Summary Information
Louis Paul Lochner Papers 1903-1972
- Lochner, Louis Paul, 1887-1975
U.S. Mss 21AF; Micro 860; Audio 655A; Disc 144A; PH 2397; MCHC70-083; M2003-091; M2011-084
11.0 c.f. (11 record center cartons), 6 disc recordings, 20 tape recordings, and 60 reels of microfilm (35 mm); plus additions of 0.8 c.f., 371 photographs and 3.4 c.f. of photographs
Wisconsin Historical Society (Map)
Papers of Louis Lochner, a prominent foreign correspondent, writer, and news commentator, who wrote for the Associated Press (1924-1946) and published several books and numerous articles and short pieces. Lochner's area of expertise was German affairs, and he witnessed and reported on many of the most important events during the fall of the Weimar Republic, the rise of the National Socialists, World War II, and the return of peace. Most of Lochner's long and varied career in journalism and broadcasting is well documented, including his interviews with German leaders such as Adolf Hitler, Paul von Hindenburg, Joseph Goebbels, Hermann Goering, and others.
There is a restriction on access to this material; see the Administrative/Restriction Information portion of this finding aid for details.
English, German