Summary Information
Vilas Family Papers 1813-1950
Green Bay Mss 86
2.8 c.f. (7 archives boxes)
UW-Green Bay Cofrin Library / Green Bay Area Research Ctr. (Map)
Correspondence of a family prominently connected with business and social affairs in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, together with some papers of their relatives in the Morse and Platt families also of that city. The majority of the correspondence consists of discussions of family matters, health, travel, and events received or sent by Cornelia Vilas Morse (1829-1916), her brothers and sisters, and her daughter Helen Vilas Morse (1871-?) and other children. Also included are letters concerning the military service of her husband, Cornelius W. Morse, in a Vermont regiment during the Civil War and correspondence from George W. Vilas concerning his experiences in France during World War I. English