Solidarity Records, 1986-1997

Summary Information

Title: Solidarity Records
Inclusive Dates: 1986-1997

  • Solidarity (Organization : Detroit, Mich.)
Call Number: Mss 946

Quantity: 4.0 c.f. (10 archives boxes)

Archival Locations:
Wisconsin Historical Society (Map)

The records of Solidarity, 1986-1997, document an independent socialist organization founded in 1986, dedicated to a regrouping of the U.S. socialist left. Solidarity's aims are to organize the unorganized, develop ties between movements, strengthen rank-and-file democracy and build international worker-to-worker links. To accomplish these aims they have supported: labor unions against corporations and “business unionism”; the peoples of many countries, particularly Central America, Indonesia and Palestine, against U.S. aggression and imperialism; reproductive rights and other feminist interests; an ecologically balanced society; and gay rights. They oppose the mainstream political parties and promote the idea of an independent political party whose agenda is determined by its members. The records, spanning the years 1986-1997 (primarily 1986-1992), provide an understanding of the scope of Solidarity as an organization, documenting its formative years, organizational development and growth, and the activities and issues of concern to the membership and leadership. The records also offer insight into the socialist regrouping effort in the U.S. during the late 1980s and into the 1990s.


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Language: English

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