Wisconsin, Department of Administration, Division of Technology Management, Year 2000 (Y2K) Records, 1997-2000

Container Title
Series: Teaching and Research Files
Subseries: Writings, 1876-1942
Reel/Frame   120/216
Box   126
Works Written by Ely
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Box   127
Works Edited and Works for which Ely Wrote Introductions
Micro 924/Mss 411
Articles and Addresses
Alphabetical File
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“Activities of the IRLE,” 1930 May 16
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“Adam Smith,” 1897, circa 1932
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“Address to the Graduating Class, Washington School for Secretaries,” 1930 June 27
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Addresses, Miscellaneous
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“Adjusting the Tax Burden to the Tax Paying Ability of the Tax Bearer,” 1931 November
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“Administration,” 1886 December
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“Administration of the City of Berlin,” 1882 March
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“Advantages of Public Ownership and Management of Natural Monopolies,” 1901 March
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“Advisability of State Supervision of Real Estate Mortgage Bonds and the Development of Uniformity in Appraisal Procedure in Construction Projects,” 1926 November 30
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After Dinner Speeches, 1900, 1901
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“Age and Efficiency,” circa 1928
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“Agricultural Relief and Urban Land,” 1933 March 28
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“Amana: A Study of Survival in Christian Communism,” 1902 October
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“America, the Land of Joy,” 1926 January
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“American Academy of Real Estate,” 1933 February 21
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“American Colleges and German Universities,” 1880 July
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American Construction Council (speech to)
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“American Economic Association, 1885-1909: An Historical Sketch,” 1909 December
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“The American Economic Association,” circa 1886
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“An American Land Policy,” 1912
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“American Labor Organizations,” 1887 January
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“Anarchy,” 1893
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“Aspects of the Larger Conflict”
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“Benjamin Franklin, Founder and Pilot”
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“Beschreibung von Guetern in der Naehe von Frankfurt A/M Besichtigt,“ 1913 July
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“Besichtigung von Verschiedenen Anstalten in Muenchen,” 1913 August
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“Beware Another Land Boom,” 1924 November
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“Bibliography of Political Economy,” 1907 January 17
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“The Billion Dollar Steel Trust: An Analysis,” 1901 August
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“Blue Eagle, Spread Your Wings,” 1933 October
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Bohn, Frank, comments for radio talks, 1933 September
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“Bolshevism,” 1920
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Book Reviews by Ely
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Books to be reviewed in the Town Crier
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“Bread and Circuses,” 1934 October 18
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“Budget Controversy in Congress,” 1932 July
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“Budget - Family and Individual,” 1932 July
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“The Building and Loan Association,” 1923 December
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“The Building Industry and its Needs: a Program” (an address prepared for Harry A. Wheeler), 1930 May
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“Business, the University and the State,” 1916 February 18
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“Can Capital Prosper with Labor Idle,” 1933 April
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“Certain Psychological Aspects of Industrial Evolution,” 1904
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“The Changing Mind in the Changing World,” 1931 May 5
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“Chicago, the Public Utility Capital of the U.S.,” 1928 April
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“The Child's Paradise: the Story of Radburn,” 1930 February 27
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“Christian Self Sacrifice vs. Asceticism”
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“Christian Social Service,” 1922 March 21
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“Christianity as a Social Force,” 1893
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“Christianity's Foundation: A Common Sense View of the Old Testament,” circa 1895
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“The Church and the Labor Movement”
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“City and Country: They Must Pull Together and Not Apart if They Are to Prosper,” 1925 February 21
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The City Housing Corporation (articles describing)
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“The City Housing Corporation and Sunnyside,” 1926 April
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“The City of the Future”
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“Closed Circles of Economic Relationships as Sources of Surplus Gains,” 1931
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“Collection of Old Deeds and Records,” circa 1931
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“A College Course in Political Economy,” 1903 February
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“Competition in the New Era,” 1923 February
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“Competition, Its Nature, Its Permanency, and Its Beneficence,” 1900 December 27
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“Conservation and Economic Theory,” 1915 December
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“Conservation in War Time,” 1917 November 20
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“Cooperation in America,” 1886
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“Corporations,” circa 1887
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“Cost and Income in Land Utilization”
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Country Gentlemen Articles
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“Data Necessary for Forecasting Land Values with Special Emphasis on Farm Lands,” 1923 December 28
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“Debt Readjustment Vs. Liquidation of the Corn Belt,” 1926 April
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“A Decade of Economic Theory,” 1899 December 14
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“A Decade of Social Progress,” 1891 March
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“The Decline of Authority and the Problem of Leadership,” 1918 May 13
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“Depreciation and How to Finance It”
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“The Depression and the One Hundred and Fifty Year Plan,” 1931 December 10
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“The Development of Economics in Its Relation to the Problems of Government,” 1915 December 2
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“Discussion of the Budget,” 1931 December 14
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“The Dole and the Job”
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Duluth Lectures, 1897
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“Economic and Social Aspects of Mormonism”
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“Economic & Social Science in Business Education”
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“An Economic Approach to the Reclamation of Blighted Areas”
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“Economic Aspects of Kentucky,” 1908 October 6
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“The Economic Foundations of Peace in the World”
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“Economic Ideas of the Middle Ages”
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“Economic Internationalism,” 1890 February
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“Economic Relationships of Construction,” 1927 December 1
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“Economic Revolution,” 1893 January
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“Economic Theory and Labor Legislation,” 1907 December 30
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“Economics -- A Science,” 1934 April
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“Economics and Social Science in Adult Education,” 1934
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“Economics and the Study of Law”
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“Economics in its Relation to Education and Legislation for the Improvement of Individual and National Welfare,” 1931
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“The Economics of Irrigation”
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“Economics of Real Estate,” 1923 July
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“Economics of Real Estate Securities”
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“Education and Research in Relation to the Future of Building and Loan Associations,” 1924 July
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“Education and Research in Their Relations to Public Utilities,” 1923 June 7
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Box/Folder   3/5
“The Educational Policy of the Church,” 1894 July 28
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Box/Folder   4/1
“The Educational Value of Political Economy”
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“Equality and Equality of Opportunity,” 1906 December 10
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“Equality of Opportunity”
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“Essay on Adam Smith,” 1897
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“Everyman's Economics”
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“The Evils of Our Present Methods of Taxation,” 1901
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“The Evolution of Equality in American History,” 1934 October 19
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“The Evolution of Industrial Society,” 1897-1902
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“Excessive Constitutionalism”
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Extracts from Press Notices of the New School of Economics, “History and Public Law of the University of Wisconsin,” 1892 March
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“Farm Homes and Our National Welfare,” 1922 February 3
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“Farm Ownership and Tenancy with Special Consideration of the Lessons from British Tenure,” 1926 January 20
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“Farm Relief and Flood Control,” 1927 July 28
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“The Financial Conditions of Electric Railways from the Standpoint of the Political Economist,” 1924 March 4
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“Forces Affecting Municipally Owned Electric Plants in Wisconsin” (preface by Ely), 1930
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“Foreign Debts,” 1932 November 18
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“Forestry Act of 1927 of the Province of Ontario”
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“The Forward Look,” 1939 January
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“The French Protestant Association for the Practical Study of Social Questions,” 1892 June
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“Foundation and Early Influence of the American Economic Association,” 1935 April 2
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“Foundation for the Study of Construction Economics and the IRLE”
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“Foundations of Agricultural Prosperity,” 1920 September 16
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“The Founding and Early History of the American Economic Association,” 1935 December 27
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“Fraternalism vs. Paternalism,” 1898 March?
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“Frederick Denison Maurice,” 1888 July 11
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“Fundamental Beliefs in My Social Philosophy,” 1894 October
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“The Future Organization of Higher Education in the U.S.,” 1895 July 11
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“A Garden of Eden”
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“General Conceptions of Property in Economic Theory and Its Relation to Law”
Reel/Frame   124/722
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“German Cooperative Credit Unions,” 1881
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“Germany and the World War”
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Box/Folder   4/6
“Give Him a Chance,” 1937 September
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“Gold vs. -- Wampum?”
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Box/Folder   5/1
“Good Government and Good Business,” 1917, 1918
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“Government as an Employer,” 1935 September
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“Government in Business and the General Welfare,” 1931
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Grace Church Address, 1925 September 21
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“The Great Change: Work and Wealth in a New Age”
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“The Great European War Foretold, and the German Domination of Russia Graphically Described”
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“A Great Opportunity”
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“Greeley, Colorado: A Type of American Prosperity,” 1902, 1903
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“Hard Times,” 1894 December 13
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“Hard Times -- Cure and Prevention,” 1931 May 11
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“Hard Times in the U.S.,” 1932
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“Hard Times, The Way In and the Way Out,” 1931 January 18
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“Herr Most in Baltimore,” 1883 March 2
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“Higher Education,” 1893 May 7
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“Higher Education and the Churches,” 1895 June 7
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“Higher Education of Women,” 1892 May 28
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“How do Economic Limitations of Poorer Agricultural Sections Affect Social Conditions,” 1926 November 22
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“How Should Political Economy Be Taught to the Rising Generation?” , 1889 November 2
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Box/Folder   5/3
“How to Avert Strikes,” 1901 August 3
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“Idle Hands,” 1934 January
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“Immortality,” 1927 April 12
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“The Improvement of Municipal Government,” 1890 October 9
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“In the Short Run,” 1933 February
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“Increasing Public Expenditures,” 1933 January
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“Individual Fortunes”
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“Industrial Betterment,” 1902 September
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“Industrial Democracy in American History,” 1905, 1906
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“Industrial Liberty,” 1901 December 27
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“Industrial Problems,” 1904 September
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“Industrial Questions of the Day”
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“Industrial Situation: Utopian Aspirations”
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“Inheritance of Property,” 1934 October 29
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Institute for Research in Land Economics (addresses on)
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“Institute for Research in Land Economics,” 1924 July
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“Institute for Research in Land Economics,” 1927 June
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“Institutional Economics,” 1931 December 29
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“Is Prosperity Returning?” , 1932 October
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“The Islands of Safety in the New Age”
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“A Job for Everyone”
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“Johns Hopkins University,” 1882 August 24
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“Karl Marx and Technocracy,” 1933 February
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Box/Folder   5/7
“Labor as Treated in the Report of the Industrial Commission,” 1902 November
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Box/Folder   5/7
“The Labor Movement & International Peace,” 1896 April
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Box/Folder   6/1
Lambda Alpha (address to)
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Land Economics (various addresses), 1926-1933
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“Land Economics and Business Executives,” 1921 December
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“Land Economics and Geography,” 1922 December 27
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“Land Economics and the Real Estate Dealer,” 1925 July 31
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“Land Economics as a Science and Real Estate Business as a Profession,” 1927, 1929
Reel/Frame   125/941
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“Land Economics Association” (letter to), 1931-1932
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“Land Economics in Its Relation to Building and Loan Associations,” 1924 December 8
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“Land Income,” 1928
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“Land, Labor and Taxation,” 1887-1888
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“Land Planning and Education,” 1929 December 30
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“A Land Policy for Wisconsin”
Reel/Frame   125/1027
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“Land Problems and the Cost of Living,” 1920
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“Land Settlement in the United States,” 1925 January 7
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“Land Settlement Problems and Home Ownership,” 1919, 1920
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“Land Speculation,” 1920 July
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“Land Tenure,” 1939
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“Land Tenure: Economic and Agrarian Aspects,” 1928
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“Land Utilization,” 1926 October
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“Land Utilization: A National Policy Outlined,” 1922 May
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“Land Valuation and Our Agricultural Future,” 1924 November
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“Land Value Trends,” 1926 October
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“Landed Property as an Economic Concept and a Field of Research,” 1916 December 28
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“Landlord and Tenant Problems,” 1925 December
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“Large and Small Farms,” 1925 September
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“The Larger Aspects of Civil Service Reform,” 1894 April 26
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“The Law of Increased Public Expenditures Causes and Remedies,” 1932 December 15
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“Leadership in America,” 1917 September
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“Lessons to be Drawn from the Year's Labor Troubles,” 1901 December 28
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“Liberty, A Social Product,” 1897 January
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“The Life and Work of a Nobel Teacher: A Sketch of the Late Professor H.B. Adams,” 1901 September
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“Lower East Side: The New Frontier,” 1931 June
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“Luck and Chance,” 1934 January 8
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“Luck and Chance in Success and Failure,” 1921 May
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“Magnify Your Job: A Talk to Young People”
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“Making Men Good By Law,” 1933 December
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“Man and the Land,” 1919 March 8
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Miscellaneous Writings
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“Mr. Gregg's Contribution to Commercial Education”
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“Model Towns,” 1890 November 27
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“Modern Land Problems,” 1924 December 16
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“Modern Land Problems and the Farmers' Troubles,” 1926 May 7
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“Monopolies,” 1897 October 30
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“Movements and Trends in Land Values on Manhattan Island and In Greater New York”
Reel/Frame   126/729
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“Municipal Ownership,” 1903 December 1
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“Municipal Ownership of Natural Monopolies,” 1901 March
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“My Grandfather in Hard Times”
Reel/Frame   126/858
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“'Myself' by John R. Commons: A Contribution to the Understanding of America,” 1935
Reel/Frame   126/924
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“The National Agricultural Conference,” 1922
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“National Budget,” 1932 January
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“National Land Policy,” 1922 February
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“National Policy For Land Utilization,” 1922, 1923
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“NRA and the Farm Problem,” 1933 August 28
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“Natural Monopolies and Local Taxation,” 1889 January 8
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“Natural Monopolies and the Workingman,” 1894 March
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“Nature and Significance of Monopolies and Trusts” , 1900 April
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“The Nature of Socialism”
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“The Needs of the City,” 1889 December 4
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“Neglected Aspects of Municipal Reform,” 1897 December 18
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“The New Economic World and the New Economics,” 1929 November
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“The New Economics,” 1932 November 28
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“New Housing Methods,” 1929 September 19
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New International Encyclopedia (articles for), 1903
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“New Public Domain of Tax Delinquent Lands”
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New York Times article, 1932
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“The Newest New Economics”
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“The Next Thing in Social Reform,” 1891 April 23
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“Objections to Socialism,” 1901 January
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“Organization and Purposes of the Institute for Research in Land Economics and Public Utilities,” 1924 April
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“Our Day”
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“Our Foreign Debts,” 1932 December
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“Our Point of View”
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“Oyster Culture,” circa 1889
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“Parsimony in Public Finance”
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Box/Folder   8/3
“The Passing of Laissez-Faire,” 1912 February
Reel/Frame   127/868
Box/Folder   8/3
“Past and Present of Political Economy,” 1939 December 1
Reel/Frame   127/919
Box/Folder   8/3
“Pauperism in the United States,” 1891 April
Reel/Frame   127/935
Box/Folder   8/3
“The Peace Time Army”
Reel/Frame   127/942
Box/Folder   8/4
“Pelzer: A Modern Instance of Enlightened Absolutism,” 1902 June
Reel/Frame   127/971
Box/Folder   8/4
The People's Money (articles for)
Reel/Frame   127/982
Box/Folder   8/4
“The Personal Elements of Business”
Reel/Frame   127/990
Box/Folder   8/4
“Philanthropy,” 1887 March 9
Reel/Frame   127/1013
Box/Folder   8/4
“The Place of Economic Research in a Housing Foundation,” 1930 February 18
Reel/Frame   127/1026
Box/Folder   8/4
“Place of Economics in Secondary Education,” 1900 September
Reel/Frame   127/1047
Box/Folder   8/4
“Place of Research in Graduate Training,” 1927 June 16
Reel/Frame   128/1
Box/Folder   8/4
“A Planned Economic Life,” 1933 April
Reel/Frame   128/31
Box/Folder   8/5
“A Plea for an American Aristocracy”
Reel/Frame   128/163
Box/Folder   8/5
“Points to Be Considered in the Investigation of Landed Property,” 1917
Reel/Frame   128/332
Box/Folder   8/6
“Policy and Population,” 1925 March
Reel/Frame   128/347
Box/Folder   8/6
“Political Economy in America,” 1887 February
Reel/Frame   128/355
Box/Folder   8/6
“Political Economy in the High School,” 1895 March
Reel/Frame   128/358
Box/Folder   8/6
“Political Economy in the Schools of the South,” 1904, 1905
Reel/Frame   128/393
Box/Folder   8/6
“Population and Food Supply,” 1922 December 28
Reel/Frame   128/401
Box/Folder   8/6
“The Population Bugaboo,” 1925 May 16
Reel/Frame   128/403
Box/Folder   9/1
“Possibilities of Social Reform,” 1902 December 13
Reel/Frame   128/421
Box/Folder   9/1
“The Possibility of Adjusting Supply to Demand,” 1932
Reel/Frame   128/460
Box/Folder   9/1
“Practical Approach to the World,” 1927-1930
Reel/Frame   128/616
Box/Folder   9/1
“Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition,” 1942 December
Reel/Frame   128/639
Box/Folder   9/1
“Price and Prosperity,” 1922 November 20
Reel/Frame   128/668
Box/Folder   9/2
“The Price of Industrial Progress,” 1905 November
Reel/Frame   128/701
Box/Folder   9/2
“The Price of Progress,” 1922 June
Reel/Frame   128/728
Box/Folder   9/2
“Prince Peter Alexeyevich Kropotkin, The Idealist of Anarchism,” 1934 May 28
Reel/Frame   128/733
Box/Folder   9/2
“The Principle of Proportionality in Production”
Reel/Frame   128/739
Box/Folder   9/2
“Prisoners and Captives,” 1892 August 16
Reel/Frame   128/936
Box/Folder   9/3
“Private and Public Colonization or Organized Settlement of the Land,” 1923 February 20
Reel/Frame   128/960
Box/Folder   9/3
“The Private Colonization of Land,” 1922 March
Reel/Frame   128/979
Box/Folder   9/3
“Private Colonization of the Land,” 1918 June
Reel/Frame   129/1
Box/Folder   9/3
“The Problem of Modern Democracy,” 1931 May 14
Reel/Frame   129/22
Box/Folder   9/3
“Professor Adolph Wagner”
Reel/Frame   129/29
Box/Folder   9/3
“Professor Richard T. Ely Makes a Personal Statement In Reply to the Accusation Affecting His Conduct As a University Professor,” 1894 August 15
Reel/Frame   129/32
Box/Folder   9/3
“A Program for Labor Reform,” 1890 April
Reel/Frame   129/50
Box/Folder   9/3
“Progress in Planned Utilization of Land,” circa 1936
Reel/Frame   129/79
Box/Folder   9/4
“The Progress of Socialism,” 1891 February 5
Reel/Frame   129/99
Box/Folder   9/4
“The Progress of Socialism Since 1893,” 1899
Reel/Frame   129/113
Box/Folder   9/4
“Progressivism, True or False -- An Outline,” 1915 February
Reel/Frame   129/134
Box/Folder   9/4
“The Proper Aims of Schools of Economics and Politics,” 1892 May 19
Reel/Frame   129/136
Box/Folder   9/4
“Proportionality in Production,” 1935 June 10
Reel/Frame   129/141
Box/Folder   9/4
“Proposed Law to Limit Real Estate Taxation in New York to 1 3/4%”
Reel/Frame   129/146
Box/Folder   9/4
“Proposed Survey of Assessed and True Value of Property in New York,” 1932 August 10
Reel/Frame   129/159
Box/Folder   9/4
“The Proposed Tax Exemption of Mortgage Interest As a Solution of the Housing Problem,” 1921
Reel/Frame   129/171
Box/Folder   9/4
“Public Control of Corporations,” 1901 February
Reel/Frame   129/177
Box/Folder   9/5
“Public Education, An Essential Element of American Democracy,” 1904 July
Reel/Frame   129/185
Box/Folder   9/5
“Public Ownership Compared with Public Control,” 1903
Reel/Frame   129/223
Box/Folder   9/5
“Public Ownership of Public Utilities,” 1917 March 24
Reel/Frame   129/235
Box/Folder   9/5
“Public Works in Municipalities,” 1889 April 19
Reel/Frame   129/257
Box/Folder   9/5
“Pullman: A Social Study,” 1885 February
Reel/Frame   129/293
Box/Folder   10/1
“Radburn,” 1934 April
Reel/Frame   129/307
Box/Folder   10/1
“Railway Economics and Land Economics: Their Relations,” 1923 January
Reel/Frame   129/309
Box/Folder   10/1
“The Real Estate Business as a Profession,” 1918-1921
Reel/Frame   129/495
Box/Folder   10/1
“Real Estate Education,” 1924 December 1
Reel/Frame   129/502
Box/Folder   10/1
“Real Estate Education in the Future,” 1925 June 24
Reel/Frame   129/516
Box/Folder   10/1
“Real Estate in the Business Cycle,” 1932 March
Reel/Frame   129/522
Box/Folder   10/2
“Real Estate in the Depression, the Way in and the Way Out,” 1932 June 22
Reel/Frame   129/534
Box/Folder   10/2
Real Estate Luncheon Talk, 1932 September 13
Reel/Frame   129/546
Box/Folder   10/2
“Real Estate Mortgages and the Way Out,” 1934 January 16
Reel/Frame   129/583
Box/Folder   10/2
“Reasons for the Encouragement of the Investigation of Landed Property by Land Owners”
Reel/Frame   129/603
Box/Folder   10/2
“Recollections of the Life and Work of Simon N. Patten,” 1923 December 29
Reel/Frame   129/629
Box/Folder   10/2
“Recommendations as to the Wisconsin Real Estate Tax Law Changes,” 1934 May 2
Reel/Frame   129/688
Box/Folder   10/2
“Reconstruction Finance Corporation”
Reel/Frame   129/693
Box/Folder   10/3
“Recovery Program for a State,” 1934 August
Reel/Frame   129/696
Box/Folder   10/3
“Recreational Land and the Farmer,” 1925 April 15
Reel/Frame   129/713
Box/Folder   10/3
“Reforms in Taxation,” 1901 January
Reel/Frame   129/734
Box/Folder   10/3
“The Relation Between Race Progress and Social Progress”
Reel/Frame   129/763
Box/Folder   10/3
“The Relation of the Church to Education in the Diocese of Milwaukee,” 1897
Reel/Frame   129/779
Box/Folder   10/4
“The Relation of the Engineer to Land Economics,” 1925 October
Reel/Frame   129/785
Box/Folder   10/4
“The Relation of the Teacher to the Labor Movement”
Reel/Frame   129/868
Box/Folder   10/4
“Religion as a Social Force,” 1897 July
Reel/Frame   129/875
Box/Folder   10/4
“The Religious Press and the Labor Movement,” 1902 September 3
Reel/Frame   129/878
Box/Folder   10/4
“Remarks by RTE on the Occasion of the Celebration of His 80th Birthday,” 1934 April 15
Reel/Frame   129/894
Box/Folder   10/4
“Remarks on the Scope of Land Economics,” 1927 December 27
Reel/Frame   129/900
Box/Folder   10/4
“Remarks on the Work of Doctor H.B. Adams,” 1901 February 22
Reel/Frame   129/909
Box/Folder   10/4
“Report of the Committee on Text Books to the U.S. League of Local Building and Loan Associations,” 1924 July 24
Reel/Frame   129/923
Box/Folder   10/4
“Report on Irrigation,” 1904 September 19
Reel/Frame   129/977
Box/Folder   10/4
“Research and the Housing Situation,” 1926 April
Reel/Frame   129/992
Box/Folder   10/4
“Response of RTE at Unveiling of Ely Portrait, University of Wisconsin,” 1924 May 9
Reel/Frame   129/1003
Box/Folder   10/4
“Retrospect -- Economics and Culture,” 1935
Reel/Frame   129/1025
Box/Folder   10/5
“The Rise of the Science of Statistics in Germany”
Reel/Frame   130/1
Box/Folder   10/5
“Robber Taxes,” 1924 July 12
Reel/Frame   130/46
Box/Folder   10/5
“Russian Land Reform,” 1916 March
Reel/Frame   130/53
Box/Folder   10/5
Rutgers Town (testimony at hearing on application for loan), 1934 May 22
Reel/Frame   130/64
Box/Folder   10/6
School of Land Economics
Reel/Frame   130/69
Box/Folder   10/6
“The Science of Wealth,” 1901 June
Reel/Frame   130/78
Box/Folder   10/6
“Scientific Research in Public Finance and Taxation...,” 1930 May 16
Reel/Frame   130/95
Box/Folder   10/6
Secretarial Manual (introduction by Ely)
Reel/Frame   130/138
Box/Folder   10/6
“Self Interest”
Reel/Frame   130/146
Box/Folder   10/6
“Senior's Theory of Monopoly,” 1899 December 27
Reel/Frame   130/191
Box/Folder   10/6
“Should the University of Wisconsin Aim to Attract Students From Every Part of the U.S. and Even From Foreign Countries?” , 1903 February
Reel/Frame   130/198
Box/Folder   10/6
“The Single Tax,” 1890 December 25
Reel/Frame   130/212
Box/Folder   11/1
“The Single Tax Versus the Lure of Prosperity in the Settlement of Northern Wisconsin”
Reel/Frame   130/242
Box/Folder   11/1
“Sir Charles D'Avenant, His Life and Economic Works”
Reel/Frame   130/311
Box/Folder   11/1
“A Sketch of the Life and Service of H.B. Adams,” 1902 February 5
Reel/Frame   130/369
Box/Folder   11/1
“Smaller and Better Taxes,” 1929 November
Reel/Frame   130/372
Box/Folder   11/1
“Social Aspects of Christianity,” 1888
Reel/Frame   130/385
Box/Folder   11/1
“Social Aspects of Insurance,” 1899 February
Reel/Frame   130/422
Box/Folder   11/1
“Social Law of Service,” 1895 June 25
Reel/Frame   130/455
Box/Folder   11/1
“Social Message of Christianity,” 1898 July 10
Reel/Frame   130/475
Box/Folder   11/1
“Social Observations in Germany,” 1892
Reel/Frame   130/487
Box/Folder   11/1
“Social Progress,” 1897
Reel/Frame   130/505
Box/Folder   11/1
“Social Progress,” 1901 May
Reel/Frame   130/526
Box/Folder   11/2
“Social Progress,” 1903
Reel/Frame   130/613
Box/Folder   11/2
“Social Progress,” 1905
Reel/Frame   130/704
Box/Folder   11/2
“Social Reconstruction”
Reel/Frame   130/717
Box/Folder   11/2
“Social Reforms Versus War,” 1896 June
Reel/Frame   130/730
Box/Folder   11/3
“The Social Significance of the Lord's Supper”
Reel/Frame   130/803
Box/Folder   11/3
“Social Studies in Europe,” 1889 December
Reel/Frame   130/809
Box/Folder   11/3
“The Social Theory of Property,” 1922 May 24
Reel/Frame   130/845
Box/Folder   11/3
“Socialism,” 1886 February
Reel/Frame   130/864
Box/Folder   11/3
“Socialism at Its Best,” 1934 February 16
Reel/Frame   130/868
Box/Folder   11/4
“Socialism, Religious, Ethical and Materialistic,” 1902 November 20
Reel/Frame   130/902
Box/Folder   11/4
“Socialism -- What Is It?” , 1934 April
Reel/Frame   130/906
Box/Folder   11/4
“Soil Deterioration and Public Land Policy,” 1926 February
Reel/Frame   130/917
Box/Folder   11/4
“Some Aspects of the World's Crises”
Reel/Frame   130/919
Box/Folder   11/4
“Some Ethical Aspects of Ownership,” 1902 February
Reel/Frame   130/949
Box/Folder   11/4
“Some Recent Theories on the States of Economic Development,” 1906 December 27
Reel/Frame   130/957
Box/Folder   11/4
“Something for Nothing,” 1934 October 18
Reel/Frame   130/963
Box/Folder   11/4
“Sound Economic Foundations Essential in All Plans for Improved Housing”
Reel/Frame   130/972
Box/Folder   11/5
Southern Trip (notes from various addresses), 1905 November
Reel/Frame   130/1001
Box/Folder   11/5
“Special Report of the Committee on Business and Housing for the President's Conference on Home Building and Home Ownership”
Reel/Frame   130/1050
Box/Folder   11/5
“Spending to Learn Saving,” 1934 May
Reel/Frame   131/1
Box/Folder   11/5
“State Income Taxes as a Partial Substitute for General Property Taxes As Applied to Farms,” 1929 September 28
Reel/Frame   131/15
Box/Folder   11/6
“A State Land Policy for Wisconsin”
Reel/Frame   131/66
Box/Folder   11/6
“State Universities in the South,” 1904, 1906
Reel/Frame   131/75
Box/Folder   11/6
“The State University,” 1892 October 26
Reel/Frame   131/79
Box/Folder   11/6
“The State University and the Churches,” 1893
Reel/Frame   131/85
Box/Folder   11/6
“Statement In Regard to Woodrow Wilson Manuscript on 'American Economists,'” 1928 January 9
Reel/Frame   131/96
Box/Folder   11/6
“The Strength and Weakness of Socialism,” 1897 November
Reel/Frame   131/115
Box/Folder   11/6
“The Strength and Weakness of Socialism,” 1934 May
Reel/Frame   131/135
Box/Folder   12/1
“The Struggle of an Economist During a Long Life,” 1939 November 30
Reel/Frame   131/150
Box/Folder   12/1
“A Study of a 'Decreed' Town,” 1903 February
Reel/Frame   131/178
Box/Folder   12/1
“The Study of Social Science and the Christian Minister,” 1892, 1893
Reel/Frame   131/197
Box/Folder   12/1
“Suggestions for a Land Economics Exhibit,” circa 1931
Reel/Frame   131/211
Box/Folder   12/1
“Suggestions for Speakers on the U.S. and the World War,” 1917
Reel/Frame   131/236
Box/Folder   12/1
“Suggestions on Social Topics,” 1891-1892
Reel/Frame   131/298
Box/Folder   12/2
“Suggestions to Teachers of General Economics,” 1910 June 6
Reel/Frame   131/322
Box/Folder   12/2
“Swollen Fortunes,” 1906 December 17
Reel/Frame   131/305
Box/Folder   12/2
“Summary of the Revenue Act of 1932”
Reel/Frame   131/402a
Box/Folder   12/2
“Symptoms & Causes”
Reel/Frame   131/403
Box/Folder   12/3
“The Task of Reorganization”
Reel/Frame   131/420
Box/Folder   12/3
“Tax Exemption and Housing”
Reel/Frame   131/428
Box/Folder   12/3
“Tax Program of the National Association of Real Estate Boards,” 1933 October 30
Reel/Frame   131/443
Box/Folder   12/4
“Taxation” (address before Landlords Mutual Protective Association of Baltimore), 1888 December 4
Reel/Frame   131/522
Box/Folder   12/4
“Taxation,” 1890 February
Reel/Frame   131/655
Box/Folder   12/5
“Taxation,” undated
Reel/Frame   131/686
Box/Folder   12/5
“Taxation,” (for Nelson's Encyclopedia), undated
Reel/Frame   131/771
Box/Folder   12/5
“Taxation of Farm Lands,” 1924 January 24
Reel/Frame   131/827
Box/Folder   12/5
“Taxation of Farm Lands,” 1924 May 15
Reel/Frame   131/865
Box/Folder   12/6
“Taxation of Land,” 1922, 1924
Reel/Frame   132/1
Box/Folder   13/1
“Taxation of Real Estate”
Reel/Frame   132/13
Box/Folder   13/1
“Taxing Land Values and Taxing Building Values,” 1930 March
Reel/Frame   132/17
Box/Folder   13/1
“Technocracy,” 1933
Reel/Frame   132/63
Box/Folder   13/2
Reel/Frame   132/81
Box/Folder   13/2
“The Telegraph Monopoly,” 1889 July
Reel/Frame   132/94
Box/Folder   13/2
“Tenancy in an Ideal System of Land Ownership,” 1919 March
Reel/Frame   132/135
Box/Folder   13/2
“Thinking and Achievement”
Reel/Frame   132/147
Box/Folder   13/3
“The Three G's -- A Program for Prosperity,” 1924 August 30
Reel/Frame   132/166
Box/Folder   13/3
“Tours of Observation,” 1924 September
Reel/Frame   132/204
Box/Folder   13/4
“Town and Village Improvement,” 1926 September 10
Reel/Frame   132/233
Box/Folder   13/4
Town Crier Articles (list of), 1932-1934
Reel/Frame   132/249
Box/Folder   13/4
“The Trusteeship of Literature: A Word of Warning Against a Proposed New Index”
Reel/Frame   132/261
Box/Folder   13/4
Reel/Frame   132/274
Box/Folder   13/4
“The Twentieth Century City,” 1901
Reel/Frame   132/367
Box/Folder   13/4
“Two Kinds of Cooperation,” 1897
Reel/Frame   132/377
Box/Folder   13/4
“Two Kinds of Optimism,” 1897 June
Reel/Frame   132/388
Box/Folder   13/5
“Ulm on the Danube,” 1913 December 6
Reel/Frame   132/434
Box/Folder   13/5
“Under All the Land,” 1933 September
Reel/Frame   132/468
Box/Folder   13/5
Reel/Frame   132/537
Box/Folder   13/5
“The Universities and the Churches,” 1893 July 5
Reel/Frame   132/621
Box/Folder   13/6
“The University As a Commercial Asset of Wisconsin,” 1915 February 12
Reel/Frame   132/667
Box/Folder   13/6
“University of Wisconsin Presidents and Others”
Reel/Frame   132/675
Box/Folder   13/6
“Until We Meet Again,” circa 1939
Reel/Frame   132/698
Box/Folder   13/6
“Utility and Cost as Determinants of Value”
Reel/Frame   132/709
Box/Folder   13/6
“Utilization of Land in War Time and the Growth of an Irish Farm”
Reel/Frame   132/735
Box/Folder   13/7
“Valuation of Land,” 1922 December 29
Reel/Frame   132/770
Box/Folder   13/7
“Votes for Women,” 1912 May 25
Reel/Frame   132/845
Box/Folder   14/1
Washington School for Secretaries (remarks on presenting diplomas to 1932 graduates)
Reel/Frame   132/849
Box/Folder   14/1
“What Henry Ford and His Automobile Have Done to Economic Thinking,” 1935
Reel/Frame   132/877
Box/Folder   14/1
“What Is Our Social Ideal,” 1898
Reel/Frame   132/886
Box/Folder   14/1
“Why Are Nations Striving to Become Self-Sufficing,” 1934 February
Reel/Frame   132/897a
Box/Folder   14/1
Work and the Workman / by John K. Ingram (introduction by Ely), 1928
Reel/Frame   132/898
Box/Folder   14/1
“Work for All,” 1935 May 16
Reel/Frame   132/905
Box/Folder   14/1
“World Trade and World Peace,” 1933 April
Reel/Frame   132/908
Box/Folder   14/1
“World Trade and World Peace - Putting the Cart Before the Horse,” 1933 March 6
Reel/Frame   132/915
Box/Folder   14/1
“Worthless Land: What Can We Do for the Men on It,” 1924 October 25
Scrapbooked Writings, 1876-1942
Reel/Frame   133/1
Volume I

Scope and Content Note
  • Adams, Henry C.
  • Adams, Herbert B.
  • Agriculture
  • American Economic Association
  • Anarchy
Reel/Frame   133/83
Volume II

Scope and Content Note
  • Arbitration
  • Bolshevism
  • Building and Loan Associations
  • Charities
  • Church
  • Church and Education
  • Church and Labor
  • Churches and State Universities
  • Cities and Towns
  • Cities and Towns - Planning
  • Civil Service
  • Competition
Reel/Frame   133/187
Volume III

Scope and Content Note
  • Competition (continued)
  • Conservation
  • Construction
  • Co-operation
  • Corporations
  • Economic Conditions
  • Economics
Reel/Frame   133/284
Volume VI
Note: The volume numbering is Ely's. Volumes IV and V were not with the collection when it was received at the Historical Society.

Scope and Content Note
  • Economics (continued)
  • Economics - History
  • Economics - Study and Teaching
  • Education
  • Education of Women
  • Electric Railroads
  • Ethics
Reel/Frame   133/364
Volume VII

Scope and Content Note
  • European War, 1914-1918
  • Excess Condemnation
  • Farm Relief
  • Farm Tenancy
  • Fisk, George M.
  • Forests and Forestry
  • Fortunes
  • French Protestant Association
  • Germany - Foreign Relations - Russia
  • Government Ownership
  • Heredity and Crime
  • Housing
  • Immigration
  • Industrial Education
  • Industry
  • Industry - History
Reel/Frame   133/470
Volume VIII

Scope and Content Note
  • Industry - History (continued)
  • Industry - Organization
  • Inheritance and Succession
  • Institute for Research in Land Economics and Public Utilities
  • Labor and Laboring Classes
Reel/Frame   133/582
Volume IX

Scope and Content Note
  • Labor and Laboring Classes (continued)
  • Labor Laws and Legislation
  • Land
Reel/Frame   133/708
Volume X

Scope and Content Note
  • Land (continued)
  • Land - Taxation
Reel/Frame   133/840
Volume XI

Scope and Content Note
  • Land - Taxation (continued)
  • Land Settlement
  • Land Tenure
  • Landlord and Tenant
  • Liberty
  • Luxury
  • Marketing
  • Monopolies
Reel/Frame   133/972
Volume XII

Scope and Content Note
  • Mormons and Mormonism
  • Municipal Government
  • Municipal Ownership
  • Peace
  • Political Science
  • Population
  • Progress
  • Public Utilities
  • Railroads
  • Real Estate
  • Real Estate - Study and Teaching
Reel/Frame   134/1
Volume XIII

Scope and Content Note
  • Real Estate - Study and Teaching (continued)
  • Religion
  • Research
  • Single Tax
  • Smith, Adam
  • Social Conditions
  • Social Laws and Legislation
  • Social Problems
Reel/Frame   134/96
Volume XIV

Scope and Content Note
  • Social Problems (continued)
  • Social Sciences
  • Socialism
  • Strikes
  • Studies in the Evolution of Industrial Society
  • Success
  • Taxation
Reel/Frame   134/181
Volume XV

Scope and Content Note
  • Taxation (continued)
  • Telegraph
  • Trade Unions
  • Trusts
  • U.S. - Economic Conditions
  • Universities and Colleges
  • Wells Affair
  • Wisconsin University
Reel/Frame   134/269
Volume XVI, Miscellaneous, 1876-1888
Reel/Frame   134/475
Volume XVII, Miscellaneous, 1886-1888
Reel/Frame   134/585
Volume XVIII, Miscellaneous, 1887
Reel/Frame   134/679
Volume XIX, Miscellaneous, 1889-1891
Reel/Frame   134/836
Volume XX, Miscellaneous, 1892-1897
Book Drafts and Files
Box/Folder   14/2
“Advertising” (G.B. Hotchkiss)
Changing Character and Extent of Municipal Ownership in the Electric Light and Power Industry
Reel/Frame   134/954
Box/Folder   14/3
Draft #1
Reel/Frame   135/1
Box/Folder   14/4-5
Draft #2
Reel/Frame   135/576
Box/Folder   15/1
Draft #3
Reel/Frame   135/779
Box/Folder   15/2
Charts and Tables
Reel/Frame   136/1
Box/Folder   15/3
Citizens Library of Economics, Politics, and Sociology
Reel/Frame   136/65
Box/Folder   15/4
“Classical Economists”
Reel/Frame   136/81
Box/Folder   15/5
The Coming City, 1891-1892
Reel/Frame   136/213
Box/Folder   15/6
Elementary Principles of Economics (Ely and Wicker), 1904-1919
Reel/Frame   136/247
Box/Folder   15/7
“Elements of Economics” (Ely and William Scott)
Reel/Frame   136/252
Box/Folder   15/8
Elements of Land Economics (Ely and Morehouse)
Reel/Frame   136/273
Box/Folder   15/9-10
“Evolution of Economic Society”
Reel/Frame   136/602
Box/Folder   15/11
Foundations of National Prosperity, 1917-1918
Reel/Frame   136/613
Box/Folder   15/12
The Great Change - Work and Wealth in the New Age
Reel/Frame   136/623
Box/Folder   16/1-2
“A Guide to the Study of Economic and Social Problems”
Reel/Frame   136/832
Box/Folder   16/3
Hard Times - the Way In and the Way Out
Reel/Frame   137/1
Box/Folder   16/4
History of Economic Thought (Lewis H. Haney)
Reel/Frame   137/17
Box/Folder   16/5
Introduction to Political Economy, 1896
Reel/Frame   137/33
Box/Folder   16/6
“The Jew and the Land” (William Kirsch)
Reel/Frame   137/51
Box/Folder   16/6
“Labor Movement in America,” 1905-1906
Reel/Frame   137/99
Box/Folder   16/7
Land Economics (Ely and Wehrwein)
Reel/Frame   137/108
Box/Folder   16/8
Land Economics Series, 1913-1940
Reel/Frame   137/225
Box/Folder   17/1
“Landed Property and the Rent of Land”
Reel/Frame   137/228
Box/Folder   17/2
List of Books Edited, Engaged and Proposed for Various Series
Reel/Frame   137/329
Box/Folder   17/3
Monopolies and Trusts
Reel/Frame   137/516
Box/Folder   17/4-6
“The New Economics and the New World”
Reel/Frame   138/1
Box/Folder   17/7
Outlines of Economics, 1893-1910
Reel/Frame   138/160-140/440
Box/Folder   17/8-20/1
Outlines of Land Economics
Reel/Frame   140/441
Box/Folder   20/2
Problems of Today
Reel/Frame   140/468-141/221
Box/Folder   20/3-4
Property and Contract in Their Relations to the Distribution of Wealth
Reel/Frame   141/222
Box/Folder   20/5
Social Aspects of Christianity
Reel/Frame   141/236
Box/Folder   20/6
Social Law of Service
Reel/Frame   141/250
Box/Folder   20/7
Socialism: An Examination of Its Nature, Its Strength and Its Weakness, With Suggestions for Social Reform
“The Story of Economics in the United States”
Reel/Frame   141/262
Box/Folder   20/8
Draft #2
Note: The numbering of the manuscripts is Ely's. There is no manuscript #1 with the collection. It is possible that lectures entitled “The History of American Economic Thought” (see Reel 168 and Box 48 below) served as the initial manuscript.
Reel/Frame   141/396
Box/Folder   21/1-2
Draft #3
Reel/Frame   141/???-142/572
Box/Folder   21/3-4
Draft #4
Reel/Frame   142/573
Box/Folder   22/1-2
Notes and Early Drafts
Research Files
Reel/Frame   143/1
Box/Folder   22/3
American Economics Association
Reel/Frame   143/20
Box/Folder   22/4-5
American Economic Thought
Reel/Frame   143/312
Box/Folder   22/6
Reel/Frame   143/316
Box/Folder   22/7
Atkinson, Edward
Reel/Frame   143/323
Box/Folder   22/8
Reel/Frame   143/535
Box/Folder   23/1
Book Reviews
Reel/Frame   143/560
Box/Folder   23/2
Bowen, Francis
Reel/Frame   143/604
Box/Folder   23/3
Carey, Mathew
Reel/Frame   143/632
Box/Folder   23/4
Clark, J.B.
Reel/Frame   143/644
Box/Folder   23/5
Comments and Criticism
Reel/Frame   143/659
Box/Folder   23/6
Commons, John R.
Reel/Frame   143/???
Box/Folder   23/7-9
Correspondence, 1930-1940
Reel/Frame   143/710
Box/Folder   23/10
Reel/Frame   143/723
Box/Folder   23/11
Early Teachings in the U.S.
Reel/Frame   143/799
Box/Folder   23/12
Ely, Richard T.
Reel/Frame   143/911
Box/Folder   23/13
Encyclopedia articles on American economists
Reel/Frame   143/928
Box/Folder   23/14
Reel/Frame   143/1046
Box/Folder   23/15
Greeley, Horace
Reel/Frame   144/1
Box/Folder   23/16-17
History of American Economic Thought Papers
Reel/Frame   144/358
Box/Folder   24/1
Institutional Economics
Reel/Frame   144/???
Box/Folder   24/2-4
Jaffe, Grace
Reel/Frame   144/380
Box/Folder   24/5
Jefferson, Thomas
Reel/Frame   144/405
Box/Folder   24/6
Reel/Frame   144/569
Box/Folder   24/7-9
Reel/Frame   144/1021
Box/Folder   25/1
Paine, Thomas
Reel/Frame   144/1024
Box/Folder   25/2
Patten, Simon
Reel/Frame   144/1030
Box/Folder   25/3
Political Economy Since Mill
Reel/Frame   144/1038
Box/Folder   25/4
Reel/Frame   144/1053
Box/Folder   25/5
Reel/Frame   145/1
Box/Folder   25/6
Reel/Frame   145/219
Box/Folder   25/7
Sketches of Economists (prepared for newspaper)
Reel/Frame   145/278
Box/Folder   25/8
Table of Contents
Reel/Frame   145/352
Box/Folder   25/9
Tucker, George
Reel/Frame   145/382
Box/Folder   25/10
Veblen, Thorstein
Reel/Frame   145/538
Box/Folder   25/11
Walker, Francis
Reel/Frame   145/568
Box/Folder   25/12
“The Story of Socialism” (Ely and Frank Bohm)
Reel/Frame   145/571
Box/Folder   25/13
Studies in the Evolution of Industrial Society
Reel/Frame   145/1023
Box/Folder   25/14
Taxation in American States and Cities
Reel/Frame   146/1
Box/Folder   26/1
regarding Labor Organizations in New York in the 1880s
Reel/Frame   146/114
Box/Folder   26/1
regarding Land Utilization
Reel/Frame   146/147
Box/Folder   26/1
regarding Real Estate
Reel/Frame   146/165
Box/Folder   26/1
regarding Taxation
Reel/Frame   146/198
Box/Folder   26/2
regarding Municipal Ownership of Public Utilities
Reel/Frame   146/577
Box/Folder   26/3
“Utilization of Land” (O.E. Baker)
Reel/Frame   146/626
Box/Folder   26/4
World War and Leadership in a Democracy
Subseries: Reference Files
Reel/Frame   146/746
Box/Folder   26/5 and 27/1
Card File
Subject File
Reel/Frame   147/1
Box/Folder   27/2
Apprenticeship, 1917-1918
Reel/Frame   147/79
Box/Folder   27/3
Banking, 1929-1930
Reel/Frame   147/291
Box/Folder   27/4
Boycotting and Blacklisting, 1913
Reel/Frame   147/338
Box/Folder   27/5
Charities, 1894-1895
Reel/Frame   147/395
Box/Folder   27/6
Christian Socialism in England
Reel/Frame   147/399
Box/Folder   27/7
The Church, 1895-1896
Reel/Frame   147/666
Box/Folder   27/8
Citizenship, 1919
Reel/Frame   147/765
Box/Folder   28/1
Combinations and Blind Pools, 1902
Reel/Frame   147/773
Box/Folder   28/2
Competition, 1905-1916
Reel/Frame   147/896
Box/Folder   28/3
Reel/Frame   147/1040
Box/Folder   28/3
Competition and Price
Reel/Frame   148/1
Box/Folder   28/3
Unfair Competition
Reel/Frame   148/47
Box/Folder   28/3
Competition - Definitions
Reel/Frame   148/56
Box/Folder   28/4
Contracts, 1886-1905
Reel/Frame   148/81
Box/Folder   28/5
Courts, 1911-1912
Reel/Frame   148/147
Box/Folder   28/6
Custom, 1906
Reel/Frame   148/201
Box/Folder   28/7
Distribution of Wealth, 1897-1912
Reel/Frame   148/246
Box/Folder   28/8
Economic Notes, 1890
Reel/Frame   148/378
Box/Folder   28/9
Reel/Frame   148/383
Box/Folder   28/10
Eminent Domain, 1903-1911
Reel/Frame   148/403
Box/Folder   28/11
Ethics, 1892
Reel/Frame   148/421
Box/Folder   28/12
Evolution of Individual Societies, 1906-1912
Reel/Frame   148/459
Box/Folder   28/13
Farm Prosperity, 1921-1926
Reel/Frame   148/530
Box/Folder   28/14
Farmers' Organizations, 1890-1891
Reel/Frame   148/544
Box/Folder   28/15
Forgotten Millions
Reel/Frame   148/568
Box/Folder   28/16
Fourierism, 1851
Reel/Frame   148/588
Box/Folder   29/1
George, Henry, 1915
Reel/Frame   148/630
Box/Folder   29/2
Germany, 1880, 1882, 1913
Reel/Frame   148/719
Box/Folder   29/3
Greeley, Colorado, 1895-1902
Reel/Frame   148/835
Box/Folder   29/4
Housing, 1918
Reel/Frame   148/915
Box/Folder   29/5
Industrial Peace, 1902
Irrigation, circa 1902-1904
Reel/Frame   148/917
Box/Folder   29/6
Notebooks and Miscellaneous Notes
Final Report
Reel/Frame   149/1
Box/Folder   29/6
Reel/Frame   149/237
Box/Folder   29/6
Printed (“The Economics of Irrigation”)
Reel/Frame   149/265
Box/Folder   29/7-8
Labor Movement, 1885-1917
Reel/Frame   149/818
Box/Folder   29/9
Labor Movement: list of labor and socialist periodicals in the U.S., 1885
Reel/Frame   149/895
Box/Folder   30/1
Labor Movement: list of labor organizations in the U.S., 1885
Reel/Frame   149/1010
Box/Folder   30/2
Laissez Faire, 1879-1885
Reel/Frame   150/1
Box/Folder   30/3
Land Investigations
Reel/Frame   150/12
Box/Folder   30/4
Land Policies
Reel/Frame   150/49
Box/Folder   30/5
Land Problems, 1918-1920
Reel/Frame   150/204
Box/Folder   30/6
Land Values, 1922
Reel/Frame   150/392
Box/Folder   30/7
Mill, John Stuart
Reel/Frame   150/404
Box/Folder   30/8
Miscellaneous Notes and Topics, 1893-1909
Reel/Frame   150/531
Box/Folder   31/1-3
Monopolies and Trusts, 1891-1916
Reel/Frame   150/963
Box/Folder   31/4
Mormonism, 1902
Reel/Frame   150/1045
Box/Folder   31/5
Reel/Frame   151/1
Box/Folder   31/6
Philanthropy, 1890, 1895
Reel/Frame   151/31
Box/Folder   31/7
Police Power, 1913-1915
Reel/Frame   151/124
Box/Folder   31/8
Political Economy, 1884
Reel/Frame   151/186
Box/Folder   31/9
Property, 1912-1916
Reel/Frame   151/252
Box/Folder   32/1
Public Finance, 1894-1908
Reel/Frame   151/424
Box/Folder   32/2
Pullman, 1884-1885
Reel/Frame   151/464
Box/Folder   32/3
Railways, 1896
Reel/Frame   151/485
Box/Folder   32/4
Real Estate, 1918-1922
Reel/Frame   151/693
Box/Folder   32/5
Regulation, 1916
Reel/Frame   151/708
Box/Folder   32/6
Rent Liens, 1931-1932
Reel/Frame   151/710
Box/Folder   32/7
Reel/Frame   151/715
Box/Folder   32/8
Shore Rights, 1907-1909
Reel/Frame   151/737
Box/Folder   32/9
Single Tax, 1903-1905
Reel/Frame   151/745
Box/Folder   32/10
Social Legislation
Reel/Frame   151/748
Box/Folder   32/11
Social Reform
Reel/Frame   151/817
Box/Folder   32/12
Socialism, 1885-1913
Reel/Frame   152/1
Box/Folder   33/1-2
Socialism, 1885-1913 (continued)
Reel/Frame   152/394
Box/Folder   33/3
Socialism - Political Parties, 1903
Reel/Frame   152/480
Box/Folder   33/4
Socialism - Weaknesses, 1890-1894
Reel/Frame   152/587
Box/Folder   33/5
Sphere of the State, 1888-1934
Reel/Frame   152/631
Box/Folder   33/6
State Loans to Schools, 1917-1918
Reel/Frame   152/643
Box/Folder   33/7
Sunday Closings, 1892-1896
Reel/Frame   152/664
Box/Folder   33/8
Surplus, 1922-1928
Reel/Frame   152/742
Box/Folder   33/9
Taxation, 1886-1912
Reel/Frame   152/853
Box/Folder   33/10
Taxation in Ohio
Reel/Frame   152/868
Box/Folder   34/1
Topics for Students
Reel/Frame   152/978
Box/Folder   34/2
Trust Conferences, 1893, 1899
Reel/Frame   153/1
Box/Folder   34/3
Urban Land, 1922
Reel/Frame   153/82
Box/Folder   34/4
Reel/Frame   153/118
Box/Folder   34/5
Water Power, 1907-1913
Subseries: University of Wisconsin Departmental Files
Ely Trial
Reel/Frame   153/159
Box/Folder   34/8
Regents' Hearing Transcript, 1894 August
Reel/Frame   153/274
Exhibits, Final Report, Correspondence, et cetera, 1894 August-September, undated
Micro 200
Proceedings before committee appointed to investigate and report charges against Dr. Ely
Note: No known paper copies.
Micro 924/Mss 411
Box/Folder   34/6
Administrative, 1909-1912, 1922-1925
Box/Folder   34/7
Placement, 1916-1917, 1919-1922, 1924-1925
Reel/Frame   153/376
Box/Folder   34/7
Ledger, 1916-1922
Reel/Frame   153/418
Report for the President, 1902 October
Reel/Frame   153/441
Box/Folder   35/1
Training School for Public Service, 1912
Reel/Frame   153/710
Box/Folder   35/2-3
University of Wisconsin Survey, 1914-1915
Subseries: Seminary Records
Reel/Frame   154/1
Box/Folder   35/4
1889/1890, 1890/1891
Reel/Frame   154/11
Box/Folder   35/5
1892 September 21-1893 November 22
Reel/Frame   154/90
Box/Folder   35/6
1893 December 6-1896 May 27
Reel/Frame   154/223
Box/Folder   35/7
1896 October 6-1898 April 26
Reel/Frame   154/331
Box/Folder   36/1
1898 May 3-1900 May 8
Reel/Frame   154/477
Box/Folder   36/2
1900 October 2-1902 January 7
Reel/Frame   154/534
Box/Folder   36/3
1902 January 28-1903 January 27
Reel/Frame   154/604
Box/Folder   36/4
1903 February 24-1904 May 24
Reel/Frame   154/784
Box/Folder   36/5
1904 October 4-1906 January 30
Reel/Frame   155/1
Box/Folder   36/6-7
Reel/Frame   155/64
Box/Folder   36/8
Reel/Frame   155/71
Box/Folder   36/9
Reel/Frame   155/124
Box/Folder   37/1
1914 October 6-1917 May 9
Reel/Frame   155/238
Box/Folder   37/2
Reel/Frame   155/262
Box/Folder   37/3
Reel/Frame   155/324
Box/Folder   37/4-6
Reel/Frame   155/371
Box/Folder   37/7
Reel/Frame   155/411
Box/Folder   37/8
Reel/Frame   155/513
Box/Folder   37/9
1920 (Summer Session)
Reel/Frame   155/543
Box/Folder   37/10-11
Reel/Frame   155/863
Box/Folder   37/12
Reel/Frame   156/1
Box/Folder   38/1
, 1921/1922 (continued)
Reel/Frame   156/131
Box/Folder   38/2
Reel/Frame   156/400
Box/Folder   38/3-4
Reel/Frame   156/562
Box/Folder   38/5
Reel/Frame   156/755
Box/Folder   38/6
Reel/Frame   156/899
Box/Folder   38/7
Reel/Frame   156/949
Box/Folder   38/8
Reel/Frame   157/1
Box/Folder   38/9
, 1928/1929 (continued)
Reel/Frame   157/205
Box/Folder   39/1
Reel/Frame   157/286
Box/Folder   39/2
Miscellaneous and undated
Subseries: Lecture Notes and Course Materials
Reel/Frame   157/334
Box/Folder   39/3
Advanced Political Economy
Reel/Frame   157/879
Box/Folder   39/4
American Public Finance
Reel/Frame   157/1022
Box/Folder   39/5
Anton Ashley Cooper - Friend of the Laboring Classes
Reel/Frame   158/1
Box/Folder   39/6
Balanced Production
Reel/Frame   158/20
Box/Folder   39/7
Chautauqua Lectures - Miscellaneous Notes
Reel/Frame   158/172
Box/Folder   40/1
The Church and the World. The Church and the State
Reel/Frame   158/388
Box/Folder   40/2
Civil Service
Reel/Frame   158/718
Box/Folder   40/3
Class Rosters, 1882-1892
Reel/Frame   158/935
Box/Folder   40/4
Commerce - Its Historical Development in Modern Times
Reel/Frame   159/1
Box/Folder   40/5-7
Custom and Competition
Distribution of Wealth
Reel/Frame   159/253-164/539
Transcripts, circa 1899, circa 1906-1914
Note: The microfilm order matches the paper order indicated as follows; however the reel ending points are undetermined at this time.
Box/Folder   41/1-2
circa 1899, Book I, Parts VII-IX
circa 1906-1914
Box/Folder   41/3
Table of Contents
Book I, Part I
Box/Folder   41/4-6
Pages 1-1081
Box/Folder   42/1
Pages 1082-1474
Box/Folder   42/2-5
Book I, Parts II-V
Book I, Part VI
Box/Folder   42/6
Pages 1960-2110
Box/Folder   43/1
Pages 2111-2223
Box/Folder   43/2-5
Book I, Parts VII-IX
Box/Folder   43/6-7
Book II, Part I
Box/Folder   44/1
Topics, Essay Subjects, et cetera
Box/Folder   44/2
Miscellaneous Notes
Reel/Frame   164/540-166/198
Transcripts, circa 1915-1921
Note: The microfilm order matches the paper order indicated as follows; however the reel ending points are undetermined at this time.
Box/Folder   44/3-12
Book I, Parts V-VI
Book VII
Box/Folder   44/13
Table of Contents
Box/Folder   44/14
Chapter 1
Box/Folder   45/1-13
Chapters 2-11, 14-16
Box/Folder   45/14
Miscellaneous Notes
Reel/Frame   166/199-167/381
Note: The microfilm order matches the paper order indicated as follows; however the reel ending points are undetermined at this time.
Box/Folder   45/15
Table of Contents
Box/Folder   46/1-6
Books I-II
Box/Folder   47/1
Books III-V
Reel/Frame   167/382
Box/Folder   47/2
Economic and Social Problems
Reel/Frame   167/416
Box/Folder   47/3
Economic Institutions
Reel/Frame   167/438
Box/Folder   47/4
Ethics and Economics
Evolution of Industrial Society
Reel/Frame   167/629
Box/Folder   47/5-6
Draft, 1909
Reel/Frame   168/1
Box/Folder   47/7
Partial Draft, undated
Reel/Frame   168/181
Box/Folder   47/8
Miscellaneous Notes
Reel/Frame   168/465
Box/Folder   48/1
History of American Economic Thought
History of Economic Thought
Reel/Frame   168/677
Box/Folder   48/1
Reel/Frame   168/896
Box/Folder   48/2
Reel/Frame   169/1
Box/Folder   48/3
, 1908-1909 (continued)
Reel/Frame   169/246
Box/Folder   48/4-5
Reel/Frame   169/671
Box/Folder   49/1
Reel/Frame   169/785
Box/Folder   49/2
Miscellaneous Notes
History of Political Economy
Reel/Frame   170/1
Box/Folder   49/3-4, 50/1-2
Draft #1
Reel/Frame   171/1
Box/Folder   50/3
Draft #2
Reel/Frame   171/437
Box/Folder   50/4
Miscellaneous Notes
Reel/Frame   171/955
Box/Folder   51/1
Reel/Frame   172/1
Box/Folder   51/2
Individual Fortunes
Reel/Frame   172/5
Box/Folder   51/3
Labor Movement
Reel/Frame   172/26
Box/Folder   51/4
Land Classification for Utilization
Reel/Frame   172/57
Box/Folder   51/5
Land Economics
Reel/Frame   172/127
Box/Folder   51/6-7
Land Policies
Landed Property and the Rent of Land
Reel/Frame   172/503
Box/Folder   51/8-9
Reel/Frame   172/987
Box/Folder   51/10
Reel/Frame   173/1
Box/Folder   52/1
Miscellaneous Notes
Reel/Frame   173/584
Box/Folder   52/2-3
Money and Banking
Reel/Frame   174/1
Box/Folder   52/4
Monopolies and Trusts
Reel/Frame   174/13
Box/Folder   52/5
The Nature and Significance of Monopolies and Trusts
Reel/Frame   174/48
Box/Folder   52/6
Outlines of Economics
Reel/Frame   174/111
Box/Folder   52/7
Private Property
Reel/Frame   174/321
Box/Folder   53/1
Property and Contract
Reel/Frame   174/351
Box/Folder   53/2
Property, Contract, and Socialism
Reel/Frame   174/444
Box/Folder   53/3
Property in Economic Theory
Reel/Frame   174/614
Box/Folder   53/4
Public Finance
Reel/Frame   175/1
Box/Folder   54/1
Public Finance (continued)
Reel/Frame   175/875
Box/Folder   54/2
Public Utility Operation
Reel/Frame   176/1
Box/Folder   54/3
Public Utility Operation (continued)
Reel/Frame   176/189
Box/Folder   54/4
Rent of Land
Reel/Frame   176/343
Box/Folder   54/5
Robert Owen
Reel/Frame   176/458
Box/Folder   54/6
Single Tax
Reel/Frame   176/493
Box/Folder   54/7
Social Ethics
Reel/Frame   176/856
Box/Folder   55/1
Reel/Frame   177/1
Box/Folder   55/2
Reel/Frame   177/363
Box/Folder   55/3
Miscellaneous Notes
Urban Land Economics
Reel/Frame   177/561
Box/Folder   55/4
Reel/Frame   177/633
Box/Folder   55/5
Reel/Frame   177/742
Box/Folder   55/6
Utilization of Land
Reel/Frame   177/798-178/503
Box/Folder   56/1-4
The World War and Leadership in a Democracy
Reel/Frame   178/504
Box/Folder   56/5
Miscellaneous and Unidentified
Subseries: Student Research Papers
Reel/Frame   178/689
Box/Folder   56/6
Reel/Frame   178/961
Box/Folder   57/1
Reel/Frame   179/1
Box/Folder   57/2-5
Reel/Frame   179/822
Box/Folder   57/6
Competitive Principle of Distribution
Reel/Frame   179/848-180/339
Box/Folder   58/1-3
Reel/Frame   180/340
Box/Folder   58/4
Custom and Competition
Reel/Frame   180/455
Box/Folder   58/5
Customary Price
Reel/Frame   180/546
Box/Folder   58/6
Distribution of Wealth
Reel/Frame   180/772
Box/Folder   58/7
Economic Progress
Reel/Frame   180/820
Box/Folder   58/8
Reel/Frame   180/841
Box/Folder   58/9
Reel/Frame   180/850
Box/Folder   58/10
Labor and Monopoly
Reel/Frame   180/855
Box/Folder   58/11
Reel/Frame   180/982
Box/Folder   59/1
Landed Property
Reel/Frame   180/998
Box/Folder   59/2
Reel/Frame   180/1078
Box/Folder   59/3
Reel/Frame   181/1
Box/Folder   59/4
Public Lands
Reel/Frame   181/69
Box/Folder   59/5
Public Utilities
Reel/Frame   181/295
Box/Folder   59/6
Real Estate
Reel/Frame   181/473
Box/Folder   59/6
Reel/Frame   181/501
Box/Folder   59/7
Ricardo, David
Reel/Frame   181/547
Box/Folder   59/8
Reel/Frame   181/631
Box/Folder   59/9
Reel/Frame   181/???
Box/Folder   59/10
Reel/Frame   181/686
Box/Folder   59/11
Usury Laws
Reel/Frame   181/704
Box/Folder   59/12
Washington, George