David Susskind Papers, circa 1935-2010 (bulk 1945-1987)

Container Title
Series: Subject Files
Box   1
Folder   14
Academic freedom, 1945-1947
Box   1
Folder   15
Academic freedom meeting, 1946
Box   2
Folder   1
American Caravan meeting, 1945 June 27
Box   2
Folder   2
Arts, Sciences, and Professional Council of Hollywood, 1947-1950, undated
Box   2
Folder   3
Atomic power, 1945
Box   2
Folder   4
Atomic power mass meeting, 1945 December 12
Box   2
Folder   5
Beverly-Westwood Democratic Committee (Political Reporter), 1945
Box   2
Folder   6
Bretton Woods agreement, 1945
Box   2
Folder   7
“The Crew of the Model T” scripts, 1945
Morgenthau program related to IMF Bretton Woods, 1945 April 30
U.S. Mss 31AN
Box   2
Folder   8
CIO, 1945-1946
Box   2
Folder   9
California Democratic Party, 1944
Box   2
Folder   10
California State Central Committee, 1944-1945
Box   2
Folder   11
Campaign Expenditure Committee, 1946
Box   2
Folder   12
Censorship, 1948
Box   2
Folder   13
Child care, 1944-1945
Box   2
Folder   14
Chinese Exclusion Act, 1943-1945
Box   2
Folder   15
Correspondence, Miscellaneous, 1943-1945
Corwin, Norman
Box   2
Folder   16
Award dinner, 1946 March 31
Box   2
Folder   17
Costello, John, 1943, undated
Box   2
Folder   18
Davidson, Jo, 1945-1947
Box   2
Folder   19
Dekker, Albert, 1945
Box   2
Folder   20
Democratic National Committee, 1943-1945
Box   3
Folder   1
Dewey, Thomas, 1944
Box   3
Folder   2
Douglas, Helen Gahagan, 1944-1946
Box   3
Folder   3
1943 Municipal elections
Box   3
Folder   4
Assembly District Committee
Box   3
Folder   5
Coordinating committee
Box   3
Folder   6
Box   3
Folder   7
Box   3
Folder   8
Primary elections
Radio advertising
Box   3
Folder   9
“Hollywood Town Meeting,” 1944 May 11
“In Reference to Mr. Dewey,” 1944 November 3
Norman Corwin election eve program, 1944 November 6
U.S. Mss 31AN
Box   3
Folder   10
1945 Municipal elections
Box   3
Folder   11
Box   3
Folder   12
Box   3
Folder   13-14
Box   3
Folder   15
Primary elections
Radio advertising
Box   3
Folder   16
Box   3
Folder   17-18
Box   4
Folder   1
Scripts (continued)
Box   4
Folder   2
Fair employment practices, 1946-1947
Box   4
Folder   3
Film Committee, 1946
Box   4
Folder   4
Film strike, 1945
Box   4
Folder   5
Fine arts, 1945-1949, undated
Box   4
Folder   6-8
Financial reports, 1944-1948
Box   4
Folder   9
First Amendment Committee, 1947, undated
Box   4
Folder   10
Free Indonesia Committee, 1945-1946
Box   4
Folder   11
Full employment legislation, 1945
Box   4
Folder   12
Grafton, Samuel, 1943
Box   4
Folder   13
“Get Out the Vote,” 1944 September 12
U.S. Mss 31AN
Box   4
Folder   14
HUAC, 1945-1946, undated
Box   4
Folder   15
Hamilton, Charles, 1944
Box   4
Folder   16
Healy, Ned, 1945
Box   4
Folder   17
Hollywood Independent, 1945
Box   4
Folder   18
Hollywood Ten (The Other Side of the Story), 1947, undated
Hollywood Ten: Gail Thunderbird
U.S. Mss 31AN
Box   4
Folder   19
Housing, 1945-1946
Box   4
Folder   20
Constitutions, 1945-1946, undated
Box   4
Folder   21
Correspondence, 1945-1946
Box   5
Folder   1
Directors minutes, 1945-1946
Box   5
Folder   2
Field Department, 1946, undated
Box   5
Folder   3
Legislative Office, 1945
Box   5
Folder   4
Miscellaneous chapter material, undated
Box   5
Folder   5
Miscellany, 1944-1946, undated
Box   5
Folder   6
Press releases, 1945, undated
Box   5
Folder   7
Report From Washington, 1945-1946, undated
Box   5
Folder   8
Philadelphia, 1946
Box   5
Folder   9
Minutes, 1946
Box   5
Folder   10
Correspondence, 1946
Box   5
Folder   11
Literature and publicity, 1946, undated
Box   5
Folder   12
Ickes, Harold, 1944-1946
H.L. Ickes dinner, Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, California, 1944 October 8
U.S. Mss 31AN
Box   5
Folder   13
KFI censorship, 1945
Box   5
Folder   14
Kenny, Robert, 1946-1947
Box   5
Folder   15
Kilgore, Harley, 1945-1946
Box   5
Folder   16
Lea labor bill, 1946
Box   5
Folder   17
“Let's Go Out and Ring Doorbells,” 1944 March 24
“Let's Ring Doorbells” speech, 1944 March 24
U.S. Mss 31AN
Box   5
Folder   18
Liberty Caravan, 1947
Box   5
Folder   19
Loyalty oaths, 1949, undated
Box   6
Folder   1
Lynching incidents, 1946, undated
Box   6
Folder   2
McDonough, Gordon, 1944-1945
Box   6
Folder   3
“Message to Washington,” 1943 April 28
Miscellaneous recordings
Scope and Content Note: Includes Olivia de Havilland speech and campaign spots.
U.S. Mss 31AN
Box   6
Folder   4
Moss case, 1946
Box   6
Folder   5
Mundt bill, 1948
Box   6
Folder   6
Music Division, 1945-1946, undated
Box   6
Folder   7
Music for Victory, 1942
Box   6
Folder   8
National Citizens Political Action Committee, 1945-1946, undated
Box   6
Folder   9
National Council of the Arts, Sciences, and Professions, 1948-1950
Box   6
Folder   10
National Democratic Convention, 1944
Box   6
Folder   11
Newsboys' strike, 1946
Box   6
Folder   12
Nonpartisan Association for Franchise Education, 1944
Box   6
Folder   13
OPA, 1945-1946
Box   6
Folder   14
Palestine, 1946
Box   6
Folder   15
Pauling, Linus, 1946, 1948
Box   6
Folder   16
General, 1945-1946, undated
Box   6
Folder   17-18
Box   6
Folder   19
Box   6
Folder   20
Pepper, George, Personal miscellany, undated
Box   7
Folder   1
Phillips, Hubert, 1946
Lot A106/WCFTR
Photographs of Ickes dinner and signature collection for buyers strike, circa 1943-1945
Scope and Content Note: Photos show John Garfield, Charles Boyer, Howard Koch, and Harold Ickes, among others.
U.S. Mss 31AN
Box   7
Folder   2
Poll taxes, 1943-1946
Box   7
Folder   3
Poulson, Norris, 1943
Box   7
Folder   4
Presidential Expenditures, Special Committee on, 1944-1945
Box   7
Folder   5
Price controls, 1943
Progressive Citizens of America
Box   7
Folder   6
General, 1947-1948
Box   7
Folder   7
California, 1947-1949
Meeting with speeches by Katharine Hepburn and Henry Wallace, 1947 May 19
U.S. Mss 31AN
Box   7
Folder   8
Convention, 1949 January
Box   7
Folder   9
Progressive Party, 1948
Box   7
Folder   10
Progressives, Conference of, 1946
Box   7
Folder   11-12
Publicity, undated
Box   7
Folder   13
Race relations, 1943-1945
Box   7
Folder   14
Race riots, 1943
Box   7
Folder   15
Radio, 1947
Box   7
Folder   16
Rankin, John, 1945-1946
Box   7
Folder   17
Reorganization of ICCASP and NCPAC, 1946, undated
Box   7
Folder   18
Roosevelt, James, 1945-1946
Box   7
Folder   19
Roosevelt, Death of, 1945
Box   8
Folder   1
Science Division, 1945-1946, undated
Box   8
Folder   2
Shapley, Harlow, 1948
Box   8
Folder   3
Smith, Gerald L.K., 1945-1946
Box   8
Folder   4
Soldiers' vote, 1943-1944
Box   8
Folder   5
Spain, 1945
Spot Announcements
U.S. Mss 31AN
Box   8
Folder   6
Styles, Hal, 1944
Box   8
Folder   7
Target for Tomorrow, 1943-1944
Box   8
Folder   8
Tenney, Jack, undated
Box   8
Folder   9
Thought Control conference, 1947
Box   8
Folder   10
Time article, 1946
Box   8
Folder   11
UNESCO, 1945-1947
Box   8
Folder   12
United Nations meeting, 1945
Box   8
Folder   13
“United We Stand” meeting, 1943-1944
Box   8
Folder   14
Voting records, 1945-1946, undated
Box   8
Folder   15
Wallace, Henry
Box   8
Folder   15
Correspondence, 1943-1946
Box   8
Folder   16
Presidential radio advertising scripts, 1948
Box   8
Folder   17
Presidential campaign literature (ICCASP and NCCASP), 1948
Box   8
Folder   18
War Relocation Authority, 1943-1945
Box   8
Folder   19
Warren, Earl, 1946