KL Recording Service collection

Biographical / Historical

Ronald M. Klein was born February 2, 1931 in Milwaukee. He worked as a radio and TV repair apprentice until he was drafted into the Army in 1952. He served as Chief Engineer of Army Radio Station VUNC in Tokyo. Returning to Milwaukee, he worked as an electronics technician for Badger Sound. In 1957 he returned to Japan to work at a consulting engineer for Fuji Sound Ltd. where he acquired a patent for his design of a class-B power amplifier. Back in Milwaukee he worked for various electronics firms until starting KL Recording Service and a recording studio, KL Audio Lab. Using equipment largely designed and built by Mr. Klein, the company made its first recording in 1969 and went on to produce 129 LP recordings and nine cassettes. The company issued recordings on the KL Recording and Ekko Custom Recording labels. The service recorded mostly polka music but some gospel and country & western as well. Mr. Klein sang in the barbershop group Meno-Har-Monee which was recorded on the LP EK-3. Ron Klein died February 14, 2021 in Slinger, Wisconsin.