Dore Schary Papers, circa 1920-1980

Container Title
Box   65
Folder   75
ABCs of Radio
Box   65
Folder   76
Adam Hat Stores
Box   65
Folder   77
Affiliated Products
Box   65
Folder   78
Air Youth of America
Box   65
Folder   79
Albers Brothers Milling Company
Box   65
Folder   80
America Unlimited
Box   65
Folder   81
American Arbitration Association
Box   65
Folder   82
American Association for Adult Education
Box   65
Folder   83
American Association of Advertising Agencies
Box   65
Folder   84
American Civil Liberties Union
Box   65
Folder   85
American Education Forum
Box   65
Folder   86
American Institute for the Deaf-Blind
Box   65
Folder   87
American Legion
Box   66
Folder   1
American Library Association
Box   66
Folder   2
American Medical Association
Box   66
Folder   3
American Press Society
Box   66
Folder   4
American Red Cross
Box   66
Folder   5
American Rolling Mills Company
Box   66
Folder   6
American Tobacco Company
Box   66
Folder   7
American Union for Concerted Peace Efforts
Box   66
Folder   8
American Weekly
Box   66
Folder   9
Americans All, Immigrants All
America's Town Meeting of the Air
Box   66
Folder   10-11
Box   66
Folder   12
League for Political Education
Box   66
Folder   13
Amos 'n' Andy
Box   66
Folder   14
Andean Anthropological Expedition
Box   66
Folder   15
Anderson, Katherine (script writer)
Box   66
Folder   16
Anderson, Marian (Lincoln Memorial Concert)
Box   66
Folder   17
Andra (publisher, VISTA - periodical)
Box   66
Folder   18
Archer, Gleason
Box   66
Folder   19
Box   66
Folder   20
Arnold, Frank A.
Box   66
Folder   21
Arnold and Frese vs. NBC et al. (defamation suit)
Box   66
Folder   22
Art for Your Sake
Box   66
Folder   23
Associated Grocery Manufacturers of America
Box   66
Folder   24
Associated Oil Company
Box   66
Folder   25
Associated Press
Box   66
Folder   26
Association of National Advertisers
Box   66
Folder   27
Atlanta Journal School of the Air
Box   66
Folder   28
Audio-Scriptions (recording studio)
Box   66
Folder   29
Box   66
Folder   30-32
Box   66
Folder   33
Baldwin Piano Company (sales)
Box   66
Folder   34
Bank of America
Box   66
Folder   35
Box   66
Folder   36
Beaumont, Gerald (writer)
Box   66
Folder   37
Micro 764
Reel   2
Oversize material
U.S. Mss 17AF
Box   66
Folder   38
Bell Syndicate Inc.
Box   66
Folder   39
Belmont, Mrs. August (member, NBC Advisory Board)
Box   66
Folder   40
Belsey Company, George (regarding Ye Olde Eavesdropper)
Box   66
Folder   41
Bennington College
Box   66
Folder   42
Benton and Bowles
Box   66
Folder   43
Bernays, Edward L. (regarding “A Plan to Promote the Better Understanding of America...”)
Box   66
Folder   44
Between the Bookends
Box   66
Folder   45
Biow Advertising
Box   66
Folder   46
Blackett, Sample, Hummert
Box   66
Folder   47
Borden Company
Box   66
Folder   48
Box   66
Folder   49
Boy Scouts of America
Box   66
Folder   50
Boyd, Ernest (script writer)
Box   66
Folder   51
Bratter, Herbert M. (reports regarding Latin America)
Box   66
Folder   52
Box   66
Folder   53
Breakfast Club
Box   66
Folder   54
Brent (Bishop) Memorial Committee
Box   66
Folder   55
Box   66
Folder   56
British Broadcasting Corporation
Box   66
Folder   57
Broadcasting Publications
Box   66
Folder   58
Brown and Williamson Tobacco Company
Box   66
Folder   59
Bruno, Harry
Box   66
Folder   60
Bulova Watch Company
Box   66
Folder   61
Burry Biscuit Company (regarding “Pot of Silver” contest)
Box   66
Folder   62
Business Week
Box   66
Folder   63
Bylinton, Albert (Brazilian executive)
Box   66
Folder   64-66
Box   66
Folder   67
Cain, Noble (director, Chicago A. Capella Choir)
Box   66
Folder   68
California Fruit Growers Association (regarding laxative commercials)
Box   66
Folder   69
California, University of
Box   66
Folder   70
Campbell-Ewald Advertising
Box   66
Folder   71
Campbell Soup Company
Box   67
Folder   1
Box   67
Folder   2
Canada Dry Ginger Ale (Information Please)
Micro 764
Reel   2
Oversize material
U.S. Mss 17AF
Box   67
Folder   3
Canadian Broadcasting Company
Box   67
Folder   4
Carnation Company
Box   67
Folder   5
Carnegie Hall
Box   67
Folder   6
Carter Medicine Company
Box   67
Folder   7
Catholic Hour
Box   67
Folder   8
Calvalcade of Baseball
Box   67
Folder   9
Celler, Rep. Emanuel (Democrat, New York)
Box   67
Folder   10
Central Institute for the Deaf (anniversary)
Box   67
Folder   11
Chamberlain, Neville
Box   67
Folder   12
Chiang, Kai-shek
Box   67
Folder   13
Chicago Civic Opera
Box   67
Folder   14
Chicago Conference (Educational Directors' meeting)
Box   67
Folder   15
Chicago Conference Proceedings
Box   67
Folder   16
Chicago Daily News
Box   67
Folder   17
Chicago, University of
Box   67
Folder   18
Child Study Association of America
Box   67
Folder   19
Box   67
Folder   20
Christian Science Committee on Publications
Box   67
Folder   21
Christian Science Monitor
Box   67
Folder   22
Cincinnati, University of
Box   67
Folder   23
Cities Service
Box   67
Folder   24
Citizenship Celebration (“I Am An American” Day)
Box   67
Folder   25
Claire, Malcolm (“Uncle Mal”)
Box   67
Folder   26
Claney, Howard (war correspondent)
Box   67
Folder   27
Clarkson, Edward, and Associates (Today in American History)
Box   67
Folder   28
Cleveland Orchestra
Box   67
Folder   29
Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company
Box   67
Folder   30
Collier's Magazine
Box   67
Folder   31
Box   67
Folder   32-33
Columbia Broadcasting System
Micro 764
Reel   2
Oversize material
U.S. Mss 17AF
Box   67
Folder   34
Columbia University
Box   67
Folder   35
Committee on Scientific Aids to Learning
Box   67
Folder   36
Commonwealth Edison Company
Box   67
Folder   37
Compton Advertising
Box   67
Folder   38
Congress on Education for Democracy (Columbia University)
Box   67
Folder   39
Congressional Party (regarding visit to NBC)
Box   67
Folder   40
Conley, Eugene (NBC staff artist)
Box   67
Folder   41
Conry, Joseph (regarding program criticism)
Micro 764
Reel   2
Oversize material
U.S. Mss 17AF
Box   67
Folder   42
Consolidated Radio Artists
Box   67
Folder   43
Cooke, Alistair
Box   67
Folder   44
Cooper, Wyllis (NBC vs. Cooper)
Box   67
Folder   45
Cooperative Analysis of Broadcasting
Box   67
Folder   46
Coughlin, Father Charles E.
Box   67
Folder   47
Council Against Intolerance in America
Box   67
Folder   48
Crosley Distributing Corporation (radio commercials)
Box   67
Folder   49
Crusade for Christian Education
Box   67
Folder   50
Box   67
Folder   51
Cummer Products Corporation
Box   67
Folder   52-55
Box   67
Folder   56
D. & H. Coal Company
Box   67
Folder   57
Dallas Morning News (Hudson Coal Company contest)
Box   67
Folder   58
D'Almeida, Armando (Brazilian Press Association)
Box   67
Folder   59
Damrosch, Walter
Box   67
Folder   60
Davis and Schweigler (Tax Free Music Library)
Box   67
Folder   61
Dawes, Charles G.
Box   67
Folder   62
Day, Helen (script writer)
Box   67
Folder   63
De Forrest Training School
Box   67
Folder   64
Della Chiesa, Vivian
Box   67
Folder   65
De Valera, Eamon
Box   67
Folder   66
Dewey, Thomas E.
Box   67
Folder   67
Diamant-Berger, Henri (regarding French delegation)
Box   67
Folder   68
Dickson, Donald (musician)
Box   67
Folder   69
Disney, Walt
Box   67
Folder   70
Doc Rockwell's Braintrust
Box   67
Folder   71
Dr. Hess and Clark Company (Over the Barnyard Gate)
Box   67
Folder   72
Dr. Sunshine's Cherry Thoughts (KOKA)
Box   67
Folder   73
Dominican Republic
Box   67
Folder   74
Don Winslow of the Navy
Box   67
Folder   75
Don't Forget (regarding contest rules)
Box   67
Folder   76
Dorfmann, Anja (concert pianist)
Box   67
Folder   77
Downes, Olin (regarding music lectures)
Box   67
Folder   78
Duke University
Box   67
Folder   79
Dunn, Bert (Don Glendon's Press Box)
Box   67
Folder   80
Dunn and McCarthy Inc. (sponsor, Etta Jettick Melodies)
Box   67
Folder   81
DuPont (Cavalcade of America)
Box   67
Folder   82
Durstine, Roy S.
Box   67
Folder   83
DuVal County, Florida, Board of Public Instruction (Jacksonville School of the Air)
Box   67
Folder   84-85
Box   68
Folder   1
EIAR (Italian broadcasting)
Box   68
Folder   2
Eastman School of Music
Box   68
Folder   3
Eckstein, Henry J. (regarding American Civil Liberties Union)
Box   68
Folder   4
Edison Electric Institute (regarding status of television)
Box   68
Folder   5
Edwards, Gus (song writer)
Box   68
Folder   6
Educational Programs
Box   68
Folder   7
Electronic Orchestra
Box   68
Folder   8
Empire State Town Meeting (WGY)
Box   68
Folder   9
Box   68
Folder   10
Royal Visit
Box   68
Folder   11
Erskine, Laurie York (regarding Renfrew script)
Box   68
Folder   12
Estes, Charles T. (Commissioner of Conciliation, Department of Labor)
Box   68
Folder   13
European War Broadcasts
Box   68
Folder   14
Evaluation of School Broadcasts (Ohio State University)
Box   68
Folder   15
Box   68
Folder   16
Fairway Yacht Club (regarding NBC memberships)
Box   68
Folder   17
The Family Man
Box   68
Folder   18
Farrar, Geraldine
Box   68
Folder   19
Federal Advertising Agency
Federal Communications Commission
Box   68
Folder   20
Box   68
Folder   21
Clear Channel Group
Box   68
Folder   22
International Rules and Regulations, Short Wave Hearing
Box   68
Folder   23
Monopoly Hearings
Micro 764
Reel   2
Oversize material
U.S. Mss 17AF
Box   68
Folder   24
Radio Education Committee
Box   68
Folder   25
Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America
Box   68
Folder   26
Federal Security Agency
Micro 764
Reel   2
Oversize material
U.S. Mss 17AF
Box   68
Folder   27
Fels Company
Box   68
Folder   28
Fendrich, H. Inc. (regarding program contract)
Box   68
Folder   29
Fidler, Jimmy
Box   68
Folder   30
Box   68
Folder   31
Finnish Relief Fund
Box   68
Folder   32
Firestone Tire and Rubber Company (regarding Voice of Firestone)
Box   68
Folder   33
Flagstad, Kirsten
Box   68
Folder   34
Folsom, John (announcer, WJNO)
Box   68
Folder   35
Food and Beverage Broadcasters Association (I Want a Divorce)
Box   68
Folder   36
Box   68
Folder   37
Christy Walsh, All America Board of Football
Box   68
Folder   38
Ford Motor Company
Box   68
Folder   39
Foreign Policy Association
Box   68
Folder   40
Box   68
Folder   41
Box   68
Folder   42
Paris Series
Box   68
Folder   43
Frank, Josette (Child Study Association of America)
Box   68
Folder   44
Franklin Institute
Box   68
Folder   45
Franklin, Jay, and Mark Sullivan
Box   68
Folder   46
Freedom - The Living Condition
Box   68
Folder   47
Box   68
Folder   48
Gallant American Women
Box   68
Folder   49
Gannett, Frank
Box   68
Folder   50
Gene and Glenn
Box   68
Folder   51
General Federation of Women's Clubs
Box   68
Folder   52
General Foods Corporation
Box   68
Folder   53-54
General Mills
Box   68
Folder   55
General Motors
Box   68
Folder   56
George Washington University
Box   69
Folder   1
Box   69
Folder   2
Adolf Hitler Broadcasts
Box   69
Folder   3
Kurt Sell
Box   69
Folder   4
Get Ready for Tomorrow
Box   69
Folder   5
Gibbons, Floyd
Box   69
Folder   6
Gibson, Hugh
Box   69
Folder   7
Gillette Razor Company
Box   69
Folder   8
Golden, John (theatrical agent)
Box   69
Folder   9
Goldsmith, Dr. Alfred N. (regarding articles on television)
Box   69
Folder   10
Goltermann, Guy (regarding St. Louis Grand Opera)
Box   69
Folder   11
Gone with the Wind (regarding Atlanta premiere)
Box   69
Folder   12
Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company
Box   69
Folder   13
Gordon Baking Company
Box   69
Folder   14
Gordon, Dorothy (NBC consultant on children's programs)
Box   69
Folder   15
Governor Dummer Academy Glee Club
Box   69
Folder   16
Graf Spree
Box   69
Folder   17
Grauer, Ben
Box   69
Folder   18
Gray, Madeline (copyright infringement claim)
Box   69
Folder   19
Great Plays
Box   69
Folder   20
Greater New York Fund
Box   69
Folder   21
Green Hornet
Box   69
Folder   22
Griffin Manufacturing Company
Box   69
Folder   23
Grombach, Jean V., Productions
Box   69
Folder   24
Grove Laboratories
Box   69
Folder   25
Box   69
Folder   26-27
Box   69
Folder   28
Hall Brothers
Box   69
Folder   29
Harris, John
Box   69
Folder   30
Harvard University
Box   69
Folder   31
Hearst Newspapers
Box   69
Folder   32
Hindenburg Disaster
Box   69
Folder   33
Hires Root Beer
Box   69
Folder   34
Hodges, Charles
Box   69
Folder   35
Box   69
Folder   36
Hollywood Reporter
Box   69
Folder   37
Hoover, Herbert
Box   69
Folder   38
Hope, Bob
Box   69
Folder   39
Hopper, Hedda
Box   69
Folder   40
Horse and Buggy Days
Box   69
Folder   41
Hughes, Rush
Box   69
Folder   42-44
Box   69
Folder   45
Ideas That Came True
Box   69
Folder   46
If Money Talked
Box   69
Folder   47
Igy, Pia
Box   69
Folder   48
Independent Citizens Council
Box   69
Folder   49
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Box   69
Folder   50
Independent Radio Network Affiliates
Box   69
Folder   51
Indiana University
Box   69
Folder   52
Infantile Paralysis
Box   69
Folder   53
Inside Story
Box   69
Folder   54
Institute for Education by Radio
Box   69
Folder   55
Institute of Radio Engineers
Box   69
Folder   56
Inter-American Escadrille
Box   69
Folder   57
Inter-American Relations Conference
Box   69
Folder   58
Inter-Democracy Federal Unionists
Box   69
Folder   59
International Association of Electrical Leagues
Box   69
Folder   60
International Broadcasting Company
Box   69
Folder   61
International Broadcasting Union
Box   69
Folder   62
International Conference of American States
Box   69
Folder   63
Box   69
Folder   64
Box   69
Folder   65
Box   69
Folder   66
Jackson, Joseph Henry
Box   69
Folder   67
Jansky and Baily
Box   69
Folder   68
Janssen, Werner
Box   69
Folder   69
Box   69
Folder   70
Jergens-Woodbury Sales Corporation
Box   69
Folder   71
Johnson, S. C., and Son Inc.
Box   69
Folder   72
Joint Committee on Radio Research
Box   69
Folder   73
Judell, Maxson F.
Box   69
Folder   74
Box   69
Folder   75
Kaltenborn, H. V.
Box   69
Folder   76
Kehoe, Louis I.
Box   69
Folder   77
Keller, Helen
Box   69
Folder   78
Kellogg Company
Box   69
Folder   79
Kennedy, John B.
Box   69
Folder   80
Kirk, Louisa Nevins
Box   69
Folder   81
Klein, Howard
Box   69
Folder   82
Knox, Frank
Box   69
Folder   83
Knox Gelatin Company
Box   69
Folder   84
Knox Reeves Advertising
Box   69
Folder   85
Kohn, Hans
Box   69
Folder   86
Kolynos Company
Box   69
Folder   87
Kraft-Phenix Cheese Corporation
Box   69
Folder   88
Box   70
Folder   1
Ladies Home Journal
Box   70
Folder   2
Lady Esther
Box   70
Folder   3
La Follette, Philip E.
Box   70
Folder   4
Lamour, Dorothy
Box   70
Folder   5
Landon, Alfred
Box   70
Folder   6
Lawrence, David
Box   70
Folder   7
Let's Do Something About It
Box   70
Folder   8
Lever Brothers Company
Box   70
Folder   9
Lewis-Howe Company (Tums)
Box   70
Folder   10
Life Magazine
Box   70
Folder   11
Liggett and Myers
Box   70
Folder   12
Lights Out
Box   70
Folder   13
Lincke vs. Hughes
Box   70
Folder   14
Lindbergh, Charles A.
Box   70
Folder   15
List, Dr. J. S.
Box   70
Folder   16
Listener's Digest
Box   70
Folder   17
Lone Ranger
Box   70
Folder   18
Lord and Thomas
Box   70
Folder   19
Lorillard Company
Box   70
Folder   20
Louisville Courier-Journal
Box   70
Folder   21
Lucerne International Music Festival
Box   70
Folder   22
Lum and Abner
Box   70
Folder   23
Luxford, Nola
Box   70
Folder   24-25
Box   70
Folder   26
MacFadden Publications
Micro 764
Reel   2
Oversize material
U.S. Mss 17AF
Box   70
Folder   27
Magazine Repeating Razor Company (Schick)
Box   70
Folder   28
Magic Waves
Box   70
Folder   29
Marion, Francis
Box   70
Folder   30
Mars Inc.
Box   70
Folder   31
Mau vs. Rio Grande Oil Company
Box   70
Folder   32
Box   70
Folder   33
McCarthy, Clem
Box   70
Folder   34
McClatchy Stations
Box   70
Folder   35
McKenzie, Ruth
Box   70
Folder   36
McLean, Sir William
Box   70
Folder   37
McNamee, Graham
Box   70
Folder   38
Meet Mr. Weeks
Box   70
Folder   39
Memphis Commercial Appeal
Box   70
Folder   40
Menotti, Gian Carlo
Box   70
Folder   41
Mero-Iron, Yolanda
Box   70
Folder   42
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
Metropolitan Opera
Box   70
Folder   43
Box   70
Folder   44
Box   70
Folder   45
Micro 764
Reel   2
Oversize material
U.S. Mss 17AF
Box   70
Folder   46
Michigan Association of Teachers of Speech
Box   70
Folder   47
Miles Laboratories
Box   70
Folder   48
Miller Tape Company
Box   70
Folder   49
Millson, William
Box   70
Folder   50
Milwaukee Journal
Box   70
Folder   51
Mister District Attorney
Box   70
Folder   52
Box   70
Folder   53
Moody Bible Institute
Box   70
Folder   54
Moore, Benjamin, Paint Company
Moral Re-Armament
Box   70
Folder   55
Box   70
Folder   56
Published Material
Micro 764
Reel   2
Oversize material
U.S. Mss 17AF
Box   70
Folder   57
Box   70
Folder   58
Moross, Jerome
Box   70
Folder   59
Morrell, John, and Company
Box   70
Folder   60
Motion Pictures
Box   70
Folder   61
Museum of Modern Art
Box   70
Folder   62
Museum of Science and Industry - Chicago
Box   70
Folder   63
Music Corporation of America
Box   70
Folder   64
Music Publishers Protective Association
Box   70
Folder   65
Musterole Company
Box   70
Folder   66
Mutual Broadcasting System
Box   70
Folder   67-69
Box   70
Folder   70
Nally, Edward J.
Box   70
Folder   71
Name the Place
Box   70
Folder   72
The Nation
Box   70
Folder   73
National Advisory Council on Radio in Education
Box   70
Folder   74
National Archives
Box   70
Folder   75
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
National Association of Broadcasters
Box   70
Folder   76-77
Box   70
Folder   78-79
Box   71
Folder   1
National Association of Manufacturers
Box   71
Folder   2
National Association of Teachers of Speech
Box   71
Folder   3
National Better Business Bureau
Box   71
Folder   4
National Bisquit Company
Box   71
Folder   5
National Committee to Uphold Constitutional Government
Micro 764
Reel   2
Oversize material
U.S. Mss 17AF
Box   71
Folder   6
National Conference of Jews and Christians
Box   71
Folder   7
National Congress of Parents and Teachers
Box   71
Folder   8
National Council of Women
Box   71
Folder   9
National Education Association
Box   71
Folder   10
National Farm and Home Hour
Box   71
Folder   11
National Features Inc.
Box   71
Folder   12
National Federation of Press Women
Box   71
Folder   13
National Foreign Trade Council
Box   71
Folder   14
National Geographic Society - University of Virginia (South Sea Island Survey)
Box   71
Folder   15
National Institute of Immigrant Welfare
Box   71
Folder   16
National Life and Accident Insurance Company
Box   71
Folder   17
National Music Camp
Box   71
Folder   18
National Music Council
Box   71
Folder   19
National Music Week
Box   71
Folder   20
National Republican Club
Box   71
Folder   21
National Research Council
Box   71
Folder   22
National Youth Administration
Box   71
Folder   23
Nature Sketches
Box   71
Folder   24
Nebraska Power Company
Box   71
Folder   25
New Friends of Music Hour
Box   71
Folder   26
New Jersey Public Utility Commission
Box   71
Folder   27
New Mexico, University of
Box   71
Folder   28
New York Academy of Medicine
Box   71
Folder   29
New York Athletic Club
Box   71
Folder   30
New York City Board of Education
Box   71
Folder   31
New York Herald Tribune
Box   71
Folder   32
New York Sun
Box   71
Folder   33
New York Times
Box   71
Folder   34
New York University
Box   71
Folder   35
New York World-Telegram
Box   71
Folder   36
Next Step Forward
Box   71
Folder   37
Nielson, A. C., Company
Box   71
Folder   38
Novotna, Jarmilla
Box   71
Folder   39-40
Box   71
Folder   41
Oboler, Arch
Box   71
Folder   42
Ohio State University
Box   71
Folder   43
Oklahoma City (50th Anniversary)
Box   71
Folder   44
Oklahoma Publishing Company
Micro 764
Reel   2
Oversize material
U.S. Mss 17AF
Box   71
Folder   45
On Your Job
Box   71
Folder   46
Order of Adventurers
Box   71
Folder   47
Box   71
Folder   48
PACA Convention
Box   71
Folder   49
Paderewski, Ignace
Box   71
Folder   50
Pan American Airways
Box   71
Folder   51
Pan American Union
Box   71
Folder   52
Parents on Trial
Box   71
Folder   53
Pathe News
Box   71
Folder   54
Patterson, Mrs. Rushmore
Box   71
Folder   55
Pearson, Drew
Box   71
Folder   56
Penn Tobacco Company
Box   71
Folder   57
Pennsylvania, University of
Box   71
Folder   58
Box   71
Folder   59
Phi Beta Kappa
Box   71
Folder   60
Philip Morris Company
Box   71
Folder   61
Phillips Chemical Company
Box   71
Folder   62
Pilgrimage of Poetry
Box   71
Folder   63
Pillsbury Flour Mills Company
Box   71
Folder   64
Pinkerton's National Detective Agency
Box   71
Folder   65
Box   71
Folder   66
Political Broadcasts
Box   71
Folder   67
Pontiac Motor Company
Box   71
Folder   68
Press-Radio Bureau
Box   71
Folder   69
Princeton Radio Research
Box   71
Folder   70-71
Procter and Gamble
Box   71
Folder   72
Purdue University
Box   71
Folder   73-74
Box   71
Folder   75
Quaker Oats
Micro 764
Reel   2
Oversize material
U.S. Mss 17AF
Box   71
Folder   76
Radio Corporation of America (RCA)
Box   71
Folder   77
Box   71
Folder   78
Board of Directors
Box   71
Folder   79
Treasurers and Purchasing Agents
Box   71
Folder   80
Victor Division
Box   72
Folder   1
Radio Correspondents Association
Box   72
Folder   2
Radio Guide
Box   72
Folder   3
Box   72
Folder   4
Radio Splendid (Argentina)
Box   72
Folder   5
Radio Telephone Game (Butternut)
Box   72
Folder   6
Radio Week
Box   72
Folder   7
Radiomarine Corporation
Box   72
Folder   8
Ralston-Purina Company
Box   72
Folder   9
Reilly, Gen. Henry J.
Box   72
Folder   10
Religious Broadcasts
Box   72
Folder   11
Remsen, Alice
Box   72
Folder   12
Republican National Committee
Box   72
Folder   13
Revelle, Nellie
Box   72
Folder   14
Revesz, Dr. I.
Box   72
Folder   15
Reynolds, R. J., Tobacco Company
Box   72
Folder   16
Richards, G. A.
Box   72
Folder   17
Rickenbacker, Eddie
Box   72
Folder   18
Robin Hood Dell Concerts
Box   72
Folder   19
Rochester Civic Orchestra
Box   72
Folder   20
Rockefeller Center Inc.
Box   72
Folder   21
Rockefeller Foundation
Box   72
Folder   22
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Box   72
Folder   23
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Box   72
Folder   24
Rosenblum, David
Box   72
Folder   25-26
Box   72
Folder   27
Saerchinger, Cesar
Box   72
Folder   28
Salute to King and Queen
Box   72
Folder   29
Salvation Army
Box   72
Folder   30
San Francisco Exposition
Box   72
Folder   31
San Francisco Opera Company
Box   72
Folder   32
Santa Fe Railroad
Box   72
Folder   33
Saturday Evening Post
Box   72
Folder   34
Schaefer, F. & M. Brewing Company
Box   72
Folder   35
Schmidt, A. P., Music Company
Box   72
Folder   36
Science Is Everywhere
Box   72
Folder   37
Scripps-Howard Newspaper Alliance
Box   72
Folder   38
Scudder, Raymond
Box   72
Folder   39
Sealtest Inc.
Box   72
Folder   40
Sears, Roebuck, and Company
Box   72
Folder   41
Seashore, Carl E.
Box   72
Folder   42
Sheean, Vincent
Box   72
Folder   43
Sheehy, Maurice S.
Box   72
Folder   44
Sheffield Farms Company
Box   72
Folder   45
Sherwin Williams Paint Company
Box   72
Folder   46
Sibelius, Jan
Box   72
Folder   47
Siepmann, Charles A.
Box   72
Folder   48
Signal Oil Company
Box   72
Folder   49
Sixth Avenue Association
Box   72
Folder   50
Smith, Carleton
Box   72
Folder   51
Society of European Stage Authors and Composers
Box   72
Folder   52
South Pole Expedition
Box   72
Folder   53
Southern Conference on Audio Visual Education
Box   72
Folder   54
Southland Industries
Box   72
Folder   55
Box   72
Folder   56
Spellman, Francis J.
Box   72
Folder   57
Squallas Disaster
Box   72
Folder   58
Stack-Goble Advertising
Box   72
Folder   59
Stahlman, James G.
Box   72
Folder   60
Standard Brands
Box   72
Folder   61
Standard Oil of California
Box   72
Folder   62
Standard Oil of New Jersey
Box   72
Folder   63
Stanford University
Box   72
Folder   64
Stassen, Harold E.
Box   72
Folder   65
Stephan, Robert L.
Box   72
Folder   66
Stern, Bill
Box   72
Folder   67
Story Behind the Headlines
Box   72
Folder   68
Strassmann, Antonie
Box   72
Folder   69
Strong, Austin
Box   72
Folder   70
Strong, George Templeton
Box   72
Folder   71
Summer Radio Workshop
Box   72
Folder   72
Summer Radio Workshop
Box   72
Folder   73
Summers, H. B.
Box   72
Folder   74
Summit Hotel vs. NBC
Box   72
Folder   75
Sun Oil Company
Box   72
Folder   76
Susman and Warmser Fine Foods
Box   72
Folder   77
Swift and Company
Box   72
Folder   78
Swing, Raymond Gram
Box   72
Folder   79
Box   72
Folder   80
Syracuse University Club
Box   72
Folder   81-83
Box   72
Folder   84
Taft, Robert A.
Box   72
Folder   85
Taylor, Frank J.
Box   72
Folder   86
Temple, Shirley
Box   72
Folder   87
Terris, Tom
Box   72
Folder   88
Thanks to America
Box   73
Folder   1
Box   73
Folder   2
This, Our America
Box   73
Folder   3
Thomas, Norman
Box   73
Folder   4
Thompson, Dorothy
Box   73
Folder   5
Thompson, J. Walter
Box   73
Folder   6
Tillamook Kitchen
Box   73
Folder   7
Time Inc.
Box   73
Folder   8
Tomlinson, Edward
Box   73
Folder   9
Toscanini, Arturo
Box   73
Folder   10
Townsend Plan
Box   73
Folder   11
Transradio Press Bureau
Box   73
Folder   12
Twentieth Century Fund
Box   73
Folder   13
Box   73
Folder   14
Under Western Skies
Box   73
Folder   15
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Box   73
Folder   16
Union Pacific
Box   73
Folder   17
United Fruit
Box   73
Folder   18
United Jewish Appeal
Box   73
Folder   19
United Press Associations
Box   73
Folder   20
United States Flag Association
United States
Box   73
Folder   21
Box   73
Folder   22
Box   73
Folder   23
Box   73
Folder   24
Box   73
Folder   25
Box   73
Folder   26
Box   73
Folder   27
Box   73
Folder   28
Box   73
Folder   29
Box   73
Folder   30
Universities Review
Box   73
Folder   31
University Broadcasting Council
Box   73
Folder   32
University of Chicago Round Table
Box   73
Folder   33
Box   73
Folder   34
Vallee, Rudy
Box   73
Folder   35
Van Loon, Hendrick Wilhelm
Box   73
Folder   36
Box   73
Folder   37
Vatican Broadcasts
Box   73
Folder   38
Veteran Wireless Operators Association
Box   73
Folder   39
Vick Chemical Company
Box   73
Folder   40
Viereck, George Sylvester
Box   73
Folder   41
Box   73
Folder   42
Walter, Bruno
Box   73
Folder   43
Wander Company
Box   73
Folder   44
Ward Baking Company
Box   73
Folder   45
Ward, Harry F.
Box   73
Folder   46
Waring, Fred
Box   73
Folder   47
Warner Brothers Pictures
Box   73
Folder   48
Warwick and Legler Inc.
Box   73
Folder   49
Watkins, R. L., Company
Box   73
Folder   50
Watson, Dudley Crafts
Box   73
Folder   51
Welch Grape Juice Company
Box   73
Folder   52
Western Newspaper Union
Box   73
Folder   53
Westminster Choir College
Box   73
Folder   54
“What Helps Business Helps You” (campaign by U.S. Chamber of Commerce)
Box   73
Folder   55
What Price America
Box   73
Folder   56
Wheatena Corporation
Box   73
Folder   57
Wheelock, Ward, Company
Box   73
Folder   58
Whiteman, Paul
Box   73
Folder   59
Williams, Blythe
Box   73
Folder   60
Williamstown Institute of Human Relations
Box   73
Folder   61
Willson, Meredith
Box   73
Folder   62
Wilson College
Box   73
Folder   63
Winchell, Walter
Box   73
Folder   64
Windsor, Duke of
Box   73
Folder   65
Wings for the Martins
Box   73
Folder   66
Wohl, Herman A.
Box   73
Folder   67
Women in the Making of America
Box   73
Folder   68
Women's National Radio Committee
Box   73
Folder   69
World Federation of Music Clubs
Box   73
Folder   70
The World is Yours
Box   73
Folder   71-72
Box   73
Folder   73
Yankee Network
Box   73
Folder   74
Young and Rubicam Advertising
Box   73
Folder   75
Young Men's Christian Association
Box   73
Folder   76
Youth Meets Government
Box   73
Folder   77
Youth Questions the Headlines
Micro 764
Reel   2
Oversize material
U.S. Mss 17AF
Box   73
Folder   78
Youthbuilders Inc.
Box   73
Folder   79
X, Y, Z