AA 602
Abe Lyman and Band (1933) 371 feet
CA 030
Absent Minded Abner (1932) : Digital access copy available.
557 feet
CA 031
Absorbing Junior (1936) 787 feet
AA 603
Action in Sports (1947) 333 feet
AA 604
Admission 5¢ (1933) 375 feet
AA 605
Adventures in South America (1945) 246 feet
AA 606
Africa Shrieks (1931) 261 feet
AA 607
Africa Speaks English (1933) 376 feet
CA 032
Alex in Wonderland (1940) 488 feet
AA 608
Algiers 319 feet
AA 609
Alibi Mark (1937) 482 feet
AA 610
Alibi Time (1937) 242 feet
AA 611
Alice in Jungleland (1945) 249 feet
CA 033
Alice in Movieland (1940) 778 feet
AA 612
All Aboard (1946) 290 feet
AA 613
The All American Bands (1943) 362 feet
AA 614
All American Drawback (1935) 396 feet
AA 615
An All Colored Vaudeville Show (1935) 395 feet
AA 616
All Girl Revue (1940) 292 feet
CA 034
All Sealed Up (1934) 695 feet
AA 617
All Star Melody Masters (1944) 268 feet
CA 035
All Star Musical Revue (1945) 497 feet
AA 618
The Alma Martyr (1932) 337 feet
CA 036
Along Came Ruth (1933) 759 feet
AA 714
Along the Mediterranean (1936) 382 feet
AA 619
Alpine Echoes 292 feet
CA 037
America the Beautiful (1945) 702 feet
AA 620
American Saddle Horses (1939) 343 feet
AA 621
American Sports Album (1946) 371 feet
AA 622
America's Battle of Beauty (1932) 383 feet
CA 038
Angel Cake (1931) 645 feet
AA 623
Angels (1944) 462 feet
AA 624
Ann Seymour in Song Paintings 269 feet
AA 625
Arabians in the Rockies (1945) 355 feet
AB 716
Are Animals Actors? (1944) 349 feet
AA 626
Argentine Horses (1942) 359 feet
CA 039
Army Show (1943) 561 feet
AA 627
Arnold Johnson and His Orchestra (1937) 378 feet
CA 040
Around the Clock (1933) 764 feet
AA 628
Around the World in 8 Minutes (1933) 297 feet
AA 629
Arrow Magic (1947) 285 feet
CA 041
Art Trouble (1934) 647 feet
AA 630
Artie Shaw and His Orchestra (1939) 357 feet
AA 631
Artie Shaw and His Orchestra in Symphony of
Swing (1939) 353 feet
CA 042
Artistic Temper (1932) 637 feet
AA 632
At the Races (1934) 359 feet
AA 633
At the Round Table 283 feet
CA 043
At the Stroke of Twelve (1941) 747 feet
AA 634
The Audition (1933) 332 feet
AA 635
Baa Baa Black Sheep (1944) 318 feet
AA 636
Babe O'Mine (1932) 327 feet
AA 637
Babykins 351 feet
CA 044
The Backyard Broadcast (1936) 775 feet
AA 638
Backyard Golf (1944) 307 feet
AA 639
Bahama Sea Sports (1945) 375 feet
AA 640
Bands Across the Sea (1944) 364 feet
CA 045
Barbershop Ballads (1945) 675 feet
AA 641
Barbershop Blues (1933) 349 feet
AA 642
Barney Rapp and His New Englanders (1935) 375 feet
AA 643
Batter Up (1931) 351 feet
AA 644
Battle of the Champs (1946) 373 feet
AA 645
Beach Days (1946) 355 feet
CA 046
Beasts of the Wilderness 532 feet
AA 646
Beautiful Bali (1940) 345 feet
AA 647
Beauty Spots of the World 389 feet
AA 648
Bed Time Vaudeville (1936) 298 feet
AA 649
Bees a Buzzin' (1943) 308 feet
CA 047
Behind the Big Top (1943) 697 feet
AA 650
Ben Pollack and His Orchestra (1934) 313 feet
AA 651
Beneath the Sea (1936) 294 feet
AA 652
Benjamino Gigli (1927) 385 feet
AA 653
Benjamino Gigli (1927) 313 feet
AA 654
Benjamino Gigli (1927) 291 feet
AA 655
Berlin Today (1931) 350 feet
CA 048
Better Than Gold (1935) 654 feet
AA 656
Between the Lines (1935) 366 feet
CA 049
Beyond the Line of Duty (1942) 788 feet
AA 657
Big Bill Tilden 340 feet
AA 658
Big City Fantasy (1934) 354 feet
AA 659
The Big Deal : Digital access copy available.
341 feet
AA 660
The 'Big House' Party (1931) 379 feet
AA 661
Big Time Revue 369 feet
AA 662
The Bigger They Are 271 feet
AA 663
The Bigger They Are 246 feet
AA 664
Bikes and Skis (1944) 340 feet
CA 050
The Bill of Rights 597 feet
AA 665
Billy Hill (1934) 366 feet
AA 666
The Birds and the Beasts Were There (1944) 363 feet
CA 051
The Black Network (1936) 755 feet
CA 052
The Blonde Bomber (1936) 762 feet
AA 667
The Blue and the Gray (1934) 399 feet
AA 668
Blue Barron and His Orchestra (1938) 312 feet
AA 669
Bluenose Schooner (1944) 330 feet
CA 053
Border Trouble (1938) 685 feet
AA 670
Bob Wills and His Texas Playboys (1944) 382 feet
CA 054
The Bolted Door (1937) 440 feet
AA 671
Boom Days (1935) 392 feet
CA 055
The Border Patrol 552 feet
AA 672
Borah Minnevitch and His Harmonica Rascals (1933) 362 feet
AA 673
Borah Minnevitch and His Harmonica Rascals (1933) 389 feet
AB 715
Borah Minnevitch and His Harmonica School
331 feet
AA 674
Boston Tea Party (1935) 399 feet
CA 056
A Boy and His Dog (1946) 736 feet
AA 675
Bright Sayings 285 feet
AA 676
Bring on the Girls (1937) 380 feet
AA 677
Broadway Ballyhoo (1934) 407 feet
AA 677
Broadway Ballyhoo (1934) 358 feet
CA 057
The Broadway Buckaroo (1934) 657 feet
CA 058
The Buffalo Stampede 610 feet
CA 059
The Build Up (1932) : Digital access copy available.
585 feet
AB 717
Built for Speed (1948) 361 feet
CA 060
Buzzin' Around (1932) 725 feet
AA 679
By Request (1935) 398 feet
CA 061
Bye-Gones (1932) 640 feet
CA 062
Calgary Stampede (1949) 651 feet
AA 680
California Here We Are (1944) 348 feet
CA 063
The California Junior Symphony (1942) 526 feet
AA 681
California Thoroughbreds (1940) 342 feet
CA 064
Calling All Kids (1937) 630 feet
CA 065
Calling All Tars (1936) 639 feet
AA 682
Cavalcade of Archery (1945) 305 feet
AA 683
Cavalcade of Dance (1943) 384 feet
AA 684
Camera Hunting (1935) 397 feet
AA 685
The Camera Speaks (1934) 387 feet
CA 066
Campus Cinderella (1938) 658 feet
CA 067
The Campus Mystery (1932) 765 feet
AA 680
Campus Spirit (1932) 323 feet
AA 687
Can It Be Done (1935) 395 feet
AA 688
Can You Imagine (1936) 359 feet
CA 068
The Candid Kid (1938) 745 feet
AA 689
The Cannibal Isles (1933) 396 feet
CA 069
Can't Think of It (1936) 658 feet
CA 070
Captain Blue Blood (1936) 772 feet
AA 690
Carioca Serenaders (1941) 324 feet
AA 691
Carl “Deacon” Moore and His Band (1938) : Digital access copy available.
366 feet
AA 692
Carl Hoff and His Orchestra (1941) 343 feet
CA 071
Carnival Days (1935) 489 feet
CA 072
Carnival of Rhythm 639 feet
AA 693
Carnival of Sports (1942) 351 feet
AA 694
A Castillian Garden (1933) 323 feet
CA 073
The Castle of Dreams (1934) 776 feet
AA 695
Cattlemen's Days (1945) 328 feet
CA 074
Celebration Days (1947) 661 feet
AA 696
Central America (1938) 380 feet
AA 697
Chained (1934) 279 feet
AA 698
Champions of the Future (1944) 312 feet
CA 075
Champions Training Champions (1943) 578 feet
CA 076
Changing of the Guard (1936) 690 feet
AA 699
Charles Ahern and His Millionaires (1934) 356 feet
AA 700
Charles Hackett 205 feet
AA 701
Charles Hackett--Romeo & Juliet 348 feet
AA 702
Charles Hackett--Call of the Nile (1927) 340 feet
AA 703
Charles Hackett in Faust (1929) 233 feet
AA 704
Charles Hackett in Faust 352 feet
AA 705
Charles Hackett (1929) 273 feet
AA 706
Check Your Cash (1936) 376 feet
CA 077
Check Your Sombrero (1935) 679 feet
AA 707
The Check Up (1930) 318 feet
CA 078
Cherchez La Femme (1934) 706 feet
AA 708
Childhood Days (1943) 364 feet
AA 709
China Today (1938) 394 feet
AA 710
Chinatown Champs (1944) 312 feet
CA 079
The Choke's on You (1936) 756 feet
AA 711
Cigars... Cigarettes (1931) 356 feet
CA 080
Cinderella's Feller (1946) 700 feet
AA 712
Circus Band (1945) 361 feet
AA 713
The Circus Horse (1947) 378 feet
CA 081
The City's Slicker (1936) 736 feet
CA 082
Cleaning Up (1938) 615 feet
AA 714
Cliff Edwards and His Buckaroos (1940) 352 feet
AA 715
Close Friends (1931) 271 feet
CA 083
Close Relations (1933) 760 feet
AA 716
Clyde Lucas and His Orchestra (1939) 364 feet
AA 717
Clyde Lucas and His Orchestra (1938) 353 feet
AA 718
Clyde Lucas and His Orchestra (1936) 400 feet
CA 084
The Clyde Mystery (1931) 731 feet
AA 719
Cold Turkey (1933) 269 feet
CA 085
The Cole Case (1931) 749 feet
CA 086
College Dads (1936) 776 feet
AA 720
The Collegiate Model (1930)
Part I 262 feet
Part II 234 feet
AA 721
Colorado Trout (1944) 335 feet
CA 087
Come to Dinner (1933) 796 feet
CA 088
Compliments of the Season 485 feet
CA 089
Coney Island Honeymoon (1945) 730 feet
CA 090
Congo (1945) 706 feet
AA 722
Contact (1932) 397 feet
CA 091
Corn on the Cop (1934) 683 feet
AA 723
Court Plastered (1931) 283 feet
AA 724
Cradle of Civilization (1937) 358 feet
CA 092
The Crane Poison Case (1932) 752 feet
CA 093
Crashing the Gate (1933) : VHA 218 access copy includes clips from film
707 feet
AA 725
Crossing the Sahara (1937) 377 feet
AA 726
Cross Roads of the Orient (1938) 351 feet
AA 727
Cry Baby (1930) 258 feet
AA 728
Cuba Calling (1944) 324 feet
CA 094
Cure It With Music (1935) 780 feet
AA 729
Curious Customs of the World (1932) 377 feet
AA 730
Curious industries (1935) 380 feet
CA 095
Curses (1930) 716 feet
CA 096
Cut Out For Love (1937) 712 feet
AA 731
Dad Minds the Baby (1934) 314 feet
AA 732
Dad Minds the Baby (1947) 366 feet
AA 733
The Dandy and the Belle 381 feet
CA 097
Danger High Voltage (1937) 440 feet
AA 734
Dangerous Occupations (1933) 370 feet
CA 098
Dangerous Trails 548 feet
CA 099
Daredevil O'Dare (1934) 636 feet
AA 735
Dark Africa (1933) 360 feet
CA 100
Darling Enemy (1934) 752 feet
AA 736
Darn Tootin' (1931) 352 feet
CA 101
The Daughter of Rosy O'Grady (1942) 689 feet
AA 737
Dave Apollon and His Club Casanova Orchestra (1938) 387 feet
AA 738
Dave Apollon and His Orchestra (1938) 406 feet
AA 739
Dave Apollon and His Orchestra (1939) 396 feet
AA 740
David Mendoza and His Orchestra (1937) 365 feet
AA 741
A Day at Hollywood Park (1946) 321 feet
CA 102
A Day at Santa Anita (1937) 645 feet
CA 103
A Day at the Fair (1948) 692 feet
AA 742
A Day's Journey (1935) 362 feet
AA 743
Days of '76 (1945) 347 feet
AA 744
Dean of Pasteboards (1939) 384 feet
CA 104
Dear Old Dad (1938) 436 feet
AA 745
Dear Old London (1931) 339 feet
CA 105
Declaration of Independence (1938) 619 feet
AA 746
Defying Death (1938) 388 feet
AA 747
Desert Playground (1943) 328 feet
AA 748
Desi Arnaz and His Orchestra (1946) 364 feet
AA 749
Detectives (1931) 384 feet
CA 106
Devil Boats (1944) 756 feet
AA 750
Diary of a Racing Pigeon (1940) 335 feet
AA 751
Dining Out 259 feet
AA 752
The Dipsy Doodler (1939) 379 feet
CA 107
Divide and Conquer (1942) 521 feet
AA 753
Dixieland (1934) 354 feet
CA 108
Dizzy and Daffy (1934) 793 feet
CA 109
Doctor Cupid (1937) 714 feet
AA 754
The Doctor's Wife 292 feet
CA 110
The Dog in the Orchard (1940) 748 feet
AA 755
Doggie Roundup (1944) 341 feet
AA 756
Dogs You Seldom See (1940) 341 feet
AA 757
The Dominion of Sports (1946) 326 feet
AA 758
Don Bestor and His Orchestra (1938) 334 feet
AA 759
The Don Cossack Chorus (1942) 335 feet
AA 760
Don Redman and His Orchestra (1934) 371 feet
AA 761
The Doorman's Opera (1935) 319 feet
AA 762
The Doorman's Opera 393 feet
CA 111
The Double Crossing of Columbus (1933) 708 feet
CA 112
The Double Crossky (1936) 738 feet
CA 113
Double Exposure (1935) 703 feet
CA 114
Double or Nothing (1935) 658 feet
CA 115
Double or Nothing (1939) 765 feet
AA 763
Double Talk (1937) 381 feet
CA 116
Dough Nuts (1936) 785 feet
CA 117
Down Singapore Way (1946) 635 feet
AA 674
Down the Blue Danube : Digital access copy available.
315 feet
CA 118
A Dream Comes True (1938) 434 feet
CA 119
DuBarry Did All Right (1937) 781 feet
CA 120
Dublin in Brass (1935) 708 feet
AA 765
Dude Ranch Buckaroos (1943) 358 feet
AA 766
The Duel 262 feet
AA 767
Dumb Luck 316 feet
CA 121
The Duncan Sisters in 'Surprise' 772 feet
AA 768
East Indies (1934) 362 feet
AA 769
Easy Aces (1933) 366 feet
CA 122
Echo Mountain (1936) 632 feet
AA 770
Echoes (1934) 353 feet
AA 771
Eddie DeLange and His Orchestra (1939) 321 feet
AA 772
Eddie Duchin and Orchestra 363 feet
CA 123
Eddie Foy, Jr. in the Heart Breaker 522 feet
AA 773
Eggs Mark the Spot (1935) 409 feet
AA 774
Eliseo Grenet and His Orchestra (1937) 377 feet
AA 775
The Emergency Case 342 feet
AA 776
Emil Coleman and His Orchestra (1936) 370 feet
AA 777
Enric Madriquera and His Orchestra (1937) 384 feet
AA 778
Enric Madriquera and His Orchestra (1946) 357 feet
AA 779
Envy (1931) 305 feet
AA 780
The Eternal Triangle (1930) 292 feet
AA 781
Everything Happens to Me 288 feet
AA 782
Excuse the Pardon 378 feet
AA 783
Exploring the Pacific (1933) 389 feet
AA 784
The Eyes Have It (1931) 355 feet
AA 785
Facing Your Danger (1945) 361 feet
AA 786
The Family Ford 252 feet
AA 787
Famous Movie Dogs (1940) 351 feet
AA 788
Fashion's Mirror 344 feet
AA 789
Fashions for Tomorrow (1945) 375 feet
AA 790
Fast and Pleasant 300 feet
CA 124
A Fat Chance (1938) : VDA 323 access copy
654 feet
AA 791
Fifi (1933) 384 feet
AA 792
Fifi 392 feet
CA 125
Fifty Dollar Bill (1935) 735 feet
AA 793
The Fight (1930) 222 feet
AA 794
Fight, Fish, Fight (1940) 335 feet
AA 795
Fighting Athletes (1948) 344 feet
CA 126
The Fighting Engineers (1947) 733 feet
CA 127
The Fighting Judge (1938) 452 feet
AA 796
Filipino Sports Parade (1944) 330 feet
CA 128
The Film Follies (1935) 787 feet
AA 797
Fin 'n Feathers (1945) 292 feet
AA 798
Fisherman's Holiday (1932) 320 feet
AA 799
Fishing in the Florida Keys (1947) 316 feet
CA 129
Five Minutes from the Station 482 feet
CA 130
The Flag of Humanity (1940) 700 feet
CA 131
The Flame Song (1934) 766 feet
CA 132
Flaming Jungles 642 feet
AA 800
Flivver Flying (1945) 326 feet
CA 133
Flowers from the Sky (1937) 781 feet
AA 801
Flying Fish (1940) 332 feet
AA 802
Flying Sportsman in Jamaica (1947) 330 feet
CA 134
Foiled Again (1934) 688 feet
AA 803
Football Highlights (1940) 360 feet
CA 135
Footlights (1931) 686 feet
AA 804
For Art's Sake 388 feet
AA 805
For Sport's Sake (1936) 353 feet
CA 136
For the Love of Pete (1936) 526 feet
AA 806
For Two Cents 349 feet
AA 807
For You 417 feet
AA 808
For Your Convenience (1939) 327 feet
AA 809
Fore 323 feet
CA 137
Forest Commandos (1945) 683 feet
CA 138
Forget Me Nots (1938) 754 feet
AA 810
Forty Boys and a Song (1941) 366 feet
AA 811
Forward Together (1935) 394 feet
AA 812
Four Wheels - No Brakes (1932) 374 feet
AA 813
The Fowl Triangle 230 feet
AA 814
Frances Carroll and the Coquettes (1939) 332 feet
AA 815
Freddie Fisher and His Band (1943) 324 feet
AA 816
Freddie Martin and His Orchestra (1935) 358 feet
AA 817
Freddie Martin and His Orchestra (1938) 339 feet
AA 818
Freddie Rich and His Orchestra (1938) 396 feet
AA 819
Free and Easy (1931) 274 feet
CA 139
Freshman Love 698 feet
AA 820
From Bethlehem to Jerusalem (1932) 352 feet
CA 140
Frontier Days (1945) 613 feet
AA 821
Gadgeteers (1939) 392 feet
AA 822
Gangway 310 feet
AA 823
Gangway 301 feet
CA 141
The Gay Parisian (1941) 728 feet
CA 142
The Gem of the Ocean (1934) 778 feet
AA 824
George Hall and His Orchestra (1936) 386 feet
AA 825
George Jessel and the Russian Art Choir (1931) 288 feet
CA 143
Get Rich Quick (1935) 657 feet
AA 826
Ginsberg of Newburg 302 feet
AA 827
Girls and Flowers (1946) 309 feet
AA 828
Guiseppe DeLuca Singing Largo a Factotum (1927) 212 feet
CA 144
Give Me Liberty (1937) 745 feet
AA 829
Glamour in Sports (1945) 333 feet
AA 830
Glamour Town (1946) 319 feet
AA 831
Glen Gray and the Casa Loma Orchestra (1941) 318 feet
AA 832
The Gob (1930) 293 feet
AA 833
The Gob 246 feet
CA 145
Gobs of Fun (1933) 763 feet
AA 834
Gold Diggers in Paris (1938) 156 feet
AA 835
Gold Digging Gentlemen (1931) 366 feet
AA 836
Gold Digging Gentlemen 386 feet
AA 837
Good Morning, Eve (1934) 315 feet
AA 838
Good Morning, Eve 368 feet
AA 839
Good Mourning 357 feet
CA 146
The Good Old Plumbertime (1936) 725 feet
AA 840
Good Pie Forever (1931) 229 feet
CA 147
Got a Match (1938) 705 feet
AA 841
The Grand Dame 299 feet
CA 148
Grandfather's Follies (1945) 705 feet
AA 842
The Great Library Misery (1938) 411 feet
AA 843
Grey, White, and Blue (1943) 369 feet
AA 844
Grounds for Murder 275 feet
AA 845
Gun Dog Life (1939) 335 feet
CA 149
Gun to Gun (1939) 632 feet
CA 150
Gypsy Sweetheart (1934) 464 feet
AA 846
Hail Columbia (1935) 343 feet
AA 847
Hal Kemp and His Orchestra (1941) 324 feet
CA 151
Handy Guy 583 feet
AA 848
The Hangover (1931) 274 feet
CA 152
Happy Faces (1941) 609 feet
AA 849
The Happy Hottentots 384 feet
CA 153
Happy Times and Jolly Moments (1943) 653 feet
AA 850
Harbor Lights (1935) 368 feet
AA 851
Harness Racing (1947) 345 feet
AA 852
Harry Horlick and His Gypsies (1934) 389 feet
AA 853
Harry Owens and His Royal Hawaiian Orchestra (1944) 329 feet
AA 854
Harry Reser and His Eskimos (1936) 333 feet
AA 855
Harry VonTilzer, “The Man of 1000
Hits” (1934) 341 feet
AA 856
Harry Warren (1933) 328 feet
CA 154
Hats and Dogs (1938) 663 feet
AA 857
Hatteras Honkers (1942) 312 feet
AA 858
Haunted House (1939) 388 feet
AA 859
A Havana Cocktail (1931) : VDA 218 access copy
280 feet
CA 155
Hawaiian Memories (1945) 637 feet
AA 860
The Headache Man 337 feet
CA 156
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! (1934) 747 feet
CA 157
Hello Good Times (1931) 625 feet
AA 862
Heart of Paris (1933) 324 feet
AA 863
Hello Sucker (1931) 353 feet
AA 864
Henry Busse (1938) 395 feet
AA 865
Henry King and His Orchestra 350 feet
AA 866
Henry Santry and His Soldiers of Fortune
351 feet
AA 867
Her Wedding Night-Mare (1931) 324 feet
AA 868
Her Wedding Night-Mare 280 feet
AA 869
Here Come the Navy Bands (1945) 366 feet
CA 158
Here Comes Flossie (1933) 662 feet
CA 159
Here Comes the Cavalry (1941) 763 feet
CA 160
Here Comes the Circus (1936) 653 feet
CA 161
Here's How (1936) 775 feet
CA 162
Here's Your Hat (1937) 783 feet
AA 870
The Hermit Kingdom (1938) 385 feet
CA 163
Hey, Pop! (1932) 645 feet
AA 871
Hi De Ho (1937) 389 feet
AA 872
High Peril (1939) 333 feet
AA 873
The High School Hoofer (1931) 378 feet
AA 874
High Spots of the Far East (1932) 374 feet
CA 164
High, Wide, and Hansom (1935) 625 feet
AA 876
His Big Ambition 186 feet
AA 877
His Big Ambition 248 feet
AA 875
His Busy Day (1938) 392 feet
CA 165
His First Flame (1934) 704 feet
AA 878
His Honor Penrod (1932) 316 feet
AA 879
His Public 305 feet
AA 880
His Public 203 feet
AA 881
History Repeats Itself (1939) 336 feet
CA 166
Hit and Run (1938) 450 feet
AA 882
Hit Parade of the Gay Ninties (1943) 371 feet
AA 883
Hitting the High C's (1931) 339 feet
CA 167
Hitler Lives? (1945) 606 feet
CA 168
Hold That Ball (1938) 684 feet
AA 884
Holiday for Sports (1947) 342 feet
AA 885
Holiday on Horseback (1945) 320 feet
AA 886
The Hollanders (1936) 375 feet
AA 887
Hollywood Newsreel (1934) 319 feet
CA 169
Hollywood Wonderland (1946) 545 feet
CA 170
Home Cheap Home (1938) 663 feet
AA 888
Home Made (1930) 262 feet
AA 889
Home Run on the Keys (1937) 329 feet
AA 890
The Honeymoon Trail (1931) 241 feet
AA 891
Honolulu 364 feet
AA 892
Horace Heidt and His Famous Californians (1931) 287 feet
AA 893
Horses, Horses, Horses (1942) 320 feet
AA 894
Horseshoes (1930) 279 feet
CA 171
A Horse's Tale (1936) 729 feet
AA 895
Hot Competition (1932) 383 feet
AA 896
Hot Dog (1932) 352 feet
AA 897
Hot from Petrograd (1933) 384 feet
AA 898
Hot News Marjorie (1931) 245 feet
AA 899
Hot Sands (1931) 368 feet
CA 172
Hotel a La Swing (1937) 776 feet
AA 900
How I Play Golf by Bobby Jones #2 340 feet
AA 901
How I Play Golf by Bobby Jones #3 371 feet
AA 902
How I Play Golf by Bobby Jones #4 387 feet
AA 903
How I Play Golf by Bobby Jones #5 372 feet
AA 904
How I Play Golf by Bobby Jones #6 386 feet
AA 905
How I Play Golf by Bobby Jones #7 384 feet
AA 906
How I Play Golf by Bobby Jones #8 375 feet
AA 907
How I Play Golf by Bobby Jones #9 364 feet
AA 908
How I Play Golf by Bobby Jones #10 384 feet
AA 909
How I Play Golf by Bobby Jones #11 358 feet
AA 910
How I Play Golf by Bobby Jones #12 385 feet
AA 911
How to Break 90 by Bobby Jones 331 feet
AA 912
How to Break 90 by Bobby Jones #6 381 feet
AA 913
How to Break 90 by Bobby Jones 378 feet
AA 914
How to Break 90 by Bobby Jones 328 feet
AA 915
How to Break 90 by Bobby Jones 324 feet
AA 916
How to Break 90 by Bobby Jones 362 feet
CA 173
How'd Ya Like That (1934) 635 feet
AA 917
How's Tricks? (1932) 359 feet
CA 174
How've You Bean? (1933) 756 feet
AA 918
The Human Bomb (1938) 389 feet
AA 919
A Hunter's Paradise 389 feet
AA 920
Hunting Dogs at Work (1942) 221 feet
AA 921
Hunting the Devil Cat (1943) 364 feet
CA 175
Hunting the Hard Way (1940) 587 feet
CA 176
Husband's Holiday (1935) 634 feet
CA 177
I Am an American (1944) 575 feet
CA 178
I Scream (1933) 714 feet
CA 179
I Won't Play (1944) 646 feet
CA 180
Ice Frolics (1939) 663 feet
CA 181
Identified (1938) 430 feet
CA 182
An Idle Roomer (1933) : Digital access copy available.
701 feet
AA 922
I'll Fix It 326 feet
AA 923
An Ill Wind or 'No Mother to Guide Her' (1930) 415 feet
CA 183
I'm Much Obliged (1937) 791 feet
CA 184
The Imperfect Lover (1931) : Digital access copy available.
648 feet
AA 924
In Old Santa Fe (1945) 348 feet
CA 185
In the Dough (1933) 780 feet
CA 186
In the Family (1931) 586 feet
CA 187
In the Spotlight (1935) 663 feet
CA 188
In This Corner (1935) 684 feet
AA 925
In Your Sombrero (1931) 260 feet
AA 926
India's Millions (1937) 351 feet
AA 927
Inklings (1933) 316 feet
AA 928
Into the Clouds (1943) 362 feet
AA 929
Into the Unknown 366 feet
AA 930
Into the Unknown 259 feet
AA 931
The Inventor 342 feet
AA 932
Irons in the Fire (1936) 366 feet
AA 933
Isa Kremer (1927) 350 feet
AA 934
Isham Jones and his Orchestra (1934) 383 feet
AA 935
Isles of Enchantment (1938) 384 feet
AA 936
Isn't That Awful (1933) 376 feet
CA 189
It Happened in Springfield (1945) 737 feet
AA 937
It Happened on Rollers (1941) 334 feet
AA 938
Italy, the New and the Old (1933) 395 feet
AA 939
It's a Panic (1931) 332 feet
CA 190
It's All Over Now (1936) 775 feet
AA 940
It's the McCoy (1939) 348 feet
AA 941
It's Work (1937) 332 feet
AA 942
Jack Denny and His Band (1933) 355 feet
AA 943
Jack Denny's Orchestra (1935) 384 feet
AA 944
Jaques Fray and His Orchestra (1937) 374 feet
AA 945
The Jam Session (1937) 361 feet
AA 946
Jammin' the Blues 368 feet
AA 947
Jan Garber and His Orchestra (1940) 349 feet
AA 948
Jan Rubini and Orchestra (1937) 387 feet
AA 949
Jan Savitt and His Band (1945) 364 feet
AA 950
Javanese Journeys (1931) 326 feet
AA 951
The Jaywalker 326 feet
AA 952
Jerry Livingston and His Talk of the Town Music (1939) 367 feet
AA 953
Jerusalem, the Holy City (1933) 358 feet
AA 954
Jimmie Lunceford and His Dance Orchestra (1937) 363 feet
AA 955
Jimmy Dorsey and His Orchestra (1938) 330 feet
AA 956
Joe Reichman and His Orchestra (1948) 389 feet
AA 957
John Charles Thomas (1927) 282 feet
AA 958
Johnny Green and His Orchestra (1936) 379 feet
AA 959
Jolly Coburn and His Orchestra (1936) 344 feet
AA 960
Jolly Good Fellow (1934) 332 feet
AA 961
Josephine Harmon in Harmonizing Songs 276 feet
AA 962
The Juggling Fool (1938) 395 feet
AA 963
Jungle Thrills (1943) 345 feet
AA 964
Junior 253 feet
AA 965
Junior Jive Bombers (1944) 381 feet
CA 191
Just a Cute Kid (1940) 716 feet
AA 807
Just a Gigolo (1931) 418 feet
AA 966
Just Concentrate (1933) 382 feet
CA 192
Keystone Hotel (1947) 534 feet
CA 193
Kick Me Again (1936) 764 feet
CA 194
King for a Day (1934) 765 feet
AA 967
King of the Archers (1942) 333 feet
CA 195
King of the Carnival (1948) 692 feet
AA 968
King of the Everglades (1941) 308 feet
CA 196
King of the Islands (1935) 627 feet
AA 969
King Salmon (1941) 306 feet
AA 970
Kingdom of the Wild (1945) 319 feet
AB 718
Kings of the Turf (1935) 280 feet
CA 197
Kissing Time (1933) 786 feet
CA 198
The Knight Is Young (1938) 704 feet
AA 971
Knocking 'Em Cold (1930) 372 feet
CA 199
The Lady and the Lug (1940) 699 feet
CA 200
The Lady in Black (1935) 790 feet
AA 972
The Lady Killer (1931) 237 feet
AA 973
Laff Tours (1931) 356 feet
AA 974
Land of Romance (1946) 369 feet
AA 975
Land of the Kangaroo (1937) 380 feet
AA 976
Larry Clinton and His Orchestra (1938) 374 feet
AA 977
Larry Clinton and His Orchestra (1939) 350 feet
AA 978
Las Vegas, Frontier Town (1947) 344 feet
AA 979
Last But Not Leased (1931) 257 feet
AA 980
The Last Straw (1931) 259 feet
AA 981
Laughs in the Law (1933) 283 feet
CA 201
Law of the Badlands (1945) 711 feet
AA 982
The Lazy Hunter (1946) 343 feet
CA 202
Learn and Live (1945) 645 feet
AA 983
The Lease Breakers (1933) 382 feet
AB 719
Lee Morse in the Music Racket 279 feet
AA 984
The Legacy 193 feet
AA 985
The Legacy 246 feet
AA 986
Lennie Hayton and His Orchestra (1937) 386 feet
AA 987
Leo Reisman and His Orchestra (1941) 340 feet
AA 988
Leon Navarra and His Orchestra (1936) 389 feet
AA 989
Let's Go Camping (1946) 340 feet
CA 203
Let's Go Fishing (1944) 601 feet
AA 990
Let's Go Gunning (1945) 313 feet
AA 991
Let's Go Swimming (1946) 321 feet
AA 992
Let's Merge 345 feet
CA 204
Let's Play Post Office (1934) 587 feet
AA 993
Let's Sing a Song About the Moonlight (1947) 337 feet
AA 994
Let's Sing a Song from the Movies (1948) 385 feet
AA 995
Let's Sing a Song of the West (1947) 324 feet
AA 996
Let's Sing a Stephen Foster Song (1948) 376 feet
AA 997
Let's Sing An Old Time Song (1947) 315 feet
AA 998
Let's Sing Grandfather's Favorites (1948) 337 feet
AA 999
Light Cavalry Overture (1927) 244 feet
CA 205
Lincoln in the White House (1939) 753 feet
AB 001
The Lion Hunt 292 feet
AB 002
The Lion Hunt 233 feet
AB 003
Lions for Sale (1941) 308 feet
AB 004
Listen to the Bands (1944) 286 feet
AB 005
Listening In (1934) 401 feet
AB 006
Little Billy in No Questions Asked 286 feet
CA 206
A Little Girl With Big Ideas (1933) 1085 feet
CA 207
Little Isles of Freedom (1943) 701 feet
AB 007
Little Jack Little (1933) 319 feet
AB 008
Little Jack Little and His Orchestra (1937) 391 feet
AB 009
Little Journeys to Great Masters 296 feet
CA 208
Little Me 784 feet
AB 010
Little Miss Mischief (1933) 373 feet
CA 209
Little Pioneer (1937) 663 feet
AB 011
Little White Lies (1932) 347 feet
CA 210
The Littlest Diplomat (1937) 678 feet
AB 012
Lives in Peril (1939) 383 feet
AB 013
Living With Lions (1948) 327 feet
AB 014
Lodge Night (1930) 246 feet
AB 015
Logging Along (1936) 357 feet
CA 211
Lonesome Trailer (1935) 632 feet
AB 016
Long Bright Land (1937) 386 feet
AB 017
Lost and Found 342 feet
AB 018
The Love Department (1935) 395 feet
AB 019
The Love Department 316 feet
AB 020
The Love Nest (1931) 367 feet
AB 021
Love Thy Neighbor (1932) 347 feet
CA 212
Love's Intrigue 658 feet
CA 213
The Lucky Swede (1935) : Digital access copy available.
594 feet
CA 214
Lucky Thirteen (1932) 746 feet
AB 022
The Lyin' Tamer (1936) 385 feet
AB 023
Mme. Alda Singing Ave Maria (1930) 209 feet
AB 024
Madame of the Jury (1930) 369 feet
CA 215
Maid for a Day (1936) 766 feet
AB 025
Maid to Order (1931) 324 feet
CA 216
Mail and Female (1938) 788 feet
CA 217
A “Mail” Bride (1932) : VHA 218 access copy includes clips from film
666 feet
CA 218
Main Street Follies (1935) 762 feet
AB 026
Making Good (1930) 363 feet
AB 027
Mal Hallert and His Orchestra (1937) 336 feet
AB 028
Malayan Jungles (1937) 355 feet
CA 219
Man Eaters (1931) 511 feet
CA 220
The Man Killers (1942) 501 feet
CA 221
The Man Without a Country (1937) 747 feet
CA 222
March on Marines (1940) 708 feet
AB 029
Marie Greene and Her Merrie Men (1940) 375 feet
AB 030
Giovanni Martinelli (1929) 313 feet
AB 031
Giovanni Martinelli (1930) 306 feet
AB 032
Giovanni Martinelli 296 feet
AB 033
Giovanni Martinelli (1931) 239 feet
AB 034
Giovanni Martinelli 263 feet
AB 035
Giovanni Martinelli (1927) 289 feet
AB 036
Giovanni Martinelli (1931) 326 feet
AB 037
Giovanni Martinelli (1930) 305 feet
AB 038
Giovanni Martinelli 306 feet
AB 039
Giovanni Martinelli (1927) 358 feet
AC 194
Giovanni Martinelli Sings Celeste Aida (1927)
CA 223
Masks and Memories (1934) 1156 feet
CA 224
Masquerade (1931) 723 feet
AB 040
Matinee Idol 276 feet
AB 041
Matty Malneck and His Orchestra (1940) 334 feet
CA 225
Maybe Darwin Was Right (1941) 764 feet
CA 226
Maybe I'm Wrong 288 feet and 308 feet : Two portions spliced with leader in between.
CA 227
The Meal Ticket 728 feet
CA 228
Mechanix Illustrated #1 (1938) 342 feet
CA 229
Mechanix Illustrated #2 349 feet
CA 228
Mechanix Illustrated #3 (1939) 354 feet
CA 229
Mechanix Illustrated #4 368 feet
CA 230
Mechanix Illustrated #5 : Digital access copy available.
327 feet
AB 042
Mechanix Illustrated #6 326 feet
CA 229
Mechanix Illustrated #7 347 feet
CA 230
Mechanix Illustrated #9 : Digital access copy available.
355 feet
CA 230
Mechanix Illustrated #10 (1940) : Digital access copy available.
361 feet
CA 228
Mechanix Illustrated #11 (1940) 364 feet
AB 720
Mediterranean Byways : Digital access copy available.
317 feet
CA 231
Meet the Fleet (1940) 730 feet
AB 043
Meet the Kernel (1936) 371 feet
AB 721
Melody of Youth (1947) 371 feet
CA 232
Men of the Sky (1942) 718 feet
CA 233
Men of Tomorrow (1945) 492 feet
AB 044
Men Wanted (1940) 331 feet
AB 045
Merle Kendrick and His Orchestra (1938) 373 feet
AB 046
Mexican Jumping Beans (1940) 348 feet
AB 047
Mexican Sea Sports (1945) 343 feet
AB 048
Mexican Sportland (1944) 358 feet
AB 049
Michigan Ski Daddle (1945) 339 feet
AB 050
Mike Riley and Band (1938) 363 feet
CA 234
The Mild West (1933) 734 feet
AB 051
The Milky Way 381 feet
AB 052
Mills Blue Rhythm Band (1933) 384 feet
AB 053
Milt Britton and His World Famous Orchestra (1937) 395 feet
CA 235
Minstrel Days (1941) 755 feet
AB 054
A Minute from Death (1939) 389 feet
AB 055
Miracle Makers (1941) 263 feet
AB 056
Mirrors (1934) 406 feet
AB 057
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Crawford (1937) 351 feet
AB 058
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Crawford at Home (1939) 395 feet
AB 059
Mr. Intruder 289 feet
CA 236
A Modern Cinderella (1932) 624 feet
AB 060
Modern Fairytales (1930) 246 feet
AB 061
Modern Methods (1939) 339 feet
CA 237
The Monroe Doctrine (1939) 568 feet
CA 238
Monster of the Deep (1941) 612 feet
AB 062
The Mormon Trail (1935) 386 feet
AB 063
Morning, Noon, and Night in Vienna (1927) 294 feet
AB 064
The Moscow Art Ensemble of New York (1927) 333 feet
CA 239
Mountain Fighters (1947) 769 feet
AB 065
The Movie Album (1931) 358 feet
AB 066
Movie Album Featurettes (1932) 361 feet
CA 240
Movie Mania (1937) 758 feet
AB 067
Movie Memories (1933) 345 feet
AB 068
Movie Memories (1934) 293 feet
CA 241
Movieland Magic (1945) 591 feet
CA 242
Moving In 604 feet
AB 069
Moving Melodies (1935) 399 feet
AB 070
Municipal Band Wagon (1932) 395 feet
CA 243
Murder in the Pullman (1932) 779 feet
CA 244
Murder in Your Eyes (1934) 648 feet
CA 245
Murder With Reservations (1938) 765 feet
CA 246
Mushrooms (1933) 736 feet
AB 071
Music of the Americas (1945) 323 feet
AB 072
Music to My Ears (1932) 353 feet
AB 073
Music With a Smile in the Happy Felton Style (1938) 374 feet
AB 074
A Musical Journey to South America (1937) 304 feet
AB 075
Musical Memories (1941) 358 feet
AB 076
Musical Memories (1944) 304 feet
CA 247
Musical Movieland (1944) 731 feet
CA 248
The Musical Mystery (1931) 654 feet
AB 077
Musical Novelties (1945) 322 feet
CA 249
A Musical Operation (1937) 714 feet
CA 250
Musical Shipmates (1946) 580 feet
AB 078
My Hero (1930) 293 feet
AB 079
My Mistake 337 feet
CA 251
My Mummy's Arms (1934) 697 feet
CA 252
My Pop (1938) 785 feet
AB 080
Mysterious Ceylon (1949) 372 feet
CA 253
The Mysterious Kiss (1934) 728 feet
AB 081
The Nagger 340 feet
AB 082
The Nagger at Breakfast 344 feet
AB 083
The Nagger at the Dentist (1931) 354 feet
AB 722
The Naggers at the Opera (1931) 258 feet
AB 084
The Naggers at the Races (1931) 322 feet
AB 085
The Naggers Day of Rest 279 feet
AB 086
The Naggers Go Camping (1931) 306 feet
AB 087
The Naggers Go Ritzy (1932) 307 feet
AB 088
The Naggers Go Rooting 261 feet
AB 089
The Naggers Go Shopping 299 feet
AB 090
The Naggers Go South 348 feet
AB 091
The Naggers Housewarming (1931) 383 feet
CA 254
The Naggers in Movie Dumb 333 feet
AB 092
The Naggers in the Subway 287 feet
AB 093
The Naggers Spreading Sunshine (1931) 369 feet
AB 094
The Name Is Familiar (1933) 325 feet
AB 095
Napolean's Bust (1932) 365 feet
AB 096
A Nation Dances (1942) 338 feet
AB 097
A Nation Dances (1943) 337 feet
AB 098
A Nation on Skis (1948) 350 feet
AB 099
Nature - the Artist (1937) 353 feet
AB 100
Nature's Handiwork (1935) 356 feet
AB 101
Nature's Mimics (1938) 373 feet
CA 255
Nautical But Nice (1944) 560 feet
CA 256
Navy Nurse (1945) 556 feet
AB 102
A Neckin' Party (1937) 397 feet
CA 257
Nervous Hands (1934) 711 feet
AB 103
The New Professor (1937) 380 feet
AB 104
Newsboy's Nocturne (1937) 375 feet
AB 105
Newsboy's Nocturne 375 feet
AB 106
Nice Work (1937) 351 feet
AB 107
Nick Lucas and His Troubadours (1936) 379 feet
AB 108
The Nickelette (1932) 389 feet
AB 109
Nickel Low Down (1937) 382 feet
AB 110
A Night in Mexico City (1944) 288 feet
AB 111
A Night in Mexico City 328 feet
AB 112
Night Intruder (1938) 271 feet
AB 113
Night Intruder 144 feet
CA 258
No Contest (1934) 775 feet
AB 114
The 'No' Man (1933) 380 feet
AB 115
The 'No' Man 344 feet
AB 116
No Parking (1939) 377 feet
AB 117
Northern Lights (1936) 376 feet
CA 259
Nothing But the Tooth (1933) : Digital access copy available.
748 feet
CA 260
Nothing Ever Happens (1933) 671 feet
AB 118
Notre Dame Glee Club (1933) 306 feet
AB 119
Nut Guilty (1936) 381 feet
AB 120
Nutville (1935) 393 feet
AB 121
Oberammergau (1932) : Digital access copy available.
327 feet
AB 122
Odd Occupations (1935) 360 feet
CA 261
Of All People (1931) 784 feet
CA 262
Off the Beat (1934) 743 feet
AB 123
Off the Record (1934) 382 feet
AB 124
Office Steps 351 feet
CA 263
The Officer's Mess (1935) 771 feet
AB 125
Oh! Evaline! (1935) 282 feet
AB 126
Oh! Evaline! 392 feet
CA 264
Oh Sailor Behave (1934) : Digital access copy available.
628 feet
CA 265
The Oily Bird (1936) 698 feet
CA 266
Okay for Sound (1946) 664 feet
CA 267
Okay Jose (1935) 633 feet
AB 127
Oklahoma As Is (1936) 326 feet
CA 268
Oklahoma Outlaws (1943) 713 feet
AB 128
The Old Flame (1931) 283 feet
CA 269
The Old Grey Mayor (1935) 727 feet
CA 270
Old Hickory (1940) 603 feet
AB 129
Old Lace (1931) : VHA 218 access copy includes clips from film
336 feet
AB 130
Old Lace : VHA 218 access copy includes clips from film
311 feet
AB 131
Old Seidelburg 305 feet
CA 271
On Edge (1932) 700 feet
AB 132
On the Air (1939) 376 feet
AB 133
On the Job (1931) 368 feet
CA 272
On the Wagon (1935) 784 feet
CA 273
Once Over Lightly (1944) 620 feet
AB 134
One Day Stand (1939) 341 feet
CA 274
One for the Books (1939) 660 feet
AB 135
One Good Deed (1931) 312 feet
AB 136
One Good Turn (1930) 299 feet
AB 137
One Good Turn 311 feet
AB 138
One on the Aisle (1930) 259 feet
CA 275
One on the House (1937) 717 feet
AB 139
One Way Out (1931) 311 feet
AB 140
The Operator's Opera (1933) 370 feet
AB 141
The Operator's Opera 379 feet
AB 142
Opportunity Night (1931) 288 feet
AB 143
An Organ Novelty (1939) 281 feet
AB 144
Orpheus Overture (1927) 350 feet
AB 145
An Ounce of Invention (1935) 395 feet
CA 276
Our African Frontier (1943) 520 feet
AB 146
Our Alaskan Frontier (1943) 312 feet
CA 277
Our Frontier in Italy (1944) 585 feet
CA 278
Out of Order (1934) 746 feet
AB 147
Out of the Past (1932) 311 feet
CA 279
Out Where the Stars Begin (1938) 690 feet
AB 148
Outdoor Living (1944) 358 feet
CA 280
Over the Wall (1944) 747 feet
CA 281
Overseas Roundup #1 (1945) 391 feet
AB 149
Overseas Roundup #2 368 feet
AB 150
Overseas Roundup #3 367 feet
AB 151
Overture: The Spirit of 1918 354 feet
AB 152
Overture: Tannhauser (1927) 381 feet
AB 153
Ozzie Nelson and His Orchestra (1943) 336 feet
AB 154
The Pacific Frontier (1943) 374 feet
AB 155
The Pacific Frontier 177 feet
AB 156
Palm Beach Knights (1935) 393 feet
AB 157
Papa's Slay Ride (1931) 271 feet
AB 158
Paris in New York (1936) 396 feet
AB 159
Paris in New York 395 feet
AB 160
Partners 374 feet
AB 161
Partners 364 feet
CA 282
Partners (1951) 1018 feet
AB 162
Passing the Buck (1932) 320 feet
AB 163
Passing the Buck 344 feet
AB 164
Paul Revere, Jr. (1933) 378 feet
AB 165
Paul Revere, Jr. 387 feet
AB 166
Peace and Quiet (1931) 305 feet
CA 283
A Peach of a Pair (1934) 732 feet
AB 167
Peeks at Hollywood (1945) 323 feet
AB 168
A Penny a Peep (1935) 383 feet
AB 169
Penrod's Bull Pen (1932) 280 feet
CA 284
The Perfect Suitor (1932) 649 feet
CA 285
Perils of the Jungle (1941) 675 feet
AB 170
The Pest of Honor (1930) 257 feet
AB 171
Phil Spitalny and His Musical Queens (1934) 388 feet
AB 172
Phil Spitalny's All Girl Orchestra (1935) 379 feet
AB 173
Picture Palace (1933) 377 feet
AB 174
Picture Palace 364 feet
AB 175
Picturesque Siam (1934) 365 feet
AB 176
Pie a La Mode (1933) 331 feet
AB 177
Pie a La Mode 326 feet
AB 178
Pie Pie Blackbird (1932) 386 feet
AB 179
Pilgrim Days (1934) 390 feet
AB 180
Plane Crazy (1933) 378 feet
AB 181
Plane Crazy 324 feet
CA 286
Plantation Melodies (1945) 675 feet
AB 182
The Playboy 233 feet
AB 183
The Playboy 220 feet
AB 184
The Playgirls (1941) 343 feet
AB 185
Playgrounds (1935) 396 feet
AB 186
Playing With Danger (1937) 212 feet
AB 187
Playing With Danger 208 feet
AB 188
Playing With Fire (1931) 321 feet
CA 287
Pledge to Bataan (1945) 734 feet
AB 189
Poets of the Organ (1936) 289 feet
AB 190
Points on Arrows (1941) 357 feet
AB 191
The Policy Girl (1934) 386 feet
AB 192
The Policy Girl 329 feet
CA 288
Politics (1930) 662 feet
AB 193
Polo with the Stars (1941) 328 feet
CA 289
Pony Express Days (1940) 705 feet
AB 194
Poor But Dishonest (1931) 336 feet
AB 195
Poor But Dishonest 281 feet
AB 196
The Poor Fish (1930) 223 feet
AB 197
Poor Little Rich Boy (1932) 304 feet
AB 198
Poor Little Rich Boy 318 feet
AB 199
Postal Union (1937) 196 feet
AB 200
Postal Union 395 feet
AB 201
The Potters: Out for Game (1930) 225 feet
AB 202
Pow Wow (1939) 362 feet
AB 203
Power Behind the Nation (1947) 341 feet
AB 204
Pretty Polly (1935) 316 feet
AB 205
Pretty Polly 395 feet
AB 206
The Pretty Pretender (1936) 392 feet
AB 207
The Pretty Pretender 356 feet
AB 208
Prisoner of Swing (1938) 357 feet
AB 209
Prisoner of Swing 425 feet
AB 210
A Private Engagement 340 feet
AB 211
Private Lessons (1933) 398 feet
AB 212
Private Lessons 391 feet
CA 290
Projection Room (1938) 678 feet
CA 291
Proudly We Serve (1944) 644 feet
AB 213
P's and Cues (1935) 332 feet
AB 214
Public Jitterbug #1 (1939) 349 feet
AB 215
Public Jitterbug #1 335 feet
AB 216
Pugs and Kisses (1934) 370 feet
AB 217
Pugs and Kisses 392 feet
CA 292
Punch and Beauty (1936) 787 feet
AB 218
Puppet Love (1937) 364 feet
AB 219
Pure Feud (1934) 342 feet
AB 220
Putting It On 329 feet
AB 221
Quartet from Rigoletto (1927) 241 feet
CA 293
Quiet Please (1939) 646 feet
AB 222
The Race Rider (1942) 314 feet
AB 223
Radio and Relatives (1938) 388 feet
CA 294
Radio Scout (1934) : Digital access copy available.
741 feet
AB 224
Radio Silly (1934) 352 feet
AB 225
Radio Silly 357 feet
AB 226
Rah, Rah Radio (1935) 401 feet
AB 227
The Railroad Follies 273 feet
AB 228
The Rainbow's End (1938) 391 feet
AB 229
The Rainbow's End 398 feet
AB 230
Rambling Round Radio Row #1 (1932) 380 feet
AB 231
Rambling Round Radio Row #2 331 feet
AB 232
Rambling Round Radio Row #3 (1934) 376 feet
AB 233
Rambling Round Radio Row #4 (1932) 340 feet
AB 234
Rambling Round Radio Row #5 (1932) 310 feet
AB 235
Rambling Round Radio Row #6 (1932) 337 feet
AB 236
Rambling Round Radio Row #7 (1932) 382 feet
AB 237
Rambling Round Radio Row #8 (1934) 346 feet
AB 238
Rambling Round Radio Row (1935) 394 feet
AB 239
Ramon Ramas and His Rainbow Room Orchestra (1937) 346 feet
AB 240
Ranch in White (1946) 325 feet
AB 241
Ray Kinney and His Royal Hawaiian Orchestra (1938) 379 feet
AB 242
Raymond Overture (1927) 305 feet
CA 295
The Rear Gunner (1942) 734 feet
AB 243
The Recruits 272 feet
AB 244
Red Nichols and His World Famous Pennies (1935) 378 feet
AB 245
The Red Shadow (1932) 373 feet
AB 246
The Red Shadow 330 feet
AB 247
Reel Vaudeville (1936) 398 feet
CA 296
Reg'lar Kids (1935) 620 feet
AB 248
A Regular Trooper (1932) 384 feet
AB 249
A Regular Trooper 284 feet
AB 250
Remember the Alamo (1934) 368 feet
AB 251
Remember the Maine (1939) 338 feet
AB 252
Revenge Is Sweet (1931) 370 feet
AB 253
Revenge Is Sweet 319 feet
AB 254
Rhythm of the Rhumba (1944) 352 feet
AB 255
Rhythm on Ice (1945) 345 feet
AB 256
The Rhythm Roundup (1937) 392 feet
AB 257
The Rhythm Roundup 398 feet
CA 297
Rhythmitis (1936) 702 feet
AB 258
Rhythms of a Big City (1931 292 feet
AB 259
Richard Himber and His Orchestra (1934) 366 feet
AB 260
Richard Himber and His Orchestra (1941) 293 feet
AB 261
Ride, Ranchero, Ride (1948) 341 feet
AB 262
The Riding Hannefords (1946) 323 feet
AB 263
Riding into Society (1940) 360 feet
AB 264
Riding into Society 341 feet
AB 265
The Riding Master 304 feet
AB 266
The Right Timing (1942) 300 feet
AB 267
The Right Way (1939) : Digital access copy available.
321 feet
CA 298
Ripley's Believe It or Not #2 388 feet
AB 268
Ripley's Believe It or Not #5 (1931) 270 feet
AB 269
Ripley's Believe It or Not #6 285 feet
AB 270
Ripley's Believe It or Not #7 276 feet
AB 271
Ripley's Believe It or Not #8 (1932) 290 feet
AB 272
Ripley's Believe It or Not #9 (1932) 271 feet
CA 298
Ripley's Believe It or Not #10 249 feet
AB 273
Ripley's Believe It or Not #12 306 feet
AB 274
Ripley's Believe It or Not #15 280 feet
AB 275
Ripley's Believe It or Not #16 275 feet
CA 298
Ripley's Believe It or Not #18 (1932) 284 feet
AB 276
Ripley's Believe It or Not #19 386 feet
AB 277
Ripley's Believe It or Not #20 254 feet
AB 278
Ripley's Believe It or Not #22 (1932) 252 feet
AB 279
Ripley's Believe It or Not #23 274 feet
AB 280
Rise and Sing (1938) 387 feet
AB 281
Rise and Sing 395 feet
AB 282
Rita Rio and Her Orchestra (1939) 353 feet
AB 283
Road Knights (1930) 297 feet
AB 284
Roaming Camera #1 (1939) 307 feet
CA 299
Roaring Guns (1943) 689 feet
AB 285
Robert Edgren's Miracles of Sport (1938) 340 feet
AB 286
Robbin' Good (1938) 385 feet
AB 287
Rock-A-Bye-Bye (1933) 381 feet
AB 288
Rodeo Round-Up (1944) 313 feet
AB 289
Roger Wolfe Kahn and His Orchestra (1936) 327 feet
AB 290
Rollin in Rhythm (1939) 334 feet
AB 291
Rollin in Rhythm 308 feet
AB 292
Romance and Dance (1946) 310 feet
AB 293
Romance and Dance 319 feet
AB 294
Romance in Rhythm (1939) 361 feet
AB 295
Romance in the Air (1936) 367 feet
AB 296
Romance in the Air 335 feet
CA 300
Romance of Louisiana (1937) 658 feet
AB 297
Rooftops of Manhattan (1935) 380 feet
AB 298
Rooftops of Manhattan 394 feet
AB 299
Roping 'Em Alive (1937) 306 feet
AB 300
Roseland 212 feet
AB 301
Roseland 229 feet
AB 302
Rough Sailing (1931) 273 feet
AB 303
Rough Sailing 310 feet
AB 304
Rover's Rangers (1942) 319 feet
CA 301
Royal Rodeo (1939) 519 feet
AB 305
Rubber River (1945) 318 feet
AB 306
Rubinoff (1933) 367 feet
AB 307
Rubinoff and His Orchestra (1935) 373 feet
AB 308
Rubinoff and His Violin (1938) 381 feet
AB 309
Rubinoff and His Violin (1948) 299 feet
CA 302
The Run-Around (1932) 622 feet
AB 310
Rush Hour Rhapsody (1936) 311 feet
AB 311
Rush Hour Rhapsody 395 feet
AB 312
Rushin Art (1936) 368 feet
AB 313
Russ Morgan and His Orchestra (1937) 378 feet
AB 314
Russ Morgan and His Orchestra (1938) 324 feet
AB 315
Russian Around 255 feet
AB 316
Ryan and Lee in a Tenement Triangle (1930) 304 feet
AB 317
Saddle Up (1946) 245 feet
AB 318
Saddle Up 272 feet
AB 319
Sail Ho! (1940) 362 feet
CA 303
Salted Seanuts (1934) 695 feet
AB 320
The Saturday Night Swing Club (1938) 397 feet
AB 321
Sax Appeal (1931) 273 feet
AB 322
Say It With Candy (1936) 334 feet
AB 323
Say It With Candy 396 feet
AB 324
School Daze 271 feet
AB 325
Script Girl (1937) 376 feet
AB 326
Script Girl 374 feet
AB 327
Sea Devils (1932) 299 feet
AB 328
Sea Legs (1932) 346 feet
AB 329
Sea Legs 294 feet
AB 330
Seasoned Greetings (1933) 314 feet
AB 331
Seasoned Greetings 398 feet
AB 332
See, See, Senorita (1934) 346 feet
AB 333
See, See, Senorita 344 feet
CA 304
The Seeing Eye (1941) 538 feet
AB 334
Seeing-Off Service 344 feet
AB 335
Seeing Samoa (1932) 270 feet
AB 336
Seeing Spots (1939) 335 feet
AB 337
Seeing Spots 357 feet
CA 305
Serves You Right (1935) 779 feet
AB 338
Service Stripes (1930) 382 feet
CA 306
Service With a Smile (1934) 614 feet
CA 307
Service With the Colors 751 feet
AB 339
Shake a Leg 301 feet
AB 340
Shake a Leg 300 feet
AB 341
Shake, Mr. Shakespeare (1934) 333 feet
AB 342
Shake, Mr. Shakespeare 393 feet
AB 343
Shark Hunting (1939) 346 feet
AB 344
Sheik to Sheik (1936) 389 feet
AB 345
Sheik to Sheik 383 feet
AB 346
Sherlock's Home (1932) : Digital access copy available.
368 feet
AB 347
Sherlock's Home : Digital access copy available.
372 feet
AB 348
Ship Ahoy 317 feet
CA 308
A Ship Is Born (1942) 786 feet
AB 349
Shoestring Follies (1935) 387 feet
AB 350
Shoestring Follies 390 feet
AB 351
Shoot Yourself Some Golf 380 feet
CA 309
Shop Talk (1936) 705 feet
AB 352
Shopgirl's Evidence (1938) 436 feet
CA 310
Show Kids (1934) 721 feet
AB 353
Showin' Off 342 feet
AB 354
The Side Show Mystery (1932) 360 feet
AB 355
The Side Show Mystery 356 feet
CA 311
Silent Night (1944) 1024 feet
AB 356
Sin-Copation (1937) 347 feet
AB 357
The Singing Dude (1940) 372 feet
AB 358
The Singing Dude 334 feet
AB 359
The Singing Silhouette (1935) 392 feet
AB 360
The Singing Silhouette 395 feet
AB 361
Sitting Pretty (1931) 249 feet
AB 362
Six Hits and a Miss (1942) 320 feet
AB 363
Ski Flight (1937) 358 feet
AB 364
Ski Girl (1938) 287 feet
AB 365
Ski Whizz (1944) 348 feet
AB 366
Skinnay Ennis and His Orchestra (1940) 324 feet
AB 367
The Skull Murder Mystery (1932) 389 feet
AB 368
The Skull Murder Mystery 388 feet
AB 369
Sky High (1931) 366 feet
AB 370
Sky Sailing (1940) 345 feet
AB 371
Slackers and Workers of the Jungle (1933) 383 feet
AB 372
Slapsie Maxie's (1939) 347 feet
AB 373
Slapsie Maxie's 240 feet
CA 312
Slide, Nellie, Slide (1935) 678 feet
CA 313
Slum Fun (1936) 780 feet
CA 314
A Small Town Idol (1939) 680 feet
AB 374
Smart As a Fox (1946) 346 feet
AB 375
The Smart Set-Up 274 feet
AB 376
The Smart Set-Up 393 feet
AB 377
Smash Your Baggage (1933) 329 feet
AB 378
Smoked Hams (1934) 360 feet
AB 379
Smoked Hams 300 feet
AB 380
Snakes Alive (1931) 372 feet
AB 381
Sniffer Soldiers (1942) 310 feet
AB 382
Snow Eagles 316 feet
AB 383
Snow Sports (1943) 320 feet
AB 384
So You Think You Need Glasses (1943) 380 feet
AB 385
So You Think You're a Nervous Wreck (1947) 393 feet
AB 386
So You Think You're Allergic (1945) 397 feet
AB 387
So You Want An Apartment (1943) 389 feet
AB 388
So You Want to Be a Detective (1948) 400 feet
AB 389
So You Want to Be a Gambler (1948) 391 feet
AB 390
So You Want to Be a Salesman (1947) 372 feet
AB 391
So You Want to Be in Pictures (1947) 389 feet
AB 392
So You Want to Build a House (1948) 389 feet
AB 393
So You Want to Give Up Smoking (1942) 389 feet
AB 394
So You Want to Hold Your Wife (1947) 387 feet
AB 395
So You Want to Keep Your Hair 402 feet
AB 396
So You Won't T-T-Talk (1934) 379 feet
AB 397
So You're Going on Vacation (1947) 387 feet
AB 398
So You're Going to Be a Father (1947) 384 feet
CA 315
Soap Box Derby (1948) 627 feet
CA 316
Sockeroo (1940) 765 feet
AB 399
Soft Drinks and Sweet Music (1934) 396 feet
AB 400
Soft Drinks and Sweet Music 406 feet
CA 317
Soldiers in White (1941) 749 feet
AB 401
Some Bridge Work (1934) 394 feet
AB 402
Some Class (1935) 395 feet
AB 403
Song Hits By Roy Turk (1933) 391 feet
CA 318
Song of a Nation (1937) 626 feet
AB 404
Songs of the Range (1944) 332 feet
AB 405
Sonny Dunhan and His Orchestra (1944) 347 feet
CA 319
Sons of Liberty (1939) 740 feet
CA 320
Sons of the Plains (1938) 664 feet
AB 406
Sophomore Swing (1938) 284 feet
AB 407
Sophomore Swing 380 feet
AB 408
Sound Defects (1937) 387 feet
AB 409
Sound Defects 395 feet
AB 410
South American Sports (1942) 331 feet
AB 411
South American Sway (1944) 318 feet
AB 412
South of Monterey (1946) 332 feet
AB 413
South of Monterey 290 feet
AB 414
Spade Cooley, King of Western Swing (1945) 352 feet
AB 415
Spanish America (1933) 366 feet
CA 321
Spanish Fiesta (1941) 679 feet
AB 416
Speaking of Operations (1932) 331 feet
AB 417
Speaking of Operations 302 feet
AB 418
Special Arrangements (1936) 386 feet
CA 322
Spills for Thrills (1940) 670 feet
AB 419
The Spirit of Annapolis (1942) 274 feet
AB 420
The Spirit of Annapolis 266 feet
CA 323
The Spirit of West Point (1942) 515 feet
AB 421
Sport Thrills #4 (1932) 325 feet
AB 422
Sport Thrills #2 (1932) 334 feet
AB 423
Sport Thrills #3 (1932) 327 feet
AB 424
Sport Thrills #5 305 feet
AB 425
Sport Thrills #6 (1932) 353 feet
AB 426
Sporting Dogs (1942) 285 feet
AB 427
Sports Go to War (1945) 340 feet
AB 428
Sportsman's Playground (1947) 325 feet
AB 429
Springtime in Holland (1935) 290 feet
AB 430
Springtime in Holland 259 feet
AB 431
Squaring the Triangle (1934) 244 feet
AB 432
Stan Kenton and His Orchestra (1946) 364 feet
CA 324
Star in the Night (1945) 770 feet
AB 433
Stardust (1938) 267 feet
AB 434
Stardust 384 feet
CA 325
Starlets (1937) 783 feet
AB 435
The Stars Can't Be Wrong (1936) : VDA 185 access copy
397 feet
AB 436
The Stars Can't Be Wrong : VDA 185 access copy
333 feet
AB 437
The Stars of Yesterday (1931) 374 feet
AB 438
Stars on Horseback (1943) 251 feet
AB 439
Steel and Stone (1936) 356 feet
AB 440
Stepping Out 328 feet
AB 441
The Still Alarm (1930) 341 feet
AB 442
Stocks and Blondes (1938) 347 feet
AB 443
Stocks and Blondes (1938) 321 feet
AB 444
Story Conference (1934) 339 feet
AB 445
Story Conference 394 feet
AB 446
The Strange Case (1931) 237 feet
AB 447
Strange Ceremonies of the World (1933) 365 feet
AB 448
The Struggle for Life (1943) 335 feet
AB 449
Stuck Stuck Stucco (1932) 365 feet
AB 450
Study and Understudy (1936) 379 feet
AB 451
Study and Understudy 396 feet
AB 452
Stuffy's Errand of Mercy (1934) 365 feet
AB 453
Subway Symphony (1932) 369 feet
AB 454
Subway Symphony 286 feet
AB 455
Sun Valley Fun (1948) 355 feet
AB 456
Sundae Serenade (1938) 277 feet
AB 457
Sundae Serenade 356 feet
AB 458
The Sunday Round-Up (1936) 341 feet
AB 459
The Sunday Round-Up 349 feet
CA 121
Surprise (1935) 772 feet
AB 460
Swanee Cruise (1936) 340 feet
AB 461
Sweeney Steps Out (1942) 368 feet
AB 462
Sweetheart Serenade (1943) 373 feet
AB 463
Sweethearts and Flowers (1936) 354 feet
AB 464
Sweethearts and Flowers 383 feet
AB 465
Swimcopades (1945) 357 feet
AB 466
Swing Cat's Jamboree (1937) 305 feet
AB 467
Swing for Sale (1938) 357 feet
AB 468
Swing for Sale 377 feet
AB 469
A Swing Opera (1939) 361 feet
AB 470
A Swing Opera 296 feet
AB 471
Swing Styles (1934) 383 feet
AB 472
Swingtime in the Movies (1938) 386 feet
AB 473
Swingtime in the Movies 329 feet
AB 474
Sword Fishing 351 feet
AB 475
Symphony-Murder Mystery 390 feet
AB 476
Symphony-Murder Mystery 390 feet
AB 477
Syncopated City (1934) 393 feet
AB 478
Syncopated City 348 feet
AB 479
Syncopated Sermon 285 feet
AB 480
Table Manners (1938) 380 feet
AB 481
Take the Air (1940) 365 feet
AB 482
Take the Air 374 feet
AB 483
Taking Chances (1931) 357 feet
CA 326
Taking the Count (1936) 778 feet
CA 327
The Tanks Are Coming (1941) 721 feet
AB 484
Ted Husing's Sport Slants #14 (1931) 345 feet
AB 485
Ted Husing's Sport Slants #1 319 feet
AB 486
Ted Husing's Sport Slants #2 319 feet
AB 487
Ted Husing's Sport Slants #3 359 feet
AB 488
Ted Husing's Sport Slants #4 313 feet
AB 489
Ted Husing's Sport Slants #5 293 feet
AB 490
Ted Husing's Sport Slants #6 309 feet
AB 491
Ted Husing's Sport Slants #8 387 feet
AB 492
Ted Husing's Sport Slants #7 347 feet
AB 493
Ted Husing's Sport Slants #12 320 feet
AB 494
Ted Husing's Sport Slants #13 273 feet
CA 328
Teddy, the Roughrider (1947) 678 feet
AB 495
Temple Belles 257 feet
AB 496
Tennis Town (1947) 306 feet
AB 497
Thank You, Doctor (1930) 342 feet
AB 498
That Goes Double (1932) 363 feet
AB 499
That Goes Double 362 feet
AB 500
That's Pictures (1936) 404 feet
AB 501
That's Pictures 357 feet
AB 502
That's the Spirit (1933) 397 feet
AB 503
Their Dizzy Day (1944) 306 feet
AB 504
Then and Now (1941) 341 feet
AB 505
Then Came the Yawn (1933) : Digital access copy available.
378 feet
AB 506
Then Came the Yawn : Digital access copy available.
369 feet
AB 507
There Ain't No Such Animal (1942) 290 feet
AB 508
There Goes the Bride (1938) 404 feet
CA 329
Thirst Aid (1937) 699 feet
AB 509
The Thirteenth Prisoner 288 feet
AB 510
This Is Your Enemy (1942) 434 feet
AB 511
Those Good Old Days (1941) 353 feet
AB 512
Those Were the Days (1929) 193 feet
AB 513
Those Were the Days (1934) 383 feet
CA 330
Three Cheers for the Girls (1943) 589 feet
AB 514
Three Minute Fuse (1939) 373 feet
AB 515
Thrills of Yesterday (1931) 339 feet
AB 516
Throwing a Party (1940) 364 feet
AB 517
Throwing a Party 371 feet
AB 518
Throwing the Bull (1944) 356 feet
AB 519
Tickets Please (1935) : VDA 219 access copy
394 feet
AB 520
Tickets Please 401 feet
AB 521
Timber Giants (1936) 377 feet
AB 522
Tin Hat Harmony (1934) 383 feet
AB 523
Tintypes 348 feet
AB 524
Tip, Tap, Toe (1932) 321 feet
AB 525
Tip, Tap, Toe 362 feet
AB 526
A Tip to Paris (1930) 357 feet
AB 527
Toils of the Law (1938) 264 feet
AB 528
Toils of the Law 177 feet
AB 529
Tom Thumbs Down (1930) 330 feet
CA 331
Tomalio (1933) 776 feet
CA 332
Toot Sweet (1937) 748 feet
AB 530
Top of the World (1933) 377 feet
AB 531
Toradja Land (1938) 362 feet
CA 333
The Toreador (1932) 599 feet
CA 334
Toyland Casino (1938) 686 feet
AB 532
The Trail of the 49ers (1939) 392 feet
AB 533
The Trans-Atlantic Mystery (1932) 385 feet
AB 534
The Trans-Atlantic Mystery 394 feet
AB 535
Trapped Underground (1938) 171 feet
AB 536
Trapped Underground 305 feet
AB 537
Travel Hogs (1931) 339 feet
AB 538
Treacherous Waters (1938) 345 feet
AB 539
Trial By Trigger (1940) 379 feet
AB 540
Trial By Trigger 384 feet
AB 541
A Trip Through a Hollywood Studio (1935) 361 feet
AB 542
A Trip to Scotland (1948) 331 feet
AB 543
A Trip to Tibet (1931) : Digital access copy available.
350 feet
AB 544
Trixie Friganza in “Strong and
Willing” (1930) 212 feet
AB 877
Tropical Sportland (1943)
AB 545
Trouble in Store (1939) 354 feet
CA 335
Trouble in Toyland (1935) 774 feet
AB 546
Trouble Indemnity (1932) 299 feet
AB 547
Trouble Indemnity 305 feet
AB 548
The Tune Detective (1933) 324 feet
AB 549
Turkey in the Raw (1933) 392 feet
AB 550
Turkey in the Raw 359 feet
AB 551
20,000 Cheers for the Chain Gang (1933) 337 feet
AB 552
20,000 Cheers for the Chain Gang 375 feet
AB 553
23-Skidoo (1930) 345 feet
AB 554
Twixt Love and Duty 321 feet
AB 555
Two Boobs in a Balloon (1934) 356 feet
AB 556
Two Shadows (1938) : Digital access copy available.
337 feet
AB 557
Two Shadows : Digital access copy available.
385 feet
CA 336
Unconquered Africa 622 feet
CA 337
Under Southern Stars (1937) 620 feet
AB 558
Under the Wire (1937) 388 feet
AB 559
Under the Wire 347 feet
AB 560
Underwater Spear Fishing (1945) 378 feet
AB 561
U.S. Army Band (1940) 311 feet
AB 562
U.S. Army Air Force Band (1942) 368 feet
AB 563
U.S. Coast Guard Band (1944) 346 feet
AB 564
The U.S. Marine Band (1942) 341 feet
AB 565
U.S. Marines on Review (1944) 294 feet
AB 566
U.S. Marines on Review 307 feet
AB 567
U.S. Merchant Marine Cadet Corps Band (1944) 384 feet
AB 568
U.S. Navy Band (1942) 355 feet
AB 569
The U.S. Service Bands (1943) 363 feet
AB 570
The University of Southern California Band and
Glee Club (1941) 305 feet
AB 571
Unreal Newsreel (1937) 318 feet
AB 572
Up in Lights (1938) 373 feet
AB 573
Up in Lights 378 feet
AB 574
Up on the Farm (1932) 282 feet
CA 338
Ups and Downs (1937) 779 feet
AB 575
Use Your Imagination (1933) 328 feet
AB 576
Use Your Imagination 302 feet
CA 339
Vacation Daze (1934) 622 feet
AB 577
Vacation Spots (1936) 258 feet
AB 578
The Varsity Show 196 feet
AB 579
The Varsity Show 221 feet
AB 580
Vaude-Festival (1936) 377 feet
AB 581
Vaudeville (1934) 397 feet
AB 582
Vaudeville 397 feet
AB 583
Vaudeville (1934) 400 feet
CA 340
Vaudeville Days 730 feet
AB 584
Vaudeville 4 (1935) 400 feet
AB 585
Vaudeville Hits (1937) 395 feet
AB 586
A Vaudeville Interlude (1938) 381 feet
AB 587
Vaudeville Is Back (1936) 395 feet
AB 588
Vaudeville Revue (1947) 312 feet
AB 589
Vaud-Villains (1936) 392 feet
AB 590
Verge of Disaster (1939) 260 feet
AB 591
The Victim 334 feet
AB 592
Viewsreel (1943) 328 feet
AB 593
Vincent Lopez and His Orchestra (1936) 389 feet
AB 594
Vincent Lopez and His Orchestra (1939) 361 feet
AB 595
A Visit to the South Seas (1933) 351 feet
AB 596
Vitaphone Billboard 367 feet
AB 597
Vitaphone Broadwayities (1937) 398 feet
AB 598
Vitaphone Capers (1937) 345 feet
AB 599
Vitaphone Casino (1935) 391 feet
AB 600
Vitaphone Celebrities (1935) 279 feet
AB 601
Vitaphone Diversions (1937) 395 feet
AB 602
Vitaphone Entertainers (1936) 392 feet
AB 603
Vitaphone Frolics (1937) 385 feet
AB 604
Vitaphone Funsters (1937) 397 feet
AB 605
Vitaphone Gambols (1937) 374 feet
AB 606
Vitaphone Gayities (1936) 397 feet
AB 607
Vitaphone Headliners (1936) 384 feet
AB 608
Vitaphone Highlights (1936) 396 feet
AB 609
Vitaphone Hippodrome (1936) 397 feet
AB 610
Vitaphone Internationals (1936) 376 feet
AB 611
Vitaphone Music Hall (1935) 392 feet
AB 612
Vitaphone Picture Revue #1 (1936) 307 feet
AB 613
Vitaphone Picture Revue #2 (1936) 313 feet
AB 614
Vitaphone Picture Revue #3 (1936) 386 feet
AB 615
Vitaphone Picture Revue #4 (1937) 302 feet
AB 616
Vitaphone Picture Revue #5 (1937) 386 feet
AB 617
Vitaphone Picture Revue #6 (1937) 297 feet
AB 618
Vitaphone Picture Revue #7 (1937) 297 feet
AB 619
Vitaphone Picture Revue #8 (1937) 297 feet
AB 620
Vitaphone Picture Revue #9 (1937) 406 feet
AB 621
Vitaphone Picture Revue #10 (1937) 255 feet
AB 622
Vitaphone Picture Revue #11 (1937) 311 feet
AB 623
Vitaphone Picture Revue #12 (1937) 278 feet
AB 624
Vitaphone Picture Revue #13 (1937) 391 feet
AB 625
Vitaphone Picture Revue (1937) 243 feet
AB 626
Vitaphone Picture Revue 282 feet
AB 627
Vitaphone Picture Revue 269 feet
AB 268
Vitaphone Picture Revue #14 246 feet
AB 629
Vitaphone Picture Revue #15 (1938) 263 feet
AB 630
Vitaphone Picture Revue (1937) 265 feet
AB 631
Vitaphone Picture Revue #16 247 feet
AB 632
Vitaphone Picture Revue #18 247 feet
AB 633
Vitaphone Picture Revue #19 271 feet
AB 634
Vitaphone Picture Revue (1938) 291 feet
AB 635
Vitaphone Revue 298 feet
AB 636
Vitaphone Spotlight (1937) 367 feet
AB 637
Vitaphone Topnotchers (1936) 397 feet
AB 638
Vitaphone Troupers (1935) 400 feet
CA 341
The Vodka Boatmen (1935) 772 feet
CA 342
The Voice That Thrilled the World (1943) 651 feet
AB 639
Voodoo Fires (1939) 256 feet
AB 640
Voodoo Fires 178 feet
AB 641
Vote Trouble (1939) 393 feet
CA 343
Wagon Wheels West (1943) 630 feet
AB 642
Waiting Around (1938) 380 feet
AB 643
Waiting Around 398 feet
CA 344
The Wall Street Mystery 619 feet
AB 644
Walter Donaldson - Popular Composer (1933) 357 feet
AB 645
The Wanderer 383 feet
AB 646
Wanderlust (1938) 275 feet
AB 647
Wanderlust 203 feet
AB 648
Wardrobe Girl (1939) 346 feet
AB 649
Wardrobe Girl 330 feet
AB 650
Wash Your Step (1936) 388 feet
AB 651
Wash Your Step 392 feet
CA 345
Washington the Man - the Capital (1931) 699 feet
AB 652
The Watch Dog (1931) 270 feet
CA 346
Watch the Birdie (1935) 659 feet
AB 653
Water Babies (1945) 381 feet
AB 654
Water Sports (1941) 333 feet
AB 655
The Way of All Freshmen (1933) 388 feet
AB 656
The Way of All Freshmen 329 feet
AB 657
We Do Our Part (1934) 408 feet
AB 658
We Eat to Live (1936) 370 feet
AB 659
Wedding Bills (1931) 361 feet
CA 347
Wedding Yells (1937) 739 feet
CA 348
Wedding Yells (1941) 745 feet
AB 660
“Wee” Men (1935) 378 feet
AB 661
The Week-End (1931) 318 feet
AB 662
The Week-End Mystery (1932) 319 feet
AB 663
The Week-End Mystery 266 feet
CA 349
Wells Fargo Days (1944) 735 feet
CA 350
West of the Rockies (1941) 692 feet
AB 664
Westward Bound (1934) 369 feet
AB 665
What--No Men? (1934) 363 feet
AB 666
What--No Men? 362 feet
AB 667
What the World Makes (1937) 372 feet
AB 668
What This Country Needs (1934) 377 feet
AB 669
What This Country Needs 397 feet
AB 670
What's Hatchin' (1948) 316 feet
AB 671
What's the Idea (1935) 397 feet
AB 672
When Fish Fight (1936) 361 feet
AB 673
When in Rome (1931) 346 feet
AB 674
When Your Lover Has Gone (1931) 183 feet
CA 351
When You're Single (1936) 785 feet
CA 352
While the Cat's Away (1935) 793 feet
AB 675
White Sails (1941) 303 feet
AB 676
Who Is that Girl? (1934) 373 feet
AB 677
Who Is that Girl? 354 feet
CA 353
Why Pay Rent (1935) 786 feet
AB 678
The Wife of the Party (1936) 393 feet
AB 679
The Wife of the Party 390 feet
AB 680
Wild Boar Hunt (1940) 371 feet
AB 681
Will Osborne and His Orchestra (1935) 395 feet
AB 682
Will Osborne and His Orchestra (1939) 381 feet
CA 354
Wings of Steel (1941) 747 feet
AB 683
The Winnah (1934) 381 feet
AB 684
The Winnah 384 feet
AB 685
The Winner's Circle (1944) 349 feet
AB 686
The Winner's Circle 247 feet
AB 687
The Wise Quacker (1931) 306 feet
AB 688
The Wishing Stone (1935) 397 feet
CA 355
Witch Doctor's Magic 498 feet
AB 689
With Rod and Gun in Canada (1945) 369 feet
AB 690
With Rod and Reel on Anticosti Island (1943) 355 feet
AB 691
The Woman Tamer 243 feet
AB 692
Woody Herman and His Orchestra (1938) 295 feet
AB 693
Words and Music (1932) 367 feet
AB 694
Words and Music 377 feet
AB 695
World's Champ (1932) 294 feet
AB 696
World's Champ 345 feet
CA 356
World's Fair Junior (1939) 712 feet
AB 697
The Wrong, Wrong Trail (1934) 369 feet
CA 357
Wrongorilla (1932) : Digital access copy available.
778 feet
AB 698
The Yacht Party (1932) 321 feet
AB 699
Yankee Doodle's Daughter (1945) 353 feet
AB 700
The Yanks Are Coming (1934) 377 feet
AB 701
Yeast Is Yeast (1933) 340 feet
AB 702
Yeast Is Yeast 389 feet
AB 703
You Call It Madness (1932) 327 feet
AB 704
You Call It Madness 313 feet
AB 705
You Nasty Man 371 feet
AB 706
You Nasty Man 357 feet
CA 358
Young America Flies (1940) 798 feet
AB 707
Your Sweetheart and Mine (1934) 245 feet
AB 708
You're Killing Me (1932) 353 feet
AB 709
You're Next to Closing (1939) 322 feet
AB 710
You're Next to Closing 347 feet
AB 711
Yours Sincerely (1932) 314 feet
AB 712
Yours Sincerely 390 feet
AB 713
Zero Girl (1938) 325 feet
AA 678
[unidentified film]
AA 686
[unidentified film]
AA 764
[unidentified film]
AB 628
[unidentified film]