George Talbot Lectures and Talks, circa 1973-1979

Contents List

Container Title
Audio 2002A
"Acquisition and Administration of Non-Text Archival Materials"
Audio   2002A/1
1st and 2nd Sessions - Two sessions with George Talbot, 1973 January 16, 23
Audio   2002A/2
3rd and 4th Sessions - One session with George Talbot and one session with Susan Davis, 1973 January 30, February 6
Audio   2002A/3
5th and 6th Sessions - One session with Gerge Talbot and one session with Paul Vanderbilt, 1973 February 13, 20
Audio   2002A/4
7th and 8th Sessions - Two sessions with Susan Davis, 1973 February 27, March 6
Audio   2002A/5
9th and 10th Sessions - Two sessions with Susan Davis, 1973 March 13, 20
Audio   2002A/6
11th and 14th Sessions - One session with Susan Davis and one session with Steve Masar, 1973 March 27, April 24
Audio   2002A/7
12th and 13th Sessions - One session with Steve Masar and one session with T. Onosko, 1973 April 3, 10
Audio   2002A/8
15th Session - Wrap up remarks, 1973 May 1
Audio   2002A/9
"Look of America in 1973," George Talbot discussing picture materials memorandum, 1973
Audio   2002A/10
Image and Source - At Home, 1976 December 2
Audio   2002A/11
George Talbot - Local Television News Film, 1979 October 17
Audio   2002A/12
George Talbot answers questions at State Historical Society of Wisconsin archive management board meeting, undated
Audio   2002A/13
"Old American Cultures, Families Still in Existence," George Talbot, undated
Audio   2002A/14
"Talk on Collections and Archives," general and theories, George Talbot, undated
Audio   2002A/15
Paul Vanderbilt speaking with George Talbot, 1977? August 22