Veteran Portrait Collection Veteran portrait collection,

Scope and Content Note

The Veteran Portrait Collection is arranged into three series: Civil War, Spanish-American War, and World War I-World War II. Images have been arranged by war, regiment, and then name of the subject. Included for identified portraits are brief biographies and descriptions. The collection was gathered for display by the donor and then donated all together, though the donor wishes to remain anonymous.

Civil War (1861-1910) include many individual images of veterans and family members, as well as group photographs of organizations and veterans.

Identified people are arranged in alphabetical order. Of note is the photograph titled “The Fortunes of War” featuring Samuel Dyer and William McFarland, both from the 5th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment, along with three other veterans with amputated limbs.

Unidentified images feature similar portraits to those identified. Two unidentified images are damaged chalk drawings, both featuring Civil War soldiers in uniform, posed in front of a back drop. The two soldiers are young-looking, with few identifying features. The other unidentified images are of older veterans, dressed in suits, often wearing GAR pins, badges or company insignia. Of interest are two portraits, one of an old veteran and one of a younger veteran, both wearing the star lapel pin of the 3rd Wisconsin Infantry Regiment from the Civil War. It is unclear if these men are the same.

Unidentified women are two portraits of older women, one drawing and one photograph. It is likely that these women are either Frances Bull Fairchild, the wife of Lucius Fairchild, or one of their daughters (Box 4, Folder 3 and Box 7, Folder 8). These two women were likely included in the collection due to their relationship with Fairchild and involvement in the Women's Relief Corps.

Group images include a members of the Iron Brigade Association. The image shows older men dressed in suits and are identified by an Iron Brigade ribbon worn by the men. The GAR Memorial Hall Staff is also featured in a group photograph, including Hall Custodians Jesse S. Meyers and Hosea Rood. The staff in the photograph are all identified on the matt of the photograph. Another photograph is of the Lucius Fairchild Post of the Women's Relief Corps, taken at the GAR Hall. The women are posed in front of a wall of portraits, wearing the Women's Relief Corps pins. The panoramic photograph in the collection (Box 6, Folder 2) is of the Women's Relief Corps and Grand Army of the Republic gathered in the Hall for a combined meeting.

Reunions include two images, one at Gettysburg and one at Vicksburg and the 50th reunion of the Lucius Fairchild GAR post. The Gettysburg reunion features a group of men and women gathered behind two cannons at Gettysburg. Visible in the image is Lucius Fairchild, easily spotted due to his missing left arm. Next to him is most likely his wife, Frances Bull Fairchild. The Vicksburg reunion photograph is an aerial view of the encampment, featuring a view of the tents, amphitheater and several cars lined up. The group photograph of the Lucius Fairchild post features the veterans in a panoramic photograph with the event name written below them.

Spanish-American War (1898-1899) photographs are arranged alphabetically. All of the images within the Spanish-American War series are identified. Interestingly, there is one partially identified group photograph of Spanish-American War officers. Two of the officers are George Joachim and H.W. Quentmeyer, also featured in individual portraits.

World War I-World War II (1914-1945) includes only one identified portrait. One unidentified image is of a 1st Lieutenant of the 127th Infantry, 32nd Division from World War I. He is identified as such from the markings on his shoulder boards and collar. The image is a large, 3/4s, seated image of a soldier in uniform, and was hand-colored. A stamp in the corner reads Rue 7, Paris. Also unidentified is a copy photograph of an older veteran with no information within the photograph to help identify him. A group photograph of the Company Number 28, Detention Camp Battalion, Camp Greenleaf, Georgia, 1918.