Leonard Finseth Collection, 1942-1979

Summary Information

Collection Summary

Title: Leonard Finseth Collection
Dates: 1942-1979

  • Finseth, Leonard, 1911-1991
Unique Identifier: CSUMC0020-CG

Contents: Mills Music Library Wisconsin Music Archives: 6 folders, 50 reel-to-reel tapes, 34 audiocassettes, 81 photographs

Center for the Study of Upper Midwestern Cultures
432 East Campus Mall, Room 332
Madison, Wisconsin 53706
Web site: http://csumc.wisc.edu

Archival Location:
UW-Madison Libraries, Mills Music (Map)

Leonard Finseth (1911-1991) was a Norwegian-American folk fiddler, farmer, and factory worker from Mondovi, Wisconsin. In addition to maintaining the family farm, Finseth played and participated in fiddle festivals throughout the Midwest and published two albums of Norwegian folk music, The Hills of Old Wisconsin and Scandinavian Old Time Folk Fiddler from Wisconsin. The Finseth collection's recordings are a mix of concerts, personal recordings, and recordings of old time fiddlers who influenced Finseth. There are a large number of old time fiddle songs, with special emphasis on Norwegian tunes. Also present are photographs, newspaper articles, a reminiscence by Finseth of his World War II experiences, and other items.

Language: Manuscripts are in English and sound recordings are in English and Norwegian.

URL to cite for this finding aid: http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/wiarchives.uw-csumc-csumc0020cg

Collection Concordance by Format
Quantity Physical Description Location
Manuscript Materials
6 folders WMA Mills Music Library
Sound Recordings
1 4-inch reel-to-reel tape WMA Mills Music Library
12 5-inch reel-to-reel tapes WMA Mills Music Library
4 6-inch reel-to-reel tapes WMA Mills Music Library
33 7-inch reel-to-reel tapes WMA Mills Music Library
34 audiocassettes WMA Mills Music Library
Graphic Materials
81 photographs WMA Mills Music Library


Leonard Finseth (1911-1991) was a Norwegian-American folk fiddler, farmer, and factory worker who was born on February 11, 1911. His parents emigrated to the United States from Norway in about 1900, and settled in western Wisconsin. Finseth's first musical training was from one of his two sisters who taught him the organ at a young age. He began to play the fiddle at age 17 after his Uncle, Ed Quall, himself a fiddler of some renown, helped him get a fiddle through mail order and started to give him lessons. Much of his musical training came from “Uncle Ed” and later his neighbor Ingvald Syverson. Finseth could and did read music, but his folk fiddling was more of an oral tradition learned from “Uncle Ed,” Syverson, and Otto Rindlisbacher (from Rice Lake, Wisconsin and of Swiss descent).

Before World War II Finseth started working at what was to become the Uniroyal plant in Eau Claire until he enlisted in the Navy and served in the war. After service, he returned to the Uniroyal factory and continued to work there for the next 35 years until his retirement about 1980. In addition to working at the Uniroyal plant, Finseth also maintained the family farm in Mondovi, Wisconsin where he lived all his life. Despite a shortage of time, Finseth continued to play and participated in folk festivals including the Fiddler's Fest in Yankton, South Dakota, the Nordic Fest in Decorah, Iowa, the Snoose Boulevard Festival in Minneapolis and the Festival of American Folklife held by the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. in both 1974 and 1976. He was invited to the Smithsonian after being heard by scouts at the Snoose Boulevard Festival in Minneapolis.

His music is identified by some as being similar to that of Gudbrandsdalen, a region north of Oslo. Finseth also played organ, harmonica, guitar, and a Norwegian violin variant, the Hardanger fiddle or Hardingfele, a fiddle with four added sympathetic strings.

Finseth recorded two albums of Norwegian folk music, The Hills of Old Wisconsin (Minneapolis, Minn.: Banjar Records 1942, 1983) and Scandinavian Old Time: Folk Fiddle from Wisconsin (Minneapolis, Minn.: Banjar Records 1834, 1979). He was also featured in Scandinavian-American Folk Dance Music Vol. 2 (Banjar Records 1974, 1976) and Across the Fields: Fiddle Tunes and Button Accordion Melodies (Madison: Wisconsin Old Time Fiddle Project, c1982). Finseth died on June 16th, 1991.

Scope and Content Note

The music in this collection is a mix of concerts, personal recordings, and recordings of fiddlers who influenced Finseth. Most of the photographs highlight the musical venues and performances, while other photographs, personal correspondence, and articles shed light on Finseth's life, both as a performer and a farmer. The “War Clouds" typescript offers a glimpse into Finseth's personal experiences in World War II.

The Finseth photographs and paper documents are organized in six folders. The Finseth recordings are organized by format type. Tape cassettes are stored in 2 cases and are found in Box 1 along with paper material. Box 2 contains the reel-to-reel tapes. The recordings list in the collection inventory below is based on notes made by Robert Andresen.

Related Materials

Robert Andresen Collection (CSUMC0012-CG)

Down Home Dairyland Collection. Wisconsin Music Archives, Mills Music Library, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Reel-to-reel tape and tape index of an interview conducted by James P. Leary with Leonard Finseth, 1988.

Phil Martin Interviews. Wisconsin Historical Society Archives. Interview with Andresen by Phil Martin, 1978 (Audio 737A).

Key Subjects
Groups (Ethnic, National, Cultural, Religious, etc.)

  • Norwegian Americans
  • Scandinavian Americans


  • Accordion
  • Banjo
  • Bass guitar
  • Fiddle
  • Guitar
  • Keyed fiddle
  • Nyckelharpa
  • Piano
  • Tenor banjo
  • Violin


  • English language
  • Norwegian language


  • Drammen Church
  • Middle West
  • Minnesota
  • Wisconsin
  • South Dakota


  • Andresen, Bob
  • Berg, Willy
  • Berguson, Ole
  • Bertelrud, Ole
  • Crosley, Phillip
  • Finseth, Leonard, 1911-1991
  • Firch, Willard
  • Foss, Francis
  • Fossum, Orville
  • Gilbertson, Blanche
  • Gorges, Reverend
  • Gran, Otto
  • Gullingsrud, Ralf
  • Halverson, Sam
  • Halvorson, Vie
  • Johnson, Hal
  • Johnson, Marion
  • Johnson, Roswell
  • Jordheim, Kjel
  • Jorgenson, Art
  • Kagen, Alan
  • Lardahl, Laverne
  • Lardahl, Stanley
  • Lardahl, Stanley
  • Lassek, Ed
  • Masted, Pastor
  • McMahan, Pete, 1918-
  • Olson, Arnold
  • Olson, Evelyn
  • Quall, Ed
  • Rindlisbacher, Otto
  • Roheim, Anund, 1913-
  • Sorenson, Harold
  • Sorenson, Truman
  • Storsveen, Alfred
  • Thompson, Sharon
  • Thorson, Arnold


  • Brimi-Faukstad Trio
  • Ralph Gordon Band


  • Country music
  • Farming
  • Fiddlers--Competitions
  • Fiddle tunes
  • Folk music
  • Hambo
  • Hoedowns
  • Hornpipes
  • Hymns
  • Jigs
  • Laendler
  • Mazurkas
  • Old-time music
  • Polkas
  • Polska
  • Reels (Music)
  • Reinlender
  • Schottisches
  • Sermons
  • Springars
  • Two steps
  • Waltzes

The Finseth papers were donated by Robert Andresen on September 12, 1991. Leonard Finseth's son, Alverve Finseth, gave the papers to Andresen after his father's death in June 1991. Andresen was to sort and inventory the records, which he did, leaving handwritten sheets of song titles in each tape box. After Robert Andresen learned he had terminal cancer he readied his vast collection of regional ethnic music for donation to the Mills Music Library at the behest of folklorist and friend James P. Leary. Andresen died on March 10, 1995, and in June of that year Leary and WMA Curator Steve Sundell transferred the collection to Mills Music Library.

Processing History

In the fall of 1996, student David Seubert created an Inventory and Appraisal Report of the Finseth Collection. In the spring of 2006, Carrie Roy prepared the information for publishing on this web site.


Contact Mills Music Library for access information.

Wisconsin Music Archives at Mills Music Library
University of Wisconsin-Madison
B162 Memorial Library
728 State St.
Madison, Wisconsin 53706-1494
Email: askmusic@library.wisc.edu
Phone: (608) 263-1884
Web site: http://music.library.wisc.edu

The Leonard Finseth Collection is part of the Wisconsin Music Archives, a non-circulating special collection in the Mills Music Library. Users wishing to listen to any recordings in the collection should contact the library in advance. Typically, the library makes a copy of the desired recording to facilitate listening. This process may require several days' preparation. Duplication of the materials for non-profit personal, educational, and research purposes may be arranged after making a written request expressing compliance with copyright law. Use of materials for public presentation, publication, and production requires negotiation with the Music Library Director and Leonard Finseth's decedents.

Preferred Citation

Consult the Mills Music Library for citation guidelines for their documents.

Collection Inventory and Description
Box   1
Folder   1
Press clippings and articles on Finseth, notes, information on albums, letter
Box   1
Folder   2
Obituary, funeral program, manuscript on Finseth by Andresen
Box   1
Folder   3
Letters and photographs
Box   1
Folder   4
Original newspaper clippings
Box   1
Folder   5
“War Clouds” Typescript by Finseth on World War II, 1978 November
Box   1
Folder   6
Scrapbook: articles from local papers, record press releases, drafts of notes, articles in folk music journals
Subseries: Audiocassettes
Box   1
Case   1
1. Evelyn Olson and Leonard Finseth/Scandinavian Day Practice Tunes, 1979 May
2. L. Finseth and Truman Sorenson, 1977 May
3. N [blank tape]
4. , 1979
5. Ed Quall, fiddle, L. Lardahl, guitar--1 tune of myself, 1960
6. Contest, Yankton
7. Contest
8. Roheim
9. Evelyn Olson and Myself
10. Pete McMahan, Sharon Thompson, Yankton
11. Yankton: L. Finseth and W. Virginia Lady
12. Selmer Ramsey Waltz played by Len Finseth (Wis.) and Truman Sorenson (N. Dakota)/3 dirges, Vie Halvorson
13. Concert/Snoose, 1976
14. A. Roheim
15. dan/Rest by L. Finseth and T. Sorenson
16. L. Finseth, fiddle and L. Lardahl, guitar-A minute of tunes, 1979
17. L. Finseth, fiddle and L. Lardahl, guitar, 1978
18. Decorah
19. “Turkey in the Straw,” from record dated 1901 and 1942
20. Bob Andresen and Tom Livingston on WDTH radio, Duluth
21. Len Finseth and Evelyn Olson--Some other fiddle players taped
22. Snoose Boulevard, 1975
23. Ed Quall, fiddle and S. Lardahl, guitar; Len, piano
Box   1
Case   2
1. Key Fiddle Nyckelharpa; A few tunes by Leonard Finseth--Washington, D.C., copies of last record
2. Ed Lassek
3. (Harold), tunes of H. Sorenson, 1979
4. Nasby, F. Foss, accordion and L. Finseth, piano, 1978
5. Arnold Olson and Myself, waltz
6. Loop of Mrs. Berg
7. (Blank)
8. Violin Duet/Myself and Stanley Lardahl--“Ranger's Waltz”
9. Hanson Harmonica
10. X-mas fiddle only
11. copied from my 1979
Subseries: 7-inch Reel-to-Reel Tapes
Box   2
Reel   A
Choir Performances: various personnel, 1970
Box   2
Reel   B
Hymnal Recordings by Clara, Joyce and me: Performances: various personnel
1. Christmas Choir Practice
2. Ros and Marion Johnson
Box   2
Reel   C
Part I: Fiddle Performances by Leonard Finseth, fiddle; Laverne Lardahl, guitar; organ
1. “Gudbrandsdalen Schottische”
2. “Otto's Favorite Waltz” (not complete)
3. Waltz
4. “Good Night Waltz”
5. “Bal i Hallingdal”
6. “Sweet Bunch of Daisies”
7. “Old Schottische”
8. “Hobo Waltz”
9. “Halling”
10. “Kan Du Glemme Gamle Norge” (with group sing-along)
11. “Old Norwegian Reinlender”
12. “Dan's Old Time Waltz”
13. “Springer”
14. “Old Norwegian Schottische”
15. “Vestlandets Vals”
16. “Canadian Tune”
17. “Styrman's Valsen”
18. “Skegga Loppa”
19. “Hop Waltz” (Polka-Ed Quall's Polka or “Dalbak Trallen”)
20. “Little Arrows”
21. “Friare Valsen”
22. “Friare Valsen”
23. Jig
24. “And the Cat Came Back”
25. “Hoedown Medley” (“Chinese Breakdown”/“Mississippi Sawyer”)
26. Hoedown
27. “Skegga Loppa”
28. “Raggedy Ann”
29. “Schottische from Gudbrandsdalen”
30. Polka
31. “Accordion Waltz”
32. “Old Waltz from Norway”
33. “Old Scandinavian Waltz”
34. “Fiddler's Waltz”
35. “Gamle Ole Mattis”
36. “Bal i Karlstad”
37. Waltz (good waltz-R.A.)
38. “Norwegian Reinlender” (Sukkertoy)
39. “Bredeson's Schottische” (beginning missing)
40. Waltz (good waltz-R.A.)
41. “Kristiania Valsen”
42. “Hils Fra Meg Der Hjemme” (with group sing along, and tape runs out)
Box   2
Reel   C
Part II: Fiddle Performances: 24-35 from commercial recording, possibly Arnold and Evelyn Olson
1. “Emigrant Waltz”
2. “Emigrant Waltz” (vocal by Leonard)
3. “Pal Pa Haugen”
4. “Polka Medly”
5. “Livet i Finskogen”
6. “Finska Valsen”
7. “Tennessee Waltz”
8. Polka (short version)
9. “Nikolina”
10. “Whirlaway Waltz”
11. “Jump the Springs Polka”
12. “Indian War Whoop”
13. “Old Joe Clark”
14. “Rindlisbacher's Mazurka”
15. “Peek-A-Boo Waltz”
16. “Bolstad's Waltz”
17. “Over the Waves”
18. “Prairie Lake Waltz” (Canadian)
19. Jig
20. “Back Up and Push” (wrong title? R.A.)
21. Waltz
22. “Slow Tune”
23. Waltz
24. Hymn
25. Hymn
26. “Beneath the Cross of Jesus”
27. Hymn
28. “The Old Rugged Cross”
29. Hymn
30. “Were You There”
31. Hymn
32. “Near the Cross”
33. Hymn
34. Hymn
35. “Beautiful Savior”
Box   2
Reel   D
Part IA: Norsk Musik (Finseth, fiddle; Ralf Gullingsrud, fiddle; Pastor Kjel Jordheim, announcing; Ros Johnson, electric guitar), 1960
Box   2
Reel   D
Part IB: Music at Drammen Church (Blanche Gilbertson, organ?; Finseth, fiddle), 1960
Box   2
Reel   D
Part II: Fiddle Performances (Finseth, fiddle; Laverne Lardahl, guitar; Stan Lardahl, banjo)
Box   2
Reel   E
Live in Eau Claire (Finseth, fiddle), 1980 June 21
Box   2
Reel   F
Sam Halverson
Box   2
Reel   G
Part I: Sermons by Pastor Masted, 1965 October
Box   2
Reel   G
Part II: Ladies Aid, 1965 October
Box   2
Reel   H
Part IA: Fiddle Performances (Finseth, fiddle; Stanley Lardahl, guitar; possibly Larry Finseth, guitar; piano)
1. Waltz
2. “Selmer Ramsey Waltz”
3. Waltz
4. “Ed Quall's Polka” (“Dalbuk Trallen”)
5. “G Polka” (“Loggerman's”)
6. “Svenska Hambo”
7. “Swamper's Revenge on the Windfall”
8. Waltz
9. “Finseth's Schottische”
10. “Ganglat” (walking tune)
11. “Anders Svalstuen Vals”
12. “Storsveen's Schottische”
13. Polka
14. Schottische
15. “Saeter Jentens Sondag”
Box   2
Reel   H
Part IB: Fiddle Performances (Orville Fossum, fiddle; possibly Evelyn Olson, piano), 1975 December 7
1. Woman talking about people who were present at a get-together
2. Waltz
3. Hoedown
4. Waltz (“Oh, Marie”)
5. Polka
6. “Shannon Waltz”
7. Rag
8. Waltz
9. Hoedown
10. “Christmas Waltz” - Art Jorgenson, Grand Rapids, MN
11. Jig
12. “Dreamer's Waltz”
13. Polka (“Peanuts”?)
14. “Scandinavian Waltz”
15. “I'll Sail My Ship Alone”
16. “Scandinavian Waltz”
17. “Clarinet Polka”
18. “Ragtime Annie”
19. Waltz
20. “Martin's Waltz”
Box   2
Reel   H
Part IIA: Hymns and Old Songs (vocal, piano, violin, Phillip Crosley and Rev. Gorges marked on box)
1. “Until Then”
2. “The Old Rugged Cross”
3. “How Great Thou Art”
4. “Beautiful Isle of Somewhere”
5. “Oh Lord, Forgive”
6. “Until Then”
7. “Whispering Hope”
8. “In the Garden”
9. “Precious Lord, Take My Hand”
10. “Just a Closer Walk With Thee”
11. “It Is No Secret”
12. “When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder”
13. “Danny Boy”
14. “Just A'Wearying for You”
15. “I Love You Truly”
16. unidentified
17. “Rock of Ages”
18. “Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie”
19. “Home on the Range”
20. “Springtime in the Rockies”
21. “There's a Long, Long Trail A'Winding”
22. “Softly and Tenderly”
23. “Oh Lord, Forgive”
24. “God Be With You Till We Meet Again”
25. “I Believe”
26. “He”
27. “Faith Unlock the Door”
28. Fragments of Opera
29. “Shine On, Harvest Moon”
30. Fragments of Bass Solos
31. “Annie Laurie”
32. Comedy Song
Box   2
Reel   H
Part IIB
33. “Poor Folks”
34. “Jesus Paid It All”
35. “On Top of Old Smokey” (parody)
36. Comedy Song
37. “By the Stump of the Old Pine”
38. Comedy Song
39. Comedy Song
40. Comedy Song
41. “Green Grow the Lilacs”
Box   2
Reel   I
Part IA: Performances: Alfred Storsveen, fiddle; Arnold Olson, banjo
1. Waltz
2. Waltz
3. “Schottische in A” (later called “Storsveen's Schottische” by Finseth)
4. Polka
5. Waltz
6. Mazurka
7. Waltz
8. Waltz (later known as “Storsveen's Waltz”)
9. Waltz
10. Waltz
11. Polka
12. Waltz (“Life in the Finnish Woods”)
13. Polka or Hoedown
14. Polka
15. Waltz
16. Waltz
17. Polka or Hoedown
18. Schottische
19. Waltz
20. Waltz
21. Schottische
22. Waltz or Mazurka
Box   2
Reel   I
Part IB: Performances: Willy Berg, fiddle; Helen, piano; Francis Foss, accordion
23. Waltz
24. “Willy Berg Square Dance” (jig)
25. “Polka in A & E” (Willy Berg's Polka)
26. “Rundhaugen” (Selmer Halverson Old-Time Waltz)
27. “Koster Vals”
28. Waltz (Willy Berg composition)
29. “Saeter Jentens Sondag”
30. “Listen to the Mockingbird”
31. “Willy's A Waltz”
32. “Skegga Loppa”
Box   2
Reel   I
Part IC: Performances: Tenor Banjo Player from La Crosse with piano
1. “Fast Tune”
2. “Sunny Side of the Street”
Box   2
Reel   I
Part IIA: Performances: Tenor banjo player from La Crosse with piano
1. “Tie a Yellow Ribbon 'Round the Old Oak Tree”
2. “Fast Tune”
3. “Alabama Jubilee”
Box   2
Reel   I
Part IIB: Performances: Willard Firch, fiddler from Montana
1. Hoedown (”Stony Point”)
2. “Arkansas Traveler”
3. “Listen to the Mockingbird”
4. “Anniversary Song”
5. “Billy in the Lowground”
6. “Blue Mountain Waltz”
7. “Sally Gooden”
8. “Little Coquette”
9. “Streets of Laredo”
10. Waltz
11. “Five Foot Two”
12. “South”
13. “Ida”
14. “Tennessee Waltz”
15. “In a Shanty in Old Shanty Town”
16. “Old Folks at Home”
17. “Martin's Waltz”
18. Waltz
19. “Whispering”
20. “Orange Blossom Special”
21. “Turkey in the Straw”
22. “Old Joe Clark”
23. “Uncle Pen”
24. “Somewhere My Love”
25. Jig (”Walker's Jig”)
26. Hoedown
27. Two Step
28. “Willy Berg Tune” (waltz)
Box   2
Reel   J
Copied from Commercial Recordings
Box   2
Reel   K
Part IA: Fiddle Performances: Hal Johnson family of Iowa, two accordions, bass guitar, piano
1. “Caney's Old Time Waltz”
2. “Styrman's Valsen”
3. “Scandinavian Waltz”
4. “Eighth of January”
5. “Faded Love”
6. “Ragtime Annie”
7. “Maiden's Prayer”
8. “Dulcimer”
9. “Happy Boys Schottische”
Box   2
Reel   K
Part IB: Performances: Alan Kagen?, fiddle
10. “Haste to the Wedding”
11. “Norwegian Waltz”
12. “Flop Eared Mule”
13. “Arkansas Traveler”
14. “Orange Blossom Special”
Box   2
Reel   K
Part IC: Performances
15. “Spanish Two Step”
16. “Farmer's Waltz”
Box   2
Reel   K
Part ID: Performances: Finseth, fiddle; Evelyn Olson, piano (possibly Orville Fossum, fiddle on 17 and 18)
17. Waltz
18. Waltz
19. “Frylinder Schottische”
20. Polka
21. “Ingvald's Waltz”
22. “Casey's Old Time Waltz”
23. “Ingvald Syverson Waltz”
24. Waltz
Box   2
Reel   K
Part IE: Performances: Evelyn Olson, piano; Orville Fossum, fiddle; Arnold Olson, second fiddle
25. Waltz
26. Waltz
27. Schottische
28. Waltz
Box   2
Reel   K
Part IF: Performances: Ralph Gordon Band, accordion
29. Waltz
30. “Holman Town Waltz”
31. Waltz
32. “Helse Dem Der Hemme”
33. “Old Scandinavian Waltz”
34. “Copenhagen”
Box   2
Reel   K
Part IIA: Fiddle Performances
1. “Norwegian Farmer's Waltz”
2. “Johan Pa Snippen”
3. Schottische
4. Waltz
5. Schottische
6. Waltz
7. Polka or Hoedown (“Loggerman's”)
8. Waltz
9. Polka
10. “Life in the Finnish Woods”
11. “Saturday Night Waltz”
12. “Bal i Karlstad”
Box   2
Reel   L
Part IA: Fiddle Performances: Finseth, fiddle; Arnold Thorson, violin; Blanche Gilbertson, organ
1. Hymn
2. “Hils Fra Meg Der Hjemme”
3. “Kan Du Glemme Gamle Norge”
4. Hymn
5. Hymn
6. Hymn
7. “Children of the Heavenly Father”
8. “Faith of Our Fathers”
9. Hymn
10. “Saeter Jentens Sondag”
Box   2
Reel   L
Part IB: Fiddle Performances: Finseth, fiddle; Stanley Lardahl, guitar
11. “When You and I Were Young, Maggie”
12. “Devil's Dream”
13. Hoedown
Box   2
Reel   L
Part IC: Commercial Recordings
Box   2
Reel   L
Part ID: Fiddle Performances: Finseth, fiddle; Stanley Lardahl, guitar
1. Schottische
2. “Hardanger Vals”
3. “Old A Waltz” (Rindlisbacher version)
4. Schottische
5. Schottische
6. “Rindlisbacher's Mazurka”
7. “Little America”
8. “La Golondrina”
9. “Life in the Finnish Woods”
10. “Life in the Finnish Woods”
11. “Love Letters in the Sand”
12. “When You and I Were Young, Maggie”
13. “Devil's Dream”
14. Hoedown
Box   2
Reel   L
Part IIA: Fiddle Performances
1. “When I Grow Too Old to Dream”
2. “Vestlandets Vals”
3. “Otto's Favorite Waltz”
4. “Otto Rindlisbacher's Schottische”
5. “Ragtime Annie”
6. “Waltz from Otto Rindlisbacher”
7. “Old A Waltz”
8. Schottische
9. “Indian War Whoop”
10. Polka
11. Leonard imitating a dog
12. Waltz
13. Waltz or Mazurka
14. “Skegga Loppa”
15. “Olga's Waltz”
16. “Leonard's Waltz” (written by Otto Rindlisbacher)
17. Waltz
18. “Tennessee Waltz”
19. “San Antonio Rose”
20. Schottische
21. Waltz-Schottische combination
22. Waltz
23. Schottische
24. Schottische
25. Waltz
26. “Hardanger Waltz”
27. Mazurka
28. Mazurka
29. Schottische
30. Waltz
31. Schottische
Box   2
Reel   L
Part IIB: Fiddle Performances: Finseth, fiddle; Arnold Olson, fiddle; Evelyn Olson, accordion; Stanley Lardahl, guitar
1. “Over the Waves”
2. “Johan Pa Snippen”
3. “Saturday Night Waltz”
4. Mazurka
5. “Caller's Waltz”
6. “Styrman's Valsen”
7. “Finska Valsen”
8. “Kristiania Valsen”
9. “Skal Skal Skal”
10. “Little Arrows”
11. Polka
12. Jig (“Ocean Wave?”)
13. “Irish Washerwoman”
14. “Joden”
15. “Rye Waltz”
16. Mazurka
17. “Listen to the Mockingbird”
18. Waltz
19. “Silver Bell”
20. “Red Wing”
21. “Three O'Clock in the Morning”
Box   2
Reel   M
Drammen Church Centennial: Leonard Finseth performs “Saeter Jentens Sondag,” 1973
Box   2
Reel   N
Part I: Otto Rindlisbacher Originals: Otto Rindlisbacher, fiddle; Laverne Lardahl, guitar; Finseth announcing tunes; 1967
1. “Laverne Lardahl Waltz”
2. “Mondovi Hoedown”
3. Waltz
4. Schottische
5. Polka
6. Mazurka
7. “Spring Dance”
8. Polka
9. Gallop
10. Polka
11. Mazurka
12. Jig
13. Schottische
14. Schottische
15. Mazurka
16. Schottische
Box   2
Reel   N
Part II: Otto Rindlisbacher Originals: Otto Rindlisbacher, fiddle; Laverne Lardahl, guitar; Finseth announcing tunes; 1967
1. Schottische
2. “Game Warden March”
3. Waltz
4. Schottische
5. Polka
6. “Old Norwegian Waltz”
7. “Mazurka No. 10”
8. “Arnold Thorson Waltz”
9. Original Polka
10. Laendler
11. Old Mazurka
12. Schottische
13. Mazurka
Box   2
Reel   O
Part I: Commercial Recordings: Finseth, fiddle; Arnold Olson, cello
1. “Gudbrandsdalen Schottische”
2. “Old C Waltz”
3. “Henry Slette's Waltz,” Rudy Jackson, fiddle
4. “Ranger's Waltz”
Box   2
Reel   O
Part II: Commercial Recordings: Chuck Ritter, vocal, guitar, and harmonica; Laverne Lardahl, guitar
1. “Silver Haired Daddy of Mine”
2. “Wabash Cannonball”
3. “Irish Washerwoman”
Box   2
Reel   P
Part I: Tunes from First Record
1. “Indian War Whoop”
2. “Old C Waltz”
3. “Otto Gran's Mazurka”
4. “Syverson's Polka”
5. “Ole Bull Waltz”
6. “Joden Polka”
7. “Loms-Jakup Waltz”
Box   2
Reel   P
Part II: Tunes from First Record
1. “Rindlisbacher's Mazurka”
2. “Swamper's Revenge”
3. “Sleepy Waltz”
4. “Storsveen's Schottische”
5. “Storsveen's Waltz”
6. “Roheim's Mazurka”
Box   2
Reel   Q
Part I: Fiddle Performances: Finseth, fiddle; Robert Andresen, guitar, bass, banjo
1. “Gamle Ole Mattis”
2. “Ferende Fant Vals”
3. “Storsveen's Waltz”
4. “Storsveen's Schottische”
5. “Old A Waltz” (Ed Quall version)
6. “Old A Waltz” (Rindlisbacher version)
7. Mazurka
8. “Ed Quall's Polka”
9. “Joden”
10. “Syverson Waltz”
11. Polka
Box   2
Reel   Q
Part II: (Blank)
Box   2
Reel   R
Finseth, fiddle; Blanche Gilbertson, organ; H. Thorson, fiddle; 1964
Box   2
Reel   S
“For Len Finseth”
Box   2
Reel   T
Commercial Recordings
Box   2
Reel   U
Snoose Boulevard, St. Cloud Fiddling Contest
Box   2
Reel   V
Part I: KSJN Recording: Finseth, fiddle; Stanley Lardahl, guitar; 1974 August 3
1. “Ingvald Syverson Waltz” (false start)
2. “Ingvald Syverson Waltz”
3. “Storsveen's Schottische”
4. Mazurka
5. “Anders Svalstuen Vals”
6. Schottische
7. “Waltz from Ed Quall” (“Old A Waltz”)
8. “Rindlisbacher's Mazurka”
9. “Ole Bull Waltz”
Box   2
Reel   W
Yankton Festival (South Dakota)
Box   2
Reel   X
Snoose Boulevard Fiddling and Accordion Contest
Box   2
Reel   Y
Box   2
Reel   Z
Copy [of] 1973 (1979?) Master Tape
Box   2
Reel   AA
Dick Barret, reflections of Sweden
Box   2
Reel   BB
Part I: Hymns and Norwegian Songs (bad recording): Blanche Gilbertson, organ; Finseth, fiddle; Arnold Thorson, second fiddle; 1964
1. Hymn
2. Hymn
3. “Saeter Jentens Sondag”
Box   2
Reel   BB
Part IIA: Hymns and Norwegian Songs: Blanche Gilbertson, organ; Finseth, fiddle; Arnold Thorson, second fiddle; 1964
1. Hymn
2. “Hils Fra Meg Til Hjemme”
3. “Kan Du Glemme Gamle Norge”
4. Hymn
5. Hymn
6. Hymn
7. “Children of the Heavenly Father”
8. “Faith of Our Fathers”
9. Hymn
10. “Saeter Jentens Sondag”
11. Somebody (not Finseth) talking about K-Mart sale and making anti-Semitic remarks
Box   2
Reel   BB
Part IIB: Hymns and Norwegian Songs: Otto Rindlisbacher, fiddle; Stanley Lardahl, guitar; 1964
12. “Old Time Waltz”
13. “Old Time Waltz”
Box   2
Reel   BB
Part IIC: Hymns and Norwegian Songs: Blanche Gilbertson, organ; Finseth, fiddle; Arnold Thorson, second fiddle
14. “Sweet Hour of Prayer”
15. Hymn
16. Hymn
17. Hymn
18. Hymn
19. Hymn
20. “O God, Our Help in Ages Past”
21. Hymn
Box   2
Reel   CC
Part I: Performances: Blanche Gilbertson, organ and vocal; Finseth, fiddle and vocal; Joyce Hanson, second fiddle
1. “Precious Lord, Take My Hand”
2. “Beautiful Isle of Somewhere”
3. “How Great Thou Art”
4. “Kan Du Glemme Gamle Norge”
5. “Mellom Bakker Og Berg”
6. “La Golondrina”
7. “Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine”
8. “Nearer My God to Thee”
9. “Almost Persuaded”
10. “My Jesus, I Love You”
11. “Whiter Than Snow”
12. “I'd Rather Have Jesus”
13. “Pearly White City”
14. “Hils Fra Meg Der Hjemme”
15. “Mellom Bakker Og Berg”
16. “It Is No Secret What God Can Do”
17. “Saeter Jentens Sondag”
18. (unidentified)
19. “My Jesus, I Love You”
20. “Largo”
21. “Whispering Hope”
22. “Come Ye Disconsolate”
23. “I Know I'm Asleep In Jesus' Name”
24. “In the Hour of Trial”
25. “Near the Cross”
Box   2
Reel   CC
Part II: Performances: Pastor Kjel Jordheim, announcing; Stanley Lardahl, guitar; Roswell Johnson, guitar; Finseth, fiddle; Ralph Gullingsrud, second fiddle
1. “Life in the Finnish Woods”
2. “Ingvald Syverson Schottische”
3. “Loms-Jakup Waltz”
4. Waltz
5. “Reinlender” (Sukkertoy)
6. Waltz
7. “Mazurka”
8. “Ole Bull Waltz”
9. “Emigrant Waltz” ?
10. “Emigrant Waltz” ?
11. “Soldier's Joy”
12. Schottische
13. Waltz
14. Waltz
15. Schottische
16. “Happy Boys Schottische”
17. Waltz (“Norwegian Waltz No. 1”)
18. “Randi Severson Waltz”
19. Waltz
20. Mazurka
21. “Old A Waltz” (Rindlisbacher Version)
22. Waltz (“American Fiddle Waltz”)
23. “Fox Trot or Two Step” (“Gary's Polka”)
Box   2
Reel   DD
Part IA: Friday at Decorah Nordic Festival, Decorah, Iowa, 1979 March
Box   2
Reel   DD
Part IB: Saturday at Decorah Nordic Festival, Decorah, Iowa, 1979 March
Box   2
Reel   DD
Part IIA: Saturday Night at Decorah Nordic Festival, Decorah, Iowa, 1979 March
Box   2
Reel   DD
Part IIB: Sunday at Decorah Nordic Festival, Decorah, Iowa, 1979 March
Box   2
Reel   EE
Part IA: All Norsk: R. Gullingsrud; Stanley Lardahl; R. Johnson; Finseth; Pastor Kjel Jordheim announcing, 1962
Box   2
Reel   EE
Part IB: Performances: Finseth, fiddle; Orpha, organ; 1962
Box   2
Reel   EE
Part IIA: Leonard Finseth Tunes: Finseth, fiddle; Stanley Lardahl, guitar; 1962
Box   2
Reel   EE
Part IIB: Performances: Finseth, fiddle; Stanley Lardahl, guitar; 1962 March
Box   2
Reel   FF
Finseth and Andresen, Performances: Finseth, fiddle; Robert Andresen, guitar; 1974
Box   2
Reel   GG
Part IA: Performances: Jon Faukstad Ensemble, 1977 March
1. Spoken Introduction in Norwegian by Jon Faukstad
2. “Waltz Played by....”
3. Reinlender
4. Polka
5. Waltz
6. Mazurka or Hambo
7. Polka
8. Waltz
9. Waltz
10. Waltz (Ole Back?)
11. Waltz
12. Reinlender
13. Mazurka or Hambo
14. Polka
15. Waltz
16. Reinlender
17. Mazurka or Hambo
18. Polka or Reel
19. Unaccompanied fiddle piece
20. Unaccompanied fiddle piece
21. Unaccompanied fiddle piece
1-21 are repeated
Box   2
Reel   GG
Part IB: Performances: Finseth, fiddle; Truman Sorenson, guitar; 1977
22. “Ingvald's Waltz”
23. “Finseth's Schottische”
24. Reinlender
25. Waltz after Thorstein Skarning?
26. Waltz
27. Reinlender
28. Reinlender
29. Waltz
30. “Randi Severson Waltz”
31. “Waltz and Hanso Brimi”
32. Waltz
33. “Governor's Square”
34. Polka (“Ed Quall's Polka”)
35. “Swamper's Revenge on the Windfall”
36. “Ingvald's Waltz”
37. Polka (“Ed Quall's Polka”)
38. “Storsveen's Schottische”
39. “Old A Waltz”
40. Polka
Box   2
Reel   GG
Part IC: , 1977
1. Mazurka or Hambo
2. “Anniversary Song”
3. “Whaling Tune”
4. “Casey's Old Time Waltz”
Box   2
Reel   GG
Part IIA: Performances: Finseth, fiddle; Truman Sorenson, guitar; 1977
1. “Selmer Ramsey Waltz”
2. “Selmer Ramsey Mazurka”
3. Waltz learned from Walter Engen
4. “Vestlandets Vals”
5. Mazurka learned from Anund Roheim (“Svenska Hambo”)
6. Waltz that Osa Plays
7. “Gamle Dag Waltz”
8. “Gamle Ole Mattis”
9. “Ingvald's Waltz”
10. “Finseth's Schottische”
11. “Reinlender learned from Sigmund Eikhus”
12. “Waltz from Thorstein Skarning”
13. Waltz
14. Reinlender
15. Reinlender
16. Waltz
17. Reinlender
18. “Randi Severson Waltz”
19. “Waltz learned from Hans Brimi”
20. Waltz
21. “Governor's Square”
22. “Ed Quall's Polka”
23. “Swamper's Revenge on the Windfall”
24. “Homeward Bound from the Wedding”
25. “Ingvald Syverson Waltz”
26. “Selmer Ramsey Waltz”
27. G Polka-“Lumberman's Polka”
28. “Willy Berg Polka”
29. Waltz
30. “Waltz from Thorstein Skarning”
31. “Hardanger Waltz”
32. “Selmer Ramsey Mazurka”
33. Polka
34. “Anders Svalstuen Vals”
35. “Loms-Jakup Waltz”
36. Waltz (“Sunday Waltz”?)
37. Schottische
38. “Klunken Waltz” (“Winona A Waltz”)
39. Waltz
40. “Ole Bull Waltz”
41. Mazurka (Rindlisbacher's)
42. “Rundhaugen” (man and wife arguing)
43. “Indian War Whoop”
44. Waltz
45. “Swedish Waltz”
46. “Old C Waltz”
47. “Fred Fox Waltz”
48. “Ozark Moon”
49. Waltz (learned from Ernie Gilbertson)
Box   2
Reel   GG
Part IIB: Performances: Leonard Finseth, fiddle; Harold Sorenson, fiddle; Truman Sorenson, guitar; 1977
50. Waltz
51. Waltz
52. Schottische
53. Mazurka
54. Waltz
55. “Homeward Bound to the Wedding”
56. Waltz
57. Waltz
58. Waltz
59. Waltz
Subseries: 6-inch Reel-to-Reel Tapes
Box   2
Reel   A
Part I: Performances: Otto Rindlisbacher, fiddle; Stanley Lardahl, guitar; 1961
1. Reel
2. “The Swamper's Revenge on the Windfall”
3. “Fisher's Hornpipe”
4. “Chicken Reel”
5. Reel
6. Jig
7. Reel
8. “Soldier's Joy”
9. Reel
10. “Devil's Dream”
11. “Old A Waltz”
12. Reel
13. “Arkansas Traveler”
14. Schottische
15. Waltz
16. “Ragtime Annie”
17. Waltz
18. Schottische
19. “Sweet Bunch of Daisies”
Box   2
Reel   A
Part II: Performances: Ed Quall, fiddle; unknown piano
1. “The Old C Waltz”
2. “Anders Svalstuen Waltz”?
3. “Gamle Ole Mattis”
4. “Eddie Madison's Old Time Favorite”
5. Polka
6. “Joden”
Box   2
Reel   B
Sound of a 6HP gas engine sawing wood; sound of a railroad trip
Box   2
Reel   C
Part IA: Commercial Recording: Music of Norway: Finseth, fiddle, 1963 February 2
Box   2
Reel   C
Part IB: “Danny Boy,”: Finseth, fiddle, piano, 1963 February 2
Box   2
Reel   C
Part IC
3. “Saeter Jentens Sondag” (ending missing)
4. “Old A Waltz”
5. “Old A Waltz”
6. “Old A Waltz”
7. “Red River Valley”
Box   2
Reel   C
Part IIA: Commercial Recording: Music of Norway (continued)
Box   2
Reel   D
Part I: Performances: Otto Rindlisbacher, fiddle; probably Stanley Lardahl, guitar
1. Waltz
2. “Old A Waltz”
3. Reel
4. “Norske Bondevals”
5. “Irish Washerwoman”
6. “Ricker's Hornpipe”
7. Waltz
8. “Arkansas Traveler”
9. “Chicken Reel”
10. “Caller's Waltz”
11. Reel
12. Reel
13. Waltz
14. Waltz
15. Jig
16. Schottische
17. Polka
18. “Bal i Hallingdal” (Schottische)
19. “Ut Pa Landsvajen” (Schottische)
20. Mazurka
21. “Polska Fran Smaland”
22. Reel
23. Reel
24. Waltz (Good Waltz-R.A.)
Box   2
Reel   D
Part IIA: Performances: Roswell and Marion Johnson, vocal and guitar
1. “Brighten the Corner Where You Are”
2. “Whispering Hope”
3. “It's a Little More Like Heaven”
4. “Wildwood Flower” (instrumental)
5. “Are You Mine” (instrumental)
Box   2
Reel   D
Part IIB: Performances: Otto Rindlisbacher, fiddle; probably Stanley Lardahl, guitar
6. Reel
7. Reel
8. Reel
9. “Sailor's Hornpipe”
10. Reel
11. Reel
12. Reel
13. Reel
14. Reel
15. “Devil's Dream”
16. Schottische
Box   2
Reel   D
Part IIC: Performances: Probably Stanley Lardahl, guitar; unknown harmonica player
17. “Loose Talk”
18. “Just Because”
19. Polka
Box   2
Reel   D
Part IID: Performances: Otto Rindlisbacher, fiddle; probably Stanley Lardahl, guitar
20. “Swamper's Revenge on the Windfall”
Box   2
Reel   D
Part IIE: Performances: Roswell and Marian Johnson, vocal and guitar
21. “I Wonder Which One Is to Blame”
22. “Crying My Heart Out Over You”
23. “Just Before Dawn”
24. “How Great Thou Art”
25. “In Times Like These”
26. “Rubber Dolly”
27. “Beyond the Sunset”
Subseries: 5-inch Reel-to-Reel Tapes
Box   2
Reel   A
Part IA: “MT”
Box   2
Reel   A
Part IB
1. Decorah Music
2. “Dorgens and Music from Duluth”
3. “Indian Tunes”
Box   2
Reel   B
Part I: Performances: Finseth, fiddle; Stanley Lardahl, guitar
1. “Norsk Reinlender”
2. “Old Southern Waltz”
3. “Skagga Lopa Whiskered Flea”
4. “Old A Waltz”
5. “Odd Waltz” (“Old as the Hills”)
6. “Old Schottische”
7. “Finske Valser”
8. “Frulinda” (Schottische)
9. Waltz
Box   2
Reel   B
Part II: Performances: Finseth, fiddle; Stanley Lardahl, guitar
1. “Old Time Norwegian”
2. “Norwegian Mazurka”
3. Schottische from Hallingdal (Gudbrandsdalen?)
4. “Hardanger Waltz”
5. Polka
6. “Waltz from Gudbrandsdalen”
7. “Indian War Whoop”
8. “Hobo Waltz”
9. “Stitsta Reinlender” (sp?) from Trondheim
10. “Dan's Old Time Waltz” after Daniel Aakhus
Box   2
Reel   C
Part IA: Performances: Ragna, piano
1. “Sommervise”
2. “Bondvals”
3. “Clap Dance”
4. “A Tune on Accordion”
5. “Brudererden i Hardanger” (“A Bridal Party in Hardanger”)
6. “Ja, Vi Elsker Dette Landet” (Norwegian National Anthem)
Box   2
Reel   C
Part IB: Performances: Blanche Gilbertson, piano; Finseth fiddle
7. Waltz
8. Schottische
9. Waltz
10. Waltz
Box   2
Reel   C
Part IIA: Performances: Blanche Gilbertson, piano; Finseth, fiddle
1. “Springar”
Box   2
Reel   C
Part IIB: Performances: Blanche Gilbertson, piano
2. “Ja, Vi Elsker Dette Landet” (Norwegian National Anthem)
3. “Kan Du Glemme Gamle Norge?”
4. “Saeter Jentens Sondag” (Ole Bull)
Box   2
Reel   C
Part IIC: Performances: Blanche Gilbertson, piano; Finseth, fiddle; Jensine Haarvi Blager
5. “My Faith Looks up to Thee”
6. “Saeter Jentens Sondag”
7. (unidentified)
8. (unidentified)
Box   2
Reel   C
Part IID: Performances: Jensine Haarvi Blager, vocal; Finseth, fiddle
9. “Per Spelmann”
10. “Per Spelmann”
Box   2
Reel   C
Part IIE: Performances: Finseth, vocal
11. “Kjaerring Me Staven”
Box   2
Reel   C
Part IIF: Performances: Jensine Haarvi Blager, vocal
12. (unidentifed)
Box   2
Reel   D
Part I: Performances: Otto Gran, fiddle; probably Stanley Lardahl, guitar; Finseth, announcing
1. “Holman Polka”
2. “Holman Waltz
3. “Casey's Old Time Waltz”
4. Polka after Ellingson from Spring Grove
5. “Ellestad Waltz”
6. Waltz from Spring Grove
7. Waltz from Ellison of Spring Grove
8. “Whirlaway Waltz”
9. Polka
10. “Durango's Hornpipe”
11. “Sailor's Hornpipe”
12. “Fisher's Hornpipe”
13. “Mississippi Sxxger”
14. “Tennessee Wagoner”
15. “Gray Eagle”
16. “Black Mountain Rag”
Box   2
Reel   D
Part II: Performances: The Edelwiess Stars from New Glarus, Wisconsin (taped from record)
Box   2
Reel   E
Part IA: Performances: Finseth, fiddle; Laverne Lardahl, guitar; Mrs. Blom, vocal
1. “Prairie Lake Waltz” (bad recording, same personnel as Part II)
Box   2
Reel   E
Part IB: Performances: Arnold Thorson, fiddle; Blanche Gilbertson, piano
2. “White Christmas”
3. “Dan's Old Time Waltz”
4. “Danny Boy”
5. Violin and Piano piece
Box   2
Reel   E
Part IC: Performances: Otto Rindlisbacher, fiddle; Stanley Lardahl, guitar
6. “St. Anne's Reel”
7. “Log Roller's Hornpipe”
8. “Pioneer's Schottische”
9. “Huntsville Hornpipe”
10. “Buck Lake Breakdown”
11. “Walking Uptown” (two-step)
12. “Sunset Waltz”
13. (unidentified)
14. “Branson Breakdown”
15. “Sportsman's Reel”
16. “Jolly Two Schottische”
17. “Dick McDougal's Reel”
Box   2
Reel   E
Part IIA: Performances: Finseth, fiddle; Laverne Lardahl, guitar; Mrs. Blom, vocal
1. “Mrs. Blom vocal” (bad recording)
2. “Indian War Whoop” (bad recording)
3. “Jorgen Olson Waltz” (bad recording)
4. Waltz
5. “Norske Hambo”
7. “Fiddler's Waltz”
8. “Sistu Reinlender”
9. “Couderay Jig”
10. “And the Cat Came Back”
11. Waltz
12. “Happy Boys Schottische”
Box   2
Reel   F
Part I: Performances: Blanche Gilbertson, piano; Arnold Thorson, fiddle
1. “Joy to the World”
2. “Oh, Come All Ye Faithful”
3. “White Christmas”
4. “Silver Bells”
5. “Winter Wonderland”
6. “Jingle Bells”
7. “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”
8. “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” (with vocals)
9. “Angels We Have Heard on High”
10. “Silent Night” (with Finseth)
11. “The Star of the East” (with vocal)
12. “Oh, Christmas Tree”
13. “Happy Christmas Tree”
14. “How Glad I Am Each Christmas Eve”
15. “Thy Little Ones, Dear Lord, Are We”
16. “Oh, How Beautiful the Sky”
Box   2
Reel   F
Part II: Performances: Finseth, fiddle and vocal
1. Finseth Speaking
2. “Livet i Finnskogen”
Box   2
Reel   G
Memories of Snoose Boulevard (Anne Charlotte Harvey)
Box   2
Reel   H
Performances: Finseth, fiddle; Robert Andresen, ?, 1974
Box   2
Reel   I
Performances: Blanche Gilbertson (Mostly singing)
Box   2
Reel   J
Part IA: Performances: Finseth, fiddle; Orpha, piano
1. “Livet i Finnskogen”
Box   2
Reel   J
Part IB: Performances: Uncle Ed Quall, fiddle: Orpha, piano
2. “Anders Svalstuen Vals”
3. “Suda Rowe-Rowe” (also known as “Tykk Marie” (“Fat Mary”)
4. “Ingvald's Waltz”
5. “The Old A Waltz”
Box   2
Reel   J
Part IC: Performances: Finseth, fiddle; Orpha, piano
6. “The Old A Waltz”
Box   2
Reel   J
Part ID: Performances: Finseth, fiddle; Stanley Lardahl, guitar
7. “Sukkertoy” (Schottische)
8. “Randi Severson Waltz” (Lardahl, accordion)
9. “Randi Severson Waltz”
10. Schottische
Box   2
Reel   J
Part IIA: Performances: Otto Rindlisbacher, fiddle; probably Stanley Lardahl, guitar
1. Schottische
2. (blank)
3. Schottische
4. Schottische
5. Schottische
6. Schottische
7. Waltz
Box   2
Reel   J
Part IIB: Performances: Finseth, fiddle; Orpha, piano
7. “Old A Waltz”
Box   2
Reel   K
Part I: Performances: Otto R., Hardanger fiddle, Stanley Lardahl, guitar
Box   2
Reel   K
Part II: Harding Music from Norway: Performances: Ole Bertelrud
Box   2
Reel   L
Part I: Performances: Ole Berguson
Box   2
Reel   L
Part II: Performances: Finseth, fiddle; Larry Lardahl, guitar; Stanley Lardahl, guitar
Subseries: 4-inch Reel-to-Reel Tapes
Box   2
Reel   A
Part I: Mostly Scandinavian Waltzes: Performances: Finseth, fiddle; probably Stanley Lardahl, guitar
1. “Old A Waltz”
2. “Ingvald Syverson Waltz”
3. “Loms Waltz”
4. Schottische
5. “Clarence Johnson's Polka” (Hop Waltz)
Box   2
Reel   A
Part II: Mostly Scandinavian Waltzes (continued)
1. “Ingvald's Waltz”
2. “Harvest Home Hornpipe”
3. “Jenta Og Jeg”
4. “Soldier's Joy”
5. Waltz
6. “Ole Bull's Waltz”
Box   1
Folder   3
81 photographs (filed with Letters)