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Title: Wisconsin Coastal Management Program: Coastal Management Program Contract, 1984-2004

Creator: Wisconsin Coastal Management Program
Quantity: 12.6 cubic feet and 145 megabytes
Call Number: 2000/050; 2010/067; 2012/070; 2013/067; 2016/147
Abstract: The Wisconsin Coastal Management Program performs contractual work with other state agencies, local units of government, universities, and businesses to improve management of the Great Lakes resources. This record series consists of contract folders which include: contractual grant agreements, grant agreement amendments, purchase requisitions, purchase orders, work plans, interim and final reports, background and work papers, invoices, and related materials and correspondence.

Contents List
Part 3 (2012/070): Additions, 1999-2000   subfonds
• ...: 2012/070 ...