Summary Information
La Crosse, Wisconsin, Committee on Schools, Resolutions and Reports Relating to Schools 1866-1932
- La Crosse (Wis.). Committee on Schools.
La Crosse Series 027
2.0 cubic feet
5 archives boxes
La Crosse Public Library (Map)
Resolutions and reports from the Committee on Schools to the Common Council, 1866-1932. The materials are arranged in four series: General Resolutions, North Side Schools, South Side Schools, and Special Topics. Resolutions dealing with schools in general (usually multiple schools) were filed chronologically in a General series, along with some historical information on the schools in La Crosse, including buildings that were rented for school purposes. North Side and South Side schools were separated into their appropriate series, North Side Schools and South Side Schools. All of the old school buildings from the North and South sides are well represented, except for the branch schools which often were one to four room wooden buildings.
The final series, Special Topics, includes resolutions about Industrial Education, the Normal School (later called State Teachers College, and finally University of Wisconsin-La Crosse), School for the Deaf, Teacher’s Salaries, and Vocational School (originally associated with the high schools; later independent from the city public school system and called Coleman Institute, then known as Western Wisconsin Technical Institute, and finally named Western Wisconsin Technical College). English