Galena (Ill.) City Council Records and Financial Records, 1841-1896

Summary Information
Title: Galena (Ill.) City Council Records and Financial Records
Inclusive Dates: 1841-1896

  • Galena (Ill.). City Council
Call Number: Platteville Micro 32; Micro 861

Quantity: 3 reels of microfilm (35mm)

Archival Locations:
UW-Platteville Southwest Wisconsin Room / Platteville Area Research Ctr. (Map)
Wisconsin Historical Society (Map)

City Council records, 1841-1853, including articles of incorporation, ordinances, and minutes; and financial records, 1843-1890, including accounts ledgers and journals, and records of licenses issued.


This microfilm was produced by the Karmann Library, University of Wisconsin--Platteville, 1980. Originals are in the Illinois Department of Conservation, Division of Historic Sites, Galena, Ill.

Language: English

URL to cite for this finding aid:

Administrative/Restriction Information
Acquisition Information

Loaned for microfilming by the Illinois Department of Conservation, Division of Historic Sites, Galena, Ill., through Thomas A. Campbell, District 1 Historian, 1980.

Processing Information

Processed by Mary Freymiller and Karen Baumann, March 16, 1981.

Contents List
Series: City Council Records
Note: The title indicated below is the wording which appears on the microfilm targets. The contents at that location is indicated in the scope note.
Reel   1
Scope and Content Note: Incorporation records, ordinances, and minutes, 1841-1843.
Reel   1
Scope and Content Note: Ordinances and minutes, 1843-1846.
Reel   1
Scope and Content Note: Minutes, 1847-1853 February.
Series: Financial Records
Reel   2
“Ledger, 1843-1846; Licenses, 1853-1860”
Scope and Content Note: Ledger of accounts with various individuals, 1843-1844; and records of licenses issued telling date, name of licensee, sometimes location, amount paid, and type of license.
Reel   2
“City Council Rules, 1847”
Scope and Content Note: Rules and miscellaneous notes on taxation.
Reel   2
“Spring Street Bridge Toll Book, 1848-1850”
Scope and Content Note: Accounts ledger, 1848-1855.
Reel   2
“Licenses, 1851-1858”
Scope and Content Note: Licenses listed in chronological order indicating name, kind of license, and amount paid.
Reel   2
“Ledger, 1853-1860”
Scope and Content Note: A chronological journal of financial transactions.
Reel   2
“Ledger, 1857-1860”
Scope and Content Note: Transactions listed by account such as School Fund, Green Street Bridge, and others. At the end of the volume is a “List of Orders Paid.”
Reel   2
“Licenses, 1860-1863”
Scope and Content Note: Records, 1860-1869, of licenses issued, grouped by type of license and thereunder in chronological order.
Reel   2-3
“Ledger, 1860-1867; Bond Records, 1867-1873”
Scope and Content Note: Achronological journal of financial transactions. Entries for 1860-1865 April are on Reel 2. The volume continues on Reel 3 with financial entries from 1865 April to 1867 January. These are followed by “Register of coupons cancelled by the Finance Committee, August 13, 1872, being those received from the G&SWRR Co. [the Galena and Southern Wisconsin Railroad Company];” and then a “List of bonds and coupons funded at 50% & under” and “Bonds destroyed by Finance Committee,” 1872-1873.
Reel   3
“Licenses and Taxes, 1865-1870”
Scope and Content Note: Records of licenses issued and of accounts (City Tax, Fines, Spring Street Bridge, War Tax, etc.). Arrangement is by type of license or account and then chronological.
Reel   3
“Licenses, 1870-1873”
Scope and Content Note: Licenses and accounts arranged by type and thereunder chronologically with some entries dating to 1875.
Reel   3
“Ledger, 1880-1886”
Scope and Content Note: “Vouchers Cancelled,” 1880-1887 April; then “Orders Cancelled"” arranged by account (e.g., Streets and Bridges, Salaries, City Prison, General Expenses, etc.) and thereunder chronological, 1886-1887.
Reel   3
“Licenses, 1883-1896; Insurance Receipts, 1883-1885”
Scope and Content Note: Monthly lists of licenses expiring; a few pages at the beginning and at the end of the volume contain lists of “Receipts from Insurance Companies.”
Reel   3
“Licenses, 1885-1890”
Scope and Content Note: In chronological order.