Robert Bendiner Papers, 1934-1984

Summary Information

Title: Robert Bendiner Papers
Inclusive Dates: 1934-1984

  • Bendiner, Robert
Call Number: Micro 1109; Micro 1148

Quantity: 17 reels of microfilm (35mm)

Archival Locations:
Wisconsin Historical Society (Map)

Papers, mainly 1948-1969, of an editor, writer, and member of the New York Times editorial board, consisting of drafts, notes, research material, and correspondence for books and articles. Magazine articles, chiefly pertaining to politics and education, include manuscripts contributed to Collier's, Life, New Statesman, New York Times Magazine, Saturday Evening Post, Show, Redbook, and Reporter. There are also extensive files on four books: Just Around the Corner: A Highly Selective History of the Thirties (1967), Obstacle Course On Capitol Hill (1964), White House Fever (1960), and The Politics of the Schools (1969). Also present are a script for “Man in the Middle: The State Legislature,” which was aired as an NBC White Paper; a report on the performing arts prepared for the Rockefeller Brothers Fund; and research files for unpublished articles. Correspondence concerns Bendiner's interest in politics and civil liberties and includes letters to and from representatives of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers, American Civil Liberties Union, American Jewish Committee, Americans for Democratic Action, Democratic National Committee, League for Industrial Democracy, International Ladies Garment Workers Union, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Society for Ethical Culture, and campaign committees supporting Franklin D. Roosevelt, Adlai E. Stevenson, and John F. Kennedy. Individual correspondents include Paul H. Douglas, W. Averell Harriman, Hubert H. Humphrey, Jacob K. Javits, John V. Lindsay, James Loeb, Jr., Douglas MacArthur, Mike Monroney, Joseph L. Rauh, Jr., Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., Theodore Sorenson, Norman Thomas, and Harry S. Truman.

Language: English

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