Henry Demarest Lloyd Papers, 1840-1937

Summary Information
Title: Henry Demarest Lloyd Papers
Inclusive Dates: 1840-1937

  • Lloyd, Henry Demarest, 1847-1903
Call Number: Illinois Mss E; Micro 460

Quantity: 13.5 c.f. (55 archives boxes) and 52 reels of microfilm (35 mm)

Archival Locations:
Wisconsin Historical Society (Map)

Papers of Henry Demarest Lloyd, American journalist and social-economic reformer, whose name is associated with late nineteenth century populism and radical thought in the United States from 1881 to 1903. The collections documents Lloyd's work as one of the first systematic students of rising corporate capitalism; a pioneer in the field of business and social ethics for an urban-industrial America; a silk-stocking champion of labor's right to organize and a leader in its fight for better treatment; an investigator of the “new liberalism” and of cooperative movements in Europe and of state socialism in New Zealand, and a transmitter of their experiences to America; and an author whose work included his muckraking Wealth against Commonwealth (1894).

Language: English, German

URL to cite for this finding aid: http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/wiarchives.uw-whs-ill00e
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Henry Demarest Lloyd--journalist, lecturer, writer, and reformer--offered a program of economic and social reform to America's Gilded Age. A forerunner of the Progressives, he may also be called one of the first of the muckrakers for his exposure of injustices and abuses in American society, but unlike the later writers so labeled he did not write for a mass audience. He complemented his critiques with proposed solutions based on his ethical philosophy of social welfare and his faith in the inherent goodness of a liberal, democratic society. During his lifetime, recognition came to him nationally and internationally as one of the great champions of social and economic justice.

Lloyd was born on May 1, 1847, in New York City, the eldest son of Aaron and Maria Christie Demarest Lloyd. Although he eventually rejected the rigid Calvinism of his grandparents and of his father, a minister of the Dutch Reformed Church, he did retain their beliefs in an ethical code of conduct, the value of education, and the right of independent thought.

The Lloyd family moved to Pekin, Illinois, in 1857, where Aaron Lloyd served as minister until 1860. The Lloyds were in Pekin during the time of the Lincoln-Douglas senatorial campaign. It was there that young Henry probably first became aware of the midwestern farmers' complaints about the oppressive practices of banks and railroads and the greed of national financiers.

Following the Lloyd family's return to New York City, Henry enrolled at Columbia College, where he was a student from 1863 to 1867. He became a leader of his class and noted for his literary abilities. During his college years he exhibited increasing interest in the need to combat social and economic oppression, special privileges, and monopoly. After graduation, he continued his studies at Columbia Law School and was admitted to the New York bar in 1869.

The practice of law, however, did not interest him as a career. Rather, Lloyd decided to express his interest in the mercantile world and in social and economic reform by joining the staff of the American Free-Trade League as a lecturer and recruiter. The summer of 1869 saw him working in New York state and northern Ohio to popularize the League's program of tariff reform and opposition to monopoly. Soon Lloyd was promoted as assistant secretary to Mahlon Sands, executive secretary of the League. While serving in this position, he submitted to the New York Evening Post a series of anonymous letters using the nom-de-plume “No Monopoly.” These letters contained such excellent statements of the League's positions that Sands appointed Lloyd editor of the League's organ, The Free Trader, thus beginning Lloyd's career as a journalist.

In 1872, the Free-Trade League joined the Missouri Liberal Republicans, the New England Revenue Reform League, and other groups in forming the Tax-Payers' Union. Lloyd was selected editor of the Union's monthly People's Pictorial Tax Payer. This monthly campaigned against tariff-fostered monopoly, the spoils system, lobbying, and special-interests legislation. It offered a positive program of civil-service reform, sound currency, free trade, and proportional representation.

As early as 1871, when he joined the Young Men's Municipal Reform Association, Lloyd had taken part in the opposition to New York's Tammany Hall. The following year he also led the unsuccessful fight to prevent the admission of Horace Greeley to the Liberal Republican movement. Disenchanted by Greeley's presidential campaign, Lloyd welcomed the opportunity to leave New York and become a member of the editorial staff of the Chicago Tribune in midsummer, 1872.

For nearly thirteen years Lloyd served the Tribune in such capacities as night city editor, literary editor, scientific editor, and financial editor. Sometimes his editorial opinions clashed with those of his chief editor, Horace White (1872-1876) and later Horace Medill (1876-1885). His witty piercing editorials on behalf of reforms in business and government attracted national attention; they were instrumental in making the Tribune the leading American anti-monopolist newspaper and a pioneer in liberal policies. His editorials most often attacked the “great monopolies” in business, but they also covered such diverse topics as pure food legislation, forest conservation, regulation of railroads, tariff reform, Negro landed proprietorship, preventive medicine, and changes in immigration procedures. During his years with the Tribune, Lloyd also published essays in the Atlantic Monthly and the North American Review.

Lloyd's marriage to Jessie Bross, on Christmas Day, 1873, brought him into the mainstream of Chicago society. His father-in-law William Bross was the publisher of the Chicago Tribune and a former lieutenant-governor of Illinois. Lloyd refused to let his new social prominence compromise his cherished independence of thought. On one occasion William Bross punished him for this independence by withholding the financial resources Lloyd needed to head his own newspaper. (The ownership of his own newspaper was an ambition Lloyd nurtured into the 1890's but could never fulfill.)

Ill and exhausted by nervous tension, Lloyd left the Tribune in March, 1885. Accompanied by his wife, that summer he made his first trip to Europe, where meeting British socialists and literary men refreshed him. Upon his return to Illinois, Lloyd became assured of an independent income through his opportunity to purchase ten shares of Tribune stock and through William Bross' generous gift of land in Winnetka, a village near Chicago. These acquisitions freed him of the obligation of working as a journalist for a living. For the remainder of his life, he was able to travel and to freelance as a writer and lecturer, while continuing to study and to oppose social and economic injustices.

The first such injustices he attacked were the arrest, trial, and execution of the anarchists convicted of conspiracy in the Chicago Haymarket bombing of May, 1886. Lloyd had no sympathy for the tenets of anarchism or for the use of violence in labor or political disputes, but he felt that the court had been used as an instrument of oppression and class vengeance in the case of the anarchists. Defying public opinion, he pleaded for the mitigation of the anarchists' sentences, and was influential in securing commutations for two of them. In 1893 John P. Altgeld, Governor of Illinois and close friend of Lloyd, pardoned the surviving prisoners. Lloyd's defiance, in which he was aided by his wife, also resulted in his disinheritance by William Bross and in temporary social ostracism.

During his work for the anarchists Lloyd became aroused in 1889 by the plight of the coal miners of Spring Valley, Illinois. These miners and their families were unemployed and starving as a result of a company lockout in retaliation for the miners' unionization. After visits to Spring Valley and a personal knowledge of the misery there, Lloyd was spurred to organize a relief program and to write vividly of the injustice and suffering felt by the entire mining community of Spring Valley. This was the topic of many newspaper articles and his first book, A Strike of Millionaires Against Miners, published in two editions (1890 and 1891).

The book had a poor circulation as a result of the failure of the company that published the book, though enough copies did circulate in the United States and England to bring Lloyd into close association with the international labor movement and its leaders. In subsequent lectures to industrialists and union members, Lloyd promoted labor's right to organize and to work an eight-hour day. In addition, he worked with Chicago's striking carpenters in 1890, helped Milwaukee's street car workers to organize in 1893, and supported Eugene V. Debs in the 1896 Pullman strike.

The culmination of Lloyd's years of opposition to the great business monopolies was the publication of Wealth Against Commonwealth in 1896. The book was the product of years of gathering information from clippings, legislative proceedings, court records, and other sources to document the growth and abuses of the trust system. Lloyd believed that the Standard Oil Company best illustrated the corrupt methods and the deceitful practices by which the trusts duped the public. Consequently, his book most systematically focused on and attacked the Standard Oil Company's operations. In addition to being a documented exposure and denunciation of the trust system, Wealth Against Commonwealth made a plea for “the application of ethical and religious principles to the business administration of the industrial resources of our common humanity.”

Lloyd addressed Wealth Against Commonwealth to an audience of clergy, journalists, and other enlightened men and women--the intelligent elite of middle-class society. He hoped that his book would incite a public uprising in the United States and Great Britain to combat the abuses he had exposed. When no uprising occurred, his reaction was one of surprise and disappointment. However, his faith in liberal democracy was strong; he solaced himself with the thought that some day a dramatic event would arouse the public from its inertia and cause it to demand legislative safeguards for society's economic liberties.

Though Lloyd had abstained from active politics since 1872, the National People's Party attracted him in the 1890's. He joined a coalition of Illinois labor representatives in 1896 to endorse the party and consented to run as Populist candidate for Congress in Illinois' Seventh District. His refusal to campaign actively resulted in his anticipated defeat. By 1896 he withdrew from the movement, dissatisfied by the silver issue and by the fusion of Populists and Democrats in support of William Jennings Bryan as presidential candidate.

In later years Lloyd was attracted to the socialists, but he never joined the Socialist Party. Much can be learned of his fear of party affiliation and his attraction to the socialist program from his unfinished article “Why I Join the Socialists” (1903).

Lloyd never ceased to play an active role in local politics. In Winnetka he served as vice president of the Council, 1886-1886; village treasurer, 1887-1888; president of the Town Meeting, 1898; and member of the Board of Education for several terms. Through his vigorous leadership, the village adopted a progressive form of government which included such features as the initiative and referendum and municipally-owned public utilities.

In order to familiarize himself with constructive experiments in social and economic reform in other parts of the world, Lloyd traveled widely in the years 1897 to 1902. In Great Britain and Ireland he observed co-operatives and was especially impressed by projects involving labor copartnership. In Australia and New Zealand he saw firsthand the salutary effects of minimum wage laws, compulsory arbitration of industrial disputes, government regulation of land, and government ownership of railroads. In Europe in 1902, he particularly studied the Swiss democratic process in operation, paying close attention to the initiative and the referendum. His critical observations and discussion of his experiences abroad provided material for his books Labor Copartnership (1898), A Country Without Strikes (1900), Newest England (1900), and the posthumous volume A Sovereign People, edited by John A. Hobson (1907).

Lloyd also observed similar American experiments. He visited the Shakers at Mount Lebanon, New York, in 1896; corresponded with members of the Colorado Co-operative Company and other communal ventures; and laid the cornerstone of the Ruskin College of the New Economy in the co-operative colony of Ruskin, Tennessee, in 1896.

The victims of attacks on academic freedom in American education also found a champion in Lloyd. The most notable were Edward Bemis and George D. Herron. In support of their cause, Lloyd freely contributed his articles, addresses, and financial help. The textbook monopolists represented another threat to education, because they often radically altered or edited the information offered to schoolchildren. Lloyd contributed his talents to the exposure of this monopoly.

The problems of the American Negro--of disenfranchisement and of the need for better education--also attracted his attention, but Lloyd never formulated his opinions on these subjects for use in his public lectures or writings. These opinions can only be surmised from his correspondence and his acts of private philanthropy and hospitality.

The last two years of Lloyd's life were dominated by two issues: the anthracite coal strike of 1902 and the campaign for municipal ownership of the Chicago street railways in 1903. During the coal strike he vigorously opposed the policies of the mine operators and led a relief program for the miners and their families. In the arbitration proceedings, in which President Theodore Roosevelt played a key role, Lloyd joined Clarence Darrow and the mineworkers' leader, John Mitchell, in successfully presenting the miners' case.

Although exhausted by his labors in the strike and the arbitration proceedings, Lloyd immediately assumed a leading position in the movement to secure municipal ownership of the Chicago street railways, a movement precipitated by the question of renewing private franchises. Despite the weakened state of his health and the advent of a severe cold, Lloyd continued to participate in meetings which he considered crucial to the outcome of the struggle. In mid-campaign his cold developed into pneumonia, from which he died on September 28, 1903. His wife, Jessie Bross Lloyd, posthumously published The Chicago Traction Question, a pamphlet which Lloyd had drafted. Lloyd's last effort was in vain; in the final popular vote municipal ownership was defeated by a narrow margin.

Throughout his life Henry Demarest Lloyd and his wife had exhibited social charm and a genuine interest in people of whatever education or occupation. The Lloyd homes in Winnetka, Boston, and near Little Compton, Rhode Island, were always open to an international circle of friends and reformers. House guests frequently included slum residents, socialites, clergymen, Negro poets and educators, and union members. Also invited were social workers, economists, sociologists, Socialists, English Fabian and ethical leaders, and friends of the four Lloyd sons. This hospitality on the part of Henry and Jessie contributed greatly to Lloyd's popularity and reputation as one of the great reform leaders from the 1880's.

Custodial History

During the years immediately following the deaths of Henry Demarest Lloyd (September 28, 1903) and of his wife (December 29, 1906), his papers were controlled by his sister, Mrs. Caro (Caroline) Lloyd Withington (later Mrs. George Strobell). Aided by Lloyd's longtime secretary and literary aide, Miss Caroline Stallbohm, Caro approved the editing of five compilations of writings by her brother which were published between 1906 and 1910. She also corresponded with dozens of his friends and associates to gather letters of reminiscence and copies of correspondence not found in Lloyd's own files, and wrote a two-volume biography of her brother issued in 1912.

In December, 1907, Richard T. Ely, director of the American Bureau of Industrial Research, approached Lloyd's son, William Bross Lloyd, to suggest that the University of Wisconsin would be a suitable repository for Lloyd's library. The Lloyd family accepted the offer, and in the following spring the first installment of the collection was sent to the Bureau which had its offices in the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. The Lloyd manuscripts in the shipment were given by the Bureau to the Society's manuscripts department, and the books and pamphlets were distributed among appropriate sections of the Society's Library and of the University of Wisconsin Library. Announcement of the collection and its availability to researchers was made in November, 1908. Following the completion of her biography, Caro Lloyd sent her brother's correspondence to Madison, but in 1916 Professor Ely wrote her that in his judgment many personal or private letters should be weeded out and destroyed, a task which he volunteered to perform. To this proposed elimination of personal letters Mrs. Strobell agreed, but with the provision that all rejected letters be returned to her. The extent and content of the material selected by Ely for return is not known.

For nearly twenty years the collection remained in static condition until members of the family were approached concerning the additional manuscripts remaining in their possession. Again their response was favorable. Between 1936 and 1937 Mrs. Strobell and William Bross Lloyd collected and sent additional papers, including copies of magazine articles and book reviews, transcripts of research notes and notebooks, an early draft of Wealth Against Commonwealth, and the correspondence which Caro had received concerning her brother. Several hundred other pieces of correspondence by or to his father or aunt were sent by William Bross Lloyd in 1965. Four years later four of his children, William Bross Lloyd, Jr., Jessie Bross Lloyd, Mary Maverick Lloyd, and Georgia Lloyd, purchased for the Society a portion of one of the revised drafts for Wealth Against Commonwealth. Mrs. William Bross Lloyd greatly enhanced both the quality and size of the collection in 1952 by her donation of many of her father-in-law's original notebooks, drafts of many of his articles and addresses, scattered financial records, and a fine packet of personal letters which he had written to his wife in 1902-1903. The most recent addition, consisting of nine notebooks, was made in 1966, also by Mrs. William Bross Lloyd.

In 1971, the Wisconsin Historical Society, under the sponsorship of the National Historical Publications and Records Commission, issued a microfilm publication of the Lloyd Papers.

Scope and Content Note

The Lloyd Papers are arranged in five series: I. Correspondence; II. Writings; III. Research Materials; IV. Scrapbooks and Clippings; and V. Miscellany. Most of the collection's contents are available both in paper form and on microfilm.

Altogether these records cover the career of a remarkably perceptive pioneer in the study of corporate capitalism and business ethics, a champion of labor's right to organize and to secure improved working conditions, and a spokesman for many social and economic changes needed for the betterment of human welfare. In its broader significance, however, the collection constitutes a rich source for research in the rise and development of liberal and radical thought in the United States and for studies of American relationships and reactions to co-operative and socialist experiences elsewhere in the world. Each series is described individually.

Series I. CORRESPONDENCE, is subdivided into two subseries. The first of these, General Correspondence , 1866-1936, contains incoming and outgoing letters, arranged in a single chronological sequence, except that all enclosures have been placed with their covering letters. Because Lloyd did not systematically preserve copies of his outgoing letters, incoming ones are in the majority. From evidence in Caro Lloyd's correspondence, it appears that many of the copies of his outgoing letters were made by Caroline Stallbohm after his death from originals loaned to Caro by their recipients.

The earliest letters in 1866 concern Lloyd's part in a controversy between the Columbia Class of 1867 and Columbia College President Henry Barnard. A draft of a letter in 1868 to his former classmate Nicholas Fish is partially in Isaac Pitman's form of shorthand, a rapid writing system which Henry used throughout his career but which has since become obsolete. Shorthand drafts, with or without transcripts by Miss Stallbohm, are found scattered throughout the general correspondence. During the 1870's and 1880's the correspondence is sparse, but there are letters alluding to Lloyd's work with the American Free-Trade League, his editorial posts with the Chicago Tribune, his attempt to secure his own newspaper, and the beginning of his research on the Standard Oil Company. When he became an independent writer, lecturer, and traveler, he acquired an ever-widening circle of friends and correspondents at home and abroad, a fact reflected in the rapidly increasing number of letters for each year after 1888. Approximately three-fourths of his letters (Boxes 7-14 and Reels 5-16) fall within the period from 1896 through 1903, when he achieved world acclaim as an author, journeyed in England, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, was deeply involved in the Populist, Socialist, and labor movements, and was an avid investigator of social and economic conditions and experiments on many fronts. Hundreds of interesting and significant letters from men and women representing a cross-section of American society demonstrate the scope of his interests and activities during this period of social and economic ferment. Many other letters from foreign writers, particularly the leaders of the co-operative movement in England, show the friendship and esteem with which he was regarded outside the United States.

Although Lloyd's public career as a reform leader is well covered by correspondence, the collection contains relatively few personal or intimate letters exchanged between Lloyd and members of his family or close friends. Information on Lloyd's courtship and marriage to Jessie Bross is contained in correspondence, 1872-1876, with his brother, David Demarest Lloyd and with their friend and fellow suitor for Jessie, Henry F. Keenan. One notable series of family letters has survived, about 160 letters written by Henry to Jessie from October 7, 1902 through March 22, 1903, while Jessie was spending the winter in Boston and Henry was in Pennsylvania engrossed in the grueling anthracite coal strike and its arbitration. Most other letters from members of the Bross and Lloyd families are isolated items.

The concluding portion of the general correspondence is composed primarily of Caro Lloyd's correspondence, 1903-1936 (Boxes 13-16 and Reels 15-17). Documented are her lifelong efforts to collect letters and reminiscences by or about Henry, her arrangements for the editing and publishing of his additional books, her writing and publication of her biography of her brother, and her plans for the preservation of the Henry Demarest Lloyd collection.

The general correspondence has been completely indexed by name of correspondent. This Index to Correspondents constitutes Box 1 of the paper collection and has been microfilmed on Reel 1.

One folder of additional correspondence received after the microfilm and index was completed is present in Box 16.

The second subseries, Shorthand Correspondence Notebooks , 1896-1898, covers thirty-two notebooks in shorthand written by Miss Stallbohm and containing letters dictated to her by Lloyd from November, 1896, through December, 1898. As no series of transcripts has been located, the shorthand conceals the only copies of most of these outgoing letters. Consequently these notebooks have been retained and microfilmed (Boxes 17-19 and Reels 18-19).

Series II. WRITINGS, also has two subseries. The first is Articles and Addresses , 1859-1903. Because many of Lloyd's lectures were reproduced in printed form in newspapers and periodicals, this section of the collection includes both manuscript and typewritten drafts and revisions for both speeches and essays. Among the early manuscripts are his “Note Book,” written as a youth in 1859 in Pekin, Illinois; several essays and speeches composed at Columbia University; and two pieces written in 1871 during his association with the free-trade movement. Also extant are examples of his articles and editorials for the Chicago Tribune as well as his early articles for the Atlantic Monthly (1881-1882) and North American Review (1883-1886). The majority of the pieces, however, Lloyd prepared after 1885.

The papers are arranged chronologically according to the date the article was first published or the speech was first delivered. The material is diverse and may include notes made by Lloyd in preparation for his writing, manuscript drafts, annotated typewritten drafts or revisions, galley proofs, newspaper tear sheets, or clippings of the printed version. For most titles, not all of these types of material have been preserved. For some of his popular lectures such as “No Mean City” (1893), “Uses and Abuses of Corporation” (1896), “Emerson's Wit and Humor” (1895), and “A Day with William Morris” (1896), there are several typed copies of each, for Lloyd often made different manuscript annotations on his standard text. Occasionally Caro Lloyd or Caroline Stallbohm made a manuscript transcript of a speech while Lloyd was delivering it; these have been included whenever they vary from Lloyd's own manuscript draft or typed copy.

Some printed copies of Lloyd's articles are found in this section because of related annotations or revisions. Some letters for publication which he addressed to editors of newspapers have been considered as newspaper articles and are also included, but if the original letters existed in manuscript form, they were also indexed and microfilmed in Series I, Correspondence. Some additional letters and other writings by Lloyd for publication in newspapers and periodicals may also be found in their printed forms in Series IV, Scrap-books and Clippings.

Material for one notable article has been omitted from this section: the manuscript notes and draft of Lloyd's article “The New Conscience,” a statement of his philosophy of social justice published in the North American Review for September, 1888. Used as a basis for a chapter of Man, the Social Creator (1906), edited by Jane Addams and Anne Withington, the manuscripts for the 1888 article have been kept with the papers pertaining to the book in order to preserve a coherent file on its development.

An itemized list of all articles, addresses, and related papers may be found as a preface to this section (Box 19 and Reel 20).

The second subseries, Books , deals with the five books Lloyd published during his lifetime, as well as the pamphlet and five additional books under his name, published after his death with the supervision of his family. In the order of their first publication, Lloyd's titles were:

  • A Strike of Millionaires Against Miners, or the Story of Spring Valley. An Open Letter to the Millionaires . Chicago: Belford-Clarke Company, 1890.
  • Wealth Against Commonwealth . New York: Harper & Brothers, 1896.
  • Labor Co-partnership. Notes of a Visit to Co-operative Workshops, Factories, and Farms in Great Britain and Ireland, in which Employer, Employee, and Consumer Share in Ownership, Management and Results . New York and London: Harper & Brothers, 1898.
  • A Country Without Strikes. A Visit to the Compulsory Arbitration Court of New Zealand . New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1900.
  • Newest England. Notes of a Democratic Traveller in New Zealand, with Some Australian Comparisons . New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1900.
  • The Chicago Traction Question . Chicago: 1903.
  • Man, the Social Creator . Edited by Jane Addams and Anne Withington. New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1906.
  • A Sovereign People. A Study of Swiss Democracy . Edited by John A. Hobson. New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1907.
  • Men, the Workers . Edited by Anne Withington and Caroline Stallbohm. New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1909.
  • Mazzini and Other Essays . New York and London: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1910.
  • Lords of Industry . New York and London: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1910.

In the collection the book manuscripts are arranged chronologically by publication dates. All materials pertaining to each title have been grouped together.

Varying amounts of documentation for Lloyd's titles are in the collection. Appropriately the most voluminous file concerns Wealth Against Commonwealth, his most influential and best-known book, and the one on which he lavished the most time and care in research and writing. In crusading for social justice he determined in 1889 to write a book not only to expose the abuses perpetrated on the public by unbridled trusts and monopolies but also to demand that capitalistic business enterprises and modern technology should serve the general welfare, not coerce and repress it. Lloyd viewed the Standard Oil Company, which he had castigated editorially as early as 1878, as the prime example of the evils of the trust system, and its history and operations became the central topics of the book. For five and a half years he worked on this project. Research notes, manuscript drafts and revisions, annotated pages of proof, lists of corrections, publicity notices, and other materials document the evolution of Wealth Against Commonwealth through research, writing, and publication. As he struggled to determine the most effective presentation of his data, statistics, and ideas, he made numerous alterations in titles, text, and page and chapter order. Because of the many confusing variations between drafts and the final published version, a chart showing the tentative correlations between manuscript chapters and published chapters has been prepared and placed with the manuscript drafts, and additional notes on probable correlations have been placed with each chapter. Nevertheless the original location of some notes and fragments has not been determined. Papers pertaining to the publication of the book include a list of publishers who rejected it, criticisms by readers of the manuscript, memoranda on revisions and citations, annotated proof and corrections, and a list of newspapers which reviewed it.

For the four other titles issued from 1890 to 1900 the collection contains research materials, drafts, annotated pages of printed proof, and other papers related to publication. These are similar in types but much less in quantity than the records for Wealth Against Commonwealth.

Of the posthumous publications, three were begun by Lloyd himself. His pamphlet The Chicago Traction Question was in draft form when he contracted his fatal illness. This Jessie Bross Lloyd completed and had issued a few weeks after his death. His research file of notes, broadsides, petitions, and clippings, and his draft are in the collection.

Man, the Social Creator has as its central core Lloyd's “Manuscript of 1896,” a synthesis of his secular liberal religion and philosophy centered about his belief in the vast creative power of man, which he prophesied would eventually enable humanity to triumph over the evils of war, tyranny, disease, and poverty. Lloyd had expressly desired to have this 1896 draft edited and published in case of his death. His wishes were carried out by his heirs, who secured Jane Addams and Anne Withington as editors. Also used in the preparation of this volume were Lloyd's notes and drafts of “The Money of the New Conscience,” originally a lecture which appeared in published form in the September, 1888 issue of North American Review. The extensive research notes, manuscript and typewritten drafts, annotated pages of proof, and lists of corrections found in the collection record the development of this book from its inception by Lloyd until its publication in 1906.

During the summer of 1903 at “Watch House” in Rhode Island, Lloyd had begun the transcription of his notebooks on Switzerland in preparation for a book discussing his observations made in that country in 1901 and 1902. After his death the completion of this projected volume was undertaken by his friend, English economist John A. Hobson. Hobson fused together selections from Lloyd's notebooks using Lloyd's phraseology wherever possible, supplemented these by selections from literature which Lloyd had collected, and wrote the many necessary introductory and connecting passages to create A Sovereign People. A Study of Swiss Democracy (1907). For the production of this book this section of the collection contains only transcripts of Lloyd's research notebooks and a list of corrections for the printer.

The three remaining posthumous books were assembled by Lloyd's literary executors from his articles, essays, and speeches. For these titles the collection contains no original or significant material concerning the editing and publication processes, but each file includes a list of the articles and addresses reprinted in the volume.

Following the book manuscripts are Lloyd's memorandum discussing the publication of his writings in the event of his death, a group of mailing lists, and a fragmentary assortment of sales records, expense sheets, contract memoranda, and other business papers relating to some of the books.

A detailed list of the materials in this section appears as a preface to it in Box 25 and on Reel 26.

Series III. RESEARCH MATERIALS contains general research files. Throughout his adult life Lloyd was an avid reader of books, newspapers, and periodicals. For possible future use in his writings, he preserved quotations, summaries, news items, and other excerpts from his reading, and registered his own ideas and commentary which were inspired by his studies and observations. Research materials which have been clearly identified as pertaining to particular titles among his articles and books are filed in Series II, Writings. Many clippings which he saved are filed in Series IV, Scrapbooks and Clippings. Series III, therefore, is composed of Lloyd's general research files, which have been subdivided into four categories, preceded by an outline of arrangement.

The first category is Research Materials for Articles and Addresses , 1887, 1901-1902. Although these typewritten papers have not been identified with any specific title, they appear to have been copied or noted by Lloyd for use in his writings or his lectures. The materials relate to two topics only: the case of the Chicago anarchists in 1887 and the anthracite coal mine ownership discussions in the Massachusetts legislature in 1901-1902.

The second is Card Notes , 1896-1900. Lloyd's file of manuscript notes, written on 852 index cards between 1896 and 1900, are alphabetically arranged, and span a wide assortment of subjects from Africa to Richard Wagner. This set is accompanied by three smaller undated groups of note cards in other formats. One packet may have been used by Lloyd in the preparation of his “Manuscript of 1896.” Sometime after Lloyd's death Caroline Stallbohm made the typewritten transcription of the card notes which follows the manuscript cards.

The third is Notebooks , 1866-1903. From his college days until his death Lloyd kept small notebooks readily at hand so that he could quickly jot down facts, ideas, impressions, and observations. One hundred twelve of these notebooks form the core of his research materials in this series.

For Lloyd's years as a college undergraduate, law student, and young reformer, three notebooks, 1866-1871, are found in the collection. In these College Notebooks he recorded lecture and reading notes on Greek language and culture, optics, metaphysics, metallurgy, and political science and law.

Eighty-six notebooks compose the subunit titled “Research Series”. In these Lloyd recorded quotations, comments, and impressions garnered from his reading, his fact-finding investigations, and his foreign travels. Often these volumes contain the first evidence of an interest or an inquiry into a topic which he later expanded into an article, speech, or book. Notes on his reading show clearly the sources and authors which inspired and stimulated his creative thought and the development of his political, social, and ethical philosophy. From the Research series Notebooks Lloyd's literary executors and editors drew material used in two works issued after his death, Man, the Social Creator (1906) and A Sovereign People (1907).

Prior to 1870 Lloyd studied and began to use Pitman shorthand, a form which today is very difficult to decipher. Fortunately during his later years Lloyd usually gave his notebooks to Miss Stallbohm to transcribe, but for some volumes only partial copies are extant. After 1903 Miss Stallbohm also transcribed and typed copies of his earlier notebooks. Whenever a transcript exists, it has been microfilmed immediately following its original volume.

A subunit titled “Memorandum Books,” twenty-three in number, date from 1875 to 1902, but most pertain to the years after 1888. Lloyd's entries are diverse and personal, including the cost of building supplies and repairs for his homes, traveling expenses, appointment dates, and names and addresses of persons to whom he intended to write. Notations on Winnetka Council meetings are included in the early 1886 volume.

Within each group of Notebooks--College, Research, and Memorandum--the arrangement is chronological by year. In the Notebooks subseries, most of the volumes were given numerical or alphabetical designations by Miss Stallbohm; these are listed in an itemized list preceding the notebooks (Box 45 and Reel 61).

Some original notebooks and transcripts may also be found within other series in the Lloyd collection. Thirty-two shorthand notebooks kept by Miss Stallbohm, which record letters Lloyd dictated between November, 1896, and December, 1898, have been placed with his correspondence in Series I. Lloyd's schoolboy “Note Book” of 1859, in reality an essay, has been included with his other articles and addresses in Series II, Writings, and five of his research notebooks on trusts and on the Standard Oil Company form integral segments of the materials chronicling the development and writing of Wealth Against Commonwealth. In the same series the subject file compiled by Miss Stallbohm for the editors of Man, the Social Creator contains the only transcripts for some passages from some of the Research Notebooks. One additional notebook containing minutes of the Chicago Campaign Committee of the People's Party, March 7-April 3, 1896, is among the People's Party Papers in Series V.

At the end of the Research Materials series are Research Fragments . A small group of random manuscript notes and thoughts by Lloyd compose this section. Some may have been jottings to record an idea or quotable phrase. Others appear to have been excised from drafts of letters and articles, but their precise origins have not been determined.

Series IV is SCRAPBOOKS AND CLIPPINGS. Possessing an ever-alert interest in current world affairs and a keen appreciation for the potential historical and research value of contemporary publications, Lloyd gathered and read newspapers, pamphlets, broadsides, and leaflets representative of numerous sources and shades of opinion in the United States and abroad. From these publications Lloyd and his secretarial aides marked and clipped articles which Lloyd himself had written as well as those which discussed his life, his writings, or particular topics of interest to him. After 1903 these procedures were continued by Miss Stallbohm. Over the years, therefore, a massive collection of clippings accumulated; some were mounted and bound into fifteen scrapbooks, many others were loose and unmounted. Although these papers have been grouped by format and chronology, into three subseries, there is unavoidable overlapping and duplication of content among the portions of the series. This series is available only on microfilm as the originals were discarded after microfilming due to their bad physical condition.

The first subseries, Unindexed Scrapbooks , 1869-1914, has seven volumes (Reel 67). Volume I, 1869, contains the earliest clippings in the collection: copies of Lloyd's letters signed “No Monopoly” published in the New York Evening Post and articles which he saved on the coal and iron monopolies, railroads, the shipbuilding industry and sailors' rights, labor organizations, immigration of Chinese laborers, tariff reform, and other aspects of manufacturing and trade. Other papers illustrative of his interests in the early 1870's are found in Volumes II and III, with articles, handbills, and other memorabilia pertaining to the Mercantile Library Association, the New York Liberal Club, the American Free-Trade League, the Liberal Republican National Convention of 1872, and the Chicago Sunday Lecture Society. Spanning mainly the years 1870-1893, Volume II also includes clipped commentaries on articles written by Lloyd beginning in 1882. Clippings in Volume III range in date from 1872 to 1912; among them are numerous reviews of Lloyd's speeches, articles, and books, as well as copies of articles written by him, including several for Boyce's Weekly in 1902-1903. In Volume IV are clipped articles written by Lloyd and others, material on the Populist movement and Lloyd's candidacy for Congress in 1896, and items on the strike of the Milwaukee Street Railway Workers in 1896. A diverse assortment of topics is found in Volume V, 1881-1916; among the subjects are an academic freedom controversy centered about Edward W. Bemis, the history of the fort at Louisburg in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, trusts and monopolies, railroad land grants, and Caro Lloyd's criticisms of the Czarist regime in Russia in 1905. Obituaries of Lloyd, dated 1903-1906, fill Volume VI. Volume VII is composed of undated articles primarily pertaining to travel and to literature, with notice of such contemporaries as George Eliot and Mark Twain.

The second subseries, Indexed Scrapbooks , 1883-1903, consists chiefly of printed lectures and articles by Lloyd. For these an “Index,” or more accurately a table of contents, was prepared, probably by Miss Stallbohm, and it has been microfilmed preceding the volumes (Reel 68). Originally this group numbered nine volumes, of which eight are known to be extant and in this collection. Volume VI on “The New Conscience” was never received or located by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Volumes in the subseries include: I. Newspaper articles, 1883, 1888-1901, 1903; II. Lectures, 1889, 1892-1896; III. Trusts, 1881, 1886, 1896-1897, 1903; IV. Wealth Against Commonwealth articles, 1895-1898; V. Municipal ownership of street railways, 1895-1898, 1903; VII. Co-operation, 1897-1898, 1901; VIII. New Zealand and Australia, 1899-1903; and IX. Boyce's Weekly articles, 1903.

The third subseries, Unbound Clippings , 1882-1934, is further subdivided into two unindexed groups. The first and smaller is a file of press comments and reviews of Lloyd's books and of Caro Lloyd's biography of her brother. These range in date from 1889 to 1912, and are arranged by title of the books in the chronological order of their publication. In this file no reviews are found for two posthumous compilations of Lloyd's writings, Mazzini and Other Essays and Lords of Industry.

The second and much larger group of unbound pieces are clippings from newspapers and magazines arranged chronologically by year from 1882 to 1936, and undated. General topics emphasized are Lloyd's writings, travels, and interests in labor, socialism, trusts, and monopolies. Reviews of the books by both Henry and Caro may be found in this section as well as in the preceding one.

The last series, V. MISCELLANY, is subdivided into four small groups of records, significant primarily for their biographical content about Lloyd.

The first group, People's Party Papers, 1894 March 7-1896 September, document Lloyd's participation in the Populist movement. In a small notebook he recorded minutes, 1896 March 7-April 3, of the campaign committee of the People's Party of Chicago. During his participation in the state convention of the party in that year and his candidacy for Congress, he preserved broadsides and newspaper reports, as well as drafts or copies of his speeches. A draft of one page for the Illinois party platform is partly in Lloyd's handwriting and partly in that of Clarence Darrow. Similar materials show Lloyd's association with party affairs in Chicago during the next year. At the national convention in St. Louis in 1896 Lloyd, an opponent of the movement for “free silver” and the merger of the Populists and the Democrats, did not deliver the speech which he had prepared. The manuscript draft and typed version of it are among these records, however, together with fragments of his draft of proposed convention resolutions and articles about the convention which he wrote for Review of Reviews (September, 1896) and the Chicago Tribune (July 26, 1896).

The second group, Papers Concerning Lloyd's Civic Activities in Winnetka, 1880-1907, is a fragmentary assortment of records attesting to Lloyd's participation in the development of the village of Winnetka and his concern for its welfare and progress. In 1880 he penciled the draft of an ordinance to regulate the building and operation of a rail line through the village by the Chicago and Lake Superior Railroad Company. Other records include printed pamphlets and scattered related papers, 1880-1898, on the village public school system; a report on the work of the village trustees in 1882 entitled “To the Winnetka Improvement Society”; and village financial statements, 1884-1887. Material concerning the issue of public versus private ownership of village utilities, 1898-1907, includes broadsides, drafts of ordinances, and copies of letters. One pamphlet (1907) was written by Henry's son, William Bross Lloyd. Undated drafts of floor plans and watercolor sketches of two exterior views of the proposed H. D. Lloyd Memorial Library designed by Chicago architect W. A. Otis conclude this section of the collection.

The third group is Biographical Materials Compiled by Caro Lloyd, 1840-1937. Many of these papers concern the preparation of Caro Lloyd's biography of her brother (1912). Some portions of her drafts for the book were preserved, including introductions by her and by Charles Edward Russell which were not included in publication. Throughout her life Caro continued to gather information by or about her brother. “Stray Notes about Henry D. Lloyd” she wrote in 1936-1937 to record some of her personal anecdotes about him, his quotations which she considered of special significance, and notations about many topics: persons associated with Lloyd such as James D. Carrothers and “Mother” Jones; Lloyd's religious views; the People's Party movement in 1896; Lloyd's efforts to buy a daily newspaper; the contest between Judge F. S. Monnett of Ohio and the Standard Oil Company; and the Lloyd family residences in Chicago and Winnetka. For encyclopedia publishers she also wrote short biographical accounts of Henry D. Lloyd. Among her other papers are two broadsides written in 1860 by John Crilley Lloyd, grandfather of Henry and Caro, a genealogical article by their father Aaron Lloyd, and notes by Caroline Stallbohm on the reading, appearance, and working habits of Henry.

The fourth group is Other Biographical Materials, 1857-1903. Aside from typewritten copies of a very few representative memorial notices about Lloyd in 1903, two groups of materials comprise this final portion of the Lloyd Papers: a collection of broadsides and programs announcing addresses by Lloyd, 1889-1903, and a collection of photographs, 1857-1903. Among the latter are pictures of Henry Demarest Lloyd as boy and as adult and photographs of the Lloyds' homes in Illinois and Rhode Island. There are also a few photographed cartoons and broadsides concerning the referendum on the nationalization of Swiss railroads in 1901 and photographs of Pennsylvania miners and breaker boys involved in the anthracite coal strike in 1902-1903.

Related Material

The Henry Demarest Lloyd Papers have constituted a major research source for two biographers. From her close personal associations and memories and from the records, Caro Lloyd wrote Henry Demarest Lloyd, 1847-1903; A Biography (2 volumes. New York and London, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1912), which displayed the great affection and adulation marking her regard for her brother. In 1937 a detailed study of Lloyd's intellectual development and career as a reformer was undertaken by Chester McArthur Destler. Also highly laudatory in its conclusions, this study was published as Henry Demarest Lloyd and the Empire of Reform (Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1963).

Administrative/Restriction Information
Acquisition Information

Presented by various members of the Lloyd family, 1908-1964.

Processing Information

This collection was prepared for microfilming and the above narrative written by Carole Sue Warmbrodt, Eleanor Niermann, and others, 1971.

Contents List
Series: Series I. Correspondence
Subseries: General Correspondence
Index to Correspondents
Box/Folder   1/1
Reel   1
A to Bureau of International Exchange
Box/Folder   1/2
Reel   1
Bureau of Justice, Inc. to Emory
Box/Folder   1/3
Reel   1
Encyclopedia Britannica, Editors to Holcomb
Box/Folder   1/4
Reel   1
Holcombe to Keenan, Henry F.
Box/Folder   1/5
Reel   1
Keenan, Henry F. to Lusk, Hugh H.
Box/Folder   1/6
Reel   1
Lusk, Hugh H. to Pearmain
Box/Folder   1/7
Reel   1
Pearson to Society for Ethical Culture (Philadelphia)
Box/Folder   1/8
Reel   1
Sociological Society of America to Webb, Arthur
Box/Folder   1/9
Reel   1
Webb, Beatrice to Zundel-Merkle
Box/Folder   2/1
Reel   2
1866, April 10 - 1871, November 30
Box/Folder   2/2
Reel   2
1872, January - June
Box/Folder   2/3
Reel   2
1872, July - December
Box/Folder   2/4
Reel   2
1873, January 30 - 1881, December 8
Box/Folder   2/5
Reel   2
1882, February 18 - 1885, December 15
Box/Folder   2/6
Reel   2
1886, February 18 - 1887, December 31
Box/Folder   2/7
Reel   3
1888, January - April
Box/Folder   2/8
Reel   3
1888, May - December
Box/Folder   3/1
Reel   3
1889, January - June
Box/Folder   3/2
Reel   3
1889, July - September
Box/Folder   3/3
Reel   3
1889, October - December
Box/Folder   3/4
Reel   3
1890, January - June
Box/Folder   3/5
Reel   3
1890, July - December
Box/Folder   3/6
Reel   4
1891, January - July
Box/Folder   3/7
Reel   4
1891, August - December
Box/Folder   4/1
Reel   4
1892, January - April
Box/Folder   4/2
Reel   4
1892, May - December
Box/Folder   4/3
Reel   4
1893, January - April
Box/Folder   4/4
Reel   4
1893, May - June
Box/Folder   4/5
Reel   4
1893, July
Box/Folder   4/6
Reel   4
1893, August
Box/Folder   4/7
Reel   5
1893, September - December
Box/Folder   5/1
Reel   5
1894, January - March
Box/Folder   5/2
Reel   5
1894, April - May
Box/Folder   5/3
Reel   5
1894, June - July
Box/Folder   5/4
Reel   5
1894, August - Sept,
Box/Folder   5/5
Reel   5
1894, October
Box/Folder   5/6
Reel   5
1894, November
Box/Folder   5/7
Reel   5
1894, December
Box/Folder   5/8
Reel   6
1895, January
Box/Folder   5/9
Reel   6
1895, February
Box/Folder   6/1
Reel   6
1895, March
Box/Folder   6/2
Reel   6
1895, April
Box/Folder   6/3
Reel   6
1895, May - June
Box/Folder   6/4
Reel   6
1895, July - August
Box/Folder   6/5
Reel   6
1895, Sept,
Box/Folder   6/6
Reel   6
1895, October
Box/Folder   6/7
Reel   6
1895, November
Box/Folder   6/8
Reel   7
1895, December
Box/Folder   7/1
Reel   7
1896, January
Box/Folder   7/2
Reel   7
1896, February - March
Box/Folder   7/3
Reel   7
1896, April
Box/Folder   7/4
Reel   7
1896, May 1-19
Box/Folder   7/5
Reel   7
1896, May 20-31
Box/Folder   7/6
Reel   7
1896, June
Box/Folder   7/7
Reel   8
1896, July - August
Box/Folder   8/1
Reel   8
1896, September - October
Box/Folder   8/2
Reel   8
1896, November
Box/Folder   8/3
Reel   8
1896, December
Box/Folder   8/4
Reel   8
1897, January - February
Box/Folder   8/5
Reel   8
1897, March - April
Box/Folder   8/6
Reel   8
1897, May - June
Box/Folder   8/7
Reel   8
1897, July - August
Box/Folder   8/8
Reel   9
1897, September - October
Box/Folder   8/9
Reel   9
1897, November - December
Box/Folder   9/1
Reel   9
1898, January
Box/Folder   9/2
Reel   9
1898, February - March
Box/Folder   9/3
Reel   9
1898, April - May
Box/Folder   9/4
Reel   9
1898, June
Box/Folder   9/5
Reel   9
1898, July - August
Box/Folder   9/6
Reel   9
1898, September
Box/Folder   9/7
Reel   10
1898, October
Box/Folder   9/8
Reel   10
1898, November
Box/Folder   10/1
Reel   10
1898, December 1-15
Box/Folder   10/2
Reel   10
1898, December 16-31
Box/Folder   10/3
Reel   10
1899, January - April
Box/Folder   10/4
Reel   10
1899, May - July
Box/Folder   10/5
Reel   10
1899, August
Box/Folder   10/6
Reel   11
1899, September
Box/Folder   10/7
Reel   11
1899, October
Box/Folder   10/8
Reel   11
1899, November
Box/Folder   10/9
Reel   11
1899, December
Box/Folder   11/1
Reel   11
1900, January
Box/Folder   11/2
Reel   11
1900, February - March
Box/Folder   11/3
Reel   11
1900, April - May
Box/Folder   11/4
Reel   12
1900, June - August
Box/Folder   11/5
Reel   12
1900, September - October
Box/Folder   11/6
Reel   12
1900, November - December
Box/Folder   11/7
Reel   12
1901, January - February
Box/Folder   12/1
Reel   12
1901, March - June
Box/Folder   12/2
Reel   12
1901, July - September
Box/Folder   12/3
Reel   12
1901, October - December
Box/Folder   12/4
Reel   13
1902, January - February
Box/Folder   12/5
Reel   13
1902, March - April
Box/Folder   12/6
Reel   13
1902, May - August
Box/Folder   12/7
Reel   13
1902, September - October
Box/Folder   13/1
Reel   13
1902, November - December
Box/Folder   13/2
Reel   13
1903, January
Box/Folder   13/3
Reel   14
1903, February
Box/Folder   13/4
Reel   14
1903, March
Box/Folder   13/5
Reel   14
1903, April
Box/Folder   13/6
Reel   14
1903, May
Box/Folder   13/7
Reel   14
1903, June - July
Box/Folder   13/8
Reel   14
1903, August - September 27
Box/Folder   14/1
Reel   14
1903, September 28-30
Box/Folder   14/2
Reel   15
1903, October l-10
Box/Folder   14/3
Reel   15
1903, October 11-31
Box/Folder   14/4
Reel   15
1903, November
Box/Folder   14/5
Reel   15
1903, December
Box/Folder   14/6
Reel   15
1904, January - May
Box/Folder   14/7
Reel   15
1904, June - December
Box/Folder   15/1
Reel   15
1905, January - June
Box/Folder   15/2
Reel   15
1905, July - December
Box/Folder   15/3
Reel   16
1906, January - May
Box/Folder   15/4
Reel   16
1906, June - July
Box/Folder   15/5
Reel   16
1906, August - December
Box/Folder   15/6
Reel   16
1907, January - June
Box/Folder   15/7
Reel   16
1907, July - December
Box/Folder   16/1
Reel   16
Box/Folder   16/2
Reel   16
Box/Folder   16/3
Reel   16
Box/Folder   16/4
Reel   17
Box/Folder   16/5
Reel   17
Box/Folder   16/6
Reel   17
Box/Folder   16/7
Reel   17
Box/Folder   16/8
Reel   17
Box/Folder   16/9
Reel   17
Box/Folder   16/10
Subseries: Additional Correspondence
Note: Unfilmed and unindexed
Subseries: Shorthand Correspondence Notebooks
Box/Folder   17/1
Transcription Charts
Box/Folder   17/2
Reel   18
1896, November 29 (originally designated in the archives “Volume 1”)
Box/Folder   17/3
Reel   18
1896, November 30 - December 2 (Volume 2)
Box/Folder   17/4
Reel   18
1896, December 10 - 1897, January 6 (Volume 3)
Box/Folder   17/5
Reel   18
1897, January 9 (Volume 4)
Box/Folder   17/6
Reel   18
1897, January 19-25 (Volume 5)
Box/Folder   17/7
Reel   18
1897, February 1-17 (Volume 6)
Box/Folder   17/8
Reel   18
1897, February 18-26 (Volume 7)
Box/Folder   17/9
Reel   18
1897, March 3-17 (Volume 8)
Box/Folder   17/10
Reel   18
1897, March 23 - April 3 (Volume 9)
Box/Folder   17/11
Reel   18
1897, April 7 - 23 (Volume 10)
Box/Folder   17/12
Reel   18
1897, April 10-15 (Volume 11)
Box/Folder   17/13
Reel   18
1897, May 5-19 (Volume 12)
Box/Folder   17/14
Reel   18
1897, May 21 - June 3 (Volume 13)
Box/Folder   18/1
Reel   18
1897, June 5-13, November 17-20 (Volume 14)
Box/Folder   18/2
Reel   18
1897, November 25, December 7 (Volume 15)
Box/Folder   18/3
Reel   18
1897, December 3-9 (Volume 16)
Box/Folder   18/4
Reel   18
1897, December 20-27 (Volume 17)
Box/Folder   18/5
Reel   18
1898, January 1 - February 25 (Volume 18)
Box/Folder   18/6
Reel   18
1898, January 8-29, February 17-19 (Volume 19)
Box/Folder   18/7
Reel   18
1898, March 2-4 (Volume 20)
Box/Folder   18/8
Reel   18
1898, March 8-18 (Volume 21)
Box/Folder   18/9
Reel   18
1898, March 10-18 (Volume 22)
Box/Folder   18/10
Reel   18
1898, March 23-30 (Volume 23)
Box/Folder   18/11
Reel   18
1898, March 31 - April 14 (Volume 24)
Box/Folder   18/12
Reel   18
1898, April 15-29 (Volume 25)
Box/Folder   18/13
Reel   19
1898, May 4-12, November 5-10 (Volume 26)
Box/Folder   19/1
Reel   19
1898, May 16-26, October 8-20 (Volume 27)
Box/Folder   19/2
Reel   19
1898, May 27, October 11-26, November 1 (Volume 28)
Box/Folder   19/3
Reel   19
1898, October 18, November 4-12 (Volume 29)
Box/Folder   19/4
Reel   19
1898, November 17-23 (Volume 30)
Box/Folder   19/5
Reel   19
1898, November 26-29, December 2-3 (Volume 31)
Box/Folder   19/6
Reel   19
1898, December 8-13 (Volume 32)
Series: Series II. Writings
Subseries: Articles and Addresses
Box/Folder   19/7
Reel   20
Outline of Arrangement
Box/Folder   19/8
Reel   20
No. 1, Manuscript “Note Book,” circa 1859
Box/Folder   19/9
Reel   20
No. 2-11, College Essays, Addresses, and Poems, 1864, January - 1867
Box/Folder   19/10
Reel   20
No. 12-15, 1871-1876
Box/Folder   19/11
Reel   20
No. 16-18, early 1880s
Box/Folder   19/12
Reel   20
No. 19-25, 1881-1882
Box/Folder   20/1
Reel   20
No. 26-46, 1882, July - 1887, September
Box/Folder   20/2
Reel   20
No. 47-62, 1887, October - 1888, January
Box/Folder   20/3
Reel   21
No. 63-69, 1888, September - 1889, February
Box/Folder   20/4
Reel   21
No. 70-75, 1889, February - September
Box/Folder   20/5
Reel   21
No. 76-86, 1888, November - December
Box/Folder   21/1
Reel   21
No. 87-94, 1890, February - April
Box/Folder   21/2
Reel   21
No. 95-108, 1890, April - 1891, December
Box/Folder   21/3
Reel   22
No. 109-122, 1892, January - 1893, September
Box/Folder   21/4
Reel   22
No. 123-133, 1893, May
Box/Folder   21/5
Reel   22
No. 134-141, 1893, December - 1894, March
Box/Folder   21/6
Reel   22
No. 142-151, 1894, April - October
Box/Folder   22/1
Reel   22
No. 152-164, “Uses and Abuses of Corporations,” 1894, December
Box/Folder   22/2
Reel   22
No. 165-176, “Emerson's Wit and Humor,” 1895, March - May
Box/Folder   22/3
Reel   23
No. 177-184, “Emerson's Wit and Humor,” 1895, May - 19O3, July
Box/Folder   22/4
Reel   23
No. 185-186, “The Scholar in Contemporary Practical Questions,” 1895, June
Box/Folder   22/5
Reel   23
No. 187-190, “The Scholar in Contemporary Practical Questions,” 1895, June - October
Box/Folder   22/6
Reel   23
No. 191-202, 1895, September - November
Box/Folder   23/1
Reel   23
No. 203-215, 1895, December - 1896, October
Box/Folder   23/2
Reel   23
No. 216-220, “The Presidential Campaign in America” and “A Day with William Morris,” 1896, November - December
Box/Folder   23/3
Reel   24
No. 221-245, 1896-1897, October
Box/Folder   23/4
Reel   24
No. 246-255, On Municipal Ownership and on Mazzini, 1898, February - 1910
Box/Folder   23/5
Reel   24
No. 256-267, 1898, September - 1902
Box/Folder   23/6
Reel   24
No. 268-280, 1900, November - 1902, February
Box/Folder   23/7
Reel   24
No. 281-294, 1902, March - December 17
Box/Folder   24/1
Reel   24
No. 295-316, 1903, January - February
Box/Folder   24/2
Reel   24-25
No. 317-345, 1903, March - April
Note: Reel 25 begins with No. 321.
Box/Folder   24/3
Reel   25
No. 346-367, 1903, May - July
Box/Folder   24/4
Reel   25
No. 368-370, “The Religion of Labor,” 1903, July
Box/Folder   24/5
Reel   25
No. 371-386, 1903, July - December
Subseries: Books
Box/Folder   25/1
Reel   26
Outline of Arrangement
A Strike of Millionaires Against Miners
Note: Reel 26 contains Items 1-13 from the above Outline of Arrangement.
Box/Folder   25/1a
Reel   26
Notes and Clippings, 1889, September - 1890, September
Box/Folder   25/2-5
Reel   26
Manuscript Fragment, 1890, pp. 1-94
Box/Folder   25/6
Reel   26
Partial Galley Proofs, 1890
Box/Folder   25/7
Reel   26
Reviews and Caro Lloyd's Notes, 1894; 1935, March
Box/Folder   25A/1
Reel   26
Working Copy, 1890 (originally designated in the archives “Volume 33”)
Wealth Against Commonwealth
Note: Reel 26 contains Items 14-42 from the above Outline of Arrangement. Reel 27 contains Items 43-75; Reel 28, Items 76-86; Reel 29, Items 87-98; Reel 30, Items 99-108; Reel 31, Items 109-113; Reel 32, Items 114-145; and Reel 33, Items 146-175.
Box/Folder   25A/2
Reel   26
Notes, 1886-1892, June (originally designated in the archives “Volume 34”)
Research Material
Box/Folder   25A/3
Reel   26
Committee Report, 1872
Affidavits and Legal Papers
Box/Folder   25A/4
Reel   26
1874, September - 1880, November 4
Box/Folder   25A/5
Reel   26
1880, November 13 - 1888, May
Box/Folder   25A/6
Reel   27
1892, February - 1900
Box/Folder   26/1
Reel   27
, 1892-1893 (originally designated in the archives “Volume 35”)
Box/Folder   26/2
Reel   27
, 1892-1893 (Volume 36)
Box/Folder   26/3
Reel   27
, Undated (Volume 37)
Box/Folder   26/4
Reel   27
, Undated (Volume 38)
Manuscript Draft
Box/Folder   26/5
Reel   27
Miscellaneous Papers, 1889, March; 1893, May - 1894
Box/Folder   26/6
Reel   27
Processor's Introductory Notes
Box/Folder   26/7
Reel   27
“Field of the Go Devil,” 1892, May - October
Box/Folder   26/8
Reel   27
“Light of the World,” 1892, May 26
Box/Folder   26/9
Reel   27
“Successful Men,” 1892, June 4
Box/Folder   26/10
Reel   27
Notes to “Nothing Peculiar,” 1892, September 15, 24
Box/Folder   26/11
Reel   27
“Nothing Peculiar,” 1892, October 31
Box/Folder   27/1
Reel   27
“Nothing Peculiar,” continued
Box/Folder   27/2
Reel   27
Notes and Draft to “Division of Property,” 1892, January 16
Box/Folder   27/3
Reel   28
“Very Pleasant Relations,” 1891, March 10
Box/Folder   27/4
Reel   28
“The Widow and the Fatherless,” 1892, May 4
Box/Folder   27/5
Reel   28
“An Unfinished March to the Sea,” 1892, November 7
Box/Folder   27/6
Reel   28
“Cheapening Transportation,” undated
Box/Folder   27/7
Reel   28
“Cheapening Justice,” 1891-1892, March
Box/Folder   28/1
Reel   28
“Trying to Make Oil Cheap,” 1891-1892-1893, January
Box/Folder   28/2
Reel   28
“Purchase of Peace,” 1891, November 11
Box/Folder   28/3
Reel   28
“I Want to Make Oil,” 1897, November 28-30
Box/Folder   28/4
Reel   28
“How It Cried,” 1891, October 5
Box/Folder   28/5
Reel   29
“Sympathetical Cooperation,” 1892, November 23
Box/Folder   28/6
Reel   29
“Turn Another Screw,” 1891, October 9
Box/Folder   28/7
Reel   29
“In the Interest of All,” 1891, March 14
Box/Folder   28/8
Reel   29
“Piety and Paint,” 1891, May 22
Box/Folder   29/1
Reel   29
“Gospel of Supply, Demand, and Dynamite,” 1891, March
Box/Folder   29/2
Reel   29
“How the Monopoly Laughed,” 1891, April 7
Box/Folder   29/3
Reel   29
“A Judge As an Asset,” 1892, November 18
Box/Folder   29/4
Reel   29
Notes on the Matthews Case, 1890-1891, March
Box/Folder   29/5
Reel   29
“Tale of Two Cities,” 1892, December 1
Box/Folder   29/6
Reel   29
“Toledo Declares Its Independence,” 1892, December 1
Box/Folder   29/7
Reel   30
“Prestige of Terror,” 1892, December 7
Box/Folder   29/8
Reel   30
“Poisoned Bullets in Wall Street,” 1892, December 7
Box/Folder   30/1
Reel   30
“A Living Christianity,” 1892, January 9-14
Box/Folder   30/2
Reel   30
“Toledo Victor,” 1892, December 10
Box/Folder   30/3
Reel   30
“Election of Payne,” 1891, October 28
Box/Folder   30/4
Reel   30
“The Sea Belongs to Us,” 1891, December 22
Box/Folder   30/5
Reel   30
“Monopoly Decreases Quality,” undated
Box/Folder   30/6
Reel   30
“Making Oil Cheap,” 1892, April 7
Box/Folder   30/7
Reel   30
Notes to “(This Business Belongs to) Us,” undated
Box/Folder   31/1
Reel   31
“(This Business Belongs to) Us,” 1892, October 26
Box/Folder   31/2
Reel   31
“Snapper Proper,” undated
Box/Folder   31/3
Reel   31
Notes and Draft of “The Smokeless Rebate,” 1892, November 1-4
Box/Folder   31/4
Reel   31
“The Smokeless Rebate,” 1892, November 1-4
Box/Folder   31/5
Reel   31
“The New Self Interest,” 1893, April 5
Box/Folder   31/6
Reel   32
Notes and Unused Pages of “The Dear People,” undated
Box/Folder   32/1
Reel   32
Short Notes and Unused Fragments, 1891-1892
Box/Folder   32/2
Reel   32
Destler's Fragment, 1891-1893
Box/Folder   32/3
Reel   32
“Documents Needed,” undated
Box/Folder   32/4
Reel   32
Partial Index, undated
Typed Revised Draft
Note: All chapters dated 1893 unless otherwise indicated.
Box/Folder   32/5
Reel   32
Opening Material, 1892, May - 1893
Box/Folder   32/6
Reel   32
“Light of the World” and “Field of the Go Devil”
Box/Folder   32/7
Reel   32
“Successful Men”
Box/Folder   32/8
Reel   32
“Something Out of Nothing”
Box/Folder   32/9
Reel   32
“He Walks Invisible”
Box/Folder   32/10
Reel   32
“Nothing Peculiar”
Box/Folder   32/11
Reel   32
Box/Folder   32/12
Reel   32
“This Business Belongs to Us”
Box/Folder   32/13
Reel   32
“Gospel of Supply, Demand, and Dynamite”
Box/Folder   32/14
Reel   32
“Crime Cheaper Than Competition”
Box/Folder   32/15
Reel   32
“Very Pleasant Relations”
Box/Folder   32/16
Reel   32
“How the Monopoly Laughed”
Box/Folder   32/17
Reel   32
“How It Cried”
Box/Folder   32/18
Reel   32
“Turn Another Screw”
Box/Folder   32/19
Reel   32
“Sympathetical Cooperation”
Box/Folder   33/1
Reel   32
“In the Interest of All”
Box/Folder   33/2
Reel   32
“Piety and Paint”
Box/Folder   33/3
Reel   32
“Purchase of Peace”
Box/Folder   33/4
Reel   32
“You Are A - Senator”
Box/Folder   33/5
Reel   32
“For 'Old Glory' and an Appropriation”
Box/Folder   33/6
Reel   32
“Tale of Two Cities”
Box/Folder   33/7
Reel   32
“Toledo Declares Its Independence”
Box/Folder   33/8
Reel   32
“A Living Christianity”
Box/Folder   33/9
Reel   32
“Prestige of Terror”
Box/Folder   33/10
Reel   33
“Poisoned Bullets in Wall Street”
Box/Folder   33/11
Reel   33
“Toledo Victor”
Box/Folder   33/12
Reel   33
“Too Much Oil”
Box/Folder   33/13
Reel   33
“Not To Exceed Half”
Box/Folder   33/14
Reel   33
“Cheapening Transportation”
Box/Folder   33/15
Reel   33
“Cheapening Justice”
Box/Folder   33/16
Reel   33
“To Get All We Can”
Box/Folder   33/17
Reel   33
“'The Commodity Is Not So Good As Before' - Lord Coke”
Box/Folder   33/18
Reel   33
“I Want To Make Oil”
Box/Folder   33/19
Reel   33
“By the Grace of the King”
Box/Folder   33/20
Reel   33
“An Unfinished March to the Sea”
Box/Folder   33/21
Reel   33
“The Widow and the Fatherless”
Box/Folder   33/22
Reel   33
“The New Self-Interest”
Box/Folder   33/23
Reel   33
“Other Fruit of Our Planting”
Box/Folder   33/24
Reel   33
Chapter for the German Edition, 1893-1894
Box/Folder   33/25
Reel   33
List of References
Box/Folder   33/26
Reel   33
Advertisement, circa 1893
Box/Folder   33/27
Reel   33
Chapters Translated Into German, 1894, March - 1895, April
Box/Folder   34/1-5
Reel   33
Deleted Pages, 1893
Box/Folder   34/6
Reel   33
Working Copy, 1894 (originally designated in the archives “Volume 39”)
Box/Folder   35/1
Reel   33
Papers regarding Publication, 1894, January - 1895
Labor Co-partnership
Note: Reel 34 contains Items 176-189 from the above Outline of Arrangement.
Box/Folder   35/2
Reel   34
Notes, Drafts, Advertisements, 1897-1899
Box/Folder   35/3
Reel   34
Working Copy, 1898 (originally designated in the archives “Volume 40”)
A Country Without Strikes
Note: Reel 34 contains Items 190-196 from the above Outline of Arrangement.
Box/Folder   35/4
Reel   34
Research Material, 1847; 1898-1900
Box/Folder   35/5
Reel   34
Working Copy and Advertisement, 1900 (Volume 41)
Newest England
Note: Reel 34 contains Items 197-205 from the above Outline of Arrangement.
Box/Folder   36/1
Reel   34
Material for First Edition, 1900, May
Box/Folder   36/2
Reel   34
First Edition, 1900 (Volume 42)
Box/Folder   36/3
Reel   34
Material for Second Edition, 1903, June - 1905, October
The Chicago Traction Question
Note: Reel 34 contains Items 206-209 from the above Outline of Arrangement.
Box/Folder   36/4
Reel   34
Notes and Manuscript Fragment, 1903
Manuscript Draft, 1903
Box/Folder   36/5
Reel   34
pp. A1-A26, 1-151
Box/Folder   36/6
Reel   34
pp. 152-265; Fragment of Typed Draft
Man, the Social Creator
Note: Reel 34 contains part of Item 210 from the above Outline of Arrangement; Reel 35, the remainder of Item 210 through Item 232; Reel 36, Items 233-235; Reel 37, Items 236-241; Reel 38, Items 242-251; and Reel 39, Item 252-265.
Subject File, after 1903
Box/Folder   37/1
Reel   34
America - Common People
Box/Folder   37/2
Reel   34
Commonwealth - Hypocrisy
Box/Folder   37/3
Reel   35
Immigrants - Music
Box/Folder   37/4
Reel   35
New Conscience - Reform Program
Box/Folder   37/5
Reel   35
Religion - Single Tax
Box/Folder   38/1
Reel   35
Socialism - Worth of Man
Box/Folder   38/2
Reel   35
Manuscript Fragments with Transcription, undated
Box/Folder   38/3
Reel   35
Manuscript Fragments, 1886-1904
“The Money of the New Conscience”
Box/Folder   38/4
Reel   35
Research Material and Notes, 1886-1888
Box/Folder   38/5
Reel   36
Typed Notes, circa 1896
Box/Folder   38/6
Reel   36
Manuscript on Cards
Box/Folder   39/1
Reel   36
First Manuscript Draft, 1888, September
Box/Folder   39/2
Reel   36
Second Manuscript Draft, 1888
Box/Folder   39/3
Reel   37
Portion of Early Typed Draft, 1903-1906
Typed Manuscript, 1903-1906, Preface, Forward
Box/Folder   39/4-5
Reel   37
pp. A1-A7, pp. 1-200
Box/Folder   40/1
Reel   37
pp. 201-308
Box/Folder   40/2
Reel   37
Undated Typed Draft
Manuscript of , 1896
First Revision
Box/Folder   40/3
Reel   37
Box/Folder   40/4
Reel   37
Box/Folder   41/1
Reel   38
Box/Folder   41/2
Reel   38
Typed Copy of First Revision
Box/Folder   41/3
Reel   38
Box/Folder   41/4
Reel   38
Box/Folder   41/5
Reel   39
Additional Material not included in A-E
Box/Folder   42/1-2
Reel   39
Additional Material not included in A-E (continued)
Correspondence and Typed Draft, 1905
Box/Folder   42/3
Reel   39
Chapters 1-6
Box/Folder   42/4
Reel   39
Chapters 7-11
Page Proofs, 1905
Box/Folder   42/5
Reel   39
Chapters 1-6
Box/Folder   43/1
Reel   39
Chapters 7-11
Box/Folder   43/2
Reel   39
Lists of Corrections Made for Publication, 1905
Box/Folder   43/3
Reel   39
Box/Folder   43/4
Reel   39
A Sovereign People, before 1906-1907
Note: Reel 39 contains Items 266-274 from the above Outline of Arrangement.
Box/Folder   43/5
Reel   39
Men, the Workers (Items 275-276), Mazzini and Other Essays (Item 277), and Lands of Industry (Item 278), 1909-1910
Box/Folder   43/6
Reel   39
Memoranda by Lloyd regarding posthumous publications, 1896-1897 (Items 279-280)
Mailing Lists (Items 281-293)
Box/Folder   43/7
Reel   39
Box/Folder   43/8
Reel   39
, 1894-1903 (originally designated in the archives “Volume 43”)
Box/Folder   43/9
Reel   39
Business Records, 1894-1901 (Items 294-296)
Series: Series III. Research Materials
Box/Folder   43/10
Reel   40
Subseries: Outline of Arrangement
Box/Folder   43/11
Reel   40
Subseries: Research Materials for Articles and Addresses, 1887, March - November; 1901-1902, March
Subseries: Card Notes
Box   44
Reel   40
Card Notes, Card File
Box/Folder   45/1
Reel   40
Additional Card Notes, undated
Box/Folder   45/2
Reel   40
Transcriptions, after 1903
Subseries: Notebooks
Box/Folder   45/3
Reel   41
Outline of Arrangement
Box/Folder   45/4
Reel   41
Processor's Guide to Contents of Notebooks, 1969
College Notebooks
Box/Folder   45/5
Reel   41
C1, circa 1866, first semester (originally designated in the archives “Volume 44”)
Box/Folder   45/6
Reel   41
C2, 1866-1867, academic year (Volume 45)
Box/Folder   45/7
Reel   41
C3, 1870-1871; 1876 (Volume 46)
Research Series of Notebooks
Box/Folder   46/1
Reel   41
R1, 1877, July (Volume 47)
Box/Folder   46/2
Reel   41
R2, 1879 (Volume 48)
Box/Folder   46/3
Reel   41
R3, 1880, December 25 (Volume 49)
Box/Folder   46/4
Reel   41
R4, 1881, November (Volume 50)
Box/Folder   46/5
Reel   41
R5, 1883 (Volume 51)
Box/Folder   46/6
Reel   41
R6, 1886 (Volume 52)
Box/Folder   46/7
Reel   41
R7, 1886 (Volume 53)
Box/Folder   46/8
Reel   41
R8, 1886 (Volume 54)
Box/Folder   46/9
Reel   41
R9, 1886 (Volume 55)
Box/Folder   46/10
Reel   41
R10, 1886 (Volume 56)
Box/Folder   46/11
Reel   41
R11, 1887 (Volume 57)
Box/Folder   46/12
Reel   42
R12, 1887 (Volume 58)
Box/Folder   46/13
Reel   42
R13, 1887 (Volume 59)
Box/Folder   46/14
Reel   42
R14, circa 1887 (Volume 60)
Box/Folder   46/15
Reel   42
R15, circa 1887-1888 (Volume 61)
Box/Folder   47/1
Reel   42
R16, circa 1887-1888 (Volume 62)
Box/Folder   47/2
Reel   42
R17, 1888 (Volume 63)
Box/Folder   47/3
Reel   42
R18, 1888 (Volume 64)
Box/Folder   47/4
Reel   42
R19, 1888 (Volume 65)
Box/Folder   47/5
Reel   42
R20, 1883 (Volume 66)
Box/Folder   47/6
Reel   42
R21, 1888, October 1 (Volume 67)
Box/Folder   47/7
Reel   42
R22, 1888, October 22 (Volume 68)
Box/Folder   47/8
Reel   42
R23, 1888, November 6 (Volume 69)
Box/Folder   47/9
Reel   42
R24, 1888, November 26 (Volume 70)
Box/Folder   47/10
Reel   42
R25, 1889, January, 18 (Volume 71)
Box/Folder   47/11
Reel   42
R26, 1889, May 1 (Volume 72)
Box/Folder   47/12
Reel   42
R27, 1889, May 27 (Volume 73)
Box/Folder   48/1
Reel   42
R28, 1889, November 22 (Volume 74)
Box/Folder   48/2
Reel   42
R29, 1890, February 8 (Volume 75)
Box/Folder   48/3
Reel   42
R30, 1890, May 27 (Volume 76)
Box/Folder   48/4
Reel   43
R31, 1890, September 9 (Volume 77)
Box/Folder   48/5
Reel   43
R32, 1890, October 27 (Volume 78)
Box/Folder   48/6
Reel   43
R33, 1891, June 14 (Volume 79)
Box/Folder   48/7
Reel   43
R34, 1892, February 17 (Volume 80)
Box/Folder   48/8
Reel   43
R35, 1892, August 26 (Volume 81)
Box/Folder   48/9
Reel   43
R36, circa 1893 (Volume 82)
Box/Folder   48/10
Reel   43
R37, 1894, April 5 (Volume 83)
Box/Folder   48/11
Reel   43
R38, 1895, May (Volume 84)
Box/Folder   48/12
Reel   43
R39, circa 1895 (Volume 85)
Box/Folder   48/13
Reel   43
R40, circa 1895-1896 (Volume 86)
Box/Folder   48/14
Reel   43
R41, circa 1896 (Volume 87)
Box/Folder   48/15
Reel   43
R42, 1897 (Volume 88)
Box/Folder   48/16
Reel   43
R43, 1897 (Volume 89)
Box/Folder   48/17
Reel   43
R44, 1897 (Volume 90)
Box/Folder   49/1
Reel   43
R45, 1899, February 8 (Volume 91)
Box/Folder   49/2
Reel   43
R46, 1899, March 6 (Volume 92)
Box/Folder   49/3
Reel   43
R47, 1899, March 25 (Volume 93)
Box/Folder   49/4
Reel   43
R48, 1899, April 30 (Volume 94)
Box/Folder   49/5
Reel   44
R49, 1899, June 2 (Volume 95)
Box/Folder   49/6
Reel   44
R50, 1899 (Volume 96)
Box/Folder   49/7
Reel   44
R51, 1899 (Volume 97)
Box/Folder   49/8
Reel   44
R52, 1899 (Volume 98)
Box/Folder   49/9
Reel   44
R53, 1899 (Volume 99)
Box/Folder   49/10
Reel   44
R54, 1899 (Volume 100)
Box/Folder   49/11
Reel   44
R55, 1899 (Volume 101)
Box/Folder   49/12
Reel   44
R56, 1901, January 22 (Volume 102)
Box/Folder   49/13
Reel   44
R57, 1901, February 13 (Volume 103)
Box/Folder   50/1
Reel   44
R58, 1901, February 19 (Volume 104)
Box/Folder   50/2
Reel   44
R59, 1901, March 5 (Volume 105)
Box/Folder   50/3
Reel   44
R60, 1901, April 15 (Volume 106)
Box/Folder   50/4
Reel   44
R61, 1901, April (Volume 107)
Box/Folder   50/5
Reel   44
R62, 1901, May 2 (Volume 108)
Box/Folder   50/6
Reel   44
R63, 1901, August (Volume 109)
Box/Folder   50/7
Reel   44
R64, 1901, December (Volume 110)
Box/Folder   50/8
Reel   44
R65, 1902, January 1 (Volume 111)
Box/Folder   50/9
Reel   44
R66, 1902, January 1 (Volume 112)
Box/Folder   50/10
Reel   44
R67, 1902, March 11 (Volume 113)
Box/Folder   50/11
Reel   44
R68, 1902, April 18 (Volume 114)
Box/Folder   50/12
Reel   44
R69, 1902, April 22 (Volume 115)
Box/Folder   51/1
Reel   44
R70, 1902, May 4 (Volume 116)
Box/Folder   51/2
Reel   44
R71, 1902, May 9 (Volume 117)
Box/Folder   51/3
Reel   44
R72, 1902, May 15 (Volume 118)
Box/Folder   51/4
Reel   44
R73, 1902, May 19 (Volume 119)
Box/Folder   51/5
Reel   44
R74, 1902, May 22 (Volume 120)
Box/Folder   51/6
Reel   45
R75, 1902, June 5 (Volume 121)
Box/Folder   51/7
Reel   45
R76, 1902, June 18 (Volume 122)
Box/Folder   51/8
Reel   45
R77, 1902, July 9 (Volume 123)
Box/Folder   51/9
Reel   45
R78, 1902, July 26 (Volume 124)
Box/Folder   51/10
Reel   45
R79, 1902, September 18 (Volume 125)
Box/Folder   51/11
Reel   45
R80, 1902, October 3 (Volume 126)
Box/Folder   52/1
Reel   45
R81, 1903, January 1 (Volume 127)
Box/Folder   52/2
Reel   45
Transcriptions for R80 and R81, undated (Volume 128)
Box/Folder   52/3
Reel   45
R82, 1903, March 15 (Volume 129)
Box/Folder   52/4
Reel   45
R83, 1903, May 17 (Volume 130)
Box/Folder   52/5
Reel   45
R84, 1903, May 18 (Volume 131)
Box/Folder   52/6
Reel   45
R85, 1903, June
Box/Folder   52/7
Reel   45
R86, undated (Volume 132)
Memorandum Series of Notebooks
Box/Folder   52/8
Reel   45
M1, 1875, January 1 (Volume 133)
Box/Folder   52/9
Reel   45
M2, 1884, January 1 (Volume 134)
Box/Folder   52/10
Reel   45
M3, 1884, Christmas (Volume 135)
Box/Folder   52/11
Reel   45
M4, circa 1888 (Volume 136)
Box/Folder   52/12
Reel   45
M5, 1889, May 28 (Volume 137)
Box/Folder   52/13
Reel   45
M6, 1890, March 15 (Volume 138)
Box/Folder   52/14
Reel   45
M7, 1890, October 1 (Volume 139)
Box/Folder   52/15
Reel   45
M8, 1891, April 22 (Volume 140)
Box/Folder   53/1
Reel   45
M9, 1891, August 4 (Volume 141)
Box/Folder   53/2
Reel   45
M10, 1892, July 11 (Volume 142)
Box/Folder   53/3
Reel   45
M11, 1894, January 6 (Volume 143)
Box/Folder   53/4
Reel   45
M12, 1894, June 26 (Volume 144)
Box/Folder   53/5
Reel   45
M13, 1895, April 3 (Volume 145)
Box/Folder   53/6
Reel   45
M14, 1896, February 1 (Volume 146)
Box/Folder   53/7
Reel   46
M15, 1896, August 7 (Volume 147)
Box/Folder   53/8
Reel   46
M16, 1897, April 30 (Volume 148)
Box/Folder   53/9
Reel   46
M17, 1897, September 3 (Volume 149)
Box/Folder   53/10
Reel   46
M18, 1898, June (Volume 150)
Box/Folder   53/11
Reel   46
M19, 1898, November 1 (Volume 151)
Box/Folder   53/12
Reel   46
M20, 1899, September 28 (Volume 152)
Box/Folder   53/13
Reel   46
M21, 1901, April 11 (Volume 153)
Box/Folder   53/14
Reel   46
M22, 1901, October 15 (Volume 154)
Box/Folder   53/15
Reel   46
M23, 1902, Jan, 1 (Volume 155)
Box/Folder   53/16
Reel   46
Subseries: Manuscript Fragments, 1889, June 1 - 1903
Series: Series IV. Scrapbooks and Clippings
Note: Originals destroyed after microfilming.
Reel   47
Subseries: Un-indexed scrapbooks, 1869-1914
Reel   48
Subseries: Indexed scrapbooks, 1883-1903; unbound clippings, , 1882-1895
Subseries: Unbound Clippings
Reel   48
Reel   49
Reel   50
Reel   51
1906-1936; undated
Series: Series V. Miscellany
People's Party Papers
Note: Items 1-40.
Box/Folder   54/1
Reel   52
Minutes of Campaign Committee of People's Party of Chicago, 1894, March 7 - April 3 (originally designated in the archives “Volume 156”)
Box/Folder   54/2
Reel   52
Correspondence and Campaign Materials, 1894, July 4 - November
Box/Folder   54/3
Reel   52
Campaign Materials, 1895, February - 1896, September
Box/Folder   54/4
Reel   52
Lloyd's Civic Activities in Winnetka, 1880-1907, March 9
Note: Items 1-41.
Biographical Material Compiled by Caro Lloyd, 1840-1937
Note: Items 1-34.
Box/Folder   54/5
Reel   52
Genealogy, Biography, and Notes, 1906; 1936, February 12 - 1937
Box/Folder   54/6
Reel   52
1840; 1911-1912
Box/Folder   54/7
Reel   52
1911, March - 1913, February
Other Biographical Information
Note: Items 1-76.
Box/Folder   54/8
Reel   52
Lecture Announcements, 1889, September - 1903, July
Box/Folder   54/9
Reel   52
In Memoriams, 1903, November - December
Reel   52
Note: Originals still are considered unprocessed in the Visual Materials Archive.