Burnett County, Wisconsin, Circuit Court Civil Case Files, 1888-1971

Summary Information
Title: Burnett County, Wisconsin, Circuit Court Civil Case Files
Inclusive Dates: 1888-1971

  • Wisconsin. Circuit Court (Burnett County)
Call Number: Burnett Series 32

Quantity: 33.0 cubic feet (33 records center cartons)

Archival Locations:
UW-River Falls, Chalmer Davee Library / River Falls Area Research Ctr. (Map)

Circuit court cases dealing with civil actions. Legal papers include complaints, summonses, affidavits, petitions, court orders and decrees. Cases #1-1479, 1888-1930, consist of civil actions and cases; #1493-3789, 1931-1971 consist of divorce cases only.


All county records dating 1887 and earlier (except for those of the Register of Deeds) were destroyed in an 1887 courthouse fire.

An index to this series is available at the Clerk of Courts Office, Siren, Wisconsin.

Language: English

URL to cite for this finding aid: http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/wiarchives.uw-whs-burn0032

Arrangement of the Materials

Numerical by case number.

Related Material

Burnett County, Wisconsin, Court Record (Burnett Series 43), volumes D-G, can be used as an index to part of this series.

Administrative/Restriction Information
Acquisition Information

Accession Number: C1999/096, C2003/029, C2003/026

Contents List
Burnett Series 32
Box   1
Case file nos. 1-68
Box   2
Case file nos. 69-135
Box   3
Case file nos. 136-206
Box   4
Case file nos. 207-272, 280, 282, 291
Box   5
Case file nos. 272A-279, 281, 283-290, 292-338
Box   6
Case file nos. 339-402, 404
Box   7
Case file nos. 403, 405-419, 548-504
Box   8
Case file nos. 505-551
Box   9
Case file nos. 552-607
Box   10
Case file nos. 608-684
Box   11
Case file nos. 685-760
Box   12
Case file nos. 420-447, 761-784
Box   13
Case file nos. 785-858, 866
Box   14
Case file nos. 859-865, 867-914, 916-932
Box   15
Case file nos. 933-986
Box   16
Case file nos. 987-1025, 1027-1045
Box   17
Case file nos. 1046-1096
Box   18
Case file nos. 1097-1154
Box   19
Case file nos. 1155-1203, 1207
Box   20
Case file nos. 1026, 1204-1206, 1208-1268
Box   21
Case file nos. 915, 1269-1317
Box   22
Case file nos. 1318-1366
Box   23
Case file nos. 1367-1429
Box   24
Case file nos. 1430-1479
Box   25
Case file nos. 1493-2189
Box   26
Case file nos. 2193-2440, 2509
Box   27
Case file nos. 2441-2746
Box   28
Case file nos. 2747-3021
Box   29
Case file nos. 3022-3343
Box   30
Case file nos. 3351-3543
Box   31
Case file nos. 3535-3614
Box   32
Case file nos. 3618-3697
Box   33
Case file nos. 3699-3789
Appendix: Name Index
Name Case number Box
Aalseth, Susan Caroline 1409 23
Abbott, Glenn W. 2372 26
Abbott, Marcella 2372 26
Abel, James A. 1015 16
Abel, Alfred 1382 23
Abel, Lester Ross 1023 16
Abel, Malinda A. 1015 16
Abramson, H.C. 1133 18
Abramson, H.C. 1143 18
Abramson, M. 921 14
Abramson, M. 923 14
Abramson, Matilda 265 4
Abramson, Niss M. 362 6
Ackerdane, Chas. 112 2
Ackerlind & Maxwell 168 3
Ackerlind, Charles J. 13 1
Ackerlind, Charles J. 170 3
Adams Express Company 78 2
Adams, Albro 677 10
Adams, Lydia Carleton 677 10
Adamson, Charles E. 170 3
Afoard, Peter A. 699 11
Ahlstrom, Anna 426 12
Ahlstrom, Nils A. 426 12
Ahlstrom, Nils E. 34 1
Ahlstrom, Sophia 191
Aid Association for Lutherans 1336 22
Aikin, L.P. 172 3
Akelrind, Charles J. 137 3
Akerlind, Alvin Willifred 1440 24
Akerlind, C.J. 109
Akerlind, C.J. 140 3
Akerlind, C.J. 160 3
Akerlind, Charles 96 2
Akerlind, Charles 155 3
Akerlind, Charles 161 3
Akerlind, Charles 318 5
Akerlind, Charles J. 87 2
Akerlind, Charles J. 63 1
Akerlind, Charles J. 64 1
Akerlind, Charles J. 103 2
Akerlind, Charles J. 133 2
Akerlind, Charles J. 154 3
Akerlind, Charles J. 3609 31
Akerlind, Edward 3609 31
Akerlind, Fred 381 6
Akerlind, Fred J. 3609 31
Akerlind, John O. 3609 31
Akerlind, Mabel 381 6
Akerlind, Minnie 3609 31
Akerlind, O.A. 52 1
Akerlind, Tancy 103 2
Akerlind, Tancy 3609 31
Akerlind, Tansie 318 5
Akers, E.S. 265 4
Akers, E.S. 646 10
Akers, Eugene 1002 16
Akers, Rosa 1002 16
Alden, Leslie C. 2456 27
Alden, Ruth Lucille 2456 27
Alfstrom, Andrew G. 712 11
All unknown persons whom it may concern 3609 31
Allen, J.H. 1117 18
Alson, John 573 9
Aluminum Copper Paint & Oil Company 253 4
Ambjor, Lizzie 1145 18
American Grass Twine Company 251 4
American Immigration Company 391 6
American Immigration Company 687 11
Ancherson, M.L. 567 9
Anderberg, John 365 6
Anderson, Minnie 1256 20
Andersen Yard Company 1022 16
Andersen Yard Company 1093 17
Andersen Yard Company 1276 21
Andersen, Alma M. 1362 22
Andersen, Martin C. 1362 22
Anderson & Giswold 969 15
Anderson Yard Company 1181 19
Anderson, A. 1040 16
Anderson, A. 1155 19
Anderson, A. 1436 24
Anderson, A. 691 11
Anderson, A. 696 11
Anderson, A.A. 1313 21
Anderson, A.G. 45A 1
Anderson, A.G. 110 2
Anderson, A.M. 204 3
Anderson, A.M. 196 3
Anderson, A.M. 233 4
Anderson, A.P. 186 3
Anderson, Adolph 308 5
Anderson, Adolph 666 10
Anderson, Adolph 994 16
Anderson, Adolph 1048 17
Anderson, Alfred 1122 18
Anderson, Alfred 1332 22
Anderson, Alfred H. 1439 24
Anderson, Alice S. 1122 18
Anderson, Anders 502 7
Anderson, Andrew 51 1
Anderson, Andrew 566 9
Anderson, Andrew A. 140 3
Anderson, Andrew A. 861 14
Anderson, Andrew A. 133 2
Anderson, Andrew L. 342 6
Anderson, Andrew M. 534 8
Anderson, Andrew M. 432 12
Anderson, Andrew M. 275 5
Anderson, Anna 29 1
Anderson, Anna 2402 26
Anderson, Anna 3663 32
Anderson, Anna Stina 566 9
Anderson, Anton M. 92 2
Anderson, Anton M. 83 2
Anderson, Aron 213 4
Anderson, Arthur 870 14
Anderson, August V. 2396 26
Anderson, Berte 91 2
Anderson, Bertha 1439 24
Anderson, Bertha E. 1332 22
Anderson, C.A. 1102 18
Anderson, Canute 141 3
Anderson, Canute 2402 26
Anderson, Carl 59 1
Anderson, Carl 300 5
Anderson, Catherina 2402 26
Anderson, Charles 546 8
Anderson, Charles 1616 25
Anderson, Charles E. 443 12
Anderson, Charles G. 298 5
Anderson, Chas. 1205 20
Anderson, Christofine 554 9
Anderson, Christopher 89 2
Anderson, Clara 92 2
Anderson, Clara 739 1919
Anderson, Clare E. 83 2
Anderson, E.K. 3522 30
Anderson, Eddie 496 7
Anderson, Edward 496 7
Anderson, Edward 443 12
Anderson, Edward 3413 90
Anderson, Edward G. 696 11
Anderson, Ellen 2986 28
Anderson, Elmer 3045 29
Anderson, Emma 870 14
Anderson, Erik 459 7
Anderson, F.E. 886 14
Anderson, F.W. 3 1
Anderson, F.W. 568 9
Anderson, Francis 696 11
Anderson, Fred L. 779 12
Anderson, Frederick 91 2
Anderson, Frederick 62 1
Anderson, George 172 3
Anderson, H.A. 399 6
Anderson, H.A. 408 7
Anderson, H.A. 500 7
Anderson, H.A. 899 14
Anderson, Hans O. 21 1
Anderson, Hans O. 29 1
Anderson, Harry D. 2402 26
Anderson, Harvey 496 7
Anderson, Harvey 443 12
Anderson, Henry 471 7
Anderson, Henry 584 9
Anderson, Herbert 1406 23
Anderson, Hugo 2986 28
Anderson, Hulda 342 6
Anderson, Ingeborg Anna 196 3
Anderson, Irene 496 7
Anderson, Irene 443 12
Anderson, J.W. 630 10
Anderson, Johanna Albertine 928 14
Anderson, John 10 1
Anderson, John 96 2
Anderson, John 319 5
Anderson, John 1272 21
Anderson, John C. 133 2
Anderson, John E. 38 1
Anderson, John E. 913 14
Anderson, John G. 140 3
Anderson, John P. 48 1
Anderson, Judith H. 1138 18
Anderson, Judith H. 1139 18
Anderson, Lars 124 2
Anderson, Lawrence 3177 29
Anderson, Levi 29 1
Anderson, Levin 107 2
Anderson, Lewis 276 5
Anderson, Lewis 493 7
Anderson, Lewis 554 9
Anderson, Lewis 927 14
Anderson, Louisa 792 13
Anderson, Madoline E. 2396 26
Anderson, Magda 3422 30
Anderson, Maja Kajsa 1472 24
Anderson, Manlin J. 199 3
Anderson, Martin J. 198 3
Anderson, Martin J. 195 3
Anderson, Minerva J. 886 14
Anderson, Minnie 1303 21
Anderson, Minnie 1382 23
Anderson, Niels Kristian 3663 32
Anderson, Nora 1616 25
Anderson, Olaf 220 4
Anderson, Ole 133 2
Anderson, Ole 140 3
Anderson, Ole 182 3
Anderson, Ole 371 6
Anderson, Ole 1028 16
Anderson, Ole 1256 20
Anderson, Ole 1303 21
Anderson, Ole 1382 23
Anderson, Olof 929 14
Anderson, P.A. 1350 22
Anderson, P.O. 471 7
Anderson, Peter 254 4
Anderson, Peter 511 8
Anderson, Peter 515 8
Anderson, Peter 3422 30
Anderson, Peter A. 345 6
Anderson, Robert 212 4
Anderson, Robert C. 740 11
Anderson, Russell 443 12
Anderson, Russell 496 7
Anderson, Sarah M. 1357 22
Anderson, Vera K. 584 9
Anderson, Verna 3045 29
Anderson, Verone 3177 29
Anderson, Violet 3413 90
Anderson, William 7 1
Anderson, William 122 2
Anderson, William 132 2
Anderson, William 152 3
Anderson, William 398 6
Anderson, William 172 3
Anderson, William 272 4
Anderson, William 371 6
Anderson, William - estate 478 7
Andrew, Peterson 207 4
Andrews, Mark 280 4
Andrews, Mark 284 5
Arbuckle, John 3 1
Arbuckle, John 93 2
Arbuckle, John 129 2
Arbuckle, John 302 5
Arbuckle, Mary 3 1
Arbuckle, Mary 302 5
Arbuskle, John 87 2
Arduser, J.W. 676 10
Arentson, Ole P. 436 12
Arentson, Ole P. 474 7
Areson & Dimond 1116 18
Arle, Christopher B. 1166 19
Armstrong, David W. 611 10
Arnes, Stener H. 1056 17
Arnes, Stener H. 1147 18
Arnold, H.H. 785 13
Aronson, Charles 162 3
Arthur, Joy 3392 30
Arthur, Norman 3392 30
Arveson, R.G. 875 14
Asker, John 101 2
Asp, Ole 102 2
Asp, Sigrid 102 2
Atkinson, Cyrus F. 1134 18
Atkinson, Etta 1134 18
Atwood, George 325 5
Aultman, Miller and Company 130 2
Aultman, Miller and Company 244 4
Austin, Amanda 336 5
Austin, F.R. 869 14
Austin, George W. 336 5
Averson, Knute 1069 17
Babcock, Edwin 1446 24
Babcock, Genevieve 1446 24
Babcock, H.W. 1009 16
Babcock, W.G. 1445 24
Baber, Day Stammard 567 9
Baber, J.P. Company 158 3
Babos, Janos 3457 30
Babos, Nancy 3457 30
Backlund, John 20
Badger Mutual Insurance Company 3565 31
Bailey, James 1069 17
Bailey, James W. 1208 20
Bailey, Lucindia 212 4
Baker and Smith 1 1
Baker Land and Title Company 611 10
Baker Land and Title Company 704 11
Baker Land and Title Company 591 9
Baker Land and Title Company 638 10
Baker Land and Title Company 459 7
Baker Land and Title Company 785 13
Baker Land and Title Company 861 14
Baker Stannard, Ray 789 13
Baker, Albert 3325 29
Baker, Alva F. 3707 33
Baker, Alva F. 3632 32
Baker, Earnest 391 6
Baker, Grace 3632 32
Baker, Guy 3463 30
Baker, Harry Denio 789 13
Baker, Helen 3463 30
Baker, Isacc S. 758 11
Baker, J.S. 206 3
Baker, J.S. 218 4
Baker, J.S. 239 4
Baker, J.S. 241 4
Baker, J.S. 304 5
Baker, J.S. 1319 22
Baker, J.S. 183 3
Baker, Lydia L. 758 11
Baker, Ray Hammarl 1209 20
Baker, Ray Stannard 1236 20
Baker, Stella 3325 29
Bakker, Betty Jane 2504 27
Bakker, Charles Eugene 2504 27
Balcome, Harry 482 7
Balcome, Harry 573 9
Balcome, Martha E. 431 12
Balcome, Martha E. 434 12
Balcome, Martha Ellen Wise 482 7
Balcome, Pearl 573 9
Baldwin, Monroe 416 7
Ball, O.O. 285 5
Ball, Willie 285 5
Balleber, James 773 12
Ballweber Investment Company 857 13
Balsrud, Swen A. 38 1
Balve, Iva 2668 27
Balve, Lawernce 2668 27
Banister, A.E. 581 9
Bank of Siren 597 9
Bank of Siren 625 10
Bank of Siren 629 10
Bank of Siren 630 10
Bank of Siren 664 10
Bank of Siren 748 11
Bank of Siren 782 12
Bank of Siren 882 14
Bank of Siren 883 14
Bank of Siren 992 16
Bank of Siren 1062 17
Bank of Siren 1100 18
Bank of Siren 1141 18
Bank of Siren 1233 20
Bank of Siren 1234 20
Bank of Siren 1247 20
Bank of Siren 1283 21
Bank of Siren 1405 23
Bank of Siren 1415 23
Bank of Siren 1443 24
Bank of Siren 1465 24
Bank of Spooner 270 4
Bank of St. Croix Falls 733 11
Banker Land & Title Company 1405 23
Banker Land and Litter 546 8
Bankers Joint Stock Land Bank 1026 16
Bankers Joint Stock Land Bank 1079 17
Banta, Jessie A. 1076 17
Banta, R.A. 1262 20
Banta, R.A. 1272 21
Banta, R.A. 1327 22
Banta, Roy A. 1457 24
Barber, Julien F. 895 14
Barge, J.O. 1069 17
Barge, William R. 527 8
Barker, Walter 1017 16
Barnes, S.A. 1266 20
Barnes, Seeley A. 1267 20
Barnister, Carol 3396 30
Barrett, D.K. 719 11
Barros Auto Company 1351 22
Bartash, Ed 435 12
Barter, Grace 63 1
Barter, Richard 22 1
Barter, Richard 48 1
Barter, Richard 63 1
Barter, Richard 104 2
Barterl, John 564 9
Barth, Emma B. 744 11
Bartholomew, Ellen B. 1137 18
Bartholomew, Fred 1137 18
Bartlett, Emily 1357 22
Bartlett, J.H. 1358 22
Barton, Richard 944 15
Barton, S.A. 47 1
Bartosh, John 560 9
Bartosh, Maxine 3081 29
Bartosh, Maxine 3194 29
Bartosh, Ray 3081 29
Bartosh, Ray 3194 29
Basler, Ellen 467 7
Basler, Jacob 467 7
Basset, S.C. 1428 23
Bassett, Fleetwood 1376 23
Bassett, Inez M. 1376 23
Bassett, S.C. 1389 23
Bastian, Herman 906 14
Bastine, Herman 2 1
Bean, William H. 1433 24
Beavers Reserve Fund Fraternity 1226 20
Bebault, A. 815 1921
Bebault, Jonas 652 10
Bebault, Myurna 652 10
Bechmann, John T. 884 14
Beckman, C.A. 727 11
Beddall, C.R. 596 15
Beecher, Mary C. 406 7
Beed, Walter 644 10
Beiderman, M.M. 1463 24
Beiderman, Marie 1463 24
Belisle, E. 3139 29
Belisle, Louis 3006 28
Belisle, Myrtle 3139 29
Belisle, Virginia 3006 28
Bell Oil Company 1044 16
Bell Oil Corporation 1239 20
Bell, J.D. 178 3
Bemis, Elsie 1685 25
Bemis, Floyd Clifford 1685 25
Benack, C.D. 848 13
Benhart, James 3394 30
Benhart, Rosella 3394 30
Benish, Charles 1466 24
Benjamin, Minnie 1556 25
Benjamin, Minnie F. 1680 25
Benjamin, William F. 1680 25
Benjamin, William T. 1556 25
Bennett, Betsy 1459 24
Bennett, H.M.K. 754 11
Bennett, Harold 3618 32
Bennett, James T. 1459 24
Bennett, Katherine 3618 32
Bennigan, Edith A. 649 10
Benoite, James A. 1293 21
Bensen, George W. 3759 33
Benson, Edward A. 407 7
Benson, Frances H. 403 7
Bentz, Charles 171 3
Bentz, N.C. 542 8
Bentz, N.C. 1112 18
Benz, George 220 4
Benz, George and Sons 572 9
Berg, Alice Josephine 2365 26
Berg, Gustaf 272 4
Berg, Julius J. 592 9
Berg, Lawrence Freeman 2365 26
Berg, P.M. 216 4
Berg, P.N. 129 2
Bergsrud, Harold P. 1317 21
Bergstrom, C.A. 508 8
Bergstrom, C.A. 183 3
Berquish, Amel 413 7
Berquish, Minnie 413 7
Berry, T.A. 1105 18
Bertelsen, John H. 808 13
Berthelsen, Karl 2459 27
Berthelsen, Violet 2459 27
Besgrove, Herbert 1365 22
Birch, Berton 766 12
Birch, Lillie H. 766 12
Bird, M.F. 86 2
Birk, Anna M. 143 3
Birk, John B. 143 3
Birndstengel, Ardie 2028 25
Birndstengel, Arthur E. 2028 25
Birnstengal, Iola 2240 26
Birnstengel, Arthur 2240 26
Bishop, R.O. 1320 22
Bitner, David P. 1004 16
Bitner, David P. 1011 16
Bitner, Myrtle 1004 16
Bitner, Myrtle 1011 16
Bitney, Lincoln 393 6
Bitney, Lincoln 425 12
Bjork, Carl Ludvig 671 10
Bjorkman, A. & Company 1384 23
Blair, Frank 492 7
Blair, Margaret 492 7
Blakney, Maude L. Morse 1373 23
Blanding, Marie 2886 28
Blanding, Rexford 2886 28
Blanding, S.W. 488 7
Blankship, Marshall 654 10
Blankship, Nellie 654 10
Bloch, A. 617 10
Bloch, Ike 617 10
Block, Ernest A. 2481 27
Block, Mary E. 2481 27
Block, Paul H. 1146 18
Blodgett, Bessie 1086 17
Blom, John 271 4
Blomberg, John P. 858 13
Blomgren, Carl Oscar 428 12
Blomgren, John Erick 209 4
Blomgren, Lena 428 12
Blomgren, Sophia 209 4
Blomquist, Ida C. 1301 21
Bloom, Fred W. 305 5
Bloom, Therese 305 5
Blumgreen, John 56 1
Blumgreene, John 77 2
Board of Directors of School of the Town of Meenon 277 5
Board of Supervisors of Burnett County 1 1
Bock, Francis H. 1103 18
Bock, Ruth Nellie 1103 18
Bolsrude, Swen 57 1
Bond, George H. 556 9
Bonneville, John, Jr. 601 9
Bonville, Desure 272 4
Borg, John F. 887 14
Borgaman, N.R. 1226 20
Borkert, James Edward 1302 21
Borth, Frank 1027 16
Borup, Anna 126 2
Borup, August 126 2
Bosc, Er 543 8
Bosley, R.J. 415 7
Bown, Charlotte 3198 29
Bown, Electa 2503 27
Bown, Orlo 2503 27
Bown, Vincent 3198 29
Boynton, Charles M. 476 7
Boynton, Charles M. 481 7
Bradburn, A. 941 15
Bradburn, Dell 941 15
Bradburn, Hulda 1208B 20
Braddwin, A. 625 10
Braddwin, Ray 625 10
Bradford, James 63 1
Bradford, James B. 99 2
Bradford, James B. 103 2
Bradshaw, Ann L. 454 7
Bradturner, Dell 713 11
Brainerd, John 821 13
Brainored, Laura 208 4
Brandstad, Ole C. 222 4
Brandt, John 732 11
Brandt, John G. 966
Branson, Ella 1843 25
Branson, Flay 1843 25
Branstad, Alice H. 2127 25
Branstad, Benjimin A. 2127 25
Bray, G.D. 35 1
Bray, Juddick 35 1
Breesee, George T. 865 14
Bremer, Francis 3120 29
Bremer, Lucille 3120 29
Brenizer, Byron 2932 28
Brenizer, Edith 2932 28
Bresee, Bertha H. 865 14
Bresee, George, T. 382 6
Bresette, James L. 2218 26
Bresette, Lorraine 2218 26
Brevold, Edward 889 14
Brevold, Oscar 866 13
Brewer, D.O. 607 9
Briggs, Arthur J. 529 8
Briggs, Arthur J. 260 4
Briggs, Elinor E. 529 8
Briggs, Mollie 260 4
Bristen, John 539 8
Britton, M.E. 940 15
Brockley, Anna 2781 28
Brockley, John C. 2781 28
Broeffle, Anna 2241 26
Broeffle, Anna 2946 28
Broeffle, Clara M. 1013 16
Broeffle, Manuel 2241 26
Broeffle, Manuel 2946 28
Broeffle, Silas A. 1013 16
Bronson, David 695 11
Bronson, David 700 11
Brooks, A.M. 973 15
Brooks, A.M. 1336 22
Brooks, Bessie B. 741 1919
Brooks, Idella M. 973 15
Brooks, Idella M. 1336 22
Brooks, Phillip C. 741 1919
Brooks, Roswell G. 206 3
Brothers, Dobie 118 2
Brothn, Larson 974 15
Brown, A.D. 188 3
Brown, August 372 6
Brown, Augusta 372 6
Brown, Charles C. 475 7
Brown, Dorothy 1415 23
Brown, Edith 3338 29
Brown, Flay 1933 25
Brown, Herbert 202 3
Brown, Herbert 217 4
Brown, Herbert 229 4
Brown, Herbert 237 4
Brown, Lewis 330 5
Brown, Merle R. 1415 23
Brown, Taylor G. 950 15
Brown, Vernon 3338 29
Brown, Zella 1933 25
Brumley, Ethel 3459 30
Brumley, Perry 3459 30
Bruneau, M. 306 5
Bruner, Halsey 524 8
Brunker, James 945 15
Brunner, J.F. 831 13
Bruss, Charles Douglas 2922 28
Bruss, Clara Viola 2922 28
Buck, Edwin L. 105 2
Bugbee, A.L. 160 3
Bugbee, Alvin N. 312 5
Bugbee, Lucy K. 312 5
Bullis, M. 1094 17
Bullis, S.E. 1233 20
Bunker, E.I. 360 6
Bunker, E.I. 372 6
Bunker, E.I. 448 7
Bunker, E.I. 987 16
Bunker, E.I. 978 16
Bunker, E.I. 1385 23
Bunker, E.J. 384 6
Bunker, E.J. 411 7
Bunker, E.J. 545 8
Bunker, Jeannette 682 10
Bunker, Jeannette 699 11
Bunker, Jeannette L. 1147 18
Bunker, L. Jeannette 1114 18
Bunker, L. Jeanette 763 12
Bunkerhoff, Theo V.W. 768 12
Burch, W.A. 414 7
Burford, Lena 1035 16
Burford, Ray 839 13
Burford, Ray 840 13
Burford, Ray 841 13
Burford, Ray 893 14
Burford, Raymond 1035 16
Burg, Della S. 1280 21
Burg, P.N. 303 5
Burg, P.N. 1287 21
Burke, Edna Lillian 1757
Burke, Josephine Daniel 1757
Burlingame, Isaac A. 447 12
Burnett County 19 1
Burnett County 37 1
Burnett County 49 1
Burnett County 50 1
Burnett County 58 1
Burnett County 117 2
Burnett County 146 3
Burnett County 210 1897
Burnett County 263 4
Burnett County 282 4
Burnett County 924 14
Burnett County Abstract Company 1456 24
Burnett County Abstract Company 507 8
Burnett County Bank 681 10
Burnett County Land Bank 1425 23
Burnett County Light & Power Company 1285 21
Burnett County State Bank 767 12
Burnett County State Bank 786 13
Burnett County State Bank 862 14
Burnett County State Bank 863 14
Burnett County State Bank 864 14
Burnett County State Bank 865 14
Burnett County State Bank 972 15
Burnett County State Bank 986 15
Burnett County State Bank 1035 16
Burnett County State Bank 1036 16
Burnett County State Bank 1037 16
Burnett County State Bank 1038 16
Burnett County State Bank 1046 17
Burnett County State Bank 1137 18
Burnett County State Bank 1242 20
Burnett County State Bank 1263 20
Burnett County State Bank 1274 21
Burnett County State Bank 1308 21
Burnett County State Bank 1319 22
Burnett County State Bank 1359 22
Burnett County State Bank 1360 22
Burnett County State Bank 1430 24
Burnett County State Bank 1431 24
Burnett County State Bank 1467 24
Burnett County State Banks 1408 23
Burnnett County 204 3
Burnnett County 930 14
Burnnett County 1290 21
Burnnett County Abstract 948 15
Burnnett County Light & Power Company 1285 21
Burnnett County State Bank 791 13
Burnnett County State Bank 1408 23
Burnnett County State Bank 756 11
Burns, Axel F. 856 13
Burns, Marie Josephine 1291 21
Burns, Peter 159 3
Burnstad, E.M. 746 11
Burrows, Anne 2483 27
Burrows, Benjamin 2483 27
Bushey, George W. 252 4
Bushey, Hattie C. 252 4
Buskirk, Bertha 3639 32
Buskirk, Bertha 3654 32
Buskirk, Melvin 3639 32
Buskirk, Melvin 3654 32
Butterfield, Gertie 373 6
Butterfield, Lester 373 6
Buttler Brothers 1026 20
Butts, Edmund R. 80 2
Bynell, August 40 1
Byrne, P.J. 761 12
Byrnes, Emilie 1314 21
Byrnes, Emilie D. 456 7
Byrnes, William 661 10
Byrnes, William H. 1314 21
Byrnes, William H. 456 7
Cairnes, Albert 759 11
Cairnes, Daisy 759 11
Cairns, Clara 3140 29
Cairns, Robert 3140 29
Calbeth, Andy B. 983 15
Calcaterra, F.A. Abramo 2912 28
Calcaterra, Mildred 2912 28
Call, Donna Mae 2754 28
Call, Rayford Marion 2754 28
Calmerson, Moses 114 2
Cameron, Rodney J. 2475 27
Campbell, Alonzo 555 9
Campbell, C.A. 1364 22
Campbell, Charles D. 1287 21
Campbell, Chas. D. 1368 23
Campbell, D.H. 1301 21
Campbell, S.K. 1349 22
Campes, Alta 2514 27
Campes, Waldo 2514 27
Campion, Cyril 1247 20
Campion, Ella 1247 20
Caneday, D.A. 253 4
Caneday, David 394 6
Caneday, David A. 85 2
Caneday, David A. 120 2
Canute, Olson 5 1
Capital Trust & Savings Bank 724 11
Carlberg, John 585 9
Carlberg, John 620 10
Carle, Christopher 1162 19
Carlor, Frank 132 2
Carlson, Alfred 1139 18
Carlson, Anna H. 3497 30
Carlson, Carl E. 2247 26
Carlson, Carlos August 951 15
Carlson, Charles J. 2302 26
Carlson, Clarence A. 853 13
Carlson, Eling 209 4
Carlson, Elizabeth 2247 26
Carlson, Emmanuel 126 2
Carlson, Ernest E. 884 14
Carlson, Evelyn 2418 26
Carlson, F.E. 1422 23
Carlson, Gloria M. 3489 30
Carlson, Gust 367 6
Carlson, Gustaf 5 1
Carlson, Harold 3564 31
Carlson, Harvey G. 3489 30
Carlson, John 51 1
Carlson, John 52 1
Carlson, John 290 5
Carlson, John C. 146 3
Carlson, Karry 1138 18
Carlson, Paul W. 1638 25
Carlson, Philip 678 10
Carlson, Phillip 1121 18
Carlson, Phillip S. 3497 30
Carlson, Ralph M. 2418 26
Carlson, Rosalie E. 1638 25
Carlson, Sally 2302 26
Carlson, Tensie 562 9
Carlson, Victor 562 9
Carlson, Virginia 3564 31
Carlstrom, August 124 2
Carmen, Joe 1286 21
Carpenter, Avery D. 787 13
Carpenter, Mabel 787 13
Carroll, M.H. 218 4
Carroll, Margaret 1124 18
Carroll, Margaret 1205 20
Carroll, Margaret 1026 20
Carsel, August 914 14
Carson, Florence 3277 29
Carson, Florence 3411 30
Carson, George 3277 29
Carson, George 3411 30
Carter, Byron 773 12
Carter, Henry 1223 20
Carter, W.F. 484 7
Carter, W.F. 809 13
Case Threshing Machine Company 415 7
Case, J.I. Threshing Machine Company 551 8
Cassel, August 38 1
Castle, Gustavus A. 903 14
Cedar, Arthur 756 11
Cedar, Nina 756 11
Chalfant, Elizabeth 1203 19
Chalfant, Guy E. 1203 19
Chapman, Pauline 3501 30
Chapman, Vergil 3501 30
Chase, C.P. 205 3
Chase, Irene J. 666 10
Chase, James A. 565 9
Chase, James A. 666 10
Chatleain, Arnold G. 1411 23
Chatleain, Frances M. 1411 23
Chatman, Lottie A. 1068 17
Check, F.J. 1469 24
Check, Lea Mae 1469 24
Chelmo, Ethel 975 15
Chelmo, Leonard 975 15
Chicago [St.] Paul [Minneapolis Omaha Railway] 421 12
Chield, Sidney O. 36 1
Chistopherson, Stanley 1383 23
Christensen, James 1304 21
Christensen, Nellie 2039 25
Christensen, Rose 1304 21
Christensen, Thomas H. 2039 25
Christenson, Emil 989 16
Christenson, Fred 683 10
Christenson, H.C. 885 14
Christenson, Hilda 1867 25
Christenson, Ole Edward 1867 25
Christenson, Rose 1438 24
Christian Social Association 279 5
Christiansen, Albert M. 600 9
Christianson, Charles C. 552 9
Christianson, Clara 2234 26
Christianson, Fred 549 8
Christianson, Jennie 552 9
Christianson, Martin 2234 26
Christianson, Ole E. 1101 18
Christianson, Rosa M. 1467 24
Christina, Moody 951 15
Christopherson, Eliza 108 2
Chute, Arthur 3783 33
Chute, Rose 3783 33
Citizens State Bank of Franklin 1393 23
Clark, Allen L. 2450 27
Clark, D.H. 740 11
Clark, Daniel 669 10
Clark, Elizabeth N. 440 12
Clark, Esther 3135 29
Clark, Harold 3135 29
Clark, Jesse C. 996 16
Clark, Myrtle E. 2450 27
Clarke, Bascom B. 655 10
Claydon, L.E. 1165 19
Cleary, Charles 1181 19
Clementson, A.M. 656 10
Clendening, Fred 1286 21
Clendening, George 1286 21
Clendening, George 1305 21
Cliff, E.H. 733 11
Cliff, Inga 733 11
Clifford, Walter H. 1190 19
Clover, Carl 1347 22
Clover, John W. 364 6
Cloverton State Bank 787 13
Cloverton State Bank 1234 20
Cluckey, Marie E. 1259 20
Coates, Avon R. 1211 20
Coburn, Abner 788 13
Coburn, Louise 433 12
Coburn, Louise H. 442 12
Codden, Alyce 2794 28
Codden, David Richard 2794 28
Coen, Donald 3569 31
Coen, Shirley Mae 3569 31
Cohen, H.S. 532 8
Cohen, Joseph S. 95 2
Cohen, Philip L. 560 9
Cohen, Sarah R. 95 2
Cohmen, Louise - estate 418 7
Cohn, I. Morris 778 12
Colbeth, Andy B. 970 15
Cole, Thomas F., Jr. 3585 31
Coleman, Etta 167 3
Coleman, Samuel G. 167 3
Collins, Charles B. 1756 25
Collins, Frank 324 5
Collins, H.I. 731 11
Collins, L.F. 582 9
Collins, Mary 1756 25
Collins, William 324 5
Colvin, Elizabether 3196 29
Colvin, Herbert 3196 29
Commercial Credit Trust 1160 19
Comstack, C.W. 439 439
Comstock, Julia 1171 19
Connerse, Elise 665 10
Connor Land & Lumber Company 1260 20
Connor, Clyde 1990 25
Connor, Tova 1990 25
Connor, W.B. 489 7
Connor, William B. 145 3
Connors, Benjamin Albert 2378 26
Connors, Bertha 2362 26
Connors, Gordon H. 2453 27
Connors, Irene 2453 27
Connors, Paul W. 1416 23
Connors, Shields 244 4
Connors, Vivian 2378 26
Connors, William Richard 2362 26
Conroy, Cora 1713 25
Conroy, Dan 936 15
Conroy, Thomas 1713 25
Consolidated Lumber Company 676 10
Consolidated Lumber Company 688 11
Consolidated Lumber Company 827 13
Consolidated Lumber Company 1061 17
Consolidated Lumber Company 1458 24
Consolidated Lumber Company 585 9
Cook, Richard L. 3578 31
Cook, Sophie E. 3578 31
Cooly, Timothy 971 15
Copeland, Mina 3199 29
Copeland, Mina Dawn 3631 32
Copeland, Raymond 3199 29
Copeland, Raymond 3631 32
Copper, Byron C. 1454 24
Copper, Edithe M. 1454 24
Corcoran, James A. 1080 17
Cordes, Clara 1036 16
Cordes, Herbert 1036 16
Cornelison, A. 481 7
Cornelison, Aaron 174 3
Cornelison, Azetta 2348 26
Cornelison, Clara 1407 23
Cornelison, Dallas A. 1407 23
Cornelison, Dennie 2348 26
Cornelison, Dennis 920 14
Cornelison, Dennis 1282 21
Cornelison, Elsie 2348 26
Cornelison, Harold 2348 26
Cornelison, Lucy F. 481 7
Cornelius, Dallas 1407 23
Corner, Ardyce Leola 2927 28
Corner, Loren 1443 24
Corner, Mabel 1443 24
Corner, Melvin L. 2927 28
County Board Surpervisor 901 14
County of Burnett 1063 17
Cover, David 424 12
Cover, Elizabeth 424 12
Cowles, G.S. 1163 19
Cox, Margaret M. 296 5
Cox, Maud 692 11
Cox, Michael 883 14
Cox, Samuel B. 296 5
Coyle, William A. 762 12
Coyour, Ida M. 1402 23
Coyour, Levi 1402 23
Craig, Emma Jane 327 5
Craig, Hiram H. 327 5
Crane and Ordway Company 290 5
Crane, George 161 3
Cranston, Clara 1019 16
Cranston, L.J. 1019 16
Cray, O.J. 332 5
Cresco Union Savings Bank 494
Crex Carpet Company 502 7
Croic Farmers Mutual Telephone Company 719 11
Croissant, Leone L. 1270 21
Cronkhite, Alyce 3306 29
Cronkhite, Linniel 3306 29
Crosby, Clarence 1106 18
Crothy, James - estate 357 6
Crowther, Robert 900 14
Culbert, Clarence 1074 17
Cullen, John 2691 27
Cullen, Wilma 2691 27
Culver, Bruce 3201 29
Culver, Helen 3201 29
Cummings, Bert 1244 20
Cummings, J.H. 96 2
Cummings, Nina 1244 20
Curby, Orra A. 1095 17
Curtis, Emily 3351 30
Curtis, W.B. 3 1
Curtis, W.B. 68 1
Curtis, William 3351 30
Cushing Land Agency 343 6
Cushing Land Agency 378 6
Cushing Land Agency 408 7
Cutka, John 349 6
Cutler, E.H. 141 3
Cyrus, Thomas 1043 16
Cyrus, Thomas 1075 17
Cyrus, Thomas 1441 24
Czymanski, Adeline 3770 33
Czymanski, Adeline 3772 33
Czymanski, Stanley J. 3770 33
Czymanski, Stanley J. 3772 33
D. Aberle & Company 929 14
Dahl, E.C. 1039 16
Dahl, Earnest C. 1047 17
Dahl, Ernest C. 1040 16
Dahl, O.E. 974 15
Dahl, O.E. 1347 22
Dahl, Ole M. 1222 20
Dahley, E.M. 117 2
Dahlin, A.A. 914 14
Dahlin, Anderson A. 913 14
Dahns, Gustav 361 6
Dahun, Thomas 631 10
Dake, Annie Elizabeth 2399 26
Dake, Harrison Martin 2399 26
Damarest, Hannah E. 992 16
Danbury State Bank 822 13
Daniels, Clare 3474 30
Daniels, John 2277 26
Daniels, Katherine 2277 26
Daniels, Richard 3474 30
Danielson, S. & Company 1447 24
Dart, Charles H. 838 13
Dash, Marvin L. 2421 26
Dash, Phyllis M. 2421 26
Dassun, Bertha 2445 27
Dassun, Jesse 2445 27
Davidson, C.E. 99 2
Davidson, Manly 1463 24
Davidson, Marie Christine 2509 26
Davidson, Monroe 2509 26
Davidson, Tena N. 221 4
Davies, E.W. 1018 16
Davies, Louise 1018 16
Davis, Barbara 2873 28
Davis, Eachus 1316 21
Davis, Elsie 2745 27
Davis, H.E. 605 9
Davis, Leo J. 2745 27
Davis, O.E. 632 10
Davis, Orlo E. 764 12
Davis, Phoebe 1316 21
Davis, Robert P. 2873 28
De Voe, Allen 147 3
Dean, Daniel 347 6
Dean, Ella 347 6
DeChon, Fay 2469 27
DeChon, Jud H. 2469 27
Decker, Adam 153 3
Decker, George 153 3
Deering Harvester Company 174 3
Deering, E.G. 16 1
Deibner, J.H. 713 11
DeLaittre-Dixon Lumber Company 680 10
Della, Freeman 725 11
Delwo, John 319 5
Demarest, Daniel M. 992 16
Demarest, Daniel M. 1144 18
Denio, Harry 1236 20
Dering, E.G. 106 2
Des Jardins, Henry E. 3593 31
Des Jardins, Marilyn 3593 31
Des Moines Silo and Manufacturing Company 709 11
Des Moines Silo Company 618 10
Des Moines Silo Company 641 10
Deskins, C.W. 641 10
Deskins, C.W. 672 10
Deuse, W. 1227 20
Devoe, G.A. 214
Diamond, J.A. 875 14
Dickerman, Arthur E. 309 5
Dickerman, Charles K. 309 5
Dickerman, Gilbert G. 309 5
Dickerman, Walter H. 309 5
Dietrich, Florence 1241 20
Dietrich, Florence 1604 25
Dietrich, Peter 1604 25
Dietrich, Peter P. 1241 20
Dietrick, Peter P. 1437 24
Dillner, Tony 348 6
Dimmock, Eveline 743 11
Dimmock, Samuel 1335 22
Dimmock, Samuel G. 743 11
Dinges, Mae C. 954 15
Dinges, Parry W. 954 15
Doar, W.T. 1248 20
Dobbert, Paul 679 10
Dobie, David 121 2
Dobie, Malcom 121 2
Dobson, Alice R. 1315 21
Doetsch, Elizabeth 1207 19
Doetsch, Joseph 1207 19
Domitt, Charles 392 6
Doolittle, Ephraim 270 4
Doolittle, Lois 270 4
Doriott, Caroline 717 11
Doriott, Charles 1444 24
Doriott, Charles 1902 A 25
Doriott, Charles W. 1214 20
Doriott, Charles W. 2527 27
Doriott, Del Roy L. 3651 32
Doriott, Delroy 3559 31
Doriott, Helen 1214 20
Doriott, Helen 1444 24
Doriott, Helen 1902 A 25
Doriott, Helen 2527 27
Doriott, John C. 717 11
Doriott, Michal 3559 31
Dorothy, F.B. 58 1
Doty, Alfonzo H. 156 3
Doty, Amanda J. 156 3
Doty, Thornton 1190 19
Douglas Investment Company 1439 24
Douglas, Glenn R. 2736 27
Douglass, Glenn R. 2669 27
Drake, A.M. 183 3
Drake, Elias F. 49 1
Drake, H.T. 183 3
Duaiane, Paul 601 9
Duame, Mabel 3430 30
Duame, Paul 272 4
Duame, Paul 3430 30
DuBay, M.P. 616 10
DuBay, Nettie 616 10
Dudrey, David V. 1183 19
Dudrey, Frances S. 1183 19
Dueholm, Nels 836 13
Dueholm, William 836 13
Duft, Avery J. 640 10
Dufty, A.J. 1235 20
Dufty, Avery J. 624 10
Dufty, George 624 10
Dufty, George 640 10
Duggins, Grace E. 1171 19
Duluth Shoe Company 139 3
Dummer, Bertha 1211 20
Dumonson, Albert 2543 27
Dumonson, Dorothy 2543 27
Duname, Lee 187 3
Dunham, Cassie 802 13
Dunham, Clarence 802 13
Dunn, Terrance 541 8
Dunn, Thomas 527 8
Durand, Carol 3646 32
Durand, Felix 1276 21
Durand, Napolean 888 14
Durand, Peter 1276 21
Durand, Richard E. 3646 32
Durant, Edward W. 517 8
Durrell, Ellen 728 11
Duvall, Delores 3064 29
East Wisconsin Trustee Company 1034 16
Eastman, James 176 3
Eastman, James 184 3
Ebert, Ed 1149 18
Ebert, Katherine 1149 18
Eckland, Charles E. 300 5
Ecklund, Charles E. 485 7
Ecklund, Charles E. 497 7
Edberg, Andrew 1348 22
Eddy W.H. 618 10
Eddy, Abbie 597 9
Eddy, Abbie 1175 19
Eddy, George 665 10
Eddy, V.D. 126 2
Eddy, V.E. 832 13
Eddy, V.E. 986 15
Eddy, Vernon E. 828 13
Eddy, W.H. 609 10
Eddy, W.H. 665 10
Eddy, William H. 1175 19
Eddy, William H. 597 9
Edlund, N.O. 3609 31
Edward, William 1173 19
Edwards, Oscar 1054 17
Egan, Dan 160 3
Eisenhan, Richard 1306 21
Eisenman, Richard 1307 21
Ekenstedt, Louis 1119 18
Ekherg, A.M. 1230 20
Eklof, Erick P. 922 14
Eklof, Mathilda 922 14
Eklund Construction Company 1231 20
Eklund, Johanna 326 5
Elbert, George A. 1326 22
Elg, Charles 298 5
Elg, Donald 1409 23
Elg, John 159 3
Elg, John 298 5
Elg, Theodore 298 5
Eliason, Elias 148 3
Ellefson, Halvor 442 12
Elliot and Company 548 8
Elliot, Mary Ford 1046 17
Ellis, William 1406 23
Ellsworth, Charity 410 7
Elmberg, A.F. 1401 23
Elmberg, Raymond 2944 28
Elmberg, Ruby 2944 28
Elmerson, Betty E. 3731 33
Elmerson, Roy M. 3731 33
Elmund, Frank E. 5 1
Else, Ethel 2112 25
Else, Fred 2112 25
Emerson, Charles 2717 27
Emerson, Gladys 2717 27
Emerson, N. 438 12
Emma, Mangon 320 5
Emons, Charles 656 10
Engelhart, Joseph P. 1390 23
England, Charly 530 8
Engle, Erma 1373 23
Engle, John 1373 23
Engstrom, August B.W. 504 7
Engstrom, Muriel I. 3481 30
Engstrom, Norman C. 3481 30
Eppstein & Sons 286 5
Equity Farmers Co-Operative Association 1231 20
Erbes, C.L. 939 15
Erbes, Daisy 407 7
Erbes, Daisy L. 328 5
Erbes, Daisy L. 396 6
Erbes, Daisy L. 402 6
Erbes, Daisy L. 403
Erbes, Daisy L. 405 7
Erbes, Daisy L. 406 7
Erbes, Daisy L. 422 12
Erbes, Daisy L. 423 12
Erbes, Daisy L. 724 11
Erbes, Daisy L. 780 12
Erbes, Elizabeth 780 12
Erbes, L.C. 251 4
Erbes, L.C. 259 4
Erbes, L.C. 274 5
Erbes, L.C. 322 5
Erbes, L.C. 377 6
Erbes, L.C. 724 11
Erbes, Lauese C. 439 439
Erbes, Lewis 346 6
Erbes, Louis 268 4
Erbes, Louis C. 396 6
Erbes, Louis C. 402 6
Erbes, Louis C. 404 7
Erbes, Louis C. 405 7
Erbes, Louis C. 406 7
Erbes, Louis C. 407 7
Erbes, Louis C. 422 12
Erbes, Louis C. 423 12
Erbes, Louis C. 780 12
Erbes, Louis C. 390 6
Erbes, Louis C. 403 7
Erbes, Louis C. 328 5
Erbes, Louis C. 474 7
Erbes, Louis 724 11
Erdthman, Axel 175 3
Eremitz, Draga 352 6
Erickson, Anna 509 8
Erickson, Anna Christena 144 3
Erickson, Anna Lovisa 674 10
Erickson, Anton 120 2
Erickson, Axel 1377 23
Erickson, Charles 110 2
Erickson, Charles 592 9
Erickson, Christ 978 15
Erickson, Conrad 518 8
Erickson, Emma 518 8
Erickson, Erick I. 124 2
Erickson, Ernest W. 2360 26
Erickson, Eugene 3145 29
Erickson, Eugene E. 3586 31
Erickson, Evald 553 9
Erickson, Genevieve 3301 29
Erickson, Gerald 3301 29
Erickson, Gertrude 553 9
Erickson, Hulda 1377 23
Erickson, Ida 2360 26
Erickson, Iver 124 2
Erickson, John 144 3
Erickson, John G. 1289 21
Erickson, John W. 1359 22
Erickson, John W. 1414 23
Erickson, John W. 1458 24
Erickson, Josephine 1289 21
Erickson, L.G. 634 10
Erickson, Maybelle 3145 29
Erickson, Maybelle I. 3586 31
Erickson, Nils J. 74 2
Erickson, Olef 509 8
Erickson, Peter 674 10
Ericson, Oscar 1176 19
Estey & Camp 224 4
Ethel Lamb 976 15
Ettel, John 552 9
Ettel, John 704 11
Evans, Grace 2950 28
Evans, M.H. 385 6
Evans, Max 2950 28
Everson, Annie F. 1255 20
Everson, Edgar D. 612 10
Everson, Ever H. 1255 20
Everson, Nellie 612 10
Ewert, Peter S. 742 11
Fagerberg, Anna Marie 3486 30
Fagerberg, Charles 3486 30
Fahland, Frank 203 3
Fahland, Frank 589 9
Fahland, Frank 617 10
Fahland, Frank 810 13
Fahland, Frank 845 13
Fahland, Frank 1007 16
Fahland, Leopold 76 2
Fahland, Minnie 76 2
Fahlstrom, Alice 882 14
Fahlstrom, Carl P. 882 14
Falconer, John 603 9
Fallstrom, Emil 1072 17
Falstrom, Gust W. 29 1
Fanden, J. 232 4
Farm Sales & Mortgage Company 1396 23
Farm Sales & Mortgage Company 1450 24
Farm Sales & Mortgage Company 1462 24
Farm Sales & Mortgage Company 1469 24
Farm Sales & Mortgage Company 1470 24
Farmer, Charles L. 997 16
Farmer, Della 997 16
Farmer, George 786 13
Farmer, J.P. 293 5
Farmer, John 392 6
Farmer, Leddie 786 13
Farmer, Matt 234 A. 4
Farmers Co-Operative Creamery Society 1215 20
Farmers State Bank 750 11
Farmers State Bank of Bellingham 1358 22
Farmers State Bank of Frederic 1404 23
Farmers State Bank of Garvin 1196 19
Farmers State Bank of Hamel 867 14
Farney, Charles 359 6
Farr, C.W. 386 6
Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 1362 22
Fasbender, Jennett 453 7
Fasbender, William 453 7
Federal Land Bank St. Paul 1330 22
Fellkampp, Herman D. 535 8
Feltes, Annie 877 14
Feltes, John 877 14
Fergenson, George F. 752 11
Ferguson, Gordon 94 2
Ferry, George W. 440 12
Fickle, Edna 1892 25
Fickle, Truman 1892 25
Field, James R. 847 13
Field, Max E. 847 13
Field, Vera E. 847 13
Finch, James B. 1305 21
Finch, Lavone 2985 28
Finch, Lyle 2974 28
Finch, Lyle 2985 28
Finch, Van Slyck, and McConville Corporation 417 7
Fink, Agnes M. 1144 18
Finsburg, Oscar 379 6
First Bank Grantsburg 1205 20
First Bank of Grantsburg 961 15
First Bank of Grantsburg 1107 18
First Bank of Grantsburg 503 7
First Bank of Grantsburg 545 8
First Bank of Grantsburg 556 9
First Bank of Grantsburg 646 10
First Bank of Grantsburg 739 1919
First Bank of Grantsburg 447 12
First Bank of Grantsburg 780 12
First Bank of Grantsburg 846 13
First Bank of Grantsburg 957 15
First Bank of Grantsburg 959 15
First Bank of Grantsburg 962 15
First Bank of Grantsburg 963 15
First Bank of Grantsburg 982 15
First Bank of Grantsburg 1002 16
First Bank of Grantsburg 1004 16
First Bank of Grantsburg 1029 16
First Bank of Grantsburg 1085 17
First Bank Of Grantsburg 1129 18
First Bank of Grantsburg 1130 18
First Bank of Grantsburg 1136 18
First Bank of Grantsburg 1142 18
First Bank of Grantsburg 1188 19
First Bank of Grantsburg 1197 19
First Bank of Grantsburg 1203 19
First Bank of Grantsburg 1204 20
First Bank of Grantsburg 1026 20
First Bank of Grantsburg 1207 19
First Bank of Grantsburg 1208A 20
First Bank of Grantsburg 1210 20
First Bank of Grantsburg 1211 20
First Bank of Grantsburg 1265 20
First Bank of Grantsburg 1271 21
First Bank of Grantsburg 1275 21
First Bank of Grantsburg 1366 22
First Bank of Grantsburg 1367 23
First Bank of Grantsburg 1371 23
First Bank of Grantsburg 1372 23
First Bank of Grantsburg 725 11
First Bank of Grantsburg 738 11
First Bank of Grantsburg 995 1923
First National Bank 468 7
First National Bank 576 9
First National Bank 820 13
First National Bank of Aitkin 732 11
First National Bank of Grantsburg 483 7
First National Bank of Grantsburg 586 9
First National Bank of Grantsburg 707 11
First National Bank of Grantsburg 814 13
First National Bank of Grantsburg 819 13
First National Bank of Grantsburg 1122 18
First National Bank of Grantsburg 1312 21
First National Bank of Madison Minnesota 1057 17
First National Trust Company 1346 22
First Wisconsin Trust Company 1309 21
First Wisconsin Trust Company 1310 21
First Wisconsin Trust Company 1321 22
First Wisconsin Trust Company 1333 22
Fischer, Harold H. 2441 27
Fischer, John 1201 19
Fischer, Sarah F. 2441 27
Fisher, Albert 1067 17
Fisk, Jacob 991 416
Fitzimmons, W. 1105 18
Fitzpatrick, Rosa A. 450 7
Fitzpatrick, John 450 7
Flavel, Matthew 1372 23
Fleckner, Iona 3734 33
Fleckner, Theodore 3734 33
Fleming, Chester 2076 25
Fleming, James 2076 25
Fleming, Mary E. 234 B 4
Fleming, William W. 234 B 4
Fletcher Brothers 148 3
Fletcher, Charles H. 272 4
Fletcher, Charles H. 179 3
Fletcher, George H. 272 4
Fletcher, H.E. 165 3
Fletcher, H.E. 179 3
Fletcher, H.E. 272 4
Fludin, Alma 467 A 7
Fludin, John 467 A 7
Foley Brothers & Quinlan 620 10
Foley Brothers and Kelly 416 7
Foley Brothers and Kelly 431 12
Folley, W.F. 548 8
Folsom, William H.C. 595 9
Fondeen, August 61 1
Fontaine, Adelaide 2812 28
Fontaine, Adelaide 3028 29
Fontaine, Albert 2812 28
Fontaine, Albert 3028 29
Foot, Schulza & Company 832 13
Ford, C.L. 417 7
Ford, C.L. 430 12
Forsberg, John O. 3609 31
Fortier, Joseph 795 13
Fortier, William 795 13
Fosberg, J.O. 64 1
Fosberg, John O. 79 2
Fosberg, John O. 103 2
Fosberg, Sarah 64 1
Fosmo, Emil M. 2683 27
Fosmo, Fahey 3692 32
Fosmo, Katherine S. 2926 28
Fosmo, Kelley T. 2926 28
Fosmo, Ollowene A. 2683 27
Fosmo, Orin 988 16
Fosmo, Orin C. 1130 18
Fosmo, Sadie 1130 18
Fosmo, Wilma 3692 32
Fossum, Ruby 2967 28
Fossum, John 2967 28
Foster, Edward M. 644 10
Fox, D.W. 218 4
Fraker, Louise D. 309 5
Franklin Investment Company 568 9
Franklin Investment Company 427 12
Frannsen, Charley 716 11
Franseen, Charles 594 9
Franseen, Hilma 594 9
Fredeen, Frank 501 7
Frederickson, Abbie 3178 29
Frederickson, Abbie 3234 29
Frederickson, Burton 3178 29
Frederickson, Burton 3234 29
Freeden, Louis 501 7
Freelove, Naomi 2690 27
Freelove, Roy 2690 27
Freeman, Emma 635 10
Freeman, F.E. 725 11
Freeman, Frank E. 688 11
Freeman, Frank E. 635 10
Freeman, Hulda A. 745 11
Freeman, Marie 858 13
Freeman, Oscar W. 858 13
Freeman, Reuben D. 837 13
Fremstad, Olive 578 9
Fretland, Charlie 1246 20
Fretland, Marie 1246 20
Friberg, Arvid 648 10
Friberg, Ernest A. 595 9
Friedrich, Gustav 1082 17
Frihery, Martin W. 636 10
Fristad, Altha Edna 2925 28
Fristad, Walter Glenn 2925 28
Fritz, Herbert C. 337 5
Froelich, Leo 187 3
Frundt, Samuel 1224 20
Fuley, Hans P. 920 14
Fullen, Robert E. 1309 21
Fuller, A.L. 1022 16
Fuller, John 3679 32
Fuller, Joseph 1089 17
Fuller, Joseph E. 1249 20
Fuller, Lee Ann 3679 32
Fuller, Mercy 1089 17
Funck, Henry A. 602 9
Furlan, Anna 660 10
Furlan, Anton 660 10
Fye, Mary 455 7
Fye, William 455 7
Gabrielson, C.J. 934 15
Gabrielson, Enfried 844 13
Galbraith, John 454 7
Galbraith, John 534 8
Galbraith, John 537 8
Galbraith, John 432 12
Galbraith, John P. 629 10
Gammell, A.J. 301 5
Gardin, Albin M. 1294 21
Gardin, Albin M. 1367 23
Gardin, Albin M. 1413 23
Gardin, Freda 1930 25
Gardin, Julius 1930 25
Gardin, Mary 1413 23
Garrey, A.F. 1098 18
Garrey, Mary E. 1098 18
Garrity, Patrick 480 7
Garrity, Sarah Jane 702 11
Gaslin, David C. 69 2
Gaton, Frank 122 2
Gatten & Crowther 479 7
Gatten, Charles 506 8
Geiger, Emma 629 10
Geiger, Joseph 629 10
George, Livingston 1477 24
George, Crumel 900 14
George, William 580 9
Gergen, N.B. 341 6
Germenshaue, C. 1179 19
Germershausen, C. 1097 18
Germershausen, C. 1174 19
Germershausen, C. 1198 19
Germershausen, C. 1230 20
Germond, C.A. 507 8
Geswold, M. 685 11
Geving, Mangus 437 12
Gewan, Peyton, Twohy Company 429 12
Gibbon, Frank 3261 29
Gibbon, Myrtle 3261 29
Gibbs, Leonard J. 1194 19
Gibson, Clifford A. 1917 25
Gibson, Clifford A. 2517 27
Gibson, Grace M. 1917 25
Gibson, Grace M. 2517 27
Gibson, Nels 100 2
Giessel, Julius E. 1025 16
Gillespie, J.L. 96 2
Gillette, Ada E. 1392 23
Gillette, David W. 1392 23
Gillis, Jean A. 3729 33
Gillis, John R. 3729 33
Giswald and Anderson 598 9
Giswell, Martin 565 9
Giswold, M. 614 10
Giswold, M. 647 10
Giswold, Marion E. 2478 27
Giswold, Martin 345 6
Giswold, Martin 666 10
Giswold, William R. 2478 27
Gizinski, Collene 3701 33
Gizinski, Paul Vincent, Jr. 3701 33
Glass, Alice R. 755 11
Glass, Remley J. 755 11
Gleason, C.L. 1403 23
Gleason, Elizabeth 1243 20
Gleason, Margaret 1403 23
Gleason, Oda G. 1243 20
Glenn, Samuel 1230 20
Globe Indemity Company 1476 24
Globe Indemnity Company 1474 24
Globe Indemnity Company 1475 24
Glockzin, Adolph 2898 28
Glockzin, Irene 2898 28
Glueheisen, Mabel 1690 25
Gluhisen, H.C. 1009 16
Glunz, Laura 3697 32
Glunz, Leslie R. 3697 32
Gobel, Henry 1259 20
Goben, Nials 972 15
Goben, Zannetta 972 15
Godfrey, A.S. 53 1
Goldberg, Alfred 723 11
Golden, Elsie 2252 26
Golden, Hake 2252 26
Goldschmidt, Frank J. 1117 18
Goldsmith, Charles D. 726 11
Goldsmith, Frank J. 1186 19
Goltz, Ella Marie 730 11
Goltz, William 730 11
Goodge, Sherman B. 515 8
Goodhue, W.S. 131 2
Goodrich, E.C. 1102 18
Goodrich, Earl C. 912 14
Goodrich, Pearl L. 1102 18
Goodwill, Isaac 504 7
Gordon, J.E. 638 10
Gorham, Carlos 2974 28
Gorman, Myrtle Warner 898 14
Graf, Vernon 3033 29
Graf, Winifred 3033 29
Grandbois, LaVern 3010 28
Grandbois, Marvel 3010 28
Granlund, John 317 5
Grantsburg Loan Title & Realty 1199 19
Gratreaks, Arza 1094 17
Gratto, John 116 2
Gray, Ann E. 410 7
Gray, Charles H. 121 2
Gray, H.H. 436 12
Gray, H.H. 474 7
Great Northern Insurance Company 3585 31
Green, Anna 256 4
Green, B.S. 897 14
Green, Benjamin 3585 31
Green, Chester 3750 33
Green, Ella 3750 33
Green, Symilda 3585 31
Greene, Howard 1339 22
Greene, Howard 1340 22
Greene, Howard 1343 22
Greene, Howard 1428 23
Greene, Howard 1468 24
Greene, Howard 1471 24
Gregersen, Peter C. 701 11
Gregg, Joe Norman 2724 27
Gregg, June 2724 27
Gregory, Walter 253 4
Gregory, Walter 258 4
Greinners, Ole 833 13
Grettum, I. 925 14
Grettum, I. 97 2
Grettum, Ingebret 113 2
Grettum, Ingebright 137 3
Grettum, Petrine 97 2
Greves, James P. 485 7
Griffin, Claramond 103 2
Griffin, Fred W. 662 10
Griffin, Fred W. 1105 18
Griffin, Fred W. 1279 21
Griffin, Guy C. 287 5
Griffin, Ira 79 2
Griffin, Ira J. 64 1
Griffin, Irv 3609 31
Griffin, Maria 287 5
Griffith, A.W. 1452 24
Griffith, Annie 1559 25
Griffith, Arthur 1559 25
Griffith, H.J. 351 6
Grigabay, William H. 84 2
Grigsby Brothers & Company 109
Grimh, A.F. Arthur 517 8
Grimh, A.F. Arthur 1696 25
Grimh, Alice 1696 25
Grimh, Gottfred 606 9
Grimstad, Theodore 1262 20
Grimstad, Theodore 1341 22
Grindell, Robert L. 3627 32
Grindell, Robert L. 3671 32
Groskopp, Cora Belle 454 7
Grover, Edith E. 490 7
Grover, S.F. 474 7
Grover, Stephen F. 245 4
Groves, James P. 530 8
Grubert, Ferdinand Frederick 1065 17
Grubert, Fred 1479 24
Grumershour, C.G. 1156 19
Grunn, Chas. E. 1081 17
Grushus, Harold 3341 29
Grushus, Lucille A. 3484 30
Grushus, Mae 3341 29
Grushus, Vane G. 3484 30
Gudmunson, Adolph 13 1
Gudmunson, Adolph 21 1
Gudmunson, Adolph 112 2
Guilford, P.W. 973 15
Guiterman, Ambrose 95 2
Guiterman, Solomon A. 95 2
Guldvik, A.E. 1059 17
Guldvik, Adolf 981 15
Guldvik, Anna 1059 17
Guldvik, Anna Karolime 981 15
Gulekson, G.K. 1149 18
Gulekson, Vera 1149 18
Gund, John Brewing Company 283 5
Gustaf, Anders 854 13
Gustafson, A.M. 585 9
Gustafson, Chas. F. 1432 24
Gustafson, John Peter 128 2
Gustafson, Leonard 1296 21
Guthman, Milton E. 765 12
H.A. Farnand & Marshall-Well's 1238 20
Haaf, Arthur 2467 27
Haaf, Elsie 2936 28
Haaf, John 2936 28
Haaf, Mercelia 2467 27
Hackett, Delphine 3465 30
Hackett, Gates, Hurty Company 628 10
Hackett, Loren 3465 30
Hackett, Walter, Gates Hardware Company 276 5
Hacking, Paul 1121 18
Hacking, Robert W. 1121 18
Haden, John 124 2
Hagen, Charles 5 1
Hagen, Charles 153 3
Hagen, Charles 42 1
Hagen, J.J. 222 4
Hagen, Johanes 1224 20
Hagen, Mat I. 1270 21
Hagen, Oscar 461 7
Hagerty, Thomas F. 1026 16
Haglin, Nettie 345 6
Hahn, Martin 246 4
Hahn, Martin 911 14
Haight, James B. 1012 16
Haines, Helen B. 1213 20
Haines, Helen B. 1244 20
Halback, John W. 1329 22
Halback, Ruth 1329 22
Haley, William E. 304 5
Hall, C.B. 885 14
Hall, F.A. 734 11
Hall, F.A. 771 12
Hall, H.H. 1064 17
Hall, Henry H. 766 12
Hall, Henry H. 980 15
Hall, Henry H. 1000 16
Hall, Henry H. 1061 17
Hall, Henry H. 1132 18
Hall, Henry H. 1258 20
Hall, Henry H. 1338 22
Hall, Luey E. 60 1
Hall, Luey E. 61 1
Hall, Luey E. 62 1
Hall, Martin 68 1
Hall, R.S. 61 1
Hall, R.S. 60 1
Hall, R.S. 62 1
Hall, Samantha A. 68 1
Hallquist, Charles 971 15
Hallquist, Richard 1227 20
Halonie, Dale 3668 32
Halonie, Marlene 3668 32
Halverson, Clifford 3672 32
Halverson, Clifford M. 3534 30
Halverson, Ed 953 15
Halverson, Esther 3672 32
Halverson, Esther R. 3534 30
Halverson, Hazel A. 2746 27
Halverson, Robert 2746 27
Halverson, Thomas 124 2
Hamilton, Charles Woodman 407 7
Hamilton, H.H. 307 5
Hammel, Henry 113 2
Hammer, Johanna 1387 23
Hammer, Ole 1387 23
Hammerstrand, August 30 1
Hammod, Charles F. 826 13
Hammond, George D. 637 10
Han, Martin 225 4
Hane, John 208 4
Haney, Charles 586 9
Hanks, C.H. 1375 23
Hanley, John 2196 26
Hanley, Margaret 2196 26
Hanner, Edward Edsel 718 11
Hanner, Hazel 718 11
Hansen, Alice I. 3722 33
Hansen, Geo T. 647 10
Hansen, Maynard F. 3722 33
Hansen, Oline 614 10
Hansen, Oline 615 10
Hansen, Oline 647 10
Hanson, Adolph 703 11
Hanson, Alice M. 1038 16
Hanson, Allen 1751 25
Hanson, Alma 2350 26
Hanson, Andrew 1038 16
Hanson, Andrew 1343 22
Hanson, Avis Bernice 1751 25
Hanson, Barney A. 317 5
Hanson, Barney A. 356 6
Hanson, Charlotte 735
Hanson, Clara 2384 26
Hanson, Elizabeth 1018 16
Hanson, Ella M. 356 6
Hanson, George 1476 24
Hanson, George A. 189 3
Hanson, George A. 206 3
Hanson, George B. 1474 24
Hanson, George O. 315 5
Hanson, Gust 2350 26
Hanson, H.C. 847 13
Hanson, Hans 458 7
Hanson, Hans M. 488 7
Hanson, Hattie 1025 16
Hanson, Henning 124 2
Hanson, Ingred 458 7
Hanson, John A. 1574 25
Hanson, John C. 2387 26
Hanson, Jos. B. 1368 23
Hanson, Joseph 2384 26
Hanson, L.B. 1018 16
Hanson, Levine 1475 24
Hanson, Maebelle E. 1574 25
Hanson, Martha 315 5
Hanson, Martha 2113 25
Hanson, Martha 2387 26
Hanson, Nels 27 1
Hanson, Nichell 164 3
Hanson, Nicholai G. 1108 18
Hanson, Nicholi 173 3
Hanson, O.A. 369 6
Hanson, Olivia 27 1
Hanson, Ragna M. 1108 18
Hanson, Server N. 111 2
Hanson, William 2113 25
Hanson. W.B. 1378 23
Haraldson, Leila Lee 3660 32
Haraldson, Randolph Henry 3660 32
Hargens, John 310 5
Harle, John 368 6
Harley G.M. 1133 18
Harley, C.M. 269 4
Harley, Ella E. 269 4
Harley, Henry J. 1414 23
Harley, Jennie 1414 23
Harley, S.F. 1143 18
Harmon, E.W. 786 13
Harper, Florence 12 1
Harper, Leander 12 1
Harper, Peter R. 262 4
Harper, Susan E. 262 4
Harris, B.H. 544 8
Harris, Betty Jean 3703 33
Harris, Gerald D. 3703 33
Harstadt, John M. 294 5
Hart, George 1445 24
Hartenstein, Elisabeth 1212 20
Hartman, John 2046 25
Hartman, John C. 681 10
Hartman, Martha 2046 25
Hartschorn, Effie 1311 21
Hartschorn, Pearl 1311 21
Hartwig, August 1397 23
Hartwig, Charles F. 1397 23
Hartzell, Fannie N. 850 13
Hartzell, George W. 850 13
Hasner, Fred 851 13
Hastings, Josephine 1538 25
Hastings, Kyle 1538 25
Hasz, Minnie May 1220 20
Hatcher, C.E. 663 10
Hatcher, C.E. 891 14
Hatchkiss, Marshall 1177 19
Hatchkiss, Martha 1177 19
Haugen State Bank 1464 24
Haugen, Maria 289 5
Havener, Frank 604 9
Havener, Kate 604 9
Hawes, Gustavus A. 728 11
Hawks, Abbie A. 328 5
Hawks, Earl B. 821 13
Hawks, S.G. 296 5
Hawks, S.G. 328 5
Hawks, S.G., P. 295 5
Hawley, V.E. 647 10
Haxtun, W.E. 925 14
Hayek, Fred E. 574 9
Hayman, Andrew J. 805 13
Hayman, Andrew J. 671 10
Heald, John Wesley 744 11
Hebb, Burton E. 1586 25
Hebb, Joy B. 1586 25
Hedberg, Axel 585 9
Hedberg, Hildor 1449 24
Hedberg, Minnie A. 1449 24
Hedwall, C.J. 139 3
Hedwall, Gust 139 3
Hegge, E.M. 222 4
Heier, Edith Ray 2531 27
Heier, Herman Wilbert 2531 27
Heilman, Andrew 1298 21
Heinerick Chemical Company 596 9
Heinrich Chemical Company 1087 17
Heisterkamp, Helene 945 15
Heisterkamp, Henry 945 15
Hellsell, F.H. 293 5
Hellstrom, Charley 245 4
Helmbrecht, Donald 2931 28
Helmbrecht, Donald L. 2876 28
Helmbrecht, Laura 2931 28
Helmbrecht, Laura M. 2876 28
Helstrom, Beda 563 9
Helwig, Charles 506 8
Helwig, Chas. F. 896 14
Hemming, Bernice G. 2770 28
Hemming, Robert J. 2770 28
Henderson, Jennie V. 450 7
Hendricks, F.B. 1166 19
Hendricks, F.O. 1162 19
Henning, Adolph 702 11
Herron, C.F. 1125 18
Hersant, Ignatius 3716 33
Hersant, Ignatius 3235 29
Hersant, Ignatius 3784 33
Hersant, Marie 3235 29
Hersant, Marye V. 3716 33
Hersant, Marye V. 3784 33
Hershey Lumber Company 247 4
Hess, John J. 1033 16
Hewett, Henry 602 9
Hiatt, W.N. 1253 20
Hickerson, J.A. 133 2
Hickerson, Joel 31 1
Hickerson, Joel A. 87 2
Hickerson, Mary 371 6
Hickerson, Mary 1303 21
Hickerson, Perry D. 42 1
Hickerson, Perry D. 114 2
Hicks, Edwin A. 1461 24
Hicks, Viola A. 1461 24
Higgins, Henry M. 369 6
Highstrom, Elizabeth 3281 29
Highstrom, Murlin 3281 29
Hildreth, W.P. 2189 25
Hill, Ada 2918 28
Hill, Alexander 2918 28
Hilliker, Arthuryn 483 7
Hilliker, Orilla 583 9
Hilliker, Orilla 1087 17
Hilliker, Vernon 538 8
Hilliker, Vernon 1087 17
Hilliker, Vernon P. 483 7
Hilliker, William 993 16
Hillinker, William 468 7
Hillman, Ray H. 698 11
Hillman, Roy 1300 21
Hills, Forest 774 12
Hills, Hattie 774 12
Hilthe, Julius 904 14
Himes, Nella Allen 1155 19
Hinz, Henry C. 1342 22
Hisholm, A.C. 658 10
Hjort, Charles G. 985 15
Hoag, Dorothy 3009 28
Hoag, Neil 3009 28
Hoage, Clothelda 380 6
Hoage, Mark 380 6
Hoar, William G. 115 2
Hoard, Clarence 738 11
Hobart, M.P. 183 3
Hobbs, Edwin W. 1271 21
Hochstetler, Dorothy Paulsen 2443 27
Hoefs, Albert 1352 22
Hoefs, Augusta 1352 22
Hoff, Alvina 3095 29
Hoff, Alvina 3114 29
Hoff, John 3095 29
Hoff, John 3114 29
Hoffmier, Lawrence 224 4
Hoglund, Ole 70 2
Hoglund, Ole 507 8
Hoiden, Henrietta 182 3
Hoiden, John 182 3
Hokanson, Donald 3443 30
Hokanson, Donna 3443 30
Hokanson, Emma 899 14
Holasek, Winslow 1315 21
Holman, Elias W. 460 7
Holman, Elias W. 378 6
Holmes, Amanda 683 10
Holmes, Esther 645 10
Holmes, Henry 1434 24
Holmes, Rachel 1434 24
Holmes, Sarah L. 795 13
Holmes, Simon 645 10
Holmes, Susan 154 3
Holmes, Susan 155 3
Holstein, Chas. 1323 22
Holstrom, Carl E. 750 11
Holtman, Andrew 437 12
Honts, Elizabeth 2791 28
Honts, Lena 2356 26
Honts, Walter 2356 26
Honts, Walter 2791 28
Hoover, Lenore 3483 30
Hoover, Maynard 3483 30
Hopartyon, John 984 15
Hopes, Aurora E. - estate 281 5
Hopkins, Charles E. 1235 20
Hopkins, Charles E. 2929 28
Hopkins, Charles Edward 2451 27
Hopkins, Dora 2451 27
Hopkins, Dora 2929 28
Horchstetler, Robert Burns 2443 27
Horner, Guile 2404 26
Horner, Lorraine 2404 26
Hosig, W.G. 443 12
Hottran, Alexander M. 849 13
Hottran, Isabelle 849 13
Houde, Michael 31 1
Houghtaling, Charles H. 667 10
House, Grace May 842 13
House, William J. 842 13
Hovade, M.F. 205 3
Hovade, Petra A. 205 3
Hovde, Petra A. 254 4
Howard, Clair E. 1049 17
Howard, Daniel D. 590 9
Howard, Daniel D. 701 11
Howard, Daniel D. 890 14
Howard, Daniel D. 495 7
Howard, John P. 890 14
Howard, Lynn K. 1156 19
Howe, E.B. 311 5
Howe, E.E. 587 9
Howe, Hiram 311 5
Howell, D.E. 494
Howland, Blanche 2954 28
Howland, Fred 2954 28
Hoyt, R.B. 464 7
Hubbard, George 1292 21
Huber, Eliza 188 3
Huber, Jessie Pearl 2890 28
Huber, Raymond J. 2890 28
Hugate, J.H. 96 2
Hughart, Anne 2795 28
Hughart, Charles R. 2795 28
Hughes, C.U. 593 9
Hughes, John 345 6
Hughes, Mary M. 593 9
Hullquist, Gustaf 54 1
Hunter, Ed 696 11
Hunter, Harry L. 1062 17
Hunter, William 696 11
Huntley, Nellia E. 387 6
Hurlburt, H.H. 368 6
Hurley, James 249 4
Hurley, John 249 4
Hurley, William 249 4
Hustedaud [Hustisford?] State Bank 605 9
Huston, H.J. 952 15
Hutchinson, Helma 196 3
Hutchinson, John 196 3
Hute, Wiley C. 662 10
Icard, Guy 1902 25
Icard, Irene 3640 32
Icard, Luther 3640 32
Icard, Tillie 1902 25
Ilstrup, George 1394 23
Ilstrup, Louise 1394 23
Incorportation of the Village of Webster 935 15
Indian Refining Company 1110 18
Ingalle, Madeline 1173 19
Ingalls, Ben 839 13
Ingalls, Hiram 115 2
Ingalls, LeRoy 839 13
Ingalls, Mathilda 980 15
Ingalls, Mathilda 1000 16
Ingersole, Charles 508 8
Ingersole, Charles 807 13
Interior Lumber Company 851 13
International Harvester Company 943 15
International Harvester Company 579 9
International Harvester Company 1238 20
International Harvester Company of America 639 10
International Reality Limited 643 10
International Realty Limited 476 7
Ireland, Heulah 1354 22
Ireland, John H. 1058 17
Irons, Ed 1193 19
Irons, L.T. 1193 19
Irvine, William 136 3
Isaacson, Ida Hannah 826 13
Isaacson, Jacob 1028 16
Isaacson, Jacob 1115 18
Isaakson, Isaac F. 89 2
Isackson, Isaac E. 152 3
Isackson, Isack F. 261 4
Isackson, Serena 261 4
Isackson, Serenie E. 152 3
Isacson, Jack 1073 17
Isakson, Maria 633 10
Island City State Bank 660 10
Israels, E.A. 1431 24
Israels, Mary 1032 16
Israels, Oscar E. 855 13
Israels, Oscar E. 1032 16
Issacson, Ida H. 1028 16
Iverson, Oliver 441 12
Jackman, Elva R. 1123 18
Jackman, Joseph R. 1123 18
Jackman, Mabel E. 1123 18
Jackson National Farm Loan 1423 23
Jackson, D.L. 957 15
Jackson, H.B. 14
Jackson, Howard G. 1265 20
Jackson, Howard G. 1320 22
Jackson, Rose C. 1265 20
Jacobs, William 257 4
Jacobs, William 247 4
Jacobson, C.J. 45A 1
Jacobson, Charles J. 946 15
Jahnsen, Einar O. 2718 27
Jahnsen, Hazel Bardo 2718 27
Jakobson, Peter 706 11
James Manufacturing Company 669 10
James, Belle 1016 16
James, Lewis H. 1016 16
Jameson, G.C. 307 5
Janke, Charles 2156 25
Janke, Charles 2164 26
Janke, Charles 2187 A 26
Janke, Jean 2156 25
Janke, Jean 2164 26
Janke, Jean 2187 A 26
Jannette, L. 1003 16
Janson, Anton 108 2
Jefferies, Hugh 531 8
Jefferies, Hugh 540 8
Jefferies, Hugh 755 11
Jefferies, Johnston 531 8
Jefferies, Pearl 540 8
Jefferies, Pearl A. 755 11
Jefferson, R.C. 1020 16
Jenkins, Alex 955 15
Jenks, Linda 3699 33
Jenks, Robert S. 3699 33
Jensen, Alton 2464 27
Jensen, Anna 814 13
Jensen, Anna 819 13
Jensen, Arnold V. 1328 22
Jensen, D.E. 628 10
Jensen, E.D. 3759 33
Jensen, E.D. 3611 31
Jensen, Grace 2875 28
Jensen, Hans M. 1005 16
Jensen, Ida 1328 22
Jensen, Isabelle 582 9
Jensen, J.H. 183 3
Jensen, J.H. 326 5
Jensen, J.H. 289 5
Jensen, James H. 582 9
Jensen, James H. 793 13
Jensen, James H. 1344 22
Jensen, James H. 410 7
Jensen, James H. 541 8
Jenson, Jenson C. 10 1
Jensen, Jean 1607 25
Jensen, Jean L. 2497 27
Jensen, Jens 2875 28
Jensen, Lorayne 2464 27
Jensen, Marlo E. 2497 27
Jensen, Minna O. 1607 25
Jensen, S.E. 382 6
Jensen, S.E. 480 7
Jensen, S.E. 577 9
Jensen, S.E. 820 13
Jensen, Theodore 1353 22
Jensen, Theodore B. 1070 17
Jensen, Theodore B. 1208A 20
Jenson, Harold W. 1452 24
Jenson, J.H. 461 7
Jenson, S.E. 477 7
Jerrard, F.B. 183 3
Jeter, J. 1225 20
Jeter, J.R. 1219 20
Jewell, Chester Carlos 720 11
Jewell, Earl 720 11
Jewell, Ezra 69 2
Jewell, Margareta 720 11
Jira, James 1404 23
Johansen, Waldemar 1441 24
Johanson, Anius S. 82 2
Johnson, A.G. 43 1
Johnson, A.G. 636 10
Johnson, A.G. 433 12
Johnson, A.H. 680 10
Johnson, A.W. 1006 16
Johnson, Albert 272 A 5
Johnson, Albert G. 1273 21
Johnson, Albert V. 587 9
Johnson, Albert W. 419 7
Johnson, Alden 3352 30
Johnson, Anders 309 5
Johnson, Andrew 119 2
Johnson, Andrew 135 2
Johnson, Andrew 150 3
Johnson, Andrew 872 14
Johnson, Anna 3554 31
Johnson, Anton 1005 16
Johnson, Arel H. 680 10
Johnson, Arthur Leonard 1473 24
Johnson, August 254 4
Johnson, Axel E. 2462 27
Johnson, Barry 3024 29
Johnson, Beatrice 2800 28
Johnson, Carl E. 3554 31
Johnson, Cecelia 3523 30
Johnson, Charles V. 1047 17
Johnson, Christ S. 2343 26
Johnson, Clark P. 753 11
Johnson, Daniel 754 11
Johnson, Darvey 3727 33
Johnson, Darvey 3678 32
Johnson, Donald Duane 3657 32
Johnson, Dorothea 1005 16
Johnson, E.A. 815 1921
Johnson, Edward 727 11
Johnson, Elias 533 8
Johnson, Ella J. 1823 25
Johnson, Elmer R. 1045 16
Johnson, Emma 2343 26
Johnson, Ethel 1204 20
Johnson, Eugenie Mary 3657 32
Johnson, G.B. 852 13
Johnson, Genevieve E. 2747 28
Johnson, George Emil 2052 25
Johnson, George H.D. 396 6
Johnson, Gertrude 3554 31
Johnson, Gregory C. 3645 32
Johnson, Gust A. 1204 20
Johnson, Gustaf 749 11
Johnson, Guy 2800 28
Johnson, Harry 533 8
Johnson, Harry C.A. 1158 19
Johnson, Helen 3352 30
Johnson, Helen 3391 30
Johnson, Hjalmar 1187 19
Johnson, Ivan V. 2747 28
Johnson, Iver C. 1056 17
Johnson, J.A. 96 2
Johnson, J.P. 760 11
Johnson, Jerome 3585 31
Johnson, Joe E. 2526 27
Johnson, John 749 11
Johnson, John A. 73 2
Johnson, John E. 414 7
Johnson, John E. 760 11
Johnson, John Emil 634 10
Johnson, John F. 557 9
Johnson, John M. 1298 21
Johnson, John M.C. 1152 18
Johnson, John N. 59 1
Johnson, Judith 1473 24
Johnson, Lawrence 3391 30
Johnson, Lawrence - estate 135 2
Johnson, Leonard 3021 28
Johnson, Levi 3005 28
Johnson, Lillian 3727 33
Johnson, Lillian 3678 32
Johnson, Lona 3024 29
Johnson, Loreli 3553 31
Johnson, Lorena A. 2462 27
Johnson, Lynne M. 3645 32
Johnson, Mary 188 3
Johnson, Myrtle 3005 28
Johnson, Ole 205 3
Johnson, Oscar 231 4
Johnson, Peter A. 1447 24
Johnson, Peter A. 193 3
Johnson, Peter M. 230 4
Johnson, Phyllis 3021 28
Johnson, Rachel 2052 25
Johnson, Robert 3553 31
Johnson, Roy E. 3523 30
Johnson, Ruth 1056 17
Johnson, Ruth D. 753 11
Johnson, Sam K. 323 5
Johnson, Samuel 27 1
Johnson, Samuel 215 4
Johnson, Selma 193 3
Johnson, Swan C. 451 7
Johnson, Theodore 418 7
Johnson, William 78 2
Johnson, William 1823 25
Johsnon, Louise I. 2526 27
Jonason, Eric 781 12
Jonason, Jonas 452 7
Jonason, Paul 781 12
Jonason, Victoria 452 7
Jones, Barbara Lee 3610 31
Jones, Ronald B. 3610 31
Joseph, Larkis 379 6
Jotbald, David 2860 28
Jotbald, Mamie 2860 28
Joyner, Leo 960 15
Judson, Henry 341 6
Judson, Nancy 341 6
Justi, H.D. 1163 19
Kahlsterf, Jeachim 385 6
Kaiser, William 400 6
Kalmen, M.J. 291 4
Kantarowski, Frank 1252 20
Kanthack, Edward 2953 28
Kanthack, Helen 2953 28
Karkau, Charles W. 484 7
Kaudy, Alice 650 10
Kaudy, N.L. 650 10
Kaudy, N.L. 670 10
Kearns, Thomas P. 879 14
Keefe, William 1267 20
Kehn, Christina 2091 25
Kehn, Henry H. 2091 25
Kellberg, Clarence 2959 28
Kellberg, Clarence 2968 28
Kellberg, Clarence 3696 32
Kellberg, Susan 2959 28
Kellberg, Susan 2968 28
Kellberg, Susan 3696 32
Keller, Alvah R. 1330 22
Keller, Charles Marion 2454 27
Keller, Muriel June 2454 27
Kelly-How-Thomson 1109 18
Kemp, Henry 579 9
Kenaston, F.E. 329 5
Kennelly, Charlotte 1210 20
Kennelly, Edith 1277 21
Kennelly, Emily 657 10
Kennelly, R.M. 1277 21
Kennelly, Robert M. 1396 23
Kennelly, Thomas A. 1210 20
Kennelly, Thomas A. 1396 23
Kenowski, Beatrice 3193 29
Kenowski, Beatrice 3229 29
Kenowski, Beatrice 3269 29
Kenowski, Henry 3193 29
Kenowski, Henry 3229 29
Kenowski, Henry 3269 29
Kent, J.A. 228 4
Kent, Jay A. 464 7
Kent, Mabel 228 4
Kerrick State Bank 1215 20
Kerwin, Martin J. 824 13
Kerwin, Mary 824 13
Kerwin, Rose H. 824 13
Kerwin, Teresa 824 13
Kezer, Ellen 1325 22
Kiehl, Lawrence 1283 21
Kiehl, Lawrence 1460 24
Kienitz, Alma 2430 26
Kienitz, Eugene R. 2430 26
Killberg, Charles 653 10
Killberg, Ernest 653 10
Killberg, Grata 653 10
Kimball, Betty 2829 28
Kimball, Lyle 2829 28
King, A.S. 775 12
King, Edward 2321 26
King, Jeanette 2321 26
King, Pheba 775 12
King, Pheba 1169 19
Kinsey, Addie 3425
Kinsey, Jessie 3425
Klasky, I. Leon 715 11
Klein, Matt 1051 17
Klein, Matt 1221 20
Klemann, Betty 3020 28
Kling, Mary Della 1356 22
Kling, Roy Dwight 1356 22
Knapp, George Frank 3577 31
Knapp, Nannie 3577 31
Knudson, Carl G. 311 5
Knudson, E. 721 11
Knup, Hanna 576 9
Knutson, Elmer M. 1493 25
Knutson, Irma Helen 1493 25
Knutson, Ole A. 1399 23
Koenig Hardware Company 1043 16
Koepsell, Herman 966
Kohl, Joseph P. 176 3
Kohman, Frank 3162 29
Kohman, Lora 3162 29
Kolberg, Henry 2947 28
Kolberg, Lydia 2947 28
Kollander, Edward 575 9
Kopecky, Lois Mae 2541 27
Kopecky, Paul J. 2541 27
Kosth, Annie 243 4
Kosth, Mathias 243 4
Kragniss, Doris 1822 25
Kragniss, Keith 1822 25
Krahler, Donald L. 2904 28
Krahler, Elinore 2904 28
Kramepeter, George L. 940 15
Krans, Ernest E. 1058 17
Krantz, Carl 3420 30
Krantz, Minnie 3420 30
Kreibich, Romeo 813 13
Kreibich, Romeo 878 14
Kreimer, Emil O. 180 3
Kreiner, E.O. 308 5
Kreiner, E.O. 831 13
Kreiner, Emil O. 389 6
Kreiner, Jennie 831 13
Kreiner, Marie 389 6
Kreiner, Mary 180 3
Kreuter, John 1245 20
Kribs, Fred A. 238 4
Kriebeck, K.F. 1116 18
Kriner, E.O. 149 3
Kroeplin, Henry 1014 16
Krogh, C.A. 721 11
Krug, Harry E. 835 13
Kruger, Julius 354 6
Krusche, Herman O. 498 7
Kruschke, Ollie S. 498 7
Kuethers, J.F. 825 13
Kuhnly, Daniel O. 1456 24
Kuhnly, Daniel Orin 673 10
Kuhnly, J.W. 800 13
Kuhnly, Mabel E. 673 10
Kuhnly, P.F. 985 15
Kuhuly, Fred 800 13
Kumlin, Arthur 827 13
Kunm, Peter 536 8
Kurtz, John 2053 25
Kurtz, Martha 2053 25
La Chance, Cyrille 127 2
La Pre, Curtis 2948 28
La Pre, Elizabeth 2948 28
Lacy, Charles 854 13
Lacy, Fred 854 13
Ladendorf, Earl 3448 30
Ladendorf, Earl 3467 30
Ladendorf, Margaret 3448 30
Ladendorf, Margaret 3467 30
LaForge, Guy M. 1273 21
LaGrew, John M. 1273 21
LaGroo, August 179 3
Lahe, Wood 203 3
Lahners, Frank 3283 29
Lake Superior Copper Paint Company 258 4
Lakin, Emily S. 1369 23
Lakin, Luther 1369 23
Lalor, Alvina 3656 32
Lalor, Clinton W. 3656 32
Lamb, Ethel 1008 16
Lampman, Ray 1438 24
Landbeck, August 2222 1941
Landbeck, Vera 2222 1941
Lane, Den E. 1230 20
Langleis, Walter 1317 21
Langlois, Walter 1088 17
Langlois, Walter 1251 20
Langner, Albert 1334 22
Lapham, Frank W. 686 11
LaRa, George 3543 31
LaRa, Ruth 3543 31
Larabee, Jesse 1079 17
Larrabee, A.B. 804 13
Larrabee, Alice 3065 29
Larrabee, Carmen B. 2431 26
Larrabee, Donald 3065 29
Larrabee, Fred W. 804 13
Larrabee, Jack R. 2431 26
Larrabee, M.J. 1100 18
Larreabee, F.W. 1100 18
Larsen, O.C. 1417 23
Larson Bros. & Peterson Inc. 1400 23
Larson Bros. & Peterson 1370 23
Larson, Marlette 2047 25
Larson, A.M. 401 6
Larson, Albert W. 2423 26
Larson, Alfred 811 13
Larson, Alfreda 2693 27
Larson, Carl M. 2214 26
Larson, Clara 811 13
Larson, Clara 3689 32
Larson, Dave 931 14
Larson, David 1115 18
Larson, Ed 931 14
Larson, Elsie 2695 27
Larson, Emma 1355 22
Larson, Frank 2086 25
Larson, Gustav Philip, Jr. 2434 26
Larson, Henry 3689 32
Larson, Hilma 2086 25
Larson, Hulda 313 5
Larson, J.A. 931 14
Larson, J.A. 1115 18
Larson, Jacob 457 7
Larson, Jacob 462 7
Larson, James B. 2426 A 26
Larson, John 81 2
Larson, John A. 1432 24
Larson, La 11 1
Larson, Lars L. 533 A 8
Larson, Laura H. 2214 26
Larson, Lawrence 2693 27
Larson, Louise D. 2507 27
Larson, Marvin 2695 27
Larson, Mary 462 7
Larson, May P. 2423 26
Larson, Roy 2047 25
Larson, Roy S. 2507 27
Larson, Ruby 2434 26
Larson, Ruby M. 2426 A 26
Larson, Sophia 457 7
Larson, Spencer 313 5
Laurson, H.M. 216 4
Lawn of Lincoln 411 7
Lawrence, Herbert W. 603 9
Lawrence, Lucie I. 603 9
Lay, Clarence A. 891 14
Leach, Calvin S. 668 10
Leach, Lizzie 668 10
Leathers, E.A. 499 7
Lee, Donald 3715 33
Lee, Donald 3588 31
Lee, Donald 3695 32
Lee, Gilbert 979 15
Lee, Grace M. 528 8
Lee, Julia 1450 24
Lee, Lenora 3715 33
Lee, Lenora 3588 31
Lee, Lenora 3695 32
Lee, Mary L. 3626 32
Lee, Mary L. 3680 32
Lee, Robert E. 3626 32
Lee, Robert E. 3680 32
Lee, Thomas 528 8
Leef, Becca 663 10
Leef, Clemency 2258 26
Leef, Clemency 2289 26
Leef, Ellick 2258 26
Leef, Ellick 2289 26
Leef, John A. 316 5
Leffler, D.F. 1042 16
Leffler, Frances 1042 16
Leihky, John 355 6
Leitrith, Henry 344 6
Lemmer, George 287 5
Lemont, C.W. 748 11
Leonard, A.E. 1096 17
Leonard, Lillian 1096 17
Lesh, J.H. 577 9
Lesh, James Howard 578 9
Lesure, Celia 1074 17
Letha, Whitted 2189 25
Letts, Carol M. 2669 27
Letts, Eugene Louis 2669 27
Lewis, Arthur 340 6
Lewis, Benjamin 3137 29
Lewis, Juanita 3324 29
Lewis, Mabel 3137 29
Lewis, Wilbert 3324 29
Lien, Blanche 1198 19
Lien, Delores 3551 31
Lien, Delores Amy 3563 31
Lien, John 389 6
Lien, Merton 3551 31
Lien, Merton Wayne 3563 31
Lightner, W.H. 183 3
Lilieburg, Swan 763 12
Liligen, Emil 906 14
Liljeberg, Swam W. 651 10
Liljeblad, Richard 316 5
Liljenberg, Fred A. 3614 31
Liljenberg, Lena 3614 31
Lind, John B. 125 2
Lindberg, Axel 1371 23
Lindberg, Lewis 1135 18
Lindberg, Linda 1135 18
Lindberg, Linda L. 3565 31
Lindberg, Marilyn Hintz 2806 28
Lindberg, Wayne H. 3565 31
Lindberg, William C. 2806 28
Lindbolm, Fred 472 7
Linde, Clas 301 5
Linde, Nellie 301 5
Lindgren, Carl O. 1379 23
Lindgren, Carl O. 1422 23
Lindgren, Emil 965 15
Lindgren, Emil 1107 18
Lindgren, Minnie 1379 23
Lindholm, Nels A. 1340 22
Lindley, Arvilla 1464 24
Lindley, Frank 312 5
Lindley, Frank D. 338 5
Lindley, Lloyd H. 1464 24
Lindquist, Albin 590 9
Lindquist, Bertha 1021 16
Lindquist, Carl 1021 16
Lindquist, E.R. 1321 22
Lindquist, Oscar 495 7
Lindstrom, Erick 1021 16
Linehan, Terry 3441 30
Linehan, Vicki 3441 30
Linn, Axel J. 75 2
Liquid Carbonic Company 1063 17
Lisch, Michael 3 1
Little, Mases C. 1020 16
Lively, Guy E. 812 13
Livensparker, David 55 1
Livingston, Aline 1478 24
Livingston, Evelyn 2487 27
Livingston, Joe 2487 27
Locke, Frank 591 9
Lockert, Duane 2943 28
Lockert, Virginia 2943 28
Lockrem, Annette 1126 18
Lockrem, Bennett 1126 18
Lockren, Annette 1071 17
Lockren, Bennett 1071 17
Logode Lake Farm Fire Insurance Company 425 12
Lohen, Joseph S. 94 2
Lombard, George 930 14
Lombard, Joseph 2500 27
Lombard, Nettie H. 2500 27
Lonergan, M.D. 473 7
Longshore, Charles T. 1155 19
Longshore, Sam 959 15
Loomis, Chrissie T. 374 6
Loomis, Clarence, A.L. 374 6
Loomis, George 637 10
Lopp, William J. 1113 18
Lord, Frank 470 7
Lord, Gertrude 470 7
Lorentz, Nils M. 231 4
Loue, Edward 145 3
Loveland, Charles S. 871 14
Lovell, Eva G. 755 11
Lubbers, Kobus 512 8
Lubbs, John 1167 19
Ludquist, Brita 200 3
Ludquist, Erick 200 3
Ludwig, Bertha 877 14
Luenzmann & Raths 1119 18
Lueptow, Robert F. 2425 26
Luey, Ed. 169 3
Luey, Edwin 213 4
Luke, Eunice D. 757 11
Luke, William R. 757 11
Lumber, H.M. 911 14
Lumberman's Bank 970 15
Lumberman's Bank 983 15
Lumberman's Bank of Shell Lake 936 15
Lumberman's Bank of Shell Lake 1169 19
Lumby, George 451 7
Lumdfuisl, Frank E. 125 2
Lumsden, David 19 1
Lumsden, Simon 1350 22
Lumstrom, Maria Laura 621 10
Lunberg, A.B. 100 2
Lund, Delores 2669 27
Lund, Marion 2669 27
Lundean, John 265 4
Lundeen, Ethelyn 2268 26
Lundeen, Walter 2268 26
Lundgren, Charles 182 3
Lundin, A.P. 248 4
Lundin, Andrew 2193 26
Lundin, Christine 248 4
Lundin, Eva 2193 26
Lundquist, Anton J. 501 7
Lundquist, Britta 207 4
Lundquist, Charles 522 8
Lundquist, Edna 1424 23
Lundquist, Erick 207 4
Lundquist, Leonard 1157 19
Lundquist, Leonard F. 1161 18
Lundquist, Reuben N. 1424 23
Lundquist, Roy W. 1168 19
Lunstrom, John E. 621 10
Lutgen, Mathias 359 6
Lutgen, Rose Ann 359 6
Luther, A.W. 382 6
Lutz, J.A. 1318 22
Lyman, William 456 7
Macier, Alyce 2756 28
Macier, John 2756 28
Mack, Darlene 3223 29
Mack, Dennis 3223 29
Mack, Hannah 2970 28
Mack, Rudolph 2970 28
Mackey Lumber Company 367 6
Mackey Lumber Company 371 6
Mackey Lumber Company 409 7
Mackey Lumber Company 478 7
Mackey, W.F. 334 5
Maertz, Hattie L. 1369 23
Magnison, O.J. 90 2
Magnunson, Gustaf 768 12
Magnuson, August 101 2
Magnuson, August 934 15
Magnuson, Charles 807 13
Magnuson, Frank 271 4
Magnuson, Joyce 3002 28
Magnuson, O.J. 162 3
Magnuson, Robert 314 5
Magnuson, Robert 320 5
Magnuson, Robert 337 5
Magnuson, Robert 449 7
Magnuson, Robert 901 14
Magnuson, Robert Q. 162 3
Magnuson, Sheron 3002 28
Magon, M.J. 314 5
Magoon, John E. 550 8
Magoon, Sylvia 550 8
Mahlen, C.W.H. 1281 21
Mahoney, William O. 557 9
Malbon, Forest David 1142 18
Malbon, Josephine 1142 18
Malmquist, Oscar 788 13
Malone, Mary B. 809 13
Mandahl, Lars 503 7
Mandahl, Lars 909 14
Mangnuson, Robert 487 7
Mangnuson, Robert 441 12
Mangon, M.J. 320 5
Mangunson, O.J. 201 3
Mansfield, Judson 226
Mansfield, Melvin J. 1096 17
Mansfield, Nellie 226
Manson, Tom O. 1034 16
Marble, Baldwin 579 9
Marcotte, Delia 1152 18
Marcotte, Paul 1152 18
Marcyan, Annie M. 3601 31
Marcyan, Wallace E. 3601 31
Marek, Evelyn 3490 30
Marek, Joe H. 3490 30
Maren, J.A. 696 11
Marie Railway Company 489 7
Mariette, Leon C. 2137 25
Mariette, Vivian Pearl 2137 25
Marin, W.A. 1101 18
Markam, G.H. 61 1
Markham, G.H. 60 1
Markham, G.H. 62 1
Markham, G.H. 169 3
Markham, George 145 3
Markham, George H. 213 4
Markle, Hattie 949 15
Markle, Joseph 949 15
Markva, Mary Alice 3759 33
Markva, Richard J. 3759 33
Markville State Bank 1170 19
Marlow, Harold 3633 32
Marlow, Jacquelin 3480 30
Marlow, Robert 3480 30
Marlow, Sharon 3633 32
Marlowe, Harold 3737 33
Marlowe, Sharon 3737 33
Marquette, J.A. 1054 17
Marsh, H.L. 706 11
Marsh, Lester 2789 28
Marsh, Lester 2881 28
Marsh, Mabel 1195 19
Marsh, Mabel 1158 19
Marsh, Ralph 1158 19
Marsh, Ralph 1195 19
Marsh, Vialis 2789 28
Marsh, Vialis 2881 28
Marshall & Ilsley Bank 833 13
Marshland Farming Company 142 3
Marshland Farming Company 189 3
Marshland Farming Company 190 3
Marson, W.L. 948 15
Martin, Clark J. 296 5
Martin, Clark J. 376 6
Martin, Frank A. 3532 30
Martin, Olive B. 376 6
Martin, Ruth E. 3532 30
Maryland, August J. 221 4
Mason, C.B. 838 13
Mason, Catherine 838 13
Mason, George F. 830 13
Mason, Grace C. 1034 16
Mason, Tom O. 955 15
Mastenbrook, F.J. 967 15
Mathes, Jacob 869 14
Mathews, Albert 599 9
Mathison, Een 254 4
Mattson, Frances 561 9
Mattson, Frances 1288 21
Mattson, Frances 1308 21
Mattson, Oscar 551 8
Mattson, W.A. 1308 21
Mattson, William 561 9
Mattson, William 1288 21
Matushak, John 504 7
Maxwell, Aberlin 908 14
Maxwell, E.G. 409 7
Maxwell, Frank M. 947 15
Maxwell, Minnie 164 3
Maxwell, Minnie 173 3
Maxwell, Myrtle 947 15
Maxwell, W.R. 9 1
Maxwell, W.R. 35 1
Maxwell, W.R. 90 2
Maxwell, W.R. 98 2
Maxwell, W.R. 55 1
Maxwell, W.R. 133 2
Maxwell, W.R. 140 3
Maxwell, W.R. 160 3
Maxwell, W.R. 161 3
Maxwell, W.R. 170 3
Maxwell, W.R. 903 14
Maxwell, William 1041 16
Maxwell, William R. 600 9
Maxwell, William R. 105 2
Maxwell, William R. 131 2
Maxwell, William R. 164 3
Maxwell, William R. 166 3
Maxwell, William R. 173 3
Mayes, Stella 3046 29
Mayes, William 3046 29
Maylander, Anna L. 150 3
Mcaly, S.J. 140 3
McCaleb, R.C. 778 12
McCarthy, Alice Constance 2468 27
McCarthy, Ella 1258 20
McCarthy, Ella 1338 22
McCarthy, J.A. 234 A 4
McCarthy, J.A. 1232 20
McCarthy, J.A. 1258 20
McCarthy, J.A. 1338 22
McCarthy, Jesse A. 1391 23
McCarthy, John Arthur 2468 27
McCarthy, Ruby 1300 21
McCarthy, Ruby 1391 23
McCarty, Elvira 1752 25
McCarty, Irma 823 13
McCarty, Jesse 1752 25
McCarty, John 823 13
McCaskey Register Company 1064 17
McCombs, Ione 3693 32
McCombs, William 3693 32
McCormick Harvesting Company 227 4
McCormick Harvesting Machine Company 81 2
McCormick Harvesting Machine Company 77 2
McCormick Harvesting Machine Company 201 3
McCormick Harvesting Machine Company 225 4
McCourt, Mary E. 805 13
McCourt, William H. 805 13
McCoy, J.H. 987 16
McDaniels, C. 295 5
McDaniels, Ginevra 295 5
McDonald, Gerald 3611 31
McDonald, John R. 790 13
McDonald, Nellie 1140 18
McDonald, Susan M. 3611 31
McDonald, William 274 5
McDonald, William 939 15
McDonald, William, Jr. 274 5
McDonald, William 259 4
McElarth, Archibald 465 7
McElrath, Alice Elizabeth 465 7
McGlees, Jess 874 14
McIntosh, Louis E. 31 1
McIvor, Arthur 3711 33
McIvor, Nancy 3711 33
McKee, Bert 1963 25
McKee, Delores 3522 30
McKee, Frank 366 6
McKee, Frank 610 10
Mckee, Phoebe 1963 25
McKenzie, Hannah 964 15
McKenzie, W.E. 964 15
McKinon, Henry 187 3
McKnight, Elizabeth 3237 29
McKnight, Elizabeth 3285 29
McKnight, James 3237 29
McKnight, James 3285 29
McLarger, Albut L. 168 3
McMann, Patrick 613 10
McMullen, Avis A. 3667 32
McMullen, Leonard L. 3667 32
McNally, William 3396 30
McNitt, Herbert 1354 22
McPherson, Eugene 2941 28
McPherson, Eugene A. 1465 24
McPherson, Minnie 2941 28
Mead, Eva S. 185 3
Mead, J.H. 211 4
Mead, L.H. 240 4
Mead, L.H. 728 11
Mealey, S.J. 133 2
Mears, C.E. 304 5
Mears, C.E. 183 3
Measner, Gladys 3070 29
Measner, Leander 3070 29
Meek, Irvin R. 1049 17
Mehlen, Jennie M. 1178 19
Meier, Gladys 673 10
Meier, Paul C. 709 11
Meier, Paul C. 895 14
Meir, Paul C. 774 12
Meir, Paul C. 1011 16
Meir, Paul C. 1353 22
Meister, Ernest 246 4
Melander, Anna 166 3
Melberg, C.M. 1140 18
Melberg, Zelma 1140 18
Melby, John 737 11
Melby, Mary B. 737 11
Melgar, John 1349 22
Melin, William 890 14
Mellum, Lars A. 38 1
Mellum, Sophia A. 57 1
Melton, Betty M. 3596 31
Melton, Don 2940 28
Melton, Donald R. 3596 31
Melton, Lucille 2940 28
Merchants & Manufacturers State Bank 849 13
Merkle, Hattie 684 10
Merkle, Joseph 684 10
Meronk, Helen 1268 20
Meronk, John 1268 20
Merrill, Arnella J. 3723 33
Merrill, E.C. 975 15
Merrill, Larry R. 3723 33
Messersmith, Alfred 840 13
Messersmith, Valentine 327 5
Meyer, Clara 950 15
Meyer, F.W. 950 15
Meyer, Frank 171 3
Meyers, Charles 54 1
Michaud, W.H. 1052 17
Mickelson, Marlin 943 15
Mid Century Insurance Company 3565 31
Middleton Manufacturing Company 430 12
Midland Insurance Company 997 16
Miller, C.B. 86 2
Miller, Christ 171 3
Miller, Einar 1118 18
Miller, Elsie 1031 16
Miller, Fred 420 12
Miller, Fred 1031 16
Miller, G.L. 464 7
Miller, George E. 994 16
Miller, George E. 1470 24
Miller, John 876 14
Miller, John 916 14
Miller, Margaret 876 14
Miller, Melissa 994 16
Miller, Melissa S. 1470 24
Miller, Robert 599 9
Milnor, C.A. 848 13
Milton State Bank 752 11
Minder, Henry 511 8
Minneapolis Brewing Company 306 5
Minneapolis Drug Company 1225 20
Minnesota Thresher Manufacturing Company 43 1
Misch, Constantin 353 6
Mississippi River Logging Company 352 6
Mississippi River Logging Company 353 6
Mississippi River Logging Company 361 6
Mississippi River Logging Company 350 6
Mitchell, Alexx 96 2
Mitchell, George W. 885 14
Mitchell, Nellie 242 4
Mitchell, Otto 803 13
Mitler, Fred 421 12
Molander, Christina 887 14
Money, Frank 1436 24
Money, Fred 1436 24
Moniter Plow Works 13 1
Monitor Plow Works 112 2
Monness, John M. 678 10
Monness, Maria 678 10
Monstead, W.L. 714 11
Montgomery, George 44 1
Montgomery, George 118 2
Montgomery, George 121 2
Montgomery, Roy L. 1209 20
Montogomery, Margaret 121 2
Moody, Elmer 514 8
Moody, Elmer 1310 21
Moody, Grace L. 1310 21
Moody, Keith V. 3685 32
Moody, Margie 3685 32
Moody, Peter 951 15
Mooney, Kenneth 3666 32
Moore, Alice 2236 26
Moore, Arthur 2236 26
Moore, Jaberva 1141 18
Moore, Maggie 655 10
Moors, Joseph W. 1141 18
Moren Auto Company 1039 16
Moren, J.A. 666 10
Moren, J.A. 689 11
Moren, J.A. 691 11
Moren, J.A. 990 16
Moren, J.A. 1032 16
Moren, J.A. 1040 16
Moren, J.A. 1042 16
Moren, J.A. 1155 19
Moren, J.A. 1435 24
Moren, J.A. 1436 24
Morganski, Evelyn 3438 30
Morganski, Walter 3438 30
Morgeson, Elvia 1060 17
Morgeson, Otis 1060 17
Morphew, Frances 2442 27
Morphew, Leland R. 2442 27
Morris, Roy 2894 28
Morris, Ruth 2894 28
Morrison, Earnest 217 4
Morrison, J.W. 1240 20
Morrow Memorial Home for the Aged 1344 22
Morse, Harold D. 3531 30
Morse, Karen 3531 30
Mortensen, Raymond H. 3627 32
Mortenson, Harry 3739 33
Morton, Eva F. 1346 22
Morton, Welcome W. 1346 22
Mortson, Rasmus 1050 17
Moser, R. 339 6
Moss, Mattie 691 11
Moulton, Andrew B. 1512 25
Moulton, Hazel P. 1512 25
Moyes Brothers & Butler 1219 20
Muckison, Frank M. 321 5
Muir, Jim 670 10
Mullaney, J.D. 374 6
Mulroy, George 2169 26
Mulroy, John 2750 28
Mulroy, John 2834 28
Mulroy, Mac B. 2169 26
Mulroy, Mamie 2750 28
Mulroy, Manie 2834 28
Munnell, Joseph 3098 29
Munnell, Ruth 3098 29
Munroe, Christine Mathison 933 15
Munson, Adele 1451 24
Munson, Arthur 1451 24
Murphy, John H. 18
Murphy, John T. 1080 17
Murphy, Mary B. 18
Musser-Sauntry Logging & Manufacturing Company 357 6
Myrick, Jesse R. 599 9
Nappanee Lumber and Manufacturing 1389 23
Nappanee Lumber and Manufacturing Company 1146 18
Nappanee Lumber and Manufacturing Company 1374 23
Nason, J.F. 97 2
National Building Loan 642 10
National Guardian Life insurance Company 1466 24
National Surety Company 1313 21
National Surety Company 1312 21
Nebel, Betty Lou 2416 26
Nebel, Harley L. 2416 26
Nedved, Albert 2428 26
Nedved, Helen 2428 26
Neilsen, Peter 1051 17
Neilson, Peter 1221 20
Nels, Nelson 368 6
Nelson, A.E. 356 6
Nelson, A.E. 610 10
Nelson, A.P. 410 7
Nelson, Adolph 1099 18
Nelson, Alida Sophia 892 14
Nelson, Allen August 892 14
Nelson, Andrew 368 6
Nelson, Andrew P. 772 12
Nelson, Ardyce 3557 31
Nelson, Arthur R. 1364 22
Nelson, August 245 4
Nelson, C.N. Lumber Company 44 1
Nelson, Charles A. 995 1923
Nelson, Charles J. 747 11
Nelson, Conrad A. 1174 19
Nelson, Conrad A. 1380 23
Nelson, E.J. 512 8
Nelson, Edna 1919 25
Nelson, Edwin 522 8
Nelson, Edwin 870 14
Nelson, Edwin 942 15
Nelson, Edwin 1368 23
Nelson, Elmer 2489 27
Nelson, Fred C. 818 13
Nelson, Frederick C. 817 13
Nelson, Gertie 747 11
Nelson, Gertrude F. 2471 27
Nelson, Grace L. 995 1923
Nelson, Helmer E. 1179 19
Nelson, James O. 3612 31
Nelson, Jennie 1174 19
Nelson, Jennie 1380 23
Nelson, John 1254 20
Nelson, John 1279 21
Nelson, John 1385 23
Nelson, John 1479 24
Nelson, John, Mrs. 1351 22
Nelson, L.A. 816 1921
Nelson, Lawrence O. 1915 25
Nelson, Lena 1099 18
Nelson, Lewis P. 111 2
Nelson, Lloyd Anton 2509 27
Nelson, Lola I. 1915 25
Nelson, Margaret L. 3603 31
Nelson, Margie 2225A 26
Nelson, Mary 1250 20
Nelson, Mieler 1919 25
Nelson, Minnie 2707 27
Nelson, Myron J. 3557 31
Nelson, N.M. 1250 20
Nelson, Nettie 2489 27
Nelson, Omar 2225A 26
Nelson, Reuben 2707 27
Nelson, Robert A. 3603 31
Nelson, Robert P. 772 12
Nelson, Stanley Carl 2471 27
Nelson, Thelma Patricia 2509 27
Nelson, Thomas P. 337 5
Nelson, Victor 1417 23
Nelson, Victor 1474 24
Nelson, Victor 1475 24
Nelson, Victor 1476 24
Nelson, Victor 1477 24
Nelson, Victor 1478 24
Nemec, Eleanor M. 765 12
Nemec, Frank E. 765 12
Neslon, Charles E. 43 1
Nettleton, Lyman 941 15
Nevers, Jennie 370 6
Nevers, John G. 370 6
New York & Superior Investment Company 1145 18
Newcomb, Eleanore 2728 27
Newcomb, Eleanore 2780 28
Newcomb, Ernest 2728 27
Newcomb, Ernest 2780 28
Newcomb, P.E. 368 6
Newgard, John 31 1
Newgard, John O. 46 1
Newgard, John O. 47 1
Nichols, Harriett I. 1355 22
Nieman, Paul 242 4
Nilson, Ellen 165 3
Nilson, Lars 165 3
Noble, Roy A. 863 14
Nodell, John A. 727 11
Nordby, Edwina 3666 32
Norim, Carl 682 10
Norin, Charles 7 1
Norine, Amanda 3609 31
Norine, C.H. 1285 21
Norine, Charles 306 5
Norine, R.C. 1457 24
Norine, Theodore W. 1285 21
Norling, Janice 3789 33
Norling, LeRoy 3789 33
Norman, Jennie C. 712 11
Norman, T.P. 712 11
Norrwall, Lewis 330 5
North American Life & Casualty Company 1030 16
North Western Fuel Compnay 1153 18
North Western Fuel Company 1261 20
North Wisconsin Investment Company 1244 20
North Wisconsin Investment Company 898 14
North, C.H. 190 3
Northern Coal & Dock Company 1077 17
Northern Machinery Company 542 8
Northern Machinery Company 1112 18
Northern Western Fuel Company 1118 18
Northern Wisconsin Investment Company 1113 18
Northwestern Fuel Company 1223 20
Northwestern Securities Company 1018 16
Norton, John W. 977 15
Norton, John W. 737 11
Norton, William H. 544 8
Nott, W.A. Company 136 3
Noyes, C.P. 141 3
Noyes, Carrie E. 407 7
Noyes, D.R. 141 3
Nunemaker, Bessie 1083 17
Nutt, Chas. 710 11
Ober, A.L. 240 4
Ober, A.L. 343 6
Ober, Lula M. 343 6
Oberlind, Jess 841 13
O'Brien, Fred 1423 23
O'Brien, Jennie 1263 20
O'Brien, Michael 1263 20
Ogren, Andrew 2523 27
Ogren, Arthur 2523 27
Ogren, Ole A. 1131 18
Ogren, Ole A. 1462 24
Oh, Doty 36 1
Okerlund, Jess 893 14
Olcott, Fred 121 2
Old Line Life Insurance Company 1065 17
Oleson, Polferg 793 13
Olsen, Arnt Olof 829 13
Olsen, Arnt Olof 1085 17
Olsen, Canute 42 1
Olsen, Helga 829 13
Olson, Alfred B. 1073 17
Olson, Andrew 533 A 8
Olson, Andrew F. 1157 19
Olson, Andrias 792 13
Olson, Axel 3336 29
Olson, Barbara Lillian 3590 31
Olson, Bengt 365 6
Olson, Canute 21 1
Olson, Canute 153 3
Olson, Canute 215 4
Olson, Charles 931 14
Olson, Clara 1202 19
Olson, D.O. 1200 19
Olson, D.O. 1257 20
Olson, Doris L. 3605 31
Olson, Emmons 2506 27
Olson, Evangeline 2713 27
Olson, Evangeline 3038 29
Olson, F.O. 45 1
Olson, F.O. 366 6
Olson, Frances 968 15
Olson, Freada 3336 29
Olson, Gloria 2506 27
Olson, Grace G. 2034 25
Olson, Gust A. 1290 21
Olson, Gust A. 1312 21
Olson, Gust A. 1313 21
Olson, Harlo Leon 3590 31
Olson, Herman 275 5
Olson, John 71 2
Olson, John D. 803 13
Olson, John D. 1240 20
Olson, John R. 3605 31
Olson, Leonard H. 968 15
Olson, Loren 3589 31
Olson, Maxine 3589 31
Olson, Ole 216 4
Olson, Oscar A. 679 10
Olson, Paul C. 808 13
Olson, Peter 124 2
Olson, Richard 1334 22
Olson, Roy 2034 25
Olson, Russell 2713 27
Olson, Russell 3038 29
Olson, S.H. 868 14
Olson, Simeon 138 3
Olson, Simon 96 2
Olson, Simon 163 3
Olson, Simon 249 4
Olson, Th. 169 3
O'Mason, Tom 894 14
Omernik, A.S. 692 11
Omernik, A.S. 864 14
Omernik, Anton A. 1216 20
Omernik, Anton S. 1104 18
Omernik, Antone 692 11
Omernik, Ella 1216 20
Omernik, Eva 524 8
Omernik, Eva 692 11
Omernik, Eva 864 14
Omernik, Eva 1104 18
Omernik, Eva 1216 20
Omernik, Gertrude 1082 17
Omstock, C.W.L. 937 15
Orange National Farm Loan Association 1123 18
Orclway, H.M. 938 15
Orendahl, Mollie 1159 19
Organization of the Town of Union 915 21
Organization of the Town of Wood River 288 5
Orium, Edward 866 13
O'Rourke, Thomas L. 1251 20
Orthedahl, Julius 1159 19
Osborne, James M. 806 13
Oslund, J.A. 1196 19
Osterloth, Fred 487 7
Ostlind, G.A. 387 6
Ott, H.A. 1252 20
Ott, Herman 1417 23
Overgard, Gladys 2419 26
Overgard, Marvin 2419 26
Owens, Wilfred 622 10
Packard, Bernard 2767 28
Packard, Ella 2021 25
Packard, Gerald 2021 25
Packard, Lucille 2767 28
Padgeth, R.M. 852 13
Page, Edward E. 1010 16
Page, H.L. 1010 16
Palmer, Josephine E. 790 13
Palmer, Josephine E. 520 8
Palmquist, M.P. 11 1
Pamers, Andrew 799 13
Paquette, Edwin 388 6
Paquette, Richie 388 6
Parker, Birdie 1017 16
Parker, Dwight T. 1269 21
Parker, Dwight T. 1281 21
Parker, Waylen L. 547 8
Parker, Waylen L. 1269 21
Parkhurst, Clyde 2358 26
Parkhurst, June 2358 26
Parks, Ada D. 41 1
Parks, Samuel W. 41 1
Pasley, J.O. 96 2
Paulich, Frank 2851 28
Paulich, Ruth 2851 28
Paulson, August H. 1388 23
Paulson, Florence 2502 27
Paulson, Hans P. 690 11
Paulson, I.O. 1262 20
Paulson, I.O. 1341 22
Paulson, Minna 1388 23
Paulson, Palmer 2502 27
Peacock, Bessie 1333 22
Peacock, Charles W. 1333 22
Pearson, Oscar 908 14
Pease, Marion R. 3691 32
Pease, Robert L. 3691 32
Peavey Lath Company 1253 20
Peavey, Carlyle E. 1273 21
Peck, R.C. 746 11
Pederson, Charles 275 5
Pederson, Eli 1055 17
Pederson, Eli O. 1341 22
Pederson, Ethel S. 1055 17
Pederson, John 148 3
Pederson, John 846 13
Pederson, Martin 850 13
Pedrick, E.S. 1299 21
Peet, L.M 698 11
Pellersels, Lara 607 9
Pennington, Bertha 1154 18
Pennington, E.D. 1154 18
Perelistein, L. 845 13
Perfection Manufacturing Company 988 16
Perfedion Manufacturing company 1326 22
Perno, Robert 3700 33
Perno, Shirley 3700 33
Perry, Cora 547 8
Perry, Frank S. 705 11
Perry, H. 514 8
Perry, H. 516 8
Perry, H. 526 8
Perry, H. 547 8
Perry, Lena J. 705 11
Perry, Robert 705 11
Petersen, Jens 1050 17
Petersom, Emil 471 7
Peterson, Adolph F. 648 10
Peterson, Alex 1437 24
Peterson, Alvin 477 7
Peterson, Alvin 736 11
Peterson, Alvin J. 1106 18
Peterson, Andrew 149 3
Peterson, Andrew 175 3
Peterson, Andrew 198 3
Peterson, Andrew 200 3
Peterson, Andrew 232 4
Peterson, Anne 463 7
Peterson, Anne 653 10
Peterson, August 1419 23
Peterson, Axel R. 1256 20
Peterson, Beldon 3395 30
Peterson, Britta C. 690 11
Peterson, Charley 837 13
Peterson, Christine H. 2235 26
Peterson, Clara 1440 24
Peterson, Elmer 1347 22
Peterson, Elmer 1384 23
Peterson, Emil 471 7
Peterson, Emil 424 12
Peterson, Emil 873 14
Peterson, Emil 953 15
Peterson, Eugina E. 1437 24
Peterson, F.L. 218 4
Peterson, Fred 708 11
Peterson, Henry A. 695 11
Peterson, Hjalmer 1395 23
Peterson, Hjalmer 1420 23
Peterson, Hulda 693 11
Peterson, John 364 6
Peterson, John 536 8
Peterson, John 693 11
Peterson, John E. 626 10
Peterson, John E. 736 11
Peterson, Jonas 223 4
Peterson, Julius 1136 18
Peterson, Katy M. 227 4
Peterson, M.C. 124 2
Peterson, Marie 3245 29
Peterson, Mary 1136 18
Peterson, Mildred 3395 30
Peterson, Mildred 3435 30
Peterson, Naomi J. 2400 26
Peterson, Oliver J. 2235 26
Peterson, Otto 1405 23
Peterson, Otto 1420 23
Peterson, P.E. 149 3
Peterson, P.E. 175 3
Peterson, P.E. 198 3
Peterson, P.E. 200 3
Peterson, P.E. 207 4
Peterson, P.E. 232 4
Peterson, P.E. 291 4
Peterson, Peter 227 4
Peterson, Peter 318 5
Peterson, Ray P. 978 16
Peterson, Ray P. 1114 18
Peterson, Robert 3245 29
Peterson, Robert W. 2400 26
Peterson, Swan 1178 19
Petterson, Alfred A. 535 8
Petterson, Ole 844 13
Petterson, Ole 1128 18
Pettion for the organization of the Town of Siren 491 7
Pfiel, Andrew 872 14
Pfiel, William 872 14
Phase, Ben 580 9
Phelps, C.C. 334 5
Pherson, E.A.M.C. 1295 21
Phillips, Ethel 770 12
Phillips, Robert E. 770 12
Phinn, Abbie 720 11
Phinn, Orville C. 720 11
Pierce, Allen L. 3547 31
Pierce, Joyce 3547 31
Pinley, John P. 1033 16
Pioneer Savings & Loan Company 82 2
Pipenger, A.F. 335 5
Pippenger, Albert F. 329 5
Pippenger, Anna 505 8
Pippenger, Charles J. 505 8
Pippenger, Lucy C. 329 5
Pittsburg & Ashland Coal & Dock Company 1278
Playman, E.E. 1250 20
Poland, Frank 1378 23
Poland, Rosie 1378 23
Polkinghorn, D.W. 1293 21
Pollock, Nellie 1182 19
Pollock, Philander 1182 19
Popovicci, Emelia 984 15
Popple, Myrtle L. 811 13
Popple, Myrtle L. 642 10
Port, J.E. 960 15
Port, J.E. 1125 18
Port, J.E. 1150 18
Port, Marjorie M. 1125 18
Porter, C.A. 449 7
Porter, Edgar A. 942 15
Porter, Henry A. 767 12
Porter, L.C. 946 15
Porter, Orin A. 238 4
Prall, Lena 905 14
Prall, Walter 905 14
Pratt, Emma F. 1092 17
Pratt, Fay C. 1092 17
Pratt, Oscar 229 4
Pratt, Oscar 237 4
Prichard, Ellen 2265 26
Prichard, John T. 2265 26
Prichard, R.G. 1471 24
Probert, A.C. 88 2
Pulz, Henry 399 6
Pulz, Henry 286 5
Putman, Jack 3074 29
Putman, Jaqueline 3074 29
Quarfoot, Charley 549 8
Quehl, Paul 153 3
Quilliam, Catherine 848 13
Quilling, A. 1324 22
Quilling, H.W. 1164 19
Quinn, Edward 889 14
Quinn, Susan 889 14
Qulliam, Frank L. 848 13
Rabitz, Barbara 513 8
Rachwy, Emma 324 5
Rachwy, John 324 5
Rachwy, Pauline 324 5
Radke, Arleen 3041 29
Radke, Elma 2735 27
Radke, Elma 2937 28
Radke, Elma 2939 28
Radke, Elma 2945 28
Radke, Ervin 2735 27
Radke, Ervin 2937 28
Radke, Ervin 2939 28
Radke, Ervin 2945 28
Radke, Ervin 3050 29
Radke, Lyle 3041 29
Radke, R. 3050 29
Radusch, Frieda 337 5
Rae, Amis F. 649 10
Rahl, Elsie 523 8
Rahl, Herman 523 8
Rainsen, Martows 714 11
Rambo, Capodell E. 2117 25
Rambo, Randy 2117 25
Ramsey, Ice H. 338 5
Rasche, Harry 2494 27
Raschke, Lorena 2494 27
Rasmussen, Jens P. 1161 18
Rasmussen, Laura M. 1161 18
Read, F.M., Mrs. 376 6
Reader, Peter 821 13
Redischarge of Mortgage- Anderson A. 627 10
Reese, M.H. 1366 22
Reese, Roger Dale 3687 32
Reese, Suzanne 3687 32
Reich, William 246 4
Reineccius, Carl A. 982 15
Reineccius, Carl A. 990 16
Reineccius, Mary 990 16
Reinneccius, Carl 1299 21
Reitan, E.M. 879 14
Reitan, Edward M. 1337 22
Reitan, H.A. 1118 18
Reitan, Olga M. 1337 22
Reitz, Jessie 675 10
Reitz, William 675 10
Remiger, Josephine 3386 30
Remiger, Leo 3386 30
Remington, Alson B. 1720 25
Remington, Bessie 1720 25
Renaldo, Anton 1361 22
Renaldo, Teckla 1361 22
Renich, Albertha Jeter 1381 23
Renich, William W. 1381 23
Repetny, Joseph 3688 32
Repetny, Sophie 3688 32
Rerat, Eugene 572 9
Rex Sales Company 1295 21
Rhodes, Leon 1400 23
Rice, Floyd D. 1199 19
Rice, George C. 525 8
Rice, George C. 1133 18
Rice, George C. 1143 18
Rice, George L. 1097 18
Rice, Lena 1143 18
Rice, Margaret 1097 18
Rice, Thomas 20
Richardson, A.R. 299 5
Richmond, Ella 2542 27
Richmond, Elmer 2542 27
Rick, Robert 1307 21
Rieck, Robert 1306 21
Riefling, F.H. 1433 24
Riefling, Minnie I. 1433 24
Riel, Mary F. 1189 19
Rietz, Bertha C. 825 13
Ringham, Don R. 2486 27
Ringham, Jane S. 2486 27
Ripley, Christine F. 497 7
Ripley, George 124 2
Rissue, E.F. 1192 19
Rissue, Mabel I. 1192 19
Ritmer, David P. 1127 18
Roatch, Martin E. 1170 19
Roatch, Stanley 3064 29
Roberts, Henry 731 11
Roberts, James L. 96 2
Roberts, L.R. 862 14
Roberts, Nellie D. 731 11
Roberts, Rodelphia 84 2
Roberts, W.E. 571 9
Robery, M.F. 1200 19
Robey, M.L., Dr. 123
Robinson, May 1091 17
Robinson, William 1091 17
Rock, Frank 3165 29
Rock, Ruth 3165 29
Rockwood, Murl 3069 29
Rockwood, Nina 3069 29
Roe, Hattie 1342 22
Roe, Henry C. 1342 22
Rogers, Alma C. 825 13
Rogers, James F. 825 13
Rohde, Ann 2081 25
Rohde, Walter 2081 25
Romlin, Erie 563 9
Roney, Elizabeth 325 5
Root, Gerald E. 3755 33
Root, Marilyn J. 3755 33
Rosander & Company 859 14
Rosenquist, Nels N. 813 13
Ross, Juliette 486 7
Ross, Martha J. 857 13
Ross, Marthy J. 776 12
Ross, William 486 7
Rothstein, Fern Mae 2758 28
Rothstein, Paul 2758 28
Rounce, Robert E. 1418 23
Roush, Harry 1193 19
Roush, Harry A. 798 13
Roush, Harry A. 1075 17
Roush, Harry A. 1076 17
Roux, Peter 721 11
Rowe, Harry 764 12
Rowe, Harry 1024 16
Rowen, Madoline 2425 26
Rowley, A.E. 639 10
Rumery, W.M. 96 2
Rumery, William 163 3
Rumery, William 67 1
Rumery, William M. 98 2
Rungren, Adolf 233 4
Rust-Parker-Martin Company 516 8
Rutherford, M.S. 163 3
Ruthman, Barbara Lee 2858 28
Ruthman, Kenneth Shiels 2858 28
Ryes, Charles 60 1
Rylander, Arthur 894 14
Rylander, Frank 39 1
Ryse, R. 192 3
Saaf, R.G. 1146 18
Sadler, W.M. 924 14
Sagmoeh, Peter 206 3
Sagmoen, Peder 151
Saliss, Louis 916 14
Salmonsen, Carl 2895 28
Salmonsen, Sigrid 2895 28
Samels, Frank W. 596 15
Samuels, H.M. 637 10
Sanberg, Nils 72 2
Sanborn, G.F. 574 9
Sandberg, Edward Ernest 958 15
Sandberg, Frances 958 15
Sandberg, Fred E. 1404 23
Sandquist, May Elizabeth 781 12
Sanford, Stella 3102 29
Sanford, Walter 3102 29
Santos, Alvin 292 5
Santos, Harvey H. 292 5
Santuary, William 907 14
Sarah, Fosberg 103 2
Saras, Dolly 1903 25
Saras, Jim 1903 25
Sauerbrey, Leroy J. 3565 31
Saunders, Charles 175 3
Saunders, Charles 272 A 5
Saunders, Charles H. 798 13
Saunders, Charles H. 999 16
Saunders, Charles H. 1129 18
Saunders, Charles H. 473 7
Saunders, Hannah 1129 18
Sauntry, William 281 5
Sauntry, William 282 4
Sauntry, William 744 11
Schaaf, George 2239 26
Schaaf, Ruth 2239 26
Schapery, Oscar 127 2
Schapery, Wolf 127 2
Scharmn, Reinholdt 664 10
Schauls, Micheal 1128 18
Scheldrup, M.A. 323 5
Schellien, Frank 801 13
Schendel, A.D. 1001 16
Schendel, Flora C. 1001 16
Scherer, Betty Jo 2864 28
Scherer, Leo J. 2864 28
Schermerhan, Charles R. 256 4
Schermerhoon, C.R. 734 11
Schermerhorn, C.R. 340 6
Schermerhorn, C.R. 771 12
Schermerhorn, Charles R. 860 14
Schlafly, Friedoline 338 5
Schlafly, Freidoline 390 6
Schmechel, Betty Ann 3518 30
Schmechel, Betty Ann 3556 31
Schmechel, Erwin A. 3518 30
Schmechel, Erwin A. 3556 31
Schmeiter, Henry 570 9
Schmidt, Elizabeth 1300 21
Schmidt, G.C. 22 1
Schmidt, G.C. 104 2
Schmidtt, Gottlieb 219 4
Schneider, A.H. 1425 23
School District No. 11, Town of Weblake 608 10
School directors of the Town of Blaine 277 5
School District No. 11 559 9
School District No. 7, Town of Swiss 1427 23
School District Number 3 192 3
School District of Town of La Follette 339 6
Schoonover, M.I. 303 5
Schoonover, C.J. 525 8
Schoonover, C.M. 961 15
Schoonover, C.M. 962 15
Schoonover, C.M. 963 15
Schoonover, J.A. 303 5
Schow, Andrew 744 11
Schow, Harry A. 262 4
Schow, James E. 262 4
Schow, Jennie E. 262 4
Schow, Mary A. 262 4
Schow, Susie E. 262 4
Schow, William P. 262 4
Schreiber, John 888 14
Schulenberg, F. 779 12
Schulenburg and Boeckeler Lumber Company 745 11
Schulenburg, Frederic 735
Schultz, Edna 2488 27
Schultz, Edward W. 2488 27
Schultz, J.W. 581 9
Schultz, Meridith 3675 32
Schultz, Wayne 3675 32
Schulz, Rudolph 918 14
Schwartzbauer, Eberhard 3665 32
Schwartzbauer, Rosemary 3665 32
Schweitzer, Harold 3219 29
Schweitzer, Rose 3219 29
Schwenker, C.F. 1286 21
Schwenker, C.F. 1391 23
Schwenker, C.F. 1407 23
Schwenker, C.F. 1453 24
Scovell, Jennie May 1249 20
Scribner, W.K. 818 13
Searles, Clarence D. 2275 26
Searles, Lela 2275 26
Searls, Andrew 1001 16
Searls, C.D. 1001 16
Sears, Elmer H. 1151 18
Sears, Evelyn 3035 29
Sears, George 3035 29
Sears, Roebuck & Company 978 15
Seed, James A. 244 4
Seely, Brayton L. 789 13
Segelstrom, Arvid 743 11
Segelstrom, Clarence 2859 28
Segelstrom, George 2146 25
Segelstrom, Geraldine 2859 28
Segelstrom, Marie 2146 25
Segerstrom, Anders 30 1
Sel, Cary 186 3
Selander, Esbjorn 186 3
Seliger, Emil 2 1
Sellers, Frank R. 1456 24
Selmhyr, Ingman O. 2528 27
Selmhyr, Stella 2528 27
Selues, Byron 784 12
Selves, Byron 484 7
Selves, Byron 969 15
Selves, Byron 1003 16
Selves, Byron 1213 20
Selves, Byron 1302 21
Selves, Byron 1363 22
Selves, Byron 1472 24
Semlow, Frank 707 11
Semons, Chas. S. 241 4
Setan, Amy 1429 23
Setan, Harry T. 1429 23
Severson, Bonnie Goff 2830 28
Severson, J. 1278
Severson, Julien C. 2830 28
Sewall, Frank 519 8
Sewall, Katern 519 8
Shaklee, M.A. 543 8
Shannocks, H.S. 609 10
Shaw, Rebecca 134 2
Shaw, S. Judson 134 2
Shea, Alfred 873 14
Shea, Idah 873 14
Shell Lake Mercantile Company 278 5
Shelton, A.R. 39 1
Sherburne, V.K. 1165 19
Sherman, W.H. 395 6
Sherwodd, Eugene 622 10
Shew, Selma 3511 30
Shew, Walter 3511 30
Shields, J.H. 184 3
Shimniok, A.H. 991 416
Shogren, Arthur 1347 22
Shoquist, Frances E. 3658 32
Shoquist, Lowell G. 3658 32
Shughart, J.E. 1201 19
Shughart, W.F. 1201 19
Shurin, Elizabeth 623 10
Shurin, John 623 10
Shutt, Catherine 157 3
Shutt, John 1412 23
Shuttleworth, Anna 3358 30
Shuttleworth, Carlyle 3358 30
Sigfrid, Robert 1291 21
Simmons Hardware Company 434 12
Simmons, Garry 1395 23
Simonson, Lulu 2965 28
Simonson, Oscar 2965 28
Simpson, Aaron L. 796 13
Simpson, Ernest W. 555 9
Sindquist, Oscar 584 9
Sinnott, Blanche 184 3
Sinnott, Blanche 176 3
Sinnott, Frank 176 3
Sinnott, Frank B. 184 3
Sivwright, George M. 444 12
Sivwright, Louise 444 12
Sjilblom, O.M. 133 2
Sjilblom, O.M. 140 3
Skallard, Henry A. 2078 25
Skallard, Myrtle K. 2078 25
Skog, A.P. 1120 18
Skog, Andrew P. 466 7
Skog, Bengt 932
Skog, Charlotta 466 7
Skoy, A.P. 926 14
Slayton, Alvin Roy 2709 27
Slayton, Mary Jane 2709 27
Slickerfert, W.F. 539 8
Slipher, Carol 3509 30
Slipher, W. Donald 3509 30
Smidt, Caroline 219 4
Smith, Caroline E. 423 12
Smith, Charles 4 1
Smith, Charles W. 432 12
Smith, D.B. 1975 25
Smith, David 1053 17
Smith, Donald Wm. 3706 33
Smith, Edward 1656 25
Smith, Edward C. 2083 25
Smith, Elizabeth 1053 17
Smith, Henry F. 1435 24
Smith, Hilma 432 12
Smith, Ida C. 405 7
Smith, Irene 1164 19
Smith, J.A. 601 9
Smith, J.M. 728 11
Smith, Jessie M. 1349 22
Smith, Jessie M. 1656 25
Smith, Jessie M. 2083 25
Smith, Margaret V. 1975 25
Smith, O.B. 116 2
Smith, O.B. 178 3
Smith, Robert A. 124 2
Smith, Samuel - estate 499 7
Smith, Shirley 3706 33
Smith, Tom N. 1164 19
Smith, Walter 274 5
Smith, Warren E. 405 7
Snaveley, J.D. 593 9
Snell, Anna L. 733 11
Snell, William L. 733 11
Snodgrass, Olive A. 744 11
Snoeyenbos, John 632 10
Snow, Alfa 1237 20
Snow, William 1237 20
Snyder, D.S. 1150 18
Snyder, Fred H. 460 7
Soderberg, Fred 1041 16
Soderberg, John A. 54 1
Soderberg, John A. 130 2
Soderberg, S.N. 157 3
Soderberg, Stephen 158 3
Soderlind, A. 1070 17
Soderlind, A. 538 8
Soderquist, Gustaf L.F. 1066 17
Soderquist, Gustaf L.F. 1120 18
Somers, Charles W. 307 5
Somers, Minnie L. 307 5
Sommerfield, Doris 2868 28
Sommerfield, Howard 2868 28
Sommers, G. and Company 1007 16
Sommers, G. and Company 1186 19
Songer, Anna 1185 19
Soule, Harry 1264 20
Spafford, A.M. 897 14
Spafford, Leah 250 4
Spafford, W.A. 250 4
Spafford, William A. 1132 18
Spangberg, E.J. 1405 23
Spangberg, J.E. 493 7
Spangberg, J.E. 967 15
Spence, Velma 1027 16
Spence, Velma 1331 22
Spence, W.T. 1027 16
Spence, Wesley 1331 22
Spencer, Glenn 1430 24
Spencer, R.H. 1220 20
Spengler, William H. 570 9
Spielman, M.F. 1029 16
Spooner State Bank 315 5
Spring Brook Ranch 817 13
Springer, George D. 490 7
Springer, Harry L. 822 13
Springer, N.F. 830 13
Springer, Nellie N. 540 8
Springer, Nellis 490 7
Sproul, June 3025 29
Sproul, Robert 3025 29
St. Croix Farmers Mutual Telephone 896 14
St. Croix Farmers Mutual Telephone Company 711 11
St. Croix Farmers Telephone Company 710 11
St. Croix Lumber Company 85 2
St. John, Ed 16 1
St. John, Ed 106 2
St. John, Edwin 400 6
St. John, Edwin 280 4
St. John, Edwin 284 5
St. John, Edwin 909 14
St. Paul and Duluth Railway 75 2
St. Paul and Duluth Railway Company 71 2
St. Paul and Duluth Railway Company 72 2
St. Paul and Duluth Railway Company 70 2
St. Paul and Duluth Railway Company 73 2
St. Paul and Duluth Railway Company 74 2
Stack, Arthur M. 475 7
Stadder, Marie 1797 25
Staddie, Josephine 1797 25
Stadler, Catherine 3440 30
Stadler, Joseph 1314 21
Stadler, Joseph 3343 29
Stadler, Joseph 3440 30
Stadler, Katherine 3343 29
Stafford, Gertrude 1995 25
Stafford, Kenneth 1995 25
Stale, ex rel. manager 210 1897
Stannard, Baker J. 50 1
Stapler, Winslow 6 1
Staples, Daniel O. 1218 20
Staples, Elma 1218 20
Staples, Eva 3728 33
Staples, Eva 3773 33
Staples, James 3728 33
Staples, James 3773 33
Staples, Marvin Lawrence 722 11
Starck, Francis 751 11
Starck, Francis 918 14
Stark, Charles W. 1264 20
Stark, Christina 1264 20
State Bank of Cumberland 374 6
State Bank of Lamberton 612 10
State of Wisconsin 722 11
State of Wisconsin 810 13
State of Wisconsin 859 14
State of Wisconsin 3612 31
State of Wisconsin County of Burnett 1030 16
State of Wisconsin ex rel. 3645 32
State of Wisconsin, Chicago St. Paul & Omaha Railway 420 12
State of Wisconsin, County of Burnett 716 11
Staue, Jack 776 12
Steele, J.E. 3609 31
Stehle, Charles 729 11
Stehle, Nona 729 11
Steinbring, Henry L. 564 9
Steinburg, S. 912 14
Stellberg, John 834 13
Stellrecht, Elsie 2205 26
Stellrecht, William 2205 26
Steltzner, Christian 1148 18
Steltzner, Petra H. 1148 18
Stenberg, Ellen 1401 23
Stenborg, Victor F. 1303 21
Stener, Enock R. 2219 26
Stener, Ida 2219 26
Stenerson, C.P. 1148 18
Stengel, Ferdinand Carl 2417 26
Stengel, Harvard 2664 27
Stengel, Margel 2664 27
Stengel, Mildred Henrietta 2417 26
Stevens, W.D. 350 6
Stever, Enock 1916 25
Stever, Ida 1916 25
Steves, B.J. 1460 24
Steves, Earl F. - estate 596 9
Stewart, Edward M. 197 3
Stewart, Margaret A. 197 3
Stocker, John 1383 23
Stoddard, Lyman 782 12
Stokes, J.L. 1321 22
Stone-Ordean Company 191
Stone-Ordean-Well Company 1232 20
Story, Anna 376 6
Story, William P. 376 6
Stover, Loretta 1192 19
Stover, W. Leroy 1192 19
Strandberg, Betty Lou 2256 26
Strandberg, Clifford 2256 26
Strang, Anna C. 886 14
Strasser, Arnold H. 3574 31
Strasser, Mathilda 3574 31
Stroker, John 658 10
Strom, Anna A. 575 9
Stromley, Peter 245 4
Studeman, Gustave Henry 3756 33
Studeman, Marcelia M. 3756 33
Sturner, John V. 1261 20
Sullivan, Doris 2839 28
Sullivan, Franklin 2839 28
Sullivan, J.H. 661 10
Sullivan, Jeremiah 1181 19
Sullivan, John 147 3
Sullivan, John 211 4
Sullivan, John 214
Sullivan, Mary 147 3
Sullivan, William 119 2
Sulliven, John 147 3
Sunberg, P.A. 45 1
Sund, Louis 266 4
Sund, Louis 336 5
Sundberg, Cyril 723 11
Sundberg, Etta 3609 31
Sundberg, P.A. 3609 31
Sundfors, Charles 6 1
Supreme Assembly of the Equitable Fraternal Union 1451 24
Sutton, Angeline 3623 32
Sutton, James 3623 32
Sutton, Nellie 2116A 25
Sutton, W.J. 2116A 25
Swan, Andrew 138 3
Swanay, Jennie 1884 25
Swanay, L.C. 1884 25
Swanberg, Andrew J. 1066 17
Swanberg, Gilbert 1335 22
Swanberg, Johanna R. 853 13
Swanson, Albert 479 7
Swanson, Albert 1348 22
Swanson, Albert 1829 25
Swanson, Albert 3108 29
Swanson, Alfred V. 1154 18
Swanson, Amanda 1829 25
Swanson, Bertha 3108 29
Swanson, C.A. 632 10
Swanson, Charles A. 1392 23
Swanson, Dena 3379 30
Swanson, Ida Sophia 333 5
Swanson, Ivan 3379 30
Swanson, Jack 3410 30
Swanson, John A. 910 14
Swanson, John E. 333 5
Swanson, June 3410 30
Swanson, Mimmie 479 7
Swedberg, C.J. 1292 21
Swedberg, D.H. 290 5
Swedberg, John R. 3520 30
Swedberg, Royce L. 3520 30
Sweet, S.H. 1242 20
Swenson, Amelia 871 14
Swenson, Carl 989 16
Swenson, J.S. 672 10
Swenson, P.M. 107 2
Swenson, Paul 3454 30
Swenson, Sandra 3454 30
Swenson, Swen 871 14
Tagg, Carroll H. 3535 31
Tagg, Gloria G. 3535 31
Tallman, F.L. 746 11
Tallman, Juliett 746 11
Tanner, Ray C. 1239 20
Tausch, Walter 1169 19
Taylor, Clara M. 2174 26
Taylor, Claude A. 2174 26
Taylor, Lydia 1296 21
Taylor, Mo-Ko-Mo-Kwe 266 4
Taylor, Otis 266 4
Taylor, Frank A. 867 14
Tehke, L.F. 903 14
Teigen, Erick E. 128 2
Tellier, Launna J. 744 11
Thain, Charles A. 835 13
Thatcher, B.M. 711 11
Thatcher, C.M. 1345 22
Thatcher, O.M. 917 14
Thatcher, Orlando M. 1398 23
Thayer, Elizabeth 185 3
Thayer, F.H. 185 3
Thayer, Frank L. 394 6
Thayer, Joseph 185 3
The Bank of Spooner 1365 22
The Bankers Joint Stock 999 16
The Bankers Joint Stock Land Bank 1086 17
The Bankers Joint Stock Land Bank 1168 19
The Bankers Joint Stock Land Bank 1167 19
The Bankers Joint Stock Land Bank 1208 20
The Bankers Joint Stock Land Bank of Milwaukee 821 13
The Bankers Joint Stock Land Company 1098 18
The Bankers Joint Stock Land Company 1099 18
The Brewster State Bank 667 10
The Clarkson Coal & Dock Company 1375 23
The Clarkson Coal & Dock Company 1334 22
The Commercial Bank 631 10
The Consolidated Lumber Company 1008 16
The County of Burnett 21 1
The Danbury Investment Company 1228 20
The Enterprise Company 1187 19
The Farmers and Merchants Bank 531 8
The Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul 1424 23
The Federal Bank of Saint Paul 1176 19
The Federal Land Bank 822 13
The Federal Land Bank 1023 16
The Federal Land Bank 1249 20
The Federal Land Bank 1356 22
The Federal Land Bank 1419 23
The Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul 1175 19
The Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul 1194 19
The Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul 1217 20
The Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul 1243 20
The Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul 1269 21
The Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul 1282 21
The Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul 1337 22
The Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul 1349 22
The Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul 1390 23
The Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul 1399 23
The Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul 1403 23
The Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul 1421 23
The Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul 1423 23
The Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul 1429 23
The Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul 1442 24
The Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul 1448 24
The Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul 1449 24
The Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul 1456 24
The Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul 1459 24
The Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul 1461 24
The Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul 1387 23
The Federal Land Bank of St. Paul 1012 16
The Federal Land Bank of St. Paul 1013 16
The Federal Land Bank of St. Paul 1014 16
The Federal Land Bank of St. Paul 1015 16
The Federal Land Bank of St. Paul 1016 16
The Federal Land Bank of St. Paul 1017 16
The Federal Land Bank Saint Paul 1255 20
The Federal Land Bank St. Paul 1024 16
The Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul 1473 24
The First Bank of Grantsburg 401 6
The First Bank of Grantsburg 976 15
The First Bank of Grantsburg 1172 19
The First National Bank 856 13
The First National Bank of Crookston 876 14
The First National Bank of Grantsburg 1006 16
The First National Bank of Grantsburg 1052 17
The First National Bank of Grantsburg 1055 17
The First National Bank of Grantsburg 1059 17
The First National Bank of Grantsburg 1159 19
The First National Bank of Grantsburg 1222 20
The First National Bank of Grantsburg 1294 21
The First National Bank of Grantsburg 583 9
The First National Bank of Grantsburg 878 14
The Grimsrud Shoe Company 921 14
The Hershey Lumber Company 257 4
The Jeurgens Jewelry Company 398 6
The Marshland Farming Company 919 14
The McCormick Harvesting Machine Company 53 1
The McCormick Harvesting Machine Company 56 1
The McCormick Harvesting Machine Company 202 3
The Menominee Land Company 1274 21
The Midway National Bank 1411 23
The Minneapolis Threshing Machine 335 5
The Minneapolis Threshing Machine Company 299 5
The Mississippi River Logging Company 351 6
The Mississippi River Logging Company 348 6
The Mississippi River Logging Company 349 6
The Mississippi River Logging Company 354 6
The Mississippi River Logging Company 355 6
The National Manufacturing and Supply Company 938 15
The Northern Coal & Dock Company 868 14
The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company 1218 20
The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance 1134 18
The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company 1418 23
The Old Line Insurance Company 1354 22
The Orange National Farm Loan Association 1090 17
The Orange National Farm Loan Association 1091 17
The Orange National Farm Loan Association 1092 17
The Organization of the Town of West Marshland 297 5
The Pittsburgh & Ashland Coal & Dock Company 1260 20
The Pittsburgh & Ashland Coal & Dock Company 1318 22
The Pure Oil Company 1044 16
The Scandinavian Improvement Association 28 1
The Scandinavian Improvement Association 37 1
The Scandinaviska Branstad Foreningen 40 1
The State of Wisconsin 806 13
The State of Wisconsin 897 14
The Swedish Evangelical Congregation 537 8
The Town of Eureka 47 1
The United States Fidelity 346 6
The United States National Bank 1322 22
The United States National Bank at Superior 1398 23
The United States National Bank of Superior 1345 22
The Webb Company 599 9
The Wisconsin Land and Securities Company 402 6
The Wisconsin Life Insurance 1410 23
The Wisconsin Mortgage & Securities 1127 18
The Wisconsin Mortgage & Securities 1228 20
The Wisconsin Mortgage & Securities 1131 18
Thill, Christ 2880 28
Thill, Viola 2880 28
Thompson, A.E. 14
Thompson, Andrew 321 5
Thompson, David T. 206 3
Thompson, E.H. 1254 20
Thompson, George H. 121 2
Thompson, Isabel 206 3
Thompson, Isabel 919 14
Thompson, James 8 1
Thompson, James 46 1
Thompson, John G. 404 7
Thompson, John G. 404 6
Thompson, Mackey J. 686 11
Thompson, Mackey J. 952 15
Thompson, Sabel 142 3
Thomson, A.C. 549 8
Thoreson, Ed 1109 18
Thoreson, Ed 1110 18
Thoreson, H.W. 1257 20
Thoreson, Isabell 1303 21
Thoreson, Isabelle 1382 23
Thoreson, Iver 21 1
Thoreson, Silas T. 1068 17
Thoreson, Simeon 31 1
Thoreson, Simon 63 1
Thoreson, Simon 195 3
Thoreson, Simon 199 3
Thoreson, Simon 223 4
Thoreson, Simon 230 4
Thoreson, Simon 314 5
Thoreson, Simon 320 5
Thoreson, Simon 449 7
Thoreson, Simon 487 7
Thoreson, William 371 6
Thorn, Alice E. 613 10
Thorn, John R. 613 10
Thorsen, John 28 1
Thunberg, Francis 1408 23
Thunberg, Francis 1416 23
Thurstin, Earl 375 6
Thurstin, Hulda 427 12
Thurstin, Huldah 375 6
Thurstin, Karl F. 427 12
Thwaites, R.G. 292 5
Thwig, J.E. 1095 17
Tierney, Dora 1088 17
Tiffany, Amelia 1448 24
Tiffany, Edward 1090 17
Tiffinay, Rose 1090 17
Tigges, A.W. 626 10
Tillison, Joseph 651 10
Tiss, John 1031 16
Tjoens, Harry 1374 23
Tobias, Ted 1057 17
Todd, Irving, Jr. 796 13
Togerson, Herman 2045 25
Tollefson, Thomas 79 2
Tollefeson, Thomas 194 3
Tollefson, Thos. 222 4
Tolleson, Thomas 1280 21
Tolleson, Maud A. 1280 21
Toreson, Tobias 19 1
Torgerson, Silas 2045 25
Town of Grantsburg 32 1
Town of Grantsburg 65 1
Town of Grantsburg 66 1
Town of Grantsburg 67 1
Town of Lincoln 384 6
Town of Marshland 4 1
Town of Marshland 9 1
Town of Marshland 194 3
Town of Marshland 360 6
Town of Meenon 265 4
Town of Rusk 93 2
Town of Swiss 448 7
Town of Swiss 1322 22
Town of Swiss 1386 23
Town of Trade Lake 80 2
Town of Web Lake 917 14
Trade Lake Town Fire Insurance 393 6
Traub, Frederic C. 603 9
Traub, William C. 1185 19
Travelers Insurance Company 1045 16
Travelers Insurance Company 3585 31
Tretsven, John 1283 21
Tri State Land Company 440 12
Tri-State Land Company 526 8
Trolander, G.H. 331 5
Trulson, August 843 13
Trulson, August 1363 22
Trulson, Eurika 843 13
Trusty, Loraine Burgess 1184 19
Trusty, Roy A. 1184 19
Tucker, Bessie 1212 20
Tucker, Frank 1212 20
Tucker, Frank A. 1327 22
Tucker, Loretta 3478 30
Tucker, Lyle 3478 30
Tunstrom, John E. 510 8
Tunstrom, Louisa 510 8
Turner, Clifford 2161 25
Turner, David 3160 29
Turner, David T. 2480 27
Turner, Ethel 2480 27
Turner, George 271 A. 4
Turner, Gertrude 2161 25
Turner, Margaret 3160 29
Turner, Mary 271 A. 4
Turner, Sarah 588 9
Turner, William 588 9
Tuynman, Addie 438 12
Tuynman, W. 438 12
Twoksbury, D.D. 15 1
Twomey, Andrew 670 10
Tydeman, John A. 1245 20
Tydeman, Mary C. 1245 20
Uecke, Albert 310 5
Uecke, Albert C. 687 11
Uecke, Albert C. 305 5
Uecke, Albert C., Mrs. 687 11
Ulbrecht, Frank 349 6
Ullrich, Fred C. 1277 21
Ulrich, Charles 3088 29
Ulrich, Charles 3433 30
Ulrich, Josephine 3433 30
Ulrich, Tillie 3088 29
Ulrickson, Hannah 521 8
Ulrickson, Ulrick P. 521 8
Unger, A.W. 293 5
Unger, A.W. 295 5
Unger, A.W. 386 6
Unger, Andrew W. 296 5
Upham, W.C. 350 6
Vaardal, Karen 1324 22
Vaardal, Peter 1324 22
Vail, Linda L. 3671 32
Vail, Ross R. 3671 32
Van Guilden, Ina 816 1921
Van Kessel, George 1172 19
Van Pelt, Bessie 1370 23
Van Pelt, Elmer 1370 23
Van Pelt, Frank 1370 23
Vandalan, Ethel 445 12
Vandalan, Jess 445 12
Vandalen, John 446 12
Vandalen, Pearl 446 12
Vanderberg, G.W. 1077 17
Vanderhost, Anna 1633 25
Vanderhost, William 1633 25
Vannurden, Levi 700 11
Vanselus, Bessie M. 1248 20
Vanselus, M.F. 1093 17
Vanselus, Milton 1248 20
Varland, Jacob S. 359 6
Varland, Anna M. 359 6
Verville, Florence 3342 29
Verville, Kenneth 3342 29
Vesey, Martin C. 1271 21
Village of Grantsburg 32 1
Village of Grantsburg 123
Village of Grantsburg 181 3
Village of Grantsburg 65 1
Village of Grantsburg 66 1
Virchow, Eliza 1468 24
Vondrasek, Lucille 2736 27
Vorce, George L. 469 7
Vorce, Mattie J. 469 7
Vorpahl, Emma 689 11
Vorpahl, Julius 689 11
Vroman, L.L. 644 10
Wadleigh, Henry 435 12
Wage, George 374 6
Wagenius, Barbara 3595 31
Wagenius, Barbara 3647 32
Wagenius, Bert 965 15
Wagenius, Harold 3595 31
Wagenius, Harold 3647 32
Wagenius, Jens 124 2
Wagenius, Lester 2392 26
Wagenius, Ruby 2392 26
Wagler, N.R. 377 6
Wagner, A.B. 836 13
Wagner, A.B. 1067 17
Wagner, C.J. 1393 23
Wahl, George 598 9
Walberg, John 2085 25
Walberg, Nora E. 2085 25
Walborg, Vernon Edward 2841 28
Walborg, Wanetta L. 2841 28
Walbridge, J.B. 939 15
Wald, Charles 236 4
Wald, Maggie 236 4
Wald, Michael M. 751 11
Wald, Cecelia 751 11
Walker, A.J. 632 10
Walker, Fred 791 13
Walker, L.E. 1442 24
Walker, Martha 1442 24
Wallbridge, J.B. 268 4
Walls, Carter 799 13
Walrath, Elmer E. 278 5
Walrath, Elmer E. 279 5
Walther, Carol 3492 30
Walther, Eugene 3492 30
Wamke, A.R. 1153 18
Wang, Carolina 239 4
Wansch, John 171 3
Ward, Charles A. 1339 22
Ward, Nellie 1339 22
Ward, Q.C. 96 2
Warner, B.L. 715 11
Warner, Isaac H. 520 8
Warner, Myrtle 715 11
Warren, Orris 1181 19
Warthen, Duane 3527 30
Warthen, Lila 3527 30
Washburn, Hannson 801 13
Washburn, Harrison 874 14
Wason, Edward M. 238 4
Watkins, Harriet A. 422 12
Watson, James 283 5
Watson, Vance R. 784 12
Weaver, Clark 3445 30
Weaver, Naomi 3445 30
Webster, C.C. 335 5
Webster, F.C. 322 5
Webster, F.W. 322 5
Webster, Rayburn 559 9
Webster, Rayburn 608 10
Wedell, Peter 606 9
Wedin, Andrew 1078 17
Wedin, G.R. 308 5
Wedin, G.R. 19 1
Wedin, Gust R. 111 2
Weeman, John 235 4
Weeman, Martha 235 4
Weidner, John P. 1323 22
Weinstock, C.B. 1041 16
Welch, J.C. 708 11
Welch, Laura E. 3541 31
Welch, Michael R. 3541 31
Welch, Ray 979 15
Welch, Roy 979 15
Weller, M.R. 513 8
Wellington, Vannatta 4 1
Wells, Walter A. 88 2
Wells, Walter A. 302 5
Welshons, G.S. 703 11
Welshons, G.S. 742 11
Wench, Philip 344 6
Wendt, Robert 705 11
Wennerdahl, J.A. 1421 23
Wescott, Elvera L. 1426 23
West, Alfred 685 11
West, Benjamin 923 14
West, Benjamin 362 6
West, Charles V. 255 4
West, Elizabeth 923 14
West, Jacob C. 294 5
West, Lillie Gertrude 255 4
Westberg, A.O. 1072 17
Westcott, Robert M. 1426 23
Wester, Charles W. 332 5
Westergren, A. 827 13
Westfall, William 1126 18
Westlund, Clarence 3670 32
Westlund, Joel 429 12
Westlund, Louise 3670 32
Westlund, Melvin 429 12
Westlund, P.L. 946 15
Westover, Bertha W. 977 15
Westover, John W. 977 15
Westrom, Alick 783 12
Westrom, Maggie 783 12
Wey, Cecil C. 3625 32
Wey, Lorraine M. 3625 32
Wheeler, Emily 262 4
Wheeller, Elizabeth Hamilton 1297 21
Wheeller, George W. 1297 21
White, James L. 406 7
White, Lillian M. 643 10
Whitfield, Ida May 1060 17
Whitford, Mathew 1217 20
Whiting, Joseph J. 834 13
Whitney, Ben C. 532 8
Whitney, Ben C. 657 10
Whitney, Ben C. 726 11
Whitney, Sanford B. 907 14
Whitted, Ed 2189 25
Wiberg, Edward 472 7
Wicherin, Emma 1081 17
Wickholm, Lloyd Andrew 2440 26
Wickholm, Violet 2440 26
Wicklund, Ingrid 797 13
Wicklund, John V. 2682 27
Wicklund, Nels 797 13
Wicklund, Rachel H. 2682 27
Wicklund, Vanard 1009 16
Wiederholt, Henry 633 10
Wiederholt, Henry 1197 19
Wiederholt, Henry V. 1188 19
Wightman, Stella 952 15
Wilber, Albert A. 761 12
William, E.W. 589 9
Williams, E.L. 1048 17
Williams, Eleonore Herta 3683 32
Williams, Fay S. 263 4
Williams, M.W. 1453 24
Williams, Marvin G. 3683 32
Williams, W.S. 3 1
Williams, W.S. 185 3
Williams, W.S. 68 1
Williamson, Jeanette G. 3767 33
Williamson, Samuel, Jr. 3767 33
Willis, Avis 2737 27
Willis, Dorothy 2822 28
Willis, Dorothy 3374 30
Willis, Dorothy 3513 30
Willis, George 2822 28
Willis, George 3374 30
Willis, George 3513 30
Willis, Rovbert 2737 27
Wilson, A.E. 54 1
Wilson, A.E. 910 14
Wilson, Alma Elizabeth 500 7
Wilson, Augusta 4 1
Wilson, Deloris 3449 30
Wilson, Elton 3449 30
Wilson, Emma Anderson 902 14
Wilson, George 4 1
Wilson, Henry 902 14
Wilson, J.E. 615 10
Wilson, J.E. 647 10
Wiltrout, Ivah 993 16
Wimer, Cecil 3022 29
Wimer, Gladys 3022 29
Winslow, Dennis 3714 33
Winslow, James H. 262 4
Winslow, Lynn E. 3714 33
Winsor, Gurdon H. 1476 24
Winston & Newell Company 1266 20
Winter, H.B. 374 6
Winter, Lillian 374 6
Wisconsin Blue Grass Land Company 395 6
Wisconsin Mortgage & Securities 964 15
Wisconsin Mortgage & Securities 1083 17
Wisconsin Mortgage & Securities 1177 19
Wisconsin Mortgage & Securities 1190 19
Wisconsin Mortgage & Securities Company 1246 20
Wisconsin Mortgage & Securitites 1192 19
Wisconsin Mortgage & Securities 1124 18
Wisconsin Mortgage & Securities 1208B 20
Wisconsin Mortgage & Securities Company 1151 18
Wisconsin Mortage and Securities Company 996 16
Wisconsin Mortgage & Securities 1189 19
Wisconsin Mortgage & Securities Company 1237 20
Wisconsin Mortgage and Securities 1183 19
Wisconsin Savings and Loan & Building 828 13
Wisconsin Savings Loan & Building Association 720 11
Wisconsin Savings Loan & Building Association 1316 21
Wisconsin Savings Loan & Building Association 1311 21
Wisconsin Savings and Loan 855 13
Wistrom, Alek 1275 21
Wistrom, Alex 316 5
Wistrom, Alex 1160 19
Wistrom, Emma 1275 21
Witt, Oscar 812 13
Witt, Wilhelmina 1360 22
Wittman, Joseph 1078 17
Wolter, Henry 1095 17
Wolverton, William O. 670 10
Wood, Chlorn E. 781 12
Woodruff, Aliee 295 5
Woodruff, Nelson H. 295 5
Woods, F.C. 328 5
Wrenshall State Bank 1386 23
Wrenshall State Bank 1412 23
Wright, Clarence 1037 16
Wright, Edward A. 358 6
Wright, Emma 358 6
Wright, Mary 1037 16
Yira, James 1084 17
Yira, James 1111 18
Yira, Joe 1084 17
Yira, Joe 1111 18
Young, Eva A. 494
Young, J.C. 494
Young, John 273 5
Young, Sarah M. 273 5
Zachariason, Nile Jacob 15 1
Zalkind, Samuel 544 8
Zimmerman, A.P. 1410 23
Zimmermann, E.H. 331 5
Zittersquish, Carl 8 1
Zvoda, Helen 3558 31
Zvoda, Olga 3044 29
Zvoda, Paul 3044 29
Zvoda, Paul 3558 31
Zylstra, Herman 571 9
[unidentified] 34 1
[unidentified] 304 5
[unidentified] 304 5
[unidentified] 305 5
[unidentified] 1235 20
[unidentified] 3020 28
[unidentified] 247 4
[unidentified] 3435 30