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Title: Wisconsin Conservation Corps: Project Site Files, 1983-2004

Creator: Wisconsin Conservation Corps
Quantity: 56.5 cubic feet, 228 photographs, 0.4 cubic feet of photographs and negatives, 1 watercolor, and 50 videorecordings
Call Number: 1997/090; 1998/026; 1999/047; 2000/029; 2002/119; 2003/082; 2003/123; 2004/046; 2005/102; 2006/048; PH Series 2812; 2010/058; 2012/064; 2012/184; 2013/057; 2014/060
Abstract: Files which must contain, but are not limited to, corps board and sponsor contracts signed by both representatives of the board and the sponsor, site visit reports, crew leader project progress reports, and project sponsor reports.

Contents List
Part 5 (2002/119): Additions, 1985-1999   subfonds
• ...: 2002/119 ...