Oral History Interview with Roy R. Meier, 1979

Summary Information
Title: Oral History Interview with Roy R. Meier
Inclusive Dates: 1979

  • Meier, Roy R., 1902-
Call Number: Audio 744A

Quantity: 7 tape recordings

Archival Locations:
Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center / Ashland Area Research Ctr. (Map)
Wisconsin Historical Society (Map)

Interview conducted by Dale Treleven of the Historical Society staff with Roy R. Meier, a Town of Spirit, Price County, Wisconsin farmer, concerning the town's history, agricultural conditions and practices, his activities in 4-H and on the town and county boards, German settlement in Price County, and other topics.


Part of the Wisconsin Agriculturalists Oral History Project.

Language: English

URL to cite for this finding aid: http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/wiarchives.uw-whs-audi00744a


Roy R. Meier was born on December 26, 1902 in the Town of Brannan (now Spirit), Price County, Wisconsin, the seventh son of a large German-American family living in the German Settlement. He developed a keen, life-long interest in history in elementary school classes and while listening to his mother recount many remembrances as she and Roy milked the small herd of cows on the Meier farm. He hastened to write down what he remembered, pass on verbally to family and friends what he had been told, and, later in life, to write and publish several histories mentioned later in this introduction or in the abstract. As the years passed, Roy Meier became not only a community leader because of activities and responsibilities ranging from 4-H Club to the Price County board of supervisors, but of growing recognition as the authority on the peopling and development of German, Swedish, and Finnish settlements in much of Price and adjacent Lincoln County. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places is a two story Swedish-built log house which Meier moved to a spot just west of his Town of Spirit farmhouse and which functions as a museum (“Our Yesterday House”) to display numerous artifacts and memorabilia that Meier has collected over the years. The Meier farm, at the time of the interview, continued to be a site for the sale of maple syrup, produced by Roy Meier and several of his sons and their families who live nearby.

Scope and Content Note


Roy Meier as a possible interviewee for the Wisconsin Agriculturalists Oral History Project was first brought to my [interviewer Dale Treleven's] attention by Society employee Mark Knipping, at the time a field representative. Knipping's assessment of an individual brimming with information about the development of agriculture and logging, its crucial counterpart for that area of the state, proved to be an understatement. Beyond the detail Meier could provide about his rural neighborhood in general, I decided to tape Meier as a type of agriculturalist whose farm remained a very modest-sized operation but one that nevertheless provided a reliable source of income when added to logging profits. At the same time, Meier supplemented his income in many ways such as working on, then supervising road crews in the Town of Spirit, and by hauling farmers' livestock to receiving stations.

I first met Roy Meier on February 13, 1979, toured his museum, and chatted with Roy and his wife (the former Helen Pearson from the nearby Tim's Hill area) while seated around the kitchen table of their modest but comfortable farm house. I returned to the Meier farm on three consecutive mornings from March 21-23, 1979, for taping sessions in the morning until noon on the 21st and 22nd before leaving to complete other Society field work.

After completing the March 23rd taping session in Meier's living room, also the location of the earlier sessions, we ate a light lunch before I drove him around the neighborhood with tape recorder operating. Despite a persistent storm which combined snow and sleet (the listener will hear our voices amidst windshield wipers and drivulets on metal), the excursion added much to the completeness of the interview series. Among the resources researchers will find preserved to supplement this interview are photocopied portions of plat maps that, when used with the attached abstract, will allow them to locate the section, farmstead, or structure that Meier discussed during the excursion. The entire interview, when used with other materials donated to the Society's collections by Roy Meier, provides researchers with an abundance of information about the life, activities, and remembrances of a most remarkable individual and his rural neighbors in a northern Wisconsin county. Other researchers may desire to read Jeanette Gilge's Never Miss a Sunset (Elgin, IL: David C. Cook Publishing Co., 1975), the basis of which is the Karl Albert Maier family in 1902-1903.

Abstract to the Interview

The tapes for this interview have two tracks: a voice track containing the discussion, and a time track containing time announcements at intervals of approximately five seconds. The abstract lists, in order of discussion, the topics covered on each tape and indicates the time-marking at which point the beginning of the particular discussion appears.

Thus, the researcher, by using a tape recorder's fast-forward button, may find expeditiously and listen to discrete segments without listening to all of the taped discussion. For instance, the user who wishes to listen to the topic on “FAMILY COMPOSITION” should locate the place on the second track of tape one, side one, where the voice announces the 04:45 time-marking (the voice says at this point, “four minutes, forty-five seconds”), and at this point switch to the first track to hear the discussion. The discussion on “FAMILY COMPOSITION” continues until approximately 07:10, at which point discussion of the next topic (“ORIGINS OF MEIER FAMILY”) begins.

Notice that in most cases, sentences beneath each headline explain more about the contents of the topic. For example, the sentences underneath “FAMILY COMPOSITION” give further details on what appears on the tape between 04:45 and 07:10.

The abstract is designed to provide only a brief outline of the content of the tapes and cannot serve as a substitute for listening to them. However, the abstract when used with the index will help the researcher to locate easily distinct topics and discussion among the many minutes of commentary.

The index, which is keyed to the same time announcement track (second track) as the abstract, gives a single alphabetical listing of proper nouns (persons, places, groups, organizations, books, periodicals), distinct historical phenomena (Depression, Crash, World War II, McCarthyism), and concepts and activities (economy in government, ethnicity, organizing, collective bargaining) which appear on the tape/in the abstract. Each entry is followed by one or more citations specifying the location(s) where the entry appears. For instance, Americanism is followed by the citation 1:1, 24:00. This indicates that a reference to Americanism appears on Tape 1, Side 1, within the time-marking beginning at 24:00 of the time announcement. The index includes cross references but no subheadings except where there are a considerable number of entries for a heading that may be easily divided.

Related Material

Cataloged separately is a collection of papers of Roy R. Meier.

Supporting documents: German Settlement History; “A History of the Dairy Herd of the Spring Brook Farm;” farm ledger of Albert C. Maier (named originally Karl Albert Maier); miscellaneous photographs donated by Roy Meier; photographs taken by interviewer of Roy Meier, his farm, and neighborhood structures. All in State Historical Society of Wisconsin Archives.

Administrative/Restriction Information
Acquisition Information

Accession Number: M79-112

Processing Information

Finding aid prepared by Dale E. Treleven, May 24, 1982.

Contents List
Audio 744A
1979 March 21
Tape/Side   1/1
Time   00:00
Tape/Side   1/1
Time   00:40
Interviewer's Preface and Interviewee's Rejoinder
Scope and Content Note: Roy Meier prepared Town of Spirit section in 1876-1976 Centennial, Ogema-Spirit Hill, July 2nd to 4th, Historical Album
Tape/Side   1/1
Time   02:30
Roy R. Meier Born in Father's New House Near Course of New Road.
Scope and Content Note: Born on December 26, 1902. Describes family picture taken in spring of 1903 (copy in SHSW Archives).
Tape/Side   1/1
Time   04:45
Family Composition
Scope and Content Note: Thirteen surviving children; one child died at birth. Roy Meier the seventh son. Describes picture of father Karl Albert Meier (later Albert C. Meier) at age twenty-one.
Tape/Side   1/1
Time   07:10
Origins of Meier Family
Scope and Content Note: Migrated first from Germany, then from Wind Lake (Muskego), Wisconsin. Grandfather Siegfried Meier served in Civil War, went to Texas, then migrated to town of Brannan to locate homesteads for German relatives. Filed claim in section 26 on tote road from Jenny (Merrill).
Tape/Side   1/1
Time   09:10
Locates Meier Homestead on Post-1881 Plat Map (copy in SHSW Archives)
Scope and Content Note: Father's 160-acre farm adjacent to grandfather's. Albert Meier probably homesteaded in 1881 at age twenty-one; record found of taxes paid in 1883.
Tape/Side   1/1
Time   10:40
Town of Brannan Renamed Town of Spirit in 1923
Scope and Content Note: Adopted from Indian name for Great Spirit. Cites names of Germans who settled in town of Spirit; explains how railroads owned every other section.
Tape/Side   1/1
Time   13:40
Comments on German Settlement in Swedish Area
Scope and Content Note: Baptist pastor Ostergren brought in Swedish settlers about the same time Wisconsin Central Railroad being constructed. Ogema area possibly first Swedish settlement in Wisconsin.
Tape/Side   1/1
Time   15:00
Describes Photograph of Albert C. Meier Farm, circa 1902
Scope and Content Note: Locates milk house, machine shed, barn from old homestead by Spirit River.
Tape/Side   1/1
Time   17:15
Explains Term “Tote Road”
Scope and Content Note: Route for bringing supplies to headwaters for logging camps. Believes route followed road between Green Bay and Washburn at times when St. Mary's River frozen.
Tape/Side   1/1
Time   19:05
Religious Background of Mother's Family
Scope and Content Note: Marheine family had belonged to state church in Germany; children sent to Methodist Sunday School in Oshkosh. Recalls children carried dime to buy a pail of beer, not to donate to church. Mother joined Zion Lutheran Church in German settlement after Roy's birth.
Tape/Side   1/1
Time   21:55
Religious Background of Father's Family
Scope and Content Note: Grandfather met and married Eva Falikowski while in German army. Never joined a church. Father also joined Zion Lutheran Church in 1904.
Tape/Side   1/1
Time   23:15
Zion Lutheran Church in Town of Spirit Affiliated with Missouri or Wisconsin Synod
Tape/Side   1/1
Time   24:00
German Settlement Demonstrates Americanism as European War Spreads
Scope and Content Note: Zion Lutheran Church discontinued German-language services in 1915; Meier family stopped speaking German. Roy's eldest brother, Edward, enlisted in army; wounded at Cantigny.
Tape/Side   1/1
Time   26:45
Coercion against Germans in Area
Scope and Content Note: Recalls incident where Kraft house in Tomahawk painted yellow.
Tape/Side   1/1
Time   27:45
Absence of German Teachers in Settlement
Scope and Content Note: German school board members consciously hired teachers without foreign accent.
Tape/Side   1/1
Time   29:00
Origin of Roy Meier's “By-You Country” Nickname for German Settlement
Scope and Content Note: German greeting “How goes it by-you?”
Tape/Side   1/1
Time   29:45
End of Tape 1, Side 1
Tape/Side   1/2
Time   00:00
Tape/Side   1/2
Time   00:35
German Settlement School Located in Section 26
Scope and Content Note: Swedes later built Stone Lake school after which former school building moved one mile east. New German Settlement school built in 1919.
Tape/Side   1/2
Time   03:15
Comments on Father's Intelligence
Scope and Content Note: Wrote well; served on county board for several years.
Tape/Side   1/2
Time   04:00
Improved and Unimproved Acreage on Meier Farm, 1906-1917
Scope and Content Note: Father initially cleared four acres; gradually cleared stumpage with horses.
Tape/Side   1/2
Time   05:35
Recalls Seeing First Auto, 1906 or 1907
Scope and Content Note: Owned by Dr. Pierson.
Tape/Side   1/2
Time   06:50
Father Builds New Barn in 1906-1907
Scope and Content Note: 86' by 45' with large loft.
Tape/Side   1/2
Time   07:50
More on Clearing Land
Scope and Content Note: Twenty-five acres cleared by 1915. Observations about homesteaders' preference for sites along streams.
Tape/Side   1/2
Time   09:20
Father Begins to Sell Butter in Tomahawk, circa 1890
Scope and Content Note: Replaced oxen with team of horses to market butter in Tomahawk, twenty-five miles away, once every two weeks. Describes routes to Tomahawk. Father unique since most area farmers produced enough milk and butter for own consumption only. No local market for butter at first since lumber camps preferred cheaper lard.
Tape/Side   1/2
Time   14:50
Father Sells Butter to William Bradley, Owner of Standard Mercantile Company
Scope and Content Note: Tomahawk a growing logging and sawmill town. William Bradley a “very progressive person” who once spoofed New York financiers into believing Tomahawk a great wheat-growing area. Bradley built Marinette, Tomahawk, and Western Railroad; built Farmers Trading Company stores in Spirit Falls and Spirit; kept pure-bred bull at Spirit Falls for use by Albert Meier and others.
Tape/Side   1/2
Time   19:55
Father Delivers Butter to Booming Spirit Falls
Scope and Content Note: Sold butter in stone crocks, prints, and tubs under label of “Spring Brook Dairy.”
Tape/Side   1/2
Time   21:20
Spirit Falls Grows as Logging Town
Scope and Content Note: Had seven saloons, two hotels, but no church. Meier's uncle was blacksmith and constable.
Tape/Side   1/2
Time   23:15
More Comments on Father's Foresightedness
Tape/Side   1/2
Time   24:00
Crops on Albert Meier Farm
Scope and Content Note: Two acres of oats, one acre of corn, one acre of wheat and hay. Recalls brothers using scythes to cut hay. One of first in area to raise corn, red flint variety.
Tape/Side   1/2
Time   26:05
Planting Corn by Hand as Child
Scope and Content Note

Planted four kernels:

“One for the blackbird,

One for the crow,

One for the cutworm,

And one to grow.”

Father began to use hand-planter about 1914.

Tape/Side   1/2
Time   28:10
Family Members' Chores
Scope and Content Note: Girls worked in garden and field, but not in barn. Mother liked to milk cows; father not good at it.
Tape/Side   1/2
Time   29:15
Father Sells Potatoes, Rutabagas, and Cabbage
Scope and Content Note: Sold in Spirit Falls and Tomahawk.
Tape/Side   1/2
Time   29:50
End of Tape 1, Side 2
1979 March 22
Tape/Side   2/1
Time   00:00
Tape/Side   2/1
Time   00:30
Origin of Roy Meier's Interest in History
Scope and Content Note: Began in elementary school. He and mother milked together and talked about older days; he wrote down much of what she said.
Tape/Side   2/1
Time   02:25
Meier's German Settlement History
Scope and Content Note: Revised several times because of new evidence.
Tape/Side   2/1
Time   03:45
Why Siegfried Meier Brought Germans to Area
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Central Railroad Company probably subsidized Meier's efforts. Pastor Ostergren a member of state board of immigration.
Tape/Side   2/1
Time   05:25
More about Garden
Scope and Content Note: Cabbage and potatoes grown in half-acre garden east of house; rutabaga raised in field.
Tape/Side   2/1
Time   08:05
Cousin's Husband Carl Sawales Builds Creamery, circa 1910.
Scope and Content Note: Father had expanded market which included cream as well as butter; bought Empire cream separator. Reduced reliance on marketing vegetables.
Tape/Side   2/1
Time   09:05
Animals on Farm
Scope and Content Note: Included hogs and chickens. Raised no geese, although neighbors did. Father replaced oxen with team of horses in early 1890s. Recalls father leading brood sow to Spirit Falls to be bred. Father raised sheep to produce wool for home consumption; family later sold wool locally as few continued to raise sheep.
Tape/Side   2/1
Time   13:00
Meier Belongs to Wool Pool
Scope and Content Note: Statewide farmers' organization to obtain better price for wool, circa 1912-1920. Pool shipped wool by rail to Rib Lake. Roy Meier continued to raise sheep to provide wool for mother's knitting, despite problems containing them.
Tape/Side   2/1
Time   15:15
Shearing Sheep
Scope and Content Note: Learned how to shear from mother; laid sheep on old door across sawhorses. Always bought pure-bred rams to reduce effects of in-breeding.
Tape/Side   2/1
Time   16:50
Description of Farmhouse in 1915
Scope and Content Note: Recalls cream separator bolted to floor in kitchen; points out marks from brothers' cork shoes on floor. Two bedrooms upstairs held boys and girls, respectively. Small pantry adjoined kitchen. Front (north) room was sitting room; west room was parents' bedroom.
Tape/Side   2/1
Time   19:50
Illumination in House and Barn
Scope and Content Note: Used kerosene lamps until borrowed on life insurance policy to buy Delco plant in 1939. Installed lights in house and barn; bought iron and washing machine. Little reading done before advent of Reo lamps. Used kerosene lantern in barn until 1939.
Tape/Side   2/1
Time   21:40
Scope and Content Note: Wood cookstove in kitchen and heating stove in south room; upstairs unheated.
Tape/Side   2/1
Time   22:20
Scope and Content Note: Father foresaw expansion of house, dug well near location of present kitchen door.
Tape/Side   2/1
Time   23:00
Addition and Changes to House
Scope and Content Note: Addition built in 1914; describes structural changes made over the years. Roy Meier family shared house for many years with his mother.
Tape/Side   2/1
Time   24:10
Water First Piped into House in 1941
Scope and Content Note: First installed faucets; later built bathroom by walling off part of kitchen.
Tape/Side   2/1
Time   25:20
Water in Barn
Scope and Content Note: Well dug near barn about 1920; water handpumped into tank.
Tape/Side   2/1
Time   26:15
Electrification in 1941
Scope and Content Note: Lake Superior Light and Power Company surveyed and offered service for five dollars per month. Price County Rural Electrification Cooperative organized; charged $2.50 per month. Nob-and-tube wiring in Meier house sufficient to pass inspection. Traded Delco plant to implement dealer for first tractor, a Model B Allis-Chalmers, in 1941.
Tape/Side   2/1
Time   28:40
End of Tape 2, Side 1
Tape/Side   2/2
Time   00:30
Telephone First Installed in Meier Home, 1913
Scope and Content Note: William Bradley brought first telephone line into Spirit; Ogema Telephone Company organized in 1912 or 1913. Father and neighbors called to exchange temperature readings on cold mornings. Dial system installed after Ogema and Brantwood companies consolidated.
Tape/Side   2/2
Time   04:55
Scope and Content Note: Brother owned six-volt battery radio recharged by wind charger, miniature windmill mounted on house roof. Recalls brother-in-law built own radio set in early-1920s; listened to Chicago stations.
Tape/Side   2/2
Time   07:30
Scope and Content Note: After two family deaths, boys in 1920s convinced mother to buy Sears Roebuck phonograph to alleviate household loneliness, paid for by trapping weasels and muskrats.
Tape/Side   2/2
Time   09:10
More about Radio
Scope and Content Note: Family listened mostly to news and weather.
Tape/Side   2/2
Time   09:45
Improvements to Road That Is Now County Trunk YY
Scope and Content Note: Grass-covered center track between dusty ruts. Townspeople did road work to pay poll tax. Father hauled gravel from river bottom to fill worst spots. County neglected township roads in sparsely populated towns. Meier proposed blacktopping during first year on county board in 1961 after all vehicles immobilized for six weeks in 1960; no opposition because he introduced the issue “in a proper way. I explained it to 'em.”
Tape/Side   2/2
Time   14:55
Local Impact of Railroad
Scope and Content Note: Meier farm closer to railroad than to Merrill. Lumber and cattle shipped from Spirit Falls as late as 1943.
Tape/Side   2/2
Time   16:35
Cooperative Livestock Shipping Associations Fail Because Farmers Mistrust Them
Scope and Content Note: Meier's father belonged to cooperative packing company at Wausau; Farmers, mistrusting cooperatives, often sent better stock to such buyers as Oscar Mayer Company. Roy Meier belonged to Price County Shipping Association, Ogema Cooperative Livestock Association (1920), and Equity Association of Price County (1940s).
Tape/Side   2/2
Time   19:30
Meier Trucks Cattle, 1947-1952
Scope and Content Note: Hauled cattle from farms to Oscar Mayer buying station in Abbotsford; farmers frequently got 25-30 dollars more per cow from Meier than from other buyers, yet Meier often made 25 dollars per cow. Business “grew out of my hands” and sold when oldest son went to Korean War. Present trucker hauls to cooperative at Stratford. Includes anecdotes about farmer suspicion of cattle-buyers.
Tape/Side   2/2
Time   25:30
Other Cattle-Buyers
Scope and Content Note: Names other local cattle-buyers.
Tape/Side   2/2
Time   26:30
Competition Leads to Price-Fixing
Scope and Content Note: Buyers once approached Meier to join price-fixing scheme for buying young pigs.
Tape/Side   2/2
Time   28:20
Father Buys 86 Model Overland Touring Car in 1916
Scope and Content Note: Bought green Overland instead of Maxwell or Ford; may have reached 30 miles per hour.
Tape/Side   2/2
Time   30:35
End of Tape 2, Side 2
Tape/Side   3/1
Time   00:35
Mail-Order Purchases
Scope and Content Note: Parents ordered groceries from Steinmeyer, hardware from Shadbolt and Boyd; both shipped from Milwaukee.
Tape/Side   3/1
Time   02:50
Meier Farm Declines During World War I Years
Scope and Content Note: Good income in 1917, but brother and sister overspent and by 1920 family sold hay for cash. Meier decided to reverse trend by rebuilding herd.
Tape/Side   3/1
Time   05:00
Roy Meier's Education, Employment, and Early Farming Years
Scope and Content Note: One of few in neighborhood to finish eighth grade. Father raised older brother Ed to take over farm; Ed attended farm short-course run by first county agent, Griffith Richards, and joined potato club, then a calf club, forerunners of 4-H. Roy physically small, expected to learn trade, but began to manage farm in 1917 because father ill and another brother in army in France; others at home had no interest.
Tape/Side   3/1
Time   12:10
Meier Supplements Farm Income
Scope and Content Note: Worked on town road-grading crew at age 15; later in logging camp during winter as soon as younger brother able to handle farm chores. Earned 100 dollars during first logging season; bought a second horse for 125 dollars Shows photograph of lumber camp dug into bank, where he learned how to whittle, tell lies, but not to chew tobacco. Use of team in father's time doubled logging wages; Roy Meier also earned money as tie cutter to purchase farm machinery.
Tape/Side   3/1
Time   16:55
Farm Machinery Purchases
Scope and Content Note: Replaced Deering horse mower with McCormick; purchased another springtooth drag; bought hand corn-planter.
Tape/Side   3/1
Time   18:40
County Agent Encourages Meier and Neighbors to Put Up Silos, 1924
Scope and Content Note: Dan Nelson, Ed Pierson and Meier purchased doors and hardware from A.C. Tectonius, Milwaukee; staves shipped directly from West Coast. Describes silo construction.
Tape/Side   3/1
Time   20:50
Silage Improves Milk Production
Scope and Content Note: Improved feed resulted in year-round milk checks. Farmers together bought Ross silo filler and cut corn, although at first didn't know how much corn needed to fill silo. Cooperative work “happiest time of the life for farming,” although created extra work for women.
Tape/Side   3/1
Time   23:30
Farm Building Improvements
Scope and Content Note: Buildings in good repair. Widened barn walk, replaced wood stalls with stanchions just after 1924, and added water cups for cows.
Tape/Side   3/1
Time   25:40
Meier Rebuilds Dairy Herd
Scope and Content Note: Raised all own heifers and often traded bull for heifer calves. Rebuilt Jersey herd, then joined Nelson and Pierson in switching to Guernseys in mid-1920s, with county agent's encouragement. Guernseys increased milk production; culls brought better price. Increased herd size from 12 to 16 about 1940.
Tape/Side   3/1
Time   28:50
Soil Acidity Limits Choice of Forage Crop
Scope and Content Note: Raised clover rather than alfalfa because soil very acid until lime available by truckload. As much as ten tons of lime per acre needed.
Tape/Side   3/1
Time   29:45
End of Tape 3, Side 1
Tape/Side   3/2
Time   00:00
Tape/Side   3/2
Time   00:30
Cash Income During Early Farming Years
Scope and Content Note: Logging enabled family to purchase necessary machinery, especially during the 1920s, the hardest years; no two-week milk check exceeded 74 dollars by early 1940s.
Tape/Side   3/2
Time   02:30
Roy Meier Logs Farm Timber for Income
Scope and Content Note: Logged own land for hemlock and some hardwood after marriage in 1927. Followed father's pattern of cutting only mature timber rather than clear-cutting. Hired boy helped with farm chores. Marketed only veneer until Tomahawk Craft Paper Company began to buy hardwood for pulping in 1940s.
Tape/Side   3/2
Time   06:15
Meier Supervises Work Program Road Crews in 1930s
Scope and Content Note: Already Brannan Cooperative Creamery director. As county sideboard member, set up county, later federal government work projects for local unemployed men. Farmers also paid off federal feed loans by working on highway and fire-lane crews.
Tape/Side   3/2
Time   10:20
Meier Becomes Town of Brannan Raod Superintendent in 1941
Scope and Content Note: Supervised and hired crews during World War II years; earned forty-five cents an hour but paid own expenses.
Tape/Side   3/2
Time   11:30
Drought Helps to Depress Farm Income in Late 1920s
Scope and Content Note: Sold animals for as little as 7 dollars per head to pay property taxes and telephone bill; clover dried up, so cut meadow hay to keep horses and two or three other animals alive. Milk production declined.
Tape/Side   3/2
Time   16:30
Brannan Creamery Cooperative Waits Out Wisconsin Cooperative Milk Pool 1933 Strikes
Scope and Content Note: 100 percent local membership in Milk Pool; hoped Pool program would boost milk price. Walter Singler organized strike; creamery held butter rather than join. No violence or property destruction in neighborhood except for one incident of kerosene added to milk. Meier believes butter shipments would have been stopped had they been attempted.
Tape/Side   3/2
Time   20:45
Brannan Cooperative Creamery Sold after 1930s
Scope and Content Note: Milk Pool dissolved when strikes failed. Brannan Cooperative sold to Laabs Company when regulations during World War II restricted truck runs and cooperative could not pay its way. Stockholders paid over 100 percent.
Tape/Side   3/2
Time   23:50
Meier Active on Cooperative Boards
Scope and Content Note: Elected Brannan director in 1923 at age 21. Later area director for Pure Milk Products Cooperative; met other cooperators outside own area, including Paul Affeldt of Sparta.
Tape/Side   3/2
Time   26:45
Meier's Acquaintances through 4-H Leaders Conference
Scope and Content Note: Recalls Mrs. Milo Singler, Vern Varney, Agnes Hansen.
Tape/Side   3/2
Time   28:15
Farmers' Union Has Little Local Impact during 1930s
Tape/Side   3/2
Time   28:40
Few Local Foreclosures during 1930s
Scope and Content Note: Meier's brother one of the few, but “I think that we were the type of people that were used to doing without and we accepted it, so perhaps this helped us.”
Tape/Side   3/2
Time   30:00
End of Tape 3, Side 2
Tape/Side   4/1
Time   00:00
Tape/Side   4/1
Time   00:30
Meiers Increase Production during World War II
Scope and Content Note: Prices rose and government subsidized production increases. Children old enough to help while Meier worked more on roads. No vacant land nearby to rent so cleared hill that “should never be cleared” to increase cultivated land. Worked nine acres of farm across the road on half-shares, so Meier's total cultivated acreage reached forty acres, largest ever. “We farmed wherever we could get a plow into the ground.”
Tape/Side   4/1
Time   04:55
Meier Returns Tilled Acreage to Pasture as Sons Enter Farming
Scope and Content Note: Income needs changed when Meier began drawing Social Security before age 65 to help youngest son through college. Son Gene began to take over dairy herd in 1969 and pastured hillier ground. Younger son bought forty-acre farm for 6000 dollars before entering Peace Corps; family set aside nine acres in federal government's Soil Bank program. Later son added 4000 dollar farm with house and barn to bring tillable land to 55 acres.
Tape/Side   4/1
Time   07:50
Neighbors and County Agents as Sources of Information
Scope and Content Note: Cites older people in community, county agents, forester Adrian DeVriend, farmers Ed Pierson and Dan Nelson. Did not attend farmers' institutes or short courses.
Tape/Side   4/1
Time   10:20
Wisconsin Agriculturist as the Most Useful Farm Publication
Scope and Content Note: Successful Farmer and Hoard's Dairyman geared toward larger farmers.
Tape/Side   4/1
Time   11:25
Why Meier Never Joined General Farmers' Organizations
Scope and Content Note: Farmers' Union “didn't conflict with us,” but Meier did not join township group. Found National Farmers Organization too militant; “I felt I was doing more for the farmers in our community [while hauling cattle] than NFO promised to do.” Likes Farm Bureau but no local group. Recalls Grange organizing activity in 1920s; “nearsighted” pastor discouraged Meier from joining a “secret organization.” Grange lapsed through lack of membership. Liked Grange emphasis on cooperation and family farming. Greed of nearby farmers, not corporations, endangers small farmers.
Tape/Side   4/1
Time   18:15
Meiers Support La Follettes
Scope and Content Note: Father voted for Democrats after Republican party split, later leaned towards Progressive Republicans. Meier stayed with Republicans after neighbor Arvid Blomberg elected to state assembly, and after Robert La Follette, Jr. returned to Republican party in 1946.
Tape/Side   4/1
Time   20:30
Meier Slips Out of Assembly Race, 1962
Scope and Content Note: Meier asked to run for assembly about time town of Spirit and Hill supervisory districts consolidated. Meier deferred to his nephew Alan Blomberg as supervisor from newly created district.
Tape/Side   4/1
Time   22:40
“New” Democratic Party Not Active in Town of Spirit
Tape/Side   4/1
Time   23:30
Meier's Public Offices
Scope and Content Note: Town board in 1931 until became highway superintendent in 1941. Chosen town chairman and county supervisor in 1958 when Art Johnson wanted to retire. Became town treasurer in 1962 for six years, then withdrew from politics.
Tape/Side   4/1
Time   24:45
Finnish Population in Town of Knox
Scope and Content Note: Atheist majority, a group of drinkers and fighters, pushed “communistic thinking into the area;” voted for Eugene Debs in 1920.
Tape/Side   4/1
Time   26:40
Objections to Present Property Tax Formula
Scope and Content Note: Local people blamed present Democrats for diverting property tax credit after 1974; at the same time state surplus accumulated because of property tax increases. Meier always favored sales tax; “the people that spent the most money would pay the most tax.”
Tape/Side   4/1
Time   29:15
Daylight Savings Time
Scope and Content Note: Didn't like daylight savings time but felt “we could plan our work as we pleased” regardless.
Tape/Side   4/1
Time   29:55
End of Tape 4, Side 1 (there is no Tape 4, Side 2)
1979 March 23
Tape/Side   5/1
Time   00:00
Tape/Side   5/1
Time   00:30
Ropp's Calculator
Scope and Content Note: Purchased about 1919 through agricultural newspaper; used to calculate height of tree, size of haystack, weights and measures, interest rates, and so on.
Tape/Side   5/1
Time   02:25
Purchases Farm Equipment Locally
Scope and Content Note: Liked Ogema and Tomahawk dealers because they “didn't try to sell us something that we couldn't pay for.” Few breakdowns; farmers usually serviced own machinery. Nearest Allis-Chalmers dealer now fifty miles away in Stetsonville.
Tape/Side   5/1
Time   04:50
Early Farm Machinery
Scope and Content Note: Hauled water for Nicholas-Shepherd steam engine and Red River Valley threshing rig about 1915.
Tape/Side   5/1
Time   05:30
Early Milking Machines
Scope and Content Note: Most farmers had Surge milkers.
Tape/Side   5/1
Time   06:15
Laabs Creamery Subsidizes Improvements to Farm Milk-Cooling Systems
Scope and Content Note: First cooled ten-gallon milk cans in water tank. Recalls how Brannan Creamery quality milk program emphasized milk storage hygiene on the farm. Meier bought can cooler in 1947 or 1948 when Laabs offered one cent premium to farmers purchasing them. In 1960s local creamery subsidized farmers' switch to bulk tanks for Grade A milk.
Tape/Side   5/1
Time   12:00
Seed for Oats and Corn
Scope and Content Note: No seed dealers in neighborhood; raised own until hybrids came into use. Bought garden seed and clover seed from store or Northrup-King.
Tape/Side   5/1
Time   13:55
Home Medical Care and Childbirth When Meier Was Young
Scope and Content Note: Midwife attended birth; later midwife assisted doctor. Roy Meier's children all born at home. Doctors practiced in Ogema and Prentice until 1950s. Recalls fifteen-mile trip to doctor in 1918, first experience with sulfa drugs circa 1950. Meiers now travel to clinic in Tomahawk.
Tape/Side   5/1
Time   19:25
Barn Construction as Occasion for Neighborhood Gatherings
Scope and Content Note: Barn-raising and shingling might draw fifty men.
Tape/Side   5/1
Time   21:05
Herman Jahn Owns First Threshing Rig in Nieghborhood
Scope and Content Note: Kerosene-powered Vance-Rumley thresher eventually replaced Jahn's early steam-powered machine.
Tape/Side   5/1
Time   22:45
Basket Socials and Dances
Scope and Content Note: Functioned as fund-raisers.
Tape/Side   5/1
Time   23:25
Traveling Threshing Crews Replace Neighborly Cooperation
Scope and Content Note: Carelessness of crew influenced Meeiers' decision to buy combin about 1950.
Tape/Side   5/1
Time   25:55
Herman Jahn Family Keeps Bees
Tape/Side   5/1
Time   26:40
Quilting Bees
Tape/Side   5/1
Time   26:55
Scope and Content Note: Albert Meier added dance hall and kitchen to house for first child's wedding in 1909. Wedding dances with shivaree for refreshment money replaced home wedding parties in 1920s.
Tape/Side   5/1
Time   30:15
End of Tape 5, Side 1
Tape/Side   5/2
Time   00:00
Tape/Side   5/2
Time   00:30
Meier Neighborhood Disregards Prohibition
Scope and Content Note: Meier and brother-in-law made home brew. Moonshine easy to buy, especially at dances; enforcement ineffective. Recalls violence, neighbor's death. Log cabin now on Meier property once used for moonshining. “I suppose Prohibition was a mistake... this is when our country first started to disregard laws.”
Tape/Side   5/2
Time   05:05
Funerals and Suicides
Scope and Content Note: Father's body embalmed at home, taken to church after wake. Suicides not taken to church; lifted over fence into cemetery. Tells story of local suicide in 1920.
Tape/Side   5/2
Time   10:15
1913 Telephone Lines Follow Settlement Language Divisions
Scope and Content Note: Tells Norwegian friend's story of switching around telephone lines to German and Swedish settlements.
Tape/Side   5/2
Time   12:00
Meiers Begin 4-H Groups for Own Children
Scope and Content Note: Son Ron at age nine recruited father as club leader and four schoolmates as members for first, male group. Daughter's subsequent interest brought Helen Meier into 4-H as girls' group leader. Meier often meets children of former members of Busy Beavers 4-H Club at fairs.
Tape/Side   5/2
Time   16:05
4-H Important Medium for Meeting and Understanding People
Scope and Content Note: Provides something “to work together at home” and a means to an education “that continues through your life.”
Tape/Side   5/2
Time   18:05
4-H Experience Helps Niece Gain Confidence to Succeed as Nurse
Scope and Content Note: Niece Marie grew up with Meiers, who encouraged her to become a nurse; “we wanted each one of our children to have a career.” Meier sees 4-H program as “a medium we don't have otherwise.”
Tape/Side   5/2
Time   20:25
No Opposition to Meier's Efforts on Town or County Board
Scope and Content Note: Fairgrounds committee work as example of cooperation on boards.
Tape/Side   5/2
Time   22:00
Establishes Park on Stone Lake while Town Chairman
Scope and Content Note: Describes construction of boat landing and bathing beach planned to protect lake's natural features. Natural springwater available to public despite violation of state regulation. Town received financial aid from state and from forester Adrian DeVriend.
Tape/Side   5/2
Time   26:00
School Consolidation Splits Town of Spirit Residents between Rib Lake and Prentice
Scope and Content Note: High school students boarded in Rib Lake until Meier began busing them circa 1935. Town of Spirit unsuccessfully resisted redistricting plans as communities grabbed territory to raise school district valuation. Consolidation closed German Settlement school, which already had declining number of students.
Tape/Side   5/2
Time   28:55
Spirit Lake Dam Causes Local Dissention
Scope and Content Note: Original dam built for logging in 1916; Rib Lake Fish and Game Club later rebuilt dam despite some residents' opposition. State Conservation Commission suggested compromise to control water level, then dropped issue in face of town chairman Meier's rebuff.
Tape/Side   5/2
Time   30:50
End of Tape 5, Side 2.
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   0:00
Note: Tape 6 was made during an automobile trip near Meier's farm. The tape provides information on farms and buildings that may be located on Price County plat map T. 34N.-R. 3E (Town of Spirit), Lincoln County plat map T. 34N.-R. 4E (Town of Tomahawk), and Price County plat map T. 34N.-R. 2E (Town of Hill). Interviewer and interviewee began by traveling east from Roy Meier's Spring Brook Farm on County Trunk YY.
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   00:30
Spirit, Section 23: First Residence on Left after Meier Farm
Scope and Content Note: Urban owners moved building to property. Woman is airline stewardess based at O'Hare International Airport.
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   01:25
Interviewer Identifies Route
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   01:35
Spirit, Section 26: Meier Timber
Scope and Content Note: Pine selectively cut; 350-year-old oak still stands.
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   3:00
Spirit, Section 24: Albert Meier Clears New Right-of-Way to Spirit Falls
Scope and Content Note: Meier Road to right (south) follows Spirit River; later-built road to left (northeast) shortened distance from German Settlement to Spirit Falls and Tomahawk. Road posted against heavy timber trucks in early spring until frost heaves settle.
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   05:35
Spirit, Section 24: Edward L. Thomas Farm
Scope and Content Note: About ten tillable acres on a place no longer farmed.
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   06:30
Spirit, Section 24: Emil Wallgren Farm (Near Intersection of County YY and Strucker Road)
Scope and Content Note: Wallgren engineer for mill.
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   06:55.
Spirit, Section 24: R.H. Waterman Place
Scope and Content Note: Present owner built second house with money from sale of land in Illinois.
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   07:20
Swedish Settlement along Price-Lincoln County Boundary
Scope and Content Note: Swedish families came down Wisconsin River from Michigan about same time as German settlement. No communication between area Swedish and German settlements until new road built.
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   07:55
Spirit, Section 24: Peter Johnson Farm Site of First Sawmill
Scope and Content Note: Johnson also was Graywood postmaster. Mill employed twenty men; boarding house and basket factory on site. Millyard formerly connected to railroad. Mill has operated continuously since 1895.
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   12:35
Tomahawk, Section 19: Gene Meier Farm
Scope and Content Note: Sugar maples for tapping on right. Anderson, then Bert Bergling families formerly owned farm.
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   13:30
Spirit, Section 13: Spirit Youth Forest
Scope and Content Note: Baseball diamond with grandstand and scoreboard in woods.
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   14:10
Comments on Severe Winter of 1979
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   14:50
Spirit, Section 13: Gary Failing Property
Scope and Content Note: City people who moved building to property; owner commutes to work in Wausau.
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   15:15
Tomahawk, Section 18: Old German Settlement Road Passes through Here
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   15:30
Spirit, Section 13: Frescura Property Owned by Chicago People.
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   15:45
Tomahawk, Section 18: Amandus Johnson Farm
Scope and Content Note: Johnson a log-house builder who ran logging and milling operation, then farmed. Discussion of farm structures and functions. Several grandsons built houses on farm; one owns Denny's Restaurant in Tomahawk. Johnson and three other farms comprise this Swedish settlement.
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   20:20
Spirit, Section 12: Another Farm Part of Old Swedish Settlement (Presently Mayda Olson)
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   20:50
Spirit, Section 12: Farm for Sale
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   21:20
Tomahawk, Section 7: Swedish Settlement's School House and Free Lutheran Church
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   22:15
Spirit, Section 12: “Pretty Herman” Johnson's Farm on Left (Corner of County YY and State Highway 86)
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   22:45
Grocery Store and Burned-Down Tavern at Intersection of Routes YY and 86
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   23:05
Spirit, Section 1: Isaac Stone's Middle Farm (NW Corner of YY and 86 Intersection)
Scope and Content Note: Stone also had farms at Spirit Falls and Stone Lake.
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   24:30
Spirit, Section 12: “Pretty Herman”Johnson's Old Farm
Scope and Content Note: Schoolteacher tried dairy farming, sold herd recently. Carl Johnson farm on plat map.
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   25:05
Preacher Wolfstran Leads Free Lutheran Congregation in Swedish Settlement.
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   25:30
Bradley's Telephone Line
Scope and Content Note: Followed Swedish Settlement Road (now State Highway 86) to Spirit Falls. Was tote road for Bradley's Farmers' Trading Company.
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   26:10
Spirit, Section 12: Hilmar Olson Road.
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   26:50
Spirit, Section 1: Harry Evans Farm (First Farm on Right Since YY and 86 Intersection)
Scope and Content Note: Present owner served on town board and cleared land with Meier. Comments on steel silo.
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   27:30
Spirit, Section 11: Beginning of Old Norwegian Settlements
Scope and Content Note: Harold Arneson farm currently owned by Roger Nyberg.
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   28:05
Spirit, Section 2: Ron Meier Farm
Scope and Content Note: Ron is preserving old schoolhouse.
Tape/Side   6/1
Time   28:30
End of Tape 6, Side 1
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   00:00
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   00:30
Isaac Stone “Home” a Formality that Allowed Him to Log Property
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   02:05
Spirit, Section 3: German Settlement Cemetery and Norwegian Lutheran Church
Scope and Content Note: Meier's parents buried here. Tells story of parents' first meeting.
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   03:05
Spirit, Section 3: Schoolhouse Enlarged Once, But Now Closed
Scope and Content Note: Children now go to Prentice school.
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   03:25
Spirit, Section 10: Marheine Farm Has Log House
Scope and Content Note: Meier's cousin, Rhinehart Marheine, current owner of farm occupied since 1879. Logs floated down Marheine Creek to Wausau.
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   05:35
Spirit, Section 3: Green Lantern Roadhouse at Intersection of 86 and County Trunk D
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   05:50
Spirit, Section 10: Old Andreae Farm Now Belongs to Ron Meier
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   06:25
Spirit, Section 3: Machine Shop Constructed by Chicagoans
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   06:45
Spirit, Section 10: Wilson Farm
Scope and Content Note: Swedish settlement area no longer recognizable by Swedish names.
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   07:00
Spirit, Section 4: “Crick” Johnson Farm
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   07:10
Village of Spirit: First Town Hall Site of First School; Now Machine Shed
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   07:40
Village of Spirit: Brannan Creamery
Scope and Content Note: First building, which burned, housed factory and family. Second building now used as a garage.
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   08:45
Township Fair Started during World War II
Scope and Content Note: 4-H leaders began fair when county fair was cancelled; town erected cattle shed for second year. Township fair still held.
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   10:15
Beginning of Drive to Highest Point in State
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   10:35
Spirit, Section 9: Tilson Residence
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   10:50
Spirit, Section 9: Methodists Start First Church in Spirit
Scope and Content Note: Lutheran church began in 1900.
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   11:15
Spirit, Section 4: Pederson Farm Now Belongs to Road Boss
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   11:30
Spirit, Section 9: Post Office
Scope and Content Note: C.B. Nelson was postmaster and store owner.
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   11:40
Spirit, Section 4: Blacksmith Shop
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   11:45
Spirit, Section 9: Bradley's Farmes Trading Store Now Divided into Apartments
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   12:10
Spirit, Section 4: Ed Pierson Farm
Scope and Content Note: Silo that Pierson purchased with Meier and Nelson has since burned.
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   12:25
Spirit, Section 9: Spirit Baptist Church Is Pastor Ostergren's Congregation
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   12:45
Spirit, Section 4: Twin Silos; One Is Mate to Meier's
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   12:55
Spirit,Section 4: Kardell Farm Part of Swedish Settlement
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   13:05
Spirit, Section 8: Fred Anderson School, Once Enlarged, Is Now Residence
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   13:20
Spirit, Section 8: Andrew Swan Farm Also Part of Swedish Settlement
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   14:05
Spirit, below Route 86: Headwaters of North Branch of Spirit River
Scope and Content Note: Logs floated to Wausau.
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   14:40
Spirit, Section 8: Vacant Property
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   14:45
Spirit, Section 5: Summer Place for City Residents
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   14:55
Spirit, Section 6: Jacobson Road Intersects Route 86
Scope and Content Note: Store and St. Peter's Mill at corner.
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   15:15
Town of Hill, State Watershed Area
Scope and Content Note: Meier owns letter verifying that logs were floated from Pearson Lake to Wausau.
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   16:35
Hill, Section 1: Swanson Stand of Sugar Maples Part of Helen Meier's Home Farm
Scope and Content Note: Television booster tower now there.
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   17:10
Hill, Section 12: Virgin Timber on Pearson Homestead
Scope and Content Note: Highway relocated to preserve area.
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   18:45
Hill, Section 12: Pearson's Lake Flows into Wisconsin River
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   19:25
Hill, Section 2: Town Road through Watershed
Scope and Content Note: Other side drains into Chippewa River.
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   20:25
Hill, Section 11: Highest Point in Wisconsin
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   22:15
Hill, Section 11: Former Dairy Farm Now Tree Farm
Scope and Content Note: Ginseng raised there.
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   23:00
Hill, Section 2 or 11: Ring's Hill
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   23:10
Hill, Section 11: Tim's Hill and Lake Named (Misnamed) after Logger Tim Gallahan
Scope and Content Note: Pastor Ostergren's garden once there, as was school Helen Meier attended.
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   24:40
Hill, Section 10: Cemetery Where Helen Meier's Parents Buried
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   25:05
Hill, Section 10: County Trunk C Connects State Highways 86 and 102
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   25:45
Hill, Section 10: Christofferson Farm
Scope and Content Note: Skilled Norwegian masons.
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   26:00
Hill, Section 3: Intersection of Old and New Routes 86
Scope and Content Note: Filling station and tavern formerly at junction built about 1920.
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   27:10
Spirit, Section 9: Route 102 Passes through Ostergren's Swedish Baptist Settlement
Scope and Content Note: Nelson, Olson families part of Swedish Baptist settlement. Olson grandsons built up “wonderful” Guernsey herd.
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   28:30
Spirit, Section 16: Swedish Road Ended
Scope and Content Note: German Settlement teacher Missy McDonald walked two miles to reach school.
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   29:05
Spirit, Section 16: Town Road Extended to A. Johnson Farm
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   29:25
Cheese Factory Road Borders Sections 9 and 16
Scope and Content Note: Graywood basket factory owner Wahlstrand built factory that never produced any cheese.
Tape/Side   6/2
Time   30:00
End of Tape 6, Side 2
Tape/Side   7/1
Time   00:00
Tape/Side   7/1
Time   00:30
Remainder of Drive Postponed
Tape/Side   7/1
Time   00:55
Sense of Community Weaker Now Than In Past
Scope and Content Note: Farm consolidation has reduced population. People tend to work more independently of each other.
Tape/Side   7/1
Time   01:55
Ron Meier's Meadows Farm (Town of Spirit, Section 2) an Example That Small Family Farm Is Still Feasible
Scope and Content Note: Limited herd to eighteen cows; bought home and tractor outright rather than on credit. Ron's acreage would once have supported two families. Timber has given Price County farmers another crop; cut-over land is now producing harvestable trees.
Tape/Side   7/1
Time   04:25
Participation in Community Affairs, 4-H Work, and Church Characterizes the Successful Farmer
Scope and Content Note: Milk check does not indicate success. “Happiness in life is not doing what you like to do, but like what you're doing, and this is success.”
Tape/Side   7/1
Time   05:40
Man's Relation to the Land
Scope and Content Note: “We never own any land....; we are stewards of this land.”
Tape/Side   7/1
Time   06:45
Changing Family Life in Price County
Scope and Content Note: Poor quality of soil will slow agricultural changes in Price County. Family farms but fewer of them.
Tape/Side   7/1
Time   07:40
Land Values Will Affect Size of Local Population
Scope and Content Note: Retirees, rather than young people, will continue to move into the area.
Tape/Side   7/1
Time   08:30
Property Tax Increase Over 100 Percent between 1974 and 1979
Scope and Content Note: State legislation altered tax-sharing formula with town; state tax credit to individual farmers dropped by over 50 percent.
Tape/Side   7/1
Time   11:05
Inadequate Communication Leaves Legislature and Consumer Unaware of Rural Problems and Needs
Scope and Content Note: Urban interests control legislature. “There will be no need of us trying to take a militant stand on this. It's a case of, again, information; information and lack of information.”
Tape/Side   7/1
Time   12:50
Scope and Content Note: Exchange of hopes that interview will be useful to future researchers.
Tape/Side   7/1
Time   14:00
End of Interview Session
Appendix: Index for Interview with Roy Meier
2/2, 19:30
A.C. Tectonius (Silo manufacturer)
3/1, 18:40
Affeldt, Paul
3/2, 23:50
1/1, 24:00
Anderson, Fred
6/2, 13:05
Anderson farm (Tomahawk)
6/1, 12:35
Andreae family
6/2, 05:50
Arneson, Harold
6/1, 27:30
Arneson, Marie Swanson
5/2, 18:05
4/1, 24:45
1/2, 05:35; 2/2, 28:20
1/1, 13:40; 6/2, 12:25, 27:10
1/2, 06:50; 2/1, 19:50, 25:20; 5/1, 19:25
6/1, 13:30
Basket Factory
6/1, 07:55; 6/2, 29:25
5/1, 25:55
Bergling, Bert
6/1, 12:35
1/2, 21:20; 6/2, 11:40
Blomberg, Alan
4/1, 20:30
Blomberg, Arvid
4/1, 18:15
6/1, 07:55
Bradley, William
1/2, 14:50; 2/2, 00:30; 6/1, 25:30; 6/2, 11:45
Brannan, Town of
1/1, 07:10, 10:40
Brannan Cooperative Creamery
2/1, 08:05; 3/2, 06:15, 16:30-20:45, 23:50; 5/1, 06:15; 6/2, 07:40
Brantwood Telephone Company
2/2, 00:30
1/2, 14:50; 3/1, 25:40
Busy Beavers 4-H Club
5/2, 12:00
Butter and cream
1/2, 09:20, 14:50, 19:55; 2/1, 08:05; 3/2, 16:30
Cantigny (France)
1/1, 24:00
2/2, 14:55, 19:30; 3/1, 25:40; 4/1, 11:25
Cattle buyers
5/2, 05:05; 6/2, 02:05, 24:40
Cheese Factory Road
6/2, 29:25
6/1, 15:30; 6/2, 06:25
2/1, 09:05
5/1, 13:55
Chippewa River
6/2, 19:25
Christofferson farm
6/2, 25:45
Church buildings
1/2, 21:20; 5/2, 05:05
Civil War
1/1, 07:10
Community life
4/1, 07:50; 5/1, 19:25-23:25; 5/2, 00:30; 7/1, 00:55, 04:25
7/1, 11:05
1/2, 24:00, 26:05; 3/1, 20:50; 5/1, 12:00
County Agent
3/1, 05:00, 18:40, 25:40; 4/1, 07:50
County Board
1/2, 03:15; 2/2, 09:45; 3/2, 06:15; 4/1, 23:30; 5/2, 20:25
Cut-over land
7/1, 01:55
Dairy herd
3/1, 02:50, 23:30-25:40; 4/1, 04:55; 6/1, 24:30; 6/2, 27:10; 7/1, 01:55
5/1, 22:45, 26:55; 5/2, 00:30
Daylight Savings Time
4/1, 29:15
Debs, Eugene
4/1; 24:45
Democratic Party
4/1, 18:15, 22:40, 26:40
Demographic trends
7/1, 07:40
DeVriend, Adrian
4/1, 07:50; 5/2, 22:00
Drought conditions
3/2, 11:30
3/1, 05:00; 4/1, 04:55; 5/2, 16:05
2/1, 26:15
Equity Association of Price County
2/2, 16:35
Evans, Harry
6/1, 26:50
Failing, Gary
6/1, 14:50
5/2, 12:00, 20:25; 6/2, 08:45
Family Farming
7/1, 01:55, 06:45
Farm Consolidation
7/1, 00:55
Farm Equipment
1/2, 24:00, 26:05; 2/1, 08:05, 16:50, 26:15; 3/1, 12:10-16:55; 3/2, 00:30; 5/1, 02:25-06:15, 21:05, 23:25; 7/1, 01:55
Farmers' Institutes
4/1, 07:50
Farmers' Short Course
3/1, 05:00; 4/1, 07:50
Farmers Trading Company (Price and Lincoln Counties)
1/2, 14:50; 6/1, 25:30; 6/2, 11:45
Federal subsidies
4/1, 00:30
Feed loans
3/2, 06:15
4/1, 24:45
Fire-lane crew
3/2, 06:15
3/2, 28:40
4-H clubs
3/1, 05:00; 3/2, 26:45; 5/2, 12:00-18:05; 6/2, 08:45; 7/1, 04:25
Free Lutheran Church (Tomahawk)
6/1, 21:20, 25:05
Frescura homestead
6/1, 15:30
5/2, 05:05
Fur trapping
2/2, 07:30
Callahan, Tim
6/2, 23:10
1/2, 28:10; 2/1, 05:25; 5/1, 12:00; 6/2, 23:10
2/1, 09:05
German Settlement
1/1, 07:10, 10:40-13:40, 24:00-27:45, 29:00; 1/2, 00:35; 2/1, 03:45; 5/2, 10:15, 26:00; 6/1, 03:00, 07:20
German Settlement History
2/1, 02:25
German Settlement Road
6/1, 03:00, 07:20, 15:15
1/1, 07:10, 19:05, 21:55
6/2, 22:15
Grange (Patrons of Husbandry)
4/1, 11:25
6/1, 07:55; 6/2, 29:25
Green Bay
1/1, 17:15
Hansen, Agnes
3/2, 26:45
7/1, 04:25
Hay and forage crops
1/2, 24:00; 3/1, 02:50, 28:50; 3/2, 11:30
2/1, 21:40
Highway 86
see Swedish Settlement Road
Highway 102
see Swedish Road
Hill, Town of
4/1, 20:30; 6/1, 0:00 (note); 6/2, 15:15-26:00
Hilmar Olson Road
6/1, 26:10
Hoard's Dairyman
4/1, 10:20
2/1, 09:05
1/1, 07:10, 09:10; 1/2, 07:50
1/2, 04:00, 09:20; 2/1, 09:05; 3/1, 12:10
1/2, 21:20
2/1, 19:50
3/1, 02:50, 12:10, 20:50; 3/2, 00:30-02:30,11:30; 4/1, 00:30-04:55; 7/1, 04:25
Jahn, Herman
5/1, 19:25, 25:55
Johnson, A.
6/2, 29:05
Johnson, Amandus
6/1, 15:45
Johnson, Art
4/1, 23:30
Johnson, Carl
6/1, 24:30
Johnson, “Crick”
6/2, 07:00
Johnson, “Pretty Herman”
6/1, 22:15, 24:30
Johnson, Peter
6/1, 07:55
Kardell farm
6/2, 12:55
Knox, Town of
4/1, 24:45
Korean War
2/2, 19:30
Kraft family
1/1, 26:45
Laabs Company
3/2, 20:45; 5/1, 06:15
LaFollette, Robert, Jr.
4/1, 18:15
Lake Superior Light and Power Company
2/1, 26:15
Land values
7/1, 07:40
Livestock breeding
1/2, 14:50; 2/1, 09:05, 15:15
Livestock marketing
2/2, 16:35-19:30
Log cabins
5/2, 00:30; 6/1, 15:45; 6/2, 03:25
1/2, 21:20; 2/2, 14:55; 3/1, 12:10; 3/2, 00:30-02:30; 5/2, 28:55; 6/1, 01:35, 15:45; 6/2, 00:30, 03:25, 14:05, 15:15; 7/1, 01:55
Logging camps
1/1, 17:15; 1/2, 09:20; 3/1, 12:10
6/2, 10:50
Missouri Synod
1/1, 23:15
Machine shop
6/2, 06:25
Marheine Creek
6/2, 03:25
Marheine family
1/1, 19:05; 6/2, 03:25
Marheine, Rhinehart
6/2, 03:25
Marinette, Tomahawk, and Western Railroad
1/2, 14:50
Masons (stone and brick)
6/2, 25:45
McDonald, Missy
6/2, 28:30
Medical practice
5/1, 13:55
Meier, Albert C.
1/1, 02:30, 04:45, 09:10, 15:00, 21:55; 1/2, 03:15, 04:00, 06:50, 09:20, 14:50, 19:55, 23:15, 28:10, 29:15; 2/1, 08:05, 22:20; 2/2, 16:35, 28:20; 3/1, 05:00; 3/2, 02:30; 5/1, 26:55; 5/2, 05:05; 6/1, 03:00; 6/2, 02:05
Meier, Albert C. -- Family composition
1/1, 04:45; 1/2, 28:10
Meier, Edward
1/1, 24:00; 3/1, 05:00
Meier, Emma Marheine
1/1, 19:05; 1/2, 28:10; 2/1, 00:30, 13:00-15:15, 23:00; 6/2, 02:05
Meier, Eva Falikowski
1/1, 21:55
Meier, Gene
4/1, 04:55; 6/1, 12:35
Meier, Helen Swanson
5/2, 12:00; 6/2, 16:35, 23:10, 24:40
Meier, Henry
1/2, 21:20
Meier, Karl Albert
see Meier, Albert C
Meier, Marie
5/2, 18:05
Meier, Marilyn
5/2, 12:00
Meier, Ron
5/2, 12:00; 6/1, 28:05; 6/2, 05:50; 7/1, 01:55
Meier, Siegfried
1/1, 07:10, 09:10, 21:55; 2/1, 03:45
Meier, Wesley
4/1, 04:55
Meier farm
1/1, 09:10, 15:00; 1/2, 04:00, 07:50, 23:15; 2/1, 09:05; 2/2, 14:55; 3/1, 02:50-05:00, 23:30; 4/1, 00:30-04:55
Meier house
1/1, 02:30; 2/1, 16:50-24:10, 26:15; 2/2, 00:30; 5/1, 26:55
Meier Road
6/1, 03:00
Meier's Meadows Farm
7/1, 01:55
1/1, 07:10; 2/2, 14:55
1/1, 19:05; 6/2, 10:50
6/1, 07:20
5/1, 13:55
Milk production
3/1, 20:50, 25:40; 3/2, 11:30, 16:30; 5/1, 06/15
Milk strikes, 1933
3/2, 16:30-20:45
3/1, 00:35, 18:40
1/1, 07:10
National Farmers Organization
4/1, 11:25
Native Americans
1/1, 10:40
Nelson family (Swedish Baptist Settlement)
6/2, 27:10
Nelson, C.B.
6/2, 11:30
Nelson, Dan
3/1, 18:40, 25:40; 4/1, 07:50; 6/2, 12:10
Northrup King and Company
5/1, 12:00
Norwegian Lutheran Church
6/2, 02:05
5/2, 10:15; 6/1, 27:30; 6/2, 25:45
5/2, 18:05
Nyberg, Roger
6/1, 27:30
1/2, 24:00; 5/1, 12:00
1/1, 00:40, 13:40; 5/1, 02:25, 13:55
Ogema Cooperative Livestock Association
2/2, 16:35
Ogema Telephone Company
2/2, 00:30
Olson family (Swedish Baptist Settlement)
6/2, 27:10
Olson, Mayda
6/1, 20:20
Oscar Mayer Company
2/2, 16:35, 19:30
1/1, 19:05
Ostergren, Pastor
1/1, 13:40; 2/1, 03:45; 6/2, 12:25, 23:10, 27:10
1/2, 09:20; 2/1, 09:05
Peace Corps
4/1, 04:55
Pearson homestead
6/2, 17:10
Pearson Lake
6/2, 15:15, 18:45
Pederson farm
6/2, 11:15
2/2, 07:30
Pierson, Dr.
1/2, 05:35
Pierson, Ed
3/1, 18:40, 25:40; 4/1, 07:50; 6/2, 12:10
Post offices
see United States government
5/1, 13:55; 5/2, 26:00; 6/2, 03:05
Price County Rural Electrification Cooperative
2/1, 26:15
Price County Shipping Association
2/2, 16:35
2/2, 26:30
Progressive Republicans
4/1, 18:15
5/2, 00:30
Pure Milk Products Cooperative
3/2, 23:50
Quilting bees
5/1, 26:40
2/2, 04:55, 09:10
1/1, 10:40; 2/2, 14:55; 6/1, 07:55
7/1, 04:25
Republican Party
4/1, 18:15
Rib Lake
2/1, 13:00; 5/2, 26:00
Rib Lake Fish and Game Club
5/2, 28:55
Richards, Griffith
3/1, 05:00
Ring's Hill
6/2, 23:00
6/2, 05:35 (see also Saloons; Taverns)
Road crews - Town of Brannan
3/1, 12:10
Road crews - Town of Spirit
3/2, 06:15-10:20; 4/1, 00:30
Road improvements
2/2, 09:45; 6/2, 17:10
Road Superintendent (Town of Brannan)
3/2, 10:20; 4/1, 23:30
Ropp's Calculator
5/1, 00:30
St. Mary's River
1/1, 17:15
St. Peter's Mill
6/2, 14:55
1/2, 21:20 (see also Roadhouse; Taverns)
Sawales, Carl
2/1, 08:05
6/1, 07:55, 15:45
School buildings
1/2, 00:35; 6/1, 21:20, 28:05; 6/2, 03:05, 07:10, 13:05, 23:10, 28:30
School consolidation
5/2, 26:00
Sears Roebuck Company
2/2, 07:30
5/1, 12:00
Shadbolt and Boyd Iron Company
3/1, 00:35
2/1, 09:05-15:15
5/1, 26:55
3/1, 18:40-20:50; 6/1, 26:50; 6/2, 12:10, 12:45
Singler, Mrs. Milo
3/2, 26:45
Singler, Walter
3/2, 16:30
Social Security benefits
see United States government
Soil Bank program
see United States government
Soil characteristics
3/1, 28:50; 7/1, 06:45
Spirit, Town of
1/1, 00:40, 07:10, 10:40, 23:15; 1/2, 00:35; 4/1, 20:30-22:40; 5/2, 26:00; 6/1, 00:00 (note), 00:30, 01:35-06:55, 07:55, 13:30, 14:50, 15:30, 20:20-20:50, 22:15, 23:05-24:30, 26:10-28:05; 6/2, 02:05-14:55, 27:10-29:25; 7/1, 01:55
Spirit, Village of
1/2, 14:50; 6/2, 07:10-08:45
Spirit Baptist Church
6/2, 12:25
Spirit Falls
1/2, 14:50, 19:55, 21:20, 29:15; 2/1, 09:05; 2/2, 14:55; 6/1, 03:00,23:05, 25:30
Spirit Hill
1/1, 00:40
Spirit Lake Dam
5/2, 28:55
Spirit River
1/1, 15:00; 6/1, 03:00; 6/2, 14:05
Spirit, Town Board
4/1, 23:30; 5/2, 20:25-22:00, 28:55; 6/1, 26:50
Spirit, Town Hall
6/2, 07/10
Spirit Youth Forest
6/1, 13:30
Spring Brook Dairy
1/2, 19:55
Standard Mercantile Company
1/2, 14:50
Stewardship (land)
7/1, 05:40
Stone, Isaac
6/1, 23:05; 6/2, 00:30
Stone Lake
5/2, 22:00; 6/1, 23:05
Stone Lake School
1/2, 00:35
Store buildings
6/1, 22:45; 6/2, 11:30, 14:55
2/2, 19:30
Strucker Road
6/1, 06:30
7/1, 04:25
Successful Farmer
4/1, 10:20
Sugar maple trees
6/1, 12:35; 6/2, 16:35
5/2, 05:05
Swan, Andrew
6/2, 13:20
Swanson farm
6/2, 16:35
1/1, 13:40; 1/2, 00:35; 5/2, 10:15; 6/1, 07:20, 15:45-20:20, 21/20, 25:05; 6/2, 06:45, 12:55, 13/20, 27/10
Swedish Road
6/2, 27/10-29:05
Swedish Settlement Road
6/1, 25:30
6/1, 22:45; 6/2, 26:00 (see also Roadhouse; Saloons)
1/1, 09:10; 3/2, 11:30; 4/1, 26:40; 7/1, 08:30
Poll tax
2/2, 09:45
1;1, 27:45; 6/1, 24:30; 6/2, 28:30
2/2, 00:30; 3/2, 11:30; 5/2, 10:15; 6/1, 25:30
Television booster tower
6/2, 16:35
1/1, 07:10
Thomas, Edward L.
6/1, 05:35
Tilson house
6/2, 10:35
Tim's Hill
6/2, 10:15, 20:25, 23:10
Tim's Lake
6/2, 23:10
Tomahawk, Town of
1/1, 26:45; 1/2, 09:20, 14:50, 29:15; 5/1, 02:25, 13:55; 6/1, 00:00 (note), 03:00, 12:35, 15:15, 15:45, 21:20
Tomahawk Craft Paper Company
3/2, 02:30
Tote road
1/1, 07:10, 17:15; 6/1, 25:30
Tree farming
6/2, 22:15
United States Government - Postal Service
6/1, 07:55; 6/2, 11:30
United States Government - Social Security benefits
4/1, 04:55
United States Government - Soil Bank program
4/1, 04:55
Varney, Vern
3/2, 26:45
Vegetable gardening
1/2, 29:15; 2/1, 05:25
3/2, 16:30; 5/2, 00:30
Wahlstrand, __________
6/2, 29:25
Wallgren, Emil
6/1, 06:30
1/1, 17:15
2/1, 22:20, 24:10-25/20
Waterman, R.H.
6/1, 06:55
6/2, 15:15, 19:25
2/2, 16:35; 6/1, 14:50; 6/2, 03:25, 14:05, 15:15
5/1, 26:55
1/2, 14:50, 24:00
William Steinmeyer Company
3/1, 00:35
Wilson family
6/2, 06:45
Wind charger
2/2, 04:55
Wind Lake
1/1, 07:10
Winter of 1979
6/1, 14:10
Wisconsin - Conservation Commission
5/2 28:55
Wisconsin - Legislature
4/1, 18:15-20:30; 7/1, 08:30, 11:05
Wisconsin - State Board of Immigration
2/1, 03:45
Wisconsin Agriculturist
4/1, 10:20
Wisconsin Central Railroad Company
1/1, 13:40; 2/1, 03:45
Wisconsin Cooperative Milk Pool strikes
3/2, 16:30-20:45
Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation
4/1, 11:25
Wisconsin Farmers' Union
3/2, 28:15; 4/1, 11:25
Wisconsin River
6/1, 07:20; 6/2, 18:45
Wolfstran, Preacher
6/1, 25:05
2/1, 09:05, 13:00
Wool marketing
2/1, 13:00
Work projects (for the unemployed)
3/2, 06:15
World War I
1/1, 24:00; 3/1, 02:50
World War II
3/2, 10:20, 20:45; 4/1, 00:30; 6/2, 08:45
Zion Lutheran Church
1/1, 19:05, 21:55, 23:15, 24:00