La Crosse (Wis.). Police Justice: Criminal Docket, 1862-1941

Summary Information

Title: La Crosse (Wis.). Police Justice: Criminal Docket
Inclusive Dates: 1862-1941

  • La Crosse (Wis.). Police Justice
Call Number: La Crosse Series 34

Quantity: 10.0 c.f. (35 volumes)

Archival Locations:
UW-La Crosse Murphy Library / La Crosse Area Research Ctr. (Map)

Transcribed cases tried before the police justice giving name of defendant, date of case, and sentence imposed. Illegal actions defendants were charged with include: assault and battery; disorderly conduct; fighting; making a riot; obscene and insulting language; carrying a concealed weapon; violation of city ordinance; intoxication; keeping saloon open after hours; selling liquor without a license; driving while intoxicated; reckless driving; running an arterial sign; speeding; parking in alley; keeper, frequenter, or inmate of house of ill repute; keeper of gambling house; larceny; bastardy; burglary; and vagabond.

Language: English

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