State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Division of Archives and Manuscripts: Paul Vanderbilt's Subject Files, 1951-1971

Summary Information
Title: State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Division of Archives and Manuscripts: Paul Vanderbilt's Subject Files
Inclusive Dates: 1951-1971

  • State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Division of Archives and Manuscripts
Call Number: Series 2489

Quantity: 3.8 cubic feet (10 archives boxes and 2 card boxes)

Archival Locations:
Wisconsin Historical Society (Map)

Classified subject files, mainly 1954-1965, and other administrative materials of Paul Vanderbilt (1905-1992), the first curator of the Historical Society's Iconographic Collection, including correspondence, memoranda, reports and writings, reference material, product samples, photographic tests, notes, and reference materials pertaining to the organization of the section, its operation, and the cataloging, exhibit, and promotion of its collections. Prominent correspondents include Ansel Adams, Roy Stryker, George Talbot, and Franklin Wallick, as well as Historical Society administrators Leslie J. Fishel Jr., J.W. Jenkins, Clifford Lord, and Don McNeil. Numerous films and photographs created by Vanderbilt as head of Iconography are separately catalogued in the Visual Materials Section.

Language: English

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Paul Vanderbilt was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1905. Both of his parents were teachers, and he was provided with an education that included Europe, public schools in Massachusetts, Amherst College, and Harvard University. In 1922 he studied at the Clarence White School of Photography. Graduation from Harvard came in 1927 with a degree in art history. Vanderbilt continued his studies in Europe in 1928 and 1929. During this time he also selected books for the Philadelphia Museum of Art while attending classes at London, Paris, and Lausanne. After his return to the United States Vanderbilt was librarian, editor of publications, and research assistant to the director at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

From 1941 to 1945 Vanderbilt was involved with two government projects. He served as a consultant for the U.S. Navy for the planning of the Navy Photographic Center from 1941 to 1942. In this position, he helped create controls for incoming still and motion picture photographs. From 1942 to 1944 he was a visual information specialist with the Office of War Information. During these years he helped plan the National Film Library for the Library of Congress. In 1944 Vanderbilt was named chief of the Photographic Section of the Library of Congress. In this position, Vanderbilt was involved in the reorganization of Roy Stryker's Farm Security Administration photo documentation project. Other titles Vanderbilt held at LC included chief and chair of the Fine Arts, Prints, and Photographs Divisions. During this period in his career he wrote Guide to the Special Collection of Prints and Photographs in the Library of Congress. (1955).

Vanderbilt came to the State Historical Society of Wisconsin in 1953 as the curator of the Iconographic Collection, a position that was created for him by Director Clifford Lord in order to consolidate administrative responsibility for the Society's photographs then housed in the Library, Archives, and Museum. Under Vanderbilt's guidance, this collection evolved into one of the major resources for historic photographs in North America, transforming the way in which historical photographs were accessed and used. His work for the Historical Society involved developing policies, cataloging, reference, and preservation. In 1960 Vanderbilt began a project of landscape photography for the Society, eventually creating more than 6000 negatives.

Vanderbilt retired from the Historical Society in 1972. After this he devoted himself to the creation of thematic panels which juxtaposed historic images with some of his landscape work. These panels ultimately became the basis for his posthumous book, Between the Landscape and Its Other (1993). Vanderbilt was 87 years old and in the final stages of terminal cancer when he took his own life in 1992. Today, Vanderbilt is viewed as a pioneer in the development of visual imagery as a cultural and historical resource. His own photographs were selected for inclusion in The Photographer and the American Landscape, published by the Museum of Modern Art in 1963.

Scope and Content Note

Series 2489 documents Paul Vanderbilt's administrative responsibilities as head of the Iconographic Section. This part of his professional life is also documented by Series 1829 (Iconography Correspondence, 1952-1982) and by several, separately catalogued oral history projects. The majority of the papers relating to Vanderbilt's earlier career, his post-SHSW career, and his personal life are available at the Archives of American Art except that the State Historical Society holds a small body of unprocessed personal papers accessioned as a manuscript collection. Numerous photographs, photo exhibits, and films produced by Vanderbilt as head of Iconography are available in the Visual Materials Archive.

While the overall content of Series 2489 is administrative, researchers will also find in it information that is helpful to understanding the creative side of Vanderbilt's personality and his view of visual imagery. Only a small quantity of material in Series 2489 relates directly to Vanderbilt's personal photography or the exhibition of his landscape work, although there are several files on the development and display of his thematic panels and pairings and an exhibit at the Chicago Institute of Art. A few files document Vanderbilt's relationships with friends and other professionals and his reputation as a nationally-recognized photographer. These include exchanges with George Talbot of TransAction magazine, who succeeded Vanderbilt as head of Iconography; a file about Roy Stryker, director of the Farm Security Administration project, and the effort by Franklin Wallick of the United Automobile Workers to develop a similar project; and correspondence with Ansel Adams.

Vanderbilt's subject files are arranged as part of a complex numerical classification scheme that is similar to the classified file he established to enhance access to topical photographs. In this system, files were first arranged into related subject groups and then individual files within each of these groupings were assigned classification numbers up to five digits long. In Vanderbilt's scheme two digit numbers denote the most general subjects, while additional digits placed to the right of the original numbers indicate a successive refinement of the original subject concept. For example, File 6605 “Microfilming tests and procedures” is a subfile of File 66 “Microfilming.” Unfortunately, some files appear to have little in common with the files with which the system suggests they are hierarchically related. Thus, File 663 “Restoration of Photographs” appears to have little relation to its superior, File 66 “Microfilming”. This problem impedes access to the series based on subject hierarchies. Also complicating use is the fact that some files contained little information while others had been retired from use. (Vanderbilt sometimes used the series to manage original photo collections and other materials while he was working on them. All such misfiled original material has been removed from the files to its proper location in the general Visual Materials holdings.) A final problem for access is that some material was unfoldered or never assigned classification numbers. This material has been interfiled or filed alphabetically at the end of the series. To aid research use, an alphabetical index to Vanderbilt's file descriptions follows the container list as an appendix. Cardex cards which listed all active and inactive file numbers are filed in Box 1.

The most important material in the series relates to administration of the newly-created photograph section; the determination of general policy and procedures; and the care, arrangement, description, and promotion of the collections. In files 172 and 175 there are incoming and outgoing memoranda to and from Society administrators such as Leslie J. Fishel Jr., J.W. Jenkins, Clifford Lord, and Don McNeil, and in files 19, 194, and 72 there are annual reports, field reports, and other special reports. While the administrative memoranda are incomplete for Vanderbilt's entire tenure as head of the section, the coverage is fortunately best for the early years of Vanderbilt's work when most policy was being developed. In addition to purely administrative material, this section includes book reviews, columns, ideas for books and publications, and other short writings by Vanderbilt.

A substantial group of material relates to the operation of the Iconographic Section and to Vanderbilt's special projects and exhibits. In this category there is material as diverse as correspondence regarding circulating exhibits, film screenings, and loans; background research and captions for exhibits; and cut lists and notes for SHSW promotional films.

A third type of record has been retained primarily for its evidence of the section's operations. Here one will find microfilm test strips, samples of paper and folder stock, a detailed inventory of photographic equipment, correspondence regarding new equipment and techniques, and cataloging manuals

Finally, Vanderbilt classified a large quantity of secondary reference material such as equipment catalogs, newspaper clippings, lists of Wisconsin material in other repositories, and information on topics that was simply interesting to him such as jokes or other uses of the name Iconography. The majority of the secondary information has been separated from the subject files and discarded.

Administrative/Restriction Information
Processing Information

Processed by Mark Dieter (archives intern, 1997) and Carolyn J. Mattern.

Contents List
Series 2489
Box   1
Folder   1
Cardex cards
Box   1
Folder   2-17
Box   2
Folder   1-16
Box   3
Folder   1-18
172 (continued) - 3568
Box   4
Folder   1-41
Box   5
Folder   1-25
Box   6
Folder   1-28
553 (continued) - 6578
Box   7
Folder   1-33
Box   8
Folder   1-21
Unclassified material
Box   8
Folder   22
Civil War panoramas
Box   8
Folder   23
Color photography in field work
Box   8
Folder   24
Color portraits
Box   8
Folder   25
Film (early Vanderbilt?)
Box   8
Folder   26
General correspondence
Box   9
Folder   1
Graphic History Society
Box   9
Folder   2
Hinged panel design
Box   9
Folder   3
Little book layout, Unidentified
Box   9
Folder   4
Morgan, Fred, Chippewa (Ojibwe) dancing film
Box   9
Folder   5
Miscellaneous cut lists, captions and other film production materials,
Box   9
Folder   6
Museum promotion
Box   9
Folder   7
Oversize materials filming test
Box   9
Folder   8
Picture book project
Box   9
Folder   9
Remington, George
Box   9
Folder   10
SHSW collections, General
Box   9
Folder   11
Sites promotion and film
Box   9
Folder   12
Unidentified material
Box   9
Folder   13
Visual Instruction Bureau
Misfiled material
Box   12
Folder   1-11
Box   12
Folder   12
Peck Cabin
Card box
Box   10
Folder   1
53 Wisconsin lots at LC
Box   10
Folder   2
6572 Inventory of photographic equipment
Box   10
Folder   3
A Child's World Exhibit
Box   11
Unidentified cards and notes
Appendix: Topical Index
File Description File Number Box/Folder
AASLH Broadcast Museum Radio/TV contests 553 Box 5/22-23 and 6/1
AASLH technical leaflets 669 7/20
Acquisitions 15 2/2
Adams, Ansel 492 12/7
Adams railroad collection, Notes 46451 4/35
Administrative memos, Outgoing 172 3/1
Administrative memos, Incoming 172 2/16
Administrative memos, Outgoing 175 3/2
Aitken Brothers, 1964 8265 8/11
Aperture incidence indexing systems 67 7/21
Architecture in Wisconsin 555 6/2
Archival permanence, Photographs 6689 7/19
Archive of minor architecture 1617 2/9
Art programs, Promotion 159 2/6
Bailey's Dam 463 4/32
Behavioral research 542 5/18
Bennett show, 1965 82615 8/10
Book reviews 429 4/13
Boy with leaking boot 545 5/19
Brigham family genealogy 4644 4/34
Brown, John 4483 4/28
Bruno Collection Exhibition 8258 8/8
Budget request notes 115 1/3
Canada, International Expo, 1967 447 4/27
Captioning procedures & samples 6826 7/25
Card catalog, SHSW 682 7/24
Chanticleer Press book 4426 4/21
Chemicals and paper 6583 7/3
Child's World exhibit None 10/3
Circulating exhibitions-Catalogs 325 3/12
Circulating panels, Closed bookings 845 8/16
Circulating panels, Bookings 145 1/16
Circulating panels 148 2/1
City of Gold narration text 46475 4/36
Civil War films, Notes 342 3/14
Collecting policy reports 71 7/27
Collections in other divisions which include graphics 144 1/15
Color copying 666 7/18
Color photography in chronological field work None 8/23
Color portraits None 8/24
Color printing 6585 7/6
Comic strips, cartoons 584 6/9
Computations for a Viewfinder-MS 4424 4/19
Conditions governing special collections 305 3/10
Copying equipment 6582 7/2
Crane, James, Publications, cartoons 563 6/4
Damaged nitrate negatives to have filtered positives and new negatives made 4646 12/6
Darkroom equipment 65832 7/4
Description of individual collections, Drafts 759 7/35
Desiderata, Picture books 153 2/3
Dexter collection (Stereographs-Lists 317 3/11
Diary excerpts, Services 1916 3/8
Dickenson exhibit, 1962 8267 8/12
Diemer collection, Dating 361 4/2
Directory of collections in Wisconsin 532 5/14
Educational activities 715 7/28
Enlarging exposure system 654 6/18
Examples of negative deterioration 663 12/10
Executive Residence project 4445 4/23
Exhibit, Hine 141 1/11
Exhibition catalogs 372 4/4
Exhibitions, 1943-1946 879 8/20
Farm Security Administration, Wisconsin photos microfilm checklist 756 7/33
Filing equipment-Catalogs 61 6/14
Film preservation and cleaning 65877 7/8
Film programs, Past correspondence 1426 1/13
Film programs, Past programs 14262 1/14
Film-Early PV None 8/25
Films, Future productions 4879 5/4
Filmstrips 514 5/9
Fishel portrait experiments 493 12/8
Fishel portraits 493 5/6
Flood of 1965 film 4861 5/1-2
Gaddis Drawing Film 486 4/43
Gallery slide shows 546 5/20
General Correspondence None 8/26
Graphic History Society None 9/1
Hinged panels None 9/2
Hinged panels, Explanatory text 48 4/39
Iconographic collections other than SHSW 53 5/13
Iconographic photo lots at the Library of Congress 53 10/1
Iconography, Various applications, samples 54 5/17
Index of American Design 587 6/11
Indexing technique, Iconography of Wisconsin 671 7/22
Insurance 135 1/9
Intellectual dynamics, Proposed publication 44 4/13
Interviews with job applicants 1782 3/4
IOUs outstanding for material sold for film fund 1625 2/12
Jaquish project-Photo rental collection 5724 6/6
Joke file project 582 6/8
La Follette collection portraits 7562 7/34
La Follette photo release 764 7/37
Lamination 6632 7/13
Lantern Slides, Lists 59 6/13
Last of the Snow 4751 12/3-3A
Leather bookbindings, Preservation 665 7/17
Library film 4882 5/5
Light meters 658 7/1
Lincoln impersonators 564 12/9
Lincoln exhibition, NY fair, 1964 4287 4/12
Literary image vs. Photo image - Notes 426 4/11
Little Gallery displays 878 8/19
Loans, Active 166 2/15
Loans on display, Labels 1642 2/13
Log Cabin Showcase Film 4853 4/42
Macro-Micro exhibit 4425 4/20,31
Martin RR collection, Notes 4636 4/33
Mass communications history center 527 5/12
Medical museum show - Medical History 8269 8/15
Medical Museum films 485 4/40
Microfilming 66 7/9
Microfilming tests and procedure 6605 7/10
Miles film, Indians building a canoe 4873 5/3
Miscellaneous film production lists, exhibit captions, etc. None 9/5
Modern painting program 1592 2/7
Morgan, Fred, Chippewa (Ojibwe) dancing film None 9/4
Motion picture equipment, Original inventory, Everest gift 6571 6/23
Motion picture cameras, lenses, accessories 6577 6/27
Motion picture cataloging 68 7/23
Motion picture program, Public showings 74 7/31
Motion pictures, Production, organizations, etc 34 3/13
Motion pictures, Wisconsin 589 6/12
Motion pictures 69 7/26
Mounting 65834 7/5
Movie showings, Programs 142 1/12
Museum promotion None 9/6
Neenah-Menasha project 445 4/25
New quarters-Construction and equipment 125 1/6
News photos and relations with sources 55 5/21
Newspaper column copying camera, Design 65707 6/21
Notes, specifications on supplies 62 6/15
Okee painting 4465 4/26
Operations, notes, etc. 727 7/30
Organization matters 81 8/7
Organization of the collections 122 1/5
Organization of the collections, pre-1954 88 8/21
Oversize materials test None 9/7
Painting, historical, locally owned 5704 6/5
Painting restoration 664 7/14
Paintings, Cleaning 6644 7/15
Paintings, Draft advice on evaluation 6645 7/16
Paintings hanging in SHSW 161 2/8
Panoramic color camera experiments 452 4/29
Paper stock for folders, envelopes, mounting, etc 65 6/17
Peck cabin None 12/12
Personal (PV) 393 4/6
Personnel matters 178 3/3
Photo dealers 6573 6/25
Photo equipment, card inventory 6572 6/24
Photo equipment inventory 6572 10/2
Photo Equipment-Exchange and Purchase 133 1/8
Photo program, Promotion 156 2/4
Photo testing data 6548 12/11
Photo testing data 6548 6/19
Photo-technical matters 655 6/20
Photograph America project 41 4/8
Photographers, SHSW 157 2/5
Photographers, Biographical data, etc. 35 3/15
Photographers, Wisconsin-contemporary 351 3/16
Photographic equipment 657 6/22
Photography, Esthetics 363 4/3
Photography, Teaching 422 4/9
Photography, History and criticism 352 3/17
Picture book project None 9/8
Picture sources 534 5/15
Portage project 4446 4/24
Postcards 585 6/10
Printers of reproductions, foreign 7691 8/3
Prize for visual history productions 425 4/10
Procedures 12 1/4
Procurement 13 1/7
Procurement matters (Requisitions, memos, etc. 87 8/17
Projectors, still & motion picture 6578 6/28
Public relations, Proposals, ideas 77 8/4
Publication and use of SHSW pictures 76 7/36
Quotation for walls 138 1/10
Releases for the use of photographs 875 8/18
Remington, George None 9/9
Reports 72 7/29
Reports, Field 194 3/9
Reports, Periodic, Statistics 19 3/7
Reports, writings, SHSW (PV) 18 3/5
Resources, lists 75 7/32
Restoration of photographs, deterioration 663 7/12
Routines, regulations, etc., of other collections 535 5/16
Selected pictures-Notes 3933 12/2
Services, catalogs, UW Extension price lists for photo lab 64 6/16
SHSW calendar 766 8/1
SHSW collection miscellany None 9/10
SHSW motion pictures, Circulation and showings 765 7/38
SHSW staff, personnel 79 8/6
Simplot, Alexander 3568 3/18
Sites promotion and films-general None 9/11
Sound 65874 7/7
Speakers' Bureau 773 8/5
Speech, Buffalo, draft, 1962 4383 4/17
Speech, Toledo outline, 1961 4382 4/16
Speech, Waterdown rotary, 1963 4381 4/14
Speech-Wisconsin Society for Internal Medicine-1965 43812 4/15
St. Lawrence Seaway 5214 5/11
Still cameras, lenses, accessories 6576 6/26
Stoughton paintings, Turner matter 1655 2/14
Straubel Collection, Text notes from Dorothy Wittig 4634 12/5
Stryker, Roy 495 5/8
Systems Management Magazine 662 7/11
Tapestries Exhibition, Madison Art Association 8261 8/9
Then and Now series (News photos) 36 4/1
Trans-Action 494 5/7
Turow prooofsheets-Future exhibitions 4633 12/4
Unidentified miscellany None 9/12
Unidentified production notes None 11/1
Unidentified bibliography None 11/2
Unidentified “little book” layout None 9/3
University of Wisconsin 388 4/5
Unwanted material, disposal 1618 2/10
Urban renewal exhibition 444 4/22
Van Schaick-Life story 4677 4/38
Van Schaick-Monroe-Ellis collection, 4675 4/37
Vanderbilt's Chicago Art Institute exhibit, 1965 82681 8/14
Vanderbilt's own photograph exhibits 8268 8/13
Visual Instruction Bureau (UW) None 9/13
Wade House Film 4852 4/41
Wisconsin Magazine of History picture inserts or features 769 8/2
Wisconsin Arts Foundation and Council 573 6/7
Wisconsin as seen by artists 1591 12/1
Wisconsin History-Answers to queries 395 4/7
Wood engravings in magazines, Notes for index 453 4/30
Work sheets 11 1/2
Works of art, Disposal 162 2/11
Writings, future (Notes) 182 3/6