Summary Information
La Crosse, Wisconsin, Committee on Public Utilities, Resolutions and Reports Relating to Public Utilities 1874-1932
- La Crosse (Wis.). Committee on Public Utilities.
La Crosse Series 029
5.6 cubic feet
14 archives boxes
La Crosse Public Library (Map)
Resolutions and reports from the Committee on Public Utilities to the Common Council, 1874-1932. The materials are arranged in chronological order. The Committee on Public Utilities was organized about the mid 1920s and was responsible for Streetcars (1921-1931), Telephone/Telegraph service (1930-1931), Water & Waste Water utilities (sewers and water). The majority of this series are resolutions related to sewer (1883-1932) and water service (1874-1932). English
OCLC Number
Acquisitions Information
(Accession no. 1996.004) Resolutions were located in the City Clerk’s basement area of City Hall; came to the Archives as part of the Mayor’s Special Committee on Historic Records, Dec. 1996
Access to Materials
Materials in this collection are available for patron use.
Preferred Citation
[Identification of item], La Crosse, Wisconsin, Committee on Public Utilities, Resolutions and Reports Relating to Public Utilities, La Crosse Series 029, La Crosse Public Library Archives, La Crosse, WI
Processing Information
Processed by Anita Taylor Doering with assistance from Jaime Dechant, November 1998
Scope and Contents
Common Council resolutions and reports began to be organized by a numbering system in Dec. 1932. Before that time the resolutions were kept folded up in chronological order, roughly by subject or Council committee (such as Parks, Judiciary, Fire, Police, etc.). This set of pre-1932 resolutions represents those labeled as Public Utilities, and date from 1874-1932, though the committee was not organized until the end of the 1920s or early 1930. The original order of these reports was maintained.
The resolutions deal mainly with water (1874-1932) and sewer (1883-1932) resolutions, although a very small amount is dealing with streetcars (1921-1931) and telephone/telegraph service (1930-1931).
Historical Note
Before the mid 1920s when we believe this council committee was organized, resolutions dealing with public utilities were handled by whatever committee Council decided should discuss it. For instance, wires associated with telephone and telegraph service were referred to the Streets & Alleys committee, except those wires on the municipal bridge which the Bridge committee had control of. Another example is street lighting and the discussion of a municipally operated power utility was referred to a committee on Street Lighting. Many of these public utilities were privately owned and a separate committee on Railroads dealt with those companies. The Public Utilities committee may in fact be an expansion of the Railroad committee to encompass all public utilities.
Related Materials
- (La Crosse Series 011)
- La Crosse, Wisconsin, Committee on Streets and Alleys, Resolutions and Reports Relating to Streets and Alleys
- (La Crosse Series 015)
- La Crosse, Wisconsin, Water and Waste Water Utility Records
- (La Crosse Series 023)
- La Crosse, Wisconsin, Committee on Street Lighting, Resolutions and Reports Relating to Street Lighting
- (La Crosse Series 025)
- La Crosse, Wisconsin, Committee on Buildings and Grounds, Resolutions and Reports Relating to Buildings and Grounds
- (La Crosse Series 032)
- La Crosse, Wisconsin, Committee on Railroads, Resolutions and Reports Relating to Railroads
Subject Terms
- La Crosse (Wis.). Common Council.
- Cable cars (Streetcars)--Wisconsin--La Crosse
- Municipal government--Wisconsin--La Crosse
- Public records--Wisconsin--La Crosse
- Public utilities--Wisconsin--La Crosse
- Sewage disposal--Wisconsin--La Crosse
- Telegraph--Wisconsin--La Crosse
- Telephone--Wisconsin--La Crosse
- Water-supply--Wisconsin--La Crosse
Contents List
Box 1
Folder 3
Box 2-4
Sewer, 1883-1932
Box 1
Folder 1
Streetcars, 1921-1931
Box 1
Folder 2
Telephone/telegraph, 1930-1931
Box 5-14
Water, 1874-1932