Morton B. Murphy Papers and Photographs,

Contents List

Container Title
Lafayette Series 10
Box   3
(Argyle) State of Wisconsin v. Lafayette County, 1903 July
Note: Incorp. Village. Order incorporating the village of Argyle.
Box   4
Abbott, A.C. v. Burke, John L. and James, 1898 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   1
Abbott, Rebecca v. Abbott, Quartus B., 1849 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   2
Abernathy, Emaline and Oliver v. Eastwood, Mary, 1882 December
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   4
Ableman, Angie v. Ableman, Bert, 1910 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   4
Ableman, D. v. Flannery, Edward, 1920 December
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   3
Abraham, May A. v. Abraham, John H., 1893 December
Note: Divorce.
Box   4
Adams, Albert v. McKellar, A., 1906 October
Note: Slander/Libel. Type of Case: Libel or Damages? Dr. McKellar accused of improperly setting A. Adams' broken leg.
Box   1
Adams, Alpheus v. Hatfield, Robert, 1867 November
Note: Replevin. Damaged label.
Box   1
Adams, Alpheus v. Hatfield, Robert, 1868 December
Note: Damages/Theft. Damaged label.
Box   2
Adams, Alpheus v. Wright, John, 1871 April
Note: Damages/Theft.
Box   1
Adams, Benjamin and James v. Moulton, Darwin E., 1851 March
Note: Fraud.
Box   1
Adams, Nancy v. Martin, Rofs/Martin, Elizabeth, 1863 December
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   1
Adams, Nancy P. v. Wong, Hans and Anna, 1863 December
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   1
Adams, Nancy P. v. Rogers, Nathan, 1863 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   1
Adams, William P. v. Newcomb, William M., 1870 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   4
Adickes, F.W. v. Wiswell, Elijah, et al., 1909 November
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   1
Adkins, James/Baker v. Clyma, Francis, 1856 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   3
Agan, James v. Woodbury, Alfred, 1884 June
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages-Personal Injury
Box   4
Albaum, John v. Donahoe, Luke/Byrne, Thomas, 1913 January
Note: Eviction.
Box   2
Albrecht, Philip v. McGivern, John, 1877 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   4
Alderson, Jane v. Tucker, W.T.J., 1897 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   1
Alderson, Simon v. Conkling, Jonas, 1863 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Conkling is misspelled on label as "Canklin."
Box   1
Alderson, Simon W. v. Pickett, Lewis, 1855 August
Note: Replevin.
Box   1
Alderson, Simon/ Kyle, Joseph v. Peacock, Thomas, 1861 October
Note: Damages/Theft.
Box   1
Alderson, Thomas v. White, John and Grace/Morgan, J., 1869 September
Note: Type of case: Other - could not determine.
Box   2
Alderson, Thomas v. Hodgson, John, 1877 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   2
Alderson, Thomas v. Alderson, Elizabeth, 1879 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Writ of Attachment Filed against property of Alderson, Elizabeth.
Box   3
Alderson, Thomas v. Meighan, John, 1881 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   4
Alexander, Esther v. Alexander, Percy, 1927 June
Note: Divorce. Court order directing fees to be paid for Divorce Counsel.
Box   3
Allan, Emily v. Hartlieb, Henry, 1894 September
Box   2
Allan, James v. Stephan, John, 1878 June
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   2
Allan, James v. Daugherty, Patrick, 1882 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   3
Allan, James v. Magee, John, 1884 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   1
Allen, A.F. v. Allinson, William, 1868 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   3
Allen, Ann v. Allen, Aaron, 1888 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   2
Allen, James v. Vandergrift, A.J., 1874 August
Note: Replevin.
Box   2
Allen, Jonathan v. Nugent, Mary, 1877 July
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   3
Allen, Philip v. Northwestern Mutual Life Ins., 1894 December
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   2
Allen, S.S. v. Doty, Joel B., 1877 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Doty misspelled as "Daty" on label.
Box   3
Allen, S.S. v. Doty, J.B. and Anthony, George, 1877 August
Note: Type of case: Claim for wages.
Box   4
Allington, E.D. v. Rodham, E.H., 1912 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   1
Allinson, William v. Meeker, Eliza and Moses, 1861 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   1
Allyn, William H. v. Boies, Israel/ Dickinson, A.F., 1861 October
Note: Fraud.
Box   126
Amalgamated Zinc Co., Ex Parte, 1908 October
Note: Bankruptcy. Petition for Receivership.
Box   4
Amende, Fritz v. Trenary, Richard, 1897 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   4
Amende, Henry E. and Sophia v. Conley, George, 1900 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   3
Amondson, L.O. v. Flanigan, James H., 1890 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   3
Amondson, L.O. v. McDonald, James, 1895 October
Note: Damages/Theft.
Box   4
Amondson, Petro v. Hanson, Hans, 1896 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1 additn'l: Christina Lunde, Caroline and Andrew Benson. Litigant 2 additn'l: William, Oscar, Josephine, Hellena, Fredrick, Sophia, Martha, Ella, and Edith Hanson.
Box   3
Amsden, B.F. v. Gardiner, C./Stratton, L.W., 1893 September
Note: Mechanics Lien. Litigant 2: Gardiner, Christopher and Alice/Stratton, L.W. and Adell.
Box   4
Amundson, Andrew v. Village of Blanchardville, 1925 November
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages-Personal Injury
Box   3
Anderson, Andrew v. Philipson, Philip O., 1886 June
Note: Trespassing.
Box   C10
Anderson, John, et al. v. Champion, Charles B., 1869 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: William S. Anderson, Hezekiah Libby, and William P. Clark.
Box   C8
Anderson, John, et al. v. Champion, Charles B., 1869 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: William S. Anderson, Hezekiah Libby, and William P. Clark.
Box   3
Anderson, Nels, Ex Parte, 1895 May
Note: Probate.
Box   1
Anderson, Ole v. Thorson, Evon, 1856 January
Note: Damages/Theft. Damaged label.
Box   1
Anderson, Warden/ Rose, Alonzo v. Preston, Lorenzo, 1858 September
Note: Replevin.
Box   3
Andrae, Julius and Sons v. Beckwith, H.A., 1902 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Andrae is misspelled on label as "Andrea."
Box   4
Andrews, Charles v. Cragg, Robert and Joseph, 1896 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   4
Andrews, Charles v. Cragg, Angeline, 1897 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   4
Andrews, R.H. v. Curtin, D.R./ McGovern/Swigart, 1914 December
Note: Type of case: Forfeiture of lease.
Box   1
Andrews, S.H. v. Garner, A.J., 1861 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   1
Andrews, Samuel H. v. Giles, Charles L., 1863 July
Note: Fraud.
Box   1
Andrick, James B. v. Satterlee, D.F., 1851 February
Note: Replevin. The name Andrick is misspelled as "Aredrick" on the label.
Box   1
Angoue, James v. Western Wisconsin Mining Co., 1858 July
Note: Garnishing. Damaged label.
Box   1
Ansley, Robert S. v. Fitzpatrick, Patrick, 1874 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   3
Ansley, Thomas v. Baldwin, Russel, 1849 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   2
Ansley, Thomas v. Baldwin, R., 1850 June
Box   1
Ansley, Thomas v. Lafayette Co. Board, 1865 January
Note: Tax. Damaged label.
Box   2
Ansley, Thomas v. Peterson, Henry, 1869 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Case was appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   1
Ansley, Thomas v. Peterson, Henry, 1873 December
Note: Tax.
Box   3
Anthony, George S. v. Doty, Marcia, 1890 June
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   1
Appleby, William v. Side, John, 1865 November
Note: Trespassing. Damaged label.
Box   1
Appleton, George I. v. Appleton, Susan M., 1872 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   1
Archer, Thomas W. v. Dobson, Robert and Elizabeth, 1872 June
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   1
Armadown, Holmes v. Sendall, Edward and Nancy, 1859 July
Note: Foreclosure. Armadown misspelled as "Armadowne" on label.
Box   2
Armanda, Henry v. Lutgens, John H., 1890 December
Note: Mishandling of Job. Armanda is misspelled on label as "Amanda."
Box   2
Arms, William A. v. Crow, James W., 1873 December
Note: Foreclosure. Arms is misspelled on label as "Ames."
Box   3
Armstrong, James v. Armstrong, John, 1884 July
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   2
Armstrong, William v. Peter Callahan, 1882 December
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   3
Arnold, C.A. v. Arnold, Sarah, 1889 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   M26
Arnsden, B.T. v. Gardiner, Chris, et al., 1893 September
Note: Mechanics Lien. Litigant 2: S.W. Stratton.
Box   4
Arnsmeier, Henry v. Swartz, Jacob, et al., 1910 November
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   4
Arthur, Anthony v. Schultz, E., 1896 November
Note: Damages/Theft.
Box   1
Arundel, Henry v. Lynch, Daniel, 1847 September
Note: Trespassing.
Box   1
Ashley, Joseph v. Ashley, Ancis, 1854 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   4
Ashman, Louisa v. Ashman, Frederick, 1909 December
Note: Divorce.
Box   1
Ashmore, James v. Taylor, Joseph, 1859 January
Note: Probate. Damaged label.
Box   4
Ashton, Charles G. v. Iron River Leasing Co., 1914 May
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   4
Aston, Margaret v. Phillips, Edward B., et al., 1920 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label. Litigant 1: business name Ivo Mining Company.
Box   3
Atwell, George H. and Son v. Cable, A., 1893 October
Note: Damages/Theft.
Box   2
Atwood, David v. Atwood, Sarah, 1854 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   1
Atwood, David v. Swift, Philip/Ellen and Cary, O., 1876 May
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   1
Atwoode, David v. Bragg, Samuel, 1852 May
Note: Replevin.
Box   2
Aufderheide, Elizabeth v. Aufderheide, John H.F., 1862 July
Note: Divorce.
Box   3
Aultman C. & Co. v. Proctor, George, 1883 December
Note: Garnishing.
Box   4
Aultman Co. v. Tresner, George and Fred, 1900 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   1
Aultman, C. v. Jeffers, Nelson and Albert, 1869 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   4
Aultman, C. & Co. v. Galagan, Patrick, 1877 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   3
Aultman, C. & Co. v. Rowlands, Wm., 1878 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   2
Aultman, C. & Co. v. Galagan, Patrick and Logue, Wm., 1878 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   3
Aultman, C. & Co. v. Logue, James, 1880 December
Note: Other. Type of Case: Warranty issue on farm equipment. Handwriting for "McIlhon" unclear.
Box   2
Aultman, C. & Co. v. Proctor, Geo. and Dougherty, J., 1883 August
Note: Garnishing.
Box   2
Aultman, C. & Co. v. McWilliams, Peter, 1883 June
Note: Damages/Theft.
Box   3
Aultman, C. & Co. v. Goodmanson, E., 1885 December
Note: Tax. Type of Case: Handwriting on all documents difficult to read and determine exact type of case.
Box   3
Aureden, Elizabeth v. Doyle, Andrew Jr. and Others, 1885 May
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   4
Aurit, John v. Aurit, Christopher, 1903 December
Note: Discharge Mort. Damaged label.
Box   4
Aurit, John and Julia, Ex Parte, 1901 February
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   3
Aurora Foundry & Machine Works v. Case, Alfred E., 1903 June
Note: Contract Violation.
Box   4
Aus, Joseph, 1900 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label. No Litigant 2. Petition for Joseph Aus (son of Carl Aus, deceased) to sell real estate.
Box   2
Austin, Julius & Co. v. Watts, George & Co., 1849 April
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   4
Automobile Supply Co. v. Reed, Grover, 1916 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Grover Reed doing business under the name South Wayne Garage.
Box   3
Avon Village, 1895 July
Note: Type of case: Village of Avon, (Olmutz) is vacated.
Box   4
Ayen, Carl v. Blewett, Charles, 1910 December
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   12
Babcock, A.L. v. Reed, Lewis and Elizabeth, 1910 February
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   7
Backus, Elsie v. White, Elizabeth Jane, 1920 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Mary Elizabeth, William Richard and Lewis Joseph White, Maria Jane Harbican, Cora Wilhelmina Carr, Elizabeth Jenifer Rector, Lauretta Bell Terpin, Edna, William, Alta, Myrle, and Mable Feathers, minor heirs of Susan Ann Feathers, deceased, and A.J. Laidlaw, guardian of Gerdon White, minor heir of Julius Wilbur White, deceased.
Box   7
Backus, Elsie v. White, Elizabeth Jane, et al., 1921 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Mary Elizabeth, William Richard and Lewis Joseph White, Maria Jane Harbican, Cora Wilhelmina Carr, Elizabeth Jenifer Rector, Lauretta Bell Terpin, Edna, William, Alta, Myrle, and Mable Feathers, minor heirs of Susan Ann Feathers, deceased, and A.J. Laidlaw, guardian of Gerdon White, minor heir of Julius Wilbur White, deceased.
Box   127
Badger Land and Mining Company v. Bermingham, F.J., et al., 1911 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: E.W. Montgomery, partners in Rice Mining Co.; Wisconsin Zinc Co.; Pittsburgh Lead and Zinc Co.; John Woodward, Lola H. and Joseph D. Brown, devisees of Joseph L. Brown, deceased; Annie Meehan, Ada Hodgens, John and Hilda Meehan, heirs of John Meehan, deceased; John H. Savage, George W. Beattie, George Carr, Eliza Lukins, heirs of William Carr, deceased; Elizabeth Shoopman, Nancy Bruner, Franics Kendall, Francis M., John, and Melissa Carr, sole heirs of Elisha Carr, deceased; Peter Carr; Emeline Briar, Caroline Webb, Maria Stribling, Oliver, Catherine, David, Julia A., Dallas, and Daniel Carr, heirs of David Carr, deceased; David Wagner, heir of Jemima Wagner, deceased; James Carr; and unknown heirs of Benjamin Carr, deceased.
Box   B1
Bailey, Ann Maria v. Cottingham, Timothy, 1872 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Bailey is misspelled as "Baily" on the label.
Box   5
Bailey, Elijah v. Scoggin, James G., 1859 February
Note: Foreclosure. Bailey is misspelled on label as "Baily" and is also spelled on some of the documents, including the mortgage, as "Bayley"
Box   6
Bailey, Elijah v. Beebe, William and Hannah, 1861 July
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   B4
Bailey, Eliza H. v. Campbell, Francis, 1870 May
Note: Replevin. Damaged label.
Box   B4
Bailey, J.S. v. Brockway, Charles, 1862 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   11
Bailey, John W. v. Bailey, Sarah, 1901 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   B2
Bailey, Joshua v. Heath, Kimble E., 1847 March
Note: Replevin. Damaged label.
Box   10
Bailey, Mary v. Bailey, John, 1894 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   8
Bailey, Mary S. v. Foss, H.W., et al., 1878 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Sarah and John Foss.
Box   S47.5
Bainbridge, Joseph v. Pratt, George and John, 1885 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Bainbridge, deceased.
Box   8
Bainbridge, Thomas v. Stevens, Thomas G., et al., 1867 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 2: George Raw, Robert Wharton.
Box   B4
Bainbridge, Thomas v. McCaffrey, John, 1868 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   B4
Bainbridge, Thomas v. McCaffrey, John M., 1871 November
Note: Replevin.
Box   6
Bainbridge, Thomas v. Field, George H., 1872 November
Note: Damages/Theft.
Box   16
Bainbridge, Thomas v. McCaffrey, I., 1872 November
Note: Other. The box did not include this case on the label. Notice of Trial is the only file document. Handwriting unclear for first and last name of Litigant 2. Type of Case: Other - could not be determined from Notice of Trial.
Box   8
Bainbridge, Thomas v. Stubbs, Mary, 1874 January
Note: Probate.
Box   9
Bainbridge, Thomas v. Reynolds, Thomas, Ex Parte, 1877 November
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   B4
Bainbridge, William v. Wheeler, F. Frank, 1870 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   6
Baker, Clarinda v. McKnight, Ellis J., et al., 1872 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Joseph Baker and John E. Parsons.
Box   12
Baker, Elizabeth v. Quigley, John R., 1900 July
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   7
Baker, Elmer v. Clyma, Francis, 1855 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Baker vs. Clyma is not entered on label.
Box   127
Baker, Ezra L. v. Harms, John W., 1912 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   B5
Baker, James S. v. Lovelace, William, 1847 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   B4
Baker, Peter v. Nall, Israel, 1866 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   6
Baker, William v. Strong, Andrew, 1849 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   5
Baker, William H. v. Todhunter, Jacob and Harriet, 1863 November
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label.
Box   B1
Bakken, E.J. v. Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul, 1881 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Saint Paul Railway Company.
Box   B2
Baldwin, Elijah v. Scott, Benjamin G. and Cynthia D, 1877 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   10
Baldwin, Elizabeth v. Baldwin, Henry D., 1887 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   12
Baldwin, John F. v. Fannin, Eliza E., 1850 May
Note: Other. Type of Case: Petition for Decree of Nullity of Marriage.
Box   B4
Baldwin, William v. Scales, Samuel, 1850 July
Note: Breach of Promise. Damaged label.
Box   B4
Ball, E. v. Carr, Andrew, et al., 1862 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Box was not labeled for this case. Litigant 2: James B. and Darius Carr and John and Edward Donahoe.
Box   10
Ball, Maria, 1888 September
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   11
Ball, Maria T., 1903 September
Note: Probate.
Box   12
Balzell, Emma v. Balzell, Elias, 1907 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   B5
Bancroft, Stacy B., et al. v. Van Osdell, Henry E., et al., 1859 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Thomas Beaver, John A. Mauck, Wetherill Lee, Thomas S. Foster, Samuel T. Candy and Matthew P. McEwen, partners under the firm name of Bancroft Beaver & Co. Litigant 2: Surviving partner of the firm of Van Osdell & McConn.
Box   127
Banfield, Julia v. McReynolds, George, 1907 June
Note: Trespassing.
Box   B6
Bank of Evansville v. Asmus, August, 1898 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   B6
Bank of Evansville v. Penaluna, W.C., 1901 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   10
Barbarick, Eva v. Barbarick, Henry, 1889 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   9
Barber, J. Allen v. Burris, Martin, et al., 1878 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Elvira J. Whitesides, Elizabeth Ann Burris and James Kearnes.
Box   B2
Barber, Joel Allen v. Gillett, Orlin H., 1875 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   11
Barber, Mabel v. Barber, John E., 1898 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   B4
Barge, John v. True, Herod W., 1872 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   B5
Barinbridge, Thomas, et al. v. Shaw, William, 1865 February
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: Guardian of Mary Ann Robson, Sarah Jane Robson, and John H. Robson, minor heirs of William Robson, deceased, and Thomas L. Robson.
Box   5
Barker, James v. Denison, Electa, et al., 1863 February
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label.
Box   8
Barlow, E.G. v. Otis, D.B., 1876 October
Note: Replevin.
Box   R41
Barlow, Lester v. Dart, Orlando, 1862 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Executor of the last Will of Samuel L. Barlow.
Box   B3
Barlow, P.B. v. Leacock, William J., 1870 February
Note: Fraud.
Box   8
Barlow, P.B. v. Curran, James, 1878 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   11
Barlow, P.B. and E.G. v. Newman, Moses, 1896 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   12
Barlow, P.B. and E.G. v. Thompson, Robert M., 1907 April
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   12
Barlow, P.B. and E.G. v. Shain, Flora B., 1909 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   11
Barlow, P.B., et al. v. Swift, John V., et al., 1897 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Nancy, E.G., and Georgeanna Barlow. Litigant 2: F.X. Katzer.
Box   B3
Barlow, Phares v. Carr, James R., 1869 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   B6
Barlow, Wheeler v. Nevels, George, 1893 September
Note: Replevin. Nevels is misspelled as "Nevils" on the label.
Box   7
Barnes Heirs, Ex Parte, undated
Note: No documents in the box to determine missing information.
Box   B2
Barnes Manufacturing Company v. Proctor, George, et al., 1883 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Joseph Dougherty.
Box   5
Barnes, Harriet v. Barnes, Marcus, 1849 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   11
Barnes, Henry v. Schulte, Severin, et al., 1891 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Rosalia Schulte, Bernard Embolt, Amy C. Edgren, administratrix with will annexed of the estate of John L. Edgren, deceased and James J. Noble.
Box   10
Barnes, Henry W., 1888 June
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   B4
Barnes, Henry W. v. Dean, John S., 1863 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of Paul Chandler, deceased.
Box   7
Barnes, Jennie v. Barnes, Michael, 1870 July
Note: Divorce.
Box   10
Barnes, Mabel E., et al., Ex Parte, 1890 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: O.D. Barnes, Mary S., Margaret E., Siddie A., and Nathan E. Barnes, heirs of Nathan E. Barnes, deceased.
Box   8
Barnes, Michael v. Benson, Caleb, 1874 July
Note: Slander/Libel. Labeled as Barnes vs. "Barnes" instead of Benson.
Box   B5
Barnes, W.G. v. Shepherd, Robert, et al., 1894 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Chris Ward.
Box   B2
Barnes, W.G. & W. Company v. Proctor, George, et al., 1883 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Joseph Dougherty.
Box   B
Barnes, W.G., et al. v. Warren, D.W., 1891 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: W. Barnes.
Box   6
Barney, Eliam E., et al. v. Durand, Henry S., et al., 1862 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Caleb Parker. Litigant 2: Caroline B. Durand, Charles Luling, Bank of Commerce, John K. Myers, William A. Haynes, William M. Halstead, Jr., Henry C. Bowen, Theodore McNamee, Henry L. Stone, Samuel P. Holmes, Stephen B. Gregory, Spencer S. Gregory, and J.R. Hills.
Box   11
Barnhill, Rosetta v. Barnhill, Hiram W., 1900 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   6
Barrack, James v. Morey, Louis and Franklin, 1859 September
Note: Other. Handwriting unclear. Type of case could not be determined.
Box   6
Barrack, James v. Nethery, James, 1861 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   B1
Barrett, Loramers L., et al. v. Criss, Eugenus, et al., 1855 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Henry W. King, Palmer B. Kellogg, and Alexander Rae. Litigant 2: Silas Hill, James L. Criss, and M. Hollister.
Box   B4
Barrett, Loramus S., et al. v. Criss, Eugenus, et al., 1856 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Henry W. King, Palmer V. Kellogg, and Alexander Rae. Litigant 2: Silas Hill, James S. Criss, and M. Hollister.
Box   10
Barrett, Lucian H. v. Barrett, Evie, 1895 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   127
Barrett, R. v. Newman, Lillian (Mrs. W.D.), 1922 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   127
Barrett, R. v. Teasdale, Clyde, 1922 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   B4
Barrett, Richard v. Caygill, James, 1874 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   9
Barrett, Richard v. Martin, Ella, et al., 1878 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Mary Ellen Martin, Mary and Stephen Webster, Edward Chappel, Jr., administor of the estate of Robert H. Martin, deceased, Elizabeth and Mary Martin.
Box   B4
Barrette, H.C. v. Clyde, Nancy A., 1847 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Barrette is misspelled as "Barrett" on the label.
Box   12
Barrick, F.W. v. Robertson, John L. and Mary A., 1905 January
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   6
Barrington, James v. Tuttle, E.W., 1869 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   8
Barrington, James v. McDonnell, Jeremiah, 1877 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages caused by McDonnell's animals destroying Barrington's crops.
Box   M32
Barrington, James W. v. McDonnell, Jeremiah, 1877 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   8
Barrows, D.A., et al. v. Savary, Charles, George and Rosa, 1877 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Barrows is spelled "Borrows" and Savary is spelled "Savery" on the label. Litigant 1: Daniel A. Taylor, Otis Horton, Caroline Martin, co-partners under firm name of C. Martin & Co.
Box   8
Barrows, Daniel A., et al. v. Stephens, William, 1877 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Phila A. Barrows deceased, Daniel A. Taylor, Otis S. Horton and Caroline Martin.
Box   B5
Barrows, P.A., et al. v. Piquett, Moses, et al., 1875 May
Note: Other. Litigant 1: D.A. Taylor and O.S. Horton. Litigant 2: Matthew Murphy. Type of case: Other - unknown.
Box   117
Barry, William and Margaret v. Pilling, George H., et al., 1911 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Kate, Nettie Jane, W.E., M.L., Eliza, Frank H., Walter W., Fred E., E.W., Henry E., and Henry H. Pilling; Henrietta Estes, Eva Wright, Laura Pilling Bonn, Bessie Seeber, Minnie Johnson, Maud Earhart, Georgia Malmsten, Emma L. Bayard, Lestie M. Fosgate, Gussie Corneilson, Josephine Nesbit, J.G. Monahan, Olive E. Otis, Retta M. Cone, Francis J. Warren, Mary Sheldon, and unknown heirs of Elias Pilling, deceased.
Box   7
Bartlett, Edwin, Ex Parte, 1869 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Sale of the real estate of Annett and Ada Bartlett, minors.
Box   B5
Bartley, David v. Delaplaine, Charles, 1847 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   10
Basley, Julius v. Parkinson, Peter, 1886 June
Note: Type of case: To recover a claim for work and labor performed.
Box   8
Bass, Nathan v. Trenary, Philip, et al., 1875 February
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: John Trenary, Robert L. Telfair, John and Emma Ware, D.P. Newell, Peter D., Timothy and Hattie Lynch, James Judge, John Wright, the Dubuque, Platteville, and Milwaukee Railroad Company, the Mineral Point Railroad, and William Elger.
Box   6
Bassett, Elizabeth v. Boyle, Dennis and Bridget, et al., 1873 June
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. Litigant 2: J.E. Stanton.
Box   5
Bast, Charles S., et al. v. Meighan, Edward and Patrick, 1863 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   5
Bastion, Caroline v. Bastion, Henry, 1860 January
Note: Divorce.
Box   117
Batchelor, Clyde v. M.C. Mining Company, 1911 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   7
Bates, Celestina v. Bates, John, 1851 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   12
Bates, Emma L. v. Bates, Samuel, 1909 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   B5
Bates, Rufus v. Ray, John, 1848 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   7
Bawden, Mary A.V. v. Bawden, Joseph, 1861 November
Note: Divorce.
Box   6
Bawden, Mary Ann, et al. v. Bawden, Joseph, 1862 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Bawden, Edwin, Mary H., Eliza E., and William H.
Box   12
Bawden, Richard, et al. v. Bawden, Matthew, 1910 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Lewellyn, C.W., Bert, Alonzo, William, Jesse, and A.A. Bawden, Mary A. Dutton, Nanny Kneebone, Mary Ann Tremayne, John, Henry, Lewellyn, Vina, and Willis E. Rowe, Hulda Brown, Elsie Holman, Lillie Taylor, Herbert, Raymond S., Clarence, Harvey H., Wilber, and Hattie Bradt, Hester Blewett, John and Fred W. Combellick, and Carrie Adams.
Box   5
Baxter, D.R. v. Adams, George J./ Buck, O.W., 1852 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   11
Baxter, James S., Ex Parte, 1894 December
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   10
Baxter, James S., et al., Ex Parte, 1893 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: William R., Mary E., and Ernest G. Hutson.
Box   B5
Bayley, Elijah v. Evans, Thomas E., 1859 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   6
Bayley, Elijah v. McLane, George, 1859 October
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   5
Bayley, Elijah v. White, Joseph/Miles, William W., 1860 April
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged Label.
Box   7
Bayley, Elijah v. Wright, John, et al., 1862 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary Ann Wright and David Feathers.
Box   6
Beach, E.A. v. Nichols, Richard, et al., 1870 February
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. Litagant 2: Mary Nichols, Henry E. Nichols.
Box   117
Beadle, Alfred v. Fox Lead & Zinc Company, 1909 November
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for work related injuries.
Box   10
Beadle, Jane v. Beadle, John, 1891 December
Note: Divorce.
Box   B3
Bean, Thomas v. Winton, LeGrand, 1871 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   5
Beard, James v. Way, Isaac T., 1861 December
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label.
Box   B3
Beard, John v. Field, William, 1847 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   7
Beardsley, Lucy A. v. Beardsley, John F., 1874 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   12
Beaumont, Margaret v. Beaumont, Joseph, 1902 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   11
Beaumont, Rosa M., Ex Parte, 1901 October
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   B1
Beaumont, Thomas v. Vickers, C., 1882 April
Note: Replevin.
Box   127
Beck, John v. Field, Silas D. and Isabel, 1912 April
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   117
Beck, John v. Davis, Luke S., 1912 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   B4
Becker, Peter & Co. v. Wolfram, Henry, 1870 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   10
Bee, Alvin and Mary, Ex Parte, 1893 May
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   B5
Beebe, Isaac W. v. Dougherty, Moses, 1848 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   5
Beebe, Joseph v. Unknown Owners, 1863 June
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label.
Box   B4
Beebee, Horace v. Blake, Lucy, et al., 1852 March
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Elias Slothower, administrators of the estate of John Blake, deceased, Amasa and Martha Prescott.
Box   5
Beech, Curtis v. Pleas, Jacob M. and Eleanor, 1852 January
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   6
Beers, Emily v. Flemming, Archibald, 1859 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   127
Beeson, Frank v. Leitzell, P.W., 1918 February
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case - Damages - for negligence and unskilfully attempting to treat and heal Beeson's broken leg.
Box   6
Belfield, William v. Guy, George W., 1870 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   10
Belken, Edward, et al. infants, Ex Parte, 1895 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Katie, Anna, Christina, Mary, and Elizabeth Belken.
Box   11
Belken, Katie, et al., Ex Parte, 1896 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Anna R., Christina, Mary, Lizzie F., and Jennie P. Belken.
Box   B1
Bell & Provost Company v. Terwilliger, E.E., 1891 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   B4
Bell, Henry G., et al. v. Hamlin, Samuel M., 1869 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Charles L. Lord.
Box   117
Bell, James B., Ex Parte, 1912 May
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   127
Bell, William, et al. v. Wisconsin Zinc Mining, et al., 1914 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Woodward, Laura, Bonson, Annie, Richard, and Mary J. Bell and William and Mary J. Raisbeck. Litigant 2: R.H. Lanyon.
Box   B4
Beloit College v. Cheney, Hazen, et al., 1865 June
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Board of Trustees. Litigant 2: John Hackett, John A. Blanchard, Ole Oleson and wife, and Isom Riggs.
Box   8
Benedict, Joseph S. v. Wright, John (deceased), 1874 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Jonas Rawson Jr., administrator of the estate of John Wright, Mary A. Wright, A.C. Martin, D. Boyle, Harriet Smith, Madison Mutual Insurance Co. and Charles Gorde.
Box   B3
Benedict, Joseph S. v. Rowlands, John, 1878 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   B3
Benedict, Roswell, et al. v. Russell, Elinore and Lambert, 1857 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: William A. Hall, Lewis S. Benedict, and Henry C. Southwick. The "Confession of Judgment" is the only document on file.
Box   8
Benham, Lucius, et al. v. Mill, Henry, 1875 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: James M. Thomas, partners, trading under the firm name of Benham & Trumbull & Co.
Box   B5
Bennet, George v. Shay, John, 1848 November
Note: Replevin. Damaged label.
Box   B5
Bennett, Anson v. Golden, Michael and John, 1860 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   B4
Bennett, Anson v. Golden, Michael and John, 1860 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   B4
Bennett, Asaph v. Hastings, Temperance, 1854 January
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   B1
Bennett, C.C. v. Lafayette County, 1899 January
Note: Other. Type of Case: Other - to appeal the disallowance of a claim for services by the county board. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   11
Bennett, C.C. v. County of Lafayette, 1902 March
Note: Other. Type of Case: Claim for services in attendances as Sheriff. Case dismissed.
Box   B5
Bennett, Elizabeth v. Bennett, John, 1878 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   9
Bennett, Elizabeth v. Doyle, Patrick and Mary, 1878 November
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   B5
Bennett, Esther v. Bennett, Richard, 1854 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   B1
Bennett, Ezra v. Eastman, Darius, 1875 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   5
Bennett, George R. v. Wenner, John, 1855 May
Note: Foreclosure. John Wenner was the administrator of the estate of Warren N. True.
Box   9
Bennett, Mary Jane v. Bennett, Jasper, 1879 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   B4
Bennett, Stephen O. v. Evans, Jesse B., 1856 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   117
Bennett, Z.J. v. Federal Lead and Zinc Company, 1912 November
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of Harvey R. Stevenson, deceased. Type of case: Other - Unknown - Could not determine from the "Motion for Order to Make Complaint More Definite," the only document filed.
Box   7
Bennison, Samuel v. Connely, Hugh and Rosannah, 1860 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   7
Benson, Lucinda v. Benson, Charles, 1850 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   10
Benson, Martha v. Benson, Inger, et al., 1892 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Anthon and Olava Benson, Ole Olson and Matt Johnson.
Box   10
Benson, Richard C. v. Benson, Charles, et al., 1891 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: James Benson, Joseph Benson, Ruth (Benson) Walker, Rachel (Benson) Walker, and Prudence (Benson) Chicken.
Box   B5
Bentley, John v. Stockdale, John B., 1859 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   B3
Bentley, Robert v. Sheirbon, John and William, 1853 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Sheirbon is misspelled as "Sherbon" on the label. 2 documents (complaint and summons) in the file.
Box   12
Bentley, Robert v. Harkness, Daniel, 1857 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   5
Bentley, Robert v. Woodruff, Joseph C., 1861 December
Note: Foreclosure. Woodruff is misspelled as "Woodneff" on label.
Box   B5
Bentley, Robert v. Sheirbon, George and William J., 1861 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Sheirbon is misspelled as "Sheirton" on the label.
Box   117
Benton Land & Mining Company v. Grannis, A.W., et al., 1909 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Charles Eustice and John Jenkyn.
Box   117
Benton State Bank v. Hynes, Jane, et al., 1910 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Peter, Michael, Mary A., Katie, Margaret, William, and Julia Hynes.
Box   117
Benton State Bank v. Murray, W. T., et al., 1914 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: M. McGuire, Frank Rooney, Jeff Shea, Frank McKenna, and Philip Vaughan.
Box   12
Benton, Town of v. Field, William and Edward, 1909 August
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of Case: Damages for breaking a bridge with vehicle and load weighing in excess of 25 tons.
Box   12
Benton, Town of v. Peebles, James, et al., 1909 June
Note: Other. Litigant 2: Henry Kisting and Bernard Fowler. Type of case: Town of Benton sued Peebles for violation of conditions of his said bond as treasurer.
Box   127
Benton, Village of, et al. v. McCarthy, T.A., et al., 1908 February
Note: Criminal. Litigant 1: F.H. Brainer, ex rel. McCarthy is misspelled as "McCarty" on the label. Litigant 2: W.O. Gipe.
Box   11
Bergeuer, William H. v. O'Neill, Joseph and Mary C., 1897 June
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   B5
Berglund, Olof v. Hardy, John L., 1872 October
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for assault with a knife causing permanent injuries.
Box   B5
Berglund, Olof v. Clement, Frank S., 1878 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   9
Bergner, Mary Ann v. Bergner, Fred, 1881 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   11
Bermingham, Fannie J. v. McHugh, Sarah and William, 1896 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Kate C. Montgomery. Litigant 2: Mary, John, Bridget, Daniel, James, Louisa, and Charles McHugh.
Box   7
Bertram, Eli S., Ex Parte, 1870 June
Note: Type of case: Application for admission to the Bar.
Box   B2
Bertrand, F.T., et al. v. Galagan, Patrick, et al., 1878 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Peter Sames, partners doing business under the firm name of Bertrand & Sames. Litigant 2: Margaret Galagan, F.H. Manney, Fuller & Williams, Isaac Utter, D.J. Jennie, C. Aultman & Co., W.S. Wear, J.I. Case, H.W. Foss, W. Buckman, Nichols, Shepard & Co., J. Barkers, and George C. Cribbs.
Box   127
Bessie Lead and Zinc Company v. Blackstone, Augustus, et al., 1908 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Jeannette Beckwith; Mary E., W.R., Effie, J.R., H.L., Freda, Samuel, and Helen Blackstone, and Jeannette Look and Eva N. Krueger, heirs-at-law of Joseph Blackstone, deceased; and Andrew W. Harrison.
Box   9
Bethel, A.W., et al. v. Gibson, Thomas K., 1884 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Mary J. and John D. Combellick. Litigant 2: Felix, Eliza, and Patrick McDonald, James Smith, Joseph Buchan as administrator of the estate of Peter S. Pedelty, deceased, Eleanor, William, Sarah, Margaret, John, George, Peter, Joseph, James, and Rachel Pedelty, Catharine, and Ralph Miller, Nanny and Thomas Nattrass, John, Edward, Thomas, James, Lizzie, Maggie, William, and Barbara Herd, Rachel Broughton, Jane Halstead, John, Joseph, and Francis Taylor, Jennie and Thomas Daykin, Amos Vaughn, Mary and Peter Rigby, Robert and Mary A. Waggate.
Box   8
Bethel, John v. Townsend, Elijah, 1852 March
Note: Other. Type of Case: "Plea of Trespass on the case on promises."
Box   B5
Bethel, John v. Townsend, Elijah, 1852 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Administrator for William Holt, deceased.
Box   7
Bewster, Joseph v. Hoskins, Jane, 1855 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   7
Bibb, H.W., et al. v. Esty, Ezra, et al., 1847 May
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: Madison Brake, William Ecker, Barnett Cain, Milton Cain, John Alexander. Lititgant 2: James K. Prickett, B.J. Warner.
Box   127
Big Tom Mining Company v. Federal Lead and Zinc Company, 1912 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   6
Billings, Adelaide v. Billlings, William R., 1854 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   5
Billings, John v. Brown, John F./ McNight, James, 1857 September
Note: Type of case: "Money demand."
Box   B5
Billon, Gustavus P. v. Dodson, Joseph P., 1847 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Billon is misspelled as "Billou" on the label.
Box   11
Bintliff, James v. White, William W., 1899 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   B3
Bintliff, James and Ed H. v. Wigglesworth, Walter J., 1879 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   B4
Bintliff, James v. Wrigglesworth, Walter J., 1879 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: E. H. Bintliff, co-partners doing business under firm name of James Bintliff & Son.
Box   8
Bird, Isaac v. Martin, James, et al., 1878 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Estate of Willard L.D. Martin, deceased, Lydia Miller, William Bird, and J. D. Mosher.
Box   8
Bird, Mary v. Bird, William, 1866 May
Note: Divorce. Damaged label.
Box   11
Bird, William J. v. Looney, Henry, 1884 June
Note: Fraud.
Box   B3
Bird, William J., et al. v. Meloy, Edward, et al., 1881 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Solomon Lightcap as executors of the last will and testament of John Burrell, deceased. Litigant 2: James Dower. 2 documents (complaint and summons) in the file.
Box   16
Bird, William J. v. Wilcox, George, et al., 1873 November
Note: Other. The box did not include this case on the label. A summons is the only file document. Litigant 1: Solomon Lightcap as executors of the last will and testament of John Burrell, deceased. Litigant 2: Martha Jane Wilcox, Henry S. Magoon, and Andrew McAllister. Type of case: Other - could not be determined from summons.
Box   B5
Biri, Andrew v. Brannon, H.H., 1853 February
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   11
Birkbeck, S. v. County of Lafayette, 1904 January
Note: Other. Type of Case: Appeal for disallowed claim for examination and post mortem of body of Mrs. John Strube and mileage.
Box   B3
Birkett, James and John v. Hird, James S., 1878 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   B5
Birkett, Sarah v. Smith, James, 1869 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   8
Birkett, William R. v. Goudie, John A., et al., 1873 December
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Mary Goudie, W.P. Large, and William H. Thomas.
Box   B
Birmingham, T.J., et al. v. Staber, Joseph, 1893 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: E.W. Montgomery.
Box   B
Birmingham, T.J., et al. v. Murray, Nicholas, et al., 1893 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: E.W. Montgomery. Litigant 2: Eliza and William Murray.
Box   B1
Bishel, John v. Paddock, Benjamin, 1862 October
Note: Replevin.
Box   10
Bishell, Catherine v. Bishell, Arthur, 1886 July
Note: Divorce.
Box   B1
Bishop, James v. Eastman, Nelson L., 1851 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   7
Black, Joseph P. v. Hume, Joseph and Mary, 1861 February
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   B5
Black, Joseph P., et al. v. Earnest, James N., 1867 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Henry J. D. Maynard.
Box   12
Blackbourn, Nellie E. v. Blackbourn, Joseph N., 1901 October
Note: Divorce. Blackbourn is spelled "Blackbourne" on the label.
Box   B3
Blackburn, John v. Thomas, James, 1878 June
Note: Damages/Theft. Damaged label. Type of case: Damages - for maliciously causing an arrest seizure and imprisonment.
Box   B3
Blackburn, John and Priscilla v. Richards, Richard, et al., 1873 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Priscilla Richards and Cort Kruse. No complaint in the file. Date and type of case based on defendant's answer.
Box   9
Blackburn, Leda C. v. N/A, 1883 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Type of Case: "Application to mortgage certain real estate of Leda C. Blackburn, an infant."
Box   7
Blackburn, Priscilla and John v. DaLee, Amon, 1871 January
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   12
Blackford, Harriet N. v. Blackford, J.W., et al., 1903 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: J.W., Miranda, Thomas J., Louise, Gary, and Jennie Blackford, and Rebecca Ruth Stull. This case commenced in Green County, but the venue was changed because the judge was related to the parties of this action.
Box   5
Blackmoor, Catharine v. Blackmoor, William, 1849 February
Note: Divorce.
Box   10
Blackmore, Catharine v. Tierney, James, 1886 June
Note: Probate. Litigant 2: Administrator de bonis non of the estate of James Kindle, deceased. Type of case: Claim to recover cost of housekeeping services and farm labor from Kindle estate.
Box   B5
Blackstone, John W. v. Bostwick, Ebenezer, et al., 1847 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Thomas Wiley.
Box   6
Blackstone, John W. v. McCoy, Rebecca, 1861 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   12
Blackstone, John W. (by Court) v. Dormer, William and Mary, 1911 March
Note: Discharge Mort. Petitioned by George B. Boyle. John W. Blackstone, deceased.
Box   B2
Blackstone, Joseph v. Dougherty, John, et al., 1888 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary Dougherty, Warden, Bushnell, and Glessner Co., David Schreiter, William James, John B. Roy, F.C. Duncan, G.W. Russell, and The Shullsburg Bank.
Box   10
Blackstone, Joseph v. Bell, Joseph, 1894 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   10
Blades, William v. Doherty, John and Catherine, 1887 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   B6
Blades, William v. Laird, Margaret J., 1900 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   9
Blain, Jane v. Dingman, William, et al., 1880 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: William Hoskins and Augustus Blackstone.
Box   B2
Blair, Esther v. Hopkins, Amos, et al., 1858 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Newcomb True.
Box   B5
Blair, Esther v. Russell, Elinore J., et al., 1858 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Lambert D. Russell.
Box   B1
Blair, Esther v. Carr, Derins, 1859 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   B
Blair, J.C. v. Lafayette County, 1891 November
Note: Other. Type of Case: Other - to appeal the disallowance of a claim for services by the county board.
Box   11
Blair, Nellie Cline v. Blair, Charles, 1900 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   7
Blair, William, et al. v. Doty, Joel B., et al., 1858 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Claudius B. Nelson and Oliver W. Belden, partnership doing business under the firm name of William Blair & Co. Litigant 2: Lewis Doty late partners doing business under the firm name of Doty Bros. and James G. Knight and Lewis Doty late partners doing business under the firm name of Knight & Doty.
Box   B4
Blake, E.R. v. Blake, Gideon, 1862 March
Note: Replevin. Damaged label.
Box   B2
Blake, John v. Chandler, Paul, et al., 1848 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Asa Saxton.
Box   B4
Blakeley, A. Dennis v. Wood, William, 1868 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Blakeley is misspelled as "Blakely" on the label.
Box   6
Blakeley, Russell v. Tuttle, Beri W., 1870 February
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   B5
Blakely, Charles v. Tillman, A.V., et al., 1858 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: George W. Turner.
Box   7
Blakely, Dennis v. Blakely, Charles, 1857 September
Note: Dissol. Partner. Blakely is spelled as "Blakeley" on some of the documents.
Box   B
Blakely, Frances v. Blackburn, Priscilla and John, 1875 September
Note: Other. Type of Case - Other - Complaint and injunctions filed to restrain and protect personal property.
Box   10
Blakely, Margaret E. v. Blakely, Oscar F., 1886 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   11
Blakely, Tamzon Tillson, Ex Parte, 1894 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. C. F. Osborn and George Clementson signed documents as the presiding judges.
Box   B4
Blakey, John H. v. Overstreet, John R., 1856 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   9
Blakey, John W., Ex Parte, 1881 May
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   B1
Blanchard, A. v. Evening Star Lodge, 1882 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Number 63 Independent Order of Good Templars, Trustees of.
Box   2
Blanchard, Alvin v. Blanchard, Mary, 1858 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   7
Blanchard, Alvin v. Graham, Garret, 1859 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   6
Blanchard, Alvin v. Darragh, James and Patrick, 1860 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Darragh is misspelled on label as "Dorrah."
Box   B5
Blanchard, Alvin v. Johnson, Martin, et al., 1894 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Jacob Arneson.
Box   11
Blanchard, Annie K. v. Blanchard, Clarence A., 1903 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   6
Blanchard, Charles and Loretta v. Woolworth, Mary A and Sylvans, 1871 December
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. Lititgant 2: Harry Webb.
Box   B4
Blanchard, E.D. v. Foster, George, 1847 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   B
Blanchardville, Village of, Ex Parte, 1890 August
Note: Incorp. Village.
Box   B6
Bleiler, John v. Moore, P.T., et al., 1893 July
Note: Replevin. Box 1. Litigant 2: Dan Hawver. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   B6
Bleiler, John v. Moore, P.T., et al., 1893 July
Note: Replevin. Box 2. Litigant 2: Dan Hawver. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   B2
Bleiler, John v. Moore, Peter T., et al., 1897 March
Note: Replevin. Litigant 2: Daniel Hawver.
Box   10
Blenkiron, Matthew v. Blenkiron, Henry, et al., 1887 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Henry Blenkiron as executor of the estate of Thomas Blenkiron, deceased, Elizabeth, Mary, and William Blenkiron, heirs of Thomas Blenkiron, deceased.
Box   6
Blenkison, Matthew v. Toppins, Charles and Mary, 1872 May
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. Spelling of "Blenkison" unclear from handwriting.
Box   5
Blessing, C.L.G. v. Haffey, John, 1859 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. John W. Blackstone Jr. was appointed referee.
Box   127
Blight, Charles W. v. McGaughey, Bernard A., 1920 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   5
Blinkison, Mathew v. Brennon, Simon, 1851 January
Note: Type of case: Ejectment. Blinkison misspelled as "Blinkiron" on label. Mathew is spelled with one "t" on documents.
Box   5
Blinkison, Matthew v. O'Brennan, Simon, 1850 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label. Litigant 2's last name looks like O'Brennan from handwriting, but might be "Brennon."
Box   5
Blinkison, Matthew v. Maher, Ann, et al., 1859 April
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label.
Box   C8
Bliss, J.W., et al. v. Champion, Charles B., 1869 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: A.T. Whiting, O.H. Pierce, James McKenna, F.J. Luke, and Sydney Cushing.
Box   C10
Bliss, J.W., et al. v. Champion, Charles B., 1869 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: O.H. Pierce, F.A. Luke, A.T. Whiting, James M. Kenna, and Sidney Cushing.
Box   B5
Bloomer, James v. Smith, James, 1848 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   8
Blossom, May and Walter v. Scales, Mahala, et al., 1877 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Frank Samuel H. Scales, Elizabeth and Charles H. Lamar, Lucinda and John S. Hardy, Olive, George, Ann, Henry Procter, Henry Wagner, Joseph Bell, H. Peacock, William Boyle, Thomas Kennedy, Thomas Doyle.
Box   B1
Blotz, Jacob v. O'Hara, John, et al., 1881 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Edwin, Charles, and William O'Hara, partners doing business under the firm name of O'Hara Bros.
Box   L
Blowers, Louisa v. Verley, Benjamin, 1884 November
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   9
Bock, Joseph v. McCoy, John Calvin, 1879 December
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   B1
Boies, William A., et al. v. Riley, James, 1882 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Benjamin B. Fay and Lucius U. Conkey.
Box   7
Boles, Dorcas v. Boles, Alva, 1856 July
Note: Divorce.
Box   B4
Bolls, Alvah v. Hamilton, Jamison, et al., 1848 April
Note: Trespassing. Litigant 2: Thomas James.
Box   B4
Bolls, Alvah v. Hamilton, Jamison, 1848 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   8
Bond, M.A. v. Scott, Benjamin and Cynthia, 1877 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   127
Boone, John, et al. v. Schuchart, Joseph and George, 1925 January
Note: Garnishing. Litigant 1: Henry Boone, partners in the firm of Boone Bros. Garnishee: John Fleming. "Garnishee Answer" is the only document filed.
Box   8
Booth, Render v. Robinson, Thomas, 1877 December
Note: Contract Violation. Type of case: Left employment earlier than agreed upon.
Box   B3
Boothby, N., et al. v. Scales, Joseph, 1868 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: J.D. Platt and W.H. Fleharty. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   12
Booty, David v. Iron Range Mining Company, 1909 May
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   B3
Borden, Byron v. Hurlbert, A.D., 1877 December
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for assault.
Box   B3
Borden, Byron v. Pember, Charles A., et al., 1878 July
Note: Fraud. Litigant 2: Nathan H. Verley.
Box   117
Borden, Leroy v. Hale, William H., 1909 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Box #1
Box   117
Borden, Leroy v. Hale, William H., 1909 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Box #2
Box   9
Borden, Russel v. Borden, Philo and William, 1881 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: by Byron Borden, his guardian. Case appealed to the Supreme Court in December 1883.
Box   B4
Boswell, Caroline v. Lamar, Charles H., 1856 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   9
Boswell, Mary (deceased) v. Moyer, Henry, 1880 June
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   5
Botsford, Jabez/ Kimball, Mark v. Trousdale, James and Harriet, 1858 January
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label.
Box   10
Bottomly, William, Ex Parte, 1892 June
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   10
Boughton, Annie C. v. Boughton, George Thomas, 1889 May
Note: Divorce. Boughton is spelled "Broughton" on the label. John W. Blackstone was appointed referee.
Box   B4
Bourbon, Oliver B. v. Renshaw, Harmon and Rachel B., 1875 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   9
Boutwell, Philander v. N/A, 1871 December
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   B3
Bowden, Edwin Vivian, et al. v. Richards, George, et al., 1860 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Mary Hannah, Eliza Emily, William Henry, infants appearing by Joseph Bowden, guardian, and Mary A.V. and Joseph Bowden. Litigant 2: Augustus Estey.
Box   B1
Bowden, Mary A. v. Bowden, Joseph, 1862 August
Note: Replevin.
Box   C8
Bowen, George S., et al. v. Champion, Charles B., 1869 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: George R. Whitman, Almerin H. Winslow, William H. VanSlyke.
Box   C10
Bowen, George S., et al. v. Champion, Charles B., 1869 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: George R. Whitman, Almerin H. Winslow, and William H. VanSlykes.
Box   6
Bowen, George S., et al. v. Berner, John H., et al., 1871 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Whitman, George R., Winslow, Almerin H.; William H. VanSlyck. Litigant 2: Frank Scott.
Box   11
Bowen, Myron P. v. Egan, John, et al., 1897 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Catherine Egan, Joseph Apppel, The First National Bank of Darlington, and Michael M. Doyle as assignee of John Egan.
Box   7
Bower, Nelson v. Fox, M. A., 1877 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   B2
Bower, Nelson, et al. v. McDermott, Michael, 1870 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Owen Clarkin, partners doing business under the firm name of Bower & Clarkin.
Box   B2
Bower, Nelson, et al. v. Tippett, Joseph, 1876 November
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: Charles E. Bremmer.
Box   9
Bower, Nelson/ Gallagher, J.S., Ex Parte, 1880 May
Note: Other. Type of Case: "Matter of the application for vacation of a part of the village of Gratiot."
Box   127
Bowman, James L., et al. v. Field, Mary, 1924 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Joseph L. Grahm, partners in the firm of Bowman & Graham.
Box   12
Boyle, George, 1911 February
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   B
Boyle, Isabella v. McKernan, Patrick, 1898 January
Note: Trespassing.
Box   10
Boyle, Mary v. Cavanaugh, Michael, et al., 1888 April
Note: Probate. Litigant 2: James McGinty, Ellen, Catharine, Patrick, and John Cavanaugh. Type of Case: In the matter of the estate of Patrick Cavanaugh.
Box   B6
Boyle, Peter, et al. v. Northwestern Mutual, 1893 March
Note: Other. Box 1: Litigant 1: Joseph Boyle, Susan Boyle, Mary A. Boyle (Mrs. August Muller), Anna Boyle, and Catharine J. Boyle. Litigant 2: Relief Association. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Type of case: Other - to recover life insurance claim.
Box   B6
Boyle, Peter, et al. v. Northwestern Mutual, 1893 March
Note: Other. Box 2: Litigant 1: Joseph Boyle, Susan Boyle, Mary A. Boyle (Mrs. August Muller), Anna Boyle, and Catharine J. Boyle. Litigant 2: Relief Association. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Type of case: Other - to recover life insurance claim.
Box   B5
Boynton, Andrew v. Tucker, Hiram A., 1857 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Boynton is misspelled as "Boyton" on the label.
Box   B4
Bracken, Charles v. Walsh, Peter, et al., 1850 September
Note: Replevin. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Edward and Patrick Walsh.
Box   B2
Bracken, Charles v. Bailey, Joshua, 1853 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   10
Bracken, Charles v. Atchison, John, 1871 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Action was dismissed, the attachment disolved and set aside, and the property attached released by Judge Mills.
Box   5
Bracken, John v. Benedict, Joseph S., 1860 September
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   B4
Bracken, John v. Benedict, Joseph S., 1861 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label.
Box   10
Bracken, John and Sallie, Ex Parte, 1887 January
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   10
Brackett, Franklin H. v. Lewis, Thomas and Sarah, 1887 July
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   9
Bradley Bros. v. Mappes, Charles, 1885 April
Note: Mechanics Lien. Litigant 1: W.H. Bradley, Edward Bradley and J.W. Bradley.
Box   12
Bradley, David Mfg. Company v. Piquett, A.C., 1909 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   10
Bradley, Eliza, 1889 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Catherine, Belle, Leo, Susan, John, Martha, and Mary Bradley.
Box   B
Bradley, Hattie E. v. Cramer, William E., et al., 1882 July
Note: Slander/Libel. Litigant 2: Andrew J. Aikens, and John F. Cramer. County: and Milwaukee.
Box   9
Bradley, John and Dorothea, Ex Parte, 1871 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Heirs at law of Henry Bradley, deceased.
Box   5
Bradley, Patrick v. McQuone, John, 1863 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label.
Box   6
Bradshaw, John v. Bradshaw, Grace, 1871 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   9
Bradshaw, John v. Bradshaw, Mary (deceased), 1883 July
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   9
Bradshaw, John, Ex Parte, 1887 March
Note: Other. Type of Case: Correction of deed.
Box   117
Bradt, Herbert v. Field Mining Company, et al., 1911 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Thomas E. Baldwin.
Box   9
Brady Heirs, Ex Parte, 1882 July
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   M26
Brady, David v. Bonanze Mining Company, 1893 December
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   B4
Brady, Peter v. Flanagan, Nicholas, et al., 1845 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Edward Maliff.
Box   M26
Brady, Peter v. Bonanze Mining Company, 1893 December
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   B6
Bragg, Harrison v. Black, Florence, 1893 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   7
Bragg, Samuel v. Atwood, David, 1852 April
Note: Replevin. Atwood is spelled "Atwoode" on label.
Box   B4
Bragg, Samuel v. Murray, Patrick, et al., 1854 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Timothy and John Murray.
Box   B5
Bragg, Samuel v. Gratiot, Town of, 1855 September
Note: Type of case: Other - unknown.
Box   B5
Bragg, Samuel G. v. Beebe, Anson, 1847 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   B3
Bragg, Samuel G. v. Atwood, Charles, 1852 April
Note: Replevin.
Box   B3
Bragg, Samuel G. v. Lafayette County, 1853 November
Note: Other. Type of Case: Other - to appeal the disallowance of claims for services.
Box   B5
Bragg, Samuel G. v. Lafayette County, 1854 January
Note: Other. Type of Case: Other - to appeal the disallowance of claims for services.
Box   B5
Bragg, Samuel G. v. Willow Springs, Town of, 1856 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   B5
Bragg, Samuel G. v. Campbell, Francis, 1857 February
Note: Replevin.
Box   5
Bragg, Samuel G. v. Matson, Frederick, 1857 January
Note: Replevin. Litigant 2: Cunningham, William; Hopkins, Amos
Box   B2
Bragg, Samuel G. v. Lafayette County, 1863 November
Note: Other. Damaged label. Litigant 2: The County Board of Supervisors. Type of case: Other - to appeal the disallowance of a claim by the county board for keeping insane persons.
Box   B4
Bragg, Samuel G. v. Lafayette County, 1865 August
Note: Type of case: Other - to appeal the disallowance of a claim by the county board for keeping insane persons.
Box   127
Brainerd, F.H., ex rel. v. McCarthy, T.A., et al., 1908 February
Note: Criminal. Litigant 1: State of Wisconsin. McCarthy is misspelled as "McCarty" on the label. Litigant 2: W.O. Gipe.
Box   B3
Brake, Madison, et al. v. Esty, Ezra E., et al., 1847 May
Note: Trespassing. Litigant 1: William Eckes, Barrett and Milton Cain, and John Alexander. Litigant 2: James R. Prickett and B.J. Warren.
Box   B5
Braley, James v. March, Littlefair, et al., 1873 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: William Dodsen.
Box   117
Braley, Nancy D. v. City of Darlington, 1892 February
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for injuries caused by a mob of people on city street.
Box   5
Brannon, H.H. v. Dunn, Berry W., 1848 December
Note: Replevin.
Box   6
Brannon, H.H. v. Hamilton, Jamison, 1852 July
Note: Replevin.
Box   6
Brayley, James v. Ryan, Patrick, et al., 1872 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Brayley is spelled as "Braley" on court documents. Litigant 2: Thomas Ryan, Nancy McDonald.
Box   6
Brayley, James v. Powell, John, et al., 1873 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 2: George W. Statsen.
Box   B5
Brayley, James v. Boyle, Charles, et al., 1873 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Philip McGuire and Neal Boyle.
Box   8
Brayley, James v. Walrack, Michael and John, 1878 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Brayley is spelled "Braley" on the label.
Box   B4
Brayley, James v. Carpenter, Gustavus & Royal, 1862 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: As administrator of the estate of John A. Pitts, deceased.
Box   B
Brayley, Mary A. v. McDonald, Nancy, et al., 1885 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Administratrix of the estate of James Brayley, deceased. Litigant 2: Patrick Ryan.
Box   9
Brayley, Mary, et al. v. McDonald, Nancy, et al., 1884 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: James Brayley, deceased. Litigant 2: Patrick Ryan.
Box   7
Breed, Frederick W. v. Hovey, Amos, et al., 1861 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Paddock, Roxey Jane.
Box   8
Breen, Mary v. Wiseman, Christopher, 1875 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: It appears that Breen is spelled "McBreen" on the court documents. Mary Breen was the plantiff on the documents--James Breen's name was on the envelope.
Box   7
Brees, David v. Tolly, William and Simcox, Jacob, 1857 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   6
Breese, William G. v. Jeffers, Nelson, et al., 1861 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Jeffers, Lydia, Robert, Elizabeth; The Milwaukee Mississippi Rail Road Company, and Amos and Ruby Eastman.
Box   B5
Breese, William G. v. Eastman, Amos, et al., 1861 May
Note: Other. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Ruby Eastman and the Milwaukee & Mississippi Railroad Company. Type of case: Other - unknown.
Box   5
Breeze, James v. Wood, Charles, 1860 September
Note: Foreclosure. Breeze appears on the label, but appears to be spelled as "Breese" on the documents.
Box   B3
Brennan, James v. Walsh, Peter, 1879 June
Note: Replevin. Brennan misspelled as "Brannan" on the label.
Box   6
Brent, William v. Murphy, William W., 1873 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   12
Brenum, Gillman, et al., Ex Parte, 1908 March
Note: Discharge Mort. Litigant 1: Della Johnson, Laura and Minick Haugan.
Box   B3
Brewster, J.M. v. Dougherty, Patrick, 1879 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   B3
Brewster, J.M. v. Morris, James R., 1880 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   B3
Brewster, J.M. v. Harty, Jerry, 1881 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Margaret McNulty, Administratrix of the estate of Thomas McNulty, deceased.
Box   12
Brewster, J.M., 1883 June
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   B6
Brewster, J.M. v. Schneider, John, 1892 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Schneider is also spelled "Snyder" on some documents and the label.
Box   B4
Brewster, Joseph M. v. Kennedy, Daniel, 1850 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   B5
Brewster, Joseph M. v. Quinn, John, 1855 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label
Box   B5
Brewster, Joseph M. v. Claffey, Thomas, 1855 October
Note: Other. Damaged label. Type of case: Other - unknown (Summons and Order to Dismiss are the only documents in the file).
Box   B4
Brewster, Joseph M. v. Gugerty, Owen, 1857 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   B4
Brewster, Joseph M. v. Quinn, John, 1860 May
Note: Other. Damaged label. Type of case - Other - unknown.
Box   B5
Brewster, Joseph M. v. Gurgety, Owen, 1860 May
Note: Other. Damaged label. Type of case: Other - unknown.
Box   9
Brewster, Joseph M., Ex Parte, 1878 December
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   11
Brewster, Joseph M., Ex Parte, 1897 April
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   12
Brewster, Joseph M., et al. v. Dickenson, George L., et al., 1854 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Thomas, Sr., Thomas, Jr., John, and Patricius McNulty. Litigant 2: Charles C. Bellows.
Box   7
Brewster, Joseph M., et al. v. Troy, Patrick, 1857 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John and Thomas McNulty Jr.
Box   9
Brewster, Joseph M., et al. v. McNulty, Frances, et al., 1878 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Elzabeth A. Brewster, Elizabeth C. McNulty, only child and sole heir at law of Thomas McNulty, deceased, Margaret McNulty, widow of Thomas McNulty, deceased. Litigant 2: John McNulty, deceased, Fanny, Patricia, Henry, Mary, and Elizabeth McNulty, Augustus and Julia Esley, Theodore E., Mary Emma, Joseph, and Mary E. Blackstone, Jeannette, and Henry A. Beckwith.
Box   B1
Brewster, Joseph M., et al. v. Quigley, John, Sr., and Thomas, 1886 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Margaret McNulty.
Box   R41
Brewster, Joseph W. v. Hoskins, Jane, 1858 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   7
Brewster, Joseph, et al. v. McDonald, John, 1858 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. McDonald misspelled on label as "Donnall." Litigant 2: McNutty, John and McNutty, Thomas, Jr. Handwriting difficult to read on all documents.
Box   11
Brewster, Nettie, et al., Ex Parte, 1899 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Hattie, Charles, and Mary Brewster.
Box   7
Bridge, Charles, et al. v. Hannan, William, 1855 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Ditus C. Shepard.
Box   6
Briggs, Clinton v. Coulbeck, Henry, 1860 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   5
Briggs, Jason W. v. Ethridge, James/ Baker, Josiah, 1861 October
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label.
Box   6
Briggs, Oman v. Briggs, Henry, 1876 August
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   7
Brink, A.L. v. Egan, Thomas, 1856 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   B1
Brink, A.L. v. Blanchard, A., et al., 1860 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: H. Mills.
Box   B5
Brisbois, Bernard W., et al. v. Knowlton, Hiram, 1854 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Pierre and Therese Barrette.
Box   7
Britton, Julia J. v. Johnson, Charles, et al., 1872 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Eliza Ann, Denison and S.W. Johnson, C.H. and Leander J. McCormick, and John McArthur.
Box   5
Broadway Bank v. Hayden, George W., 1862 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   9
Brockway, George H., Ex Parte, 1884 March
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   6
Bronson, Frederick v. McKay, Helen, 1861 May
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label.
Box   7
Brooks, Justus v. Wadsworth, James, 1860 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   12
Brooks, Mary Etta M. v. Brooks, Herman, 1904 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   7
Brotherton, Jacob v. Doyle, Martin, et al., 1863 December
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Ann Dunbar widow, and John Dunbar, Mary Dunbar, James Dunbar, and Patrick Dunbar minor heirs of Patrick Dunbar deceased.
Box   B5
Brotherton, Jacob v. Doyle, Martin, et al., 1864 June
Note: Other. Litigant 2: John, Mary, James, and Patrick Dunbar, minor heirs of Patrick Dunbar, deceased. Type of case: Other - unknown.
Box   5
Brown, Amos v. Mc Aleer, Peter, 1858 October
Note: Other. Damaged label. "Mc Aleer" was spelled Mc Leer on some documents. Type of case: Action for money. Appeal from Justice.
Box   8
Brown, Amos v. Littlefair, Thompson, 1866 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   5
Brown, Andrew v. Duffey, Peter, 1857 April
Note: Garnishing. Damaged label.
Box   7
Brown, Andrew J., Ex Parte, 1863 May
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   5
Brown, Benjamin and Joseph v. Law, Gideon/Marvin, Jonathan J, 1861 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   11
Brown, Eliza A. v. Van Eavery, Harriet, et al., 1897 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: T.J. Law.
Box   6
Brown, George v. Law, James A., et al., 1873 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary J. and Allen R. Law, Robert W. Brown, L.A. and Dominick Rhomberg.
Box   M26
Brown, George M. v. Britton, J.J., 1893 February
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   B6
Brown, George M. v. Marshall, John, 1901 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M26
Brown, George W. v. Gabel, Joseph, 1893 February
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   8
Brown, James (deceased), et al., Ex Parte, 1876 December
Note: Discharge Mort. Litigant 1: Sarah Ann, James Frank, Mary Alice, and Emma Brown.
Box   R41
Brown, John v. Sanders, Thomas, et al., 1862 October
Note: Other. Litigant 2: Michael, John, and Timothy Sanders. Type of case: other - could not determine. Notice of Appeal is the only document in file.
Box   7
Brown, John, Ex Parte, 1875 March
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   B2
Brown, Joseph L. v. Savage, Fred R., et al., 1894 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: George W. Beattie, Charles C. Gratiot, and William T. Brown. 2 documents (complaint and summons) in the file.
Box   8
Brown, Mary v. Brown, Patrick, 1878 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   10
Brown, Nimrod v. Looney, Henry, 1892 June
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   B5
Brown, P.E. v. Shears, Lewis, 1879 February
Note: Replevin.
Box   9
Brown, P.E. v. Mates, John, 1882 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   8
Brown, Philip v. Norton, Edwin, 1878 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   10
Brown, Philip E. v. Whitham, William C., 1887 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   6
Brown, Rebecca v. Brown, Thomas, 1869 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   9
Brown, W.F. v. Meloy, Edward, et al., 1880 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: S.H. Scales and Frank Scales, executors of Samuel H. Scales, deceased, Jacob Haffele and Franklin Stone, executors of Stephen Blackstone, deceased, and John S. Wiley.
Box   10
Brown, William v. Cornelius, Frank, et al., 1890 December
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Estate of Christopher Hartung, deceased, John Gavigan, Jr., L.A. Rossing, James Coffey, and Driver Bros.
Box   B4
Brownell, Charles v. Leslie, Justus, 1868 June
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for assault causing permanent injuries.
Box   9
Brownell, Cynthia S., Ex Parte, 1885 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Type of Case: Application of James L. Mitchell for the conveyance of Real Estate of Cynthia S. Brownell pursuant to contract.
Box   5
Brownell, Horace v. Shoemaker, Nathan and Jerome, 1863 November
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   B2
Brownell, Horace B. v. Murray, Bartholomew, 1858 October
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   B5
Brownell, Horace B. v. Shoemaker, Nathan, 1867 December
Note: Trespassing.
Box   B2
Brownell, Horace B. v. Devazier, John, 1869 March
Note: Trespassing. Damaged label.
Box   B4
Brownell, William v. Cobb, George W., et al., 1868 November
Note: Fraud. Brownell is misspelled as "Brownall" on the label. Cobb is misspelled as "Coff" on the label. Litigant 2: Samuel Moore and Hammer Robbins.
Box   8
Brownell, William v. Speilman, Jacob, et al., 1877 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: _____ Pasey, Christian name is unknown, Frederick Pischel, Henry and John Dement.
Box   B6
Bruce, J.H., Ex Parte, 1890 August
Note: Type of case: Other - assignment of Bruce and of the application of David Schreiter, assignee, for the allowance of his account for his discharge as such assignee.
Box   5
Bruester, Joseph v. Kennedy, Daniel, 1850 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   11
Bruetting, Martha v. Bruetting, Ballo, 1899 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   B2
Brun, Hans v. Bragg, Harrison, et al., 1883 June
Note: Replevin. Litigant 2: M. Jarvis.
Box   11
Bruner, Mathew v. Bruner, Mary, 1897 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   B5
Brunner, Charles v. Fay, Alfred, et al., 1856 July
Note: Other. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Oliver Paddock. Type of case: Other - unknown. Handwriting not legible on all documents.
Box   B5
Brunner, Charles E. v. Roberts, William, 1862 February
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   B4
Brunner, Charles E. v. Ziegenfuss, John, 1863 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   B5
Brunner, Charles E. v. Warren, Jonas, 1863 January
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   9
Brunskill, Elizabeth v. Phillips, Daniel, et al., 1882 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Isabella and Ann Phillips, Emma and James Arthur.
Box   12
Bryson, D.M., 1911 April
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   10
Bryson, James v. Miller, Almeron, 1888 March
Note: Other. Type of Case: Bryson filed the complaint to recover expenses for the care of Clara Miller, infant daughter of Almeron Miller.
Box   12
Buchan, Chester, Ex Parte, 1907 September
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   12
Buchan, Chester R. v. Vaughan, Thomas, et al., 1907 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Ruth Vaughan, Thomas and Mariah Burrill.
Box   5
Buchanan, Robert B. v. Corwith, N. & Company, 1847 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Corwith, Nathan and Henry. Type of case: Writ of Attachment
Box   6
Buckley, Martin v. State Bank of Illinois, 1854 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   B3
Buckman, A.F. v. Johnson, Lars E., 1879 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   127
Buckman, Henry v. Mates, John D., 1908 September
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for assault.
Box   B4
Budlong, Eber C. v. Kirby, Edward, 1860 April
Note: Discharge Mort. Damaged label.
Box   B4
Budlong, Nancy A. v. Thompson, Mary, et al., 1867 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Widow of John Thompson; Mary Jane Dall; Marilla M. Tinkham; Harmon B., Curtis H., Cyrus O., Lucianna M., and James H. Thompson; Svay C. Brininger; Alonzo P., and Eveline J. Thompson.
Box   127
Buel, A. v. Olson, C.C., 1917 July
Note: Contract Violation.
Box   5
Bues, Frederick v. Bragg, Samuel G., 1857 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   B1
Buffum, Horace H., et al. v. Collins, Adam, 1852 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Mathias B. Chilton, partners doing business under the firm name of Buffum and Chilton.
Box   B1
Buford, B.D. & Co. v. Proctor, George, et al., 1883 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Joseph Dougherty, partners doing business under the firm name of Proctor and Dougherty.
Box   B1
Bugh, Sam G. v. Hodge, Jacob S., 1873 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   7
Bundy, David J. v. Harris, Lucy Ann, 1857 July
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   B5
Bundy, David J. v. Harris, Lucy Ann, 1858 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   B5
Bundy, David J. v. Harris, Lucy Ann, 1858 April
Note: Foreclosure. Only 2 documents (Report of Sale and Order of Confirmation of Sale) in file.
Box   6
Bunnell, John v. Laird, Hugh, et al., 1851 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: William Presho, Abrham Macintosh, Patrick Gallaghar.
Box   6
Bunnell, Louis F. v. Bragg, Samuel G., 1857 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   B2
Burdett, Edward A., et al. v. Johnson, N., 1883 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: W. Stone Smith and A.D. Patchin, partners doing business under the firm name of Burdett Smith & Co.
Box   127
Burg, Carrie M., et al. v. Scott, H.E., et al., 1925 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Frank K., Leo L., and Julia Burg. Litigant 2: Luella Mae Scott, L.W. Porter, E.W. and F.H. Montgomery, co-partners as Wm. Hoskins and Company, George C. Ralph, and William Marshall.
Box   12
Burgess, Albert v. Burgess, Clara, 1911 November
Note: Divorce.
Box   127
Burgess, Charles and Robert v. Bride, J.P., 1910 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   117
Burgess, Fred v. St. John's Lutheran/ et al., 1911 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Evangelical Church of Shullsburg, William Borgers, Gustav Neundorf, and Christian Otto, Trustees.
Box   B3
Burgess, William v. Crist, John, et al., 1879 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Margaret A. Crist and Catharine Crist, Junior.
Box   B5
Burgland, Olof v. Hardy, John L., 1872 October
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for assault.
Box   10
Burke, Helena, Ex Parte, 1892 September
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   12
Burke, John v. Bigley, William, 1856 October
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   M26
Burke, John v. Bonanze Mining Company, 1893 December
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   B6
Burke, John E., et al. v. McDonald, John F., 1898 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: Thomas Leahy. Type of case: Damages - for wrongfully demolishing and destroying a twine binder.
Box   5
Burke, Michael v. Kelly, John, 1862 April
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   S47.5
Burke, Mrs. James v. Lee, P.H., 1898 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   7
Burke, Richard v. Burke, Abigail, 1854 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   M26
Burmeister, H.W. v. Campbell, E.D., 1893 October
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   11
Burmeister, H.W. v. Fisher, Patrick and Annie, 1899 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   B6
Burneister, F.C. v. Lee, P.H. and John D., 1898 July
Note: Type of case: Other - unknown.
Box   B5
Burnell, John v. Berryman, Charles, et al., 1847 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Charles Berryman, James Tregloan, Richard Thomas, Cuthbert Bowden.
Box   6
Burnett, Alexander v. Reaveley, William, 1861 January
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   6
Burns, Catharine v. Grace, Michael, 1860 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   6
Burns, Catharine v. Hardy, John L., 1871 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   8
Burns, Catharine v. Earnest, James H., et al., 1872 October
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Mary E. Earnest, Edward Meloy, Nathan Corwith and Levi Blossom.
Box   M26
Burns, Thomas v. Zinc Carbonate Company, 1893 August
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   7
Burr, Charles v. Barker, Alexis, 1849 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   5
Burrall, Edward v. Patterson, John, et al., 1863 February
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Campbell, Horatio N., Cheney, Hazen, Blanchard, John A., Neil, James H., Stephens, Etta R., Newcomb, William M.
Box   B2
Burrell, John v. Chambers, William, 1849 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label. Burrell is spelled "Burrall" on some documents.
Box   R41
Burrell, John, et al. v. Burnett, James E., et al., 1850 April
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: Charles Pole. Litigant 2: John Holmes.
Box   B3
Burrell, John, et al. v. Dowling, Robert, et al., 1850 May
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: Charles Pole. Litigant 2: Andrew Venable and William D. Knox.
Box   8
Burrell, Nancy Ann v. Hovey, Amos, et al., 1878 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Henrietta B. and James A. Hovey.
Box   7
Burrette, Leonard v. Ray, H.W./Ray, H.H., 1877 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   12
Burrichter, Frank J. v. Conley, Owen, 1908 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   B1
Burrichter, Harry J., et al. v. Robinson, W.E., 1893 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Frank J. Burrichter, partners doing business under the firm name of Burrichter Bros.
Box   10
Burrichter, Mary A. v. Covey, David B., 1891 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of John A. Burrichter, deceased. Burrichter is spelled "Burichter" on the label.
Box   8
Burris, M.V. v. Kearns, James, 1877 June
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of Case: Damages -- Kearns was accused of injuring a horse.
Box   B3
Burris, Martin V, Jr., et al. v. Jones, Newell N. and John R., 1876 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Martin V. Burris, Senior, partners doing business under the firm name of W. V. Burris, Jr. & Co.
Box   B4
Burritt, Jane v. Warden, Louis, 1871 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Burritt is misspelled as "Burrett" and Warden is misspelled as "Waden" on the label.
Box   6
Burritt, William v. Willoughby, Thomas, 1850 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   9
Burroughs, David H. v. Powell, William B., 1878 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Burroughs is spelled "Bourroughs" on the label.
Box   B5
Burt, C.S., et al. v. Ray, Thomas and Wesley W., 1867 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: S. Burt.
Box   6
Burt, Daniel B. v. Sullivan, William, 1861 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   B5
Burt, Daniel R., et al. v. Kendall, James, 1861 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Silas Burt and Charles S. Burt, late partners doing business under the firm name of Burt, Son & Co.
Box   B5
Burt, Daniel R., et al. v. Miles, Daniel, 1864 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Charles S. Burt, late partners doing business under the firm name of Burt, Son & Co.
Box   9
Bush & Sauer, et al., Ex Parte, 1879 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Mary Bush, John, Emma, Frederick, Charles, Adam, and Rosa Sauer, heirs of Chistina Sauer, deceased.
Box   10
Bushby, DeWitt, Ex Parte, 1892 November
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   8
Bushby, William v. McIlhatton, Patrick, et al., 1875 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Eliza McIlhatton, Jane Tyson, John McIlhatton.
Box   B
Bushnell, J.M. v. Nelson, Peter B., 1901 December
Note: Other. Litigant 2: Register of Deeds. Type of Case: Other - Petition mandating to number, name, and index all releases and satisfaction of mortgages made on records as required by section 760 of the Revised Statutes of Wisconsin.
Box   10
Bushnell, Ralph v. Bushnell, Elijah, 1886 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Nathan Olmstead, guardian of Elijah Bushnell. Case was appealed to the State Supreme Court.
Box   B1
Butcher, John v. March, William, 1861 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   127
Butler Brothers v. Reed, Grover, 1917 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: doing business under the name of South Wayne Garage.
Box   7
Butterfield, Justin v. Stephenson, De Kyle, et al., 1851 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Thompson Campbell, Daniel Wann, Albion T. Crow, Henrietta Wright, Ann Eliza Wrght, Michael Byrne, Abner Eads, William Bennett, Terah B. Farnsworth, Caroline, John, and Charles Atchison, Marvin Hollister, Hezekiah H. Gear. The handwriting made some names difficult to read.
Box   B2
Butterfield, Parley v. Tuttle, Emery, 1854 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   10
Buttery, Thomas, Ex Parte, 1892 March
Note: Other. Type of Case: Order reforming deed.
Box   B6
Buxton, Mark E. v. Temple, Jacob, 1897 February
Note: Fraud.
Box   10
Byrne, Isabel (Heirs of), Ex Parte, 1895 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Isabel Byrne, heir of Luke Byrne, deceased, Laura and James Byrne, heirs of John Byrne, deceased.
Box   B1
Byrne, James E. v. Byrne, William, 1892 March
Note: Replevin. Damaged label. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Change of venue to Green County.
Box   B
Byrne, William v. Bowell, B.B., et al., 1882 June
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 2: L.D. Worley and John Brown. Type of case: Damages - for assault.
Box   M26
Cadden, Hugh v. Zinc Carbonate Company, 1893 August
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   18
Caffee, Jennie v. Caffee, Benjamin, 1887 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   C10.5
Cagle, Jacob E. v. Baldwin, Russell, et al., 1848 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: William I. Hamilton, late partners doing business under firm of Baldwin & Company.
Box   19
Caille, George v. Reinhart, Adam and Augusta, 1895 November
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   19
Caille, George v. Risken, Elizabeth, et al., 1902 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Widow of William Risken, deceased; John A., William, Henry, Adolph, Otto, Josie, and Rachel Risken, Ida and William McHarg, William and George Beattie, E.W. Laird, and John F. Blakenhorn.
Box   14
Cain, Barnet v. O'Connor, John O., et al., 1851 April
Note: Damages/Theft. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Edward Meloy, Thomas Eagan and James O. Henning. Type of case: Damages for unlawful digging and taking out lead-ore from under a portion of "Water Street."
Box   C10.5
Cain, Barnett, et al. v. Langton, Morris, et al., 1847 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Milton Cain, William Ecker, and Madison Brake. Litigant 2: Morris Kennedy.
Box   C10.5
Cain, Lawrence v. Roach, Michael, 1860 July
Note: Damages/Theft. Roach is misspelled as "Roche" on the label. Type of case: Damages - for crops destroyed by defendant's cattle.
Box   17
Cain, Timothy, Ex Parte, 1883 December
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   17
Cain, Timothy v. Bartlett, Lewis/ Gobel, Henry, 1885 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   C
Cain, William v. Ryan, William, 1858 April
Note: Contract Violation.
Box   13
Cairn, Bernard v. Morgan, Patrick, 1849 September
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of Case: Damages -Trespass vi et arms (with force and arms, made an assault upon Cairns causing pain and injury)
Box   13
Calder, Jenette v. Calder, Willliam, 1854 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   118
Caldwell, John Henry v. Gray, James B., deceased, 1914 March
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   16
Caldwell, W.S. v. Meloy, Edward, et al., 1881 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Edward D. Meloy, John S. Wiley and The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.
Box   17
Caldwell, William S. v. Fox, Michael, et al., 1879 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary Fox and Thomas Page
Box   13
Calhoun, J.C., et al. v. McIllhannan, J.H., et al., 1853 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Uri Manley, N. H. Ridgeley and James Campbell. Litigant 2: Trustees of State Bank of Illinois, et al - see Subpoena in Chancery dated April 17, 1854. Handwriting difficult to read -- type of case difficult to determine for certain.
Box   128
Callahan, James P., et al. v. Finley, R.M., et al., 1927 August
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: John M. Callahan, Margaret Whaley, Ethel Norton, and Kathryn Callahan. Litigant 2: Amelia M. Finley, Peter N. Paulson, Mary Finley Moore, John and James Richard Darrah, and Mary E. and Julia Flynn.
Box   C8
Callahan, John v. Nicholas, Edward, 1878 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   118
Calvert, G.T. v. Quinlan, Belle, et al., 1911 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: As administrator of the estate of Patrick J. and Mary McDevitt, deceased; Francis, Mary, Patrick, and Anthony O'Donnell; Anne Gallagher and Lizzie Dugan.
Box   C7
Calvert, John v. Reardon, Edward, 1862 October
Note: Replevin.
Box   20
Calvert, Mary A. v. Calvert, Reuben H., et al., 1910 February
Note: Divorce. Litigant 2: William A., James B., and Thomas G. Calvert.
Box   20
Calvert, Reuben H. v. Calvert, Mary A., 1910 February
Note: Divorce.
Box   18
Calvert, W.H. v. Beck, Thomas, et al., 1885 December
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Margaret Beck and Henry S. and Isabella S. Magoon.
Box   C10.5
Calvert, William v. Cummings, Thomas, 1864 April
Note: Replevin.
Box   14
Calvert, William H. v. Murphy, William W., et al., 1872 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Warren Johnson.
Box   C10.5
Campbell, v. Gratiot School District, 1887 September
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Full name not found. Type of case: Other - Affidavit of Peter Lauterbach regarding retaining W. U. Hazelton as principal/teacher.
Box   20
Campbell, Alice M. v. Morgan, Peter, 1906 October
Note: Breach of Promise.
Box   20
Campbell, Annie, et al. v. Williams, Lewis W., et al., 1904 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Frank J. McConnell. Litigant 2: George T. Beattie, LaRue and Sarah Williams, _______Sparrow, widow of Mason Sparrow, deceased, and T. M. Sparrow.
Box   13
Campbell, B.H. & Co. v. Rea, William G., 1851 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Benjamin H. Campbell and Russell J. Jones.
Box   C10
Campbell, Benjamin A., et al. v. Baldwin, William, 1853 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Joseph R. Jones.
Box   13
Campbell, Benjamin H. v. Griffin, John, 1850 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   15
Campbell, Benjamin H. v. Griffin, John, 1850 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   C9
Campbell, Byron, et al. v. Magee, William, 1898 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: as assignee of Lillie Hopkins, by J. H. Trogner and J.F. Sears, joint creditors of Lillie Hopkins.
Box   17
Campbell, Charles J. v. Dean, John/Hoyt, Lansing W., 1880 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Guardian of Amanda C. Johnson, infant. Litigant 2: Executors of the last will and testament of Nathaniel W. Dean, deceased and Lars E. Johnson.
Box   C
Campbell, Edward v. Haney, Berry, et al., 1843 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Nathaniel T. Parkison.
Box   C8
Campbell, Francis v. Cullen, James, 1867 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   15
Campbell, Francis v. Cullen, James, 1869 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   C
Campbell, George W. v. Lamar, Charles H., 1859 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   14
Campbell, George W., et al. v. Hiller, Henry, et al., 1852 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Orrin Smith. Litigant 2: Joseph Robson.
Box   125
Campbell, Harry J. v. INA, 1917 June
Note: Criminal. Document signed by Walter J. Kohler, Governor of Wisconsin providing executive clemency. The document is not in a box and some information not available for this case.
Box   20
Campbell, Henry v. Darlington Mutual Fire Ins. Co, 1906 March
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - To recover amount of loss and damage that Henry Campbell suffered from lightning striking and injuring his horse.
Box   C
Campbell, Hugh v. Tully, N.E., et al., 1857 December
Note: Replevin. Litigant 2: N. T. Tully.
Box   15
Campbell, Hugh v. Lafayette, County of, 1859 December
Note: Other. Type of Case: Could not determine specifics from the documents other than it was a Notice of Appeal in the disallowance of Campbell's claims in part against Lafayette County.
Box   C10.5
Campbell, Hugh v. Norris, Patrick, deceased, 1860 April
Note: Probate. Appeal documents. Litigant 2: Estate of, Catharine Collins, heir at law.
Box   C10
Campbell, Hugh v. Dean, John S., et al., 1863 December
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Charles E. Brunner.
Box   14
Campbell, Hugh v. Blair, William M. and Maria, 1865 August
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label.
Box   15
Campbell, Hugh, Ex Parte, 1866 April
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   13
Campbell, Hugh v. Pickard, Jane Maria, et al., 1867 August
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Edwin E. Pickard and Henry S. Magoon.
Box   C9
Campbell, Hugh v. Hicks, Thomas, et al., 1868 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: George W. Dalrymple and William May.
Box   C10
Campbell, Hugh v. Knight, James G., et al., 1875 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Philo A. Orton. Type of case: Issue of the newspaper, Lafayette County Democrat.
Box   C10.5
Campbell, Hugh v. Higney, John, et al., 1882 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: William Bright.
Box   C9
Campbell, Hugh v. Congregation/Holy Rosary, 1890 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   C7
Campbell, Hugh v. Mulcahy, John, et al., 1894 January
Note: Trespassing. Litigant 2: William Swainbank, Henry D. Baldwin, and Thomas Mahony.
Box   5
Campbell, James, Ex Parte, 1857 September
Note: Type of case: Petition to vacate
Box   17
Campbell, Mary E./ Simon T., Ex Parte, 1882 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Infants of Anna M. Campbell.
Box   15
Campbell, Robert E. v. Culver, Amos F., 1847 May
Note: Trespassing.
Box   15
Campbell, Thomas B. v. Nagle, John, 1866 January
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   C9
Campbell, Thomas B. v. Field, Sarah, 1872 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   20
Canar, Thomas v. Walsh, Thomas J., 1908 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   124
Carey, Anna, et al. v. Carey, Patrick, et al., 1917 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1; Thomas, Hettie, John, and Grace Carey, Mary and James Murphy, and Johanna and John Graham. Litigant 2: Eugene and Agnes Carey, Ellen and Hugh McDermott, Catherine and Joseph Bart, Anna L. Henry, Samuel Gray, and George A. Whitcomb.
Box   15
Carey, Daniel v. Kinney, John, et al., 1868 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label. Litigant 2: John Laswell and other unknown owners of tracts of land described in the case.
Box   19
Carey, Edward v. Whaley, P.H. and Mary, 1897 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   18
Carey, Frances E. v. O'Brien, John, et al., 1890 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Administrator of the estate of Dennis McCarville, deceased, and Catherine and Dennis L. McCarville.
Box   118
Carey, J.A. v. Darlington, City of, 1879 March
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for death of Carey's horse caused by city leaving a dead mare on city street that frightened and injured his horse.
Box   14
Carey, Jabez G. v. Bishel, William, et al., 1871 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Sophia Bishel, Jane and Thomas McIntosh.
Box   14
Carey, Jabez G. v. Bishel, William and Sophia, 1873 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label.
Box   18
Carey, Jabez G. v. Carey, Jabez A., 1890 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   13
Carey, John v. Donahoo, John V., 1863 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   20
Carey, John, Heirs of, Ex Parte, 1874 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Mary Jane, John Edward, James Francis, Elizabeth Ann, and Thomas H. Carey.
Box   C9
Carey, Joseph v. McCormack, John M., 1862 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. McCormick is also spelled "McCormick" on some documents and "McCormish" on the label.
Box   118
Carey, Joseph Knight, Ex Parte, 1917 December
Note: Type of case: Other - Memorial and resolutions.
Box   M26
Carey, Patrick v. Bonanze Mining Company, 1893 December
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   M26
Carey, Patrick v. Zinc Carbonate Company, 1893 September
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   M26
Carey, Thomas v. Zinc Carbonate Company, 1893 August
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   C
Carlson, Karn v. Jackson, Renhart, 1899 May
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   14
Carlton Bros. v. Olson, Ole, 1875 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   C8
Carlton, H.M. v. Johnson, John and Mary, 1883 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   17
Carlton, H.M. v. Harrington, Jerry, 1885 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   18
Carlton, Horace M. v. Simons, Charels E. and Delia, 1889 November
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   C9
Carlton, Thomas J., et al. v. McCoy, Mary Ann and James, 1877 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Horace A. Carlton, copartners under the firm name of Carlton Brothers.
Box   18
Carmichael Heirs, Ex Parte, 1888 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Harry Lee Carmichael, infant of Emily J. Carmichael, mother.
Box   18
Carmichael, Peter, Ex Parte, 1890 March
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   118
Carpenter, Catherine, Ex Parte, 1912 October
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   14
Carpenter, H.T. v. Mitchell, Richard M., 1872 October
Note: Damages/Theft. Damaged label. Type of case: Damages for wrongful issuing and service of the writ of attachment against Mitchell's property.
Box   13
Carpenter, Irving S., et al. v. Underhill, Frederick, 1856 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Joel H. Dix and Daniel P. Carpenter.
Box   C10.5
Carpenter, Matthew H. v. McLean, George, 1858 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   13
Carpenter, Matthew H. v. Carr, Derius, 1858 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. It appears Matthew Carpenter acted on his own behalf as attorney using counsel, but this name could not be determined from the handwriting.
Box   16
Carpenter, Royal, Ex Parte, 1877 December
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   13
Carpenter, Royal, et al. v. Fay, David, 1859 April
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: W.W. Forbes and Albert S. Tracy. Type of Case: To recover damages to fences and crops caused by farm animals.
Box   14
Carr, Arnon v. Morse, Squire, et al., 1869 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Ellen Morse, Sarah Ann and Robert Hatfield, and P.B. Barlow.
Box   C
Carr, Egbert E. v. Lafayette County, 1862 June
Note: Other. Litigant 2: Board of Supervisors. Type of case: Other - to recover cost of services.
Box   18
Carr, Ezra R. v. Simons, Mrs. E.A. and C.E., 1891 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of Norman B. Richardson, deceased.
Box   18
Carr, Ezra R. v. Caswell, E.E., et al., 1891 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of Norman B. Richardson, deceased. Litigant 2: Burton S. and Sara Rockwood, William J. and Bessie Morton, George R. and Eugenia R. Wilson, and H.K. Richmond Green.
Box   18
Carr, Ezra R. v. Richardson, William A., 1892 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of Norman B. Richardson, deceased.
Box   C10
Carr, Ezra R. v. Richmond, F.C., 1891 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of Norman B. Richardson, deceased.
Box   C10
Carr, Ezra R. v. Green, H. K. Richmond, 1891 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of Norman B. Richardson.
Box   20
Carr, Lucina D., et al. v. Collins, Lavinia, et al., 1907 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Franklin L., Lucina, and Carlyle Carr, infants by Susan E. Carr, their guardian and Adelia C. Bromwich. Litigant 2: William J. Collins, Eunice, Frederick, and William L. Gale, Lavinia and Charles Phillips, W. N. and Bessie Richardson, Addie and Noble Sanford, Sybil Slothower and Kate Jackson.
Box   18
Carr, Mary v. Swift, John, et al., 1887 February
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Ellen and Catherine Swift and Margaret Hynes.
Box   C8
Carr, Ryder & Adams Company v. Stewart, Fred, et al., 1898 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: E.L. Stewart (F. Stewart & Company), Andrew Munson and George Grotty (Munson & Grotty), A.P. Lovejoy and G.H. Ringham (Lovejoy & Ringham), Joseph Kemp, Dennis and Mary McGrath, William H. Carey, Thomas Dempsey, S.J. Dowling, and the congregation of the Roman Catholic Church of St. Joseph in Argyle.
Box   19
Carroll, Andrew, deceased, Ex Parte, 1901 October
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   C
Carroll, Edward v. Amacher, Ulrich, et al., 1903 August
Note: Other. Litigant 1: doing business under the firm name of Carroll Brothers. Litigant 2: Ulrich Neufer, copartners doing business under the firm name of U. Amacher & Co. Type of case: Other - unknown - "Defendant's Answer" is the only document in file.
Box   118
Carroll, J.H. v. LeFebvre Land Company, et al., 1911 March
Note: Garnishing. Litigant 2: Belmont State Bank of Belmont and Henry Schultz.
Box   118
Carroll, James v. Buckmann, Fritz, 1910 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   20
Carroll, James R. v. Murphy, Stephen, 1906 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   C
Carson, Lewis v. Richards, Harriet, et al., 1861 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Widow; Emmaline, Edward, and Albert O. Richards, minor heirs of Oliver Richards, deceased.
Box   15
Carter, Francis v. Warren, Samuel, 1849 August
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of Case: Damages -- Two summons are the only documents in the file so further details are not known. The Court Year and Month are the dates on the first summons.
Box   C8
Carter, James v. Peasley, Robert S., 1855 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   15
Carter, Thomas v. Galagan, Patrick, et al., 1878 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Margaret, Owen, and Mary Galagan, James Judge, Isaac Utter, D.J. Jennie, C. Aultman & Co., W.S. Weir, J.D. Case, H.W. Foss, A.F. Buckman, Nicholas Shephard & Co., I. Barker, G.C. Gibbs, and M.E. Fuller, E.M. Fuller and George Gernow partners doing business under the firm name of M.E. Fuller & Co.
Box   128
Carter, Verne H. v. C.S.H. Mining Company, 1918 August
Note: Type of case: Other - unknown - complaint document not in file.
Box   M26
Carter, William v. Zinc Carbonate Company, 1893 August
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   13
Carthew, Thomas v. Reed, Stephen S., et al., 1861 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Arabella L. Reed, O.H.P. Williams, Daniel W. Gale, Edwin R. Kellogg, George D. Slade, Jesse B. Watts. "Carthew" is on all documents, but the label is printed "Corthen."
Box   13
Carthew, Thomas v. Fassett, John S., et al., 1861 May
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. "Carthew" is on all documents, but the label is printed "Cothren." Litigant 2: Elizabeth and Henry Fassett, Stephen S.and Arabella L. Reed, Daniel W. Gale, Temperance Carpenter, J. D. Francis, Edwin R. Kellogg and George D. Slade.
Box   18
Carthew, Thomas v. Mullen, Samuel, et al., 1887 August
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Annie, John, and James L. Mullen.
Box   18
Carthew, Thomas v. Crow, Frances E. and J.W., 1888 November
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   18
Carthew, Thomas v. Carter, Thomas R., et al., 1891 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Thomas R. Carter, James H. Mills, Jr., Abram R. Howell, William T. Brown, Christopher Hutchinson, William J. and Bessie Morton, George R. and Eugenia R. Wilson, and Ezra R. Carr, administrator of the estate of Norman B. Richardson, deceased.
Box   C8
Cary, J.G. v. Parkinson, Peter Jr., et al., 1878 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: N.F. Parkinson.
Box   C9
Case, Jerome v. Olmsted, Nathan, 1869 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   C7
Case, Jerome I. v. Darragh, James, Sr., et al., 1868 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Darragh is misspelled as Darrah on the label. Litigant 2: James Darragh, Jr. and Patrick Darragh.
Box   15
Case, Jerome I., et al. v. James, Eugene, et al., 1865 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Stephen Bull, Robert H. Baker, Massena B. Erskine. Litigant 2: William James and William Vivers.
Box   C
Case, Jerome I., et al. v. Haffly, John, et al., 1869 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Stephen Bull, Massena B. Erskine, Robert N. Baker. Litigant 2: Edward Gough and Ludwick Gabel.
Box   15
Case, Jerome I., et al. v. Trenary, Phillip and John, 1875 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Stephen Bull, Massena B. Erskine, and Robert H. Baker partners doing business under the firm name of J. I. Case & Company.
Box   C10.5
Casic, Michael v. Flannegan, Nicholas, 1847 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   19
Cassiday Heirs, Ex Parte, 1902 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: John, Laura, and Felix Cassiday.
Box   17
Cassidy, Hugh v. Hartung, Christopher, 1882 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Type of case: Dispute over building a portion of fence that separated their lands.
Box   19
Cassidy, Mary Ann and Luella, Ex Parte, 1898 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Infant heirs of Michael Cassidy, deceased.
Box   20
Cassidy, Mary C. v. Lee, P.H., et al., 1909 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: John A. Olesen and State Bank of Warren, Illinois.
Box   14
Cassilly, William B., et al. v. McGough,Terence M., et al., 1869 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: James Mix. Litigant 2: Thomas M. McGuire.
Box   16
Cattermole Heirs, Ex Parte, 1881 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Frank A. and Mary Cattermole and Clara Totman, infant heirs of Alred A. Cattermole, deceased.
Box   19
Caughey, Lewis R. v. McGuigan, Frank, 1901 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   C9
Cavanagh, John v. Doyle, Michael, 1867 August
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - to crops caused by horses and cattle.
Box   C10.5
Cavanaugh, Dennis v. Ingwell, James, et al., 1878 September
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 2: Isaac Ingwell. Type of case: Damages - for assault causing permanent injuries.
Box   20
Cavanaugh, J.L. v. Field, William S., 1906 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   19
Cavanaugh, John Jr., Ex Parte, 1895 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Infant of mother, Grace Cavanaugh.
Box   118
Cavanaugh, Michael v. Larson, Louis, et al., 1914 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Horace Woodman, Levi and Jane Burgess, and Lafayette County.
Box   16
Cavanaugh, Philip, Ex Parte, 1871 February
Note: Other. Type of Case: Order to admit and confine insane person to the "Hospital for Insane in said State." P.A. Orton, County Judge, signed the document.
Box   17
Cawthorne, Edward C. v. Cawthorne, Mary, 1882 August
Note: Divorce. This case is in two boxes -- one box holds the depositions only.
Box   C10
Chamberlain, A.O. v. McWilliams, Peter and Catherine, 1878 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   16
Chamberlain, A.O. v. Campbell, Mary M., et al., 1879 February
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: James Campbell and E. D. Meloy.
Box   16
Chamberlain, A.O. v. Miles, William W. and Charlotte, 1880 January
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   16
Chamberlin, Lewis v. Chamberlin, Angeline, 1879 February
Note: Divorce.
Box   C7
Chamley, George W. v. Trenary, Charles, et al., 1877 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Philip Trenary.
Box   128
Champion Mining Company v. Comstock, Mathias C., deceased, 1907 November
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   C10.5
Champion, Charles B. v. Doty, Lewis, 1869 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   15
Champion, Charles B. v. Doty, Lewis, 1873 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   19
Champion, Charles B. v. Corbin, Calvin, et al., 1892 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Ellen Champion was appointed administratrix of the estate of Charles B. Champion upon his death in September 1893. Litigant 2: Horatio N. May and John Lindsay.
Box   C10
Champion, Robert H. v. Dodge, Charles, 1848 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   14
Champion, Robert H. v. Earnest, James H., et al., 1871 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary E. Earnest and Samuel H. Scales.
Box   14
Champion, Robert H. v. Law, Andrew, et al., 1871 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: James A. and Richard W. Law.
Box   15
Champion, Robert H. v. King, Jackson, 1871 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   15
Champion, Robert H., et al v. Field, William, 1848 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Phillip Denning.
Box   13
Champion, Robert H., et al. v. Haughey, James, 1850 October
Note: Other. Damaged label. Champion is written as "Chapman" on label. Litigant 1: Philip F. Dening. Type of case: Unlawful mining of lead.
Box   14
Champion, Robert H., et al. v. McMahan, Michael, et al., 1852 January
Note: Trespassing. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Phillip F. Denning. Litigant 2: James McMahan and John Kelley.
Box   C10.5
Champion, Robert, et al. v. Leddy, Michael, et al., 1848 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Philip F. Denning. Litigant 2: Patrick Leddy, Terence and Barney Brady, and Richard Sheridan.
Box   C9
Champlin, Horace v. Manny, F.H., 1864 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   C
Champlin, Horace S. v. March, Henry, 1865 September
Note: Fraud.
Box   C
Champlin, Horace S. v. Woods, Henry and John, 1866 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   C10.5
Champney, Francis J. v. Meloy, Peter C., 1854 November
Note: Replevin.
Box   C
Chandler, Hall C. v. Brundage, Thomas J., et al., 1858 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: George S. Hill.
Box   15
Chandler, William S. v. Shullsburg, Town of, 1869 September
Note: Other. Type of Case: To collect bounties from a special fund created and raised by the special tax voted on at the special meeting of the electors of Town of Shullsburg.
Box   17
Chaney, Hazen, Ex Parte, 1880 January
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   14
Chapel, Ezra H. v. Owen, Jesse and Delia E., 1860 June
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   14
Chapin, C.C. v. Williams, David L., 1870 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   128
Chapman, Bert v. Johnson, Minick and Augusta, 1916 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   C
Chapman, David W. v. Walton, James, 1861 July
Note: Replevin.
Box   19
Chapman, Faithful W. v. Gallagher, John, 1897 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   16
Chapman, Jerimiah v. Staber, John, et al., 1880 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Dorothea Staber, N. B. Richardson, William Hooper, John Matthews, and David Schreiter.
Box   15
Chapman, Josiah B. v. Hopkins, Martin, et al., 1876 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Bridget Hopkins, James S. Warden, James Judge, and James Breen.
Box   16
Chapman, Josiah B. v. Barrington, James W., et al., 1877 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Rachel P. Barrington, James and Mary Ann McCoy.
Box   16
Chapman, Josiah B. v. Larkin, Thomas, et al., 1878 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Anne Larkin, Mary Nolan, John E. Stanton, Lizzie M. Dunlap, Edward G. Barlow, Edward Halloran, Thomas Hennessey, Thomas Page, John Cullen, Edward D. Meloy, Laurence Stack, Phillip Swift, L. Byron Waddington, Richard H. Williams, L.J. Leaming, D.B. Otis, and Nelson Bower.
Box   16
Chapman, Josiah B. v. Stack, Mathew, 1880 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   16
Chapman, Sarah S. v. McCoy, Mary Ann, et al., 1878 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: James McCoy, Thomas J. and Horace M. Carlton.
Box   16
Chapman, Sarah S. v. Hefferren, Alexander, et al., 1878 September
Note: Foreclosure. Hefferren is spelled "Hefferen" on the label. Litigant 2: Mary Jane Hefferren and Emma A. Pershall.
Box   14
Chapple, John v. Hind, George, et al., 1867 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: William Hind Jr., John and Mary Curren.
Box   13
Chapran, Augustine v. Robida, John B., 1859 July
Note: Replevin.
Box   C10.5
Charlton, James v. Egan, Daniel and John, 1896 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   16
Chase, Austin C. v. Field, George H., et al., 1876 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of Horace Dunlap. Litigant 2: Thomas B. Campbell.
Box   16
Chase, Austin C. v. Schreiter, Edward, et al., 1878 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Charles Mappes and David Schreiter.
Box   16
Chase, Maria v. Southwick, Edward and Cordelia, 1879 February
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   15
Chase, Marie v. Cummings, Catherine, et al., 1878 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Hugh Cummings and Bridget Dowd.
Box   14
Cheney, Hazen v. Roche, Edward and Elizabeth, 1852 November
Note: Foreclosure. Cheney is spelled "Chenney" and Roche is spelled "Roache" on the label.
Box   L
Cheney, Hazen v. Mineral Point Railroad Co., 1854 March
Note: Other. Box was not labeled with these names. Type of case: Other - unknown. Notice of Trail and Note of Issue is the only document filed.
Box   128
Chenous, Harry v. Chenous, Gunder L., 1912 June
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for assault causing great permanent mental and bodily injuries.
Box   118
Chesterfield, William v. Hoskin, John, et al., 1905 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Eleanor M., Stephen, Ellen, William, and Rachel Hoskin. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   118
Chesterfield, William, et al., Ex Parte, 1910 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: William A. and Caroline Thompson.
Box   17
Chicago & Northwestern Railway v. Hackett, George and Catherine, 1884 January
Note: Right of Way.
Box   17
Chicago & Northwestern Railway v. Arthur, John and Louisa, 1884 January
Note: Right of Way.
Box   17
Chicago & Northwestern Railway v. Toomy, Bridget and Mary, 1884 January
Note: Right of Way.
Box   17
Chicago & Northwestern Railway v. Willey, Henry and Mary, 1884 January
Note: Right of Way.
Box   17
Chicago & Northwestern Railway v. Bratton, Anne E., et al., 1884 January
Note: Right of Way. Litigant 2: Elizabeth Annie Krocke, Priscilla J. Butson, Robert A., Annie, Josephine, Fannie E., Charles, and Eva Bratton, and Richard Huntington.
Box   17
Chicago & Northwestern Railway v. Oettiker, John and Catharine, 1884 January
Note: Right of Way.
Box   17
Chicago & Northwestern Railway v. Oettiker, Jacob, Jr., et al., 1884 January
Note: Right of Way. Litigant 1: Ester J. Oettiker, W. D. and Jeannette Kirkpatrick.
Box   17
Chicago & Northwestern Railway v. Heins, Henry and Wife, 1884 January
Note: Right of Way.
Box   17
Chicago & Northwestern Railway v. Kies, Allen and Catherine, 1884 January
Note: Right of Way.
Box   C10
Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul, Ex Parte, 1881 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: St. Paul Railway Company.
Box   20
Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co. v. Coon Branch Mining Co., 1910 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   17
Chicago, Milwaukee & N.W. R.R. v. Richardson, Mark, et al., 1883 March
Note: Right of Way. Litigant 1: The Chicago, Milwaukee and Northwestern Railway Company. Litigant 2: Tamar, Joseph, Mary Ann, William, Thomas, Laura, and Benjamin Richardson, Barbara and George Sedgwick, John and Emma Coates, Elizabeth and Henry Hall, Sarah Jane and Thomas Coulthard.
Box   C10
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul v. Blackstone, Joseph, et al., 1883 July
Note: Tax. Litigant 1: Railroad Company. Litigant 2: John Pellar and Arthur N. Jeffery, Town Board of White Oak Springs and John M. Walton, Town Clerk. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   20
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul v. Mehan, John, 1897 August
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Railway Company. Type of case: Other - Could not be determined from the documents. Box includes documents only relating to an order vacating judgement and granting a new trial.
Box   C8
Chickering, J.W., et al. v. Newman, Reuben, et al., 1852 December
Note: Other. Litigant 1: B.F. James. Litigant 2: David Patterson. "Summons" is the only document in the file. Type of case: Other - unknown.
Box   C8
Chickering, J.W., et al. v. Long, William, et al., 1852 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: B.F. James. Litigant 2: J.P. Allison.
Box   C8
Chickering, J.W., et al. v. Russell, Elisha, et al., 1853 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: B.F. James. Litigant 2: James Turner.
Box   C
Chickering, J.W., et al. v. Russell, Eisha, et al., 1853 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: B. James. Litigant 2: James Turner.
Box   15
Child, Jonathan C., et al. v. Sherbon, Matthew, 1863 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Benjamin H. Warden.
Box   C8
Child, Samuel B. v. Weaver, Lyman H.W., 1860 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   5
Childs, Emeline, Ex Parte, 1870 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Emeline Childs-Special Guardian of William H., Marietta, George W., and Sarah M. Williams.
Box   13
Chilton, John R. v. Adams, John, et al., 1854 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Lucy L., James T., and Francis Chilton, John and Catherine Burton.
Box   14
Chilton, Margaret A. v. Chilton, William C., et al., 1865 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Priscilla Nolan and Minnie Leitch, heirs at law of Thomas Chilton, deceased.
Box   14
Chilton, Matthias v. Chilton, Sarah, 1847 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   13
Chilton, Matthias v. Chilton, Sarah, 1853 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   14
Chilton, Matthias v. Adams, John, et al., 1853 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label. Litigant 2: John Adams, administrator of the estate of Willim M. Chilton, deceased, Lucy S., James P. and Francis Chilton, John S. and Catharine Burton.
Box   15
Chilton, Matthias v. Brown, William, et al., 1855 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Administrator for estate of John Chilton, deceased. Litigant 2: Joseph and Phebe Jane Wilford.
Box   14
Ching, Celia Elizabeth v. Ching, Christopher, 1870 May
Note: Divorce. Damaged label.
Box   20
Chittenden, Marie K. v. Chittenden, Edgar T., 1909 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   18
Christ, Henry v. Blaisdell, George, et al., 1890 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Walter J. Hooper.
Box   22
Chrys, Eugenius v. Murphy, Mathew, et al., 1850 November
Note: Contract Violation. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Thomas Davis. Type of case: Difficult to determine--two documents mention contract and writ of certiorario.
Box   C10.5
Churchill, James v. Darlington, City of, 1887 November
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for injuries caused by stepping in a hole in the sidewalk and falling .
Box   19
Citizen's National Bank v. Cable, A., 1893 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Of Darlington.
Box   19
Citizen's National Bank v. Van Matre, Joseph, 1895 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Of Darlington.
Box   20
Citizen's National Bank v. Burgess, A.P., 1907 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Of Darlington.
Box   20
Citizen's National Bank v. McDonald, John F. and Mary, 1907 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Of Darlington. Litigant 2: Chris Youssi.
Box   20
Citizen's National Bank v. Wilson, John, 1910 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Of Darlington.
Box   C
Citizens National Bank v. Farrington, John B., 1888 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: of Darlington.
Box   C8
Citizens National Bank v. Dargin, Thomas H. and Lawrence, 1893 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: of Darlington. Dargin is misspelled as "Dargen" on the label.
Box   C10
Citizens National Bank v. Dargin, H. and Lawrence, 1893 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: of Darlington.
Box   C
Citizens National Bank v. Trenary, Richard, 1894 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: of Darlington.
Box   C10
Citizens National Bank v. Armstrong, James, et al., 1894 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: of Darlington. Litigant 2: Ellen Staver.
Box   C10.5
Citizens National Bank v. Matthews, David, et al., 1896 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: of Darlington. Litigant 2: J.R. Mathews.
Box   C9
Citizens National Bank v. Lee, P.H., et al., 1897 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: of Darlington. Litigant 2: James Lee and Mrs. James (Catharine) Lee.
Box   C9
Citizens National Bank v. VanMater, W.J., 1897 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: of Darlington.
Box   128
Citizens National Bank v. O'Neil, John E., 1909 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: of Darlington. Garnishee -- Henry Meyer; Mary E. O'Neil -- Interpleaded as Defendant.
Box   17
Clancy, Mary/ Michael, Ex Parte, 1886 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Infants of Thomas H. and Mary (deceased) Clancy.
Box   18
Clapp, Sophia S. v. Clapp, Ozero, 1887 December
Note: Divorce.
Box   C7
Clark, Ann v. Ernst, Frank, 1898 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   20
Clark, Della v. Clark, George H., 1904 December
Note: Divorce.
Box   15
Clark, J.W. v. Miles, George W., et al., 1848 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Henry C. Barretto.
Box   C10
Clark, James v. Vickers, C., 1882 April
Note: Replevin.
Box   C
Clark, Joseph W. v. Miles, George W., 1847 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   13
Clark, Lewis v. Gore, Ezekiel and Salmy, 1859 January
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   15
Clark, Lewis v. Gore, Ezekiel and Salmy, 1859 January
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   15
Clark, Orlando, et al. v. Andrews, S.H. and Joel, 1856 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Isaac Utter.
Box   13
Clark, Orlando, et al. v. Andrews, S.H. and Joel, 1857 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Isaac Utter.
Box   13
Clark, Orlando, et al. v. Eastman, Darins, 1857 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Isaac Utter.
Box   19
Clark, Owen, Ex Parte, 1895 January
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   16
Clark, S.A. v. Baker, Josiah G., et al., 1878 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary Baker, John G. Baker, and Alvin Blanchard.
Box   C9
Clark, S.A., et al. v. Tucker, W.T.J., 1897 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Robert Hawley and A.C. Schadel, copartners under the firm name of Clark, Hawley & Co.
Box   C10.5
Clark, S.A., et al. v. Welch, Edward, et al., 1898 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Robert Hawley and A.C. Schadel, co-partners doing business under the name of Clark, Hawley & Co. Litigant 2: John Logan.
Box   19
Clark, S.A., et al. v. Schultz, Charles/ LaDue, W.N., 1899 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Robert Hawley, A.C. Schadell, co-partners doing business under the firm name and style of Clark Hawley & Co.
Box   19
Clark, Stephen A. v. Leddy, Edward H. and Mary, 1896 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   C10.5
Clark, Stephen H., et al. v. Fay, Alfred, et al., 1858 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Enoch Clark, partners doing business under the firm name of Stephen H. Clark & Co. Litigant 2: Oliver Paddock, partners doing busines under the firm name of A. Fay & Co.
Box   C8
Clarke, Mary F. v. Roberts, Rosana, 1860 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   C
Clarkson, Joseph v. March, William, 1872 March
Note: Type of case: Other - unknonwn - could not determine from documents in file.
Box   15
Clary, Joseph H. v. Whitechurch, John, 1855 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   14
Clary, Joseph H. v. Wright, Alanson, 1856 July
Note: Trespassing.
Box   128
Clayton, Cynthia v. Clayton, James Thomas, 1903 February
Note: Divorce.
Box   15
Clayton, Peter v. Gratiot, Charles H., 1858 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   C10.5
Clayton, Peter, et al. v. Calvert, Price & William, 1862 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John Clayton, William Hopper, and John Crabtree, partners doing business under name of Peter Clayton & Co.
Box   C10
Clayton, Thomas v. Huntington, Richard P., et al., 1889 April
Note: Probate. Litigant 2: Ann, Fannie, and Eva Bratton; Kate, Anna, Lavina, Florence, Susan, and Mary Hackett; Fannie M.. Nettie, Mabel, Gerty, Fanny S., Mary, and Sarah Huntington; Priscilla Butts; Orilla Muxlow; Josephine Cottingham; and Dorothy and Alice Clayton.
Box   19
Clement, Eugene v. Clement, Mary E., et al., 1893 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Augusta, David H., Charles, and Earl R. Clement and William and O. M. Richards.
Box   17
Clement, Francis v. Clement, Lavinia, 1882 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   C8
Clemmer, Jasper v. Thurston, W.B., et al., 1861 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: William Monroe.
Box   C8
Cleveland Iron Company v. Ennor, William, 1882 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   15
Clifton, A.F. v. Dobson, Robert, 1877 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   C8
Clifton, A.F. v. Harker, Amos, 1878 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   C9
Clifton, A.F. v. Minor, O.E., et al., 1895 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: W.A. Garden, copartners under the firm name of Garden & Minor.
Box   C
Cline, David v. Waite, E.F., 1860 June
Note: Replevin.
Box   18
Cline, James v. Wood, William H., et al., 1887 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Francis, Henry A., Henrietta, Jonathan G., Jane, Matthew C., Dilery, J.L., Eliza, Andrew, and Leah Wood, Caroline and M.C. McFarland, John H. and Eliza Upchurch, T.A. and N.J. Hunt, and Mary and Chris Albertson.
Box   18
Cline, Wilbert v. Ried, Simon, et al., 1888 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Thomas Murdock, Frederick Fisher, Moses W. Gray, William Burt, Charles H. Kingman, Franklin D. Gray, B.K. Miller, and John R. Goodrich.
Box   118
Clinger, Emma v. Clinger, Henry L., 1912 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   C8
Clinton Bridge & Iron Works v. First National Bank, 1896 June
Note: Contract Violation. Litigant 2: of Darlington. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   18
Clinton, L.A. v. Champion, Charles B., 1890 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   20
Clock, Mrs. O.H. v. Egan, Daniel, et al., 1907 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Formerly Mrs. A. B. Harris. Litigant 2: James and John Egan.
Box   19
Clouse, Rilla Edith May v. Clouse, James, 1903 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   17
Coates Heirs, Ex Parte, 1884 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Emma Coates, infant daughter and sole heir at law of Ann Coates, deceased, who was a daughter and heir at law of Joseph Richardson, deceased.
Box   13
Cobb, Edwin v. Vandergrift, A.J., 1851 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Vandergrift is spelled "Vandergriff" on the label.
Box   13
Cobb, George W. v. Tolley, William, et al., 1860 February
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: George S. Murfey, James M. Benedict, Alfred Fay and Oliver Paddock.
Box   15
Cochran, Margaret, Ex Parte, 1875 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Infant heir of Robert Cochran, deceased.
Box   118
Coe, Seward v. Winskill Mining Company, 1913 June
Note: Other. Winskill is spelled "Winskell" on some of the documents. Type of case: Other - Unknown - could not determine from the documents filed.
Box   14
Coffee, H. Perry v. Shaw, Hiram, 1852 April
Note: Damages/Theft. Coffee is spelled "Caffee" on the label. Type of Case: Damages -- not enough information in documents to provide further explanation.
Box   C10.5
Coffee, H. Perry v. Shaw, Hiram, 1852 April
Note: Replevin.
Box   128
Coffey, J.P. v. Erickson, Erick, 1913 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   C7
Coffey, John P. v. McConnell, Daniel, 1894 August
Note: Replevin. Case 1.
Box   C7
Coffey, John P. v. McConnell, Daniel, 1894 August
Note: Replevin. Case 2.
Box   14
Cohn, Louis v. Singer, Marie, et al., 1870 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: H. Joseph, administrator of the estate of Sigmund Singer, deceased, Rosa, Clara, and Martha Singer.
Box   128
Colbeck, Emma v. Colbeck, Joseph, 1907 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   17
Colbeck, Henry B. v. Colbeck, Ann, 1872 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   118
Colbeck, Joseph v. Poole, Sarah, et al., 1910 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Emily Thomas, George and Jane Colbeck, Ella Chapman; Alfred, Rilla, Albert, Isabelle, Lewis, Laura, and Rinda Muxlow; Sarah Rollinson, Harriett Manchester; George W., Merele, Fred, Carrie, Lew, Bessie, John, Grace, Hess V., Nellie, Nettie, May, and Lillie Hethershaw; William, Mary Elizabeth, George, Charles, and Josephine Emma Priestley; Sarah Roberts, Nellie Hunt; Joseph, Emily, William Henry, Ellen, Edward, and Mildred Glossop; Caroline Pollard; and Sarah Ann, Henry, Ellen, John William, and Sarah Ann Colbeck.
Box   14
Colbeck, Joseph, et al. v. Webb, Sampson, 1864 November
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Thomas and William Henry Oates and Thomas Rodgers. Colbeck is spelled " Coulbeck" on the label. Litigant 2: Leonard Porter, William Andrews and Edward Hillary. Type of Case: Unlawful claim to land, diggings, mines, mineral, and lead-ore.
Box   16
Colbeck, William v. Bond, Henry and Harriet, 1881 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   15
Colder, Mary J. v. Colder, Alexander, 1876 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   17
Cole, Delos, Ex Parte, 1881 January
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   C9
Cole, Edwin W. v. McDonnell, Jeremiah, 1873 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   18
Cole, Emmet J. v. Johnsen, Martin, et al., 1890 February
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Catherine Johnsen and Valentine C. and George C. Gille.
Box   C10
Cole, Jane v. Johnson, Martin, 1888 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - to land caused by the failure to maintain a dam that has caused flooding.
Box   C7
Cole, Josephine v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, 1898 April
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 2: Railway Company. Type of case: Damages - for the death of a cow that was hit by a train.
Box   C10
Colebeck, William v. Halstead, Lydia, et al., 1873 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Isaac F. Halstead, Anton and Margaret Bering, and Thomas J. Hamilton.
Box   19
Colebeck, William v. Helm, Charles B., et al., 1893 August
Note: Foreclosure. Colebeck is spelled "Colbeck" on the label. Litigant 2: Dorcas C. Helm and John S. Thompson.
Box   13
Collard, Mariah v. Collard, Charles, 1867 November
Note: Divorce.
Box   13
Colley, Aaron F.T. v. Monahan, William, 1856 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   13
Colley, Samuel v. Tolley, William, et al., 1860 February
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: George S. Murfey, James M. Benedict, Alfred Fay and Oliver Paddock.
Box   C
Colley, Samuel v. Blakeley, Justus, 1861 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   13
Colley, Samuel v. Belknap, Walter, et al., 1863 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Almira J. Belknap, Arabut Ludlow, John A. Bingham and Asa Richardson.
Box   14
Colley, Samuel and Aaron v. Bailey, Joshua, 1846 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   C10
Collingsworth, John v. Threadgold, Oscar, et al., 1897 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Ole T. Grothong.
Box   M26
Collins & Son v. Swanson, John H., 1893 March
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   15
Collins, Charles B. v. Barnes, Stuart and Wife, 1867 January
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   C9
Collins, Charles B. v. Russell, Lambert D., et al., 1868 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Elinore J. Russell.
Box   C9
Collins, Ignatius v. Westrope, W.B., 1874 March
Note: Replevin.
Box   19
Collins, John v. Blaine, Rebecca, et al., 1898 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: As administratrix of the estate of Alexander Blaine, deceased; Thomas, James, Mary Agnes, Augustine, Matthew, and Joseph Blaine.
Box   B2
Collins, William E., et al. v. Stewart, Fred, et al., 1899 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John J. Boyle, copartners doing business under the firm name of the Darlington Lumber Company. Litigant 2: Joint School District Number Twelve of the towns of Darlington and Willow Springs, Theodore J. Janssen, and G.W. Wright.
Box   C8
Collins, William, Jr. v. Whang, Hans G., 1869 July
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for hay that was destroyed by cattle.
Box   18
Collintine, Bridget v. Collintine, Michael, 1887 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   18
Collintine, Bridget v. Waddington, J.S., 1890 July
Note: Other. Litigant 2: Sole executor of the last will and testament of Michael Collintine, deceased. Type of Case: Other - Application to revive action with Waddington substituted as the defendant was heard for a final division of the property of Michael Collintine.
Box   16
Colly, Samuel v. King, Charles D., et al., 1878 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Eva B. and Charles M. King and Joseph McFarland.
Box   15
Coltart, Robert v. Harris, William and Katherine, 1859 October
Note: Foreclosure. Order was dismissed.
Box   C10
Coltman, John v. Coulthard, William, et al., 1875 June
Note: Fraud. Litigant 2: Thomas and Joseph Coulthard.
Box   C9
Coltman, M.E., et al. v. McCracken, Alexander, 1891 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Joseph Coulthard, M.E. and John Buxton, John and William Side, H.M. and George Hoffman, partners doing business under the firm name of The Leadmine Mining Company. Litigant 2: The Shullsburg, Benton and New Diggings Milling Company.
Box   C
Colyer, Charles v. Pulis, Joseph, et al., 1858 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Alonzo G. Willets.
Box   17
Compton, Morgan v. Compton, Caroline A., 1884 January
Note: Divorce.
Box   13
Comstock, Charles, et al. v. Mather, Henry/ Collins, John, 1861 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Almira, John R., and Helen E. Comstock, John and Sarah E. Davenport, Thomas E. and Thomas R. Whitney, James and Thirza Andrews, Aaron and Mahala Hutchinson, Phoebe Allen, William and Adeline Hyde, and Edwin and Louisa Ripley.
Box   13
Comstock, Charles, et al. v. Dobson, Isaac, 1864 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: John R. and Helen E. Comstock, Phoebe C. Allen, Thirza A. Anderson, Mahala A. and Aaron A. Hutchinson, Adaline A. and William S. Hyde, Thomas E. Whitney, and Sarah E. and John Davenport.
Box   17
Cone, Harry J., Ex Parte, 1884 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Elvira Jane Ellison, mother.
Box   18
Cone, Mary E. v. Cone, Almon E., 1887 July
Note: Divorce.
Box   16
Cone, William C. and Harry J., Ex Parte, 1880 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Mother is Elvira Jane Ellison.
Box   C10
Conkling, Jonas, et al. v. McNaughton, Daniel, 1852 September
Note: Fraud. Litigant 1: Noah Conkling. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   C
Conkling, Theodore H., et al. v. Scales, Samuel H., 1861 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Conkling is misspelled as "Conklin" on the label. Litigant 1: Jonas E. Conkling.
Box   C
Conkling, Theodore H., et al. v. Scales, Samuel H., 1861 October
Note: Other. Conkling is misspelled as "Conklin" on the label. Litigant 1: Jonas E. Conkling. Type of case: Other - unknown- could not determine from documents in file.
Box   16
Conlee, Olive A., Heirs of, Ex Parte, 1881 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Thomas J., Ada W., and Horace E. Conlee.
Box   20
Conley, George v. Englemann, Eliza and Herman, 1908 April
Note: Contract Violation. Litigant 2: Henry Nodolf, Justus H., Richard, and George Riechers, Garnishees. Type of case: Two issues - Garnishing and Contract Violation.
Box   128
Conley, George v. McMillan, A.C., 1913 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   C8
Conley, Michael v. Newman, Moses M., 1893 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   20
Conley, P.H. v. King, Narcisse and Nancy, 1896 November
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   20
Conley, P.H., 1911 November
Note: Type of case: Other - Power of Attorney document by Maryland Casualty Company appointing P.H. Conley its Attorney in Fact.
Box   128
Conley, P.H. v. Wisconsin Zinc Company, 1913 April
Note: Wrongful Death. Litigant 1: As administrator of the estate of Vadyslaw Juska, deceased.
Box   13
Connelly, Hugh v. Miner, William, 1852 August
Note: Damages/Theft. Connelly is spelled "Connoly" on the label. Miner is spelled "Mineo" on label. Type of case: Damages - Mistreated Connelly's team of horses by over driving them (going a greater distance) causing the death of the sorrel mare.
Box   C10
Connelly, Hugh v. Grinsell, Daniel, 1855 April
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for burning rails surrounding farm land.
Box   C10
Connelly, Thomas v. Strong, Moses M., 1878 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Administrator of the estate of Moses Strong, deceased.
Box   18
Connelly, Thomas A., Ex Parte, 1888 February
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   17
Connolly, Catharine v. Morgan, Patrick, 1885 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   C9
Connolly, Catharine v. Darlington, Town of, 1904 September
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for inuries received when thrown from a wagon that overturned as a result of the defective condition of the road.
Box   C9
Conway, Thomas v. Blackburn, Richard T., 1860 April
Note: Discharge Mort. Blackburn is misprinted as "Blackstone" on the label.
Box   18
Conyne, Aaron V. and William F. v. Hughes, James and Alice, 1891 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   C8
Conyne, Charles B.S., et al. v. Burrets, John E., 1893 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Burke Stone and William V. Lawrence. Burrets is misspelled as "Burretts" on the label.
Box   17
Coogan, James and John v. Kirkpatrick, W.D. and J.J., 1884 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   13
Cook, David v. Cook, Joseph, 1855 November
Note: Contract Violation.
Box   13
Cook, Hiram H. v. Hemmings, Thomas, 1863 November
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   C8
Cook, Hiram H. v. O'Donnell, James, 1865 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   85
Cook, Hiram H., Ex Parte, 1885 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Box was not labeled for this case. Judgment reforming a deed.
Box   16
Cook, Hiram H. and Seymour H. v. White, J.C., 1880 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   14
Cook, Melissa v. Cook, John P., 1851 March
Note: Divorce. Damaged label.
Box   118
Cook, Sarah Ann, et al. v. Wright, William, deceased, 1913 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: William P., Adelbert, Hary S., Fanny S., Timothy F., and Lyla Cook; and Nettie May Dowling.
Box   19
Cook, William P. v. York, William and Bridget, 1900 June
Note: Trespassing. Type of case: unlawful trespassing and mining.
Box   C9
Cook, William S. v. Smith, James, 1863 April
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   15
Cooley, Francis B., et al. v. Chandler, Paul, 1854 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Elisha B. Wadsworth and John Farwell.
Box   20
Copeland, Alma v. Copeland, Walter, 1911 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   19
Copeland, Arthur W., et al., Ex Parte, 1899 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Lessie A. and Jane Copeland.
Box   20
Copeland, Jane, et al. v. Harrison, Andrew W., et al., 1910 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Louis A., Fanny, Arthur, and Lessie A. Copeland and Josephine C. Andrews. Litigant 2: Washington N. Hinman, Nicholas Walsh, Lewis A. Maynard, Nicholas C. Tynan, and the unknown heirs of Joseph Tynan, deceased, The Lake Superior Development Co., and The Lake Superior Mining Co.
Box   19
Copeland, Louis A., et al., Ex Parte, 1893 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Josephine, Arthur W., Lessie, and Jane Copeland, their mother.
Box   C
Corbin, Calvin R., et al. v. Farrington, John B., 1888 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Horatio N. May.
Box   19
Corbin, Calvin R., et al. v. Champion, Charles B., 1890 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Granville S. Ingraham and Horatio N. May, all part of the firm originally doing business under the firm name of Ingraham, Corbin & May. Corbin, May & Co. is the successor. Ellen Champion was appointed administratrix of the estate of Charles B. Champion upon his death in September 1893.
Box   19
Corbin, Jacob, Ex Parte, 1895 December
Note: Discharge Mort. Paper signed by Judge George Clementson.
Box   118
Corbin, Lucy v. Mathews, Louisa Marie, et al., 1911 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Ellen Jones, Myrtle Goddell, Lucy Alton; Penuel, Eugene, Angeline, Jane, Mary, James, William, heirs of Morris, deceased, Phil C., Lila, Myron, Kate, and Joseph and Kate Corbin; Altheda Dudley, Eunice Todd, Rhoda Britts, Mary Turner, Anton, and Clarinda Bowen; Abbie Bowen-Decker, J.C. and Nettie Smith, Maud McMurtery, Lucy and Mary Killham, Sarah Brown, Susan Smith; Sarah, Vail, Phillip, Henry, and Ellen Rodgers; and Minnie Beeney.
Box   14
Corcoran, Michael v. Martin, John, Sr., 1870 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   14
Corell, Rebecca P. v. Kelsh, Thomas and Ann, 1860 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   19
Corey, C.T. v. Leonard, Luke W., 1900 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   18
Cornelius, Frank v. Gavigan, John, Jr., et al., 1891 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: As administrator of estate of Christopher Hartung, deceased. Litigant 2: Arabut Ludlow, L.A. Rossing, and William Brown.
Box   I19
Cornelius, Frank, 1897 January
Note: Bankruptcy. Litigant 1: In Re Assignment of. Proof of debt documents.
Box   15
Corning, E., et al. v. Warden, Allen, 1848 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: James S. Horner and Gilbert C. Davidson. Spelling of Cornings's first name is unclear.
Box   14
Corrick, Samuel H., et al. v. Knight, James G., et al., 1859 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Francis C. Cross and Robert C. Clark. Litigant 2: Lewis Doty.
Box   C10
Corwith, Edward H., et al. v. Murphy, John A., et al., 1852 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Henry P. Corwith, partners doing business under the firm name of E.H. & H.P. Corwith. Litigant 2: John McCoffrey, partners doing business under the firm name of Murphy & McCoffrey.
Box   C7
Corwith, Henry v. State Bank of Illinois, 1854 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   17
Corwith, Henry v. Earnest, James, et al., 1880 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary E. Earnest, Edward Meloy, Nathan and Mary Corwith, Cornelia, May, and Walter Blossom.
Box   17
Corwith, Henry v. Pascoe, Thomas, et al., 1884 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Eliza Pascoe, John and Mary Richards, Thomas H., Ruth, Theophilus, William A. and James J. Pascoe.
Box   14
Corwith, Henry P. v. Willits, Alonso H., 1857 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   C10.5
Corwith, Henry P., et al. v. Ryan, John and Catharine, 1855 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Jacob Bishop.
Box   C10.5
Corwith, Henry, et al. v. Watts, Jesse B., 1855 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Jacob A. Bishop.
Box   13
Corwith, N. & Co. v. Illinois, State Bank of, 1853 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Business partners Nathan and Henry Corwith and Charles Rogers. Litigant 2: Trustees Nicholas Ridgley, Uri Manly, and John Calhoun.
Box   C
Corwith, Nathan, et al. v. Criss, Eugenus, et al., 1854 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Henry Corwith and Charles H. Rogers, partners doing business under the firm name of N. Corwith and Company. Litigant 2: Michael Quinn, partners under the firm name of Criss & Quinn.
Box   C9
Cottingham, Anthony v. Topliss, Josiah and Samuel, 1878 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Topliss is also spelled "Toplis" on some documents and on the label.
Box   M26
Cottingham, John v. Zinc Carbonate Company, 1893 September
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   18
Cottingham, Timothy v. Longdon, John W., 1890 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   C
Cottle, (Downs), Electa v. Gillette, B.R., deceased, 1854 April
Note: Probate.
Box   16
Cottle, F.M. v. Stott, Edmund, 1876 September
Note: Replevin.
Box   C10
Cottle, John A. v. Phillips, Thomas and George, 1848 March
Note: Probate. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of Joseph M. Higbee, deceased.
Box   C8
Cottle, Martial v. Thompson, John, 1854 March
Note: Other. "Summons" and "Recipe" are the only two documents in the file. Type of case: Other - unknown.
Box   19
Coulthard Heirs, Ex Parte, 1894 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Cora May, Annie, Barbara Ellen, Jennie, John Wesley, Joseph Webster, Bessie Crinda, and Mabel Irene Coulthard, infant children and heirs at law of Thomas Coulthard, deceased.
Box   128
Coulthard, William T. v. Wolf, Charles, et al., 1925 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Julia Wolf, Zinc Hill Mining Company, and R.A. Watros.
Box   C8
Council Hill Woolen Mfg. Co. v. Rider, Ralph, 1872 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   C8
Courtland Wagon Company v. Proctor, George, et al., 1883 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Joseph Dougherty, partners, doing business under the firm name of Proctor & Dougherty.
Box   C
Covey, Cora v. Crotty, George, 1902 February
Note: Breach of Promise.
Box   15
Cox, Joshua F. v. Shook, Elias, 1847 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Surviving partner of Robert Young doing business in the firm name of Joshua F. Cox & Co.
Box   15
Cox, Joshua F. v. Baldwin Russell, et al., 1850 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Surviving partner of Robert Young late partners doing business under the firm of Joshua F. Cox & Co. Litigant 2: William S. Hamilton, late partners doing business under the firm of Baldwin & Co.
Box   19
Cox, Maria v. Jones, Elizabeth C./Arthur, J., 1900 December
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   14
Coyne, Martin K. v. Gates, A., 1854 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   C9
Craig, Francis v. Campbell, Thomas B., 1879 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   17
Craig, Francis v. Campbell, Hugh, 1882 December
Note: Other. Type of Case: Other - to recover "the amount which Francis Craig the referee was entitled to have been paid for his services as referee."
Box   118
Craig, George W., Ex Parte, 1913 February
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   16
Craiglow, Soloman v. Hicks, Thomas, 1880 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Craiglow is spelled "Ciaiglow" on the label.
Box   15
Cram, George H., Ex Parte, 1872 December
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   15
Crane, M.H., et al. v. Schneiter, Edward, 1877 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: A.D. Breed and W.J. Breed.
Box   17
Crary Heirs, Ex Parte, 1881 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Eva, Ida, Alice, Eunice Crary and their father, A.J. Crary, only living heirs of Sarah L. Crary, deceased.
Box   17
Crary, Ida E., Ex Parte, 1886 January
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   118
Crawford Mining Co. v. Nicholson, Frank, et al., 1912 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Ralph Root, Christopher Nolte, and Thomas Pedelty.
Box   17
Crawford, Catherine, et al. v. Fager, Siriock, 1885 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Mildred L., John J., and Jefferson Crawford, William K. and Alice Jennings, and Lavinia A. Mills. Type of Case: Nonpayment of interest on land contract.
Box   20
Crawford, Eva E. Westenhaver v. Crawford, Ernest, 1907 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   15
Crawford, Jefferson v. Cundy, Solomon, 1837 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   13
Crawford, Jefferson v. Kibbe, Alfred, 1850 March
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   13
Crawford, Jefferson, et al. v. Beaglehole, Elizabeth, et al., 1865 May
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. Litigant 1: John L. Crawford, Gabriel Mills and Henry Magor. Litigant 2: Elizabeth and James Taunt, William H., Mary Ann, John, Emily, James, and Susan Beaglehole.
Box   C8
Crawford, Jefferson, et al. v. Jackson, James, 1865 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John L. Crawford.
Box   C10
Crawford, Jefferson, et al. v. Beaglehole, William, et al., 1865 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John L. Crawford, Gabriel Mills, and Henry Magoon. Litigant 2: Elizabeth Beaglehole.
Box   13
Crawford, Jefferson, et al. v. Gundy, Soloman, et al., 1868 August
Note: Other. Litigant 1: George Raw and James Alton. Litigant 2: Thomas Hodge and Richard Pryor. Type of case: Unlawful mining of lead. Handwriting made it difficult to determine correct spelling of names and type of case.
Box   C7
Crawford, Jefferson, et al. v. Witherbee, Erasmus and Margaret, 1888 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: As administrator of the estate of Catharine A., deceased, Jefferson, John J., and Mildred Crawford; and Alice R. and William K. Jennings.
Box   15
Crawford, Samuel v. Lafayette County, 1860 November
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Firm of Crawford, Wakely & Lenning. Type of Case: Other - to recover costs for all services rendered in the defense of Julia Cunningham on indictment for murder.
Box   C10
Crawford, Samuel, et al. v. Lafayette County, 1859 November
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Wakeley & Tenney. Type of case: Other - to recover costs of defending Julia Cunningham, an indictment for murder.
Box   20
Cretney, A.T. v. McDonald, Mike and Annie, 1907 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   C9
Crews, Henry v. Rowley, S.C., 1873 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   C
Cribb, George C. & Company v. Hunt, John C., et al., 1895 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: George W. Turner.
Box   20
Crippen, Alice v. Crippen, Emmett, 1904 January
Note: Divorce.
Box   C10.5
Criss, Eugenius v. Quinn, Michael, 1855 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   13
Criss, Eugenius v. Black, James, 1855 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   C8
Crosby, James A. v. Chambers, J.S., 1859 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Defendant's "Answer" is the only document in the file.
Box   C
Crosley, James A. v. Chambers, J.S., 1859 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   18
Crotty, Mark, Ex Parte, 1892 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Infant heir of Frank Crotty, deceased, and Jennie Crotty, mother.
Box   13
Crounse, Henry S. v. Hall, Solon, et al., 1861 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: And unknown owners and all others, etc.
Box   14
Crounse, Henry S. v. Ammidown, Holmes, 1861 November
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   13
Crounse, Henry S. v. Wall, Orindatus S.B., et al., 1861 October
Note: Foreclosure. Crounse is spelled "Cruse" on the label. Litigant 2: William W. Roberts, Daniel Haverty, J.W. Kibbee, David Nichols, and William Hall.
Box   14
Crounse, Henry S. v. Redfearn, George, 1862 September
Note: Tax. Damaged label.
Box   118
Crouse, Sophia v. Watson, George F., et al., 1909 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Mary Augusta. B. Frank, and Minnie Latta Watson, Elizabeth Hall, and M.H. Winslow.
Box   19
Crow, Anna L. v. Crow, H.J., 1901 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   15
Crow, Henry v. Crow, Ellen, 1854 February
Note: Divorce.
Box   C10.5
Crow, J.W. v. Tolley, William, et al., 1868 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Tolley is misspelled as "Tolly" on the label. Litigant 2: William Monahan.
Box   18
Crow, J.W. v. White, William, 1889 June
Note: Other. Type of Case: Other - limited information and unable to determine type of case. Only two documents in box - Judgement Dismissing Appeal and Clerk's Fees.
Box   20
Crow, Thomas v. McArdle, Thomas, et al., 1903 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Thomas McArdle, Jr., Belle Gille, William, Lou, and Albert McCarty. Attorney appointed by the court as guardian for infant defendants, Thomas McArdle Jr. and Albert McCarty.
Box   C
Crowley, Dennis v. Connolly, Michael, 1863 September
Note: Replevin.
Box   20
Crown Milling Co. v. Andrews, W.H., 1902 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   C
Crumbaugh, Frederic, et al. v. Dunlop, John N., et al., 1858 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Jonathan Richards and Theodore A. Shaw. Litigant 2: John A. Osborn.
Box   16
Crummer, B.F./ Green, A. v. Barry, John, 1879 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   130
Cuba City State Bank v. Banfield, W.A., 1926 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Case #1.
Box   130
Cuba City State Bank v. Banfield, W.A., 1926 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Case #2.
Box   130
Cuba City State Bank v. Banfield, W.A., 1926 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Case #3.
Box   130
Cuba City State Bank v. Banfield, W.A., 1926 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Case #4.
Box   130
Cuba City State Bank v. Banfield, W.A., 1926 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Case #5.
Box   130
Cuba City State Bank v. Banfield, W.A., 1926 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Case #6.
Box   128
Cuba City State Bank v. Galligan, Bernard M., et al., 1927 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Annie F. and James F. Galligan, Leo and Mary Leahy and Michael J. Kinney.
Box   130
Cuba City State Bank v. Galligan, James F. and Mary, 1927 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   18
Cullen Heirs, Ex Parte, 1886 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Lucy E. and Simon W. Cullen, infants of Nicholas A. Cullen, father.
Box   15
Cullen, Bernard v. Ferrill, George, et al., 1857 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Jane Ferrill, Barry, Julia, Simon, James, Catharine, John, Francis, Elizabeth, and Mary Cullen, and Alexander and Margaret Moore. On October 27, 1857 an "order to substitute Bernard Cullen as plaintiff" instead of James Skewis was filed.
Box   C
Cullen, Bernard v. Barrington, James W., 1857 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   C9
Cullen, Bernard v. Seiler, Jacob, 1896 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   C8
Cullen, Francis (Frank) v. Thomas, James, 1882 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   C10.5
Cullen, James v. Russell, George W., 1868 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M26
Cullen, John v. Zinc Carbonate Company, 1893 August
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   14
Cullen, Sarah v. Cullen, James, 1870 October
Note: Divorce. Damaged label.
Box   14
Cullen, Sarah A. v. Cullen, James, 1870 October
Note: Other. Damaged label. Type of Case: Other - Writ of Ne Exeat (restraining person from leaving the jurisdiction of the state).
Box   16
Culting, Lovina, Ex Parte, 1876 March
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   C
Culver, Amos F. v. Joslin, Benjamin B., et al., 1847 February
Note: Slander/Libel. Damaged label. Litigant 2: James H. Knowlton, Robert E. Campbell, and John L. Moore.
Box   C8
Culver, Amos F., et al. v. Knowlton, J.H., et al., 1847 March
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: Andrew Preston. Litigant 2: Robert E. Campbell, John S. Moore, and Benjamin B. Joslin.
Box   13
Culver, Amos F., et al. v. Knowlton, James H., et al., 1848 April
Note: Damages/Theft. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Andrew Preston. Litigant 2: Robert C. Campbell, Benjamin B. Joslin, and John S. Moore. Type of case: Damages for the sum of $500 for converting lead ore to their own use.
Box   C10
Culver, Amos F., et al. v. Roberts, Rosanna, 1850 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Robert Robinson. Litigatnt 2: Administratrix of the estate of John Roberts, deceased.
Box   15
Culver, Amos F., et al. v. Henesy, William, et al., 1868 April
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: Andrew Preston. Litigant 2: Peter Cassady and James Murphy.
Box   15
Cumins, Theron, et al. v. James, William, et al., 1878 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Harry T. Noble and Orris B. Dodge. Litigant 2: Patrick Galagan
Box   20
Cummings, Everett v. Sampson Mining/ Milling, et al, 1910 November
Note: Mechanics Lien. Litigant 2: Tom Walton, Charles Kemp, William Smith, Bert Bell, Mack Harty, Oscar Seipp, Fred Kuberg, Joe Conlon, Galena Iron Works Company, E.W. and Shelley Montgomery, John Kane, Emory and Clyde Banfield.
Box   14
Cummins, Thomas A. v. Hannan, William and Ann, 1862 July
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   18
Cunningham, Catherine and Thomas v. Howe, Hugh, et al., 1886 December
Note: Fraud. Litigant 2: Richard, John, and Ann E. Howe. Type of Case: Action was dismissed in this session of court.
Box   18
Cunningham, Catherine and Thomas v. Howe, Hugh, et al., 1888 February
Note: Fraud. Litigant 2: Richard, John and Ann E. Howe.
Box   19
Curkeet, Frederick and William, Ex Parte, 1895 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Elizabeth A. Curkeet is the mother of said minors.
Box   C
Curkeet, James v. Curkeet, Edward, 1901 November
Note: Trespassing.
Box   20
Curkeet, John E. v. Wool Growers Commission Co., 1927 June
Note: Garnishing. Litigant 2: L.J. White, John Ingersoll, and John C. Hubenthal, Garnishees. The box is labeled Citizens Bank vs. White & "Smith", et al. and contains only three Garnishee Answer documents with the Litigants/Garnishees named as entered.
Box   128
Curkeet, John E. v. Engelke, Henry N., 1927 March
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - unlawfully and with force took away strayed hogs without paying the lawful charges.
Box   20
Curkeet, William J., 1874 June
Note: Type of case: Other - Documents in the matter of the admission of William J. Curkeet as an attorney.
Box   20
Curkeet, William Robert, Ex Parte, 1905 February
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   20
Curnow, Frank v. Rock, Nicholas, et al., 1909 June
Note: Dissol. Partner. Litigant 2: Peter Steffes, Joe Phillips, John Lawinger, Matt Schmitt, Nicholas Kergen, and Matt Peters.
Box   16
Curran Heirs (Bridget), Ex Parte, 1879 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Infant daughter of Mary Curran and John Curran, deceased.
Box   16
Curran Heirs (James), Ex Parte, 1878 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Curran is spelled "Curren" on some documents. Litigant 1: Patrick and Catherine Curran, infant heirs of James Curran, deceased.
Box   20
Curran, Patrick, Ex Parte, 1910 July
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   13
Curry, Joseph v. Curry, Elizabeth, 1852 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   14
Curry, Joseph v. Curry, Janette, 1873 May
Note: Divorce. Damaged label.
Box   13
Curry, Martha v. Jackson, Anne B., et al., 1863 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Jennie B. , Fannie J., and Sallie A. Jackson heirs at-law of Hetty Jackson, Fannie Allen, and William L. Henry, Executor of Charles Bracken, deceased.
Box   20
Curtis, Freda v. Curtis, Fred, 1907 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   15
Curtis, Lewis v. Welch, George, 1865 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   18
Curwen, William W. v. Looney, Henry, 1892 May
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   C10.5
Cushing, Joseph v. Chadwick, F.W.R., Estate of, 1855 July
Note: Probate.
Box   C
Cushing, Joseph v. Chadwick, F.W.R., deceased, 1855 October
Note: Probate. Litigant 2: Estate of.
Box   13
Cutter, Jefferson v. Coleman, John Smith, 1859 September
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   19
Cutting, Ann S. v. Cutting, J.B., 1901 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   16
Cutting, J.B. v. Galagan, Patrick and Margaret, 1878 July
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   C7
Cutting, Jerome B. v. Rock River Insurance Company, 1866 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   C9
Cutting, Jerome B. v. Ladd, Frank W., 1875 November
Note: Replevin.
Box   C7
Cutting, Jerome B. v. Bertrand, F.T., et al., 1881 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Peter Sames.
Box   15
Cutting, Romanzo B., Ex Parte, 1868 April
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   24
Daacon, Theodore W. v. Curran, James, 1879 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   23
Dagget, James v. Tierney, Elizabeth, 1874 December
Note: Probate. In the matter of the estate of Ann O'Niell, deceased.
Box   24
Daggett, Ashel v. Woods, William G., et al., 1879 January
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Adeline Woods, Samuel J. Washburn, administrator of the estate of Lewis Kerr, deceased, and Charlotte Kerr, his widow.
Box   31
Dailey, Jennie v. Dailey, Joseph, 1910 December
Note: Divorce.
Box   22
Dailey, John v. Foley, James and Anne, 1877 June
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   22
Daily, John, Heirs of, Ex Parte, 1875 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Julia Ann, William Henry, Johannah, and Joseph Edward Daily.
Box   22
Daily, Julia v. Cahill, Josephine, 1865 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Administratrix of the Estate of John Daily, deceased. Litigant 2: Administratrix of the Estate of Samuel Mazzuchelli, deceased , and John and Mary Ryan.
Box   21
Dain, Edwin v. Brannan, H.H., 1861 November
Note: Replevin.
Box   31
Dall, Margaret, et al. v. Dall Lead & Zinc Company, 1911 May
Note: Contract Violation. Litigant 1: Ben H., John, Joseph F., Henry, and George Dall; Mary Hoff, Maggie Verharen, Julia Ann Shulting, Addie Longhenry, and Minnie Rousch.
Box   21
Dameron, James T. v. Monday, Samuel L., 1849 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   26
Daniels, William, Ex Parte, 1904 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Incompetent heir of Mary E. Sallee, deceased.
Box   25
Dargin, C.J. v. Doran Brothers, 1887 December
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Dargin is misspelled as "Dargan" on the label. Litigant 2: Michael, Matthew, and Lawrence Doran. Type of case: Other - claim for wages.
Box   21
Darling, Ephraim v. Parkinson, N.L., 1845 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   23
Darlington Baptist Church, Ex Parte, 1859 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Type of case: Application for leave to mortgage real estate.
Box   24
Darlington Common Counsel v. Thomas T. Hugill, 1881 August
Note: Type of case: Other - proceedings to revoke the license of Thomas T. Hugill.
Box   130
Darlington Lumber Co. v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, 1926 October
Note: Other. Litigant 2: Railway Company, H.E. Byram, Mark W. Potter, and Edward J. Brundage. Type of case: Other - unknown - the only document is an extension for appearing and answering.
Box   M26
Darlington Lumber Company v. Bruce, James H., 1893 June
Note: Mechanics Lien. Litigant 1: J.J. Boyle and W.E. Collins.
Box   24
Darlington, City of v. Martin, William B., 1879 September
Note: Type of case: Other - Writ of habeas corpus prayed for by William B. Martin - presented a petition alleging that he was unlawfully restrained of his liberty for violating a city ordinance entitled, "An ordinance to protect the Pecatonica Bridge." Ordinance states it shall not hereafter be lawful for any person to ride or drive any ox, cow, horse, mule, or other animal on or over the bridge faster than a walk.
Box   31
Darlington, City of v. Amende, Henry and William, 1911 September
Note: Contract Violation. Type of case: Contract Violation - all documents related to Injunctional Order to refrain and desist from the construction of sidewalks in Darlington because the defendants were using inferior cement.
Box   23
Darragh, James v. Darragh, Patrick, 1872 July
Note: Type of case: Documents lacked information to determine the contents of the complaint.
Box   22
Darragh, James, Sr. v. Connelly, Hugh, 1855 October
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - Summons and Recipe are the only two documents in the file.
Box   22
Darragh, James, Sr., et al., Ex Parte, 1860 February
Note: Criminal. Litigant 1: James, Jr., Patrick, and William Darragh. Type of case: Criminal - assault and battery.
Box   22
Darragh, Jane, et al. v. Barnes, Henry W., 1863 November
Note: Type of case: Other - unknown -- Proof of Attendance is the only document in the file.
Box   21
Darragh, Patrick v. Cummins, Edward, 1853 August
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: Darragh is spelled "Danaugh" on the label.
Box   22
Darragh, Patrick v. Cummins, Edward, 1853 August
Note: Replevin. Damaged label.
Box   21
Darragh, William J., et al. v. Barnes, Henry W., 1862 September
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: Jane Darragh and James Darragh, his guardian.
Box   21
Date, Hannah v. Metcalf, George, 1859 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   21
Davenport, James v. Hollister, Marvin, et al., 1869 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Henry Stephens.
Box   22
Daves, James L. v. McCormack, Matthew, 1847 August
Note: Breach of Promise. Damaged label. Daves spelled as "Dares" on label.
Box   21
Davey, Thomas v. McDermid, F./ Merrill, H.A., 1850 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   22
Davis, Aaron v. True, David, 1856 October
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label.
Box   21
Davis, Alexander v. Humes, Thompson, 1847 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   22
Davis, Alexander C. v. Hoskins, Clayton T., 1849 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   24
Davis, Mary v. Davis, James Andrew, 1882 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   44
Davis, Perry v. Huntsman, Hannah, et al., 1877 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Isaac and Sarah J. Davis; Margaret J. and James Haskill; Agnes, James A., David P., George R., Eliza J., Mary I., Oscar D., Amy E., Alice, and Daniel R. Davis; Caroline and David Schoonover; Florence A., Thomas J., Henrietta, Sarah, and Lillie Davis; Reuben and David Warnick; Catherine Brandenburg; and Ephraim P. Davis.
Box   23
Davis, Samuel, Ex Parte, 1865 April
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   26
Davis, Susan J. v. Davis, John R., 1903 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   25
Davis, W. & Co. v. Daugherty & Simmons, 1888 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   26
Davis, W.C. v. Ames, Harry, 1899 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   26
Davisson, Frank E. v. Fitzpatrick, Michael, 1906 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Davisson is misspelled as "Davison" on the label.
Box   130
Dawe, John and Hannah v. Hausman Brewing Company, 1897 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Dawe is misspelled as "Dowe" and Hausman is misspelled as "Housman" on the label.
Box   130
Dawson, Annie B., et al. v. Sheffer, Selden, et al., 1916 January
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Mary J., Louis E., and Susie Bainbridge. Litigant 2: Robert Peasley, John Palfrey, and Wisconsin Zinc Company. Type of case: Other - unknown - no complaint in the file.
Box   23
Dawson, Jonathan, Ex Parte, 1874 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Infant heir of Jonathan Dawson, deceased.
Box   23
Day, Amanda v. Brannan, H.H., 1848 January
Note: Replevin.
Box   22
Day, Amanda v. Brannan, H.H., 1850 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - Day claims she is injured and hath sustained damage as a result of Brannan taking goods and chattels from her and unjustly detaining the same against sureties and pledges.
Box   22
Day, Isaac C., et al. v. Putnam, William D., et al., 1866 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: William L. Allen, Samual P. Farrington, and Charles Coryell. Litigant 2: John H. Gale.
Box   24
Day, Isaac C., et al. v. Berner, John H., et al., 1870 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: William T. Allen, Charles Coryell, and Edwin C. Allen (firm name of Day, Allen & Co.) Litigant 2: Frank Scott (firm name of Berner & Scott)
Box   21
Day, James M. v. Townsend, Absolam, et al., 1874 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Almira Townsend and Nimrod Brown.
Box   21
Day, James M. v. Maguire, James D., et al., 1874 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Rosanna Maguire and Mathew McDonald.
Box   23
Day, James M. v. Townsend, Absalom A., et al., 1877 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: R.H. Williams, Cynthia T. Cottle, and James Little.
Box   21
Day, James M., et al. v. Harker, Simon, 1868 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Holland H. Day, Eliza Gear, Erasmus A. Day, Erasmus and Hiram J. Witherbee, Matilda S. and William Day, heirs at law of Erasmus Day, deceased, and Maria K. McAdams, widow of Erasmus Day.
Box   21
Day, Joseph v. Hutchinson, Joseph, 1859 October
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Theft - defendant wrongfully took said mineral out of plaintiff's possession while held by him as constable.
Box   21
Day, Ruth A. v. Day, Milton A., 1876 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   21
Daykin, William v. Daykin, Mary, 1865 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   23
De Seelhorst., Justus, Ex Parte, 1871 December
Note: Type of case: Other - Order discharging former trustees and appointing new trustees.
Box   23
Dean, H.E. v. Jackson, Jens, 1878 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Case was heard by Justice of the Peace, Charles F. Trevitt.
Box   M26
Dean, H.E. v. Burrets, John, 1893 February
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   22
Dean, Joseph O.P. v. Taylor, James L., et al., 1857 September
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Elizabeth Taylor and Johnathan Hoffman.
Box   23
Dean, Nathaniel W. v. Johnson, Lars E., 1877 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   31
Dearth, Charles v. Cullen, J.P., 1911 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   23
Dearth, William v. Baker, John G., 1864 November
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - Baker's dog caused the death of Dearth's horses. This case was appealed to Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   22
Dearth, William v. Baker, John G., 1864 October
Note: Damages/Theft. Damaged label. Type of case: Damages - Baker's dog caused the death of one of Dearth's horses.
Box   22
Debonde, John F., et al. v. Kennedy, Morris, et al., 1847 September
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: Henry Osborn. Litigant 2: Francis O'Neal, Hugh and David McKillip, and Nicholas Walsh. Type of case: Damages - for converting and disposing of plaintiffs' lead ore to defendants' own use.
Box   22
Dedyn, Severin v. Peasley, Robert S., 1856 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   22
Dedyn, Severin v. Peasley, Robert S., 1862 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Hazard Powder Company.
Box   25
Deering, William & Co. v. Hunt, John C., 1890 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: George W. Turner.
Box   26
Deering, William, et al. v. McDonald, John F., 1900 October
Note: Contract Violation. Litigant 1: Charles Deering, James Deering, and Richard F. Howe, co-partners of Deering Harvester Company.
Box   26
Deery, Catherine v. McDonald, William, et al., 1900 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Sarah, John, and Mary E. McDonald, Ellen Burns, Elizabeth McAloon, Bridget Screenan, Mary McDonald, Louisa Martin, and P.H. Conley.
Box   23
Deery, Charles v. McClintock, Hamilton, 1871 July
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   25
Deery, Hugh v. McDermott, B.S., et al., 1889 July
Note: Other. Litigant 2: John McDermott and Frank Hauck. Type of case: Other - Injunctional order issued to stop the School District #8, Town of Kendall, from moving the school house to a new location.
Box   22
Delaplain, Elizabeth A. v. Delaplain, Charles T., 1856 March
Note: Divorce. Damaged label.
Box   25
Deller, Joseph v. McWilliams, Peter, et al., 1892 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Catharine and Bridget McWilliams, Wayne Agricultural Company, and Nicholas Martin and James Toay, co-partners in business of Martin & Toay.
Box   24
DeLong, Cornelius, Ex Parte, 1878 September
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   25
DeLong, Cornelius v. Magby, Nicholas and Hannah, 1885 March
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label.
Box   21
DeLong, Cornelius, deceased v. DeLong, Homer, 1856 January
Note: Probate. Appeal signed by J.B. Laring, Clerk and Commissioner.
Box   21
DeLong, Cornelius, Jr. v. DeLong, C., Estate of, 1833 July
Note: Probate.
Box   25
DeLong, William C. v. Blubaugh, David, 1885 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   23
Denio, Margaret Jane v. Denio, Alonzo W., 1858 February
Note: Divorce. Damaged label.
Box   22
Denison, Emory W. and Eleeta v. Bagley, Robert B., 1864 January
Note: Discharge Mort. Damaged label. Litigant 2: R. Holland Duell. Mortgage discharged by Judge M.M. Cothren.
Box   22
Dent, Richard v. Dent, Margaret, 1854 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   23
Denure, Homer, Ex Parte, 1877 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Infant heir of Albert Denure, deceased.
Box   130
Deppe, William v. Hales, W.T., 1919 November
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   24
Derocher Heirs, Ex Parte, 1880 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Adeline (Derocher) Harty and Francis W., Philomen, and Catherine Derocher, infants of William (deceased) and Rosalie.
Box   24
Descent, Almira v. Descent, Wellington W., 1882 December
Note: Divorce.
Box   31
DeVoe, Alvina v. DeVoe, Richard, 1908 July
Note: Divorce.
Box   25
Devoe, Charles E. v. Devoe, Blanche L., 1892 February
Note: Divorce.
Box   24
Dewey, Nelson v. Dobbler, Sebastian, et al., 1871 October
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Administrator of estate of Moses Whiteside, deceased. Litigant 2: John Miller and Rebecca Miller.
Box   24
Dewey, Nelson v. Whiteside, Elvira, 1875 September
Note: Probate. Litigant 1: Administrator in the matter of the estate of Moses Whiteside, deceased.
Box   25
Dexter, A.I. and Nellie W. v. Morrison, W.S., 1896 May
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   22
Dexter, George E. v. Roberts, John, 1849 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Acted as his own attorney.
Box   M26
Dexter, Jasper v. Saucerman, Abner, 1893 November
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   25
Deyo, Belle v. Deyo, George, 1894 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   22
Dick, Alexander v. Fassett, John S., et al., 1856 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: O.G. Dart and Henry Fassett.
Box   24
Dick, Alexander and Caroline, Ex Parte, 1883 December
Note: Discharge Mort. By the Court, George Clementson, Judge.
Box   22
Dick, Chauncy v. Dick, Stella, 1857 November
Note: Divorce. Damaged label.
Box   21
Dick, Theresa A. v. Dick, William M., 1861 December
Note: Divorce.
Box   22
Dick, Theresa A. v. Dick, William M., 1862 September
Note: Divorce. Damaged label.
Box   31
Dickens, Nellie M. v. Dickens, Frank M., 1909 July
Note: Divorce.
Box   22
Dickson, Albert, infant, Ex Parte, 1874 March
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   25
Dickson, Alice v. Field, Silas D., 1889 March
Note: Other. Damaged label. Type of case: Other - Litigation to provide support and maintenance for Alice Dickson under the provisions of the will of William Field, their father. Case was appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   24
Dickson, Alice J. v. Dickson, William S., 1882 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   24
Dickson, John P. v. Stevens, William B., et al., 1882 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Marie Louisa Stevens, Jacob May, and the Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway Company.
Box   26
Dickson, Sarah v. Dickson, James, 1898 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   130
Dietz, J.S., et al. v. Johnson, I.A., 1925 January
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Ole Sandley, co-partners doing business under the firm name of Browntown Land Co. Type of case: Other - unknown - no complaint in the file. Appears to be a case to recover real estate commission fee.
Box   24
Dingman Heirs, Ex Parte, 1883 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: James S., Mary Ann, and Wilford E. Dingman, infant heirs of Sarah Dingman, deceased.
Box   22
Dinsdale, Richard v. Maloy, Peter, 1851 October
Note: Replevin. Damaged label.
Box   21
Dinsdale, Richard v. Hummel, Edward, 1868 May
Note: Trespassing. Type of case: Difficult to be certain about the type of case as documents are brief and handwriting is unclear.
Box   24
Dipple, Albert W. v. Dipple, Pauline, 1879 July
Note: Divorce.
Box   25
Dipple, Daniel B. v. Dipple, Mary F., 1887 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   26
Disch, Merrin v. Uren, Glenn, 1903 August
Note: Breach of Promise. Litigant 1: An infant by G.A. Frey, her guardian ad litem. Type of case: Breach of Promise of marriage.
Box   130
Dixon, Alice v. Chapman, Bert, 1914 February
Note: Breach of Promise.
Box   22
Dixon, Emma M. v. Dixon, Emery S., 1872 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   26
Dixon, May Delia v. Dixon, John E., 1906 January
Note: Divorce.
Box   26
Doan, William v. Willow Springs, Town of, 1896 November
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - Claim for injury and damages as a result of an accident caused by the "insufficiency and want of repair of said highway" that runs through Willow Springs. Case appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   C
Doan, William v. Town of Willow Springs, 1898 February
Note: Type of case: Other - unknown.
Box   23
Doane, Elijah v. Law, Allen R., 1876 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   21
Doane, William J., et al. v. Dart, Orlando G., et al., 1859 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Horace Warren. Litigant 2: Joseph D. Francis and Philo A. Orton.
Box   26
Dobler, Adda A. and A.J. v. Miller, Rudolph, 1897 October
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - Judgment against creamery for unlawfully and improperly discharging their refuse and injurious substances into the stream running across the Dobler's land.
Box   23
Dodge, Adeline S. v. Dale, William, et al., 1856 February
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Harriet Dale, Samuel Sankey, Abraham Green, and B. F. Stowell.
Box   21
Dodge, Ami v. Baker, John G. and Mary Jane, 1870 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   C
Dodge, Charles v. Roberts, Rosanna, 1848 March
Note: Mechanics Lien. Litigant 2: Administratrix of the estate of John Roberts, deceased.
Box   25
Dodge, Charles F. v. Martin, Catherine E., et al., 1895 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Thomas C., Annie, Sherman T., Margaret I., A. William, Frank Foster, Kittie E., Annie E., and Harry C. Dodge, Arthur N. Jeffery, John H. Savage, and Leonard Raisbeck.
Box   130
Dodge, Charles F. v. Murphy, Patrick, 1900 March
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   22
Dodge, E.M. v. Ladd, John L., 1889 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   26
Doering, John B., Ex Parte, 1896 April
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   22
Doggett, William E., et al. v. Conway, Thomas, 1858 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Henry D. Bassett and D. Hobart Hills.
Box   22
Doggett, William E., et al. v. Hamlin, S.M., 1869 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: D. Hobart Hills, Charles H. Cram, and Henry D. Bassett.
Box   21
Doggett, William E., et al. v. Mann, John, 1871 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: D. Hobert Hills, Charles H. Cram, and Henry D. Bassett.
Box   22
Doggett, Willliam E. v. Meloy, Edward, et al., 1864 March
Note: Eminent Domain. Litigant 2: Joseph A. Hardy, John Newton, and William Rivenburg.
Box   31
Dolan, Bessie v. Dolan, John A., et al., 1913 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Frank, Mary Ann, James, Philip, Loretta, Michael, and Catherine Dolan.
Box   21
Dolan, John v. Dolan, Alfred and Peter, 1873 September
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   31
Dolan, P.J. v. Conley, Catherine, et al., 1907 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: John L. and Cora, Fred and Mary, Peter J. and Mary, Mathias and Anna, Ed and Julia, and Jennie Ludwig; Mary Putnam and Catherine Cullnan.
Box   130
Donahoe, Ann M. v. Whalen, Frank and Bridget, 1926 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Trustee of the estate of Michael Donahoe, deceased.
Box   130
Donahoe, Anna M. v. Graber, Henry F., et al., 1924 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Trustee of the estate of Michael Donahoe, deceased. Litigant 2: Bessie Graber and The Iowa County Bank.
Box   24
Donahoe, Mary v. Donahoe, Edward, deceased, 1881 January
Note: Probate. Litigant 2: John A. Donahoe, Anne and James Doyle, and Mary J. and James R. Carr, heirs at law. Type of case: Probate - Petition to Prove Will.
Box   21
Donaldson, David v. Murphy, Dennis, 1849 June
Note: Replevin.
Box   23
Donnie, Ellen, et al., Ex Parte, 1875 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Hattie Donnie, infant heirs of Edward Donnie. Donnie is spelled "Downie" on the envelope.
Box   21
Doolittle, Nelson v. Barlow, Ed G., 1874 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   21
Dopking, George v. Brown, William C., et al., 1856 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Isaac Stephens.
Box   21
Dopking, Nathan v. Mineral Point Railroad Co., 1853 June
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - no other details as the documents are appeals and the cause was dismissed.
Box   23
Doran, Owen, et al. v. Roy, Peter and Mary, 1878 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: P.A. Orton, D.B. and J.E. Otis.
Box   M26
Doran, William v. Zinc Carbonate Company, 1893 August
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   24
Dormer, Martin James, Ex Parte, 1880 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Son and infant heir at law of Martin Dormer, deceased.
Box   21
Dorr, S. Berry v. Leison, Windfield, 1869 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Berry also spelled "Berrie" on some documents.
Box   23
Dorr, Stephen B., Ex Parte, 1869 May
Note: Type of case: Admission to the Bar.
Box   130
Doscher, H.C. v. Kettler, Fred, 1924 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   23
Doscher, Henry C. v. Austin, Samuel R., Sr., et al., 1878 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Margaret M., Samuel R., Jr., and Olive M. Austin and Nichols, Shepard & Co.
Box   23
Doty, Joel B. v. Knight, James G., 1877 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   21
Doty, Joel B., et al. v. Earnest, James H., et al., 1869 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: James Judge. Litigant 2: Hamilton H. Gray.
Box   24
Doty, Joel B., et al. v. Thompson, William, 1869 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. First case. Litigant 1: James Judge.
Box   24
Doty, Joel B., et al. v. McLeer, Peter, 1871 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: James Judge. Type of case: Damages - documents pertain to appeal by Peter McLeer. Could not determine exact type of case from these documents.
Box   21
Doty, Joel B./Allen, Stephen S v. Bowman, David, 1862 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Bowman is spelled "Borrman" on the label.
Box   21
Doty, Joel B./Allen, Stephen S v. Goodman, John, 1865 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   24
Doty, Joel, et al. v. Thompson, William, 1870 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Second case. Litigant 1: James Judge
Box   130
Doubler, A.J. v. Shultz, W. F., 1908 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   26
Dougherty, Edward v. Tarrell, Richard E., 1895 September
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - An attempt by E. Dougherty to receive damages from Sheriff Tarrell for wounding him with a gun as he attempted to escape arrest while commiting the crime of unlawful seining of fish. Case dismissed.
Box   21
Dougherty, James and Dominic v. Meloy, Edward, 1863 May
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   24
Dougherty, John v. Bright, Thomas H., et al., 1880 December
Note: Other. Litigant 2: Thomas James. Type of case: Other - Suit to prove and recover illegal fees collected by defendants, who are a justice and a constable.
Box   24
Dougherty, Joseph v. James, Andrew, 1883 September
Note: Replevin.
Box   22
Dougherty, Mary, et al. v. Mineral Point Railroad Co., 1853 May
Note: Eminent Domain. Litigant 1: Widow of John Dougherty, deceased, Sarah B., James P., Mary Ann Eliza, and William Dougherty.
Box   21
Dougherty, Moses v. Barker, Alexis, et al., 1848 October
Note: Other. Litigant 2: Thomas Vaughn. Type of case: Other - Handwriting very difficult to read, but appears to be a partnership dispute over the mining of lead ore.
Box   23
Dougherty, Moses, et al. v. Murphy, Mathew, et al., 1848 April
Note: Replevin. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Alexis Barker, Martin Dormer, and Amos F. Culver. Litigant 2: Michael Foley.
Box   23
Dougherty, Moses, et al. v. Murphy, Mathew, et al., 1849 August
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: Alexis Barker, Martin Dormer, and Amos F. Culver. Litigant 2: Noah VanValkenberg and ______ Foley.
Box   22
Dougherty, Moses, et al. v. Murphy, Mathew, et al., 1849 June
Note: Replevin. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Alexis Barker, Martin Dormer, and Amos F. Culver. Litigant 2: Michael Foley.
Box   22
Dougherty, Moses, et al. v. Murphy, Dennis, 1849 September
Note: Replevin. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Alexis Barker, Martin Dormer, and Amos Culver. Type of case: Replevin, lawsuit for breach of guarantee, asking for damages in the amount of $10,000.
Box   130
Douglas, Albert v. Kineman, Charles, 1911 November
Note: Type of case: Other - unknown - no complaint in the file.
Box   21
Douglas, George W. v. Lohman, Andrew, 1874 July
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   23
Douglas, George W. v. Daacon, Theodore W., et al., 1878 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Elizabeth Daacon, A.F. Jaeger, and Paul Traut and L.A. Rhomberg, partners doing business under the firm name of Paul Traut & Co.
Box   22
Douglas, George W. v. Mahoney, Thomas and Catherine, 1879 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: The envelope is labeled "Dunn" instead of Douglas.
Box   24
Douglas, George W. v. McKendry, Thomas, et al., 1884 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: James Armstrong.
Box   24
Douglas, George W. v. Armstrong, James, 1884 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Andrew Gallagan.
Box   25
Douglas, Henry Clay v. Douglas, Annie, 1887 February
Note: Divorce.
Box   130
Dow, Robe v. Newkirk, Charles, 1916 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   24
Dowd, Bridget v. Cummings, Hugh and Catherine, 1881 April
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label.
Box   21
Dowd, James v. Farmer, John and Mary, 1859 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   22
Dowd, William, et al. v. Peasley, Robert S., 1857 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Syman Cooke and David L. Baker.
Box   22
Dowling Heirs, Ex Parte, 1874 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: James B. Dowling, infant.
Box   24
Dowling, James B. and John v. Powell, Peter, 1872 November
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   21
Dowling, James B. and John v. Byrne, Patrick and Hugh, 1873 March
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   23
Dowling, John and James, Ex Parte, 1872 October
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Heirs at law of Nicholas Dowling, deceased. Type of case: Petition heard by Justice of the Peace, John C.H. Cunningham requesting the appointment of Philo A. Orton as their guardian.
Box   24
Dowling, John, et al. v. Corwith, Henry and Isabel, 1875 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: James B. Dowling, an infant.
Box   23
Dowling, Nicholas v. Mississippi Mining & Mfg. Co., 1854 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   25
Doyle Heirs, Ex Parte, 1884 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Mary Jane and Catherine Ellen Doyle, infant heirs of Michael R. Doyle, deceased.
Box   24
Doyle, Andrew v. Gallagher, John, 1881 December
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - Gallagher's animals destroyed Doyle's crops.
Box   130
Doyle, Elgie v. Deery, Frank, 1926 November
Note: Breach of Promise.
Box   25
Doyle, James v. Kindle, Caruthers & Jimeson, 1888 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   24
Doyle, Mary v. Morgan, Stephen, 1882 April
Note: Garnishing.
Box   25
Doyle, Mary v. Doyle, Andrew, 1885 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   22
Doyle, Michael v. Ryan, Thomas and Margaret, 1857 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   22
Doyle, Michael v. Taggerty, John, et al., 1859 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 2: James Copeland and Thomas Moffitt.
Box   21
Doyle, Michael v. Unknown owners, 1861 August
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   22
Doyle, Michael v. Cavanagh, John, 1867 August
Note: Damages/Theft. Damaged label. Case was before Thomas James, Justice of the Peace. Type of case: Damages - horses caused grain damage.
Box   26
Doyle, Michael M., Ex Parte, 1900 March
Note: Discharge Mort. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of Harty H. Doyle, deceased.
Box   26
Doyle, Morgan and Margaret, Ex Parte, 1900 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Infant heirs of Harty, deceased, and Sarah A. Doyle.
Box   22
Doyle, Stephen v. Cutting, J.B., 1871 November
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   31
Doyle, Thomas v. Townsend Mining Company, et al., 1911 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Unknown heirs of William Holt, deceased, A. Townsend, Edward and Walter B.Townsend, Ellen Chamio, Cora Rugg, and the unknown heirs of Absalom A. Townsend, deceased.
Box   25
Doyle, William, et al., Ex Parte, 1887 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Alice Doyle, infants of Bridget Doyle.
Box   23
Driscoll, Dennis v. Cullen, James, 1877 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   25
Driscoll, Dennis and Ann v. Chase, W.D., et al., 1886 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: A.C. Chase, A.M. Robbe, and Francis and Margaret Craig.
Box   23
Driscoll, James, Ex Parte, 1878 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Infant heir of Richard Driscoll, deceased.
Box   25
Driver Brothers v. Rosenberg & Lieberman, 1890 October
Note: Contract Violation. Litigant 1: Sephus S. and Robert H. Driver. Litigant 2: L. Rosenberg and Charles Liberman, Co-partners.
Box   25
Driver Brothers v. Moore, Hugh, 1893 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Sephus S. and Robert H. Driver.
Box   22
Driver, Josephus v. Hollister, J.W., 1861 October
Note: Replevin. Damaged label.
Box   31
Driver, R.H. v. Rowley, L.C., 1906 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   26
Driver, R.H. Company v. Hanrahan, Teressa, 1902 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   26
Driver, S.S. v. McCarville, Joseph, et al., 1897 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Charles Gunner.
Box   26
Drum, Michael, et al. v. Reilly, Joseph B., et al., 1904 December
Note: Other. Litigant 1: State of Wisconsin ex rel John McDonald and Michael Drum, relators. Litigant 2: Freemont Calvert and Samuel Sleep, as supervisors of the Town of Willow Springs. Type of case: Other - Alternative writ of mandamus -- regarding notices to land owners for the removal of fences from within the limits of new highway.
Box   25
Drummond, George v. Nicholas, James, et al., 1891 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: James Nicholas, 2 (father and son).
Box   25
Drummond, George v. Richards, William J., 1891 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   25
Drummond, George v. Phillips, Daniel and Isabella, 1891 January
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   22
Dryden, William A. v. Knotts, Daniel, 1871 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Knotts is spelled "Knott" on the label.
Box   21
Duane, Margaret, et al. v. Hines, Henry, 1867 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Margaret, wife of Richard B. Duane, Sally Tucker, wife of John H. Tucker, Eugenia De Wolf, wife of Winthrop De Wolf, and Sampson James children and heirs at law of Sampson James.
Box   80
Dubuque, Platteville, Ex Parte, 1868 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: and Milwaukee Railroad Company.
Box   21
Ducey, Thomas v. Ducey, Maurise, 1862 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   22
Duffy, Jane v. Williams, Joseph, 1850 September
Note: Other. Damaged label. Type of case: Other - charges of bastardy. Case heard by Justice of the Peace, Charles Gear.
Box   22
Duffy, Peter v. Gaffney, James, 1857 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   22
Duffy, Peter v. Gaffney, James/ Hines, William, 1857 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   130
Dugdale, F.H., et al. v. Simmons, John E., 1900 December
Note: Mechanics Lien. Litigant 1: William McBride, late partners doing business under the firm name of Dugdale & McBride.
Box   31
Dugdale, Richard C. v. Fever River Consolidated Lead, 1908 April
Note: Contract Violation. Litigant 2: Fever River Consolidated Lead & Zinc Mining Company of Wisconsin.
Box   22
Dulton, Osmond v. Tenney, Benjamin, et al., 1853 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Handwriting unclear for litigant's last name. Litigant 2: Charles H. Fuller.
Box   25
Dunbar, Oscar, Ex Parte, 1893 November
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   24
Duncan, F.C. v. Williams, William W., 1882 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   25
Duncan, F.C. v. Dougherty, John, 1888 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   C
Duncan, F.C. v. Kaster, Ben H., 1896 June
Note: Other. "Affidavit of Service of Writ of Certiorari" is the only document in the file. Type of case: Other - unknown.
Box   21
Duncan, John E., et al. v. Lafayette County, 1866 November
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Asabel F. Dickinson. Type of case: Other - This was an appeal by the business of Duncan & Dickson for an unpaid claim for money against Lafayette County. Could not determine from the documents what the claim was for.
Box   21
Dunham, Sarah S. v. Orton, Philo A., Jr., et al., 1861 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: William McCally and Mark W. Watson.
Box   24
Dunleavy, James and Frank v. Duncan, F.C., 1881 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Dunleavy is misspelled as "Dunlavey" on the label.
Box   21
Dunn, Charles v. Andrews, Ethan A., 1859 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Type of case: Debt incurred for attorney's services in defending Andrews on indictment for murder.
Box   22
Dunn, Charles v. McCaffrey, John, 1859 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   21
Dunn, Francis J., et al. v. O'Donald, Michael, et al., 1848 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: David W. Jones, James Lenahan, Michael Cusack, James Sheridan, and Patrick Galigan. Litigant 2: Martin Kilcoyne, John Kelly, Patrick McKernan, Luke Dalton, William Brennan, Michael McMahan, Henry Sheridan, Michael McDermott, and Andrew Dalton.
Box   22
Dunn, Frederick v. Hill, David, 1856 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   25
Dunn, Kate, Ex Parte, 1891 February
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   23
Dunn, Michael v. Larkin, Thomas, et al., 1878 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Ann Larkin, John Stanton, Thomas J. Law, assignee of Lizzie M. Dunlap, E.G. Barlow, E. Halloran, Thomas Hennessey, Thomas Page, J. Cullen, E.D. Meloy, Lawrence Stack, P. Swift, L. B. Waddington, R.H. Williams, L.J. Leaming, D.B. Otis, N. Bower, and M. Saunders.
Box   25
Dunn, Michael v. Swift, Michael and Annie, 1886 November
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   23
Dunn, Patrick v. Flannegan, Nicholas, 1855 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   22
Dunn, Patrick v. Moran, John, 1859 May
Note: Contract Violation. Damaged label.
Box   23
Dunphy Heirs, Ex Parte, 1877 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Montgomery, Nellie, and Mary Dunphy, infant heirs of Nicholas Dunphy.
Box   21
Dunphy, Mary Jane v. Dunphy, Thomas N., 1873 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   23
Dunphy, Philip H. v. Dunphy, Roderick, et al., 1873 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Caroline, Catharine, John, Montgomery, Mary, and Nellie Dunphy.
Box   31
Duval, George E., et al. v. Welch, Peter, 1910 June
Note: Trespassing. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Guardian for Ruthford Blair, infant under age 14; Phebe A. Richards, Charles C. Duval, Ruth Clough, Alda Wallace, Catherine Hebbard, Jesse Wood, and Charles, John E., and Henry Duval. Case appealed to the State Supreme Court.
Box   25
Duval, John B. Heirs, Ex Parte, 1895 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Ruth, Charles, John, and Harry Duval.
Box   25
Duval, Ruth, et al., Ex Parte, 1893 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Charles, John, and Harry, infants of Mary Pratt.
Box   26
Dwinnell, William S., et al. v. Campbell, Hugh, 1901 July
Note: Other. Litigant 1: John C. Sweet, receivers of the Minneapolis Fire and Marine Mutual Insurance Company. Type of case: Other - Insurance company declared insolvent and attempted to levie an assessment on Hugh Campbell, policy holder, to pay his share of the company's losses and expenses.
Box   26
Dyer, Charlotte v. Statser, George W., et al., 1899 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary A. and Jonathan Helm, Amanda Annette and Charles Cary, Fannie F. and Leslie J. Arney, Hattie and William Andrews, Nellie L. Ethridge, Thomas and Mary Lathrop, and George N. and Matilda Hill.
Box   21
Dyson, John/ Dyson, William v. Bragg, S.G. & Harrison, 1871 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   28
Eade Heirs, Ex Parte, 1878 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Sherman, Francis, and Annie Eade, infant heirs of Elizabeth Eade, deceased.
Box   30
Eade, Amelia T. v. Tucker, William T.J., et al., 1898 August
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Calista Tucker, Jane Alderson, S.A. Clark, Robert Hawley and A.C. Schadel copartners doing business under the firm name of Clark Hawley & Co.
Box   30
Eade, Josiah v. Tucker, William T.J. and Calista, 1897 May
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   29
Eagan, Lawrence v. Robbins, James C., et al., 1885 August
Note: Replevin. Litigant 2: Addison A. Townsend.
Box   30
Earle, T.H. v. Satterlee, Emma L., 1889 February
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   M26
Earle, T.H. v. Hunt, John C., 1893 April
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   M26
Earle, T.H. v. Smith, A.E., 1893 May
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   M26
Earle, T.H. v. Cutting, Ann, 1893 May
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   M26
Earle, T.H. & Co. v. O'Neill, Mary and Terrence, 1893 June
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   M26
Earle, T.H. & Co. v. Cline, James A., 1893 May
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   29
Earnest, James H. v. Shullsburg Driving Park, 1886 October
Note: Type of case: Other - To recover payment of winnings for horse races.
Box   131
Earnest, Mary v. Brown-Croft Mining Co., et al., 1917 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Iron River Leasing Company, Maid of Erin Mining Company, Horace Smead, John Cox, Henry Mills, Kate Jordan, Mary More, Gertrude L. King, and Jennie and Andrew Griffin, heirs of John Griffin, deceased.
Box   28
Easter, John D., et al. v. Fastenaw, Henry, 1873 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Jacob P. Easter and David F. Fast, co-partners doing business under the firm name of J.D. Easter & Co.
Box   28
Easter, John D., et al. v. Galagan, Patrick, et al., 1876 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: David F. Fast and Henry N. Smith. Litigant 2: William Logue.
Box   131
Eastman Lumber Company v. Ivo Mining Company, 1909 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   27
Eastman, Amos v. Mayhew, Edwin and Nancy, 1869 November
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   28
Eastman, Amos v. Parsons, John E. and Polly, 1877 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   29
Eastman, Darius, Ex Parte, 1884 May
Note: Discharge Mort. Mortgage executed by William Simonds.
Box   30
Eastman, Dr. William v. Lafayette County, 1891 April
Note: Type of case: Other - Documents approving a Bond.
Box   28
Eastman, Frank, Ex Parte, 1868 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Minor child of E. Porter Eastman, deceased. Special guardian - Nelson Dewey of Cassville, Wisconsin.
Box   31
Eastman, Frank, et al. v. Eastman, Susan T., 1907 December
Note: Probate. Litigant 1: Helen Varley, Alwilda Keeling, and Dwight Eastman. Litigant 2: LeRoy E., Charles, Roger A., and Lula E. Eastman; in the matter of the estate of Darius T. Eastman.
Box   28
Eastman, George W. v. Temmy, Michael and Elizabeth, 1880 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   30
Eastman, George W. v. Garden, William A., et al., 1896 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: E.J. Garden and George M. Brown.
Box   28
Eastman, Herman v. Wayne, Town of, 1860 September
Note: Contract Violation. Type of case: Contract Violation - Regarding the building of a bridge over the Pecatonica River.
Box   27
Eastman, Lydia Ann v. Eastman, William, 1858 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   27
Eastman, Mary T. v. Eastman, Eben E., 1867 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   28
Eastman, Nelson L. and Wife v. Hoyt, John W., 1857 October
Note: Type of case: Could not determine -- this file only contains an Interrogations document.
Box   27
Eastman, Nelson L., et al. v. Hoyt, John W., et al., 1869 September
Note: Discharge Mort. Litigant 1: John Roberts. Litigant 2: and persons unknown.
Box   27
Eastman, Susan v. Eastman, Darius, 1871 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   27
Eastwood, Joseph v. Lyken, Daniel W., 1862 June
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of Case: Damages - Improper care and wintering of cattle.
Box   29
Eastwood, Joseph M., Ex Parte, 1889 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Type of case: "In the matter of relinquishing of the inchoate dower and homestead interest of Almira Eastwood insane wife of Joseph Eastwood to certain real estate."
Box   27
Eaton, Almanson v. Otter, George, 1863 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Executor of the last will and testament of Parley Eaton, deceased.
Box   28
Ecker, William, et al. v. Moore, John S., et al., 1847 January
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: Phineas Thomas. Litigant 2: Benjamin B. Joslin and Thomas M Crankshaw.
Box   28
Eddy, Sarah Heirs, Ex Parte, 1880 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Charles, Martha, Horace, and Francis Eddy.
Box   27
Edge, Benjamin v. March, George, 1867 April
Note: Replevin.
Box   28
Edge, William v. Mullen, Thomas, et al., 1878 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Elizabeth Mullen, Josiah Osborn, J.M. Brewster, and James Allan.
Box   29
Edgren, John v. Covey, Abigail, et al., 1884 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: D.S. and Sarah Covey, Jane Robertson, J.S. and Helena Waddington.
Box   53
Edgren, John L. v. Jackson, Elizabeth and James, 1873 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   29
Edgren, John L. v. Daacon, Theodore W. and Elizabeth, 1887 May
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   27
Edgrin, Joanna v. Edgrin, John L., 1853 January
Note: Divorce. Edgrin is spelled "Edgren" on the label.
Box   27
Edgrin, John L. v. Edgrin, Joanna, 1853 January
Note: Divorce.
Box   27
Edgrin, John S. v. Edgrin, Joanna, 1852 July
Note: Divorce.
Box   29
Edlemann, Eli v. Kidd, David, 1882 March
Note: Type of case: Other - Claim for wages.
Box   27
Edwards, Ann v. Hoffman, George E., 1857 June
Note: Garnishing. Damaged label.
Box   28
Edwards, Ann, Ex Parte, 1877 July
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   28
Edwards, Elizabeth v. Edwards, Alanson, 1871 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   27
Edwards, Isaac/ John Adams v. King, Charles D., 1857 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: James S. Chambers.
Box   27
Edwards, James v. Williams, Abraham, 1847 March
Note: Type of case: Other - Suit of assault.
Box   27
Edwards, John v. Timby, William, 1848 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Justices Court before C. Burrell, Justice of the Peace.
Box   27
Edwards, John W. v. Smith, John C., 1854 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   28
Edwards, Matthew T. v. Edwards, Emeline E., 1880 December
Note: Divorce.
Box   28
Edwards, Ruth v. Curran, Jane and Charles, 1879 September
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   31
Edwards, Willie v. Edwards, Effie, 1911 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   30
Egan, Daniel, Ex Parte, 1896 December
Note: Bankruptcy. Litigant 1: Michael Doyle, assignee. Type of case: Bankruptcy - Voluntary assignment.
Box   30
Egan, Daniel v. Egan Butter & Cheese Company, 1897 March
Note: Type of case: Other - Petition for voluntary assignment of property to Michael Doyle and to have shares of company stock issued to him.
Box   29
Egan, James v. Shobinger, Joseph, 1884 July
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   30
Egan, John, Ex Parte, 1896 December
Note: Bankruptcy. Litigant 1: Michael Doyle, assignee. Type of case: Bankruptcy - Voluntary assignment.
Box   30
Egan, John v. Egan Butter & Cheese Company, 1897 March
Note: Type of case: Other - Petition for voluntary assignment of property to Michael Doyle and to have shares of company stock issued to him.
Box   30
Egan, John and Daniel, Ex Parte, 1896 December
Note: Bankruptcy. Litigant 1: Michael Doyle, assignee. Type of case: Bankruptcy - Voluntary assignment.
Box   29
Egan, Mary C. v. Campbell, Hugh, 1883 January
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   27
Eichorn, John N. v. Argyle School District No. 3, 1850 August
Note: Type of case: Other - Affidavit for Writ of Certiorari. Issues were Eichorn's election for treasurer of district and damages in the amount of $10.00.
Box   27
Eichorn, John N. v. Argyle School District No. 3, 1850 August
Note: Type of case: Other - Writ of certiorari dismissed and the judgement in all things reversed.
Box   C10
Eisendrath, N., et al. v. Champion, Charles B., 1869 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: G.W. Bittinger.
Box   C8
Eisendrath, Nathan, et al. v. Champion, Charles B., 1869 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: G.W. Bittinger.
Box   31
El Dorado Jewelry Company v. Rossing, L.A., 1905 July
Note: Contract Violation.
Box   27
Eldred, Joseph E. v. Young, Samuel, 1850 July
Note: Mechanics Lien. Damaged label.
Box   28
Eldred, Joseph E. v. Young, Samuel, 1850 October
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   29
Eldredge, S.W. v. West, H. Kate Richmond, 1884 April
Note: Contract Violation.
Box   29
Eldredge, S.W. v. Meloy Sand Mining Company, 1884 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   29
Eldredge, S.W. v. Stump Grove Lead & Zinc Mining, 1884 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   27
Ellison, Luke v. Ellison, Hester Ann, 1869 November
Note: Divorce. Damaged label.
Box   27
Ellison, Mary S. v. Ellison, Samuel H., et al., 1870 October
Note: Divorce. Litigant 2: Andrew, E.A., James A., Mary J., and Richard W. Law, Lyman F. and Sally M. McNett, Edward C. Slothower, Robert Bently, Philo A. Orton, Jr., Charles F. Osborn, and Thomas C.L. Mackay.
Box   28
Ellison, Samuel H. v. Law, Andrew, et al., 1869 December
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: E.A. Law, James A. and Mary I. Law, Richard W. Law, Lyman F. and Sally Maria McNett, E.C. Slothower, and Robert Bentley.
Box   28
Ellison, Samuel H. v. Bragg, Samuel G., 1874 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   27
Ellsworth, L. v. Cullen, James, 1868 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   28
Ellwood, Isaac S., et al. v. Proctor, George, 1883 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Charles F. Washburn.
Box   31
Elmer, Christoph v. Wyss, John, 1901 March
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of Case: Damages - Personal injuries resulting from the ordered attack by Wyss's dog.
Box   27
Elphick, Robert v. Dougherty, William L. and Mary, 1860 February
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   29
Elsey, George v. Peacock, Joseph and Elizabeth, 1886 December
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Replaced Hugh J. Gallagher as administrator of the estate of George Brown, deceased.
Box   29
Elsey, George v. Whitman, H.J., 1887 June
Note: Type of case: Other - To recover money left in the safekeeping of the innkeeper at the Whitman House, Darlington.
Box   27
Elwanger, George E., et al. v. Cutting, Norman, et al., 1865 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Patrick Barry. Litigant 2: Charles H. Reed.
Box   27
Elwood Brothers v. Webb, Henry, 1871 October
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: John, Isaac, Thomas, and Joseph Elwood. Type of case: Damages - An appeal by Elwood Brothers resulting from a verdict of no cause of action on a promissory note for nursery trees.
Box   27
Elwood Brothers v. Jackson, James/ Burmaster, F., 1871 September
Note: Damages/Theft. Damaged label. Litigant 1: John, Thomas, Isaac, and Joseph Elwood. Type of case: Civil action for damages.
Box   27
Emerson, Ralph, Jr. v. Darragh, James and Patrick, 1858 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   27
Emerson, Ralph, Jr. v. McKarna, James, 1858 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   27
Emerson, Ralph, Jr. v. Blackstone, William, 1864 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   28
Emerson, Ralph, Jr. v. Alderson, Simon, 1864 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   27
Emerson, Ralph, Jr., et al. v. Hess, William, 1859 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Wait and Sylvester Talcott, partners doing business under the firm name of Talcott Emerson & Co.
Box   30
Emry, Diadamia v. Bliss, F.W., et al., 1895 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Rosa Bliss and Elmore A. and Alonzo Eaton. Mortgage paid and case dismissed.
Box   30
Engebretson, Mathias, Ex Parte, 1897 January
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   29
Enloe, Kittie v. Enloe, George E., 1885 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   131
Enloe, William C. and Mary E. v. Phillips, William, 1921 March
Note: Discharge Mort. Enloe is misspelled as "Enlow" on the label.
Box   131
Ennis, S.A.J. v. Vail, W.B., et al., 1914 November
Note: Other. Litigant 2: James Palfrey, James and William Cherry, Ralph Hatfield, James Quinlan and Seldon Sheffer, partners doing business under the firm name of San Souci Mining Company. Type of case: Other - unknown.
Box   30
Ennor, Alice v. Hall, Thomas, et al., 1894 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary J. Hall, Christian Haffele, and Malachi Maynard.
Box   27
Ennor, William v. Lyne, Benjamin, et al., 1868 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Ennor is spelled "Eanor" on label. Handwriting is unclear. Litigant 2: Edward Turner. All documents are in regard to an appeal.
Box   28
Ennor, William v. Rablin, John Senior, et al., 1876 November
Note: Foreclosure. Ennor is spelled "Enner" on the label. Litigant 2: Elizabeth Rablin and the Manufacturers Bank of Milwaukee.
Box   29
Ennor, William v. White, Henry, 1887 January
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   31
Enright, William v. Erickson, Dick, 1920 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   31
Erhart, Anna v. Erhart, James, 1901 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   31
Erickson, A.M. v. Hanson, Martin A., et al., 1904 September
Note: Garnishing. Litigant 2: William Erickson and H.C. Martin, Garnishee.
Box   31
Erickson, August M. v. Hanson, Martin A., et al., 1904 April
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 2: William Erickson. Type of case: Damages - For injuries resulting in the death of Erickson's cow and assault and battery to himself and family.
Box   27
Erickson, Hans v. Darragh, James, Sr., et al., 1863 October
Note: Trespassing. Litigant 2: Theron Putnam, James Darragh, Jr., and Robert Finley.
Box   28
Erickson, Hans v. Abrahamson, Peter, et al., 1875 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Thore Thompson.
Box   30
Erickson, Herman v. Gould, M.L., 1886 August
Note: Replevin.
Box   29
Erickson, Ole v. Rossing, Anton, 1889 June
Note: Contract Violation.
Box   31
Ernsdorff, John Iron Company v. Lee, Patrick H., 1907 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   27
Esterly, George v. Hart, Dan W., 1859 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   29
Esterly, George and G.W. v. Thomas, Charles, 1887 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Late partners doing business under the firm name of George Esterly & Son.
Box   27
Estey, Augustus v. Robinson, Robert, et al., 1857 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Other unknown heirs of Amos F. Culver.
Box   27
Estey, Augustus v. Lewie, Charles H. and Frederika, 1871 October
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label.
Box   28
Estey, Augustus v. Sheckler, Levi and Amelia A., 1873 December
Note: Foreclosure. Appealed to and dismissed by the State of Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   29
Estey, Eugene J. v. Burke, Patrick and Mary, 1887 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   28
Ethridge, Emery F. v. Ethridge, Frances, 1880 July
Note: Divorce.
Box   27
Ethridge, James v. Ethridge, Rebecca, 1858 September
Note: Divorce. Damaged label.
Box   30
Ethridge, Nellie L. v. Ethridge, William A., 1898 November
Note: Divorce.
Box   30
Etter, R.A./Treat, B.G. v. Ruppert, Henry, 1896 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   131
Eustice, Charles, et al. v. Grannis, A.W., 1908 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John Jenkyn.
Box   31
Eustice, Charles, et al. v. Pittsburg Lead & Zinc, et al., 1909 March
Note: Mechanics Lien. Litigant 1: John Jenkyn. Litigant 2: Badger Land & Mining Company.
Box   27
Evans, Jesse B. v. Phillipps, Henry B., 1859 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Civil action - Case was held in Justices Court before N. Olmstead, Justice of the Peace.
Box   28
Evans, Jonathan H. v. Burris, Martha V., 1884 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Assignee of I. Hodges.
Box   29
Evans, Jonathan H. v. Tomlin, Allen, et al., 1888 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: as assignee of Isaac Hodges. Litigant 2: Earnest A. Hamill, Nelson Dewey, and other unknown owners.
Box   27
Evans, Jonathan P. v. Mappes, Charles/ White, Joseph, 1868 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   27
Evans, Thomas v. Maguire, James. D., et al., 1870 February
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Rosanna Maguire and Edward Gratiot.
Box   27
Evans, William, et al. v. Walsh, Peter, 1848 March
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: Joshua Brashears and Rufus Shaffer.
Box   28
Evans, William, et al. v. Bently, George, et al., 1849 August
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Robert Slayton, Stacy Bell, and Melsina Kingsbury. Litigant 2: Henry Morin. An Awards of Arbetrators is the only document in the file. Type of case: Other - "disputed ground and all lead now on or in the ground."
Box   27
Everist, George v. Alderson, Simon, 1857 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   31
Everson, Bennett E. and Edward v. Underwood, John, et al., 1911 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: John Underwood's wife, Henry Sears and his wife, and Cyrus Woodman and his wife.
Box   30
Everson, Peter v. Crotty, Joseph, 1895 December
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 2: Alias Joab Crotty. Type of case: Damages - As a result of assault and battery causing personal injury.
Box   31
Ewing, Charles v. Ewing Mining Company, 1912 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   30
Ewing, Thomas H. v. Patterson, Margaret, et al., 1890 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: C. F. Osborn, administrator of estate of David M. Patterson, Barbara Patterson, widow of John M. Patterson, Eva Patterson, daughter of John M. Patterson, and William March.
Box   128
Ewing, Thomas H. v. Looney, Henry, 1892 May
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   27
Ewing, William L., et al. v. Fay, Alfred, et al., 1859 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Albert G. Edwards, Nathan Cole, Philip W. and Thomas Heermans, and Clinton Briggs. Litigant 2: Oliver and Ichabod Paddock.
Box   27
Ewing, William L., et al. v. Hovey, Leland A., 1860 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Albert G. Edwards, Nathan Cole, Philip W. and Thomas Heermans, and Clinton Briggs.
Box   27
Ewing, William L., et al. v. Reed, Stephen S., et al., 1861 June
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Albert G. Edwards, Nathan Cole, Philip W. and Thomas Heermans, and Clinton Briggs. Litigant 2: Arabella L. Reed, John S. and Elizabeth Fassett, George B. Spencer, and Daniel W. Gale.
Box   30
Eyre, Charlotte v. Graber, John, et al., 1895 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Catherine Graber, George Graber, First National Bank of Mineral Point, and Philip Allen as assignee of the estate of Emma Henry.
Box   28
Eyre, Edward v. Polkinghorn, Thomas, 1879 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   29
Eyre, Edward v. Day, William and Fanny, 1887 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   34
F.D. & N. Railroad Company v. West, Anna O. and Fred F., 1888 January
Note: Right of Way. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Freeport, Dodgeville, & Northern Railroad Company.
Box   34
F.D. & N. Railroad Company v. Jacobs, Edwin, et al., 1888 January
Note: Right of Way. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Freeport, Dodgeville, & Northern Railroad Company. Litigant 2: E.P. Rogers, his guardian, J.H. Kerns, William, John, Stephen, Jane, Edward, and Nancy Kerns; Amanda Denure and Robert Jacobs.
Box   131
Fager, Oscar v. Connecting Link Mining Company, 1927 June
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   33
Faherty, Michael, Heirs, Ex Parte, 1874 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Francis, Margaret A., Mary E., Matilda, Rachel, Elizabeth, and Emma J. Faherty by Ellen Ann Faherty, mother.
Box   34
Faherty, William H., et al. v. Faherty, Ellen Ann, et al., 1881 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Two cases. Litigant 1: Caroline and Francis Faherty. Litigant 2: Ellen Ann, widow of Michael Faherty, deceased; Margaret Ann and George Brown; Mary Ellen and William Byrne; Matilda J. and Frank Nash; Rachel, Elizabeth Ann, Emily Josephine, Thomas, and Mary Ann Faherty; Lizzie and Edward O'Neill; Irenaus, Catharine, and John P. Byrne; William P. and Nina Faherty; Mary Ann and Henry Mudd; James E. and Mary Ann Faherty; Austin and Rose Faherty; Lucy and James Fox; Elizabeth Faherty, heir-at-law of Sarah Faherty, deceased.
Box   34
Faherty, William Henry, et al. v. Faherty, Ellen Ann, et al., 1881 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Two cases. Litigant 1: Francis Faherty. Litigant 2: Ellen Ann, widow of Michael Faherty, deceased; Margaret Ann and George Brown; Mary Ellen and William Byrne; Matilda J. and Frank Nash; Rachel, Elizabeth Ann, Emily Josephine, Thomas, and Mary Ann Faherty; Lizzie and Edward O'Neill; Irenaus, Catharine, and John P. Byrne; William P. and Nina Faherty; Mary Ann and Henry Mudd; James E. and Mary Ann Faherty; Austin and Rose Faherty; Lucy and James Fox; Elizabeth Faherty, heir-at-law of Sarah Faherty, deceased.
Box   T48
Fahnestock, Benjamin A., et al v. Blair, William, et al., 1857 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Benjamin L. and George W. Fahnestock and Jacob Schwartz, partners doing business under the firm name of B.A. Fahnestock & Co. Litigant 2: John Collins.
Box   33
Fairbanks, Thaddeus, et al. v. Campbell, James, 1881 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Horace and Franklin Fairbanks and Charles H. Morse copartners doing business as Fairbanks Morse & Co.
Box   F12
Fairchild, R.J. v. Denure, Joseph, 1903 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   F12
Falk, Jung & Borchert v. Wunderlee, Frank, 1891 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Brewing Company.
Box   32
Fannin, William v. Fannin, Catharine, 1865 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   33
Farewell, William T., Ex Parte, 1881 July
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   34
Farmer, Anna v. Hughes, James O. and Alice, 1890 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   36
Farmer, John v. Kachelhoffer, W. H., 1899 June
Note: Type of case: Claim for wages.
Box   131
Farmers and Merchants Bank v. Field, William S., et al., 1914 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: of Shullsburg. Litigant 2: Elizabeth Field and John Hebenstreit, as executor of the last will of Wilhelmina Hebenstreti, deceased.
Box   131
Farmers and Miners Bank v. Harrington, Quinn J. and Stella, 1924 August
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: of New Diggings, Wisconsin.
Box   131
Farmers and Miners Bank v. Newman, William D., et al., 1925 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litgant 1: of New Diggings, Wisconsin. Litigant 2: Annie (Lillian) Newman and R. Barrett.
Box   F11
Farmers Insurance Company v. Carr, Arnon, 1877 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   32
Farnam, Lovina v. Farnam, Philo P., 1875 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   36
Farnsworth, Don v. Steele, Matthew W., et al., 1906 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Henry Wheeler, David Sherburn, William Prior, and unknown heirs, etc.
Box   F12
Farrell, Mary and Michael v. Brady, Daniel, 1883 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Administrator of the estate of Thomas Cummings, deceased.
Box   F12
Farrell, Michael v. Brady, Daniel, 1884 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Administrator of the estate of Thomas Cummings, deceased.
Box   35
Farrey, Harry v. Parker, Edward, 1895 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Farrey is misspelled as "Farry" on the box.
Box   F11
Farrington, J.B. v. Blair, W.M., 1889 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   33
Farris, David v. Dryden, W.A., 1875 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   F11
Farwell, John F., et al. v. Farrington, John, 1888 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: C.B. Farwell, S. Farwell, W.D. Farwell, and J.K. Harmon.
Box   36
Farwell, John V. Company v. Burretts, J.E., 1893 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   F11
Farwell, John V., et al. v. McKey, Julia B., 1889 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Charles B. Farwell, John K. Harmon, John T. Churuasero, and John V. Farwell Jr.
Box   33
Fassett, Henry, Ex Parte, 1859 October
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   32
Fassett, Henry v. White, Abram, 1860 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label.
Box   32
Fassett, Henry v. Francis, Joseph, et al., 1863 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Eliza G. Francis and Soloman S. Hall.
Box   32
Fassett, Henry v. Sullivan, Dennis, et al., 1872 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Michael and Ellen Sullivan, Joseph B. Peet, Richard M. Mitchell, and Edwin Mayhew.
Box   33
Fassett, John Smith v. Mineral Point Rail Road Co., 1853 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - Resulting from the taking and using of the Fassett land.
Box   32
Faucett, Emeline v. Byrne, Patrick, 1866 August
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   33
Faucett, Sarah, et al. v. Murray, Patrick, 1875 February
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: James S., Mary A., and William L. Dougherty and Mary Briggs. Type of case: Damages/Theft - Forcibly broke and entered Faucett's land to cut and carry away maple trees and lumber.
Box   32
Faulk, Jacob v. Fretwell, Samuel, et al., 1842 September
Note: Contract Violation. Litigant 2: John Ray. Type of case: Breach of covenant.
Box   36
Fawcett, Edward and Phillis, 1920 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Conveyance executed by Fawcetts to John Daugherty. Petition by John J. Reese to correct description.
Box   36
Fawcett, Ralph, et al. v. Carr, George, et al., 1913 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Melissa, Thomas E., Elizabeth, William, Annie, James A., Elizabeth Ann, Harrison F., Beryl D., David, Ethel, James. P., Alma May, George W., and George Fawcett; Sarah A. Calvert, Sarah B. Savage, Lillie May Hill, Minnie B. Starr, Annie Nitterauer; and Ralph, May, Frank W., David E., Lillie E., and George R. Spensley. Litigant 2: Eliza Lukins, sole heirs of William Carr, deceased; Elizabeth Shoopman, Nancy Bruner, Francis Kendall, Francis M., John, and Melissa Carr, sole heirs of Elisha Carr, deceased; Peter Carr; Emiline Briar, Caroline Webb, Maria Stribling, Oliver, Catherine, David, Julia, Dallas, and Daniel Carr, sole heirs of David Carr, deceased; Sarah Wells and David Wagner, sole heirs of Jemima Wagner, deceased; James Carr; unknown heirs of Benjamin Carr, deceased; Judah W. Rathbun, Simon Harker, and Michael Calvert.
Box   F11
Fawcett, Thomas v. Fred Stewart & Company, et al., 1898 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Joint School District Number 12 of the towns of Darlington and Willow Springs.
Box   32
Fay, Alfred, et al. v. Tolley, William, et al., 1857 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Oliver Paddock. Litigant 2: William Monehan.
Box   32
Fay, Alfred/ Paddock, Oliver v. Herrick, Almerin, 1857 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Herrick is spelled "Henick" on label - handwriting is unclear.
Box   F12
Fay, David v. Carpenter, Royal, 1858 January
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for grain destroyed by cattle.
Box   F11
Fay, David v. Patterson, Benjamin, 1860 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Executor of the last will and testament of Jesse Patterson, deceased.
Box   32
Fay, Farrel v. Halligan, Patrick, 1855 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   34
Feathers, Henry W., et al. v. Truesdale, Amelia, 1883 June
Note: Probate. Litigant 1: Executor of the last will of Robert Truesdale, deceased, Mary, William J., and Thomas G. Truesdale.
Box   36
Felt, Elsie I., Ex Parte, 1899 November
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   32
Felt, Lucius v. Edstrom, E. P., 1865 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   33
Felt, Lucius J. v. Trestrail, Robert, 1865 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   32
Felt, Lucius, et al. v. Wallace, Eliza and John, 1859 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Daniel Loveland, partners doing business under the firm of L.S. Felt & Co.
Box   36
Fenne, A.P.C., Ex Parte, 1907 November
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   34
Fenne, Lena, et al., Ex Parte, 1887 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Sarah, Christine, and Inger Fenne, infants and heirs of Ever Fenne, deceased.
Box   34
Fenton, Bartholomew v. Fenton, James, 1889 August
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   35
Fiddick, Phillipa v. Doyle, Kate, et al., 1897 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: John Doyle and R.H. Driver.
Box   34
Fiddick, Phillippa v. O'Brien, John, et al., 1890 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Administrator of the estate of Dennis McCarville, deceased, and Catharine and Dennis L. McCarville.
Box   F12
Fiedler, Ernest C. v. Howard, Catherine, 1895 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: as executor of the last will and testament of Henry Howard, deceased.
Box   35
Field, Annie H. v. Field, William S., et al., 1897 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Administratrix of the estate of George H. Field, deceased. Litigant 2: Abner S. Rock.
Box   32
Field, Benjamin, et al. v. Field, George H., 1871 April
Note: Probate. Litigant 1: Heirs of William Field, deceased.
Box   32
Field, Emily v. Townsend, Edith, 1871 November
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   36
Field, Emily v., 1912 May
Note: Other. "Notice of Trial" is the only document in the box. Litigant 2: Unknown. Type of case: Other - Unknown. In regard to estate of Emily Field, deceased, appeal from order of County Court.
Box   36
Field, Gladys E. v. Field, Arthur V., 1911 January
Note: Divorce. Reconciled, case dismissed.
Box   35
Field, Jeff v. Standard Lead & Zinc Smelting, 1906 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: [Land?] and Mining Company.
Box   34
Field, Marshall, et al. v. Goodfellow, Calvin, 1886 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Lorenzo G. Woodhouse, Henry J. Willing, Harlow N. Higgenbotham, Joseph N. and Henry Field.
Box   131
Field, Silas D. and Isabel v. McMullen, Daniel, et al., 1923 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: John, James, and Jesse Williams, Samuel H. Scales, Annie field, and Oscar A. Rogers.
Box   33
Field, Silas Daniel, Ex Parte, 1873 July
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   32
Field, William v. Willmarth, Philip, 1847 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Administrator of the estate of Benjamin P. Crossman, deceased.
Box   F11
Field, William v. Crawford, Samuel, et al., 1854 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Moses M. Strong.
Box   32
Field, William v. Dering, William, 1855 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   34
Field, William S. and Elizabeth v. Pole, Sarah, et al., 1910 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Fannie Pole, Edmond M. Clayton., Edmond M. Clayton, Jr., Gwyn Pole Clayton, Ella Hart Clayton, Lois Esther Clayton, and H.M. Stryker.
Box   36
Field, William, et al. v. Field, Silas D., 1912 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Fannie Rock, Alice Dixon, Edward F. Field, Annie M. Bailey, Emma Perry, Ida Burmeister; Fred, George, Aaron, and John Chambers; Cora and Martha White. Litigant 2: and unknown heirs at law of Ben Fields, deceased.
Box   F12
Finch, Ashel, et al. v. Peasley, Robert S., 1862 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: William P. Lynde, Henry M. Finch, and Benjamin K. Miller.
Box   33
Finley, John v. McKillip, Daniel, 1876 May
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   F11
Finn, Mary v. Darlington, City of, 1888 February
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for injuries received after falling on a sidewalk that was not in good and safe repair.
Box   32
Finnegan, Bernard v. Black, Joseph, 1854 June
Note: Replevin.
Box   32
Finnegan, James v. Finnegan, Hugh, 1863 October
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   C10
First National Bank of Dubuque v. Champion, Charles B., 1869 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   36
First National Bank of Elkhorn v. McDonald, J.F., 1905 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Fred Niederhauser, J.P. Croke, Willis H. Moore, Joseph R. McCoy, E.R. Thompson, C.M. Lund, M.C. Brannan, Neil Brannan, Ben Simmons, and Chris Skolrood.
Box   C8
First National Bank of v. Champion, Charles B., 1869 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Dubuque, Iowa.
Box   34
First National Bank v. Matthews, Morris R. and John F., 1888 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: of Newton, Kansas.
Box   F12
First National Bank v. Hunt, Howard, 1890 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Case originally filed in Green County. Litigant 1: of Monroe. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   34
First National Bank v. Hodges, Orrel, et al., 1890 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: of Milwaukee. Litigant 2: Willis, Henry, Mary Ida, and Charles Edgar Hodges; Isabella S. Magoon as Executrix of the estate of Henry S. Magoon, deceased; Richard Henry, Jay H., Agnes Belle, Mary Josephine, and Isabela S. Magoon.
Box   35
First National Bank v. Blackstone, John W., et al., 1891 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: of Shullsburg. Litigant 2: Nellie Blackstone and T.J. Law. Case includes documents "reforming mortgage."
Box   36
First National Bank v. Oliver, R.A., et al., 1893 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: of Shullsburg. Litigant 2: J.W. VanDuyn and J.A. Gillette.
Box   35
First National Bank v. Rule, Edwin, et al., 1894 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: of Shullsburg. Litigant 2: E.O. White and John Thompson.
Box   35
First National Bank v. Rule, Edwin, et al., 1894 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: of Shullsburg. Litigant 2: Mary A. Rule, John and Eliza Thompson, and Franklin McVeagh & Co.
Box   35
First National Bank v. Field, Edward F., et al., 1895 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: of Shullsburg. Litigant 2: A.S. Rock.
Box   35
First National Bank v. Looney, J.J., 1895 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: of Shullsburg.
Box   F12
First National Bank v. Cragg, Robert, 1896 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: of Darlington.
Box   F12
First National Bank v. Cragg, James and Robert, 1896 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: of Darlington.
Box   F12
First National Bank v. Cragg, Charles and Robert, 1896 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: of Darlington.
Box   35
First National Bank v. Crabb, C.L. and J.M., 1896 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: of Shullsburg.
Box   35
First National Bank v. Powers, Elles, et al., 1897 February
Note: Garnishing. Litigant 1: of Shullsburg. Litigant 2: John H. Savage, Thomas Crawhall, James Pratt; James Coates and William Coates, Garnishees.
Box   35
First National Bank v. McGivney, William, 1898 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: of Shullsburg.
Box   35
First National Bank v. Mahoney, Thomas R., et al., 1898 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: of Shullsburg. Litigant 2: Hannah Mahoney and E.W. Laird.
Box   35
First National Bank v. Bancroft, Willard F., et al., 1898 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: of Shullsburg. Litigant 2: Annettie E. Bancroft.
Box   F12
First National Bank v. Power, Wallace & Ellis, 1898 March
Note: Garnishing. Litigant 1: of Shullsburg. Granishee: P.C. Meloy, Meloy and Co., and James Meloy.
Box   35
First National Bank v. Elliott, Catherine and Frank, 1898 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: of Shullsburg.
Box   F12
First National Bank v. McManus, Charles, et al., 1899 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: of Shullsburg. Litigant 2: Matt Fink.
Box   36
First National Bank v. Scales, Samuel H., et al., 1899 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: of Shullsburg. Litigant 2: Elizabeth Scales, Joseph and Jane Thompson.
Box   36
First National Bank v. Leonard, Emily and F.A., 1900 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: of Shullsburg.
Box   36
First National Bank v. McGivney, William, et al., 1900 October
Note: Fraud. Litigant 1: of Shullsburg. Litigant 2: Margaret Aston.
Box   F12
First National Bank v. Meyers, George L., 1901 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: of Darlington.
Box   F12
First National Bank v. Beattie, George W., et al., 1903 May
Note: Other. Litigant 1: of Shullsburg. Litigant 2: A.R. Ball, Jr., H.B. Chamberlin, E.E. Harris, J.B. Miller, T.E. Oates, S.H. Scales, George Swinbank, S.T. Dodge, W.T. Brown, M.C. Barber, J.H. Goodloe, T.H. Hillary, M.A. O'Brien, Jonathan A. Risken, J.B. Simpson, Oscar Stone, J.H. Nattrass, R.W. Blackstone, F.R. Bergner, C.C. Gratiot, C.G. Miller, Jr., E.J. Osborne, F.C. Richmond, F.R. Savage, and Harry Thompson. Type of case: Other - unknown.
Box   36
First National Bank v. Neeves, George A., et al., 1908 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: of Shullsburg. Litigant 2: Helen C. and William B. Neeves, H.M. Mosher, and the Lafayette Land and Mining Company.
Box   36
First National Bank v. Walsh, Thomas J., 1908 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: of Darlington.
Box   36
First National Bank v. McDermott, C.J., et al., 1909 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: of Darlington. Litigant 2: Peter J. Walsh.
Box   36
First National Bank v. McCoy, Joseph, 1913 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: of Darlington.
Box   131
First National Bank v. Harrington, Stella and Quinn J., 1925 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: of Shullsburg.
Box   131
First National Bank v. Horsley, Dale J. and James A., 1926 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: of Cuba City.
Box   11
First National Bank/ Shullsburg v. Baldwin, Henry S. and Ellen, 1899 June
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   36
Fischer, Clara, Ex Parte, 1904 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Nicholas Fischer, special guardian.
Box   35
Fisher, Grace, Ex Parte, 1899 February
Note: Discharge Mort. Litigant 1: Widow and sole heir at law of John Fisher, deceased.
Box   36
Fisher, James K. v. Fisher, Emily R., 1898 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   32
Fisher, John v. McNulty, Charles, et al., 1868 April
Note: Garnishing. Litigant 2: Owen and Patrick McNulty.
Box   F11
Fisher, John v. Smock, Leroy, et al., 1880 February
Note: Fraud. Litigant 2: Newel Blakely.
Box   32
Fisher, Lucius v. Campbell, Robert E., 1850 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   33
Fisher, Michael v. Law, Andrew and R.W., 1869 August
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - For misrepresentation of the number of acres of corn sold to Fisher. Jury verdict in favor of Law.
Box   36
Fisher, Neil and Margaret v. Fisher, Isabel, et al., 1913 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: John McDowell and John McDonell.
Box   33
Fisher, Rachel C. v. Kirby, Chalkley, 1868 February
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   32
Fisher, Rachel C. v. Cheney, Hazen, et al., 1868 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: John A. Blanchard.
Box   F12
Fisk, David B., et al. v. Leech, Thomas, 1890 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: David M. Fisk and John E.L. Frasher.
Box   F11
Fisk, David B., et al. v. Rose, Anna, 1890 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Daniel M. Fisk and John E.L. Frasher.
Box   33
Fitzgerald, David v. Fitzgerald, Maurice, 1882 October
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   F11
Fitzgerald, David v. McManus, John and Charles, 1889 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   34
Fitzgibbons Brothers v. Hughes, James, 1891 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Maurice and James Fitzgibbons Jr.
Box   34
Fitzpatrick, James v. O'Donnell, James, 1883 May
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   33
Fitzpatrick, John v. Fitzpatrick, Patrick, 1864 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: and the unknown heirs of Felix Fitzpatrick, deceased.
Box   34
Flanagan, Bridget v. Carr, Dominic, et al., 1888 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Teresa and Elizabeth Carr.
Box   F12
Flanagan, Mary A. v. Town of Argyle, 1895 October
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for injuries sustained by being thrown from a buggy because the highway constituted dangerous defects.
Box   33
Flanders, George W. v. Quimby, Selden, 1857 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   32
Flanders, Gideon v. Robinson, Eli, 1849 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   32
Flanders, Gideon H. v. Meloy, Peter, 1852 May
Note: Replevin.
Box   32
Flanigan, Daniel v. McNett, Lyman F., 1869 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   F12
Flanigan, Lawrence v. Flanigan, Daniel, et al., 1859 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of Daniel Flanigan, deceased. Litigant 2: James Riley.
Box   32
Flannegan, Catharine, Ex Parte, 1857 October
Note: Other. Flannegan is misspelled as "Flannagan" on the label. Type of case: Other - Petition for the appointment of a guardian of said Nicholas Flannegan on account of his said incapacity from habitual drunkeness.
Box   32
Flannegan, Nicholas v. Earnest, James H., et al., 1847 August
Note: Damages/Theft. Flannegan is spelled "Flanagan" on the label. Litigant 2: William H. McCoun.
Box   34
Fleischer, F. v. Johnson, Lars E., 1878 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Fleischer is misspelled as " Fliescher" on the label.
Box   33
Fleming, Andrew, Heirs, Ex Parte, 1871 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Ellen, Catharine, Ann, Lawrence, and Hugh Fleming.
Box   131
Fleming, John v. Fleming, Sarah, et al., 1924 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Charles O., James A., Margery, and Mary J. Fleming.
Box   F12
Fleming, John, Jr. v. Union Zinc & Lead Co., et al., 1904 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: C.M. Rathbun.
Box   34
Fleming, Michael v. Lynch, John, et al., 1893 November
Note: Discharge Mort. Litigant 2: Patrick Galagan.
Box   34
Fleming, Michael J. v. Judge, Julia, 1893 September
Note: Probate. Litigant 2: Executrix of the last will and testament of James Judge, deceased.
Box   35
Fleming, Michael J. v. Rodham, Edward A., 1897 August
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - For falsely and fraudulently representing a Noxall Incubator purchased by Flemming. The documents include the actual handbook of the Noxall Incubator.
Box   33
Flinn Heirs, Ex Parte, 1880 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Frederick and George Flinn, sons of Dennis and Lucinda Flinn. Flinn is spelled "Flynn" on the label.
Box   131
Flinn, James H. v. Robinson, Frederick H., et al., 1914 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Marion Louise, Clara H. (as executrix of the will of Frederick Robinson, deceased), George O., and Jane B. Robinson, Mary F. Stevens, Kate Fowler, Marjorie and Arthur H. Fleming, and Ethel G. Flinn.
Box   128
Flynn, Mary E. and Julia v. Finley, R.M., et al., 1927 August
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Amelia Finley, Peter N. Paulson, Kathryn, James P., and John E. Callahan, Margaret Callahan Whaley, Ethel Callahan Norton, Mary Finley Moore, John and James Richard Darrah, and R.M. Finley Jr.
Box   131
Flynn, Mary E. and Julia v. Finley, R.M., et al., 1927 August
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Amelia M. Finley, Peter N. Paulson; Kathryn, James P., John M., Margaret Whaley, nee Callahan, Ethel Norton, nee Callahan, heirs of John Callahan, deceased; Mary Moore, nee Finley; John and James Richard Darrah; and R.M. Finley Jr.
Box   34
Foley, Bridget v. Foley, William, 1883 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   33
Foley, William v. Brown, George, et al., 1878 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Phillip E. and Richard H. Brown.
Box   33
Foos, William, et al. v. Parkinson, Peter, Jr., et al., 1873 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John W. Bookwalter, Lamar Foos, and Mary A. Seffel. Litigant 2: E.C. Abbey.
Box   33
Ford, John A. v. Finley, John and Robert, 1871 November
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - An assault resulting in permanent injuries; plaintiff (Justice of the Peace) demanded judgement for $10,000.
Box   F11
Foreman, Henry, et al. v. Trousdale, James L., 1858 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Benjaman, Gerhard, Rudolph, and Joseph Foreman and Felix and Abraham Kahn, partners under the firm name of Foreman, Kahn & Co.
Box   33
Forsyth, James, et al. v. Berner, John, et al., 1871 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Clemens F. Periolat and James H. Forsyth. Litigant 2: Frank Scott.
Box   36
Fortin, George v. Hodgson, George A., 1917 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   33
Fortune, Phoebe Jane v. Fortune, Thomas, 1866 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   32
Foskett, Orrin D. v. Smith, Harriet, et al., 1873 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: L. B. Waddington.
Box   33
Foss, Hiram v. Wilkins, Hannah R. and Reuben, 1880 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   33
Foss, Hiram W. v. Thompson, Nelson J., 1868 May
Note: Replevin.
Box   32
Foss, Leonard v. Hover, Josiah, et al., 1864 April
Note: Foreclosure. Hover is spelled "Hoover" on the label. Litigant 1: Sole executor of the last will and testament of James Brown, deceased. Litigant 2: Eliza Hover and S. Lawrence.
Box   F12
Fossnight, Elias v. Wescott, Colman, 1885 May
Note: Trespassing.
Box   32
Fossnight, Nelson v. Fossnight, Mary, 1871 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   32
Fossnight, Nelson D. v. Rankin, Hibbard, 1869 September
Note: Replevin.
Box   32
Foster, George v. Fields, William, 1850 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   33
Foster, Mary Jane v. Foster, Edward C., 1870 December
Note: Divorce.
Box   F12
Foster, Thomas v. Murphy, Dennis, et al., 1850 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Solomon Oliver.
Box   35
Foster, Thomas v. Savage, John H., et al., 1897 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Hazel Savage and John Savage children and heirs at law of Clara W. Savage, deceased; James Roberts and F.A. Thompson, administrators de bonis non of the estate of said deceased, Gilbert G. Thorne as receiver of the Keystone National Bank; Mary A. Simpson, Christian Haffele, Harriet N. Osborn, Marta Sullivan, William Newton, R. P. Perry, and Charles Moneke.
Box   33
Fouke, Jacob v. Ray, John, 1849 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Type of case: This file has numerous documents in regard to Ejectment.
Box   36
Fowler, Emma M., et al. v. Hoffman, Henry M., et al., 1907 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Martha W. Fowler, Elizabeth Hird; John Frank, Harriet, and Irene Hoffman; Monelvia Elizabeth Hoffman Degriselles. Litigant 2: Mary H., George T., and Belle Hoffman; Mary Jane Farrey, Joseph Coulthard, Alfred Pedelty, The Trustees of Leadville Lodge No. 168 of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows; Mamie, Albert Sylvester, and Marguerite Elizabeth Hoffman.
Box   M26
Fowler, William v. Zinc Carbonate Company, 1893 August
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   36
Fox, Edward J. v. Fox, Harriet, 1917 November
Note: Divorce.
Box   35
Fox, Edward, et al. v. Sampson, William, et al., 1911 August
Note: Discharge Mort. Litigant 1: Careta and Clement Fox. Litigant 2: Joseph Read and unknown heirs.
Box   32
Fox, Ira v. Colentine, John, 1861 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   32
Fox, M. A. v. Nelson, Thomas, 1861 July
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   34
Fox, Thomas A., Ex Parte, 1889 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. The application of Thomas A. Fox to release the dower and homestead rights of Mary I. Fox, his insane wife.
Box   35
Fox, William v. Bartelt, Lui, 1899 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   36
Fox, William T. v. Wynne, John and Maggie, 1910 February
Note: Discharge Mort. Litigant 1: Mineral Point Zinc Company, petitioner. Litigant 2: Heirs at law of Ellis Wynne.
Box   32
Frame, Hiram T. v. Jones, William, 1848 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   33
Francis, John v. Kinsman, Thomas, et al., 1878 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Emma J. Kinsman, James T. Corkeet, Philip Allen, Sr., and Louisa Toay, administratrix of the estate of John Toay, deceased.
Box   34
Francis, Otis W., Ex Parte, 1884 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Minor heir-at-law of Joseph D. Francis, deceased. Documents include application to sell and to mortgage real estate.
Box   34
Francis, Otis W., Ex Parte, 1888 February
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   F12
Francis, Robert v. Lester, John U., 1864 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   33
Francisco, Helen M. v. True, Herod W. and Tamarine, 1878 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   35
Franke, Ludwig, et al. v. Mann, Albert, et al., 1897 October
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: August Neeseman, Wilhelm Krupke, Carl Tesnow, August Bruege, Frederick Kupferschmidt, August Franke, Wilhelm Taufmann, Carl Krupke, August Geetzmer, August Seefeldt, Wilhelm Wolff, and Herrmann Siedschlag. Litigant 2: Joachin Holforth and Ferdinand Schadewaldt as trustees/directors of German Evangelical St. Paul Society of the Town of Wayne, and J.H. Schlichting. Type of case: Damages - The case is a dispute between two differing German Lutheran sects with the plaintiffs claiming perversion of church property and misappropriation to purposes foreign to the trust. The case was appealed to the State Supreme Court and contains a large number of documents some of which are written in German.
Box   F12
Frankland, Christopher v. Metcalf, John, 1864 May
Note: Replevin.
Box   33
Frankland, Christopher v. Sullivan, John, 1868 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   F12
Frankland, Christopher, et al. v. Harker, James, 1859 November
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: Matthew Frankland. Type of case: Damages - for selling cattle in poor condition.
Box   34
Frankland, James v. Peasley, Robert S., 1882 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   34
Free Press Company v. Miller, John, 1883 September
Note: Garnishing.
Box   33
Freeman, Daniel v. Killough, John N., et al., 1869 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary A. Killough and Allan McDowall.
Box   34
Freeman, James v. Martin, Frank and John, 1884 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   32
Freeman, Kosson W. v. Lawrence, Edward E., 1862 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   F11
Freeport Implement Company v. Tresner, George and Fred, 1892 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   35
Freese, Fred v. Stewart, Fred, et al., 1898 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: The Pauly Jail Building and Manufacturing Company and County of Lafayette.
Box   35
French, Jennie v. French, Charles, 1897 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   F12
French, John M., et al. v. Knight, James G., et al., 1859 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Elijah Bottum, David L. Styles. Litigant 2: Lewis Doty.
Box   F12
Friend Brothers Clothing Co. v. Hotz, Jacob, et al., 1885 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: William Hooper and Garnishee, James C. Robbins.
Box   F12
Friend Brothers Clothing Co. v. Hotz, Jacob, et al., 1885 October
Note: Garnishing. Litigant 2: Garnishee, William Hooper.
Box   F12
Friend Brothers Clothing Co. v. Hotz, Jacob, 1885 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   33
Friend, Henry, et al. v. Gurley, S.H., 1869 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Meyer and Elias Friend.
Box   F11
Friends Brothers Clothing Co. v. Armstrong, Benjamin F., 1887 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   33
Frost, George v. Wright, Henry E., et al., 1870 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Hugh Peters.
Box   F11
Frost, George L. v. Lafayette County, 1853 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   33
Frost, George S., Ex Parte, 1854 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Guardian of Mary E. Mills, infant heir of Benjaman Mills, deceased.
Box   F11
Frothingham, Abraham R., et al v. Bugh, Sam G., 1854 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Frothingham is misspelled as "Farrington" on the label. Litigant 1: Silas P. Downer and Stephen V.R. Moore.
Box   33
Frye, Jacob, et al. v. Salisbury, Samuel, 1872 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Leonard Warner and David Kelly. Litigant 2: Salisbury is mislabeled on the box as "Galisburg."
Box   26
Fulbridge, Herman and Lena v. Dargan, T.H., 1901 April
Note: Discharge Mort. Mortgage was discharged by Judge George Clementson.
Box   32
Fuller, George W. v. Mitchell, Joseph, 1848 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   32
Fuller, George W. v. Mitchell, Joseph, 1848 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Documents in two separate boxes within box #32.
Box   F12
Fuller, George W. v. Robinson, Charles, 1853 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   F11
Fuller, M.E., et al. v. Galagan, Patrick, et al., 1877 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: C.L. Williams, E.M. Fuller, and George Gernon. Litigant 2: Owen Galagan and William James.
Box   32
Fuller, Morris E., et al. v. Cutting, Romanzo B., 1873 July
Note: Fraud. Litigant 1: Chauncey L. Williams and Andrew Proudfit.
Box   34
Fulp, Margaret v. Fulp, Russell, 1885 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   33
Funk, Elizabeth v. Funk, Henry, 1864 November
Note: Divorce.
Box   36
Furrer, Joseph v. Kilkelly, James, 1905 September
Note: Slander/Libel.
Box   40
Gaarder, Ole P. v. Engebretson, Mathias, et al., 1879 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of Andros Micholson, deceased. Litigant 2: Guri Engebretson, The Farmers National Bank of Warren, John Thompson, John and Anne Engebretson.
Box   40
Gabel, Cecelia v. Hall, Henry, et al., 1887 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Elizabeth Hall, James R. Rose, and William Lysaght.
Box   G13
Gabel, Christopher v. McQuitty, Alexander, 1881 March
Note: Contract Violation.
Box   G13
Gabel, Joseph, et al. v. Belmont, Town of, 1893 August
Note: Other. Gabel is spelled "Goebel" on some documents. Type of case: Other - unknown - could not determine from documents in file.
Box   42
Gable, Ernest v. Gable, Margaret, 1903 November
Note: Probate. Litigant 1: Deceased, estate of.
Box   39
Gable, Louis v. Haffele, John, 1878 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Gable is spelled "Gabel" on the label.
Box   32
Gable, William E. v. Ryan, John/Unknown heirs, 1920 November
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   G14
Gage, Albert S., et al. v. Swift, James, 1885 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: E.B. Gage and Martin Ryerson.
Box   19
Gahart, Frank v. Walsh, Thomas, 1914 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   40
Galagan, Catharine v. Gabel, Henry, 1884 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Galagan is misspelled as "Gallagan" on the label. This case was a claim to recover money from Henry Gabel that was followed by a foreclosure case, "William Koppi vs Henry and Victoria Gabel, Frank Cornelius and Catharine Galagan." Copies of this case are included in the file.
Box   34
Galagan, James F. and Mary v. Legate, Thomas C., dec, et al., 1912 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Thomas Wood, Fred Voiland, and unknown heirs of.
Box   G
Galagan, Patrick v. Nichols Shepard Company, 1880 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   37
Gale, Daniel W. v. Fassett, John S., et al., 1860 February
Note: Foreclosure. Fassett is spelled "Fawcette" on the label. Litigant 2: Elizabeth Fassett, Stephen S. and Arabella L. Reed, George B. Spencer, and J.B. Kimball.
Box   46
Galena Iron Works Co. v. Reich Mining Company, 1910 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Jacob Boland, M.B. Ross, H.W. Canfield, Arthur V. Severman, John O. McClintock, and J.A. Radle.
Box   42
Galena Iron Works Company v. New Century Mining Co., et al., 1908 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Century Mining Company, Anthony Bainbridge, Phoebe Kearns, and John Wilkinson.
Box   42
Galena Iron Works Company v. Midway Mining Company, 1908 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   19
Galena Iron Works Company v. Bureau Mining Company, 1909 April
Note: Contract Violation.
Box   41
Galena Iron Works Company v. Corr Mining Company, et al., 1910 August
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: M.J. Ward.
Box   24
Galena Iron Works Company v. Dall Lead & Zinc Company, 1911 March
Note: Mechanics Lien. Litigant 2: James O. Laird and Margaret Dall.
Box   40
Galena Iron Works Company v. Iron River Leasing Company, 1911 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   G
Galena National Bank v. Burke, William and Mary, 1897 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   41
Galena National Bank v. Nicholas, James and James, Sr., 1898 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   40
Gallagan, Bridget v. Gallagan, Christopher, 1882 June
Note: Divorce. Case was dismissed.
Box   42
Gallagan, John, et al. v. Gallagan, Thomas, 1910 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Gallagan is spelled "Galagan" on the label. Litigant 1: Mary Gallagan, John and Mamie McConnell, Bridget Gallagan, Catharine McGuire, and Bessie Strickland. Litigant 2: Mary Gallagan, Mary and Evelyn Murphy, and Theordore Henry.
Box   42
Gallagher, Bridget, Ex Parte, 1911 June
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   40
Gallagher, Hugh J. v. Armstrong, James, et al., 1885 February
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Ellen Staber, Mary, John and Marcella Armstrong.
Box   G14
Gallagher, James v. Hall, William C., 1878 February
Note: Replevin.
Box   G13
Gallagher, Michael v. Vandergrift, A.J., 1859 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Vandergrift is also spelled "Vandegrift" and "Vanderift" on label.
Box   G13
Gallagher, Michael v. Lafayette County, 1859 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   42
Gallagher, P.F. v. Hynes, Jane and Peter, 1911 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   39
Gallagher, Patrick, et al. v. Ziegenfuss, Joachin, 1873 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John Snyder as administrator for John Ziegenfuss, deceased.
Box   41
Gallagher, Patrick, Jr. v. Gallagher, John and Patrick Sr., 1890 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   37
Gallagher, William v. Dougherty, Patrick and Alice, 1871 December
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   19
Galligan, James F. v. Dall Lead & Zinc Co., 1910 October
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of John Staver, deceased. Type of case: Other - could not determine type of case from documents. Box contains Notice of and Undertaking on Appeal to the Supreme Court of the State of Wisconsin.
Box   38
Galusha, J.B. v. Soul, John R., 1864 October
Note: Other. Damaged label. Type of case: Other - Unknown -- "Satisfaction of Judgment" is the only document in the file.
Box   38
Garber, William v. Miles, John T., 1866 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Case was held in Justice Court before John W. Selby.
Box   G14
Garden & Miles v. Miles, D.R., 1877 September
Note: Replevin.
Box   39
Garden, William A., et al. v. Roberts, Hannah, et al., 1878 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Orrin E. Minor, doing business under the firm name of Garden & Minor. Litgant 2: Robert and Ella Roberts Thomas, Mary and Jane Roberts, Ann and John Eckerson.
Box   37
Gardiner, Daniel D. v. Hanscom, Joshua and Sarah, 1862 March
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   39
Gardiner, David D. v. Hanscom, Joshua, 1860 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   41
Gardner, Christopher v. Stratton, L.W., 1895 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   G13
Gardner, D.E. v. Miner, O.E., 1896 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   32
Gardner, D.J. v. Smearbo, Mary Ann, 1916 January
Note: Probate. Litigant 1: Executor of the estate of Lawrence Smearbo, deceased. Case was appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   G14
Garland, John v. Williams, Elias E., 1878 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   G13
Garlinger, Henry v. Richardson, Jerome, 1849 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   42
Garlock Packing Company v. Brown & Croft Mining Company, 1908 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   38
Garner, Albert J. v. Andrews, S.H., 1861 September
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for destruction of apple tree nursery and other crops and land caused by Andrews' cattle.
Box   41
Garvey, Barbara, Ex Parte, 1895 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: By John Bray, her general guardian.
Box   41
Garvey, Barbara, Ex Parte, 1898 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: By John Bray, her general guardian.
Box   37
Garvie, James v. Garvie, Barbara, 1858 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   37
Gates, E.A. v. Phelps, A.D., 1854 March
Note: Replevin.
Box   G13
Gates, J.B. v. Tuttle, E.W., et al., 1858 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Daniel G. Tuttle.
Box   39
Gates, Zebediah v. Ladd, Louisa M., et al., 1855 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Widow of Azel P. Ladd, deceased, Andrew R., Frank W., George R., and William P. Ladd.
Box   40
Gavigan, John, Jr. and Joe, Ex Parte, 1890 November
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   42
Gavin, Ellen v. Martin, Susan, 1909 May
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   G
Gavin, John v. Kearns, Bridget, 1890 May
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   38
Gaylord, M.M., et al. v. VanOsdell, Henry E. and Mary E., 1871 April
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Samuel C. Comstock.
Box   38
Geasland, Joseph, et al. v. Phillips, Allen, 1847 July
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: Richard Geasland and Joseph Ashley.
Box   G13
Geasland, Joseph, et al. v. Phillips, Allen, 1847 July
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: Richard Geasland, William Williams, and Joseph Ashby.
Box   G13
Geasland, Joseph, et al. v. Blacklock, Jacob, 1847 September
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: Elizabeth Geasland and Joseph Ashby. Type of case: Damages - for converting value of lead ore to defendant's own use.
Box   37
Gegan, John v. Gegan, Sarah, 1857 January
Note: Divorce.
Box   42
Geiser, Albert v. McQuaid, Patrick F., 1901 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   40
Gelling, Hannah v. Lowe, John and Margaret, 1887 November
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   41
Gelling, John Richard, et al., Ex Parte, 1894 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: William Eugene and Earnest Basil Gelling.
Box   G13
Gentry, James H. v. Wright, Owen, 1849 February
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for assault causing injuries.
Box   15
George, Elizabeth v. Carr, Benjamin/Heirs of, 1861 November
Note: Other. Type of Case: "In the matter of the proof of the last will and testament of Benjamin Carr, deceased."
Box   41
George, Henry v. Meloy, Edward, 1900 August
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   14
George, James v. Bennett, John W., 1860 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Executer of the last will and testament of Hiram A. Pitts, deceased. Litigant 2: Charles F. Goode.
Box   38
George, James v. Williams, Edward Jr., 1860 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant1: Executor of the last will and testament of Hiram A. Pitts, deceased. Litigant 2: Jessie Blackbourn.
Box   38
George, James v. Hovey, Amos W., et al., 1863 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Executor of the last will and testament of Hiram A. Pitts, deceased. Litigant 2: Wallace A. Scofield.
Box   G13
George, James v. Hatfield, Robert, 1866 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: executor of the last will and testament of Hiram A. Pitts, deceased.
Box   40
Germain, Adaline v. Germain, Harry D., 1891 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   41
German Insurance Company v. McGinley, John F., et al., 1897 October
Note: Other. Litigant 2: John Meehan, Henry, Elisha, and Viva Nichols, Henrietta King, and Ellen Sims. Type of case: Other - Embezzlement.
Box   15
German M.E. Church, Ex Parte, 1873 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: German Methodist Episcopal Church at Churchville in the town of Seymour. Trustees: Charles Staber and C.H. Kleberger.
Box   19
Gibbon, Stephen v. Harms, John and Louis, 1902 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Type of Case: The documents in this box include the summons and complaint, but the rest of the documents deal with the demand for change of place of the trial.
Box   G13
Gibbons, James v. Trenary, Richard, et al., 1896 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Joseph Schultz.
Box   39
Gibson, Adam W., Ex Parte, 1850 March
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   38
Gibson, Henry v. Dixon, Philo B., 1848 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   41
Gibson, LeRoy, Ex Parte, 1900 December
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   40
Gibson, Thomas K. v. Buchan, Joseph, et al., 1888 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Administrator of the estate of Peter S. Pedelty, deceased, Eleanor Pedelty, widow, William, Joseph, Margaret, John, George, Peter, Rachel, and James Pedelty; Catherine and Ralph Miller; Nannie and Thomas Nattrass; John, Edward, Thomas, James, William, and Barbara Herd; Mary A. and Peter Rigby; Rachael Broughton; Jane Halstead; John, Joseph, and Francis Taylor; Jennie and Thomas Daykin; and Robert and Mary A. Waygate.
Box   41
Gibson, Thomas K., Ex Parte, 1898 September
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   37
Gierhart, Naomi v. Gierhart, Jonas H., 1871 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   42
Gierhart, R.E. v. Gilmore, R.J., 1903 March
Note: Contract Violation.
Box   42
Gierhart, Ralph E., et al. v. Olson, Ole E., 1906 April
Note: Contract Violation. Litigant 1: George Sargent.
Box   39
Gilbert, Joseph, Ex Parte, 1878 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Deceased, John and Priscilla Gilbert, infant heirs; Betsy Gilbert, wife, mother, and special guardian.
Box   42
Gilbertson, Ole v. Uren, M.B., 1902 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - For injuries suffered by Uren's false, malicious, and defamatory words regarding some missing hogs.
Box   40
Gilbertson, Ole and Sophia v. DeMuth, Peter K., et al., 1891 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Magaret DeMuth, Henry and Margaret Mill, and Burke Fairchild.
Box   14
Giles, Charles L. v. Scofield, Julia, et al., 1864 March
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Marvin Scofield, heir at law of John R. Scofield, deceased.
Box   M26
Giles, John v. Bonanze Mining Company, 1893 December
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   G14
Gilham, James S., Ex Parte, 1873 December
Note: Type of case: Other - approved application to be admitted and licensed to practice law.
Box   38
Gill, Catharine v. Gill, William, 1860 December
Note: Divorce.
Box   G13
Gill, Francis v. March, William, 1859 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   G
Gill, Frank D. v. Gill, Richard B., 1896 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   G14
Gill, Thomas v. Hoskins Mining Company, et al., 1904 December
Note: Fraud. Litigant 2: Philo A. Orton, William Buchan, Frank R. Nicholson, D. Schreiter, as administrator of the estate of James Hoskins, deceased, C.F. Osborn, William Bell, T.J. Froggatt, J.J. Williams, E.E. Blondell, W.G. Barrett, R. Barett, M.E. Coltman, and J.W. Hird.
Box   42
Gille, Lewis v. Moore Mining Company, 1911 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   37
Gillett, Benoni R. v. Ward, James, 1847 September
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   38
Gillett, Benoni R., Ex Parte, 1858 April
Note: Probate. Index of Probate Court ordering administrators to pay over certain moneys affirmed.
Box   38
Gillett, Daniel W. v. Priestly, Charles, 1870 June
Note: Damages/Theft. Damaged label. Type of case: Damages - for destruction of property and crops caused by Prietly's cattle and horses.
Box   38
Gillett, Daniel W. v. Williams, John K., 1871 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: Son of Philo Gillett, deceased. Type of case: Damages - for the mishandling of the bond that was for the faithful performance of the duties of the Philo Gillett trust.
Box   39
Gillett, Henry M. v. Gillett, Benoni R., 1855 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Box #2. Litigant 2: Deceased, estate of. Appeal from Probate Court.
Box   37
Gillett, Orlin H. v. Wright, George, 1848 June
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of B. R. Gillett, deceased.
Box   37
Gillett, Orlin H. v. Robbins, James, et al., 1850 April
Note: Trespassing. Litigant 1: "Administrator of all and singular the goods, chattels, and credits which were of Benoni R. Gillett, deceased." Litigant 2: William W. Gillett.
Box   39
Gillett, Orlin H. v. Gillett, Philo, 1857 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Box #1. Litigant 2: Administrator de bonis non of the estate of Benoni R. Gillett, deceased. Appeal from Probate Court.
Box   G13
Gillett, Orlin H. v. Gillett, Daniel W., 1868 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   37
Gillett, Philo v. Coopenhaver, Benjamin F., 1847 October
Note: Type of case: Other - Trover--for the misappropriation of money. An attempt by Gillett to recover 3 gold coins.
Box   37
Gillett, Philo v. Myers, John, 1848 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Myers is misspelled as "Meyers" on the label.
Box   37
Gillett, Philo v. Gillett, William W., 1858 April
Note: Probate. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of B.R. Gillett, deceased.
Box   38
Gillett, Philo v. Gillett, Benoni, 1858 December
Note: Probate. Litigant 2: Deceased, estate of.
Box   39
Gillett, Philo v. Gillett, William, 1858 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Box #2. Litigant 1: Administrator de bonis non of the estate of Benoni R. Gillett. Appeal from Probate Court.
Box   39
Gillett, W.W. v. Galena & Southern Wisconsin, 1877 November
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 2: Rail Road Company. Type of case: Damages - for company's neglect to construct fences, cattle guards, and put in farm crossings.
Box   37
Gillett, William v. Treganza, James, et al., 1855 February
Note: Contract Violation. Litigant 2: Harry Simmons.
Box   38
Gillett, William W. v. Moor, Thadeous, 1848 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   38
Gillett, William W. v. Gillett, Philo, 1854 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   37
Gillett, William W. v. Treganza, James, et al., 1855 April
Note: Eviction. Litigant 2: Henry Simmons. Treganza and Simmons were committed to and confined in the Iowa County Jail for six months for violation of order restraining waste on the land they were evicted from.
Box   38
Gillett, William W. v. McCaffrey, John, et al., 1855 December
Note: Eviction. Litigant 2: Thomas McCaffrey and Roman Gancher.
Box   38
Gillett, William W. v. Treganza, James, et al., 1860 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Henry Simmons.
Box   38
Gillett, William W. v. Gillett, Philo, et al., 1860 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Orlin H. and Henry M. Gillett.
Box   37
Gillett, William W. v. Gillett, Philo, 1860 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Administrator de bonis non of the estate of Benoni R. Gillette.
Box   38
Gillett, William W. v. Gillett, Philo, 1861 April
Note: Probate.
Box   39
Gillett, William W. v. Mills, Gabriel, 1863 June
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   G13
Gillett, William W. v. Cox, Daniel, et al., 1863 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: William Cox and William Allen.
Box   40
Gillett, William W. v. Hardy, Samuel and Anne, 1879 May
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   39
Gillette, D.W. v. Roberts, Richard, 1879 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   41
Gillette, D.W. v. Scales, Samuel H., 1895 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. This was an appeal.
Box   30
Gillette, Irene H. v. Hamlen, Gustavus, et al., 1918 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: John F. Hamlen, Orlin H. Gillette, and the Rowley Mining Company.
Box   G13
Gillette, Philo v. March, William, 1847 June
Note: Replevin.
Box   G13
Gillette, William W. v. Moore, Thaddeus, 1848 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   G13
Gillette, Benoni R. v. Berryman, Charles, et al., 1847 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: James Tregloane, Richard Thomas and Cathbert Bowden.
Box   G13
Gilman, Frederick, et al. v. Scheel, Henry, 1856 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Gilman is spelled "Gillman" on some documents. Litigant 1: Charles Gilman and Jacob Spielman.
Box   G
Gilson, Alfred v. Gilson, Edward, 1853 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   37
Gilson, Edward v. Gilson, Alfred, 1853 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   40
Ginn, James B., et al. v. Dixon, John G., et al., 1883 October
Note: Mechanics Lien. Litigant 1: C.W. Lemont. Litigant 2: James M. Dain.
Box   G14
Girardin, Louis v. Fitzpatrick, Patrick, 1873 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   38
Girton, Calvin W. v. Jenkins, Ezariah, 1856 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   37
Girton, Calvin W. v. Huntington, William H., 1857 September
Note: Replevin. Girton is misspelled as "Gerton" on the label.
Box   37
Givens, Charles H. v. Burris, Martin V., 1860 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Givens is misspelled as "Girern" on the label.
Box   40
Glasser, Daniel, et al. v. Prouty, J. and L.D., 1890 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Charles H. Bradley, partners under the firm name of Glasser and Bradley.
Box   40
Glasson, Lavinia v. Glasson, John, 1889 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   30
Glazier, Janette v. Lininger, Marion, 1917 January
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - Indecent assault and rape.
Box   34
Glazier, Janette v. Lininger, Marion, 1917 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - raped by brother.
Box   39
Gleason, Thomas v. Connelly, Francis, 1876 August
Note: Contract Violation.
Box   37
Gleason, Thomas v. Gleason, Catharine, 1876 December
Note: Divorce.
Box   39
Gleason, Thomas v. Connelly, Francis, 1877 June
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   40
Gleason, Thomas v. Stockwell, Isaac, 1880 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   G14
Glendinning, George v. Murray, Bridget and John, 1878 May
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label.
Box   G14
Glennon, Walter v. Collins, W.E., 1899 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Administrator of the estate of Mary Glennon, deceased.
Box   41
Glennon, Walter, Ex Parte, 1911 January
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   38
Glidden, Willard L. v. Hughes, Benjamin W., 1855 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Glidden is misspelled as "Gliddon" on the label.
Box   18
Glindinning, B.C., et al. v. Glindinning, John H., deceased, 1911 April
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Glindinning, George W. and Sarah, and Margaret Peavey. Type of Case: Other - Claims against the estate of John H. Glindinning for services and work performed for him during his final months of life.
Box   41
Glindinning, George v. Andrews, Amelia, 1893 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: William Andrews; Sampson, Simon, Frank, James, and Mary Cullen; Hannah M. and Jacob J. Malter; Mary C. and T. S. Nethery; George W., Bessie A., and Emma A. Glindinning; Richard Burke and James Murley.
Box   42
Glindinning, George, Ex Parte, 1905 November
Note: Discharge Mort. Box is labeled "Glindinning, Walton." The mortgage was to William Walton.
Box   40
Glindinning, Minnie, et al., Ex Parte, 1885 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Robert, Susan, Roscoe C., and Maud Glindinning, and heirs at law of Robert Glindinning, deceased.
Box   G13
Glines, Joseph, et al. v. Campbell, Robert E., 1847 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Caleb Potwine, Anthony Dunegan, and Charles H. Cox.
Box   G
Glover, H.B., Company v. Wright, W.W., et al., 1898 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: John Wright formerly doing business under the firm name of W.W. Wright & Son.
Box   38
Gochey, Roman v. Gochey, Lucinda, 1866 January
Note: Divorce.
Box   G14
Goddard, James E. v. Bugh, Sam G., 1855 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   42
Godfrey, Francis v. Tribien, William, 1900 March
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   G14
Godfrey, William v. Johnston, William, 1906 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   42
Goebel, Lizzie v. Goebel, Peter, 1902 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   39
Goldworthy, Colan v. Mappes, Charles, 1872 May
Note: Mechanics Lien. The lien was against the Saint Charles Hotel in Belmont.
Box   27
Golliner, Fred v. Mineral Point Zinc Company, 1917 February
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - Damages to pasture, crops, and livestock as a result of pollution from the Mineral Point Zinc Company.
Box   38
Goninan, Matthew v. Faucett, John, et al., 1866 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Hannah Faucett and Margaret Metcalf.
Box   38
Goninan, Matthew v. Stephenson, George and Margaret, 1867 September
Note: Fraud. Case was appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   G13
Goode, Charles v. Wright, John, 1874 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   37
Goode, Richard v. Ballard, Henry, 1859 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. No attorneys for this case -- "prosecuted and defended in their individual character" before a Justice of the Peace.
Box   40
Goodfellow, Calvin, Ex Parte, 1881 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Type of case: Application for discharge of Calvin Goodfellow, an insolvent debtor.
Box   G13
Goodman, Henry v. Jerman, E.W., 1857 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   42
Goodman, James v. McDonnell, M.E., 1909 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   41
Goodmanson, Lewis, Ex Parte, 1898 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: General guardian of Gilbert Goodmanson, an insane person.
Box   37
Goodwin, William H., et al. v. Myers, R.H., 1848 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Myers is misspelled as "Meyers" on the label. Litigant 1: Caleb Goodwin and Jeffrey F. Halsey partners under the firm name of J.F. Halsey & Company.
Box   39
Gordon, Alexander v. Gordon, Margaret, 1864 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   41
Gordon, Ella A. v. Gordon, Orpheus L., 1897 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   I19
Gordon, I.L. v. N/A, 1896 January
Note: Bankruptcy. Litigant 1: In Re Assignment of. Proof of debt documents.
Box   I19
Gordon, I.L. v. N/A, 1896 January
Note: Bankruptcy. Litigant 1: In Re Assignment of. Proof of debt documents.
Box   I19
Gordon, I.L. v. N/A, 1896 January
Note: Bankruptcy. Litigant 1: In Re Assignment of. Proof of debt documents.
Box   42
Gordon, J. Roy v. Town of Fayette, 1912 April
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of Case: Damages - Damages on account of an alleged defect in the highway causing automobile to overturn resulting in damages to Gordon's automobile.
Box   G
Gore, Otto S. v. Proctor, George, 1883 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   29
Gorgen, John v. Mineral Point Zinc Company, 1916 August
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - For the company's wrongfully and unlawfully operation of their plant resulting in pollution and contamination damaging to Gorgen's stream.
Box   G13
Gorham, James H., et al. v. Strong, Moses M., 1849 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: George W. Hammett and William M. Gorham.
Box   G13
Gorman, John v. Webb, Sampson, 1859 March
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - done by cattle to grain.
Box   41
Gough, Peter T., Ex Parte, 1910 February
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   G13
Gould, Cornelius v. Webster, Samuel and Polly, 1867 July
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   38
Gould, M.L. v. Rankin, Hibbard, 1869 September
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - could not determine as file does not contain a complaint.
Box   39
Goy, William v. Goy, Alice, 1879 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   G13
Grace, John v. Champion, Robert H., 1867 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   41
Graff, Paul v. Tresner, George and Fred J., 1900 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   G14
Graham, Alexander v. Woodbury, Adrian, et al., 1865 August
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Albert Woodbury, minor heirs of Nathan and Lacy Woodbury, deceased.
Box   42
Graham, Catharine v. Graham, Richard, 1901 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   41
Graham, John, Ex Parte, 1910 December
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   39
Graham, William v. Shears, David J., et al., 1878 December
Note: Other. Litigant 2: Ruth, Louis P., Agnes and Emil E. Shears. Type of case: Other - Injunctional order. Case dismissed.
Box   42
Grannis, A.W. v. Pine Tree Mining Co., et al., 1908 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Benton Land & Mining Company, Miners' National Bank of Ishpeming, Michigan, and Charles Eustice and John Jenkyns, co-partners doing business under the firm name of Eustice & Jenkyns.
Box   42
Grant, John v. Law, Wilson, 1869 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. This case involved a large sum of money - $40,000 and was appealed to the State Supreme Court.
Box   G13
Grant, Robert v. Parkinson, Peter, et al., 1860 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: William S. Duff.
Box   38
Grary, Hamilton H. v. McCoy, John, et al., 1863 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Elizabeth McCoy and Eber C. and Anna Budlong.
Box   42
Gratiot Town Clerk v. Jarvis, Alvah/Henkle, August, 1907 November
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Lewis Burmeister. Type of case: Other - Writ of Certiorari.
Box   G14
Gratiot, C.C. v. Lafayette County, 1891 April
Note: Other. Type of Case: Other - to appeal the disallowance of a claim for services by the county board.
Box   131
Gratiot, C.C. v. Peasley, Elbert, 1922 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   41
Gratiot, C.C. v. Walsh, Thomas, et al., 1898 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: As administrator de bonis non of the estate of William March, deceased. Litigant 2: Elizabeth Walsh, Thomas J. and Josephine M. Law, George W. Douglas, Fannie Bermingham, Kate C. Montgomery, and Thomas Jewell.
Box   38
Gratiot, C.H., et al. v. Mineral Point Rail Road Co., 1856 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Ann C. Gratiot and Beri W. Tuttle. Type of case: Land/Real Estate - dispute regarding bridge over Mill Pond at Gratiot.
Box   29
Gratiot, Charles C. v. Hodgson, George, 1917 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   G13
Gratiot, Edward H. v. Mitchell, William, et al., 1868 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Elizabeth Mitchell, Michael A. Fox, and Thomas McNulty.
Box   38
Gratiot, Edward H. v. Blakely, Frances and Oscar, 1869 April
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   38
Gratiot, Edward H. v. Rowland, Evan, et al., 1870 December
Note: Mechanics Lien. Litigant 2: Edwin Johnson.
Box   38
Gratiot, Edward H. v. Barron, James, et al., 1871 July
Note: Mechanics Lien. Litigant 2: Edwin Johnson.
Box   37
Gratiot, Edward H. v. Rodgers, George E., 1871 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   37
Gratiot, Edward H. v. Wolentz, Wenzel, 1871 September
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   39
Gratiot, Edward H. v. Evans, G.D., et al., 1877 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: William Jones, partners doing business under the firm name of Evans and Jones.
Box   39
Gratiot, Edward H., Ex Parte, 1849 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: In behalf of Stephen H. and Eliza H. Gratiot and William Henry Child, infants.
Box   38
Gratiot, Henry v. Roberts, Rosanna, 1857 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Widow of John Roberts.
Box   G14
Gratiot, Town of v. Slothower, Ed C., et al., 1871 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: S. G. Bragg.
Box   G13
Gratiot, Town of v. O'Donnell, Neil, et al., 1890 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Henry Gille, Rudy Busch, and Patrick Brannan.
Box   40
Gray Brothers v. Jenkins, James, 1877 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. The only document in the file is an "order of confirmation" so the information is incomplete.
Box   38
Gray, Ansley, et al., Ex Parte, 1871 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Lillie and Henry Gray by Hamilton H. Gray.
Box   G13
Gray, Francis D., et al. v. Sheckler, Levi, 1869 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Moses M. Gray and George Phelps doing business under the firm name of Gray Bros. & Phelps.
Box   39
Gray, H.H., Ex Parte, 1868 December
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   42
Gray, H.H., et al., Ex Parte, 1880 August
Note: Discharge Mort. Litigant 1: P.A. Orton, executors of the last will and testament of William M. Newcomb.
Box   37
Gray, Hamilton v. Wolscott, Oliver S., 1860 December
Note: Foreclosure. Wolscott is spelled, "Woolscott" on the label and "Wolcott" on the mortgage document.
Box   G13
Gray, Hamilton H. v. King, Charles B., et al., 1858 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Sarah Parkison, executor and executrix of the last will and testament of William Parkison, deceased.
Box   37
Gray, Hamilton H. v. Elphick, Robert and Emeline E., 1864 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   37
Gray, Hamilton H. v. Taylor, John, et al., 1871 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Unknown heirs of Oswald Claig, deceased.
Box   37
Gray, Hamilton H. v. Watson, Andrew, et al., 1871 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: John Parsons, Henry W. Strolen, and John Harcourt.
Box   G13
Gray, Hamilton H. v. Schneider, John, 1873 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   40
Gray, Hamilton H. v. Thompson, Nelson J. and Ellen C., 1874 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   39
Gray, Hamilton H. v. Murphy, Margaret, et al., 1878 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Widow of Patrick Murphy, deceased; Jeremiah, Edward, Julia Ann, Patrick, Hannah, Margaret, John, and Cornelius Murphy.
Box   42
Gray, J.J. v. Rowley Mining Company, 1905 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   34
Gray, J.J. v. Rowley Mining Company, 1907 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   37
Gray, James B. v. Cutting, Chancey, 1851 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Documents for Gray vs. Cutting in three separate boxes.
Box   37
Gray, James B. v. Cutting, Chancey Z., 1851 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Documents for Gray vs. Cutting in three separate boxes.
Box   37
Gray, James B. v. Cutting, Chancey, 1851 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Documents for Gray vs. Cutting in three separate boxes.
Box   G14
Gray, John v. Meloy, Peter C., 1853 September
Note: Replevin.
Box   38
Gray, John, M.D. v. Gorman, Henry E., 1847 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   G14
Gray, R.W., et al. v. McDermid, F., et al., 1851 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Thomas Davey. Litigant 2: H.A. Merrill.
Box   40
Gray, Samuel v. Bainbridge, Thomas, et al., 1882 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Gertrude Wiseman and William Robson, guardian of the heirs of Reuben Robson, deceased.
Box   41
Gray, Samuel and Martha v. Hawley, Robert and Theresa, 1911 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   38
Gray, Socrates v. Evans, Thomas E., 1855 September
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - "for contriving and wrongfully and unjustly intending to injure the said Gray and to deprive him of the service and assistance of Mary Jane Gray, daughter and servant." Mary Jane Gray was 17 and became pregnant.
Box   37
Gray, Socrates v. Quimby, Selden, 1856 September
Note: Type of case: Other - Unknown. Could not determine type of case. The box contains only documents related to an appeal.
Box   G13
Gray, Socrates v. Smith, David H., 1857 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   G13
Gray, Socrates v. Smith, David H., 1858 October
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   37
Green, E. Thomas v. Griffin, John, 1861 August
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages -- resulting from hogs destroying fence and crops.
Box   40
Green, Mammie E. v. Warren, D.W., et al., 1890 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: W. Barnes, Siddie H. and Joseph Lovelace.
Box   41
Green, Rachael, et al. v. Cragg, Robert and Angeline, 1896 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Elisha Nichols, as executor of the last will and testament of Richard Nichols, deceased, Adaline Thompson, and The First National Bank of Darlington.
Box   41
Greene, Rachel v. Helman, August M., et al., 1895 March
Note: Foreclosure. Helman is spelled "Hellman" on the label and on some documents. Litigant 2: Minnie Helman, Bert and Elde Shockley.
Box   41
Greene, Rachel v. Johnson, Gust, et al., 1897 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Z.B. Greene and Michael Conley.
Box   41
Greene, Rachel v. Johnson, John A. and Bertha, 1900 January
Note: Foreclosure. Greene is spelled "Green" on the label.
Box   G14
Greensfelder, Isaac, et al. v. Brown, Richard H., 1879 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Rudolph Rosenthal and Sigmund Florshiem.
Box   G13
Greensfelder, Isaac, et al. v. Burretts, John E., 1893 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Nathan Greensfelder, Sigmund Florsheim, and Milton S. Florsheim.
Box   38
Gregan, John v. Gregan, Sarah, 1857 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   42
Gregory, Amelia v. Gregory, Roy, 1906 July
Note: Divorce.
Box   M31
Gregory, J.H. v. Eldridge, S.W., et al., 1884 March
Note: Garnishing. Litigant 2: J.L. Hardy, garnishee.
Box   G13
Gregory, Jared C., et al. v. Morgan, Enoch, 1874 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Silas U. Pinney.
Box   24
Grell, Minnie v. Sullivan, Ann, et al., 1915 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Margaret Looney, John Sullivan, Nellie Froggat, Anna Morgan, Pearl McCarthy, William and Grace Sullivan, Joseph and Etta Looney, and School District Number Three in the Town of New Diggings.
Box   38
Gridley, George v. Bigley, Alexander, 1854 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   39
Grieves, John v. Stephens, William, et al., 1877 November
Note: Foreclosure. Grieves is misspelled as "Greives" on the label. Litigant 2: Catharine, Alexander, Mary Ann, Samuel, and Mariana Stephens; Thomas Bainbridge, and William Robson.
Box   39
Grieves, John v. Stephens, William, et al., 1877 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Catharine, Alexander, Mary Ann, Samuel, and Mariana Stephens; Thomas Bainbridge and William Robson.
Box   40
Grieves, John, et al. v. Kinch, James, et al., 1888 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Thomas Robson and Matthew Murphy. Litigant 2: John Keigan.
Box   G13
Griffin, John v. Eagan, Thomas, 1847 September
Note: Slander/Libel.
Box   G13
Griffin, John v. Simmons, Gilbert P., et al., 1849 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Samuel Rickert.
Box   38
Griffin, John v. Sanger, L.P., et al., 1849 September
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 2: John Frink and Martin Walker. Type of case: Damages - Sanger, et al. drove his stage coach forcibly and with great violence into Griffin's buggy throwing him out of the wagon and causing injury, loss of wagon, and frightening off his horses.
Box   38
Griffin, John v. Cottle, Martial/ Rock, James, 1850 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   37
Griffin, John v. Langford, Joseph, 1860 June
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages -- for great waste, spoil, and destruction to and upon said premises by cutting down the trees standing upon the tract of land they jointly owned lessening the value of the land.
Box   38
Griffin, John, et al., Ex Parte, 1859 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Charles Brockway, Augustus Estey, Edward Beebe, Thomas Beebe, and Thomas Foster, executors of the estate of William Hempstead, deceased. A petition to vacate Griffin, Ryan and Meads' Addition to the village of Shullsburg.
Box   40
Grinsell, Daniel, et al, Ex Parte, 1883 November
Note: Discharge Mort. Litigant 1: Edward Grinsell to John Grinsell, deceased.
Box   37
Grinsill, Edward v. Grinsill, Daniel, 1859 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Grinsill is misspelled as " Grisell" on the label.
Box   42
Griswold Browning & Co. v. Miller, C.G. and John B., 1902 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   G13
Gross, Daniel F. v. Houghtaling, Joseph, 1875 June
Note: Replevin. Houghtaling is misspelled as "Houghtating" on the label.
Box   41
Gross, Sarah Jane v. Gross, Daniel F., 1895 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   G14
Groucher, Henry B., et al. v. Hutchinson, Joseph, 1872 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John Porter.
Box   39
Grourholz, Marguarita v. Grourholz, Deidrick, 1878 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   38
Groves, George A. v. Ellery, James, 1868 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Groves is misspelled as "Grove" on the label.
Box   24
Gugerty, George W. v. Gugerty, Viola, 1912 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   G13
Gunand, Justin L. v. Enloe, James, et al., 1899 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: O.E. Minor and William A. Garden doing business under the firm name of Garden & Minor.
Box   38
Gunderson, Asle v. Olson, Elling and Elsa, 1874 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   42
Gunderson, Ole, et al. v. Regez, Ernest, 1904 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: R. Jackson, N.J. Nelson, Mrs. H. Johnson and John O. Johnson, co-partners doing business under the firm name of Gunderson Cheese Company.
Box   40
Gundry, Joseph v. Leddy, Edward H., et al., 1894 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary and John S. Leddy.
Box   41
Gundry, Joseph v. Cragg, Joseph, et al., 1896 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary M. Cragg, Charles Andrews, John B. Roy, A.C. Martin, and Z.B. Greene.
Box   40
Gundry, Joseph, et al. v. Foley, James and Ann C., 1880 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: John Dailey.
Box   38
Gundy, Joseph v. Earnest, James H., et al., 1867 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Mary Elizabeth Earnest.
Box   40
Gust, Bertha Albertina v. Gust, Robert, 1891 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   37
Guthrie, Samuel v. Andrews, Anthony and Elizabeth, 1847 September
Note: Damages/Theft. Only Summons and one other document in box. Type of case: Damages - $1000.00 "Trespass on the case upon promises."
Box   G14
Gutzmer, Lizzie v. Tessendorf, Amos, 1906 May
Note: Slander/Libel. Litigant 1: an infant, who sues by William Gutzmer, guardian ad litem.
Box   42
Guy, Hannah J. v. Guy, Elmer, 1906 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   39
Guy, Henry v. Boyle, James and Margaret, 1878 December
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   G
Guy, Tabitha v. Waistell, Thomas, et al., 1853 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Henry and Robinson Waistell.
Box   50
Hackett, George O. and Catherine, Ex Parte, 1914 July
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   44
Hade, John v. O'Toole, John, 1851 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   45
Hadfield, John v. Parkinson, Peter, 1872 March
Note: Type of case: Other - insufficient information in the documents to determine.
Box   131
Haffele, Charles C., et al. v. McNulty, Mary A., 1901 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: John L. Haffele, executors of the last will and testament of Christian Haffele, deceased.
Box   47
Haffele, Christian v. McGuigan, Robert, et al., 1886 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Margaret McGuigan, John Meehan, F.J. Busworth, B.B. Hopkins, E.C. Hopkins, L.Z. Farwell, Charles Gillman, F.W. Elich, and E. Dickman.
Box   49
Haffele, Jacob v. Weatherby, Elizabeth M.,et al., 1897 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: J.B. Simpson, John W. Blackstone, James VanDuyn, Andrew Hebenstreit, Fred Vickler, James McHugh, J.M. Crabb, and George Kuelling.
Box   49
Haffele, Jacob v. Tucker, William T.J. and Calista, 1898 May
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   50
Haffele, Jacob v. Meloy, Edward, 1901 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   131
Haffele, Jacob v. Miller, Charles G., et al., 1905 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Elizabeth Miller, M.A. Simpson, and M.A. O'Brien.
Box   46
Haffele, Jacob, et al. v. Naylor, William, 1879 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Franklin Stone, executors of the will of Stephen Blackstone, deceased.
Box   46
Haffele, Jacob, et al. v. Meloy, Edward, 1879 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Franklin Stone, executors of the will of Stephen Blackstone, deceased.
Box   50
Haffele, Oscar C. v. Dutton, Mary H., et al., 1911 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: William H. Bowden, Laura E. and Harriet Parsons, Mary H. Vipond, Lillian Anderson, and Emma Bouffleur.
Box   124
Haffele, Oscar C., et al. v. Taylor, Humphrey, et al., 1920 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Frank J. Mahoney. Litigant 2: Seth W. and Schuyler K. Taylor, Lot Brody, Gilman Learey, John Griffin, and James and Martha J. Harrison.
Box   45
Haffy, Mary v. Haffy, James, 1873 December
Note: Divorce. Haffy is misspelled as "Haffery-Haffrey" on the label.
Box   45
Hagerty, Ellen v. Hagerty, Hugh, 1872 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   50
Hahn, Mary E. v. Doering, Conrad, 1905 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   H16
Hail, Asa v. Lamar, Charles, et al., 1857 April
Note: Other. Lamar is misspelled as "Lamarr" on the label. Litigant 2: John Scales, partners doing business under the firm name of Lamarr & Scales, and S.H. Scales. Type of case: Other - could not determine.
Box   49
Hain, Sabra v. Hain, William M., 1898 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   44
Hale, Ebenezer v. Fairchild, Burk, et al., 1856 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Parker P. Clark and Jonathan H. Ransom.
Box   M26
Hales, Joseph v. Zinc Carbonate Company, 1893 August
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   46
Hall, Ann v. Hall, Robert, 1872 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   45
Hall, Daniel v. Meloy, Edward, et al., 1848 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: William Carlisle.
Box   H18
Hall, Daniel A. v. Meloy, Edward, et al., 1849 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: William Carlisle.
Box   44
Hall, Elbridge G., et al. v. Dick, Caroline, et al., 1859 December
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: William Blair and Seneca D. Kimbark. Litigant 2: Alexander Dick and Stephen V.R. and Harriet Smith.
Box   45
Hall, Elbridge G., et al. v. Knight, James G., et al., 1859 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: William Blair and Seneca D. Kimbark. Litigant 2: Lewis Doty.
Box   44
Hall, Eliza A. v. White, Joseph, et al., 1873 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 2: Thomas J. and Andrew J. White. Type of case: Damages - for water from the Pecatonica River damaging land and property caused by the mill dam that was built by White.
Box   H18
Hall, Eliza H. v. White, Joseph, et al., 1874 July
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 2: Andrew J. and Thomas J. White. Type of case: Damages - to the land caused by the White's dam.
Box   46
Hall, George L., Ex Parte, 1878 December
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   50
Hall, Jennie v. Hall, Bert, 1907 December
Note: Divorce. The only document in the box is the Transcript of Testimony.
Box   45
Hall, William v. Haverty, Daniel, et al., 1859 August
Note: Foreclosure. Haverty is misspelled as "Haverly" on the label. Litigant 2: W.W. Roberts.
Box   F12
Halloran, Edward v. Roach, John, 1877 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   47
Halloran, Edward v. Gratiot, Henry R., 1883 August
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: As administrator of the estate of Thomas Fitzgerald, deceased.
Box   50
Halloran, Edward v. Foley, Jeffrey, 1898 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: As administrator of the estate of Michael Foley, deceased.
Box   47
Hallson, Lewis, Ex Parte, 1885 March
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   44
Halstead, Charles v. Sperry, Alfred W. and Sophorina, 1858 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   50
Hambly, Gertrude v. Hambly, James B., 1902 December
Note: Divorce.
Box   50
Hamburger Company, The v. Smith, Bert, 1912 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   J20
Hamilton, J.P., et al. v. Beecher, Luther, 1867 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Charles B. Jennings.
Box   H18
Hamilton, Jamieson v. Welsh, Peter, 1848 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   43
Hamilton, Jamison v. Hodge, Orrin W., 1855 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   H15
Hamilton, Jamison v. Herrick, Almerin, 1857 January
Note: Contract Violation.
Box   48
Hamm, John H. v. Doman, Thomas J., 1887 October
Note: Replevin. Doman is misspelled as "Daman" on the label.
Box   44
Hammett, George v. Jones, William, 1861 November
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for burning fence lands.
Box   45
Hammett, George v. Jones, Samuel, 1861 November
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   43
Hammett, George, et al. v. Morgan, Enoch, et al., 1861 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Charlotte Hammett, Elizabeth Saunders, Edmund Chadwick, and Elizabeth and James Gorvin. Litigant 2: Joseph White, administrators of the estate of Frederick W.R. Chadwick, deceased.
Box   47
Hamstreet, Carrie King, Ex Parte, 1882 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Adopted daughter and heir of Philip J. and Mary Hamstreet, deceased.
Box   H15
Hamstreet, Jonathan v. McNamara, Patrick, 1863 April
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: Executor of the last will and testament of John Moran, deceased.
Box   50
Hancock, William v. Hall, Jermiah, et al., 1911 October
Note: Discharge Mort. Litigant 2: Jeremiah Hall and unknown heirs of Jermiah Hall, deceased; Daniel Whitney and unknown heirs of Daniel Whitney, deceased; Sarah J. Fox; Emma C. Hayden; Celia, Jane C., Catherine, and Louis McNulty; Charles L., Hulda S., James, Mary, Oswald, Celia, Mary, John, and Albert Ryan; and Catherine Gibbs, heirs of John McNulty.
Box   H16
Hanley, A.G. v. Lawson, Leonard, 1880 November
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: Case is labeled as "Hanley" but the name appears to be "Hawley" on the documents. Type of case: Damages - for failure to deliver cattle as agreed upon.
Box   43
Hannan, William v. Murphy, Matthew, 1855 November
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of Case: Damages - resulting in injury from an assault.
Box   43
Hannan, William v. Welsh, John, 1857 August
Note: Type of case: Other - Two complaints filed by both litigants accusing each other of assault and battery.
Box   43
Hannan, William v. McDonald, Owen, et al., 1861 January
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 2: John McGivern. Type of case: Damages - for converting Hannan's share of grain to McDonald's/McGivern's own use.
Box   43
Hannan, William v. Murphy, William, 1866 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   48
Hannon, John v. Dougherty, John, et al., 1888 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary Dougherty, The Warder, Bushnell and Glessner Company alias Ward, Bushnell & Glessner, David Schreiter, Willliam James, John B. Roy, F.C. Duncan, G.W. Russell, Joseph Blackstone, and The Shullsburg Bank.
Box   48
Hannon, John v. McDonald, William, et al., 1889 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Sarah A. McDonald and James McConnell.
Box   49
Hannon, John v. Doyle, John, et al., 1895 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Kate Doyle and R.H. Driver.
Box   48
Hansen Empire Fur Company v. Farrington, John B., 1888 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   H16
Hansen, C.A. v. Carlson, Andrew, 1881 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Hansen is misspelled as "Hanson" on the label. Carlson is spelled "Karlson" on some documents.
Box   48
Hansen, C.A. v. Johnson, Andrew C., et al., 1893 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Annie Johnson, John W. and Ida Harker, and John Leece, guardian of John W. Harker.
Box   50
Hansen, Carl A. v. Hansen, Sarah J., 1909 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   H18
Hansen, Charles A. v. Phoenix Insurance Company, 1871 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Type of case: claim for fire loss not paid.
Box   49
Hansen, Martia v. Hansen, Martin, 1897 April
Note: Divorce. Hansen is spelled "Hanson" and Martia is spelled "Marthia" and "Martha" on some of the documents.
Box   50
Hanson, Albert v. Jacobson, Jacob, 1901 June
Note: Discharge Mort. George Clementson signed as Judge.
Box   H16
Hanson, Alfred v. Nuss, Hans O., 1878 November
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: Hanson is spelled "Henson" on the documents. Litigant 2: Nuss is misspelled as "Nouse".
Box   H18
Hanson, Peter v. Slothower, David, 1899 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Executor of the will of Nancy M. Dopking, deceased.
Box   45
Hapgood, Charles H., et al. v. Carr, E.W., 1872 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Seth C. Hapgood, George H. Laughton, and John Lane.
Box   H18
Harbridge, William v. Burretts, John E., 1893 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Case 1.
Box   H18
Harbridge, William v. Burrets, John E., 1893 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Case 2.
Box   H18
Hardy, Allen v. Tallman, Joseph, et al., 1871 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: James H. Knowlton.
Box   H18
Hardy, John L. v. Proctor, George, 1883 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   H18
Hardy, John L. v. Northwestern Mutual, 1882 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of Richard Thomas, deceased. Litigant 2: Life Insurance Company.
Box   47
Hardy, Lucinda S., et al. v. Scales, Frank, et al., 1884 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: John L. Hardy; Elizabeth Lamar; Olive and George Proctor; and Annie and Henry Proctor. Litigant 2: Caroline Scales; Samuel H. and Elizabeth Scales; George H. and Anne Field; Francis and Margaret Craig; Moses M. and Caroline F. Strong; W.D. and A.C. Chase; A.M. Robbe; and Elizabeth M. Dunlap.
Box   47
Hardy, Lucinda, et al. v. Scales, Frank & Samuel, et al., 1880 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Elizabeth Lamar. Litigant 2: Executors of the last will of Samuel H. Scales, deceased; and Carrie Scales, wife of Frank Scales; and Elizabeth Scales, wife of Samuel H. Scales; Mahala Scales, widow of Samuel H. Scales, deceased; and Olive and Annie Proctor. Case was appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   46
Hardyman, Richard v. Derrick, Michael, et al., 1879 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: As administrator of the last will of Patrick Thornton, deceased; Ellen, Margaret, John, and Ellen, Jr. Thornton.
Box   M26
Hare, William O. v. Zinc Carbonate Company, 1893 August
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   43
Harker, Amos v. Singles, James, 1858 September
Note: Other. Singles is misspelled as "Shingles on the label." Type of case: Other - Documents pertaining to an alleged error in the adjustment of costs and taxation.
Box   45
Harker, Amos v. Sherbon, John and Anna, 1867 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Sherbon is spelled "Sheirbon" on some of the documents.
Box   H18
Harker, Amos v. Martin, John T., et al., 1869 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Robert H. Martin.
Box   H18
Harker, Amos v. Richards, Richard, 1878 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   50
Harker, Ellen, et al., Ex Parte, 1915 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Emma H. White, Carrie E. Roberts, and Laura E. Perry.
Box   43
Harker, James v. Calvert, Michael, 1850 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   H18
Harker, James v. Calvert, Michael, 1850 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   43
Harker, James v. Allen, Jonathan and Christopher, 1858 August
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for wilfully and maliciously breaking down and destroying a number of apple trees.
Box   43
Harker, James v. Allen, Jonathan, 1858 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   45
Harker, James v. Unknown, 1862 February
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   H16
Harker, Joseph v. Murphy, William, et al., 1872 March
Note: Garnishing. Litigant 2: Timothy Cottingham.
Box   47
Harker, Simon v. Jackson, Joseph and Catharine, 1881 May
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   48
Harker, Simon v. Drees, Gertrude, et al., 1892 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Annie, Catharine, Lena, George, and John Drees, being the widow and children and heirs at law of John Drees, deceased.
Box   49
Harker, Simon v. Flanigan, James and Mary, 1897 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   45
Harker, Simon v. Cosgrove, Patrick, et al., 1872? March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary Cosgrove, Hamilton H. Gray, J.B. Shay, George Caille, L.A. Rhomberg, D. Rhomberg, and Michael McGlinn.
Box   48
Harker, Stewart and Eideth L., Ex Parte, 1884 May
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   43
Harker, William v. Threadgold, Marcella, 1855 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Administrator and Oscar H. Paddock, Administrator of the estate of Robert, John F. and Ann Threadgold by their guardian ad litem, Isaac E. Messmore.
Box   43
Harker, William v. Ryder, Jane, 1868 June
Note: Damages/Theft. All documents were signed by Dennis Murphy, Justice of the Peace. Type of case: Damages - for chickens destroying grass on the Harker property.
Box   47
Harker, William v. Lauterbach, Peter, et al., 1884 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Severin Schulte.
Box   46
Harkins, Charles and John J., Ex Parte, 1877 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Heirs at law of Dennis Harkins, deceased.
Box   47
Harmes, John v. Speth, August, et al., 1882 March
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Administrator of the last will of Cora Kruse, deceased. Litigant 2: Administrator of the estate of Hermann Kruse, deceased; August Kruse, infant son and sole heir of Hermann Kruse.
Box   44
Harmon, Edwin R., et al. v. Hovey, Leyland A., et al., 1860 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: James E. Aiken and Daniel W. Gale. Litigant 2: Alfred and Sarah Hovey; John H. and Mary A. Gear; Orrin, Edward, and James S. Kendell.
Box   46
Harms, Dedrick and John v. Heinen, John and Anna, 1878 November
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label.
Box   124
Harms, James v. Rodgers, Charles H., et al., 1921 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Charles H. and Mary Rogers; Nathan Corwith; James Waterland; Frederick, Eide Frederick, Frank Frederick, Eide Henry, Frank F., and Henry E. Martens; Arthur Bronson; Frederick Bronson and Francis Griffin, as excutors of the last will and testament of Arthur Bronson, deceased; Josiah W. and Margaret A. Davis; E.J. Buck; Maria M., Jennie, Emma M., Jane, Dietrick, John C., Henry H., Dora, Elizabeth, and Lizzie Harms.
Box   48
Harms, John v. Lord, I. Purl, 1893 June
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   49
Harms, John, Maria and Emma, Ex Parte, 1899 December
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   48
Harms, John v. Massey, James H., et al., 1887 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: As surviving partner of the late firm of D. & J. Harms. Litigant 2: Jane Massey; Susan, Percy J., and Lucretia Farar.
Box   124
Harms, Louis A., Ex Parte, 1917 August
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   46
Harper, Simon and Margaret E. v. Stagg, Charles, 1875 April
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   47
Harr, Henry v. Roberts, J.V., et al., 1881 December
Note: Other. Litigant 2: Dolphus Tyler, William Roberts, and Charles E. Smith. Type of case: Other - unknown - only document in the file is change of venue. Place of trial changed from Lafayette to Green County.
Box   H18
Harr, Henry v. Dunn, Michael, 1896 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   49
Harrington, Bessie, Ex Parte, 1900 September
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   45
Harris, Amelia, et al. v. Meloy, Peter, 1865 April
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Lavinia Hoskins. Type of case: Other - to recover rent received by their tenant (Meloy) in common.
Box   47
Harris, Harvey F., Ex Parte, 1883 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Child and heir of Lott Harris, deceased.
Box   46
Harris, Henry L. and Harvey F., Ex Parte, 1881 January
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   46
Harris, Isabel v. Harris, George D., 1876 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   H18
Harris, J.N. v. Samson, Samuel R., 1900 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   H18
Harris, J.N. v. Samson, Fred, 1900 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   H18
Harris, J.N. v. Larson, Ole A., et al., 1900 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: William H. Collins.
Box   H15
Harris, John v. Leslie, Thomas, et al., 1877 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Elisha Richards and E.L. McNett.
Box   46
Harris, John v. Harris, Alice, 1880 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   131
Harris, William v. Collicutt, Harry V., et al., 1925 June
Note: Garnishing. Litigant 2: Archie Gratton, Garnishee Defendant.
Box   H15
Harris, William v. Kilpatrick, James, 1881 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: to the use of Hannah Harris.
Box   45
Harrison, Andrew W., et al. v. Hoskins, William, et al., 1847 September
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: Robert C. Campbell, James Smith, and John Black. Litigant 2: William Philips, William Radda, James Hoskins, and Samuel Richards. Type of case: Damages - for Hoskins disposing of lead ore, goods, and chattels to their own use.
Box   45
Harrison, Thomas v. Packer, Daniel B., et al., 1853 December
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Desire Packer, Samuel Hale, George C. Manney, and John V. Ayer.
Box   H18
Hart, Frank E. v. Miller, Jacob, et al., 1896 December
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 2: Michael Reichling and William Stude. Type of case: Damages - for assault causing bodily injury.
Box   H18
Hart, Frank E. v. Insurance Company of, 1902 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: the State of Illinois. Type of case: nonpayment of claim for fire loss.
Box   49
Hart, Stephen M. v. Hart, Myrtle, 1899 December
Note: Divorce.
Box   46
Hartert, Nicholas v. Clark, Patrick, 1879 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   46
Harting, Christopher v. Cassidy, Hugh, 1874 January
Note: Type of case: Other - unknown -- there is only one document in the file and the details of the case are incomplete.
Box   131
Hartsough, George W., Ex Parte, 1910 December
Note: Type of case: Other - Bond for the elected position of Supervisor of Assessment.
Box   48
Hartsough, George W., et al. v. Dougherty, James and Bridget, 1890 December
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: John W. Hartsough and Joel Sallee.
Box   49
Hartsough, George W., et al. v. McGranahan, John, et al., 1895 October
Note: Mechanics Lien. Litigant 1: John W. Hartsough and Joel Sallee. Litigant 2: Clara McGranahan; Charles and Harriet McGranahan; and William McGranahan.
Box   M26
Harty, Thomas v. Zinc Carbonate Company, 1893 August
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   H17
Harty, William, et al. v. First National Bank, 1905 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: James, John, and Thomas Harty. Litigant 2: of Shullsburg. Type of case: Damages - for wrongfully and unlawfully converting money to the banks own use.
Box   H17
Harvey, Lena, Ex Parte, 1890 July
Note: Type of case: Other - Inquest.
Box   131
Harvey, Lukey v. Harvey, Joseph M., et al., 1927 August
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Jennie Harvey, First National Bank of Cuba City, and Charles M. Seeley.
Box   H18
Hasburgh, James v. Fitzgibbon, Michael, 1874 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Entered as the appeal to correspond with original documentation.
Box   43
Haskins, Clayton T. v. Long, Robert M., 1849 March
Note: Replevin.
Box   48
Hassig, John J. v. Raine, John E., 1889 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Hassig is misspelled as "Hassia" on the label.
Box   H15
Hatch, Charles v. Hunter, Alexander and William, 1891 February
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for selling Hatch a stallion that was not as promised. Case contains a small memo pad with canvas type cover and back.
Box   48
Hatch, Jams v. Blackstone, Theordore E., 1889 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   43
Hathaway, A.A. v. Brockway, Charles, 1857 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   50
Hawkinson, Christian, et al. v. Oatway, Annie, 1907 December
Note: Probate. Litigant 1: Deceased; H.C. Hawkinson; Charles, Ellen, and Hattie Benson and Clara Hawkinson, adults; Alice and Susie Benson and Magaret Runnerud, infant heirs of said deceased. Appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   50
Hawkinson, Haakon C., et al. v. Oatway, Anna, et al., 1910 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Mary Hawkinson, Charles and Rosa Benson, Ellen Benson, Clara Hawkinson, Hattie Runnerud, and Alice Benson. Litigant 2: Susan Benson, Margaret Runnerud, and H.W. Burmeister, as administsrator of the estate of Christian Hawkinson, deceased.
Box   49
Hawley, A.G. v. Lyon, James, 1893 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   45
Hawley, Anna v. Hawley, Theordore, 1865 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   48
Hawley, Eugene A., Ex Parte, 1889 October
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   43
Hawley, Gideon v. Rollins, Austin and Harriet, 1860 January
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   44
Hawley, Gideon v. Calvert, Price, 1861 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   H17
Hawley, Robert v. Doyle, Michael M., 1897 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: as assignee John and Daniel Egan.
Box   49
Hawley, Robert C. and Hannah J. v. Hawley, Celia B., 1898 March
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   H15
Hawthorne, G.E., et al. v. Wanzer, J.H., 1885 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: R.J. Hawthorne
Box   46
Hay, Elizabeth v. Cole, E.W., 1880 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   48
Hayden, A. v. Kromberg, Even and Sophia, 1885 December
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   44
Hayden, James v. Halligan, Patrick and Catherine, 1861 January
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   45
Hayden, William v. McGranahan, William, et al., 1851 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: John Roberts
Box   43
Hayden, William v. McGranahan, William, et al., 1851 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: John Roberts.
Box   49
Hayes, Mary F. and Charles, Ex Parte, 1895 December
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   46
Hayes, Michael v. Quigley, John, 1880 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   45
Hayes, Samuel v. Russell, George W., Jr., 1862 April
Note: Trespassing.
Box   45
Hays, A.J. v. Cutting, Romanzo B., 1870 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   H15
Hazard, John v. Wolfram, Henry, 1870 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   131
Hazard, John v. Wolfram, Henry, 1871 June
Note: Other. Documents are not in a box. Type of case: Other - unknown - documents of appeal only in file.
Box   47
Heath, Emeline and Martin James, Ex Parte, 1880 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Infant children and heirs at law of Elizabeth Jane Heath, deceased, daughter of John Martin, deceased.
Box   H15
Heath, Emeline v. Vickers, Samuel, et al., 1885 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: as administratrix of the estate of John Heath, deceased. Litigant 2: Christopher Vickers and Robert Wharton.
Box   46
Heath, Monroe v. Silverthorn Lead Mining, 1871 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: and Smelting Company; Charles K. W. Howard, Richard S. Law, Oliver P. Somers, John Grant, John Charles, James H. Knowlton, Joseph Tallman, Hiram S. Hildebiddee, and William Higginbottom. Case was appealed to Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   50
Hebenstreit, John v. Boyle, Norah E., 1904 August
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   124
Hebenstreit, John v. Wickler, Myron, 1921 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   131
Hebenstreit, John v. Gensler, Willie and Wilhelm, 1925 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   131
Hebenstreit, John v. Gensler, Earnest and Wilhelm, 1925 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   47
Hebenstriet, John v. Boyle, Charles, et al., 1885 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: John M., Neil, Maggie, Charles E., James M., Catherine, Ellen, Patrick, and Ann Boyle; and Hugh Campbell, administrator of the estate of Margaret Boyle, deceased.
Box   47
Hebenstriet, Wilhelmina v. Boyle, Charles, et al., 1885 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: John M., Neil, Maggie, Charles E., James M., Catherine, Ellen, Patrick, and Ann Boyle; and Hugh Campbell, administrator of the estate of Margaret Boyle, deceased.
Box   45
Hecker, Frederick v. Crist, John, et al., 1876 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: John Koerber.
Box   45
Hecker, Frederick v. Crist, John, 1876 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   45
Hecker, Frederick v. Crist, John and Henry, 1876 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   C8
Hedges, James E., et al. v. Champion, Charles B., 1869 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Stephen H. Powers and Thomas Lane.
Box   C10
Hedges, James E., et al. v. Champion, Charles B., 1869 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Stephen H. Powers and Thomas Lane.
Box   48
Hefty, Fred J. v. Brew, Annie, et al., 1891 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Widow of John Brew, deceased; Charles and Julia Brew, children of John Brew, deceased; Leo and Eli M. Strauss.
Box   49
Heindel, Emma F. v. Rodolf, William F., et al., 1897 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Mary Rodolf, Charles C. Rodolf, and L.W. Heindel.
Box   48
Heindel, L.W. v. Fernstaedt, Frank and Louisa, 1894 November
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   H18
Hekla Fire Insurance Company v. Partridge, Levi and Jane K., 1873 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   48
Heller, George, Ex Parte, 1894 October
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   H16
Hellman, John H. v. Hollister, Marvin, 1877 May
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   46
Hellman, John H. v. Beck, Thomas, et al., 1878 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Margaret Beck; Henry B. and John B. Glover; Lester C. Bissell; Alonzo J. Parker and Martin R. Dewstoe, copartners under the name of H. B. Glover Co.; Meyer and Elias Friend, copartners under the name of Meyer Friend & Bro.
Box   49
Hellman, John H. v. Armstrong, James, et al., 1895 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Gus Burgess and William Look.
Box   43
Helm, Adam v. Huntley, Stephen, et al., 1854 March
Note: Garnishing. Litigant 2: Alpheus Smith. Type of case: Garnishing - documents are diffficult to read. Unsure if the type of case is correctly categorized.
Box   47
Helm, Charles B., Ex Parte, 1886 June
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   H16
Helm, Charles B., et al., Ex Parte, 1892 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John S. Thompson/Helen Thompson. Type of case: Assignment discharging debts.
Box   H17
Helm, William v. Darlington, Town of, 1895 April
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for permanent injuries received as a result of accident involving highway that needed repairs.
Box   49
Hemphill, Jennie v. Amende, Fritz, 1896 April
Note: Eviction. Amende is misspelled as "Amenda" on the label.
Box   43
Hemphill, John v. Hemphill, Dayton, 1854 September
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   50
Hemphill, John v. Hemphill, Catherine, 1913 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Deceased, Grant Hemphill, administrator. Litigant 2: Deceased, Walter E. Wright, administrator. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   H15
Hempstead, Edward v. Brewster, John K., 1858 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   43
Henderson, Charles M v. McKnight, James/ Doty, Lewis, 1859 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   45
Henderson, Charles M. v. Harker, Amos, 1860 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   50
Henderson, M.S. v. Anderson, A.M., 1913 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   131
Henderson, M.S. v. Imperial Lead & Zinc Mining Co, 1924 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   48
Hendrickson, Henry J. v. Dickson, Henry G., 1889 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   48
Hendrickson, Maria v. Hendrickson, Albert E., 1889 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   45
Henegar, William v. Field, Sarah, 1870 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Case was heard by C.C. Kidder, Justice of the Peace.
Box   H18
Hennessy, Thomas, et al. v. Morgan, Patrick J., 1877 March
Note: Other. Litigant 1: State of Wisconsin. Type of case: Other - to oust Morgan from office of the Darlington City Council.
Box   H15
Henney Buggy Company v. Magoon, Henry S., 1885 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   48
Henney Buggy Company v. Gleason, Thomas, et al., 1888 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Joseph A. McCarville.
Box   H18
Henni, John Martin v. McDermott, John, 1878 June
Note: Type of case: Other - could not determine.
Box   H15
Henry, Gilbert A. v. Cross, Levi, 1853 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   43
Henry, Gilbert H. v. Parkison, William, 1854 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   44
Henry, Gilbert H. v. Blakley, Justus, et al., 1861 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Francis Blakley.
Box   124
Henry, Margaret v. Baxter, John, et al., 1909 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Patrick Baxter, John and Mary Hebenstreit, and Will H. Look.
Box   47
Henry, Robert and Sarah Ann v. Parkison, George, 1884 March
Note: Discharge Mort. Parkison is misspelled as "Parkinson" on the label.
Box   45
Henry, William F. v. McCormick, John, 1859 June
Note: Trespassing.
Box   43
Henry, William T. v. Clement, David H., 1857 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   45
Henry, William T. v. Trenary, John and Phillip, 1873 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   47
Henry, William T. v. Maxwell, Maria L., 1880 August
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Only child and heir at law of William C. and Catharine Pryce, deceased.
Box   47
Henson, Alfred v. Dornieden, Jacob, et al., 1878 October
Note: Foreclosure. Dornieden is misspelled as "Dorneidne" on the label. Litigant 2: Caroline Dornieden and James A. Kelly. Appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   47
Henson, John and Alfred v. Henson, Richard and Sarah, 1883 November
Note: Type of case: Other - unknown as the file is incomplete.
Box   130
Hering, Mary v. Hering, Russel A., 1929 December
Note: Divorce. The only document is an order directing Divorce Counsel Fees.
Box   H15
Herrell, D.H. v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, 1898 August
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 2: Railway Company. Type of case: Damages - for a fire that caused property damage that was started by the train.
Box   H15
Herrell, D.H. v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, 1901 April
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 2: Railway Company. Type of case: Damages - for the death of a horse that was killed by the train.
Box   50
Heslop, Harry v. Coon Branch MiningCompany, 1910 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   46
Hess, Louise v. Hess, William, 1879 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   46
Hess, Louise H.C. v. Hess, George August William, 1874 November
Note: Divorce.
Box   43
Hess, William v. Foral, George W., et al., 1851 January
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 2: Benjamine L. Hayth. Type of case: Damages - for wrongfully and injuriously sinking a mining shaft that while blasting through the rock caused the rock and dirt to damage Hess's dwelling.
Box   47
Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett Co. v. Proctor, George, 1883 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   H18
Hibbard, William G., et al. v. Berner, John H., et al., 1871 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Hibbard is misspelled as "Hebbard" on the label. Litigant 1: Franklin F. Spencer. Litigant 2: Frank Scott.
Box   48
Hickey, Johanna, Ex Parte, 1894 June
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   49
Hicks, Charles S., et al. v. Lewis, Moses, et al., 1897 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: George W. Hicks and Belle Barron. Litigant 2: Mary Lewis and Charles P. and Sabra J. Dunham.
Box   49
Hicks, Charles S., Ex Parte, 1897 May
Note: Discharge Mort. Litigant 1: And others, and heirs of James E. Hicks, deceased.
Box   47
Hier, John v. Barry, John, 1881 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   44
Higgins, John v. Ryan, John, 1847 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of William Mead, deceased.
Box   45
Higgins, Jonas v. Barker, Alexis, et al., 1850 August
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Augustus Chapnow and Lewis Mason.
Box   H17
Higley, A.E. v. Lester, H. S., 1897 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Assignment for the benefit of his creditors (2 boxes).
Box   H16
Hill, David v. Andrews, Ethan A., 1866 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   45
Hill, John v. Gates, Emeline, et al., 1874 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Z. Gates.
Box   44
Hill, John, et al. v. Lafayette County, 1851 June
Note: Licensing. Litigant 1: Elkanah Said. Type of case: Licensing - unsure if the type of case is correctly categorized as the file contains appeal documents only.
Box   43
Hill, Mary Jane v. Hill, Andrew B., 1854 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   H15
Hill, Robert v. Swift, James, 1885 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   44
Hillary, Ann v. Hillary, James, 1874 December
Note: Divorce.
Box   50
Hillary, Margaret v. Hillary, Moses, 1911 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   49
Hillemeyer, August C., et al., Ex Parte, 1899 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Joseph E. Hillemeyer and J. Albert Hillemeyer, infant heirs at law of Frank Hillemeyer, deceased.
Box   H16
Hillemeyer, Conrad v. Lohman, Andrew, 1874 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   H16
Hillemeyer, Conrad v. Mahoney, Thomas, et al., 1879 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: David Sullivan.
Box   H18
Hillemeyer, Conrade v. Ryan, John, 1877 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   45
Hiller, Charles v. Kearns, Patrick, 1866 November
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages for assault.
Box   131
Hillery, James v. Hodson,Thomas H., 1926 April
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   48
Hillery, Sarah Jane, Ex Parte, 1893 March
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   5
Hilley, Sarah and Ada, Ex Parte, 1871 December
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   H18
Hills, David v. Halstead, Lydia A., 1908? January
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   45
Hilton, Charles v. Faherty, Ellen Ann, et al., 1874 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: William, Francis, Margaret A., Mary E., Matilda, Rachel, Elizabeth, and Emma J. Faherty heirs at law of Michael Faherty, deceased.
Box   46
Hilton, George, Ex Parte, 1875 December
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   124
Hiltonberg, George v. Mulligan, Terry, 1912 February
Note: Type of case: Other - Unknown - no complaint in the file.
Box   50
Hiltonberg, Jessie v. Hiltonberg, George, 1912 February
Note: Divorce.
Box   50
Hind, William v. Hind, Maude B., 1907 February
Note: Divorce.
Box   50
Hinen, Joseph v. Monahan, James and Mary Ann, 1901 January
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   124
Hing, Chung Bark, Ex Parte, 1918 October
Note: Type of case: Other - petition to be admitted a citizen of the United States.
Box   48
Hinze, August v. Hinze, Louise, 1887 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   50
Hird, Emma v. Hird, Thomas, 1901 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   50
Hird, J.W. v. Priestley, H.T., et al., 1911 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: As Trustee in Bankruptcy of the Reich Mining Company, Galena Iron Works Company, M.B. Ross, Jacob Bolard, H.W. Canfield, J.O. McClintock, A.V. Leberman, W.T.S. Culp, W.H. Caine, F.S. Jones, and George Ballasch, mortgagees of Reich Mining Company. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   124
Hird, J.W. v. Priestly, H.T., et al., 1911 March
Note: Bankruptcy. Litigant 2: As trustee in bankruptcy of the Reich Mining Company, Galena Iron Works Company, M.B. Ross, Jacob Bolard, H.W. Canfield, J.O. McClintock, A.V. Leberman, W.T.S. Culp, W.H. Caine, F.S. Jones, and George Ballasch. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   124
Hird, J.W. v. Priestley, H.T., et al., 1911 October
Note: Bankruptcy. Litigant 2: Reich Mining Company, Galena Iron Works Company, M.B. Ross, Jacob Bolard, H.W. Canfield, J.O. McClintock, A.B. Leberman, W.T.S. Culp, W.H. Cain, F.S. Jones, and George Ballasch.
Box   131
Hird, J.W. v. Meeks, W.F., et al., 1913 June
Note: Contract Violation. Litigant 2: LaFayette Zinc Co.
Box   47
Hird, James v. Stephens, William, et al., 1880 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Catharine Stephens, Wliiam and Agnes Goldsworthy, Elizabeth (Alderson) Jarratt, and William, Jr. and Harriet Stephens.
Box   48
Hird, James S., et al. v. Faherty, William H. and Carrie, 1890 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: James Metcalf.
Box   43
Hobbs, George M. v. Averill, James W., 1863 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   50
Hobbs, George M., Ex Parte, 1905 July
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   45
Hodge, Melissa v. Hodge, Orrin W., 1855 November
Note: Divorce.
Box   H18
Hodges, Daniel v. Gorham, James H., 1853
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   50
Hodges, David and Louisa v. Nolan, Mary Ann, 1903 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. George Clementson signed as Judge.
Box   44
Hodges, Isaac v. Hopkins, James and Elizabeth, 1866 August
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   H16
Hodges, Isaac v. Hopkins, James and Elizabeth, 1866 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   44
Hodges, Isaac v. Hopkins, James, 1866 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   44
Hodges, James E., et al. v. Mann, John, et al., 1871 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Stephen H. Powers and Thomas Lane. Litigant 2: Mary Mann, Joseph Hancock, Thomas and William James.
Box   45
Hodges, Sarah v. Hodges, John, 1854 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   47
Hodgson, Mary Ann v. Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul, 1882 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 2: St. Paul Railway Company. Type of case: Damages - for injuries received in a fall while descending the steps of the train.
Box   43
Hodson, Asa v. Crawford, Erastus A., et al., 1864 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Jane S. Crawford, Hannah M. and Joseph H. Bickford, Oliver L. Jones, Charles W. Emerson, and John Moody.
Box   50
Hoffman, E.C. v. Roach, Patrick J., 1905 June
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   48
Hoffman, George W. and John, Ex Parte, 1894 March
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   M26
Hoffman, H.M. v. Zinc Carbonate Company, 1893 August
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   44
Hoffman, Jonathan v. Derring, Oscar W., 1857 August
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   124
Hogan Lumber Company, et al. v. Rodham, Edward H., et al., 1911 December
Note: Mechanics Lien. Litigant 1: Mathilda Smith, administratrix of the estate of Albert Smith, deceased. Litigant 2: W.W. Mill.
Box   49
Holder, William v. Hall, Thomas, et al., 1895 February
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary J. Hall, Malachi Maynard, B. O. Skewis, as administrator of the estate of Joseph Laugye, deceased, and Wallace H. Hall.
Box   46
Holland, Henry W. v. Chadwick, Elizabeth, et al., 1879 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Eli and Louesa Chadwick and George W. Dobbs as executor of the last will of Joseph Chadwick, deceased.
Box   49
Holland, Patrick D., Ex Parte, 1897 June
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   43
Hollister, Marvin v. Humphrey, Milton, 1851 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   45
Hollister, Marvin v. Pulis, Joseph and Bridget, 1852 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   H18
Hollister, Marvin v. Dunn, Francis J., 1853 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   45
Hollister, Marvin v. McLear, Peter, 1862 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. McLear is misspelled as "Leur" on the label.
Box   45
Hollister, Marvin v. Chambers, John I., 1866 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   48
Hollister, Mary Allen v. Hollister, William F., 1893 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   43
Holmes, Hanson L., et al. v. McNulty, Edward, 1849 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Robert Bloomer.
Box   44
Holmes, John v. Goodell, T. Augustus, 1872 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Case #1.
Box   44
Holmes, John v. Goodell, T. Augustus, 1872 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Case #2.
Box   131
Holmes, Ransom v. Gavigan, Edward and Hannah, 1922 September
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   43
Holmes, Susan v. Holmes, Samuel, 1854 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   43
Homer, Nathaniel, et al. v. Ethridge, John, 1849 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Joseph Hypes.
Box   43
Honore, Henry H., et al. v. Jones, Martin K., 1863 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: B.L. Honore and L.L. Lurton.
Box   49
Hood, Mabel v. Hood, Charles W., 1896 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   44
Hood, Matilda v. Warren, Samuel, 1859 February
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   H17
Hooper, William v. Lafayette County, 1891 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Case 1. Type of case: claim for legal services provided to the county.
Box   H17
Hooper, William v. Lafayette County, 1891 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Case 2. Appeal. Type of case: claim for legal services provided to the county.
Box   131
Hooper, William Henry, et al. v. Turnbill, John C., Petitioner, 1925 December
Note: Discharge Mort. Litigant 1: Charles Peck and Samuel Henderson.
Box   45
Hooper, William, et al. v. Brannan, Ellen and Thomas, 1872 April
Note: Foreclosure. Brannan is misspelled as "Brannon" on the label. Litigant 1: John Lanyon.
Box   H16
Hooper, William, et al. v. Alderson, Thomas, 1879 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John Matthews.
Box   47
Hooper, William v. Tolley, Eli C., 1885 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: As assignee of Jacob Hotz.
Box   48
Hooper, William v. Martin, M.B., 1888 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: As administrator of the estate of Sarah B. Martin.
Box   H18
Hooser, Jacob v. Rickard, John, Sr., et al., 1870 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: John Richard, Jr. and Daniel Rickard, partners doing business under the firm name of John Rickard & Sons.
Box   50
Hooser, Jacob v. Goodfellow, Calvin and Louisa, 1881 December
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   H18
Hooser, Jacob v. Goodfellow, Calvin and Louisa, 1881 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   48
Hoover, Abel, et al. v. Chappell, Gilbert, 1889 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: William Gamble, partners doing business under the firm name of Hoover & Gamble.
Box   49
Hoover, Abel, et al. v. Chappell, Gilbert, 1889 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: William Gamble. An "Order Releasing Judgment" dated, January 29, 1895 is the only document in this box.
Box   44
Hoover, David and Abel v. Wiggins, M.B., 1862 July
Note: Replevin. Appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   43
Hoover, Eliza v. Hoover, Josiah, 1864 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   48
Hoover, Mary H. v. Hoover, John E., 1893 November
Note: Divorce.
Box   48
Hoover, Mary, et al. v. Ward, Joseph, et al., 1891 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Ellen Rickert, administrators of the estate of Henry Stevens, deceased. Litigant 2: Mary Ann Ward and William Hind.
Box   49
Hopkins, Hiram E., et al. v. Wing, S.P., et al., 1896 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Mary E. Hopkins, F.J. Layton, and Emma Payton. Litigant 2: Francina Wing, Bridget McQuaid, and John B. Roy.
Box   47
Hopkins, Martin, Ex Parte, 1883 September
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   H17
Horn, Benjamin v. Swift, John P., 1895 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   H17
Horn, Benjamin v. Field, William, 1896 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   49
Horn, Benjamin v. Piquett, A.C., 1896 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   48
Horn, Verna May, Ex Parte, 1891 January
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   48
Hoskin, James v. Harvey, Henry, et al., 1894 January
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Susan S. Harvey, B.K. Miller, Simon Reid, Thomas D. Murdock, Frederick Fischer, A.E. Smith, Moses W. Gray, William Burt, Charles H. Kingman, and Franklin D. Gray.
Box   H15
Hoskin, James v. Covey, D.S., 1895 April
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of Abbey E. Covey.
Box   44
Hoskins, Jane v. Campbell, Robert E., 1848 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   46
Hoskins, William v. Barry, John, 1879 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   46
Hoskins, William v. Dingman, William, et al., 1880 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Augustus Blackstone.
Box   H18
Hoskins, William v. Sullivan, Michael, et al., 1882 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant: Denes Sullivan.
Box   48
Hoskins, William v. Campbell, Peter, 1888 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   43
Hoskins, William, et al. v. King, Benjamin, 1857 November
Note: Mechanics Lien. Litigant 1: H. S. Russell.
Box   43
Hoss, Eleanor and William v. Jones, David W., et al., 1856 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Russell Baldwin, Robert Hawley, and George L. May.
Box   H16
Hotz, Jacob v. Heinan, Annie, 1893 September
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - caused by cattle breaking into property.
Box   H17
Hotz, Jacob, Ex Parte, 1885 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Assignment for the benefit of his creditors (2 boxes).
Box   46
Houck, James v. Turner, Samuel, 1870 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   44
Houghton, Horace H., et al. v. Quimby, Selden, 1858 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Cephas Foster.
Box   49
Houston, Elizabeth L., Ex Parte, 1900 June
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   49
Houy, Magdalena v. Harker, B., et al., 1895 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: As administrator of the estate of Hannah Spensley, deceased; Margaret Ann and Alexander Farquhar; Ella and Arthur Bishel; Mary Jane and William Cook; Linnie May, Olive, Hannah, Joenes, and John Spensley.
Box   43
Hover, Josiah v. Hover, William J. and Abel, 1859 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   45
Hovey, Amos W. and Leland A. v. Lord, E.W., 1868 January
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   45
Howard, Henry v. Howard, Sarah, 1872 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   50
Howard, Henry C. v. Howard, Lillie S., 1908 July
Note: Divorce.
Box   43
Howe, Calvin W., et al. v. Hiller, Henry, et al., 1852 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Benjamin W. Howe and William B. Whittaker partners in the business name of Calvin W. Howe & Co. Litigant 2: Joseph Robson partners in the business name of Hiller & Robson.
Box   H18
Howe, John H., et al. v. McGivern, John, et al., 1869 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1 and 2: Could not determine "others."
Box   49
Howe, John, et al., Ex Parte, 1894 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Edward, Henry, and Richard Howe.
Box   50
Howe, R.D. v. Whaley, Patrick H. and Mary, 1908 November
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   131
Howe, R.D./ Norton, W.R. v. Lenahan, James, 1906 May
Note: Foreclosure. Lenahan is spelled "Lenehan" on some of the documents.
Box   M26
Howell, Abraham v. Zinc Carbonate Company, 1893 August
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   44
Hoyt, John W. v. Eastman, Nelson L. and Amanda M., 1857 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   50
Hubenthal, J.C. v. Bottomley, Philip, 1911 October
Note: Type of case: Other - writ of certiorari. Alleged Justice of the Peace amended the complaint.
Box   48
Hudgens, Margaret v. Fink, Mathias, et al., 1893 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary Fink, John McManus, Patrick Whalen, Frederick Fink, and Charles McManus.
Box   44
Hudson, George v. Tuttle, Emery, 1851 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Appeal and change of venue are the only documents in the file.
Box   H16
Hudson, George v. Tuttle, Emery W., 1851 November
Note: Type of Case: Other - could not determine.
Box   H15
Hudson, George v. Tuttle, E.W., 1852 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   45
Huet, Adolphus v. Mathews, Jacob, et al., 1860 April
Note: Discharge Mort. Litigant 2: William Mathews; Lloyd and Michael Wardell; Rebecca (Wardell) Powers; and Sarah (Wardell) Powers.
Box   H18
Hughan, Jane v. Parkinson, Peter, 1867 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   43
Hughes, Benjamin W. v. Blanchard, Leonard, et al., 1855 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Willliam L. Glidden.
Box   50
Hughes, Mary A. v. Hughes, Richard, 1912 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   43
Hughes, Richard and Mary v. Jenks, Julius, 1854 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Type of case: The documents are an appeal and the original complaint is not in the box. Unsure if the type of case is correctly categorized.
Box   43
Hughes, Richard and Mary v. Jenks, Julius C., 1854 May
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: Administrators of the estate of Clark Jenks, deceased.
Box   47
Hugill, T.T., et al. v. Tabor, Luke, 1880 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Hugill is misspelled as Higill on the label. Litigant 1: Lewis R. Caughey.
Box   45
Hulings, Joannah v. Hulings, Erculins, 1868 September
Note: Divorce. Hulings is misspelled as "Huling" on the label.
Box   50
Hull, Edward G., Ex Parte, 1874 December
Note: Type of case: Other - petition and order of court changing name to Edward G. Barlow.
Box   48
Hummel, Alfred and Vivian, Ex Parte, 1892 September
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   43
Humphrey, Justus v. Shierbon, Matthew, et al., 1862 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: G.W. Sheirbon, William and John Sheirbon.
Box   45
Humphrey, Milton v. Moulton, Darwin E., 1851 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   H16
Humphrey, Milton v. Scott, Benjamin G., 1851 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   43
Humphrey, Milton v. Baldwin, William, 1853 January
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   43
Humphrey, Milton, et al. v. Leuran, John A., 1850 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Samuel S. Merrill.
Box   43
Hungerford, Mary Jane v. Hungerford, William, 1856 November
Note: Divorce.
Box   44
Hunt, Edwin v. Knight, James G., et al., 1858 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Lewis and Joel B. Doty and Stephen S. Allen.
Box   H17
Hunt, J.W. v. Doyle, James, 1903 September
Note: Replevin.
Box   H16
Hunt, John C., et al., Ex Parte, 1890 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: George Turner. Type of case: Assignment discharging debts.
Box   47
Hunt, William and Albert, Ex Parte, 1880 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Infant heirs of Jonathan Hunt, deceased.
Box   45
Hunter, John v. Renshaw, Harmon, 1869 December
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   46
Huntington, Henry v. Nash, H.C., 1874 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   45
Huntington, Henry A., et al. v. Fay, Alfred, et al., 1859 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Philip Wadsworth and Oliver C. Parks, Jr. Litigant 2: Oliver Paddock.
Box   44
Huntington, Henry A., et al. v. Paddock, Ichabod, 1860 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Philip Wadsworth and Calvin C. Parks Jr.
Box   H18
Huntington, J.P., et al. v. Kendall, David, et al., 1896 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: G.R. Huntington. Litigant 2: Leonard Jarvis, Nathanial W. and Elizabeth Kendall, Peter B. McIntyre, Wm. B. Greene, George N. Palmer, Daniel Wann, James Johnson, Nelson Dewey, executor of the will of Ben C. Eastman, Charlotte S. Eastman, Francis Rowe, Allen Tomlin, James S. and Hulda N. Gillis, Harrison Bell, Henry C. and Francis Baretto.
Box   50
Huntington, J.W., et al. v. Huntington, R.P., 1910 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: C.D. Huntington as administrators of the estate of Albert H. Huntington, deceased.
Box   46
Huntington, John v. Sheers, David J. and Emil E., 1878 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Partners doing business under the firm name of D.J. Sheers & Bro.
Box   48
Huntington, Myron L. v. Webster, S.J., et al., 1890 December
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Harriet H. Webster, J.F. Helm, Sr., A.C. Martin, and H.H. Pilling.
Box   H15
Huntington, Nettie N. v. Clayton, Thomas, 1890 February
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: infant by R.P. Huntington, his guardian. Type of case: Damages - for causing permanent bodily injury.
Box   48
Huntington, Willie, Ex Parte, 1888 November
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   H16
Huntington, M.L. v. Martin, James, 1892 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Type of case: for medical services provided.
Box   43
Hurlburt, Laurin, et al. v. McNight, James, et al., 1859 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Perrin D. Hurlburt, Arabut Ludlow, John A. Bingham, Asa Richardson, John W. Stewart, and Julius B. Galusha. Litigant 2: Caltha and Anthony McKnight and John Billings.
Box   H15
Hutchinson, Joseph v. Townsend, Addison, 1873 September
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for false imprisonment.
Box   43
Hutchinson, Joseph and Mary v. March, William, 1848 September
Note: Slander/Libel.
Box   43
Hutchison, Joseph v. March, William, 1848 April
Note: Type of case: Other - Unknown - Information is incomplete because the Summons is the only document in the file,
Box   50
Huxtable, George S. v. Lucky Twelve Mining Company, 1912 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   50
Huxtable, George S. v. Lucky Twelve Mining Co., 1913 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   124
Huxtable, George S. v. Marion Mining Company, 1917 October
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   124
Huxtable, George S., et al., Ex Parte, 1917 October
Note: Discharge Mort. Litigant 1: A.G. Wilkinson.
Box   124
Hyland, Richard H., et al. v. McMillan Zinc Company, et al., 1916 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: William L. Lawrence, co-partners under the firm name of R.H. Hyland & Company. Litigant 2: Henry Harnischfeger.
Box   44
Hynes, Margaret v. Murray, Bartholomew, 1874 April
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for unlawfully and wrongfully converting investment money to Murray's own use.
Box   48
Hynes, Margaret v. Swift, John and Thomas, 1886 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   51
Independent Powder Company v. Mills Mining & Reduction Co., 1909 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: of Missouri.
Box   51
Independent Powder Company v. Hird, J.W., 1912 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: of Missouri.
Box   51
Independent Powder Company v. Ewing Mining Company, 1912 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: of Missouri.
Box   128
Industrial Co-Operative Union v. Swartz, Will, 1919 October
Note: Type of case: Other - unknown as the only document in the file is the "Answer" of the defendant.
Box   128
Industrial Co-Operative Union v. Murphy, Francis, 1919 October
Note: Type of case: Other - unknown as the only document in the file is the "Answer" of the defendant.
Box   128
Industrial Co-Operative Union v. Youssi, Arnold, 1919 October
Note: Type of case: Other - unknown as the only document in the file is the "Answer" of the defendant.
Box   128
Industrial Co-Operative Union v. Kundert, A.R., 1919 October
Note: Type of case: Other - unknown as the only document in the file is the "Answer" of the defendant.
Box   128
Industrial Co-Operative Union v. Jacobson, Oscar, 1919 October
Note: Type of case: Other - unknown as the only document in the file is the "Answer" of the defendant.
Box   128
Industrial Co-Operative Union v. Wilson, Hiram, 1919 October
Note: Type of case: Other - unknown as the only document in the file is the "Answer" of the defendant.
Box   128
Industrial Co-Operative Union v. Ray, John F., 1919 October
Note: Type of case: Other - unknown as the only document in the file is the "Answer" of the defendant.
Box   128
Industrial Co-Operative Union v. Morris, Lester, 1919 October
Note: Type of case: Other - unknown as the only document in the file is the "Answer" of the defendant.
Box   51
Ingersoll, John W., Ex Parte, 1894 December
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   51
Ingersoll, Orissa N., Ex Parte, 1871 December
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   51
Ingersoll, Samuel, et al. v. Jones, Martin K., 1865 March
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Moses Field. Type of case: Other - unknown. Satisfaction of Judgment is the only document in the box.
Box   51
Ingersoll, Samuel v. Jones, Martin, 1857 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Moses A. Field, co-partners doing business under S. Ingersoll & Field.
Box   O35
Ingraham, Granville S., et al. v. Champion, C.B., 1869 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Calvin R. Corbin and Horatio N. May.
Box   51
Ingraham, Granville S., et al. v. Champion, Charles B., 1890 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Calvin R. Corbin and Horatio N. May. Case was appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   51
International Life Insurance v. Scales, Samuel H.,et al., 1869 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Marvin Hollister. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   51
International Life Insurance v. Hollister, Marvin and Laura, 1870 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   51
Interstate Light & Power Co., Ex Parte, 1909 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Type of Case: Land/Real Estate - documents of the proceedings for the condemnation of certain lands in Lafayette County.
Box   51
Iowa County v. Henry, William, 1865 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Case was filed in Iowa County Circuit Court, but a change of venue to Lafayette County Circuit Court was requested in March 1867 to insure a fair and impartial trial.
Box   51
Ireland, Susannah & Preserved v. Baty, Thomas, 1870 June
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   51
Irvin, James M. v. Graham, John and Mary E., 1884 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   51
Irvine, Robert v. Barry, John, 1879 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   51
Irvine, Samuel v. Adams, W. Thompson, et al., 1877 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Thomas H. Maynard and J. Lester Adams.
Box   51
Irwin, Harriet L. and David W. v. Morey, Lewis, et al., 1860 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Anna M., Franklin, Hiram, and Ursula H. Morey and James Barrack.
Box   128
Ischi, Jacob v. Grivaz, Jules, 1924 January
Note: Garnishing. Prudential Insurance Company -- Garnishee.
Box   51
Isherwood, William v. Bray, Betty, et al., 1857 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Charles and Thomas Bray, Susan Seaton, Sobina Jobson, wife of Thomas Jobson, and Rosa Parr, wife of William Parr, and other heirs of John Bray, deceased.
Box   51
Isherwood, William v. Bray, Betty, et al., 1860 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Charles, Thomas, and George Bray; Sobina Jobson; and William and Rosanna Parr.
Box   51
Ivey, Joseph v. Eustice, John and Jane, 1859 August
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   52
Jackson, Elijah M., et al. v. Mann, John, 1871 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Thomas W. Brown and Isaac N. Richards.
Box   J20
Jackson, James v. Kilkelley, Edward, 1870 August
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for wilfully and negligently driving into and breaking Jackson's wagon.
Box   54
Jackson, John v. Rankin, Hibbard, 1884 May
Note: Trespassing.
Box   52
Jackson, Obediah v. Doyle, Walter, 1856 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   54
Jackson, W. L. v. Welsh, Lawrence, 1887 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages -- for injuries received as the result of an assault.
Box   52
Jackson, William L. v. Meloy, Peter C., 1854 October
Note: Replevin.
Box   53
Jackson, William, et al., Ex Parte, 1884 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Charles, Deloss, and Frank Jackson, infant heirs of Elizabeth Jackson and James Jackson, deceased.
Box   J20
Jacobi, Christopher v. Bush, Wolf, 1883 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   54
Jacobs, Alden B. v. Jacobs, Sarah Emily, 1890 November
Note: Divorce.
Box   52
Jacobs, Burley A. v. Prussing, William, 1875 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   54
Jacobson, Jacob v. Hanson, Albert, et al., 1883 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Cary Hanson and John Johnson.
Box   53
Jaeger, Jacob v. Meyer, A.G., et al., 1877 April
Note: Foreclosure. Jaeger is spelled "Jager" on some of the documents. Litigant 2: Margarette and Albert Meyer.
Box   53
Jager, Mary C., et al., Ex Parte, 1883 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Frederick B., Annie K., and Rosalie E. Jager by Henry M. Frank, guardian.
Box   52
James, Isaac v. McCoy, John, 1862 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Elizabeth McCoy and James R. and Phoebe A. Rose.
Box   54
James, Livinia H., et al., Ex Parte, 1885 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Walter, Edgar, and Thomas James, their guardian.
Box   J20
James, Samuel v. White, Joseph, et al., 1874 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Andrew Jackson White and Thomas Jefferson White.
Box   J20
James, Thomas v. Irwin, James, 1849 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   52
James, Thomas v. Irvin, James, 1850 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   52
James, Thomas v. Leacock, William, et al., 1872 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: William J. and Fanny Leacock and P.B. Barlow.
Box   53
James, Thomas v. Hughes, Thomas W., 1872 May
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   53
James, Thomas and William v. Nash, Henry C., 1869 December
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   52
James, Thomas and William v. Roberts, John, 1871 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   52
James, Thomas and William v. Burgess, Lydia, et al., 1875 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Thomas Burgess; Nathan H. and Martha J. Verley; Daniel F. and Sarah J. Gross; and Daniel McHugh.
Box   53
James, Thomas and William v. Haggerty, Ellen, 1878 July
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   53
James, Thomas and William v. Crist, John, et al., 1878 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Margaret A. Crist; Catharine Crist, Sr.; Catharine Crist, Jr.; Henry and Mary Crist; James Vipond; John Snyder; Henry Gobel; John Swartz; Edward Halloran; John Fitzpatrick; A. Magnus; Frederick Hecker; A. Braig; and J.A. Burrichter.
Box   52
James, Thomas, et al. v. Roberts, John, 1871 December
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Additional plaintiffs not listed on the documents. Type of case: Other - could not be determined. One document is written with a majority of abbreviated words and the other document is the Clerk's Fee Bill.
Box   53
James, Thomas, et al. v. McEwen, Henry, 1876 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: William James and E. James co-partners under firm name of Thomas James & Co.
Box   53
James, William v. Crist, Henry, et al., 1880 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Catharine Crist Sr., alias Catharine Koeben, Catharine Crist, Jr., John and Margaret A. Crist, and Mary Crist.
Box   J20
James, William v. Welsh, Edward, 1883 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   54
James, William v. Crow, Frances E., et al., 1886 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: J.W. Crow and Joanne Larkin.
Box   54
James, William v. Bishell, Sophia, 1886 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   J20
James, William F. v. Trenary, Richard, 1897 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   54
James, Zuba v. James, North G., 1903 July
Note: Divorce.
Box   J20
Jamestown, Town of v. Benton, Town of, 1854 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   54
Jamieson, J.J. v. Meloy, Edward, 1901 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   131
Jamieson, J.J. v. Bessie Lead & Zinc Company, 1909 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   131
Jamieson, John J. v. Hancock, William G., et al., 1923 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Woodward Bell.
Box   J20
Janesville Machine Co. v. Proctor, George, et al., 1883 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: F.J. Bristol, agent. Litigant 2: Joseph Dougherty.
Box   53
Jarratt, Elizabeth v. Jarratt, Joseph, 1883 June
Note: Divorce. Jarratt is misspelled as "Jarret" on the label.
Box   53
Jarvis, Daniel v. Jarvis, Mariah, 1860 March
Note: Divorce. Jarvis is misspelled as "Jarris" on the label.
Box   54
Jarvis, Mary H. v. Jarvis, Marion W., 1911 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   52
Jay, Nelson D. v. Alderson, William and Simon, 1857 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   J20
Jayne, E. v. Barrington, James W., 1862 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   53
Jefferson, Cyrus v. Bowser, John, 1857 July
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   52
Jefferson, Cyrus v. Richardson, Alexander, et al., 1859 February
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Charles Cole, F.A. Tisdale, and Joseph B. Richardson.
Box   52
Jefferson, Cyrus v. Williamson, William, et al., 1859 February
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Susannah Williamson, Daniel W. Hart, John R. Booth, and Obediah Jackson.
Box   52
Jefferson, Cyrus v. Mill, Henry and Margaret, 1859 February
Note: Foreclosure. Mill is misspelled as "Mills" on the label.
Box   52
Jefferson, Cyrus v. Smith, James M., et al., 1859 February
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: John Adams, James Pattee, and J.M. Macfarlane.
Box   53
Jefferson, Cyrus v. Sawyer, John B., et al., 1859 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Alexander Graham. Order for change of venue from Green County to Lafayette County occurred in March 1860.
Box   52
Jeffery, Charles A. v. Woodward, Isaac P., et al., 1859 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Jeffery is misspelled as "Jeffrey" on the label. Litigant 2: Abijah Harvey.
Box   52
Jenkins, Abraham v. Bray, John and Thomas, 1868 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   J20
Jenkins, Ezra v. Francis, Hezekiah, 1854 November
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   52
Jenkins, James v. Stephens, Henry, et al., undated
Note: No information -- an empty envelope for this case. (Samuel Tregoning vs. Henry Stephens was filed in the envelope.)
Box   52
Jenkins, James v. Watts, Margaret S. and Jesse B., 1860 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   53
Jenkins, James v. Lewis, Susan L. and Stillman P., 1863 September
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   53
Jenkins, Nathan B. v. Wayne, Town of, 1859 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   54
Jenks, Charles, Ex Parte, 1905 September
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   53
Jenks, Elisha and Elijah v. Hughes, Richard and Mary, 1854 January
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   53
Jenks, Julius v. Hughes, Richard, 1853 December
Note: Replevin.
Box   J20
Jenks, Julius C. v. Soule, John, 1853 March
Note: Breach of Promise.
Box   54
Jenkyn, John v. Lawrence, Henry, et al., 1910 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: As administrator of the estate of Grace Lawrence, deceased. Litigant 2: Jennie Lawrence, Benton State Bank and Lawrence Mining Company.
Box   J20
Jenne, Daniel J. v. Galagan, Patrick, 1876 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Jenne is misspelled as "James" on the label.
Box   53
Jennings, Charles B. v. Jennings, Adaline, 1871 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   J20
Jennings, William v. Wood, A.B.P., 1877 March
Note: Type of case: Other - to oust and exclude Wood from the office of mayor of Darlington.
Box   J20
Jennings, William v. Duncan, Francis C., 1877 March
Note: Type of case: Other - to oust and exclude Duncan from the Darlington common council office.
Box   54
Jerman, Mary A. v. Campbell, Anna M., et al., 1887 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary E. Campbell, Simon T. Campbell, Andrew Michaelson, and John Swanson.
Box   52
Jewell, William v. Hamilton, Thomas, 1868 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Jewell is misspelled as "Jewett" on the label.
Box   52
Jewett, Sherman S., et al. v. Knight, James G., et al., 1859 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Francis H. Root. Litigant 2: Lewis and Joel B. Doty, James R. Rose, and Stephen S. Allen.
Box   52
Jewett, Sherman S., et al. v. Knight, James G., et al., 1863 May
Note: Garnishing. Litigant 1: Francis H. Root. Litigant 2: Lewis Doty, Stephen S. Allen, Joel B. Doty, and James R. Rose.
Box   54
Johns, Amarilla, et al. v. Johns, James, 1892 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Ida, Columbus E., and Llewellyn Johns.
Box   54
Johns, James, et al. v. Coleman, J.M., et al., 1907 April
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: John G. Johns, C.E. Johns, A.R. Johns, Ida Johns Davis, and C.A. Smyth. Litigant 2: Edgar Steiner. Type of case: Damages - for destroying fences and farm land with heavy teams of horses and heavily loaded wagons.
Box   54
Johns, James, et al. v. Toothman, S.H., 1907 April
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: John G. Johns, A.R. Johns, C.E. Johns, Ida Johns Davis, and C.A. Smyth. Type of case: Damages - for destroying fences and farm land with heavy teams of horses and heavily loaded wagons.
Box   131
Johns, James, et al. v. Crawford Mining Co., et al., 1917 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Ida J. Davis. Litigant 2: Alphoneo LeRoy Duke and heirs of Robert D. Duke, deceased.
Box   131
Johns, James/ Davis, Ida J. v. Trewartha, James, 1917 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   54
Johns, John, Ex Parte, 1910 June
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   J20
Johns, John G. v. Johns, James, 1890 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   52
Johns, Mary v. Johns, James, 1877 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: As administrix of the estate of Louisa Oatey, deceased.
Box   53
Johnson, Amanda, Ex Parte, 1877 December
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   130
Johnson, Amanda v. Johnson, August, 1929 December
Note: Type of case: Other - document is order directing Divorce Counsel Fees.
Box   54
Johnson, Amanda C., Ex Parte, 1893 March
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   53
Johnson, Edwin v. Burris, Martin F., et al., 1877 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Hannah B. Burris, Samuel J. Stein, and James Kearns.
Box   53
Johnson, Edwin v. Faeder, Theodore and Sarah, 1878 August
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   J20
Johnson, Edwin v. Norton, E.A., et al., 1878 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: William A. Garden and O.E. Minor, copartners under the firm of Garden & Minor, and Philip E. Brown.
Box   54
Johnson, Ellif, deceased, Ex Parte, 1898 September
Note: Probate. Petition by John Johnson.
Box   131
Johnson, Florence, et al. v. Pike, Charles, et al., 1922 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Nina Vogel. Litigant 2: Eliphated D. Bray, James Prescott Chipman, and William Wyman.
Box   J20
Johnson, J.D., et al. v. Duncan, F.C., et al., 1871 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: G.N. Abby. Litigant 2: A.L. Newcomb, J.B. Farrington.
Box   J20
Johnson, J.W. v. Marvin, Jonathan J., 1855 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   54
Johnson, L.B. v. Horner, Martin, 1887 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   54
Johnson, Lars E., Ex Parte, 1887 May
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   52
Johnson, Mary v. Klaproth, Henry, et al., 1877 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Charlotte Klaproth; Minnie and William Steckel; Louisa and William Allewelt; Augusta and Henry Prince; and Caroline Schaper.
Box   53
Johnson, Mary v. Johnson, William, 1877 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   54
Johnson, Mary W., Ex Parte, 1890 June
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   54
Johnson, Nim, Ex Parte, 1901 September
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   J20
Johnson, Otto v. Quigby, Thomas, 1884 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   53
Johnson, Ruth v. Johnson, Christopher, 1861 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   J20
Johnson, Syver v. Bower, Nelson, 1884 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Spelling for Johnson's first name unclear.
Box   54
Johnson, T.H. v. King, C.D., et al., 1871 December
Note: Type of case: Other - unknown. Costs and Disbursements is the only document in the box.
Box   J20
Johnson, T.H. v. King, Charles and Jane, 1871 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   54
Johnson, Thore, Ex Parte, 1890 March
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   52
Johnson, Timothy H. v. Houck, Isaiah, 1856 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. No attorneys - case was heard before a Justice of the Peace.
Box   53
Johnson, Warren v. Taylor, James L. and Elizabeth, 1857 September
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   52
Johnston, John, Ex Parte, 1863 December
Note: Type of case: Other - petition for discharge of trustees of the estate of John Johnston, deceased and an order appointing Emma Johnston as trustee.
Box   54
Jolly, H.L. v. Steiner, Reynold, 1911 January
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   131
Jolly, H.L. v. Zumkehr, Peter, et al., 1911 March
Note: Garnishing. Litigant 2: Gotfred Krebbs and John Aschlemann, Garnishees.
Box   J20
Jones, Daniel v. Riter, Charles, 1880 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   105
Jones, David W. v. Wright, Owen, 1857 April
Note: Damages/Theft. Box is labeled incorrectly as "Wright vs. Jones." Type of case: Damages - wrongfully cutting down and hauling away trees.
Box   J20
Jones, David W. v. Ryan, John, et al., 1847 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Judge of Probate, successor of Parley Eaton, late Judge of Probate for use of Mary, Catharine, and Anastatia Mead. Litigant 2: Abner Nichols and Nicholas Walsh.
Box   52
Jones, Henry O. v. Schoonmaker, John C., 1855 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   J20
Jones, Hugh W., et al. v. Hirsch, Joseph, 1889 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Robert G. Owens.
Box   54
Jones, John J., et al. v. Slothower, Charles, et al., 1884 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Judy Martin, Lucy M. Reed, John E. Raine, and Beeri W. Tuttle. Litigant 2: Mary Viola Slothower and The Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul Railway Company.
Box   52
Jones, Martin K. v. Ernsting, Hugh H., et al., 1859 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: William K. Dickson.
Box   52
Jones, Reuben v. Smith, Jedidiah, et al., 1858 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Rachel Smith, Charles Vail, and William Salisbury.
Box   52
Jones, Reuben D. v. Parkison, Albert G., 1856 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   53
Jones, Reuben D., et al. v. Alderson, Simon, 1855 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Albert D. and Henry O. Jones and Edward H. Sears.
Box   53
Jones, Reuben D., et al. v. Criss, Eugenus, et al., 1855 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Albert D. and Henry O. Jones and Edward H. Sears. Litigant 2: Silas Hill, James L. Criss, and M. Hollister.
Box   J20
Jones, Richard v. Jones, Edward and Eli, 1896 December
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   54
Jones, Samuel M. v. Jones, William, et al., 1886 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: William D. and Jenette Kirkpatrick.
Box   54
Jones, Thomas D. v. Rollins, Hannah, et al., 1911 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: John Rollins; John Blades, Sr.; Ettie and Oscar Heffernan; Sarah Annie, James, Lena, John Jr., William, Harry, Frank, and Ethel Blades; Mary and John Withers; Anna and John Chester; Margaret and Fritz Vickentaugh; Francis and Mary Jane Raw; all heirs of George Raw, deceased and Robert Frazer, deceased.
Box   52
Jordan, Kate and John v. Moore, Mary A.J. and A.B., 1874 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   J20
Joy, Hannah v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, 1902 September
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 2: Saint Paul Railway Company. Type of case: Damages - for injuries received while traveling on train.
Box   J20
Judge, James v. Fox, M.A., 1877 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   J20
Judge, James v. Newman, Diedrich, et al., 1878 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Diedrich Newman Jr.
Box   J20
Judge, James v. Priestly, Charles, Jr., 1878 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   53
Judge, James, et al. v. Shager, John H., 1879 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Edward C. King and Hugh J. Gallagher, co-partners doing business under the firm name of Judge, King, & Company.
Box   53
Judge, James, et al. v. Staber, John, et al., 1880 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: E.C. King and H.J. Gallagher, co-partners doing business under the firm name of Judge, King, & Co. Litigant 2: Dorothea Staber, William Hooper & Co., and David Schrieter.
Box   54
Judge, James, et al. v. Foley, William and Bridget, 1884 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: E.C. King and H.J. Gallagher, co-partners doing businss under firm name of Judge, King & Co.
Box   54
Judkins, Ellen v. Judkins, Charles, 1908 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   57
Kachelhoffer, William H. v. Kachelhoffer, Margaret J., 1901 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   57
Kane, J.F., et al. v. Botsford, Harriet S., et al., 1898 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Alice Kane; T.B. and Ella Kane; E.K. and Emma Kane; J.G. and Charles Kane; Andrew J. Kane; Gertrude Childers; and George F. and Sarah Kane. Litigant 2: E. Slothower, Mary Hilliard, and J.L. Graham.
Box   K21
Kanouse, Benjamin v. Tierney, James, 1889 June
Note: Probate. Litigant 2: as administrator of the estate of James Kindle.
Box   57
Kanouse, Benjamin v. Sargent, Frank, 1894 November
Note: Replevin.
Box   57
Kappei, William, Ex Parte, 1891 December
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   57
Kasch, Florence v. Kasch, Albert A., 1914 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   K22
Kasson, A.C., et al. v. Kirke, Philip and Maria E., 1871 April
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: William Noyes.
Box   56
Kaster, Thomas v. Pratt, Joseph, et al., 1884 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: William O. Haver.
Box   K22
Kay, James C. v. Swartz, John, 1863 April
Note: Replevin.
Box   K22
Kearnes, James v. Burris, Martin V., 1876 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Kearnes is spelled "Kerns" on some of the documents.
Box   K22
Kearns, Andrew v. McCarville, Dennis, 1851 September
Note: Type of case: Other - unknown.
Box   55
Kearns, Andrew v. McCarville, Dennis and Thomas, 1868 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Case was appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   56
Kearns, James, et al. v. Earnest, James H., 1881 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Phillip Albrecht, administrators of the estate of John McGivern, deceased, and Owen McDonald.
Box   K22
Kearns, John v. Kilkoin, Ann, 1858 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Kearns is misspelled as "Kearnes" and Kilkoin is misspelled as "Kilkain" on the label.
Box   56
Keating, Johanna v. Keating, Richard, 1885 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   55
Keep John M. v. Stevenson, George, 1859 June
Note: Foreclosure. Stevenson is spelled "Stephenson" on some of the documents.
Box   K22
Keep, Cornelia A. v. White, Abram, et al., 1863 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Lambert D. and Rhoda C. Russell.
Box   55
Keep, Henry v. Paddock, Ichabod, et al., 1862 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary A. Paddock, Alfred Fay, Oliver H. Paddock, William S. Ewing, Alfred G. Edwards, Nathan Cole, Phillip W. and Thomas Heemans, Clinton Briggs, Edwin R. Harmon, James E. Aiken, Daniel W. Gale, Henry A. Huntington, Phillip Wadsworth, and Clinton C. Parks Jr.
Box   K22
Keep, John M. v. DuBois, Thomas and Sophronia, 1851 August
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   55
Keep, John M. v. Willard, Johnson, et al., 1851 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Alexander H. Jameson.
Box   K21
Keep, John M. v. Pierce, Joseph S., 1852 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   K21
Keep, John M. v. Forbes, William W., et al., 1855 January
Note: Tax. Case appears to be labeled incorrectly. See "Order to Dismiss" document labeled, "Stephen S. Reed and John Smith Fassett vs. Josephus Driver and W.W. Forbes." Litigant 2: Josephus Driver.
Box   K22
Keep, John M. v. Lawrence, Ira, et al., 1856 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: William Kemp.
Box   55
Keep, John M. v. Bell, Charles W., et al., 1856 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: D. Woodward.
Box   K22
Keep, John M. v. Follon, William, 1857 January
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   K22
Keep, John M. v. Russell, Elmore, et al., 1857 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: O. Halstead.
Box   K21
Keep, John M. v. Mineral Point Railroad Co., 1858 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   K21
Keep, John M. v. Fay, Alfred, et al., 1858 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Oliver Paddock.
Box   K21
Keep, John M. v. Lafayette County Board, 1859 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: of Supervisors.
Box   K22
Keep, John M. v. Hovey, Amos W., 1859 May
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   K22
Keep, John M. v. Blodgett, Tyler K., et al., 1888 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Israel Shepard.
Box   57
Kehoe, James v. Burke, F.J. and Margaret, 1896 December
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   57
Kelley, Amelia v. Kelley, John W., 1908 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   K21
Kelley, Patrick v. Shea, Daniel, 1848 October
Note: Damages/Theft. Kelley is spelled "Kelly" on some documents. Type of case: Damages - for assault.
Box   55
Kellogg, Edmond R., et al. v. Reed, Stephen S., et al., 1860 March
Note: Mechanics Lien. Litigant 1: George D. Slade. Litigant 2: John S. Fassett and George B. Spencer.
Box   K22
Kellogg, Edmund R., et al. v. Fay, Alfred, et al., 1859 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: George D. Slade. Litigant 2: Oliver Paddock.
Box   K22
Kellogg, William H., et al. v. Farrington, John B., 1888 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John H. Prentiss, George Eckart, George Sharp, William B. Main, William C. Warner, Dwight C. Herrick, and James H. Miller.
Box   57
Kelly, George M. v. Heindal, L.W., 1900 May
Note: Probate. Litigant 1: Executor of the will of Asa Parks, deceased.
Box   55
Kelly, Jerre, Ex Parte, 1867 October
Note: Type of case: Other - the file contains a writ of habeas corpus. Held in custody and convicted of assault.
Box   56
Kelly, John v. Kelly, James and Timothy, 1885 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Kelly is spelled "Kelley" on some of the documents.
Box   57
Kelly, Letitia v. Martin, George B., 1895 March
Note: Replevin.
Box   K21
Kelly, Marcella v. Darlington, Town of, 1890 November
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for injuries received after being thrown from a wagon crossing a deficient bridge. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   55
Kelly, Spear S. v. VanMatre, James, 1877 February
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   K22
Kelly, William v. McNulty, Mary, 1880 January
Note: Replevin.
Box   K21
Kemmerer, Daniel v. Kemmerer, Jacob F., 1861 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   K21
Kemmerer, Daniel v. Gobel, Henry, et al., 1863 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Augustin Reichartts.
Box   K21
Kemp, James v. Forbes, William W., et al., 1853 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Martha Ann Forbes and Albert Parkinson.
Box   56
Kemp, Margaret v. Kemp, Joseph, 1893 February
Note: Divorce.
Box   55
Kendall, Mahala v. Kendall, Caruthers, 1868 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   55
Kendle, James, et al. v. Kendle, Caruthers and Henry, 1874 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Kendle is misspelled as "Kindle" on the label. Litigant 1: William Kendle, Alexander Kendle, Magaret Virden, Thomas Hymer, Mary I. James, Mary J. Myers, James Kendle, Ann E. Richardson, Malinda Kendle, John Kendle.
Box   55
Kendrick, Patrick v. Cutting, J.B., 1871 November
Note: Mechanics Lien. Kendrick is misspelled as "Kendicks" on the label.
Box   55
Kennedy, Garnsey v. Knight, James G., et al., 1864 May
Note: Trespassing. Litigant 2: Minerva G. Knight, Elbridge G. Hall, William M. Blair, Seneca D. Kimball, and Benjamin G. Scott.
Box   55
Kennedy, Mary Jane v. Kennedy, William H., 1866 January
Note: Divorce.
Box   K22
Kennedy, Maurice v. Cummins, Hugh, 1849 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Maurice is also spelled "Morris" on some documents. Litigant 2: Cummins is misspelled as "Cummons" on the label.
Box   K21
Kennedy, Morris, et al. v. Glines, Joseph, et al., 1847 December
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: Andrew Harrison, James Smith, and John McKillip. Litigant 2: Caleb Portwine, Anthony Dunigan, Charles Cox. Type of case: Damages - for forcible entry and detainer.
Box   57
Kenney, Harley, Ex Parte, 1899 August
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   56
Kenney, Thomas U. v. Kenney, Melissa, 1888 November
Note: Divorce.
Box   56
Kentucky River Mills v. Gleason, Thomas, et al., 1887 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Joseph A. McCarville.
Box   K21
Kerkendale, Robert v. Munson, Miles, 1854 April
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: Spelling of last name questionable - spelled "Keidendoll" on label. Type of case: Damages - for assault.
Box   57
Kerns, Edwin and Stephen v. Kerns, William, et al., 1911 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Elmer and John Kerns; Lucinda Meyers; Frank, William, Mary, Isaac, and Joseph Pinkham; Joseph, Lee, Ida, George, John, and Pearl Denure; Celia and Cecil Wickersham; F.A. Waddington, administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Amanda Denure, deceased; and J.S. Waddington.
Box   56
Kettridge, Belle v. Kettridge, William, 1888 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   55
Keys, Harvey S. v. Parkinson, Peter, Jr., 1870 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   55
Kies, Henry v. Merry, William, 1859 September
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   57
Kiester, W.F., et al. v. Stewart, Fred, et al., 1898 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Emil Bauman. Litigant 2: Pauly Jail Building and Manufacturing Company and County of Lafayette.
Box   57
Kiewert, Charles L. v. Little, Michael and Melusina, 1909 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   K22
Kilcoyne, John, et al. v. Page, W.B., et al., 1902 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Michael and Patrick Kilcoyne. Litigant 2: A.R. Ashley, Henry F. Craw, F.P. Haviland, F.J. Millar, and The Lucky Hit Mining Company.
Box   55
Kiley, Margaret H. v. Kiley, Lawrence, 1878 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   55
Kilkelly, Andrew v. Williams, Richard H., 1871 May
Note: Replevin.
Box   55
Kilkelly, Andrew v. Walsh, Lawrence, 1877 July
Note: Replevin. Kilkelly is misspelled as "Killkelly" on the label.
Box   K22
Kilkelly, Edward v. Martin, A.C., et al., 1871 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Samuel Hall. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   K22
Kilkelly, Patrick v. Law, Andrew, 1864 June
Note: Breach of Promise.
Box   56
Kilkelly, Thomas E. v. Kilkelly, Edward, 1885 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   K21
Kimball, John B. v. Reed, Stephen S., et al., 1855 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: John S. Fassett.
Box   57
Kimberley, Walter G. v. Kimberley, Lillian E., 1900 August
Note: Divorce. Kimberley is misspelled as "Kimberly" on the label.
Box   56
Kindle, Caruthers v. Williams, Richard H., 1881 September
Note: Replevin.
Box   K22
King, Benjamin v. Mineral Point Railroad Co., 1854 April
Note: Right of Way.
Box   K21
King, Charles D., et al. v. Chambers, James S. and Sarah, 1858 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Sarah Parkison, executrix of the last will of William Parkison, deceased.
Box   55
King, Elizabeth v. King, Peter, 1848 February
Note: Divorce.
Box   56
King, Henry W., et al. v. Burrets, John E., 1893 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Edward W. Dewey and William C. Browning.
Box   55
King, John B., Ex Parte, 1864 May
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   K22
King, Narcisse v. Buttery, Joseph, 1883 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   K21
King, Paulite v. Center, Town of, 1857 January
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for injuries to horse caused by condition of bridge.
Box   K21
Kingman & Company v. Watson, George H., 1893 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Two Boxes. Type of case: (2 actions): Breach of Promise. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   K22
Kingsbury, Ira v. Burnett, James E., 1849 April
Note: Probate. Burnett is misspelled as "Burnet" on the label.
Box   K22
Kipfer, Fred v. Holland, Patrick, et al., 1896 May
Note: Other. Judgment is the only document in the file. Litigant 2: Additional defendants not listed. Type of case: Other - could not determine.
Box   K21
Kipper, Fred v. Holland, P.D., et al., 1896 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Fred Fink, Henry McGuire, Patrick McKeon, Michael McDermott, Frank McKeon, James McKeon, Frank O. McKeon, James McDermott, John Doyle, James Connelly, Daniel McDermott, and M. S. Lillick.
Box   K22
Kirby, Chalkley v. Wilcox, George and Martha Jane, 1871 April
Note: Foreclosure. Summons and complaint only documents filed.
Box   K22
Kirilin, Thomas, Jr., et al. v. Whaley, Patrick, 1847 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Daniel Muligan, Jr.
Box   55
Kirkendall, Robert v. Alderman, Theodore E., 1878 May
Note: Replevin.
Box   56
Kirkpatrick, Clara v. Kirkpatrick, John N., 1885 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   K22
Kirkpatrick, J.C. v. Delong, Cornelius, deceased, 1855 May
Note: Probate. Litigant 2: Estate of.
Box   56
Kirkpatrick, Mary A. v. Kirkpatrick, John N., 1879 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   K22
Kirkpatrick, Stephen v. Vandergrift, A.J., 1868 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   K21
Kirtland, Charles B., et al. v. Champion, Charles B., 1869 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: George W. Ordway and James P. Fiske, copartners under the firm name of Kirtland Ordway & Co.
Box   57
Kirwan, Thomas v. Quinn, R.J., 1910 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of Catherine Quinn, deceased.
Box   57
Kitchen, Thomas v. Hoppe, Fritz, 1895 January
Note: Garnishing.
Box   55
Kitter, Michael and Peter v. Parkhurst, Russell and Mary F., 1856 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   57
Kittoe, John E. and Katie v. Nankivell, Grace, et al., 1910 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: John H. and Ida Kittoe; Harriet Hendershot; Elizabeth Jeffery; Joseph and Mary Kittoe; Alice Brainerd; Richard D. and Nellie Kittoe; Mary Heslop; Edward and Vinnie Kittoe; Joseph, William Richard and Esther Kittoe; George and Mamie Kittoe; and Minnie Kittoe.
Box   57
Kittoe, Mary v. Kittoe, Edward, 1898 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   K22
Klaprath, William v. Tipp, George, 1869 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   K22
Kleberger, Charles H. v. Hollister, Marvin, et al., 1858 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Laura A. Hollister, Leonard and Abigail D. Blanchard, Joseph M. Brewster, and Thomas McNulty.
Box   65
Kleberger, Charles Herman v. Hollister, Marvin and Others, 1858 April
Note: Foreclosure. "Notice of taxation costs" is the only document in the file.
Box   55
Kleeberger, Charles H. v. Flood, Patrick and Mary, 1879 February
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   K22
Kleeberger, Emily v. Kleeberger, Charles H., 1877 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   56
Kleeberger, Emily, et al., Ex Parte, 1882 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Mary J., Lucy L., Wilhelmina, William Lewis, and John H. Kleeberger and H.E. Harris.
Box   56
Kleeberger, H.B., Ex Parte, 1883 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: father of John Brown, Cora Ann, and Hannah Elizabeth.
Box   K22
Kleeberger, J.H. v. Welsh, Ed, et al., 1896 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: J. Nugent.
Box   56
Kleeberger, John v. Hendrickson, Albert E., et al., 1889 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Maria Hendrickson, Josiah Osborne, Edward Halloran, Fred Loupee, The Wiota Cheese Factory, Isabellella S. Magoon as Executrix of the last will and testament of Henry S. Magoon, deceased, and Charles T. Barnes.
Box   55
Kleeman, Rud, et al. v. Blakely, Oscar F. and Frances, 1870 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: George, Stephani and Henry Menheimer.
Box   K22
Kleven, John E. v. Johnson, Lars E., et al., 1866 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Nathaniel W. Dean.
Box   K22
Kline, Henry v. Kummer, Morris, 1856 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   K22
Klingel, Pete, et al. v. Gray, Hamilton H., 1850 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John M. Ferdinand.
Box   K22
Klingle, Peter, et al. v. Gray, Hamilton H., 1851 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John M. Ferdinand doing business under the firm name of Klingle & Ferdinand.
Box   K22
Knapp, James G. v. Way, Isaac T. and William, 1862 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   K22
Kneeland, Amasa v. Gillett, Orlin H., 1848 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Administrator of the estate of Benoni R. Gillett, deceased.
Box   55
Knibbs, John v. Crow, Johannah, 1877 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   55
Knight, James G. v. Davis, Alexander, 1871 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   56
Knight, James G. v. Leary, James, 1879 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Case appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   56
Knight, James G. v. Knight, James, 1882 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   K21
Knight, James G., et al. v. Tuttle, Nelson, et al., 1857 December
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Lewis Doty. Litigant 2: William G. Hibbard, George M. Gray, and Fredrick Tuttle. Type of case: Other - Unknown.
Box   K22
Knight, James G., et al. v. Kendle, Caruthers, 1857 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Lewis Doty. Kendle is misspelled as "Kendal" on the label.
Box   55
Knight, Minerva and James G., Ex Parte, 1853 December
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   55
Knight, Minerva, Ex Parte, 1877 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Deceased, petition of James, Allen, Hannah and Henry Knight by James E. Knight, their father.
Box   K22
Knowlton Manufacturing Co. v. Henry, John, 1881 January
Note: Replevin.
Box   K22
Knowlton Manufacturing Company v. Williams, R.H., et al., 1883 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Neil Fisher.
Box   55
Knowlton, Daniel B. v. Burris, M. V., 1872 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   K22
Knowlton, J.H., et al. v. Ladd, Azel P., 1848 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John Moore and Joseph Glines, Trustees of School District #2 of Shullsburg.
Box   K21
Knowlton, James H. v. Brannan, H.H., 1849 April
Note: Trespassing.
Box   K21
Knowlton, James H. v. Board of County Commissioners, 1849 February
Note: Other. Litigant 2: of Lafayette County. Type of case: Other - to recover fees for services.
Box   K21
Knowlton, James H. v. O'Connor, John, et al., 1851 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. O'Connor is misspelled as "O'Connors" on the label. Litigant 2: Edward Meloy, Thomas Eagan, and James O'Herring.
Box   K21
Knowlton, James H. v. Davis, Thomas, 1852 August
Note: Eviction.
Box   K22
Knowlton, James H. v. Davis, Thomas, 1852 March
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   K22
Knowlton, James H. v. Lafayette County, 1857 October
Note: Type of case: Other - to recover fees for services.
Box   K22
Knowlton, James H., et al. v. Preston, Andrew, et al., 1867 April
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: Robert E. Campbell, John S. Moore, and Benjamin B. Joslin. Litigant 2: A.F. Culver.
Box   K22
Knowlton, James H., et al. v. Harker, James, 1870 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Joseph Tallman.
Box   55
Knowlton, Nancy A. and James H. v. Ray, John, 1855 April
Note: Eviction.
Box   K21
Knox, Gilbert, et al. v. Taylor, Cyrus, et al., 1848 August
Note: Trespassing. Litigant 1: Charles Gillat. Litigant 2: Thomas Bata.
Box   57
Koester, Sadie J. v. Koester, Benjamin, 1917 February
Note: Divorce.
Box   57
Koethe, Laura, et al. v. Big Dad Mining Company, The, 1914 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Sarah Simmons, Mary Rowe, Thomas, John, Sherman and Zack Bennett.
Box   K21
Kohn, Abraham, et al. v. Singer, Sigmund, 1869 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Henry S. and Morris Kohn.
Box   K22
Koon, George v. Pickett, Lewis, 1857 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   55
Koontz, John, et al. v. Goodfellow, Calvin, et al., 1847 April
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Michael Noll and Michael Wallrock. Litigant 2: John Underwood. Type of case: Other - Writ of injunction to prevent mining of lead ore.
Box   56
Koop, Maria v. Miles, William W., et al., 1886 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Charlotte Miles and Levinia Strachan as administratrix of the estate of John Strachan, deceased.
Box   56
Koop, Maria v. Burris, Martin V., et al., 1894 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Hannah Burris, Charles D. Burris, Edward W. and Carrie Barber, William Moehlmann, Dietrick Amende, William Tallada, John Mulligan, Paul Speth, J.H. Evans as assignee of I. Hodges, and Nathan Olmsted as special administrator of the estate of Nathan T. Olmstead, deceased. Case appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   57
Kopp, A.W., et al. v. Schultz, Frank P., 1908 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: L.A. Brunckhorst, co-partners doing business under the firm name of Kopp & Brunckhorst.
Box   56
Koppi, William v. Gobel, Henry, et al., 1884 December
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Victoria Gobel, Frank Cornelius, and Catherine Galagan.
Box   M26
Korupp, James and William v. Burrets, John E., 1893 February
Note: Mechanics Lien. Litigant 1: Spelling ? Korrupp.
Box   56
Korupp, James & Willliam v. Burrets, John E., et al., 1893 August
Note: Mechanics Lien. Litigant 2: H.W. Dieter, James and Howard D. Thomas, William Harbridge, Isaac and Nathan Greensfelder, Sigmund and Milton S. Florsheim.
Box   55
Kreamer, Michael v. Wells, Joseph, et al., 1872 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mercy Wells, John and Anna Wood, and George Redford.
Box   K22
Kretsinger, William H. v. Johnston, Lars E., et al., 1862 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Kretsinger is misspelled as "Kreteinger" on the label. Litigant 2: Nathaniel W. Dean.
Box   K22
Kringle, Frederick v. Brockway, Charles, 1853 September
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   56
Kromburg, Sophia v. Kromburg, Eren, 1881 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   56
Kruse, Henry v. Walsh, Francis, 1887 February
Note: Fraud. Litigant 1: insane by C. F. Osborn his guardian ad litem. Litigant 2: former guardian of Henry Kruse, insane.
Box   55
Kuhuhum, Frederick v. Kuhuhum, Caroline, et al., 1856 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Caroline Kuhuhum, Jr. and Henry Kuhuhum.
Box   57
Kundert, Ethel v. Kundert, Abraham, Jr., 1912 January
Note: Divorce.
Box   56
Kurth, John, Ex Parte, 1884 March
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   K22
Kyle, David W. v. James, Thomas, et al., 1871 July
Note: Replevin. Litigant 2: George Nortley and John Byrne.
Box   K22
Kyle, David, infant v. Driver, James, 1884 August
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: by David Kyle, his guardian. Type of case: Damages - for assault causing injuries.
Box   L24
Ladd, Azel P. v. Lafayette, County of, 1850 October
Note: Other. Type of Case: Other - to appeal the disallowance of a claim for services by the county board.
Box   L23
Ladd, Azel P., et al. v. Roberts, Rosanna, et al., 1849 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: William H. Howard. Litigant 2: James, Mary Elizabeth, and Anna Maria Roberts.
Box   58
Ladd, George R. and William P., Ex Parte, 1870 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Minor sons of Azel P. Ladd, deceased.
Box   58
Ladd, William v. McCoy, Catharine, et al., 1873 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: John and Harriet McCoy; Mary Ann and William Wilson; James and Mary Ann McCoy; Elizabeth and William Brown; Martha and Joseph A. Moore; William, Thomas and Katie McCoy, heirs at law of John McCoy, deceased; J.P. Black; Andrew Kilkelly; and George Henry, as assignee of John Strachan.
Box   C10
Lafayette County v. Bennett, William, et al., 1851 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Asa Laxton, Russell Baldwin, William Mayne, and Anthony Miller.
Box   59
Lafayette County v. Tyson, Jane, Estate of, 1890 December
Note: Probate.
Box   122
Lafayette Land & Mining Co. v. Ankeny, Oliver, et al., 1909 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Elizabeth Shaefer, Robert and Albert Peasley, William Holt, Andrew Sterrett, Mary Allen, Elizabeth Scales; Charles O., Capitola, Laura, Antoinette, Charles, Nettie, Hattie, and Mary Brewster; Harriet J. Winsrow, Nellie Daacon, E.A.F. Halstead, Henry Gratiot, R.E. Campbell, A.W. Harrison, Washington M. Hinman, Livinia and William Hoskins, Thomas Palliser, Owen McGlaughlin, Nicholas Walsh, Nicholas C. Tynan, heirs of Joseph C. Tynan, deceased, Mary Ann Rolland, Rosella Moss, J. St. Johns, heirs of Charlotte Townsend, deceased, Julia G. Lawton; Benjamin, Louis, Mary, Ellen, Nancy, and James Gratiot, heirs of Edward H. Gratiot, deceased; Belle Stephens, Margaret Quinn, Nellie Monahan, Emily Henry, Ellen Callahan; Julia, John, Irene, Eugenie, and Gail Touney; Michael, John, Ellen, Clara and Simon Belonger; Ida Whitechurch, Julia Dunn, Eugenie Purcapile, Fanny Bailey, Mary Braley, Fanny Kennedy, Susan Dorsey, Catherine and Maggie Quinn, heirs of John Quinn, deceased; Peter, Gilbert, Johanna, James G., Emeline, and Annie Roy; Louis DeRocher, Laura Brennan, Emma Stanhoofer, Margaret Dorian, Augustine Morgan, Catherine Buckley; Clara, Sarah, Charles, and John Barth; Josephine Quinlan, Adeline Jacquett; Joseph, Charles, Maggie, and Ella Hutchinson; Ida Burke, Estella Carey; Peter, Daniel and Daniel, Jr., Brady; heirs of Dennis O'Niell, deceased, Belle Gille; Will, Loretta, James, Annie, Leo, Leona, Genevieve, Edward, and Callie McCarthy heirs of Annie McCarthy, deceased; Ellen Collins, and Thomas Martin.
Box   122
Lafayette Land and Mining Co. v. Brown, William, et al., 1915 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Emanuel R., John, Charles, and Joseph D. Brown; Hettie Carey; Kate Chambers; Thomas and William Baldwin; Kate Kittoe; and Lola H. Hancock, heirs of William Brown, deceased; and W.B. Neeves.
Box   60
Laird, E.W. v. Brown, William, et al., 1894 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: George W. Beattie, Fred R. Savage, and John A. Risken.
Box   58
Laird, Hugh L. v. Santry, Florence, et al., 1849 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: John Roach.
Box   58
Laird, Hugh L., et al. v. Tierney, John, et al., 1850 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. The spelling of Tierney is inconsistent on the documents. The box is labeled "Tearnay." Litigant 1: James and Samuel Alexander. Litigant 2: James Meloy, David Harkin, and Thomas Boyle.
Box   58
Laird, Hugh L., et al. v. Torney, John, et al., 1857 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: James and Samuel Alexander. Litigant 2: James Meloy, Daniel Harker and Thomas Boil. The deposition of William Gear is the only document in this box. Names are not spelled consistent with previous file.
Box   L23
Laird, Hugh S. v. McHugh, Michael, 1848 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   L23
Laird, Hugh S. v. Brannan, Simon O., 1848 February
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   L24
Laird, Hugh S. v. Clark, Bernard, 1850 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   61
Laird, Ida v. Burns, Elizabeth, 1911 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of Edwin W. Laird.
Box   59
Laird, John, et al. v. Copeland, James, et al., 1884 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: W. Harvey, sole executors of the will of Hugh S. Laird, deceased. Litigant 2: Ann and Anthony Copeland.
Box   61
Laird, Margaret J. v. Laird, David, 1900 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   59
Laken, Tobias v. Amundson, Andrew, et al., 1886 May
Note: Foreclosure. Laken is misspelled as "Lokin" on the label. Amundson is misspelled as "Amondson" on the label. Litigant 2: Raguhild Amundson and George Sardison.
Box   58
Lakin, Orsemus, Ex Parte, 1859 April
Note: Discharge Mort. Lakin is misspelled as "Larkin" on the label.
Box   L23
Lamar, Charles H. v. Humphrey, Milton H., et al., 1850 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Samuel S. Merrill.
Box   L23
Lamar, Charles H. v. Criss, Eugenius, et al., 1854 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Michael Quinn.
Box   L23
Lamar, Charles H. v. Scales, John L., 1857 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   59
Lamar, Elizabeth v. Scales, Frank, 1885 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Case appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   58
Lamar, Elizabeth and Charles v. Magoon, Henry S., et al., 1879 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Belle S. Magoon and W.H. Snyder.
Box   122
Lamar, Elizabeth M., et al. v. Lamar, Samuel H., et al., 1915 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Harry C., Frank S., Edith E., Lee S., Harriet C., Leonard H., Hannah J., Hardy C., John Fay, Frederick H., Helen A., Jean Elizabeth, Richard M., Norman D., Addison, Frank E., Edith, Charles M., Robert Erskine, Elizabeth Lee, Mary Constance, William M., Mary E., Frances L., and Leonard C. Lamar. Litigant 2: John P. Williams for Lucinda Hardy, deceased.
Box   58
Lamb, Sarah A. v. Lamb, Joseph F., 1881 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   58
Lambert, Butler, et al., Ex Parte, 1874 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Alice, Celia Ann, Willie Harker, and Minnie Lambert.
Box   L23
LaMont, C.W. v. Ayers, John, 1884 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   58
Lamprell, Simon and Sally, Ex Parte, 1872 December
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   58
Lampull, Sally, Ex Parte, 1877 February
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   58
Lancaster, Thomas v. Argyle, Town of, 1881 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: School District No. 3.
Box   59
Landrigan, John v. Saunders, Timothy, et al., 1884 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Timothy Saunders, Thomas T. Lewis, and John Saunders.
Box   122
Lane Lumber Company v. McCoy, Joseph R. and Lillie, 1913 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   122
Lane Lumber Company v. Ehle, Henry, et al., 1919 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Bertha Ehle, Frank J. Walsh, and F.L., Stillie, and Clarence Roy.
Box   L23
Langdon, Andrew, et al. v. Hamlen, S.M., 1869 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: William A. Lathrop and Lafayette S. Blue.
Box   58
Langford, Joseph, Ex Parte, 1878 July
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   58
Langford, Nancy J. v. Langford, John, 1873 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   L23
Langley, Alfred v. Birge, William, 1847 July
Note: Breach of Promise. Langley is misspelled as "Laughley" on the label.
Box   L24
Langworthy, Solon M., et al. v. Wood, John, et al., 1858 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Orrin Smith. Litigant 2: Rebecca, William H., Julia A., Andrew I., John C., Eugenia T., and Thomas B. Carlin; James L.D. and Mary Carlin; and John Burril.
Box   61
Lanyon, Cyrus, deceased, Ex Parte, 1907 June
Note: Type of case: Other - unknown. Order of Denial is the only document in the file.
Box   58
Lanyon, John and Josiah v. Dixon, John G., 1869 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Co-partners doing business under fimr name of J. Lanyon & Bro.
Box   58
Lanyon, John and Josiah v. Jones, William, et al., 1871 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: G.D. Evans and Owen Hughes. Type of case: Foreclosure of Mechanics Lien.
Box   L23
Lapp, Peter, et al. v. Lewis, Frank, 1894 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Lem W. Flershem, partners doing business under the firm name of Lapp & Flershem.
Box   L23
Large, W.P. v. Bainbridge, Thomas, 1878 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   60
Larse, George W. v. Taft, William N. and William W., 1899 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   122
Larson, A.C. v. Smith, Herbert, 1919 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   61
Larson, Carrie, Ex Parte, 1905 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Case #1.
Box   61
Larson, Carrie, Ex Parte, 1906 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Case #2.
Box   58
Larson, Christena v. Larson, Michael, 1876 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   122
Larson, John O., et al. v. Regez, Ernest, Sr., et al., 1915 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Daniel Regan, Casper Oleson, Peter G. Johnson, Oscar Sorum, Isaac Norton, Peter Thoni, Charles A. Oleson, P.H. Jackson, James Kelly, and Ole Hendrickson. Litigant 2: Ernest Regez, Jr., copartners in the firm of E. Regez & Son.
Box   122
Larson, Lewis, Ex Parte, 1913 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Petitioner to release dower interests of Matilda Larson, his wife, and insane person.
Box   61
Larson, Mary v. Larson, Carl, 1902 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   61
Larson, Mary v. Larson, Lewis R., 1910 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   59
Larson, Nels P., Ex Parte, 1894 July
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   L24
Lathrop, Isaiah T. v. Fellows, Hiram, 1851 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: for the use of William Hempstead.
Box   L24
Lathrop, Isaiah v. Fellows, Hiram, 1851 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: for the use of William Hempstead.
Box   L
Lathrop, William H. v. Field, Alred S. and Elizabeth S., 1861 January
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   60
Law, Allen R. v. Law, Mary M., 1874 February
Note: Divorce. Box #1 and #2.
Box   58
Law, Richard W. v. Whitham, William, 1869 March
Note: Eviction. Whitham is misspelled as "Whittam" on the label.
Box   L24
Law, Thomas J. v. Wrigglesworth, W.J., 1877 May
Note: Slander/Libel.
Box   61
Law, Thomas J., Ex Parte, 1910 June
Note: Type of case: Other - Memorial and Resolutions of Respect.
Box   58
Law, Wilson v. Law, Elizabeth, 1855 December
Note: Divorce.
Box   61
Law, Wilson, et al. v. Grant, John, 1873 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Ellen M. Manning, administratrix of the Law estate. Case was appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Documents are filed in Box #1 and Box #2.
Box   61
Lawrence, Henry and Jennie v. Lawrence Mining Company, et al, 1914 December
Note: Contract Violation. Litigant 2: The Universal Mining Company. Type of case: Contract Violation - failure to comply with the terms of a lease.
Box   61
Lawrence, Jennie, Ex Parte, 1910 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Insane wife of Henry Lawrence.
Box   L23
Lawrence, Lawrence v. Martin, Alvin C., 1865 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   58
Lawrence, S. v. Hover, Josiah, 1862 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Lawrence is also spelled "Laurance" and "Leaurance" on the documents. Hover is misspelled as "Hoover" on the label.
Box   122
Lawyer, Grace v. Lawyer, Guy, 1916 July
Note: Divorce.
Box   61
Leamy, Thomas v. Leamy, William, et al., 1909 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Ellen Leamy and Sarah A. Mill.
Box   58
Leamy, William v. McLeer, Peter, 1868 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Leamy is misspelled as "Leaming" on the label.
Box   L23
Leamy, William v. Hardy, John S., 1879 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   59
Leary, James v. Galagan, John, 1892 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   L23
Leary, James v. Thompson, N.J., 1893 February
Note: Replevin.
Box   L24
Leary, John v. Leary,Timothy, 1850 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   59
Leary, Mary, et al., Ex Parte, 1887 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Daniel and Charles Leary, heirs of Timothy Leary, deceased, and children of Bridget Leary.
Box   L24
Leavitt, John H., et al. v. Narramore, W.W., 1882 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Leavitt is misspelled as "Levitt" on the label. Litigant 1: Emmous Johnson.
Box   59
Leddy, Edward H., Ex Parte, 1888 December
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   59
Lee, Bartholomew, et al. v. Rossing, L.A., 1878 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Thomas Lee and John Morrison.
Box   L23
Lee, George W., et al. v. Chaffee, Ebenezer, 1857 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Jesse B. Watts.
Box   L24
Lee, Q.K. v. Baldwin, E.S., 1854 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   L24
Leece, John v. Powers, James, et al., 1879 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: George Stewart.
Box   122
Legler, Peter v. Ford, Frederick, et al., 1912 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Patience, Henry, Catherine, Asa, and Polly Ford; L.H. Towne; George and Matilda Hill; Henrietta, Charles E., Annette, Samuel, Mary, Frank, Marshall, and Lee Cary; Wealtha Hilton; Marie and Roger Satterlee; Mary Rutherford; Earl, Orin, and Etta Parsons.
Box   L23
Leich, Paul v. Meyer, William, et al., 1880 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Hans Speth.
Box   L23
Lemont, J.W. v. Gross, D. F., 1893 February
Note: Foreclosure. Type of case: Foreclosure - of a mechanics lein.
Box   M26
Lemont, J.W. v. Swanson, John, 1893 February
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   M26
Lemont, J.W. v. Campbell, Emmet D., 1893 June
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   60
Lemont, J.W. v. Johnson, Martin, 1895 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   59
Lemont, S.W. v. Cole, E.W., 1894 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   L24
Lenahan, Maurice v. Murray, James, 1860 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   60
Lenehan, Bessie, et al., Ex Parte, 1900 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Annie, Laura, Eddie, Frankie and Ella Lenehen, heirs of William Lenehan, deceased. Lenehan is misspelled as "Linehan" on the label.
Box   59
Lenehan, Willie, et al., Ex Parte, 1893 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: James, Delia, Bessie, Annie, Laura, Edward, Frank, and Ellen Lenehan, heirs at law of William Lenehan, deceased.
Box   58
Lent, Matilda v. Lent, John, 1852 December
Note: Divorce.
Box   15
Leon, Mathew B., Ex Parte, 1851 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: The box is labeled "Cothren, M.M.," but according to the documents the correct Litigant 1 name is Mathew B. Leon. Case documents are titled "Petition Bond & Report of Guardian M.M. Cothren."
Box   L24
Leonard, Frederick B. v. Kelly, John, 1863 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   L24
Leonard, James M. v. McKnight, E.J., et al., 1882 May
Note: Replevin. Litigant 2: Maroni Parsons, Rile Eastman, Nathan Verley, Frederick L. Lewis, and Peter Gilbert.
Box   59
Leonard, James T. v. Leonard, James M., 1880 April
Note: Foreclosure. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   L23
Leonard, James, et al. v. Whitman, George J. and Hubert J., 1859 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Samuel D. Clark and Clanelius J. Adams.
Box   L23
Leonard, James, et al. v. Kirby, Chalkley, 1859 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Samuel D. Clark and Claudius J. Adams.
Box   L23
Lepper, Harrison v. Carter, Josiah and James R., 1848 December
Note: Breach of Promise.
Box   61
Lersch, William v. Cullen, Patrick, 1910 October
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for Cullen's dogs killing Lersch's sheep and lambs.
Box   61
Leucinger, Deitrich, Ex Parte, 1906 February
Note: Type of case: Other - pension claim including discharge papers and honorable mention.
Box   60
Levens, Abraham, et al. v. Robinson, W.E., 1894 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Timothy Dillon.
Box   59
Levens, Abraham, et al. v. Gavigan, Thomas, 1894 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Timothy Dillon.
Box   L24
Levey, Gilman, et al. v. Roberts, Rosanna, 1848 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Ebenezer Moore.
Box   59
Levins, Abraham, et al. v. Swanson, C.H., 1888 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Levins is spelled "Levens" on some of the documents. Litigant 1: Timothy Dillon, doing business under the firm name of Levins & Dillon.
Box   L24
Levitt, William v. Criss, James L., et al., 1858 September
Note: Foreclosure. Criss is misspelled as "Crip" on the label. Litigant 2: Matilda Criss and William E. Doggett.
Box   L23
Levitt, William v. Fielding, George, 1868 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   61
Lewie, Clara S. v. Lewie, Phillip, 1902 July
Note: Divorce.
Box   59
Lewie, Friederica v. Lewie, Charles, 1891 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   59
Lewis, Elizabeth v. Lewis, William, 1881 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   L24
Lewis, John C. v. Langley, William B., et al., 1862 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Joseph M. Scales.
Box   L23
Lewis, John H. v. Coleman, Henry A. and Matilda, 1854 January
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   59
Lewis, Reuben, et al., Ex Parte, 1887 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Huldah Jane Lewis, heirs of Thomas Lewis, deceased.
Box   61
Libby, Augusta v. Libby, Thomas, 1906 January
Note: Divorce.
Box   58
Liddle, Anthony v. Slee, Edmond, 1866 November
Note: Discharge Mort. Signature of Anthony Liddle shows spelling as "Liddell."
Box   L23
Liechti, Frederick v. Barlow, P.B. and E.G., 1898 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Liechti is spelled "Lichti" on the label.
Box   61
Lien, Bertha v. Eidsmoe, O.A., et al., 1911 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Mary Eisdmore; Julia Husta; C.A. and Lena Eidsmore; Gunhild Dalthorp; Laura Lien; Amelia Nessa; Amanda Wethal; Bertina, Sever, Albert, Martin M., Laura, Ole M., Marie, Anton M., and Caroline Eidsmore; Julia Peterson; Milo, Ida, Edward, Clara, Gifford, Garfield, Joseph, Paul, and Sophia Kittleson; Ellen Hefty; John A., Carrie, Martin, Olena, Albert, Ingwall, Otto, Gustave, Mary, Henry, Albert, and Melvin Eidsmore; Clara Eidsmore-Hanson; Olaus A. and John B. Helland; Christina Phillips; and Matilda Quarnes.
Box   L24
Likens, W.W. v. Minihan, Michael, 1876 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Minihan is spelled "Minehan" on some documents.
Box   L24
Likens, W.W. v. Minnehan, Michael, 1877 July
Note: Other. Minnehan is spelled "Minihan" on the label. Type of case: Other - unknown.
Box   59
Lindsay, Charles H. v. Lindsay, Lucy A., 1894 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   61
Lindsay, John, et al. v. Cullen, J.P., 1907 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: M. F. Howery.
Box   122
Lininger, Marion L. and Hannah v. Lininger, Frank, et al., 1917 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Magdalena, James A., George S., and Pauline Lininger, Annie M. and George Phillips, Ellen J. and Benjamin Glaeser (also spelled Glazier).
Box   L24
Littlefair, Thompson v. Jackson, Joseph, 1861 November
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for crops destroyed by cattle, horses, hogs, and sheep.
Box   60
Livingston & Mifflin Mining Co v. Mappes, Charles, 1896 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   L24
Lloyd, Cromwell, et al. v. Murphy, Dennis, 1848 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Morris Lloyd.
Box   L24
Lloyd, Harrison, et al. v. Baker, Josiah G., 1858 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Delos Lloyd.
Box   122
Loder, T.C., et al. v. Edge Mining & Development Co., 1908 May
Note: Mechanics Lien. Litigant 1: J.T. Richards, J.R. Richards, and Joseph E. Magee.
Box   L24
Logue, James, et al. v. Lafayette County, 1877 December
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: Patrick and Michael Fitzpatrick. Type of case: Damages - for wilful obstruction of a highway.
Box   58
Lohman, Andrew v. Kendall, Town of, 1858 December
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for loss of a colt that was injured on the road that was in need of repair.
Box   L24
Londelius, C.A. v. Neeves, George A., 1899 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   L
Long, Alexander v. McKinstry, Dewey, 1855 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   L24
Long, Robert D. v. Bennett, George, 1848 December
Note: Replevin.
Box   59
Loofbourow, William M. v. Loofbourow, Sarah J., 1885 January
Note: Divorce. Loofbourow is misspelled as "Loofborrow" on the label.
Box   61
Look, W.H. v. Baxter, Patrick, 1904 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   L23
Look, Will H. v. Union Zinc & Lead Co., et al., 1904 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: C.M. Rathbun.
Box   61
Look, Will H. v. Karlson, Ben, 1906 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   61
Look, Will H. v. Brown, Emanuel R., 1914 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   122
Look, Will H., et al. v. Brown-Croft Mining Co., et al., 1916 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: John and Julia Hebenstreit, Michael Kilcoyne, and Alice Fisk. Litigant 2: Iron River Leasing Company.
Box   60
Look, William H. v. Hutchinson, Christopher, 1894 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   59
Look, William, et al. v. Morris, Robert, 1883 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Frank Hillemeyer.
Box   122
Look, William, et al. v. Iron River Leasing Company, 1913 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John and Julia Hebenstreit and M.J. Kilcoyne. 2 documents in the file.
Box   122
Loomis, Clara M. v. Loomis, Charles W., 1916 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   L
Lorain, John and Sewell S. v. Egolf, David M., 1852 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Lorain is spelled "Lorrain" on some of the documents.
Box   L
Lorain, John, et al. v. Culver, Amos F., et al., 1846 March
Note: Other. Litigant 1: S.S. Lorain. Litigant 2: David Hudson. Type of case: Other - unknown. Could not determine.
Box   60
Lord, Frederick M. v. Lord, Lisetta L., 1899 November
Note: Divorce.
Box   L24
Lorrain, John, et al. v. Hudson, David, 1848 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: S.S. Lorrain.
Box   L24
Lorrain, John, et al. v. Hudson, David, et al., 1848 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: S.S. Lorrain. Litigant 2: Amos Brown.
Box   58
Lorrain, Sherill S., et al. v. Lamar, Charles H. and Elizabeth, 1867 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Samuel H. Scales. Type of case: Foreclosure of a trust deed.
Box   L24
Love, Horace T. v. Fleming, Andrew, 1861 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   L24
Love, Israel S. v. Walsh, Patrick and Edward, 1865 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M26
Lovejoy and Richards v. Dean, H.E., 1893 April
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   M26
Lovejoy & Richards v. Cullen, James P., 1893 April
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   126
Lovejoy & Ringham v. Erickson, A.T., 1904 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Box is labeled "Ringham - Erickson."
Box   60
Lovejoy, A.P., et al. v. Higley, A.E., et al., 1896 August
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: G.H. Ringham. Litigant 2: Christie Higley; J.H. Sargent, Jacob F. Haman, and H.S. Lester as assignee of the property of the said A.E. Higley; Woodford Lodge Number 192 of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows; Willliam Broncho, F.W. Pickett, and A.E. Higley as trustees of Woodford Lodge.
Box   61
Lovejoy, A.P., et al. v. Figi, George, et al., 1906 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: G.H. Ringham. Litigant 2: Della Figi and Henry Karn.
Box   61
Lovejoy, Henry S. v. Cullen, J.P., 1907 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   122
Lovejoy, Henry S. v. Thomas, H.D., 1915 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: As administrator of the estate of Fred Zweifel, deceased, Mary, Ben, Anna, Fred, Henry, and Sylvan Zweifel.
Box   122
Lovejoy, Henry S., et al. v. Hill, Silas, et al., 1907 December
Note: Mechanics Lien. Litigant 1: George H. Ringham co-partners in Lovejoy & Ringham Lumber Company. Litigant 2: Ida E. Hill and James Sardeson.
Box   122
Lovejoy, Henry S., et al. v. Hilll, Silas, et al., 1914? September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Box #2. Litigant 1: George H. Ringham. Litigant 2: Ida E. Hill and James Sardeson.
Box   58
Lovelace, Catharine v. Lovelace, Simon, et al., 1896 March
Note: Divorce. Litigant 2: Mary Richardson, daughter. Mary Richardson was co-defendant because she was accused of defrauding Catharine Lovelace for wrongfully holding the title to the joint real estate described in the complaint .
Box   58
Lovelace, Daniel v. Wyman, Charles M. and Ann B., 1871 May
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   59
Lovelace, Getta v. Lovelace, Simon, 1887 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   58
Lovelace, William v. Pickett, Lewis, 1860 January
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   L24
Loveland, Ralph A. v. Collins, Daniel and Francis, 1862 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   58
Lovell, Joseph, et al. v. Howe, Thomas Y., Jr., 1854 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: James Colles Jr.
Box   L24
Low, Cornelius, et al. v. Hudson, David, 1847 September
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Orrin D. Moulton, partners doing business under the firm name of Moulton & Low. Type of case: Other - unknown.
Box   L
Low, Henry v. Lillie, George H., 1851 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: for the use of Oliver B. Bourbon.
Box   L24
Low, Hosea v. Underhill, F.A., et al., 1857 December
Note: Foreclosure. Underhill is misspelled as "Unhill" on the label. Litigant 2: Abigail P. King.
Box   L23
Low, Israel S. v. Parkison, William, 1853 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Parkison is misspelled as "Parkinson" on the label.
Box   58
Lowe, Henry v. Edwards, James, 1847 November
Note: Replevin. Lowe is spelled "Low" on the label. This file contains the Writ of Certiorari.
Box   58
Lowe, Henry v. Edwards, James, 1847 October
Note: Replevin.
Box   L23
Lowry, Andrew, et al. v. McCaffrey, John, et al., 1852 June
Note: Trespassing. Lowry is also spelled "Lowrey" and "Lowrie" on some documents. Litigant 1: William Smerven. McCaffrey is misspelled as "Coffey" on the label. Litigant 2: Thomas and Bernard McCaffrey and John and Thomas Armstrong.
Box   85
Loy, Frederick S. v. Bassett, Albert, 1858 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Box is labeled "Roy" vs Bassett.
Box   122
Loy, L.W., et al. v. Hird, J.W., 1910 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: E.C. March, co-partners doing business under the firm name of New Coal Co.
Box   L24
Lucas, James v. King Charles D., 1856 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   77
Lucas, James v. King, Charles, 1888 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Box was not labeled for this case. Only two documents.
Box   122
Lucas, Michael v. Harms, John, 1912 April
Note: Replevin.
Box   L24
Ludlaw, William v. Brown, Sarah, et al., 1891 November
Note: Other. Litigant 2: Nancy Ford, George Seitz, Elvira Oliver, Jane Ford, Alex Perry, and N. Olmsted as administrator of the estate of Mary G. Warren, deceased. Type of case: Other - Unknown.
Box   59
Ludlow, Arabut v. Williams, Silas L., et al., 1884 December
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Florence F. Williams and Andrew W. Hall.
Box   59
Ludlow, Arabut v. Murphy, Sylvester, et al., 1892 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Catherine and Bridget Murphy and Thomas Carey.
Box   59
Ludlow, Arabut v. Murphy, Sylvester, et al., 1893 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Catherine and Bridget Murphy and Thomas Carey. This box contains the answer to the complaint and other documents pertaining to the answer and to the final judgment.
Box   L24
Ludlow, Arabut, et al. v. Belknap, Walter, 1862 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John A. Bingham, and Asa Richardson.
Box   61
Ludlow, Henry v. Martin, Agnetta, et al., 1912 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Henry Harvey.
Box   60
Ludlow, Henry, et v. Bleiler, William and John, 1897 January
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: Edwin Ludlow and Willis Ludlow as executor of the will of Arabut Ludlow, deceased.
Box   60
Ludlow, Henry, et al. v. Gavigan, Joseph, et al., 1897 February
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Edwin Ludlow and Willis Ludlow, executors of the last will and testament of Arabut Ludlow, deceased. Litigant 2: Hannah and John Gavigan, Eliza Dailey, Warner and Mary Million, and M.J. Roach.
Box   60
Ludlow, Henry, et al. v. Chappell, Gilbert, et al., 1898 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Edwin Ludlow and Willis Ludlow, as executors of the last will of Arabut Ludlow, deceased. Litigant 2: William Helm, Robert J. and Mary J. Wilson, and Harry C. and Catherine E. Martin.
Box   60
Ludlow, Willis v. Welch, Edward, et al., 1897 February
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: S.A. Clark and George Larse. Welch is misspelled as "Welsh" on the label.
Box   61
Ludlow, Willis v. Cullen, James P., et al., 1909 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary J. Cullen; and John O'Brien as guardian of Margaret Ellen, Patrick Henry, Aggie, and Thomas Michael McGuire, and as assignee of Owen McGuire.
Box   58
Ludwig, Peter and Catherine v. McMurray, Polly, 1880 December
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   M26
Luke, Charles v. Zinc Carbonate Company, 1893 August
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   M26
Luke, Samuel v. Zinc Carbonate Company, 1893 August
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   L24
Lund, Ole v. Sargent, Charles, 1897 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   59
Lund, Quinn & Co., Ex Parte, 1886 March
Note: Type of case: Other - Certificate to form a Limited Partnership.
Box   61
Lunda, Cinda v. Lunda, Martin, 1908 July
Note: Divorce.
Box   L24
Lutter, John v. Raison, James, 1876 May
Note: Fraud. Raison is misspelled as "Raisin" on the label.
Box   58
Lutter, John v. Nicholson, William, 1877 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   59
Lutz, Daisy May, Ex Parte, 1884 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Heir of Cyrus Lutz, deceased, and daughter of Elamina Lutz.
Box   58
Lynch, Catherine, Ex Parte, 1874 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Deceased, petition by Patrick and Owen Lynch, infant heirs.
Box   60
Lynch, Edward, Jr., Ex Parte, 1895 January
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   59
Lynch, Edward, Sr. v. Lynch, Edward, Jr., 1893 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   L24
Lynch, Hettie v. Quish, James, 1878 November
Note: Slander/Libel.
Box   59
Lynch, Michael, Ex Parte, 1892 October
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   60
Lynch, Michael and Mary v. Shay, Stephen, et al., 1895 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Ellen, Michael, and Mary Shay.
Box   61
Lyne, Harry, Ex Parte, 1902 March
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   L24
Lyon, E.F. v. Robinson, Robert, et al., 1850 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Amos F. Culver.
Box   L24
Lyon, E.F. v. Robinson, Robert, et al., 1852 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Amos F. Culver.
Box   L23
Lyons, Michael v. Roberts, Rosanna, 1866 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   59
Lysaght, William v. McWilliams, Peter, et al., 1886 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Catharine and Bridget McWilliams.
Box   59
Lysaght, William v. Gabel, Cecelia, et al., 1887 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: James R. Rose and Henry and Elizabeth Hall.
Box   60
Lysaght, William v. McDonald, Annie, et al., 1896 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Michael McDonald and David Schrieter.
Box   60
Lysaght, William v. Scott, Jesse and Josephine, 1896 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   60
Lysaght, William v. Vaughan, Peter A., et al., 1896 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Catharine Vaughan, Thomas O'Neill, Guss Roselip as assignee of Robert McGuigan, Mary F. Marshall, and Catharine Stuart.
Box   70
Mabe, Alice Lee, et al., Ex Parte, 1889 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Annie Olive, Nora, and Mary Beebe Mabe and Jefferson C. Bondurant, general guardian.
Box   M27
Mack, Herman S. and Hugo v. Hotz, Jacob, 1885 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Action No. 2. Litigant 2: Garnishee - William Hooper.
Box   M27
Mack, Herman S. and Hugo v. Hotz, Jacob, 1885 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. First Action. Litigant 2: Garnishee - William Hooper.
Box   M27
Mack, Herman S. and Hugo v. Hotz, Jacob, 1885 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M27
Mack, Herman S. and Hugo v. Hotz, Jacob, 1885 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Action No. 2. Litigant 2: Garnishee - William Hooper and J.C. Robbins.
Box   M27
Mack, Herman S. and Hugo v. Hotz, Jacob, 1885 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Action No. 1. Litigant 2: Garnishee - J.C. Robbins.
Box   M27
Mack, Herman S. and Hugo v. Hotz, Jacob, 1885 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M
Mack, S.B., et al. v. King, Charles D., 1882 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: William S. McCraken, copartners under the firm name of Mack & McCraken. McCraken is also spelled "McCracken" on some documents.
Box   5
Macken, Fannie v. Macken, Henry, 1913 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   123
Mackey, Charles, et al. v. Henderson, M.S., 1913 April
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: A.M. Anderson, partners under the firm name of Mackey & Anderson.
Box   64
Madden, Louisiana v. Barnes, Henry W., et al., 1861 October
Note: Replevin. Madden is spelled "Maddin" on some of the documents. Litigant 2: "A. B. Robinson, the real party in interest in this action."
Box   M28
Maddrell, John v. Watson, B.F., et al., 1866 March
Note: Eminent Domain. Litigant 2: James Nelson and J.W. Chapman, Supervisors of Town of Wayne.
Box   65
Maddrell, John T. v. Simmons, Gilbert, 1849 May
Note: Slander/Libel.
Box   M30
Maddrell, John T. v. Wayne, Town of, 1863 September
Note: Eminent Domain. Damaged label. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   71
Maddrell, LeRoy v. Borden, LeRoy, et al., 1910 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Jane Lysaght.
Box   64
Madison, Bank of v. Moore, John P., 1867 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   64
Magoon, Henry S. v. Turner, Nelson W. and Hugh, 1871 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   67
Magoon, Henry S. v. Blakely, Frances, et al., 1871 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Oscar F. Blakely, William M. Thomas, and James Judge.
Box   67
Magoon, Henry S. v. Blakely, A.D., et al., 1875 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Sarah Blakely, Albert C. Blakely, and Margaret Blakely.
Box   67
Magoon, Henry S. v. Hansen, Charles A., 1875 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   67
Magoon, Henry S. v. Callahan, Peter, 1875 March
Note: Foreclosure. Appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   67
Magoon, Henry S. v. Morgan, Enoch, et al., 1876 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Samuel W. Reese, Richard Carter, Charles B. Helm, and Richard H. Williams.
Box   68
Magoon, Henry S. v. Darlington, Town of, 1878 February
Note: Other. Type of Case: Other - unknown. Documents filed do not provide this information.
Box   68
Magoon, Henry S. v. Westrope, William B. and Sarah, 1878 September
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   68
Magoon, Henry S. v. Halstead, Isaac F., 1880 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   70
Magoon, Henry S. v. McDonald, Jeremiah and Bridget, 1886 July
Note: Foreclosure. McDonald is spelled "McDonnell" on several of the documents.
Box   70
Magoon, Henry S. v. Foley, William, 1886 July
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   M29
Magoon, Henry S. v. Reber, Lydia, et al., 1886 July
Note: Probate. Litigant 2: Alias Lydia Magoon, Richard H. Reber, alias Richard H. Magoon, and R.H. Williams. Appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   M25
Magoon, Henry S. v. Reber, Lydia, et al., 1886 June
Note: Other. Two boxes. Litigant 2: alias Lydia Magoon, Richard H. Reber alias Richard H. Magoon, and R.H. Williams. Type of case: Other - to cancel promissory notes and power of attorney documents that were signed by extortion under duress. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   70
Magoon, Henry S. v. Knight, James G., 1887 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   68
Magoon, Henry S. v. Hanson, Nelson and Jennie, 1878 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Guardian of the minor heirs of Richard H. Magoon, Senior, deceased.
Box   72
Magoon, Jay Howard, et al., Ex Parte, 1893 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Agnes Isabella, Mary Josephine, and Isabella S. Morgan.
Box   71
Magoon, Jay Howard, et al., Ex Parte, 1894 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Agnes Isabella, Mary Josephine, and Isabella Magoon.
Box   73
Magoon, Mary Josephine, et al., Ex Parte, 1897 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Isabella S. Magoon, mother.
Box   M27
Magoon, Richard H. v. Gratiot, Edward H., et al., 1862 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: John Collins and the Board of Supervisors of Lafayette County.
Box   70
Magoon, Richard Henry, et al., Ex Parte, 1888 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Jay H., Agnes B., and Mary Josephine Magoon, infant children of Henry S. and Isabel S. Magoon.
Box   71
Magoon, Richard Henry, et al., Ex Parte, 1891 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: J. Howard, Agnes Isabella, and Mary Josephine Magoon, infants, and Isabella S. Magoon, their mother.
Box   71
Magoon, Richard Henry, et al., Ex Parte, 1891 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Jay Howard, Agnes Isabella, Mary Josephine, and Isabel S. Magoon.
Box   71
Magoon, Richard Henry, et al., Ex Parte, 1892 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Jay Howard, Agnes Isabella, and Mary Josephine Magoon, infants, and Isabella S. Magoon, their mother.
Box   71
Magoon, Richard Henry, et al., Ex Parte, 1892 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Jay Howard, Mary Josephine, Agnes Isabel, and Isabel S. Magoon, their mother.
Box   71
Magoon, Richard Henry, et al., Ex Parte, 1893 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Jay Howard, Mary Josephine, Agnes Isabel, and Isabel S. Magoon, their mother.
Box   66
Maguire, Jane v. Maguire, Thomas, 1865 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   68
Maguire, Michael v. Albrecht, Philip, 1880 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Albrecht is misspelled as "Albright" on the label.
Box   M32
Mahoney, James R., et al. v. Cain, Barrett, 1850 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Alfred E. Tilton.
Box   M30
Main, B.W. v. Thompson, George, 1850 January
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for breaking and entering.
Box   M28
Maine, William v. Vaughn, Elias B., 1847 June
Note: Replevin.
Box   64
Maine, William B. v. Coffee, Thomas, 1847 April
Note: Replevin.
Box   M32
Maker, William v. Arnold, Moses A., 1858 May
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged Label.
Box   62
Maloney, James R., et al. v. Miller, James W., 1848 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Maloney is misspelled as "Molony" on the label. Litigant 1: Alfred E. Litton.
Box   M
Maloney, James R., et al. v. Miller, James W., 1852 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Alfred E. Tilton.
Box   69
Maloney, John v. Mitchell, Malcolm C., 1882 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Appears to be Theft, but there are only two documents in the file, the defendant's answer to the complaint and the request for a change of venue. Court year and month is the date on the "answer."
Box   M30
Malony, James R., et al. v. Cain, Barnet, 1848 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Alfred E. Tilton.
Box   M30
Malony, James R., et al. v. Miller, James W., 1849 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Alfred E. Tilton.
Box   114
Maloy, James F. and Ellen F. v. Meloy, Bessie, et al., 1912 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Maloy is misspelled as "Meloy" on the label. Litigant 2: Charles D., Marion C., Grace F., Mildred C., Henry J., and Gertrude F. Meloy, children of Daniel C. Meloy, deceased; Mary E., Catherine, Elizabeth, and William Meloy; Annie and Henry Smith; Katie and John Foley; Ellen and W.C. Cooney; Peter Mulloy, Barney Logue, Eli Robinson, Daniel Mulloy, and unknown heirs of Samuel Mazzuchelli, deceased.
Box   M28
Mandlebaum, F. v. King, Charles D., 1871 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Mandlebaum is misspelled as "Mendlebaum" on the label.
Box   M33
Manning, Edward H. v. McCracken, Alexander, 1903 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Deceased, estate of and S.S. Allen, administrator.
Box   69
Manning, Elizabeth v. Johnson, Mary, et al., 1883 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: John Johnson and C.W. Leumont.
Box   M26
Manny, F.H., et al. v. Glindinning, John and William, 1860 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Jesse Blinn. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   M30
Manny, F.N. v. Chambers, John J., 1863 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M
Manny, P., et al. v. Borgers, William, 1866 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Jeremiah Patterson.
Box   M32
Manny, P., et al. v. Henry, Mathew, 1866 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Jeremiah Patterson.
Box   M31
Manny, P., et al. v. Peters, Thomas, 1868 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Jeremiah Patterson.
Box   62
Manny, P., et al. v. Virden, George, 1868 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Jeremiah Patterson.
Box   66
Mapes, Mary v. Mapes, Henry, 1873 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   M33
Mappes, Charles v. Kilkelly, Andrew, 1876 July
Note: Damages/Theft. Damaged label. Type of case: Damages - for assault injuries.
Box   M31
Mappes, Charles v. Daugherty, Charles, et al., 1891 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: John Simmons, partners doing business under the firm name of Daugherty & Simmons.
Box   73
Marble, Chester Francis, et al, Ex Parte, 1896 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Mina Isabella Marble and Fanny M. Marble, their mother.
Box   M
Marble, John C. v. Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance, 1886 June
Note: Contract Violation. Litigant 2: Company of Wayne & Gratiot.
Box   M31
Marble, Pheobe v. Marbel, George W., 1865 August
Note: Divorce. Damaged label.
Box   73
March, Edward v. Law, Thomas J., et al., 1897 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Josephine Law, Harry Guy as administrator of the estates of William March, deceased, and Tabatha Guy, deceased, and Thomas Jewell.
Box   69
March, Elizabeth E. v. March, George T., 1885 July
Note: Divorce.
Box   72
March, Ellen v. Guy, Harry, et al., 1892 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Sarah Littlefair.
Box   70
March, Emily A. v. March, George T., et al., 1886 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Elizabeth March, John Knewstub, and The Citizens National Bank of Darlington.
Box   63
March, George v. Waistell, Thomas, 1850 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. The month and year are the dates of the Judgement which is the only document in the file.
Box   M27
March, George v. Williams, Edward, et al., 1858 June
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 2: Edwin Carvath. Type of case: Damages - for removal of fence.
Box   M
March, George v. Morgan, Bernard, et al., 1893 September
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 2: J.L. Cavanaugh. Type of case: Damages - for converting oats to their (Morgan's & Cavanaugh's) own use.
Box   70
March, George T. v. March, Emily A., 1884 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Administratrix of the estate of John March, deceased, was substituted as defendant in place of J.S. Waddington.
Box   M26
March, John v. Rankins, Hibbard, 1858 April
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   M28
March, John v. March, George, 1863 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   65
March, John C. v. McCoy, Catherine, et al., 1873 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: John McCoy, Jr. and Harriet McCoy; Mary Ann and William Wilson; James and Mary Ann McCoy; Elizabeth and William Brown; Martha and Joseph A. Moore; William, Thomas, and Katie McCoy, heirs at law of John McCoy, Sr., deceased; William Ladd; J.P. Black; Andrew Kilkelley; and George Henry as assignee of John Strachan, bankrupt.
Box   M
March, Matilda, et al. v. Wurm, Sara, et al., 1923 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Myrtle O'Neill. Litigant 2: Miles B. Lyne.
Box   M33
March, Susannah v. White Oak Springs, Town of, 1886 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for injuries caused by buggy accident on defective and out of repair road.
Box   66
March, William v. Jackson, Richard, 1858 November
Note: Trespassing.
Box   65
March, William v. Nagle, John, et al., 1859 August
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Thomas B. Campbell.
Box   M33
March, William v. Skewis, Edward, 1870 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   62
March, William v. Skewis, Edward and Kitty, 1873 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   67
March, William v. Brown, Thomas A., et al., 1878 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Ann Brown, Josiah Osborn, Nicholas H. Brown, and J.M. Brewster, surviving partner of McNulty & Brothers.
Box   M28
March, William, et al. v. VanVorhis, Edward, 1866 July
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: Thomas March, Tabathy and Harry Guy.
Box   68
Marcy, Ina v. Marcy, Orville, 1879 February
Note: Divorce.
Box   M30
Marcy, James v. Dart, Orlando G., et al., 1859 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Joseph D. Francis and Philo A. Orton.
Box   71
Marcy, Warren Orville, Ex Parte, 1892 December
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   71
Marcy, Warren Orville, Ex Parte, 1892 September
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   71
Marcy, Warren Orville, Ex Parte, 1893 March
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   65
Mark, Elijah and David v. Dobbs, William, et al., 1855 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Mark is misspelled as "Marks" on the label. Litigant 2: Henry and Adam Helm.
Box   M30
Markeman, William, et al. v. Rea, W.G., 1849 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Walter Markeman and Francis H. Davis.
Box   63
Marlette, Peter v. Inchemich, Henry, et al., 1849 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. The label is typed as "Marlette-McHennick." Litigant 2: Helgel Schlumer. Some of the documents are from Milwaukee County Circuit Court and the handwriting is difficult to read.
Box   73
Marquart, Elizabeth T. v. Jeffery, E.J., 1897 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   114
Marriot, John v. Iowa County Mutual Fire, 1903 November
Note: Other. Litigant 2: Insurance Company sometimes known as Iowa County Fire Insurance Company. Type of case: Other - no complaint in file. Appears to be action regarding lack of insurance coverage.
Box   M30
Marriott, Elizabeth v. Bentley, Robert, 1858 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   73
Marriott, Franklin, Ex Parte, 1898 January
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   M27
Marriott, John v. Morgan, Edward, et al., 1879 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Michael and David Morgan.
Box   69
Marriott, John v. Mariott, Elizabeth, 1881 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   68
Marriott, John, et al, Ex Parte, 1868 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Marriott is misspelled as "Marriot" on the label. Litigant1: Application for appointment of guardian of Elizabeth Marriott, an insane person.
Box   66
Mars, G.H., et al. v. Hammond, Robert, 1855 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: E.A. Small, business name of Mars & Small.
Box   63
Marsh, Francis A. v. Dobson, Robert F., 1863 August
Note: Trespassing. Case was heard in Justice Court.
Box   73
Marshall, G.A. v. Kearns, Bridget, 1896 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   69
Marshall, G.A./ Conley, P.H. v. O'Connor, Margaret and Daniel, 1884 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   67
Marshall, George A. v. Lafayette County, 1878 February
Note: Other. Litigant 2: Board of Supervisors. Type of case: Other - claim for Justice fees.
Box   74
Marshall, Miriam H. v. Vondrey, Gustav, et al., 1903 December
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: John R. Toay and John M. Reese.
Box   64
Martin, A.C. v. Kirkpatrick, A.J., et al., 1869 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Hamilton, T.J.
Box   71
Martin, A.C. v. Gilbert, Thomas, et al., 1893 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Emma A. Gilbert, L.C. Rowley, and Lucinda N. Rowley.
Box   M30
Martin, A.C. v. Northwest Thresher Company, 1902 October
Note: Replevin.
Box   4
Martin, Ada E. v. Martin, James, 1912 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   67
Martin, Alvin C. v. Fitterley, Thomas, et al., 1869 December
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary Fitterly, Frederick J. and Sarah Pinfold, Jacob J. Reed, Alpheus Adams, D.F. Chauser, and J.S.R. Benedict.
Box   M29
Martin, Alvin C. v. Paddock, Ichabod and Mary Ann, 1874 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label.
Box   70
Martin, Alvin C. v. Martin, James H., et al., 1884 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Lydia E. Miller.
Box   M31
Martin, Alvin C. v. Knight, James G., et al., 1870 June
Note: Other. Litigant 1: State of Wisconsin ex relators. Litigant 2: Thomas Sanders and H.J. Whitman, supervisors of the Town of Darlington. Type of case: Other - Writ of Mandamus.
Box   63
Martin, David, et al. v. Gray, Mack, 1863 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Thomas Gooyh.
Box   71
Martin, Elfie Lucinda v. Martin, Calvin, 1892 November
Note: Divorce.
Box   69
Martin, Etta L. v. Martin, George W., 1885 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   64
Martin, James v. Murphy, George S., 1872 April
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   64
Martin, John v. Martin, Christine, 1870 January
Note: Divorce.
Box   M26
Martin, John v. Moore, John, 1884 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   64
Martin, John D., Ex Parte, 1868 December
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   69
Martin, Louisa v. Martin, Frank, et al., 1884 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: John Martin, James and Ruth Rose, and John Meehan.
Box   68
Martin, Mary Ellen, et al., Ex Parte, 1881 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Infant heir of John T. Martin; Ellen A. Martin, mother.
Box   63
Martin, Richard v. Scott, Benjamin, et al., 1862 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Cynthia D. Scott and Luther H. Whittesey.
Box   69
Martin, Samuel R. and Ella Belle, Ex Parte, 1883 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Infant heirs at law of William and Elisabeth Martin.
Box   10
Martin, Sarah E., et al. v. Judd, James D., et al., 1911 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Josepha James. Litigant 2: Hattie, William H., Sophie, and Amy Jane Judd; Edith Henry; Cora Williams; William, Florence, and Ray James; Nettie W. Glasser; Jennie Smith; Marie Dunn; Mabel Leizinger; Harriet B. James; Thomas W., Florence, James Jr., Bertha, Wilbur, Cora, Noel, and Roxyanna Glines; Annie W. Cederlof; Thomas Tucker; Jane Ullrich; Hattie Rea; Annie, Albert, Effie, Jasper, Eugene, Phene, Earl, and William J. Tucker and Jefferson Judd.
Box   64
Martin, Thomas v. Nethery, James, et al., 1871 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Thomas Moore.
Box   6
Martin, Thomas v. Look, Will H., et al., 1913 April
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 2: Edward Fox, Co-partner under the firm name of Look & Fox. Type of case: Damages--failure of seed corn to grow.
Box   64
Martin, Willard L.D., Ex Parte, 1872 June
Note: Other. Litigant 1: James A.S. Martin. Type of case: Other - admission as attorneys to the Bar.
Box   69
Martin, William v. Thompson, James, 1882 September
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for assault and battery.
Box   67
Martin, William B. v. Baker, John G., et al., 1877 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary J. Baker and S.M. Juette.
Box   76
Martin, William J., Ex Parte, 1907 November
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   74
Marty, Henry v. Marty, Ella, 1904 December
Note: Divorce.
Box   114
Marty, Jacob Company v. Armstrong, Tom, 1920 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   67
Martyn, Wilmirth Jane v. Martyn, Henry Franklin, 1876 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   65
Marvin, Annie M. v. Marvin, George W., 1872 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   M32
Marx, Henry v. Cook, William I., 1850 March
Note: Replevin. Damaged label.
Box   M32
Marx, Henry v. Cook, William, 1850 September
Note: Replevin. Damaged label.
Box   M32
Marx, Phillip and Henry v. Shaw, Aaron, 1850 February
Note: Replevin. Damaged label.
Box   M28
Mason, George A. v. Stockwell, Isaac, 1870 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M28
Mason, James v. Sardeson, George, 1875 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M33
Mason, Lewis v. Francis, Hezekiah, 1850 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   M27
Mason, Lewis v. Francis, Hezekiah, 1850 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   72
Mason, Mary Ellen v. Mason, David Oscar, 1895 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   64
Mason, Robert v. Earnest, James H., et al., 1872 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary E. Earnest, Nathan Corwith, and Levi Blossom
Box   65
Mason, Robert v. Earnest, James H., et al., 1872 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary E. Earnest, Nathan Corwith, and Levi Blossom.
Box   M27
Mason, S.L., Ex Parte, 1893 September
Note: Bankruptcy.
Box   72
Mason, Sarah E. v. Mason, Joseph T., 1896 January
Note: Divorce.
Box   M31
Massman, Joseph, et al. v. Scott, Jane, 1858 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Morris Roth.
Box   13
Mates, R.F., et al. v. Dearth, William, 1911 June
Note: Breach of Promise. Litigant 1: F. H. Webb and George Gugerty. Type of Case: To recover a commission for the sale of land.
Box   62
Mather, Francis W., et al v. Rablin, William, 1871 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Richard U. and Elizabeth R. Mather.
Box   M32
Mather, Henry v. Comstock, Charles, et al., 1863 August
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Almira Comstock, John and Sarah Davenport, John R. and Helen E. Comstock, Thomas E. and Thomas R. Whitney, James and Thriza Andrews, Aaron and Mahala Hutchinson, Phoebe Allen, William and Adaline Hyde, Edwin and Louisa Ripley, heirs-at-law of Mathias C. Comstock, deceased.
Box   M32
Mather, Henry v. Merle, John A., et al., 1863 August
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. Litigant 2: A. Philipor, Jr., Charles and Almira Comstock, John and Sarah Davenport, John R. and Helen E. Comstock, Thomas E. and Thomas R. Whitney, James and Thriza Andrews, Aaron and Mahala Hutchinson, Phoebe Allen, William and Adaline Hyde, Edwin and Louisa Ripley, heirs-at-law of Mathias C. Comstock, deceased.
Box   62
Mather, Henry v. Hutchison, John, 1867 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   M29
Mather, Henry v. McClintock, Hamilton, et al., 1870 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Edward J. Hill.
Box   114
Mathey, C.C. v. Rowley Mining Company, et al., 1904 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Elijah B. Sherman.
Box   M33
Mathey, C.C. v. Rowling Mining Company, 1906 May
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. Type of case: Foreclosure of Mechanics Lien.
Box   M31
Mathey, C.C. v. Rowley Mining Company, et al., 1904 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Galena Iron Works. Litigant 2: George Clementson.
Box   65
Matson, Frederick, et al. v. West, James, et al., 1859 September
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: William Cunningham and Amos Hopkins. Litigant 2: Andrew Reed
Box   70
Matthews, George, Ex Parte, 1886 May
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   72
Matthews, Hannah, Ex Parte, 1896 March
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   68
Matthews, John v. Hatfield, John, et al., 1876 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   M32
Matthews, John v. Kirkpatrick, James C., 1879 June
Note: Type of case could not be determined. Order Changing Venue is the only document on file.
Box   72
Matthews, Mary v. Matthews, David, 1894 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   M31
Mau, Fred v. Laube, Charles, 1892 January
Note: Slander/Libel. Change of venue from Green County.
Box   M33
Maxwell, Oliver H. v. Long, John W., et al., 1847 March
Note: Trespassing. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Oron D. Moulton.
Box   68
May, Mary Jane, et al., Ex Parte, 1873 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Sarah Ann, Elizabeth, Richard K., Caroline E., Emma, Samuel H., and Richard K. May, infants of Joseph H. May, father.
Box   123
Mayfield, Emma v. Keenan, John, et al., 1914 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: James Keenan, Edward, Ann, John, and Mary J. Elliot. Catherine Cullen and Eugenia McGuire.
Box   66
Maynard, John v. Hovey, A.W., et al., 1862 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: L.A. Hovey, Alfred Hovey, Sarah Hovey, and Satterlee Warden.
Box   66
Maynard, Malachi v. Hamilton, Thomas, 1868 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   70
Maynard, Malachi v. Hall, Thomas, et al., 1894 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary J. Hall, William H. Holder, Christian Haffele, Bennett O. Skewis as the administrator of the estate of Joseph Tangye, deceased, William D. Ennor as executor for William Ennor, deceased. Case appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   72
Maynard, Malachi v. Hall, Thomas, et al., 1894 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: George, Wallace, and Mary Jane Hall, William R. Holder, Christian Haffele, Benjamin O. Skewis as administrator of the estate of Joseph Tangye, deceased, and William D. Ennor, as executor of the last will and testament of William Ennor, deceased.
Box   72
Maynard, Malachi v. Hall, George and Thomas, 1894 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   O35
Maynard, Malachi, Ex Parte, 1896 March
Note: Bankruptcy.
Box   M28
Maynard, T.H., et al. v. Piercy, Charles, 1875 July
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: J.S. Adams. Type of case: Damages for ? - could not determine.
Box   66
Mayne, Lefe v. Pinney, A.G., 1867 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   63
Mayne, Lefe v. Edgren, John L., 1872 May
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   69
Mayne, Richard v. Smith, John, Senior, et al., 1884 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary A. Smith and John Pool.
Box   62
Mazzuchelli, Samuel v. McCabe, Mary and John, 1859 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   M32
Mazzuchelli, Samuel v. Quigley, John, Sr., 1860 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   65
Mazzuchelli, Samuel v. McAleer, Peter, 1860 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: for the use of the "Sinsinawa Female Academy."
Box   M31
McAleer, Peter v. Wand, Robert G., 1847 September
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages for wrongful judgement.
Box   M32
McAleer, Peter v. Ward, Robert G., 1847 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   M26
McAlleer, Peter v. Halsey, Jeffrey F., 1849 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M33
McAllen, Peter v. Campbell, Robert E., 1849 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   M31
McArthur, John v. Johnson, Charles, 1870 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   67
McArthur, John v. Johnson, Charles, 1877 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M32
McBrian, Philip v. Shaproe, Augustus, 1847 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   70
McBride, James, et al. v. Fitzpatrick, Michael, et al., 1889 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: James Logue. Litigant 2: William James, Josephus Driver, R.H. Driver, S.S. Driver, James Driver, J.B. Driver, F.W. Stratman, R. Lane, Henry Follon, George Patterson, J.F. Walsh, Timothy Cain, James Wyckoff, Richard T. Tuttle, and Milo H. Olin.
Box   64
McBride, John, Jr. v. Cundy, Jane, et al., 1873 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Edward Chappell, Sr., executor of the last will and testament of William Cundy, deceased, Edwin and Mary Cundy.
Box   73
McBride, R. Lillian v. Mappes, Charles and Minnie, 1899 January
Note: Type of case: Other - Unknown - The "Stipulation" and "Order Dismissing Action" are the only documents in the file.
Box   70
McBride, Robert v. Wright, James M., et al, 1887 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary Elizabeth Wright, James Tipond, and Charles L. Bennett. The "Judgment" is the only document in the file.
Box   62
McBrien, Phillip v. Murphy, Dennis, 1847 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. McBrien is misspelled as McBreen on the label.
Box   M28
McCafferty, H.W. v. Cutting, Romanzo B., et al., 1870 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. McCafferty is misspelled as "McCaffry" on the label. Litigant 2: Jerome B. Cutting.
Box   M26
McCaffery, John v. Zinc Carbonate Company, 1893 August
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   M32
McCaffrey, Bernard v. Gear, Charles and William T., 1848 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   62
McCaffrey, Bernard v. Gear, Charles and William, 1850 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. McCaffrey is misspelled as "McCraffrey" on the label.
Box   M29
McCaffrey, John v. Neenan, Daniel, 1856 May
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   63
McCaffrey, John v. Calvert, William H., 1861 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   65
McCaffrey, John v. Murphy, Dennis, 1865 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   65
McCaffrey, John v. Piquette, Moses, 1867 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. McCaffrey is misspelled as "McCraffrey" on the label. Piquette is spelled "Piquett" and "Piquet" on some of the documents.
Box   72
McCarten, Theresa v. McCarten, Patrick, 1893 December
Note: Divorce.
Box   64
McCarty, Dennis and John v. Rosalie Derocher, et al., 1873 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Administrators of the estate of Patrick McCarty, deceased. Litigant 2: Widow of William Derocher and Mary, Elisa Jane, Samuel, Frank W., Adeline, Philomen, and Catherine Derocher.
Box   71
McCarty, John F., et al., Ex Parte, 1891 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: William, Mary B., Albert P., Clara E., and Lizzie, heirs at law of John McCarty, deceased.
Box   72
McCarville, Anna, et al., Ex Parte, 1895 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Hannah, Owen, and Elizabeth McCarville, heirs of Bernard McCarville.
Box   62
McCarville, Dennis v. Kearns, Andrew and Mary, 1868 February
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   M27
McCarville, Hannah v. Boyle, Peter, 1893 November
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for assault.
Box   114
McCarville, Hannah v. Magennity, Mary, et al., 1910 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Magennity is misspelled as "McGinnity" on the label. Litigant 2: John Magennity; John and Margaret Coulter; Mary Hope; Rose, Peter, Bridget, Stephen, and Margaret Callaghan; James and William Hogan; and Margaret Sullivan.
Box   67
McCarville, Hugh and Mary Ann v. Meighan, Edward, 1877 June
Note: Type of case: Other - unknown as the file does not contain the complaint or other documents filed by McCarville. Appears to be related to an assault.
Box   76
McCarville, J.A. v. Hanrahan, Theresa, 1908 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M26
McCarville, Jane v. McCarville, Joseph A., 1906 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   70
McCarville, John, et al., Ex Parte, 1888 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Dennis Ignatius and Susan McCarville, by Jane McCarville, their mother.
Box   M30
McCarville, Monica v. McCarville, Joseph A., 1906 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M32
McCarville, Patrick v. Scott, Rothius C., 1866 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   M27
McCarville, Thomas v. Riley, Joseph, et al., 1859 July
Note: Replevin. Litigant 2: Isaac Davis.
Box   62
McCarville, Thomas v. Kearns, Andrew and Mary, 1870 November
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   M29
McCarville, Thomas and Francis v. Smith, James, 1868 September
Note: Trespassing. Damaged label.
Box   M
McCauley, James v. McQuaid, Patrick F., 1898 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M29
McCauley, John P. v. O'Hara, John, et al., 1881 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: E. O'Hara, William and Charles O'Hara doing business under the firm name of O'Hara Brothers.
Box   70
McCausland, David, Ex Parte, 1887 March
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   64
McClintock, Hamilton M. v. Johnson, Lars E., et al., 1861 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: L.B. Waddington; P.A. Orton, Jr.; Francis W., Richard H., and Elizabeth Mather; Charles Dury; Nicholas Stiffen; Daniel Callahan; Patrick McDermott; Henry McGuire; Patrick McKeon. Complaint is not in this file.
Box   M32
McCloskey, H.F. v. Hoskins, Clayton L., 1849 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   M32
McCloskey, Henry v. Gear, John H., 1858 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   65
McClosky, H.F. v. Hoskins, Clayton T., et al., 1848 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: George Taylor, Marshall Cottle, Sam G. Braggs, and Jonathan J. Marvin. Type of case: Land/Real Estate - deed was found fraudulent.
Box   69
McComish, Elizabeth, Ex Parte, 1885 October
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   69
McComish, Thomas v. McComish, Bridget, et al., 1882 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Widow of Arthur McComish, deceased; Rose Deery, Bridget, Catharine, and Arthur McComish, children of Arthur McComish, deceased; Ann McComish, widow of Edward McComish, deceased; Ann Fleming and James, Rose, Margaret, Mary, Catharine, Edward, and Elizabeth McComish, children of Edward McComish, deceased; and William James, Thomas James, John Deery, and William Fleming.
Box   M29
McConnell, F.J., et al. v. Nugent, John, et al., 1897 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Harvey L. Jolly. Litigant 2: Ellen, Bridget, Agnes, and Margaret Nugent Reardon.
Box   74
McConnell, F.J., et al. v. Morgan, Patrick, 1901 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: H.L. Jolly, partners doing business under the firm name of McConnell & Jolly.
Box   76
McConnell, F.J., et al. v. Mauraine, M.A., et al., 1908 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: F.E. West, copartners as McConnell & West. Litigant 2: A.A. Chamberlain, copartners as Mauraine & Chamberlain; and G.N. Blaisdell.
Box   69
McConnell, James v. Meloy, Edward, et al., 1883 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: William and Ellen Langan.
Box   71
McConnell, James, et al. v. McConnell, John and Sarah, 1893 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Philo A. Orton.
Box   65
McConnell, Peter v. O'Neill, Thomas, et al., 1871 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Alice O'Neill, Charles and Jane Curran, and Hamilton H. Gray.
Box   M
McConnell, Sarah v. McKenna, John, et al., 1878 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Ellen McKenna and David Atwood.
Box   72
McConnell, Susan A. v. McConnell, Elmore R., 1892 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   73
McCormick Harvesting Machine v. Miller, Jacob, 1898 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Company (a corporation).
Box   M31
McCormick Harvesting v. Hoffman, Van Buren, 1888 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Machine Company.
Box   M27
McCormick Harvesting v. Flanigan, James H., 1890 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Machine Company.
Box   M32
McCormick, C.H. & Brother v. Moody, Edward, 1867 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   73
McCormick, C.H. and L.J. v. Ryan, Patrick and James, 1887 August
Note: Type of case: Other - Unknown, could not determine from documents in the file.
Box   73
McCormick, C.H. and L.J. v. Ryan, Patrick and James, 1898 September
Note: Type of case: Other - Unknown, documents related to an order granting leave to issue execution on said judgment. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   66
McCormick, C.H., et al. v. Johnson, Charles, 1868 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Leander J. McCormick, partners doing business under the firm name of C.H. McCormick & Brothers.
Box   66
McCormick, C.H., et al. v. Darragh, James, 1869 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Leander J. McCormick, partners doing business under the firm name of C.H. McCormick & Brothers. Darragh is misspelled as "Darrah" on the label.
Box   67
McCormick, C.H., et al. v. Stephens, William, 1878 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Leander J. McCormick, partners doing business under the firm name of C.H. McCormick & Brothers.
Box   M27
McCormick, Cyrus v. Evans, Jesse, 1858 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. McCormick is spelled "McCormack" on some documents.
Box   62
McCormick, Cyrus H. and Leander v. Nugent, James, 1873 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   66
McCormick, Cyrus H., et al. v. Westrope, William B., 1872 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Leander J. McCormick, partners doing business under the firm name of C.H. McCormick & Brothers.
Box   68
McCormick, Cyrus H., et al. v. Neff, Danverse, et al., 1873 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Leander J. McCormick, partners doing business under the firm name of C.H. and L.J. McCormick. Litigant 2: As garnishee of James Neugent.
Box   M
McCormick, Cyrus H., et al. v. Moore, A.W., et al., 1879 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Leander J. and R. Hall McCormick, copartners doing business under the firm name of C.H. and S.J. McCormick. Litigant 2: Olivia J. Whiteside.
Box   M32
McCormick, Cyrus H. v. Moore, A.W., 1872 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Leander J. McCormick, partners doing business under the firm name of C.H. McCormick & Bro.
Box   64
McCormick, Cyrus, et al. v. Hawk, George and William, 1867 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Leander J. McCormick, partners trading and doing business under the firm name of McCormick & Brothers. Hawk is spelled "Hawks" on the label and some of the documents.
Box   64
McCormick, Cyrus, et al. v. Beedy, Cyrus and F.E., 1871 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. McCormick is misspelled as "McCormack" on the label. Litigant 1: Leander J. McCormick, co-partners doing business under the firm name of C.H. McCormick & Brothers.
Box   68
McCormick, James John, et al. v. Shirley, Jane, et al., 1878 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Infant who appears by Mary Williams, guardian. Litigant 2: Executrix Legatee and Devisee of John McCormick, deceased.
Box   M30
McCormick, John v. McCormick, Mary, 1861 November
Note: Divorce.
Box   62
McCormick, John v. McCormick, Mary, 1862 September
Note: Divorce. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   62
McCormick, John v. McCormick, Mary, 1862 September
Note: Divorce. Envelope contains additional documents pertaining to John McCormick as Litigant 1.
Box   62
McCormick, Mary v. McCormick, John, 1864 November
Note: Divorce. Envelope contains new complaint filed in 1864 by Mary McCormick and other documents.
Box   M29
McCormick, Mathew v. Daves, James S., 1847 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   M28
McCorry, William J. v. Colton, James, et al., 1861 December
Note: Contract Violation. Litigant 2: John Martin Henni.
Box   M32
McCoy, Charles v. Jones, George W., 1848 April
Note: Replevin. Damaged label.
Box   M30
McCoy, Charles v. Gillett, Benoni R., 1854 August
Note: Probate. Litigant 2: deceased, estate of.
Box   M32
McCoy, Elizabeth v. McCoy, John, 1859 September
Note: Divorce. Damaged label.
Box   63
McCoy, Elizabeth v. McCoy, John, 1861 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   69
McCoy, Elizabeth, et al. v. Bock, Joseph, 1885 July
Note: Type of case: the "Order dismissing action" is the only document filed.
Box   65
McCoy, James, et al. v. Fisher, Neil, 1871 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Executor of the last will and testament of Robert McCoy, deceased and Margaret McCoy.
Box   69
McCoy, John C. v. Buxton, Joseph and Thomas, 1881 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   14
McCoy, John W. v. Shields, Thomas, et al., 1911 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Administrator of estate of Miriam McCoy, deceased. Litigant 2: Sarah Shields and Charles Westerman Jr.
Box   M33
McCoy, John, et al. v. Slee, Robert, 1872 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: William Wilson, administrators of the estate of John McCoy Sr., deceased.
Box   11
McCoy, Joseph v. Ansley, Thomas, et al., 1912 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Hazen Cheny, David Hills and all known and unknown heirs of Thomas Ansley, Hazen Cheny, and David Hills.
Box   M33
McCoy, Mary Emeline v. Northwestern Mutual, 1894 January
Note: Contract Violation. Litigant 2: Relief Association. Type of case: contract violation - insurance claim for death benefits. Appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   M26
McCracken, Alexander v. Coltman, Martin E., et al., 1894 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Joseph Coulthard, Martin E. and John Buxton, John and William Side, Henry and George Hoffman, partners doing business under the firm name of Leadmine Mining Company.
Box   73
McCracken, Alexander v. Morgan, Joseph T., et al., 1898 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Katie Morgan and L.A. Rhomberg.
Box   69
McCracken, Tyra, et al., Ex Parte, 1884 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Ida B. McCracken, mother.
Box   112
McCrea, John and Thomas v. Muehlenkamp, Elizabeth, et al., 1914 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Arthur Doyle, as administrator of the estate of William McCrea, deceased.
Box   64
McCullum, William M. v. Doyle, Michael, 1861 December
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   62
McCully, George, et al. v. Gray, Hamilton H., 1850 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Asa Welch. County: Pleas held in the County Court in the village of Janesville in the county of Rock. Documents were filed in Lafayette County Circuit Court in October, 1856.
Box   62
McDaniel, Patrick v. McDaniel, David and James, 1856 August
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   114
McDemott, L.C. v. Oleson, Irvin, 1926 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   6
McDermott, Charles v. McDonald, Almira, et al., 1909 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: All heirs at law of John McDermott Jr.
Box   71
McDermott, Daniel, et al., Ex Parte, 1892 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Katie, James, John, Michael, and Mary McDermott, their mother.
Box   114
McDermott, Frank, et al. v. Armstrong, Thomas, 1919 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Walter and John Stephenson, copartners doing business under the firm name of Stephenson & McDermott.
Box   M29
McDermott, James v. Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul, 1893 July
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 2: St. Paul Railway Company. Type of case: Damages - for permanent injuries caused by being thrown from a sleigh while crossing tracks.
Box   74
McDermott, James H. and Bessie v. Brown, Mary, et al., 1904 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: George Brown, Louis, Michael, and John C. McDermott.
Box   74
McDermott, James H. and Bessie v. Brown, Mary T., et al., 1911 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: John C., Michael, and Louis McDermott and G.H. Brown.
Box   73
McDermott, James, et al., Ex Parte, 1896 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: John and Michael McDermott by Mary McDermott, their mother.
Box   74
McDermott, Joanna, Ex Parte, 1903 June
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   64
McDermott, John and Charles, Ex Parte, 1872 June
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   72
McDermott, John W. and Michael v. McDermott, Bernard, et al., 1893 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Mary Dunn, Nellie O'Brien, and Daniel, Katie, and James McDermott, Elizabeth Vipon, James McWilliams, and Charles Townsend.
Box   76
McDermott, Joseph C., Ex Parte, 1908 December
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   114
McDermott, Joseph C. v. Doherty, Jim and John, 1917 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   70
McDermott, Mary, et al., Ex Parte, 1889 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Ellen, Katie, Daniel, James, John, and Michael McDermott and Mary McDermott, their mother.
Box   65
McDermott, Patrick v. McDermott, John, 1870 April
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   74
McDermott, Patrick and Michael v. Matthews, Charles T., et al., 1902 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: David and Mary Matthews, Jesse and Sarah Matthews, Emeline Hart, and Mary J. Freeman.
Box   73
McDonald, Bridget C. v. McDonald, John E., 1899 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   M
McDonald, Dennis, Ex Parte, 1895 March
Note: Criminal.
Box   4
McDonald, Elena C., Ex Parte, 1911 May
Note: Probate.
Box   M32
McDonald, J.B. v. E.L. Gates Manufacturing Co., 1902 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   71
McDonald, James v. McDonald, Jeremiah and Bridget, 1890 May
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   67
McDonald, John and Catherine v. Borgess, Henry, et al., 1876 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Attilie Borgess and Edward and Mary Downie.
Box   114
McDonald, Katie v. Gorham, E.W., 1905 March
Note: Breach of Promise. Type of case: Breach of Promise - complaint document is not in file; selection based on "Answer of Defendant" document.
Box   71
McDonald, Lois S., et al., Ex Parte, 1892 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Mary A., Etta F., Clarence E., Pearl May, and Amy McDonald, their mother.
Box   72
McDonald, Mary v. O'Neill, Thomas F., et al., 1893 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Bridget O'Neill, James and Ellen Leary, and John Bray.
Box   71
McDonald, Mary, et al., Ex Parte, 1890 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Roseanna and Ellen McDonald, their mother, heirs of Matthew McDonald, deceased.
Box   73
McDonald, Mary, et al., Ex Parte, 1896 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Etta F., Clarence E., and Pearl M. McDonald, by Amy McDonald, their mother.
Box   62
McDonald, Owen, et al. v. Smith, William, et al., 1863 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: John McGivern. Litigant 2: Jane Smith, Matthew Murphy, Thomas K. Gibson, Peter S. Pedelty, Matthew Blinkinow, John Raisbeck, Henry Stephens, William Fiddick, John Fiddick, and J. I. Case.
Box   M30
McDonald, Owen, et al. v. Harker, Amos, 1865 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: John McGivern.
Box   63
McDonald, Owen, et al. v. McGuire, Ellen, et al., 1865 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: John McGivern. Litigant 2: Widow and administrator of the estate of James McGuire, deceased, and Rose, Philip, Mary, Catherine, Joseph, Margaret, John, Sarah, Bridget, and Ellen McGuire.
Box   69
McDonald, William M. v. George, Matilda W.H., 1882 June
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   69
McDonnell, Jeremiah and Bridget v. Thompson, Mary, et al., 1881 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Ellen Doyle, N.E. Tully, and C.F. Osborn.
Box   64
McDougall, Orpha C. v. McDougall, Benjamin, 1872 May
Note: Divorce. McDougall is misspelled as "McDougle" on the label.
Box   M27
McElheny, George v. Toppins, Charles, 1875 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. McElheny is spelled "McElheney" on some documents.
Box   M32
McElroy, John, et al. v. Robinson, Thomas, et al., 1858 November
Note: Damages/Theft. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Patrick Carrol. Litigant 2: Isaac and Matthew Robinson, Joseph Bride, William and John Harker, John and ? Raw. Type of case: Damages - for breaking, entering, and carrying away large quantities of lead ore.
Box   72
McEnerney, Owen v. Fink, Frederick, et al., 1894 December
Note: Foreclosure. Box #1. Litigant 2: Elizabeth Fink, Patrick Whalen, Abraham Strauss, Hugo Goodman, Simon Yorndorf, Edward Rose, John McGinty, Michael McDermott, John Cavanaugh, and the Truman Cheese Factory.
Box   72
McEnerney, Owen v. Fink, Frederick, et al., 1894 December
Note: Foreclosure. Box #2. Litigant 2: Elizabeth Fink, Patrick Whalen, Abrahm Strauss, Hugo Goodman, Simon Yorndorf, Edward Rose, John McGinty, Michael McDermott, John Cavanaugh, and the Truman Cheese Factory.
Box   M29
McEnerney, Owen v. McConnell, Daniel, 1894 July
Note: Tax.
Box   63
McEntee, John v. Hills, David, 1862 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M29
McEwen, Milton v. George, Hannah, 1866 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label.
Box   M29
McEwen, Milton v. George, James, 1866 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label.
Box   71
McEwen, Orpha E. v. Johnson, Mary W. and Timothy L., 1890 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   71
McEwin, Bessie and Orpha, Ex Parte, 1893 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label.
Box   123
McFadden, Mae v. Roper, John, Jr., et al., 1915 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Carrie and Raymond Roper and H.W. Burmeister.
Box   63
McFarlen, John v. Carr, Derius, et al., 1861 January
Note: Foreclosure. McFarlen is misspelled as "McFarlane" on the label. Litigant 2: Robert Bently, Jebiel P. Carr, Matthew H. Carpenter, Esther Blair, Thomas and John McNulty. Case appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   M
McFerran, James v. Lamar, Charles H., 1850 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   114
McGaughey, Bernard A. v. Benton State Bank, 1921 April
Note: Type of case: Other - unknown; could not determine from documents in the file.
Box   74
McGee, Mary v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, 1899 August
Note: Wrongful Death. Litigant 1: as widow and administratrix of the estate of Michael McGee. Litigant 2: Railway Company.
Box   123
McGettigan, Mary, et al. v. Fisher, Michael, et al., 1918 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Michael, Charlotte, and Jane McGettigan. Litigant 2: Catherine, Patrick, and Annie Fisher, John and Annie McGettigan, and Mary Jane Wood.
Box   M30
McGinnis, Edward v. Tuttle, Emery, 1858 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   64
McGinnity, E.M. v. Cosgrove, Patrick, et al., 1870 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Executor of the last will and testament of John Smith, deceased. Litigant 2: Mary Cosgrove and Simon Harker.
Box   69
McGinty, Unity, et al. v. McGinty, Neal, 1883 December
Note: Discharge Mort. Litigant 1: James McGinty and Bernard McGinty.
Box   66
McGivern, Ann v. McGivern, John, 1860 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   64
McGivern, Ann v. McGivern, John, 1871 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   M28
McGivern, John M., et al. v. Buffington, Daniel, et al., 1873 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Owen McDonald. Litigant 2: James Metcalf.
Box   M28
McGivern, John, Jr. v. Field, George, 1866 December
Note: Garnishing. Field is also spelled as "Fields."
Box   123
McGivney, George Ernest, Ex Parte, 1915 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Infant heir of Mary Stubbs, deceased.
Box   73
McGivney, Margaret v. McGivney, William A., 1898 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   66
McGoon, Richard H. v. Mineral Point Railroad Company, 1853 July
Note: Eminent Domain.
Box   M32
McGoslind, Andrew v. Lewis, F.L., 1877 December
Note: Other. Order Dismissing Appeal is the only document on file.
Box   M28
McGovran, John, et al. v. McKeon, Francis, et al., 1884 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Hugh McGivney and Thomas Fitzpatrick. Litigant 2: James, Patrick, and Owen McKeon; Patrick Lowey, Patrick Morgan, Edward Metcalf, Henry Metcalf, James O'Hare, Patrick Cavenaugh and Hugh McMahan.
Box   64
McGowan, Barney, Ex Parte, 1876 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Deceased, petition by Elizabeth, Hannah, Francis, and Catherine McGowan, infant heirs.
Box   64
McGowan, James v. Calamine Flouring Company, 1874 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M32
McGowan, John, et al. v. McKeon, Francis, et al., 1854 April
Note: Trespassing. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Hugh McGivney and Thomas Fitzpatrick. Litigant 2: James, Patrick, and Owen McKeon, Patrick Slowey, Patrick Morgan, Edward and Henry Metcalf, James O'Hare, Patrick Cavenaugh, and Hugh McMahan.
Box   76
McGranahan, Walter W. v. McGranahan, Rosa N., 1910 January
Note: Divorce.
Box   65
McGranahan, William v. Parkison, William, deceased, 1857 April
Note: Probate.
Box   M26
McGrane, John v. McDonald, Felix and Eliza, 1885 September
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   M33
McGrath, John v. Wisconsin Lead & Zinc Company, 1893 July
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: by Jeff B. Simpson, his guardian ad litem. Type of case: Damages - for permanent injuries sustained while working.
Box   70
McGrath, Mary, et al., Ex Parte, 1889 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Mother of James, William, and John McGrath.
Box   66
McGregor, Alexander v. Akely, Jay C., 1857 October
Note: Type of case: Other - could not determine from the documents filed.
Box   70
McGuigan, Frank v. McCarville, Patrick, 1888 September
Note: Breach of Promise.
Box   M
McGuigan, Frank v. Belmont, Town of, 1893 October
Note: Type of case: Other - suit to dispute license fee for selling alcoholic beverages. Appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   76
McGuigan, Frank v. Beaumont, Joseph, 1909 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M29
McGuire, Henry v. Amocher, L.U., et al., 1898 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Charles Zuercher.
Box   62
McGuire, Hugh v. McCormack, Michael, et al., 1856 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: David W. McCormack and James Carter.
Box   M26
McGuire, Hugh v. Zinc Carbonate Company, 1893 August
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   70
McGuire, Nellie, et al., Ex Parte, 1889 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Katie and James McGuire by their mother, Annie McGuire.
Box   74
McGuire, Owen v. McGuire, Margaret Ellen, et al., 1902 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Patrick Henry, Aggie, and Thomas Michael McGuire.
Box   4
McGuire, Robert v. Coon Branch Mining Co./Wiseman, 1910 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: William Wiseman.
Box   76
McGuire, Rosa A. v. McGuire, Patrick, 1909 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   M26
McGuire, Thomas v. Zinc Carbonate Company, 1893 August
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   64
McIlhatton, John v. McIlhatton, Patrick, 1876 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   114
McIlhon, Charles W. v. Doan, George, et al., 1910 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: As executor of the last will and testament of James O'Keefe, deceased. Litigant 2: Isa Monheimer, A. Bauer and Company, Albert Pick and Company, Saunders P. Jones, Lawrence Jones, and G.A. Marshall.
Box   M29
McIntire, E.C. v. Delaplain, Lewis, et al., 1847 April
Note: Damages/Theft. Delaplain is also spelled "Delplain" and "Delplaine" on some documents. Litigant 2: Bedient Culver, Isaac Shook, John Seagrave and Charles Delaplain. Type of case: Damages - for mining minerals for own use.
Box   M30
McIntire, Ezekiel, et al. v. Harrison, James, et al., 1848 February
Note: Trespassing. Litigant 1: George W. Reynold and Lucius P. Sanger. Litigant 2: L. Gillam.
Box   66
McIntosh, Hugh v. Pickett, Lewis, 1857 August
Note: Replevin.
Box   M26
McIntosh, Weston v. Houck, Isaiah and M.D., 1857 September
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   M29
McKay, Liberty v. Paddock, Benjamin, 1866 March
Note: Replevin.
Box   8
McKenna, F.J. v. Rickey, Charles H., 1912 May
Note: Garnishing. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Citizens' State Bank, Garnishee.
Box   123
McKenna, F.J. v. Rickey, Charles H., 1912 October
Note: Garnishing.
Box   68
McKenna, Francis v. Demick, Michael, et al., 1880 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Administrator of the estate of Patrick Thornton, deceased, and Richard Hardyman.
Box   62
McKenna, John v. Howe, Hugh and Ann, 1865 August
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   M26
McKenna, John v. Zinc Carbonate Company, 1893 May
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   76
McKenna, Mary v. Smith, James A., et al., 1907 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Josephine E. Cahill, Agnes Barry, John Doe, Richard Roe, Marcus Brown as the heirs of Samuel Mazzuchelli, deceased.
Box   74
McKenzie, K. v. Drinkwater, George, et al., 1902 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Daniel McDermott.
Box   M
McKeon, James M. v. Stein, Samuel I., 1903 June
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   63
McKeon, Michael v. Unknown names, 1868 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Of the widow and heirs at law of Charles McKeon, deceased.
Box   69
McKernan, Edward, Ex Parte, 1856 August
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   74
McKernan, Sarah, Ex Parte, 1902 June
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   70
McKey, Julia B. v. Armstrong, Benjamin, 1887 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   73
McKibben, William A. v. Agan, Daniel, et al., 1897 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Theresa, James, Thomas, and John Agan, Joseph Appel, First National bank of Darlington, and Michael M. Doyle as assignee of Daniel and John Agan.
Box   73
McKibben, Willliam A. v. Agan, Daniel, et al., 1896 December
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Theresa, Thomas, and John Agan, Joseph Appel, First National Bank of Darlington, and Michael Doyle as assignee of Daniel and John Agan.
Box   114
McKillip, Daniel and Johanna v. Darrah, James, Sr., 1902 August
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   M26
McKindley, John v. Quimby, Selden, 1857 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M26
McKnight, Iznc v. McKnight, George W., 1865 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   M32
McLaughlin, Patrick v. Fitzpatrick, John, 1848 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M29
McLean, Dorothy v. Edwards, James, 1861 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label.
Box   63
McLeer, Patrick v. McKinney, Michael, 1852 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   62
McLeer, Peter v. McNulty, John, 1853 April
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   66
McLeer, Peter v. McNulty, John, 1855 August
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   66
McMahan, Phillip v. Champion, Robert H., 1853 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M26
McMahon, Francis v. Dunlap, Horace, 1851 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M25
McMahon, Hugh v. Ida Mining Company, 1895 June
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for injuries received on the job. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   M26
McMahon, Hugh v. Ida Mining Co., The, 1896 June
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for injuries received in a work related mining accident. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   M26
McMann, Hugh v. Zinc Carbonate Company, 1893 August
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   63
McMannes, Edward v. McMannes, Alexander, 1874 December
Note: Fraud. McMannes is misspelled as "McMannus" on the label.
Box   63
McMannus, Thomas v. Scales, Joseph, 1869 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   65
McManus, Jane v. McManus, Patrick H., 1866 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   67
McManus, Jane v. Darragh, James, 1872 January
Note: Replevin. McManus is spelled "McMannis" on the label and on some of the documents.
Box   66
McMullen, Dorothy v. McMullen, James, 1852 July
Note: Divorce.
Box   69
McMullen, Emma, et al., Ex Parte, 1884 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Infant daughter of James McMullen and Loretta McMullen, her mother.
Box   M27
McMullen, James v. Osborn, Norman S., 1849 October
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for assault and battery.
Box   M30
McMullen, Samuel v. Osborn, Norman L., 1848 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   76
McNaughton, Donald, et al. v. McNaughton, John, 1910 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Jennie McNaughton; Andrew and Jennie McNaughton; Thomas, Alexander, William, and Elizabeth McNaughton; Elizabeth and Samuel Teasdale; Robert and Lillian McNaughton; and Lindsay and Lillian McNaughton.
Box   73
McNaughton, Maggie v. McNaughton, Alexander, 1897 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   69
McNeil, Macolm, et al. v. Michaelson, Henry, et al., 1884 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John McNeil and Charles Higgins. Litigant 2: Michael Michaelson and James Kane.
Box   123
McNett, Edwin L. v. LeStrange, Patrick, et al., 1912 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Mary and William J. LeStrange.
Box   112
McNett, George v. Banks, William H., et al., 1914 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Mrs. John James and Eliza W. Dean, wife of Joseph O.P. Dean.
Box   M29
McNett, L.F. v. Cullen, Francis, 1884 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   62
McNight, Joanna v. McNight, Miles, 1853 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   62
McNish, Nathaniel v. Keep, John M., et al., 1852 January
Note: Mechanics Lien. Litigant 2: Albertus Lynde doing business under the name of Keep & Lynde.
Box   65
McNitt, Lorenzo v. Evans, Jesse, et al., 1858 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: William B. Westrope.
Box   74
McNulty, Catherine, et al. v. McNulty, Laura, et al., 1900 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Thomas and Lena McNulty. Litigant 2: Elizabeth and Patrick Shea, William, Jennie, Hattie, Mary, Teresa, John, Frank, and Josephine McNulty, Thomas Fitzgerald, John V. Hellman, and The First National Bank of Shullsburg.
Box   M30
McNulty, Cecelia v. Swift, Philip, et al., 1879 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Joseph Pulis.
Box   64
McNulty, Cecelia M., et al., Ex Parte, 1869 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Emma C. and Jane McNulty, minor children of John McNulty, deceased.
Box   72
McNulty, Cecelia, et al. v. McNulty, Mary, 1894 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Emma C. and Albert Hayden; Jennie McNulty; Charles L., Mary M., Katherine M., James W., Oswald E., John M., Cecelia M., and Albert W. Ryan.
Box   67
McNulty, Frances A., et al. v. McNulty, Thomas, et al., 1877 January
Note: Dissol. Partner. Litigant 1: Administratrix, and John C. McNulty, administrator of the estate of John McNulty, deceased. Litigant 2: Joseph M. Brewster. An "Answer to the complaint" is the only document in the file. The date entered is the date on the document.
Box   68
McNulty, Frances A., et al. v. West, Charles and Susan Emma, 1880 December
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Guardian of Mary and Elizabeth McNulty, minor heirs of John McNulty, deceased; John C., Fanny, Patricius, and Henry McNulty.
Box   70
McNulty, Henry E. and Frances A., Ex Parte, 1887 July
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   114
McNulty, Jennie, et al. v. King, Hezekekiah, et al., 1926 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Austin A. Hayden. Litigant 2: Richard L. Reid, Fortunatus Berry, Emilie Sognier, late Emilie Gagnier, and John McNulty.
Box   M32
McNulty, John v. Ryan, John, 1847 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   62
McNulty, John v. McGinnis, John, et al., 1849 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Mary and Charles Lamar; Adelade and William R. Billings; Julia, William, Henry, and Luke Berry.
Box   M32
McNulty, John v. Slaven, Michael, 1852 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged Label.
Box   M32
McNulty, John v. O'Neil, Dennis, 1853 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   M29
McNulty, John v. Mississippi Mining & -, 1854 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Manufacturing Company.
Box   M28
McNulty, John v. Munion, Hugh, 1866 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   65
McNulty, John, et al. v. Slaven, Michael and Mary, 1853 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: James McQuade.
Box   68
McNulty, Margaret v. Bright, Thomas H., 1879 June
Note: Replevin.
Box   68
McNulty, Margaret A., et al. v. Isaac, Robert and Mary, 1880 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Administratrix of the estate of Thomas McNulty deceased.
Box   74
McNulty, Margaret A., et al. v. Dodge, T.C., et al., 1900 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: Elizabeth C. Meloy, Patrick, Michael, and John Kilcoyne, and the Lucky Hit Mining Company. Litigant 2: Thomas McNulty. Type of case: Damages - for mining and digging on premises after the revocation of their license.
Box   M29
McNulty, Margaret v. McGlinn, Michael, 1883 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Administratrix of the estate of Thomas McNulty, deceased, and Joseph M. Brewster.
Box   M29
McNulty, Mary B. v. Shullsburg, Town of, 1898 January
Note: Eminent Domain. Litigant 2: John Trebilcock, James Harrington, and P. K. Harty, town supervisors.
Box   69
McNulty, Mary, et al. v. West, Henry T., et al., 1884 April
Note: Trespassing. Litigant 1: Mary McNulty, Catherine Ryan, Mary Ann McNulty, Sarah Fox, Cecelia McNulty, Emma Hazden, and Jennie McNulty. Litigant 2: William Whaling and William Harty.
Box   73
McNulty, Theresa, et al., Ex Parte, 1899 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: John, Frank, and Josephine McNulty and Catherine McNulty, their mother.
Box   62
McNulty, Thomas v. McAleer, Peter, 1848 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. McAleer is also spelled "McLear," "McAlear," and "McLeer" on the documents.
Box   M32
McNulty, Thomas v. McLear, Peter, 1850 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   M31
McNulty, Thomas v. Colbeck, Henry, 1858 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M29
McNulty, Thomas v. Munion, Hugh, 1865 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   62
McNulty, Thomas v. Saint Nicholas Lead Mining Co., 1866 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   67
McNulty, Thomas v. Lee, Thomas, et al., 1871 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Edward H. Gratiot.
Box   M30
McNulty, Thomas and John v. Oakes, John, 1857 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   M32
McNulty, Thomas and John v. O'Neill, Dennis, 1858 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   66
McNulty, Thomas and John v. Meloy, Edward, et al., 1858 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Elias Slothower, John K. Williams, Phileman B. Simpson, Marvin Hollister, Jonathan J. Marvin, John McNulty, Sr., James H. Earnest, and Joseph M. Brewster.
Box   M32
McNulty, Thomas and John v. Southwick, David, 1858 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   62
McNulty, Thomas and John v. Egan, James, 1858 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M33
McNulty, Thomas and John v. Ducey, Morris, 1858 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   66
McNulty, Thomas and John v. Brockway, Charles and Lucy, 1859 December
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   M32
McNulty, Thomas and John v. O'Neil, Dennis, 1859 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   63
McNulty, Thomas and John v. Brockway, Charles and Lucy, 1860 July
Note: Foreclosure. The month and year are the dates of the Report of Sale and Judgement which are the only documents in the file.
Box   M30
McNulty, Thomas and John v. Pryce, William C., 1860 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M32
McNulty, Thomas and John v. Reinnert, Charles, 1860 May
Note: Other. Damaged label. Reinnert spelling is questionable. Type of case could not be determined.
Box   63
McNulty, Thomas and John v. Rule, John S., 1861 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M30
McNulty, Thomas and John v. Eagan, James, 1862 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   M29
McNulty, Thomas and John v. Pickard, Edwin, 1868 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   63
McNulty, Thomas et al. v. Quinn, William, 1857 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John McNulty and Joseph M. Brewster.
Box   62
McNulty, Thomas M. and John M. v. Rennert, Charles A., 1857 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Rennert is spelled "Rennick" on label. Handwriting for this name is difficult to read.
Box   M29
McNulty, Thomas, et al. v. Doyle, Walter, 1857 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John McNulty and Joseph M. Brewster.
Box   62
McNulty, Thomas, et al. v. Dusey, Maurice, 1857 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John McNulty and Joseph M. Brewster.
Box   67
McNulty, Thomas, et al. v. Mahony, John T., et al., 1872 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John McNulty and Joseph Brewster, doing business under the firm name of McNulty & Brothers. Litigant 2: James O'Brien.
Box   M28
McNulty, Thomas, et al. v. Mahoney, John J., et al., 1874 August
Note: Other. Litigant 1: John Higgins and Buel Fenton, supervisors of the town of Shullsburg. Litigant 2: Andrew Lohman and James O'Brien. Type of case: Other - to recover treasury funds.
Box   M31
McNulty, Thomas, et al. v. Mahony, John J., et al., 1874 August
Note: Other. Damaged label. Litigant 1: John Higgins and Buel Fenton, Supervisors of the Town of Shullsburg. Litigant 2: John Morgan, Andrew Lohman, and James O'Brien. Type of case: Other - to recover treasurer's funds.
Box   67
McNulty, Thomas, et al. v. O'Brien, James, 1874 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John McNulty and Joseph M. Brewster doing business under the firm name of McNulty & Brothers.
Box   67
McNulty, Thomas, et al. v. Fox, M.A., 1877 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: J.M. Brewster, partners doing business under the firm name of McNulty & Brother.
Box   67
McNulty, Thomas, et al. v. McElhaney, John, 1878 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: J.M. Brewster, partners doing business under the firm name of McNulty & Brother.
Box   M
McNutty, Thomas Jr. and John v. Dusey, Morris, 1858 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   M
McNutty, Thomas Jr., et al. v. McComish, Arthur, 1857 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: John McNutty and Joseph M. Brewster
Box   M
McQuade, John v. Howe, James, 1895 March
Note: Other. Type of case: Other - could not determine.
Box   70
McQuaid, Bridget, et al., Ex Parte, 1887 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Guardian for Patrick, Bridget, Frances, and Mary McQuaid.
Box   66
McQuaid, John v. McCarville, Patrick, et al., 1877 April
Note: Foreclosure. McCarville is misspelled as "McCarrill" on the label. Litigant 2: Mary McCarville and William Lineberger.
Box   87
McQuaid, John v. Howe, James, 1894 June
Note: Trespassing. The box was not labeled for this case.
Box   M30
McQueen, John A.L. v. Dowling, Robert, et al., 1848 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: John Brown.
Box   73
McQuillen,Agnes, et al., Ex Parte, 1899 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Leo, Cletus, Irene, and Raymond McQuillen and Catharine McQuillen, their mother.
Box   69
McQuitty, Jacob v. Glover, John H., 1881 April
Note: Replevin. Glover is misspelled as "Glowen" on the label.
Box   123
McQuitty, John v. Rodham, Rose, et al., 1918 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Clarence, Mae, and John Rodham.
Box   68
McRae Heirs, et al., Ex Parte, 1879 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Mary J. Swift, Edward McRae, and Margaret Ellen McRae.
Box   M32
McRae, Daniel, et al. v. Murray, Isaac and Margaret, 1877 October
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Mary J., Edward, and Margaret McRae, minors by P.A. Orton their guardian ad litem and Margaret McRae. Type of case could not be determined. Order Changing Venue is the only document on file.
Box   M
McRea, William v. McCaffrey, John, 1869 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   70
McWilliams, Bridget, Ex Parte, 1888 February
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   68
McWilliams, Bridget, et al., Ex Parte, 1882 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Infant heir of Alice McWilliams and John McWilliams, guardian.
Box   74
McWilliams, Daniel v. Gough, Francis, et al., 1900 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Peter Gough as trustees under the last will and testament of Phebe McDevitt, deceased, Ann FitzSimons, Thomas Mullady, James and Catherine Mullady 1st, and Mary Ann Mullady children and heirs at law of Margaret Mullady, deceased, and Catherine Mullady 2nd, wife of John Mullady. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   76
McWilliams, James v. McWilliams, Daniel, 1905 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   73
McWilliams, James, Jr. v. Field, Silas D., et al., 1896 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Isabel, Sarah, Emma, and Annie Field, Mary C. Loomis, Mary Galager, Josiah Osborne, Alice Dixon, Eliza Brown, P.A. Orton, and J.W. Bethel..
Box   123
McWilliams, John v. Dailey, Matt J., 1912 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M31
McWilliams, Mary v. Michaelson, Michael, et al., 1887 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Henry Michaelson and James Kane.
Box   65
Meade, James v. McGiveny, Hugh, 1861 May
Note: Trespassing.
Box   67
Meckling, Jonas S. v. Reineman, Moses, 1875 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   123
Medlin, J.H., et al. v. United States Zinc Corp. et al., 1909 May
Note: Mechanics Lien. Litigant 1: O. Clark, Geo. Dunn, G. Wheat, I. Ingram, O. Fell, S. Carsen, F.J. Mills, D. Martin, J. Schulenberg, J. Flezzewiski, M. Kiniwa, A. Dhuybettis, P. Stasiak, C. Baney, F. Baacke, C. Loveland, A. Szaldienski, W. Murray, I. Moore, J. Coon, J. Rector, Wm. Wilson, T. Bennett, J. Conway, W. Temply, R. Kirk, J. Redd, J. Merker, G. Wren, J. Mills, G. Altenberg, A. Ensch, M. Ensch, C. Ketner, S. Nolan, Wm. Harker, G. Schmohl, G. Ensch, H. Reed, Walt Templey, M. Nolte, J. Rogers, H. Hillary, W. Nolte, and J. Heston. Litigant 2: Cyriel Delmaire and Charles G. Rick.
Box   74
Meehan, Charles v. Whalen, Mary, 1900 February
Note: Probate. Damaged label.
Box   M33
Meehan, John v. Duncan, F.C., 1883 June
Note: Type of case: Other - injunctional affidavit to stop construction of an unsafe building.
Box   72
Meehan, John v. Townsend, Charles C., 1895 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   71
Meehan, Verna, et al., Ex Parte, 1893 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Augusta Meehan and Katie Meehan, their mother.
Box   M33
Meeker, Warner v. Gillis, Edward, 1853 April
Note: Eviction. Damaged label.
Box   64
Meighan, Arthur, deceased, Ex Parte, 1875 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Margaret Ellen Kearns, Frances S. Meighan, and Catharine Meighan, infant heirs.
Box   M
Meighan, Frances v. Hopkins, Martin, 1862 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   68
Meighan, James, Ex Parte, 1879 October
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   68
Meighan, James H., et al., Ex Parte, 1881 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: James Meighan, father.
Box   74
Meighan, James, Jr., Ex Parte, 1880 June
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   70
Meighan, Margaret v. Meighan, John, 1889 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   68
Meighan, Patrick v. McCarville, Hugh, 1877 September
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of Francis Meighan.
Box   68
Meighan, Patrick v. McCarville, Hugh and Mary Ann, 1878 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of Francis Meighan.
Box   71
Meili, Henry G. and Otto L., Ex Parte, 1890 April
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   71
Meili, Henry G., et al. v. Williams, Paulina A., et al., 1890 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Otto L. Meili by George Frank, guardian. Litigant 2: Sophia Klostermann.
Box   M
Melburn, Edward v. Way, George S., Estate of, 1859 October
Note: Other. Damaged label. Type of case: Other - unknown. A Deposition is the only document on file.
Box   M29
Meloy, Bernard v. Rooney, John, 1869 September
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - to corn caused by cattle.
Box   123
Meloy, Charles v. Baldwin, Samuel, et al., 1918 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Edwin, Henry H., and William, Jr. Baldwin, George Leekley, Consolidated Lead and Zinc Company, Chicago Title and Trust Company, Alred E. Case, Aurora Foundry and Machine Works, Monarch Zinc Mines, and Davidor Promoting Company.
Box   65
Meloy, Edward v. Bellows, C.C., et al., 1854 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: George S. Dickinson and George R. Hazewell.
Box   M29
Meloy, Edward v. Dougherty, James and Dominic, 1860 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label. Appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   63
Meloy, Edward v. Bailley, James and Catherine, 1860 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   62
Meloy, Edward v. Dougherty, James and Dominic, 1861 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Dougherty is misspelled as "Doherty" on the label.
Box   66
Meloy, Edward v. McCormick, John, 1861 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   62
Meloy, Edward v. Gates, Z., 1862 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   62
Meloy, Edward v. Rule, John S., 1863 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   66
Meloy, Edward v. Dougherty, James and Dominick, 1863 September
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   66
Meloy, Edward v. Connelly, Hugh, et al., 1864 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Rosanna Connelly, L.P. Higbee, and Michael Hughes.
Box   64
Meloy, Edward v. Dougherty, James and Dominick, 1865 March
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   64
Meloy, Edward v. Bailley, James, 1867 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Bailley is misspelled as "Bailey" on the label.
Box   63
Meloy, Edward v. Nugent, Jeremiah, 1869 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M30
Meloy, Edward v. Nugent, Philip, 1869 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   63
Meloy, Edward v. Earnest, James H., et al., 1873 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary E. Earnest, Nathan Corwith, Cornelia Blossom, Cornelia E. and William H. Harmount, Alice H. and Irving M. Bean, Mary and William Blossom (heirs at law of Levi Blossom, deceased), and Robert H. Champion.
Box   67
Meloy, Edward v. Campbell, Thomas B., et al., 1878 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary G. Campbell, Abner W. Rock, Francis Craig, and John O'Toole.
Box   M26
Meloy, Edward v. Bower, Nelson, 1883 June
Note: Replevin.
Box   M31
Meloy, Edward v. Eldredge, Shaler, et al., 1884 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Edward D. Meloy.
Box   70
Meloy, Edward v. Brown, Benjamin, et al., 1887 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Louisa A.D. Brown, William Steele, William A. Steele, and George F. Steele.
Box   70
Meloy, Edward v. Brown, Benjamin, et al., 1887 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Louisa A. Brown and Harriet N. Osborne.
Box   M27
Meloy, Edward v. Shullsburg, City of, et al., 1894 September
Note: Other. Litigant 2: Bernard Morgan, Thomas R. Rule, James Skewis, Rufus Slothower, Lewis N. Townsend, and Addison A. Townsend. Type of case: Injunction against bonds for the establishment of Water Works.
Box   M30
Meloy, Edward v. Fleming, John, Jr., 1897 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   68
Meloy, Edward D., et al. v. Galagan, Patrick, et al., 1878 May
Note: Probate. Litigant 1: James Kelly. Litigant 2: Guardian of James, Mattie, Anna, Thomas, Ellen, William, and Emmett Kelly, the infant heirs of Bernard Kelly, deceased.
Box   4
Meloy, Elizabeth v. Beeman, M., et al., 1912 November
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   73
Meloy, Elizabeth, et al. v. Brewster, J.M., et al., 1896 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Charles J. Meloy and Margaret McNulty. Litigant 2: Frances A., John C., Patricius T., Fannie, Elizabeth B., Henry E., Mary B., Catherine, Laura, Thomas, Lena, Jennie, Elizabeth, William, Hattie, Mary, Theresa, John, Frank, and Josephine McNulty, C.C. Gratiot, administrator of the estate of Patricius McNulty, deceased, Ryan Live Stock Company, and S.H. Scales.
Box   M28
Meloy, Henry v. North Western Mutual Life, 1894 June
Note: Other. Litigant 2: Insurance Company. Type of Case: Other - to recover life insurance amount payable.
Box   M32
Meloy, Henry v. Hotz, Jacob, 1901 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   76
Meloy, Henry v. Solomon, Henry, et al., 1907 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Thomas Martin.
Box   62
Meloy, John v. Wran, George, 1851 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   74
Meloy, Katie S., et al. v. Meloy, Mary A., 1900 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Bridget and Maggie Meloy.
Box   M32
Meloy, Peter C. v. McNulty, John, 1859 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged Label.
Box   62
Meloy, Peter C. v. McCarty, Mary, et al., 1867 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: John Hartz, heirs at law of Mary Hartz, deceased.
Box   70
Meloy, Peter C. v. Dunleavy, Frank and James, 1886 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   74
Meloy, Peter C. v. Carey, Michael and Irene, 1903 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   M30
Melvill, George R. v. Kyle, D.W., et al., 1871 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 2: John S. Hardy.
Box   65
Melville, A.C. v. Keenan, Thomas, 1872 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M33
Mepham, Michael S., et al. v. Johnson, L.E., 1869 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: William G. Mepham.
Box   70
Merchants National Bank v. Birkett, George and Harriet, 1888 February
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: of Galena, Illinois.
Box   63
Merill, Samuel S., et al. v. Gray, Hamilton H., 1851 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Milton Humphrey.
Box   M28
Merrill, Henry v. Merrill, Henry L., et al., 1836 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Helen M. Merrill.
Box   M31
Merrill, Samuel S. v. Gray, Hamilton H., 1850 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   63
Merrill, Samuel S., et al. v. Lamar, Charles H., 1850 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Milton Humphrey.
Box   M28
Merrill, Samuel S., et al. v. Gray, Hamilton H., 1851 February
Note: Other. Litigant 1: William Humphrey. Type of case: Other - could not determine.
Box   M29
Merrill, Samuel S., et al. v. Chandler, Paul, 1855 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Walter B. and Lucius S. Cowles.
Box   M28
Merrill, Samuel S., et al. v. Cundy, William, 1856 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Walter B. Cowles and Lucius S. Cowles.
Box   114
Merritt, C.E. v. Tomlin, W.J., 1908 September
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   69
Messersmith, Nicholas v. Austin, Samuel R., 1879 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   66
Messmore, Isaac E., et al. v. Parkison, Peter, 1857 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Amasa Cobb.
Box   76
Metcalf, Ann v. Metcalf, Joseph, 1907 January
Note: Type of case: Other - to revoke and annul guardianship, to restore real and personal estate, and appoint general guardian of Ann Metcalf.
Box   76
Metcalf, Ann, Ex Parte, 1910 March
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   76
Metcalf, Clyde, et al. v. McComish, Edward P. and Anna, 1909 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Susie Metcalf and Milburn Sandefur.
Box   M30
Metcalf, Edward v. Rawlings, Ann, 1855 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   67
Metcalf, James v. Richards, Richard G. and Jane, 1878 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   67
Metcalf, James v. Murphy, William W. and Elizabeth, 1878 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   68
Metcalf, James v. Kisting, John G. and Mary, 1879 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   71
Metcalf, John v. Raw, Martin and Michael, 1890 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Raw is spelled "Rawe" on the label.
Box   M26
Metcalf, Margaret v. Fawcett, John, et al., 1866 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Hannah Fawcett and George Stephenson.
Box   73
Metcalf, Ollie v. Metcalf, Albert, 1899 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   74
Metcalf, Samuel v. Hebenstreit, Andrew, 1901 December
Note: Fraud.
Box   114
Meyer, George F. v. Jenkins, William, 1927 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Owner of Meyer Lumber Company.
Box   M31
Meyer, Jacob, Moses, and Herman v. Hirsh, Joseph, 1889 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   73
Michaelson, Clara v. Michaelson, Oscar W., 1900 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   71
Michaelson, Clara M., et al., Ex Parte, 1892 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Charles, Arthur, Mary and Alice Richardson.
Box   M26
Michaelson, Clara v. City of Darlington, et al., 1891 October
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: by Maria Michaelson, her guardian ad litem. Litigant 2: Josephus Driver. Type of case: Damages - caused by a fall on a sidewalk in dangerous condition.
Box   65
Michaelson, Henry v. Raisin, James, et al., 1876 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Samuel Lamsett.
Box   131
Michaelson, Michael, Ex Parte, 1908 January
Note: Other. Type of case: Other - Bond for the elected position of Supervisor of Assessment.
Box   M33
Michaelson, Michael, et al., Ex Parte, 1884 May
Note: Bankruptcy. Litigant 1: Henry Michaelson and James Kane, co-partners.
Box   114
Mickelson, Mike v. VanNatter, Seth, 1925 June
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   114
Middleton Manufacturing Co. v. Perlmutter, Noah, 1922 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Perlmutter is misspelled as "Pearlmutter" on the label.
Box   64
Milan, Edward v. Gratiot, Edward, 1847 September
Note: Breach of Promise. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   M30
Milan, Edward v. Gratiot, Edward, 1847 September
Note: Fraud. Damaged label.
Box   M32
Milburn, Edward v. Gulaxon, Andrew, 1863 October
Note: Replevin.
Box   M
Miles, William H. v. Miles, Jane, et al., 1873 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label. Litigant 2: James S., Robert F., and Josephine Miles and David J. Powers.
Box   M33
Mill, Henry v. McDonald, Nancy and Edward, 1878 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   11
Miller Genz Company v. Lappin, Alice B., 1912 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M33
Miller, Albion R., et al. v. Hovey, Amos W., et al., 1870 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: George H. Miller and William Keep. Litigant 2: Wallace A. Scofield.
Box   123
Miller, Ann Cyrena, deceased, Ex Parte, 1912 September
Note: Probate. Litigant 1: Appeal of Levisa Scott.
Box   70
Miller, B.K. v. Harvey, Henry, 1887 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: As assignee of John R. Goodrich and Adolph H. Wagner of the late firm of Goodrich & Wagner.
Box   M
Miller, Benjamin G. v. Miller, Sylvia E., 1901 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   76
Miller, Charles v. Rodham, Edward, 1909 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M
Miller, Charles C. v. Morgan, B.F., 1895 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   M
Miller, Charles G. and John B. v. Simpson, Mary A., 1906 July
Note: Bankruptcy.
Box   M30
Miller, Christopher v. Maher, Michael, et al., 1853 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Dennis Murphy.
Box   64
Miller, Cyrena A. and Isaac v. Pickett, Elmer, 1869 February
Note: Trespassing.
Box   14
Miller, Elvin v. Miller, Charles, 1912 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   123
Miller, Ida v. Miller, John B., et al., 1916 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Charles G. Miller and John P. Williams as administrator of the estate of Charles G. Miller, Sr., deceased.
Box   65
Miller, Ira N. v. Konan, Fredrick and Henry, 1854 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M29
Miller, Isaac v. Welch, William, 1869 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   74
Miller, Isaac v. Anderson, Sever, et al., 1899 November
Note: Dissol. Partner. Litigant 2: John W. Mason, Charles R. Aus, Joseph Rogers, Henry Everson, Peter H. Houg, Frank E. Rogers, A.C. Brecklin, P.H. Wong, Caroline Olson, and H.J. Hanson.
Box   71
Miller, Isaac and Serena v. Pickett, M.D., et al., 1891 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Helen R., Elmer A., Amanda, Sidney, Hattie, and Warren Pickett; Lottie and E.D. Miller; and Velda and Albert Bosisto.
Box   M26
Miller, James v. Rickert, Samuel, et al., 1848 August
Note: Trespassing. Litigant 2: Charles Nourse and William Berry.
Box   66
Miller, James v. Rickert, Samuel, et al., 1848 September
Note: Trespassing. Litigant 2: William Berry and Charles Nourse.
Box   62
Miller, James v. Peacock, John, 1866 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   69
Miller, James v. Beck,Thomas, et al., 1886 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: William H. Calvert.
Box   66
Miller, Jeremiah v. Slothower, William, 1862 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   69
Miller, Mary Ophelia, Ex Parte, 1882 October
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   M31
Miller, Peter v. Chicago & Northwestern, 1902 July
Note: Wrongful Death. Litigant 1: as administrator of the estate of Joseph Yorkshire, deceased. Litigant 2: Railway Company.
Box   M30
Miller, Robert P. v. Skewis, Edward, 1847 January
Note: Replevin.
Box   114
Millhouse, August J., et al. v. Rowley Mining Company, 1905 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: George P. Millhouse and W.P. Swing.
Box   69
Milliken, William B., Ex Parte, 1881 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Infant heir at law of Charles W. and Susan Milliken, deceased.
Box   69
Milliken, Willie, Ex Parte, 1885 April
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   68
Million, Alfred N., et al., Ex Parte, 1874 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Elmer C. and Berthy M. Million, infants of the deceased, and Agnes Million; Alexander Patterson, grandfather and guardian.
Box   65
Million, Crawford v. Garton, William C., et al., 1859 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Phebe S. Garton, Alexander Patterson, and William Brundage. Complaint originally filed in Green County.
Box   73
Million, Edith v. Million, James, 1899 January
Note: Divorce.
Box   M31
Million, W.A. v. Jeglum, Helge T., 1888 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   72
Million, W.A. v. Gavigan, Thomas, et al., 1895 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Annie Gavigan, Abraham Levens and Timothy Dillon as copartners doing business under the firm name of Levens & Dillon, and Andrew A. Strommen.
Box   M
Million, Warner v. Swiggum, Erik K., 1894 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   72
Million, Warner A. v. Gavigan, Thomas, et al., 1895 August
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Anna Gavigan, Abraham Levens and Timothy Dillon.
Box   66
Mills, Daniel v. Mills, Betsy, 1860 December
Note: Divorce.
Box   63
Mills, Elizabeth v. Mills, Gabriel, 1864 November
Note: Divorce.
Box   M
Mills, Gabriel v. Bray, Thomas, 1868 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   66
Mills, Gabriel v. Gillett, Daniel W., et al., 1878 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Henry A. Wise Gillett; Julia A. and John Pedelty; Eleanor A. and Samuel Hardy; Jane Sheffield; James A. Gillett; Elizabeth Gaven; and Bertie Galpin.
Box   65
Mills, Gabriel, et al. v. Campbell, Hugh, 1860 July
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: George Raw and Henry Major doing business under the firm name of Raw & Co.
Box   74
Mills, Gabriel, et al. v. Gillett, Daniel W., et al., 1872 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Henry Magor. Litigant 2: Administrator of the estate of Philo Gillett, deceased, Henry A. Wise Gillett, Julia and John Peddlety, Eleanor A. and Samuel Hardy, Flora Jane Sheffield, James Gillett, Elizabeth Gaven, and unknown heirs of Sara Galpin, deceased.
Box   67
Mills, Gabriel, et al. v. Cullen, John, 1878 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Catherine A., Jefferson, Mildred L., and John J. Crawford, and Alice R. Jennings.
Box   67
Mills, Gabriel, et al. v. Gray, James, 1878 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Catherine A., Jefferson, Mildred L., and John J. Crawford, and Alice R. Jennings.
Box   67
Mills, Gabriel, et al. v. Breen, Charles, 1878 February
Note: Trespassing. Litigant 1: Catharine, Mildred L., Jefferson, and John J. Crawford, and Alice J. Jennings.
Box   M31
Mills, Henry v. Mills, Gabriel, et al., 1862 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Jefferson Crawford, Henry Magor, and John L. Crawford.
Box   M30
Mills, Henry and Grace v. Gill, John, 1848 November
Note: Slander/Libel. Damaged label.
Box   68
Mills, Samuel, Ex Parte, 1875 June
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   123
Milner, Alonzo v. Metcalf, Albert, et al., 1910 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary Boscoe, Alda Metcalf, Sarah Bennett, and W.R. Buchan as administrator of the estate of Sarah Metcalf, deceased.
Box   62
Milton, John v. Edwards, James, 1850 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M30
Milton, John v. Wiggins, M.B., 1860 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M29
Milton, John v. Wiggins, Merritt B., 1860 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   M26
Milton, John v. Tolley, William, et al., 1861 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: William Monahan, partners doing business under the firm name of Tolley & Monahan.
Box   M30
Milton, John v. Uren, Charles, 1869 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   114
Milwaukee Seed Company v. Menehan, Mike, 1923 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   70
Miner, S.K., et al. v. Jane, John N., et al., 1887 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: George Brown, partners under the firm name of Miner & Brown. Litigant 2: Edward F. Hugill.
Box   M33
Mines, Patrick, et al. v. Hannon, William, 1851 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Richard Wilson.
Box   123
Missouri Immigration Assoc. v. Figi, George, 1909 April
Note: Contract Violation. Litigant 1: A copartnership consisting of D.A. Beamer, A.W. Beamer, and A.O. St. John.
Box   M33
Mitchell, Allan v. Stevenson, Benjamin, et al., 1877 January
Note: Trespassing. Litigant 2: George A. Penniston.
Box   65
Mitchell, Catharine v. Mitchell, Martin, 1849 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   76
Mitchell, Ellen v. Mitchell, Joseph Franklin, 1908 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   123
Mitchell, Florence v. Mitchell, George, 1916 December
Note: Divorce.
Box   71
Mitchell, Hattie May v. Mitchell, Henry B., 1891 November
Note: Divorce.
Box   123
Mitchell, John W., Ex Parte, 1912 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Petition to release dower interests of Cora B. Mitchell, his wife, an insane person.
Box   M29
Mitchell, M.C. v. Oleson, C.C., 1886 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Oleson is misspelled as "Olson" on the label.
Box   73
Mitchell, Marian Cora, Ex Parte, 1897 December
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   74
Mitchell, Marion, Ex Parte, 1902 May
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   73
Mitchell, Pearl Doty, Ex Parte, 1897 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged Label. Litigant 1: Heir at law of Joel B. Doty.
Box   123
Miteff, Tzveta Tzekova v. Miteff, Tzeko, 1916 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   M32
Moffett, Coleman R. v. Clement, David H., 1856 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   M32
Moffit, Thomas v. Taggerty, John and Mary Ann, 1861 May
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label.
Box   M28
Mohan, Patrick v. Quinby, Seldon, et al., 1849 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Caleb Portwine.
Box   114
Monaghan, James and Mary Ann, Ex Parte, 1905 May
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   65
Monahan, George, Jr. v. White, Joseph, 1861 March
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   66
Monahan, William v. Mason, Lewis, 1848 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M32
Monahan, William v. Mason, Lewis, 1848 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   66
Monahan, William v. Roach, Edward, 1852 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Roach is misspelled as "Roache" on the label.
Box   68
Monahan, William v. Cobb, George W., 1877 October
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   76
Monheimer, Isa v. Meylor, Joseph, et al., 1906 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: William Flanagan.
Box   64
Monroe & Dubuque Railroad Co., Ex Parte, 1864 November
Note: Right of Way.
Box   20
Monroe, City of v. Caradine, H.N.B., 1906 December
Note: Licensing. Appeal and change of venue requested. **Note: Green County . Box is labeled "2 cases." Difficult to determine first date of Court Year and Month.
Box   20
Monroe, City of v. Caradine, H.N.B., 1907 April
Note: Licensing. Box is labeled "2 cases." Difficult to determine first date of Court Year and Month.
Box   66
Monroe, Elmira A. v. Monroe, George A., 1874 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   68
Monroe, Henry v. Monroe, Maria, 1880 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   63
Monroe, William v. Jurney, William N. and Caroline, 1863 September
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   M29
Monroe, William v. McDowell, Allen and Fanny, 1871 November
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   114
Monroe, William v. Uren, Simon, 1906 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   76
Monson, Ole v. Cullen, J.P., 1907 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: As executor of the last will and testament of Martin Monson, deceased. Monson is misspelled as "Munson" on the label.
Box   M33
Montgomery, Liston H. v. Hunt, James, 1869 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   12
Monticello, Bank of v. Elmer, M.J., 1903 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   65
Moody, Alice v. Moody, Edward, 1864 January
Note: Divorce.
Box   M
Moody, Alice v. Moody, Edward, 1866 August
Note: Other. Damaged label. Type of case: Other - unknown. Order Dismissing Complaint is the only document on file.
Box   63
Moody, John v. Quimby, Selden, et al., 1858 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Margaret M. Quimby, John Weiskircher, John McKindley, George W. Flanders, and Absalom A. Townsend.
Box   65
Moody, John v. Dalgairns, Charles A., et al., 1861 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Harriet Anne Dalgairns.
Box   66
Moody, John v. Gray, Socrates and Betsy, 1869 February
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   66
Moody, John v. Gray, Socrates and Betsy, 1869 February
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   65
Moody, Mary v. Moody, Mary, Widow, et al., 1865 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Widow of Richard Moody. Litigant 2: Richard and Elizabeth Moody, minor children and heirs at law of Robert Moody, deceased.
Box   M
Moon, Emma v. Dean, John, 1882 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   62
Moor, Abram and Otto v. Shay, John, 1867 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Moor is misspelled as "Moore" on the label.
Box   M28
Moore, Alexander, et al. v. Moran, John, 1855 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Henry (cannot determine last night). Litigant 2: Patrick Hickey.
Box   M29
Moore, Alexander v. Chute, William, 1849 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: to the use of Rosanna Roberts, Administratrix of all and singular the goods and chattels and credits of John Roberts, deceased.
Box   M32
Moore, Alexander v. Chute, William, 1849 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: to the use of Rosanna Roberts, Administratrix of the estate of John Roberts, deceased.
Box   M28
Moore, Joseph v. Ladd, Frank, 1876 August
Note: Replevin.
Box   64
Moran, James v. Cahill, Josephine, et al., 1864 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Administratrix of the estate of Samuel Mazzuchelli, deceased, and John and Mary Ryan.
Box   M32
Moran, John v. McNamara, Patrick, 1863 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   72
Morgan, Alice, Ex Parte, 1895 March
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   76
Morgan, Catherine A. v. Vaughn, Edward, et al., 1910 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Samuel Basanco.
Box   63
Morgan, Daniel v. Dougherty, Joseph, 1867 February
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for willfully and maliciously intending to injure Daniel Morgan and with force and arms did strike and wound with a pitchfork a bay horse that died later as a result of the injuries.
Box   64
Morgan, Enoch v. Hammett, George, et al., 1859 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Charlotte Hammett and Hugh Smith.
Box   M25
Morgan, Enoch v. Hammett, Charlotte, et al., 1868 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Jonathan P. Evans, Henry S. Magoon, John Hammett, Elizabeth Roger and Hugh Smith. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   65
Morgan, Patrick v. McCaffrey, Bernard, Jr., et al., 1850 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Thomas and John McCaffrey.
Box   M28
Morgan, Patrick v. Toppins, Charles, et al., 1870 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Charles Brady.
Box   72
Morgan, Patrick, et al., Ex Parte, 1894 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Isabell and Anna E. Morgan.
Box   M26
Moritt, William and Singleton v. Hatfield, William, 1896 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M27
Morman, J.H. v. McDonald, James, 1859 September
Note: Damages/Theft. McDonald is spelled "McDonnell" on some of the documents. Type of case: Damages - for shooting and killing dog.
Box   68
Morrill, John S. v. Daggett, James and Mary Ann, 1877 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   68
Morrill, John S. v. Lynch, Hatty, et al., 1877 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Robert McGuigan as administrator of the estate of Timothy Lynch, deceased, and R.S. Telfair.
Box   69
Morris, Margaret v. Continental Insurance Company, 1886 November
Note: Other. Litigant 2: of the City of New York. Type of case: To recover claim for a loss due to fire.
Box   72
Morris, Robert v. Burke, John L. and Margaret, 1896 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   69
Morris, Robert, Sr. v. O'Donnel, James, 1884 May
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   M28
Morris, Thomas v. Reich, Frederick, 1861 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Reich is misspelled as "Riche" on the label.
Box   76
Morrisey, James v. Gerlach, Frank, 1909 May
Note: Other. Morrisey is misspelled as "Morrissey" on the label. Type of Case - Other - could not determine.
Box   123
Morrison, J.W. v. Kinch, Addie S., 1914 December
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   M26
Morrissey, Edward v. Zinc Carbonate Company, 1893 September
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   62
Morrisy, Thomas v. Armand, James, 1869 November
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - Cattle and horses destroyed Morrisy's corn, wheat, oats, and other grains.
Box   72
Morrow, Addie V. v. Wogan, William R., 1894 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   69
Morton, Jane v. Burris, Martin V., Jr., et al., 1878 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Martin V. Burris Sr.
Box   68
Mosher, Lucretia v. Nobles, Richard, et al., 1877 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Jane Nobles, Edward Meloy, and E. D. Meloy.
Box   66
Mosley, Edward v. Kay, James C., 1864 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Mosley is misspelled as "Mosely" on the label.
Box   73
Mosley, Ellen v. Mosley, Edward, 1900 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   74
Mosley, George Edward and James v. Taylor, Eliza, et al., 1903 February
Note: Other. Litigant 1: In regard to last will and testament of Edward Mosley, deceased. Litigant 2: Ellen Taylor, Hattie Stott, Annie E. Cawthorne, Emeline Wilkinson, and Samuel Mosley. Mosley is misspelled as "Moseley" on the label. "Copy of Certificate of Return to County Court" is the only document in the file so information is incomplete for this case.
Box   73
Mosley, Hattie v. Mosley, James H., 1900 January
Note: Divorce.
Box   64
Mottley, Abraham, Ex Parte, 1867 October
Note: Discharge Mort. Mottley is misspelled as "Mottey" on the label.
Box   M30
Moulton, John H. v. Field, George H., 1859 September
Note: Probate. Litigant 2: Executor of William Field, deceased.
Box   68
Moulton, M.L. v. Burris, Martin V., 1879 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M33
Moulton, Rice H. v. Brannon, Hezekiah H., 1851 February
Note: Replevin. Damaged label.
Box   69
Moyer, Frank v. Price, Warrick, et al., 1885 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Beulah Price and Nelson and Sarah A. Bower.
Box   64
Moyer, Henry v. Moyer, Amelia, 1870 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   69
Moyer, Henry, Ex Parte, 1880 August
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   65
Muenster, Joseph v. Hall, Samuel S. and Cynthia, 1861 October
Note: Foreclosure. Muenster is misspelled "Munster" on the label.
Box   M30
Mulcahey, Michael, et al. v. McManus, Charles, et al., 1896 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Peter Sambrook, as administrators of John McManus, deceased. Litigant 2: James, John, and Patrick McManus and Mary, Elizabeth, Mary (2nd) William, John, Fred, and Charles Fink, and Jane Donahoe.
Box   M
Mulcahy, John and Mary v. Smead, Horace, et al., 1925 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Lewis A. Maynard.
Box   114
Mulcahy, John and Mary v. Ryan, James G., et al., 1926 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Margaret Ryan and the Union State Bank of Blanchardville, Wisconsin.
Box   72
Mulcahy, Mary v. Roach, John, 1896 January
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   72
Mulcahy, Mary v. Roach, John, 1905 April
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   M33
Mulhollan, John v. Westrope, William B., et al., 1868 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Samuel Mills.
Box   4
Mullen, Frank Estate v. Mullen, Joseph Estate, 1915 June
Note: Type of case: Appeal disallowing a claim filed in County Court.
Box   M33
Mullen, James, et al. v. Hotz, Jacob, 1885 October
Note: Garnishing. Case 1 or 3. Litigant 1: Andrew Mullen and Charles Catlin. Litigant 2: William Hooper, garnishee.
Box   M33
Mullen, James, et al. v. Hotz, Jacob, 1885 October
Note: Garnishing. Case 2 of 3. Litigant 1: Andrew Mullen and Charles Catlin. Litigant 2: William Hooper and J.C. Robbins, garnishees.
Box   M33
Mullen, James, et al. v. Hotz, Jacob, 1885 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Case 3 of 3. Litigant 1: Andrew Mullen and Charles Catlin.
Box   M32
Mullen, John v. Pulis, Joseph, 1860 February
Note: Replevin. Damaged label.
Box   M
Mullen, John v. Rennick, Robert, 1887 November
Note: Type of case: Other - could not determine.
Box   123
Mullen, Margaret and Rose v. Guldhaug, Chris J., et al., 1917 August
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Tena Guldhaug, Ole and Mary Martinson.
Box   123
Mullen, Mary v. Waddington, F.A., et al., 1913 May
Note: Probate. Litigant 1: Widow and special administratrix of the will of Joseph Mullen, deceased. Litigant 2: Hudson County Catholic Protectory of Arlington, New Jersey.
Box   74
Mullen, Sarah M. v. Mullen, William, 1904 February
Note: Divorce.
Box   M28
Mulligan, Patrick v. Tolley, William, 1868 March
Note: Trespassing.
Box   M27
Mulligan, Patrick, et al. v. Roach, Patrick, 1878 August
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: Edward D. Ferrin, special administrators of the estate of John Roach, deceased.
Box   5
Mulligan, Terrance v. Mulligan, Lawrence, 1912 September
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   114
Mulroyan, James v. Burns, John, 1914 August
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - civil warrant issued for false representations.
Box   69
Mumford, Emma, et al., Ex Parte, 1882 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: William Burton Mumford.
Box   M28
Mumma, David v. Hunt, John C., et al., 1863 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Reese Melott and Arad Sprague.
Box   63
Mumma, David v. Sprague, Arad, et al., 1865 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Esek Sprague, Rees Melott, and Joseph Houghtarling.
Box   62
Munday, Parmelia A. v. Munday, James M., 1849 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   67
Munion, Bernard v. Munion, Elizabeth, 1878 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   63
Munion, Hugh v. Munion, Almira, 1865 November
Note: Divorce.
Box   114
Munson, Joel v. Blackbourn, Alva, 1907 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - to recover costs of property damage.
Box   72
Munson, Sarah v. Munson, Andrew, 1895 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   4
Munson, Sarah v. Primrose, Henry, et al., 1915 March
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   69
Munson, Thomas, et al. v. Michaelson, Michael, et al., 1885 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Lewis Bock. Litigant 2: Henry Michaelson and James Kane.
Box   M29
Murley, Daniel v. Priestly, Charles W., 1885 December
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: by James Murley, his guardian. Type of case: Damages - for causing permanent injuries as a result of a wagon accident.
Box   5
Murley, Effie M. v. Murley, John C., 1913 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   M31
Murphy, Dennis v. Dougherty, Moses, et al., 1849 July
Note: Replevin. Litigant 2: Alexis Barker, Martin Dormer, Amos F. Culver, David Donalson, and Robert Robinson.
Box   M32
Murphy, Dennis v. Dougherty, Moses, et al., 1849 June
Note: Replevin. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Alexis Barker, Martin Dormer, and Amos F. Culver.
Box   M33
Murphy, Dennis v. Fitzpatrick, Patrick, 1853 April
Note: Other. Damaged label. Type of case: Other - writ of mandamus - re to have one more common school in district and to hire teacher for school.
Box   M30
Murphy, Dennis, et al. v. Dormen, Martin, et al., 1848 November
Note: Trespassing. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Thomas F. Davis. Litigant 2: Michael Casey, James McGuire, and Christopher Fie.
Box   M
Murphy, Dennis, et al. v. Dormer, Martin, et al., 1849 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Thomas F. Davis. Litigant 2: Michael Casey, Thomas McGuire, and Christopher Fie.
Box   74
Murphy, Ellen, et al, Ex Parte, 1903 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Agnes, William, and Loretta Murphy, children of Edward and Mary Murphy, deceased.
Box   74
Murphy, Ellen, et al., Ex Parte, 1902 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Agnes, William, and Loretta Murphy, minor children of Mary Murphy, deceased.
Box   M30
Murphy, George S., et al. v. Fay, Alfred, et al., 1857 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: James M. Benedict. Litigant 2: Oliver Paddock.
Box   M28
Murphy, James v. Gear, William T., et al., 1850 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Dennis Murphy.
Box   123
Murphy, James and Patrick v. German Fire Insurance Company, 1912 January
Note: Contract Amend.. Litigant 2: of Indiana.
Box   65
Murphy, James G. v. McManus, Patrick H. and Jane, 1865 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   62
Murphy, James S. v. Unknown Land Owners, 1861 June
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   M32
Murphy, James S. v. Ramsden, James, 1864 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Documents are very faded.
Box   66
Murphy, James S. v. McMahan, James and Sarah, 1865 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   65
Murphy, James S. v. Ramsden, James and Elizabeth, 1865 February
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   4
Murphy, John v. Roach, W.B., 1911 April
Note: Damages/Theft.
Box   11
Murphy, John v. Roach, William B., 1913 April
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of Case: Damages for assault. Action was dismissed.
Box   64
Murphy, Margaret v. Seifert, Christian, et al., 1868 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary Seifert and John Staber.
Box   M30
Murphy, Mathew v. Everist, George, et al., 1858 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: William March.
Box   68
Murphy, Mathew v. McElhenny, John, et al., 1879 February
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Anne McElhenny, Joseph W. Brewster, and Margaret A. McNulty, administratrix of the estate of Thomas McNulty, deceased.
Box   66
Murphy, Matthew v. Smith, William, et al., 1863 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Jane Smith, William and John Fiddick, Jerome I. Case, and Henry Stephens.
Box   65
Murphy, Matthew v. Raw, Robert and Dorothy, 1865 September
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   65
Murphy, Matthew v. Gille, Valentine, et al., 1865 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Julia Gille and Robert Raw.
Box   62
Murphy, Matthew v. Scott, Robert, 1866 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M33
Murphy, Matthew v. Peacock, Thomas, et al., 1866 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: William W. Murphy.
Box   66
Murphy, Matthew v. Moody, Edward and Alice, 1866 January
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   63
Murphy, Matthew v. Meloy, Bernard, 1866 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   64
Murphy, Matthew v. Murphy, William W., 1873 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   69
Murphy, Matthew v. Beck, Thomas, et al., 1885 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Margaret Beck and Henry S. and Isabella S. Magoon.
Box   70
Murphy, Matthew v. Eastman, John, et al., 1886 December
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary Eastman, John, Ellen, and Thomas Swift, and Margaret Hynes.
Box   70
Murphy, Matthew v. Swift, Catherine, et al., 1886 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: John and Ellen Swift, Mary Carr, and Margaret Hynes.
Box   70
Murphy, Matthew v. Carr, Mary, et al., 1886 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Catherine, John, and Ellen Swift, and Margaret Hynes.
Box   69
Murphy, Matthew v. McCabe, Hugh and Jane, 1887 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   71
Murphy, Matthew v. Looney, Henry, 1892 May
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   73
Murphy, Matthew v. McKeone, Frank, et al., 1897 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Eliza and James McKeone, Ellen Conley, Kate McManus, Emil J. Duppler, David Schreiter, F.C. Duncan, Thomas H. and Ellen Sims, J.B. Farrington, Henrietta King, and Elisha Nichols.
Box   73
Murphy, Matthew v. Smith, John, Jr. and Bridget, 1898 January
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   M32
Murphy, Matthew, et al. v. Chryss, Eugenius, 1849 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Thomas Davies.
Box   65
Murphy, Matthew, et al. v. Criss, Eugenius, 1850 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Thomas F. Davis. Type of case: Difficult to determine from documents in file.
Box   114
Murphy, Michael J. v. Wann, Daniel, et al., 1921 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litiant 2: E.W. Turner, State Bank of Illinois, James W. Stephenson, Moses M. Strong, Allen Campbell, Dennis Lynch, Nimrod Brown, William Evans, Martha Field Townsend, Emily Field, Charles A. and Annie Thompson, Joseph M. Thompson, Sarah J. Craig, Mary E. Flisk, John T. Thompson, and The Wisconsin Zinc Company.
Box   65
Murphy, Patrick v. Murphy, Johanna, 1860 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   M30
Murphy, Patrick v. Joint School District No. 12, 1873 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 2: of the Town of Wiota and Gratiot.
Box   M
Murphy, Patrick v. Welsh, John, 1891 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Three boxes.
Box   M
Murphy, Patrick v. Welsh, John, 1891 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Three boxes.
Box   M
Murphy, Patrick v. Welsh, John, 1891 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Three boxes.
Box   66
Murphy, Richard v. Murphy, James, 1851 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M31
Murphy, Stephen v. Murphy, Sylvester, 1893 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   69
Murphy, William v. Curran, Bridget, et al., 1885 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Patrick and Catherine Curran.
Box   M
Murphy, William W. v. McGivern, John Jr., 1867 September
Note: Damages/Theft. Damaged label.
Box   76
Murray, David v. Murrary, William, et al., 1910 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Sophia, Annie, Sadie, and Violet Murray and Nellie Floyd.
Box   112
Murray, F.L., et al. v. Dolan, John A. and Frank, 1913 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Murray is misspelled as "Murry" on the label. Litigant 1: Manie H. and Cora Murray, Lyn I. White, Darwin White by F.L. Murray, guardian, and F.P. White, children and grandchildren of Isaac Murray.
Box   65
Murray, James v. Mullen, John, 1860 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M33
Murray, John v. Tully, Phillip, 1878 February
Note: Discharge Morgt.
Box   73
Murray, John v. Murray, Nora, 1900 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   74
Murray, Mary, Ex Parte, 1903 March
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   M31
Murray, Patrick v. Clyma, William H., 1860 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   63
Murray, Patrick v. Peter, Thomas, et al., 1866 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Charles and Mary Priestly.
Box   69
Murray, Patrick v. McConnell, Sarah and Mary, 1886 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M
Murray, Robert v. Tippett, Joseph, 1881 December
Note: Replevin.
Box   64
Murray, Susan v. Woods, Thomas, 1860 January
Note: Replevin.
Box   76
Murray, William T. v. Calvert Mining Company, 1911 February
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for bodily injuries resulting from a dynamite explosion while working in a mine.
Box   M28
Musgrove, John v. Binney, James, 1850 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M26
Myers, D.D., et al. v. Osgood, John D., et al., 1893 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: J.H. Tice and W.G. Cox, co-partners doing business under the firm name of Myers, Tice & Co. Litigant 2: John E. Burretts.
Box   N34
Nall, E.G., et al. v. Leuzinger, John, et al., 1896 September
Note: Garnishing. Litigant 1: Fred Marroitt. Litigant 2: Jost Disch; Ferdinand Grunert & Company-Monroe, German Insurance Company-Freeport, Illinois, & Rockford Insurance Company-Rockford, Illinois, Garnishees.
Box   75
Nall, Israel v. Cook, Sarah, et al., 1859 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Wife of Frances Cook, deceased; Mary, Mariah, Elizabeth, Emma, Francis, and George Cook; and Hibbard Rankins.
Box   75
Nansen, Jesse v. Nansen, Ida, 1903 January
Note: Divorce.
Box   1
Nanson, Nevada v. Nanson, Jess, 1912 May
Note: Divorce. Nanson is misspelled as "Nansen" on label.
Box   75
Nash, Henry C., Ex Parte, 1861 April
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   N34
Nash, Henry C. v. Lamar, Charles H. and Elizabeth, 1873 June
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   M26
Nash, Henry C. v. Cutting, Ann, 1893 November
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   115
National Bank of Galena v. King, Jackson, et al., 1872 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Charles B. Champion.
Box   N34
National Bank of Galena v. Speilman, Jacob, et al., 1874 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Henry D. Dement and Frederick Pischel.
Box   38
National Bank of Galena v. Champion, C.B., et al., 1877 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Absolam A. Townsend.
Box   N34
National Bank of Galena v. Townsend, Absalom A., et al., 1878 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Addison A. and Walter B. Townsend.
Box   N34
National Wall Paper Company v. Hendrickson, H. L., 1896 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   75
Nattrass, Cedric, Ex Parte, 1910 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Infant heir of Timothy Cottingham.
Box   75
Neff, Danverse v. McCamley, Frances A., et al., 1859 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 2: George Proctor. Type of case: Damages - for unjust and unlawful imprisonment.
Box   75
Neff, Danverse, et al. v. McDermott, Michael, 1870 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Danverse is spelled "Danvers" on some of the documents. Litigant 1: Truman and Frank Neff, copartners doing business under the firm name of D. Neff and Co.
Box   N34
Neff, Loami v. Paddock, Benjamin H., et al., 1869 February
Note: Trespassing. Damaged label. Litigant 2: George W. Sparrow, Wilson Law, and J.C. Martin. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   N34
Neff, Loami v. Priestley, Charles, et al., 1869 July
Note: Trespassing. Litigant 2: Joseph Dougherty, Michael Foley, Reynard Hess, James Trestrail, and John McCabe.
Box   N34
Nehls, W.H., Ex Parte, 1897 February
Note: Bankruptcy.
Box   75
Neill, James H. v. Francis, J.D., et al., 1859 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: A. Warden, James Wadsworth, James R. Rose, and O.H.P. Williams, trustees of the First Congregational Church of Darlington.
Box   75
Nelson, Andrew v. Torkilson, Anne, 1881 June
Note: Discharge Mort. Torkilson is spelled "Turkelson" on the label and is spelled "Torkelson" on some of the documents.
Box   75
Nelson, H.P. v. Mappes, Charles, 1877 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   N34
Nelson, James H. v. Webster, Frances C., et al., 1859 August
Note: Trespassing. Litigant 2: R.H. Parks, Seymour and E.A. Webster.
Box   N34
Nelson, James H. v. Sampson, George A., et al., 1860 December
Note: Trespassing. Litigant 2: Richard H., Joseph, and Woodman Parks and Seymour Webster.
Box   5
Nelson, John, Ex Parte, 1873 June
Note: Type of case: Application for admission to practice law in Circuit Court, Lafayette County.
Box   1
Nelson, Louis v. Royal Neighbors of America, 1910 June
Note: Type of case: Life insurance beneficiary issue.
Box   75
Nelson, Nancy v. French, George W., 1875 June
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - assault resulting in bodily injuries.
Box   75
Nelson, Nels v. March, William, 1878 October
Note: Replevin.
Box   75
Nelson, Thomas v. Fox, Michael A., 1861 September
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   75
Nelson, Thomas v. Rountree, John H., 1864 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   75
Nelson, Thomas v. Stahl, Henry, 1870 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Two documents in the file.
Box   M30
Nelson, Vinger & Co. v. Peniston, Leonard and Emma, 1897 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   75
Nelson, William v. Cheney, Hazen, et al., 1867 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: John A. Blanchard, Haratio N. and Harriet B. Campbell, and Hamilton H. and Harriet P. Gray.
Box   1
Nethery, J. Ray, Ex Parte, 1920 February
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   75
Nettleton, H.J. v. Dick, Alexander, 1868 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   75
Nevels, George v. Pratt, Esther and Thomas G., 1898 May
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label.
Box   75
Newbouer, Leopold, et al. v. Singer, S., 1869 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Newbouer is misspelled as "Newbower" on the label. Litigant 1: Charles E. and Joseph H. Newbouer.
Box   75
Newcomb, Sarah M., et al., Ex Parte, 1880 August
Note: Discharge Mort. Litigant 1: H.H. Gray and P.A. Orton, executors of the last will of Wlliam M. Newcomb, deceased; Clara Newcomb, Catherine Lewis and Margaret E. Champlin.
Box   75
Newkirk, Mathew v. Eagleson, William, 1850 September
Note: Trespassing. Eagleson is misspelled as "Eaaleason" on the label.
Box   N34
Newkirk, Matthew v. Eagleson, William, 1850 July
Note: Trespassing.
Box   75
Newman, Reuben v. Scofield, William, et al., 1848 August
Note: Trespassing. Litigant 2: Samuel Lombard and Lyman Kinean.
Box   76
Newton, Elizabeth, Ex Parte, 1891 March
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   S47
Newton, Wallace, et al. v. Cullen, James, 1869 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John Van Matre.
Box   75
Newton, William v. Savage, John H., et al., 1900 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: James Roberts and F.A. Thompson, administrators of the estate of Clara W. Savage, deceased, J.L. Cavanaugh, C.W. Graves, James Roberts, First National Bank of Shullsburg, Archibald C. Weeks, Gilbert G. Thorne, as receiver of Key Stone National Bank, John P. Williams, Henry C. Stearns, M.C. Barber, S.A. Morgan, J.M. Crabb, Henry Schmidt, Ambrose White, and J.C. Lee.
Box   75
Nicholas, Edward v. Dent, Richard, 1878 June
Note: Foreclosure. Nicholas is misspelled as "Nichols" on the label.
Box   76
Nicholas, John F., Ex Parte, 1891 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Petition by Riley T. Scott, guardian.
Box   76
Nicholas, John F., Ex Parte, 1897 August
Note: Type of case: Other - to discharge R.T. Scott as guardian.
Box   75
Nichols Shepard & Co. v. McCabe, Felix, Sr., et al., 1888 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Felix McCabe, Jr. and Edward G. Kinsman.
Box   S47
Nichols Shepard & Company v. Meloy, Corwick and Eliza, 1876 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   N34
Nichols Shepard & Company v. Austin, William and S. R., 1881 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   N34
Nichols Shepard & Company v. Davis, Thomas, et al., 1881 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: John P. Hughes.
Box   75
Nichols, Ann v. Nichols, Thomas, 1871 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   N34
Nichols, Elisha v. Cragg, Joseph, et al., 1896 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: executor of the last will and testament of Richard Nichols, deceased. Litigant 2: Charles and Robert Cragg.
Box   75
Nichols, Henry C. v. Thompson, George, 1851 September
Note: Replevin.
Box   75
Nichols, Richard and Henry v. Fessenden, S.C., et al., 1868 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Fessenden is misspelled as "Fessender" on the label. Litigant 2: Samuel Hall and R.H. Turck.
Box   N34
Nichols, Shepard & Company v. Austin, William, et al., 1877 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: S.R. Austin.
Box   N34
Nichols, Shepard & Company v. James, William, et al., 1877 October
Note: Contract Violation. Litigant 2: Patrick Galagan.
Box   N34
Nichols, Shepard & Company v. Galagan, Patrick, et al., 1877 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: William James.
Box   N34
Nichols, William, et al. v. Bracken, Charles, 1853 December
Note: Eviction. Litigant 1: William T. Phillips.
Box   76
Nicholson, Ellen, Ex Parte, 1891 September
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   1
Nix, Edna v. Nix, Albert, 1911 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   N34
Noble, James J. v. Marshall, George A., 1883 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   76
Noble, Paul and Martha J. v. Noble, Nancy, 1889 December
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   75
Noble, Philo v. Noble, Hannah, 1863 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   N34
Noble, William v. Boles, Aloy, et al., 1854 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: William Dain.
Box   75
Noble, William v. Noble, Samantha, 1870 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   75
Noble, William v. Crow, J.W., et al., 1872 February
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Frances E. Crow, Louis Cohn, A.C. Martin, H. Winchester, W.H. Wadsworth, Patrick Morgan, Thomas J. Hamilton, and V.T. Chambers, administrator of the estate of W.M. Ward, deceased.
Box   1
Nordin, J.P.A. v. McGinlay, J.F., 1913 February
Note: Other. Nordin was charged with beginning the practice of medicine without obtaining a license. Requesting writ of Certiorari be granted.
Box   75
North, Anthony v. Hicks, George D., 1849 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   N34
North, Anthony W. v. Hicks, George D., 1849 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   96
Northwest Thresher Company v. Burgess, Albert, et al., 1905 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Clara Burgess and Frank Wedge.
Box   N34
Northwest Thresher Mfg. Co. v. Hunt, J.W., et al., 1900 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Name of Minnesota Thresher Mfg. Co. on most documents. Litigant 2: Chris, Albertson, and L.S. Reed.
Box   N34
Northwestern Barb Wire Company v. Proctor, George, 1883 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   N34
Northwestern Mutual v. Meloy, Edward, et al., 1880 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Life Insurance Company. Litigant 2: Samuel H. and Frank Scales , executors of the will of Samuel H. Scales, deceased, James Burke, John and Thomas Edge, and Patrick Hays.
Box   75
Norton, Edwin A. v. Norton, Elizabeth, 1864 July
Note: Divorce.
Box   75
Norton, Florence B. v. Westerman, George, 1908 September
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   75
Norton, Henry v. Norton, Frances, 1854 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   N34
Norton, Henry v. Dering, Oscar M., 1859 April
Note: Replevin.
Box   N34
Norton, Henry v. Campbell, Hugh, 1859 May
Note: Replevin.
Box   75
Norton, Nathaniel v. Nash, Henry C. and Alosia, 1858 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   75
Norton, Sarah J. v. Norton, Leonard C., 1889 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   75
Nugent, Mary v. Morgan, James, 1883 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   M26
Nunan, James v. Zinc Carbonate Company, 1893 August
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   77
O' Brien, Catharine v. Christ, John, 1865 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   79
Oaley, William and Esther, Ex Parte, 1869 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. The only document in the file is a Warranty Deed. Information is incomplete.
Box   78
Oates, Elizabeth v. Oates, Charles H., 1890 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   79
Obermann Brewing Company v. Blotz, Jacob, 1887 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   77
O'Brien, Catherine E., et al., Ex Parte, 1876 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Bridget A., Sarah E., Regina A., and Stella O'Brien, infant heirs at law of John O'Brien, deceased.
Box   78
O'Brien, Dennis v. Hunt, Horatio, et al., 1847 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Moses Mahaffy.
Box   79
O'Brien, Henry v. Sweeney, John R., 1896 February
Note: Foreclosure. Sweeney is misspelled as "Sweeny" on the label.
Box   77
O'Brien, John v. Westrope, W.B., et al., 1868 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: John Martin.
Box   79
O'Brien, John v. McCarville, Dennis L., 1890 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: As administrator of the estate of Dennis McCarville, deceased.
Box   79
O'Brien, Louis F. v. Long, James and Eliza, 1897 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   79
O'Brien, M.A. v. White, Stephen S., 1918 December
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   78
O'Brien, Nellie, et al., Ex Parte, 1891 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Daniel, Kate, James, John, and Michael McDermott.
Box   77
O'Brien, Phillip v. Kelly, Patrick, 1863 April
Note: Replevin.
Box   77
O'Brien, Samuel, et al., Ex Parte, 1874 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Catherine E., Bridget A., Sarah E., Regina A., and Stella O'Brien, infant heirs at law of John O'Brien, deceased.
Box   77
O'Brien, Terrence and Catharine v. Heady, Patrick, 1849 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   78
O'Brien, William and Mary Jane, Ex Parte, 1881 September
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   C
O'Callaghan, Hezekiah v. Portwine, Henry, 1846 July
Note: Trespassing. O'Callaghan is misspelled as "Callahan" on the label.
Box   77
O'Connor, James v. Harrington, Dennis and Catherine, 1872 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   78
O'Connor, James, Jr. v. Farrington, John B., 1888 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   79
O'Connor, Margaret and Daniel v. Armstrong, John, et al., 1884 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Marcella Armstrong, Ellen Staber, Mary Jane and James Armstrong, Ellenor Horr, Hugh J. Gallagher, and James R. Rave.
Box   77
O'Donnell, James and Ann v. Cook, Hiram H. and Emeline D., 1843 October
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   77
O'Donnell, Mary J., et al., Ex Parte, 1869 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: William C. O'Donnell.
Box   79
Oettiker Elmer, et al., Ex Parte, 1912 June
Note: Discharge Mort. Litigant 1: Clara M. Steil.
Box   79
Oftelie & Stondall Land Co. v. Simmons, C.L., 1907 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   77
Ogden, Ephraim v. Lafayette, County of, 1853 December
Note: Type of case: Other - documents are an appeal for the disallowance of a claim by the board of supervisors.
Box   77
Ogden, Ephraim v. Lafayette, County of, 1857 December
Note: Type of case: Other - documents are an appeal for the disallowance of a claim for fees and expenses, as County Treasurer.
Box   77
Ogden, Ephraim F. v. James, Thomas, et al., 1861 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Catharine James, Thomas Swainbank, and Darwin E. Moulton.
Box   78
O'Keefe, James v. Minihan, Patrick, et al., 1891 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Michael Minihan and Harriet R. Stauch.
Box   79
O'Keefe, James v. Kane, Robert A., et al., 1909 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Cora Kane, George G. and Lena Bleiler, Fred Zweifel, and Henry Ludlow.
Box   77
Oleson, Helga v. Oleson, Melinda, 1871 January
Note: Divorce.
Box   79
Oliver, Mary F. v. Oliver, Rufus A., et al., 1898 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Hannah E. Oliver and Edmund Longhorn.
Box   77
Oliver, Solomon v. Meeker, Eliza Priden and Moses, 1857 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   77
Oliver, Solomon v. McGee, John, 1861 May
Note: Trespassing.
Box   78
Oliver, Solomon v. Wilson, Robert, 1878 October
Note: Type of case: Unknown - "Undertaking on behalf of defendant" is the only document in the file so information is incomplete for this case.
Box   78
Oliver, Stephen N. v. Proctor, George L., 1883 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   77
Oliver, Thomas v. Oliver, Lois, 1851 January
Note: Divorce.
Box   77
Olmstead, Nathan v. Hammett, George, 1858 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   77
Olmsted, Nathan v. Briggs, William, et al., 1870 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Olmsted is misspelled as "Olmstead" on the label. Litigant 2: Hiram Sornberger.
Box   79
Olsen, Chris v. Smith, Val, 1905 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   79
Olson, Anna v. Olson, Oliver, 1903 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   77
Olson, Bertha Louisa, et al., Ex Parte, 1874 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Ann Maria Olson, infant heirs of Andrew Olson.
Box   78
Olson, C.C. v. Michaelson, Henry, et al., 1877 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Annie M Michaelson, J.S. Pirie, R. Scott, G.S. Scott, A. McLeish, C.E. Dean, R. Dean, John L. Lincoln, Moritz L. Morawetz, Joseph Brandt, C.A. Blanchard, J.G. Schmohl, Malcolm and John McNeil, Charles Higgins, Sarah E.C. Ball, John R. Goodrich, Thomas Munson, Lewis Bock, and Benjamin Chenoweth.
Box   78
Olson, Christian C. v. Michaelson, Henry, et al., 1884 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Michael Michaelson and James Kane.
Box   79
Olson, J.I. v. Erickson, Ole and Anna, 1893 December
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   79
Olson, Martha A., Ex Parte, 1905 November
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   77
Olson, Sarah v. Amondson, Galick, 1869 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   78
O'Neil, Daniel, et al., Ex Parte, 1891 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Terrence J. O'Neil on behalf of Mary, John, Gertrude, and Leo O'Neil.
Box   79
O'Neil, Hannah v. O'Neil, John E. and Mary, 1893 September
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   28
O'Neil, Robert and Edward v. Touhy, Thomas, 1868 February
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   78
O'Neill, Ann, deceased, Ex Parte, 1874 June
Note: Probate. Validity of will challenged by James Dagat (Williams, J. K./Orton & Osborn) and Elizabeth and Michael Tierny, Jr. (P.B. Simpson/J.R. Rose).
Box   79
Opie, Leslie I., et al., Ex Parte, 1902 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Leslie is misspelled as "Lester" on the label. Litigant 1: Earnest L. and Harold W. Opie, and special guardian, Catharine Opie, widow of William Opie.
Box   78
Oregon Manufacturing Co. v. Proctor, George, et al., 1883 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Joseph Daugherty.
Box   79
O'Rourke, Charles v. Miller, Herman, 1896 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   77
Orton, P.A. v. Bragg, S.G., et al., 1875 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: E.C. Slothower.
Box   78
Orton, P.A. v. Martin, William, et al., 1890 December
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Rilla, George, Katie, S.W., Malinda, R.H., Annie, Eleanor, (widow of Robert, deceased) and John Martin, executor of the last will and testament of Robert Martin, deceased; M.J. and R.J. Wilson; Elizabeth and D.B. Gordon.
Box   77
Orton, P.A., et al. v. Runde, Lambert D., 1860 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Orlando G. Dart and Joseph D. Francis.
Box   78
Orton, P.A., et al. v. Reed, James S., et al., 1874 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: George S. Anthony and C.F. Osborn. Litigant 2: Martha A. Reed, Hamilton H. Gray, and H.H. Fitch.
Box   78
Orton, P.A., et al. v. McCarville, Patrick, 1877 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: D.B. Otis and J.E. Otis, copartners under the firm name of Orton, Otis & Company.
Box   78
Orton, P.A., et al. v. Earnest, James H., et al., 1877 December
Note: Other. Litigant 1: George S. Anthony. Litigant 2: John L. Hardy. Type of case: Other - Unknown - the file contains only the two demurs for both defendants.
Box   78
Orton, P.A., et al. v. Fox, M.A., 1877 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: George S. Anthony.
Box   78
Orton, P.A., et al. v. Leddy, Patrick, et al., 1878 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: D.B. and J.E. Otis. Litigant 2: Thomas Larkin
Box   78
Orton, P.A., et al. v. Diggs, A., 1886 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: C. F. Osborn. Type of case: Damages - for misrepresenting a mare that was of no value.
Box   78
Orton, P.A., Jr. v. Rablin, William, 1868 November
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   78
Orton, P.A., Jr., et al. v. Bailey, Benton D., et al., 1871 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Rose Oakden. Litigant 2: Arabella, Eleanor F., and Mary K. Bailey and Robert U. Champion.
Box   78
Orton, P.A. v. Gallager, John P., 1879 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: As administrator of the estate of John E. Newcomb, deceased.
Box   77
Orton, Philo A. v. King, Charles D., et al., 1858 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Sarah Parkison, Executrix of the last will and testament of William Parkison, deceased.
Box   77
Orton, Philo A. v. Hardy, John S., et al., 1872 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Lucinda S. Hardy, Catharine Burns, Edson Bradley, Samuel Keefer, and Robert Rennick.
Box   78
Orton, Philo A. v. VanMeter, William C., et al., 1879 October
Note: Tax. VanMeter is misspelled as "VanMatre" on the label. Litigant 2: Cynthia VanMeter and F.C. Duncan.
Box   78
Orton, Philo A., et al. v. VanMeter, Joseph, et al., 1881 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: C.F. Osborn. Litigant 2: Alice Harris, formerly VanMeter; Emma and John Van Meter; Jane and William Raymond; Sarah and Adam Hauman; Eliza and Jeff Infelt; Samantha and Samuel Zollenger; Clara and J. Mayes; Nettie, Millard, Martial, Samantha, and Sarah Knock.
Box   78
Orton, Philo A., et al. v. Mappes, Mary E., et al., 1882 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Sara M. Orton, Charles and Juliet Osborn, and Nathan T. and Mary J. Olmstead. Litigant 2: Louis Mappes, Elvira J. and Patrick Barnes, and Leah, Peggy, Elizabeth, Clara, and Mary Wright.
Box   79
Orton, Philo A., et al. v. Field, Silas D., 1895 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Charles F. Osborn.
Box   77
Orton, Philo A., Jr. v. Miller, Jacob, 1858 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   77
Orton, Philo A., Jr. v. Peck, Mersena, et al., 1871 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Joseph E. Beedy.
Box   77
Orton, Philo A., Jr. v. Rablin, William, 1871 May
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   77
Orton, Philo A., Jr. v. Webb, Henry, et al., 1871 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Grace Webb and Isaac VanBrunt.
Box   79
Orton, Philo A. v. Marshall, George A., 1899 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: As administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Elizabeth Tabor, deceased.
Box   77
Orton, Philo, et al. v. Poindexter, George S., 1858 October
Note: Mechanics Lien. Litigant 1: Orland G. Dart and Joseph D. Francis.
Box   77
Osborn, S.T. v. Mullen, Thomas, 1875 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   77
Osborn, S.W. and Julia v. Richards, John, 1873 April
Note: Other. "Richardson" is the name on the label. Type of case - Other - cannot determine from documents in file.
Box   78
Osborn, Sylvester v. McDonald, Nancy, et al., 1887 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Edward McDonald, Bridget (Quinn) McDonald, John and James McDonald, Eliza Maria and Patrick Ryan, Margaret and Thomas Conway, Mary A. Brayley, administratrix of the estate of James Brayley, deceased, First National Bank of Mineral Point, and John Cavanaugh.
Box   78
Osborne, Elizabeth v. Osborne, John, 1880 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   79
Osborne, Harriet N., et al., Ex Parte, 1910 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Henry L. Belk, Laura T. Richmond, Jesse E. Hayden, Irene E. Goodloe, Theresa T. Barber, and W. Julian Osborne.
Box   77
Osborne, Henry v. Nash, Henry C., et al., 1858 October
Note: Foreclosure. Osborne is misspelled as "Osborn" on the label. Litigant 2: Alosia Nash, John H. Gear, and George J. Wood.
Box   77
Osborne, Henry v. Tuttle, Emery W., et al., 1861 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary C. Tutttle, Edward McGinnis, and Beri W. Tuttle.
Box   77
Osborne, Henry T. v. Polkinghorn, Thomas, 1873 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Osborne is misspelled as "Osborn" on the label.
Box   77
Osborne, Henry, v. Nash, William M., et al., 1858 August
Note: Foreclosure. Osborne is misspelled as "Osbourn" on the label. Litigant 2: Margaret Nash, John H. Rountree, John D. Sanders, George B. Wood, and S.L. Hand.
Box   77
Osborne, Josiah v. Gregor, Francis, et al., 1860 December
Note: Foreclosure. Litiigant 2: Margaret Gregor, John and Sewell Lorrain, George R. Melvill, and James M. and William Ryan.
Box   78
Osborne, Josiah v. Vandrey, Herman, et al., 1884 July
Note: Foreclosure. Osborne is misspelled as "Osborn" on the label. Litigant 2: Emilie Vandrey, Louis and Augusta Bartelt, Henry Glindinning, William Koppie, William March, and August Kamm.
Box   78
Osborne, Josiah v. Lund, Herman M., et al., 1884 June
Note: Foreclosure. Osborne is misspelled as "Osborn" on the label. Litigant 2: Hermana A. Lund and Peter Olson.
Box   78
Osborne, Solomon v. Swinbank, Thomas and Jane, 1879 March
Note: Foreclosure. Osborne is misspelled as "Osborn" and Swinbank is misspelled as "Swainbank" on the label.
Box   77
Osborne, William, Jr. v. Pryce, F.W.C., et al., 1860 December
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Catharine Pryce, Thomas McNulty, John McNulty, 2nd, and John W. Blackstone Jr.
Box   77
Osborne, William, Sr. v. Criss, James L., et al., 1858 August
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Matilda Criss and William E. Doggett.
Box   77
Osborne, William, Sr. v. Senter, German, et al., 1858 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: James Carter, Richard H. Magoon, and Joseph and Thomas Hicks.
Box   77
Osborne, William, Sr. v. Palmer, Ariel, et al., 1859 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Sabra R. Palmer, Isaac Hodges, and Orlander S. and Obed C. Jones, executors of the last will and testament of Chancey Jones, Jr., deceased.
Box   77
Osborne, William, Sr. v. Watts, Margaret and Jesse, 1860 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   102
Osdell, Mary E., et al. v. Champion, Charles B. and Ellen, 1891 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Eliza C. Snyder. Litigant 2: Emmeline White, Julia A. Weyman, Calvin R. Corbin, Haratio N. May, L.A. Clinton, William A. and Mary Bethel, Mary J. (Bethel) Cornbellick, Alice M. Bethel; Cyrus E. and Carrie Dering; Elizabeth Dering, widow of Henry S. Dering, Jr., deceased; Frederick, Margaret, Henry A., Clara J., Thomas R., Josephine, Marion J., and Maud Dering; Cora Carey; Ammi, John, Charles F., Thomas C., Catherine E. (Martin), Sherman T., A. William, Frank Foster, Kitty E., Ann E., Harry C., Anne E. (deceased), Ann, Thomas C., Margaret, and Sherman T. Dodge; P. Fred, Ellen E., Charles L., Addie, Oscar M., Sarah, Oscar, Ada (Jones), and William S. Dering, deceased. Appealed to Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   78
O'Sullivan, Patrick, Ex Parte, 1858 October
Note: Type of case: Other - to vacate the Ryan and Mazzuchelli's town plot in Shullsburg.
Box   77
Otis, D.B. v. McDermott, Stephen, 1876 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   77
Otis, D.B. v. McDermott, Stephen, 1878 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   78
Otis, Dennis B. v. Dougherty, Mary A., et al., 1876 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: William L. Dougherty, Neson J. Thompson, and John H. Hamstreet.
Box   79
O'Toole, John v. McNamara, Thomas, et al., 1911 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Heirs of Timothy McNamara, deceased; heirs of Bernard McNulty, deceased; Sarah J. Fox; Celia, Jane C., Catherine, and Louis McNulty; Emma C. Hayden; Charles L., Hulda S., James, Mary, Oswald, Celia, Mary, John, and Albert Ryan and Catherine Gibbs, heirs of John McNulty.
Box   77
Owens, William T. v. Mitchell, William, 1868 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Mitchell is spelled "Mitchel" on some documents.
Box   P37
Packard, John A. v. Vangenen, H., 1851 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Spelling may be "Van Wagenen."
Box   80
Packard, John A. v. Woodbury, Nathan, 1852 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   80
Packard, John A. v. Shaw, Hiram, 1870 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   P37
Packard, John A. v. Shaw, Hiram, 1872 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   P37
Packard, John A., et al. v. Shaw, Hiram, 1858 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Benjamin F. Ray partners doing business under the firm name of J.A. Packard & Co.
Box   81
Packard, John A., et al. v. Norton, Henry, 1858 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Benjamin F. Ray.
Box   R39
Packard, John A., et al. v. Norton, Henry, 1859 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Box is labeled Ray vs Norton. Litigant 1: Benjamin F. Ray.
Box   80
Paddock, Ichabod v. Cone, Russell, 1862 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   81
Paddock, Ormond v. Hovey, Amos W., 1878 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   P36
Paddock, Roxy Jane v. Breed, Frederick W., et al., 1862 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Henry W. Barnes.
Box   82
Paff, Alice May v. Sawin, C.C., et al., 1892 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: William Trotter.
Box   P38.5
Pahl, William v. Stevens, William B., 1875 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   R39
Paine, Joseph v. Appleby, James, 1861 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   R39
Palmer, John B., et al. v. Knight, James G., 1857 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Box is labeled "Richardson vs Knight." Litigant 1: Enos Richardson, Thomas S. Drowne, and William D. Maxwell, partners doing business under the firm name of Palmer, Richardson & Co.
Box   P37
Palmer, Luke v. Brunet, Jean, 1849 November
Note: Breach of Promise. Litigant 2: Brunet is also spelled "Brunette" on some documents.
Box   82
Palmer, Mary E. v. Gabel, Earnest, 1909 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   121
Palzkill, Annie, et al., Ex Parte, 1909 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Mary and Gertrude Palzkill.
Box   81
Pampus, John v. Pampus, Kathrina, 1854 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   80
Pampus, John, Ex Parte, 1868 May
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   80
Paris, Esther A. v. Paris, James A., 1867 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   S42.5
Parker, Charles H., et al. v. Baker, John G., 1870 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Faded label. Litigant 1: Gustavus Stone, copartners doing business under the firm name of Parker & Stone.
Box   P38
Parkinson, A.G. v. Barrington, Niles, 1856 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   P37
Parkinson, Albert G. v. Etheridge, John, 1847 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for running over Parkinson's wheel with oxens and wagon loaded with lumber.
Box   80
Parkinson, Frank, Ex Parte, 1872 June
Note: Type of case: Other - Order appointing committee to examine for admission to the Bar.
Box   P38
Parkinson, Frank E., et al. v. Parkinson, Ann E., et al., 1879 February
Note: Probate. Litigant 1: Lucy Scott, heirs of Nathaniel Parkinson. Litigant 2: Mary E., George Daniel, Stephen A.D., Moris Lee, Robert Nathaniel, and Allie Jane Parkinson.
Box   81
Parkinson, James v. Parkinson, Minerva, 1872 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   81
Parkinson, Peter v. Baker, J.M., 1864 February
Note: Eviction. Parkinson is spelled "Parkison" on some of the documents.
Box   P38.5
Parkinson, Peter v. Burgess, Felix, 1879 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label.
Box   P36
Parkinson, Peter, Jr. v. McQuake, Patrick F., 1879 April
Note: Trespassing. Appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   P38.5
Parkinson, Peter, Jr. v. McQuaid, Patrick, 1879 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label.
Box   P36
Parkinson, Philip v. Seiler, Jacob, 1896 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Citizens National Bank of Darlington.
Box   80
Parkinson, William v. Woodbury, Jerome, 1850 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   21
Parkinson, William v. Davis, Lovicia, 1867 February
Note: Probate.
Box   80
Parkison, Peter v. King, Temperance Jane, et al., 1862 July
Note: Foreclosure. Parkison is misspelled as "Parkinson" on the label. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of William Parkison, deceased. Litigant 2: Charles D. King.
Box   P37
Parkison, Peter v. Cagle, Jacob E. and Clarissa, 1865 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of William Parkison, deceased.
Box   80
Parkison, Sarah v. Parkison, Peter, 1858 November
Note: Probate. Litigant 2: Administrator of the estate of William Parkison, deceased.
Box   80
Parkison, William v. Parkison, Albert G., et al., 1855 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Sarah F. Parkison and Mary Susanne Parkison, infants of Sarah A. Parkison.
Box   P38
Parkyn, J.O. v. Eastman, Darius, 1883 October
Note: Replevin. Original complaint on file is by Eastman vs Parkyn.
Box   82
Parmele, Ellen v. Rogers, Clark H. and Margaret, 1898 February
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   82
Parmer, Bertha Mabel v. Parmer, Daniel, 1904 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   80
Parry, John E., et al., Ex Parte, 1871 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Mary Ann and Martha Parry, infant heirs of John J. Parry, deceased, by their mother, Margaret Roberts.
Box   P38
Parson, Thomas H. v. Martin, James H., 1882 June
Note: Replevin.
Box   P37
Pascoe, Arthur v. Lyne, Benjamin, 1883 August
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for crops and fences destroyed by cattle.
Box   81
Pascoe, Thomas v. Richards, John and Mary, 1884 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Complaint is not in file so dates and type of case were based on defendant's answer. Land owned by Nelson Dewey was a part of the controversy in this case.
Box   P38
Patek, Mark L., et al. v. Simmons, J.E., 1903 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: George W. Patek, copartners doing business under the firm name of Patek Brothers.
Box   80
Patridge, John C., et al. v. Johnson, Lars E., et al., 1862 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Louise Palmer, Harsdale Smith, and Amosa H. Scoville. Litigant 2: Nathaniel W. Dean.
Box   P37
Patterson, Benjamin v. Fay, David, 1859 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   81
Patterson, Benjamin v. Reed, Stephen S., et al., 1859 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Arabella Reed, John and Elizabeth Fassett, and George B. Spencer.
Box   P38.5
Patterson, Benjamin v. Fay, David and Lucretia, 1857 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Executor of the last will and testament of Jesse Patterson, deceased.
Box   80
Patterson, John C. v. Gray, John and Clarinda M., 1859 June
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   P37
Patterson, John P. v. Quigley, John, et al., 1882 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Michael and Thomas Quigley.
Box   82
Patterson, Lulu M. v. Patterson, Valentine, 1901 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   81
Patton, Joseph v. Patton, Marcella E., 1865 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   82
Paul, Mary Josephine Magoon, Ex Parte, 1898 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Infant of Isabella S. and Henry S. Magoon, deceased.
Box   P36
Paul, William v. Duncan, John E., 1866 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of James Dalsymple, deceased.
Box   P38
Paulson, Peter J. v. Spaulding, George T., 1888 May
Note: Replevin.
Box   121
Paulson, Peter N. v. Jenks, Albert, et al., 1913 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Edward A. Bradley and John O. Poor.
Box   121
Pauly Jail Building & Mfg. Co. v. Collins, W.E., et al., 1905 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Two boxes of documents. Litigant 2: Theodore Janssen. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   M26
Peacock, John v. Zinc Carbonate Company, 1893 August
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   P37
Peacock, Matthew v. Clegg, Thomas, 1895 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   P36
Peacock, Thomas v. Alderson, Symon, et al., 1861 October
Note: Trespassing. Litigant 2: Joseph Kyle.
Box   80
Peadon, Mary v. Peadon, John, 1873 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   P38
Peasley, Robert v. Buxton, Joseph, 1881 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   P38
Peasley, Robert J. v. Dodge, Frank, 1882 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   P38
Peasley, Robert J. v. Rock, Abner J., 1882 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   P37
Peasley, Robert S. v. Campbell, James, 1861 June
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   81
Peasley, Robert S., et al., Ex Parte, 1884 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Elbert F. Peasley, infants of Elizabeth Peasley and Robert S. Peasley, deceased.
Box   81
Peck, Arza C., et al. v. Lamar, Charles H., et al., 1858 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: George Keeler. Litigant 2: Samuel Sergent.
Box   P38
Peck, W.W., M.D. v. Lafayette County, 1892 January
Note: Type of case: Other - claim for portion of cost of post mortem examination.
Box   P38
Peck, W.W., M.D. v. Lafayette County, 1904 January
Note: Type of case: Other - claim for portion of cost of post mortem examination.
Box   P38
Peddelty, Peter, et al. v. Fawcett, John, 1847 September
Note: Damages/Theft. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Joseph Richardson. Litigant 2: Christopher Wiseman. Type of case: Damages - for breaking and entering.
Box   81
Pedelty, John v. Pedelty, Isabella, 1853 January
Note: Divorce.
Box   81
Pedelty, Peter S. v. Elliott, John, et al., 1866 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Ann Elliott and Owen Swift.
Box   121
Pedelty, Peter W., et al. v. Wisconsin Zinc Company, 1910 April
Note: Damages/Theft. Box #1. Litigant 1: Joseph and George D. Pedelty and Rachael Buxton. Note: This box contains a Velvet Pipe and Cigarette Tobacco can filled with evidence of sludge. Type of case: Damages - for flushing sludge, waste, and other refuse matter through the drain crossing said land and causing the land to be unproductive from the remains of the sludge. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   121
Pedelty, Peter W., et al. v. Wisconsin Zinc Company, 1910 September
Note: Damages/Theft. Box #2. Injunctional order and affidavits. Litigant 1: Joseph and George Pedelty and Rachel Buxton. Type of case: Damages - for flushing sludge, waste, and other refuse matter through the drain crossing said land and causing the land to be unproductive from the remains of the sludge.
Box   82
Pedelty, Sarah v. Pedelty, William, 1887 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   121
Pedley, William, et al. v. Tracy, John, et al., 1913 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Luella and Eva Ewing, and John W. Alderson. Marshall Ware and Charles G. Steffen.
Box   80
Peek, Emily Emma, et al., Ex Parte, 1870 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Martha Maria and Adaline Louisa Peek, infants of Charles Peek, deceased.
Box   82
Pegg, Frances v. Bouman, Joseph and Martha, 1906 August
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   P38
Pempus, John v. Bottomly, George, 1848 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   P36
Penniston, Emma v. Crotty, M.B., 1896 February
Note: Replevin.
Box   80
Penniston, John v. Williams, John D., et al., 1871 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Ann Williams, Thomas Brannan, Andrew Killkelly, Phillip Swift, Stephen Doyle, Deneson and James E. Otis, James Meighan, Satterlee Warden, Charles F. Osborn, and Thomas and William James.
Box   121
Peoples State Bank of Stockton v. Fiedler, M.M., 1925 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   82
Percival, Emma v. McGuire, Hugh and Regina Pearl, 1909 January
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   81
Perkam, Samuel v. Rockwell, H.D., 1860 October
Note: Contract Violation. Perkam is spelled "Perkham" on the label.
Box   P37
Perkins, C.R. v. Hooper, William, 1883 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   P38
Perkins, C.R. v. Martin, E.C., 1886 February
Note: Type of case: Other - could not determine from the order dismissing action document.
Box   P38
Perrigo, DeWitt v. Parkinson, William, 1855 September
Note: Slander/Libel.
Box   80
Perrigo, Dewitt C. v. Bee, Thomas, 1849 May
Note: Type of case: Other - "Award of arbitration". The two documents in the file do not contain all of the information needed.
Box   82
Pershall, Sam F. v. Hefferren, Alexander, et al., 1897 February
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: As administrator of the estate of Emma A. Pershall, deceased. Litigant 2: Hefferren is misspelled as Hefferen on the label. Mary Jane Hefferren and Sarah B. Chapman.
Box   80
Pertan, Thomas B., et al. v. Jones, Martin R., 1863 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: A.M. Robinson.
Box   82
Peterson, Adrian v. Nevels, George, 1900 July
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   82
Peterson, Hattie v. Peterson, Ole Pete, 1907 November
Note: Divorce.
Box   121
Peterson, M.N. v. Skinner, Charles E., et al., 1924 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: John C. Skinner and J.M. Reynolds.
Box   P38
Petrie, Charles C. v. Lolley, William, et al., 1861 October
Note: Other. Litigant 2: William Monahan. Type of case: Other - could not determine.
Box   P38
Phelps, Dodge & Palmer Company v. Farrington, John B., 1888 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   P37
Philips, Amelia, et al. v. Hardy, Joseph A., 1860 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Levinia and William Hoskins and Simon Alderson.
Box   P36
Phillips, Allen v. Williams, William, et al., 1847 September
Note: Trespassing. Litigant 2: Richard and Joseph Geasland, Charles Olmstead, Jackson Adams, Charles Pratte, Dennis Murphy, and Joseph Ashley.
Box   121
Phillips, Anna v. Lininger, Marion, 1917 January
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - against her brother for sexual assault.
Box   S42.5
Phillips, Henry B. v. Huntington, George and William, 1871 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Faded label.
Box   82
Phillips, William v. Phillips, Susannah, et al., 1893 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: John, Hannah, Margaret, Susie, William, Jennie, and James Phillips.
Box   P36
Phoenix Lead Mining v. Sydnor, W. Perry, et al., 1872 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Smelting Company. Litigant 2: Hannah M. Sydnor and M. Alberta Coles. Appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   P36
Phoenix Lead Mining v. Sydnor, W. Perry, et al., 1876 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Smelting Company. Litigant 2: Hannah M. Sydnor Rock and M. Alverta Coles.
Box   P37
Phoenix Lead Mining v. Sydnor, W. Perry, et al., 1876 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: and Smelting Company. Litigant 2: Hannah M. Sydnor Rock and M. Alverta Coles.
Box   82
Pickenbrock, E.B., et al. v. Simmons, J.E., 1901 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: F.J. Pickenbrock and B.A. Pickenbrock, partners doing business under the firm name of E.B. Pickenbrock & Sons.
Box   P36
Pickett, David v. Ellis, Orville B. and Jane, 1865 December
Note: Replevin.
Box   P36
Pickett, George v. Rossing, Inger, 1890 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   80
Pickett, Hiram v. Baker, Josiah G. and John G., 1863 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   P38
Pickett, L.M. v. Klever, J.E., et al., 1870 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Moses Dean.
Box   P38
Pickett, Lewis v. Wiota, School District No. One, 1868 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   P38.5
Pickett, Lewis v. Miller, Isaac, 1868 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   P38
Pickett, Lewis M. v. Miller, Isaac, 1869 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   P36
Pickett, Nelson v. Rossing, Anton and Inger, 1890 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   P37
Pierce & Benzler v. Oliver, R.A., 1900 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   80
Pierce, Charles W., et al. v. Peasley, Robert S., 1856 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: George and Charles Pierce and William M. Flanders partners doing business under the firm name of Pierce Bros. & Flanders.
Box   81
Pierce, Charles, et al. v. Peasley, Robert S., 1856 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: George and Charles Pierce and William F. Flanders.
Box   80
Pierce, Georgeanna v. Pierce, George, 1872 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   81
Pierce, Sheldon W. v. Harroun, Mariah, 1875 June
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   80
Pierce, William L. v. Pierce, Abigal, 1869 July
Note: Divorce.
Box   81
Piersol, Lucinda, et al. v. Flinn, William J., et al., 1878 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: J.S. Stowe, administrator of the estate of Lucinda Flinn, deceased, Frederick and George Flinn. Litigant 2: Julia Flinn and Sarah A. and John Piersol.
Box   P37
Pieters, Bennett, et al. v. Bergener, Charles, 1871 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John F. Stafford.
Box   80
Pike, Charles v. Larkin, Orsemus, 1860 June
Note: Foreclosure. Case 1 of 2. Litigant 2: John Adams.
Box   80
Pike, Charles v. Larkin, Orsemus, et al., 1860 June
Note: Foreclosure. Case 2 of 2. Litigant 2: John Adams.
Box   80
Pike, Charles v. Wright, William H., 1860 September
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   80
Pike, Charles v. Hill, John D. and Hulda, 1860 September
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   P36
Pike, Charles v. Pickett, Lewis and Fiducia, 1860 September
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   80
Pike, Charles v. Parkinson, Peter, Jr., 1862 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   81
Pike, Charles v. Million, John D., 1867 August
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   80
Pike, Charles v. Gierhart, J.S., et al., 1872 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: L.A. Gierhart and Thomas S. and Catharine Caughey.
Box   80
Piling, Frank, et al., Ex Parte, 1874 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Emma, Lesta, Walter, and Frederick Pilling by their mother, Eliza Pilling.
Box   80
Pilling, Elias v. Campbell, Robert, 1848 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   80
Pilling, Elias, Ex Parte, 1868 April
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   P38
Pilling, Elias and Isaac v. Otis, Thomas J., 1858 April
Note: Replevin. Deposition document from case already entered.
Box   P38
Pilling, Elias and Isaac v. Otis, Thomas J., 1858 February
Note: Replevin. Appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   P38
Pilling, Elias, et al. v. Lolley,William, et al., 1857 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: John McCoy. Litigant 2: William Monahan.
Box   81
Pilling, Frank H., et al., Ex Parte, 1881 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Emma L., Lestia M., Walter W., and Fredrick E. Pilliing, infants of Eliza J. and Isaac Pilling, deceased.
Box   82
Pilling, Henry E. v. Conway, John J., 1908 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   81
Pilling, Henry H. v. Williams, William N., et al., 1880 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Annie J. Williams, John N. June, William B. Ullman, David Kelly, and David Streeter.
Box   C8
Pinchot, James W., et al. v. Champion, Charles B., 1869 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: James S. and Joseph H. Warren.
Box   C10
Pinchot, James W., et al. v. Champion, Charles B., 1869 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: James S. and Joseph H. Warren.
Box   P37
Pinkham, Sephus v. Wong, Hans, 1880 November
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: Sephus is also spelled "Cephus". Type of case: Damages - caused by livestock to property.
Box   121
Piquette, A.C. v. Watson, Clinton, 1926 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: a sole trader doing business as Piquette's Garage.
Box   P37
Pirie, John T., et al. v. Swift, James, 1885 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: George and Robert Scott and Andrew M. Leish, partners doing business under the firm name of Carson, Pirie Scott.
Box   P38
Pirie, John T., et al. v. Farrington, John B., 1888 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: George and Robert Scott and Andrew McLeish
Box   P36
Pirie, John T., et al. v. Terwilliger, E.E., 1891 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Case 1. Litigant 1: George and Robert Scott and Andrew McLeish, copartners under the firm name of Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co.
Box   P36
Pirie, John T., et al. v. Terwilliger, E.E., 1891 May
Note: Garnishing. Case 2. Litigant 1: George and Robert Scott and Andrew McLeish, copartners under the firm name of Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co.
Box   81
Pittam, Julia A., et al. v. Webster, Stephen, 1873 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Pittam is misspelled as "Pitham" on the label. Litigant 1: Anne S. Blackney.
Box   81
Pittam, Julia A., et al. v. Thomas, Joseph, 1873 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Pittam is misspelled as "Pitham" on the label. Litigant 1: Anne S. Blackney.
Box   P38
Pitts, H.A. Sons v. Kindle, Jimeson, et al., 1881 September
Note: Contract Violation. Litigant 1: Manufacturing Company. Litigant 2: Perry Beebe and Caruthers Kindle.
Box   P38
Pitts, H.A. Sons v. Coyle, Daniel, 1882 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Manufacturing Company.
Box   P37
Pitts, J.G., et al. v. Smith, James, 1871 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: A.V. Pitts, M.H. Pitts, and F.D. Pitts.
Box   83
Plano Manufacturing Company v. Proctor, George, et al., 1883 August
Note: Garnishing. Litigant 2: Joseph Dougherty.
Box   81
Plano Manufacturing Company v. Bower, Nelson, et al., 1883 September
Note: Replevin. Litigant 2: Lawrence Cavanaugh.
Box   P38
Pleas, Ellinor v. Pleas, Jacob M., 1854 May
Note: Divorce. Damaged label.
Box   82
Poff, Ann v. Poff, Dighton L., et al., 1896 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Mary Ann Poff, Daniel and Lucy Haley, Anne and Earnest Harold, Ellen, James, and Annie Haley, Jane Riley, Alice May Poff, Sylvania J. and Frank Harden, Elizabeth A. Lunda, Eliza S. and Duncan Hamilton, Halsy Odell, Flora A. and Charles McNaughton.
Box   82
Poff, Dighton L. v. Poff, Mary Ann, 1896 November
Note: Divorce.
Box   82
Poff, Dighton L., Ex Parte, 1897 March
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   121
Poff, Mary Ann, et al. v. Underwood, John, et al., 1912 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Margaret Ann, George E., Elizabeth, John L., Ellen, and Frank Poff. Litigant 2: Walter Belknap, Charles Pike, T.J. and William Brundage, Daniel Johnson, Frederick Honnell, Christopher Johnson Reede, Hiram Hunnel, Richard Hughes, George H. and M.M. Lillie, Elizabeth Oviatt, and S.A. Price.
Box   P38
Pole, Charles v. Crow, W.J., et al., 1877 November
Note: Contract Violation. Litigant 2: Joseph Hayth.
Box   P38
Pole, Charles v. Townsend, Absalom A., 1884 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   81
Pole, Charles v. Moran, Margaret, et al., 1886 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: James, Johanna, Mary, William, Patrick, Ann, Francis, Michael, and Vincent Moran.
Box   80
Pole, Charles, Ex Parte, 1866 December
Note: Discharge Mort. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of Charles Brockway, deceased.
Box   81
Pole, Charles v. Honeycomb, Adelia, 1866 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: As administrator of the estate of Charles Brockway, deceased.
Box   P38
Pole, David v. Stonebraker, David, 1861 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   83
Polzskill, Joseph v. Durkee, Lucretia, et al., 1915 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Hugh and Patrick Burns, James Wiswell, Stephen Olmstead, and Peter, Richard W., R.M., J.M., and Richard DeWitt.
Box   P37
Pond, Luke A., et al. v. Keep, John M., et al., 1853 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Horace Barnes, partners doing business under the firm name of Pond & Barnes. Litigant 2: Albertus L. Lynde, Stephen S. Reed, and Smith Fassett partners doing business under the firm name of Keep Lynde & Co.
Box   81
Pool, John v. Carr, E.W., et al., 1873 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Bridget Carr, Charles H. and Seth C. Hapgood, George H. Laughton, John Lane, and Thomas James.
Box   80
Pool, John v. Meyer, A.G., et al., 1877 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: A.G. Meyer, Margaret Meyer, and Albert Meyer.
Box   P37
Pool, John v. Smith, John, Sr., 1886 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   82
Poole, Albert, et al. v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, 1911 August
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: Ambrose C. Poole and Arthur G. Poole, copartners doing business under the firm name of A. Poole and Sons. Litigant 2: Railway Company. Type of case: Damages - for negligently and carelessly carrying and delivering cheeses.
Box   82
Pooley, John H. v. Simons, Elizabeth, et al., 1897 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Executor of the last will and testament of William Pooley, deceased. Litigant 2: Wife of Thomas Simons, deceased; Charles, Delia, John W., Lydia, Ella, wife of Frank, deceased, Raymond, Certia, Della, Frank, Etta, William, and Eva Simons; John and Elizabeth (Simons) Hocking, deceased; and Julietta and Herbert Hutchinson.
Box   81
Porter, Charles v. Porter, Mabel, 1856 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   W51
Porter, Frank v. Veta Grande Lead Mining, 1905 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Box was not labeled for this case. Litigant 2: Milling Company.
Box   81
Porter, Phebe, Ex Parte, 1881 June
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   P37
Potwine, Caleb v. Walker, Comfort, 1848 July
Note: Replevin.
Box   80
Potwine, Henry v. Burnsides, Andrew, 1847 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Burnsides is misspelled as "Burrisides" on the label.
Box   80
Potwine, Henry v. Gear, Charles, 1849 February
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   81
Potwine, Henry v. Gear, Charles, 1849 February
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   P37
Potwine, Henry v. Glines, Joseph, et al., 1849 February
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Cornelius L. Lowe.
Box   80
Potwine, Henry v. Hudson, David, 1850 October
Note: Other. Potwine is misspelled as "Powine" on the label. Type of case: Other - unknown - cannot determine from the documents in the file.
Box   P38
Powell, John v. Andrews, Charles, 1882 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   P36
Powers, Cynthia v. Briggs, Owen, 1876 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   121
Powers, Patrick, Ex Parte, 1914 December
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   P37
Pratt, Alden v. Stock, James A. and Diana, 1869 June
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   80
Pratt, Elizabeth, et al., Ex Parte, 1875 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: James, George, and John Pratt, infant heirs of George Pratt, deceased, by their mother, Ann Hillery.
Box   81
Pratt, James v. McHugh, John, Sr., et al., 1879 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Sarah and William McHugh and William Hoskins.
Box   P38.5
Pratt, John v. Town of Darlington, et al., 1896 November
Note: Mechanics Lien. Litigant 2: County of Lafayette.
Box   P38
Pratt, Joseph v. Moran, Francis, 1883 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   82
Pratt, Mary v. Pratt, John, 1900 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   P38
Pratt, Orville C., et al. v. Turner, Thomas J., et al., 1852 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Samuel H. Scales. Litigant 2: Andrew and Jane Burnsides.
Box   P38.5
Pratt, Orville C. v. O'Callaghan, Hezekiah, et al., 1850 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: for the use of James H. Earnest. Litigant 2: Samuel H. Scales.
Box   P38
Pratt, Orville C. v. O'Callaghan, Hezekiah, et al., 1850 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: for the use of James H. Earnest. Litigant 2: Samuel H. Scales.
Box   P38.5
Pratt, Orville C. v. O'Callaghan, Hezekiah, et al., 1851 October
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: for the use of James H. Earnest. Litigant 2: Samuel H. Scales.
Box   81
Prescott, Charles F., et al., Ex Parte, 1874 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Sarah E., Cora D., Willie E., and Austin C. Prescott, infants of Jonathan Prescott, deceased.
Box   80
Prescott, Jonathan, deceased, Ex Parte, 1875 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Charles F., Sarah E., Cora D., Willie E., and Austin C. Prescott, infant heirs.
Box   P37
Prescott, Julia A. v. Prescott, William, 1874 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Guardian of Willie E., Cora D., Charles F., Sarah E., and Austin C. Prescott infant heirs of Jonathan Prescott, deceased.
Box   82
Prescott, William v. Prescott, Mary R., 1882 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   80
Prescott, William C. v. Mann, Isaac F., 1861 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   82
Preston, Florence, et al., Ex Parte, 1893 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litgant 1: Louis. Catherine, and Emma Preston, infants of Frances Rickerson and Levi Preston, deceased.
Box   80
Preston, George v. Wortley, George, 1860 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   P38
Preston, Matthew v. Dinsdale, Richard, 1857 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   81
Price, Henry W. v. Bemer, John H., et al., 1869 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Frank Scott.
Box   P36
Price, Henry W. v. Cole, Edwin W., et al., 1876 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Henry Webb.
Box   81
Price, S., et al. v. Singer, Sigmund, 1869 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: H. Rosenblatt and M. Reitler.
Box   81
Price, S., et al. v. Singer, Sigmund, 1869 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Case #2. Litigant 1: H. Rosenblatt and M. Reitler.
Box   80
Price, S., et al. v. West, George F., 1870 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: H. Rosenblatt and M. Reitler.
Box   80
Price, S., et al. v. Berner, John H., et al., 1870 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: H. Rosenblatt and M. Reitler. Litigant 2: Frank Scott.
Box   P38.5
Price, S., et al. v. Perry, George, 1870 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: H. Rosenblatt and M. Reitler.
Box   81
Price, Warrick v. Nash, Henry C., et al., 1878 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Alosia Nash, Gilbert Gilbertson, A.C. Woodbur, Daniel Dinan, James Gray, Casper Salyman, The Keystone Burial Case Company, and the Sterling Burial Case Company.
Box   81
Price, Warrick v. Earnest, James E., 1879 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   81
Price, Warrick, et al. v. Earnest, James H., et al., 1879 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Philo A. Orton. Litigant 2: John L. Hardy.
Box   82
Prine, H.G., Ex Parte, 1911 April
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   121
Prine, H.G. v. Salisbury, George/et al., 1912 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Deceased, and unknown heirs; unknown heirs of Jedediah and Rachel Smith, both deceased.
Box   82
Prine, Mary Ann v. Prine, Fred C., 1901 February
Note: Divorce. Case 1 of 2.
Box   82
Prine, Mary Ann v. Prine, Fred C., 1902 January
Note: Divorce. Case 2 of 2.
Box   82
Prine, Mettie v. Prine, Edward, 1904 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   121
Pritchard, J.U. v. Rowley Mining Company, 1906 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   81
Procter, George and Hannah v. Park, Andrew, 1875 June
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   82
Procter, Mary O. v. Procter, Willis L., 1902 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   81
Proctor, Annie v. Dingman, William, et al., 1880 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: William Hoskins and Augustus Blackstone.
Box   P38
Proctor, Charles v. Van Matre, Peter, 1853 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   81
Proctor, Charles v. Proctor, Emma, 1882 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   P38
Proctor, Joseph, et al. v. Pratt, Alden, 1877 March
Note: Other. Litigant 1: The State of Wisconsin. Type of case: Other - to oust Pratt from the City of Darlington Common Council office.
Box   P37
Proctor, Olive v. Proctor, George, 1883 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   P37
Prohl, Charles, et al. v. Scott, Sabra A., 1898 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Solomon H. Shire, doing business under the firm name of Prohl & Shire.
Box   81
Pulis, Joseph v. Peasley, Robert, 1850 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   P38.5
Pulis, Joseph v. Peasley, Robert, 1850 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   P37
Pulis, Joseph, et al. v. Dering, Oscar, 1857 November
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: Faithful W. Chapman and S.H. Willits. Appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   P37
Pulis, Joseph, et al. v. Dering, Oscar, 1857 November
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: Faithful W. Champion and S.M. Willets.
Box   P36
Purtell, Patrick W. v. Chicago Forge & Bolt Company, 1888 June
Note: Other. Litigant 2: Freeport, Dodgeville and Northern Railroad Company, and Chicago, Madison and Northern Railroad Company. Type of case: Other - could not determine. Print in the complaint very faded.
Box   P37
Putnam, Abel A. and John A. v. Miller, Charles G. and John B., 1900 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   81
Putnam, Austin v. Putnam, Mary A.E., 1886 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   P37
Putnam, H. v. Hawley, A.G., 1885 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Putnam represented himself.
Box   83
Quam, W.J., et al. v. Swift, Philip S., et al., 1884 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: T. Dellihant. Litigant 2: Thomas Gleason and Andrew Galagan.
Box   83
Quigley, John v. Kelley, James, et al., 1884 October
Note: Replevin. Timothy Kelley and Thomas Lowry.
Box   83
Quigley, John v. Quigley, Michael, et al., 1897 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: John and James Murphy.
Box   83
Quinby, Selden v. Hinman, Washington M., 1848 February
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   83
Quinby, Selden v. Vedor, Richard T., 1849 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   83
Quinlan, Belle, Ex Parte, 1907 April
Note: Type of case: Other - Admission as an attorney to practice law in the circuit courts of the State of Wisconsin.
Box   83
Quinlan, James v. Grotkin, George, et al., 1913 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Ellen Grotkin and Frontier Mining Company.
Box   83
Quinlan, John v. McCaffrey, Bernard, 1882 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. McCaffrey is misspelled as "McCaffery" on the label.
Box   83
Quinlan, John v. Smith, James, et al., 1892 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Philip Corr.
Box   83
Quinn, Mary v. Quinn, Richard, 1864 November
Note: Replevin.
Box   83
Quinn, Michael v. Criss, Eugene, et al., 1854 September
Note: Dissol. Partner. Litigant 2: Mills, Eastman, Barrett, King, and R.D. Jones.
Box   83
Quinn, William, Ex Parte, 1849 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Deed trust to Samuel Mazzuchelli.
Box   83
Quish, Delia, et al., Ex Parte, 1892 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Nettie Quish, infant heirs of James Quish, deceased and Frederick M. Schirk, guardian.
Box   R40
Rablin, Henry v. Evans, William, 1848 April
Note: Replevin. Damaged label.
Box   R
Rablin, Henry v. Lent, John, 1853 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   R
Rablin, Jane v. Richards, Richard, 1856 January
Note: Replevin.
Box   84
Rablin, Jane v. Stam, John, 1862 March
Note: Replevin.
Box   R41
Racine Wagon & Carriage Co. v. Pandow, Ernest and Robert, 1904 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   86
Raisbeck, Elizabeth A. v. Raisbeck, William, 1885 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   R39
Raisbeck, William v. Anthony, John and Louisa C., 1887 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   R39
Raisbeck, William v. Dixon, John, et al., 1889 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Kernick Winn.
Box   R39
Rand, Charles E., et al. v. Fisher, William, et al., 1847 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Benjamin Butler, Andrew Venable. Litigant 2: Charles Dodge, Peter Brady, James Nicholson, Patrick Kelly, Peter Mono, James and Matthew Lynch.
Box   R40
Rand, Charles E., et al. v. Fisher, William, et al., 1847 September
Note: Trespassing. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Benjamin Butler, Andrew and Thomas Venable. Litigant 2: Charles Dodge, Peter Brady, James Nicholson, Patrick Kelley, Peter Moore, James and Mathew Lynch.
Box   86
Rankin, H.J. v. Lovelace, Siddie, et al., 1885 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Joseph Lovelace and Frank J. and Annie Tucker.
Box   84
Rankins, Hibbard v. Briggs, Joseph L., Jr., et al., 1863 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: William C. Bostwick, Albert W. Paris, and Daniel S. Hawley.
Box   85
Rankins, Hibbard v. Adams, Nancy, et al., 1863 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Case 1 of 2. Rankins is misspelled as "Rankin" on the label. Litigant 2: Hezekiah Gifford, Samuel G. Willey, Curtis Beech, John Bracken, and William H. Hawkins.
Box   85
Rankins, Hibbard v. Adams, Nancy, et al., 1865 July
Note: Other. Case 2 of 2. Rankins is misspelled as "Rankin" on the label. Litigant 2: Hezekiah Gifford and William S. Wadhaus. Type of case: Other - unknown as the only document in the file is the Stipulation.
Box   85
Rankins, Hibbard, et al. v. Willey, Harriet, et al., 1870 June
Note: Foreclosure. Rankins misspelled as "Rankin" on the label. Litigant 1: James Kemp, James McGrath, Patrick McGrath, Seaman Anderson, and A. Thomas Anderson. Litigant 2: Sarah G., and Ada Ann Willey, children and heirs of Samuel G. Willey, deceased.
Box   84
Ransom, Loomis v. Sawtell, Z. C., et al, 1856 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Ira Lawrence.
Box   84
Raw, George v. Mills, Gabriel, et al., 1863 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Henry Magor.
Box   R39
Raw, John v. Harker, Simon, 1851 March
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages for - could not determine.
Box   85
Rawden, Miner v. Crary, A.J. and S.L., 1869 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   84
Rawson, Royal T., et al. v. Bigler, James H. and Charlotte A., 1861 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: John A. Bartlett and Daniel G. Rawson.
Box   R41
Ray, Allen C. v. Blackburn, Priscilla, et al., 1875 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: John Blackburn and Frances Blakely.
Box   R40
Ray, Henry H., et al. v. Bates, Henry T., 1879 October
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: William Wesley Ray.
Box   85
Ray, J.A.J. v. Pilling, Abram H., et al., 1865 July
Note: Foreclosure. Ray is misspelled as "Roy" on the label. Litigant 2: Julia E. Pilling, Samuel E., Thomas B., Nancy, Wesley W., Hiram W., Henry H., Virginia J., heirs of John Ray, deceased, and Lucy and Arthur Chamberlain.
Box   R39
Ray, John W. v. Reilly, Joseph, 1902 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for assault causing bodily injuries.
Box   126
Rayborn, Albert E. v. Galena Iron Works Company, 1913 October
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for work related injuries. Appealed to Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   86
Raymond, Emma v. Raymond, James E., 1908 November
Note: Divorce.
Box   87
Raymond, John v. Raymond, Emma, 1902 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   86
Reavis, Viva v. Leahy, relict of/et al., 1911 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Michael A. Leahy, deceased; Thomas J., Michael P., Anna, and John Leahy; wife of Michael Higgins; wife of James Sadler; and wife of R.E. Hawk.
Box   126
Reddy, William D. v. Aurit, John, 1900 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   87
Redfearn, Florence M., et al., Ex Parte, 1897 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: George, Cora May, and Walter Burton Kirkpatrick.
Box   R
Redfield, J.H., et al. v. Slothower, John, 1857 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: James H. Sargent.
Box   85
Redmond, W.L. v. Vanalst, Martin and Anna, 1871 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   R41
Redpath, E.W., et al. v. Hooper, William, et al., 1884 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: L.H. Redpath and N.H. Redpath. Litgant 2: John Mathews.
Box   126
Reed, Charles U. and Caroline A. v. Reed, James S., 1863 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. One (complaint) document in the file.
Box   R39
Reed, Christinson Johnson v. Eastman, Herman and Hannah, 1853 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Reed could be "Rude."
Box   R40
Reed, James v. Rhodes, William, et al., 1851 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Thomas Webb, William Calvert, and Thomas Metcalf.
Box   85
Reed, James S. v. Thompson, James, 1870 October
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - to recover the cost of the death of a colt killed by Thompson's vicious dogs.
Box   84
Reed, James S. and Martha A., Ex Parte, 1869 May
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   87
Reed, Linda Adaline, Ex Parte, 1897 April
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   R40
Reed, Stephen S., et al. v. Forbes, William W., et al., 1854 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label. Litigant 1: John M. Keep and John S. Fassett. Litigant 2: Josephus Driver.
Box   R
Reed, Stephen S., et al. v. Lafayette County, 1859 September
Note: Tax. Litigant 1: J. Smith Fassett. Litigant 2: Board of Supervisors.
Box   84
Reed, Stephen S., et al., Ex Parte, 1869 May
Note: Discharge Mort. Litigant 1: John S. and Elizabeth Fassett.
Box   84
Reed, Stephen S., et al., Ex Parte, 1869 May
Note: Discharge Mort. Litigant 1: John S. Fassett.
Box   86
Reedy, Dennis v. Sedwick Zinc & Lead Mining, 1909 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   87
Rees, Moses v. Bliss, Frank, 1894 April
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   87
Rees, Moses v. McDonald, Richard, et al., 1893 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: As executor of the last will and testament of George Cornman, deceased. Litigant 2: Patrick, Anna, and Michael McDonald, William and C.C. Hooper, and Ole Alfred.
Box   R39
Rees, Robert D. v. Rees, Walter, et al., 1865 February
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Margaret Rees and Thomas Evans.
Box   85
Reese, Samuel W. v. Morgan, Enoch, 1877 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   R40
Reese, Samuel W. v. Magoon, Henry S., 1877 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   126
Regez, Rudi v. Olson, Oscar T. and Peter, 1911 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Regez is spelled "Ragez" on one of the documents.
Box   85
Rehm, William V. v. Meager, George and Augusta, 1860 February
Note: Foreclosure. Rehm is misspelled as "Rehn" and Meager is misspelled as "Meagher" on the label.
Box   87
Reichling, Gertrude v. Reichling, Nicholas, 1900 December
Note: Divorce.
Box   86
Reid, Andrew, Ex Parte, 1881 January
Note: Discharge Mort. Mortgage executed by Henry and Annie Tipp.
Box   85
Reid, Sarah G.L. v. McCausland, David, 1848 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Sarah G. L. and Alvin Humphrey (suit changed to include name change and husband's name).
Box   R41
Reid, Simon, et al. v. Helm, Charles B., et al., 1888 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Thomas Murdock and Frederick Fischer, copartners as Reid, Murdock & Fischer. Litigant 2: John S. Thompson, copartners as Helm & Thompson.
Box   R41
Reilly, John M. v. Howe, James, 1896 November
Note: Trespassing. Appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   R40
Reinhart, Augusta v. Weatherby, George E., 1904 March
Note: Fraud.
Box   87
Reiser, Bessie E. v. Reiser, Clarence, 1903 December
Note: Divorce.
Box   R
Remitturs - Corwith, Henry v. State Bank of Illinois, 1867 December
Note: Other. 25 Remitturs - Wisconsin State Supreme Court. Litigant 1: William Roberts; B.M. Coates; John Griffin; S.W. Fulp; J. Augustine; John Thompson; E. Manning; John J. Uren; Solomon Oliver; Samuel B. Scales; Lafayette Demick; John Masch; John Luce; John Ross; J.L. Relso; C. Woodman; C.S. Stephenson; William Field; James H. Earnest; D. Owens.
Box   87
Remy, Margaret v. Remy, Victor, 1890 January
Note: Divorce.
Box   R
Rend, W.P., et al. v. Union Zinc & Lead Company, 1905 January
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Edwin Walker co-partners under the firm name of W.P. Rend & Co. Type of case: Other - could not determine.
Box   R39
Rennick, Robert v. Byrne,John, 1857 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   87
Renshaw, Harmon, Ex Parte, 1876 June
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   86
Renshaw, Harmon and Rachel, Ex Parte, 1876 June
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   R41
Reynolds, Thomas v. Sweeney, John, 1883 July
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - caused by cattle breaking down fence and entering plaintiff's land.
Box   R39
Rheinstrom, Leon v. Nall, Israel, 1863 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   R39
Rice, J.H., et al. v. Hotz, Jacob, et al., 1885 October
Note: Garnishing. Litigant 1: Ignatz Friedmann, Jacob Loeb, and H.H. Rice. Litigant 2: William Hooper and J.C. Robbins, Garnishees.
Box   R41
Rice, Joseph H., et al. v. Hotz, Jacob, 1885 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Ignatz Friedmann, Jacob Loeb, and H.H. Rice.
Box   86
Richards, Elisha, Ex Parte, 1881 December
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   R41
Richards, Harriet G., et al. v. Walsh, Peter, 1897 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Jeannette Williams, John A. Gillette, Edward Beard, Ernest Blondell, and Caroline Gear.
Box   87
Richards, Jane v. Richards, Richard G., 1899 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   R
Richards, Judiah A. v. McGraw, John W., 1856 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   86
Richards, Mary v. Bainbridge, Thomas, et al., 1882 May
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Gertrude Wiseman and William Robson, guardian of heirs of Reuben Robson, deceased.
Box   R
Richards, Richard v. DeSeelhorst, John K., 1858 April
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for falsely bartering or exchanging a mare infected with glanders.
Box   R39
Richards, Richard v. DeSeelhorst, John K., 1861 March
Note: Damages/Theft. Damaged label. Type of case: Damages - for selling a diseased horse. Appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   87
Richards, Richard G. v. Speth, Christopher, 1896 May
Note: Replevin.
Box   R40
Richards, Richard Ralph v. Thomas, James, 1878 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   87
Richards, W.S., Ex Parte, 1899 January
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   R
Richards, William v. Brownell, Horace B., 1862 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   R40
Richards, William v. Wesley, George, 1871 March
Note: Damages/Theft. Damaged label. Type of case: Damages - for injuries sustained in an assault.
Box   86
Richardson, Albert v. Williams, W. N., 1880 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   R39
Richardson, Benjamin v. Richardson, Mark, 1889 October
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for false arrest, imprisonment, and assault causing bodily injury.
Box   R
Richardson, Benjamin v. McCarthey, T.A., et al., 1917 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: J.H. Rhomberg, Arthur H. Lewis, T.J. Haley, Little Bennie Mining Company, and heirs of M.E. Coltman, deceased.
Box   85
Richardson, Benjamin F.A. v. Thompson, John, et al., 1850 February
Note: Replevin. Litigant 2: James Barrington.
Box   S
Richardson, Mark v. Richardson, Benjamin, 1893 July
Note: Replevin. Damaged label.
Box   R
Richardson, Mark and Tama v. Richardson, Thomas, et al., 1927 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Florence Richardson, Sarah Jane Coulthard, Barbara Sedgwick, Grace Baker, Elizabeth Hall, Emma Penniston, Ida M. Railsback, Anna E. Laird, Nora Shaber, Hattie E. Lopp, Ben, Joe, Joseph, William M., Della, M. T., and Joseph F. Richardson, Meda Roberts, Angeline Rich, Maud Green, Mary Ford, Elizabeth J. Ausberger, Margaret A. Kenworth, and Mary E. Cushner.
Box   87
Richardson, Mark and Tamar v. Richardson, George, et al., 1894 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Benjamin and Elizabeth Richardson and Sidney Sedgwick.
Box   87
Richardson, Mark and Tamar v. Richardson, Elizabeth, et al., 1902 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Benjamin Richardson and George Sidney Sedgwick.
Box   R
Richardson, Mark, et al. v. Gustavus, Hamlin, et al., 1927 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Thomas, Ben, Joe, Joseph, William, M. T. and Joseph F. Richardson, Sarah Jane Coulthard, Barbara Sedgwick, Grace Baker, Elizabeth Hall, Emma Penniston, Ida M. Railsback, Anna E. Laird, Nora Shaber, Hattie E. Lopp, Meda Roberts, Angeline Rich, Maud Green, Mary Ford, Elizabeth J. Ausberger, Margaret A. Kenworthy, and Mary E. Cushner. Litigant 2: John F. and Frederick B. Hamlin, Benoni Gillette, Jane Hepburn, Thomas Y. How, and James Noble.
Box   85
Richardson, Mary v. Richardson, John, 1862 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   86
Richardson, N.B. v. Gille, Valentine, et al., 1879 December
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Julia Gille; Margaret, Annie, Mary Ann, Valentine, Elizabeth, Catherine, and Henry Dalle; Casper Stephens; and William Hoskins and T.J. Birmingham, co-partners under the firm name of William Hoskins & Co.
Box   86
Richardson, N.B. v. McWilliams, Peter and Catherine, 1881 August
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label.
Box   87
Richardson, N.B. v. Warren, D.W., 1889 February
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   126
Rickert, Belle M. v. Miller, John B., et al., 1914 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Charles G., Jr. and Frederick C. Miller, heirs of Charles G. Miller, Sr., deceased; Lillian, wife of John B. Miller; Ida, wife of Charles G. Miller, Jr.; Lillie (Brown), wife of Frederick C. Miller; John P. Williams, as administrator of the estate of Charles G. Miller, Sr., deceased; Farmers and Merchants Bank of Shullsburg; and Louis Eisendrath.
Box   85
Rickert, Samuel, et al. v. Triffat, Elisa, 1853 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Rickert is misspelled as "Rickett" on the label. Litigant 1: William Berry and Charles Nourse.
Box   126
Rickey, Charles H. v. Zweifel, Fred, 1910 July
Note: Dissol. Partner.
Box   R40
Rickey, Hannah v. Rickey, Thomas, 1860 July
Note: Divorce. Faded label.
Box   84
Rickey, Hannah v. Rickey, Thomas, 1860 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   126
Riechers, Diedrich L. v. Conley, George, et al., 1913 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Herman Wetzler and E.H. Steffens.
Box   85
Rielly, John v. Crist, John, et al., 1877 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Margaret A., Henry, and Mary Crist, Thomas and William James, James Vipond, John Snyder, Henry Gabel, John Swartz, Edward Halloran, John Fitzpatrick, A. Magnus, Frederick Hecker, A. Braig, and J.A. Burrichter.
Box   86
Rielly, John v. Gray, Peter and Elizabeth, 1877 October
Note: Foreclosure. Rielly is also spelled "Reilly" on some of the documents. Damaged label.
Box   86
Rielly, John v. Short, Bernard, et al., 1888 February
Note: Foreclosure. Rielly is also spelled "Reilly" on some of the documents. Litigant 2: Bridget Short, Fred Loupee, Henry Harvey, and Thomas O'Neil.
Box   87
Rielly, John v. Staber, Joseph, et al., 1896 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Catharine Staber; T.J. Bermingham, E.W. Montgomery, Frank Gerlach, F.C. Duncan, and Fannie B. Hall, co-partners in the firm of F.C. Duncan & Co.; and Henry Hines.
Box   86
Rielly, John v. Riley, James, et al., 1888? May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary Riley, William James, Ira Monheim, John S. Cooke.
Box   86
Rielly, John, et al. v. Goldthorp, Joseph W., 1888? November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Charles Deery, executors of the estate of John Logue, deceased. Litigant 2: Margaret M. Goldthorpe and J.W. Penfield.
Box   85
Rielly, Patrick v. Luse, Phoebe Jane and Nat, 1877 July
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   126
Rielly, Patrick v. Colbeck, William and Joseph, 1912 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Rielly misspelled as "Reilly" on the label.
Box   R40
Riggs, Henry v. Cole, Edwin W., 1879 March
Note: Replevin. Damaged label.
Box   84
Riley, Jacob v. Parkison, Galt, et al., 1870 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Washington and Peter Parkison, Nancy White, Lucinda A. and John Davis, and Sarah and James S. Chambers, heirs of William Parkison.
Box   84
Riley, James v. Flanigan, James, Jr., 1871 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   86
Riley, James v. Tabor, Luke, 1880 December
Note: Garnishing.
Box   R
Riley, James v. Collins, William E., 1895 August
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for assault.
Box   84
Riley, John v. Holman, Thomas and Jane, 1859 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   84
Riley, Joseph v. McCarville, Thomas and Dennis, 1859 June
Note: Replevin.
Box   R
Rima, Levi v. Howard, William H., 1847 April
Note: Replevin.
Box   R40
Rinenburg, William v. McLeer, Peter, et al., 1868 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Edward Leamy.
Box   R41
Risken, William v. Miller, Charles G., 1876 November
Note: Trespassing.
Box   R
Risken, William v. Rogers, Thomas, 1884 January
Note: Garnishing. Litigant 2: Joseph C. Oates, Garnishee.
Box   R40
Risley, W.L. v. Baker, Josiah G., et al., 1867 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 2: John J. VanMeter.
Box   86
Riter, George v. Madden, William I., et al., 1911 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Louisana Madden, unknown heirs of Thomas C. Legate, deceased, Joseph Reed and his unknown heirs.
Box   87
Ritzman, Lanie v. Ritzman, John, 1900 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   84
Roach, Mary v. Roach, Michael, 1869 February
Note: Divorce.
Box   87
Roarig, Charles Henry v. Roarig, Maggie A., 1907 April
Note: Divorce. Damaged label.
Box   R40
Robbins, James M. v. Fox, William F., et al., 1882 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Mary Jane Tipping, Robert Mason, and William Richards.
Box   84
Roberts, Alfred B., et al. v. Orton, Philo A., 1859 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: William O. Spirrney (handwriting unclear). Litigant 2: Sylvester W. Osborn and Daniel D. Gardiner.
Box   85
Roberts, David v. Roberts, Rosanna, et al., 1848 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Mary E., James, and Ann Maria Roberts.
Box   85
Roberts, David v. Roberts, Rosana, et al., 1849 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Mary E., James, and Ann M. Roberts.
Box   85
Roberts, David v. Roberts, Rosanna, et al., 1854 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: James and Mary E. Roberts.
Box   R41
Roberts, Horace D. v. Boies, Israel, 1869 January
Note: Slander/Libel. Damaged label.
Box   87
Roberts, James v. Rennick, Matilda, et al., 1896 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: As administratrix of the estate of Robert Rennick, deceased; Ella, Clara, and Louis G. Rennick; Frank and Eliza Rennick; D. D. and Addie Rennick Smith; J.H. and Lottie Rennick Martin; Woconda and Lavancia Lee Rennick Bishop; and Robert Ross Rennick.
Box   R39
Roberts, James, et al. v. Dower, James, 1888 March
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: John H. Savage.
Box   87
Roberts, James, et al. v. Steiner, Charles, et al., 1895 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Charles J. Meloy. Litigant 2: John Hebenstrict, Peter G. Toepfer, and Samuel H. and Elizabeth Scales.
Box   R
Roberts, Lawrence and Isabella v. Reznant, Peter and others, 1851 January
Note: Replevin.
Box   87
Roberts, Margaret J. v. Martin, Marcellus B., et al., 1893 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Dora and Adaline M. Martin, Michael Sullivan, John B. Farrington, James H. Keefe, and William Hooper as administrator of the estate of Sarah B. Martin.
Box   85
Roberts, Mary E. v. Roberts, James, 1873 November
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   126
Roberts, Mary E. and James F. v. McGuigan, Patrick, et al., 1919 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: William Collins, Patrick Doyle, Jerry Ford, Nathaniel J. Brown, Heziakiah H. Gear, Leonard Stow, John F. O'Neill, Nicholas H. Ridgely, Samuel B. Knapp, Sarah J. Fox, Sisters of the Order of St. Dominic, and The Irish Diggings Lead Mining Company.
Box   87
Roberts, Mary E. v. Field, William S., 1906 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: As administratrix of the estate of James Roberts, deceased.
Box   R40
Roberts, Rosanna v. Wild, John, 1849 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   86
Roberts, Rosanna, et al., Ex Parte, 1849 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Mary E. Roberts and James Roberts, heirs of John Roberts, deceased.
Box   84
Roberts, Sarah v. Roberts, John, 1850 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   84
Roberts, William H. and Mary F., Ex Parte, 1869 May
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   87
Robertson, Edward C. v. Fieldstad, Christopher Johnson, 1897 February
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Theoline Fieldstad and Warren Robinson.
Box   R
Robertson, Thomas D., et al. v. Moore, Nancy, 1858 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John S. Coleman and Melanethon Starr.
Box   84
Robertson, Thomas D., et al. v. Ramsden, James, et al., 1862 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Melanethon Star, partners under the firm name of Robertson Coleman & Company. Litigant 2: Robert Hatfield.
Box   85
Robinson, Colin v. Logue, Patrick, 1864 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   R
Robinson, Colon v. McMahan, James, 1863 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   R39
Robinson, John v. Harker, John, 1861 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of Finley Mc (spelling??), deceased.
Box   84
Robinson, Joseph, et al. v. Churchill, Martha, et al., 1877 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Lucy Huntington, executors of the last will and testament of Richard Huntington, deceased. Robinson is misspelled as "Robson" on the label. Litigant 2: Frances A. Bartle, and Mary, Thomas F., Ralph E., Jerry C., Charles J., Frank, and Lucy M. Churchill, heirs of Eber D. Churchill, deceased.
Box   84
Robinson, Joseph, et al. v. Woodall, Thomas and Selina, 1878 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Lucy Huntington, executors of the last will and testament of Richard Huntington, deceased. Woodall is misspelled as "Woodale" on the label.
Box   R40
Robinson, Joseph v. Huntington, John S., 1874 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of Robert Huntington, deceased.
Box   86
Robinson, Lucinda and Catharine, Ex Parte, 1883 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Infants of Ada Robinson.
Box   85
Robinson, Mary v. Robinson, Charles, 1856 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   84
Robinson, Robert v. McCormick, Matthew, 1847 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   85
Robinson, W.E. v. Burrichter, H.J., 1893 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   86
Roblin, John, Ex Parte, 1874 November
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   R
Robson, James v. Huntington, William, et al., 1883 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: George and Hannah Huntington.
Box   84
Robson, John H., Ex Parte, 1871 March
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   87
Robson, William, et al. v. Kivlahan, James, et al., 1906 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: Noble Hughes. Litigant 2: Robert McGuire and Charles Cooper. Type of case: Damages - for pumping water from a mine shaft that drained onto and damaged tillable and pasture land of Robson.
Box   86
Robson, William v. Bainbridge, Thomas, et al., 1879 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Guardian of the minor heirs of Reuben Robson, deceased. Litigant 2: Jane Bainbridge, M.M. Strong, and J.E. Trewhela.
Box   R40
Robson, William v. Stephens, Samuel, 1880 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Guardian of the minor heirs of Reuben Robson, deceased.
Box   R41
Robson, William v. Bainbridge, Thomas and Anthony, 1881 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Guardian of minor heirs of Reuben Robson, deceased.
Box   86
Roche, Edward D., Ex Parte, 1875 December
Note: Discharge Mort. Roche is misspelled as "Rocher" on the label.
Box   R
Rock, Abner S., et al. v. Cottingham, Timothy, et al., 1873 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: George H. Field, Mahala, Frank, and Samuel H. Scales, Jr., Elizabeth and Charles H. Lamar, Lucinda and John S. Hardy, Olive and George Proctor, Anna and Henry Proctor, and heirs of Samuel H. Scales, deceased. Litigant 2: Elihu B. Washburn, Eliza and Madison Johnson, Calmes T., Charles, Lucy N. Wight, Reuben W. Brush, Caroline F. and Moses M. Strong, and heirs of Henry Morrison, deceased. Appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   R39
Rock, James v. Griffin, John, 1849 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   84
Rockwell, Daniel J., Ex Parte, 1870 December
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   84
Rockwell, Joseph P., Ex Parte, 1870 December
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   84
Rockwell, Joseph P. v. Spencer, Morgan, 1873 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Case 2 of 2.
Box   84
Rockwell, Joseph P. v. Spencer, Morgan, 1873 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Case 1 of 2.
Box   84
Rodahan, John v. Vogler, Erhard (Eron), 1850 November
Note: Other. Rodahan is misspelled as " Rodham" on the label. Vogler is misspelled as "Vaughn" on the label. Type of case: Other - unknown as this could not be determined from the appeal documents.
Box   R
Rodenback, C.H. v. Thompson, E.R., 1902 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   R40
Rodgers, George E. v. Mills, Gabriel, 1862 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Case 1.
Box   R40
Rodgers, George E. v. Mills, Gabriel, 1863 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Case 2.
Box   R40
Rodham, John v. Higgins, John and Annistacia, 1848 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Rodham is also spelled "Rodaham." Litigant 2: Annistacia is also spelled "Annistatia."
Box   85
Rodolf, J.C.F. v. Campbell, Francis, 1859 July
Note: Replevin.
Box   86
Rodway, William H. v. Earnest James H., et al., 1872 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary E. Earnest and S.H. Scales.
Box   R40
Roger Wheel Company v. Savary, Charles, 1877 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   R39
Roger, Christopher v. Sornberger, Hiram, 1858 December
Note: Replevin.
Box   R39
Rogers, J.A. v. Harris Pollard Company, et al., 1902 October
Note: Mechanics Lien. Litigant 1: doing business under the name of Neosho Foundry & Machine Works. Litigant 2: Edward and John Strawbridge, Milton A. Goff, and James Davidson. Appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   84
Rogers, Manley v. Jackson, James and Elizabeth A., 1872 May
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   84
Rogers, Manley v. Dering, P. Frederick, et al., 1873 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Ellen E. Dering and Sarah Graham. Dering is misspelled as "Derring" on the label.
Box   86
Rogers, Manley v. Fisher, Michael and Julia, 1878 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   85
Rogers, Miriam v. Rogers, John H., 1876 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   85
Rollins, Austin v. Bradley, Henry, 1864 February
Note: Type of case: Other - unknown, could not determine from the documents on file.
Box   R40
Rollins, Austin v. Park, John, 1864 February
Note: Type of case: Other - could not determine.
Box   R40
Rollins, Austin v. Curkeet, John, 1864 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   86
Rollins, William M. v. Rollins, Clara R., 1884 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   86
Rood, J.L. v. Priestley, Charles, 1882 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Case appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   87
Rood, Judson L. v. Blackman, Clara M., et al., 1899 December
Note: Other. Litigant 1: As administrator of the estate of Isaac Bancroft, deceased. Litigant 2: Albert Rood. Type of case: Other - promissory note brought to court to determine ownership.
Box   R41
Rose, Anna, 1890 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. General Assignment.
Box   86
Rose, David S. v. Rose, Rosa A., 1887 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   R40
Rose, James R. v. King, Charles D., executor, 1858 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Sarah Parkison, executrix of the last will of William Parkison, deceased.
Box   85
Rose, James R. v. Martin, Benjamin, 1860 January
Note: Replevin.
Box   R
Rose, James R. v. Carr, Esick W., 1860 May
Note: Replevin.
Box   R41
Rose, Louis R. v. Meylor, Nicholas and Elizabeth, 1878 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   R39
Rosenblatt, Louis and Moses v. Rodham, E.H., 1902 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: partners doing business under the firm name of H. Rosenblatt & Sons.
Box   R41
Rosenblatt, Louis, et al. v. Rodham, E.H., 1903 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Moses Rosenblatt, copartners doing business under the firm name of H. Rosenblatt & Sons.
Box   87
Ross, Huldah v. Ross, Martin, 1902 December
Note: Divorce.
Box   R40
Ross, John v. Parkinson, Peter, 1871 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label.
Box   126
Ross, John v. Stubbs, Mary, 1873 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   85
Ross, John J. v. Gibson, Thomas K., et al., 1871 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: William Pedelty, Thomas Floyd, and Matthew Murphy.
Box   84
Ross, John J. v. Jones, William, et al., 1871 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Griffith Evans and Joseph White.
Box   84
Ross, John J. v. Eggleston, Thomas, et al., 1871 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Thomas Bainbridge, Hugh McGivney, George H., Emily, Martha, William S., Benjamin F., Edward F., Alice, and Silas Field, Fanny Rock, and Ann Maria Bailey.
Box   84
Ross, John J. v. Gibson, Thomas K., et al., 1871 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Matthew Murphy and William Pedelty.
Box   R40
Ross, John J. v. Parkinson, Peter, Jr., 1871 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label.
Box   R40
Ross, John J. v. Derring, Charles, et al., 1871 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Ann Ellen and Anni Dodge; Charles L., P.F., and Anna M. Derring; Emil and Martha Field; Elizabeth A., William A., Sarah J., Joseph M., Charles A., John T., Mary E., and Mary Thompson. Derring is spelled "Dering" on some documents.
Box   84
Ross, John J. v. Bainbridge, Thomas, et al., 1874 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Hugh McGivney.
Box   R39
Ross, William T., et al. v. Rothwell, William, 1847 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: William T. Leitch, partners under the firm name of Ross & Leitch.
Box   R41
Rossing, L.A. v. Johnson, Ingebor, 1882 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: otherwise known as Mrs. Nels Johnson.
Box   R39
Rossing, L.A. v. Campbell, Charles, 1888 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   87
Rossing, L.A. v. Harker, John W., 1895 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   87
Rossing, L.A. v. Mitchell, M.C., 1895 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   R39
Rossing, L.A. v. Fossnight, Emanuel C., et al., 1896 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Elizabeth Fossnight.
Box   R
Rossing, Lars A. v. Grothoug, Ole J., 1896 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   84
Rothburn, Judah W. v. Howe, Thomas Y. Jr., et al., 1859 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Sarah A. Howe, Joseph Lovell and James Colles.
Box   84
Rountree, John H. v. Nash, William M. and Margaret, 1857 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   84
Rountree, John H. v. Unknown Owners, 1859 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Case 1 of 2.
Box   84
Rountree, John H. v. Unknown land owners, 1859 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Case 2 of 2.
Box   85
Rountree, John H. v. Unknown Owners, 1859 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Case 1 of 2.
Box   85
Rountree, John H. v. Unknown Owners, 1859 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Case 2 of 2.
Box   85
Rountree, John H. v. Unknown Owners, 1861 February
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   R40
Rountree, John H. v. Rowlands, William, et al., 1865 November
Note: Replevin. Faded label. Litigant 2: John and Richard Rowlands, Nathan Olmsted, and Peter Madden.
Box   R41
Rountree, John H. v. Shaw, Charles, 1869 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label.
Box   R40
Rountree, John H. v. Shaw, James, 1871 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label.
Box   R41
Rowell, J.S., et al. v. Naramore, W.W., 1882 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Ira, Theodore B., and S.W. Rowell.
Box   126
Rowlands, John v. Dubuque, Platteville, 1873 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Milwaukee Railroad Company.
Box   R40
Rowlands, William v. Nichols, Shepherd & Co., 1879 July
Note: Fraud.
Box   87
Rowley, Laurentine R. v. Rowley, Ida D., 1888 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   87
Rowley, Oscar, Ex Parte, 1893 January
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   R41
Rowley, Oscar v. Benson, Daniel, et al., 1902 July
Note: Mechanics Lien. Litigant 2: J. Evalina Benson and Frank Drummond.
Box   126
Roy, Edward, et al. v. Burns, Elizabeth, et al., 1912 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Elijah Roy, partners, John Hebenstreit, and Ross White. Litigant 2: Ellen E. and Margaret Burns.
Box   R41
Roy, Peter v. March, George W., 1869 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Faded label.
Box   R41
Ruble, H. v. Tucker, Seth S., 1868 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   R39
Ruble, Simon and Henry v. Bassett, Albert, 1858 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   86
Rudd, John, Ex Parte, 1891 June
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   84
Rudd, John, et al. v. Steele, Matthew, et al., 1860 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: George C. Day. Litigant 2: James M. Day.
Box   85
Rule, Joseph v. Woodall, Thomas, 1874 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   84
Rule, Mary v. Rule, James, 1859 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   86
Ruskell, Annie G., et al. v. Richardson, Thomas, et al., 1911 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Edward F. Ruskell and Grace Ruskell, an infant by R. F. Mates, guardian ad litem. Litigant 2: Victoria Richardson, Samuel Stowe, S. Addison Prindle, Abner Nichols, Jacob Straum, James H. and Margaret Gentry, George McLane; John G., Mary, Abner J., Emma, Norman S., Nettie, Otis, Ella, Vera, Walter W., Clara, Perry A., Hannah, T. R., and Emily Westrope, heirs of Thomas R., Sarah A., and Orville Westrope, all deceased; Belle Tuft, Maria J. Kilpatrick, Almira Haskins, Mary Madden, heirs of Owen Gugerty, deceased; Walter D., Hiram C., Charles, James A., Edward F., and Lydia Jane Sherrill, heirs of Garrett F., Mary Ann, and Nancy Sherrill, all deceased; Elva Stohl, Alva Owens, Maude Woodruff, Mary J. Downs, Blanche Holland, and heirs of Thomas Turner, deceased.
Box   84
Russell, D.M. v. Westrope, William B., et al., 1860 February
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Westrope is misspelled as "Westrole" on the label. Sarah R. Westrope and James C. Wright.
Box   84
Russell, Elmore J., Ex Parte, 1861 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   86
Russell, Emore J. & Martha Jane, Ex Parte, 1876 July
Note: Discharge Mort. Mortgage executed by Wilcox, Perry & Ecker.
Box   R40
Russell, George W. v. Rogers, Henry D. and Livona, 1860 December
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label.
Box   84
Russell, George W. v. Mullen, John, 1869 November
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - horses damaged field, crops, and house yard.
Box   84
Russell, Lambert and Rhoda C., Ex Parte, 1871 July
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   87
Russell, Mary M., et al., Ex Parte, 1898 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Anna L. and Ina B. Russell by their mother Martha J. Russell.
Box   84
Russell, Rhoda C., Ex Parte, 1864 May
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   126
Ryan, A.M., et al. v. Illinois Central Railroad Co., 1912 October
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: James Ryan, co-partners doing business under the firm name of Ryan Bros. Type of case: Damages - for failing to safely carry and deliver goods (Vigorine).
Box   R
Ryan, Catherine, et al. v. Peterson, Lode, et al., 1885 November
Note: Trespassing. Litigant 1: Mary A., Celia, and Jennie McNulty, Sarah Fox, and Emma Haden. Litigant 2: Thomas Donnelly, Thomas Brennegan, and Michael and Thomas Quigley.
Box   87
Ryan, Cornelius v. Ryan, Thomas, Jr., et al., 1887 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Alice Hogan and James Ryan and heirs of James R. Ryan, deceased.
Box   R
Ryan, D.C. v. McDonald, Richard, 1893 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   R
Ryan, Dennis v. Whitney, H.W., 1883 August
Note: Contract Violation. Court documents included from Rock and Green Counties.
Box   R40
Ryan, James M. v. Stephens, William, et al., 1877 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Thomas Bainbridge.
Box   R
Ryan, John v. State of Wisconsin, 1851 July
Note: Type of case: Writ of Habeas Corpus documents.
Box   R40
Ryan, John v. Smith, Harry, 1851 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   87
Ryan, John B., deceased, Ex Parte, 1886 January
Note: Probate. The only document in the file is the "Notice of Dismissal of Appeal" labeled Edward Kinman vs Estate of John B. Ryan.
Box   126
Ryan, John C. v. Ryan, Catherine, et al., 1857 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Wife of John Ryan, deceased, and James, Catherine, Johanna, and Patrick Ryan.
Box   86
Ryan, John P. v. Ryan, Thomas S., 1909 August
Note: Slander/Libel.
Box   R40
Ryan, John v. Higgins, John, et al., 1847 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: executor of the last will of Maurice Meade, deceased. Litigant 2: William Meade.
Box   86
Ryan, T.S. v. Korrupp, William, 1908 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Korrupp is also spelled "Korupp" on some of the documents.
Box   R
Ryan, William and James v. Robertson, Charles, 1853 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   85
Ryan, William and James v. Hammond, Robert, 1855 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   R39
Ryan, William and James v. Gregor, Francis, 1858 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   R40
Ryan, William and James v. Campbell, Thomas B., et al., 1872 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 2: George H. Field.
Box   85
Ryan, William and James M. v. Bragg, Samuel, 1858 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   84
Ryan, William and James M. v. McIver, Hugh, 1868 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   R40
Ryan, William and James M. v. Bentley, John, 1859 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: copartners doing business under the firm name of W. & J.M. Ryan.
Box   R
Ryder, John H. v. Murray, Susan, 1884 September
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   125
Saalsaa, Amelia v. Saalsaa, Martin N., 1912 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   89
Sabin, J.H. v. Williams, R.H., 1872 May
Note: Replevin.
Box   91
Saint Clara Female Academy v. Brewster, Joseph M., et al., 1868 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Thomas McNulty.
Box   91
Saint Clara Female Academy v. Roberts, Rosanna, et al., 1873 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: James Roberts, Augustus Estey, and the Galena Lead Company.
Box   88
Salisbury, Samuel v. Blakeley, Justus, 1858 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Salisbury is misspelled as "Sailsbury" and Blakeley is misspelled as "Blakely" on the label.
Box   88
Salisbury, Samuel v. Russell, Lambert, et al., 1860 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Orlando G. Dart, Joseph D. Francis, and Philo A. Orton.
Box   90
Salsbury, Martin v. Webster, Harvey, 1860 July
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   88
Salsbury, Martin C. v. Webster, Harvey, et al., 1859 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Noah Webster and Perry Brotherton.
Box   93
Sames, Peter, et al. v. Anthony, Delia, 1884 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: As administrator and Marcia A. Doty as administratrix of the estate of Joel B. Doty, deceased.
Box   S42
Sampson, Robert v. Gilbert, William, 1893 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   113
Sanders, Edwin v. Hooper, Walter J., et al., 1896 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Grace W. Hooper; Matthew and Fannie Helm; Henry and Lizzie Helm; Moses and Mattie Rees; Almeda and William Helm; and J.T. and William Hooper.
Box   93
Sanderson, Edward v. Earnest, James H., et al., 1887 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: John L. Hardy.
Box   S44
Sanderson, Edward v. Earnest, James H., et al., 1887 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: John L. Hardy.
Box   S44
Sanford, J.F. v. Chandler, Paul, 1848 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   90
Sankey, Samuel v. Luce, Russell H., 1860 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   S45
Santry, Johanna v. Dunlap, Horace, 1859 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   91
Sardeson, James v. Larson, Paul, 1876 December
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   S42.5
Sardeson, James v. Wood, J.L., et al., 1890 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Eliza C. Wood and L.C. Stark.
Box   89
Sardeson, Lydia Ann v. Sardeson, George, 1877 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   113
Sargent, Earl v. Kant, Aug. H., et al., 1923 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Nellie, Gottfred, and Mine Kant.
Box   89
Sargent, James H. v. Sargent, Louis, et al., 1857 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: John Slothower.
Box   113
Sargent, Leslie v. Kant, Aug. H., et al., 1923 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Nellie, Gottfred, and Mine Kant.
Box   95
Saterlee, M.A. v. Saterlee, Emma, 1895 July
Note: Divorce. This file is not in a box. It is marked "Exhibit A" and is a large file of testimony taken on 7/17/1895 so most information is missing for this case. It appears that Saterlee should be spelled "Satterlee."
Box   91
Satterlee, D.F. v. Andrick, James B., 1851 February
Note: Replevin.
Box   S44
Satterlee, Emma L. v. Bower, Nelson, 1884 October
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for depriving and restraining plaintiff of her liberty and imprisoned her for four days without her consent. Place of trial changed from Crawford to Lafayette County.
Box   95
Satterlee, Emma L. v. Satterlee, Milton A., 1898 January
Note: Divorce.
Box   95
Satterlee, Etta L. v. Satterlee, Benjamin, 1891 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   113
Satterlee, Milton A. v. Satterlee, Emma L., 1895 February
Note: Divorce.
Box   S44
Saunders, John D. v. Nash, William and Abraham, 1858 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   96
Saunders, Matt v. Meyers, George L., 1901 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   S42.5
Savage, Clara v. Savage, John U., 1896 December
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Cynthia Williams, Matter of the estate of Clara W. Savage, deceased. Type of case: Other - unknown -"Stipulation & order dismissing appeal" document only.
Box   94
Savage, John H. v. Dougherty, James, et al., 1894 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Bridget Dougherty, S.W. Lamont, J.B. Roy, William Deering & Co., The Minneapolis Harvester Works, Shullsburg Bank, William James, and Marion J. Tierney.
Box   88
Sawtel, Edwin v. Kelly, William, 1855 May
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   89
Sawtell, Edwin v. Roberts, Elizabeth, et al., 1870 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Elizabeth, Mary Jane, Percilla, and John Thomas Gilbert, heirs of Joseph Gilbert, deceased.
Box   90
Saxton, Asa v. Morley, Isaac, et al., 1849 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Edwin Hyde, copartners in the business of Morley & Hyde.
Box   89
Sayer, Thomas v. Sayer, Elizabeth, 1854 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   94
Sayers, Matthew, et al., Ex Parte, 1895 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Sarah B. Green, aunt and nearest relative.
Box   91
Scace, Charles E. and Anna v. Way, Anderson D. and Francis, 1874 June
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   88
Scales, John H., Ex Parte, 1869 April
Note: Type of case: Other - Admission to the Bar.
Box   S44
Scales, Samuel v. Huet, Joseph, 1852 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   91
Scales, Samuel H. v. Quinn, Michael, 1866 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   S46
Scales, Samuel H. v. Proctor, George, 1883 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   S47.5
Scales, Samuel H. v. Oliver, Rufus A., 1897 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   92
Scales, Samuel H. and Frank v. Mullen, Thomas, et al., 1878 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Executors of the last will and testament of Samuel H. Scales, deceased. Litigant 2: Elizabeth Mullen, Josiah Osborn, and J.M. Brewster.
Box   92
Scales, Samuel H. and Frank v. Gratiot, H.R., 1879 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Executors of the last will and testament of Samuel H. Scales, deceased.
Box   92
Scales, Samuel H., et al. v. Earnest, James H. and Mary E., 1874 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Nathan Corwith.
Box   S47
Scales, Samuel H., et al. v. Mullen, Thomas and Robert, 1878 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Frank Scales, executors of the last will and testament of Samuel H. Scales, deceased.
Box   92
Scales, Samuel H., et al. v. McMahon, Peter, et al., 1879 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Frank Scales, executors of the last will and testament of Samuel H. Scales, deceased. Litigant 2: Margaret McNulty, administratrix of the estate of Thomas McNulty, deceased, and James Flanigan.
Box   92
Scales, Samuel, H., et al. v. Meloy, Edward, 1879 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Frank Scales, executors of the last will and testament of Samuel H. Scales, deceased.
Box   95
Scales. Samuel H., Ex Parte, 1896 May
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   119
Schaad, Emil v. Blumer, Fred, 1914 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   91
Schager, John Hanson v. Johnson, Lars E., et al., 1867 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Schager is misspelled as "Schoger" on the label. Litigant 2: Nathaniel W. Dean.
Box   88
Scheel, Henry v. Shrader, Ann, et al., 1856 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Widow of Peter Shrader, deceased, and Catharine (Shrader) and William Newhouse, Henry, Christopher, Frederick, and Mary Shrader, heirs at law of Peter Shrader, deceased.
Box   S42
Scheerer, Charles, et al. v. Blanchard, Charles, 1870 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Herman Scheerer and Henry Ambruster.
Box   17
Schellenger, Charles v. , 1884 February
Note: Other. The box did not include this case on the label. The only document in the box is a Letter of Guardianship from State of Iowa, County of Clay appointing a general guardian for Charles Schellenger to receive the proceeds of said sale. Litigant 1: Infant heir of Abbie Schellenger, deceased. Type of case: Could not be determined. Other information could not be determined.
Box   93
Schellenger, Charles, Ex Parte, 1884 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: by W.H. Schellenger, his father.
Box   90
Schellinger, George v. Hawley, D.S., et al., 1859 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: John Edgrin.
Box   125
Schemehorn, J.A. v. Wong, Joseph and Petrina, 1913 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. File contains pocket accounting book from The Michigan Stove Company of Detroit and Chicago.
Box   99
Schemerhorn, Caroline v. Schemerhorn, Ezra, 1904 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   92
Schenck, John F., et al. v. Austin, William T., et al., 1878 August
Note: Foreclosure. Schenck is misspelled as "Schenk" on the label. Litigant 1: Henry P. Schroder, partners doing business under the firm name of Schenck & Schroder. Litigant 2: Minnie Austin and Nichols Shepard & Co.
Box   125
Schill, William v. Iron River Leasing Company, 1911 November
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for injuries received in a work related accident.
Box   99
Schindler, J.C. v. Schindler, Ida, 1910 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   96
Schmidt, Charles Harold, et al., Ex Parte, 1899 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Mary Helen Schmidt, children of Catharine Schmidt and Louis Schmidt, deceased.
Box   96
Schmieder, Henry v. Fager, John, et al., 1899 June
Note: Foreclosure. Schmieder is misspelled as "Schneider" on the label. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of Clara Welter, deceased. Litigant 2: Ellen Fager and Lucretia Snyder as executrix of the last will and testament of W.H. Snyder, deceased.
Box   S43
Schmohl, John G. v. Goodfellow, Calvin, 1881 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   S46
Schmohl, John G. v. Michaelson, Henry, et al., 1884 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Michael Michaelson and James Kane.
Box   S46
Schmoll, J.G. v. Doyle, Ellen, et al., 1882 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Alice Hunt.
Box   S45
Schnee, Henry v. Westrope, Austin, 1863 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   125
Schnerre, G. Henry v. Timpe, Henry and Catherine, 1909 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   99
Schnorrenberg, Henry, et al. v. South Range Land, 1909 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Ray L. Lightcap amended to George A. Coombs. Litigant 2: & Mining Company and James Hutton amended to Peter Miller.
Box   94
Schoch, Della v. Schoch, E. Lebrecht, 1893 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   113
Schoepfer, John v. Koch, Frank, 1919 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. No other documents in file.
Box   93
Scholl, Jesse v. Johnson, John, et al., 1885 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary Johnson and Russel Johnson and his wife.
Box   S42
School District Number One v. Campbell, Francis, et al., 1887 August
Note: Other. Litigant 1: of Gratiot. Litigant 2: Francis Campbell, John Collins, Emmet Cole, C.A. Swanson, and William N. Hazleton. Type of case: Other - could not determine - complaint not found.
Box   95
Schreiter, David v. Brown, Katharine G., et al., 1898 May
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Dexter G. and Briton S. Brown, and Lillian G. and George J. Strong.
Box   S47
Schreiter, Edward v. Miller, Anton, 1877 December
Note: Type of case: Other - could not determine. "Order for Change of Venue" to Green County is the only document in file.
Box   88
Schreiter, Edward v. Schreiter, Mary Minna, 1877 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   93
Schroder, Frederick W., Ex Parte, 1887 October
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   S42.5
Schulte, Mrs. S. v. Curran, James, 1883 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   S42.5
Schulte, Severin v. Lauterbach, Peter, 1882 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   S46
Schulte, Severine, et al. v. Kappei, Augustus, 1880 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Peter Lauterbach co-partners under the firm name of Schulte & Lauterbach.
Box   113
Schultz, Frank P. v. Meloy, J.F., et al., 1907 January
Note: Contract Amend.. Litigant 2: James and Belle Quinlan.
Box   S43
Schultz, H. v. Hotz, Jacob, 1885 October
Note: Garnishing. Case 1. Litigant 1: Cloak Manufacturing Company. Litigant 2: William Hooper, Garnishee.
Box   S43
Schultz, H. v. Hotz, Jacob, 1885 October
Note: Garnishing. Case 2. Litigant 1: Cloak Manufacturing Company. Litigant 2: J.C. Robbins, Garnishee.
Box   S43
Schultz, H. v. Hotz, Jacob, 1885 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Case 3. Litigant 1: Cloak Manufacturing Company.
Box   89
Schultz, Joseph and Dorothea v. Garden, William A., 1869 March
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label.
Box   S42.5
Schumacher, Adam v. Horr, Ben, 1900 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   S46
Schurer, Charles, et al. v. Ladd, Frank, 1878 May
Note: Replevin. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Henry Ambruster and Herman Schurer.
Box   S42
Scoggin, Samuel A. v. Tallman, William M., 1859 January
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   88
Scott, Benjamin G. v. Hall, Samuel S., 1857 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   S42
Scott, Benjamin G. v. McDaniels, Thomas, 1858 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   S44
Scott, Benjamin G. v. Knight, James G., 1860 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   95
Scott, Riley T. v. Sersch, Peter, et al., 1894 April
Note: Contract Violation. Litigant 2: J.S. Waddington.
Box   91
Scott, Robert v. Calvert, William H., 1866 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Damaged label. Type of case: Damages - for shooting and killing Scott's dog.
Box   95
Scott, Sabra Adaline v. Scott, Thomas, 1898 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   96
Scott, Thomas A., et al. v. Scott, George E. & Elizabeth J., 1901 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Cora Scott and Isaac and Matilda Ingersoll.
Box   91
Seaberger, A.F., et al. v. Hunt, John C., 1875 March
Note: Garnishing. Seaberger is also spelled "Seeberger" on some of the documents. Litigant 1: B.A. Breakey.
Box   94
Sebolt, Nicholas, Ex Parte, 1889 February
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   88
Sedgewick, Joseph v. Frankland, Christopher, et al., 1865 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Elizabeth Frankland.
Box   119
Sedgwick, G.S. v. Sedgwick Zinc & Lead Mining, 1909 May
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   S47.5
Sedgwick, G.S. v. Wisconsin Zinc Company, 1921
Note: Type of case: Other - could not determine; "Deposition" and "Order of Removals" only documents in file.
Box   93
Sedgwick, George S. v. Welsh, H. C., et al., 1887 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Welsh is misspelled as "Welch" on the label. Litigant 2: John Welsh, William Passmore, and Patrick Murphy.
Box   S42.5
Sedgwick, George S. v. Redfearn, George W., 1898 June
Note: Replevin.
Box   89
Sedgwick, Joseph v. Frankland, Christopher, et al., 1865 February
Note: Foreclosure. Ltigant 2: Elizabeth Frankland.
Box   96
Sedgwick, Sarah A. and Thomas, Ex Parte, 1899 April
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   93
Sedgwick, Thomas, et al. v. Peacock, Elizabeth A., et al., 1884 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Sarah N., George G., and Barbara E. Sedgwick. Litigant 2: John T. Peacock and Ruth Etta and Joseph L. Sedgwick.
Box   70
Seeberger, A.F., et al. v. Roy, Edward, 1873 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: B.A. Breakey, copartners doing business under the firm name of Seeberger and Breakey.
Box   119
Seeley, Bertha v. Seeley, Charles, 1913 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   88
Seeley, David J. v. White, Benjamin, 1862 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   88
Seely, David J. v. DeSeelhorst, John K. and Susan, 1862 June
Note: Foreclosure. DeSeelhorst is misspelled as "DeSeethorst" on the label.
Box   S42.5
Seely, R.D. v. Liddle, John, 1889 July
Note: Replevin.
Box   95
Seffrud, Mary v. Seffrud, Nels N., 1897 September
Note: Divorce. Seffrud is misspelled as "Seffrude" on the label.
Box   95
Segelke, Carolina v. Segelke, Fritz, 1897 November
Note: Divorce.
Box   125
Seiler, Margaret v. Wagner, Gottfried, 1909 March
Note: Garnishing. "Garnishees Answer" is the only document in the file. Citizens National Bank-Garnishee.
Box   99
Selleck, Joseph v. Grannis, A.W., et al., 1910 August
Note: Garnishing. Litigant 2: The Lucky Twelve Mining Company.
Box   125
Sellect, Joseph v. Grannis, A.W., et al., 1911 October
Note: Garnishing. Litigant 2: The Lucky Twelve Mining Company, Garnishee.
Box   S43
Selz, Morris, et al. v. Swift, James, 1885 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Charles H. Schwab, Max Anleyer, and John W. Bunn.
Box   96
Selz, Schwab & Company v. Brannan, Neil, 1905 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   88
Severson, Ingabret & Gudbied, Ex Parte, 1870 March
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   S45
Sevey, Gilman v. Roberts, Rosanna, 1888 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   90
Sexton, Lorin v. Blanchard, Alvin, 1862 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   89
Sexton, Lorin, et al. v. Pilling, Elias, et al., 1850 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: John Wing and Lester Sexton. Litigant 2: Elizabeth Pilling and William Hempstead.
Box   89
Sexton, Lorin, et al. v. Baker, Josiah, et al., 1862 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Lester and George Sexton and Edward Boles. Litigant 2: Mary K. Baker and George Cox.
Box   88
Seymore, William H., et al. v. Hunt, T.A., 1862 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Dayton S. Morgan and George H. Allen.
Box   S45
Seymour, Helen M. v. Hoverty, Daniel, et al., 1865 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Francis Crawford and wife, Henry S. Crouse, and John W. Blackstone Jr.
Box   90
Seymour, Henry E. v. Marvin, Jonathan J., 1855 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   S42
Seymour, W.H., et al. v. Harker, Amost, et al., 1851 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Dayton S. Morgan, partners doing business under the firm name of Seymour & Morgan. Litigant 2: Charles Peck.
Box   S44
Seymour, William H., et al. v. Harker, Amos, et al., 1851 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Dayton S. Morgan. Litigant 2: Charles Pecks.
Box   113
Shadbolt & Boyd Iron Co. v. Gilmore, R.J. and Helen A., 1907 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   S44
Shapran, Augustus v. McBrien, Philip, 1847 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Shapran is spelled "Chapran" on some documents.
Box   S45
Sharp, Silas v. McEwen, George, 1861 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   88
Shaw, Margaret B. v. Shaw, Matthew, 1852 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   91
Shaw, Willin v. Bainbridge, Thomas, et al., 1867 February
Note: Fraud. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Thomas Temple, William, Sarah Jane, and John Henry Robson; Thomas Gibson; Peter Peddlety; and Martin and Mary Ann Raw.
Box   94
Shay, Hannah, et al., Ex Parte, 1889 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: John Shay and their mother, Mary Shay.
Box   S45
Shay, John v. Bennett, George, 1848 December
Note: Replevin.
Box   S45
Shay, John v. Bennett, George, 1848 November
Note: Replevin. Damaged label.
Box   95
Shay, Mary v. Shay, Stephen and Ellen, 1897 February
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   S45
Shay, Thomas J. v. Terwilliger, E.E., 1891 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   S47.5
Shay, Thomas J. v. Terwilliger, E.E., 1891 May
Note: Garnishing. Litigant 2: Joshua Thayer, Garnishee
Box   88
Shea, John v. Roberts, Rosanna, et al., 1849 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: James, Mary Elizabeth, and Anna Maria Roberts.
Box   S44
Shea, John v. Gallagher, J.M., 1885 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for false arrest and imprisonment.
Box   125
Shears, May v. Wisconsin Zinc Company, 1917 April
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Widow of Sim Shears. Type of case: Other - "Findings and Award" document from the Industrial Commission of Wisconsin is the only document filed. The Findings of Fact states Sim Shears was accidentally injured causing his death at his place of employment and the insurance was awarded.
Box   S47
Sheboygan Boot & Shoe Co. v. Dahl, C.E., 1895 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   S43
Sheboygan Boot & Shoe Company v. Hirsh, Joseph, 1889 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   S43
Sheerer, Charles, et al. v. Cone, A.E., 1877 September
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: Henry Armbruston and Herman Scheerer.
Box   88
Sheffield, James, Ex Parte, 1871 December
Note: Type of case: Other - Admission to the Bar.
Box   H18
Sheldon, H.K., et al. v. Champion, C.B., 1869 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: William J. Hoyt, Samuel A. Busiek, Sheldon Synes and J.E. Sheldon, co-partners under the firm name of Sheldon Hoyt & Co.
Box   92
Shelliam, Jane v. McCaffrey, Bernard and Elizabeth, 1879 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   S44
Shepherd, J.W. v. Parker, J.J., 1886 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   S42
Shepherd, Thomas v. Strachan, John, et al., 1869 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 2: William Boone Westrope.
Box   88
Sheppard, Israel S., et al. v. Jones, Martin K., 1863 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Tyler K. Blodgett.
Box   94
Sherard, John A. v. Deery, John, et al., 1895 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: As administrator of the estate of Margaret Sherard, deceased. Litigant 2: Rosey Deery, Robert McGuigan, C.H. Carey, and Henry Roarig.
Box   94
Sherard, Margaret v. McDermott, Mary, et al., 1894 June
Note: Foreclosure. Sherard is misspelled as "Sherad" on the label. Litigant 2: Mary Dunn, Bernard McDermott, Ellen O'Brien, and Daniel, Katie (Fox), James, John, and Michael McDermott.
Box   S42
Shermer, Philip F., et al. v. Tobin, James, 1852 July
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. Litigant 1: John E. Smith and John W. Safley.
Box   125
Sherry, Mae v. Scott, Levisa, et al., 1911 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Lloyd Scott and Miller VanMatre.
Box   119
Sherry, Mae v. Sherry, William, 1912 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   93
Shilliam, Phillip v. Treganza, John O., et al., 1884 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Eliza M., Grace, and Thomas Treganza.
Box   90
Shilling, John, et al. v. Brittan, Arthur, et al., 1862 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Mary A. (Miles) Shilling; John T., James S., William W., Robert F., and David A. Miles; Richard and Margaret E. (Miles) DeWitt; Samuel S., Louisa H., Susan, and Jesse D. Miles and Jane Miles, heirs and widow of Samuel Miles, deceased. Litigant 2: Charles Johnston, Solomon O. Williamson, and George Cram.
Box   S44
Shingles, James v. Harker, Amos, 1858 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Shingles is spelled "Singles" on some documents. Documents identify Shingles as Litigant 2 and Harker as Litigant 1.
Box   91
Shirley, Jane v. McCormick, John, 1863 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   94
Shirley, Jane v. Yeager, Isaac, et al., 1893 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Lawrence Eagan, John, Sarah, and James McConnell, and Philo A. Orton.
Box   89
Shlater, Peggy v. Shlater, Peter, 1866 November
Note: Divorce.
Box   114
Shobinger, William v. Estabrook, John/ Unknown Heirs, 1927 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Shobinger is spelled "Schobinger" on some documents.
Box   S47
Shockley, James J. v. Madison Fire Insurance Company, 1880 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   96
Shockley, Mary E. v. Shockley, Warren D., 1906 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   S45
Shoemaker, Nathan v. Brownell, Horace, 1862 April
Note: Trespassing.
Box   S43
Shoemaker, Nathan v. Richards, Charles, 1867 April
Note: Trespassing.
Box   91
Shoemaker, Nathan v. Brownell, Horace B., 1869 April
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   92
Shoemaker, Nathan v. Wilcox, Martha Jane and George, 1877 August
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   S45
Shook, Jonas, et al. v. VanMatre, John J., 1866 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Matthew Cunningham. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   S45
Shullsburg Bank v. Moore, Margaret, et al., 1891 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Hugh and Henry Moore.
Box   S45
Shullsburg Bank v. O'Neill, Andrew & Terrence J., 1893 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   94
Shullsburg Bank v. Stock, John and Elizabeth, 1895 May
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   95
Shullsburg Bank v. Miller, George F., et al., 1896 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Anna Meehan, Henry Miller, Louisa and J.P. Hilgert, and William Miller Jr.
Box   112
Shullsburg Bank, Ex Parte, 1896 September
Note: Other. Box #1. Litigant 1: The matter of assignment for the benefit of its creditors, John P. Williams as assignee. Type of case: Other - sale of Shullsburg Bank.
Box   S43
Shullsburg, Village of v. Bowden, Joseph, et al., 1866 March
Note: Mishandling of Job. Case 1. Litigant 2: James W. Trestrail and Isaac B. Tully.
Box   S43
Shullsburg, Village of v. Bowden, Joseph, et al., 1866 March
Note: Mishandling of Job. Case 2. Litigant 2: Richard Ivey and James Hatch.
Box   91
Shullsburg, Village of v. Plash, Ernest H., et al., 1867 October
Note: Damages/Theft. Damaged label. Litigant 2: John Newton and Andrew Hebenstreit. Type of case - Damages - for not faithfully performing the duties of their office of Marshals of the village and did not pay over all money collected.
Box   93
Shultz, John v. Bennett, Charles, et al., 1887 March
Note: Foreclosure. Shultz is misspelled as "Shults" on the label. Litigant 2: Rebecca, Albert C., Minnie, Edwin D., Eliza E., Orlando, and Ella Phippen; Ory P. Deming; and Annette Eliza and William Turner.
Box   93
Shurtleff, Willard v. Weaver, Joel A., et al., 1887 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Samantha M. Weaver, Edward Halloran, D. B. Dipple, George Godfrey, James B. Blair, C.R. Bridgman, John Tabor, Isaac and John Newton, William James, William R. Andrews, John and William Penniston, H.M. Bridgman, Alonzo Eaton, James McDermott, Michael Derrick, S.H. Ellison, W.R. Law, T.J. Van Meter, William Armstrong, James Tennis, A. Richardson, Thomas Bracken, J.B. Merriam, James Bintliff, James T. Dawson, and H.H. Cook.
Box   91
Shuster, Phillip v. Farrar, Susan and William, 1873 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   S44
Sickle, Solomon and Max v. Amanda, Fritz, et al., 1889 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Partners doing business under the firm name of S. Sickle & Son. Litigant 2: Fritz Buckman. Case contains small memorandum book of itemized dollar amounts.
Box   S45
Sigerson, John v. Cushing, Caleb, 1857 July
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   91
Silliman, Charles v. Cox, George M., 1862 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   89
Silliman, John v. Bennett, John, 1863 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   91
Silsby, H.C., et al. v. Knight, James G., et al., 1859 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Edward Mynderse and John Shoemaker. Litigant 2: Lewis Doty.
Box   S47.5
Silverthorn Lead Mining & v. Lee, George W., et al., 1867 August
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Smelting Company. Litigant 2: William A. Berkey. Type of case: Other - could not determine; "Answer of Defendant" only document in file.
Box   99
Simmons, Arthur T. v. Simmons, Hattie, 1910 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   96
Simmons, John E. v. Simmons, Susan M., 1902 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   96
Simmons, John W. v. Simmons, Ellen, 1901 July
Note: Divorce.
Box   S46
Simmons, Rebecca, Sr. v. Simmons, John W., 1882 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   125
Simpson, J.B., Ex Parte, 1914 December
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   S
Simpson, J.B. v. Wisconsin Lead & Zinc Company, 1895 January
Note: Wrongful Death. Litigant 1: As administrator of the estate of Thomas Couglin, deceased.
Box   88
Simpson, James v. Chamberlin, J., 1848 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Chamberlin is misspelled as "Chamberlain" on the label
Box   96
Simpson, Mary A. v. Miller, Charles G., 1905 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   90
Simpson, P.B. v. Marvin Jonathan J., 1850 January
Note: Type of case: Other - court order for the delivery of all records, books, etc. belonging to the Ofiice of Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Lafayette County to newly elected Simpson.
Box   S45
Simpson, P.B. v. Lafayette County, 1850 September
Note: Other. Damaged label. Type of case: Other - claim for services.
Box   90
Simpson, P.B. v. Noonan, John, 1870 May
Note: Trespassing.
Box   S42.5
Simpson, P.B. v. N/A, 1895 December
Note: Type of case: Other - "Report of J.H. Clary, Chair Lafayette Co. Bar Meeting on the death of P.B. Simpson."
Box   S43
Simpson, P.B. and J.B. v. Peasley, Robert L., 1884 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: the estate by Elizabeth Peasley, administratrix.
Box   S42
Simpson, Philemon B. v. Towsend, Addison A., 1873 September
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for restraining and detaining plaintiff of his liberty for 9 hours without cause.
Box   95
Sims, Samuel v. Minor, Orrin E., 1897 February
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Nina D. Minor, George M. Brown, William Trenary, and A.F. Clifton.
Box   S47.5
Sims, Thomas H. v. McKeon, James, et al., 1894 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Frank McKeon. No atorney for McKeon.
Box   S44
Singer Manufacturing Company v. Richards, John, 1878 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   S44
Singer Manufacturing Company v. Brewer, John, 1883 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   S
Singer Manufacturing Company v. Schwartz, John W., et al., 1893 July
Note: Contract Violation. Litigant 2: L.C. Norton and George H. Schwartz.
Box   91
Singer, Julius v. Campbell, Francis, 1869 August
Note: Replevin.
Box   95
Siniger, Kate v. Lynch, Matthew, et al., 1897 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary Lynch and Ignatius McCarville.
Box   70
Sinsinawa Mound College v. Graf, John, 1861 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: The President and Sisters of.
Box   88
Sish, Edmund v. Ladd, Azel, 1849 March
Note: Replevin.
Box   S47
Sisk, Edmund B. v. McNitt, Lorenzo, 1849 March
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for trespass on the case.
Box   S47
Sisson, Charles, Ex Parte, 1894 November
Note: Other. Damaged label. Type of case: Writ of Habeas Corpus - petition that the imprisonment of petitioner is illegal and should not be restrained.
Box   94
Skewis, Bennet O. v. Hall, Thomas, et al., 1894 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: As administrator of the estate of Joseph Tangye, deceased. Litigant 2: Mary Jane Hall, William R. Holder, and Malachi Maynard.
Box   91
Skewis, Catherine v. Skewis, Edward, Jr., 1859 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   S45
Skewis, Edward, et al. v. Shay, John, et al., 1846 December
Note: Trespassing. Damaged label. Litigant 1: James Mill. Litigant 2: James Smith.
Box   S45
Skewis, Edward, Jr. v. Rule, Henry, 1855 October
Note: Other. Type of case: Not enough information on the documents to determine.
Box   15
Skewis, James v. Ferrill, George, et al., 1855 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Jane Ferrill, Barry, Julia, Simon, James, Catharine, John, Francis, Elizabeth, and Mary Cullen, and Alexander and Margaret Moore. On October 27, 1857 an "order to substitute Bernard Cullen as plaintiff" was filed.
Box   93
Skinner, Brainard v. James, William and Ann Moody, 1883 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   91
Skinner, E.W. v. Scroggin, J.G., 1861 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   S45
Skinner, Elisha W. v. Sperry, A.W., 1864 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   S45
Skolrood, John v. McDonald, John F., 1893 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   113
Skugstad, Evan, et al. v. Illinois Central Railway Co., 1912 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John Kundert doing business under the firm name of Skugstad & Kundert.
Box   125
Slattery, Michael and John T. v. United States Zinc Corporation, 1909 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   119
Slattery, Michael and John T. v. Wisconsin Separating Company, 1913 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   S44
Slaughter, George H. v. Varney, Ezra L., 1853 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   S44
Slavin, Michael v. Moore, Alexander, 1847 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   92
Slee, Robert v. Gallegher, Francis, et al., 1877 May
Note: Foreclosure. Gallegher is misspelled as "Gallagher" on the label. Litigant 2: John, Matilda, William, and Peter Gallegher; Alice McWilliams; Mary and Daniel Morgan; and Catherine and Jacob Francis, heirs at law of Peter Gallegher, deceased.
Box   92
Slee, Robert v. King, Charles D., et al., 1880 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Eva B. and Charles M. King, and E. D. Parkinson.
Box   S42
Slothouer, John v. Fulp, Tandy, 1863 October
Note: Other. Damaged label. Type of case: Other - could not determine. Complaint not in file.
Box   S43
Slothower, Edward C. v. Campbell, James, 1874 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   89
Slothower, Edward C., et al. v. Woolworth, Mary A., et al., 1872 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Legrand Winton. Litigant 2: Sylvanus T. Woolworth and Charles and Loretta E. Blanchard.
Box   S42.5
Slothower, Edward C., et al. v. Egan, Daniel, et al., 1897 January
Note: Contract Amend.. Litigant 1: Joseph Appel. Litigant 2: John and James Egan and M.M. Doyle.
Box   88
Slothower, John v. Quimby, Selden, 1849 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   S45
Slothower, John v. Quimby, Selden, 1849 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   88
Slothower, John v. Fulp, Tandy, 1863 July
Note: Type of case: Other - to recover monies from a previous judgment.
Box   S43
Slothower, John v. Fulp, Tandy, 1863 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   88
Smead, Horace v. Bailey, James B., et al., 1863 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Samuel S. Miles.
Box   S42.5
Smearbo, Christian and Mary Ann v. Smearbo, Lawrence, 1900 April
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   96
Smearbo, Lawrence v. Smearbo, Francis, 1899 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   99
Smearbo, Lillian v. Smearbo, Lawrence, 1909 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   S43
Smelser, Town of v. Elk Grove, Town of, 1859 August
Note: Type of case: Other - could not determine - handwriting.
Box   88
Smith, Abraham Hyatt v. Bracken, Charles, 1852 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   S44
Smith, Bradner v. McGivern, John, 1857 April
Note: Replevin. Damaged label.
Box   94
Smith, Bridget v. Smith, John, 1891 February
Note: Contract Violation.
Box   119
Smith, Charles D. v. Darlington, City of, 1915 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Lessee of the Darlington Electric Company.
Box   89
Smith, Charles M. v. Gille, Christopher, et al., 1875 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Katharina Gille and Henry and Mary Gille.
Box   99
Smith, Edward W. v. Spicer, Thomas, et al., 1911 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: John Grove, William Cowley, John Hillhouse, Jane Hillhouse, and Edward B. Phillips.
Box   92
Smith, Edwin and Emeline B., Ex Parte, 1875 June
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   95
Smith, Harriett, deceased, Ex Parte, 1899 March
Note: Type of case: Other - unknown - a "Judgment reversing part of the order of the County Court and allowing final account as filed" is the only document in the file.
Box   88
Smith, Henry v. Carr, Dennis and Thankful, 1861 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   92
Smith, Henry v. Carr, Darias, 1876 June
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   92
Smith, Horatio N. v. Kemler, John, et al., 1879 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: As administrator of the estate of Amos Ayres, deceased; Dianna Ayres, deceased; and Hannah, Samuel, Flora, May, Dwight, Stewart, and Elizabeth Ayres. Nelson Dewey was the agent of Smith.
Box   S
Smith, Ida L. v. Burgess, Henry, 1894 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   91
Smith, J.M. v. Garden, William A., 1870 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   S42
Smith, J.M. v. Johnson, Charles, 1870 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label.
Box   S44
Smith, J.M. v. Mappes, Charles, 1870 May
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   93
Smith, James, et al. v. Swift, John and Rachael, 1887 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Phillippa Hicks, Alexander Piquett, and Matthew Murphy.
Box   94
Smith, Jeremiah v. Weaver, Henry J., 1889 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   S46
Smith, Jeremiah v. Weaver, H.J., et al., 1890 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Edward T.W. Barnes.
Box   S44
Smith, John v. McMullen, James, 1847 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   88
Smith, John v. Wiggins, M.B. and E.A., 1859 January
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   88
Smith, John v. McRae, Colin and Margaret, 1860 April
Note: Foreclosure. McRae is misspelled as "McKea" on the label.
Box   88
Smith, John v. Connelly, Hugh and Rosanna, 1861 August
Note: Foreclosure. Connelly is misspelled as "Connolly" on the label.
Box   90
Smith, John v. Lynch, Matthew and Mary Ann, 1865 September
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   96
Smith, John I., et al., Ex Parte, 1902 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Bridget Ann, Joseph Raymond, and John Leo Smith by their mother, Mary Smith Sr.
Box   89
Smith, John, et al. v. Martin, John and Christina, 1868 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: P.A. Orton Jr.
Box   S42.5
Smith, John v. Kachelhoffer, William H., 1898 August
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: by Charles Smith his guardian ad litem. Type of case: Damages - for injuries caused by malicious dog.
Box   S46
Smith, Mahlon P. v. Gould, M.L., 1877 September
Note: Replevin.
Box   96
Smith, Mahlon, Ex Parte, 1891 December
Note: Discharge Mort. Litigant 1: to Platt Smith.
Box   94
Smith, Mary v. Smith, Asbury, 1889 July
Note: Divorce.
Box   93
Smith, Mary, et al. v. Smith, John, Jr. and Bridget, 1886 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Mary, Jr., James J., Thomas F., John N., and Bridget Ann Smith.
Box   93
Smith, Mary, et al., Ex Parte, 1886 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: James J., Thomas F., John N, and Bridget Ann Smith, infants, by their mother, Mary Smith.
Box   93
Smith, Mary, et al., Ex Parte, 1887 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Thomas F., John N., and Bridget Ann Smith by Mary Smith, their mother.
Box   96
Smith, Mary, et al., Ex Parte, 1899 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Thomas, Mary, Jr., Thomas F., John I, Bridget Ann, Joseph Raymond, and Leo Smith.
Box   113
Smith, Monetta F., et al. v. Smith, Oral, et al., 1922 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Stephen B., Stanley C., and Clarence C. Smith by J.J. Jamieson, their guardian. Litigant 2: Annie Smith; H.J. and Mary Smith; Frank E. and May Smith; Mary Smith; and Belle Mallory.
Box   96
Smith, Mrs. George and Miss Emma, Ex Parte, 1907 December
Note: Type of case: Other - petition to comitt litigants to Lafayette County Home, which is the County Poor House.
Box   96
Smith, Mrs. M.R. v. Roach, Patrick, et al., 1902 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Hannah McCarville, F.C. Duncan, Fannie Hall, and Steffen Bros.
Box   90
Smith, Orin, et al. v. Wood, John, et al., 1855 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Solon M. Langworthy. Litigant 2: John Burrell; Rebecca Carlin, widow of Thomas Carlin, deceased; William H. Carlin; Mary Ann (Carlin) and James L.D. Morrison; and Andrew J., John C., Eugenia T., and Thomas B. Carlin. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   S47.5
Smith, Orrin, et al. v. Burrill, John, 1866 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Soloman Turck.
Box   96
Smith, Roxy v. Smith, Leander, 1901 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   89
Smith, William v. Smith, Elizabeth, 1875 July
Note: Divorce.
Box   S43
Smith, William F. v. McCauley, F.A., et al., 1859 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 2: George Proctor. Type of case: Damages - for assault and imprisonment.
Box   89
Smith, William F. v. Brownell, Horace, 1861 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   99
Smock, L.S., Ex Parte, 1892 October
Note: Bankruptcy.
Box   S43
Smyth, W.A.S. and R.L. v. Mann, John, 1872 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Smyth is also spelled "Smith."
Box   88
Snyder, Charles Clay and Nettie, Ex Parte, 1870 December
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   88
Snyder, Henry E. v. Sornberger, Hiram, et al., 1858 November
Note: Trespassing. Litigant 2: Gideon Hawley.
Box   S44
Snyder, Henry E. v. Butting, Jerome B., 1858 September
Note: Replevin. Damaged label.
Box   92
Snyder, William H. v. Boyle, Neil, et al., 1876 August
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Nancy Boyle, Franklin Neff, James Brayley, D.A. Knowlton, D.A. Knowlton, Jr., C.D. Knowlton, D.M. Platt, and Ralph Emerson.
Box   91
Snyder, William H. v. Westrope, William B., et al., 1876 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Sarah R. Westrope and Henry S. Magoon.
Box   T48
Snyder, William H., et al. v. McCurdy, William, 1845 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Edward W. Turner, partners doing business under the firm name of Snyder & Turner.
Box   125
Sornberger, Lydia L. v. Sornberger, Ernest, 1912 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   89
Sornberger, Mary E. v. Sornberger, Hiram, 1868 March
Note: Divorce. Sornberger is misspelled as "Somberger" on the label.
Box   96
Sorum, Peter O. v. Sorum, Inger, 1898 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   99
Sothen, Elizabeth v. Sothen, Albert, 1910 January
Note: Divorce.
Box   S45
Southwick, David v. Ryma, Loring, 1847 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   93
Southwick, Elva M. v. Southwick, Hiram K., 1885 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   S47
Sowl, Perry v. Nall, Matt, 1889 July
Note: Trespassing.
Box   96
Sowls, Mary v. Sowls, Thomas, 1904 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   88
Sparrow, George W. and Mason, Ex Parte, 1870 June
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   S44
Sparrow, Mason v. Woodbury, A.C., 1874 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   S46
Sparrow, Thomas v. Hamilton, Willis W., 1874 June
Note: Replevin.
Box   119
Sparta Iron Works Company v. Schultz, F.P., 1909 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   113
Spears, Minnie Dokken v. Spears, Charles, 1927 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   125
Specht, Emma v. Specht, Joseph, 1913 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   113
Speich Stove Repair Company v. Trickel, E.E., 1924 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   113
Spellman, W.M., et al. v. Coffey, J.P., Sr., 1925 July
Note: Contract Violation. Litigant 1: H.J. and J.J. Spellman.
Box   S42
Spencer, Willis v. Spencer, George B., 1855 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   91
Spencer, Willis v. McEwen, S.A., et al., 1863 December
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Amanda B. McEwen and Thomas J. Hamilton.
Box   88
Spensley, Harker, Ex Parte, 1859 October
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   S42
Spensley, Harker v. Hollister, Marvin, et al., 1869 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Henry Stephens.
Box   88
Spensley, John v. Harker, James, 1857 December
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Theft.
Box   95
Spensley, Linnie May v. Spensley, Olive, et al., 1895 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Hannah and Joenes Spensley, Ella Bishel, Mary Jane Cook, Margaret Ann Farquhar, Magdalana Houy, Israel Nall, and Champion Mining Company.
Box   89
Spensley, Richard v. Calvert, Michael, et al., 1869 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: William Shipley. File is marked "2 cases."
Box   125
Speth, Harry v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, 1913 February
Note: Other. Litigant 2: Railway Company, et al., C.H. Van Alstine, and J.J. Killilea. The only document in the file is the "Answer" of the defendant. Type of case: Other - could not determine.
Box   92
Speth, Paul v. Roberts, Hannah, et al., 1877 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Robert, Ella, Thomas, Mary, and Jane Roberts; Ann and John Eckerson; and George O., Richard H., and Philip E. Brown.
Box   S46
Speth, Paul v. Burris, M.V., 1883 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   96
Speth, Paul Louis, et al., Ex Parte, 1900 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Frederick William, Margretha J., and Dora Louise Speth, heirs at law of John Speth, deceased.
Box   91
Spielman, Jacob v. Trenary, John and Philip, 1871 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   125
Splane, John W. v. Splane, Nellie, 1918 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   96
Spore, Henry A. v. Spore, Susan, 1904 April
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   94
Staber, Catharine, et al., Ex Parte, 1889 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Mary, Anton, Rosalena, Sybilla, Edmund, and Ernest Staber.
Box   94
Staber, Edward, et al., Ex Parte, 1889 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Mary, John D., Margaret, and William H. Staber, children and heirs at law of Chris Staber, deceased.
Box   94
Staber, Edward, et al., Ex Parte, 1893 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Mary, John, Margaret A. and William Staber, by Ellen Staber their mother.
Box   92
Staber, Joseph v. Wedige, Carl and Secela, 1879 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   96
Staber, Katie, et al., Ex Parte, 1902 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Leonard Staber by Henry Staber, their father.
Box   92
Stack, Matthew v. Doering, Jonas, 1880 June
Note: Trespassing.
Box   92
Stack, Matthew v. Saunders, Thomas, 1880 June
Note: Trespassing.
Box   113
Stackpole, W.E. v. Martin, Earl J., 1920 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   91
Stagg, Charles T. v. Harper, Simon, 1869 August
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   92
Stagg, Charles T. v. Harper, Simon and Margaret, 1877 January
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   S45
Stahl, Henry A. v. Leeson, Winfield, 1874 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   125
Stahl, William H. v. Buchanan, Barbara, et al., 1919 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Sarah Ann, James, Francis, and Howard Peter Cochran and Julian C. Reeves.
Box   94
Stam, Oliver H., Ex Parte, 1890 February
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   113
Standard Oil Company v. Cherry, J.W., 1924 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   91
Stander, John v. Wolfram, Henry, 1870 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Wolfram is misspelled as "Wolfrom" on the label.
Box   96
Stander, John and Elizabeth, Ex Parte, 1902 December
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   89
Stanley, Elizabeth v. Stanley, Horace, 1864 July
Note: Divorce.
Box   92
Stanley, Ernest R., et al., Ex Parte, 1881 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Munson M. Stanley, infant heirs of M.M. Stanley, deceased, by their mother, Julia A. Stanley.
Box   89
Stanley, Horace v. Stanley, Olive, et al., 1856 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Widow of Archy Stanley, deceased, Edward, James, Horace, Benjamin, Susan, Jefferson, Altha E., Major, and Archy Stanley, and Martha Warren.
Box   93
Stanton, John E. v. Caffey, Sarah J. and Henry B., 1880 July
Note: Foreclosure. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   95
Stanton, John E. v. Collins, Stephen, 1897 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   M31
Starrett, William A. v. Eldridge, S.W., et al., 1884 March
Note: Garnishing. Litigant 2: J.L. Hardy, Garnishee.
Box   113
State Bank of Warren v. Lee, P.H. and Hawley, Robert, 1908 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   S42.5
State of Wisconsin v. Phelps, Almon D., 1853 April
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal for setting up a gaming table for the purpose of gambling.
Box   R
State of Wisconsin v. Phelps, Almon D., 1854 April
Note: Type of case: Other - could not determine. Three summons in file.
Box   S42.5
State of Wisconsin v. Jenkins, Ezariah, 1855 October
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for selling liquors without a license.
Box   R
State of Wisconsin v. Hopkins, Martin, 1858 August
Note: Criminal. Box not labeled. Type of case: Criminal - assault and battery. Notice of Appeal is the only document in file.
Box   S
State of Wisconsin v. Kilkelly, Andrew, 1873 June
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for selling intoxicating liquors to habitual drunkard.
Box   S47.5
State of Wisconsin v. Johnson, Lars E., et al., 1875 July
Note: Criminal. Litigant 2: Even Kronburg, Andrew Sharngen, Thomas Anderson, Gilbert Torkilson, Hans Thorason, Ole J. Ausdahl, John Berget, John Hanson, and Christian Benson. Type of case: Criminal - for written threat against Andrew Lee.
Box   S
State of Wisconsin v. Davis, John P., 1875 June
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - perjury.
Box   S47.5
State of Wisconsin v. Powell, Henry, 1875 June
Note: Criminal. Box not labeled, entered on side. Type fo case: Criminal - for bastardy against Margaret Jones.
Box   S46
State of Wisconsin v. Matthews, David, et al., 1875 March
Note: Criminal. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Norton and William Rodham. Type of case: Criminal - for accosting and threatening to shoot and kill Mary Ann Wurtley.
Box   S46
State of Wisconsin v. Freeman, James, 1876 February
Note: Criminal. Damaged label. Type of case: Criminal - for assault on P.B. Barlow.
Box   S47.5
State of Wisconsin v. McDonald, James, 1876 March
Note: Criminal. McDonald is spelled "McDonnell" on the label. Type of case: Criminal - for burglary against Hans Oleson.
Box   S47.5
State of Wisconsin v. Campbell, Thomas B., 1876 November
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for embezzlement. Appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   S42.5
State of Wisconsin v. Berglund, Olof, 1876 October
Note: Criminal. Type of criminal case: Information not found.
Box   S42.5
State of Wisconsin v. Berglund, O., 1876 October
Note: Other. Type of criminal case: Information not found. "Taxation of Costs" only document in file.
Box   S47.5
State of Wisconsin v. Cline, John, 1877 August
Note: Other. Damaged label. Type of case: Other - Writ of Mandamus by Hezekiah Andrews for vacating and discontinuing certain highway.
Box   S47
State of Wisconsin v. Leonard, James M., 1877 December
Note: Criminal. Damaged label. Type of case: Criminal - for wilfully, maliciously and unlawfully sell, transfer, conceal, take and drive away and dispose of personal property of James R. Rose.
Box   S
State of Wisconsin v. Smith, Asbury E. and George E., 1877 June
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for digging up and carrying away human body/remains from cemetery.
Box   S42.5
State of Wisconsin v. Stephenson, George, 1877 June
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal for wilfully obstructing a highway.
Box   S47
State of Wisconsin v. Clark, Henry, 1878 April
Note: Criminal. Damaged label. Type of case: Criminal - for forgery against the business of Duncan & Farmington.
Box   S47
State of Wisconsin v. Foley, Joseph, 1878 August
Note: Criminal. Damaged label. Type of case: Criminal - for theft from M.C. Mitchell.
Box   S47
State of Wisconsin v. Van Hook, James, 1878 August
Note: Criminal. Damaged label. Type of case: Criminal - for wilfully causing his dog to kill hog owned by Smith McGranahan. Most documents too faded to read.
Box   S47
State of Wisconsin v. Bassett, Charles, 1878 January
Note: Criminal. Damaged label. Type of case: Criminal - for a complaint of Bastardy by Sarah Trunkhill.
Box   C9
State of Wisconsin v. Campbell, Thomas B., 1878 July
Note: Criminal. Box not labeled. The "Summary of Exceptions" is the only document in the file. Type of case: Criminal - embezzlement.
Box   S46
State of Wisconsin v. Heinback, A.L., et al., 1878 September
Note: Criminal. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Burt Rider and William Richmond. Type of case: Criminal - for hawking goods without license.
Box   S47
State of Wisconsin v. Duigman, William, 1879 June
Note: Criminal. Damaged label. Type of case: Criminal for Bastardy against Ellen Waistel. Appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   S
State of Wisconsin v. Little, Alexander, 1880 December
Note: Criminal. Damaged label. Type of case: Criminal - Murder.
Box   S46
State of Wisconsin v. McGill, James, 1881 August
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for obtaining goods under false pretenses with intent to defraud S.W. Lemont and Thomas Campbell.
Box   S47
State of Wisconsin v. Uren, John J., Jr., 1881 August
Note: Criminal. Damaged label. Type of case: Criminal - for assault of Henry Mill.
Box   S47
State of Wisconsin v. Thompson, James, 1881 February
Note: Criminal. Criminal - for wilfully interrupting and molesting an assembly and meeting for religious worship of the people and George Martin of Union Sunday School of School District 5.
Box   S47.5
State of Wisconsin v. Wintergenst, Fredrick, 1881 January
Note: Criminal. Damaged label. Type of case: Criminal - for larcenry against Hiram and Fred Smith.
Box   S46
State of Wisconsin v. McIlhatton, John, 1882 April
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for wilfully and maliciously breaking down and destroying fence owned by Christopher Hartung.
Box   S47.5
State of Wisconsin v. Meehan, John, 1882 April
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for selling intoxicating liquors without a license.
Box   S42.5
State of Wisconsin v. Miller, John, 1882 July
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for selling intoxicating liquors without a license.
Box   S42.5
State of Wisconsin v. Miller, John, 1882 November
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for selling intoxicating liquors without a license.
Box   S46
State of Wisconsin v. Casey, Martin, 1883 August
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for resisting an officer.
Box   S45
State of Wisconsin v. Baldwin, Henry D., 1883 December
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for shooting with pistol with intent to murder William L. Jackson.
Box   S47.5
State of Wisconsin v. Martin, John, et al., 1883 June
Note: Criminal. Litigant 2: Michael McMahon. Type of case: Criminal - for rape upon Isabella Paulson.
Box   S47.5
State of Wisconsin v. Proctor, George, et al., 1883 October
Note: Criminal. Litigant 2: Joseph Dougherty. Type of case: Criminal - for embezzlement against Eugene A. Wilcox.
Box   S45
State of Wisconsin v. Rollins, George, 1885 June
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for the assault with intent to kill Lizzie Wolenetz.
Box   S45
State of Wisconsin v. Crow, J.W., 1885 June
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for selling, giving away, or bartering intoxicating liquors on Sunday.
Box   S47.5
State of Wisconsin v. Gille, Martin, 1887 June
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for assault with dangerous weapon with intent to kill George Dull.
Box   S47.5
State of Wisconsin v. Putman, George, 1887 June
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for assault upon George Hazelett.
Box   S
State of Wisconsin v. Penniston, William, 1888 August
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - burglary.
Box   S46
State of Wisconsin v. Henderson, Andrew, 1888 August
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for assault on Alice Wolden, child of the age of ten years/for breaking, entering, and burglarizing home of Lelah V. Briggs.
Box   S46
State of Wisconsin v. Hawley, Elbert, 1888 July
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for breaking and entering with intent to steal from the meat market and produce store of John Crouse.
Box   S42.5
State of Wisconsin v. Mariott, Fred, 1889 December
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for seduction of 15 year old girl.
Box   S42.5
State of Wisconsin v. Frey, Henry, 1891 June
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for breaking and entering with the intent to murder.
Box   S47.5
State of Wisconsin v. Laube, Charles, 1894 January
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for selling, dealing, and trafficing intoxicating liquors without a license.
Box   S42
State of Wisconsin v. Schemmerhorn, Almer, 1895 December
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for larceny.
Box   S42.5
State of Wisconsin v. Covey, David S., 1897 December
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for selling liquor without a license.
Box   S47.5
State of Wisconsin v. Chappell, Mary S., 1897 December
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for the offense of fornication.
Box   S47.5
State of Wisconsin v. Harrington, Joseph, 1897 February
Note: Criminal. Damaged label. Type of case: Criminal - could not determine from documents in file - 118 pages of testimony.
Box   S44
State of Wisconsin v. Covey, David R., 1897 July
Note: Criminal. Damaged label. Type of case: Criminal - for selling intoxicating liquors without license.
Box   S42
State of Wisconsin v. March, George T., 1897 May
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for selling intoxicating liquors without a license.
Box   S44
State of Wisconsin v. Threadgold, John F., et al., 1897 October
Note: Criminal. Damaged label. Litigant 2: O. B. Nelson. Type of case: Criminal - for selling intoxicating liquors without license.
Box   S47.5
State of Wisconsin v. Winter, Martin, 1897 September
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for assault with weapon to kill John Hillery.
Box   99
State of Wisconsin v. Covey, David S., 1898 August
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Selling intoxicating liquors without a license. Appeal documents dated March, 1906 are included with this case.
Box   S47.5
State of Wisconsin v. Hotz, Jacob, 1898 December
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal trespass - complaint by Rowley.
Box   S47.5
State of Wisconsin v. Hotz, Jacob, 1898 December
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for stealing from Jessie Scott.
Box   S47.5
State of Wisconsin v. Ryan, James Jr./ Wilson, R.J., 1899 August
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for selling intoxicating liquors on a Sunday.
Box   S47.5
State of Wisconsin v. Dain, Edwin, 1899 December
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for taking improper and indescent liberties on Rose Shook.
Box   S47
State of Wisconsin v. Robinson Ferris, William, 1900 August
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for larceny against John Lee.
Box   S47.5
State of Wisconsin v. Marble, William, 1900 November
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for adultery with Lizzie Holm.
Box   99
State of Wisconsin v. Johnson, John A., 1901 January
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Willfully, maliciously and wantonly placed a steel rail road rail across the railroad track.
Box   S47
State of Wisconsin v. Tregloan, Dr. Charles B., 1902 April
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for practicing medicine and surgery without a license.
Box   96
State of Wisconsin v. Kurth, Christopher, 1902 December
Note: Criminal.
Box   99
State of Wisconsin v. Covey, David R., et al., 1902 March
Note: Criminal. Litigant 2: Homer Covey and Clayton Ellengen. Type of case: Assault.
Box   S43
State of Wisconsin v. Sullivan, Augustus, 1904 October
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for breaking and entering with intent to commit larceny.
Box   S46
State of Wisconsin v. Johnson, John C., 1905 August
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for embezzlement from the State Bank of Gratiot.
Box   99
State of Wisconsin v. Covey, Fred, 1905 January
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Selling intoxicating liquors without a license.
Box   99
State of Wisconsin v. Covey, Homer, 1905 July
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Assault on a marshall.
Box   119
State of Wisconsin v. Benson, Fred, 1907 January
Note: Criminal.
Box   96
State of Wisconsin v. Black, Benjamin, 1907 July
Note: Criminal.
Box   96
State of Wisconsin v. Willig, Louis Alexander, 1908 April
Note: Criminal.
Box   96
State of Wisconsin v. Taylor, J.J., 1908 August
Note: Criminal.
Box   119
State of Wisconsin v. Hird, James S., 1908 July
Note: Tax.
Box   96
State of Wisconsin v. Peebles, James, 1908 November
Note: Fraud.
Box   99
State of Wisconsin v. Cary, Myron, 1908 November
Note: Criminal. Cary is misspelled as "Carey" on the label. Type of case: Murder in the second degree (of his wife, Bertha Cary).
Box   96
State of Wisconsin v. Palfrey, John, 1908 October
Note: Criminal.
Box   96
State of Wisconsin v. Fulp, John, 1908 September
Note: Criminal.
Box   96
State of Wisconsin v. Covey, Homer, 1909 March
Note: Criminal.
Box   99
State of Wisconsin v. Covey, D.S., 1909 May
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Unlawfully vend, sell, deal, and traffic certain spirtuous, malt, ardent, and intoxicating liquors and drinks without a license.
Box   99
State of Wisconsin v. Johnson, John, 1909 September
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Passed false, forged, and counterfeit bank check.
Box   119
State of Wisconsin v. Wickersham, T.E., et al., 1910 April
Note: Criminal. Litigant 2: R.M. Thompson, George and William Nevels, Eugene Cary, William McCauley, Oscar Hexam, Morgan Olson, Harry Ableman, and Edward Germain.
Box   99
State of Wisconsin v. Ryan, Arthur, 1910 February
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Unlawfully selling liquor on Sunday.
Box   119
State of Wisconsin v. McGranahan, Walter, 1910 January
Note: Criminal.
Box   99
State of Wisconsin v. Mackin, Henry, 1910 July
Note: Criminal. Mackin is misspelled as "Macken" on the label. Type of case: Obtaining property under false pretenses.
Box   99
State of Wisconsin v. Jones, Joseph, 1910 November
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Theft.
Box   99
State of Wisconsin v. Ugaseck, Joe, 1911 April
Note: Criminal. Ugaseck is misspelled as "Ugasek" on the label. Type of case: Grand Larceny.
Box   119
State of Wisconsin v. Borden, Leroy, 1911 March
Note: Criminal.
Box   125
State of Wisconsin v. Chenous, Gunder, 1911 September
Note: Criminal.
Box   119
State of Wisconsin v. Smith, Bert, et al., 1912 April
Note: Criminal. Litigant 2: Dave Covey and John McCue.
Box   119
State of Wisconsin v. Smith, Bert, 1912 July
Note: Criminal.
Box   125
State of Wisconsin v. Smith, Link, 1912 November
Note: Criminal.
Box   125
State of Wisconsin v. White, Albert, 1912 November
Note: Criminal.
Box   119
State of Wisconsin v. Fossnight, E.C., 1913 June
Note: Criminal.
Box   125
State of Wisconsin v. Etter, Theodore, 1913 March
Note: Criminal.
Box   125
State of Wisconsin v. Person Unknown, 1913 November
Note: Criminal. Litigant 2: who feloniously killed one Adolph Ketchura. Documents filed to recover costs of investigation of case.
Box   125
State of Wisconsin v. Scott, Oscar, 1914 May
Note: Criminal.
Box   119
State of Wisconsin v. Endrekus, Frank, 1914 October
Note: Criminal.
Box   125
State of Wisconsin v. Rowley, Oscar, 1915 December
Note: Criminal. File includes document signed by Emanuel L. Phillipp, Governor of Wisconsin providing executive clemency.
Box   125
State of Wisconsin v. Hollyfield, William, 1918 March
Note: Criminal. Hollyfield found guilty of murder of Lloyd D. Adams in the second degree. Pardoned by Fred R. Zimmerman, Governor, in 1927.
Box   125
State of Wisconsin v. Blaser, Herman, 1921 January
Note: Criminal. Blaser found guilty of murder of Ernest Stalder in the second degree .
Box   113
State of Wisconsin v. Quinn, Tim M., 1923 December
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Peace Bond.
Box   113
State of Wisconsin v. Rader, Monroe, 1923 November
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - for the murder of Elmer Ellsworth.
Box   113
State of Wisconsin v. Berry, Leon, 1925 May
Note: Criminal. Type of case: Criminal - possession of intoxicating liquors contrary to Chapter 165 of the Wisconsin Law (State Prohibition Act of 1923).
Box   B
State of Wisconsin, et al. v. Bates, Henry, Sr., 1877 March
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Peter Boyle. Type of Case: Other - to remove Bates from the office of the Common Council of Darlington that he unlawfully held and exercised.
Box   B
State of Wisconsin, et al. v. Hamilton, W.W., 1877 March
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Peter Boyle. Type of Case: Other - to remove Hamilton from the office of the Common Council of Darlington that he unlawfully held and exercised.
Box   119
State of Wisconsin, et al. v. Shaw, Thomas, 1911 December
Note: Criminal. Litigant 1: County of Lafayette and Village of Belmont.
Box   119
State of Wisconsin, et al. v. Smith, Samuel, 1912 January
Note: Criminal. Litigant 1: Lafayette County and Village of Blanchardiville.
Box   119
State of Wisconsin, et al. v. Tarnish, George, 1912 March
Note: Criminal. Litigant 1: Lafayette County and City of Darlington.
Box   119
State of Wisconsin, et al. v. McCue, John, 1912 May
Note: Criminal. Litigant 1: County of Lafayette and Village of South Wayne.
Box   119
State of Wisconsin, et al. v. Smith, Bert, 1912 May
Note: Criminal. Litigant 1: Lafayette County and Village of South Wayne.
Box   S42.5
State of Wisconsin v. Morgan, Patrick, 1855 October
Note: Criminal. Litigant 1: for Bridget Wright. Type of case: Criminal for assault.
Box   S42.5
State of Wisconsin v. McDonald, Peter and Wife, 1868 April
Note: Criminal. Litigant 1: Papers before Grand Jury. Litigant 2: John Uren (spelling?) and Michael Hardiman.
Box   S42.5
State of Wisconsin v. Matthews, David, et al., 1875 March
Note: Criminal. Box not labeled. Litigant 1: on Complaint of George Huntley. Litigant 2: Norton and William Rodham. Type of case: Criminal - for threats.
Box   S
State of Wisconsin v. Boyle, Peter, 1876 July
Note: Criminal. Litigant 1: John A. Ford. Type of case: Criminal - for selling intoxicating liquors without license.
Box   S43
State of Wisconsin v. Osborn, John, 1877 February
Note: Criminal. Box not labeled. Litigant 1: John H. Abraham. Type of case: Criminal - assault with intent to murder.
Box   S43
State of Wisconsin v. Woodward, Thomas, 1877 October
Note: Criminal. Litigant 1: James S. Reed. Litigant 2: Woodward is also spelled "Woodard." Type of case: Criminal - assault with intent to kill.
Box   S44
State of Wisconsin v. Richards, Richard Jr., 1879 June
Note: Criminal. Litigant 1: John Stander. Type of case: Criminal - adultery.
Box   S44
State of Wisconsin v. Bassett, Walter, 1880 October
Note: Criminal. Litigant 1: Katie Brown. Type of case: Criminal - assault/rape.
Box   S
State of Wisconsin v. Harris, Job, 1882 May
Note: Criminal. Litigant 1: Ella Dora Thomas. Type of case: Criminal - charges of out of wedlock pregnancy.
Box   S
State of Wisconsin v. Swift, Michael, 1885 September
Note: Criminal. Litigant 1: Richard E. Tarrell. Type of case: Criminal - assault with loaded pistol.
Box   S
State of Wisconsin v. Pinney, Charles A., 1886 January
Note: Criminal. Litigant 1: Joseph Mason. Type of case: Criminal - false pretenses.
Box   S
State of Wisconsin v. Hawkins, Joseph P., 1889 May
Note: Criminal. Litigant 1: P.F. Dering. Litigant 2: Box is labeled "State of Wisconsin vs Hankins." Type of case: Criminal - selling merchandise, etc. without peddler license.
Box   S
State of Wisconsin v. Magee, James, et al., 1892 July
Note: Criminal. Litigant 1: William McGiveny. Litigant 2: John Dunbar. Type of case: Criminal - Murder.
Box   S
State of Wisconsin v. Schemmerhorn, Almer, 1895 December
Note: Criminal. Litigant 1: Fred Blackburn. Litigant 2: Box is labeled "Oliver Schemerhorn." Type of case: Criminal - larceny.
Box   S43
State of Wisconsin v. Heitkam, George, 1897 April
Note: Criminal. Litigant 1: Charles B. Opie. Type of case: Criminal - for assault.
Box   S
State of Wisconsin v. Fawcett, Lee, et al., 1897 December
Note: Criminal. Litigant 1: Harvey Vannetta. Litigant 2: John Bell. Type of case: Criminal - Larceny.
Box   S44
State of Wisconsin v. Lovelace, James K., et al., 1898 February
Note: Criminal. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Peter Thorson. Type of case: Criminal - Larceny.
Box   S
State of Wisconsin v. Dunbar, Loren, 1899 October
Note: Criminal. Litigant 1: George W. Turner. Type of case: Criminal - larceny.
Box   S46
State of Wisconsin v. Cowthorn, Edward, 1904 March
Note: Other. Litigant 1: upon the complaint of Albert Poole. Type of case: Other - to be adjudged guilty of usurping and intruding into and unlawfully holding the office of treasurer of the town of Darlington.
Box   94
Stauch, Harriet R. v. Minihan, Patrick, Sr., et al., 1890 February
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Patrick Minihan, Jr., Michael Minihan, and P.H. Conley.
Box   88
Steec, George E.V.R., Ex Parte, 1867 April
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   91
Steel, G.W. v. Steel, Susannah, 1869 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   89
Steffen, Nicholas v. McClintock, Hamilton, et al., 1870 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Edward J. Hill and Nicholas Rock.
Box   89
Steffen, Nicholas v. McClintock, Hamilton, 1874 April
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   S46
Stein, Julius, et al. v. Goodfellow, Calvin, 1882 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John C. Morper and Carl Dernberg.
Box   89
Stein, Marcus, et al. v. Berner, John H., et al., 1870 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Henry M. Mendel. Litigant 2: Frank Scott, Samuel G. Bragg, and George F. West.
Box   88
Stein, Marcus, et al. v. Bragg, S.G. & Harrison, 1870 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Henry M. Mendel.
Box   93
Stein, Samuel I. v. Miles, William W., et al., 1888 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Charlottte Miles and Lovinia Strachan as administratrix of the estate of John Strachan, deceased.
Box   94
Stein, Samuel I. v. Brown, Sarah Warren, et al., 1891 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: R.H. Brown, Nancy and Thomas Ford, Mary J. and George Seitz, Elvira and Henry Oliver, Jane and William Ford, Alexander Perry, William A. Garden and G.A. Marshall as executors of the last will and testament of Samuel Warren, deceased, N. Olmsted as administrator of the estate of Mary G. Warren, deceased, and William M. Ludlam.
Box   113
Stein, Samuel I., et al. v. Bostwick, Joseph M., et al., 1906 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Joseph G. James. Litigant 2: Samuel B. Lewis, George S. Parker, William F. Palmer, and Baxter Mining Company.
Box   113
Stephan, Fred, Ex Parte, 1927 June
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   113
Stephan, Fred, Ex Parte, 1927 June
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   113
Stephan, Fred V., Ex Parte, 1927 June
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   89
Stephens & Co. v. Hopkins, Noble, 1863 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Ella R. Stephens and Satterlee Warden, co-partners.
Box   S42.5
Stephens, Alexander v. Goldsworthy, William, 1885 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   S42
Stephens, Alexander, et al. v. Ellis, Alvah, 1856 May
Note: Replevin. Damaged label. Litigant 1: John Haskins, David B. Cairy, James L. Dawson.
Box   S42
Stephens, E.R. v. Brennan, Thomas, 1870 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   88
Stephens, E.R., et al., Ex Parte, 1864 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Satterlee Warden, Alex Graham, and P.B. Barlow.
Box   89
Stephens, Elizabeth Ann v. Stephens, William Henry, 1866 December
Note: Divorce.
Box   92
Stephens, Henry v. Mahoney, Thomas, et al., 1879 February
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Catharine Mahoney, Adam and Margaretta Stephan, Casper Stephens, and Margaret McNulty, administrator of the estate of Thomas McNulty, deceased.
Box   88
Stephens, Henry, et al. v. Martin, John William, et al., 1868 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Absalom S. Lewis. Litigant 2: Mary Elizabeth, Lucy Ann, and Amanda Martin, heirs-at-law of John Martin, deceased; James Ivey; and Mary, widow, and Eva Herren, minor heir, of John M. Herren, deceased.
Box   S44
Stephens, I.C. v. Chambers, James S., 1858 September
Note: Other. Damaged label. Type of case: Other - could not determine.
Box   S42
Stephens, J.C. v. Chambers, James S., 1848 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   91
Stephens, John v. Jenkins, James, et al., 1877 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Thomas H. and J.C. Oates.
Box   S45
Stephens, John v. Carr, George and William, 1893 July
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for assault causing possible permanent injuries.
Box   99
Stephens, Mahala v. Kennedy Mining Company, 1908 October
Note: Wrongful Death. Litigant 1: As adminisrator of the estate of Thomas Stephens, deceased.
Box   88
Stephens, Thomas v. Hunnell, David L., et al., 1859 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Administrator, and Ruth Hunnell, Administratrix of the estate of Frederick Hunnell, deceased, and David L., Daniel S., Hellen Ann, and Gideon Hawley, and Charles Pike.
Box   S44
Stephens, Thomas G., et al. v. Miller, James, et al., 1872 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Robert Whorton and Thomas G. Stephens as administrator of the estate of George Row, deceased. Litigant 2: Wright Greenwood.
Box   90
Stephens, Thomas G. v. Magor, Henry, et al., 1864 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of George Raw, deceased. Litigant 2: Gabriel Mills. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   S45
Stephens, Thomas G. v. Magor, Henry, et al., 1868 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Administrator of the Estate of George Raw, deceased. Litigant 2: Gabriel Mills.
Box   S45
Stephenson, George v. Carey, J.G., et al., 1877 July
Note: Trespassing. Litigant 2: William Carey, John and Alfred Jennings, and William Richards.
Box   88
Steritt, Caroline v. Steritt, Andrew, 1851 December
Note: Divorce. Steritt is also spelled "Sterritt" on some of the documents. Caroline's signature appears as "Sterett."
Box   S47
Stern, Louis v. Covey, D.S., 1883 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   S46
Stern, Louis & Co. v. Campbell, Annie, et al., 1885 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: James Hughes and R.C. Cullen.
Box   S46
Stern, Louis v. Campbell, Annie, et al., 1884 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Stern is spelled "Stearns" on the box. Litigant 1: doing business under the firm name of Stern & Co. Litigant 2: Thomas Dargin, contractors doing business under the firm name of Campbell & Co.
Box   90
Stevens & Kelley v. Tuttle, Beri M., 1859 April
Note: Garnishing.
Box   S47
Stevens, John D. v. Stevens, William B., 1874 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   S46
Stevens, Thomas G., et al. v. Miller, James, et al., 1872 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Robert Wharton and Thomas G. Stephens, administrator of the estate of George Row. Litigant 2: James Miller and Wright Greenwood. Appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   S47
Stevenson, George v. Lafayette County, 1877 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Agricultural Society.
Box   98
Stevenson, Nelly v. Stevenson, Nels, 1897 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   S47.5
Stewart, George v. Ryan, John, 1865 November
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for property damage of fall wheat done by calves.
Box   89
Stille, Anton v. Scott, Francis, et al., 1867 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Stille is misspelled as "Stilla" on the label. Litigant 2: David Shreiter, H. N. Carpenter, Isaac Stockwell, Daniel B. Dipple, and Henry C. Nash. Type of case: Damages - to Stille's property caused by the village building a fence around a Darlington Public Square.
Box   C8
Stine, Jacob M., et al. v. Champion, Charles B., 1869 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Max Kramer and Max Frohlick.
Box   C10
Stine, Jacob M., et al. v. Champion, Charles B., 1869 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Max Kramer and Max Frohlick.
Box   88
Stockwell, Adah v. Stockwell, David, 1853 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   S42
Stoddard, James P. v. Hicks, Thomas H., et al., 1880 February
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Substitute plaintiff for J. D. Fowler, deceased and Mary A. Fowler. Litigant 2: Sacia Hicks and Delevan F. and Mary J. Rowe.
Box   96
Stoddard, Marcellus v. Barrack, F.W. and Isabel, 1900 February
Note: Contract Violation.
Box   119
Stoddard, Nelson v. Johnson Cheese Factory, 1911 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Johnson is misspelled as Johnston on the label.
Box   93
Stoeber, Henry v. Staber, Henry, et al., 1883 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Dorothea Staber, William A. Knowlton, Joint School District No. Eleven of the Towns of Darlington and Willow Springs, and N. B. Richardson.
Box   96
Stoeber, Rosalina, et al., Ex Parte, 1898 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Sybilla M., Edmund, Jr., and Ernest J. Stoeber.
Box   91
Stone, C.W., et al. v. Woodward, Edward, 1851 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: W.A. Mead, partners doing business under the firm name of C.W. Stone & Co.
Box   S42
Stone, Charles v. Criss, Eugenus, et al., 1856 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Silas Hill and James L. Criss.
Box   90
Stone, Gustavus, et al. v. Purdy, David A., 1870 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Charles H. Parker, copartners doing business under firm name of Parker & Stone.
Box   90
Stone, Levi P., et al. v. Pike, Charles, et al., 1864 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Egbert Starr. Litigant 2: William Compton.
Box   91
Stone, Levi P., et al. v. Graham, Garrett and Ellen, 1872 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Egbert Starr.
Box   90
Stone, Mathias v. Henderson, James and Francis M., 1855 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   S44
Stone, Mathias v. Loomis, Ephraim, 1851? April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   88
Stone, Orrin v. Stone, Henry, et al., 1862 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Alice Stone, Mary E. Stone, heirs at law of Elon G. Stone, deceased.
Box   90
Stone, Phinehas v. Clyma, William H., 1865 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   92
Storm, Charles E., et al. v. Adams, J.A., 1878 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Robert Hill.
Box   S44
Stoughton State Bank v. Thompson, John, 1883 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   125
Stoughton Wagon Company v. Simmons, Howard, et al., 1919 March
Note: Replevin. Litigant 2: Thomas Gugerty.
Box   99
Stover, A.D. v. Anthony Mining Company, 1907 November
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   88
Stowell, Lewis B. v. Ball, Joseph, et al., 1864 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Henrietta Ball and John S. Lewis.
Box   90
Stowell, Lewis B. v. Lewis, Charles H., et al., 1868 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Sarah L. and James A. Heath and Azilia Hill.
Box   S47.5
Stowers, Uriah v. Steffen, Nicholas and Anna, 1873 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   90
Stowers, Uriah M. v. Stratton, Hull and Lydia, 1856 November
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   88
Stowers, Uriah M. v. McKeon, Patrick and Nancy, 1873 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   S43
Stowers, Uriah M. v. Deeny, Charles and Catharine, 1873 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   S44
Strachan, John v. Trenary, John, 1871 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   S42
Strachan, John v. Weaver, William, 1871 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   91
Strachon, John v. Muxlow, George, 1866 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   S42.5
Straehan, Lavina v. Miles, William W., 1885 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: As Administratrix of the estate of John Straehan, deceased.
Box   S46
Stratman, F.W., et al. v. Gleason, Thomas, et al., 1887 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Richard Lane, partners doing business under the firm name of F.W. Stratman & Co. Litigant 2: Joseph McCarville.
Box   S42.5
Strauss, Abraham, et al. v. Armstrong, B.F., 1887 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Hugo Goodman, Simon Yondorf, and Edward Rose, copartners under the firm name of Strauss, Goodman, Yondorf & Co.
Box   S47
Strauss, Abraham, et al. v. Armstrong, Benjamin F., et al., 1887 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Hugo Goodman, Simon Yondorf, and Edward Rose. Litigant 2: Julia B. McKee and Robert Rennick.
Box   93
Strauss, Goodman, Yondorf & Co v. Fink, Fred and Joseph, 1888 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Copartners under the firm name of Fink Brothers.
Box   94
Strauss, Mary E. v. Strauss, Ferdinand, 1888 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   S43
Straw, Alonzo W., et al. v. Hotz, Jacob, 1885 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Case 1. Litigant 1: William H. Ellsworth, Winslow W. Thayer, and William C. Middleton.
Box   S43
Straw, Alonzo W., et al. v. Hotz, Jacob, 1885 October
Note: Garnishing. Case 2. Litigant 1: William H. Ellsworth, Winslow W. Thayer, and William C. Middleton. Litigant 2: J.C. Robbins.
Box   S43
Straw, Alonzo W., et al. v. Hotz, Jacob, 1885 October
Note: Garnishing. Case 3. Litigant 1: William H. Ellsworth, Winslow W. Thayer, and William C. Middleton. Litigant 2: William Hooper.
Box   90
Strayer, Fanny, Ex Parte, 1872 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: by her mother, June Strayer.
Box   94
Strickland, George v. Strickland, Eliza V., 1895 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   S47
Strong, Moses v. Oakland Mining Co., et al., 1879 October
Note: Dissol. Partner. Damaged label. Litigant 2: James H. and James E. Earnest, Asabel Finch, Daniel Wells, Jr. Thomas Wicks, Ed L. Dimock, Timothey F. Strong, E.M. Hunter, William H. Ferry, Nelson Ludington, John H. Silkman, Shelton Sturgess, John M. Loomis, A.G. Vanshaick, Wirt Dexter, N.K. Fairbanks, J. Alder Ellis, Jeremiah Scanlan, E.P. McCagg, Jerry Nottingham, W. Irving Culver - Administrator of the estate of E.J. Tinkham, deceased, Mary B. Hale, Charles B. and George W. Hale - Administrators of the estate of Samuel Hale, deceased, Lydia L. Foster and Jas. McK. Sanger - Administrators of the estate of J.W. Foster, deceased, and Samuel Howard - Administrator of the estate of Levi Blossom, deceased. Appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   88
Strong, Moses M. v. Gorham, James H., et al., 1849 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Willliam M. and Stephen Gorham and G.H. Hammett.
Box   88
Strong, Moses M. v. Gillett, Benoni R., 1854 May
Note: Probate. Litigant 2: Estate of administered by Philo Gillett.
Box   90
Strong, Moses M. v. Bryant, James D., 1858 July
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   S44
Strong, Moses M. v. Western Wisconsin Mining Co., 1860 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   S43
Strong, Moses M. v. Iowa Co. Board of Supervisors, 1870 October
Note: Other. Damaged label. Type of case: Other - to recover costs of services.
Box   89
Strong, Moses M. v. Bainbridge, Thomas, et al., 1878 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Hugh McGivney.
Box   96
Strong, Moses M. v. Dunn, Francis J., 1887 March
Note: Discharge Mort. Litigant 2: Executor of Seneca M. Conway, deceased.
Box   93
Strong, Moses M. and Caroline F. v. Field, William S., et al., 1884 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Elizabeth, George H., and Anne Field.
Box   89
Strong, Moses M., et al. v. Richards, John, et al., 1849 February
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Chancey Abbott. Litigant 2: Tobias Richards and Joseph Thomas. Type of case: Other - unknown. Information is incomplete because the file contains two summonses only.
Box   92
Strong, Moses M. v. Cutting, Jerome B., 1879 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Trustee of Caroline F. Strong.
Box   91
Stuart, Adam D. v. Beebe, Hiriam R., 1859 December
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   94
Stuart, Catherine v. Stuart, William and S.M., 1890 March
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   96
Stuart, Richard, Ex Parte, 1891 December
Note: Discharge Mort. Damaged label.
Box   92
Stubbs, Mary v. Jaeger, Mary Ann, et al., 1880 November
Note: Foreclosure. Jaeger is misspelled as "Jager" on the label. Litigant 2: Mary, Frederick B., Anna R., Rosalie, and Stephen Jaeger.
Box   S45
Stude, Joseph v. Logue, James, et al., 1882 April
Note: Replevin. Litigant 2: Patrick Fitzpatrick.
Box   S47.5
Stude, William v. Reichling, Nicholas, 1897 September
Note: Slander/Libel.
Box   89
Sturdevant, Anna C., et al. v. Stowers, Uriah M., et al., 1864 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: William M. Durkee by Edwin L. Buttrick, their guardian, and Stephen A. Sturdevant. Litigant 2: Henry Mather, Daniel Buss, Joseph Hupparts, and Edward Meloy. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   S47
Sulky, Gale v. Clancy, T.H., 1885 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Harrow Manufacturing Company.
Box   94
Sullivan, Alzada v. Sullivan, Daniel, 1892 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   125
Sullivan, Alzada v. Sullivan, Daniel A., 1912 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   93
Sullivan, Daniel v. James, George, et al., 1884 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Andrew M. James and Richard H. Williams.
Box   119
Sullivan, Daniel H. v. McGlinn, James, et al., 1912 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Alexander McGlinn and Gottfried Krebbs.
Box   S42
Sullivan, Dennis v. Cullen, John, 1847 September
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for falsely and maliciously accusing and charging assault on Sarah Cullen that caused Sullivan's arrest and imprisonment.
Box   88
Sullivan, Dennis, Ex Parte, 1864 November
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   89
Sullivan, Jeremiah v. Lamar, Charles A., 1870 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   94
Sullivan, John, Ex Parte, 1891 July
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   S42.5
Surcouff, Mary J. v. Belmont, Village of, 1899 April
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for injuries received due to fall on out of repair sidewalk.
Box   91
Sutherland, Andrew I. v. Mosher, Elisha, 1858 August
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   90
Sutherland, Andrew J. v. Mosher, Elisha, 1859 March
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   S45
Sutherland, Andrew J. v. Mosher, Elisha, 1859 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Depositions only documents on file.
Box   92
Sutherland, Hiram B. v. Hennessy, John, et al., 1879 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Margaret Hennessy, Malachi Maynard, Isaac James, James Troy, George W. Douglas, and Mary Kinsella.
Box   93
Sutherland, William F. v. Sutherland, Emma J., 1887 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   S42
Suttle, Nevel v. Dodge, Henry W., 1855 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   94
Sveum, Christian H. v. Dixon, John, et al., 1890 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Harriett M. Dixon, John Dixon, and J.B. Ginn.
Box   89
Swaker, Daniel, et al. v. Wright, Charles, 1850 April
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: Charles Brownell and Jacob Post. Type of case: Damages - documents are difficult to read -- dispute over bull dogs and hogs.
Box   119
Swank, P.D., et al. v. Swank, Russell, 1912 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Harriet E. Gibson, Mary E. Fife, Bertha E. Ward, Mary E. Mott, Myrtle O. Tye, Isabella Spence, Edward Roat, Maude Matthewson, Lenora Roby, Isabella Creamer, Adeline Gross, and Elizabeth Turner; David, Jesse D., Elmer, Mable D., S.A., Clarkson, Bishop, Basco H., Isaac Wesley, George W., William, John, Jermiah, Guilford, Marcellus, Mary Jane, and Thomas J. Swank; and Harry Burton, James N., Eleanor, and Henry B. John, heirs of Alice John, deceased.
Box   88
Swanson, Hans v. Lundsetren, Andrew O., et al., 1873 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Gunuld M. Lundsetren and John E. Stanton.
Box   91
Swanson, Michael v. Hanson, Michael and Johanna, 1865 July
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   96
Sweeney, Frank E. v. Sweeney, Daisy, 1906 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   88
Sweeney, John v. Cunningham, Owen, et al., 1868 May
Note: Trespassing. Sweeney is misspelled as "Sweeny" on the label. Litigant 2: William Hattrass, Michael Boyle, Patrick McKenna, and Michael Donahoe.
Box   125
Sweeney, Michael v. Dunn, Francis I., et al., 1921 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: John Jackson.
Box   88
Sweet, Charles A. v. Sweet, Jane, 1864 December
Note: Divorce. Sweet is misspelled as "Swett" on the label.
Box   90
Sweet, Warren H. v. Williams, James B., 1865 January
Note: Replevin.
Box   S47
Swift, James, Jr. v. Newman, Moses, 1878 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   S46
Swift, James v. (Creditors), 1885 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: in the matter of general assignment to Wilbert Cline in trust for the benefit of his creditors.
Box   S42.5
Swift, John V. v. Katzer, F.X., 1896 December
Note: Type of case: unknown - Judgment only in file.
Box   95
Swift, John V. v. Katzer, F.X., 1897 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Arch Bishop of the Roman Catholic Arch Diocese of Milwaukee.
Box   S43
Swift, John V., Ex Parte, 1900 December
Note: Other. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Joseph A. McCarville, assignee. Type of case: Other - Assignment Discharging Debts. File contains 6 "Grocers Books" and 3 cloth bound "Memorandum Books."
Box   S42.5
Swift, John V., Ex Parte, 1900 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Type of case: Assignment discharging debts.
Box   I19
Swift, John V., 1900 March
Note: Bankruptcy. Litigant 1: In Re Assignment of. Proof of debt documents.
Box   96
Swift, Mary, Ex Parte, 1899 January
Note: Probate. Litigant 1: Daughter of Patrick and Mary Glennon. Documents in file are an appeal.
Box   96
Swift, Peter v. Lory, Gottlieb, 1907 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   S42
Sycamore Marsh Harvestor Co. v. Collins, Thomas J., 1877 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   90
Sydnor, W. Perry, et al. v. Palmer, William A., et al., 1867 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Sydnor is misspelled as "Snydar" on the label. Litigant 1: Hannah M Sydnor and Alverta Coles. Litigant 2: Phoenix Lead Mining and Smelting Company. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   90
Sydnor, W. Perry, et al. v. Palmer, William A., et al., 1868 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Sydnor is misspelled as "Snyder" on the label. Litigant 1: Hannah M. Sydnor and Alverta Coles. Litigant 2: Phoenix Lead Mining & Smelting Company. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   113
Sylvester Company v. Hebenstreit, John, 1927 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   S44
Sylvester, Joshua v. Scott, Benjamin G., 1859 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   119
Symons, Lester, et al. v. Murray, William, et al., 1913 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Thomas Richardson and Daniel Rooney. Litigant 2: Philip Vaughn, Michael McGuire, Frank McKenna, Frank Rooney, and Jeff Shea, co-partners doing business under the firm name of Murray Mining Company.
Box   98
Tabor, George W., et al. v. Tabor, John, et al., 1891 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Charles Tabor, Mary E. Hamilton, and Anna E. Woods. Litigant 2: Luke and Elizabeth Tabor, George A. Marshall, and Arabert Ludlow. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   111
Tackaberry, William Company v. Aston, C.G., 1904 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   T49
Taggert, Jennie v. Willow Springs, Town of, 1892 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for injuries received while traveling on highway in need of repair.
Box   111
Talbot, Sarah v. Woodle, Allen, 1861 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Woodle is spelled "Woodel" on some of the documents. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   T48
Talbot, Sarah v. Woodell, Allen, 1861 September
Note: Other. Type of case: Other - could not determine.
Box   97
Tally, Ada F., et al., Ex Parte, 1872 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Ely C. Tally, heirs of William Tally, deceased.
Box   T48
Talman, John A. Company v. Burrets, John E., 1893 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   T49
Tarrall, Richard v. Harker, Amos, 1882 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   98
Taylor, C.F. v. Rossing, Anton, 1889 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   111
Taylor, C.H. v. Pattinson, John, 1912 July
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   97
Taylor, Fergus O.C. v. Rountree, John H., et al., 1863 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Joseph Greenwood. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   111
Taylor, George v. Briggs, Alfred, 1849 April
Note: Replevin.
Box   111
Taylor, George v. Briggs, Alfred, 1849 September
Note: Replevin.
Box   T48
Taylor, George v. Briggs, Alfred, 1849 September
Note: Replevin.
Box   97
Taylor, James, et al. v. Criss, Eugenus, et al., 1854 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Mary Williams. Criss is misspelled as "Cuss" on the label. Litigant 2: Michael Quinn.
Box   98
Teasdale, Jasper, et al., Ex Parte, 1882 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Elizabeth, Charles M., and Foster Teasdale, infants of Thomas Teasdale, deceased, by Albert Richardson, guardian.
Box   T48
Teggart, Rosanna and Patrick v. Cassidy, Patrick and Mary, 1878 April
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for personal injuries resulting from assault.
Box   97
Temmy, Laurence v. Mahany, John J., et al., 1874 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Mahany may be spelled "Mahony." Litigant 2: James O'Brien.
Box   97
Temmy, Laurence v. Galligher, Charles and Grace, 1878 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   99
Temple, William v. Carlin, George W., et al., 1905 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: James Hillery, Walter E. Carlin, John Peacock, John Burrell, George Parker, O.C. Lockhart, John Henry Gillespie, Robert Drinkall, John Metcalf; Margaret, James, Charles, Edward, John V., and Joseph Morrow; Edward, Thomas, John, Edward Jr., and Jackson Burrell; William Parker, and Joseph Cousin.
Box   98
Terrill, James v. Terrill, Della P., 1893 November
Note: Divorce.
Box   97
Terwilliger, E.E. v. McHugh, James, et al., 1886 February
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Louisa McHugh and L.W. Heindel.
Box   98
Terwilliger, E.E. v. Sweeney, William, et al., 1887 September
Note: Foreclosure. Terwilliger is misspelled as "Trewilliger" on the label. Litigant 2: Annie Sweeney and H.W. Whitney.
Box   111
Tewksbury, William J. v. Mitchell, R.M., 1870 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   T48
Thayer, Joshua v. Lindsay, John, 1891 July
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   99
Thiedmanson, Gilbert, et al. v. Million, Warney, et al., 1898 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Thiedmanson is misspelled as "Thiedlemanson" on the label. Litigant 1: Ole Germanson. Litigant 2: Peter Hause.
Box   98
Thomas, Caleb G., et al. v. Roache, Joseph, et al., 1881 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: As administrator and Maria B. Thomas as administratrix of the estate of William M.Thomas, deceased. Roache is misspelled as "Roche" on the label. Litigant 2: Julia Roache, H.H. Ray, and H.W. Ray.
Box   97
Thomas, John, Ex Parte, 1865 April
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   111
Thomas, Nicholas v. Toppins, Charles, 1869 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   98
Thompson, Adeline v. Cragg, William and Robert, 1896 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   98
Thompson, Adeline v. Cragg, Joseph, et al., 1896 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Robert and Charles G. Cragg.
Box   99
Thompson, Anna Elizabeth v. Thompson, Eugene R., 1904 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   99
Thompson, Betsy J., et al v. Gallagher, James S., et al., 1895 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: N. E. Tully as executors of the last will of John Thompson, deceased. Litigant 2: Robert Farran and John F. Gray as supervisors of the town of Gratiot.
Box   111
Thompson, Clifford M., Ex Parte, 1910 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Infant heir of Joseph W. Thompson.
Box   97
Thompson, Eri v. Hughes, James and Alice, 1873 January
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   98
Thompson, Eri v. Tippet, Joseph and Alice, 1885 October
Note: Foreclosure. Tippet is misspelled as "Tippett" on the label.
Box   99
Thompson, Eugene R., Ex Parte, 1900 April
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   111
Thompson, J.M. and Elnora A. v. Rogers, Oscar A., 1914 June
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   111
Thompson, John v. Thompson, Lydia A., 1866 February
Note: Divorce.
Box   T48
Thompson, John, et al. v. Richardson, B.F.A., 1850 April
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: James Barrington.
Box   111
Thompson, John, et al. v. Richardson, Benjamin F.A., 1850 March
Note: Replevin. Richardson is misspelled as "Richards" on the label. Litigant 1: James Barrington.
Box   T48
Thompson, Joseph v. Fawsett, John, 1847 October
Note: Trespassing. Fawsett is spelled "Fassett" on the label.
Box   111
Thompson, Kare v. Thompson, Thore T., 1859 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   97
Thompson, Kare v. Thompson, Thore T., 1857 October
Note: Divorce. Litigant 1: by her next friend, James S. Waddington.
Box   111
Thompson, N.B., et al. v. Jolly, David, 1862 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: N. C. Thompson, partners doing business under the firm name of Thompson & Co.
Box   111
Thompson, N.C. v. Scott, Christopher C., et al., 1871 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Andrew Moore.
Box   T48
Thompson, Nelson J. v. Knight, James G., 1886 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   T49
Thompson, Norman C. v. Naramore, William W., 1884 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   111
Thompson, Robert v. Thompson, William, 1865 June
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   98
Thompson, Samuel, et al. v. Dixon, John G., et al., 1886 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Jonas Doering and Henry and Joseph Colebeck. Litigant 2: Harrette M. Dixon, James B. Ginn, Satterlee Warden, and The Home National Bank of Chicago.
Box   T49
Thompson, Samuel, et al. v. Dixon, John C., et al., 1887 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Jonas Deering, Henry and Joseph Colbeck. Litigant 2: Henrietta Dixon, Saterlee Worden, James B. Grimm and the House National Bank of Chicago.
Box   97
Thompson, Thomas v. Silverthorn Lead Mining, 1870 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: and Smelting Company.
Box   97
Thompson, Thore T. v. Abrahamsen, Peter, et al., 1876 August
Note: Foreclosure. Abrahamsen is misspelled as "Abrahamson" on the label. Litigant 2: Abraham Johnson and John Olson.
Box   99
Thompson, Vinetta v. Thompson, Charles H., 1904 November
Note: Divorce.
Box   111
Thompson, William v. Thompson, John, 1867 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   111
Thompson, William, et al. v. Thompson, John and Samuel, 1867 August
Note: Probate. Litigant 1: James, Alexander, and Robert Thompson Jr., Jane Suits, Esther Courson, Mary McCormick, and heirs of Charles Thompson, deceased. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   T49
Thorne, Gilbert G. v. Savage, John H., 1895 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: as Receiver of Keystone National Bank.
Box   111
Thorne, W.L. v. Clough, D.C., 1908 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   98
Thornton, Maggie, et al. v. Hardyman, Richard, 1885 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: John and Nellie Thornton, minors by Ellen (widow of Patrick Thornton) and John Gavan.
Box   97
Thornton, Patrick v. Scott, Benjamin, 1857 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. This case is an appeal.
Box   131
Thurston, W.B. v. Reed, Charles and Adeline, 1879 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Documents are not in a box.
Box   T48
Tierney, Michael v. Meloy, Peter C., 1865 March
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of cases: Damages - for assault and battery causing permanent injury.
Box   T48
Tierney, Michael v. Dower, James, 1880 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   T48
Tierney, Michael v. Hillemeyer, Conrad, 1883 July
Note: Trespassing.
Box   98
Tierny, Michael v. Troy, William and Catherine, 1889 January
Note: Foreclosure. Tierny is misspelled as "Tierney" on the label.
Box   97
Tilton, Alfred E, et al. v. Mayne, William, 1854 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Matthew S. Malony.
Box   97
Tindall, William, Ex Parte, 1868 April
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   T48
Tinker, R.H. v. Russell, John F., et al., 1872 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: E. S. Usher.
Box   99
Tipp, Henry, Ex Parte, 1903 February
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   98
Tippett, Joseph v. Gregory, Knudt, et al., 1892 August
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Amy Gregory, Gilbert Gilbertson, and J.S. Waddington.
Box   99
Tippett, William v. Cothern, Esther M., 1898 January
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   111
Tipping, Mary, et al. v. Tipping, Lawrence, 1910 February
Note: Discharge Mort. Litigant 1: Widow of James Tipping, deceased, Mary Eliza, Nancy J., and Jarman and Mary J. Tipping.
Box   111
Tisman, Tharale v. Thompson, Thore T., 1855 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   97
Tobias, William v. Tobias, Sarah, 1873 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   97
Tobias, William v. Rodolf, J.C.F. and Mary M., 1876 June
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   T48
Tolley, Jane v. Rose, James R., et al., 1839 February
Note: Replevin. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Oscar M. Dering. Appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   111
Tolley, Jane v. Tolley, William, et al., 1860 February
Note: Foreclosure. Tolley is misspelled as "Tolly" on the label. Litigant 2: George L. Murfey, James W. Benedict, James W. Benedict, Alfred Fay, and Oliver Paddock.
Box   T48
Tolley, William, et al. v. Keep, John M., 1856 July
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: H. Perry Coffee and William Monahan. Type of case: Damages for - could not determine. "Recipe" only document in file.
Box   T49
Tolman, John A., et al. v. Michaelson, Henry, et al., 1884 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Fred A. Braymenr, Jr. and Ambrose S. Delaware. Litigant 2: Michael Michaelson and James Kane.
Box   T48
Tolman, John A., et al. v. Farrington, John B., 1888 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: F.A. Braymer and Ambrose Delaware.
Box   99
Toppins, Charles E. and Mary v. Toppins, George, et al., 1903 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Emma, Mary, Thomas, John, and Marcella Toppins; Martha J. Noble; and S.T. Harker.
Box   111
Toppins, John v. Cullen, J.P., 1909 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   98
Toppins, Mary v. Toppins, Charles, 1894 January
Note: Divorce.
Box   99
Torkelson, Alice v. Torkelson, Frank, 1902 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   97
Tothill, Benjamin v. Rennick, Robert, 1869 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   97
Tothill, Elizabeth Ann, et al., Ex Parte, 1874 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: John T., Jennie, and Emma B. Tothill, heirs of Benjamin Tothill, deceased.
Box   111
Townsend Absalom A. v. Ball, William and Mary, 1858 November
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   111
Townsend, Absalom v. Leakley, Mark, et al., 1848 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Leakley is misspelled as "Leekley" on the label. Litigant 2: Robert Frazer, Michael Moroll, William Vivers, Anthony Dunnigan, William Langley, and Henry Jenkins, committee of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Shullsburg.
Box   97
Townsend, Absalom A. v. Quinby, Selden, et al., 1857 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: John S. Andrews and George W. Stanley.
Box   T48
Townsend, Absalom A. v. Criss, James and Matilda, et al., 1858 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: William E. Doggett and Marvin Hollister.
Box   T48
Townsend, Absalom A. et al. v. Peasley, Robert S., 1871 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Walter B. Townsend.
Box   T49
Townsend, Absalom A., et al. v. Peasley, Robert S., 1871 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Case filed in three boxes. Litigant 1: Walter B. Townsend. Appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   97
Townsend, Addison A. v. Andrews, Francis M., 1868 May
Note: Contract Violation.
Box   97
Townsend, Addison A. v. Michell, William, et al., 1870 October
Note: Foreclosure. Michell is misspelled as "Mickell" on the label. Litigant 2: Elizabeth Michell, Thomas McNulty, and Edward H. Gratiot.
Box   98
Townsend, Charlotte v. Nolan, John, et al., 1885 August
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Elizabeth and Paul McNamee and James, Joseph, Mary, and Thomas Egan.
Box   97
Townsend, Edith, Ex Parte, 1873 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Petition #2.
Box   97
Townsend, Edith, Ex Parte, 1872 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Petition #1. Litigant 1: Infant heir of Martha Townsend, deceased.
Box   111
Townsend, Elijah C. v. Lafayette County, 1853 June
Note: Mechanics Lien. Petition for lien on the jail and courthouse buildings.
Box   111
Townsend, Elijah C. v. Earnest, James H., et al., 1870 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Samuel H. Scales.
Box   111
Townsend, Elijah C. v. Mullen, John, 1871 June
Note: Trespassing.
Box   99
Townsend, Octavia M. v. Townsend, Louis N., 1904 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   127
Treat, J.B. v. Bredeson, Lewis and Clara, 1912 November
Note: Foreclosure. "Release of Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale" is the only document in the file.
Box   111
Treat, Margaret C. v. Lee, Patrick Hugh, et al., 1908 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: H.W. Burmeister.
Box   111
Trebilcock, John R., Ex Parte, 1912 February
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   98
Trebilcock, Marmaduke v. Stock, John and Elizabeth, 1887 September
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   97
Trebilcock, Marmaduke v. Symons, Henry, 1888 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   111
Trebilcock, Mary E. v. Wurm, Henry and Sara, 1923 January
Note: Foreclosure. Petition and Order Directing Disposition of Surplus as a result of a foreclosure.
Box   111
Treffot, Elize v. Roy, Peter, 1869 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   T48
Treganza, James, et al. v. Gillette, William, et al., 1855 April
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: Henry Simmons. Litigant 2: Charles Harris.
Box   111
Trego, Thomas W., et al. v. Mississippi Mining & Mfg. Co., 1854 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Jonathan W. Woodruff.
Box   T48
Tregoning, Samuel v. Stephens, Henry, et al., undated April
Note: Other. Box is labeled but no documents in this box. Documents found filed in Lafayette Court Cases Series C 1998, Box #52.
Box   52
Tregoning, Samuel v. Stephens, Henry, et al., 1863 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. This case was missfiled in the envelope labeled "Jenkins vs. Stephens." Case remains filed in same box with "Jenkins vs. Stephens." Litigant 2: H. Spensley and James Davenport.
Box   111
Tregonnan, Samuel v. Maguire, James, et al., 1863 December
Note: Foreclosure. Tregonnan is spelled "Tregoing" and Maguire is spelled "McGuire" on the label. Litigant 2: John W. Blackstone.
Box   98
Trenary, Annie v. Trenary, George, 1882 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   T48
Trenary, John P. v. Continental Insurance Company, 1886 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: of New York. Case dismissed.
Box   111
Trenary, William v. Donnelly, John and Grace, 1871 November
Note: Foreclosure. Donnelly is spelled "Donelly" on some of the documents.
Box   98
Trenary, William v. Semmern, Charles, et al., 1884 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Louise Sermmern, J.H. Evans, and I. Hodges.
Box   98
Trenary, William v. Wolenetz, Wenzel, et al., 1884 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Lucy Wolenetz and Ferdinand Goke.
Box   30
Trenary, William v. Enloe, James N., et al., 1895 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. The box was not labeled for this case - names entered on side. Litigant 2: W.A. Garden and O.E. Minor.
Box   98
Tresner, Harvey v. Darlington, City of, 1895 November
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages -- for severe injuries resulting from a fall on a rotten, decayed, board sidewalk.
Box   T48
Trevor, Mary v. McGivney, Hugh, 1863 September
Note: Replevin.
Box   T48
Trewhela, John E. v. Beck, Thomas, et al., 1878 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: William H. Calvert and Thomas Bainbridge.
Box   111
Trickel, Andrew J. v. Gearhart, Jay S. and Lacy, 1875 November
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   T48
Trippe, James and John F. v. Lamar, Charles H. and Mary, 1849 March
Note: Foreclosure. Appears that some documents are missing.
Box   99
Troan, Matilda v. Troan, Edward I., 1897 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   T49
Trott, M.W. v. McDonald, John, 1884 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   T48
Trotter, Isaac v. Musgrove, William, et al., 1859 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Jane Musgrove, John A. Gear, and Abraham Looney.
Box   97
Trousdale, William P. v. Taylor, Seth, 1860 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: husband of Doreas Taylor, deceased.
Box   M26
Troy, David v. Zinc Carbonate Company, 1893 August
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   97
Troy, Thomas v. Troy, John, 1857 June
Note: Dissol. Partner.
Box   97
True, Herod W. v. Branen, Edward, 1869 October
Note: Trespassing.
Box   97
True, Lucinda v. True, Jacob Hanes, 1859 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   98
Tucker, Franklin, Ex Parte, 1888 December
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   99
Tucker, Franklin J., Ex Parte, 1900 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Type of case: Application to sell the incohate dower and homestead rights of Sarah Ann Tucker, his insane wife, in his real estate.
Box   111
Tullar, D.S. v. Garden Wall Mining Co., et al., 1908 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: George E. Martin, R.S. Coffin, Owen Oliver, and H. A. Tullar.
Box   5
Tulley, N.E., Ex Parte, 1872 July
Note: Type of case: Application for admission to practice law in Circuit Court, Lafayette County.
Box   97
Tully, Catharine v. Tully, Philip, 1859 April
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   97
Tully, Daisy, et al., Ex Parte, 1880 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Mary Alice Tully, infant heirs of Isaac B. Tully, deceased.
Box   111
Tully, Isaac B. v. Tully, Jane A., 1865 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   97
Tully, N.E. v. Perkins, Marilla C. and Charles, 1872 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   T48
Tully, N.E. v. Johnson, Lars E., et al., 1879 March
Note: Replevin. Litigant 2: Joseph Lovelace.
Box   111
Tully, Newcomb E., Ex Parte, 1913 June
Note: Type of case: Other - Resolution on Death of Newcomb E. Tully.
Box   97
Turner, Franklin, et al., Ex Parte, 1880 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Charles H. Turner, infant heirs of Thomas E. Turner, deceased.
Box   98
Turner, Mary A. v. Turner, James E., 1882 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   97
Turner, William E., et al., Ex Parte, 1873 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Fred W., Benjamin F, and Charles H. Turner, heirs at law of Thomas E. Turner, deceased, by their mother, Rebecca Turner.
Box   T48
Tuttle, Berni W. v. Mulherin, Charles, 1849 May
Note: Replevin. Litigant 2: by his agent, Levi Tuttle.
Box   111
Tuttle, Emery v. Mineral Point Railroad Company, 1853 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Documents of appeal only in this box.
Box   T48
Tuttle, Emery v. Cole, Edwin, 1874 November
Note: Replevin.
Box   T48
Tuttle, Emery W. v. Hudson, George, 1851 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   97
Tuttle, Emery W., and Mary C., Ex Parte, 1874 July
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   T48
Tuttle, Frank B. v. Hazard, Alfred and Joseph, 1892 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   T48
Tuttle, Levi v. Mulherin, Charles, 1849 May
Note: Replevin.
Box   111
Tyler, Augustus v. Cooper, Benjamin F., 1860 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   T48
Tynan, Bridget v. Spensley, Harker, 1887 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   97
Tyson, Jane v. Champion, Charles B., et al., 1873 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Edwin S. Lear.
Box   111
Tyson, Jane v. Field, W.S., et el., 1873 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: B. F. Field and E. F. Field.
Box   100
United Telephone Company v. Crosby-Blaisdell Telephone Co., 1905 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   100
Uren, Benjamin v. Noble, Perez, et al., 1855 July
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: William, John, and James J. Noble, heirs at law of James Noble, deceased.
Box   M26
Uren, George v. Zinc Carbonate Company, 1893 August
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   100
Uren, Jane v. Dearth, William, et al., 1863 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: John Dearth, father and heir at law of Hugh Dearth, deceased.
Box   100
Uren, Sarah A. v. Uren, William, 1869 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   100
Uren, William Charles v. Uren, Adaline, 1888 February
Note: Divorce.
Box   100
Usher, Lucinda and Elijah S. v. Eastman, Ruby, et al., 1878 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Ida Eastman, infants of Cassius Eastman, deceased; and Susan, William, Alma, and Amos Eastman.
Box   100
Usher, Samuel W., Ex Parte, 1895 December
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   100
Utter, Isaac, et al. v. Galagan, Patrick, et al., 1876 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Orlando Clarke. Litigant 2: William Logue.
Box   100
Utter, Rachael v. Utter, Frank, 1891 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   101
Vail, Frank L. v. Vail, Lizzie S., 1878 January
Note: Divorce.
Box   115
Van Deusen, William v. Pickerell, Daisy K., 1927 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   101
VanBrunt, Hester Ann v. VanBrunt, Ralph, 1865 November
Note: Divorce.
Box   101
VanBrunt, Isaac v. Webb, Henry, et al., 1873 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Edwin W. Cole.
Box   102
VanBrunt, Mrs. S.F. v. Swanson, John H., et al., 1889 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary Swanson, J.W. Crouse, and J.W. Lemont.
Box   102
VanBrunt, Sarah F. v. VanBrunt, Isaac S., 1889 July
Note: Divorce.
Box   101
Vance, John E. v. Alexander, John, 1848 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   101
Vandergrift, A.J. v. Allen, James, 1874 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   101
Vandergrift, A.J. v. O'Hara Brothers, 1881 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: John, Edmund, Charles, and William O'Hara.
Box   101
Vandergrift, Lucy v. Moffett, Adele and E.R., 1884 July
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   101
Vandiver Corn Planter Company v. Collins, Francis J., 1876 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   101
VanGorden, Joseph N., et al. v. Derring, Oscar M., et al., 1857 September
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: William E. Geasland. Litigant 2: Calvin Girton. Derring is spelled "Dering" on some documents.
Box   101
VanHook, Elizabeth Ann v. VanHook, Josiah P., 1860 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   101
VanMatre, Andrew P. v. VanMatre, Jennie, 1866 January
Note: Divorce.
Box   102
VanMatre, Iantha v. Dougherty, Mary B., et al, 1912 August
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Joseph Harker and Ellen Burke.
Box   115
VanMatre, Jefferson L., et al. v. Swank, Elijah, dec., et al, 1909 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Andrew P., James K., Washington J., James W., Frank, Joseph, (last 3 named being children of Cynthia VanMatre, deceased), Harry D., David, Kate, Zoe, and Mary VanMatre; Sidley Lovelace; Edward, James Frank, Robert, and Eugene Hawley; Belle Quinn; Mary Day; and Orlando and James White. Litigant 2: Mrs. H.M. McDowell, Mary J. Button, and Frank M. and Lafayette G. Dobbs; P.D. Swank, Harriett E. Gibson, Mary E. Fife; David, Guilford, and Marcellus Swank; and Alice John. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Three boxes of documents.
Box   101
VanMatre, L.J. v. VanMatre, N.K. and Ruth Ann, 1883 May
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   102
VanMatre, Levisa v. VanMatre, Washington I., 1898 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   101
VanMeter, Peter v. Parkinson, William and Sary, 1852 June
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   101
Vannatter, Mary E. v. Vannatter, James C., 1880 November
Note: Divorce. Case # 1. Vannatter is misspelled as "Vannetter" on the label.
Box   101
Vannatter, Mary E. v. Vannatter, James C., 1881 January
Note: Divorce. Case #2.
Box   101
VanNest, Barrant v. VanNest, Mary E., 1878 July
Note: Divorce.
Box   101
VanPelt, James C., et al. v. Russell, Elmore J., 1861 July
Note: Fraud. Litigant 1: John E.C. Heyer.
Box   101
VanVorhis, Edward S. v. Barry, John, 1879 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   102
VanWagenen, Ev. v. Hoskin, James, 1893 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Hoskin is misspelled as "Hoskins" on the label.
Box   101
VanWagoner, William H., et al. v. Driver, Josephine, 1859 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. VanWagoner is spelled " VanWagenen" on some of the documents. Litigant 1: Anthony Yeoman and W.B. McGrath.
Box   101
Vaughan, Peter v. Vaughan, John, 1884 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Vaughan is misspelled as "Vaughn" on the label. Trial was moved to Green County.
Box   14
Vaughen, Ephraim, et al. v. Corwith, Edward H. and Henry P., 1850 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: William J. Hammonds.
Box   101
Vaughn, Elias B. v. Hyde, Spyars S., 1847 June
Note: Replevin.
Box   101
Vaughn, Elias B. v. Hyde, Spyars S., 1847 June
Note: Replevin.
Box   101
Vaughn, Elias B. v. Maine, William, 1847 June
Note: Replevin.
Box   101
Vaughn, Ellen, Ex Parte, 1883 December
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   102
Vaughn, Rebecca v. Vaughn, Richard D., 1890 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   101
Vaughn, Thomas v. Barker, Alexis, 1848 October
Note: Probate. Barker is misspelled as "Baker" on the label.
Box   101
Verley, William A. v. Criss, Eugenius, 1853 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Theft by Verley, plaintiff in error.
Box   101
Vickers, Charles Leslie, Ex Parte, 1887 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Infant heir of Elizabeth Ann Vickers, deceased, daughter of Charles Thompson, deceased.
Box   102
Vickers, John v. Meloy, Edward, 1901 June
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   115
Village of Belmont v. Metcalfe, George H., 1916 October
Note: Damages/Theft. Metcalfe is spelled "Metcalf" on the label. Type of case: Damages for violation of village ordinance.
Box   115
Vinegar Hill Zinc Co., et al. v. Kenna, Henry, et al., 1913 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Thomas and Johanna Martin and James and Edith Martin. Litigant 2: Phillip Kelley.
Box   115
Vinegar Hill Zinc Co., et al. v. Town of Benton, et al., 1915 January
Note: Tax. Litigant 1: Thomas and James Martin. Litigant 2: J.C. Wiseman.
Box   102
Vipond James v. Tebben, John, et al., 1909 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Matilda, Mary Ann, Susan, and John Tebben Jr.
Box   101
Vipond, James v. Kellogg, Orrin C., et al., 1875 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Margaret E. Kellogg and James Judge.
Box   101
Vipond, James v. Woodall, Thomas, et al., 1878 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Robert Rowe and John Pratt.
Box   101
Vipond, James v. Crist, John, et al., 1879 November
Note: Foreclosure. Ltigant 2: Margaret A., Catharine, Sr., and Catharine, Crist, Jr.; John Snyder, Henry Gabel, William Burgess, Charles Blakelly, Edward Halloran, J.A. Burrichter, Anton Bragg, Frederick Hecker, A. Magnus, John Fitzpatrick, Jacob Riefstack, and John Swartz.
Box   101
Vipond, James v. Watson, Mary, et al., 1882 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Widow of Thomas Watson, deceased, Mary Jane and William Raisbeck, Rebecca, Elanor, Emma, and Louis Watson, heirs of Thomas Watson, deceased.
Box   102
Vipond, James v. Pratt, Mary J., et al., 1894 February
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Loretta, Lillie May, Eda, and Jennie Pratt, heirs of Martin Pratt, deceased; John Coates, administrator.
Box   102
Vipond, James v. Gille, Christian and Catherine, 1904 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   102
Vipond, James v. Rowe, Jane, et al., 1909 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: George, Elizabeth, Marsha (Vickers), James, John, Walter, Thomas A., and Sara Rowe; Hannah Peacock, Ida Palfrey, and Marietta Farrey. George and James Rowe as executors of the last will and testament of Michael Rowe, deceased.
Box   115
Vipond, James v. Richards, Peter, et al., 1910 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Elizabeth Richards, Louis Kluck, and Karl Bareis.
Box   102
Vipond, James, deceased v. Rowe, Jane, et al., 1910 August
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: J.B. Simpson and Jane Vipond. Litigant 2: Elizabeth, John, Walter, and Thomas A. Rowe, Martha Vickers, Hannah Peacock, Ida Palfrey, and Marietta Farrey. George and James Rowe, executors of the last will and testament of Michael Rowe, deceased.
Box   115
Vipond, Jane v. Clarkson, Mary E., 1926 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: John Dawson, executor of the last will and testament of John H. Clarkson, deceased, John H. Michelson, William F. Hird, Mary Ann Field, and Chester Peacock.
Box   115
Vipond, Jane v. Hall, Elizabeth A., et al., 1927 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: The First State Bank of Apple River, Illinois, Paul B. Conley, and A.W. Kopp.
Box   102
Vipond, Jane, et al. v. Hartlip, Bartle, et al., 1910 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: J.B. Simpson as adminstrators of the estate of James Vipond, deceased. Litigant 2: Mary Alice Hartlip and J.H. Alexander.
Box   115
Vipond, Louis M. v. Bradt, Chester S., 1924 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   101
Virgin, Noah H. v. Evans, Jesse B., 1864 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   102
Virtue, Ann v. Connelly, T.A., et al., 1897 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Maggie Connelly, Anton and Julia Lunda, William R. and Elizabeth Andrews, J.T. Hooper, Chris K. and Matilda Peterson, Walter J. Hooper, Margaret J. Murphy, Margaret Hudgins, and Isabelle Allen.
Box   101
Vivers, William v. Fitzpatrick, Thomas and James, 1869 March
Note: Replevin. Damaged label.
Box   101
Vivers, William v. Fitzpatrick, Thomas, et al., 1871 July
Note: Foreclosure. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Thomas McNulty.
Box   102
Vivian, Dr. J.H. v. Lafayette County, 1891 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Information is incomplete - documents are "Bond on appeal."
Box   102
Voigts, Julius v. Gehrke, Diedrich, 1902 June
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - assault.
Box   102
Volanti, Nicolo v. Volanti, Margherita, 1889 March
Note: Divorce. Volanti is misspelled as "Valanti" on the label. Litigant 1: Known as "Nicholas."
Box   102
Vondry, Annie v. Vondry, Gus, 1898 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   102
VonOehsen, Fritz v. Brown, George M. and Mary J., 1908 August
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   102
Voorhis, R.S. v. Aiken, James, 1876 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   106
Waage, Julia and Nelson, Ex Parte, 1881 January
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   108
Waddington, F.A., Ex Parte, 1899 August
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   103
Waddington, J.S. v. Kelso, Mary Jane, et al., 1873 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Alice A.and Francis M., heirs of Alexander Kelso, deceased.
Box   106
Waddington, J.S. v. Darragh, James, Sr., et al., 1879 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Marie Darragh, M.M. Cothren, and Henry S. Magoon.
Box   107
Waddington, J.S. v. Wood, William H., et al., 1887 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Francis, Henry, Henrietta, Johnathan G., Jane, Matthew C., Dilery, J.L., Eliza, Andrew, and Leah Wood; Caroline and M.C. McFarland; John H. and Eliza Upchurch; T.A. and N.J. Hunt; and Mary and Chris Albertson.
Box   109
Waddington, J.S. v. Waddington, A.M., et al., 1903 September
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Helen Monahan, Ann Alderson, George, Mary, and Fay Waddington, children of L. B. Waddington, deceased.
Box   W52
Waddington, J.S., et al. v. Phillop, Lars Larson, et al., 1898 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: F.A. and John S. Waddington. Litigant 2: Riley Wadkins.
Box   108
Waddington, John S. v. Penniston, Emma and Leonard H., 1896 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   131
Waddington, L.B. and J.S. v. Reed, Charles, 1875 October
Note: Other. Documents are not in a box. Litigant 1: under the firm name of Waddington Bros. Type of case: Other - documents of "Assignment of Judgement" and "Transcript" only in file.
Box   116
Waggatt, George W. v. Parish, Dorothea, et al., 1919 November
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Children of Ezra B. Parish, deceased, and T. K. Gibson.
Box   103
Waistell, Thomas v. March, George, 1850 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   W51
Waite, Jasper H., et al. v. Blakely, Oscar F., 1866 March
Note: Breach of Promise. Litigant 1: Hiram F. Hilliard.
Box   W52
Wakeman, William, et al. v. Rea, W.G., 1849 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Walter Wakeman and Francis H. David doing business under the firm name of Wakeman & David.
Box   105
Wakeman, Wlliam, et al. v. Rea, William G., 1850 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Walter Wakeman and Francis H. Davis, under the firm name of Wakeman & Davis.
Box   108
Wales, Charles v. Gavin, John, et al., 1882 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Catherine Gavin and C. Aultman & Company.
Box   109
Walgren, Carrie v. Walgren, John T., 1903 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   W50
Walkendorf, Lena v. James, William, 1879 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   W52
Walker, Comfort C. v. Potwine, Caleb, 1848 August
Note: Replevin.
Box   108
Walker, David S., et al. v. Walker, Frank R. and William J., 1895 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Charles H. and Philip T. Walker.
Box   W52
Walker, Hiram, et al. v. Andrews, Samuel H., 1863 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Charles W. Emerson.
Box   W51
Walker, James H. v. Farrington, John B., 1888 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   103
Walker, John S. v. Gear, John H., et al., 1859 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary A. Gear and Leland A. Hovey.
Box   W52
Walker, Martin O. v. Winslow, Joseph, 1847 July
Note: Eviction. Original papers filed in Jefferson County.
Box   W50
Walker, William H., et al. v. Mappes, Charles, 1871 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Fred R. Walker, copartners doing business under the firm name of W.H. Walker & Co.
Box   106
Walker, William J., et al., Ex Parte, 1880 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Frank R. Walker and Mary Elizabeth Walker, infant heirs of Charles Walker, deceased.
Box   109
Wallace, John, Ex Parte, 1857 October
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   W50
Walsh, Ann v. Bates, H. T., 1879 November
Note: Replevin.
Box   W52
Walsh, Bridget v. Kyle, David W., 1865 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   104
Walsh, Bridget v. Walsh, Thomas, 1869 November
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   W50
Walsh, Francis v. Bates, H. T., 1879 November
Note: Replevin.
Box   W50
Walsh, Francis v. Whalen, Thomas, 1885 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   108
Walsh, John F., et al. v. Karney, Sarah, et al., 1897 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Ella, George L., Patrick, Mary, John, and James F. Walsh, Mary Ann and Clinton Repine, Mary Ann and Michael McKenna, Nettie C. and Charles H. Jacobson, Teresa and Antone Raicervich. Litigant 2: Bernard Karney, Daniel, Peter A., Catharine, John (son of Michael, deceased), Ellen, James, and Francis Walsh, and Mary and William Collins.
Box   W51
Walsh, Michael v. Littlefair, Thompson, 1859 October
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   W52
Walsh, Patrick v. Whalen, John, 1859 January
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   105
Walsh, Peter v. Hamilton, Jamison, 1847 January
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - wrong and injury for selling Walsh's mares.
Box   W51
Walsh, Peter S. v. Martin, James H., 1883 November
Note: Replevin.
Box   107
Walsh, Rosa v. Walsh, Peter, 1886 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   W52
Walton, James v. Chapman, David W., 1861 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   103
Walton, John v. Alderson, William, et al., 1863 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Margaret Alderson and Robert Frazier.
Box   W52
Walton, Margaret v. Rennick, Robert, 1880 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   W52
Ward, George, et al. v. Criss, Eugenis, et al., 1854 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: William E. Daggett, H.D. Bassett, and D.W. Hill. Litigant 2: Michael Quinn.
Box   104
Ward, George, et al. v. VanWagenen, Garrett, 1855 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: William E. Doggett, H.D. Bassett, and D.H. Hills. Van Wagenen is spelled "VanWaggenen" on some of the documents.
Box   108
Ward, Hannah L. v. Ward, Walter, 1895 February
Note: Divorce.
Box   W51
Ward, Joseph v. Cook, Timothy, 1871 February
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for maliciously kicking and abusing Ward's horse.
Box   106
Ward, Robert G. v. Gaven, John and Catharine, 1877 August
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   W52
Warden Bushnell & Glessner Co. v. Galagan, C.W., et al., 1903 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Thomas Gleason.
Box   W52
Warden, Allen v. Gray, Socrates, 1861 June
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label.
Box   105
Warden, Allen & Satterlee v. Center, Town of, et al., 1860 July
Note: Tax. Litigant 2: Josephus Drive, Town Treasurer.
Box   106
Warden, Allen & Satterlee v. Bailey, Joshua, 1872 May
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   105
Warden, Allen, et al. v. Blakeley, Justus, 1867 August
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: Charles E. Brunner. Type of case: Damages - for placing great quantities of dung and manure on Warden's land. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   W50
Warden, B.H., et al. v. Dagget, James, et al., 1878 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: R. Mitchell, H.P. Bushnell, J.J. Glesner trading under the firm name of Warden Mitchell & Co. Litigant 2: William James and Andy P. Galigan.
Box   104
Warden, Benjamin H., et al. v. Baker, Josiah G. and John G., 1862 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Jonathan C. Child, copartners doing business under the firm name of Ward & Child.
Box   103
Warden, Benjamin H., et al. v. Dain, Edwin, 1867 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Jonathan Child, copartners doing business under the firm name of Warden & Child.
Box   103
Warden, Benjamin H., et al. v. Sperry, A.W. and E.S., 1867 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Jonathan Child, copartners doing business under the firm name of Warden & Child.
Box   W52
Warden, Benjamin, et al. v. Doyle, James, 1885 April
Note: Contract Violation. Litigant 1: Asa S. Bushnell and John G. Glessner.
Box   W52
Warden, R.H., et al. v. Matson, F., 1879 August
Note: Contract Violation. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Ross Mitchell, A.L. Bushnell, and J.J. Glessner partners doing business under the firm name of Warden Mitchell & Co.
Box   W52
Warden, Saterlee, et al. v. Lafayette County Board, 1860 November
Note: Other. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Additional names not found. Litigant 2: of Supervisors. Type of case: Other - could not determine. "Points of finding" only document in file.
Box   103
Warden, Satterlee v. Knight, James G., et al., 1859 July
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary M. Knight, Lewis and Emmeline Doty, Life Farmer, Tertius W. Wadsworth, George M. Wells, and Alexander R. Knowlton.
Box   104
Warden, Satterlee v. Longwell, Ira T. and Martha Ann, 1863 August
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   106
Warden, Satterlee, Ex Parte, 1874 December
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   105
Warden, Satterlee v. Dougherty, Mary A., et al., 1876 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: William L. and Malinda Dougherty, Nelson Thompson, and John H. Hamstreet.
Box   104
Warden, Satterlee v. Hovey, Amos W., et al., 1878 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: H. B. Hovey and Nancy Ann Burrell.
Box   105
Warden, Satterlee and Allen v. Christ, John, 1870 November
Note: Trespassing.
Box   5
Warden, Satterlee/ Beecher, L., Ex Parte, 1867 April
Note: Other. Litigant 1: Luther Beecher. Type of case: Application for vacation of portion of Town of Riverside.
Box   104
Ware, Emma v. Telfair, Robert L., et al., 1876 December
Note: Foreclosure. Telfair is misspelled as "Telfare" on the label. Litigant 2: D. P. Newell, Hattie Lynch, widow of Timothy Lynch, deceased, Peter D. Lynch, and John S. Merrill.
Box   106
Waring, John, Ex Parte, 1881 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Child of Jane D. and Charles M. Waring, deceased.
Box   104
Warner, Calvin, et al., Ex Parte, 1878 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Bertha Fletcher, heirs of Calvin Warren, deceased; Grant W. and Frank L. Benedict, heirs of Agnes Benedict, deceased, (daughter of Calvin Warren, deceased.)
Box   103
Warner, Ella S. and Albert S., Ex Parte, 1869 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Children of Daniel S. Warner.
Box   M26
Warner, John v. Bonanze Mining Company, 1893 December
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   107
Warner, John, et al., Ex Parte, 1889 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Mary Warner, his mother.
Box   M31
Warner, Phineas D. v. Eldridge, S.W., 1884 March
Note: Garnishing. Litigant 2: H.K.R. West, Garnishee.
Box   107
Warren, Daniel W. v. Warren, Elizabeth, 1886 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   108
Watson, B.F. v. Jones, Frank, et al., 1893 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: William E. Miller.
Box   108
Watson, B.F. v. Schliem, Christian F., et al., 1893 July
Note: Foreclosure. Schliem is misspelled as "Schleim" on the label. Litigant 2: Henrietta Schliem.
Box   108
Watson, B.F. v. Briggs, Samuel H., 1897 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for assault and battery.
Box   103
Watson, Elizabeth v. Watson, Jacob, 1853 October
Note: Divorce.
Box   W52
Watson, John v. Blakely, Justus, et al., 1859 December
Note: Trespassing. Litigant 2: Alexander Wilkins and Hanson Eckerson.
Box   104
Watson, Joshua v. McCoy, Catharine, et al., 1873 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: John Jr. and Harriet McCoy; Mary Ann and William Wilson; James and Mary Ann McCoy; Elizabeth and William Brown; Martha and Joseph A. Moore; William, Thomas, and Katie McCoy, heirs of John McCoy Sr., deceased; Wlliam Ladd, J.P. Black, Andrew Kilkelly, and George Henry, as assignee of John Strachan, bankrupt.
Box   105
Waukegan Shoe Company v. Buck, Reuben, 1870 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   W51
Wayne Agricultural Company v. McWilliams, Peter, 1890 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   109
Wayne, Incorporation, Ex Parte, 1911 January
Note: Incorp. Village. Village of South Wayne incorporation documents.
Box   W52
Wayne, Town of v. Eastman, Herman, et al., 1858 August
Note: Contract Violation. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Elisha Russell and Darius Eastman.
Box   105
Wayne, Town of v. McWright, James, et al., 1859 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: N.H. Verley and Miles McWright.
Box   106
Wayne, Villiage of, Ex Parte, 1881 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Petitioner, W.B. Stevens.
Box   W50
Weadley, William, et al. v. Miller, Charles E., 1872 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Charles Dennehy, partners doing business under the firm name of Weadley & Dennehy.
Box   109
Wearing, Gertrude v. Thurston, Leo, 1906 April
Note: Breach of Promise.
Box   104
Weatherby, Edward v. Alderson, Simon and Mary Ann, 1854 August
Note: Foreclosure. Only one document( Bill of Complaint) in the file.
Box   W52
Weatherby, Edward v. Alderson, William, et al., 1854 August
Note: Eviction. Litigant 2: Edward, George, and Simon Alderson.
Box   5
Weatherby, George, Ex Parte, 1866 December
Note: Type of case: Petition matter of alteration of street.
Box   108
Weatherby, George E. v. Harrison, W.H. and L.A., 1899 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   108
Weatherby, George E., et al. v. Hutchison, Spensley, et al., 1897 March
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Frank A. Thompson, executors of the last will and testament of Henry Saundres, deceased. Litigant 2: James Roberts.
Box   106
Weatherly, George E. v. Cummings, Hugh, et al., 1879 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Catherine Cummings, Bridget Dowde, James Judge, and Addison A. Townsend.
Box   103
Weaver, George v. VanBrunt, Isaac, 1859 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   107
Weaver, H.J. v. Smith, Jermiah, 1888 April
Note: Probate. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of Malinda A. Weaver.
Box   W52
Weaver, Henry J. v. Smith, Jeremiah, 1888 December
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   106
Weaver, John v. Priestley, Charles, 1874 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   5
Webb, Edward/ Daniel Carr v. Ex parte, 1872 December
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   105
Webb, Henry v. Neugent, Philip, et al., 1872 April
Note: Foreclosure. Neugent is spelled "Nugent" on the label and some of the documents. Litigant 2: Bridget Neugent, Alexander Blain, and Edward Meloy. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   W51
Webb, Henry v. Smith, John C., et al., 1874 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Joshua Hanscom.
Box   W52
Webb, Joel B. v. Griffin, John, et al., 1847 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: for the use of William McNath. Litigant 2: John Bates doing business under the firm name of Griffin & Bates.
Box   104
Webb, John F. v. Bagby, Robert B., 1862 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Bagby is misspelled as "Bagley" on the label.
Box   107
Webb, Sampson v. Dougherty, Joseph, 1890 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Ellen Dougherty, The Courtland Wagon Co., Janesville Machine Co., Oregon Mfg. Co., Winchester & Partridge Mfg. Co., C. Aultman & Company, Barnes Mfg. Co., Plano Mfg. Co., firm of W.G. and W. Barnes.
Box   103
Webb, Sidney B. v. Lear, Edwin S. and Mary E., 1864 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   105
Webb, William H. v. Doring, Jonas, 1873 November
Note: Trespassing. Doring is spelled "Doerring" on some of the documents.
Box   T49
Webster Taylor, et al. v. Dall Lead & Zinc Co., et al., 1906 August
Note: Other. Litigant 1: and Frank Taylor, co-partners as Taylor Brothers. Litigant 2: Margaret Dall. Type of case: Other - could not determine. "Proposed amendments to plantiff's proposed bill of exceptions" only document in file.
Box   W52
Webster, Charles v. Hanna, J.M., 1847 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   105
Webster, Daniel and Caroline L. v. Hubbard, Harry, 1870 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Only document is "order proving deed."
Box   131
Webster, Frances v. Lafayette County, 1926 July
Note: Other. Document is not in a box. Type of case: Other - unknown - "Clerk's Fee Bill" is the only document in file.
Box   W52
Wedge, Robert v. Tippett, Joseph, 1881 December
Note: Replevin.
Box   W52
Wedig, Bartolemew v. Schulte, Severin, 1883 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   116
Weed, Floyd v. Reich Mining Company, et al., 1909 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Jacob Bolard, M.B. Ross, H.W. Canfield, J.O. McClintock, and A.V. Leberman.
Box   104
Weeks, John v. Hovey, Amos W., et al., 1861 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Roxy Jane Paddock.
Box   116
Wehnke, Edward v. Atchison, John, et al., 1914 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: William I. Madden, Sampson Tans, and Justus DeSealhorst.
Box   108
Welch, Clara Angeline, Ex Parte, 1898 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Infant of Clara Belle Welch.
Box   108
Welch, Clara Belle v. Cragg, Angeline, et al., 1897 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Charles Andrews, George A. Marshall, and A.C. Martin.
Box   M26
Welch, James v. Zinc Carbonate Company, 1893 August
Note: Mechanics Lien.
Box   104
Welch, William v. Hummel, Barnes E., et al., 1865 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Lucy A. Hummel, Morgan Quinn, and wife.
Box   106
Weller, Martha, et al., Ex Parte, 1879? April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Orick and Jessie Welty, children of George S. Welty, deceased.
Box   104
Welles, Gersham v. Reed, John, 1851 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Welles is misspelled as "Wells" on the label.
Box   W51
Wells Nellegar & Co. v. Johnson, Nuir, 1883 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Nellegar is spelled "Nillegar" on the label. Litigant 2: Spelling of "Nuir" ??
Box   W52
Wells, Blanche D. v. Wells, Byron H., 1897 January
Note: Divorce. Damaged label.
Box   109
Wells, Daniel, Jr. v. Earnest, James E., et al., 1883 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: J.H. and Mary E. Earnest, Nicholas Hinken, August and Mary Northouse, and James and Elizabeth Ashworth.
Box   104
Wells, Etta v. Wells, William S., 1877 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   109
Welsford, J.V. v. Peacock, Joseph, et al., 1907 October
Note: Contract Violation. Litigant 2: Robert and Frank Peacock, and Henry and Orville Schnorenberg.
Box   104
Welsh, James v. Gratiot, Edward H., 1850 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   107
Welsh, Peter v. McCaffrey, John, 1886 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Welsh is spelled "Walsh" on several documents. McCaffrey is misspelled as "McCaffrrey" on the label.
Box   109
Welsh, Susie v. Welsh, Morris, 1904 July
Note: Divorce.
Box   111
Welty, Alice W. v. Welty, David S., 1910 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   116
Welty, D.S. v. Rodham, Edward H., 1913 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Two boxes of documents.
Box   103
Welty, J. Rufus v. Tuttle, Esther, et al., 1865 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Beri W., Nancy A., and Weatlthy C. Tuttle; and Amelia C. and Levi Ayers.
Box   109
Welty, John R. v. Welty, David S., 1910 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   W52
Welty, P.H. v. Smith, Harmon John, 1901 April
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for injuries as a result of assault.
Box   107
Wescott, John E., Ex Parte, 1887 September
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   109
West, Agusta v. Satterlee, M.A., et al., 1907 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Roger and Marie Satterlee, heirs at law of Ida C. Satterlee, deceased; A.T. and Rebecca Parsons.
Box   116
West, Agusta v. Dougherty, Mary B., 1912 November
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   107
West, Catherine E. v. West, James, 1885 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   116
West, Frank E. v. Taylor, Mary Susanna, 1910 March
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   W52
West, George E., et al. v. Bugh, Sam G., 1854 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: William E. Newell.
Box   107
West, George F. v. West, Susan Emma, et al., 1884 February
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Maude E., Gertrude O., Charles Frank, and Fay F. West.
Box   109
West, George F. v. Colbeck, Joseph, 1910 October
Note: Probate. Litigant 1: Administrator of the estate of Ann Colbeck, deceased.
Box   5
Westerman, Charles, Ex Parte, 1866 April
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   103
Westrope, Austin v. Westrope, Catharine S., 1861 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   109
Westrope, H.S., et al. v. Magoon, Henry S., et al., 1904 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: M.J. Kilpatrick, A.J. Westrope, T.R. Westrope, Jr., Otis and Walter Westrope, and Almira Haskins. Litigant 2: Isabella S., Richard H., Mary, Jay H., and Agnes I. Magoon; Mary J.M. Paul, Joseph Hewitt, Henry Barnes, William Crow, and Frederick William Randall Chadwick.
Box   104
Westrope, Thomas R. v. Collins, Daniel, 1858 April
Note: Slander/Libel.
Box   W50
Westrope, Thomas R. v. Westrope, William B., 1861 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   109
Whalen, Edward, Ex Parte, 1911 May
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   W50
Whalen, Patrick v. Ausby, Thomas S., 1881 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   W50
Whalen, Patrick v. Fink, Frederick, et al., 1893 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Mathias Fink and John McManus.
Box   W50
Whaley, Frank, et al. v. Whaley, Samuel, 1889 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: P.H. Whaley, Peter Whaley, and Mary Baxter.
Box   109
Whaley, Frank, et al. v. Baxter, James V., et al., 1907 November
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 1: Patrick H. and Peter Whaley. Litigant 2: Anna E. Bainbridge, Thomas A., Peter J., Phillip P., Francis V., and Mary E. Baxter, and The Baxter Mining Company. Type of case: Damages - for comitting many acts of waste by digging up, mining, and carrying away large quanitities of valuable zinc, lead, and other minerals.
Box   W50
Whaley, P.H. v. Kearns, James, 1894 March
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for seduction of Josephine Baxter making her unable to attend to the duties of servant for P.H. Whaley.
Box   W50
Whaley, P.H. and Peter v. Whaley, Samuel, 1898 May
Note: Probate. Litigant 2: Executor of the last will and testament of Patrick Whaley, deceased.
Box   W52
Whaley, P.H., et al. v. Malone, Rebecca, 1887 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Frank Whaley, partner in the business of P.H. Whaley & Co.
Box   107
Whaley, Patrick v. Jarrett, Elizabeth, et al., 1884 May
Note: Trespassing. Litigant 2: John Horseley. Appealed to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Box   W52
Wheaton, Ashbul v. Ryan, John, et al., 1847 August
Note: Eviction. Litigant 2: James and Patrick Ryan.
Box   104
Wheeler, A.T., et al. v. Hill, David, 1863 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: N. Corning.
Box   106
Whelan, Patrick, et al. v. Doyle, Bridget, 1880 December
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: As guardian of Ellen, Ann, and Catharine Fleming, infant heirs of Andrew Fleming, deceased. Litigant 2: As administratrix of the will of John Doyle, deceased.
Box   103
Whipple, Porter v. Harker, John and Eden Robinson, 1862 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   W50
White Sewing Machine Company v. Harris, Henry, et al., 1902 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Samuel and Harvey Harris.
Box   105
White, Abram v. Fassett, John S., 1859 May
Note: Foreclosure. Box is labeled "Henry" Fassett.
Box   104
White, Abram v. Boies, Isreal, et al., 1863 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Boies is misspelled as "Bores" and Dickinson is misspelled as "Dickenson" on the label. Litigant 2: A.F. Dickinson.
Box   W52
White, Andrew J. v. White, Joseph, 1874 December
Note: Other. Damaged label. Type of case: Other - could not determine from limited documentation in file.
Box   105
White, Benjamin, Ex Parte, 1873 December
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   109
White, Edna v. White, Wesley B., 1907 April
Note: Divorce.
Box   105
White, Eliel v. Keep, John M., et al., 1852 January
Note: Mechanics Lien. Litigant 2: Albertus Lynde, under the firm name of Keep & Lynde.
Box   109
White, Emma v. White, Abraham C., 1903 May
Note: Divorce.
Box   105
White, Esther v. White, Lambert, 1847 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   104
White, Frank P. v. White, Thomas J., 1875 July
Note: Fraud. Litigant 1: As administrator of the estate of Joseph White, deceased.
Box   W51
White, Frederick F., et al. v. Hovey, Amos W., et al., 1872 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John V.R. Rossman. Litigant 2: Wallace A. Scofield.
Box   105
White, Frederick, et al. v. Hovey, Amos W., 1872 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John V.R. Rossman.
Box   104
White, Henry, Ex Parte, 1870 June
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   116
White, James v. Independent Realty Co., et al., 1909 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: J.S. Warner, P.B. Warr, and Ray Glaspell.
Box   105
White, Joseph v. Kilpatrick, James, et al., 1859 January
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Esther Kilpatrick, Joshua W. Alder, and Alexander C. David.
Box   103
White, Joseph v. Roberts, Samuel and Louisa, 1860 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   104
White, Joseph v. Dain, Edwin, et al., 1860 June
Note: Foreclosure. Dain is misspelled as "Dam" on the label. Litigant 2: John Moody and Russel H. Emmerson.
Box   103
White, Joseph v. White, Benjamin, 1865 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   W51
White, Joseph v. Evans, Griffith D., et al., 1873 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 2: William Jones.
Box   106
White, Joseph, et al. v. Dowling, Susan, et al., 1860 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: William W. Miles, executors of the estate of Robert McClain, deceased. Litigant 2: Administratrix and Henry F. McCloskey, administrator of the estate of Nicholas Dowling, deceased.
Box   W50
White, Julia v. Parkison, Peter, Jr., et al., 1870 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Hamilton H. Gray.
Box   106
White, Julia H. and Frank Alva, Ex Parte, 1871 December
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: by Jonathan White, their father.
Box   108
White, Laura A. v. White, James B., 1896 December
Note: Divorce.
Box   104
White, Margaret v. White, Thomas, 1865 February
Note: Divorce.
Box   106
White, Martha M. v. White, Thomas J., 1875 June
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   106
White, Mary Frances, et al., Ex Parte, 1881 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Lillian White, infant heirs of James White, deceased.
Box   105
White, Selden F., et al. v. Knight, James G., et al., 1863 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: James F. White and William G. White, under the firm name of S.F. White & Brothers. Litigant 2: Lewis Doty, under the firm name of Knight & Doty.
Box   W51
White, William v. Thomas, William, 1880 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   116
Whiteside Cheese Factory v. Meyer, Henry, 1909 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   107
Whiteside, Elvira J., Ex Parte, 1887 June
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   105
Whiteside, Leonidas, et al. v. Dewey, Nelson, 1875 March
Note: Probate. Litigant 1: Elizabeth Ann Burris. Litigant 2: Administrator de bonis non with the will annexed of the estate of Moses Whiteside, deceased.
Box   W50
Whitham, Emanual v. Hurd, Emanual, 1890 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Appealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   W52
Whiting, William H. v. Tully, Newcomb E., 1859 February
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   104
Whitlock, Rebecca Ellen v. Whitlock, Harmon A., 1876 October
Note: Divorce. Whitlock is misspelled as "Whittock" on the label.
Box   105
Whitman, Hubert J. v. Mineral Point Railroad Company, 1857 September
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for killing horse.
Box   103
Whitney, Daniel G., et al. v. Laird, Hugh S., et al., 1850 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John Wood. Litigant 2: Samuel and James Alexander.
Box   103
Whitney, Daniel G., et al. v. Laird, Hugh S., et al., 1851 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John Wood. Litigant 2: Samuel and James Alexander.
Box   107
Whitney, H.W. v. Sweeney, William and Annie, 1887 September
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   W51
Whitney, J.B., et al. v. McCarville, J.A., 1905 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Aug. Christenson and Milo S. Bullock.
Box   W51
Whittaker, James v. Erickson, Erick, 1862 March
Note: Replevin.
Box   103
Whittlesey, Luther H. v. Scott, Benjamin, 1857 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   45
Wicks, Calvin F. v. Scoggin, Samuel A., 1857 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Wicks is misspelled as "Hicks" on the label. Wicks is spelled "Weeks" on one of the documents.
Box   W52
Wicks, Calvin F. v. Eustis, John, 1857 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   104
Wiggins, M.B. v. Ziegenfuss, John, et al., 1863 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Ziegenfuss is misspelled as " Ziegunfreus"on the label. Litigant 2: Augustin Riechartt and Henry Goble.
Box   5
Wiggins, M.B., Ex Parte, 1865 January
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   W51
Wiggins, M.B. v. Nichols, Richard, 1866 March
Note: Mechanics Lien. Damaged label.
Box   103
Wiggins, Merrit B. v. Dryer, Daniel, et al., 1860 June
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Louis, Franklin, and Hiram Morey.
Box   103
Wiggins, Merritt B. v. Freeman, K.M., 1860 October
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   W50
Wilbur, George D. v. Kendall, Town of, 1876 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Damaged label. Type of case: Damages - for loss of 2 mares and carriage due to poor highway maintenance.
Box   104
Wilcox, Albert v. Houghtaling, Mary A., et al., 1873 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Joseph Houghtaling, Elizabeth C. Bennett, Eliza A. Shulty, Elizabeth Smith, and Zachariah Simpson.
Box   107
Wilcox, Edna Pearl, et al. v. Ex parte, 1890 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Bessie, Vera May, and Elizabeth Wilcox, children of B.E. Wilcox.
Box   S47
Wilcox. Samuel E., et al., Ex Parte, 1883 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Damaged label. Litigant 1: infant heir of Daniel Wilcox, deceased, Amanda Burmood, general guardian, and E.W. Jellison, special guardian.
Box   105
Wilde, James v. Armitage, Jacob, 1859 February
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   104
Wiley, George W. v. Tuttle, S.W. and Daniel G., 1858 October
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   106
Wiley, John S. v. Meloy, Edward, 1880 January
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   W50
Wiley, John S. and Wesley H. v. Hall, Elizabeth A., 1912 December
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   104
Wiley, Thomas v. Criss, James, et al., 1863 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Reuben Pierce.
Box   W51
Wiley, Thomas v. Barry, John, et al., 1877 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Mary and William Barry.
Box   123
Wiley, W.H., Ex Parte, 1915 November
Note: Discharge Mort. Box is labeled "Mullen-Wiley." Petitioner is Wiley. James and Hannah Mullen executed and delivered the mortgage.
Box   104
Wilkins, Alvin B. v. Berring, Anton, 1862 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   5
Wilkins, Edward, Ex Parte, 1876 July
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   W50
Wilkins, Hannah v. Foss, John D., 1879 October
Note: Replevin.
Box   106
Wilkinson, Daniel B. v. Monaghan, John and Catharine, 1878 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Who sues as guardian of George Wilkinson, an insane person.
Box   103
Wilkinson, George v. Wilkinson, Mary, 1858 January
Note: Divorce.
Box   106
Wilkinson, George, Ex Parte, 1880 May
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   106
Wilkinson, Lititia v. Wilkinson, David, et al., 1880 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Robert Wilkinson, Mary Ann, Agnes, Rosa Ann, and John Brown, and Eliza J. and Earnest Benson.
Box   W52
Wilkinson, Maggie v. Shay, Michael J., 1897 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   108
Williams, Cynthia H. v. Savage, John H., et al., 1897 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Hazel and John Savage, heirs at law of Clara W. Savage, deceased; James Roberts and F.A. Thompson, administrators of the estate of Clara Savage, deceased; Gilbert G. Thorne as receiver of Keystone National Bank; First National Bank of Shullsburg; William Look, Mary A. Simpson, Christian Haffele, Harriet N. Osborne, Marta Sullivan, William Newton, and R. P. Perry.
Box   106
Williams, Cynthia H. v. Agan, Thomas & Thomas, Jr., 1882 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Administratrix of the estate of John K. Williams, deceased.
Box   106
Williams, Cynthia H. v. Agan, Thomas, Jr., et al., 1882 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Administratrix of the estate of John K. Williams, deceased. Litigant 2: Catherine Agan and James Troy.
Box   107
Williams, Cynthia H. v. Earnest, James N., et al., 1884 August
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: Administratrix of the estate of John K. Williams, deceased. Litigant 2: Mary E., James E. Earnest, James Kearns and Phillip Albright, administrators of the estate of John McGivern, deceased, Owen McDonald and Moses M. Strong.
Box   109
Williams, George W., et al. v. Williams, William R., 1909 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Lavena W. Gype. Litigant 2: Norah, Frank B., Mary, Henry C., and Margaret Williams; and Luella Miller.
Box   103
Williams, Hudson R. v. Sutherland, Thomas W., 1862 January
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   W52
Williams, Jacob v. Vandegrift, A.J., et al., 1859 October
Note: Other. Litigant 2: H.H. Brannan. Type of case: Other - could not determine.
Box   105
Williams, John v. Alderson, Simon, et al., 1865 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Sophia M. Alderson, John Rowe, and Anthony Gilkison.
Box   W51
Williams, John K. v. Simons, Thomas & Elizabeth, 1860 March
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   103
Williams, John K. v. Southwick, Hiram K. & Angeline, 1873 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   106
Williams, John P., Ex Parte, 1881 January
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   112
Williams, John P. v. Shullsburg Bank, 1896 September
Note: Other. Box #2. Type of case: Other - sale of Shullsburg Bank.
Box   108
Williams, John P., et al. v. Meloy, Edward, et al., 1897 April
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: As assignee of Shullsburg Bank, Thomas J. Cummings, Daniel Mahony, and Edward March. Litigant 2: E.D. Meloy, George Feltner, and John T. Greenwell.
Box   106
Williams, John P., Ex Parte, 1880 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Infant of Cynthia H. and John K. Williams, deceased.
Box   120
Williams, John P. v. Shullsburg Bank, et al., 1896 October
Note: Bankruptcy. Two boxes containing depositions, exhibits, and claims. Litigant 1: A creditor of the Shullsburg Bank and as assignee of bank and on behalf of numerous creditors. Litigant 2: Charles J. Meloy, Margaret A. McNulty, James Roberts, Henrietta M. Glindinning, Roseanna Roberts, and Mary J. Kelly.
Box   108
Williams, John P. v. Rabling, James, 1897 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: as assignee of the Shullsburg Bank.
Box   108
Williams, John P. v. Anderson, Augusta and Ben A., 1897 May
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: As assignee of the Shullsburg Bank.
Box   108
Williams, John P. v. McKeigue, Patrick J. and Matilda, 1897 November
Note: Foreclosure. Liitgant 1: As assignee of the Shullsburg Bank.
Box   W50
Williams, Julia M. v. McGranahan, David, et al., 1905 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: executrix of the estate of R.H. Williams, deceased. Litigant 2: Garnishee, J.W. Hunt, administrator of the estate of William McGranahan, deceased.
Box   W52
Williams, Lavinna, et al. v. Field, William, 1853 April
Note: Other. Litigant 1: James, Jesse, John, William, Peter, and Janet Williams, Joseph Glenis, Elizabeth Glenis Jones Shinkle, and Margaret Shinkle. Type of case: Other - could not determine.
Box   109
Williams, Maggie v. Williams, Robert, 1908 February
Note: Divorce.
Box   104
Williams, O.H.P. v. Arnold, Adelia B., et al., 1858 December
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Moses B. Arnold, Seneca L. Hand, and William M. Nash.
Box   104
Williams, Oliver H.P. v. Ellison, Luke, et al., 1859 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Abner Ellison and Tyler K. Blodgett.
Box   W51
Williams, Richard H., et al. v. Proctor, George, et al., 1883 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Neil Fisher. Litigant 2: Joseph Dougherty.
Box   107
Williams, Thomas M. v. Williams, Willliam N., et al., 1883 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 1: As administrator of the estate of Sarah M. Williams, deceased. Litigant 2: Annie J. Williams, H.H. Pilling, and Evan W. Williams.
Box   105
Williams, William A. v. Parkison, Albert G., 1856 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Parkison is misspelled as "Parkinson" on the label.
Box   109
Williams, William R., et al. v. Brown, George H., et al., 1910 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Frank B., Henry C., and George W. Williams, Luella Miller, and Lavena Gype. Litigant 2: Mrs. Henry Folger and Mrs. A. Askey, children of Phillipa Brown, deceased.
Box   105
Williams, William, et al. v. Shinkle, James, et al., 1861 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: John Williams and James H. Knowlton. Litigant 2: Margaritte Shinkle; William, Edward, Mary, Lucy, and Emeline Williams, children of Jesse Williams, deceased; Lucinda, Mary, Caroline, and Elizabeth Glines, children of Elizabeth Glines, deceased; and Mary Young, late widow of Jesse Williams, deceased.
Box   W52
Willis, W.B. & Co., et al. v. Woodbury, Nathan, 1856 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: Jacob A. Snider.
Box   W52
Willis, W.B., et al. v. Woodbury, Nathan, 1857 March
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Jacob A. Snyder.
Box   104
Willis, William B. v. Willits, Alanso, 1857 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Willits is misspelled as "Willitts" on the label.
Box   W52
Willow Springs Lodge v. Parkinson, Morris L., 1900 September
Note: Trespassing. Litigant 1: Trustees of No. 334 Independent Order of Good Templars.
Box   W52
Willow Springs, Town of v. Smith, Thomas, 1878 March
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for destroying bridge to obstruct travel on highway.
Box   107
Wilson, Charles, Ex Parte, 1885 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: By his mother, Emily Wilson, widow of Charles E. Wilson.
Box   107
Wilson, Charles, Ex Parte, 1887 October
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: By his mother Emily Wilson, widow of Charles E. Wilson, deceased.
Box   103
Wilson, H.G. v. Earnest, James H., 1863 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   107
Wilson, Hugh, Ex Parte, 1884 March
Note: Licensing. Type of case: Petition for license to mortgage.
Box   W51
Wilson, Jesse v. Low, James, et al., 1852 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Henry and Asa Low and Richmond A. Ballew.
Box   W52
Wilson, John v. Cullen, Bernard and Julia, 1859 May
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   103
Wilson, Margaret v. Wilson, William, 1855 February
Note: Divorce.
Box   109
Wilson, R.A., et al. v. Hynes, William and Julia, 1901 February
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: John Clemens.
Box   W50
Wilson, R.J., et al. v. Gardner, Chris, 1898 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: H.C. Martin.
Box   W52
Wilson, Smith v. Lyons, C.L., 1855 September
Note: Replevin.
Box   W52
Wilson, Smith v. Rogers, Robert, 1855 September
Note: Replevin.
Box   W50
Wilson, William v. Thompson, James, 1877 December
Note: Trespassing.
Box   107
Wilson, William Henry, et al, Ex Parte, 1890 March
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Hiram Charles Wilson, heirs of Hugh Wilson, deceased.
Box   109
Wilson, William, et al. v. Zurbriggan, Morritz, 1909 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: Richard Shockley.
Box   W52
Winchester & Partidge Mfg. Co. v. Proctor, George, et al., 1883 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Joseph Dougherty.
Box   105
Winecup, Lot v. Earnest, James, et al., 1851 March
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 2: James Simpson. Type of case: Damages - assault.
Box   W51
Wines, John W. v. Kirke, Mary E. and Philip, 1870 June
Note: Land/Real Estate.
Box   108
Winn, John, et al., Ex Parte, 1893 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: William and Grover Winn by their father, William Winn.
Box   W52
Winskell, Joseph, et al. v. Brady, Peter, et al., 1848 September
Note: Trespassing. Litigant 1: Thomas Robison, Jonathan Tisdale, and Charles Dawson. Litigant 2: Patrick Mohan.
Box   W52
Winters, John D., et al. v. McNulty, Edward, 1849 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: William A. Jordan and Daniel Mann.
Box   W52
Winters, John v. Schemerhorn, Carrie, et al., 1899 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 1: as executor of the last will of George Tipp, deceased. Litigant 2: W. Curtis Schemerhorn.
Box   103
Wiota School District #8 v. Dryden, William A., 1867 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   W51
Wiseman, Christopher v. Richardson, George, 1887 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for taking fence and for damages by cattle to grass, crops, and grain.
Box   106
Wiseman, Gertrude v. Bainbridge, Thomas, et al., 1879 August
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Mary Richards, John E. Trewhela, Moses M. Strong, and Mary Stubs.
Box   107
Wiseman, Mary A. v. Wiseman, Henry, 1887 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   107
Wiseman, Thomas v. Gust, Robert, et al., 1889 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Bertha A. Gus and Dennis McCarville.
Box   W51
Witham, Emmanual v. Mappes, Lou, et al., 1890 July
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: William and Coy Chesterfield, partners doing business under the firm name of Mappes, Chesterfield & Co. Apealed to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Box   W51
Wolff, John, et al. v. Hoskins, Jane, 1849 March
Note: Probate. Litigant 1: John J. Hoppe. Litigant 2: Administratrix of the estate of Thomas Hoskins, deceased.
Box   107
Wollager, Gustav v. Bartelt, Louis, et al., 1885 February
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Augusta Bartelt and Josiah Osborne.
Box   105
Wood, A.B.P. and Cordelia K. v. Houck, Isaiah, 1856 August
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - to property.
Box   103
Wood, Alpheus B.P. and Cordelia v. Colly, Aaron F.T., et al., 1856 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Colly is spelled "Colley" on some of the documents. Litigant 2: Isaiah Hauck.
Box   107
Wood, Eva v. Wood, Henry, 1893 August
Note: Divorce.
Box   W52
Wood, George B. v. Nash, William M., 1856 December
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   103
Wood, James v. Ferguson, Isaac, 1859 April
Note: Foreclosure.
Box   104
Wood, Mary C. v. Wood, Wallace, 1870 September
Note: Divorce.
Box   107
Wood, Mary Jane v. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, 1892 June
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 2: St. Paul Railway Company. Type of case: Damages - for injuries received on station platform.
Box   104
Wood, Norman v. Rose, James R., 1863 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   W52
Wood, Sabra v. Otis, D.B., et al., 1887 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: James E. Otis.
Box   W51
Wood, Sabra G. v. Otis, D.B. & James E., 1888 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   104
Wood, Sarah v. Wood, E.A., 1878 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   W51
Woodard, T.W. v. Eastman, Darius, 1862 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   W50
Woodbury, A.C. v. Nash, H. C., et al., 1875 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 2: Andrew McAllister.
Box   104
Woodbury, A.C. v. Dipple, Daniel B., et al., 1878 November
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: F.C. Duncan and J.B. Farrington.
Box   105
Woodbury, Nathan v. Cunningham, Hamilton, 1854 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   104
Woodman, Cyrus v. Gray, Ansley, et al., 1871 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Lillie and Henry Gray, infant heirs of Emma Purchell late Emma Gray, widow of James B. Gray, deceased, and Horatio Woodman.
Box   106
Woodman, Cyrus v. Dart, Laura A., et al., 1881 June
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Louis, Addie May, and Nellie Dart, Thomas and William James, M.J. Tooley, and John Newton as administrators the estate of Albert D. Dart, deceased.
Box   W52
Woodman, Selena J. v. Blackstone, Stephen, et al., 1865 May
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Netty Woodman, minor heirs, and Elizabeth Ann Woodman, widow, of William Woodman, deceased, by guardian Joseph P. Black. Litigant 2: Elizabeth Blackstone.
Box   W50
Woodmanse, Harrison v. Gates, Z., 1873 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label.
Box   104
Woods, James and Nancy v. Webb, Henry and Grace, 1872 May
Note: Foreclosure. Woods is misspelled as "Wood" on the label.
Box   103
Woods, Samuel v. Hopper, Martin S., et al., 1858 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Hamilton H. Gray and Edward Brown.
Box   105
Woodward, William v. Tucker, Hiram A., et al., 1858 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: William Blackstone.
Box   W51
Woolworth, S.T. v. Williams, R.H., 1872 May
Note: Replevin.
Box   109
Worley, George W. v. Nevils, George, 1906 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   106
Wortley, Mary Ann v. Wortley, George, 1878 November
Note: Divorce.
Box   W51
Wren, Michael v. Gallagher, Hugh J., 1885 April
Note: Tax.
Box   104
Wright, Ada E. v. Wright, Abner Albert, 1876 February
Note: Divorce.
Box   W50
Wright, B.B. v. Fossnight, Emanuel C., et al., 1883 January
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: as administrator of the estate of William H. Wright, deceased. Litigant 2: M. Michaelson.
Box   W52
Wright, Bridget v. Morgan, Patrick, 1855 October
Note: Damages/Theft. "Complaint" is the only document on file. Type of case: Damages - for assault.
Box   107
Wright, Caleb B. v. Fossnight, Emanuel C., et al., 1883 November
Note: Eviction. Litigant 2: Michael Michaelson, Francis Smith, and Gilbert Jackson.
Box   103
Wright, Catharine L. v. Wright, George W., 1869 February
Note: Divorce.
Box   107
Wright, Emma L. v. Wright, David, 1885 February
Note: Divorce.
Box   107
Wright, Harriet v. Wright, James D., 1889 June
Note: Divorce.
Box   103
Wright, James C. v. Singles, James, 1849 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   W50
Wright, James C. v. Swaker, Daniel, et al., 1850 August
Note: Damages/Theft. Litigant 2: Charles Brownell and Jacob Post. Type of case: Damages - for dogs injuring and killing hogs.
Box   104
Wright, James C. v. Lord, Isaac, 1851 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   103
Wright, James C. v. Lobb, Uriah V., et al., 1853 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Lobb is misspelled as "Cobb" on the label. Litigant 2: James D. Roberts.
Box   104
Wright, James C. v. Sandiford, Thomas, 1859 March
Note: Fraud. Sandiford is misspelled as "Sandeford" on the label.
Box   104
Wright, James C. v. Sperry, A.W., 1859 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   104
Wright, James C. v. Sperry, A.W., 1859 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   W52
Wright, James C. v. Sperry, A.W., 1859 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   W52
Wright, James C. v. DeSeelhorst, John K., 1861 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   W52
Wright, James C. v. Yaw, Joseph, et al., 1861 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: H.G. Stiles.
Box   105
Wright, James C. v. Brownell, Charles, 1862 August
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   W51
Wright, James C. v. Brownell, Charles, 1864 April
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   107
Wright, James M. v. McBride, Robert, et al., 1889 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Upon the death of Robert, Jesse E. and Robert L. McBride are named as defendants.
Box   W52
Wright, John D. v. Burris, Martin V., et al., 1879 November
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Litigant 2: Joseph Schultz.
Box   W52
Wright, John S., et al. v. Evans, Jesse B., 1858 May
Note: Nonpayment of Debt. Damaged label. Litigant 1: John R. Parson (?) partners in business under the firm name of J.S. Wright & Co.
Box   W52
Wright, John v. Morgan, Patrick, 1855 October
Note: Other. Litigant 1: by Bridget Wright. Type of case: Other - Complaint is the only document in the file -- asking for arrest for violent assault.
Box   109
Wright, Leda v. Wright, James D., 1902 March
Note: Divorce.
Box   105
Wright, Mary v. Wright, David, 1856 January
Note: Divorce.
Box   106
Wright, Mary, Ex Parte, 1874 November
Note: Discharge Mort.
Box   109
Wright, Mary A. v. Wright, John Q., 1904 February
Note: Divorce.
Box   105
Wright, Theodore S. v. Marvin, Jonathan J., 1851 October
Note: Foreclosure. Litigant 2: Elizabeth Marvin
Box   103
Wright, Thomas G., et al. v. Bronson, Frederic, et al., 1867 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Samuel Wright and William Knewstub. Litigant 2: As executor of the last will and testament of Arthur Bronson, deceased.
Box   W52
Wright, W.H.H. v. Barnes, Evan, 1887 April
Note: Type of case: Other - could not determine.
Box   103
Wright, William H.H. v. Campbell, James, 1860 May
Note: Replevin. Litigant 1: by James C. and Samuel E. Wright.
Box   O35
Yeager, Alice Ann, et al. v. Hatfield, Sarah, et al., 1906 August
Note: Probate. Litigant 1: Bessie Maria King and William James Hatfield. Litigant 2: Clyde Marshall and George Arthur Hatfield.
Box   110
Yeager, Alice Ann, et al. v. Hatfield, Sarah Annie, et al., 1906 January
Note: Probate. Litigant 1: Bessie Maria King and William James Hatfield. Ltigant 2: Clyde Marshall and George Arthur Hatfield.
Box   110
Yeager, Charles L., et al., Ex Parte, 1886 September
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Elizabeth Ellen and Carrie Jane, infants of Isaac Yeager.
Box   110
Yeager, Elizabeth Ellen, Ex Parte, 1890 April
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 1: Daughter of Isaac Yeager.
Box   110
Yeager, William H. v. Darlington, City of, 1909 May
Note: Damages/Theft. Type of case: Damages - for injuries received from a fall on a city boardwalk.
Box   110
York, William v. Hanlon, James, et al., 1914 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Litigant 2: Burke Fairchild, Robert McPherson, and Edward McCherry.
Box   110
Young, L.K. v. Denton, W. L., 1919 January
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   110
Youngbluth, John v. McDonnell, Jeremiah, 1883 September
Note: Nonpayment of Debt.
Box   110
Youngs, D.M. v. Brown-Croft Mining Co., et al., 1912 March
Note: Foreclosure. Youngs is misspelled as "Young" on the label. Litigant 2: The Iron River Leasing Company.
Box   110
Ziegenfuss, John, et al. v. Ziegenfuss, Elizabeth, et al., 1874 February
Note: Land/Real Estate. Ziegenfuss is misspelled as "Zeigenfuss" on the label. Litigant 1: Catharine Richards. Litigant 2: Victoria and Cecelia Gabel, Mary Weigel, Joachim, Dorothea, August, Anna, Clara, Margaret, and Louis Ziegenfuss.
Box   110
Zwicker, Henry v. Best Mining Company, 1907 August
Note: Land/Real Estate. Zwicker is misspelled as "Zwincker" on the label.