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Title: Roman B.J. Kwasniewski Photographs, 1897-1959, 1920-1931

Creator: Kwasniewski, Roman B.J., 1886-1980
Quantity: 186.5 cubic ft. (313 boxes); 1 oversize folder; 1,003 nitrate negatives; 313 safety film negatives; 34,203 digital files (1.76 TB)
Call Number: UWM Manuscript Collection 19
Abstract: Roman B.J. Kwasniewski was a photographer who worked in Milwaukee's Polish-American community (Polonia). Kwasniewski took many of the images at his Park Studio, located on Lincoln Avenue, on Milwaukee's south side. Most of the studio photographs depict family events such as anniversaries, first communions, funerals, graduations, and weddings. Other images include scenes of accidents, fires, floods; fraternal organizations; homes; construction scenes; individual businesses, including Kuryer Polski; political parties; ceremonies such as church anniversaries, ordinations, and dedications; social events such as New Year's Eve celebrations and "Hard Times" parties which were popular in the 1920s; and sporting events. The result is a striking picture of Milwaukee's south side Polish-Americans and their contributions to the city in which they lived. The collection consists of 29,153 negatives (glass and film), over 6,000 prints, 80 lantern slides, and 247 documents. The documents, which were included with the negatives and prints, mainly consist of correspondence between the photographer and his customers concerning photo orders. The collection also contains an accounting ledger dating from 1921 to 1933.

Subject Terms
• ... Photographs are indexed by the following local classification scheme. 1A1 ...