Dore Schary Papers, circa 1920-1980

Container Title
Box   73
Folder   80
Academy of Political Science
Box   73
Folder   81
Adam Hats (regarding Louis-Godoy fight)
Box   73
Folder   82
Adventures in Photography
Box   73
Folder   83
Adventures of a Modern Mother
Box   73
Folder   84
Advertising Federation of America
Box   73
Folder   85
Althermer, Henry (NBC Promotion)
Box   73
Folder   86
Alvarez, Sofia
Box   73
Folder   87
American Association for Assistance to French Artists
Box   73
Folder   88
American Association of Advertising Agencies
Box   73
Folder   89
American Association of University Women
Box   74
Folder   1
American Bar Association
Box   74
Folder   2
American Can Company
Box   74
Folder   3
American Cigarette and Cigar Company
Box   74
Folder   4
American Civil Liberties Union
Box   74
Folder   5
American Committee for Democracy and Intellectual Freedom
Box   74
Folder   6
American Design Award
Box   74
Folder   7
American Document
Box   74
Folder   8
American Federation of Scientific Astrologers
Box   74
Folder   9
American Good Government Society
Box   74
Folder   10
American Home Products
Box   74
Folder   11
American Institute of Electrical Engineers
Box   74
Folder   12
American Institute of Public Opinion
Box   74
Folder   13
American Labor Party
Box   74
Folder   14
American Legion
Box   74
Folder   15
American Legion Auxillary
Box   74
Folder   16
American Literaty Panorama (Latin American broadcast)
Box   74
Folder   17
American Mercury
Box   74
Folder   18
American Museum of Natural History
Box   74
Folder   19
American Red Cross
Box   74
Folder   20
American Rescue Ship Mission
Box   74
Folder   21
American Rolling Mills
Box   74
Folder   22
American Social Hygiene Association
Box   74
Folder   23
American Tobacco Company
Box   74
Folder   24
American Trucking Association
Box   74
Folder   25
American Youth Commission
Box   74
Folder   26-27
America's Town Meeting of the Air
Box   74
Folder   28
Anderson, Marion
Box   74
Folder   29
Andre, Olga (Hollywood gossip program)
Box   74
Folder   30
Box   74
Folder   31
Arlington Time Signals
Box   74
Folder   32
Armour and Company
Box   74
Folder   33
Arnold, Frank A. (public relations and radio consultant)
Box   74
Folder   34-35
Art for Your Sake
Box   74
Folder   36
Artist Service of Pennsylvania
Box   74
Folder   37
Associated Press
Box   74
Folder   38
Associated Willke Clubs
Box   74
Folder   39
Association of Foreign Press Correspondents
Box   74
Folder   40
Association of Motion Picture Producers
Box   74
Folder   41
Association of National Advertisers
Box   74
Folder   42
Atherton and Currier Advertising
Box   74
Folder   43
Atlanta Journal
Box   74
Folder   44
Atlanta Journal School of the Air
Box   74
Folder   45
Atlantic Monthly
Box   74
Folder   46
Aubrey, Moore, and Wallace
Box   74
Folder   47
Australian Broadcasting Commission
Box   74
Folder   48
Automobile Races
Box   74
Folder   49
Axton-Fisher Tobacco Company
Box   74
Folder   50
Aylesworth, Merlin H.
Box   74
Folder   51-54
Box   74
Folder   55
Babbitt, B. T. Inc.
Box   74
Folder   56
Bank of America
Box   74
Folder   57
Banning, Margaret Culkin
Box   74
Folder   58
Barton, Bruce
Box   74
Folder   59
Basch Radio Productions
Box   74
Folder   60
Baseball-World Series
Box   74
Folder   61
Bate, Fred
Box   74
Folder   62
Baton, Barton, Durstine, and Osborn
Box   74
Folder   63
Bay, Walter C. (RCA representative in Central America)
Box   74
Folder   64
Bayer Company
Box   74
Folder   65
Bayuk Cigars Inc.
Box   74
Folder   66
Beech Nut Packing Company
Box   74
Folder   67
Behind the Mike
Box   74
Folder   68
Box   74
Folder   69
Bell Syndicate Inc.
Box   74
Folder   70
Benny, Jack
Box   74
Folder   71
Benton and Bowles
Box   74
Folder   72
Bernays, Edward
Box   74
Folder   73
Better Speech Institute of America
Box   74
Folder   74
Bigelow, Herbert (old age pensions)
Box   74
Folder   75
Box   74
Folder   76
Birth Control Federation of America
Box   74
Folder   77
Bishop and the Gargoyle
Box   74
Folder   78
Blackett, Sample, Hummert Advertising
Box   74
Folder   79
Blue Network
Box   74
Folder   80
Board of War Communications
Box   74
Folder   81
Borden Farm Products Inc.
Box   74
Folder   82
Boston Chamber of Commerce
Box   74
Folder   83
Boston Symphony Orchestra
Box   74
Folder   84
Box   74
Folder   85
Boyd, Ernest (international broadcasting)
Box   74
Folder   86
Box   74
Folder   87
Breakfast Club
Box   74
Folder   88
Breckinridge, Ann (criticism of NBC daytime programming)
Box   74
Folder   89
Bright Idea Club
Box   74
Folder   90
Box   74
Folder   91
British Broadcasting Corporation
Box   74
Folder   92
British War Relief Society
Broadcast Music Inc.
Box   74
Folder   93-96
Box   75
Folder   1
Tommy Dorsey Contest
Box   75
Folder   2-6
Thomas Belviso file
Box   75
Folder   7
Frank Mullen file (case against ASCAP)
Box   75
Folder   8
Broadcasting Publications
Box   75
Folder   9
Browder, Earl
Box   75
Folder   10
Brown and Williamson Tobacco Company
Micro 764
Reel   2
Oversize material
U.S. Mss 17AF
Box   75
Folder   11
Buckly, Floyd, vs. NBC (regarding Beat the Band)
Box   75
Folder   12
Bulova Watch Company
Box   75
Folder   13
Bundles for Britain
Box   75
Folder   14
Byrd expedition
Box   75
Folder   15-23
Box   75
Folder   24
Caldwell, Orestes H.
Box   75
Folder   25
California Fruit Growers Exchange
Box   75
Folder   26
California, University of
Box   75
Folder   27
Campfire Girls
Box   75
Folder   28
Campana Sales Company
Box   75
Folder   29
Campbell-Ewald Advertising
Box   75
Folder   30
Campbell Soup Company
Box   75
Folder   31
Box   75
Folder   32
Canada Dry Ginger Ale (Information Please)
Box   75
Folder   33-34
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Box   75
Folder   35
Canadian Marconi Company
Box   75
Folder   36
Canadian Railways Association
Box   75
Folder   37
Carnation Company
Box   75
Folder   38
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Box   75
Folder   39
Carruthers, Dr. John (regarding Willke-FDR broadcast)
Box   75
Folder   40
Catholic Hour
Box   75
Folder   41
Cavalcade of America
Box   75
Folder   42
Cecil and Presbrey Advertising
Box   75
Folder   43
Celler, Rep. Emanuel
Box   75
Folder   44
Century Association
Box   75
Folder   45
Chamber Music Society of Lower Basin Street
Box   75
Folder   46
Chamberlain Sales Corporation
Box   75
Folder   47
Chandler, Julia (Empire State Observatories)
Box   75
Folder   48
Chase, Frank (regarding program scripts)
Box   75
Folder   49
Chase National Bank
Box   75
Folder   50
Box   75
Folder   51
Chemicals Inc.
Box   75
Folder   52
Box   75
Folder   53
Chicago Community Fund
Box   75
Folder   54
Chicago Conference (NBC directors public service and educational programs)
Box   75
Folder   55
Chicago Daily News
Box   75
Folder   56
Chicago Motor Club
Box   75
Folder   57
Chicago, University of
Box   75
Folder   58
Chiesa, Vivian Della
Box   75
Folder   59
Child Study Association of America
Box   75
Folder   60
Child Evacuees to United States
Box   75
Folder   61
Children's Hour
Box   75
Folder   63
Box   75
Folder   64
China essay contest
Box   75
Folder   65
Christian Science Committee on Publications
Box   75
Folder   66
Christian Science Monitor
Box   75
Folder   67
Christmas program
Box   75
Folder   68
Chrysler Corporation
Box   75
Folder   69
Cities Service
Box   75
Folder   70
Citizenship Educational Service Inc.
Box   75
Folder   71
Civic Concert Service
Box   75
Folder   72
Clapp, Harold Inc.
Box   75
Folder   73
Clark, Evans (regarding Latin American music broadcasts)
Box   75
Folder   74
Cleveland Plain Dealer
Box   75
Folder   75
Cobb, Mabel
Box   75
Folder   76
Coca Cola
Box   75
Folder   77
Box   75
Folder   78
Collier, P. F., and Son
Box   75
Folder   79
Colonial Williamsburg
Box   75
Folder   80-81
Columbia Broadcasting System
Box   75
Folder   82
Columbia Music Festival
Box   75
Folder   83
Columbia University
Box   75
Folder   84
Columbia University Press
Box   75
Folder   85
Commonwealth Club
Communist Party
Box   75
Folder   86-87
Box   75
Folder   88
Box   76
Folder   1
Compton Advertising
Box   76
Folder   2
Conference on Inter-American Relations in the Field of Music
Box   76
Folder   3
Conference on Radio and Education
Box   76
Folder   4
Conference on Radio and Motion Pictures
Box   76
Folder   5
Conference on Science, Philosophy, and Religion
Box   76
Folder   6
Congregational Church Council
Box   76
Folder   7
Conley, Eugene (YMCA)
Box   76
Folder   8
Consolidated Edison
Box   76
Folder   9
Consolidated Radio Artists
Box   76
Folder   10
Consolidated Royal Chemical Company
Box   76
Folder   11
Consumer Movement
Box   76
Folder   12
Cook, Burr C. (script writer)
Box   76
Folder   13
Cooper, Wyllis
Box   76
Folder   14
Cooperative Analysis of Broadcasting
Box   76
Folder   15
Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs
Box   76
Folder   16
Copyright Act of 1940
Box   76
Folder   17
Coughlin, Father Charles E.
Box   76
Folder   18
Council Against Intolerance in America
Box   76
Folder   19
Council for Democracy
Box   76
Folder   20
Council on National Defense
Box   76
Folder   21
Cox, James
Box   76
Folder   22
Cracraft Electronic Orchestra
Box   76
Folder   23
Crane, Vernon (regarding children's programs)
Box   76
Folder   24
Crawford, Jesse (musician)
Box   76
Folder   25
Crockett, Albert S.
Box   76
Folder   26
Crosby, Bing
Box   76
Folder   27
Box   76
Folder   28
Crowell-Collier Publishing Company
Box   76
Folder   29
Crown Drug Company
Box   76
Folder   30
Crumit, Frank (ASCAP writer)
Box   76
Folder   31
Box   76
Folder   32
Culbertson, Ely (program proposals)
Box   76
Folder   33
Cummer Products
Box   76
Folder   34
Cummings, Florence (script writer)
Box   76
Folder   35
Curtain Calls of 1939
Box   76
Folder   36-40
Box   76
Folder   41
Dallas Morning News
Box   76
Folder   42
Damrosch, Walter
Box   76
Folder   43
D'Arcy, William C. (trip to South America)
Box   76
Folder   44
Dawes, Charles C.
Box   76
Folder   45
DeChambrun, Rene (writer)
Box   76
Folder   46
Defense Communications Board
Box   76
Folder   47
D. L. & W. Coal Company
Box   76
Folder   48
Del Box, Tito Martinez (regarding Latin America)
Democratic Convention
Box   76
Folder   49
Box   76
Folder   50
Engineering Department
Box   76
Folder   51
Democratic National Committee
Box   76
Folder   52
Democratic Party (Frank Mason file)
Box   76
Folder   53
Democratic State Committees
Box   76
Folder   54
Democrats for Willkie
Box   76
Folder   55
Dempsey, Jack
Box   76
Folder   56
Dennis, Clark (singer)
Box   76
Folder   57
Dental Information Bureau
Box   76
Folder   58
Des Moines Register and Tribune
Box   76
Folder   59
Dewey, Thomas
Box   76
Folder   60
Dies, Martin
Box   76
Folder   61
Dispecker, Thea (regarding children's programs)
Box   76
Folder   62
Dorsey, Tommy
Box   76
Folder   63
Dowd, Merle E. (program idea)
Box   76
Folder   64
Dreicer, Maurice
Box   76
Folder   65
Dubrowin, Raphael (script writer)
Box   76
Folder   66
Dunn, Gano (NBC Board of Directors)
Box   76
Folder   67-68
Box   76
Folder   69-73
Box   76
Folder   74
East, Ed (regarding Name It and Take It)
Box   76
Folder   75
Election Returns
Box   76
Folder   76
Electricity and Defense
Box   76
Folder   77
Ellis, Sherman K., and Company
Box   76
Folder   78
Elliston, H. B. (Christian Science Monitor)
Box   76
Folder   79
Elwood, John
Box   76
Folder   80
Empressa Editorial Haynes, Ltd.
Box   76
Folder   81
Box   76
Folder   82
Ernst, Morris
Box   76
Folder   83
Erwin, Wassey Advertising
Box   76
Folder   84
Etler, Eugene (script writer)
Box   76
Folder   85
European War
Micro 764
Reel   2
Oversize material
U.S. Mss 17AF
Box   76
Folder   86
Evaluation of School Broadcasts
Box   76
Folder   87
Box   76
Folder   88
Farley, James A.
Federal Communications Commission
Box   76
Folder   89-90
Monopoly Hearings
Box   76
Folder   91
Box   77
Folder   1
Box   77
Folder   2
Federal Council of Churches
Box   77
Folder   3
Federal Radio Education Committee
Federal Security Agency
Box   77
Folder   4
Box   77
Folder   5
National Youth Administration
Box   77
Folder   6
Federal Union Inc.
Box   77
Folder   7
Federal Works Agency (WPA)
Box   77
Folder   8
Fidler, Jimmie (regarding libel suit)
Box   77
Folder   9
Fine Arts Program
Box   77
Folder   10
Firestone Tire and Rubber Company
Box   77
Folder   11
Flagstad, Kirsten
Box   77
Folder   12
Food and Beverage Broadcasters Association
Box   77
Folder   13
Box   77
Folder   14
Army-Navy Game
Box   77
Folder   15
Phillips Carlin File
Box   77
Folder   16
Rose Bowl
Box   77
Folder   17
Sugar Bowl
Box   77
Folder   18
Foreign Policy Association
Box   77
Folder   19
Micro 764
Reel   2
Oversize material
U.S. Mss 17AF
Box   77
Folder   20
Franklin, Jay - Mark Sullivan
Box   77
Folder   21
Friedrich, Carl J. (Harvard School of Public Administration)
Box   77
Folder   22-23
Box   77
Folder   24
Gallant American Women
Micro 764
Reel   2
Oversize material
U.S. Mss 17AF
Box   77
Folder   25
Gene and Glenn
Box   77
Folder   26
General Federation of Women's Clubs
Box   77
Folder   27
General Foods
Box   77
Folder   28-29
General Mills
Box   77
Folder   30
General Motors
Box   77
Folder   31
Box   77
Folder   32
Gillette Safety Razor Company
Box   77
Folder   33
Golden, John
Box   77
Folder   34
Golenpaul, Daniel, Associates
Box   77
Folder   35
Goodwill Hour
Box   77
Folder   36
Governors' Conference
Box   77
Folder   37
Graf Spee
Box   77
Folder   38
Great Plays
Box   77
Folder   39
Greater New York Fund
Box   77
Folder   40
Green Hornet
Box   77
Folder   41
Greyhound Lines
Box   77
Folder   42
Grombach, Jean V., Productions
Box   77
Folder   43
Grossman Shoes
Box   77
Folder   44
Grove Laboratories
Box   77
Folder   45
Box   77
Folder   46
Harvard University
Box   77
Folder   47
Healthaids Inc.
Box   77
Folder   48
Hecker Products Corporation
Box   77
Folder   49
Hiett, Helen
Box   77
Folder   50
Holland, Charles (tenor)
Box   77
Folder   51
Hoover, Herbert
Micro 764
Reel   2
Oversize material
U.S. Mss 17AF
Box   77
Folder   52
Hope, Bob
Box   77
Folder   53
Hormel, George A., and Company
Box   77
Folder   54
Horn and Hardart Children's Hour
Micro 764
Reel   2
Oversize material
U.S. Mss 17AF
Box   77
Folder   55
Horse Racing
Box   77
Folder   56
How Do You Know? (Field Museum Series)
Box   77
Folder   57
Howard, William K. (director, Warner Brothers)
Box   77
Folder   58
Hull, Cordell
Box   77
Folder   59
Human Adventure (CBS)
Box   77
Folder   60
Huth, Dr. Arnold (regarding educational broadcasting)
Box   77
Folder   61-62
Box   77
Folder   63
Box   77
Folder   64
Independent Radio Network Affiliates
Box   77
Folder   65
Institute for Consumer Education
Box   77
Folder   66
Institute for Education by Radio
Box   77
Folder   67
Institute of Life Insurance Companies
Box   77
Folder   68
Institute of Oral and Visual Education
Box   77
Folder   69
Inter-American Escadrille
Box   77
Folder   70
Inter-American de Propaganda
Box   77
Folder   71
Intercollegiate Broadcasting System
Box   77
Folder   72
International Broadcasting Union
Box   77
Folder   73
International News Service
Box   77
Folder   74
Interstate Commerce Commission
Box   77
Folder   75
Ionized Yeast Company Inc.
Box   77
Folder   76
It Looks From Here
Box   77
Folder   77
Box   77
Folder   78
Jamison, Anne (singer)
Box   77
Folder   79
Jergens Company
Box   78
Folder   1
Johnson, Arnold (orchestra leader)
Box   78
Folder   2
Johnson Floor Wax Inc. (regarding Fibber McGee and Molly)
Box   78
Folder   3
Jones, Winfield
Box   78
Folder   4
Jordan, Max (regarding Warren Irwin)
Box   78
Folder   5
Junior Musicians of America
Box   78
Folder   6
Box   78
Folder   7
Kahn, Benjamin
Box   78
Folder   8
Kaltenborn, Hans V.
Box   78
Folder   9
Kaufman and Hart
Box   78
Folder   10
Kelberine, Alexander (pianist)
Box   78
Folder   11
Kennedy, John B.
Box   78
Folder   12
Kentucky Colonels
Box   78
Folder   13
King, Fain White
Box   78
Folder   14
Knapp-Monarch Company
Box   78
Folder   15
Kraft Cheese
Box   78
Folder   16
Box   78
Folder   17
Lamour, Dorothy
Box   78
Folder   18
Langendorf United Bakeries Inc.
Box   78
Folder   19
Langlois and Wentworth
Box   78
Folder   20
Latin America
Box   78
Folder   21
Latin American Military Mission
Box   78
Folder   22
Lawrence, Gertrude
Box   78
Folder   23
Lee, Raymond (regarding Dies Committee)
Box   78
Folder   24
Leinsdorf, Erich
Box   78
Folder   25
Lewis, Dorothy
Box   78
Folder   26
Lewis, Eugenia H.
Box   78
Folder   27-28
Lewis-Howe Company
Box   78
Folder   29
Liggett and Myers Tobacco Company
Box   78
Folder   30
Lincoln, Abraham (proposed program)
Box   78
Folder   31
Listen America
Box   78
Folder   32
Lockheed Aircraft Company
Box   78
Folder   33
Lomo, Alfonso
Box   78
Folder   34
Lord and Thomas
Box   78
Folder   35
Lorillard Company
Box   78
Folder   36
Lunford, Nola
Box   78
Folder   37
Luz, Arsenio N.
Box   78
Folder   38-39
Box   78
Folder   40
Manship, Charles P. (Baton Rouge, State Times - Morning Advocate)
Box   78
Folder   41
Marine Journal
Box   78
Folder   42
Marriage Club
Box   78
Folder   43
Mars Inc.
Box   78
Folder   44
McClatchy Broadcasting Company
Box   78
Folder   45
Mero-Irion, Yolando
Box   78
Folder   46
Merritt, Allen
Metropolitan Opera
Box   78
Folder   47
Box   78
Folder   48
Box   78
Folder   49
Metropolitan Opera Association
Box   78
Folder   50
Micro 764
Reel   2
Oversize material
U.S. Mss 17AF
Box   78
Folder   51
Box   78
Folder   52
Librettos, summaries
Box   78
Folder   53
Metropolitan Opera Guild
Box   78
Folder   54
Mickey, Harold (orchestra leader)
Box   78
Folder   55
Miles Laboratories
Box   78
Folder   56
Moral Re-armament
Box   78
Folder   57
Morris, Philip, and Company
Box   78
Folder   58
Moseley, Sydney
Box   78
Folder   59
Movie and Radio Guide
Box   78
Folder   60
Museum of Modern Art
Box   78
Folder   61
Museum Educators National Conference
Box   78
Folder   62
Music Publishers' Protective Association
Box   78
Folder   63
Mutual Broadcasting System
Box   78
Folder   64-65
Box   78
Folder   66
Nally, Edward J. (RCA)
Box   78
Folder   67
Nash-Kelvinator Corporation
Box   78
Folder   68
National Archives
Box   78
Folder   69-70
National Art Society
National Association of Broadcasters
Box   78
Folder   71
Box   78
Folder   72
National Association of Manufacturers
Box   78
Folder   73
Box   78
Folder   74
Public Information Program
Box   78
Folder   75
National Better Business Bureau
Box   78
Folder   76
National Committee for Religious Recovery
Box   78
Folder   77
National Committee to Uphold Constitutional Government
Box   78
Folder   78
National Conference of Christians and Jews
Box   79
Folder   1
National Defense
National Farm and Home Hour
Box   79
Folder   2
Box   79
Folder   3
Annual Report
Box   79
Folder   4
National Geographic Society
Box   79
Folder   5
National Music Council
Box   79
Folder   6-7
National Music Week
Box   79
Folder   8
National Research Council
Box   79
Folder   9
Nelson, Andrew W.
Box   79
Folder   10
Nelson, Reverend Frank
Box   79
Folder   11-12
New Orleans Conference
Box   79
Folder   13
New Orleans Mid-Winter Sports Association
Box   79
Folder   14
New York Academy of Medicine
Box   79
Folder   15
New York Herald-Tribune
Box   79
Folder   16
New York Life Insurance Company
Box   79
Folder   17
New York Medical Society
Box   79
Folder   18
New York Times
Micro 764
Reel   2
Oversize material
U.S. Mss 17AF
Box   79
Folder   19
New York University
Box   79
Folder   20
New York World's Fair , (1939)
Micro 764
Reel   2
Oversize material
U.S. Mss 17AF
Box   79
Folder   21
News in the Air (program suggestion)
Box   79
Folder   22
Newton, E. Swift
Box   79
Folder   23
Next Step Forward (20th Century Fund)
Box   79
Folder   24
Nielsen, A. C., Company
Box   79
Folder   25
Nobody's Children
Box   79
Folder   26
North American Newspaper Alliance
Box   79
Folder   27
Box   79
Folder   28
Notre Dame University
Box   79
Folder   29
Novotna, Jarmila
Box   79
Folder   30-31
Box   79
Folder   32
Oberlin College
Box   79
Folder   33
Oboler, Arch
Box   79
Folder   34
O'Brien, Howard Vincent
Box   79
Folder   35
Ockenga, Rev. Harold J.
Box   79
Folder   36
Oldis, Robert (program transcripts for schools)
Box   79
Folder   37
On Your Job
Box   79
Folder   38
One Man's Family
Box   79
Folder   39
“Our New Illiterate Class” (article)
Box   79
Folder   40
Overseas Press Club
Box   79
Folder   41
Box   79
Folder   42
Box   79
Folder   43
Pacific Coast University Broadcasting
Box   79
Folder   44
Pageant of States and Provinces
Box   79
Folder   45
Pan American Airways
Box   79
Folder   46
Pan American Conference
Box   79
Folder   47
Pan American Union
Box   79
Folder   48
Box   79
Folder   49
Pearson, Drew, and Robert Allen
Box   79
Folder   50
Pedlar and Ryan
Box   79
Folder   51
Pepsi Cola Company
Box   79
Folder   52
Box   79
Folder   53
Phelps, Arthur L. (University of Manitoba)
Box   79
Folder   54
Phi Beta National Professional Fraternity of Music and Speech
Box   79
Folder   55
Phi Beta Kappa
Box   79
Folder   56
Pilgrimage of Poetry
Box   79
Folder   57
Poe, Edgar Allen
Political Broadcasts
Box   79
Folder   58-59
Box   79
Folder   60
Micro 764
Reel   2
Oversize material
U.S. Mss 17AF
Box   79
Folder   61
Runovers and Cancellations
Micro 764
Reel   2
Political Sales Report: Oversize material
U.S. Mss 17AF
Box   79
Folder   62
Prayers for Great Britain and All Civilization
Box   79
Folder   63-64
Procter and Gamble
Box   79
Folder   65
Prohibition National Committee
Box   79
Folder   66
Public Affairs Committee (NBC)
Micro 764
Reel   2
Oversize material
U.S. Mss 17AF
Box   79
Folder   67
Pure Oil
Box   79
Folder   68-69
Box   79
Folder   70
Quaker Oats Company
Box   79
Folder   71
Box   79
Folder   72
Rachmaninoff, Sergei
Box   79
Folder   73
Radio Advisory Committee
Box   79
Folder   74
Radio Brasiliera
Box   79
Folder   75
Radio City Music Hall
Radio Corporation of America (RCA)
Box   79
Folder   76
Box   80
Folder   1
Music You Want (RCA program)
Box   80
Folder   2
Victor Division
Box   80
Folder   3
Victor, Argentina
Box   80
Folder   4
Radio Council on Children's Programs
Box   80
Folder   5
Radio Listeners of America
Box   80
Folder   6
Radio News
Box   80
Folder   7
Radio Parade
Box   80
Folder   8
Radio Splendid (Argentina)
Box   80
Folder   9
Radio's Twentieth Anniversary
Box   80
Folder   10
Ralston-Purina Company
Box   80
Folder   11
Ramparts We Watch
Box   80
Folder   12
Reader's Digest
Box   80
Folder   13
Remington Rand
Republican National Committee
Box   80
Folder   14-15
Box   80
Folder   16
Frank Mason file
Box   80
Folder   17
Republican State Committees
Box   80
Folder   18
Republican National Convention
Box   80
Folder   19
Revell, Nellie
Box   80
Folder   20
Reynolds Tobacco Company
Box   80
Folder   21
Rhythm on the River (motion picture)
Box   80
Folder   22
Rialto-Music Publishing Corporation
Box   80
Folder   23
Rich, Raymond, Associates
Box   80
Folder   24
Rittenberg, Louis
Box   80
Folder   25
Robinson, Monroe (Latin American programs)
Box   80
Folder   26
Rockefeller Center Inc.
Box   80
Folder   27
Rocky Mountain Radio Council
Box   80
Folder   28
Romero, Paulino (Argentina)
Box   80
Folder   29
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Box   80
Folder   30
Rosenblum, David (New York Post)
Box   80
Folder   31
Ruthraff and Ryan
Box   80
Folder   32-36
Box   80
Folder   37
Saerchinger, Cesar
Box   80
Folder   38
San Francisco Exposition
Box   80
Folder   39
Sandburg, Carl
Box   80
Folder   40
Saturday Review of Literature
Box   80
Folder   41
Schick Injector Razor
Box   80
Folder   42
Scull, William S., Company
Micro 764
Reel   2
Oversize material
U.S. Mss 17AF
Box   80
Folder   43
Box   80
Folder   44
Secondary Education Board (Milton, Massachusetts)
Box   80
Folder   45
Service with the Colors
Box   80
Folder   46
Shaeffer Pen Company
Box   80
Folder   47
Shafer, Kermit (sports program idea)
Box   80
Folder   48
Shapiro, William J.
Box   80
Folder   49
Sherman, Arthur Philip
Box   80
Folder   50
Shouse, James (WLW)
Box   80
Folder   51
Singer, Julius (suit against NBC)
Box   80
Folder   52
Smith, Carleton Sprague (regarding Latin America)
Box   80
Folder   53
Socialist Party
Box   80
Folder   54
Society of American Magicians
Box   80
Folder   55
Society of European Stage Authors and Composers
Box   80
Folder   56
Socony Vacuum
Box   80
Folder   57
Song of Your Life
Box   80
Folder   58
Specht, Paul (band leader)
Box   80
Folder   59
Spellman, Rev. Francis
Box   80
Folder   60
Sper, Norman (regarding football)
Box   80
Folder   61
Sperry Flour Company
Box   80
Folder   62
Spin and Win with Jimmy Flynn
Box   80
Folder   63
Spiritual Issues of the War
Box   80
Folder   64
Sprague, Stuart (lawyer)
Box   80
Folder   65
Squibb, E. R. and Sons, Company
Box   80
Folder   66
Stack-Globe Advertising
Box   80
Folder   67
Stanco Inc.
Box   80
Folder   68
Standard Brands Inc.
Box   80
Folder   69
Standard Oil of California
Box   80
Folder   70
Standard Oil of New Jersey
Box   80
Folder   71
Star Spangled Banner (regarding NBC Chimes)
Box   80
Folder   72
Steiner, Aaron (program producer)
Box   80
Folder   73
Stern, Bill
Box   80
Folder   74
Stix, Thomas L.
Box   80
Folder   75
Stokowski, Leopold
Box   80
Folder   76
Stote, Amos (radio advertising)
Box   80
Folder   77
Strawbridge, Ruth
Box   80
Folder   78
Street and Smith Publications
Box   80
Folder   79
Summit Hotel vs. NBC
Box   80
Folder   80
Sun Oil Company
Box   80
Folder   81
Sutherland, Mitchell (writer)
Box   80
Folder   82
Swope, Herbert Bayard
Box   80
Folder   83-86
Box   80
Folder   87
Terris, Tom
Box   80
Folder   88
Texas Oil Company
Box   80
Folder   89
“There'll Always Be an England” (song)
Box   80
Folder   90
Thomas, Lowell
Box   80
Folder   91
Thomas, Norman
Box   80
Folder   92
Thompson, Dorothy
Box   80
Folder   93
Thompson, J. Walter
Box   80
Folder   94
Thompson, Lynne (script writer)
Box   80
Folder   95
Box   80
Folder   96
Time Inc.
Box   80
Folder   97
Timid Soul
Box   80
Folder   98
Toeplitz vs. NBC (regarding script)
Box   80
Folder   99
Tomlinson, Edward
Box   80
Folder   100
Tosconini, Arturo
Box   80
Folder   101
Town Hall Inc.
Box   80
Folder   102
Townsend Plan
Box   80
Folder   103
Trammell, Niles
Box   80
Folder   104
Transcontinental Broadcasting Company
Box   80
Folder   105
Box   80
Folder   106
Box   80
Folder   107
United Baking Company
Box   80
Folder   108
United Drug Company
Box   80
Folder   109
United Parents Association of New York
Box   80
Folder   110
United Press Associations
Box   80
Folder   111
United States Committee for the Care of European Children Inc.
United States
Box   80
Folder   112
Box   80
Folder   113
Box   80
Folder   114
Box   81
Folder   1
Box   81
Folder   2
Box   81
Folder   3
Box   81
Folder   4
Box   81
Folder   5
Office of Education
Box   81
Folder   6
University of Chicago Round Table
Box   81
Folder   7
Box   81
Folder   8
Vallee, Rudy
Box   81
Folder   9
Van Loon, Hendrik
Box   81
Folder   10
Box   81
Folder   11
Box   81
Folder   12
Venuta, Benay (mistress of ceremonies)
Box   81
Folder   13
Voeller, W. H. (regarding Latin America)
Box   81
Folder   14
Voils, Jessie (spot on Let's Talk It Over)
Box   81
Folder   15
Box   81
Folder   16
Wahl-Eversharp Company
Box   81
Folder   17
Walsh, Christy (sports)
Micro 764
Reel   2
Oversize material
U.S. Mss 17AF
Box   81
Folder   18
Box   81
Folder   19
Waring, Fred
Box   81
Folder   20
Warner Brothers
Box   81
Folder   21
Wayburn, Ned (producer)
Box   81
Folder   22
Westchester Racing Association
Box   81
Folder   23
Wetherbee, Wilson (advertising)
Box   81
Folder   24
Wheeler-Lea Bill
Box   81
Folder   25
Whiteman, Paul
Box   81
Folder   26
Wicher, Irene
Box   81
Folder   27
Williams, Albert N.
Box   81
Folder   28
Williams, Major A. (regarding American air power)
Box   81
Folder   29
Willkie, Wendall
Box   81
Folder   30
Wilson, Don
Box   81
Folder   31
Winchell, Walter
Box   81
Folder   32
Windsor, Duke and Duchess of
Box   81
Folder   33
Wings Over America
Box   81
Folder   34
Winner, Percy (INS)
Box   81
Folder   35
Wohl, Herman (Marsales' Philharmonic Orchestra)
Box   81
Folder   36
Women's National Radio Committee
Box   81
Folder   37
Woodford, Jack (writer)
Box   81
Folder   38
Worcester (Massachusetts) Telegram-The Evening Gazette
Box   81
Folder   39
Workers Education Bureau of America
Box   81
Folder   40
World Is Yours, The
Box   81
Folder   41-42
Box   81
Folder   43
Yankee Network
Box   81
Folder   44
Yesterday's Children
Box   81
Folder   45
Young and Rubicam
Box   81
Folder   46
Youth in the Toils (American Law Institute)
Box   81
Folder   47
Youth Questions the Headlines
Box   81
Folder   48
Box   81
Folder   49
Zenith Radio Corporation
Box   81
Folder   50