Baxter, Zilpha |
Estate |
988 |
Baxter, Zilpha |
Estate |
1467 |
Bayer, Jacob |
Estate |
1896 |
Bayer, Jacob |
Estate |
1963 |
Baynton, Lena |
1909 |
Heirship\Descent |
7463 |
Bayrhoffer, Charles |
1910 |
Estate |
7571 |
Bayrhoffer, Charles T. |
Will |
2540 |
Bayrhoffer, William |
1928 |
Estate |
10467 |
Beach, Ann |
Will |
4605 |
Beach, George |
Will |
4013 |
Beach, John |
1918 |
Will |
8688 1 |
Beach, John |
1918 |
Will |
8688 2 |
Beach, John H. |
Estate |
271 |
Beach, John H. |
Will |
784 |
Beach, Margaret J.S. |
1924 |
Will |
9787 |
Beach, Robert |
Will |
4459 |
Bean, Ebenezer S. |
Estate |
78 |
Beaty, Hannah |
Estate |
1102 |
Beaver, George |
Estate |
268 |
Bechtel, Peter |
Estate |
6015 |
Bechtol, Peter |
Estate |
1683 |
Bechtolt, Daniel B. |
1912 |
Will |
7864 |
Bechtolt, Samuel |
1909 |
Estate |
7414 |
Bechtolt, Samuel |
1910 |
Heirs |
7570 |
Becker, Barney |
Will |
942 |
Becker, Bertha |
1928 |
Will |
10491 |
Becker, Casper |
Will |
2917 |
Becker, Clarence H. |
1930 |
Estate |
11069 |
Becker, Clarence H. |
1930 |
Minor Heirs |
11128 |
Becker, David |
1927 |
Estate |
10352 |
Becker, David |
1928 |
Minor Heirs |
10648 |
Becker, Fred J. |
Estate |
7150 |
Becker, Fred J. |
1909 |
Heirs |
7422 |
Becker, Fridolin |
1913 |
Will |
7960 |
Becker, Henry |
1912 |
Will |
7821 |
Becker, Hepsibah |
Will |
2957 |
Becker, J.M. |
1926 |
Will |
10199 |
Becker, Jacob |
Will |
1866 |
Becker, John |
Will |
1315 |
Becker, John S. |
1917 |
Estate |
8594 |
Becker, John S. |
1919 |
Guardianship |
8795 |
Becker, Louisa L. |
1922 |
Will |
9342 |
Becker, Maria |
1918 |
Estate |
8675 |
Becker, Mary E. |
1926 |
Estate |
10162 |
Becker, Peter |
1925 |
Will |
9983 |
Becker, Ruth |
Estate |
4008 |
Becker, Ruth |
Estate |
4152 |
Becket, Eliza |
Will |
5015 |
Beckman, Christian |
Estate |
252 |
Beckman, Louisa |
1925 |
Will |
9902 |
Beckman, Michael F. |
Estate |
567 |
Beckman, William |
1920 |
Will |
8929 |
Beckman, William |
1920 |
Minor Heirs |
9103 |
Beckwith, Alfred A. |
1920 |
Estate |
9008 |
Beckwith, Edwin R. |
Estate |
2308 |
Bedford, Emma E. |
Estate |
3996 |
Bedford, Emma E. |
Estate |
4235 |
Bedford, Lucinda |
Estate |
2016 |
Bedford, Lucinda |
Estate |
3413 |
Beekman, Michael F. |
Estate |
567 |
Beers, Daniel |
Estate |
2068 |
Behrendt, Gottfried |
Will |
5024 |
Beier, John |
Estate |
4639 |
Beier, John |
Estate |
7018 |
Beier, John |
Estate |
7019 |
Bell, Edward |
Estate |
394 |
Bell, Peter |
Estate |
5067 |
Bell, William |
Estate |
139 |
Bell, William R. |
Estate |
3888 |
Beller, Elizabeth |
1926 |
Special Admin. |
10056 |
Beller, Elizabeth |
1928 |
Estate |
10578 |
Beller, Gottlieb |
Will |
4669 |
Belleville, Chester |
1919 |
Minor Heirs |
8904 |
Belleville, Chester A. |
1919 |
Estate |
8773 |
Belveal, George W. |
Estate |
4339 |
Belveal, George W. |
Estate |
4404 |
Belveal, Joseph |
Estate |
7032 |
Bement, George B. |
1928 |
Estate |
10479 |
Bemis, Orinda M. |
Estate |
1213 |
Bemis, Orinda M. |
Estate |
1216 |
Benage, Samuel D. |
1915 |
Estate |
8314 |
Bender, William Guagi |
Estate |
871 |
Bengelsdorf, Fred |
Estate |
2259 |
Benglesdorf, Frederick |
Estate |
826 |
Benjamin, Charles |
1928 |
Estate |
10691 |
Benjamin, Effia |
Estate |
1072 |
Benjamin, Henry |
1909 |
Will |
7493 |
Benjamin, Salina |
1918 |
Will |
8672 |
Benkert, Eliza |
Estate |
4285 |
Benkert, Fred |
1922 |
Will |
9297 |
Benkert, Rudolph |
1918 |
Will |
8650 |
Benkert, Rudolph |
1928 |
Estate |
"10,698" |
Bennage, Franklin |
Estate |
508 |
Bennage, Jacob |
Estate |
1062 |
Bennage, Samuel W. |
Will |
1019 |
Bennage, Samuel W. |
Estate |
1062 |
Bennett, Adam |
Will |
3606 |
Bennett, Ann D. |
Will |
4663 |
Bennett, D.T. |
1929 |
Will |
10828 |
Bennett, Daniel |
Estate |
75 |
Bennett, Ella |
Estate |
2181 |
Bennett, Ella |
1916 |
Will |
8422 |
Bennett, Estella |
1888 |
Guardianship |
2621 |
Bennett, Felix C. |
Will |
7286 |
Bennett, Franklin |
Will |
6070 |
Bennett, George B. |
Estate |
1505 |
Bennett, George B. |
Estate |
1799 |
Bennett, Hannah C. |
1913 |
Will |
7949 |
Bennett, James M. |
Estate |
1229 |
Bennett, James M. |
Estate |
1237 |
Bennett, James R. |
Estate |
1988 |
Bennett, Jesse |
Estate |
75 |
Bennett, Michael |
Will |
3848 |
Bennett, Samuel |
Estate |
2199 |
Bennett, Wiley |
Estate |
2105 |
Bennis, Orinda |
Estate |
3316 |
Benscoter, Charity |
1922 |
Descent |
9397 |
Benscouter, Minerva |
Estate |
1400 |
Benson, David E. |
Will |
3650 |
Benson, James A. |
Will |
7261 |
Benson, Merrick |
Estate |
2127 |
Benson, William |
Will |
3608 |
Benston, Peter |
Estate |
3390 |
Berg, Erick Knudson |
Will |
7159 |
Berg, Knud M. |
Estate |
3508 |
Berg, Liv Knudson |
1921 |
Will |
9262 1 |
Berg, Liv Knudson |
1921 |
Will |
9262 2 |
Berg, Liv Knudson |
1921 |
Will |
9262 3 |
Berg, Ossie |
1915 |
Heirs |
8241 |
Berger, Andrew |
Estate |
420 |
Berger, Friedrick |
1920 |
Estate |
8933 |
Berger, Jacob |
Estate |
2250 |
Berkey, Jacob |
Estate |
991 |
Berkey, Joshua H. |
1911 |
Will |
7732 |
Berndt, Ernst |
1930 |
Will |
10972 |
Bernstein, August |
1925 |
Will |
9877 |
Bernstein, August B. |
1926 |
Minor Heirs |
10143 |
Bernstein, Charles F. |
1916 |
Estate |
8429 |
Berry, James |
Will |
1268 |
Berry, William |
Estate |
2374 |
Berryman, Adrian L. |
1922 |
Will |
9337 |
Berryman, Albert L. |
1919 |
Will |
8877 |
Berryman, Ephraim |
Estate |
1105 |
Bertschi, Ferdinand |
1913 |
Descent |
7978 |
Betram, Peter |
Estate |
1214 |
Betrum, Peter |
Estate |
1214 |
Beutler, Jacob |
1909 |
Estate |
7456 |
Beutter, Jacob |
1910 |
Heirs |
7572 |
Beyers, Freida W. |
1925 |
Special Admin. |
9862 |
Bidlingmaier, Michael |
Estate |
4420 |
Bidlingmaier, Michael |
Estate |
4572 |
Bidlingmeier, John George |
Will |
1591 |
Bidwell, Josiah |
Estate |
207 |
Bienema, Marguerite |
1927 |
Estate |
10349 |
Bieri, Fred |
1919 |
Estate |
8897 |
Biery, Jacob |
Will |
2551 |
Biery, John |
Will |
2552 |
Bigelow, David |
Estate |
129 |
Biggs, George |
Will |
2984 |
Biggs, James |
Estate |
878 |
Biggs, Thomas |
Estate |
730 |
Biggs, Thomas M. |
Estate |
316 |
Billings, Elizabeth H. |
Estate |
511 |
Billings, John |
Will |
544 |
Billings, Priscilda Ann |
Estate |
839 |
Binder, George and Anna Marie |
1910 |
Guardianship |
7600 |
Binger, Samuel |
1921 |
Estate |
9193 |
Binger, Samuel |
1921 |
Minor Heirs |
9212 |
Binger, William |
Will |
2916 |
Binger, William |
1915 |
Descent |
8253 |
Bingham, Caroline E. |
1917 |
Estate |
8542 |
Bingham, John A. |
Estate |
531 |
Binsack, Michael |
Will |
3022 |
Bishop, Nancy P. |
Estate |
496 |
Bissell, George F. |
Will |
3630 |
Black, Andrew |
Estate |
5078 |
Black, David W. |
Estate |
4308 |
Black, Eliza |
1917 |
Heirs |
8544 |
Black, Stephen D. |
Estate |
4309 |
Black, Stevenson D. |
Estate |
3968 |
Blackford, Enoch J. |
Estate |
4630 |
Blackford, James |
Estate |
7067 |
Blackford, Jane |
Will |
3143 |
Blackford, Temperance |
1926 |
Foreign Will |
10212 |
Blackford, William S. |
1917 |
Estate |
8533 |
Blain, Dorcas |
Estate |
4701 |
Blain, Joseph |
Will |
4529 |
Blaine, Lydia |
1919 |
Estate |
8901 |
Blaine, Lydia |
1920 |
Minor Heirs |
9092 |
Blair, Robert T. |
Estate |
2707 |
Blair, William G. |
Estate |
3873 |
Blakely, George A. |
Estate |
4929 |
Blakely, George A. |
Estate |
7106 |
Blakely, Newel |
Estate |
4168 |
Blakley, Weltha O. |
1922 |
Estate |
9333 |
Blanchard, Helen M. |
1914 |
Will |
8148 |
Blanchard, John A. |
Estate |
1803 |
Blanchard, John B. |
Estate |
1310 |
Blanchard, John B. |
1918 |
Descent |
8707 |
Blasing, Frederica |
1927 |
Estate |
10427 |
Blasing, William C. |
1928 |
Will |
10589 |
Blauchard, John B. |
Estate |
1319 |
Bleiler, George |
Will |
3058 |
Bleiler, George |
Estate |
7147 |
Bliss, C.C. |
Will |
1578 |
Block, Frederick |
1919 |
Will |
8764 |
Block, Martha |
1930 |
Estate |
11077 |
Block, William |
Estate |
4935 |
Block, William |
Estate |
5076 |
Blockford, William |
Estate |
978 |
Bloom, Catharine |
1924 |
Descent |
9657 |
Bloom, Fred |
1923 |
Will |
9522 |
Bloom, George |
Estate |
2543 |
Bloom, George W. |
Estate |
3158 |
Bloom, Hannah |
Estate |
3559 |
Bloom, Jacob |
1929 |
Will |
10888 |
Bloom, John S. |
Estate |
3340 |
Bloom, Martha E. |
1926 |
Estate |
10071 |
Bloom, Mary P. |
Estate |
7101 |
Bloom, Michael |
Estate |
274 |
Bloom, Oswald |
Estate |
828 |
Bloom, Peter |
Estate |
3116 |
Bloomer, Adam |
Estate |
137 |
Blotz, Maria |
1927 |
Will |
10421 |
Blotz, Martin |
1918 |
Will |
8719 |
Blum Wagner, Fredolin |
Will |
3487 |
Blum, Casper |
Will |
1238 |
Blum, Dorothea |
1926 |
Descent |
10072 |
Blum, Emma |
1921 |
Will |
9233 |
Blum, Fred W. |
1909 |
Estate |
7459 |
Blum, Fred W. |
1910 |
Heirs |
7582 |
Blum, Fredolin |
Will |
1138 |
Blum, Fridolin |
1913 |
Will |
8036 |
Blum, Henry |
1929 |
Will |
10920 |
Blum, Jacob |
Will |
1196 |
Blum, Jacob |
Estate |
1783 |
Blum, Jacob |
Estate |
2237 |
Blum, Jacob |
1915 |
Will |
8285 |
Blum, John |
Will |
7334 |
Blum, John Casper |
1914 |
Will |
8174 |
Blum, John Rudolph |
Will |
4494 |
Blum, Rosina |
Will |
1196 |
Blum, Rosina |
Will |
4583 |
Blum, Werner, Sr. |
1918 |
Will |
8687 |
Blumer, Adam |
1918 |
Will |
8685 |
Blumer, Anna |
1910 |
Estate |
7553 |
Blumer, Edward |
1930 |
Minor Heirs |
11075 |
Blumer, Edward, Dr. |
1930 |
Estate |
11052 |
Blumer, Emanuel |
Estate |
3421 |
Blumer, Emanuel |
Estate |
3422 |
Blumer, Ezra |
1912 |
Will |
7913 |
Blumer, Fred |
1925 |
Will |
9893 |
Blumer, John |
Estate |
4813 |
Blumer, John |
1909 |
Will |
7442 |
Blumer, John, Sr. |
Will |
4431 |
Blumer, John, Sr. |
Estate |
4557 |
Blumer, Joseph |
Will |
3743 (I) |
Blumer, Joseph |
Will |
3743 (II) |
Blumer, Joshua |
Estate |
3720 |
Blumer, Joshua |
Estate |
4805 |
Blumer, Katharina |
1915 |
Will |
8248 |
Blumer, Margareth |
1920 |
Estate |
9073 |
Blumer, Samuel |
Estate |
985 |
Blumer, William G. |
Estate |
4626 |
Blumer, William G. |
Estate |
4754 |
Blummer, John |
1913 |
Will |
8051 |
Blunt, Hezekial |
Estate |
339 |
Blunt, John |
Estate |
1499 |
Blunt, William |
Estate |
1480 |
Blunt, Wilson |
Estate |
660 |
Bodenman, Albert |
1926 |
Estate |
10117 |
Boeck, Frank |
Will |
3982 |
Boeck, Louisa |
1922 |
Estate |
9429 |
Boegli, Ernest |
1928 |
Estate |
10457 |
Bogan, Mathew |
Will |
899 |
Boland, John T. |
1917 |
Heirship |
8597 |
Boland, Michael |
1917 |
Descent |
8596 |
Bolander, F.S. |
Will |
2288 |
Bolander, Michael |
Estate |
2061 |
Bolender, Franklin |
1922 |
Descent |
9398 |
Bolender, John |
Estate |
4691 |
Bolender, John |
Estate |
4692 |
Bolender, Sarah E. |
1921 |
Will |
9187 |
Boncroft, Elizabeth |
Estate |
702 |
Bontly, Anton |
1914 |
Heirs |
8138 |
Bontly, Anton |
1924 |
Descent |
9682 |
Booher, Ella |
Will |
4131 |
Booher, Lucinda |
Estate |
7220 |
Booher, Robert C. |
1916 |
Will |
8457 |
Boohers, William H. |
Will |
1352 |
Booth, Charles A. |
1921 |
Descent |
9264 |
Booth, Elizabeth |
1925 |
Descent |
9933 |
Booth, Rexford G. |
1924 |
Descent |
9757 |
Born, William |
1919 |
Estate |
8839 |
Boss, John |
1913 |
Estate |
7990 |
Boss, Louisa |
Estate |
4296 |
Bost, John |
Will |
2276 |
Bouer, August |
1916 |
Will |
8368 |
Bourbeau, Sarah |
Estate |
2144 |
Bowell, Alexander |
Estate |
2913 |
Bowell, Catherine |
1912 |
Estate |
7815 |
Bowell, Lucinda L. |
Estate |
3152 |
Bowen, Catharine E. |
1913 |
Estate |
8060 |
Bowen, Daniel D. |
1926 |
Will |
10194 |
Bowen, David |
Will |
1107 |
Bowen, Ephraim |
Estate |
2811 |
Bowen, Farmer |
Estate |
912 |
Bowen, Hiram |
1913 |
Estate |
8059 |
Bowen, James Edgar |
Will |
7192 |
Bowen, Jared J. |
Estate |
2375 |
Bowen, John C. |
Estate |
2092 |
Bowen, Justus |
1911 |
Will |
7693 |
Bowen, Thomas |
Estate |
2033 |
Bowen, Thomas S. |
Estate |
2119 |
Bowers, Wili |
Will |
2437 |
Bowker, Thomas P. |
Estate |
3397 |
Bowker, Thomas P. |
Estate |
3426 |
Bowles, Charles A. |
1925 |
Estate |
9841 |
Bowles, Lewis N. |
1919 |
Estate |
8809 |
Bowman, John M. |
Estate |
785 |
Bowman, Sophia |
Will |
1069 |
Boyer, Jacob |
Estate |
1849 |
Boyer, Jessie |
Estate |
3932 |
Boyle, Patrick |
Estate |
932 |
Boyles, Mary F. |
Estate |
2024 |
Brackenwagen, Rosanna |
Will |
4551 |
Bradford, Frederick M. |
1912 |
Will |
7909 |
Bradley, Elizabeth |
Estate |
3056 |
Bradley, Joseph |
1923 |
Estate |
9506 |
Bradley, Mapelyt |
1923 |
Will |
9509 |
Bradley, Orrilla |
1921 |
Estate |
9122 |
Bradley, Seth M. |
1918 |
Will |
8706 |
Bradley, William |
Estate |
2580 |
Bradley, William |
Will |
2582 |
Bradley, William |
Estate |
7293 |
Bradshaw, Nancy M. |
Estate |
3039 |
Brager, Jens A. and Mary |
1929 |
Special Admin. |
10848 |
Bragg, Emily, J. |
Estate |
4751 |
Bragg, Mary A. |
1927 |
Will |
10344 |
Bragg, W.P. |
1928 |
Will |
10685 |
Bramhall, Morris |
Estate |
3782 I |
Brandt, August Herman |
1925 |
Will |
9704 |
Brandt, Charles |
Estate |
4837 |
Brandt, Christian (also known as Brant) |
Estate |
3798 |
Brandt, Christian (also known as Brant) |
Estate |
3813 |
Brant, Frank P. |
Estate |
3503 |
Brant, John A. |
Estate |
3511 |
Brant, John A. |
Estate |
3538 |
Brant, John A. |
Estate |
4367 |
Brant, John A. |
1911 |
Heirs |
7786 |
Brant, Rachel J. |
Estate |
6088 |
Brant, Samuel |
Will |
4287 |
Brant, Samuel |
1910 |
Heirs |
7562 |
Bratley, James |
1911 |
Will |
7720 |
Bratley, James |
1914 |
Heirs |
8137 |
Bratley, Mary C. |
Estate |
5093 |
Braun, Fred |
1915 |
Estate |
8220 |
Braun, Fred |
1916 |
Heirs |
8410 |
Braut, Franklin P. |
Estate |
3372 |
Bray, Eliphalet D. |
Estate |
341 |
Bray, Eliphalet D. |
Estate |
626 |
Bray, Eliphalet D. |
Estate |
714 |
Brayton, Sidney |
Estate |
1676 |
Brazel, Henry M. |
Estate |
4524 |
Brazel, John |
1926 |
Descent |
10221 |
Brazel, William |
Estate |
144 |
Brazel, William F. |
1917 |
Will |
8535 |
Brechlin, Sophia |
1927 |
Descent |
10259 |
Brechlin, Sophia |
1926 |
Minor Heirs |
10223 |
Brechlin, William |
1922 |
Will |
9372 |
Brecklin, August |
1922 |
Estate |
9406 |
Brecklin, William and Sophia |
1927 |
Minor Heirs |
10249 |
Bregenzer, Edward |
1921 |
A Minor |
9171 |
Brenneman, John A. |
1927 |
Special Admin. |
10371 |
Brennen, Daniel |
Estate |
2196 |
Brennen, Daniel |
Estate |
2197 |
Brennen, John (also known as Brennan) |
1920 |
Will |
9057 |
Brennen, Timothy |
Estate |
2273 |
Brewer, Jeremiah |
Estate |
4054 |
Brewer, John W. |
1926 |
Estate |
10009 |
Brewer, Lucy J. |
1926 |
Descent |
10216 |
Brewer, Maria |
1924 |
Descent |
9630 |
Breylinger, Fred J. |
1911 |
Will |
7722 |
Breylinger, Otis F. |
1921 |
Estate |
9146 |
Bridge, David |
Will |
1557 |
Bridge, George W. |
Estate |
3401 |
Bridge, Isaac |
Estate |
2790 |
Bridge, Jeremiah |
Estate |
559 |
Bridge, John |
Estate |
79 |
Bridge, John H. |
Estate |
2110 |
Bridge, John W. |
Estate |
596 |
Bridge, Joseph T. |
Estate |
3635 |
Bridge, Joseph T. |
Estate |
4316 |
Bridge, M.J. |
Will |
1873 |
Bridge, M.J. |
Estate |
1994 |
Bridge, Mary J. |
1917 |
Descent |
8637 |
Bridges, Elizabeth |
Estate |
3160 |
Bridges, William |
Estate |
80 |
Briggs, Marnius |
Estate |
1863 |
Briggs, Marnius |
Estate |
1863 |
Briggs, Mary C. |
Will |
3230 |
Briggs, Mary C. |
Estate |
4196 |
Bringold, John |
Estate |
76 |
Broadbent, Benjamin |
Estate |
196 |
Brobst, Daniel |
1915 |
Will |
8247 |
Brobst, Isaac |
Will |
2791 |
Brobst, Isaac |
1918 |
Will |
8671 |
Brobst, Scott |
1929 |
Estate |
10730 |
Brockway, Henry W. |
1913 |
Will |
7994 |
Brockway, James F. |
1913 |
Heirship |
8018 |
Brockway, Julia A. |
Estate |
2785 |
Broderick, Alta J. |
Estate |
2884 |
Broege, August F. |
1927 |
Will |
10407 1 |
Broege, August F. |
1927 |
Will |
10407 2 |
Broege, August F. |
1927 |
Minor Heirs |
10418 |
Broege, August Wilhelm |
1919 |
Will |
8777 |
Bronson, Arthur |
Will |
3854 |
Broughton, Frank |
Estate |
7062 |
Broughton, Frank, Jr. |
Estate |
7063 |
Broughton, John A. |
Estate |
3756 |
Broughton, John A. |
1922 |
Estate |
9355 |
Broughton, Walter J. |
1927 |
Estate |
10274 |
Broughton, William |
1909 |
Estate |
7503 |
Brown, Asbury |
Estate |
2794 |
Brown, Asbury |
Estate |
3742 |
Brown, Catherine J. |
1913 |
Estate |
7932 |
Brown, Eliza |
Estate |
2975 |
Brown, Frank C. |
Estate |
1088 |
Brown, George |
Estate |
1010 |
Brown, Henry J. |
1913 |
Heirs |
7941 |
Brown, Henry J. |
1912 |
Estate |
7842 |
Brown, James A. |
Estate |
3162 |
Brown, John S. |
Will |
4745 |
Brown, John W. |
1920 |
Descent |
8977 |
Brown, Jonathan L. |
Will |
4288 |
Brown, Maria |
Estate |
313 |
Brown, Maria |
1923 |
Estate |
9511 |
Brown, Patience |
Estate |
310 |
Brown, Patience |
Estate |
422 |
Brown, Simon |
Estate |
3513 |
Brown, Wellington |
1912 |
Estate |
7860 |
Brown, William |
Will |
7086 |
Brownell, Joseph |
Estate |
143 |
Brownfield, Elizabeth |
Estate |
1163 |
Brugger, Arnold |
1922 |
Estate |
9359 |
Brugger, Arnold |
1923 |
Minor Heirs |
9512 |
Brundage, Andrew J. |
Will |
349 |
Brunger, James W. |
1912 |
Guardianship |
7850 |
Brunger, James W. |
1913 |
Estate |
7966 |
Brunger, Mary E. |
1929 |
Will |
10933 |
Brunger, Mary E. |
1930 |
Minor Heirs |
11056 |
Bruni, Jacob |
Estate |
7266 |
Bruni, Jacob |
Estate |
7339 |
Brunkow, Frederick |
Estate |
1301 |
Brunkow, Frederick |
Will |
7353 |
Brunkow, Friedrich W. |
Estate |
4655 |
Brunkow, Mary |
Estate |
2174 |
Brunkow, Verena |
Estate |
3185 |
Brunnen, Hilda Zum |
1929 |
Will |
10742 |
Brunnen, Jacob Zum |
1911 |
Will |
7746 |
Brunner, Albert |
1921 |
Estate |
9215 |
Brunner, Arnold |
1930 |
Estate |
10995 |
Brunner, John |
Will |
5055 |
Brunner, John |
1882 |
Guardianship |
1932 |
Bryan, Elizabeth |
Estate |
7315 |
Bryerly, Marguerite |
Estate |
77 |
Bubb, Alfred |
1930 |
Estate |
11058 |
Bubb, Ann |
Estate |
7295 |
Bubb, William |
Estate |
1222 |
Bucher, Oliver Perry |
Estate |
4926 |
Bucher, Oliver Perry |
1912 |
Heirs |
7920 |
Buchholtz, William |
Estate |
2317 |
Buck, Theodore Z. |
Will |
3087 |
Buckingham, John |
Estate |
232 |
Buckley, Andrew |
Will |
4595 |
Buehl, George |
1911 |
Will |
7659 |
Buehl, George |
1922 |
Minor Heirs |
9340 |
Buehl, George |
1922 |
Minor Heirs |
9341 |
Buehler, Andrew |
Estate |
4570 |
Buehler, Gottfried |
1917 |
Estate |
8609 |
Buehler, John |
1924 |
Estate |
9723 |
Buehler, John, Sr. |
1925 |
Estate |
9941 |
Buehler, Samuel |
1928 |
Estate |
10606 |
Buehler, Ursula |
1909 |
Will |
7518 |
Bufton, Ellen |
1926 |
Descent |
10188 |
Bufton, Thomas |
1909 |
Heirs |
7430 |
Bufton, Thomas W. |
Estate |
4398 |
Bufton, Thomas W. |
Estate |
4400 |
Buhler, Anna |
Will |
2041 |
Bulfinch, Alice Fletcher |
1921 |
Estate |
9121 |
Bulfinch, Arthur Fletcher |
1929 |
Estate |
10708 |
Bulfinch, Erwin M. |
1915 |
Descent |
8319 |
Bulfinch, George W. |
1911 |
Estate |
7727 |
Bullock, William |
Estate |
280 |
Bullock, William |
Estate |
1224 |
Bumke, August F. |
1926 |
Will |
10048 |
Bump, Mary F. |
1925 |
Special Admin. |
9883 |
Bunker, Blanche Bradford |
1926 |
Will |
10027 |
Bunt, Valtair D. |
Estate |
4241 |
Bunting, Jesse |
Estate |
551 |
Burcalow, Cornelius |
Estate |
241 |
Burdick, Clark |
Estate |
1720 |
Burdick, Heram |
Will |
3753 |
Burgi, Anna Barbara |
Will |
3271 |
Burgi, Christian |
Estate |
3269 |
Burgor, Andrew |
Estate |
420 |
Burgy, Barbara |
1930 |
Descent |
11021 |
Burgy, Jacob |
Will |
3540 |
Burgy, John |
1924 |
Will |
9644 |
Burgy, Louisa |
1926 |
Estate |
10224 |
Buri, Frederick M. |
Estate |
4808 |
Burington, Cordelia A. (Burrington) |
Estate |
7319 |
Burington, Kessley |
1910 |
Incorrigible |
7588 |
Burington, Reuben |
Estate |
5061 |
Burke, Bertha |
1929 |
Estate |
10782 |
Burke, Fred T. |
1918 |
Heirs |
8729 |
Burke, Peter Francis |
1929 |
Estate |
10930 |
Burkey, Jacob |
Estate |
991 |
Burkhalter, Alfred |
1919 |
Estate |
8905 |
Burkhalter, Gottfried |
Estate |
7199 |
Burkhalter, Gottfried |
1909 |
Minor Heirs |
7403 |
Burkhard, Jacob |
1928 |
Estate |
10630 |
Burl, Thomas |
Estate |
992 |
Burmeister, Magdalena |
1930 |
Estate |
11131 |
Burnham, Horace E. |
1911 |
Estate |
7793 |
Burnham, Solomon |
Estate |
453 |
Burns, Charles W. |
Estate |
4424 |
Burns, Charles W. |
Estate |
4493 |
Burns, John |
Estate |
2729 |
Burns, Norah |
Estate |
2866 |
Burreson, Edward |
1914 |
Heirship |
8179 |
Burrington, Hannah |
Estate |
3228 |
Burrington, Lena |
1923 |
Estate |
9595 |
Burrington, Lewis |
Estate |
2378 |
Burrington, Lucy |
Estate |
3228 |
Burrington, Nathan |
Estate |
3228 |
Burt, Abraham |
Will |
2157 |
Burt, F.J. |
Will |
2360 |
Burt, Fred |
1914 |
Estate |
8081 |
Burt, John |
Estate |
142 |
Burt, Lillie R. |
1929 |
Descent |
10836 |
Burt, Russel |
Estate |
568 |
Burtis, Cheesman |
Will |
790 |
Burtis, Chesman |
Estate |
2509 |
Burtis, Lorinda |
Estate |
1636 |
Burtness, Ole G. |
Estate |
7166 |
Busby, Sarah |
Estate |
2413 I |
Busby, Walter |
Estate |
652 |
Bush, Jane |
Estate |
62 |
Bush, Jane |
Estate |
514 |
Bush, Mary A. |
1909 |
Will |
7474 |
Bush, William S. |
Estate |
514 |
Bushnel, C.E. |
Insurance |
1242 |
Bushnell, Clark E. |
1914 |
Will |
8075 |
Busic, Benjamin |
Estate |
61 |
Busic, Martha |
Estate |
61 |
Busick, Benjamin |
Estate |
148 |
Buss, Charles F. |
Will |
5094 |
Bussey, George W. |
Estate |
4961 |
Bussey, Mahlon I. |
1915 |
Will |
8323 |
Bussey, Nelson |
Estate |
4983 |
Bussey, Nelson |
Estate |
5077 |
Butcher, Ben |
1927 |
Descent |
10446 |
Butcher, Ben |
1928 |
Estate |
10481 |
Butcher, Henry |
Estate |
1573 1/2 |
Butler, Fancy |
Estate |
1495 |
Butler, John |
Estate |
1001 |
Butler, John |
Estate |
1060 |
Butler, John |
Estate |
1970 |
Butler, Kathryn (also known as Katherine) |
1924 |
Estate |
9778 |
Butler, Magdalena |
1919 |
Will |
8884 |
Butt, Carl |
Will |
2164 |
Butt, Carl |
Will |
4584 |
Butt, Dora |
1890 |
Transfer of Custody |
2908 |
Butt, Gottfried |
Will |
7000 |
Butt, Gottfried |
1919 |
Estate |
8911 |
Butt, Henry |
1920 |
Estate |
9089 1 |
Butt, Henry |
1920 |
Estate |
9089 2 |
Butterfield, Jane D. |
1919 |
Descent |
8825 |
Button, Hollis W. |
Estate |
3361 |
Butts, Gottfried |
1921 |
Minor Heirs |
9156 |
Butts, Sherman E. |
1924 |
Descent |
9687 |
Butts, Wesley |
1930 |
Infant Heir |
11088 |
Byers, Ferdinand |
1920 |
Estate |
8999 |
Byers, Frederick W. |
1915 |
Will |
8289 |
Byrne, James |
Estate |
818 |
Byrne, Kate |
Estate |
4646 |
Byrnes, James |
Estate |
2233 |
Cackler, Samuel |
Estate |
534 |
Cadwell, George S. |
Estate |
1290 |
Cain, Etter M. |
Estate |
2873 |
Cain, Michael |
Estate |
2152 |
Calon, John |
Estate |
1935 |
Calvin, George |
Estate |
4430 |
Campbell, Alexander |
1915 |
Estate |
8272 |
Campbell, Charles H. |
1919 |
Estate |
8883 |
Campbell, Delilah |
1924 |
Descent |
9688 |
Campbell, Hiram |
Estate |
3289 |
Campbell, James |
Estate |
195 |
Campbell, Joseph T. |
1930 |
Estate |
10974 |
Campbell, Louisa |
Will |
4806 |
Campbell, Lydia |
1909 |
Will |
7412 |
Campbell, M.F. |
1923 |
Estate |
9536 |
Campbell, Ruth |
Estate |
1706 |
Campbell, S.C. |
1915 |
Will |
8316 |
Campbell, Thomas |
Will |
4829 |
Campbell, Thomas J. |
Estate |
4035 |
Camron, Franklin |
1917 |
Will |
8526 |
Camron, Margarett |
Estate |
2972 |
Canfil, Lou |
1926 |
Descent |
10207 |
Cannon, James |
1914 |
Will |
8191 |
Cannon, Patrick |
1915 |
Estate |
8271 |
Capel, William G. |
Estate |
3629 |
Caradine, Elizabeth |
Estate |
1943 |
Caradine, Elizabeth |
Estate |
1977 |
Caradine, Elva J. |
1927 |
Will |
10251 1 |
Caradine, Elva J. |
1927 |
Will |
10251 2 |
Caradine, H.N.B. |
1930 |
Will |
11044 |
Caradine, John G. |
1930 |
Estate |
11078 |
Caradine, John P. |
1910 |
Estate |
7555 |
Caradine, Mahlon H. |
1922 |
Estate |
9322 |
Caradine, Norris I. |
Estate |
7348 |
Caradine, W.H. |
1921 |
Will |
9219 |
Carlan, Lida L. Jones |
1927 |
Descent |
10441 |
Carle, B.F. |
Will |
3767 |
Carle, David H. |
Estate |
704 |
Carolfi, Anton |
1915 |
Estate |
8239 |
Carpenter, Austin W. |
Will |
1070 |
Carpenter, Caroline C. |
Will |
3708 |
Carpenter, Charles H. |
Estate |
801 |
Carpenter, Cornelius N. |
Will |
7202 |
Carpenter, Isaiah |
Estate |
2753 |
Carpenter, Joel M. |
Estate |
151 |
Carr, George J. |
1929 |
Will |
10868 1 |
Carr, George J. |
1929 |
Will |
10868 2 |
Carr, Glenn E. |
1926 |
Will |
10028 |
Carroll, Dennis |
1917 |
Estate |
8616 |
Carroll, Henry P. |
1929 |
Will |
10934 |
Carroll, Michael |
Estate |
3262 |
Carroll, Patrick |
Estate |
7026 |
Carroll, William |
Estate |
84 |
Carroll, William |
Will |
1809 |
Carroll, William |
Estate |
1881 |
Carrothers, John |
Estate |
439 |
Carrothers, John |
Estate |
647 |
Carrothers, Margarett |
Estate |
156 |
Carson, Alanson |
Will |
1547 |
Carson, D.F. |
Estate |
2555 |
Carson, Harriett (empty file) |
1909 |
Will |
7512 |
Carter, Dorothy |
1926 |
Descent |
10047 |
Carter, Elizabeth |
Estate |
3339 |
Carter, Elizabeth H. |
Estate |
723 |
Carter, George H. |
Will |
4629 |
Carter, James W. |
Will |
1953 |
Carter, John |
Estate |
351 |
Carter, John |
Estate |
864 |
Carter, John |
Estate |
1771 |
Carter, Rheuby Jane |
1923 |
Estate |
9546 |
Carter, William |
Estate |
371 |
Carter, William |
Estate |
680 |
Carter, William |
1918 |
Will |
8674 |
Carter, William C. |
Will |
3085 1/2 |
Carter, William E. |
Estate |
257 |
Carter, William E. |
Estate |
482 |
Carter, William E. |
Estate |
594 |
Carter, William E. |
Estate |
901 |
Carver, Hannah |
Estate |
945 |
Carver, James W. |
Will |
6028 |
Case, Orlando M. |
1921 |
Estate |
9140 |
Casey, John |
1926 |
Estate |
10113 |
Casey, Phillip |
1923 |
Will |
9591 |
Caughy, James |
Estate |
553 |
Caughy, James |
Estate |
648 |
Caulton, Fernando |
Estate |
673 |
Cayton, Anna |
Estate |
4042 |
Chace, Abby G. |
Estate |
4858 |
Chace, Helen K. |
Will |
7025 |
Chadwick, Elizabeth C. |
Estate |
1974 |
Chadwick, Harriet |
1912 |
Will |
7868 |
Chadwick, James |
Estate |
149 |
Chadwick, Jehu |
Estate |
653 |
Chadwick, John |
Estate |
462 |
Chadwick, John |
Estate |
653 |
Chadwick, Jonthan C. |
Estate |
3498 |
Chadwick, William W. |
1916 |
Estate |
8474 |
Chafin, Ephram Bradly |
Estate |
911 |
Chamberlain, Theodore |
Estate |
535 |
Chambers, Harriett C. |
Estate |
3448 |
Chambers, Henrietta |
1914 |
Estate |
8118 |
Chambers, John A. |
1913 |
Estate |
7967 |
Chambers, Robert |
Estate |
87 |
Chambers, Robert B. |
Estate |
900 |
Chambers, Robert N. |
Estate |
1295 |
Chambers, William |
1925 |
Estate |
9961 |
Chamlers, Agnes |
1924 |
Guardianship |
9783 |
Chamness, Isaac |
Will |
7291 |
Chandler, Eliza A. |
Estate |
3349 |
Chandler, Harriet |
1928 |
Descent |
10667 |
Chandler, Harriet |
1930 |
Descent |
11010 |
Chandler, Jeremiah |
1930 |
Descent |
11009 |
Chandler, Jerry |
Estate |
3539 |
Chandler, Josepheus |
Will |
2634 |
Chandler, Josepheus |
Estate |
2635 |
Chandler, Peter |
Estate |
1703 |
Chandler, Samuel C. |
Will |
1185 |
Chandler, Susan A. |
1925 |
Will |
9868 |
Chapel, Austin C. |
Estate |
3343 |
Chapel, Austin C. |
Estate |
3343 1/2 |
Chapel, James H. |
1912 |
Heirs |
7817 |
Chapel, William G. |
Estate |
3368 |
Chapen, Nancy |
Will |
2498 |
Chapin, Eli |
Estate |
3490 |
Chapin, Ephram Bradly |
Estate |
911 |
Chapin, Mack |
Will |
3638 |
Chapin, Marie |
1918 |
Will |
8704 |
Chapin, Mary Francis |
Estate |
7084 |
Charley, Francis Raymond |
1915 |
Minor |
8292 |
Charlton, Edwin |
Will |
3812 |
Charlton, Helen Holmes |
Will |
7148 |
Chase, Corinna C. |
1920 |
Will |
9040 |
Chase, Ellis |
1897 |
A Minor |
3866 |
Chase, Esther |
1911 |
Minor Heirs |
7678 |
Chase, John B. |
Estate |
4336 |
Chatman, Maria |
Will |
2275 |
Cheney, S.C. |
Estate |
2429 |
Cheney, S.C. |
Estate |
4850 |
Chenorreth, Rosanna |
1910 |
Estate |
7545 |
Chenoweth, Benjamin |
Will |
4874 |
Chenoweth, Chester C. |
1902 |
A Minor |
4699 |
Cherry, John |
Estate |
1664 |
Chesebro, Eldredge W. |
1919 |
Estate |
8867 |
Chesebro, Eldridge W. |
1910 |
Will |
7637 |
Chesebro, Elmina |
1919 |
Will |
8835 |
Chesebro, Oscar |
Estate |
2778 |
Chesebro, Oscar |
Estate |
2786 |
Chilton, James |
Estate |
240 |
Chilton, Joshua |
Estate |
1794 |
Christ, John B. |
Estate |
540 |
Christen, Sam, Jr. |
1919 |
Estate |
8811 |
Christen, Samuel |
1919 |
Minor Heirs |
8898 |
Christianson, Haagen |
Will |
2762 |
Chruchill, Norman |
Will |
4506 II |
Chryst, Jane |
Will |
1864 |
Chryst, John |
Will |
4861 |
Chryst, John B. |
Estate |
495 |
Chryst, John B. |
Estate |
610 |
Churchill, Alice |
Estate |
4462 |
Churchill, Armida E. |
Estate |
468 |
Churchill, Charles B. |
Estate |
5066 |
Churchill, Charles B. |
1911 |
Heirs |
7706 |
Churchill, George |
1912 |
Will |
7885 |
Churchill, Maria |
1920 |
Will |
8938 |
Churchill, Norman |
Will |
4506 I |
Churchill, William W. |
1910 |
Will |
7573 |
Churchill, William W. |
1911 |
Heirs |
7689 |
Chute, Thomas |
Estate |
898 |
Clapp, Ezekiel |
Estate |
571 |
Clark, Christiana |
Estate |
153 |
Clark, Daniel W. |
Will |
1409 |
Clark, Daniel W. |
Estate |
1885 |
Clark, Elizabeth |
1910 |
Will |
7575 |
Clark, Elizabeth |
1920 |
Descent |
8961 |
Clark, Emma |
Estate |
6014 |
Clark, Emma Knight |
1918 |
Will |
8721 |
Clark, Ginevra J. |
1909 |
Heirs |
7524 |
Clark, Jabez |
Will |
7366 |
Clark, James |
Estate |
1215 |
Clark, James |
Estate |
1654 |
Clark, James |
Estate |
1952 |
Clark, James |
1911 |
Will |
7701 |
Clark, Jane |
Will |
1563 |
Clark, John |
1926 |
Estate |
10158 |
Clark, John W. |
1911 |
Will |
7728 |
Clark, Joseph |
Will |
688 |
Clark, Joshua |
Will |
3007 |
Clark, Leonard |
Estate |
1996 |
Clark, Levi P. |
1919 |
Descent |
8774 |
Clark, Mary |
1914 |
Heirship |
8169 |
Clark, Mary E. |
Estate |
2975 |
Clark, Michael |
Estae |
7330 |
Clark, Patrick |
1923 |
Will |
9523 |
Clark, Roswell |
Estate |
615 |
Clark, Solomon B. |
Will |
1002 |
Clark, Sylvia M. |
Will |
4114 |
Clark, Therello |
Estate |
528 |
Clark, Tirzah |
Will |
3698 |
Clark, William H. |
1911 |
Will |
7680 |
Clark, William Simms |
1929 |
Estate |
10906 |
Clarke, Alfred C. |
Estate |
7294 |
Clarno, Andrew |
Estate |
86 |
Clarno, Mary |
Estate |
3553 |
Clarno, Oliver H.P. |
Will |
2113 |
Clarno, Oliver H.P. |
Estate |
2135 |
Claus, Dominich |
Estate |
744 |
Clawson, Bowen R. |
1913 |
Will |
7995 |
Clawson, Isaac |
Estate |
1955 |
Clawson, Kattie G. |
Estate |
3206 |
Clawson, Matilda R. |
1914 |
Estate |
8205 |
Clawson, Phineas |
Estate |
1847 |
Clawson, Phineas J. |
1910 |
Will |
7613 |
Clawson, Rebbeca |
Estate |
1752 |
Clayton, Jay W. |
1921 |
Estate |
9185 |
Clayton, Samuel T. |
Estate |
2804 |
Clayton, Samuel T. |
Estate |
2815 |
Clayton, William S. |
Estate |
2162 |
Clayton, William S. |
Estate |
2772 |
Clemaus, James Harvey |
Will |
1389 |
Clemens, J.H. |
Estate |
1554 |
Clemmener, Jasper |
Estate |
2652 |
Clemmer, James |
Estate |
357 |
Clemmer, John A. |
1912 |
Estate |
7824 |
Cleveland, A.L. |
Estate |
6002 |
Cleveland, Edith C. |
Will |
3035 |
Cleveland, Edith C. |
Estate |
4517 |
Cleveland, Horatio G. |
Estate |
2799 |
Cleveland, James Y. |
Estate |
735 |
Cline, D.A. |
1924 |
Will |
9714 |
Cline, John W. |
Estate |
533 |
Clingman, George N. |
Estate |
347 |
Clingman, George W. |
Estate |
370 |
Clingman, George W. |
Estate |
519 |
Clinton, Edmund D. |
Will |
2205 |
Clinton, Edson C. |
Estate |
921 |
Clinton, Edson C. |
Estate |
971 |
Clinton, Henry P. |
Estate |
423 |
Clunie, John |
Will |
1167 |
Clyde, George C. |
Will |
2781 |
Coates, Charles |
1914 |
Estate |
8136 |
Coates, Charles A. |
1915 |
Heirs |
8280 |
Coates, George E. |
Estate |
2302 1/2 |
Coates, George E. |
Estate |
2494 |
Coates, Jane M. |
Estate |
5096 |
Coates, William H. |
WIll |
2627 |
Coates, William H. |
Estate |
4292 |
Coldren, William H. |
1912 |
Will |
7859 |
Cole, Austin |
Estate |
1550 |
Cole, Austin |
Estate |
2268 |
Cole, Catherine |
1912 |
Will |
7897 |
Cole, Edmund |
1910 |
Estate |
7534 |
Cole, Mary E. |
1909 |
Will |
7396 |
Cole, Norman |
Estate |
4897 |
Cole, Norman |
Estate |
6012 |
Collentine, Bridget |
Will |
4403 |
Collentine, Bridget Delia |
1927 |
Will |
10426 |
Collentine, James L. |
1920 |
Estate |
9055 |
Collentine, James, Sr. |
Will |
3308 |
Collentine, Thomas |
Will |
4077 |
Collins, A.J. |
Estate |
7137 |
Collins, Augustus A. |
Will |
4449 |
Colton, Arden H. |
Will |
6060 |
Colton, Elizabeth |
1920 |
Estate |
8980 |
Colton, John |
Estate |
321 |
Colton, John |
Estate |
424 |
Colton, John |
Estate |
968 |
Colton, John |
Estate |
2816 |
Colton, Margaret Jane |
1915 |
Will |
8297 |
Colton, Marvin |
Estate |
466 |
Colton, Melzer |
Estate |
3021 |
Colton, Pliny |
Will |
499 |
Colton, Rufus T. |
1914 |
Estate |
8127 |
Combs, Elias |
Estate |
4900 |
Combs, Louis |
1913 |
Indigent Person |
8023 |
Combs, Maria M. |
Estate |
4818 |
Combs, Mariah M. |
Will |
774 |
Combs, Mary |
Estate |
3075 |
Comstock, Alta |
1923 |
Will |
9508 |
Comstock, Asa |
1927 |
Descent |
10256 |
Comstock, Lewis |
Will |
4411 |
Comstock, Louisa |
Estate |
3260 |
Conant, Eunice |
Estate |
4089 |
Conant, Eunice G. |
Estate |
3140 |
Condee, Adam C. |
Will |
998 |
Condee, Simon P. |
Estate |
599 |
Conden, Nathaniel B. |
Estate |
219 |
Conets, Daniel |
Estate |
765 |
Confer, F.M. |
Will |
4413 |
Confer, Frank M. |
Estate |
4541 |
Confer, Frank M. |
Estate |
4542 |
Confer, James |
Will |
3033 |
Confer, James |
Estate |
4511 |
Coniter, Harriet C. |
Estate |
4394 |
Conkey, Amos |
Will |
1230 |
Conklin, Lucy |
Estate |
1218 |
Connelly, John |
Estate |
6097 |
Connelly, Michael |
Estate |
5097 |
Conners, John |
1922 |
Will |
9319 |
Conners, Samuel |
Will |
3918 |
Conners, Thomas |
1918 |
Estate |
8655 |
Connery, John |
1910 |
Estate |
7542 |
Connery, John |
1910 |
Heirship |
7560 |
Connet, Daniel |
Estate |
217 |
Connolly, Patrick |
Estate |
4295 |
Connors, James, Sr. |
1926 |
Will |
10075 |
Conradson, Barbara |
1916 |
Estate |
8366 |
Conradson, T.B. |
Estate |
4036 |
Conway, Charles W. |
Estate |
1131 |
Conway, Ellen |
Estate |
4304 |
Conway, James |
Estate |
1220 |
Conway, James |
Estate |
1235 |
Conway, Johanna |
1920 |
Will |
9058 |
Conway, John |
Will |
3297 |
Conway, Martin |
Estate |
7034 |
Conway, Patrick |
Estate |
619 |
Conway, Thomas |
1923 |
Estate |
9568 |
Conway, Wirlin C. |
Will |
2208 |
Conway, Wirlin C. |
Estate |
4497 I |
Conway, Wirlin C. |
Estate |
4497 II |
Conyne, Mary Anne |
Will |
3142 |
Cook, James |
Estate |
293 |
Cook, John J. |
Estate |
1101 |
Cook, Reuben |
Estate |
1439 |
Cooley, William B. |
Will |
1258 |
Cooley, William B. |
Estate |
1368 |
Cooley, William B. |
Estate |
1377 |
Coopen, Alazanna |
Estate |
155 |
Coplien, Christ |
1919 |
Will |
8832 |
Coplin Michael |
Estate |
2310 |
Coppock, Watey |
Estate |
3788 |
Corey, Jonathan |
Estate |
251 |
Corey, Jonathan |
Estate |
471 |
Corliss, Jeremiah |
Estate |
967 |
Corliss, Jeremiah C. |
Estate |
81 |
Cormany, Sarah |
1924 |
Will |
9632 |
Cornelius, Nicholas |
1911 |
Will |
7753 |
Corning, Ariel |
Estate |
157 |
Correy, Riley |
Will |
2904 |
Corse, Anna |
1920 |
Descent |
8960 |
Corse, Charles |
Estate |
412 |
Corse, Charles |
Estate |
817 |
Corson, Frank E. |
1928 |
Descent |
10461 |
Cortelyou, William |
1921 |
Will |
9169 |
Cortelyou, William |
1921 |
Trust Estate |
9248 |
Coryell, DeGrand J. |
1919 |
Will |
8858 |
Coryell, Mary Ellen |
1920 |
Descent |
8937 |
Cossort, Andrew |
Will |
2877 |
Cothermoan, Thomas |
Estate |
4872 |
Coudee, Simon P. |
Estate |
477 |
Couden, Nathaniel B. |
Estate |
887 |
Couller, James R. |
Will |
3926 |
Couller, Simon A. |
Will |
1372 |
Coulton, John |
Estate |
968 |
Courtney, Mary |
1909 |
Estate |
7449 |
Courtney, Michael |
Estate |
4956 |
Covell, William H. |
1914 |
Trust Estate |
8097 |
Coville, William H. |
Will |
3183 |
Cowan, Nancy |
Estate |
2301 1/2 |
Cowen, Harvey Q. |
Estate |
875 |
Cox, Edward |
Will |
4795 |
Cox, Frederick O. |
1914 |
Estate |
8158 |
Cox, Frederick O. |
1927 |
Descent |
10239 |
Cox, Mary A. |
1913 |
Will |
8014 |
Crago, Charles C. |
1922 |
Will |
9431 |
Crago, Fordeyce |
Estate |
670 |
Crago, Isaac F. |
Estate |
358 |
Crago, Perry |
Estate |
1498 |
Craig, James |
Estate |
3404 |
Craiger, C.H. |
1919 |
Descent |
8790 |
Crakers, Cassius Henry, Jr. |
1930 |
A Minor |
11025 |
Crawford, Elizabeth C. |
Estate |
222 |
Crawford, John C. |
Estate |
150 |
Crawford, Marvin C. |
1913 |
Estate |
8039 |
Crayton, George |
Estate |
1125 |
Creuzer, Fred L. |
1926 |
Estate |
10021 |
Creuzer, Fred L. |
1927 |
Minor Heirs |
10420 |
Cribben, Mary |
1915 |
Will |
8281 |
Croak, Edmund |
Will |
840 |
Croak, Edward |
Will |
840 |
Croak, Edwin |
Will |
840 |
Croak, Jas. K. |
Estate |
4619 |
Croak, Jeffrey and Johannah |
1909 |
Heirship\Descent |
7439 |
Croak, John |
1922 |
Estate |
9326 |
Croak, Patrick |
Estate |
2770 |
Croak, Richard |
1928 |
Estate |
10649 |
Croak, Thomas |
Estate |
4060 |
Crockett, Brittannia |
Estate |
3837 |
Crockett, Solomon |
Will |
4228 |
Crockett, Solomon |
Estate |
4368 |
Crockett, Solomon |
Estate |
4369 |
Crolly, Patrick |
Estate |
1328 |
Crompton, James |
Estate |
4049 |
Crompton, John |
Will |
4596 |
Cronk, Donald |
1918 |
Minor Heirs |
8694 |
Cronoble, William |
Will |
4980 |
Crook, Patrick |
Will |
2743 |
Crooke, Mary |
1910 |
Heirs |
7646 |
Crooks, George |
1909 |
Will |
7470 |
Crooks, Margaret J. |
1930 |
Will |
10991 |
Crooks, Thomas |
Estate |
220 |
Crooks, William |
Estate |
319 |
Crosby, Daniel P. |
Estate |
1395 |
Crosby, George W. |
Estate |
2796 |
Crosby, Henrietta |
1924 |
Estate |
9708 |
Crosgrove, Elijah E. |
Estate |
461 |
Crosgrove, William |
Estate |
4939 |
Crossgrove, James E. |
Estate |
1223 |
Crossgrove, William |
1903 |
Administration |
4833 |
Crosson, George |
Estate |
1127 |
Crotly, Patrick |
Estate |
2611 |
Crotty, Catherine |
1930 |
Will |
10968 |
Crotty, Frank |
Estate |
4124 |
Crotty, John |
Will |
3454 |
Crotty, John |
Estate |
3499 |
Crotty, Michael |
Estate |
2531 |
Crotty, Michael |
Estate |
2828 |
Crouch, Henry |
Estate |
190 |
Crouch, James |
Estate |
1068 |
Crouch, James |
Estate |
1433 |
Crouch, Margaret |
Will |
2956 |
Crouch, Nancy |
Estate |
1750 |
Crouch, Samuel |
Estate |
2988 |
Crow, Abraham |
Estate |
4467 |
Crow, Alice |
1927 |
Minor Heirs |
10436 |
Crow, Belle W. |
1917 |
Estate |
8602 |
Crow, Belle W. |
1918 |
Heirs |
8702 |
Crow, Elizabeth |
Estate |
4418 |
Crow, Elizabeth (see also Fife, Matilda G.) |
Estate |
4201 |
Crow, John |
Estate |
3902 |
Crow, Maria |
Will |
4294 |
Crow, Orpha A. |
Will |
7292 |
Crow, Robert |
Estate |
3023 |
Crow, Robert |
Estate |
3236 |
Crow, Thomas |
1927 |
Estate |
10316 |
Crowell, Albra |
Estate |
1625 |
Crowell, Andrew B. |
1914 |
Will |
8091 |
Crowell, Andrew B. |
1921 |
Trust Estate |
9180 1 |
Crowell, Andrew B. and Mary J. |
1921 |
Trust Estate |
9180 2 |
Crowell, John |
Estate |
1338 |
Crowell, Mary J. |
1915 |
Will |
8235 |
Crowell, Roswel |
Estate |
3425 |
Crowell, William |
Estate |
302 |
Cruezer, Earnest |
Estate |
2461 |
Cullen, Bessie Flood |
1914 |
Heirship |
8180 |
Cullen, James |
Will |
846 |
Cullen, James |
Will |
1045 |
Cullen, James |
Will |
2638 |
Cullen, Julien |
1910 |
Heirs |
7568 |
Cunningham, Adline |
1927 |
Will |
10320 |
Cunningham, Andrew B. |
Estate |
154 |
Cunningham, James |
Will |
1920 |
Cunningham, Keziah |
Estate |
2792 |
Cunningham, Mary |
Estate |
1921 |
Cunningham, Sarah A. |
Estate |
4289 |
Cuplin, John G. |
1922 |
Estate |
9419 |
Cuplin, Lewis |
Estate |
3032 |
Curran, Thomas P. |
1913 |
Estate |
8035 |
Curtis, Oscar D. |
1925 |
Special Admin. |
9878 |
Cushman, Horace |
Estate |
7001 |
Dahler, Anna and Ernest |
1916 |
Minor's |
8446 |
Dahms, Fred A. |
1914 |
Estate |
8199 |
Dahms, Fred A. |
1916 |
Heirs |
8454 |
Dahms, Martha P. |
Estate |
3545 |
Dahms, Martha P. |
Estate |
4762 |
Daily, Bridget |
1916 |
Estate |
8395 |
Dale, Mary |
1912 |
Estate |
7804 |
Dale, William |
Estate |
247 |
Daley, Frank H. |
1911 |
Estate |
7682 |
Daley, Frank H. |
1912 |
Heirs |
7839 |
Dalruple, Lawrence |
Estate |
1899 |
Dalrymple, Abbie |
Estate |
7129 |
Dalrymple, Clyde C. |
Estate |
3879 |
Dalrymple, John |
Will |
3227 |
Dalrymple, Lewis |
Estate |
1870 |
Dalrymple, Selina |
Will |
3227 |
Dalton, John |
Will |
4500 |
Dalton, Lacy Ann |
Estate |
3692 |
Dalton, Michael |
Estate |
4486 |
Daly, John |
Will |
3412 |
Daly, John |
Will |
4841 |
Daly, John |
Estate |
4857 |
Daly, John F. |
1923 |
Special Admin. |
9584 |
Daly, William |
Will |
7259 |
Dammen, Bertha |
1930 |
Estate |
11091 |
Dammen, John |
1927 |
Estate |
10267 |
Daniels, Rosetta and Flossie |
1898 |
A Minor |
3988 |
Danks, Mary |
1928 |
Estate |
10602 |
Darby, Mary B. |
1928 |
Will |
10601 |
Darkin, William |
Will |
2532 |
Darling, Andrew J. |
Estate |
4134 |
Darling, Ezekiel P. |
Estate |
164 |
Darling, Henry O. |
Will |
4090 |
Darling, Nelson |
1916 |
Will |
8463 |
Darrow, Frank |
Estate |
2826 |
Dart, O.G. |
Estate |
1275 |
Daugherty, Con |
Will |
3780 |
Daugherty, James H. |
Estate |
2241 |
Davenport, Lewis |
Will |
7253 |
Davenport, Mary A. |
Estate |
7359 |
Davenport, Seymour |
Estate |
6077 |
David, Sears |
Will |
1698 |
Davis, Agnes |
1918 |
Estate |
8667 1/2 |
Davis, Agnes |
1918 |
Heirs |
8714 |
Davis, Albert A. |
1925 |
Will |
9844 |
Davis, Archibald |
Will |
1620 |
Davis, Archibald |
1913 |
Estate |
7938 |
Davis, Bliss N. |
Estate |
4260 |
Davis, David |
Estate |
1829 |
Davis, David M. |
1912 |
Will |
7810 |
Davis, Edward |
1914 |
Will |
8089 |
Davis, Elizabeth A. |
Will |
3268 |
Davis, Emma J. |
Estate |
2586 |
Davis, Evan W. and Mary E. |
Estate |
4362 |
Davis, George W. |
1909 |
Estate |
7409 |
Davis, J.G. |
Estate |
1907 |
Davis, J.Q. |
Estate |
1358 |
Davis, James |
Estate |
2015 |
Davis, James M. |
1916 |
Will |
8438 |
Davis, Jeptha |
Estate |
447 |
Davis, John |
Estate |
262 |
Davis, John |
Estate |
750 |
Davis, John N. |
1930 |
Estate |
11050 |
Davis, Joseph J. |
Estate |
1012 |
Davis, Joseph J. |
Estate |
1022 |
Davis, Joseph S. |
Estate |
1746 |
Davis, Leah |
Estate |
4331 |
Davis, Levi |
Estate |
1184 |
Davis, Levi |
Estate |
1282 |
Davis, Ray and Ben |
1899 |
Custody of Children |
4137 |
Dawson, James |
1917 |
Heirs |
8560 |
Dawson, John J. |
Will |
3644 |
Day, Daniel |
Estate |
159 |
Day, Russell J. |
1911 |
Will |
7787 |
Day, Samuel J. |
Estate |
343 |
Day, W.J. |
Estate |
1699 |
Day, William R. |
1916 |
Estate |
8390 |
De Haven, Alpheus |
Will |
3309 |
De Haven, O.O. |
1921 |
Estate |
9285 |
Deal, Isaiah |
Estate |
2062 |
Deal, Isaiah |
Estate |
2067 |
Deal, John H. |
1921 |
Descent |
9139 |
Deal, Levi |
Will |
3121 |
Deal, Lucy and Rosa |
1909 |
Heirs |
7526 |
Deal, Lucy L. |
Estate |
7130 |
Deal, Margaret |
Will |
4611 |
Deal, Solomon |
Will |
7252 |
Deal, Veronica |
Estate |
4045 |
Debolt, George |
Will |
1738 |
Decker, George |
Estate |
275 |
Decker, M. |
Estate |
1879 |
Dedrick, Nicholas |
Will |
1708 |
Dedrick, Peter L. |
1918 |
Will |
8643 |
DeHaven, Theophilus G. |
1929 |
Descent |
10791 |
Deininger, Frederick |
1911 |
Will |
7761 |
DeLong, Edward |
Estate |
131 |
Dempsey, Thomas |
1930 |
Will |
11011 |
Denniston, John W. |
Estate |
165 |
Denson, John R. |
Estate |
580 |
Denure, Charles |
Estate |
3478 |
DeRemer, Peter |
Will |
3944 |
DeRemer, Peter |
Estate |
4081 |
DeRemer, Rose |
1909 |
Will |
7475 |
DeRemer, Rose |
1912 |
Heirs |
7822 |
Derendinger, John |
1914 |
Will |
8163 |
Derendinger, Maria |
1929 |
Estate |
10904 |
Derrick, Elizabeth |
Estate |
126 |
Derrick, Ephraim |
Estate |
126 |
Derrick, F.R. |
1928 |
Will |
10642 |
Derrick, Franklin H. |
Will |
6092 |
Derrick, Franklin H. |
1915 |
Heirs |
8231 |
Dettwiler, Carl E. |
1928 |
Will |
10675 |
Dettwiler, Emanuel |
1924 |
Will |
9662 |
Devereax, Alvin E. |
Will |
1658 |
DeVoe, Charles E. |
1915 |
Estate |
8252 |
Devoe, George S. |
Will |
3453 |
Devoe, Henry A. |
Estate |
838 |
Devoll, Ray |
1909 |
A minor |
7420 |
Dewey, Erasmus D. |
Estate |
1488 |
Dewey, Maria |
Estate |
3493 |
Dexter, Asaph W. |
Estate |
4571 |
Dexter, Asaph W. |
Estate |
4794 |
Dick, Jacob |
Will |
813 |
Dick, Jacob |
1929 |
Descent |
10911 |
Dick, John |
Estate |
574 |
Dick, John |
Estate |
3851 |
Dick, John, Sr. |
1910 |
Will |
7641 |
Dickey, Clara S. |
1915 |
Descent |
8304 |
Dickey, Cyrus F. |
Will |
3220 |
Dickinson, Lyma |
Will |
4344 |
Diemer, Lillian |
1918 |
Estate |
8691 |
Dietz, Fannie B. |
1919 |
Will |
8781 |
Dietz, Jacob |
1927 |
Will |
10425 |
Dietz, Leonard |
1916 |
Descent |
8471 |
Dillon, Constantine |
Estate |
4597 |
Dinges, Andrew |
Estate |
2986 |
Dinges, Elizabeth |
Estate |
4649 |
Dinges, Elizabeth |
Estate |
4945 |
Disch, Abraham |
1930 |
Estate |
10982 |
Disch, Balthasar |
1912 |
Estate |
7831 |
Disch, Baltz |
1920 |
Will |
9061 |
Disch, Casper |
1912 |
Estate |
7809 |
Disch, Elsbeth |
Estate |
3915 |
Disch, George |
Estate |
2898 |
Disch, Harry P. |
1924 |
Will |
9677 |
Disch, John |
Estate |
2844 |
Disch, John |
Estate |
2881 |
Disch, John, Sr. |
1927 |
Estate |
10414 |
Disch, Katherine |
1909 |
Will |
7519 |
Disch, Paulus |
Estate |
4169 |
Disch, Paulus |
Estate |
4433 |
Disch, Peter |
1927 |
Estate |
10369 |
Disch, Peter |
1930 |
Descent |
11102 |
Disch, Rudy |
1924 |
Estate |
9743 |
Disch, Susanna |
1926 |
Will |
10122 |
Disck, Martin |
1909 |
Heirship\Descent |
7458 |
Dissinger, Albert D. |
Estate |
6045 |
Dittmer, Friedrich |
1909 |
Will |
7435 |
Dittmer, Herman |
Estate |
7221 |
Divan, Emanuel |
Will |
2952 |
Divan, Henry |
Estate |
160 |
Divan, Henry |
1930 |
Special Admin. |
11107 |
Divan, Howard M. |
1928 |
Estate |
10524 |
Divan, John |
Estate |
378 |
Divan, Mary |
Estate |
1796 |
Dix, Ella |
1928 |
Estate |
10573 |
Dixon, Estra |
Estate |
3078 |
Dixon, Hester |
Estate |
3278 |
Dixon, John E. |
Will |
3834 |
Dixon, John E. |
Estate |
4461 |
Dixon, Jonathan |
Estate |
216 |
Dixon, Knud |
1924 |
Descent |
9639 |
Doan, Amos |
Estate |
290 |
Dodge, Adam Clark |
1917 |
Estate |
8576 |
Dodge, Edward J. |
1912 |
Estate |
7870 |
Dodge, Emilie Seltzer |
1926 |
Will |
10033 |
Dodge, Herbert B. |
Estate |
803 |
Dodge, John M. |
Estate |
4399 |
Dodge, John M. |
Estate |
4635 |
Dodge, John, Dr. |
WIll |
2777 |
Dodge, Lewis |
1911 |
Estate |
7738 |
Dodge, Lewis |
1912 |
Heirs |
7872 |
Dodge, Martha E. |
1912 |
Estate |
7923 |
Dodge, Oren |
1919 |
Descent |
8878 |
Dodge, Parker |
Will |
3031 |
Dodson, Elizabeth |
1916 |
Will |
8412 |
Dodson, William M. |
Estate |
4051 |
Doherty, Cornelius |
Will |
7042 |
Doig, George |
Will |
1329 |
Dolan, John |
Will |
3001 |
Dolan, Michael |
Estate |
1472 |
Dolan, Michael |
Estate |
1949 |
Dolan, Thomas |
Estate |
4293 |
Dolan, Thomas |
Estate |
4491 |
Dolly, Tessie Maud |
Estate |
7054 |
Dolon, Margaret |
Estate |
3118 |
Domholdt, Bertha Maria |
Will |
3581 |
Donahue, Michael |
1930 |
Termination of life Estate |
11094 |
Donegan, John |
Estate |
3364 |
Donmeyer, Florence A. |
1917 |
Heirs |
8553 |
Donovan, John F. |
1925 |
Descent |
9818 |
Donyes, John |
Estate |
726 |
Dooley, Francis |
Estate |
7307 |
Dooley, George |
Estate |
7219 |
Dooley, John R. |
1930 |
Will |
10976 |
Dooley, Richard |
1924 |
Will |
9779 |
Dooley, Richard |
1925 |
Minor Heirs |
9970 |
Dooley, Tessa Maude |
1922 |
Infant Heir |
9301 |
Dooley, Tessa Maude |
1922 |
Heirs |
9302 |
Dooley, William and |
Estate |
7307 |
Doolittle, John E. |
Estate |
4756 |
Doolittle, Kate A. |
1914 |
Estate |
8150 |
Dooly, James |
1930 |
Will |
11122 |
Dooly, Patrick |
Estate |
4487 |
Dooly, Patrick |
Estate |
4594 |
Dooly, Richard |
Will |
1527 |
Dooly, Richard, Sr. |
1922 |
Estate |
9299 |
Dorman, Lily Day and Ida May |
1886 |
Infants |
2298 |
Dorman, Thomas |
Will |
2348 |
Dorman, Thomas |
Estate |
3234 |
Dorr, Edward B. |
Estate |
2932 |
Dorr, Sarah |
Estate |
4391 |
Dorty, John |
1924 |
Will |
9709 |
Douglas, Abbie E. |
1929 |
Estate |
10715 |
Douglas, Albert C. |
Estate |
4176 |
Douglas, Amanda H. |
1919 |
Descent |
8776 |
Douglas, Andrew S. |
1912 |
Will |
7869 |
Douglas, Arthur G. |
1920 |
Will |
9069 |
Douglas, Hannah |
1922 |
Will |
9404 |
Douglas, John |
Estate |
3352 |
Douglas, Mary B. |
1916 |
Estate |
8365 |
Douglas, Rose |
1922 |
Will |
9346 |
Douglas, Stella |
1917 |
Estate |
8520 |
Douglas, Thomas B. |
Estate |
1381 |
Douglas, Thomas B. |
Estate |
2038 |
Douglas, William H. |
Will |
4478 |
Dow, Cornelius |
Estate |
1860 |
Dowle, James |
Estate |
298 |
Dowling, Francis |
Estate |
3595 |
Downer, Maria |
1929 |
Estate |
10714 |
Downs, Edward A. |
Estate |
161 |
Downs, John A. |
Estate |
162 |
Dows, Mary |
Estate |
3458 |
Doyle, Arthur, Sr. and Doyle, Hannah |
Estate |
7005 |
Doyle, Frances |
1914 |
Estate |
8117 |
Doyle, James |
Estate |
1106 |
Doyle, John |
Estate |
4072 |
Doyle, Mary E. |
Estate |
1037 |
Doyle, Owen |
1929 |
Will |
10811 |
Doyle, Samuel D. |
1929 |
Will |
10960 |
Draheim, John Frederick |
Will |
2014 |
Drake, Abuer |
Estate |
1629 |
Drake, Amos |
Estate |
1160 |
Drake, Charles |
1927 |
Will |
10368 |
Drake, Jefferson |
Estate |
5081 |
Drake, Kinsey |
1914 |
Will |
8103 |
Drake, Mary |
Will |
4817 |
Drake, Samuel |
Estate |
2961 |
Drane, James |
Estate |
393 |
Drane, Sarah |
Will |
3010 |
Dreaky, Frederick |
Will |
1159 |
Dreibelbis, John |
1921 |
Will |
9110 |
Dreibelbis, John |
1921 |
Trust Estate |
9244 |
Dreibelbis, Martin |
Estate |
1399 |
Dreibelbis, Martin |
Estate |
2297 |
Dreibelbis, Martin |
1887 |
Infant |
2459 |
Dreier, John |
1914 |
Will |
8154 1 |
Dreier, John |
1914 |
Will |
8154 2 |
Dreier, John |
1914 |
Will |
8154 3 |
Dreier, John |
1914 |
Will |
8154 4 |
Drummey, John |
1914 |
Will |
8076 |
Drury, Owen |
Estate |
3719 |
DuBois, Richard A. |
Estate |
7055 |
DuBois, William |
Estate |
1085 |
Duchow, Fred |
1913 |
Will |
8016 |
Duebendorfer, Dorothea |
1924 |
Will |
9793 |
Duebi, Fred |
Estate |
4855 |
Duell, Charles M. |
Estate |
6006 |
Duersh, Daniel |
Will |
4677 |
Duerst, Balthasar |
Estate |
4962 |
Duerst, Clarence A. |
1915 |
Guardianship |
8269 |
Duerst, Fred H. |
1915 |
Estate |
8332 |
Duerst, J. Jacob |
Estate |
7176 |
Duerst, John Henry |
1924 |
Estate |
9693 |
Duerst, Melchior |
Estate |
4997 |
Duerst, Ursula |
1924 |
Will |
9703 1 |
Duerst, Ursula |
1924 |
Will |
9703 2 |
Duerst, Ursula |
1924 |
Minor Heirs |
9728 |
Dufford, Samuel |
Estate |
408 |
Duffy, Edward |
Estate |
387 |
Duffy, Margaret |
Will |
972 |
Dumars, Mary A. |
Will |
3019 |
Dunaway, Clayton |
1892 |
Infant |
3180 |
Dunaway, Emily |
1910 |
Guardianship |
7592 |
Dunbar, Arthur |
Estate |
3141 |
Dunbar, Arthur |
1890 |
Guardianship |
2851 |
Dunbar, Bernice E. |
1928 |
Minor Heirs |
10625 |
Dunbar, Bertha |
Estate |
3067 |
Dunbar, John |
Will |
3045 |
Dunbar, Joseph |
Will |
2347 |
Dunbar, Joseph |
Estate |
2911 |
Dunbar, Joseph |
Estate |
2936 |
Duncan, Leander |
1919 |
Estate |
8870 |
Dundore, John |
Estate |
2300 |
Dunlap, Kate |
Estate |
1133 |
Dunlavy, Hannah B. |
1910 |
Estate |
7552 |
Dunlavy, Walter |
1910 |
Will |
7591 |
Dunn, Ruth |
Estate |
235 |
Dunnwiddis, Mary |
Estate |
3348 |
Dunphy, Margaret |
1926 |
Estate |
10152 |
Dunphy, Michael |
1920 |
Will |
9007 |
Dunphy, Thomas |
1925 |
Estate |
9881 |
Dunwidde, Daniel |
1909 |
Estate |
7533 |
Dunwiddie, Hiram |
Estate |
804 |
Dunwiddie, Mary |
Estate |
3511 1/2 |
Dunwiddie, Mary Elizabeth |
1920 |
Estate |
9091 |
Dunwiddie, Sarah |
1926 |
Estate |
10112 |
Durfey, Lummie and Eliza |
1894 |
Guardianship |
3375 |
Durgin, George and Alice |
1927 |
Minor Heirs |
10359 |
Durgin, George Ames and Arthur Nelson |
1890 |
Guardianship |
2813 |
Durgin, Harry |
1910 |
Feeble Minded |
7647 |
Durn, Barbara |
Will |
924 |
Durn, Leonard |
Estate |
522 |
Durner, Mary |
Estate |
3973 |
Durst, Adam |
Estate |
1656 |
Durst, Adam |
Estate |
1944 |
Durst, Andrew |
Will |
4547 |
Durst, Henry |
Estate |
4896 |
Durst, Jacob |
Estate |
2675 |
Durst, Jacob |
Estate |
2678 |
Durst, John Henry |
Will |
3353 |
Durst, Margareth |
1917 |
Estate |
8515 |
Durst, Mathias |
1916 |
Descent |
8491 |
Durst, Minnie |
1927 |
Will |
10282 |
Durst, Nicholas |
Will |
809 |
Durst, Nicholas S. |
1923 |
Will |
9453 |
Durst, Nickolaus C. |
1923 |
Estate |
9545 |
Durst, Samuel |
Estate |
163 |
Durst, Samuel |
Will |
3602 |
Durst, Thomas |
Estate |
3099 |
Durst, Thomas |
Estate |
3120 |
Durtschi, John |
1924 |
Will |
9786 |
Dustrude, Ole T. |
1910 |
Will |
7618 |
Dustrude, Ole T. |
1912 |
Heirs |
7921 |
Dwyer, Honora |
Estate |
3110 |
Dwyer, Honora |
Estate |
3526 |
Dwyer, Patrick |
Estate |
3526 |
Dwyers, Thomas |
Estate |
3623 |
Dye, Albert M. |
1911 |
Will |
7754 |
Dye, Louisa M. |
1911 |
Will |
7782 |
Dysart, James |
Estate |
937 |
Eagen, Hugh |
1921 |
Estate |
9104 |
Eastman, Justin |
Estate |
186 |
Eaton, James H. |
1924 |
Will |
9656 1 |
Eaton, James H. |
1924 |
Will |
9656 2 |
Eaton, James H. |
1924 |
Will |
9656 3 |
Eaton, Lizzie |
Estate |
7201 |
Eaton, Wilber |
1930 |
A Minor |
11016 |
Eberhardt, Traugott |
Empty file |
10022 |
Ebersold, Rosa |
Will |
5000 |
Ebersold, Rosa |
Estate |
6029 |
Edelman, Emeline V. |
1924 |
Infant Heir |
9716 |
Edelman, Emma W. |
1926 |
Will |
10086 |
Edelman, Ernest L. |
1913 |
Estate |
7937 |
Edelman, J.W. |
1929 |
Will |
10706 |
Edelman, J.W. |
1929 |
Minor Heirs |
10796 |
Edgar, Mathew |
Estate |
2628 |
Edgar, William |
Estate |
5088 |
Edgren, John L. |
Will |
2554 |
Edleman, Eli |
1914 |
Will |
8082 |
Edleman, Josiah |
Will |
3984 |
Edmonds, Thomas |
Estate |
4948 |
Edmonds, Thomas |
Estate |
4970 |
Edmonds, Thomas |
Estate |
6010 |
Edmunds, Alfred |
1920 |
Estate |
8935 |
Edmunds, Alfred |
1920 |
Minor Heirs |
9027 |
Edmunds, John |
Will |
2825 |
Edmunds, Richard |
Estate |
3079 |
Eduards, Allen |
Estate |
1657 |
Edwards, Anson D. |
1921 |
Estate |
9284 |
Edwards, Florence |
Estate |
4710 |
Edwards, Frank |
1915 |
Estate |
8262 |
Edwards, Hawling |
Estate |
333 |
Edwards, Luke |
Estate |
3560 |
Edwards, Mary Strasser |
1919 |
Heirs |
8780 |
Edwards, Pembroke |
1929 |
Estate |
10801 |
Edwards, Robert |
Will |
1123 |
Eells, Charles H. |
1912 |
Heirs |
7828 |
Effert, Wilhelm |
1909 |
Will |
7483 |
Effert, Wilhelmina |
1925 |
Will |
9960 |
Eggleston, W.T. |
Estate |
2390 |
Eggleston, William T. |
Will |
1348 |
Eichelkraub, Julius |
Estate |
4695 |
Eichelkraut, Charles |
1921 |
Estate |
9275 |
Eichelkraut, William J. |
1926 |
Estate |
10059 |
Eichelkraut, William J. |
1927 |
Minor Heirs |
10360 |
Eicher, Madaline |
1914 |
Estate |
8200 |
Eidsmor, T.A. |
Estate |
2728 II |
Eidsmor, T.A. |
Estate |
3388 |
Eidsmor, Tosten A. |
Estate |
3073 |
Eilert, J.K. |
Will |
3151 |
Eilert, Michael |
Estate |
166 |
Einbeck, Hugo |
1929 |
Estate |
10710 |
Eitel, J.G. |
Estate |
4037 |
Eitel, John G. |
Estate |
4528 |
Eldred, Alonzo H. |
Will |
3543 |
Eldred, Mary J. |
Estate |
7114 |
Eldred, Mary Jane |
1913 |
Heirship |
8037 |
Eldred, S.L. |
Estate |
3562 |
Eldred, Stephen L. |
Estate |
3027 |
Eldred, Stephen R. |
1912 |
Will |
7840 |
Eley, Aaron |
Will |
2482 |
Eley, Abraham |
Will |
1933 |
Eley, Abraham |
Will |
4501 |
Eley, Adam |
Estate |
2204 |
Eley, George |
Will |
2681 |
Eley, George |
Estate |
2792 |
Eley, Hannah C. |
Estate |
1872 |
Eley, Henry |
1910 |
Heirs |
7547 |
Eley, James |
Will |
2706 |
Eley, Phoebe J. |
1918 |
Estate |
8750 |
Eley, Phoebe Jane |
1922 |
Infant Heir |
9310 |
Eley, Sarah E. |
Estate |
4730 |
Ellefson, George |
1926 |
Will |
10211 |
Ellefson, George |
1927 |
Minor Heirs |
10294 |
Elliker, Paul |
1926 |
Minor Heirs |
10079 |
Ellingson, Ole |
Estate |
4862 |
Ellis, Albert G. |
1925 |
Estate |
9995 |
Ellis, Benjamin |
Estate |
1428 |
Ellis, Clifford G. |
Estate |
4323 |
Ellis, Emma |
1917 |
Descent |
8586 |
Ellis, Japheth C. |
1929 |
Estate |
10787 |
Ellis, John |
Estate |
676 |
Ellis, Kate |
1929 |
Descent |
10843 |
Ellis, Mark |
Estate |
1490 |
Ellis, Rachel M. |
Estate |
1502 |
Ellis, Rachel M. |
Will |
1884 |
Ellis, Ursula H. |
Estate |
4526 |
Ellsworth, Charles D. |
Estate |
373 |
Elmer, Adam |
1920 |
Estate |
8959 |
Elmer, Anna |
Will |
7145 |
Elmer, Barbara |
1916 |
Will |
8493 |
Elmer, Barbara |
1918 |
Heirs |
8683 |
Elmer, Beat |
Will |
2128 |
Elmer, Beat |
Estate |
6052 |
Elmer, Catherine |
Estate |
1346 |
Elmer, Catherine |
Estate |
1362 |
Elmer, Christopher |
Will |
2474 |
Elmer, Conrad |
Estate |
4210 |
Elmer, Conrad |
Estate |
4365 |
Elmer, Conrad K. |
Will |
4465 |
Elmer, Conrad, Jr. |
Estate |
4666 |
Elmer, Emma |
1930 |
Estate |
11098 |
Elmer, Fridolin |
1914 |
Will |
8211 |
Elmer, Henry |
Estate |
2751 |
Elmer, Henry |
Estate |
2752 |
Elmer, Henry |
Will |
3906 |
Elmer, Henry |
Estate |
3940 |
Elmer, Henry |
Estate |
4211 |
Elmer, Henry |
1911 |
Estate |
7743 |
Elmer, Henry |
1911 |
Heirs |
7749 |
Elmer, Henry J. |
1925 |
Will |
9988 |
Elmer, J. Ulrich |
Will |
3153 |
Elmer, J. Herman |
1925 |
Highway |
9910 |
Elmer, J. Ulrich |
1923 |
Will |
9520 |
Elmer, Jacob |
1918 |
Will |
8715 |
Elmer, John |
1921 |
Will |
9109 |
Elmer, John C. |
1919 |
Estate |
8770 |
Elmer, Lisetta |
1921 |
Will |
9176 |
Elmer, Maria |
1924 |
Descent |
9658 |
Elmer, Marie |
1923 |
Minor Heirs |
9515 |
Elmer, Matheus |
1928 |
Will |
10450 |
Elmer, Mathias |
Estate |
4539 |
Elmer, Mathias |
Estate |
4910 |
Elmer, Nicholas |
Estate |
3221 |
Elmer, Nicholas |
Estate |
3505 |
Elmer, Oswald |
Estate |
2027 |
Elmer, Pancratius |
Will |
2775 |
Elmer, Pankratius |
1915 |
Will |
8380 |
Elmer, Peter Jenny |
Estate |
1687 |
Elmer, Rebecca |
Estate |
3240 |
Elmer, Regula |
Estate |
3138 |
Elmer, Rosa |
Estate |
1460 |
Elmer, Rosa |
Estate |
1461 |
Elmer, Sebastian |
Estate |
2933 |
Elmer, Sebastian |
Will |
4415 |
Elmer, Ursula |
Estate |
4059 |
Elmer, Verona |
Estate |
3233 |
Elmer, Walter |
1919 |
Descent |
8909 |
Elmer, Will |
1920 |
Estate |
9011 |
Elmer, Will |
1920 |
Minor Heirs |
9074 |
Elsworth, Charles D. |
Estate |
243 |
Elsworth, Hannah |
Estate |
243 |
Ely, Henry |
Estate |
1655 |
Ely, John |
Will |
1743 |
Emerick, Ira C. |
Estate |
7014 |
Emerick, Ira C. |
Estate |
7017 |
Emerick, Joseph |
Estate |
1291 |
Emerick, Joseph |
Estate |
1296 |
Emerson, Margaret L. |
1918 |
Heirship |
8679 |
Emerson, Richard |
Estate |
260 |
Emerson, Richard |
Estate |
483 |
Emerson, Richard |
Estate |
507 |
Emerson, Thomas |
Will |
3074 |
Emery, Kittie |
1925 |
Descent |
9964 |
Emmenegger, Fred |
1926 |
Will |
10208 |
Emmenegger, Fred |
1927 |
Minor Heirs |
10226 |
Emminger, John Nelson |
1916 |
Estate |
8381 |
Emrick, L.D. |
Will |
3015 |
Enfield, Frederick |
Will |
3900 |
Englehart, Joseph |
Will |
4643 |
Engler, Albert |
Estate |
1027 |
Engler, William B. |
1927 |
Estate |
10336 |
Ennis, John W. |
Estate |
539 |
Entreken, George W. |
Will |
2091 |
Entriken, George W. |
Will |
2091 |
Epling, Charles |
1925 |
Minor Heirs |
9959 |
Erb, Samuel |
1913 |
Estate |
8031 |
Erb, Samuel |
1914 |
Heirs |
8121 |
Erickson (Gunhus), Truls |
1926 |
Estate |
10133 |
Erickson, Erick |
Estate |
1277 |
Erickson, Erick |
Estate |
1342 |
Erickson, Inger |
Estate |
4105 |
Erickson, John |
Estate |
198 |
Erickson, Maria |
Will |
4408 |
Erickson, Nels |
1915 |
Descent |
8305 |
Erickson, Ole |
Estate |
169 |
Erickson, Ole |
Estate |
608 |
Erickson, Ole |
Estate |
622 |
Erickson, Ole B. |
1911 |
Estate |
7740 |
Erickson, Ole B. |
1911 |
Heirs |
7771 |
Erickson, Olive Lee |
1923 |
Will |
9504 |
Erickson, Thore |
Will |
2300 1/2 |
Erwin, Hester Catherine (née Divan) |
1928 |
Descent |
10515 |
Estee, D.V. |
Estate |
1269 |
Estee, D.V. |
Estate |
1281 |
Estee, John W. |
Estate |
468 |
Estee, Stephen |
Estate |
407 |
Estes, Andrew |
1916 |
Estate |
8361 |
Etter, Mary |
1928 |
Will |
10464 |
Etter, Robert A. |
1910 |
Estate |
7608 |
Eugen, Gullick S. |
1918 |
Estate |
8708 1/2 |
Evans, Mary Elizabeth |
1928 |
Estate |
10591 |
Evans, Thomas |
Estate |
3369 |
Evenson, Christian |
Estate |
3059 |
Evenson, Christian |
Estate |
3344 |
Evenson, Hendrick |
Estate |
3341 |
Evenson, Ole |
1921 |
Estate |
9141 |
Evenstad, Anna |
1927 |
Descent |
10276 |
Evenstad, Anna |
1927 |
Minor Heirs |
10277 |
Everell, David |
Estate |
1503 |
Everett, David M. |
1925 |
Descent |
9852 |
Everett, Mary E. |
1915 |
Estate |
8229 |
Everett, L. |
Estate |
1583 |
Everhardt, Tragott |
1926 |
Minor Heirs |
10084 |
Everson, Haldor |
1910 |
Will |
7550 |
Everson, Ole |
Estate |
1298 |
Everson, Ole |
Estate |
1506 |
Everson, Sveno H. |
1924 |
Will |
9637 |
Ewing, George |
Estate |
476 |
Faeser, Bertha |
1927 |
Special Admin. |
10324 |
Faeser, John A. |
1925 |
Will |
9908 |
Faeser, John G. |
Will |
7312 |
Fairbrother, Alfred G. |
1919 |
Descent |
8845 |
Fairman, Alonzo |
1922 |
Will |
9417 |
Fairman, Alonzo |
1924 |
Minor Heirs |
9648 |
Fairman, Eli Wesley |
1915 |
Will |
8265 |
Fairman, Mary R. |
1919 |
Will |
8871 |
Falk, Frederick |
1928 |
Estate |
10626 |
Fankhauser, Christian |
Estate |
5002 |
Farm Drainage No.10 |
1923 |
Farm Drainage No. 10 |
9560 |
Farmer, Andrew |
Will |
1780 |
Farmer, Charles |
Estate |
893 |
Farmer, Charles F. |
1910 |
Heirs |
7579 |
Farmer, Enoch F. |
1921 |
Will |
9195 |
Farmer, Fay |
1920 |
A Minor |
8997 |
Farmer, Isaac |
Estate |
96 |
Farmer, Isaac |
Estate |
583 |
Farmer, Isaac N. |
1930 |
Will |
11150 |
Farmer, Jacob |
Estate |
1265 |
Farmer, James |
Estate |
1600 |
Farmer, Margarett |
Estate |
1679 |
Farmer, Rosa A. |
1926 |
Will |
10186 |
Farmer, William |
Will |
2833 |
Farmsworth, Ray |
1897 |
A Minor |
3899 |
Farnsworth, David |
Estate |
2022 |
Farnsworth, Edmund |
1918 |
Estate |
8652 |
Faubel, Helen |
Estate |
7060 |
Faubel, Ida |
1913 |
Will |
7984 |
Faulkner, Maurice |
Estate |
4875 |
Faust, Jacob |
Estate |
3649 |
Fawler, William |
Estate |
1024 |
Fayette, Sharolia |
Estate |
807 |
Feathers, Jefferson |
Estate |
1893 |
Featherston, John |
Estate |
97 |
Feldmann, Anna |
1926 |
Will |
10170 |
Feldmann, Jacob |
1929 |
Descent |
10744 |
Feldmann, Levi |
1919 |
Estate |
8842 |
Feldt, August |
1929 |
Descent |
10857 |
Feldt, August |
1924 |
Estate |
9767 |
Feldt, Daniel |
1916 |
Will |
8466 |
Feldt, Wilhelmina Riemer |
1926 |
Estate |
10127 |
Felt, August |
Estate |
3479 |
Felts, John |
Estate |
7172 |
Fenne, Lars |
Will |
7043 |
Fenton, Maria D. |
Will |
4994 |
Fenton, Sally E. |
Will |
4690 |
Fenton, Thomas |
Estate |
604 |
Fenton, Thomas |
Estate |
4482 |
Fenton, William |
Estate |
4736 |
Fenton, William |
Estate |
4740 |
Ferguson, John |
1924 |
Descent |
9698 |
Ferguson, John P. |
1917 |
Estate |
8572 |
Ferguson, Sarah |
1924 |
Will |
9646 |
Ferguson, William H. |
1923 |
Estate |
9577 |
Ferguson-Green, Mary Ellen |
1924 |
Descent |
9699 |
Fessenden, E.S., Dr. |
1923 |
Estate |
9444 |
Fessenden, Jared |
Estate |
1520 |
Fetterhoff, Anna M. |
Estate |
2140 |
Fidler, James O. |
1914 |
Will |
8184 |
Fife, Matilda G. |
Estate |
4029 |
Fife, Matilda G. (see also Crow, Elizabeth) |
Estate |
4201 |
Figi, George |
Will |
7230 |
Figi, George |
Estate |
7327 |
Figi, Henry |
Estate |
7110 |
Figi, Henry |
1927 |
Estate |
10429 |
Figi, Mathias |
Will |
3863 |
Figi, Mathias |
Estate |
3958 |
Figi, Melchior |
Estate |
7149 |
Figi, Melchior |
1909 |
Heirship\Descent |
7418 |
Figi, Paulus |
1911 |
Will |
7777 |
Figi, Peter |
1916 |
Will |
8483 |
Figi, Ralph |
1924 |
Guardianship |
9769 |
Figi, Rudolf |
1923 |
Estate |
9461 |
Fiji, Melchior |
Estate |
7251 |
Fiji, Melchior |
Estate |
3764 |
Filber, Joseph |
Estate |
552 |
Fillebrown, William H. |
Estate |
645 |
Finch, John |
Will |
1514 |
Finn, William |
Will |
3081 |
Finnana, Daniel |
Estate |
3065 |
Fischer, F.W. |
Will |
7133 |
Fisher, Clementine Fleek |
1921 |
Will |
9216 |
Fisher, Clementine Fleek |
1922 |
Minor Heirs |
9305 |
Fisher, Emma J. |
1916 |
Will |
8364 |
Fisher, Franklin F. |
Estate |
520 |
Fisher, Loring S. |
1919 |
Descent |
8857 |
Fitch, Alfred B. |
1919 |
Estate |
8819 |
Fitch, James Albert |
1924 |
Estate |
9674 |
Fitch, Jessie H. |
Estate |
2910 |
Fitch, Martha J. |
1914 |
Will |
8104 |
Fitch, Newell D. |
Estate |
7098 |
Fitch, Ulyssa |
Will |
2519 |
Fitts, Ansel |
Estate |
700 |
Fitts, Ansel |
Estate |
1166 |
Fitts, Ansel |
Estate |
1509 |
Fitts, Ansel |
Estate |
2295 |
Fitzgerald, Michael |
Estate |
3551 |
Fitzgerald, Michael |
Estate |
4195 |
Fitzgerald, Patrick |
Estate |
3154 |
Fitzgerald, Thomas |
Estate |
1283 |
Fitzgibbons, Anna |
Estate |
4139 |
Fitzgibbons, James |
Will |
3389 |
Fitzgibbons, James M. |
1911 |
Will |
7718 |
Fitzgibbons, James M. |
1911 |
Heirs |
7721 |
Flagler, Silas |
Will |
2321 |
Flanagan, Michael |
1909 |
Will |
7388 |
Flanagan, Nell |
1927 |
Will |
10269 |
Flanagan, William |
1928 |
Will |
10639 |
Flanery, Edward |
1910 |
Heirs |
7543 |
Flanery, Michael |
1910 |
Estate |
7654 |
Flanery, P.F. |
1928 |
Will |
10581 |
Flannery, James |
Estate |
4552 |
Flannery, James |
1924 |
Estate |
9722 |
Flannery, Mary |
1917 |
Will |
8514 |
Flannery, Michael |
1917 |
Heirs |
8595 |
Flannery, Michael |
1923 |
Infant Heir |
9607 |
Flannery, Patrick |
1909 |
Will |
7395 |
Flannigan, Elizabeth |
Estate |
2070 |
Flannigan, James |
Estate |
2070 |
Flannigan, James |
Estate |
2697 |
Flannigan, William |
Will |
3786 |
Flannigan, William |
Estate |
3948 |
Fleck, Mary Ann |
Will |
1930 |
Fleek, Adam |
Estate |
101 |
Fleek, Adam and Mary Ellen |
Estate |
1900 |
Fleek, Alta Josephine |
1917 |
Descent |
8619 |
Fleek, Benjamine |
Estate |
1942 |
Fleek, Conrad |
Estate |
102 |
Fleek, Edmund |
Will |
2726 |
Fleek, George Roland |
1920 |
Estate |
8945 |
Fleek, George Rolland |
1920 |
Minor Heirs |
9062 |
Fleek, Jerome B. |
Will |
4126 |
Fleek, Jerome B. |
Estate |
4372 |
Fleek, John V. |
Estate |
4574 |
Fleek, Malvina |
1921 |
Will |
9255 |
Fleek, Mary Ellen |
1923 |
Descent |
9525 |
Fleek, Renaldo R. |
Estate |
5041 |
Fleek, Reubin G.B. |
1915 |
Heirs |
8230 |
Fleming, Andrew D. |
Will |
3618 |
Fleming, James H.B. |
Estate |
98 |
Fletcher, George |
Estate |
307 |
Fletcher, William |
Estate |
894 |
Fletre, B.S. |
Estate |
426 |
Flickinger, Aaron J. |
1888 |
Guardianship |
2564 |
Flickinger, Flora |
1891 |
Guardianship |
3051 |
Flint, Frank S. |
Estate |
4479 |
Flint, Frank S. |
Estate |
4480 |
Flint, Harold E. |
1908 |
A Minor |
7317 |
Flint, Jashua |
Will |
3509 |
Flint, John |
Will |
1442 |
Flint, Sally A. |
Will |
7349 |
Flint, Thomas |
Estate |
4665 |
Flint., Hannah M. |
1926 |
Will |
10026 |
Flisram, Olena E. |
1926 |
Descent |
10096 |
Flood, Edward |
Estate |
4070 |
Flood, James |
Will |
4366 |
Flood, John |
Will |
938 |
Flood, Julia |
1925 |
Estate |
9971 |
Flood, Peter |
1920 |
Will |
8978 |
Flynn, Daniel |
1914 |
Estate |
8106 |
Flynn, Garrett |
1930 |
Descent |
11049 |
Focht, Amandas D. |
Estate |
4440 |
Focht, Amandus D. |
Estate |
3833 |
Foley, Margaret |
1927 |
Will |
10248 |
Folmer, William |
1930 |
Descent |
11035 |
Force, John W. |
Estate |
984 |
Ford, James |
Estate |
2622 |
Forham, William Ralph |
1919 |
Descent |
8846 |
Forney, Joeseph |
Estate |
99 |
Fossnight, Emanuel C. |
1927 |
Infant Heir |
10432 |
Foster, Abraham |
Will |
1518 |
Foster, Albert |
1911 |
Minor Heirs |
7733 |
Foster, Charles S. |
Estate |
1030 |
Foster, Charles S. |
Estate |
1075 |
Foster, Eben C. |
Estate |
205 |
Foster, Ira L. |
Estate |
95 |
Foster, Lucy H. |
Will |
1113 |
Foster, Margaret A. |
1910 |
Estate |
7587 |
Foster, Wadsworth |
Will |
982 |
Foster, William |
Estate |
1651 |
Fowler, Redmond B. |
Will |
3415 |
Frame, James |
Estate |
284 |
Frame, Mary |
Will |
6042 |
Francis, Henry |
Estate |
2841 |
Francis, James |
1927 |
Descent |
10291 |
Francis, James |
1927 |
Will |
10304 |
Francis, Mary Ann |
1930 |
Estate |
11018 |
Francis, Thomas |
Will |
6059 |
Francis, William |
Will |
1006 |
Francis, William |
Will |
2734 |
Frank, John |
Will |
2085 |
Frau, Florence |
Estate |
1898 |
Frau, James |
Estate |
1458 |
Fraut, Horace N. |
Will |
3793 |
Frautschy, Fred G. |
1909 |
Estate |
7486 |
Frautschy, Fred G. |
1912 |
Heirs |
7853 |
Frautschy, John |
Will |
1140 |
Frautschy, John |
Estate |
4221 |
Frautschy, Leland |
1923 |
Estate |
9475 |
Free, Christopher |
Estate |
2761 |
Freese, J.C. Fred |
1924 |
Will |
9678 |
Freese, Theodore |
Estate |
2949 |
Freese, Theodore |
Estate |
4610 |
Freidig, Christian |
1920 |
Will |
8958 |
Freishknecht, John |
Estate |
3601 |
Freisler, Olga Mungo |
1893 |
Guardianship |
3249 |
Freitag, Alma |
Estate |
425 |
Freitag, Dietrich |
Will |
4358 |
Freitag, Henry |
Estate |
1369 |
Freitag, Henry |
Will |
4678 |
Freitag, Henry |
1911 |
Guardianship |
7716 |
Freitag, Jacob |
Estate |
425 |
Freitag, Jacob |
Estate |
3264 |
Freitag, Jacob |
Estate |
3917 |
Freitag, Sam |
Estate |
3815 |
Freitag, Verena |
1918 |
Will |
8708 |
French, Charles |
1923 |
Estate |
9477 |
French, Sarah Jane |
1921 |
Will |
9165 |
Fricker, Rudolph |
1911 |
Heirship\Descent |
7711 |
Frie, Christopher |
Will |
2749 |
Friekle, Alfred L. |
Estate |
2745 |
Fries, Israel |
1926 |
Descent |
10209 |
Frisbee, Albert R. |
Estate |
1459 |
Frisbee, Alden |
Estate |
414 |
Frisbee, Alden |
Estate |
572 |
Frisbie, Alden |
Estate |
365 |
Frisbie, Alden |
Estate |
391 |
Frisbie, David |
Estate |
1444 |
Frisbie, Eli |
1929 |
Will |
10735 |
Frisbie, Julia |
Estate |
632 |
Frisbie, Pamela |
Estate |
100 |
Frisby, Alden |
Estate |
933 |
Frischknecht, Balthazar |
Will |
2810 |
Fritsch, John D. |
Estate |
2682 |
Fritsch, Louisa |
Will |
4240 |
Fritsch, Louisa |
Estate |
4264 |
Fritsche, John D. |
Estate |
3243 |
Fritschi, Reinhold G. |
1919 |
Minor Heirs |
8831 |
Fritschi, Reinhold Gottlieb |
1919 |
Estate |
8816 |
Fritz, David |
Will |
2328 |
Fritz, Emma |
1922 |
Minor Heirs |
9379 |
Fritz, Mathias |
1923 |
Estate |
9503 |
Fryslie, Andrew |
Estate |
4274 |
Fryslie, Ole |
1915 |
Foreign Will |
8246 |
Fuchs, John |
1923 |
Will |
9583 |
Fuelker, William |
1916 |
Will |
8401 |
Fulfs, Elizabeth |
Will |
7033 |
Fuller, Cassius M. |
1926 |
Estate |
10104 |
Fuller, Cassius M. |
1927 |
Minor Heirs |
10385 |
Fuller, Charles W. |
1924 |
Estate |
9673 |
Fuller, Charles W. |
1927 |
Minor Heirs |
10383 |
Fuller, Joseph W. |
1926 |
Will |
10197 |
Fulton, James T. |
Will |
7170 |
Fulton, Matilda |
1921 |
Estate |
9238 |
Fulton, William T. |
Estate |
3147 |
Furman, Gideon |
Estate |
2903 |
Gabi, John |
1912 |
Estate |
7802 |
Gabrey, George |
Will |
4889 |
Gadow, Christian |
1909 |
Estate |
7445 |
Gadow, Christian |
1910 |
Heirship |
7561 |
Gainor, Patrick |
Will |
1525 |
Galeraup, Kathryn Stine |
1929 |
Minor Heirs |
10877 |
Gallagher, Patrick |
Will |
4315 |
Galusha, H.B. |
1927 |
Estate |
10433 |
Galusha, Jane J. |
1922 |
Trust Estate |
9412 |
Galusha, Jane J. |
1922 |
Will |
9325 |
Galusha, Julius B. |
Will |
7289 |
Galway, Martin |
1915 |
Estate |
8257 |
Galway, Martin |
1916 |
Heirs |
8384 |
Galway, Patrick |
1913 |
Will |
7956 |
Galway, Patrick |
1913 |
Heirs |
8950 |
Gammon, Marietta |
1928 |
Will |
10529 |
Gange, John |
Estate |
103 |
Gange, William |
Estate |
103 |
Gans, Joseph |
Will |
1276 |
Gansell, John M. |
1923 |
Minor Heirs |
9486 |
Gansell, John Milton |
1921 |
Estate |
9251 |
Gapen, Lewis |
Will |
2448 |
Gapen, Lewis |
Estate |
2460 |
Gapen, Lewis |
1925 |
Special Admin. |
9840 |
Gapen, Mary E. |
1926 |
Will |
10179 |
Garde, Catherine |
1928 |
Will |
10688 |
Gardenwise, Nicholas |
Estate |
193 |
Gardner, Adelia |
1927 |
Estate |
10334 1 |
Gardner, Adelia |
1927 |
Will |
10334 2 |
Gardner, Benjamin |
Estate |
1080 |
Gardner, Benjamin |
Estate |
1165 |
Gardner, Caleb J. |
Estate |
4167 |
Gardner, Dewey |
Will |
1093 |
Gardner, E. Temple |
Will |
3070 |
Gardner, Edward T. |
Will |
638 |
Gardner, Elijah L. |
Will |
1522 |
Gardner, Elisabeth |
Will |
3070 |
Gardner, George W. |
Estate |
1035 |
Gardner, Gurdon C. |
Estate |
3016 |
Gardner, Virginia M. |
1925 |
Estate |
9957 |
Gardner, Warren E. |
Will |
7203 |
Garman, John |
Estate |
59 |
Garrison, William |
Estate |
683 |
Garton, Augustus M. |
Estate |
950 |
Garvey, David E. |
1925 |
Estate |
9894 |
Gassett, Mary M. |
1910 |
Heirship\Descent |
7611 |
Gassir, John B. |
Estate |
187 |
Gassy, Thomas P. |
Estate |
901 1/2 |
Gauld, Hattie L. |
Estate |
1763 |
Gavey, Lee |
1926 |
Estate |
10100 |
Gavigan, William |
Estate |
3825 |
Gay, Charles |
Estate |
107 |
Gebhardt, Maria |
Estate |
1853 |
Gebhardt, Maria |
Estate |
1853 |
Geigel, Martin |
1916 |
Will |
8371 |
Geigel, Martin |
1926 |
Will |
10134 |
Geiger, Jacob |
Estate |
6076 |
Geiger, Jacob |
Estate |
7160 |
Geiger, Jacob |
Estate |
7161 |
Geiger, Leonard |
Estate |
4856 |
Geil Charles H. |
1919 |
Guardianship |
8798 |
Geil Charles H. |
1919 |
Estate |
8841 |
Geiser, Frederick |
Estate |
637 |
Geiser, Frederick |
Estate |
1193 |
Geiser, Frederick |
Estate |
2081 |
Geissberger, Charles |
1921 |
Descent |
9154 |
Geissberger, Charles |
1921 |
Minor Heirs |
9276 |
Geissberger, Charles |
1921 |
Infant Heir |
9280 |
Geissberger, Karolina |
1921 |
Will |
9159 |
Gelbach, George F. |
1927 |
Estate |
10375 |
Gelbach, Jennie |
1920 |
Trust Estate |
9066 |
Gelback, Jennie |
1913 |
Will |
7935 |
Gempeler, Alfred |
1916 |
Estate |
8398 |
Gempeler, David |
1924 |
Descent |
9749 |
Gempeler, Frederick |
Estate |
4604 |
Gempeler, Frederick, Jr. |
Estate |
4427 |
Gempeler, Fredrick |
Estate |
4350 |
Gempeler, Friedrich, Jr. |
Estate |
4255 |
Gempeler, Herman |
1926 |
Will |
10102 |
Gempeler, John, Sr. |
1916 |
Estate |
8443 |
Gempeler, Pearle A. |
1916 |
Minor Heirs |
8427 |
Gempler, Rosina |
1913 |
Will |
8013 |
George, Harriet |
Estate |
4934 |
George, Harriett |
Will |
1192 |
George, Henry |
Estate |
1126 |
George, Henry |
Estate |
2095 |
Gerber, Christian |
Estate |
536 |
Gerber, Fred |
1926 |
Estate |
10146 |
Gerbitz, Leopold |
1927 |
Will |
10438 |
German, John |
1924 |
Special Admin. |
9721 |
German, Samuel |
Estate |
1034 |
Germann, Daniel |
Estate |
6098 |
Gettings, Catherine |
Estate |
7103 |
Gettings, James J. |
1910 |
Heirship\Descent |
7634 |
Gettings, John |
Will |
3654 |
Gettings, John |
1930 |
Estate |
11138 |
Gettings, M.C. |
1914 |
Estate |
8155 |
Gettings, Miles T. |
1923 |
Estate |
9538 |
Gettings, Roger |
Estate |
7103 |
Gettings, Teresa J. |
1922 |
Special Admin. |
9312 |
Gettle, Lewis |
Will |
3469 |
Gettle, Mary |
Estate |
4484 1/2 |
Gibbons, James |
Estate |
997 |
Gibbons, John |
Estate |
6035 |
Gibbons, John |
Estate |
7183 |
Gibbons, Richard |
Will |
3203 |
Gibbons, Richard |
1920 |
Estate |
8991 |
Giese, Anna |
1917 |
Heirs |
8508 |
Giese, Anna |
1921 |
Descent |
9128 |
Giese, Anna |
1921 |
Infant Heir |
9135 |
Giese, Annie |
1924 |
Descent |
9790 |
Giese, John |
Will |
727 |
Giese, John Marvin |
1914 |
Will |
8157 |
Giese, Louise |
1914 |
Estate |
8206 |
Gifford, C.A. |
1925 |
Will |
9986 |
Gilbert, Charles |
1930 |
Will |
11030 |
Gilbert, Hans |
1930 |
Estate |
10983 |
Gilberts, Henry |
Will |
4205 |
Gilberts, Louis |
1924 |
Minor Heirs |
9739 |
Gilbertson, Jacob |
1915 |
Will |
8245 |
Gilbertson, Martha |
1928 |
Will |
10683 |
Gilbertson, Ole |
1916 |
Will |
8392 |
Gill, George |
Estate |
3541 |
Gill, George |
Estate |
3818 |
Gill, George |
Estate |
4044 |
Gill, John M. |
Estate |
4125 |
Gillet, David |
Estate |
712 |
Gillett, Daniel B. |
Estate |
303 |
Gillett, William |
1921 |
Will |
9194 |
Gillies, Robert S. |
1921 |
Estate |
9183 |
Gilligan, Harry |
Will |
4951 |
Gilmore, Brice |
Will |
3715 |
Gilson, Charles C. |
Estate |
93 |
Gingrich, Ida E. |
1930 |
Will |
11115 |
Gist, Charles B. |
Estate |
2389 |
Gist, Samuel |
Estate |
70 |
Gist, Samuel |
Estate |
132 |
Gitzmacher, Ernest |
Estate |
1797 |
Glading, Solomon |
Estate |
1393 |
Glascott, Archibald F. |
Estate |
4162 |
Glascott, David S. |
Will |
4999 |
Glascott, Francis |
Estate |
1139 |
Glascott, Mary A. |
1910 |
Heirs |
7551 |
Glascott, Mary Ann |
1909 |
Will |
7434 |
Glaus, Dominich |
Estate |
744 |
Glausen, John |
Estate |
3695 |
Glauss, Sebastian |
1928 |
Estate |
10541 |
Gleason, Oliver |
Estate |
3717 |
Gleason, Robert |
Estate |
130 |
Glennan, Richard |
Will |
3076 |
Glennan, Richard |
Estate |
3077 |
Gloege, Frederick |
Estate |
4727 |
Glower, Jacob |
Estate |
463 |
Gmur, Robert |
1915 |
Heirs |
8276 |
Gnagi, Ann Elvira |
1910 |
Will |
7656 |
Gnagi, Peter |
Will |
7243 |
Gobble, Ettna F. |
1924 |
Estate |
9672 |
Goddard, A.W. |
Estate |
800 |
Goddard, Alice M. |
1921 |
Will |
9198 |
Godfrey, Jerome |
Estate |
667 |
Goecks, Carl |
1925 |
Will |
9934 |
Goecks, Ernest S. |
1926 |
Will |
10215 |
Goecks, Fred C. |
1919 |
Estate |
8778 |
Goecks, Fred C. |
1920 |
Minors |
9064 |
Goetz, Conrad |
Will |
3697 |
Goetz, Conrad |
1919 |
Will |
8887 |
Goetz, Muriel |
1916 |
Minor |
8469 |
Golacksen, Nels |
Estate |
905 |
Golaxan, Larce |
Estate |
1210 |
Golden, Reuben |
Estate |
2003 |
Golliday, Alvin R. |
Estate |
54 |
Golz, William |
1912 |
Estate |
7820 |
Golz, William |
1913 |
Heirs |
7977 |
Gombar, David |
1912 |
Estate |
7841 |
Good, John |
1928 |
Estate |
10697 |
Goodair, Hanby |
Estate |
2886 |
Goodman, David |
Estate |
4061 |
Goodman, David |
Estate |
4312 |
Goodman, George |
1912 |
Estate |
7862 |
Goodman, George |
1913 |
Heirs |
7961 |
Goodrich, George |
Estate |
4186 |
Goodrich, George A. |
Estate |
2649 |
Goodrich, Martheua |
Will |
2864 |
Gordee, Anna |
1926 |
Estate |
10142 |
Gordee, Ben |
Estate |
4355 |
Gordee, Ben |
Estate |
4495 |
Gordee, Mary |
Will |
7282 |
Gordee, Mary |
1910 |
Heirs |
7557 |
Gordee, Ole |
1824 |
Will |
9669 |
Gordon, Ole O. |
Estate |
2418 |
Goreham, Henry C. |
Estate |
1109 |
Gorham, Clinton |
Estate |
558 |
Gorham, Elisha |
Will |
1120 |
Gorham, Elvira M.C. |
Estate |
4984 |
Gorham, Rice D. |
1923 |
Will |
9465 |
Gorham, Sarah |
Estate |
1695 |
Gorham, William |
Will |
4922 |
Gorham, William C. |
Will |
3949 |
Gorman, Harry W. |
1929 |
Estate |
10757 |
Gorman, John |
Will |
1731 |
Gorman, John |
Estate |
3049 |
Gorman, John |
Estate |
7260 |
Gortz, Chas |
Estate |
1833 |
Gortz, Chas |
Estate |
1834 |
Gosling, Belle |
1926 |
Will |
10036 |
Gosling, Sarah A. |
1922 |
Descent |
9363 |
Goslyn, Edith M. |
1915 |
Heirs |
8219 |
Gothompson, Peter |
1921 |
Will |
9168 |
Gothompson, Sever |
Estate |
1690 |
Gothompson, Sever L. |
1923 |
Estate |
9500 |
Gothompson, Thomas |
Will |
249 |
Goul, Emma |
Estate |
7272 |
Goul, Guttrum |
1929 |
Will |
10718 |
Gould, Lemuel |
Estate |
767 |
Gould, Lemuel |
Estate |
1402 |
Grace, George |
Estate |
94 |
Grady, Anna |
1923 |
Estate |
9482 |
Grady, Patrick |
1917 |
Will |
8532 |
Graenicher, Ann |
1926 |
Will |
10118 |
Graham, Ellet E. |
Estate |
7241 |
Graham, Ellet E. |
1910 |
Heirs |
7583 |
Graham, Luke |
Estate |
1403 |
Graham, Lura A. |
Estate |
7248 |
Graham, Lura A. |
1909 |
Heirs |
7401 |
Graham, Sylvanus |
Estate |
7247 |
Grant, Levi T. |
Estate |
7305 |
Grant, Maria M. |
1910 |
Will |
7537 |
Grant, Nancy |
Estate |
7080 |
Graut, J. |
Estate |
1923 |
Gravenor, Thomas |
1926 |
Estate |
10150 |
Gravenor, William J. |
1925 |
Estate |
9865 |
Graves, Louisa |
1920 |
Estate |
8969 |
Gray, Alhana A. |
Estate |
2131 |
Gray, Charles S. |
Will |
4942 |
Gray, George M. |
1918 |
Minor Heirs |
8736 |
Gray, Sylvester |
Estate |
2632 |
Greatsinger, Alvira |
Estate |
4985 |
Greatsinger, Elvira L. |
Estate |
4282 |
Greatsinger, Elvira L. |
Trust Estate |
4656 |
Green, Cutler L. |
Will |
2216 |
Green, Eliza |
Estate |
2568 |
Green, Francis Allen |
1912 |
Estate |
7848 |
Green, Henry C. |
Estate |
2217 |
Green, Joseph |
Will |
1721 |
Green, Joseph P. |
Estate |
1862 |
Green, William C. |
Will |
1174 |
Green, William H. |
Estate |
611 |
Greenwald, Catharine |
1919 |
Descent |
8869 |
Greenwald, Rudolph |
Estate |
1264 |
Greenwald, Rudolph |
Estate |
1266 |
Greenwood Cemetery (Monroe [Wisconsin]) |
1921 |
9235 |
Greidenwise, Nicholas |
Estate |
193 |
Grenzow, Alice |
1923 |
Minor Heirs |
9517 |
Grenzow, Clara Alice |
1922 |
Descent |
9420 |
Grenzow, E.O. |
1913 |
Estate |
7972 |
Grenzow, E.O. |
1914 |
Heirs |
8069 |
Grenzow, Sophia |
1924 |
Descent |
9645 |
Grenzow, W.F. |
1918 |
Estate |
8746 |
Grenzow, William |
Estate |
2814 |
Gressley, Alma S. |
1926 |
Descent |
10145 |
Greub, Clara |
1930 |
Will |
11027 |
Grey, Charles A. |
Estate |
841 |
Griedenwise, Nicholas |
Estate |
193 |
Griessen, Samuel |
1911 |
Estate |
7796 |
Griffith, Amassa |
Estate |
90 |
Griffith, Gard |
1920 |
Will |
8954 |
Griffith, Jacob |
Estate |
690 |
Griffith, Jane |
Will |
935 |
Griffith, William |
Estate |
106 |
Griffith, William |
Estate |
108 |
Grimm, Carl |
1913 |
Will |
8032 |
Grinnel, Betsey |
Estate |
642 |
Grinnel, Robert P. |
Estate |
757 |
Grinnell, Carson |
1915 |
Estate |
8214 |
Grinnell, James |
1909 |
Heirship\Descent |
7419 |
Grinnell, Lydia L. |
1928 |
Will |
10618 |
Grinnell, Myrtle |
1922 |
Minor Heirs |
9421 |
Grinnell, Willard E. |
1910 |
Will |
7621 |
Gritzmacher, Fred |
Estate |
1631 |
Grochowsky, Charles |
1911 |
Estate |
7668 |
Groelle, Charles |
Estate |
3127 |
Groelle, Charles F. |
Estate |
3359 |
Groove, Ole Oson |
Estate |
1613 |
Grossmann, August |
1925 |
Estate |
9879 |
Grout, Clara |
1914 |
Heirship |
8197 |
Grout, Melissa |
1917 |
Will |
8516 |
Grout, Orrin |
1909 |
Estate |
7522 |
Groves, Uriah |
Estate |
72 |
Grunenwald, William |
Estate |
6023 |
Grunert, Caroline Alvinia |
Estate |
3398 |
Grunert, Ferdanand |
Will |
3205 |
Grunert, John |
1914 |
Will |
8095 |
Grunewald, William |
1919 |
Descent |
8765 |
Grunwald, Albert B. |
Estate |
3564 |
Grunzo, August |
Will |
2184 |
Gruver, Benjamin |
Will |
1015 |
Guelson, Guel O. |
1917 |
Will |
8501 |
Guelson, Stanley |
1924 |
Minor Heirs |
9652 |
Guerdenwise, Nicholas |
Estate |
399 |
Guidon, Andrew |
Estate |
2817 |
Guinter, William |
Will |
4667 |
Gullachsen, Nels |
Estate |
858 |
Gulson, Christopher |
1911 |
Heirship |
7675 |
Gundy, John |
Estate |
181 |
Gundy, William E. |
Estate |
754 |
Gunn, Chloe A. |
1925 |
Will |
9871 |
Gut, Alfred |
1917 |
Estate |
8574 |
Guthramson, Guthram |
Estate |
261 |
Guttman, Esther and John |
1915 |
Minor |
8294 |
Gutzmer, August |
1920 |
Will |
8968 |
Gutzmer, Wilhelm |
1909 |
Will |
7425 |
Guul, Andrew |
1926 |
Descent |
10110 |
Guul, Gena Olena |
Estate |
4637 |
Haas, Anton |
1920 |
Estate |
9004 |
Haas, Anton |
1920 |
Minor Heirs |
9005 |
Haas, David |
Estate |
1691 |
Haas, Solomon |
Will |
1736 |
Haas, Valentine |
1912 |
Will |
7799 |
Haase, Carl |
1909 |
Will |
7476 |
Haberman, Frederick William |
Estate |
2642 |
Haberman, Margaret Alice |
1920 |
Estate |
8979 |
Haberman, William F. |
Estate |
2643 |
Haberman, William F. |
Estate |
3519 |
Hackworth, William |
Estate |
47 |
Haddinger, Frederick |
1911 |
Estate |
7690 |
Hadfield, Ann |
Will |
3323 |
Hadinger, Jane |
1927 |
Estate |
10394 |
Haegele, Constantine |
Estate |
2603 |
Haemerly, Casper |
1912 |
Estate |
7856 |
Haenni, Christian |
1909 |
Estate |
7452 |
Hafeman, Ernestine |
1924 |
Termination of life Estate |
9726 |
Hafeman, Ferdinand |
Estate |
7182 |
Hafen, Emil |
1929 |
Estate |
10954 |
Haferman, Ferdinand |
1915 |
Estate |
8298 |
Hahn, Ernest |
Will |
7027 |
Hahn, Ernest |
1918 |
Will |
8644 |
Hahn, John A. |
Will |
7226 |
Hahn, Theresa |
1915 |
Descent |
8311 |
Haimson, Joe |
Estate |
4442 |
Haiser (baby) |
1910 |
Dependent Child |
7595 |
Haley, Daniel |
Estate |
1938 |
Haley, Ellen |
Estate |
4481 |
Haley, Oscar P. |
Estate |
325 |
Haley, Oscar P. |
Will |
352 |
Hall, Augustus |
Estate |
831 |
Hall, Charles H. |
1927 |
Will |
10252 |
Hall, Clara C. |
1928 |
Estate |
10611 |
Hall, Daniel H. |
Estate |
7156 |
Hall, Frank |
Estate |
1134 |
Hall, Frank |
Estate |
1707 |
Hall, James |
Estate |
332 |
Hall, James |
Estate |
2124 |
Hall, Levi N. |
Estate |
781 |
Hall, Mary E. |
Estate |
7276 |
Hall, Phebe A. |
Will |
5060 |
Hall, William |
1911 |
Will |
7712 |
Hall, William R. and Addie E. |
1913 |
Will |
8010 |
Halstead, Haiver O. |
Estate |
2488 |
Halverson, Andrew |
1929 |
Descent |
10984 |
Halverson, Arne |
Estate |
996 |
Halverson, Jennie |
1929 |
Estate |
10794 |
Halverson, Syver |
Estate |
4108 |
Haman, Frederick W. |
Estate |
2109 |
Haman, Lydia A. |
1929 |
Will |
10830 |
Haman, Samuel H. |
Will |
7280 |
Hamblett, Horace F. |
Estate |
1021 |
Hamer, Richard |
Will |
4425 |
Hamer, William R. |
1921 |
Will |
9160 |
Hamillon, Thomas |
Estate |
2556 |
Hamilton, John |
1918 |
Descent |
8699 |
Hamilton, Mary |
Will |
3279 |
Hamilton, Mary |
1910 |
Will |
7548 |
Hamilton, Thomas |
Estate |
4376 |
Hamilton, Thomas |
Estate |
4379 |
Hamilton, William |
1909 |
Estate |
7481 |
Hamilton, William S. |
Estate |
2145 |
Hamm, Clara |
1924 |
Descent |
9659 |
Hamman, Ida M. |
1925 |
Estate |
9814 |
Hamman, John |
Estate |
1121 |
Hammerly, Casper |
1913 |
Heirs |
7965 |
Hammon, Ida M. |
1925 |
Minor Heirs |
9921 |
Hammon, Jacob |
1911 |
Estate |
7747 |
Hampshier, Samuel |
Estate |
740 |
Hamsher, Samuel |
Estate |
740 |
Hancock, Charles E. |
1916 |
Descent |
8478 |
Hanlin, Hart |
1889 |
Guardianship |
2724 |
Hanm, William |
Estate |
3494 |
Hanna, Samuel |
Estate |
353 |
Hanna, Samuel M. |
Estate |
1143 |
Hansen, Julius |
Estate |
3807 |
Hanson, Bertha |
Estate |
5063 |
Hanson, Gilbert |
Will |
3257 |
Hanson, Gilbert |
Estate |
4621 |
Hanson, Henry H. |
Estate |
4772 |
Hanson, Henry H. |
Estate |
4979 |
Hanson, Iver |
Estate |
2712 |
Hanson, Karen Martia |
Will |
2640 |
Hanson, Lewis |
Will |
3300 |
Hanson, Mary Jane |
Estate |
3239 |
Hanson, Rasmus |
Will |
2617 II |
Hanson, Simon |
Estate |
4129 |
Hanson, Simon |
Estate |
4452 |
Hanson, Syver |
Will |
2319 |
Hardy, Albert C. |
Estate |
855 |
Hardy, Frank |
Estate |
603 |
Hardy, George G. |
1919 |
Descent |
8836 |
Hare, Alvah E. |
1916 |
Estate |
8479 |
Hare, Clarinda |
Estate |
4000 |
Hare, Louis |
Estate |
1947 |
Hare, Mary |
Will |
3292 |
Hare, Patrick |
Estate |
1616 |
Haren, D.H. |
1929 |
Will |
10770 |
Haren, Michael |
Will |
4783 |
Harkins, Lyman |
Estate |
1871 |
Harper, Agnes M. |
1921 |
Will |
9184 |
Harper, Agnes M. |
1922 |
Trust Estate |
9391 |
Harper, Andrew, Jr. |
1916 |
Estate |
8437 |
Harper, Andrew, Jr. |
1920 |
Minor Heirs |
8988 |
Harper, Andrew, Sr. |
1915 |
Will |
8215 |
Harper, John S. |
Will |
3577 |
Harper, Maranda |
1914 |
Will |
8128 |
Harper, Michael |
Estate |
3380 |
Harrigan, James |
Estate |
4822 |
Harrington, Abraham |
Estate |
2912 |
Harrington, James |
1926 |
Will |
10023 |
Harris, Helen T. |
1917 |
Estate |
8600 |
Harris, Peter |
Estate |
2950 |
Harris, William |
Estate |
48 |
Harroun, Mariah |
Estate |
811 |
Hart, John |
Estate |
1874 |
Hart, Mariah |
Estate |
847 |
Hart, Mariah |
Estate |
857 |
Hart, Ruth |
Estate |
2372 |
Hartman, Mayo S. |
1928 |
Descent |
10605 |
Hartman, Uriah G. |
1929 |
Descent |
10771 |
Hartwich, Gottlieb |
1913 |
Estate |
8033 |
Hartwick, Sophia |
1915 |
Will |
8244 |
Hartwig, Catherine |
1929 |
Estate |
10881 |
Hartwig, Ferdinand A. |
Will |
2221 |
Hartwig, Ferdinand A. |
Estate |
2789 |
Hartwig, George |
1915 |
Will |
8228 |
Hartwig, George A. |
1923 |
Estate |
9473 |
Hartwig, Henry |
1917 |
Estate |
8559 |
Hartwig, Henry |
1918 |
Heirs |
8657 |
Hartwig, Rosa |
1922 |
Will |
9378 |
Hartwig, W.F. |
Estate |
2416 |
Hartwig, William |
1922 |
Descent |
9315 |
Hartwig, William F. |
Estate |
2704 |
Hartwig, William L. |
Estate |
3038 |
Haseltine, Joseph W. |
Estate |
3991 |
Haskins, Rinaldo |
Estate |
3029 |
Hasse, John |
Will |
4760 |
Hastings, Hugh |
Estate |
224 |
Hathman, D.C. |
Estate |
1718 |
Hauert, Mathias |
Estate |
758 |
Haug, Alice |
1902 |
Sparta School |
4687 |
Haugen, Ole O. |
1913 |
Will |
7973 |
Hauk, John |
1916 |
Estate |
8486 |
Hausch, John |
Will |
1992 |
Hauser, Casper |
1914 |
Estate |
8187 |
Hauser, Edward |
1930 |
Estate |
11076 |
Hauser, Jacob A. |
1921 |
Estate |
9267 |
Hauser, John |
1924 |
Will |
9782 |
Hauser, Oswald |
1925 |
Estate |
9965 |
Hauser, Oswald |
1926 |
Minor Heirs |
10003 |
Havens, Forrester |
1917 |
Will |
8636 |
Havens, Luther |
Estate |
1735 |
Haveu, Luther |
Estate |
766 |
Havrus, Luther |
Estate |
766 |
Hawes, Martha |
Estate |
2165 |
Hawes, Morris F. |
Estate |
721 |
Hawkins, Judson |
1925 |
Descent |
9938 |
Hawthorn, Edwin E. |
Will |
3978 |
Hawthorn, James |
Will |
2630 |
Hawthorn, William B. |
1912 |
Estate |
7852 |
Hawthorne, Andrew J. |
1909 |
Will |
7473 |
Hawthorne, Andrew J. |
1909 |
Heirs |
7500 |
Hawthorne, James |
Estate |
2034 |
Hawthorne, Ray A. |
Estate |
4243 |
Hawver, Daniel |
1915 |
Descent |
8341 |
Hay, Daniel |
Estate |
1561 |
Hayberberger, John |
Will |
1150 |
Hayden, James |
Estate |
314 |
Hayden, James |
Estate |
2644 |
Hayden, Lucinda |
Will |
2604 |
Hayes, Gurney C. |
1918 |
Estate |
8731 |
Haynes, Marvin H. |
Estate |
6085 |
Haynes, Mina and Baldwin, Julius |
1913 |
Heirs |
7969 |
Haynes, Palmer A. |
1918 |
Estate |
8651 |
Hazen, Reuben |
Will |
759 |
Heal, Rosa B. |
Estate |
7213 |
Healy, Julia |
1915 |
Estate |
8232 |
Healy, Martin |
1927 |
Estate |
10362 |
Healy, Mary |
Will |
1494 |
Heare, Lewis |
Estate |
1982 |
Heath, James Henry |
1921 |
Will |
9197 |
Heath, Joel M. |
1918 |
Descent |
8684 |
Heath, Robert Emmet |
Estate |
5089 |
Heckman, James |
Estate |
1412 |
Heckman, James |
Estate |
2591 |
Heckman, Thadeus T. |
Estate |
2077 |
Heer, Abraham |
1927 |
Will |
10332 |
Heer, Fred W. |
1924 |
Estate |
9628 |
Hefele, John |
Will |
2125 |
Hefty, Abraham |
1927 |
Descent |
10279 |
Hefty, Adam |
Estate |
345 |
Hefty, Adam |
Will |
4689 |
Hefty, Barbara |
Will |
6043 |
Hefty, Barbara |
1914 |
Heirship |
8133 |
Hefty, Casper |
Estate |
1367 |
Hefty, Casper |
Estate |
1397 |
Hefty, Eisbeth |
Will |
3467 |
Hefty, Fabian |
Estate |
7369 |
Hefty, Frans |
Will |
1308 |
Hefty, Fred J. |
Will |
4034 |
Hefty, Fred K. |
1925 |
Will |
9981 1-6 |
Hefty, Fredolin |
1917 |
Estate |
8507 |
Hefty, Fredolin |
1918 |
Will |
8686 |
Hefty, Fridoline |
Estate |
1786 |
Hefty, Henry |
Will |
1117 |
Hefty, Henry |
Estate |
3218 |
Hefty, Henry |
Estate |
3647 |
Hefty, Henry |
Estate |
4416 |
Hefty, Henry |
1913 |
Descent |
7971 |
Hefty, Henry |
1914 |
Estate |
8132 |
Hefty, Henry H. |
1928 |
Estate |
10551 |
Hefty, Jacob |
Estate |
2928 |
Hefty, Jacob |
Will |
4310 |
Hefty, John Henry |
Estate |
188 |
Hefty, John Jacob |
Will |
2584 |
Hefty, John R. |
Estate |
733 |
Hefty, Margaretha |
1912 |
Estate |
7884 |
Hefty, Maria |
Estate |
7003 |
Hefty, Marianna |
Estate |
4275 |
Hefty, Olga K. |
1930 |
Estate |
11083 |
Hefty, Paul Leo |
1925 |
Estate |
9923 |
Hefty, Rosina |
1926 |
Estate |
10101 |
Hefty, Samuel |
Estate |
3617 |
Hefty, Samuel |
Estate |
3666 |
Hefty, Samuel |
1923 |
Estate |
9469 |
Hefty, Thomas |
1927 |
Estate |
10422 |
Hefty, William H. |
1923 |
Estate |
9450 |
Hegna, Caroline Grove |
1913 |
Foreign Estate |
7969 1/2 |
Hein, Carl |
1917 |
Estate |
8621 |
Hein, William |
Will |
7153 |
Heindel, George |
Estate |
1094 |
Heinselman, Martin |
Estate |
3591 |
Heintzelman, William |
1913 |
Estate |
8034 |
Heinzelman, Louisa |
1923 |
Estate |
9578 |
Heinzelman, Martin |
Estate |
3386 |
Heinzelman, Martin |
Estate |
4303 |
Heisy, Maria |
Estate |
281 |
Heitz, Baltz |
Estate |
824 |
Heitz, Baltz |
Will |
7021 |
Heitz, Baltz |
Estate |
7141 |
Heitz, John |
Will |
6044 |
Heiz, Marie |
Estate |
281 |
Held, Barbara |
Estate |
233 |
Held, Fred |
1923 |
Estate |
9539 |
Held, Fred |
1924 |
Minor Heirs |
9696 |
Helm, Heber |
1913 |
Descent |
7933 |
Helm, Nellie |
Estate |
7211 |
Helmeid, Brede B. |
1927 |
Estate |
10444 |
Hemperle, Frederick |
Will |
1112 |
Hemstreet, Jennette |
Will |
3884 |
Hemstreet, Margaret |
Estate |
884 |
Hendrickson, Knute |
1922 |
Infant Heir |
9415 |
Hendrie, Thomas |
Estate |
961 |
Hendrie, William |
Estate |
579 |
Hendris, Julia A. |
Estate |
3345 |
Henn, Phillip |
Estate |
2515 |
Henn, Phillipene |
1920 |
Estate |
9068 |
Henper, James F. |
Will |
3456 |
Henry, Eliza |
Estate |
1983 |
Henry, Eliza |
Estate |
1984 |
Herbert, Joseph |
Estate |
541 |
Herbert, Joseph |
Estate |
542 |
Herren, Fritz |
1912 |
Estate |
7849 |
Herrick, Gilbert A. |
Estate |
2336 |
Herrick, Melvina |
Estate |
1392 |
Hess, Christian |
1914 |
Heirs |
8116 |
Hess, Fred |
1909 |
Will |
7406 |
Hess, Rhinehart |
1922 |
Estate |
9313 |
Hess, Rhinehart |
1923 |
Minor Heirs |
9466 |
Hess, Rosina |
Estate |
7322 |
Hess, Thomas |
1911 |
Heirs |
7795 |
Hess, Thomas |
1917 |
Descent |
8617 |
Hewitt, Chloe M. |
1919 |
Will |
8824 |
Hickey, Bridget |
Estate |
3699 |
Hickey, Patrick |
Will |
4142 |
Hickman, Benjamin |
Estate |
312 |
Hicky, James B. |
Estate |
2819 |
Hicky, Patrick |
Estate |
4314 |
Higgins, Roger |
Estate |
587 |
Hill, Charles |
Estate |
45 |
Hill, Eunice |
Estate |
7195 |
Hill, George D. |
Estate |
1533 |
Hill, Juliet |
Will |
4405 |
Hill, Juliet L. |
Estate |
4527 |
Hill, Washington |
Estate |
3258 |
Hill, William |
Will |
3974 |
Hill, William W. |
Will |
5020 |
Hill, William W. |
Estate |
6091 |
Hillcrest Cemetery [Association]. Albany, Wisconsin |
9919 |
Hilliard, Lonson D. |
Will |
4902 |
Hills, Frank E. |
Estate |
2159 |
Hills, Ira |
1912 |
Will |
7801 |
Hills, Joel |
Will |
1335 |
Hills, Olin L. |
1911 |
Will |
7703 |
Hills, Polly |
Estate |
1336 |
Hills, Samuel G. |
Estate |
4641 |
Hills, Thomas |
Estate |
681 |
Hilton, Lucinda |
Estate |
2414 |
Hinds, Margaret |
1921 |
Estate |
9257 |
Hintz, Frederick F. |
1925 |
Will |
9969 |
Hintz, Mary E. |
Will |
3766 |
Hintzman, William F. |
Estate |
2353 |
Hintzman, William F. |
Estate |
2771 |
Hirsig, Elizabeth |
1923 |
Will |
9613 |
Hitchcock, Hiram |
Estate |
738 |
Hixon, Ole |
Estate |
3751 |
Hochstetler, Levi |
Estate |
591 |
Hodges, David |
Estate |
575 |
Hodges, David |
Estate |
581 |
Hodges, Frank L. |
1930 |
Will |
11149 1 |
Hodges, Frank L. |
1930 |
Will |
11149 2 |
Hodges, G.T. |
1917 |
Estate |
8614 |
Hodges, Isabel |
Estate |
3927 |
Hodges, Lewis |
Estate |
46 |
Hodges, W.W. |
Will |
4419 |
Hoeft, Adolph |
1918 |
Heirship |
8658 |
Hoeft, Adolph |
1925 |
Descent |
9979 |
Hoeft, Charles |
Will |
4705 |
Hoehn, Eliza |
1921 |
Will |
9239 |
Hoehn, Henry |
1918 |
Will |
8756 |
Hoesley, John |
Will |
1924 |
Hoesli, Katharina |
1925 |
Will |
9823 |
Hoesly, Andrew |
1912 |
Will |
7808 |
Hoesly, Andrew |
1929 |
Estate |
10918 |
Hoesly, Balthasar |
Estate |
4386 |
Hoesly, Baltz |
1924 |
Estate |
9720 |
Hoesly, David |
1920 |
Estate |
8939 |
Hoesly, Elizabeth |
1923 |
Estate |
9558 |
Hoesly, Esaias |
Will |
2057 |
Hoesly, Esaias |
Estate |
2071 |
Hoesly, Euphemia |
1914 |
Estate |
8072 |
Hoesly, Fridolin |
Estate |
5053 |
Hoesly, Henry |
Estate |
845 |
Hoesly, Henry |
Estate |
4301 |
Hoesly, Henry J. |
1914 |
Will |
8190 |
Hoesly, Henry, Sr. |
1927 |
Descent |
10292 |
Hoesly, Jacob L. |
1913 |
Estate |
8041 |
Hoesly, Jacob L. |
1915 |
Heirs |
8217 |
Hoesly, John |
1909 |
Estate |
7443 |
Hoesly, John, Sr. |
Estate |
4466 |
Hoesly, Jost |
1915 |
Estate |
8283 |
Hoesly, Jost |
1923 |
Estate |
9530 |
Hoesly, Jost |
1928 |
Descent |
10571 |
Hoesly, Jost, Sr. |
Estate |
4589 |
Hoesly, Kasper |
Estate |
2004 |
Hoesly, Magdalena |
1915 |
Will |
8242 |
Hoesly, Marie |
1927 |
Will |
10396 |
Hoesly, Markus B. |
1913 |
Estate |
8005 |
Hoesly, Markus, Sr. |
1916 |
Will |
8353 |
Hoesly, Peter |
Will |
1008 |
Hoesly, Rudolph |
1911 |
Estate |
7745 |
Hoesly, Ruth and Hazel |
1926 |
Minor Heirs |
10080 |
Hoesly, Salome |
1920 |
Will |
9070 |
Hoesly, Salome |
1921 |
Trust Estate |
9118 |
Hoesly, Samuel |
Will |
3887 |
Hoesly, Samuel |
1916 |
Heirs |
8453 |
Hofer, Rosa |
1928 |
Minor |
10616 |
Hoff, Lars Larsen |
Estate |
2147 |
Hoffmaister, Wilhelmina |
Estate |
2824 |
Hoffmaister, Wilhelmina |
Estate |
2926 |
Hoffman, Abner |
Will |
806 |
Hofmeister, Mathias |
1912 |
Will |
7846 |
Hofmeister, William |
Estate |
4866 |
Hofstetter, Fritz |
1909 |
Estate |
7387 |
Hofstetter, Fritz |
1909 |
Heirs |
7529 |
Hogan, Maria |
Will |
4395 |
Hogan, William |
1909 |
Will |
7530 |
Hogeman, Henry |
Will |
2880 |
Hohl, Otto |
1929 |
Minor Heirs |
10876 |
Hohn, J. Jacob |
Will |
1323 |
Hohnest, Lee G. |
Estate |
2735 |
Holcomb, Ernest |
1930 |
Estate |
10999 |
Holcomb, Randolph J. |
1919 |
Descent |
8915 |
Holcomb, Sarah E. |
1912 |
Heirship |
7863 |
Holcomb, T. |
Estate |
1334 |
Holcomb, Trella M. |
1912 |
Guardianship |
7857 |
Holey, Patrick |
Estate |
1903 |
Holloway, A. Clifton |
1930 |
Estate |
11151 |
Holloway, Ara S. |
Estate |
3486 |
Holloway, Harriet J. |
1930 |
Estate |
11108 |
Holloway, J.S. |
1926 |
Estate |
10192 |
Holloway, Jacob S. |
1926 |
Descent |
10180 |
Holmes, Albert S. |
Will |
2539 |
Holmes, David |
Will |
3690 |
Holmes, Harmon W. |
Estate |
783 |
Holmes, Harmon W. |
Estate |
4521 |
Holmes, Lee G. |
Estate |
2835 |
Holsted, Ole O. |
1911 |
Heirs |
7684 |
Holverson, Holver |
Estate |
4811 |
Holverson, Holver |
Estate |
5084 |
Holverson, Ole |
1911 |
Heirship |
7666 |
Holverson, Ole O. |
1910 |
Will |
7617 |
Holverson, Ole O. |
1910 |
Minor Heirs |
7619 |
Holz, F.W. |
Will |
7344 |
Holzberger, Rosa |
1919 |
Estate |
8851 |
Honeywell, Jesse Doty |
1924 |
Will |
9788 |
Honeywell, Mary Laurene |
1925 |
Descent |
9990 |
Honeywell, Mary Laurene |
1926 |
Special Admin. |
10000 |
Hooker, Lewis |
1920 |
Descent |
9044 |
Hopinger, George |
Estate |
3842 |
Hopkins, Caleb |
Estate |
124 |
Hopkins, Kate |
1912 |
Heirs |
7900 |
Hopkins, Sanford E. |
Estate |
1558 |
Horan, Bridget |
Will |
7131 |
Horan, John J. |
1927 |
Descent |
10232 |
Horan, Malachi |
Will |
3835 |
Horn, Leonard |
Estate |
2842 |
Horne, Grace |
1911 |
Indigent |
7792 |
Horne, James H. |
Estate |
2971 |
Horne, James H. |
Estate |
4568 |
Horne, James H. |
1927 |
Descent |
10356 |
Horne, Lillian H. |
1929 |
Will |
10806 |
Horne, Robert W. |
Will |
2320 |
Horton, George |
Will |
4025 |
Horton, George |
Estate |
4213 |
Hosier, Evan |
Estate |
529 |
Hosier, Lucy |
Estate |
672 |
Hoskins, Joseph D. |
Estate |
1018 |
Hostettler, Esther |
Estate |
2924 |
Hotchkiss, Andy B. |
1928 |
Estate |
10640 |
Houck, Angeline J. |
Estate |
1054 |
Houck, Irwin A. |
Estate |
1054 |
Hovde, Lizzie |
1929 |
Minor Heirs |
10517 |
Hover, John |
Estate |
309 |
Hoverman, Theo |
1927 |
Minor Heirs |
10253 |
Howard, Etta L. |
1928 |
Will |
10549 |
Howard, John |
Will |
4073 |
Howard, William H. |
Estate |
3105 |
Howard, William Henry |
Estate |
4579 |
Howart, Mathias |
Estate |
758 |
Howder, David |
1924 |
Will |
9666 |
Howder, David |
1927 |
Minor Heirs |
10326 |
Howe, Anna M. |
1914 |
Will |
8181 |
Howe, Ida M. |
1923 |
Minor Heirs |
9611 |
Howe, William |
Estate |
2822 |
Howe, Z.H. |
Will |
1324 |
Hoylands, Sarah S. |
Estate |
679 |
Hubb, Ida |
1927 |
Descent |
10247 |
Hubburt, Lucius P. |
Estate |
237 |
Huber, Anton |
1929 |
Will |
10912 |
Huber, Olga |
1914 |
Minor Heirs |
8193 |
Hudson, Helen |
1911 |
Estate |
7764 |
Hudson, James |
Estate |
489 |
Hudson, James |
Estate |
873 |
Hudson, William |
Estate |
4580 |
Hudson, William H. |
1923 |
Will |
9483 |
Huffman, E.A. |
1927 |
Estate |
10307 |
Huffman, Jacob |
Estate |
89 |
Huffman, Jacob |
1913 |
Estate |
8040 |
Huffman, James |
1921 |
Will |
9214 |
Huffman, Mary Elizabeth |
Estate |
306 |
Huffman, Sophia A. |
1928 |
Will |
10563 |
Hugelshafer, Henry |
Estate |
4011 |
Hughes, Johannah |
1917 |
Estate |
8571 |
Hughes, Patrick |
1918 |
Descent |
8745 |
Hughs, James |
Estate |
743 |
Hughs, Sarah |
Will |
3028 |
Hulbert, Erastus |
Estate |
639 |
Hulbert, Julius |
Will |
1793 |
Hulburt, Ann |
Will |
2235 |
Hulburt, Dorwin |
Estate |
2069 |
Hulburt, E.P. |
Estate |
3091 |
Hulburt, Florence E. |
1910 |
Heirship\Descent |
7632 |
Hulburt, Jane |
1922 |
Will |
9416 |
Hulburt, Mary J. |
1913 |
Estate |
7936 |
Hulburt, Nancy |
1923 |
Estate |
9478 |
Hume, Olivia |
Estate |
874 |
Humes, Caroline G. |
Estate |
92 |
Humes, Samuel M. |
Will |
1426 |
Humes, Samuel M. |
Estate |
1719 |
Humiston, Ira |
Estate |
5064 |
Humphrey, Albert H. |
Estate |
2546 |
Humphrey, Guy |
Estate |
1383 |
Humphrey, Jessie |
1924 |
Estate |
9675 |
Hunnel, David L. |
Estate |
259 |
Hunnel, David L. |
Estate |
1066 |
Hunt, Carrie A. |
1915 |
Estate |
8295 |
Hunt, Edmund L. |
Estate |
4272 |
Hunt, Elma R. |
1928 |
Estate |
10608 |
Hunt, George L. |
1916 |
Estate |
8464 |
Hunt, Horace |
Estate |
327 |
Hunt, Howard C. |
1927 |
Will |
10230 |
Hunt, Isaac H. |
Will |
1122 |
Hunt, John J. |
Estate |
3752 |
Hunt, Oliver H. |
Estate |
199 |
Hunter, David |
Estate |
1194 |
Hurd, Eugene G. |
1913 |
Estate |
7997 |
Hurlburt, Isadora |
Estate |
3529 |
Hurlbut, Bessie E. |
1921 |
Will |
9230 |
Hurlbut, Bessie E. |
1921 |
Minor Heirs |
9247 |
Hurlbutt, Erastus P. |
Estate |
2803 |
Hutchins, Mary |
Estate |
4735 |
Hutrzel, Catherine |
1911 |
Estate |
7784 |
Hutzel, Jacob M. |
Will |
1772 |
Hutzel, Mary |
Estate |
2818 |
Hutzel, Samuel |
1910 |
Estate |
7653 |
Hyde, Hannah Maria |
1925 |
Estate |
9958 |
Hyland, Patrick |
1919 |
Estate |
8891 |
Ihuse, Ole O. |
Estate |
2130 |
Ihuse, Ole O. |
Estate |
2139 |
Imfeld, Walter |
1919 |
Estate |
8833 |
Indergand, Albin |
1927 |
Will |
10235 |
Ingold, Ferdinand |
1926 |
Estate |
10030 |
Ingold, Fred |
1920 |
Will |
9014 |
Ingraham, Kesia |
Estate |
1132 |
Ingram, John |
Estate |
277 |
Irion, Henson |
Estate |
3411 |
Irvin, Crassie K. |
Estate |
2905 |
Isaacson, Nils |
Will |
1023 |
Iseli, George A. |
1918 |
Estate |
8742 |
Iseli, George A. |
1920 |
Minor Heirs |
9081 |
Iseli, George A. |
1921 |
Infant Heir |
9157 |
Isely, Christian |
1920 |
Will |
9076 |
Isely, Jacob |
1909 |
Heirs |
7436 |
Isely, John |
Estate |
3187 |
Isely, Samuel |
1927 |
Will |
10333 1 |
Isely, Samuel |
1927 |
Will |
10333 2 |
Isely, Samuel |
1927 |
Will |
10333 3 |
Isely, Samuel |
1927 |
Will |
10333 4 |
Iseminger, Sarah |
Estate |
2439 |
Itten, Christian |
1923 |
Will |
9554 |
Iverson, Iver A. |
Will |
2121 |
Iverson, Mollie |
1926 |
Estate |
10165 |
Iverson, Thomas |
Estate |
459 |
Iverson, Thor |
Estate |
396 |
Jaberg, Anna |
Will |
1007 |
Jack, Agnes |
Will |
3819 |
Jackett, Mary Ann |
Estate |
3438 |
Jackson, Abraham |
Estate |
958 |
Jackson, Andrew |
Will |
3950 |
Jackson, Andrew |
Estate |
4283 |
Jackson, Andrew |
Estate |
4284 |
Jackson, Bery F. |
Estate |
6022 |
Jackson, Charlotte |
Estate |
1548 |
Jackson, Charlotte |
Estate |
1728 |
Jackson, Emily |
1919 |
Will |
8854 |
Jackson, James |
Will |
4978 |
Jackson, Lester U. |
1918 |
Estate |
8737 |
Jackson, Richard |
Estate |
1136 |
Jackson, Richard |
Estate |
3729 |
Jackson, Samuel |
1920 |
Estate |
8998 |
Jackson, Samuel |
1922 |
Trust Estate |
9306 |
Jackson, Sarah Rebacca |
1910 |
Heirs |
7652 |
Jackson, Susan |
Estate |
928 |
Jackson, Willis P. |
1911 |
Will |
7772 |
Jacobsen, Marjorie Alice |
1925 |
Guardianship |
9926 |
Jacobson, Charles T. |
Estate |
4598 |
Jacobson, Charles T. |
1910 |
Heirship |
7589 |
Jacobson, Gilbert |
Will |
3068 |
Jacobson, Stephen |
Estate |
4784 |
James, Andrew Brooks |
Estate |
775 |
James, Thornton |
Estate |
128 |
James, Wilbur E. |
Estate |
4375 |
James, Wilbur E. |
Estate |
4543 |
Janny, Balse |
Estate |
2064 |
Janny, Balse |
Estate |
2065 |
Jarenby/Jombey, Harold |
Estate |
3535 |
Jarman, John |
Will |
6061 |
Jarman, John |
Estate |
7144 |
Jarman, Statia |
1926 |
Estate |
10222 |
Jay, Michael |
Will |
3855 |
Jelliff, H. Wesely |
Estate |
2829 |
Jenison, Albert |
Estate |
467 |
Jennings, Guilford D. |
Will |
983 |
Jennings, Jane |
Will |
2901 |
Jennings, Jane |
1919 |
Estate |
8907 |
Jenny, John |
Will |
7326 |
Jenny, Mary |
1930 |
Descent |
11066 |
Jenny, Peter |
Estate |
254 |
Jenny, Peter, Sr. |
1918 |
Estate |
8732 |
Jenny, Ursula |
1921 |
Estate |
9138 |
Jensvold, Christian |
Will |
2730 |
Jewell, Augustus Gilman |
Estate |
52 |
Jliff, Alvira |
Estate |
61 |
Jobes, Hiram |
Estate |
3811 |
Johns, Rose |
Will |
5099 |
Johnson, Andrew J. |
1919 |
Estate |
8881 |
Johnson, Anna |
1926 |
Descent |
10116 |
Johnson, Anna M. |
1923 |
Will |
9543 |
Johnson, Catharine |
Will |
3036 |
Johnson, Easton |
Estate |
3789 |
Johnson, Easton |
Estate |
3874 |
Johnson, Elizabeth A. |
1919 |
Will |
8876 |
Johnson, Ellick |
1930 |
Estate |
11134 |
Johnson, Elmer |
Habeus Corpus |
794 |
Johnson, Frank |
Estate |
2737 |
Johnson, G.W. |
Estate |
1642 |
Johnson, George I. |
1917 |
Estate |
8613 |
Johnson, Harriet M. |
1920 |
Descent |
9052 |
Johnson, Hebron |
Estate |
3641 |
Johnson, Hebron |
Estate |
3844 |
Johnson, Henry |
Estate |
44 |
Johnson, Henry |
1925 |
Descent |
9812 |
Johnson, Henry P. |
Estate |
7087 |
Johnson, Ingeborg |
Estate |
4698 |
Johnson, John A. |
1928 |
Will |
10615 |
Johnson, John H. |
1914 |
Will |
8162 |
Johnson, Katherine |
1927 |
Will |
10415 |
Johnson, L.B. |
Estate |
3567 |
Johnson, Lewis |
1922 |
Descent |
9295 |
Johnson, Lina |
1929 |
Special Admin. |
10841 |
Johnson, Lynn |
1916 |
Will |
8480 |
Johnson, Margaret F. |
1923 |
Dependent Child |
9553 |
Johnson, Ole |
1911 |
Estate |
7755 |
Johnson, Samuel |
Will |
1371 |
Johnson, Sever |
1910 |
Estate |
7624 |
Johnson, W.F. |
1916 |
Will |
8363 |
Johnson, William |
1913 |
Will |
7940 |
Joice, Martin |
Estate |
2303 |
Jones, Albert C. |
Estate |
692 |
Jones, Edward |
Estate |
4530 |
Jones, Elias |
Estate |
51 |
Jones, George |
1911 |
Will |
7700 |
Jones, George J. |
Estate |
779 |
Jones, Herb |
1921 |
Minor Heirs |
9281 |
Jones, Hugh |
Estate |
53 |
Jones, Jacob |
Will |
1351 |
Jones, Jacob |
Estate |
2086 |
Jones, Jacob |
Will |
3088 |
Jones, James |
1916 |
Will |
8450 |
Jones, James |
1916 |
Heirs |
8456 |
Jones, John |
Estate |
1640 |
Jones, John |
Estate |
4050 |
Jones, John |
Estate |
4757 |
Jones, John |
1912 |
Heirs |
7901 |
Jones, John |
1920 |
Will |
9060 |
Jones, Joseph |
Estate |
43 |
Jones, Margaret |
Will |
3810 |
Jones, Mariette |
Estate |
334 |
Jones, Peter |
Estate |
951 |
Jones, Peter |
Will |
2966 |
Jones, Richard |
Estate |
4330 |
Jones, Sarah |
Will |
4232 |
Jones, Sarah A. |
Will |
2323 |
Jones, Susanna |
Estate |
1890 |
Jones, William A. |
Estate |
1507 |
Jones, William C. |
Estate |
428 |
Jones, William W. |
Estate |
4342 |
Jordan, Alonzo |
Will |
994 |
Jordan, Alonzo |
Estate |
1103 |
Jordan, Joesphine M. |
Estate |
1674 |
Jordan, Volney |
Estate |
4307 |
Jordan, Volney |
Estate |
7210 |
Jordan, Volney |
1925 |
Descent |
9977 |
Jordan, William |
1919 |
Will |
8853 |
Jorden, George A. |
Estate |
1531 |
Jordon, Josephine Maria (alt: Wilcox, Josephine Maria) |
Estate |
3317 |
Jordon, Volney |
Estate |
2801 |
Joslyn, Mary A. |
Will |
2718 |
Joy, Michael |
Will |
7047 |
Joyce, Kate |
1926 |
Will |
10064 |
Joyce, Martin |
1918 |
Estate |
8752 |
Joyce, Patrick |
Estate |
1998 |
Judd, Franz |
Estate |
5068 |
Judge, Bridget |
Estate |
4001 II |
Judge, Michael |
Estate |
4001 I |
Kaderly, Ida |
1925 |
Descent |
9896 |
Kaderly, Jacob |
Estate |
834 |
Kaderly, Jacob |
Estate |
885 |
Kaderly, John |
Will |
1666 |
Kaderly, Rudolph |
1926 |
Estate |
10073 |
Kaderly, Rudolph |
1930 |
Minor Heirs |
11023 |
Kaelin, John B. |
1911 |
Will |
7778 |
Kafer, Ida Ruth |
1922 |
Estate |
9373 |
Kafer, Joe |
1928 |
Estate |
10468 |
Kafer, Joe |
1928 |
Descent |
10469 |
Kaiser, Fred |
1919 |
Estate |
8821 |
Kaiser, Gotthilf |
1927 |
Estate |
10361 |
Kane, Samuel B. |
Estate |
753 |
Kant, August |
1929 |
Will |
10922 |
Kargus, Frank |
1910 |
Estate |
7544 |
Karlen, David (empty) |
8618 1-3 |
Karlen, Elizabeth |
1928 |
Minor Heirs |
10489 |
Karlen, Emanuel |
Will |
3418 |
Karlen, Gottfried |
1916 |
Will |
8448 |
Karlen, Gottfried |
1917 |
Will |
8534 |
Karlen, Jacob |
1920 |
Will |
8928 |
Karlen, Louise Magdalena |
1916 |
Will |
8367 |
Karlen, Sam G. |
1921 |
Will |
9186 |
Karlen, Susanna C. |
1916 |
Estate |
8413 |
Karlen, William |
1924 |
Estate |
9683 |
Karlen, William |
1924 |
Minor Heirs |
9796 |
Karlin, Rudolph |
Estate |
2985 |
Karn, George L. |
1910 |
Estate |
7622 |
Karney, Abbie T. |
1920 |
Descent |
9051 |
Karney, Clay Putnam |
Estate |
5006 |
Karney, I. Mellville |
1923 |
Estate |
9488 |
Karney, Marion L. |
1921 |
Estate |
9107 |
Karney, Powell |
Estate |
3331 |
Kassler, Rosena |
Estate |
1149 |
Kassler, Rosena |
Estate |
1152 |
Katz, Samuel |
1924 |
Estate |
9719 |
Kaufman, Maria |
Will |
3624 |
Kay, John |
Estate |
2279 |
Kay, William |
Will |
2261 |
Kean, James |
Will |
2874 |
Kean, Miles D. |
Estate |
521 |
Keating, Dennis |
1909 |
Estate |
7496 |
Keating, Jeremiah |
1910 |
Will |
7536 |
Keckler, Samuel |
Estate |
534 |
Keefe, John |
Will |
4063 |
Keefe, John |
Estate |
4254 |
Keegan, Bridget |
Will |
2963 |
Keegan, John |
1918 |
Estate |
8717 1 |
Keegan, John |
1918 |
Estate |
8717 2 |
Keegan, Richard |
Will |
2671 |
Keegan, Richard |
Will |
4429 |
Keegan, Richard |
1911 |
Heirs |
7798 |
Keehner, Charles H. |
1929 |
Will |
10936 |
Keen, Charles S. |
1918 |
Heirs |
8725 |
Keen, Daniel |
Will |
4032 |
Keen, Hannah |
Will |
4082 |
Keen, Hannah |
Estate |
4244 |
Keen, John S. |
1911 |
Estate |
7765 |
Keen, John S. |
1912 |
Heirs |
7931 |
Keen, Rebecca |
1910 |
Estate |
7645 |
Keiser, Lewis |
Estate |
2508 II |
Keister, David S. |
Estate |
2440 |
Keister, David S. |
Estate |
2470 |
Keister, David S. |
Estate |
2511 |
Keister, David S. |
Estate |
2820 |
Keister, George |
Estate |
273 |
Keister, Harvey R. |
1918 |
Estate |
8758 |
Keister, Mary |
Estate |
3677 |
Keister, Mary |
Estate |
3845 |
Keister, Mary |
1910 |
Incompetent |
7658 |
Keister, Mary |
1911 |
Estate |
7713 |
Keistler, Frederick |
Estate |
2853 |
Keller, Charles |
Estate |
1517 |
Keller, Herman |
Estate |
4741 |
Keller, John |
Estate |
1504 |
Keller, Johnathan |
Estate |
1892 |
Keller, Johnathan T. |
Estate |
916 |
Keller, Konrad |
1920 |
Will |
8964 |
Keller, Otto J. |
1923 |
Estate |
9569 |
Keller, Sarah |
Will |
7244 |
Kelley, Hannah |
1916 |
Will |
8360 |
Kelley, Newell |
Will |
4192 |
Kelley, Reuben |
Estate |
2229 |
Kelley, Samuel |
Estate |
882 |
Kelly, Absalom |
Estate |
60 |
Kelly, Agnes |
1922 |
Will |
9434 |
Kelly, Carrie |
1923 |
Descent |
9564 |
Kelly, Christopher |
Will |
3103 |
Kelly, Christopher C. |
1912 |
Will |
7847 |
Kelly, David |
Estate |
65 |
Kelly, Ephraim |
1924 |
Descent |
9724 |
Kelly, Horace O. |
1928 |
Will |
10631 |
Kelly, John |
Estate |
2431 |
Kelly, John |
Estate |
3385 |
Kelly, John |
Will |
3385 II |
Kelly, Margaret |
Will |
3883 |
Kelly, Mordecai |
Estate |
3057 |
Kelly, Mordecai, Jr. |
Estate |
3135 |
Kelly, Samuel |
Will |
3125 |
Kelly, Susie |
1914 |
Minor Heirs |
8209 |
Kelly, Timothy |
Estate |
6099 |
Kelly, Willie L. |
Estate |
2802 |
Kempter, Jacob |
1915 |
Will |
8243 |
Kempter, John |
1920 |
Estate |
8962 |
Kempter, Mary |
1921 |
Estate |
9200 |
Kenedy, Lawrence |
Estate |
1551 |
Kenedy, Mary |
Estate |
3242 |
Kennedy, Dominick |
1921 |
Will |
9133 |
Kennedy, Jeremiah |
Estate |
3473 |
Kennedy, Lizzie |
1929 |
Estate |
10729 |
Kennedy, Mathew |
1909 |
Will |
7515 |
Kennedy, Michael |
Estate |
1454 |
Kennedy, Susan |
Will |
3585 |
Kennison, William H. |
Will |
5004 |
Kenyon, Emmet |
1907 |
Guardianship |
7200 |
Kepler, Daniel |
Estate |
902 |
Keppler, William |
1925 |
Estate |
9845 |
Kern, Barbara |
Estate |
2898 |
Kerr, James H. |
Estate |
67 |
Kerr, Joseph |
Estate |
109 |
Kerr, Joseph |
Estate |
654 |
Kerwin, Dennis |
Will |
4159 |
Kesler, Daniel |
Will |
1483 |
Kesler, W.J. |
1922 |
Estate |
9424 |
Kessler, Rosena |
Estate |
1149 |
Kessler, Rosena |
Estate |
1152 |
Keyder, Andres J. |
Will |
3463 |
Keyes, William |
Will |
3137 |
Keylock, Anna |
1911 |
Will |
7699 |
Kiesow, Emielie |
1929 |
Will |
10755 |
Kiester, Uriah |
1911 |
Estate |
7678 1\2 |
Killgore, Erasmus M. |
Estate |
4869 |
Killgore, James |
Estate |
705 |
Killgore, James A. |
Estate |
344 |
Kilwie, Mary |
Estate |
2714 |
Kilwine, Nancy E. |
1918 |
Will |
8682 |
Kilwine, Philip W. |
1924 |
Descent |
9737 |
Kilwine, Philip, Sr. |
1924 |
Descent |
9736 |
Kilwine, Philipp |
Will |
1632 |
Kilwine, Phillip |
Estate |
4644 |
Kilwine, Phillip W. |
Estate |
7102 |
Kimberly, Henry |
Will |
2393 |
Kimp, Johanna |
Estate |
4567 |
King, Charles M. |
1927 |
Descent |
10329 |
King, Francis |
1929 |
Will |
10737 |
King, Frank and Nellie |
Estate |
4393 |
King, George H. |
Will |
2923 |
King, Henry |
Will |
1137 |
King, Hesden |
Estate |
643 |
King, Hesden |
Estate |
655 |
King, Hesden |
Estate |
1292 |
King, Hiram |
Estate |
496 |
King, Jane |
1929 |
Descent |
10834 |
King, John |
Estate |
752 |
King, John |
Estate |
756 |
King, Mary L. |
Will |
2631 |
King, Otto |
Estate |
430 |
King, William |
1929 |
Descent |
10835 |
Kingdom, Henry |
Estate |
1946 |
Kingdon, Henry |
Will |
1267 |
Kingdon, William |
Estate |
3451 |
Kingman, Herbert A. |
Estate |
4488 |
Kingman, Herbert A. |
Estate |
4489 |
Kingman, Kirk E. |
Estate |
4338 |
Kingman, Samuel |
Estate |
1164 |
Kingman, Samuel |
Estate |
1341 |
Kingman, Sarah |
Will |
7215 |
Kingman, Sarah A. |
1909 |
Heirs |
7513 |
Kinney, Newcomb |
Estate |
66 |
Kinney, Thomas |
Estate |
1519 |
Kirkpatrick, Joshua |
Estate |
1748 |
Kirkpatrick, Joshua |
Estate |
2285 |
Kirkpatrick, William |
Estate |
1447 |
Kirpatrick, William |
Estate |
1379 |
Kirpatrick, William |
Estate |
1398 |
Kiser, Mary A. |
Estate |
2856 |
Kiser, Mathilda |
Estate |
2557 |
Kittellsen, Christine |
1930 |
Estate |
10985 |
Kittellsen, Oliver H. |
1924 |
Estate |
9655 |
Kittelson, Ole E. |
1929 |
Will |
10711 |
Kittlesen, Andrew E. |
1925 |
Will |
9931 |
Kittleson, Aaste |
Estate |
4111 |
Kittleson, Edwin |
Estate |
4111 |
Kittleson, Holver |
Estate |
1128 |
Kittleson, Oliver |
1922 |
Descent |
9422 |
Kizer, Matilda A. |
Will |
1726 |
Kjellsvig, Anton |
1919 |
Estate |
8902 |
Klaas, Amelia |
Estate |
4084 |
Klaas, David |
Estate |
4214 |
Klaas, Henrietta |
Will |
7031 |
Klaas, Henry |
1929 |
Will |
10709 |
Klaas, Ida M. |
1924 |
Descent |
9636 |
Klaas, Louisa |
Estate |
3108 |
Klapy, Joachim |
Estate |
3406 |
Klass, Louis |
Estate |
1594 |
Klass, Louis |
Estate |
1607 |
Klass, Louis |
Estate |
1672 |
Klassey, Samuel |
1928 |
Estate |
10545 |
Klassi, Samuel |
Estate |
3907 |
Klassy, David |
Estate |
2137 |
Klassy, David |
1919 |
Will |
8852 |
Klassy, Fred, Sr. |
1924 |
Estate |
9777 |
Klassy, Henry |
1915 |
Estate |
8308 |
Klassy, Henry, Sr. |
1912 |
Guardianship |
7902 |
Klassy, Jacob |
1917 |
Estate |
8498 |
Klassy, John Peter |
1916 |
Will |
8442 |
Klassy, Katherine |
Will |
4814 |
Klassy, Melchior |
Estate |
537 |
Klassy, Melchior |
Estate |
1000 |
Klassy, Peter |
Estate |
1299 |
Klassy, Peter |
Estate |
1394 |
Klassy, Samuel |
1922 |
Trust Estate |
9442 |
Klassy, Samuel B. |
1921 |
Will |
9268 |
Klaus, Dominich |
Estate |
744 |
Klaus, Dominick |
Estate |
5010 |
Kleb, Lizzie |
1929 |
Will |
10826 |
Kleckner, Charles W. |
1927 |
Will |
10306 1 |
Kleckner, Charles W. |
1927 |
Will |
10306 2 |
Kleckner, Charles W. |
1927 |
Will |
10306 3 |
Kleckner, Isaac |
Estate |
1401 |
Kleckner, Isaac |
Estate |
1611 |
Kleckner, Joseph |
Will |
3594 |
Kleckner, Joseph |
Estate |
4183 |
Kleeberger, John H. |
1916 |
Estate |
8495 |
Kleiner, Sylvia |
1898 |
Infant Custody |
4017 |
Kleinsmith, August |
Estate |
3749 |
Klemm, Wilhelm |
1928 |
Will |
10664 |
Kleppe, Lars Ole |
Estate |
2045 |
Kleppe, Lars Olson |
Estate |
1429 |
Kleppe, Ole L. |
Estate |
3063 |
Kline, Eli |
Estate |
7337 |
Kline, Isaac |
Estate |
469 |
Kline, Isaac |
Estate |
4251 |
Kline, Joel |
Will |
4317 |
Kline, Joel |
Estate |
4457 |
Kline, John |
Estate |
1044 |
Kline, John |
Estate |
1059 |
Kline, John H.C. |
1914 |
Will |
8173 |
Kline, Lucinda |
Will |
6049 |
Kline, William |
Estate |
3670 |
Klingbeil, Julius |
1917 |
Descent |
8585 |
Kloepping, Henry |
1909 |
Will |
7393 1\2 |
Klossner, Alfred |
1909 |
Incorrigible |
7393 |
Klumb, Jacob |
Estate |
1951 |
Klumb, Rebecca |
Will |
4546 |
Klwine, Frank G. |
1930 |
Estate |
11112 |
Knapp, Consider |
Estate |
213 |
Knapp, O.P. |
Will |
956 |
Knapp, Theresa A. |
Will |
1384 |
Knapp, William H. |
Will |
2894 |
Kneeland, E.G. |
1911 |
Heirship\Descent |
7702 |
Kneeland, Mary W. |
1916 |
Descent |
8415 |
Kneeland, Mary W. |
1916 |
Heirs |
8418 |
Knight, Anna |
1913 |
Estate |
8012 |
Knight, Carl |
1929 |
Estate |
10951 |
Knight, Imogene |
Estate |
1815 |
Knight, John |
Will |
3714 |
Knight, Margaret |
Will |
3800 |
Knight, Margaret |
1910 |
Will |
7631 |
Knight, Mary |
1914 |
Estate |
8109 |
Knight, Michael |
Will |
1316 |
Knight, Nellie M. |
1928 |
Will |
10480 |
Knight, Owen |
Will |
4943 |
Knight, R.A. |
1914 |
Estate |
8094 |
Knight, Ralsey |
Will |
3911 |
Knight, Thomas |
1910 |
Estate |
7549 |
Knight, Thomas |
1912 |
Heirs |
7837 |
Knipschield, John |
Estate |
1396 |
Knipschield, Louise K. |
1913 |
Descent |
7992 |
Knipschild, Adam |
1909 |
Heirship\Descent |
7465 |
Knipschild, Adam |
1928 |
Will |
10494 1 |
Knipschild, Adam |
1928 |
Will |
10494 2 |
Knipschild, Adam |
1928 |
Will |
10494 3 |
Knipshal, Adam |
Estate |
1916 |
Knobel, Abraham |
Will |
2056 |
Knobel, Clara |
Estate |
7061 |
Knobel, Fred B. |
1918 |
Guardianship |
8722 |
Knobel, John |
Will |
3025 |
Knobel, John |
1917 |
Descent |
8577 |
Knoeri, Emanuel |
Estate |
6064 |
Knoerl, Emanuel |
Will |
5033 |
Knoll, Julius |
1921 |
Estate |
9249 |
Knowles, Rachel |
Estate |
4257 |
Knox, Harvey |
Estate |
3247 |
Knud, Salsaa |
Estate |
2138 |
Knudsen, Abraham |
Will |
3178 |
Knudson, Betsey |
Estate |
2907 |
Knudson, John L. |
Estate |
5014 |
Knudson, Levi O. |
1925 |
Will |
9972 |
Knudson, Lewis A. |
Estate |
5016 |
Knudson, Tham L. |
1911 |
Will |
7676 |
Knutson, Ansely |
Estate |
236 |
Knutson, Ole |
1909 |
Estate |
7479 |
Kocher, George W. |
Estate |
4266 |
Koecher, George W. |
Estate |
7264 |
Koehler, Carl Ludwig |
Will |
5073 |
Koehler, Mathilda |
1928 |
Estate |
10694 |
Koehner, George |
1917 |
Estate |
8608 |
Koepnick, William |
1917 |
Will |
8630 |
Kohl, David |
Will |
356 |
Kohl, David |
Estate |
366 |
Kohl, David |
Estate |
513 |
Kohli, Barbara |
Estate |
1178 |
Kohli, Robert |
1911 |
Will |
7696 |
Kohner, Michael |
1917 |
Minor Heirs |
8518 |
Kohner, Michael |
1916 |
Will |
8409 |
Kolander, William |
Estate |
4464 |
Kolb, John |
Will |
7002 |
Kolb, John |
1920 |
Estate |
9084 |
Kolb, John |
1921 |
Minor Heirs |
9243 |
Kollen, John A., Jr. |
Estate |
7020 |
Koller, John Adams |
1925 |
Minor Heirs |
9808 |
Koller, Kate C. |
1921 |
Minor Heirs |
9175 |
Koons, Rose |
1912 |
Will |
7889 |
Koplin, Michael |
Will |
3440 |
Korn, Bernhard |
1917 |
Estate |
8582 |
Kotz, Samuel |
Estate |
4576 |
Kramer, Andrew |
Estate |
3442 |
Kramer, Godfrey |
1929 |
Absconded |
10902 |
Krause, August |
1921 |
Estate |
9114 |
Krause, August |
1923 |
Minor Heirs |
9617 |
Krause, Fred W. |
1909 |
Estate |
7468 |
Krause, Frederick |
Estate |
4634 |
Krause, Fredrick |
Will |
4439 |
Krauss, Leonard |
1929 |
Will |
10824 |
Kreeg, Jacob Plazedies |
1916 |
Will |
8379 |
Kron, Frederic |
Estate |
547 |
Krone, Frederick |
Estate |
248 |
Krueger, Frank |
1918 |
Estate |
8739 |
Krueger, Fred |
1929 |
Descent |
10812 |
Kryder, Andrew J. |
1914 |
Will |
8198 |
Kryder, John J. |
1917 |
Will |
8570 |
Kryder, Lavina |
Will |
4291 |
Kubby, Rudolph |
Estate |
120 |
Kubli, Balthasar |
Estate |
7039 |
Kubli, Chloe |
Estate |
2943 |
Kubli, Deitrich |
Estate |
7308 |
Kubli, Fridolin |
1919 |
Estate |
8827 |
Kubli, Jacob |
Estate |
3627 |
Kubli, Johan Peter |
1920 |
Will |
9098 |
Kubli, John M. |
Estate |
4764 |
Kubli, Rudolf |
1911 |
Will |
7724 |
Kubly, Abraham |
1910 |
Heirship |
7539 |
Kubly, Anna Maria |
1923 |
Estate |
9464 |
Kubly, Balthasar |
Estate |
6071 |
Kubly, Barbara |
1928 |
Estate |
10476 |
Kubly, Elizabeth |
1929 |
Will |
10723 |
Kubly, Ernest |
1926 |
Estate |
10149 |
Kubly, Ernest |
1927 |
Minor Heirs |
10472 |
Kubly, Henry |
Estate |
4991 |
Kubly, Jacob |
Will |
5032 |
Kubly, Joderich |
Will |
4514 |
Kubly, John A. |
1925 |
Estate |
9866 |
Kubly, John U. |
1918 |
Estate |
8653 |
Kubly, Lydia |
Estate |
4989 |
Kubly, Maria |
1918 |
Estate |
8654 |
Kubly, Oswald |
Estate |
4297 |
Kubly, Oswald |
1917 |
Will |
8527 |
Kubly, Oswald H. |
1911 |
Estate |
7760 |
Kubly, Oswald H. |
1911 |
Heirs |
7774 |
Kubly, Vincent |
1913 |
Estate |
7959 |
Kubly, Vincent |
1914 |
Minor Heirs |
8071 |
Kubly, Vincent H. |
1919 |
Will |
8820 |
Kubly, Vincent H. |
1920 |
Minor Heirs |
9100 |
Kuchner, Lewis |
Estate |
3053 |
Kuehn, August |
1917 |
Estate |
8540 |
Kueng, Jacob |
1930 |
Will |
11073 |
Kuenzie, John |
1918 |
Descent |
8649 |
Kuenzie, Minnie |
1922 |
Minor Heirs |
9392 |
Kuhl, Ernst |
1923 |
Will |
9521 |
Kuhl, Wilhelmine |
1926 |
Will |
10032 |
Kuhnke, August |
1919 |
Estate |
8847 |
Kunder, Paulus |
1911 |
Heirs |
7697 |
Kundert, Abraham |
Estate |
4623 |
Kundert, Abraham |
1923 |
Will |
9609 |
Kundert, Baltz |
Estate |
7135 |
Kundert, Baltz |
Estate |
7231 |
Kundert, Balz |
Estate |
1950 |
Kundert, Elizabeth |
Estate |
3667 |
Kundert, Fred |
Estate |
4863 |
Kundert, Fred |
Estate |
4927 |
Kundert, Fred M. |
Will |
7362 |
Kundert, Fred V. |
1910 |
Will |
7635 |
Kundert, J. |
Will |
1922 |
Kundert, Jacob |
Estate |
1945 |
Kundert, Jacob |
Will |
3712 |
Kundert, John |
1909 |
Estate |
7505 |
Kundert, Mary |
Will |
7116 |
Kundert, Mathias |
Estate |
3669 |
Kundert, Oswald |
Will |
1645 |
Kundert, Palmer |
1926 |
Minor Heirs |
10078 |
Kundert, Paul W. |
Will |
7364 |
Kundert, Peter |
1917 |
Estate |
8605 |
Kundert, Rosina |
Estate |
1345 |
Kundert, Rudolph |
Will |
448 |
Kundert, Rudolph |
Will |
943 |
Kundert, Rudolph |
Estate |
4914 |
Kundert, Solomon |
Estate |
2186 |
Kundert, Thomas |
Estate |
3671 (II) |
Kundert, Thomas |
Will |
4747 |
Kundert, Verena |
Will |
7123 |
Kundson, John L. |
1920 |
Descent |
9847 |
Kunz, Sam |
1919 |
Will |
8803 |
Kuobel, Casper |
Estate |
631 |
Kurtz, Andrew |
Estate |
719 |
Kurtz, John |
1912 |
Will |
7925 |
Kurtz, Peter A. |
1928 |
Estate |
10623 |
Kurtz, William H. |
1921 |
Descent |
9136 |
Kurz, Reinhard |
1916 |
Will |
8444 |
Kutrke, Frederick |
Estate |
3668 |
Kutzka, Frederick |
Estate |
2629 |
Laager, Fridolin |
1912 |
Estate |
7835 |
Laboard, David |
Will |
1880 |
Labord, Peter |
Will |
4492 |
Labord, Philip |
Will |
3466 |
LaBorde, Lydia |
1923 |
Will |
9459 |
Laborde, Peter |
Estate |
4636 |
Ladell, Christine C. |
1928 |
Descent |
10652 |
Ladwig, Fiederick |
Estate |
2006 |
Lager, Elizabeth |
1888 |
Infant |
2567 |
Lager, Lizzie |
1930 |
Will |
11062 |
Lagerson, Levin |
1929 |
Will |
10767 |
Lageson, Embrecht |
1922 |
Will |
9432 |
Lageson, Embrecht |
1923 |
Infant Heir |
9619 |
Lahr, Amalia A. |
1924 |
Estate |
9759 |
Lahr, Conrad |
1921 |
Will |
9129 |
Laird, Betsey |
Estate |
3557 |
Laird, Catherine P. |
Estate |
1569 |
Laird, Ella, et al. |
Estate |
7083 |
Laird, Jerome |
Estate |
562 |
Laird, Jerome |
Estate |
1612 |
Laird, Richard C. |
1917 |
Will |
8537 |
Laite, Walter |
Will |
3217 |
Lake, Amanda L. |
1921 |
Descent |
9231 |
Lake, French |
Estate |
2278 |
Lake, Jefferson |
Estate |
7229 |
Lake, Jefferson |
Estate |
7323 |
Lambert, Lavina Jane |
Estate |
4839 |
Lamboley, Joseph |
Will |
7269 |
Lamont, Benjamin |
Will |
4010 |
Lamson, Elnathan |
1916 |
Will |
8356 |
Lancaster, Minnie M. |
Estate |
1541 |
Land, J.R. |
1927 |
Estate |
10227 |
Land, James |
Estate |
1770 |
Lane, Clara E. |
1909 |
Estate |
7385 |
Lang, Amelia |
Estate |
4483 |
Lang, Fred |
Estate |
6017 |
Langacher, Gottfried |
1923 |
Estate |
9518 |
Langacher, Gottfried |
1924 |
Minor Heirs |
9689 |
Lange, August |
Estate |
3246 |
Lange, August |
Estate |
3423 |
Langton, James |
Estate |
2175 |
Langton, Richard J. |
Estate |
2553 |
Lantzsch, Theodore |
Estate |
1831 |
Lantzsch, Theodore |
Estate |
1832 |
Lanz, Andrew |
1909 |
Will |
7480 |
Lanz, Anna E. |
1929 |
Will |
10863 |
Lanz, Edward |
1929 |
Will |
10713 |
Lanz, Ulrich |
Will |
4887 |
Lanz, Verena |
1919 |
Will |
8793 |
Larmer, Amy Jane |
1913 |
Estate |
8015 |
Laroque, Francois |
Will |
4015 |
Laroque, Francois |
Estate |
4087 |
Larson, Erick |
Estate |
1413 |
Larson, Erick |
Estate |
1801 |
Larson-Bristal, Lars |
Estate |
3144 |
Lassell, Harris |
Estate |
2173 |
Lathrop, Cynthia |
Estate |
3510 |
Lattin, George C. |
1927 |
Estate |
10428 |
Laubaugh, Ellen |
1921 |
Will |
9177 |
Laube, Louis S. |
1927 |
Estate |
10330 |
Laube, Sebastian |
1914 |
Will |
8085 |
Laughbaugh, Andrew J. |
1914 |
Will |
8172 |
Laugs, George |
Estate |
2878 |
Lauker, Moses |
Estate |
5001 |
Lawler, Joseph |
1917 |
Descent |
8635 |
Lawler, Nora |
1916 |
Estate |
8458 |
Lawton, Catharine M. |
1916 |
Heirs and Heirship |
8470 |
Lawton, Tina A. |
Estate |
7139 |
Lawver, George |
1922 |
Estate |
9360 |
Layton, Eliza J. |
Estate |
1359 |
Layton, Evan |
Estate |
2361 |
Layton, Evan |
Estate |
2425 |
Layton, Jane |
1922 |
Estate |
9328 |
Layton, Thomas |
Estate |
227 |
Layton, Thomas |
1921 |
Estate |
9192 |
Layton, Thomas |
1922 |
Minor Heirs |
9296 |
Layton, Thomas |
1922 |
Infant Heir |
9394 |
Layton, Thomas A. |
1909 |
Estate |
7437 |
Layton, Thomas D. |
Estate |
1492 |
Layton, William |
Will |
1825 |
Layton, William Y. |
Estate |
395 |
Leake, Abraham |
Will |
863 |
Leake, Rachael |
1922 |
Will |
9396 |
Leaver, Christ |
Estate |
4803 |
Leck, George |
1919 |
Estate |
8830 |
Leck, Henry |
Estate |
6069 |
Leck, Henry |
Estate |
7132 |
Leck, Henry |
1921 |
Infant Heir |
9142 |
Lee, James |
Estate |
1263 |
Lee, Margaret |
Estate |
3050 |
Lee, Ole H. |
Estate |
1768 |
Lee, Ole H. |
Estate |
2668 |
Lee, Ole H. |
Estate |
3198 |
Leehee, James |
Estate |
3686 |
Leemann, Gottfried |
1924 |
Will |
9731 |
Legler, Andrew |
1913 |
Estate |
8019 |
Legler, David |
Will |
1361 |
Legler, Fredolin |
Will |
3898 |
Legler, Fridoline |
Will |
4504 |
Legler, G. John |
1912 |
Will |
7833 |
Legler, George |
Estate |
4385 |
Legler, George |
Estate |
5070 |
Legler, Henry H. |
1924 |
Estate |
9621 |
Legler, John |
1912 |
Will |
7886 |
Legler, John |
1912 |
Estate |
7894 |
Legler, John C. |
Will |
1639 |
Legler, Susie |
Estate |
7351 |
Lehmann, Friedrich |
1930 |
Will |
11024 |
Lehnherr, Jacob |
Estate |
1141 |
Lehnherr, Louisa |
1925 |
Minor Heirs |
9859 |
Lehnherr, Louise |
1923 |
Estate |
9559 |
Lehnherr, Rosaline |
Estate |
3208 |
Lehnhers, Louise |
1925 |
Descent |
9826 |
Leibly, Mary |
Estate |
4891 |
Leibundgut, Frederick |
Will |
4959 |
Leichti, Oscar |
1929 |
Minor Heirs |
10813 |
Leistekow, William |
1911 |
Minor Heirs |
7683 |
Lemmel, Elizabeth |
Estate |
3548 |
Lemmel, John |
Will |
4187 |
Lemmel, Orhpe |
Will |
2314 |
Lemmon, Sarah |
Estate |
3614 |
Lemon, William, Sr. |
1921 |
Estate |
9228 |
Lemont, Elizabeth A. |
Estate |
3112 |
Lempen, John |
761 |
Lempen, Magdalena |
Estate |
761 |
Lempen, Magdelena |
Estate |
6026 |
Leng, William Lloyd |
1930 |
Descent |
11114 |
Lens, Sophia |
Estate |
1806 |
Lentz, Carl |
1922 |
Will |
9427 |
Lentz, Wilhelmina |
1925 |
Estate |
9996 |
Leonard, C.D.W. |
Estate |
3188 |
Leonard, Henry |
1912 |
Will |
7883 |
Leonard, Henry |
1912 |
Estate |
7895 |
Leunberger, Henry |
1881 |
Guardianship of Minor |
1798 |
Leuront, B. |
Estate |
7121 |
Leutenegger, William |
1919 |
Estate |
8828 |
Leuzinger, Elizabeth |
Will |
722 |
Leuzinger, Hilarius |
1911 |
Estate |
7705 |
Leuzinger, Jacob |
Estate |
3396 |
Lewis W.A. |
1912 |
Minor Heir |
7854 |
Lewis, Almond |
Will |
1928 |
Lewis, Amsa and Sheldon |
1929 |
Minor Heirs |
10852 |
Lewis, Amza |
1928 |
Will |
10695 |
Lewis, Amza B. |
Estate |
729 |
Lewis, Andrew |
1923 |
Estate |
9452 |
Lewis, Benjamin |
Estate |
4153 |
Lewis, Elisabeth |
Estate |
445 |
Lewis, Eliza |
1927 |
Estate |
10347 |
Lewis, Frank B. |
1917 |
Estate |
8626 |
Lewis, Fred |
1922 |
Estate |
9331 |
Lewis, George |
Estate |
6094 |
Lewis, George E. |
1921 |
Will |
9190 |
Lewis, James |
1919 |
Will |
8800 |
Lewis, Jeremiah |
Will |
3573 |
Lewis, Jesse E. |
1927 |
Estate |
10346 |
Lewis, John |
Habeas Corpus |
113 |
Lewis, John |
Will |
1169 |
Lewis, John |
1926 |
Estate |
10074 |
Lewis, John H. |
1922 |
Estate |
9425 |
Lewis, John H. |
1926 |
Minor Heirs |
10041 |
Lewis, John, Sr. |
Estate |
3626 |
Lewis, Lucy |
Estate |
832 |
Lewis, Margaret |
Will |
4903 |
Lewis, Mary |
Will |
3682 |
Lewis, Mary |
Estate |
3864 |
Lewis, Polly |
Estate |
116 |
Lewis, Roy A. |
1929 |
Estate |
10858 |
Lewis, Samuel J. |
Estate |
4189 |
Lewis, Thomas |
Estate |
509 |
Lewis, Thomas |
Estate |
4987 |
Lewis, W.A. |
1911 |
Estate |
7670 |
Lewis, W.A. |
1911 |
Minor Heirs |
7736 |
Lewis, William |
1921 |
Will |
9134 |
Lewis, William R. |
1930 |
Estate |
11096 |
Lichtenwalner, A.F. |
1910 |
Will |
7584 |
Lichtenwalner, A.F. |
1910 |
Estate |
7584 |
Lichtenwalner, Catherine |
1928 |
Estate |
10536 |
Lichtenwalner, Hugh |
1930 |
Will |
10971 |
Lichtenwalner, John P. |
1929 |
Will |
10783 |
Lichtenwalner, Joseph |
Will |
2190 |
Lichtenwalner, Joseph S. |
Estate |
2226 |
Lichtenwalner, Mary Ann |
1912 |
Will |
7893 |
Lichtenwalner, Mary C. |
1929 |
Estate |
10939 |
Lichtenwalner, Mertie |
1907 |
Infant |
7177 |
Lichtenwalner, Peter |
Will |
2995 |
Lichtenwalner, Simon P. |
1920 |
Estate |
8982 |
Liebly, Annie |
Estate |
2512 |
Liechti, Fred |
1911 |
Estate |
7677 |
Lien, Arne |
Estate |
3965 |
Lincicum, Martha M. |
1915 |
Estate |
8287 |
Lincoln, Jonathan |
Estate |
3722 |
Linder, John |
Will |
2888 |
Linder, John |
Estate |
2892 |
Linder, Magdalena |
Will |
3665 |
Lindhantsen, Alfred |
1913 |
Heirs |
8017 |
Lindhartsen, Alfred |
1912 |
Estate |
7890 |
Lindley, Mary |
Estate |
118 |
Lindley, Pitts |
Estate |
685 |
Linzey, James D. |
1929 |
Estate |
10821 |
Litel, John F., Sr. |
Will |
7335 |
Lloyd, Edward |
Estate |
4231 |
Lloyd, Edward |
Estate |
4538 |
Lloyd, Mary |
Estate |
4417 |
Lloyd, Thomas |
Estate |
2750 |
Lockman, Ruby |
1923 |
Estate |
9471 |
Lockwood, Elsie |
1910 |
Will |
7599 |
Lockwood, Fred |
1928 |
Estate |
10570 |
Lockwood, Gaylord |
1921 |
Descent |
9286 |
Lockwood, John |
Will |
3430 |
Lockwood, Sophia |
1920 |
Estate |
8965 |
Loertacher, Christian |
Will |
4038 |
Loertscher, Charles |
1929 |
Estate |
10788 |
Loertscher, Gottfried |
Will |
4955 |
Loertscher, John |
Will |
4340 |
Loertscher, John |
Estate |
4469 |
Lofthus, Annie M. |
Will |
7029 |
Loken, Sever |
1926 |
Will |
10013 |
Lombard, Stephen G. |
Estate |
771 |
Lombers, Thomas |
Estate |
1100 |
Lombors, Deora |
Estate |
1760 |
Long, Gerusha |
Will |
1552 |
Loofbourow, Nathan A., Dr. |
1916 |
Will |
8440 |
Loomis, C.W. |
Will |
1980 |
Loomis, Cyrus |
Will |
4995 |
Loomis, Cyrus |
Estate |
6021 |
Loomis, Norman |
Estate |
2715 |
Loomis, Samuel B. |
1914 |
Will |
8074 |
Loomis, Sarah L. |
1921 |
Will |
9271 |
Loper, John |
Estate |
2701 |
Lord, Lousia S. |
Estate |
1811 |
Lore, Frank D. |
Estate |
7336 |
Lore, William |
Estate |
3107 |
Lorenz, Mathilde |
1927 |
Estate |
10348 |
Lortscher, Emil |
1908 |
Estate |
7380 |
Losberger, Christian Gottlieb |
1911 |
Estate |
7672 |
Losberger, Christian Gottlieb |
1912 |
Heirs |
7830 |
Losberger, Gottlieb C. |
1918 |
Estate |
8762 |
Losberger, Gottlieb C. |
1919 |
Minor Heirs |
8782 |
Losli, Ulrich |
Estate |
3301 |
Loss, George W. |
1914 |
Estate |
8085 1/2 |
Loughead, Samuel |
Will |
3657 |
Lounsbery, Isaiah H. |
Estate |
3195 |
Lounsbury, Olive |
Will |
3689 |
Louver, Lloyd and Cyrus |
1891 |
Minor Heirs |
2918 |
Lovelace, Jefferson |
Estate |
1104 |
Loveland, Franklin |
Will |
7237 |
Lovesee, Edwin R. |
1929 |
Will |
10795 |
Lucas, Bashie |
1928 |
Will |
10588 |
Lucas, Charles Warren |
Will |
5019 |
Luce, Burgess |
1911 |
Heirship |
7750 |
Luce, Etta |
1920 |
Minor Heirs |
9017 |
Luce, Etta |
1921 |
Descent |
9201 |
Luchsinger, Amelia |
Estate |
5046 |
Luchsinger, Arthur |
1919 |
Guardianship |
8860 |
Luchsinger, Balthasar |
Estate |
4233 |
Luchsinger, Balthazer |
1929 |
Will |
10717 |
Luchsinger, Catharine |
1913 |
Will |
8056 |
Luchsinger, Elsbeth |
1927 |
Will |
10303 |
Luchsinger, Fred |
1929 |
Minor Heirs |
10944 |
Luchsinger, Henry |
1910 |
Will |
7564 |
Luchsinger, Jacob |
Will |
4154 |
Luchsinger, John |
1922 |
Will |
9349 |
Luchsinger, Margreth |
1915 |
Will |
8277 |
Luchsinger, Mary |
1922 |
Will |
9394 |
Luchsinger, Robert |
1929 |
Infant Heir |
10945 |
Luchsinger, Samuel |
1913 |
Guardianship |
8007 |
Luchsinger, Samuel |
1914 |
Will |
8170 |
Luchsinger, Samuel |
1917 |
Will |
8603 |
Luchsinger, Sebastian |
Will |
3052 |
Luchsinger, Susanna |
Will |
4845 |
Luchsinger, Thomas |
Estate |
3967 |
Lucksinger, John |
Estate |
355 |
Ludlow, Adella and Frances |
1920 |
Dependents |
8972 |
Ludlow, Arabut |
Will |
3740 |
Ludlow, Calvin |
1912 |
Descent |
7929 |
Ludlow, Henry |
1923 |
Will |
9585 |
Ludlow, Henry |
1925 |
Trust Estate |
9905 |
Ludow, Henry |
1924 |
Minor Heirs |
9729 |
Lueck, Frederick |
1922 |
Will |
9365 |
Luehsinger, Hattie |
Estate |
1732 |
Luethy, Fred |
Estate |
3356 |
Lumbers, Deborah |
Estate |
1792 |
Luttrall, Elias |
Estate |
114 |
Luttrall, Elias |
Estate |
115 |
Lutts, Samuel |
Estate |
390 |
Lutz, Ferdinand |
1915 |
Descent |
8255 |
Lutz, Gottfried |
1924 |
Descent |
9745 |
Lutz, William |
1925 |
Will |
9967 |
Lutzi, Jacob |
Estate |
2845 |
Lutzi, Jacob |
Estate |
2910 |
Lyman, Clark |
1928 |
Guardianship |
10641 |
Lyman, Eva |
1924 |
Estate |
9760 |
Lyman, James W. |
Estate |
5040 |
Lyman, Laura W. |
Will |
3041 |
Lyman, Maria |
Estate |
2396 |
Lyman, Naomi |
Estate |
3119 |
Lyman, Sarah |
Estate |
1929 |
Lynch, Simon P. |
Will |
3111 |
Lynch, Simon P. |
Will |
4346 |
Lynch, Thomas A. |
1913 |
Estate |
7980 |
Lynd, James |
Estate |
668 |
Lynn, Robert |
Estate |
3500 |
Lyons, Charles J. |
1927 |
Estate |
10285 |
Lyons, Edward Martin |
1929 |
Estate |
10842 |
Lysaght, Jane |
1919 |
Will |
8804 |
Lysaght, Jane |
1920 |
Trust Estate |
9088 |
Lysaght, Jane |
1921 |
Memorial Fund |
9120 |
Lysaght, Jane (Cemetery Fund) |
1921 |
Cemetery Fund |
9119 |
Lysaght, William |
Will |
4770 I/II |
Maaske, Carl |
1924 |
Will |
9624 |
Maaske, Fred |
1915 |
Heirs |
8324 |
Mack, Henry |
Estate |
1273 |
Mack, Julia |
Estate |
524 |
Mackey, James |
Estate |
1320 |
Mackey, Norval B. |
1927 |
Descent |
10337 |
Macomber, Addison |
Estate |
485 |
Macomber, Isaac |
1913 |
Estate |
7946 |
Maeder, Fritz |
1912 |
Will |
7919 |
Magee, James |
Estate |
2648 |
Mahar, Daniel |
Estate |
4091 |
Mahar, Edward |
1924 |
Estate |
9661 |
Mahar, Elizabeth |
1911 |
Minor Heirs |
7707 |
Mahar, John |
Estate |
4190 |
Mahar, Mary D. |
Estate |
7035 |
Mahar, Nellie |
1920 |
Minor Heirs |
8924 |
Maher, Julianna |
1909 |
Estate |
7516 |
Maher, Thomas |
Estate |
4793 |
Maher, Thomas |
Estate |
4915 |
Mahle, Adam |
1909 |
Estate |
7455 |
Mahle, Dorothea |
1911 |
Estate |
7803 |
Mahley, Gottlieb |
1918 |
Estate |
8703 |
Mahlkuch, Ferdinand |
1914 |
Heirs |
8144 |
Maley, Bridget |
Estate |
2930 |
Malia, Patrick |
Will |
4982 |
Malkuch, Christ |
1922 |
Minor Heirs |
9368 |
Malkuch, Ferdinand |
Will |
7249 |
Malkuck, Wilhelm |
1927 |
Will |
10278 |
Man, Fred |
1917 |
Minor Heirs |
8502 |
Manchester, Sarah |
Will |
3857 |
Manchester, Sarah |
Will |
7104 |
Maneghan, James |
Estate |
1056 |
Manerman, William H. |
Estate |
7100 |
Mani, David |
1911 |
Will |
7744 |
Mani, Jacob |
Estate |
7285 |
Mani, Rudolph |
Will |
5098 |
Mann, Charles |
1924 |
Minor Heirs |
9795 |
Mansfield, Charles M. |
Estate |
2457 |
Marble, Ephraim |
Estate |
1555 |
Marean, Aesabeus |
Will |
1437 |
Marean, Jacob |
1914 |
Descent |
8100 |
Marks, John |
Estate |
443 |
Marsh, Edward H. |
Estate |
7325 |
Marsh, Ephraim |
Estate |
272 |
Marshall, George R. |
1918 |
Estate |
8724 |
Marshall, James |
1911 |
Estate |
7718 1/2 |
Marshall, Robert |
Estate |
939 |
Marshall, Robert |
Estate |
987 |
Marshall, Templeton |
Estate |
172 |
Marshall, Will H. |
1930 |
Minor Heirs |
11141 |
Marshall, William B. |
Estate |
786 |
Marshall, William H. |
1928 |
Will and Trust Estate |
10673 1 |
Marshall, William H. |
1928 |
Will and Trust Estate |
10673 2 |
Martens, Gose |
Estate |
2343 |
Marti, Jacob |
Estate |
2954 |
Martin, Andrew |
Estate |
1468 |
Martin, Catherine |
Estate |
3017 |
Martin, Elizabeth |
1923 |
Estate |
9499 |
Martin, Honora |
Estate |
2596 |
Martin, Horatio W. |
Will |
7053 |
Martin, Hugh |
Estate |
212 |
Martin, Hugh |
Estate |
432 |
Martin, Isaac E. |
Estate |
1191 |
Martin, J.E. |
Estate |
4925 |
Martin, James |
Will |
1173 |
Martin, James |
1916 |
Will |
8416 |
Martin, James F. |
1928 |
Foreign Will |
10580 |
Martin, M.P. |
1912 |
Estate |
7845 |
Martin, Malvina |
1922 |
Will |
9344 |
Martin, Mary |
Will |
1745 |
Martin, Mary S. |
Estate |
2893 |
Martin, Michael |
Estate |
2610 |
Martin, Nathaniel |
Estate |
836 |
Martin, Rhoda H. |
1929 |
Special Admin. |
10740 |
Martin, Thomas |
Estate |
4218 |
Martin, William |
Will |
2871 |
Martin, William W. |
Estate |
4249 |
Martry, J. Henry |
1917 |
Descent |
8543 |
Marty, Anna |
Will |
1422 |
Marty, Barbara |
1921 |
Estate |
9226 |
Marty, Barbara |
1924 |
Descent |
9629 |
Marty, Barbara |
1929 |
Estate |
10720 |
Marty, Barbara |
1929 |
Descent |
10743 |
Marty, Christ |
1930 |
Estate |
11008 |
Marty, Christ |
1928 |
Will |
10509 |
Marty, Dietrich |
1919 |
Estate |
8834 |
Marty, Fred D. |
1926 |
Will |
10002 |
Marty, Fred N. |
1926 |
Will |
10063 |
Marty, Fridolin |
Estate |
3802 |
Marty, Fridolin |
Estate |
3865 |
Marty, Fridolin |
1915 |
Estate |
8256 |
Marty, Fridoline |
Will |
816 |
Marty, Fridoline |
Estate |
1158 |
Marty, Fridoline |
Estate |
1438 |
Marty, George |
1909 |
Inebriate |
7527 |
Marty, Henry |
1912 |
Will |
7844 |
Marty, Jacob |
Estate |
7165 |
Marty, Jacob |
1910 |
Estate |
7636 |
Marty, Jacob |
1911 |
Heirs |
7775 |
Marty, Jacob P. |
1926 |
Will |
10066 |
Marty, John |
1911 |
Will |
7719 |
Marty, John |
1913 |
Estate |
7991 |
Marty, John |
1914 |
Minor Heirs |
8096 |
Marty, John Casper |
1915 |
Will |
8274 |
Marty, John Casper |
1916 |
Heirs |
8414 |
Marty, Jost |
1914 |
Estate |
8201 |
Marty, Jost |
1916 |
Heirs |
8399 |
Marty, Louisa |
Estate |
4141 |
Marty, Magdelena |
1926 |
Minor Heirs |
10019 |
Marty, Melchin |
Will |
2258 |
Marty, Melchior |
Will |
2897 |
Marty, Nicholas C. |
Estate |
4734 |
Marty, Nicholas C. |
Estate |
4949 |
Marty, Paul |
1912 |
Estate |
7904 |
Marty, Rosina |
Will |
4798 |
Marty, Rosina |
Estate |
4998 |
Marty, Verena |
1916 |
Descent |
8492 |
Marty, Vincent |
Estate |
1339 |
Maschler, Dan |
1930 |
Will |
11136 1 |
Maschler, Dan |
1930 |
Will |
11136 2 |
Mason, J. |
Will |
2371 |
Mather, John |
Estate |
7198 |
Mather, Joseph |
1926 |
Estate |
10169 |
Mather, Maria M. |
1910 |
Will |
7593 |
Mathers, A.E. |
Estate |
4470 |
Matter, Conrad |
Estate |
3725 |
Matter, John |
Estate |
876 |
Matter, Ursula W. |
1912 |
Will |
7871 |
Matzke, Augusta |
1912 |
Estate |
7922 |
Matzke, Christ F. |
1930 |
Will |
11042 |
Matzke, Frank W. |
1929 |
Estate |
10937 |
Matzke, Fred |
Will |
2727 |
Matzke, Hannah L. |
1909 |
Estate |
7398 |
Matzke, John F. |
Estate |
4180 |
Matzke, Michael |
1909 |
Will |
7394 |
Matzke, Samuel |
Estate |
7331 |
Matzke, William |
1910 |
Heirs |
7556 |
Matzke, William F. |
Will |
5030 |
Mau, Anna |
Estate |
2037 |
Mau, Fred |
1915 |
Estate |
8346 |
Mau, Martin |
1921 |
Estate |
9208 |
Mau, Minnie |
1923 |
Estate |
9576 |
Mauerman, Herman F. |
1922 |
Estate |
9399 |
Mauerman, Herman F. |
1924 |
Minor Heirs |
9768 |
Mauermann, William |
1927 |
Will |
10250 |
Maughimer, Edward P. |
1910 |
Heirship |
7558 |
Maurer, Reinhold |
1927 |
Descent |
10322 |
Maveus, Carl M. |
Will |
7222 |
Maveus, William H. |
1917 |
Estate |
8504 |
Maveus, William H. |
1917 |
Heirs |
8645 |
Mayer, Agatha |
Estate |
2269 |
Mayer, Mary |
1918 |
Estate |
8681 |
Maynard, John F. |
Estate |
4262 |
McBride, Emma |
Will |
2667 |
McBride, George |
1909 |
Inebriate |
7504 |
McBride, James |
Estate |
4006 |
McBurnney, James M. |
Estate |
2257 |
McCall, Mary |
Estate |
903 |
McCamant, Adeline |
1916 |
Estate |
8391 |
McCammant, Adeline |
1919 |
Estate |
8918 |
McCammant, John R. |
1920 |
Descent |
8952 |
McCammant, Samuel |
Will |
1313 |
McCann, Patrick |
Will |
3774 |
McCann, Robert |
1927 |
Descent |
10273 |
McCarthy, Charles |
Will |
2391 |
McCarthy, John F. |
Estate |
5054 |
McCarthy, Michael |
Will |
2716 |
McCarty, John |
Estate |
7044 |
McCarty, Olive Grace |
Estate |
1061 |
McClaren, Catharine P. |
Estate |
177 |
McClear, Thomas |
Will |
2805 |
McClellan, James |
1928 |
Descent |
10471 |
McClellan, James |
1928 |
Estate |
10478 |
McComber, Jane |
Estate |
713 |
McConnell, James |
Will |
7279 |
McConnell, Joseph |
Will |
1939 |
McCormick, Ann |
Estate |
1146 |
McCormick, Elizabeth |
Estate |
1146 |
McCormick, John |
Estate |
294 |
McCracken, Charles J. |
Estate |
2099 |
McCrady, Ann |
Will |
4715 |
McCraken, William S. |
Will |
3129 |
McCreed, Mary S. |
1927 |
Estate |
10389 |
McCreedy, Cornelius |
1913 |
Heirship |
8043 |
McCreedy, Melissa |
1923 |
Will |
9603 |
McCreedy, Silas W. |
Estate |
3660 |
McCreedy, William W. |
1925 |
Estate |
9998 |
McCulley, George |
Estate |
1004 |
McCullow, Francis |
Estate |
4522 |
McCunniff, Michael |
Estate |
182 |
McDaniel, John |
1920 |
Descent |
9020 |
McDaniels, John |
Will |
2783 |
McDermott, John |
1921 |
Estate |
9125 |
McDermout, Stephen |
Estate |
1322 |
McDonnell, Clifford |
1912 |
Dependent Child |
7899 |
McElwee, James W. |
1923 |
Will |
9590 |
McElwee, Maurice |
1923 |
Special Admin. |
9547 |
McFarland, Julia A. |
Estate |
3525 |
McGee, Mary I. |
Estate |
633 |
McGill, David |
Estate |
110 |
McGoon, Maria |
Estate |
4957 |
McGrath, Dennis |
Estate |
7111 |
McGrath, Edward |
1921 |
Will |
9227 |
McGrath, Edward |
1923 |
Heirs |
9463 |
McGrath, John |
1914 |
Will |
8171 |
McGrath, John |
1925 |
Will |
9805 |
McGrath, Margaret |
Estate |
3943 |
McGrath, Patrick |
1912 |
Will |
7829 |
McGrath, Richard |
Estate |
3942 |
McGrath, Richard |
1918 |
Heirship |
8659 |
McGrath, William H. and Mary Elizabeth |
1923 |
Guardianship |
9448 |
McGready, Mattie M. |
1889 |
Guardianship |
2733 |
McGuillin, James |
Estate |
886 |
McGuire, Mary A. |
Will |
7015 |
McGuire, Richard |
1924 |
Minor Heirs |
9642 |
McGuire, Richard |
1922 |
Estate |
9308 |
McGuire, William |
Estate |
289 |
McGuire, William |
Estate |
4614 |
McGuire, William |
Estate |
4720 |
McGuire, William |
Estate |
4755 |
McKee, Mary I. |
Estate |
633 |
McKibben, Joseph T. |
Will |
2385 |
McKibben, Nancy J. |
Estate |
3483 |
McKibben, Sarah M. |
Estate |
3012 |
McKibbins, John |
Estate |
1581 |
McKiney, Louro |
Estate |
1404 |
McKinney, Alonzo |
Estate |
1095 |
McKinney, Burdette |
Estate |
2405 |
McKinney, Chester |
Estate |
299 |
McKinney, Chester |
Estate |
563 |
McKinney, James |
1885 |
Guardianship |
2224 |
McLane, George |
Estate |
431 |
McLane, James |
Estate |
446 |
McLaughlin, Mary |
1913 |
Will |
7939 |
McLaughlin, Mary E. |
1914 |
Trust Estate |
8090 1 |
McLaughlin, Mary E. |
1914 |
Trust Estate |
8090 2 |
McLaughlin, Mary E. |
1914 |
Trust Estate |
8090 3 |
McLaughlin, William W. |
Estate |
1388 |
McLean, Charles H. |
Estate |
5013 |
McLean, Clara |
Estate |
5011 |
McLean, George |
Estate |
4940 |
McLeland, Chancy |
Estate |
64 |
McMahan, Fanny |
Estate |
634 |
McManamin, Thomas |
1928 |
Estate |
10592 |
McManis, John |
Estate |
3184 |
McMannis, Fanny |
Estate |
1861 |
McMannis, James |
Estate |
656 |
McManus, Ann |
Estate |
1175 |
McManus, Georgiana |
Estate |
1048 |
McMitt, Daniel |
Estate |
486 |
McNair, David |
Estate |
4766 |
McNair, Edward |
1929 |
Will |
10855 |
McNair, Egbert D. |
1926 |
Descent |
10046 |
McNair, Egbert D. |
1916 |
Estate |
8435 |
McNair, Grace E. |
1913 |
Guardianship |
8046 1/2 |
McNair, Lavina |
Will |
1407 |
McNair, Miles M. |
1913 |
Will |
8053 |
McNair, Rachel Elizabeth |
1911 |
Will |
7623 |
McNaught, Gilbert |
Estate |
3820 |
McNish, Alexander |
Will |
1739 |
McNish, Alexander |
Estate |
2607 |
McNish, Alexander |
Estate |
2615 |
McNish, Archibald |
Estate |
1039 |
McNish, Elizabeth |
Estate |
1040 |
McNish, Elizabeth |
Estate |
1074 |
McNitt, Daniel |
Estate |
283 |
McNitt, Jennie |
1930 |
Descent |
11004 |
McNitt, Nathan P. |
Estate |
1643 |
McNutt, Joseph |
Estate |
1147 |
McNutt, Michael |
Estate |
125 |
McNutt, Michael |
Estate |
171 |
McPhillips, Martha |
1917 |
Estate |
8522 |
McVean, Elizabeth |
Will |
7041 |
McVean, Peter |
Estate |
1466 |
McVean, Peter |
Estate |
1530 |
McVey, Ann Eliza |
Estate |
56 |
McVey, Thomas |
Estate |
63 |
Meacham, Ed. L. |
1926 |
Minor Heirs |
10176 |
Meacham, Edward L. |
1926 |
Estate |
10015 |
Meacham, Hosea |
Will |
2831 |
Meacham, John A. |
1914 |
Will |
8084 |
Meacham, Mary |
1915 |
Heirship |
8237 |
Meacham, William |
Estate |
1363 |
Meara, Patrick O. |
Estate |
7194 |
Medberg, Hiram |
Will |
2277 |
Meeker, Adeline |
Estate |
1349 |
Meier, Henry |
Estate |
5056 |
Meier, Jacob |
Will |
2577 |
Meinert, Abigail |
1911 |
Estate |
7667 |
Meinert, Christopher |
Will |
2179 |
Mellen, Gideon C. |
Estate |
4222 |
Melvin, Alonzo |
Estate |
1053 |
Melvin, Alonzo |
Estate |
1246 |
Melvin, Hanora |
1919 |
Will |
8862 |
Melvin, Lattie A. |
1911 |
Estate |
7717 1/2 |
Melvin, Peter |
Will |
7306 |
Menehan, James |
Estate |
4683 |
Menehan, James |
Will |
4718 |
Menehan, William |
Estate |
4729 |
Menehaus, Thomas |
Estate |
3716 |
Menor, Ephraim |
1909 |
Heirship\Descent |
7438 |
Merian, Ferdinand |
1909 |
Indigent |
7407 |
Merritt, Emma |
1926 |
Estate |
10052 |
Messerli, Christian |
1926 |
Descent |
10185 |
Messerli, Fred |
Will |
7092 |
Messerli, Mary |
1925 |
Estate |
9899 |
Messmer, Ella |
1914 |
Estate |
8125 |
Messmer, Lorenz |
Will |
5007 |
Metcalf, Ella |
Estate |
3996 |
Metcalf, George |
1922 |
Estate |
9423 |
Mevius, Arthur W. |
1924 |
Estate |
9740 |
Mevius, William |
Estate |
7077 |
Mevius, William |
Estate |
7085 |
Mewell, William |
Estate |
179 |
Meyer, Gotlieb |
Will |
1723 |
Meyer, Jacob |
Estate |
1789 |
Meyer, Jacob |
Estate |
2078 |
Meyer, John |
Estate |
1376 |
Meyer, John |
1915 |
Heirs |
8278 |
Meyer, John |
1913 |
Estate |
8000 |
Meyer, Kaspar |
1911 |
Heirs |
7769 |
Meyer, Mary |
Will |
7152 |
Meyer, Stephen |
Will |
1251 |
Meythaler, Andrew |
1916 |
Will |
8436 |
Meythaler, Charles T. |
1923 |
Descent |
9604 |
Meythaler, Jacob |
Will |
3620 |
Meythaler, Louisa |
1929 |
Will |
10724 |
Michael, George |
Estate |
3497 |
Michael, Jane |
1913 |
Guardianship |
8025 |
Michaels, Cynthia |
Estate |
1287 |
Michaels, George |
Estate |
4458 |
Michaels, Philip |
Estate |
58 |
Michaelson, Erick |
Will |
2167 |
Michaelson, Sarah |
Estate |
3588 |
Michell, Joseph |
Estate |
1206 |
Mickelson, Ole |
Estate |
105 |
Milbrandt, August F. |
1924 |
Will |
9690 |
Milbrandt, Frank |
Estate |
4625 |
Milbrandt, Frank |
Estate |
4781 |
Milbrandt, Lillian |
1917 |
Estate |
8509 |
Milbrant, Frank |
Estate |
4781 |
Miles, Isabella |
Will |
684 |
Miles, James L. |
Estate |
1168 |
Miles, James L. |
Estate |
1344 |
Milk, William J. |
Will |
1300 |
Milks, Hannah M. |
1912 |
Will |
7924 |
Milks, Sally |
Will |
725 |
Milks, Sally |
Will |
3342 |
Millard, H.J. |
1919 |
Descent |
8784 |
Millen, Gideon C. |
Estate |
492 |
Miller, Abraham |
Estate |
4638 |
Miller, Albert |
1910 |
Estate |
7625 |
Miller, Albert |
1911 |
Heirs |
7767 |
Miller, Albert H. |
1921 |
Heirs |
9270 |
Miller, Alice |
Estate |
4151 |
Miller, Ann |
Estate |
3062 II |
Miller, Anton |
Will |
2148 |
Miller, Anton |
Estate |
4181 |
Miller, Augusta |
1925 |
Will |
9880 |
Miller, Catherine |
Estate |
2589 |
Miller, Catherine J. |
Will |
2608 |
Miller, Catherine J. |
Estate |
7048 |
Miller, Ellen |
1911 |
Will |
7768 |
Miller, Ellen |
1912 |
Heirs |
7910 |
Miller, Ellen V. |
Will |
2736 |
Miller, Emanuel |
1929 |
Will |
10765 |
Miller, Ephraim |
Will |
7143 |
Miller, Erastus |
Estate |
3485 |
Miller, Franklin |
Estate |
6084 |
Miller, Fred |
1918 |
Estate |
8700 1/2 |
Miller, Gotlieb |
Estate |
1791 |
Miller, Gottlieb |
Estate |
2867 |
Miller, Hamilton |
Estate |
825 |
Miller, Hamilton C. |
Estate |
55 |
Miller, Harvey T. |
Estate |
7189 |
Miller, J.H. |
1925 |
Will |
9929 |
Miller, Jacob |
Estate |
6041 |
Miller, Jacob |
Estate |
7268 |
Miller, James |
Estate |
454 |
Miller, James |
Estate |
798 |
Miller, James |
Estate |
2202 |
Miller, John |
Estate |
1781 |
Miller, John A. |
1912 |
Estate |
7926 |
Miller, John C. |
1920 |
Descent |
9041 |
Miller, John F. |
Will |
3925 |
Miller, John F. |
1920 |
Estate |
8951 |
Miller, Joseph A. |
Estate |
7174 |
Miller, Joseph B. |
Estate |
3326 |
Miller, L.B. |
Estate |
1709 |
Miller, Lucy |
Estate |
3619 |
Miller, Mary A. |
Estate |
7173 |
Miller, Moses |
Estate |
7267 |
Miller, Peter |
Estate |
403 |
Miller, Phares |
Will |
4002 |
Miller, Rachel |
1909 |
Heirship\Descent |
7441 |
Miller, Simon |
Estate |
57 |
Miller, Stephen |
Estate |
925 |
Miller, Stephen |
1911 |
Will |
7691 |
Miller, Thomas |
Estate |
3030 |
Miller, Thomas |
Estate |
3901 |
Miller, Thomas |
Estate |
4185 |
Miller, William J. |
Estate |
2588 |
Milliken, Benona |
Estate |
2455 |
Milliken, Edith |
1929 |
Estate |
10816 |
Milliken, Ellen |
Will |
4215 |
Milliken, Matilda |
1909 |
Will |
7484 |
Millington, Newton |
1917 |
Estate |
8575 |
Millman, Elizabeth |
1911 |
Estate |
7717 |
Millman, Robert |
Estate |
1365 |
Millman, Robert B. |
Estate |
405 |
Millman, Thomas J. |
Will |
2624 |
Mills, Ann |
Will |
1411 |
Mills, Hiram |
Estate |
1700 |
Mills, Laura Ann |
Will |
2413 II |
Mills, Martha J. |
1915 |
Will |
8345 |
Mills, Thomas |
Estate |
1576 |
Miner, Catherine |
Estate |
993 |
Miner, Daniel |
Estate |
173 |
Miner, Samuel H. |
Estate |
999 |
Minert, Christopher |
Will |
4782 |
Misteli, August |
1910 |
Will |
7606 |
Misteli, August |
1910 |
Heirs |
7649 |
Misteli, Kathrina |
1924 |
Will |
9705 |
Mitchel, Augustus |
Estate |
662 |
Mitchel, Martin |
Estate |
340 |
Mitchel, Samuel |
1916 |
Estate |
8402 |
Mitchel, Thomas G. |
1916 |
Estate |
8403 |
Mitchell, Abner |
Estate |
1199 |
Mitchell, Benjamin |
Will |
2456 |
Mitchell, Charles W. |
Estate |
7124 |
Mitchell, Frank O. |
1924 |
Will |
9679 |
Mitchell, Henry |
Estate |
732 |
Mitchell, Ida |
1916 |
Heirs |
8468 |
Mitchell, Jesse |
Will |
3536 |
Mitchell, Mary |
1916 |
Descent |
8387 |
Mitchell, Perry |
Estate |
183 |
Mitchell, Perry |
Estate |
239 |
Mitchell, Perry |
Estate |
602 |
Mitchell, Priscilla |
Estate |
119 |
Mitchell, Samuel |
Will |
2946 |
Mitchell, Stewart M. |
1921 |
A Minor |
9115 |
Mitchell, Thomas G. |
1913 |
Estate |
7934 |
Mitchell, Washington |
1912 |
Will |
7797 |
Mitcheltree, Rosella |
Will |
3428 |
Mitcheltree, Rosella |
Estate |
3433 |
Mitmer, David |
Estate |
1330 |
Mittmon, Carl O. |
1908 |
Estate |
7383 |
Mix, Ethel |
Estate |
1469 |
Mock, Catherine A. |
Estate |
3346 |
Moe, Arne O. |
Estate |
931 |
Moe, Arne O. |
Estate |
966 |
Moe, Lewis H. |
Will |
4819 |
Moe, Uldrick K. |
Will |
7238 |
Moen, Anton A. |
1916 |
Descent |
8431 |
Moen, Bertha |
1920 |
Estate |
9015 |
Moen, Ole A. |
Estate |
5027 |
Moen, Ole A. |
1921 |
Infant Heir |
9223 |
Moen, Ole Andreas |
Estate |
4944 |
Moen, Ole O. |
1909 |
Will |
7511 |
Moen, Ole, S. |
1927 |
Estate |
10388 |
Moen, Syver A. |
1924 |
Descent |
9647 |
Mohns, August |
1923 |
Descent |
9610 |
Mohns, Henry |
1923 |
Will |
9620 |
Mohns, Mary |
Estate |
3969 |
Mohns, Minnie |
1923 |
Estate |
9519 |
Moldenhauer, A.F. |
1913 |
Estate |
7930 |
Moldenhauer, A.F. |
1917 |
Heirs |
8524 |
Moldenhauer, W.F. |
Will |
4525 |
Moldenhauer, W.F. |
Estate |
7056 |
Moldenhauer, W.F. |
Estate |
7181 |
Mollen, Sarah A. |
Estate |
4423 |
Monaghan, Anthony |
Will |
5086 |
Monaghan, Edward M. |
1928 |
Minor Heirs |
10458 |
Monaghan, Hugh |
Will |
2849 |
Monaghan, Michael |
Estate |
7040 |
Monahan, James |
1928 |
Estate |
10538 |
Monahan, Michael |
Estate |
4348 |
Monahan, Patrick |
Will |
7163 |
Monroe, W.B. |
1929 |
Will |
10886 |
Monroe, William |
Will |
7340 |
Monroe, Z.W. |
Will |
4881 |
Monteith, William |
Estate |
2739 |
Monteith, William |
1911 |
Estate |
7709 |
Montgomery, Amanda M. |
1914 |
Heirship |
8207 |
Montgomery, Jarvis Earl |
1930 |
Minor Heirs |
11060 |
Montgomery, Jarvis W. |
1909 |
Will |
7457 |
Montieth, Mary |
1913 |
Will |
7988 |
Moon, Milton |
Estate |
226 |
Mooney, Annie |
1929 |
Descent |
10784 |
Mooney, William |
Estate |
3276 |
Moore, Adin S. |
1912 |
Heirs |
7879 |
Moore, Adin S. |
1911 |
Estate |
7757 |
Moore, Eliza |
Estate |
3133 |
Moore, Frederic |
Estate |
749 |
Moore, G. |
Estate |
1694 |
Moore, George |
Estate |
1553 |
Moore, Harvey |
Will |
1391 |
Moore, James |
1909 |
Heirship\Descent |
7423 |
Moore, Jane E. |
1911 |
Will |
7685 |
Moore, Julia A. |
Estate |
1694 |
Moore, Mary |
Will |
4135 |
Moore, Sophia B. |
Estate |
4273 |
Moore, Susan |
Estate |
664 |
Moore, Thomas |
Estate |
665 |
Moore, William F. |
Estate |
3069 |
Mor, Nedrick K. |
1911 |
Heirs |
7783 |
Morehouse, Homer |
1920 |
Estate |
9077 |
Morehouse, Homer |
1921 |
Minor Heirs |
9170 |
Moreland, John |
Will |
3574 |
Moreland, John |
Will |
4774 |
Moreland, John |
Estate |
4911 |
Moreland, Martha |
Will |
1179 |
Moreland, Robert |
Will |
1162 |
Morgan, Anson |
Will |
523 |
Morgan, Anson |
Estate |
1038 |
Morgan, Charles J. |
1917 |
Estate |
8612 |
Morgan, Cordelia L. |
Will |
3199 |
Moritz, John, Sr. |
1923 |
Estate |
9460 |
Morris, Harvey P. |
Will |
4147 |
Morris, James |
Will |
4946 |
Morris, John |
Estate |
1512 |
Morris, John |
Estate |
2795 |
Morris, John S. |
1916 |
Estate |
8467 |
Morris, Keziah |
Estate |
2795 |
Morris, Martha M. |
1928 |
Will |
10584 |
Morris, Mathew K. |
Estate |
3354 |
Morris, Russell Serring |
1914 |
Estate |
8204 |
Morrison, James |
Estate |
25 |
Morrison, James |
Estate |
61 |
Morrison, Tivis |
Estate |
61 |
Morrison, William |
Estate |
61 |
Morrison, William |
Estate |
338 |
Morrison, William |
Estate |
505 |
Morrizon, W.H. |
Estate |
1689 |
Morse, Celia |
1895 |
Guardianship |
3517 |
Morse, Elias C. |
1912 |
Estate |
7858 |
Morse, Frances E. |
1913 |
Estate |
7982 |
Morse, George W. |
Estate |
1084 |
Morse, Josiah |
Estate |
2153 |
Morse, Nancy D. |
Estate |
1757 |
Morton, Alexander |
Will |
4947 |
Morton, Amy |
1921 |
Estate |
9263 |
Morton, Edgar |
Estate |
4475 |
Morton, John D. |
Will |
1841 |
Morton, Lewis W. |
Will |
2937 |
Morton, Mary |
1909 |
Heirs |
7428 |
Morton, Sarah |
Estate |
3633 |
Morton, Sophia |
1919 |
Estate |
8822 |
Morton, Susanna |
Estate |
74 |
Morton, William F. |
1923 |
Will |
9498 |
Moser, Hugh |
Estate |
890 |
Moser, John |
1927 |
Absconded |
10325 |
Moser, Susanna |
Estate |
2430 |
Mosher, Elisha |
Will |
3061 |
Mosher, Jared J. |
Estate |
736 |
Mosher, Jared J. |
Estate |
815 |
Mosher, Jared J. |
Estate |
1025 |
Mosher, Reuben |
Will |
4938 |
Mosher, Stewart |
Estate |
354 |
Moulton, Salena |
Will |
36 |
Mourey, Alexander |
Estate |
184 |
Mowry, Alexander |
Estate |
184 |
Moyer, George V. |
Will |
4885 |
Moyer, George V. |
Estate |
4888 |
Moyer, Samuel Rufus |
1923 |
Will |
9458 |
Mt. Vernon Cemetery (Juda, Wisconsin) |
1921 |
9242 |
Muehlhein, John |
Estate |
3222 |
Mueller, August |
1919 |
Estate |
8805 |
Mueller, Bartlome |
1911 |
Will |
7665 |
Mueller, Edward |
Estate |
3970 |
Mueller, Ernest |
1928 |
Heirship |
10604 |
Mueller, Ernest |
1929 |
Estate |
10823 |
Mueller, Herman |
1909 |
Dependent |
7415 |
Mueller, John |
Estate |
4300 |
Mueller, Magdalena |
1928 |
Will |
10650 |
Muhlematter, Johan |
1922 |
Will |
9348 |
Muhlethaler, Fred |
1928 |
Special Admin. |
10627 |
Mukelman, Henry |
Estate |
3750 |
Mulhern, Gus |
1925 |
Estate |
9804 |
Mulhern, John |
1914 |
Descent |
8083 |
Mullen, Martin |
Estate |
2351 |
Mullen, Mary |
1912 |
Estate |
7834 |
Mullen, Patrick |
Will |
2035 |
Muller, John |
1919 |
Estate |
8769 |
Mullin, Charles |
Estate |
3817 |
Mullin, Frank |
1914 |
Will |
8152 |
Mullin, Martin |
Estate |
3816 |
Multer, Adam P. |
Estate |
6089 |
Multer, Adam P. |
Estate |
6090 |
Mulvihill, Ida M. |
1925 |
Estate |
9956 |
Mulvihill, Ida M. |
1926 |
Minor Heirs |
10077 |
Munger, Judson |
1911 |
Estate |
7723 |
Munger, Thomas |
Estate |
4791 |
Munger, Thomas |
Estate |
4936 |
Murdock, Clayton R. |
1922 |
Estate |
9395 |
Murdock, Clayton R. |
1926 |
Minor Heirs |
10055 |
Murdock, John C. |
1918 |
Estate |
8733 |
Murphy, Charles |
1918 |
Estate |
8697 |
Murphy, Charles P. |
Estate |
4588 |
Murphy, Cynthia |
Will |
4810 |
Murphy, Francis |
1920 |
Descent |
8932 |
Murphy, Francis John |
1924 |
Estate |
9453 |
Murphy, James |
Estate |
104 |
Murphy, John |
Estate |
336 |
Murphy, Luke S. |
Will |
4941 |
Murphy, Luke S. |
1921 |
Trust Estate |
9182 |
Murphy, Nora |
1913 |
Will |
8027 |
Murphy, Rose |
1924 |
Estate |
9685 |
Murphy, Sarah Ann |
1929 |
Descent |
10953 |
Murphy, Thomas |
Estate |
1648 |
Murphy, Thomas P. or J. |
1921 |
Estate |
9279 |
Murphy, William F. |
1914 |
Will |
8135 |
Murray, Alexander |
Estate |
2807 |
Murray, Delamator |
Estate |
488 |
Murray, James |
Estate |
3146 |
Murray, John |
1920 |
Will |
9045 |
Murray, Lorenzo |
Estate |
458 |
Murray, William |
Estate |
1733 |
Murrey, Delamarta |
Estate |
392 |
Murrey, Eugene |
1917 |
Descent |
8620 |
Musher, Erastus |
Estate |
1991 |
Musser, Hannah |
Estate |
4132 |
Musser, Kate E. |
1925 |
Estate |
9886 |
Musser, Mary M. |
1920 |
Estate |
9059 |
Muzzy, Plinney D. |
Estate |
820 |
Myer, John Jacob |
Estate |
922 |
Myers, Alfred Clayton |
1918 |
Estate |
8754 |
Myers, Edgar |
1917 |
Estate |
8551 |
Myers, Elizabeth |
1908 |
Heirship\Descent |
7382 |
Myers, George |
Estate |
1821 |
Myers, George |
Estate |
2180 |
Myers, George |
Estate |
2544 |
Myers, Isaac |
Estate |
3622 |
Myers, Isaac |
1908 |
Heirship\Descent |
7381 |
Myers, John |
Estate |
4585 |
Myers, Orville |
1910 |
Will |
7585 |
Myers, Sam |
1921 |
Will |
9240 |
Myers, Samuel |
Estate |
400 |
Myers, Samuel |
Partition of Land |
526 |
Myers, Samuel |
Estate |
595 |
Myers, Willard L. |
1925 |
Minor Heirs |
9819 |
Myers, William |
Estate |
859 |
Nack, Nelson T. |
Estate |
494 |
Nafzger, Daniel |
1910 |
Will |
7597 |
Nafzger, Gottfried |
1929 |
Will |
10837 |
Nafzger, Rosina |
1926 |
Estate |
10136 |
Nall, Matthew C. |
1916 |
Estate |
8375 |
Nally, William R. |
1927 |
Estate |
10327 |
Nalty, Aloysius Patrick |
1920 |
Descent |
9002 |
Nalty, Richard |
Estate |
4498 |
Nalty, Richard |
Estate |
4797 |
Nan Kevil, Mary |
1919 |
Estate |
8786 |
Nance, Emily J. |
Estate |
7186 |
Nankeavil, William |
Estate |
4333 |
Narks, John |
Estate |
270 |
Narveson, Andrew |
1912 |
Heirs |
7823 |
Narveson, Knud |
Estate |
1083 |
Narveson, Knud |
Estate |
1116 |
Nash, Eliza A. |
Will |
4964 |
Naughton, John |
Will |
7273 |
Navin, Patrick |
Estate |
1526 |
Neath, Kate |
1924 |
Will |
9663 |
Neben, Louis |
Estate |
2005 |
Nee, James C. |
1911 |
Will |
7789 |
Neffeler, Samuel |
Will |
1453 |
Neffeler, Samuel |
Estate |
2122 |
Nefty, David |
1914 |
Estate |
8065 |
Nelson, Anna |
1924 |
Descent |
9670 |
Nelson, Carl |
1919 |
Estate |
8812 |
Nelson, Christina |
1923 |
Descent |
9597 |
Nelson, Knud |
Estate |
2092 |
Nelson, Martin |
1922 |
Special Admin. |
9317 |
Nelson, Ole |
Estate |
1606 |
Nelson, Olene |
Estate |
3435 |
Nelson, W.K. |
Estate |
1675 |
Nesheim, Sever E. |
Estate |
4496 |
Neumann, Christian F. |
1921 |
Estate |
9166 |
Nevel or Neville, Patrick |
1928 |
Will |
10522 |
Nevel, John |
1926 |
Estate |
10008 |
Nevil, Thomas |
Will |
2606 |
Neville, Catherine |
Will |
3113 |
Newcomer, George |
Estate |
573 |
Newcomer, George |
Estate |
989 |
Newcomer, George |
Estate |
1119 |
Newkirk, Mathew |
Estate |
851 |
Newman, Ephraim K. |
Estate |
342 |
Newman, Ephraim K. |
Estate |
1449 |
Newman, Esther A. |
1923 |
Estate |
9567 |
Newman, Gilbert K. |
Estate |
7265 |
Newman, Gilbert K. |
Estate |
7298 |
Newman, Isaac |
Estate |
3460 |
Newman, J.J. |
Estate |
7007 |
Newman, Julia E. |
1917 |
Estate |
8633 |
Newman, Julia E. |
1917 |
Minor Heirs |
8633 1/2 |
Newman, Julia E. |
1924 |
Descent |
9738 |
Newman, Lena V. |
1921 |
Will |
9162 |
Newman, Lydia |
1911 |
Estate |
7704 |
Newman, Mary |
Estate |
7024 |
Newman, Nancy |
Will |
7196 |
Newman, Samuel |
Estate |
1306 |
Newman, Samuel |
Estate |
1777 |
Newman, Vashti |
Estate |
1200 |
Newman, William |
Estate |
433 |
Newman, William |
Estate |
550 |
Newman, William |
Estate |
1197 |
Newman, William S. |
1908 |
Estate |
7384 |
Neyhardt, Mary A. |
Will |
1545 |
Neyhart, Mary A. |
Estate |
1562 |
Nicholas, Charlett |
Will |
1971 |
Nicholas, S.T. |
Will |
1247 |
Nichols, Asa C. |
Will |
1716 |
Nichols, Bartel W. |
Estate |
3161 |
Nichols, Charles J. |
1916 |
Descent |
8432 |
Nichols, Ella M. |
1925 |
Descent |
9895 |
Nichols, Ella M. |
1925 |
Estate |
9897 |
Nichols, Julia A. |
Estate |
3168 |
Nichser, Catherine |
1924 |
Descent |
9725 |
Nicks, Clara E. |
1924 |
Estate |
9712 |
Niffenegger, Edward |
1910 |
Estate |
7580 |
Niffenegger, Edward |
1910 |
Heirs |
7581 |
Niffenegger, Edward |
1923 |
Infant Heir |
9556 |
Niffenegger, Idella |
1920 |
Estate |
9090 |
Nifiler, Jacob |
Estate |
185 |
Niles, Jefferson |
Estate |
246 |
Niles, John S. |
Estate |
3790 |
Niles, Nathaniel |
Will |
2290 |
Niles, Sally |
Estate |
3459 |
Niles, Sally |
Estate |
3532 |
Nilson, Ever |
Estate |
1249 |
Nilson, Maria D. |
Estate |
4769 |
Nipple, Frederick |
Will |
2748 |
Nish, Archabald M. |
Estate |
71 |
Nix Wells, Louisa |
Will |
3781 |
Nix, August F. |
1928 |
Will |
10500 |
Nix, George G. |
1923 |
Estate |
9594 |
Noble, Almina |
1927 |
Descent |
10401 |
Noble, Frank B. |
Will |
4229 |
Noble, George |
Estate |
3084 |
Noble, Mary C. |
Estate |
4406 |
Noble, Simon P. |
Estate |
3335 |
Noeske, Carl |
Estate |
3894 |
Noll, Mary A. |
Estate |
2808 |
Nolty, Barnett |
Will |
929 |
Nolty, Richard |
Will |
3728 (II) |
Noodworth, Napolean B. |
Estate |
1887 |
Noonan, Thomas |
Will |
1425 |
Noonan, Thomas |
1918 |
Will |
8661 |
Norder, Emil |
1927 |
Estate |
10280 |
Norder, Glenn |
1925 |
Estate |
9951 |
Norder, Jacob |
Will |
2922 |
Norder, Leonard |
Will |
1931 |
Norman, Ole |
1926 |
Will |
10065 |
North, Egbert F. |
Estate |
2379 |
North, Egbert F. |
Estate |
2386 |
North, James |
Estate |
1601 |
North, Michael |
Estate |
278 |
North, Michael |
Estate |
2211 |
North, Michael |
Estate |
3355 |
North, Michael |
1924 |
Estate |
9623 |
Northcraft, Elmira |
Estate |
4144 |
Northcroft, Samuel |
Estate |
3117 |
Northrop, Clyde |
1925 |
Estate |
9848 |
Norton, John |
Estate |
2002 |
Norton, John |
1926 |
Descent |
10124 |
Norton, John N. |
Will |
4412 |
Norton, Mary |
1916 |
Estate |
8419 |
Norton, Thomas |
1923 |
Will |
9445 |
Norton, William |
Estate |
2023 |
Nunnemacher, Anna |
Will |
1385 |
Nuster, George |
Estate |
879 |
Nybroten, Anna |
1928 |
Minor Heirs |
10465 |
Nybroten, Anton A. |
1927 |
Estate |
10237 1 |
Nybroten, Anton A. |
1927 |
Estate |
10237 2 |
Nybroten, Arne |
1922 |
Estate |
9350 |
Nybroten, Arne |
1923 |
Heirs |
9456 |
Nybroten, Gilbert |
1922 |
Estate |
9369 |
Nybroten, Gilbert |
1923 |
Minor Heirs |
9481 |
Nyman, John |
1924 |
Descent |
9780 |
Oakes, Thomas |
Will |
4831 |
Oakes, Thomas |
Estate |
5023 |
Obermuller, John M. |
Estate |
1588 |
O'Brian, Moses |
Estate |
434 |
OConner, Richard |
Estate |
1356 |
O'Conner, Timothy |
Estate |
4768 |
O'Conners, James |
Will |
2953 |
O'Connor, Ella J. |
1919 |
Minor Heirs |
8900 |
O'Connor, Ella J. |
1915 |
Estate |
8282 |
O'Connor, James |
1910 |
Will |
7604 |
O'Connor, Michael |
Estate |
326 |
O'Connor, Michael |
Estate |
578 |
O'Connor, Michael |
Estate |
920 |
O'Connor, Patrick |
Will |
6013 |
O'Donnell, John |
Will |
3357 |
O'Donnell, John |
Estate |
3431 |
O'Donnell, John, Sr. |
Estate |
3313 |
O'Donnell, Michael |
1910 |
Will |
7651 |
O'Donnell, Michael O. |
1910 |
Heirs |
7657 |
Ohl, John |
1915 |
Estate |
8224 |
Ohm, Fred |
Estate |
1476 |
Ohm, Fred |
Estate |
3613 |
Oien, Ole |
1926 |
Will |
10135 |
Olds, Darius |
Estate |
3043 |
Olds, Loristen M. |
1918 |
Estate |
8662 |
Olds, Lovina |
Will |
2941 |
Olds, Mary |
Will |
502 |
Oleson, Halver |
Estate |
904 |
Oleson, Halver |
Estate |
975 |
Oleson, Ole |
Will |
1198 |
Oleson, Tore |
Estate |
82 |
Olin, Hannah |
Estate |
4616 |
Olmstead, Peter H. |
1926 |
Estate |
10184 |
Olsen, Holsten |
Estate |
3576 |
Olson, Andrew |
1916 |
Heirs |
8484 |
Olson, Anna |
1927 |
Descent |
10377 |
Olson, Arne |
Estate |
2406 |
Olson, Augusta |
1912 |
Estate |
7876 |
Ols | |