Society of American Archivists Records, 1935-2018

Contents List
 + Records, 1935-2018
Container Title
American Medical Association
Box   183
Folder   3-4
Box   183
Folder   5-7
Box   183
Folder   8
Access to Care, 1990
Box   184
Folder   1-2
Allergy Panel, 1985-1989
Box   184
Folder   2
Allergy Panel, 1987-1989
Box   184
Folder   5
AMPAC, 1986
Box   184
Folder   6
Annual Report, 1987-1988
Box   184
Folder   7
Antitrust Booklet, 1989
Box   184
Folder   8
Awards, 1986-1991
Box   184
Folder   9
Chiropractic Lawsuit, 1987
Box   184
Folder   10
Constitution and By-Laws, 1987
Box   184
Folder   11
Box   185
Folder   1-7
Box   186
Folder   1-7
Box   187
Folder   1-6
Box   188
Folder   1-3
Box   188
Folder   4
Council on Legislation, 1985-1986
Box   188
Folder   5
Council on Medical Services, 1987-1991
Box   188
Folder   6-7
Council on Scientific Affairs, 1984-1992
Current Procedural Terminology
Box   188
Folder   8-9
Box   189
Folder   1
Box   189
Folder   2
Delineation of Hospital Privileges, 1985
Box   189
Folder   3
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technology Assessment Panel, 1986-1990
Box   189
Folder   4
Digest of National Health Care Use and Expense Indicators, 1987-1988
Box   189
Folder   5
Drugs, 1984
Box   189
Folder   6
Dues, 1985-1995
Box   189
Folder   7
Federal Key Control Grass Roots Lobbying Program, 1985-1994
Box   189
Folder   8
Federation Consortium, 1994-1995
Box   189
Folder   9
Health Policy Agenda for the American People, 1987
Box   189
Folder   10
Health Policy Agenda for the American People, 1988-1989
House of Delegates
Box   446
Folder   12
Box   189
Folder   11
Box   190
Folder   1-2
Box   190
Folder   3
Box   190
Folder   4-5
Box   190
Folder   6
Box   190
Folder   7-8
Box   191
Folder   1-2
Box   191
Folder   3-4
Box   191
Folder   5
Box   191
Folder   6-8
Handbook, 1993
Box   192
Folder   1
Handbook, 1993
Section Council on Allergy
Box   192
Folder   2-3
Box   192
Folder   4
Minutes and Delegates Reports
Box   192
Folder   5-6
Box   193
Folder   1-3
Box   193
Folder   4
Implications of Tax Law Changes on Professional Dues and Political Contributions, 1986
Box   193
Folder   5
Journal of the American Medical Association, 1980-1994
Box   193
Folder   6
Mandatory Medical Assignment, 1988
Box   193
Folder   7
Market Area Profile Service, 1986
Box   193
Folder   8
Medical Liability Project, 1993-1995
Box   193
Folder   9
Medical Malpractice, 1985-1987
Box   193
Folder   10
Medical Society Relations, 1988-1990
Box   193
Folder   11
Medicare Physicians Reimbursement, 1987-1991
Box   194
Folder   1-5
Membership, 1984-1995
Box   194
Folder   6
National Conference on the Impaired Physician, 1987
Box   194
Folder   7
Newsweek Supplement, 1985
Box   194
Folder   8
Parameters Development Survey, 1990-1993
Box   194
Folder   9
Patient Protection Act, 1994
Box   194
Folder   10
Physician Office Laboratory Regulations, 1990
Box   194
Folder   11
Physician Payment Review Commission, 1989
Box   194
Folder   12
Physicians Manpower, 1987
Box   194
Folder   13
Physicians' Resource Guide to Health Delivery Systems, 1989
Box   194
Folder   14
Practice Management, 1994
Box   194
Folder   15
Presidents' Forum, 1990-1994
Box   194
Folder   16
Professional Liability, 1989-1990
Box   194
Folder   17
Publications, 1982-1987
Box   194
Folder   18
Quick Guide to American Medical Association Services, 1987
Box   446
Folder   13
Referral Directory, 1995
Box   195
Folder   1
Regular Use of Inhaled Corticosteroid Reduces Risk of Fatal or Near-Fatal Asthma, 1992
Relative Value Study
Box   195
Folder   2-9
Box   196
Folder   1-3
Box   196
Folder   4
Residency Review Committee, 1995
Box   196
Folder   5
Risk Management and Commentaries for the Medical Office, 1990
Box   196
Folder   6
RUC Advisory Committee, 1993-1994
Box   196
Folder   7
Session on Allergy, 1947-1964
Box   196
Folder   8
Section on Allergy, 1965-1969
Box   196
Folder   9
Section Council on Allergy, 1970
Box   197
Folder   1
Section Council on Allergy, 1971-1975
Box   197
Folder   2
Seeking Quality Medical Care and What You Should Know, 1987
Specialty Society Medical Liability Project
Box   197
Folder   3
Box   197
Folder   4-6
Meeting, 1992
Task Force on Professional Liability and Insurance
Box   197
Folder   7-9
Box   198
Folder   1-2
Box   198
Folder   3
Telephone Directory, 1989-1990
Box   198
Folder   4
This Week, 1991
Box   198
Folder   5
Tort Reform, 1986
Box   198
Folder   6
Women in Medicine Project, 1986-1991