Labor's Non-Partisan League Records, 1936-1944

Summary Information
Title: Labor's Non-Partisan League Records
Inclusive Dates: 1936-1944

  • Labor's Non-Partisan League
Call Number: U.S. Mss 123A

Quantity: 3.6 c.f. (9 archives boxes)

Archival Locations:
Wisconsin Historical Society (Map)

Records of a CIO auxiliary formed in 1936 to marshal labor support for political candidates favorable to labor on all levels of government, and to form public opinion on issues such as labor legislation and public housing. The collection includes correspondence, memoranda, resolutions, telegrams, and speeches. Correspondence is between league officers and union officials, attorneys, scholars, and office holders on topics of concern to labor, particularly proposed labor legislation. The correspondence and memoranda of Russel Nixon, the Washington representative of the league, to Secretary John T. Jones illustrate the organization's lobbying methods. Other correspondents include George L. Berry, John L. Lewis, and Robert M. La Follette, Jr. Also present are clippings on subjects of interest to labor, copies of organizing letters, proceedings of the committee which formed the league and of the 1937 league convention, and a scrapbook.

Language: English

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Labor's Non-Partisan League was formed in 1936, with George L. Berry as president, for the purpose of rallying labor union members to vote for candidates and causes favorable to Labor at all levels of government. It was generally considered an auxiliary of the Congress of Industrial Organizations and was later succeeded by the Political Action Committee (PAC) of the C.I.O.

The League made use of voter education in the formation of public opinion on such election issues as public housing and the St. Lawrence Seaway. A good example of the League's lobbying system and methods is found in this collection in the memoranda, 1940-1941, of the League's Washington representative, Russel Nixon, to Secretary of the League John T. Jones.

Scope and Content Note

This collection is divided into a general file and a file of news releases and clippings. In addition there are two folders of convention proceedings, a folder of organizing letters, and a small scrapbook.

The general file is arranged alphabetically according to subject, with the material under “Labor's Non-Partisan League” further subdivided by states. The material is mostly correspondence, 1941-1944, with memoranda, resolutions, telegrams, and speeches included. Subjects relate to matters of interest to Labor during the World War II years of 1941-1944. The correspondence is between officers of the Non-Partisan League and labor union officials, attorneys, scholars, national, state and local office holders, and political candidates.

Administrative/Restriction Information
Acquisition Information

Presented by Robert Howe, Washington, D.C., April 20, 1962.

Processing Information

Processed by Frank A. Deloughery, October 25, 1962.

Contents List
Series: General File
Box   1
Ab - Al
Box   1
Alameda County Industrial Union Council
Box   1
Aluminum Workers of America
Box   1
American Committee For Protection Of Foreign Born
Box   1
American Youth Congress
Box   1
Amherst College
Box   1
Box   1
Anonymous letters
Box   1
Ar - Az
Box   1
Bal - Bri
Box   1
Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen
Box   1
Buckley, Bert B.
Box   1
Bun - But
Box   1
California State Industrial Union Council
Box   1
Cal - Col
Congress of Industrial Organizations
Box   1
Box   1
Legislative Conference
Box   1
Box   1
District of Columbia
Box   1
Box   1
Con - Cut
Box   1
Dad - Dav
Box   1
Deck, Harry
Box   1
Defense priorities, Automobile Production Curtailment
Box   1
Des - Dwe
Box   1
Eas - Erie
Box   1
Far - Fla
Box   2
Form Letters
Box   2
For - Fur
Box   2
Gabbard, Elmer E.
Box   2
Gat - Gov
Box   2
Greater New York Industrial Union Council
Box   2
Highlander Folk School
Box   2
Hal - Har
Box   2
Hca - Hill
Box   2
Hennepin County Farmer-Labor Association
Box   2
Ho - Hu
Box   2
Indiana State Industrial Union Council
Box   2
Ind - Int
Box   2
International Union of Mine, Mill, and Smelter Workers
Box   2
Iowa - Nebraska State Industrial Union Council
Box   2
Joh - Jon
Box   2
Jones, John T.
Box   2
Knowles, Clive
Box   3
Kuster, Cloyd E.
Box   3
Lab - LaF
Box   3
Labor Research Organization
Labor's Non-Partisan League
Box   3
Box   3
Box   3
California Local Units
Box   3
Box   3
Box   3
District of Columbia
Box   3
Box   3
Russel Nixon
Box   3
A. A. Hartwell
Box   3
Box   3
Box   3
Box   3
Box   3
New Jersey
Box   3
New Mexico
Box   3
North Carolina
Box   4
Lawrence, Alton
Box   4
Anthracite Bill
Box   4
Box   4
Anti-Poll Tax Bill
Box   4
Anti-Strike Bill, Dec. 1941
Box   4
Conally-Smith Anti-Strike Bill, 1943
Box   4
Dirksen Bill, Marine & Fisheries
Box   4
Bituminous Coal Act, 1943
Box   4
Hobbs Bill, HR 3, Concentration Bill
Box   4
Labor Relations Act
Box   4
Price Control Bill
Box   4
Property Seizure Bill
Box   4
Selective Service Act, May-Connally Amendments
Box   5
Delegations on Repressive Measures
Box   5
Small Loans Bill
Box   5
Tax Bill, HR 5147
Box   5
WPA Deficiency Appropriations Act
Box   5
General Legislation
Box   5
May, A. J., Congressman
Box   5
Mc - Mem
Box   5
Minnesota State Industrial Union Council
Box   5
Murdock - Murphy
Box   5
Murray, Philip
Box   5
National Federation of Post Office Clerks
Box   5
National War Labor Board
Box   5
National Negro Congress
Box   5
Neeley, M. M.
Box   5
Nef - New
Box   5
New Jersey State Industrial Union Council
Box   5
Nixon's Memoranda to John T. Jones
Box   5
O'Co - Old
Box   5
Oregon State Industrial Union Council
Box   5
Pearson - Pre
Box   5
Progressive Committee to Rebuild the American Labor Party
Box   6
Rab - Ram
Box   6
Representation, Union, by Congressional District
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Box   6
Rob - Sam
Box   6
Sacramento Industrial Union Council
Box   6
Sch - Shi
Box   6
Seattle Industrial Union Council
Box   6
Sou - Ste
Box   6
Steel Workers' Organizing Committee
Box   6
Tay - Tow
Box   6
Texas State Industrial Union Council
Box   6
Textile Workers of America
Box   6
Transport Workers Union of America
Box   6
Tru - Tul
Box   6
United Automobile Workers of America
Box   7
United Cannery, Agricultural, Packing and Allied Workers of America
United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America
Box   7
Wage Increases
Box   7
District 50
Box   7
Third Party
Box   7
United Office and Professional Workers of America
Box   7
United Office and Professional Workers (LNPL Office)
Box   7
United Packinghouse Workers Organizing Committee
Box   7
United Rubber Workers of America
Box   7
United Transport Workers (Virginia)
Box   7
West Virginia Industrial Union Council
Box   7
Wis - Wor
Series: Clippings and News Releases
Box   7
Garner, John N.
Box   7
Hull, Cordell
Box   7
Jackson, Robert H.
Box   7
Perkins, Frances
Box   7
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Box   7
Wallace, Henry A.
Box   8
Communist Party
Box   8
Local Units of Labor's Non-Partisan League
State Units of Labor's Non-Partisan League
Box   8
Connecticut to Oklahoma
Box   9
Oregon to Wyoming
Box   9
Series: Organizing Letters, 1938, Dec. 19 - 1940, Aug. 1
Series: Proceedings
Box   9
Committee to Form Labor's Non-Partisan League, 1936, Aug. 10
Box   9
Labor's Non-Partisan League Convention, 1937, Mar. 8
Box   9
Series: Scrapbook