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Chadbourne Hall Title: Chadbourne Hall records
Quantity: 13 Linear Feet Six records storage boxes, 2 folding flat boxes, 2 flat edge metal boxes Paper materials including dance cards, publications, brochures, and miscellaneous materials
Call Number: uac269
Abstract: Chadbourne Hall was a women's dormitory from 1874 to 1995, when it became co-educational. The collection documents aspects of the daily lives of students at Chadbourne Hall while it was a women's dormitory from 1874 to 1967, with a particular emphasis on events like dances, dinners, hall elections, and mother's weekend and the house fellows program. This part of the collection includes brochures, songbooks, dance cards, bylaws, event programs, rule books, menus, a poster, a receipt book, scrapbooks, and issues of the Chadbourne Review. The collection also includes materials from the recent co-educational history of Chadbourne Hall from 1997 to 2007, such as Facebooks, photograph books, fliers, newsletters, posters, photographs, and publications about guest speakers, events including the Chadbourne Olympics, and interest groups. A great portion of these materials deal with the period from 1996 to 2000 and the development and early years of the Chadbourne Residential College learning community.
Chait, Lawrence G., 1917-1997 Title: Lawrence G. Chait Papers, 1947-1991
Quantity: 16.0 cubic feet (15 records center cartons, 2 archives boxes, and 1 index card box), 4 reels of microfilm (35 mm), 3 films (16 mm), 39 audio recordings, 33 photographs (1 folder), 25 negatives on 4 strips and 1 sheet, and 1 piece of ephemera (1 oversize folder)
Call Number: Mss 974; Micro 2108; CC 629-CC 631; Audio 1368A; PH Mss 974
Abstract: Papers, 1947-1991, of Lawrence G. Chait, a marketing consultant, author, and founder of Lawrence G. Chait and Company, the first advertising agency to specialize in direct marketing. The papers consist of biographical information, agency promotion, speeches and writings (some available only in recorded form), correspondence, memoranda, notes, marketing plans (available only on microfilm), copy, budgets, reports, photographs, and selected mailings. Also includes records of the International Business Development Company (INBUDCO), a Chait subsidiary that dealt in corporate acquisitions and mergers. The photographs document Chait as a speaker on professional subjects and as a leader of the Direct Marketing Advertising Association (DMAA). Also included are prints of Daniel Walker, governor of Illinois, while campaigning for office during the 1970s and negatives of his activities as governor.
Chamberlain, Blanche A. Title: Blanche A. Chamberlain Letter Concerning 1919 Holmen School District Census
Quantity: 0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Call Number: MISC MSS 012
Abstract: Letter written by Blanche A. Chamberlain, 29 October 1919, which includes a summary of the Holmen, Wisconsin School District census of 1919.
Chamberlain, Caroline Title: Caroline Chamberlain Family Papers, 1749-1954
Quantity: 0.4 c.f. (1 archives box), 1 reel of microfilm (35 mm), and 4 photographs (1 folder and 1 box)
Call Number: Mss 618; Micro 887; PH 6668; PH 4195
Abstract: Papers preserved by Caroline Chamberlain and her sisters, Mable Adams and Claudia Chamberlain, documenting their ancestors in the Adams, Norton, Cranch, and Smith families. Daughters of Wisconsin Congressman Henry Cullen Adams, the women were connected through both parents to relatives of President John Adams. The collection consists of family correspondence, a 1749 book of music, sermons, genealogy charts, and diaries kept by Elizabeth Cranch Norton while living in Massachusetts, by Jacob Porter Norton during service in the War of 1812 and while living in Georgia, and by Richard Greenleaf Norton while sailing from Boston to California in 1849. Included are photostats of a letter from John Adams to William Custis, July 15, 1812, and a letter from his daughter to her cousin Elizabeth Cranch, 1788. Also included are images of Richard Greenleaf Norton and Jacob Porter Norton.
Changing Men Title: Changing Men Records, 1979-1989
Quantity: 1.4 c.f. (1 record center carton and 1 archives box)
Call Number: M88-326
Abstract: Editorial records, 1979-1989, of Changing Men (formerly called M.), a men's magazine published in Madison, Wisconsin, concerned with issues of gender, but with a pro-feminist, anti-sexist perspective, reflecting the development of the magazine and the function of the editorial collective that began publication. The records include all submissions along with reviewers' ratings, summaries, and comments, promotional material, editorial correspondence, and copies of the magazine.
Chapelle, Dickey, 1919-1965 Title: Dickey Chapelle Papers, 1933-1967
Quantity: 8.4 cubic feet (18 archives boxes and 2 volumes), 5 tape recordings, 1 film, 1 videorecording, and 6,414 photographs, 17,695 negatives and 6,444 transparencies
Call Number: U.S. Mss 87AF; Audio 437A; CA 530; VHA 342; PH 3301
Abstract: Papers of Dickey Chapelle, a photographer and writer who was one of the first women foreign correspondents to cover World War II, the Korean and Vietnam Wars, and military struggles worldwide, particularly against communism. Her work appeared in Reader's Digest, National Geographic, Look, and Saturday Evening Post. Chapelle was killed in Vietnam in 1965. The bulk of the collection is comprised of drafts, notes, notebooks, photograph captions, and reference material for her articles, and drafts of two autobiographies, Trouble I've Asked For (1960) and What's a Woman Doing Here? (1961), which won the Overseas Press Club's George Polk Memorial Award. An important portion of Chapelle's articles concern Vietnam. There is a small amount of material co-authored by her former husband, Anthony Chapelle, also a photographer, and files on the couple's post-World War II public relations work for the American Friends Service Committee.
Chapin, Earl, 1910-1973 Title: Earl Chapin Writings, 1951-1973
Quantity: 1.4 c.f. (4 archives boxes) and 2 reels of microfilm (35mm)
Call Number: River Falls Mss AU; River Falls Micro 15; Micro 1050
Abstract: Clipped newspaper writings by Chapin, a feature writer for the St. Paul Pioneer Press, consisting of historical articles based in 17 western Wisconsin counties as well as stories about contemporary Wisconsin people and events; comprising series organized by place, by subject, and by date.
Chapman, Chandler B., 1815-1877;
Chapman, Chandler Pease, 1844-1897
Title: Chandler B. and Chandler P. Chapman Papers, 1835-1901
Quantity: 3.8 c.f. (7 archives boxes and 6 volumes)
Call Number: Wis Mss SA
Abstract: Papers of Chandler B. Chapman of Madison, Wisconsin, and Emporia, Kansas, a physician and businessman, and of his son, Chandler Pease Chapman, Madison, Wisconsin, a realtor and “father” of the Wisconsin National Guard. The collection consists primarily of correspondence and pertains primarily to the elder Chapman's Civil War service as a surgeon in the 6th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment, to his activities on behalf of the Presbyterian Church and as a member of the Freemasons, to the military activities of the younger Chapman, and to the real estate and other investments of both men. Also present are personal papers of Anne Chapman (a daughter and sister); Civil War military documents and diaries; scrapbooks and newsclippings; a patient account book, 1841-1843; and journals of Dr. Chapman's trips to Europe and the Middle East including notes on hospitals, physicians, and medical practices he encountered.
Charles Nicholas Johnson
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Title: Charles Nicholas Johnson Slide Collection, 1954-1957
Quantity: 0.4 cubic feet (1 archives box)
Call Number: UWP Manuscript Collection 36
Abstract: Color slides of post World War II Japan. These images captured everyday life in Japan, including urban scenes, landscapes and other representations of Japanese culture. Many of the images were taken at Nikkō Tōshō-gū, a Shinto shrine established in 1617 to enshrine Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate.
Chase, Joseph Cummings, 1878-1965. Title: Joseph Cummings Chase Papers, 1891-1963
Quantity: 6.3 cubic ft. (15 boxes)
Call Number: Local History Manuscript Collection 6
Abstract: Joseph Cummings Chase (1878-1965) was an educator, writer, portrait and sketch artist. He and his wife, Cora, moved to Milwaukee in 1954 where he spent the last years of his life continuing to work on his art. Many of Chase's original works were auctioned at an estate sale to benefit the Red Cross after his passing, while other works of his still reside at the Smithsonian Institution. Chase was especially noted for his portraits of members of the U.S. Armed Forces during World War I and World War II. This collection contains: ephemera, correspondence, photographs, publications, scrapbooks, reproductions of portraits, information on his exhibits, sketches, illustrations and speeches.
Chase, Paul W. Title: Paul W. Chase Papers and Photographs,
Quantity: 0.7 linear ft. (2 archives boxes and 1 oversize folder) of papers, 0.2 linear ft. (13 folders) of photographs.
Call Number: WVM Mss 129
Abstract: Papers and photographs of Paul W. Chase, a pilot in the 8th Aero Squadron of the Army Signal Corps during World War I. The bulk of the collection consists of the letters that Paul wrote to his parents, his fiancée, and his sister during his stateside training and his World War I military service in France. The letters describe the major events of Chase's service as a pilot such as his observation flights, shooting down a German plane, and the Armistice celebration, as well as the accommodations, food, and recreation available to Chase and his squadron both at stateside training facilities and in Europe. Also included are his wartime diary, military records, several issues of the 8th Aero Squadron Association bulletin, a wartime poem written by Chase, and numerous postcards depicting European vistas that Chase picked up during the war and sent home with written comments to his family. The photographs include many shots of Chase in and around his airplane, shots of the 8th Aero Squadron during stateside training, aerial photos taken in Europe, and some scenic shots of wartime Europe. Materials pertaining to Chase's sister, Ruth, a stateside nurse during World War I, can also be found in this collection.
Chase, Warren, 1813-1891 Title: Warren Chase Papers, 1836-1944
Extent: 1 reel of microfilm (35mm)
Call Number: Micro 837
Abstract: Papers of Warren Chase, a spiritualist, social reformer, and politician who was an active participant and leader of the Wisconsin Fourier movement in the 1840s. Chase was also active in Wisconsin, California, and national politics as well as in the abolitionist, feminist, and temperance movements. His papers include correspondence, clippings, certificates, photographs, and two editions of his works in which he expounds on his sentiments on family life, spiritualism, and politics.
Chatfield, James M. Title: James M. Chatfield Papers,
Quantity: 0.2 linear ft.
Call Number: WVM Mss 544
Abstract: Papers of James M. Chatfield, an officer in Company D, 2nd Michigan Cavalry during the Civil War. The majority of the collection consists of letters he wrote home to his wife, Julia, during the war. Chatfield described the life of a cavalryman in camp and on the march, writing about tending the horses and doing scouting missions. He also described some of the battles his unit was involved in, such as New Madrid and Perryville. Letters written from convalescent camps and hospitals later in 1863 describe an illness that would kill him in December. Two letters from an Ohio woman to Chatfield's mother describe the seriousness of his illness and give condolences after his death. Also included are photocopied papers documenting Julia Chatfield's efforts to receive a government pension.
Chatterton, Robert W. Title: Robert W. Chatterton Film Chats, 1967-1981
Quantity: 0.2 cubic feet (1 archives box), 56 films, and 10 tape recordings
Call Number: Mss 759; Audio 1203A; AC 497; CB 083-CB 085; DD 335-DD 337; DD 507; FE 416-FE 419; FE 422-FE 423; FE 440-441; FF 083-FF 122
Abstract: Programs on motion picture history presented by Robert W. Chatterton, a California film historian, consisting of excerpts from original motion pictures (1900-1978), background organ music to accompany silent film, brief program notes, and publicity. For one talk on Laurel and Hardy there is also a recorded version of Chatterton's commentary.
Chayefsky, Paddy, 1923- Title: Paddy Chayefsky Papers, 1937-1972
Quantity: 6.8 c.f. (17 archives boxes)
Call Number: U.S. Mss 26AN
Abstract: Papers of a writer for stage, screen, radio, and television, whose work during the “Golden Age of TV Drama” led to a career as an Oscar-winning writer of motion pictures. Consisting of scripts, revisions, notes, clippings, and reviews, the collection includes some titles produced in more than one media. Most notable are Bachelor Party and Marty--both originally presented on NBC's Philco-Goodyear Playhouse and both subsequently made into motion pictures (UA, 1957 and 1955 respectively), which Chayefsky also produced. The Middle of the Night, another teleplay, was adapted for the stage (1956) as well as for the screen (Col., 1959). Other screenplays treated include The Americanization of Emily (MGM, 1964), The Catered Affair (MGM, 1964), The Cincinnati Kid (MGM, 1956), The Goddess (Col., 1958), and The Hospital (UA, 1971); other stage plays include Gideon (1961), The Passion of Josef D. (1964), and The Tenth Man (1959). The remainder of the collection consists of unproduced works, several radio plays, early writings, general correspondence, and biographical information.
Che Guevara Bookstore and Movement Center (Madison, Wis.) Title: Che Guevara Bookstore and Movement Center Records, 1968-1972
Quantity: 0.4 c.f. (1 archives box)
Call Number: Mss 315
Abstract: Business records of a Madison, Wisconsin, establishment that sold Socialist literature and served as headquarters for a number of left-wing groups. Included are the 1970 articles of incorporation and amendments; correspondence with publishers, radical political groups, and various individuals; and financial records.
Cheever, Dustin Grow, 1830-1897 Title: Dustin Grow Cheever Papers, 1842-1897
Quantity: 2.4 c.f. (6 archives boxes)
Call Number: Whitewater Mss O
Abstract: Diaries kept from 1851 to 1893 by Cheever, recording his emigration from Vermont to Wisconsin, his speculative ventures in lands, and financial arrangements leading to large scale and varied farm and stockbreeding operations at Clinton, Wis. An active member of the Republican Party, he held many local offices. He invested in railroad and mining stock, and was an organizer and officer in the Clinton cheese factory. The diaries touch upon all these activities, as well as personal and family matters, school and church affairs, anti-slavery sentiment, and his attitude towards immigrant workers. Besides the diaries, there are lists of town officers and town taxes, 1842-1876, notes on local events, and 1863 records of the Union League of America, Clinton Council. With these are letters from members of the Cheever and Grow families and friends, 1842-1856, mainly in and about Hardwick, Vermont, dealing with family matters and exchange of advice on educational methods, and some Civil War letters. Also present is a volunteer enrollment book, 1863.
Chemcraft Chemistry Club (La Crosse, Wis.). Title: Chemcraft Chemistry Club (La Crosse, Wisconsin) Records
Quantity: 0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Call Number: MISC MSS 126
Abstract: The records of the Chemcraft Chemistry Club in La Crosse, Wisconsin include bylaws, financial records, and meeting minutes. Materials date from 1924.
Cherry, David Title: David Cherry Papers, 1966-1969
Quantity: 0.4 c.f. (1 archives box) and 1 tape recording
Call Number: Mss 273; Tape 474A
Abstract: Papers collected by David Cherry, a graduate student in history at the University of Wisconsin, primarily relating to the period 1967-1968. Included are correspondence, minutes, membership lists, flyers, memoranda, handbills, and other printed matter pertaining to the Teaching Assistants Association, the History Students Association, and other departmental student groups, the 1967 Dow demonstration against the Vietnam War and subsequent student strikes, and educational reform. Many of the items bear informative marginal notes made by Cherry. On tape are interviews with eyewitnesses of the Dow demonstration and a November 1967 panel discussion featuring Paul Soglin on CIA recruiting on the university campus.
Chester, Robert, 1912-1975 Title: Robert Chester Papers, circa 1944-1976
Quantity: 1.0 c.f. (3 archives boxes) and 3 reels of microfilm (35mm)
Call Number: Mss 348; Micro 2043
Abstract: Papers of Robert Chester, a Socialist Workers Party organizer and educator. Included are obituaries, brief correspondence, speeches and writings, and subject files. The speeches and writings primarily document reports, speeches, and educational classes dealing with Stalinism, fascism, the Russian Revolution, and other aspects of party history and philosophy. Also represented are remarks by James P. Cannon, Farrell Dobbs, George Clarke, and Anne Chester. Correspondence and subject files document activities in the San Francisco branch of the SWP from the 1940s to the 1970s, local labor conditions, opposition to Gerald L. K. Smith, and the student strike at San Francisco State University, 1968-1969. There are also folders of SWP songs and skits, campaign literature of SWP candidate Myra Tanner Weiss, and a small amount of material pertaining to Chester's work as a set designer under the name Robert Chertov for the WPA Theatre.
Chew, Carol;
Chew, Daniel
Title: Fox Point Video Archives Project Records, 1989-1990
Quantity: .2 cubic ft. (1 box)
Call Number: UWM Manuscript Collection 209
Abstract: A collection of six videocassettes containing footage taken in Fox Point, Wisconsin. Produced by Carol and Daniel Chew for the Fox Point Foundation, the tapes contain footage of events that took place in Fox Point in 1989 and 1990, as well as interviews with Fox Point residents. The tapes also include footage of various homes, businesses, schools, and houses of worship in Fox Point, as well as recordings of older photographs relating to Fox Point and its residents. An accompanying guide lists the contents of each tape.
Chicago and North Western Railway Company Title: Photographs of Chicago and North Western Railway Company Bi-Level Streamliners, circa 1960
Quantity: 7 photographs
Call Number: PH 4189
Abstract: Photographs promoting bi-level streamliners by the Chicago and North Western Railway. Images include the exterior of the Peninsula "400," and interiors of the coach, lounge, parlor, and dining cars.
Chicago Committee to End the War in Vietnam Title: Chicago Committee to End the War in Vietnam Records, 1965
Quantity: 0.2 c.f. (1 archives box)
Call Number: Mss 133
Abstract: Records of a Chicago citizens anti-war group involved in picketing, distributing literature, and demonstrating against the war in Vietnam. Included are correspondence, leaflets, mailing lists, clippings, and songs.
Chicago Religious Task Force on Central America Title: Chicago Religious Task Force on Central America Records, 1982-1992
Quantity: 8.0 cubic feet, 71 transparencies, and 1 tape recording
Call Number: M93-153; M2004-170; Audio 1870A
Abstract: Records of the Chicago Religious Task Force on Central America (formerly known as the Chicago Religious Task Force on El Salvador), an organization established in 1980 in response to the murders of four church women in El Salvador. The records document their actions and programs to influence U.S. foreign policy to respect self determination in Central America, including educating the public on these issues, generating aid for Salvadoran and Guatemalan refugees, and coordinating public sanctuary for refugees. Their two main accomplishments were the establishment of the sanctuary movement and the organization of the Chicago Pledge of Resistance. The group published a journal, Basta!, sent delegations to Central America, and regularly responded to human rights violations.
Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway Company. Title: Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway Company, Engineering Department Drawings of Station, St. Andrews Street, La Crosse, Wisconsin
Quantity: 2.0 cubic feet
Call Number: MISC MSS 254
Abstract: Architectural drawings of the passenger station, baggage room, and other structural members of the Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway station located on St. Andrews Street in La Crosse, Wisconsin. The drawings were completed in 1926 by the Engineering Department of the Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway. This line later became known as the Milwaukee Road.
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company Title: Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company Records, 1844-1954
Quantity: 7.6 c.f. (9 archives boxes and 11 flat boxes); plus additions of 0.2 c.f.
Call Number: Mss 201; M97-098; M2001-199
Abstract: Records of A. J. Dupuis, director of public relations for the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company, commonly known as the Milwaukee Road. Two boxes contain records of the public relations department, including routine correspondence, 1929-1936; biographical material about company employees; and a subject file on the history of the railroad. The remainder of the collection consists of samplings of records collected by the department for a railroad museum. These include correspondence, letterpress volumes, operations records, and financial records generated by the Milwaukee line and eight other railroads with which it merged.
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company.;
United States. Interstate Commerce Commission.
Title: Milwaukee Road Valuation Department Records, 1914-1964
Quantity: 88.7 cubic ft. (318 boxes)
Call Number: Milwaukee Road Archival Collection 14
Abstract: This collection contains the records of the Milwaukee Road Valuation Department, which largely consists of reports from the Interstate Commerce Commission that were produced in order to inventory and document the value of the Milwaukee Road.
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company. Title: Milwaukee Road Condensed Track Profiles Collection, 1914-1981
Quantity: 2.2 cubic ft. (11 boxes)
Call Number: Milwaukee Road Archival Collection 18
Abstract: This collection contains condensed track profiles of various divisions from the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company.
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company.;
Gaylord, John W.;
Luedke, Russell E.;
Wilson, Edwin B.
Title: Milwaukee Road Photograph Collection, 1850-1994
Quantity: 108 cubic ft. (537 boxes)
Call Number: Milwaukee Road Archival Collection 19
Abstract: Collection of photographs of the Milwaukee Road, contains prints and negatives of locomotives, various passenger and freight cars, employees, depots, and equipment.
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company. Title: Milwaukee Road Predecessor and Subsidiary Railroads Collection, 1853-1980
Quantity: 39.2 cubic ft. (99 boxes)
Call Number: Milwaukee Road Archival Collection 16
Abstract: This collection contains records of various railroad companies that were predecessor companies of the Milwaukee Road or other companies that conducted business with them.
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company. Title: Milwaukee Road Map Collection, 1854-1996
Quantity: 2,762 maps
Call Number: Milwaukee Road Archival Collection 15
Abstract: This collection contains maps produced or used by the Milwaukee Road, showing land, tracks, and structures.
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company. Title: Milwaukee Road Contract Records, 1866-1984
Quantity: 33.2 cubic ft. (83 boxes)
Call Number: Milwaukee Road Archival Collection 17
Abstract: Collection contains contracts and agreements the Milwaukee Road made with various companies and individuals. Contains contracts, correspondence, drawings, photographs, and other legal documents.
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company. Title: Milwaukee Road Mechanical Department Records, 1881-1999
Quantity: 39.4 cubic ft. (96 boxes)
Call Number: Milwaukee Road Archival Collection 7
Abstract: This collection is comprised of correspondence, drawings, manuals, lists, specifications, and photographs that were part of the Milwaukee Road Mechanical Department. The bulk of documents are from the 1930s to 1970s. The records include those for Locomotives (with related tenders used during and after the steam era) used by the railroad to haul freight and passengers, freight cars, passenger cars, and shop records. Later documents incorporate records on the retirement, salvage, and dismantling of railroad assets in the 1970s and early 1980s.
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company. Title: Milwaukee Road Real Estate and Industrial Department Records, 1891-1989
Quantity: 60.6 cubic ft. (115 boxes)
Call Number: Milwaukee Road Archival Collection 13
Abstract: This collection contains the records of the Milwaukee Road Real Estate and Industrial Department. It includes correspondence, reports, drawings, and real estate documents relating to the abandonment of track lines, land transactions, work and inspections done on bridges and culverts, and information on various properties.
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company. Title: Milwaukee Road Authorizations for Expenditure Records, 1912-1985
Quantity: 283.5 cubic ft. (396 boxes)
Call Number: Milwaukee Road Archival Collection 12
Abstract: This collection contains the records for Authorizations for Expenditure (AFE) of the Milwaukee Road. AFEs are a budgeting and approval process for various railroad related projects and expenses. Covers expenses primarily in Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, and Montana, but other states are included as well.
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company. Title: Milwaukee Road Reorganization Records, 1925-1988
Quantity: 28.8 cubic ft. (72 boxes)
Call Number: Milwaukee Road Archival Collection 11
Abstract: This collection contains information about the 1925, 1935, and 1977 Milwaukee Road bankruptcies. There is an extensive amount of material on the 1977 Reorganization, which ultimately resulted in the Soo Line acquiring the Milwaukee Road. Includes correspondence, reports, court proceedings, press releases, and newspaper clippings.
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company. Title: Milwaukee Road Traffic Department Records, 1884-1985
Quantity: 8.8 cubic ft. (22 boxes)
Call Number: Milwaukee Road Archival Collection 10
Abstract: This collection consists of records from the Milwaukee Road’s Traffic Department. It includes records from three separate areas: the Agricultural and Mineral Development Department, the Freight Department, and the Passenger Department. The collection contains correspondence, publications, reports, and schedules.
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company. Title: Milwaukee Road Public Relations Department Records, 1892-2011
Quantity: 23.8 cubic ft. (58 boxes)
Call Number: Milwaukee Road Archival Collection 9
Abstract: This collection contains records from the Public Relations Department of the Milwaukee Road. It includes reports and correspondence, as well as a variety of materials detailing the history of the Milwaukee Road, such as brochures, newspaper articles, press releases and publications.
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company. Title: Milwaukee Road Operations Department Records, 1875-1990
Quantity: 68 cubic ft. (141 boxes)
Call Number: Milwaukee Road Archival Collection 8
Abstract: Records of the Milwaukee Road Operations Department, which focused on developing methods to make the Milwaukee Road run more efficiently. Contains records from various divisions of the Milwaukee Road and includes correspondence, reports, schedules, and employee matters. Also included are various bulletins, rules, and other publications.
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company. Title: Milwaukee Road Legal Department Records, 1854-1982
Quantity: 24.8 cubic ft. (76 boxes)
Call Number: Milwaukee Road Archival Collection 6
Abstract: This collection contains the records of the Milwaukee Road’s Legal Department, which handled the Road’s legal affairs. Collection contains abstracts of titles, reports, correspondence, proceedings, and other various legal documents.
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company. Title: Milwaukee Road Labor Relations and Personnel Department Records, 1910-1990
Quantity: 27 cubic ft. (82 boxes)
Call Number: Milwaukee Road Archival Collection 5
Abstract: This collection contains the records of the Milwaukee Road Labor Relations and Personnel Department, which served as a liaison between Milwaukee Road management and its employees. Contains correspondence, reports and studies, materials on mergers with other railroads and the effect on employees, various job descriptions, and other employee information.
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company. Title: Milwaukee Road Finance and Accounting Department Records, 1870-1985
Quantity: 19.8 cubic ft. (50 boxes)
Call Number: Milwaukee Road Archival Collection 4
Abstract: This collection consists of records from the Milwaukee Road’s Finance and Accounting Department. These records include documents from all areas relating to financial and accounting matters such as statistical reports, station numbers, the Milwaukee Road Credit Union, equipment information, annual reports filed to the ICC, and more.
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company. Title: Milwaukee Road Executive Department Records, 1863-1985
Quantity: 11.3 cubic ft. (27 boxes)
Call Number: Milwaukee Road Archival Collection 3
Abstract: This collection consist of records from the Milwaukee Road’s Executive Department. It contains documents such as annual reports, by-laws, staff meeting and stockholder meeting minutes, information on operating results, and other items relating to the Executive Department of the Milwaukee Road.
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company. Title: Milwaukee Road Electrification Department Records, 1906-1977
Quantity: 11.3 cubic ft. (28 boxes)
Call Number: Milwaukee Road Archival Collection 1
Abstract: This collection consists of records from the Milwaukee Road’s Electrification Department. The records contain correspondence and other materials related to electrification, employee records, bills, expenses, studies, historical background on electrification, and more.
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company. Title: Milwaukee Road Engineering Department Records, 1880-1986
Quantity: 57.4 cubic ft. (135 boxes)
Call Number: Milwaukee Road Archival Collection 2
Abstract: This collection contains the records from the Milwaukee Road’s Engineering Department. It primarily consists of correspondence from the department and includes accident reports, information on different yards and bridges, materials on various lines, and other areas relating to engineering. Also includes materials from the Construction Department.
Chicago, North Shore, and Milwaukee Railroad Title: Chicago, North Shore, and Milwaukee Railroad Records, 1946-1958
Quantity: 0.4 cubic ft. (1 box)
Call Number: Local History Manuscript Collection 29
Abstract: Records of the Chicago, North Shore, and Milwaukee Railroad, or North Shore Line. Contains reports, transcripts of hearings, clippings, and other printed materials.
Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railroad. Eau Claire Depot Title: Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railroad. Eau Claire Depot: Records, 1880-1969
Quantity: 27.2 c.f. (28 archives boxes, 14 flat boxes) and 16 reels of microfilm (35mm)
Call Number: Eau Claire Mss BI; Eau Claire Micro 27; Micro 1167
Abstract: Records documenting the railroad's facilities, operations, and personnel in the Eau Claire region including extensive information on agriculture, businesses, and communities in west central Wisconsin. The Eau Claire Depot served as a regional headquarters. Its records contain correspondence of the depot agent with local community agents and with the head office in St. Paul; reports on community business conditions, needs, and the role of the railroad in local industry; blueprints of railroad buildings and trackage and of area businesses; extensive employee case files and performance records; and information on a 1922 strike and threatened strikes in 1946 and 1948.
Chican@ and Latin@ Studies department Title: Chican@ and Latin@ Studies program collection
Quantity: 9.5 Linear Feet 9 record storage cartons, 1 letter document box Materials include publications, essays, fliers, brochures, clippings, meeting minutes, reports, newsletters, notes, photographs, negatives, VHS, Umatic, cassette tapes, DVDs, CDs, and 3.5 inch disks
Call Number: uac262
Abstract: This collection documents the activities of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Chican@ and Latin@ Studies department from 1975 to 2013, with most materials covering the 1980s-2000s. The Program in Chican@ and Latin@ Studies (CLS) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison provides students with interdisciplinary knowledge of Mexican and Latin American origin communities within the United States. The program has evolved significantly since its inception in 1976, driven by student activism and the struggle for institutional recognition and support for Chicana@ and Latina@ scholarship, communities, and movements. Over the decades, the program faced numerous challenges including inconsistent leadership, underfunding, and lack of faculty, which often threatened its survival. Recent years have seen continued efforts to institutionalize the program, culminating in the creation of a major in Chican@ and Latin@ Studies in 2023. The records document the department's courses, outreach initiatives, collaboration with other institutions like Palo Alto College, events, conferences, and the perspectives of Chican@ student organizations. Materials include publications, student work, fliers, brochures, clippings, meeting minutes, syllabi, reports, conference materials newsletters, notes, photographs, slides, negatives, VHS, Umatic, cassette tapes, DVDs, CDs, and 3.5 inch disks
Child Development Group of Mississippi Title: Child Development Group of Mississippi Records, 1962-1969, 2012-2013
Quantity: 15 reels of microfilm (35 mm), 4 tape recordings and 26 compact discs; plus additions of 9.2 cubic feet (9 records center cartons and 1 archives box)
Call Number: Micro 92; Audio 435A; M2002-116; M2008-075; M2014-043
Abstract: Records of the Child Development Group of Mississippi, a community action organization aimed at developing Head Start classes and improved education for young black children in Mississippi, documenting the organization's administration, activities, and community self-help programs. Included are files of John Mudd, executive director; and Marvin Hoffman, associate director; and records of the Teacher Development Program concerning recruiting, reports on student health and attitudes, lesson plans, critiques of training programs, and attempts to secure white students and teachers. The tape recordings include class demonstrations and conferences, interviews with local residents, and Martin Hoffman's audio files.
Childs, Marquis William, 1903- Title: Marquis William Childs Papers, 1919-1959
Quantity: 11.6 c.f. (29 archives boxes) and 4 tape recordings
Call Number: U.S. Mss 20AF; Tape 275A; Tape 276A; Tape 412A
Abstract: Papers of a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer and St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter and columnist who covered primarily national and world developments. Correspondence includes fan mail, exchanges with agents and publishers, and letters concerning interests in the Austen Riggs Center for psychological treatment and research, the Episcopal Church, and the Gridiron Club. General correspondents include many people of prominence. St. Louis Post-Dispatch Washington bureau files, 1932-1960, contain editorial correspondence, memos, dispatches, and some articles. Childs' writings are represented by free-lance articles; book reviews; speeches and addresses; book drafts and notes. There are also scripts for several ABC radio news programs. Documentation of his research methodology includes notes and memoranda; interviews with Winston S. Churchill, John F. Kennedy, Alfred M. Landon, and Franklin D. Roosevelt; and news dispatches from Poland and Russia.
Chilsen, Walter J., 1923- Title: Walter J. Chilsen Papers, 1964-1990
Quantity: 22.2 c.f. (21 record center cartons and 3 archives boxes); plus additions of 52.6 c.f., 7 tape recordings, 177 photographs, 59 negatives, and 1 color transparency
Call Number: Stevens Point Mss AM; M90-013; M91-002; M94-169; M2005-111; M2007-014; PH Stevens Point Mss AM
Abstract: Legislative papers of Walter J. Chilsen, a Republican leader from Wausau who served in the Wisconsin Senate (1967-1989), consisting primarily of materials from his tenure in office. The collection documents Chilsen's leadership of the Senate Republican Caucus (1967-1972), his relationship with Governor Patrick Lucey, and his prominence in committee work on various key issues. There are extensive files on his participation as a private citizen in numerous advocacy organizations. Local issues concerning Wausau and Langlade, Marathon, and Shawano counties are also prominent. Within the subject files are press releases, form letters, newsletters, and speeches and material on Chilsen's reelection campaigns.
Chippewa County (Wis.). Board of Supervisors Title: Chippewa County (Wis.). Board of Supervisors: Proceedings, 1854-1975
Quantity: 5.0 c.f. (4 archives boxes and 11 volumes)
Call Number: Chippewa Series 1
Abstract: Records including clerk's minutes and documents considered by the Board at each meeting. Documents include: petitions, memorials, communications, and claims addressed to the Board; reports of county officers and of Board committees; resolutions and ordinances; and other papers relating to the operations, services, finances, planning, and policy of county government. Proceedings from 1854 through 1892 are available in volume form only and proceedings from 1924-forward are available as printed pamphlets only. In order to obtain complete coverage, both volumes and pamphlets are present for the years 1893-1923.
Chippewa County (Wis.). Register of Deeds Title: Chippewa County (Wis.). Register of Deeds: Deeds, Government Land Patents, and Other Records, 1854-1997
Quantity: 26 reels of microfilm (35mm)
Call Number: Chippewa Series 32
Abstract: Deeds, 1854-1888, 1939-1993, and government land patents, 1855-1910. Included are warranty, quit claim, other deeds, etc.
Chippewa Falls Armory, Title: Chippewa Falls Armory Records,
Quantity: 0.8 linear ft. (2 archives boxes and 1 oversized folder).
Call Number: WVM Mss 856
Abstract: The records of the Chippewa Falls Armory contain correspondence, reports, and financial records relating to the operation of facility and the Wisconsin National Guard units (Troop A Cavalry and Batteries C and F of the 120th Field Artillery) stationed there during the 1920s. Correspondence includes instructions received from the state's Adjutant General, Quartermaster, and Military Architect and Engineer as well as the federal War Department. This correspondence provides insight into the operation of an armory following World War I and the upkeep of both cavalry and artillery units of the National Guard. The financial records include public vouchers that detail the expenditures made for the operation of the armory. Purchase orders show the supplies needed both for the building, the men, and the cavalry unit's horses. Reports provide information about the members of the National Guard unit and include muster rolls, inspections, and attendance records. Also in the collection are some personal papers of Duncan R. Ackley, a captain at the armory during the 1920s, including some certificates relating to his National Guard service.
Chippewa Falls Public Library (Wis.) Title: Chippewa Falls Public Library Records, 1896-1965
Quantity: 0.8 c.f. (2 archives boxes)
Call Number: Chippewa Series 43
Abstract: Records of the Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, public library established in 1894, including annual reports of the board of directors (1896-1904), narrative annual reports of the librarian to the board (1897-1956), and statistical reports to the Wisconsin Free Library Commission; and minutes of the board of directors (1950-1955). Daily circulation records (mainly 1914-1951) detail adult and juvenile circulation patterns by broad subject categories. Also included are papers about the Roujet D. Marshall bequest, miscellaneous financial records of the library and of the Dancing Club that met in the library building, and a record of the titles that comprised the renting collection, 1920-1922.
Chiwaukee Prairie Preservation Fund Title: Chiwaukee Prairie Preservation Fund Records, 1962-2006
Quantity: 0.8 c.f. (2 archives boxes)
Call Number: Parkside Mss 91
Abstract: Records of the Chiwaukee Prairie Preservation Fund, an organization formed in 1985 to protect and raise funds for the Chiwaukee Prairie State Natural Area and the Carol Beach Area in the Town of Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha County, Wisconsin. Also included are records of a similar predecessor organization, the Chiwaukee Prairie Rescue Coalition, formed in 1983 and disbanded in 1985, and information about another predecessor, the Kenosha/Racine Committee of the Nature Conservancy, formed in 1965 and disbanded about 1983. Included are articles of organization, minutes, annual reports, correspondence, news clippings, financial records, an environmental plan, and other miscellaneous records.
Choate, Edward, 1908-1975 Title: Edward Choate Papers, 1923-1973
Quantity: 4.2 c.f. (11 archives boxes), 3 tape recordings, and 2 reels of microfilm (35mm)
Call Number: U.S. Mss 108AN; Micro 470; Micro 624; Tape 507A
Abstract: Papers of a theatrical producer and theater manager mainly consisting of scripts, correspondence, contracts, advertising, microfilmed clipping scrapbooks, photographs, and financial records of plays produced or considered for production. Of these, files on Decision (1944), Juno and the Paycock (1940), Kindred (1939), and Miss Liberty (1949) are most notable. Several boxes of correspondence, contracts and booking files, publicity, annotated scripts, production information, and company journals concern the Margaret Webster companies of which Choate was business manager and partner. Related material added by David Fennema consists of research correspondence, interviews with members of the Margaret Webster Shakespeare Company, and a microfilm copy of some Webster Papers at the New York Public Library. There is also a group of correspondence, financial records, and a magazine article concerning Choate's experiences with the Old Vic Theatre. Prominent correspondents scattered through the professional papers include Barry Fitzgerald, Moss Hart, Robert Edmond Jones, Elia Kazan, Alfred Lunt, Burgess Meredith, Sir Laurence Olivier, and Geraldine Page. Additional personal correspondence, 1938-1953, with Irish playwright John Vincent Carroll and co-producer Arthur Shields contains many references to productions on which they collaborated. Personal papers include general letters, contracts, miscellaneous biographical records, a scrapbook concerning his eulogy of S. N. Behrman, and papers of two groups of which he was an officer: the Independent Citizens committee of the Arts, Sciences, and Professions and the Stop Censorship Committee. The folder on the censorship committee includes a tape of a 1948 meeting at which Florence Eldridge, Jose Ferrer, Moss Hart, Albert Maltz, Burgess Meredith, and Margaret Webster spoke.
Choinski, Walter Frank, 1899- Title: Walter F. Choinski Jr. Papers, 1899-1987
Quantity: 1.7 cubic feet (4 archives boxes and 1 oversize folder) and 110 photographs (5 folders); plus additions of 0.1 cubic feet (1 folder)
Call Number: Mss 781; PH 3908; PH 3909; M97-082
Abstract: Papers of Walter F. Choinski Jr., a career soldier from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, chiefly consisting of a lengthy memoir concerning service during the 1930s with the Wisconsin National Guard and in Alaska during World War II, and diplomatic assignments in Korea and Poland and CIA intelligence work during the postwar era. Also included are several research documents produced while associated with the Military Assistance Institute including information on a tour of Vietnam in 1960. Subject files contain clippings and related personal and genealogical documents. The photographs document aspects of Choinski's career and paintings by his wife.
Chojnacki, Leonard R., 1915-1984 Title: Leonard R. Chojnacki Papers
Quantity: 0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
Call Number: MISC MSS 234
Abstract: The Leonard R. Chojnacki Papers include correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, title abstracts, and an assortment of other items, including: cemetery certificate for Peter Denney (1905); U. S. Army discharge papers for Paul H. Schaffer (1945); birth certificate for Marion Grace Garrihee (1908); marriage certificate for James Kenyon and Julia Wanke (1938); and an Oak Grove cemetery deed for Adolph Petrick (1917). Chojnacki was a municipal court judge in La Crosse, Wisconsin, and lived 1915-1984.
Chouteau, Auguste, 1750-1829;
Chouteau, Pierre, 1789-1865;
Forsythe, Thomas;
Gratiot, Charles, 1752-1817;
Sublette, William Lewis, 1799-1845;
Vasquez, Benito;
Cabanné and Company;
Pierre Chouteau Jr. and Co.;
William L. Sublette and Company
Title: Pierre Chouteau and Others' Papers, 1792-1888
Quantity: 0.9 cubic feet (2 black boxes and 1 volume)
Call Number: U.S. Mss 1B-U.S. Mss 8B
Abstract: Photostat copies of papers dealing with the fur trade in the Missouri and Mississippi valleys, from the originals at the Missouri Historical Society in St. Louis, consisting of papers of Pierre, Auguste, and Pierre Chouteau Jr., 1787-1859; two letter books of Charles Gratiot, 1792-1816; a letter book of Cabanne and Company, 1817-1819; papers of William L. Sublette and Company, 1826-1888; of Beniot Vasquez, 1811-1842, and of Thomas Forsyth of Rock Island, Illinois, 1811-1822. Many of these records are in French.
Christ Episcopal Church (Green Bay, Wis.) Title: Christ Episcopal Church (Green Bay, Wis.) Records, 1829-1973
Quantity: 9 reels of microfilm (35 mm)
Call Number: Green Bay Micro 12; Micro 610; Micro 627; Micro 656
Abstract: Records of the Christ Episcopal Church congregation and related institutions, including correspondence, minutes and reports, constitutions, financial, construction, and real estate records, and registers, 1829-1961, including lists of rectors, communicants, baptisms, confirmations, marriages, and burials. Historical materials concern the parish, its related institutions, and Green Bay. Also present are records of the Sunday School and church women's organizations, guilds, and the Young People's Society; and records of Episcopal church missions at Fort Howard (Kemper), Duvall (St. Mary's), and Montpelier (St. Anne's); and of St. James' Parish in Green Bay. Included is correspondence, reports, and financial records, 1869-1915, of the Cadle Home and Hospital in Green Bay; programs and clippings of the Oneida Indian Mission School, Oneida, Wisconsin; and materials pertaining to the founding of the Wisconsin University at Green Bay, an Indian Episcopal boarding school.
Christ Episcopal Church (La Crosse, Wis.);
St. Peter's Mission (La Crosse, Wis.)
Title: Christ Episcopal Church (La Crosse, Wisconsin) Records
Physical Description: 5.3 cubic feet
Call Number: MSS 100
Abstract: Records of Christ Episcopal Church, one of the oldest organized denominations in the city of La Crosse, Wis., also called Christ Church, 1854-1990, and records of its mission church, St. Peter’s, located on the North Side of La Crosse, 1886-1932. Historical materials include genealogical information on the Mary Edgar Sill (1838-1919) family, originally from Scotland. Other historical materials include newspaper clippings, photographs, and information on the stained glass “Window of the Beatitudes” designed by Charles S. Connick in 1933 and donated by Alice E. Hixon in memory of Frank Pennell Hixon. Congregational records include a parish list, parish registers, registers or logs of church services, vestry minutes, and sacramental records (1887-1951). St. Peter’s Mission, which was located on the North Side of La Crosse, included some Syrian and Greek families. These sacramental records consist of baptisms, 1887-1929; communicants, circa 1893-1896; marriages, 1886-1902; and burials, circa 1887-1932. Financial records include cash books, records of member donations, and miscellaneous materials. Related materials pertain to the Diocese of Eau Claire and consist of annual journals, a written history, and proposed canon revisions.
Christ Episcopal Church (La Crosse, Wis.);
, St. Peter's Mission (La Crosse, Wis.)
Title: Christ Episcopal Church (La Crosse, Wisconsin) Records
Physical Description: 0.1 cubic feet
Call Number: MSS 046, Micro 19
Abstract: Records of Christ Episcopal Church, also called Christ Church, 1857-1917, of La Crosse, Wisconsin, and records of its mission church, St. Peter's, located on the North Side of La Crosse, 1887-1932. Christ Episcopal Church is one of the oldest organized denominations in the city of La Crosse, Wis., and boasted membership of some of the oldest and well known families in La Crosse. Church records include baptisms, confirmations, marriages and burials, 1857-1917; and some lists of communicants and families. St. Peter's Mission, which was located on the North Side of La Crosse, included some Syrian and Greek families. These records consist of baptisms, 1887-1929; communicants, ca. 1893-1896; marriages, 1886-1902; and burials, ca. 1887-1932.
Christ Episcopal Church (La Crosse, Wis.). Friendship Program. Title: Christ Episcopal Church (La Crosse, Wis.), Friendship Program Records
Physical Description: 0.2 cubic feet
Call Number: MSS 066
Abstract: The Friendship Program of Christ Church was a community-based organization. Its mission was to provide education in English language and American life skills to the Hmong and other minorities of all ages in the La Crosse area. The program is now defunct, but operated from June 1988 to June 1998, teaching English language proficiency. It held classes in Christ Episcopal Church. The records include some historical information, annual reports, Folk Festival, newsletters (1993-1998), steering committee materials, volunteer tutor manuals, and tutor evaluations.
Christel, William F., 1869-1952 Title: William F. Christel Papers, 1927-1954
Quantity: 0.4 c.f. (1 archives box)
Call Number: Green Bay Mss 69
Abstract: Fragmentary papers of William F. Christel, founder of pea-canning factories near Valders, Wisconsin, and of a farm implement and hardware firm, and inventor of canning industry equipment. Included are legal and financial papers, papers on his inventions, and other records, primarily concerned with the settling of his estate.
Christenson, Howard B. Title: Howard B. Christenson Papers, 1942-2001
Quantity: 0.2 c.f. (1 archives box) and 3 photographs
Call Number: River Falls Mss ES; PH River Falls Mss ES
Abstract: Military records and memoirs of Howard Christenson from Spring Valley (Wis.) who served during World War II as a pilot in the 17th Bomb Group of the 37th Squadron, U.S. Army Air Force; including documentation of his training, individual flights, promotions, transfers, reserve service, and awards. Also included are his memoirs of his wartime experience as well as those of Thomas Alton, a close friend of Christenson's from the same combat group and a fellow Wisconsin native. Additionally, there are articles on the history of the plane Christenson flew, the B-26 Marauder, and the history of the 37th Squadron. Photographs show Christenson's flight class at Rankin Aeronautical Academy and combat duty in the Mediterranean.
Christians for Socialism in the United States Title: Christians for Socialism in the United States Records, 1974-1983
Quantity: 5.0 c.f. (10 archives boxes and 1 record center carton) and 246 transparencies
Call Number: M83-239
Abstract: Records of Christians for Socialism in the United States (CFS), a national religious and political organization that engaged in theological reflection and social action. CFS was originally formed in 1974 as American Christians Toward Socialism (ACTS); it voted to dissolve in 1983. Also included are publications and correspondence with the international liberation theology movement, and CFS organizations in various nations. The most extensive files are those on CFS/US’s national meetings; its relations with its local chapters, particularly the chapter in Detroit; and its publication programs.
Christoffel, Harold Title: Wisconsin Labor Oral History Project: Harold Christoffel Interview, 1982
Quantity: 4 tape recordings
Call Number: Audio 973A
Abstract: Oral history interview conducted January 27, 1982 by Dale Treleven with Harold Christoffel at Nashotah, Wisconsin. Christoffel was a key Federal Labor Union (FLU), then UAW-CIO, activist at Allis-Chambers, Milwaukee; president of Local 248 until 1944; and a driving force in Milwaukee County and state IUC's until 1948. This interview is part of the Wisconsin Labor Oral History Project.
Christoffel, Harold Title: Wisconsin Labor Oral History Project: Harold Christoffel Interview, 1982
Quantity: 4 tape recordings
Call Number: Tape 973A
Abstract: Oral history interview conducted January 27, 1982 by Dale Treleven with Harold Christoffel at Nashotah, Wisconsin. Christoffel was a key Federal Labor Union (FLU), then UAW-CIO, activist at Allis-Chambers, Milwaukee; president of Local 248 until 1944; and a driving force in Milwaukee County and state IUC's until 1948. This interview is part of the Wisconsin Labor Oral History Project.
Christoffel, Harold R. 1912-1991 Title: Harold R. Christoffel Papers, circa 1937-1990 (bulk 1946-1950)
Quantity: 7.2 cubic feet (9 archives boxes and 9 flat boxes) and 1 DVD
Call Number: Mss 1046; VDA 001
Abstract: Papers, mainly 1946-1950, of Harold R. Christoffel, first president of the United Automobile Workers, Local 248 at Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company in West Allis, Wisconsin, from 1937 to 1945. The collection includes early Local 248 union materials, including a history of the union to 1946 written by Christoffel, grievances and rulings, and scrapbooks of newspaper clippings documenting the major Local 248 strikes against Allis-Chalmers in 1941 and 1946-1947. Christoffel was indicted for and eventually convicted of perjury after stating in front of the House Education and Labor Committee that he was not a Communist in hearings conducted to investigate the Local 248 strike of 1946-1947. The major focus of the collection centers on the activities of the Harold Christoffel Defense Committee, formed to garner support and funding for Christoffel's defense against perjury charges. These papers include correspondence, donation receipts, testimonies and statements from prosecution and defense witnesses, and newspaper clippings documenting the trial. Significant members of the House Education and Labor Committee include freshmen representatives John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon. The collection also includes personal papers from Christoffel's time in the army and in prison, as well as biographical and research material. The documents consist primarily of subject files, correspondence, scrapbooks, and newspaper clippings.
Christoffel, Harold, 1912-
[Digitized content]
Title: Harold Christoffel Oral History Interview, 1987
Quantity: 2 audio cassettes 2 digital files (1.95 GB)
Call Number: UWM Manuscript Collection 40
Abstract: An oral history interview by Stanley Mallach and Joseph Broderick with Harold Christoffel--president of the United Automobile Workers Union, Local 248 at the Allis-Chalmers Corporation (ACC) plant in West Allis, Wisconsin from the late 1930s until February 1945, when he entered military service--at Christoffel's home outside Milwaukee, Wisconsin on 23 June 1987. The interview deals with the founding and operations of the CIO News (Wisconsin) and West Allis plant newspapers and the role of these publications in labor relations at ACC and in the rise of the CIO in Wisconsin. Also contains information about conflicts between ACC and Local 248 and the rise and internal operations of the Milwaukee County Industrial Union Council (MCIUC) and the Wisconsin State Industrial Union Council (WSIUC). The interview deals with the founding, purposes, effectiveness, editorial policy, story sources, and distribution of the Allis-Chalmers Workers' Union News, the CNW, and the Local 248 page and Local 248 edition of the CNW. Notable in the interview are Christoffel's comments on the purposes of the publications as information and organizing arms of Local 248 and the MCIUC and WSIUC; on race relations at ACC and in Local 248; on aspects of labor relations at the West Allis plant and the CNW coverage of the 1939 and 1941 strikes; on friction between the labor movement in Milwaukee and the Milwaukee Journal; on the coverage of union elections and John L. Lewis by the CNW; and on the stand of Local 248 on American entry into World War II before 7 December 1941 and attitudes toward the war effort after December 7.
Christofferson, Bill Title: Bill Christofferson Papers, 1944-2005
Quantity: 0.4 c.f. (1 archives box), 68 tape recordings, 1 videorecording, and 1 DVD
Call Number: M2010-122; Audio 1512A
Abstract: Bill Christofferson's research materials accumulated during his writing of The Man From Clear Lake, a biography of Gaylord Nelson. The bulk of the collection consists of cassette tapes of interviews with Gaylord Nelson and other individuals associated with Nelson, including Senators George McGovern and Walter F. Mondale. Also included are summary notes for 18 of the taped interviews, as well as notes for a few non-taped interviews with both Nelson and others. Also present is a transcript of a Columbia University oral history interview with Nelson (1981), a manuscript entitled “Honorable Governor Gaylord A. Nelson” by Gertrude C. Nelson, Nelson's military records and FBI files, a VHS tape of Nelson on Sunday Night with Mike Gousha, and a DVD of Nelson's memorial service.
Chronicle Printing Company Title: Chronicle Printing Company Records, 1959-1971
Quantity: 0.5 cubic ft. (1 box)
Call Number: Local History Manuscript Collection 365
Abstract: Records of the Chronicle Printing Company, affiliate of the Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle founded by Irving G. Rhodes in 1920.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. La Crosse Wisconsin Stake. Title: Historical Sketch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in La Crosse, 1899-1907
Quantity: 0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Call Number: MISC MSS 051
Abstract: Historical sketch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in La Crosse, Wisconsin between 1899 and 1907. Author and date when sketch was written are unknown.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Strangites) Title: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Strangites): Chronicle of Voree, 1844-1849
Quantity: 0.2 c.f. (1 volume) and 1 reel of microfilm (35mm)
Call Number: Wis Mss ED; Micro 428
Abstract: Photostat copy of the chronicle of the Mormon church at Voree, Wisconsin, headed by James J. Strang, consisting of an account of baptisms, marriages, ordinations of elders, Strang's revelations, missionary activities, relations with the Nauvoo, Illinois, church, theological doctrine, excommunications, and miscellaneous church affairs.
Church of Peace (Fond du Lac, Wis.) Title: Church of Peace (Fond du Lac, Wis.) Records, 1871-1979
Quantity: 2 reels of microfilm (35mm)
Call Number: Micro 763; Oshkosh Micro 15
Abstract: A history, 1945, and sacramental records, 1871-1979, for the United Church of Christ congregation, founded in 1869 as the Evangelische Friedenskirche, and a part of the Evangelical and Reformed Church; including records of baptisms, burials, confirmations, marriages, special offerings, and communions, with obituaries for 1971-1979. Also includes a record book, 1889-1923, of the Bethel Church, Marblehead, Wisconsin, with similar information.
Church Women United (La Crosse, Wis.) Title: Church Women United of La Crosse Records
Physical Description: 1.4 cubic feet
Call Number: MSS 006
Abstract: The national Council of Church Women organization began in December 1941. By May of 1942, the local chapter, La Crosse Council of Church Women, had begun. The group acts as a local united of the United Church Women of Wisconsin and as a general department of United Women of the National Council of the Churches of Christ, as well as functioning as a department of the La Crosse Area Council of Churches, Inc. In more recent times, the organization refers to itself as Church Women United (of La Crosse). Records, 1942-1985, of Church Women United of La Crosse, Wisconsin, which included the constitution, meeting minutes, correspondence, financial materials, and scrapbooks. The original name of the organization was the La Crosse Council of Church Women, and later the United Church Women. Today they call themselves Church Women United. The group has been involved in many peace movements and civil rights concerns both in the U.S. and abroad. The collection consists of scrapbooks (1952-1988), minutes (1956-1975), and correspondence (1958-1981) which reveal the members' concern for such issues as peace movements, human, and civil rights.
Church Women United. Wisconsin Title: Church Women United. Wisconsin: Records, 1970-2010
Quantity: 0.5 c.f. (1 flat box); plus additions of 1.0 c.f., 24 photographs, and 1 videorecording
Call Number: Mss 317; M2011-064
Abstract: Records of Church of Women United Wisconsin, including assembly materials, bylaws, and policy statements, as well as a scrapbook for the World Day of Prayer; ecumenical actions, issue materials and newsletters from area units; and photographs from events and local area units.
Church, Dennis Title: Downtown Madison Project Photographs Taken by Dennis Church, 1980-1981
Quantity: 76 photographs (1 flat box)
Call Number: PH 6642
Abstract: Photographs taken by Church for the Downtown Madison project, partially funded by the city of Madison Cultural Affairs Commission. The photographs are predominantly taken from the Capitol Square and State Street areas.
Churchill, Roscoe, 1916-2007;
Churchill, Evelyn, 1918-1996;
Gauger, Laura, 1956-
Title: Roscoe and Evelyn Churchill Papers, 1967-2014 (bulk 1970-2007)
Quantity: 22.8 cubic feet (21 records center cartons, 3 archives boxes, and 1 flat box), 161 photographs, 34 transparencies, 42 tape recordings, 21 videorecordings, and 2 DVDs
Call Number: Eau Claire Mss DE; PH Eau Claire Mss DE; Audio 1642A; VDA 175; VDA 349; VHB 441-VHB 459; VHB 931-VHB 932
Abstract: Papers documenting the efforts of Roscoe and Evelyn Churchill and Laura Gauger to prohibit copper mining operations near the Flambeau River in the Town of Grant, Rusk County, Wisconsin. The Churchills and Laura Gauger collaborated on The Buzzards Have Landed! The Real Story of the Flambeau Mine (2007), a book documenting these activities. The papers include notes and materials for the book arranged by chapter, correspondence with politicians and government agencies, letters to the editor, court documents and legal proceedings, publicity and public relations materials, petitions, background on the Flambeau Mine and Kennecott Copper Corporation, newsletters, speeches, information on state and local ordinances, and records of the Rusk County Citizen Action Group and the Wisconsin Resources Protection Council.

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