Leland Stowe Papers, 1925-1969

Container Title
Part 3 (M95-071): Additions, circa 1929-1990
Physical Description: 3.9 c.f. (3 record center cartons, 2 archives boxes, and 1 oversize folder) 
Scope and Content Note: Additions, which comprise the Bruce Rubenstein Collection of the Alvah Bessie Archives, circa 1929-1990. Included is correspondence (originals and carbon copies) especially between Bessie and his sons David and Daniel; typed film and play scripts; outlines; novels; stories and articles; a 16mm film The Hollywood Ten (1950; script by the 10; produced by Paul Jarrico; directed by John Berry); and a pair of bookends.
Arrangement of the Materials

Box 1 contains items numbered 1-82.

Box 2 contains items numbered 83-156.

Box 3 contains items 10, 11, 84, 87, 94, 95, 108-110, 119, 123, 137.

Items 94 and 136 are housed separately.

Items 76, 88, and 91 were not received.

Unnumbered Items
Box   4
Folder   A
Miscellaneous letters, cards, clippings
Box   4
Folder   B
5 stories by Alvah Cecil Bessie (ACB), 1932-1937
Box   4
Folder   C
Pamela Ellen Feinsilber--M.A. thesis, San Francisco State University, 1990
Box   4
Folder   D
Unidentified fragment
Dave Bessie/ACB correspondence
Box   4
Folder   E
Box   4
Folder   F
Box   4
Folder   G
Box   4
Folder   H
Box   5
Folder   I
Dave Bessie/ACB correspondence, 1975-1978
Box   5
Folder   J
Box   5
Folder   K
Box   5
Folder   L
Letters to Helen Clare Nelson Bessie from ACB, 1940-1980
Box   5
Folder   M
Unidentified correspondence, found with items 39-54
Box   5
Folder   N
Spain Again (press kits, including synopses and photos)
Box   5
Folder   O
Correspondence, ACB/Dan Bessie regarding Bread and a Stone, August-November 1982
Item   1
Original carbon story, Rip Van Winkle, adaptation by Alvah Bessie, 1976
Note: This list derives from a photocopy of Bruce Rubenstein's inventory of his donation. Asterisked items were not received with the accession.

Physical Description: 36 typed pages plus handwritten changes 
Item   2
The Only Child, Original typed story treatment by Alvah Bessie
Physical Description: 33 pages, handwritten changes 
Item   3
Original typed screenplay by Alvah Bessie of The Hostages
Physical Description: 117 pages, handwritten changes 
Item   4
Story Magazine, January-February 1940, and , November 1933, with articles by Alvah Bessie entitled, “My Brother, My Son,” and “No Final Word”
Item   5
Eight magazine articles by Alvah Bessie, 1929-1934 (early in his career)
Item   6
Original correspondence of Alvah Bessie to his son, Daniel, 1963-1985
Physical Description: Hundreds of typed and written pages 
Item   7
Original correspondence of Alvah Bessie to his son, David, and from David to Alvah Bessie, 1955-1980
Physical Description: Hundreds of pages 
Item   8
Original adaptation into Slovak of Bread and a Stone, broadcast between 1976 and , 1978, Bratislava
Physical Description: 85 pages, handwritten changes 
Item   9
Neamericane, Slovak adaptation of Bread and a Stone
Physical Description: 133 pages 
Item   10
Gott in Asien, original German screenplay by Alvah Bessie
Physical Description: 70 pages, handwritten changes 
Item   11
Die Aufrechten (The Un-Americans), original television adaptation in German by Alvah Bessie
Physical Description: 132 pages, handwritten changes 
Item   12
Unfinished original typed manuscript, Culture and the People's War
Physical Description: 16 pages, handwritten changes 
Item   13
Unfinished original typed article, “What You Can Do”
Physical Description: 37 pages, handwritten changes 
Item   14
Unfinished original typed article, “Dress Rehearsal”
Physical Description: 9 pages, with signature of Alvah Bessie 
Item   15
Unfinished typed original article, “You Can Fly,” by Julian Leonard (Alvah Bessie)
Physical Description: 5 pages 
Item   16
Original unfinished typed review of Richard Wright's Native Son
Physical Description: 4 pages handwritten changes 
Item   17
Original unfinished typed article entitled “Since the Wrights”
Physical Description: 9 pages and handwritten changes 
Item   18
Original unfinished typed article entitled “North to America,” by Mikhail Gromov (Alvah Bessie)
Physical Description: 11 pages with handwritten changes 
Item   19
Original unfinished typed article on the opera, “No For An Answer”
Physical Description: 3 Pages, with signature 
Item   20
Original unfinished article, typed
Item   21
Typed and signed original article on Cole vs. Loew's and reflections on Hollywood Ten cases, January 20, 1949
Physical Description: 4 pages 
Item   22
Original typed and signed article, “Letter to the Editor,” February 16, 1954
Physical Description: 5 pages 
Item   23
Original typed and signed article for Masses and Mainstream, “From Spain to Washington”
Physical Description: 9 pages 
Item   24
Original typed and signed “We Ten,” January 18, 1948, setting out of the reasons why the Hollywood Ten challenged the law and Congress
Physical Description: 9 pages, handwritten changes 
Item   25
Original typed article, “I Am in Contempt of Congress”
Physical Description: 3 pages 
Item   26
Original typed article, “Thoughts While Awaiting Judgment,” on the Hollywood Ten, October 3, 1949
Physical Description: 2 pages, signed 
Item   27
Original undated typed article “It Happened to Us-It Can Happen To You,” signed with a signed letter of Ben Margolis, Attorney for the Hollywood Ten, March 29, 1950
Physical Description: 8 pages 
Item   28
Original typed and signed article, 1965, and typed re-write signed with handwritten changes on attending an international writers meeting in Germany
Physical Description: 12 pages 
Item   29
Original typed and signed article for Pravda, September 27
Physical Description: 5 pages 
Item   30
Original TLS (typed letter signed) of Alvah Bessie to Jean-Paul Sartre, July 20, 1953, discussing the Rosenberg Case
Physical Description: 9 pages 
Item   31
Original typed analysis of Norman Mailer, June 1965
Physical Description: 5 pages, signed 
Item   32
Original typed statement for Attorney Francis J. McTernan by Alvah Bessie upon McTernan being summoned before the Naval Board of Inquiry
Physical Description: 2 pages, signed initials 
Item   33
Original articles to The New Republic and San Francisco Chronicle
Item   34
Original typed article, “Movies Are Worse Than Ever,” October 1965
Physical Description: 8 pages, signed 
Item   35
Original typed article, January 16
Physical Description: 4 pages 
Item   36
Original typed review, March 7
Item   37
Original typed review of We Have Not Forgotten for California Living Magazine, March 9, 1981, and reply
Physical Description: 5 pages 
Item   38
Original typed story with handwritten changes entitled “The Witches of Hollywood,” undated
Physical Description: 14 pages 
Item   39
Typed correspondence with Henry Moe of the Guggenheim Foundation regarding grants, 1934
Item   40
TLS to Steve Nelson, December 28, 1984, with ALS (autographed letter signed) reply and another TLS, , January 8, 1985 with ALS reply
Physical Description: 5 pages 
Item   41
TLS from Jessica Mitford (DECCA), October 31, 1966 to Alvah Bessie
Physical Description: 1 page 
Item   42
TLS from Robert Kenny to Alvah Bessie, October 10, 1966
Physical Description: 1 page 
Item   43
2 ALS of Albert Maltz to Alvah Bessie, 1958 and 1966
Physical Description: 3 pages 
Item   44
TLS of John Henry Faulk- to Alvah Bessie, October 8, 1982, and TLS reply from Alvah
Item   45
TLS, October 3, 1966 from Kay Boyle to Alvah Bessie
Physical Description: 1 page 
Item   46
TLS from Albert Kahn to Alvah Bessie, February 20, 1974
Item   47
TLS, June 26, 1965 postcard from Steve Nelson
Item   48
Typed certification from VALB designating Alvah Bessie as the official reporter and historian-observer for VALB to the 40th Reunion in Italy, October 9-10, 1976, and signed by Steve Nelson, Commander and T. Wallach, Executive Secretary
Physical Description: 1 page 
Item   49
TLS, December 4, 1965, to Norman Corwin with TLS reply
Physical Description: 1 page 
Item   50
TLS, June 9, 1974, from Ring Lardner to Alvah Bessie, and one TLS reply concerning the Rosenberg Memorial
Physical Description: 2 pages 
Item   51
Three poems by Helen Sobell and ALS note
Item   52
The Soul Book by Malvina Reynolds, inscribed to Alvah Bessie
Item   53
TLS to Art Hoppe Newsman of the San Francisco Chronicle, February 12, 1985, and reply note
Item   54
Two TLS from Edward Asner to Alvah Bessie with replies, 1984
Item   55
Original Academy Award (Original Story)-Objective Burma, December 31, 1945, with seal
Item   56
Carbon screenplay of Honesty
Physical Description: 57 pages 
Item   57
Archive material, 1973-1979
Item   58
TLS from Bessie welcoming international writers and directors to a conference, April 6, 1956
Physical Description: 1 page, signed 
Item   59
TLS of speech at John Lawson Memorial, September 8, 1977
Physical Description: 4 pages, signed 
Item   60
TLS speech at , 1955 Lawson Dinner
Physical Description: 1 page 
Item   61
TLS from Adrian Scott to the rest of the Hollywood Ten concerning a message to them all by Jules Dassin, April 3, 1956
Physical Description: 1 page 
Item   62
One TLS from Stephen Fritchman to Alvah Bessie, May 6, 1964, and reply signed statement
Item   63
TLS from T. Cheng, editor of Foreign Languages Press, Beijing, China, April 8, 1957, and TLS reply
Item   64
Invitations honoring Edward Barsky, Joe North, and one for the Daily Worker
Item   65
Original telegram from the Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee, June 2, 1954, plus 1 TLS from their Executive Board
Physical Description: 2 pages 
Item   66
TLS from Freedom Ways, December 30, 1967, signed by Ossie Davis, James Baldwin, William Sloan Coffin, Pablo Casals and Basil Davidson, requesting sponsorship of Alvah Bessie for the magazine
Physical Description: 1 page 
Item   67
Signed article on Harry Bridges, written by Alvah Bessie and signed by Harry Bridges
Item   68
VALB poster handbill from a VALB meeting on January 5, 1951
Item   69
TLS from Hollywood Writers Mobilization to Alvah Bessie, November 17, 1944
Physical Description: 1 page 
Item   70
TLS from C. Galjano, Secretary General De Autores De Espano, with envelope and one TLS reply, October 26, 1970
Physical Description: 2 pages 
Item   71
TLS to Bob Kenny from Alvah Bessie, undated, and one TLS to Alvah Bessie from Attorney Richard Siegel, , January 17, 1952
Physical Description: 2 pages 
Item   72
Original typed play, 1954, Are You Now-?
Physical Description: 150 pages with handwritten changes, signed 
Item   73
Archive of several typed internal Communist Party memos of Alvah Bessie using his party name, N.A. Daniels, 1955, 1956
Physical Description: 75 pages 
Item   74
Original certified judgment and Commitment of U.S. vs. Bessie
Item   75
Original copy of Alvah Bessie's clemency petition, November 27, 1950 and Department of Justice TLS to Alvah Bessie regarding clemency and parole records
Item   *76
Original story idea by Helen Clare Nelson (Bessie), The Hollow Man, undated
Physical Description: 10 pages with corrections 
Item   77
Twelve unfinished plays, stories, articles
Physical Description: Approximately 75 total pages, most signed with handwritten changes 
Item   78
Original play, The Night People
Physical Description: 321 pages, signed 
Item   79
Original teleplay, I Can't Sleep, August 1965
Physical Description: 60 pages, signed 
Item   80
Screenplay, 1950
Physical Description: 31 pages, plus revised edition with adaptation notes 
Item   81
Revised screenplay, One for My Baby, with handwritten changes, plus 10 page schedule of changes, May 16, 1984
Item   82
Original script, Jeanne d'Arc, August 12, 1972
Physical Description: Signed, with carton and reply, TLS photo 
Item   83
Photocopy of One For My Baby with handwritten notes of Alvah Bessie
Item   84
Teleplay, The Un-Americans, Berlin, 1961, , August 30, 1961
Physical Description: 100 pages, with handwritten changes 
Item   85
Typed radio-play of The Un-Americans
Physical Description: 88 pages, with handwritten notes of Alvah Bessie and his home address stricken 
Item   86
Original short fiction, “The Free World”
Physical Description: 120 pages, typed and signed with hand changes 
Item   87
Photocopy of Spain Again
Physical Description: 75 pages, handwritten changes 
Item   *88
Archive of Spain Again
Physical Description: 120 pages 
Scope and Content Note: Primarily in Spanish, including 10 page typed synopsis. Includes letters to and from Bessie to the film's director, letters to and from Milt Wolff and others.
Item   89
Original photo of Abraham Lincoln Brigade members leaving on ship to Spain,
Physical Description: 8¾″x6½″, 22 signed on back 
Item   90
Alvah Bessie's stationery
Physical Description: 30 pages 
Item   *91
Original correspondence by and between Alvah and Eva Bessie and his mother, 1930 to 1985, much about the black list and Hollywood Ten
Physical Description: About 1,000 pieces 
Item   92
Original screenplay Joaquin, with handwritten changes and letter from Dan Bessie regarding Joaquin
Physical Description: 103 pages 
Item   93
Original carbon of novel, One For My Baby
Physical Description: 376 pages 
Item   94
Original cover art work and mock up by Bessie of Bread and a Stone
Physical Description: Mounted [in oversize folder] 
Item   95
Russian postcard, mounted with Stalin quote
Item   96
Original manuscript, The Snake Friend, typed, with letter to Jerry Zinnamon
Physical Description: 23 pages 
Item   97
Archive of letters, et cetera, to and from Jerry Zinnamon, Ring Lardner, Jr., Dalton Trumbo, et cetera, including Save the American Eagle, Bubo Virginianus and The Serpent Was More Subtle; half from Bessie
Physical Description: About 700 pieces 
Item   98
Archive correspondence between Alvah Bessie and his grandson, Joseph Bessie, 1974-1985
Item   99
Photocopy of Campo Abierto by Max Aub with original correspondence with Will Kirkland, the illustrator, 1982, signed, several ALS
Item   100
Revised original manuscript The Hesitation Waltz
Physical Description: 25 pages, with handwritten changes, signed 
Item   101
TLS to Paul Mazursky and signed reply TLS
Physical Description: 2 pages 
Item   102
Four TLS, signed from Lester Cole, 1964, great substance in letters
Item   103
Two TLS and 1 page reply from Carl Marzani, 1967, signed
Item   104
TLS to Phil Gersh, June 21, 1982 and , July 6, 1982, and one page reply signed
Item   105
Small archive of correspondence by and between Alvah Bessie and Walter Matthau, February 1982-June 1982
Item   106
TLS from Milton Berle and two notes from Alvah Bessie to Milton Berle, signed, 1982
Item   107
TLS to Woody Allen with 2 page ALS reply from Woody Allen, 1982
Item   108
Framed photo and ALS from author Pablo Neruda to Alvah Bessie
Physical Description: 8"x10" 
Item   109
Archival material from author Stephen Heym from , 1978 to 1985
Physical Description: 200 pages 
Item   110
Framed photo of Angus Cameron with ALS on back
Physical Description: 8"x10" 
Item   111
2 TLS from Albert Maltz to Alvah Bessie, good content, 1980
Item   112
Archive of letters from Alvah Bessie to Milton Wolff on matters relating to VALB, Hollywood Ten, and politics, 1981-1984
Physical Description: 30 signed letters 
Item   113
TLS from George Seldes and TLS reply from Alvah Bessie signed, 1983
Physical Description: 2 pages 
Item   114
Agreement between Lenny Bruce and Alvah Bessie, September 2, 1959
Physical Description: 1 page, signed 
Item   115
Typed original article, “Bill Bailey, Belchite-One Man's View”
Physical Description: 30 pages, handwritten changes 
Item   116
Small archive on The Passionate War by Peter Wyden, letters, clippings, et cetera
Item   117
First draft, The Symbol, teleplay
Physical Description: 103 pages, typed, handwritten changes 
Item   118
Final shooting script of The Sex Symbol, ABC Movie of the Week, November 26, 1973
Physical Description: 90 pages, signed with handwritten changes 
Item   119
Original manuscript radio play, Honesty, typed, September 26, 1961, with handwritten changes with German original manuscript Ehrlichkeit, typed, handwritten changes, with press release
Physical Description: 75 total pages 
Item   120
Script and first draft of film, Try It-You'll Like It, May 2, 1980
Physical Description: 30 pages, typed, signed, handwritten changes 
Item   121
Original typed manuscript, The Serpent Was More Subtle, 1969
Physical Description: 151 pages, handwritten changes 
Item   122
Original manuscript, Dwell in the Wilderness, published 1935, Alvah Bessie's first novel
Physical Description: 540 typed pages, handwritten changes 
Item   123
Hollywood On Trial ( 1948), 1st edition with ripped desk jacket
Physical Description: Signed by Alvah Bessie and inscribed by seven Hollywood Ten members, plus the author 
Item   124
Small archive of July 12, 1961, visit to Hotel Newa, Berlin, Germany, for international conference of writers
Item   125
Three TLS from author and editor Kyle Chrishton, August 1938 - September 1938, great content
Physical Description: 8 pages, all signed 
Item   126
ALS article for Pravda, August 23, 1961
Physical Description: 5 pages, signed 
Item   127
TLS testimonial for his friend Dr. Richard Lippman, undated
Physical Description: 2 pages, signed 
Item   128
Four ALS from Spanish Censors to Alvah Bessie, May 15, 1938, , May 25, 1938, , July 20, 1938, and , August 26, 1938, great content
Physical Description: 4 pages 
Item   129
TLS from Alvah Bessie to his girlfriend while he was in Spain, August 10, 1938, with Spanish censor notice
Item   130
TLS from Chu Teh, Commander-in-Chief of 18th Group Army (Red Chinese Army head, second to MHO), September 8, 1944
Physical Description: Signed, on Army letterhead 
Item   131
Alvah Bessie's typed address to the jury in his Contempt of Congress trial
Physical Description: 13 pages, signed, handwritten changes 
Item   132
18 ALS and TLS from Alvah Bessie in prison to his children, July 20, 1950-April 14, 1951
Physical Description: Signed 
Item   133
TLS to his children, April 12, 1950, just before going to prison in which he talks about his values, Hollywood Ten matters and socialism and communism
Physical Description: 8 pages, signed 
Item   134
Typed TLS from Alvah Bessie, June 20, 1950, read at his sentencing
Physical Description: 2 pages, signed 
Item   135
Three TLS from Hubert Humphrey to Alvah Bessie, 1965 and 1966 on Vice-Presidential stationery, regarding Vietnam
Physical Description: Signed 
Item   136
Original film, The Hollywood Ten ( 1950), script by the Ten, produced by Paul Jarrico, directed by John Berry, includes Dmytryk
Physical Description: 15 minutes 
Item   137
Original wood book markers of Alvah Bessie with Hammer and Sickle and his initials with inscription on side, 1942, from Tom McEwew, Canadian Communist author and leader
Item   138
Archive of correspondence concerning The Hostages, between Alvah Bessie and Dan Bessie and others, 1970-1975
Physical Description: About 50 letters 
Item   139
Unpublished original manuscript, Easier Than Walking, by Alvah Bessie
Physical Description: 16 typed pages, handwritten changes, signed 
Item   140
Alvah Bessie's family recollections and history, October 1974, with initialed two-page TLS, , May 19, 1983
Physical Description: 12 typed pages with handwritten changes 
Item   141
Archive of John Lawson; includes 1955 Tribute to Lawson booklet inscribed by Lawson, letter from Lawson, 4-page TLS memorial speech by Alvah Bessie at Lawson's memorial, signed September 8, 1977
Item   142
Six TLS from “Jo” on Frisbie Case
Item   143
Starting detective article and articles on Frisbie Case
Item   144
Two letters to Mary Burnett (Bessie's first wife), undated, 1940s
Item   145
One-page TLS, signed, from Attorney Joseph Inghacium, May 28, 1941, to Alvah Bessie regarding Frisbie Case, plus letter and petition regarding case
Item   146
TLS from Alvah Bessie to publisher regarding Frisbie Case, August 5, 1941
Physical Description: 2 pages, signed 
Item   147
TLS to Harold Frisbie from Minister F.A. Smith, February 25, 1941
Physical Description: 2 pages 
Item   148
Notes of Alvah Bessie on Bread and a Stone
Physical Description: 3 pages 
Item   149
Two letters to Mary Burnett (Bessie's first wife) regarding Frisbie Case
Item   150
TLS from Mary Burnett to Alvah Bessie, October 17, 1940, good content on Frisbie Case and personal matters
Physical Description: 1 page, signed 
Item   151
Notes and news article on Bread and A Stone
Item   152
Updated version of Bread and A Stone written as film treatment
Physical Description: 30 pages, with signed photo pages 
Item   153
Photo of Goya print initialed by Alvah Bessie with notes
Item   154
Original typed screenplay, Museum, by Alvah Bessie, January 8, 1974
Physical Description: 14 pages, signed 
Item   155
Typed manuscript, first draft of Many Waters, July 12, 1971
Physical Description: 16 pages, handwritten changes 
Item   156
Typed manuscript Life and Death, September 8, 1971
Physical Description: 16 pages, with handwritten changes