UWM Library Staff Association Records, 1972-2005


The UWM Library Staff Association was founded in July 1972. The association is a social group whose purpose is to promote goodwill among its members and honor them on appropriate occasions. Membership is open to all full- and part-time staff members (excluding student employees). The membership annually elects three officers of the association: the president, secretary-treasurer, and the events coordinator. The three elected persons decide among themselves who will hold which office. Dues collected by the Staff Association are used to purchase cards, gifts, and flowers for association members. The birth of children, marriage, death (in member's immediate family; a member's death will be recognized by an acknowledgement to survivors), illnesses (hospitalized or lengthy time at home), and years of service are acknowledged at a minimum by a card on behalf of the Staff Association. Resignation and retirement are acknowledged by an appropriate event.