National Educational Television Records, 1951-1969

Container Title
Subseries: Executives, 1931-1956
Physical Description: 22 boxes (18.3 cubic feet) 
Scope and Content Note: The Executives subseries contain the papers of: John F. Royal; Niles Trammell; Sylvester L. Weaver Jr.; and Frank K. White.
Royal, John F. (1886-1978). Papers, 1931-1950
Physical Description: 6 boxes (5.4 cubic feet) 
Scope and Content Note

Papers of an NBC vice president for programming, 1931-1940; for international relations, 1940-1944; and for television, 1940-1950. The papers consist of correspondence, memos, reports, pamphlets, newspaper and magazine articles, lists, drafts, photographs, notes, schedules, charts, and related material. They are divided into two groups: carbons of outgoing correspondence, 1931-1942, and an alphabetically-arranged subject file, 1940-1950; there is some duplication between the two.

The bulk of the outgoing correspondence pertains to Royal's tenure as vice president for programming. These papers document particularly well the development of music programming, the growth of NBC's involvement with Latin America, coverage of European war news, and NBC's first television broadcasts. There is also material on routine policy implementation; production, especially for educational and cultural programs; ASCAP; censorship; and the FCC. Major programs treated include America's Town Meeting of the Air and the University of Chicago Round Table; prominent individuals that may be noted include George V. Denny, Hans V. Kaltenborn, Nelson Rockefeller, Raymond Gram Swing, and Arturo Toscanini. There is also a significant amount of material regarding such NBC figures as James Rowland Angell, Samuel Chotzinoff, Margaret Cuthbert, Frank E. Mullen, Frank Russell, David Sarnoff, A. A. Schecter, Niles Trammell, and Mark Woods.

Interest in programming can also be found in Royal's later files. Notable here is a 1943 continuity acceptance working manual; a report on NBC operations in 1943; several files on post-war planning; and a file on litigation over Mr. District Attorney.

For Royal's tenure as vice president for international relations the papers document the network's part in World War II through short wave broadcasting and reveal the close cooperation among the international division, the coordinator for inter-American affairs, and the Office of War Information. Though there is substantial material concerning broadcasts to Europe and to military personnel throughout the world, most of the files concern Latin America. Especially interesting is the development of the Pan American Network of NBC affiliates and the implementation of Royal's policies for the coverage of events of interest to Latin Americans and the broadcasting of selected Latin American programs for listeners. There is significant material regarding competition for the Latin American audience with the Columbia Broadcasting System, the Mutual Broadcasting System, and the Crosley Corporation; difficulties in obtaining time and equipment for operations; broadcasts of such NBC programs as the Inter-American University of the Air and the NBC Symphony; and attempts by advertisers to become involved in short wave broadcasting. Other files concern NBC's relations with RCA, especially regarding the sale of its equipment in Latin America; the use of recordings in short wave broadcasts; and broadcasts by two NBC commentators, Edward Tomlinson and Raymond Gram Swing.

Activities in television broadcasting are documented primarily in the television portion of the subject file, though there is related material elsewhere. A particularly significant report is Royal's “Quo Vadis: Wither Goest Thou NBC?” (1945), with related correspondence from 1949. Fragmentary and generally routine, the other television files concern such matters as filmed television shows, plays, and related matters.

NBC executives and other prominent personnel represented here are James Rowland Angell, Fred Bate, William F. Brooks, Max Jordan, Frank Mullen, A. A. Schecter, and Niles Trammell. There is also correspondence with Emilio Azcarraga, Allen Nevins, Nelson Rockefeller, Raymond Gram Swing, Edward Tomlinson, and Sylvester L. Weaver Jr.

Outgoing Correspondence
Box   108
Folder   1-48
1931-1940 October
Box   109
Folder   1-17
1940 October-1942
Subject File
Box   110
Folder   1
Advertising and Promotion Department, 1943-1944
Box   110
Folder   2
American Red Cross, 1942-1943
Box   110
Folder   3
A, 1942-1943
Box   110
Folder   4
Baseball-World Series, 1943-1944
Box   110
Folder   5
Blue Network Company, 1942-1944
Box   110
Folder   6
Board of War Communications, 1942-1944
Box   110
Folder   7
Broadcasters Victory Council, 1942
Box   110
Folder   8
B, 1942-1945
Box   110
Folder   9
Caprino Sisters (singers), 1948-1949
Box   110
Folder   10
Clark, Evans (Twentieth Century Fund), 1942
Box   110
Folder   11-17
Coordinator for Inter-American Affairs, 1942-1944
Box   110
Folder   18-19
C, 1941-1945
Box   110
Folder   20
Downes, Olin, 1943-1944
Box   110
Folder   21
D, 1942-1945
Box   110
Folder   22
Echague, Fernando Ortiz, 1942-1944
Box   110
Folder   23
E.N.S.A. Committee (entertainment for armed forces), 1942
Box   110
Folder   24
European Broadcasting Alliance Plan - A.V.L. Herbert, 1945
Box   110
Folder   25
E, 1942-1945
Box   110
Folder   26
Faulkner, George (regarding ABC's American Almanac), 1940 (1949-1950)
Box   110
Folder   27
Festival of Freedom (program series with Latin American ministers), 1942
Box   110
Folder   28-29
Frequency Modulation, 1940-1945
Box   110
Folder   30
F, 1942-1944
Box   110
Folder   31
William Grant Advertising Agency, 1942-1943
Box   110
Folder   32
Green, Max (Australian script editor), 1944
Box   110
Folder   33
G, 1942-1945
Box   110
Folder   34
H, 1942-1945
Box   110
Folder   35
Inter-American University of the Air, 1942-1944
International Division
Box   110
Folder   36
Booking orders, 1942-1943
Box   110
Folder   37
Broadcasting schedules, 1941 and 1943
Box   110
Folder   38
Budget, 1942-1944
Box   110
Folder   39
Elwood, John W., 1942-1944
Box   110
Folder   40
Organization charts, 1944
Box   110
Folder   41
Personnel, 1942-1944
Box   110
Folder   42
Reports, 1944
Box   110
Folder   43
Journalists - South and Central America, 1942-1944
Box   110
Folder   44
J, 1942-1945
Box   110
Folder   45
K, 1942-1945
Latin America
Box   111
Folder   1
Propaganda, 1942
Box   111
Folder   2
Talent, 1943
Country files
Box   111
Folder   3
Argentine Diary, by Ray Josephs, 1944
Box   111
Folder   4
Armour, Norman (U.S. Ambassador), 1941-1943
Box   111
Folder   5
Castell, Dr. José, 1940
Box   111
Folder   6
Radio Belgrano, 1940-1944
Box   111
Folder   7
Radio Callao, 1941
Box   111
Folder   8
Radio El Mundo, 1941-1943
Box   111
Folder   9
Radio Splendid (regarding Hollywood stars), 1941-1944
Box   111
Folder   10
RCA Victor, 1940-1942
Box   111
Folder   11
Reorganization of Argentine broadcasting, 1940
Box   111
Folder   12
Teatro Colón, 1940
Box   111
Folder   13
U.S. Commerce Department, Reports, 1940-1943
Box   111
Folder   14
Miscellaneous, 1941-1945
Box   111
Folder   15
Bolivia, 1941-1943
Box   111
Folder   16
Empresa de Propaganda Standard, Ltda., 1942
Box   111
Folder   17
Musica Internationale Downey, Ltda., 1940
Box   111
Folder   18
Pan American Conference, 1942
Box   111
Folder   19
Radiobras, 1942
Box   111
Folder   20
RCA Victor, 1941-1945
Box   111
Folder   21
Radio Difusora, 1941
Box   111
Folder   22
Radio Survey in Brazil, by Lloyd A. Free, 1941
Box   111
Folder   23
Sociedade Radio Atlantica, 1941
Box   111
Folder   24
Miscellaneous, 1936-1945
Box   111
Folder   25
Chile, 1941-1945
Box   111
Folder   26
General, 1941-1944
Box   111
Folder   27
Easter Service, Cathedral of Bogota, 1942
Box   111
Folder   28
Costa Rica, 1940-1945
Box   111
Folder   29
Officina Interamericana de Radio, 1941-1944
Box   111
Folder   30
Radio Salas, 1941-1944
Box   111
Folder   31
Station CMX, 1944
Box   111
Folder   32
Miscellaneous, 1941-1945
Box   111
Folder   33
Dominican Republic, 1942-1944
Box   111
Folder   34
Voz de los Andes, 1941-1944
Box   111
Folder   35
Miscellaneous, 1941-1942
Box   111
Folder   36
Guatamala, 1940-1944
Box   111
Folder   37
Construction of short wave station, 1938-1939
Box   111
Folder   38
Stations, 1944
Box   111
Folder   39
Third Congress of the Caribbean, 1941
Box   111
Folder   40
Honduras, 1941
Box   111
Folder   41
Amigos Mexicanos del Pueblo Norteamericano, 1941
Box   111
Folder   42
Border stations, 1940-1942
Box   111
Folder   43
President Comacho, 1940-1942
Box   111
Folder   44
Rubio, Olalla (Cadena Radio Continental), 1942-1943
Box   111
Folder   45
Padilla, Ezequiel (Foreign Minister), 1942-1944
Box   111
Folder   46
Radio Programmas de Mexico, S.A., 1941-1942
Box   111
Folder   47
Spanish News to Mexico, 1942-1943
Box   111
Folder   48
Miscellaneous, 1941-1944
Box   111
Folder   49
Nicaragua, 1941-1944
Box   111
Folder   50
Panama, 1941-1945
Box   111
Folder   51
Radio La Capital and Phillips Company, 1941-1943
Box   111
Folder   52
Miscellaneous, 1941-1943
Box   111
Folder   53
Hubbard, Ora James (Singer Sewing Machine Company), 1941-1942
Box   111
Folder   54
Radio Lima, 1941
Box   111
Folder   55
Norweb, R. Henry (U.S. Ambassador), 1941-1942
Box   111
Folder   56
President Manuel Prado's visit to the U.S., 1942
Box   111
Folder   57
RCA Victor, 1941
Box   111
Folder   58
Radio Mundial, 1942
Box   111
Folder   59
Radio Nacional, 1941-1943
Box   111
Folder   60
Miscellaneous, 1942-1944
Puerto Rico
Box   111
Folder   61
Station WNEL, 1942-1944
Box   111
Folder   62
Miscellaneous, 1941-1942
Box   111
Folder   63
El Salvador, 1942-1943
Box   111
Folder   64
Uruguay, 1941-1944
Box   111
Folder   65
Venezuela, 1941-1943
Box   111
Folder   66
London Office, 1943-1945
Box   111
Folder   67
L, 1942-1945
Box   111
Folder   68
McKay, John (Press Department), 1942-1944
Box   111
Folder   69
Menser, Clarence (Program Department), 1942-1943
Box   111
Folder   70
Metropolitan Opera, 1942-1944
Box   111
Folder   71
Middle American Information Bureau (United Fruit Company), 1943
Box   111
Folder   72
Mister District Attorney (court case), 1942
Box   111
Folder   73
Mutual Broadcasting System, 1942-1943
Box   112
Folder   1-4
M, 1942-1944
Box   112
Folder   5
National Association of Broadcasters, 1942-1943
Box   112
Folder   6
Navy Show - Joe Louis speech, 1942
Box   112
Folder   7
News and Special Events, 1942-1944
Box   112
Folder   8
Nussbaum, Lt. Col. Howard (Bombing mission broadcast, NBC-BBC), 1943-1944
Box   112
Folder   9
N, 1942-1944
Box   112
Folder   10
O, 1942-1945
Box   112
Folder   11
Pan American Airways, 1942-1945
Box   112
Folder   12
Pan American Broadcasting Company, 1943
Box   112
Folder   13
Pan American Magazine, 1940-1942
Box   112
Folder   14
Pan American Network, 1942
Box   112
Folder   15
Pan American Players (proposed tour of South America), 1949-1950
Box   112
Folder   16
Pan American Union, 1944
Box   112
Folder   17
Politics (mostly regarding Chicago conventions), 1944
Box   112
Folder   18-21
Postwar Planning (Commerce and Industry Association of New York), 1940-1944
Box   112
Folder   22
Principles and Practices (NBC), undated
Box   112
Folder   23
Priority equipment (contains articles by John F. Royal), 1942
Box   112
Folder   24
P, 1942-1945
Box   112
Folder   25
Radio around the world, 1942
Radio Corporation of America (RCA)
Box   112
Folder   26-27
General, 1942-1943
Box   112
Folder   28
Heath, Horton (contains NBC report, 1943), 1944
Box   112
Folder   29
Pfautz, E. C. (RCA Frequency Bureau), 1944
Box   112
Folder   30
RCA Laboratories Planning Committee (TV Report), 1944
Box   112
Folder   31
Royal, John F. (regarding move from International Division to TV), 1944
Box   112
Folder   32
R, 1942-1945
Box   112
Folder   33
Schechter, A.A., 1942-1944
Short Wave Broadcasting
Box   112
Folder   34
Articles, 1940-1944
Box   112
Folder   35
Bound Brook, Long Island (NBC transmitters), 1942
Box   112
Folder   36
Commentators, 1940-1943
Box   112
Folder   37
Commercial programming, 1940-1942
Box   112
Folder   38
English broadcasting schedules, 1943-1944
Box   112
Folder   39
Government allocation and distribution, 1942
Box   112
Folder   40
Guy, Raymond (NBC engineer), 1942-1943
Box   112
Folder   41
International Division, 1940-1943
Box   112
Folder   42
Listeners' mail, 1940-1944
Box   112
Folder   43
Listening Post (shortwave monitor), 1941-1943
Box   112
Folder   44
Music and musicians, 1941-1942
Box   112
Folder   45
NBC listening survey, 1940
Box   112
Folder   46
News and bulletins, 1940-1944
Box   112
Folder   47
Pan American Network, 1941-1944
Box   113
Folder   1
Proposals to meet government wartime requirements (mostly by William Paley), 1942
Box   113
Folder   2
Reception, 1940-1942
Box   113
Folder   3
Records and transcriptions, 1942-1944
Box   113
Folder   4
Franklin D. Roosevelt talks, 1940-1943
Box   113
Folder   5
Short Wave Mike (International Division) , 1944
Box   113
Folder   6
Studios, 1940-1944
Box   113
Folder   7
Tenth Anniversary (NBC), 1941
Box   113
Folder   8
Transmitters, antennas, 1940-1944
Box   113
Folder   9-11
U.S. Commerce Department, Program Reports, 1940-1941
Box   113
Folder   12
Shouse, James (Crosley Corporation), 1942-1944
Box   113
Folder   13-14
Alfred E. Smith Memorial Campaign, 1945-1946
Box   113
Folder   15
Standard Oil Symphony, 1942-1944
Box   113
Folder   16
Sustaining Program Costs, Reports, 1943-1944
Box   113
Folder   17
Sux, Alejandro (NBC commentator), 1942-1944
Box   113
Folder   18
Swing, Raymond Gram, 1942-1944
Box   113
Folder   19-20
S, 1942-1945
Box   113
Folder   21
Colonial Film Productions Inc. (Parade of Trademarks for NBC), 1945-1947
Box   113
Folder   22
Dramatists Guild of Authors League of America, 1946
Box   113
Folder   23
Dunham, Franklin (regarding film catalog and other matters), 1940 (1944-1949)
Box   113
Folder   24
Fairbank, Jerry B. (TV film), 1946-1948
Box   113
Folder   25-26
Filmed Television shows (Cine Television Studios Inc.), 1944
Box   113
Folder   27
Goetz, Raymond (one and two act plays for TV), 1949
Box   113
Folder   28
Gordon, Max (producer), 1949
Reports, 1945
Box   113
Folder   29
Box   113
Folder   30
Artistic Development of Television Programs
Box   113
Folder   31
“Quo Vadis: Whither Goest Thou NBC?”
Box   113
Folder   32
Television Report
Box   113
Folder   33
Miscellaneous, 1944
Box   113
Folder   34
Tomlinson, Edward, 1942-1944
Box   113
Folder   35
Toscanini, Arturo, 1944-1945
Box   113
Folder   36
Trammell, Niles, 1942-1945
Box   113
Folder   37
Trinidad (regarding proposed U.S.O.-N.B.C. radio station), 1942
Box   113
Folder   38
T, 1942-1945
Box   113
Folder   39
U, 1942-1944
Box   113
Folder   40
V, 1942-1945
Box   113
Folder   41
Wallace, Henry, 1942 and 1944
Box   113
Folder   42
War (NBC programming, clinics, etc.), 1942-1945
Box   113
Folder   43
Women's National Radio Committee, 1942
Box   113
Folder   44
Woodell, S.F. (salesman, International Division; later with McCann-Erikson Advertising Agency), 1942-1945
Box   113
Folder   45
W, 1942-1945
Box   113
Folder   46
Yank, 1942
Box   113
Folder   47
Y, Z, 1944-1945
Trammell, Niles. (1894-1973). Papers, 1939-1955
Physical Description: 4 boxes (2.9 cubic feet) 
Scope and Content Note

Papers of an NBC president (1940-1948), chairman of the board (1949-1952), and consultant (1952-1955), consisting of correspondence, memoranda, reports, financial data, notes, and related material. The papers are divided chronologically by year and then alphabetically by subject and are best for Trammell's tenure as president, an important period in the development of television at NBC. There is also a small amount of material concerning the FCC, 1938-1939, and miscellaneous correspondence regarding Trammell's work after 1952 with the Biscayne Television Corporation, in Miami, Florida. Throughout, there are files relating to his dealings with advertisers, his position on governmental regulation, and his relations with NBC entertainers.

Most notable perhaps are the files relating to NBC's post-war planning; located here are detailed memoranda drafted by heads of NBC departments, divisions, and stations in response to Trammell's request for two-year activity projections. Files on the Blue Network, NBC's Stations Planning Advisory Committee, and national political conventions are also prominent. Other important material concerns NBC wartime broadcasting, the recording of radio programs, and Trammell's assessment of the first year of direction by Sylvester L. Weaver Jr., and Robert W. Sarnoff.

Several significant complaints about NBC programs and performers were also handled by Trammell. Especially noteworthy are those regarding news commentators Upton Close and Edward Tomlinson and a complaint by William T. Evjue about the editing of Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow of his remarks concerning Joseph R. McCarthy. There is also material on televised sporting events and on such entertainment shows as “Amahl and the Night Visitors,” broadcast on NBC Opera Theatre; Colgate Comedy; and Duffey's Tavern. Among Trammell's NBC correspondents are John F. Royal, David Sarnoff, Joseph V. McConnell, William S. Hedges, and Frank E. Mullen. Other prominent correspondents are indexed below.

NameDateBox Folder
Eisenhower, Dwight D.1944 September 2711439
Evjue, William T.1951 September 1111561
Hoover, Herbert1943 January 16, 2611425
Hopper, Hedda1951 May11564
Nelson, Ozzie1948 November 29, December 711538
Russell, Richard B.1947 October 3111520
Stokowski, Leopold1942 November 2411415
Susskind, David1953 October 61177
Swing, Raymond Gram1943 February 24, May 2111431
Vallee, Rudy1946 September 211156

Federal Communications Commission
Box   114
Folder   1
General correspondence
Box   114
Folder   2
Monopoly hearings
Box   114
Folder   3
Proposed rules governing broadcast stations
Box   114
Folder   4
American Forum of the Air (MBS)
Box   114
Folder   5
Blue Network
Box   114
Folder   6
Close, Upton
Box   114
Folder   7
Coca Cola Company
Box   114
Folder   8
Defense Communications Board
Box   114
Folder   9
Engineering Department
Box   114
Folder   10
Miscellaneous correspondence
Box   114
Folder   11
Program Department
Box   114
Folder   12
Salary stabilization
Stations Planning and Advisory Committee
Box   114
Folder   13
General correspondence
Box   114
Folder   14
War Clinics
Box   114
Folder   15
Stokowski, Leopold
Box   114
Folder   16
Welles, Sumner (regarding James McDonald and Edward Tomlinson)
Box   114
Folder   17
Blue Network
Box   114
Folder   18
British Broadcasting Company
Federal Communications Commission
Box   114
Folder   19
Investigation by Rep. Eugene Cox (Democrat, Georgia)
Box   114
Folder   20
Network regulation
Box   114
Folder   21
F.W. Fitch Company
Box   114
Folder   22
Flourescent Lamp Committee, RCA
Box   114
Folder   23
For This We Fight
Box   114
Folder   24
General Mills Inc.
Box   114
Folder   25
Hoover, Herbert
Box   114
Folder   26
Kraft Cheese Corporation
Box   114
Folder   27
Miscellaneous correspondence
Box   114
Folder   28
NBC radio institutes
Box   114
Folder   29
Royal, John F.
Box   114
Folder   30
Stations Planning and Advisory Committee
Box   114
Folder   31
Swing, Raymond Gram
Box   114
Folder   32
Box   114
Folder   33
American Free World Association
Box   114
Folder   34
Blue Network
Box   114
Folder   35
Carnation Company
Box   114
Folder   36
Close, Upton
Box   114
Folder   37
Federal Communications Commission
Box   114
Folder   38
Jewish religious programs
Box   114
Folder   39
Miscellaneous correspondence
Box   114
Folder   40
Political conventions
Box   114
Folder   41
Ruthrauff and Ryan Inc.
Box   114
Folder   42
Stations Planning and Advisory Committee - War Clinics
War Advertising Council
Box   114
Folder   43
Box   563
Folder   3
Box   114
Folder   44
War Manpower Commission
Box   114
Folder   45
Wheeler-White Bill
Box   114
Folder   46
Zenith Radio Corporation
Box   114
Folder   47
American Broadcasting Company
Box   114
Folder   48
American Civil Liberties Union
Box   114
Folder   49
Leo Burnett Company Inc. (report on TV)
Box   114
Folder   50
Close, Upton
Box   114
Folder   51
Columbia Broadcasting System
Federal Communications Commission
Box   114
Folder   52-53
Box   114
Folder   54
Clear channel hearing
Box   114
Folder   55
Report on employee compensation
Box   114
Folder   56
Gimbel TV poll by RCA
Box   114
Folder   57
Golden, John
Box   114
Folder   58
Miscellaneous correspondence
Box   114
Folder   59
NBC Seventh War Loan Committee
Post-War Planning
Box   114
Folder   60
Letters to Vice Presidents and Department heads
Box   114
Folder   61
Advertising and Promotion
Box   114
Folder   62
Continuity Acceptance
Box   114
Folder   63
Box   114
Folder   64
Box   114
Folder   65
Box   114
Folder   66
News and Special Events
Box   114
Folder   67
Planning and Development
Box   114
Folder   68
Box   114
Folder   69
Public Service
Box   114
Folder   70
Radio Recording
Box   114
Folder   71
Box   114
Folder   72
Spot Sales
Box   114
Folder   73
Station Relations
Box   114
Folder   74
Box   114
Folder   75
Box   114
Folder   76
Box   114
Folder   77
Box   114
Folder   78
San Francisco
Box   114
Folder   79
Washington, D.C.
Box   114
Folder   80
Final Report
Box   114
Folder   81
Procter and Gamble
Box   114
Folder   82
Franklin D. Roosevelt - funeral coverage
Box   114
Folder   83
Salvation Army
Box   114
Folder   84
Stations Planning and Advisory Committee
Box   114
Folder   85
American Broadcasting Company
Box   115
Folder   1
Box   115
Folder   2
Box   115
Folder   3
Cuba (station interference with WMAQ)
Box   115
Folder   4
Closed circuit talks (regarding Parade of Stars)
Box   115
Folder   5
Federal Communications Commission
Box   115
Folder   6
Miscellaneous correspondence
Box   115
Folder   7
Personnel department
Box   115
Folder   8
Planning and Development (regarding public service programming)
Box   115
Folder   9
Program Department
Box   115
Folder   10
RCA Laboratories Division
Box   115
Folder   11
Stations Planning and Advisory Committee
Box   115
Folder   12
American Broadcasting Company
Box   115
Folder   13
American Civil Liberties Union
Box   115
Folder   14
Committee on Education and Labor (U.S. House of Representatives)
Box   115
Folder   15
Crime and mystery programs
Box   115
Folder   16
Historical Arts Association
Box   115
Folder   17
The Hucksters (reactions to MGM movie)
Box   115
Folder   18-19
Marshall Plan
Box   115
Folder   20
Miscellaneous correspondence
Box   115
Folder   21
National Association of Broadcasters
Box   115
Folder   22
Procter and Gamble
Box   115
Folder   23
Rose Bowl Game
Box   115
Folder   24
Stations Planning and Advisory Committee
Box   115
Folder   25
Television Broadcast Station Register (RCA)
Box   115
Folder   26-27
White-Wolverton Bill
Box   115
Folder   28
Allen, Fred
Box   115
Folder   29
American Broadcasting Company
Box   115
Folder   30
Benny, Jack
Box   115
Folder   31
Democratic National Convention
Box   115
Folder   32
Election returns
Box   115
Folder   33
Fairbanks, Jerry (regarding films for TV)
Federal Communications Commission
Box   115
Folder   34
General correspondence
Box   115
Folder   35
Hearing on editorializing
Box   115
Folder   36
Johnson Bill regarding clear channel
Box   115
Folder   37
National Beer Wholesalers Association
Box   115
Folder   38
Miscellaneous correspondence
Box   115
Folder   39
Political conventions
Box   115
Folder   40
Stations Planning and Advisory Committee
Box   115
Folder   41
Airfan Radio Corporation (KFSD, San Diego, CA)
Box   115
Folder   42
Duffy's Tavern
Box   115
Folder   43
Federal Communications Commission
Box   115
Folder   44
Miscellaneous correspondence
Box   115
Folder   45
Stations Planning and Advisory Committee
Box   115
Folder   46
Swope, Herbert Bayard
Box   115
Folder   47
United Nations (regarding TV coverage)
Box   115
Folder   48
Close, Upton
Box   115
Folder   49
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Box   115
Folder   50
Firestone Tire and Rubber Company
Box   115
Folder   51
Miscellaneous correspondence
Box   115
Folder   52
Operation Tandem
Box   115
Folder   53
Oxnam, Bishop G. Bromley
Box   115
Folder   54
Stations Planning and Advisory Committee
Box   115
Folder   55
United Nations
Box   115
Folder   56
Amahl and the Night Visitors
Box   115
Folder   57
American Tobacco Company
Box   115
Folder   58
Box   115
Folder   59
Colgate Comedy Hour
Box   115
Folder   60
Colgate Palmolive Company
Box   115
Folder   61
Evjue, William T.
Box   115
Folder   62
Firestone Tire and Rubber Company
Box   115
Folder   63
Box   115
Folder   64
Miscellaneous correspondence
Box   115
Folder   65
Procter and Gamble
Box   115
Folder   66
Rose, Billy (NBC consultant)
Stations Planning and Advisory Committee
Box   115
Folder   67
General correspondence
Box   115
Folder   68
Basic Economic Study Report, NBC Radio Network
Box   115
Folder   69
Advertising Council Inc.
Box   116
Folder   1
Baseball (regarding Liberty Broadcasting Company and MBS)
Box   116
Folder   2
Chrysler Corporation
Box   116
Folder   3
Colgate Comedy Hour
Box   116
Folder   4
Colgate Palmolive Company
Box   116
Folder   5
Common Cause
Box   116
Folder   6
DeSoto Plymouth (regarding You Bet Your Life)
Box   116
Folder   7
Guery, Alex
Box   116
Folder   8
Hammond Research Corporation (TV experiments)
Box   116
Folder   9
Kellogg Company
Box   116
Folder   10
Miscellaneous correspondence
Box   116
Folder   11
Piazza, Marguerite
Box   116
Folder   12
Political conventions
Box   116
Folder   13
Stations Planning and Advisory Committee
Box   116
Folder   14
Advertising Council Inc.
Box   116
Folder   15-16
American Heritage Foundation
Box   116
Folder   17
Associated Press
Box   116
Folder   18
Brown and Williamson Tobacco Company
Box   116
Folder   19
Carter, Amon
Box   116
Folder   20
Cities Service
Box   117
Folder   1
Ford Foundation (TV-Radio workshop)
Box   117
Folder   2
Box   117
Folder   3
Miles Laboratories Inc.
Box   117
Folder   4-7
Miscellaneous correspondence, A-Z
Box   117
Folder   8
Procter and Gamble
Box   117
Folder   9
Radio and Television Executive Society
Box   117
Folder   10
Radio Corporation of America (RCA)
Box   117
Folder   11
Research and Planning
Box   117
Folder   12
Box   117
Folder   13
United Negro College Fund
Box   117
Folder   14
United States Steel Corporation
Box   117
Folder   15
Miscellaneous correspondence
Weaver, Sylvester L., Jr. (1908-2002). Papers, 1949-1956
Physical Description: 10 boxes (9.0 cubic feet) 
Scope and Content Note

Papers of Sylvester L. Weaver Jr., also known as Pat Weaver, vice president for television (1949-1953), president (1953-1955), and chairman of the board (1955-1956).

The bulk of this material consists of correspondence and memos, but clippings, reports, logs, and a variety of financial statements are also included. The papers are divided first by year and then alphabetically by subject. Although incomplete, they are best for Weaver's years as vice president in charge of television and as president. These early files contain significant correspondence and memos about the Robert Montgomery Show, Fibber McGee and Molly, Howdy Doody, Kukla, Fran and Ollie, The Kate Smith Show, and Saturday Night. Particularly well-documented are Weaver's relations with advertising firms, performers and their agents, and NBC executives. His part in pioneering the shift from single to multiple advertisers for TV programs, referred to as the “magazine concept,” is amply documented. The papers also reflect his involvement in performer contract negotiations, his role in NBC's expansion into color television, his development of NBC “spectaculars,” and his inquiries into NBC relations with motion picture companies. Unfortunately, the collection contains little documentation for one of Weaver's main accomplishments, the development of such notable television shows as Today, Home, and Tonight and nothing regarding his resignation from NBC. The papers include numerous letters to and from television performers, e.g. Fred Allen, Steve Allen, Milton Berle, Eddie Cantor, Dave Garroway, and Jerry Lester. There is also an extensive amount of correspondence with other NBC executives, especially Thomas McAvity, Joseph V. McConnell, Richard Pinkham, John F. Royal, Manie Sacks, David Sarnoff, Robert W. Sarnoff, Davidson Taylor, and Niles Trammell.

Box   118
Folder   1
American Tobacco Company
Box   118
Folder   2
A, B
Box   118
Folder   3
Cities Service
Box   118
Folder   4
Colgate TV Theatre
Box   118
Folder   5-6
Correspondence (carbons)
Box   118
Folder   7
C, E
Box   118
Folder   8
Fairbanks, Jerry
Box   118
Folder   9
Fibber McGee Experimental Film - Script
Box   118
Folder   10
Box   118
Folder   11
Firestone Tire & Rubber Company
Box   118
Folder   12
F, G
Box   118
Folder   13
Hands of Murder
Box   118
Folder   14
Horror Stories on TV
Box   118
Folder   15
Howdy Doody
Box   118
Folder   16
Hubbard, Father
Box   118
Folder   17
Interconnected Stations
Box   118
Folder   18
Jackson & Jill
Box   118
Folder   19
Legal Department
Box   118
Folder   20
Box   118
Folder   21
McConnell, Joseph
Box   118
Folder   22
Master Plan
Box   118
Folder   23
Robert Montgomery Show
Box   118
Folder   24
Box   118
Folder   25
Box   118
Folder   26
Polan, Baron
Box   118
Folder   27
Public Service
Box   118
Folder   28
P, Q
Box   118
Folder   29
Royal, John
Box   118
Folder   30
Speeches - Correspondence
Box   118
Folder   31
Station Relations
Box   118
Folder   32
S, T, W, Y
Box   118
Folder   33
Abbott & Costello
Box   118
Folder   34
Advertising and Promotion
Box   118
Folder   35
Allen, Fred
Box   118
Folder   36
Anchor Hocking
Box   118
Folder   37
Box   118
Folder   38
Batten, Barton, Durstine, & Osborn
Box   118
Folder   39
Berle, Milton
Box   118
Folder   40
Blackburn, Norman
Box   118
Folder   41
Box   118
Folder   42
Box   118
Folder   43
Cads & Scoundrels
Box   118
Folder   44
Cantor, Eddie
Box   118
Folder   45
Jack Carter Show
Box   118
Folder   46
Chevrolet Teletheatre
Box   118
Folder   47
Cities Service
Box   118
Folder   48
The Clock
Box   118
Folder   49
Box   118
Folder   50
Comedy Hour
Box   118
Folder   51
Color TV
Box   118
Folder   52
Box   118
Folder   53
Box   118
Folder   54
Box   118
Folder   55
Box   118
Folder   56
Continuity Acceptance
Box   118
Folder   57
Box   118
Folder   58-63
Correspondence (carbons and logs)
Box   118
Folder   64
C, D
Box   118
Folder   65
Box   118
Folder   66
Box   118
Folder   67
Fibber McGee and Molly
Box   118
Folder   68
Box   118
Folder   69
Box   118
Folder   70
Goldsmith, Dr. Alfred (RCA)
Box   118
Folder   71
Greschler, Abner J.
Box   118
Folder   72
Box   118
Folder   73
Hofstra Study (NBC Research Department)
Box   118
Folder   74
Hopalong Cassidy
Box   118
Folder   75
Bob Hope Show
Box   118
Folder   76
Howdy Doody
Box   118
Folder   77
H, J
Box   118
Folder   78
Box   118
Folder   79
Kraft Television Theatre
Box   118
Folder   80
Kukla, Fran & Ollie
Box   118
Folder   81
Box   119
Folder   1
Lee, Pinky
Box   119
Folder   2
Box   119
Folder   3
Lester, Jerry
Box   119
Folder   4
Lever Brothers
Box   119
Folder   5
Life of Riley
Box   119
Folder   6
Box   119
Folder   7
Martin and Lewis
Box   119
Folder   8
Mills, Ted
Box   119
Folder   9
Montgomery, Robert
Box   119
Folder   10
Monthly Reports
Box   119
Folder   11
Musical Comedies and Operattas
Box   119
Folder   12
Box   119
Folder   13
NBC Convention
Box   119
Folder   14
News and Special Events
Box   119
Folder   15
Box   119
Folder   16
One Man's Family
Box   119
Folder   17
Box   119
Folder   18
Box   119
Folder   19
Polan, Baron
Box   119
Folder   20
Box   119
Folder   21
Procter and Gamble
Box   119
Folder   22
Box   119
Folder   23
Public Service
Box   119
Folder   24
Box   119
Folder   25
Box   119
Folder   26
Box   119
Folder   27
Box   119
Folder   28
Mrs. Roosevelt Series
Box   119
Folder   29
Royal, John
Box   119
Folder   30
Box   119
Folder   31
Sarnoff, David
Box   119
Folder   32
Sarnoff, Robert
Box   119
Folder   33
Saturday Night
Box   119
Folder   34
Smith, Carleton D.
Box   119
Folder   35
Kate Smith Show
Box   119
Folder   36
Box   119
Folder   37
Box   119
Folder   38
Research Material
Box   119
Folder   39
Stanton, Carl
Box   119
Folder   40
Station Relations
Box   119
Folder   41
Stations KNBH & WTMJ
Box   119
Folder   42
Strotz, Sidney N.
Box   119
Folder   43
Summer Hiatus
Box   119
Folder   44
Box   119
Folder   45
Interval Plan
Box   119
Folder   46
Rate Meeting
Box   119
Folder   47
Box   119
Folder   48
Treasury Department Program
Box   119
Folder   49
Box   119
Folder   50
Box   119
Folder   51
Voice of Firestone
Box   119
Folder   52
Wile, Fred
Box   119
Folder   53
Winchell, Paul
Box   119
Folder   54
Wynn, Ed
Box   119
Folder   55
Box   119
Folder   56
Your Hit Parade
Box   119
Folder   57
Abbott & Costello
Box   119
Folder   58
Advertising and Promotion
Box   119
Folder   59
Anchor Hocking
Box   119
Folder   60
Box   119
Folder   61
Box   119
Folder   62
Barnum, Pete
Box   119
Folder   63
Bel Geddes, Norman
Box   119
Folder   64
Berle, Milton
Box   119
Folder   65
Box   119
Folder   66
Caesar, Sid
Box   119
Folder   67
Camel Variety Show
Box   119
Folder   68
Cantor, Eddie
Box   119
Folder   69
Box   119
Folder   70
Box   119
Folder   71
Color TV
Box   119
Folder   72
Comedy Development Plan
Box   119
Folder   73
Box   119
Folder   74
Box   119
Folder   75
Controller - C.J. Cresswell
Box   119
Folder   76-79
Correspondence (Carbons and logs)
Box   119
Folder   80
Council of the Living Theatre
Box   119
Folder   81
Box   119
Folder   82
Durante, Jimmie
Box   119
Folder   83
Box   119
Folder   84
Box   119
Folder   85
Foreign Facilities
Box   119
Folder   86
Four Star Revue
Box   119
Folder   87
Box   119
Folder   88
Garroway, Dave
Box   119
Folder   89
General Foods Corporation
Box   119
Folder   90
Gleason, Jackie
Box   119
Folder   91
Goldsmith, Dr. Alfred (RCA)
Box   119
Folder   92
Green, Luther
Box   119
Folder   93
Box   119
Folder   94
Box   119
Folder   95
Howdy Doody
Box   119
Folder   96
H, I
Box   119
Folder   97
Jones, Spike
Box   119
Folder   98
Kenny, Nick
Box   119
Folder   99
Box   119
Folder   100
Kukla, Fran and Ollie
Box   119
Folder   101
Box   119
Folder   102
Latin American Project
Box   119
Folder   103
Lee, Pinky
Box   119
Folder   104
Box   119
Folder   105
Liebman, Max
Box   119
Folder   106
Lights Out
Box   119
Folder   107
Box   120
Folder   1
McConnell, Joseph
Box   120
Folder   2
Martin and Lewis
Box   120
Folder   3
Melton, James
Box   120
Folder   4
Mills, Ted
Box   120
Folder   5
Montgomery, Robert
Box   120
Folder   6
William Morris Agency
Box   120
Folder   7
Music Corporation of America
Box   120
Folder   8
Musical Comedy Time
Box   120
Folder   9
Box   120
Folder   10
NBC Enterprises and Symphony
Box   120
Folder   11
News and Special Events
Box   120
Folder   12
Night Operations
Box   120
Folder   13
Box   120
Folder   14
One Man's Family
Box   120
Folder   15
Opera Series
Box   120
Folder   16
Operation Frontal Lobes
Box   120
Folder   17
Box   120
Folder   18
Box   120
Folder   19
Philco Playhouse
Box   120
Folder   20
Pinkham, Richard A.R.
Box   120
Folder   21
Pinza, Ezio
Box   120
Folder   22
Political Conventions in 1952
Box   120
Folder   23
Box   120
Folder   24
Procter and Gamble
Box   120
Folder   25
Box   120
Folder   26
Public Service
Box   120
Folder   27
Box   120
Folder   28
Religious Programming
Box   120
Folder   29
Box   120
Folder   30
Rose, Billy
Box   120
Folder   31
Rose Bowl
Box   120
Folder   32
Royal, John
Box   120
Folder   33
Box   120
Folder   34
Sarnoff, David
Box   120
Folder   35
Saturday Night
Box   120
Folder   36
Ransom Sherman Show
Box   120
Folder   37
Dinah Shore
Box   120
Folder   38
Red Skelton
Box   120
Folder   39
Kate Smith
Box   120
Folder   40
Box   120
Folder   41
Box   120
Folder   42
Station Relations
Box   120
Folder   43
Stations: CMQ, Havana; WTMJ; XEW, Mexico
Box   120
Folder   44
Studio Facilities
Box   120
Folder   45
Summer Hiatus
Box   120
Folder   46
Box   120
Folder   47
Taylor, Davidson
Box   120
Folder   48
Television Service
Box   120
Folder   49
Box   120
Folder   50
Box   120
Folder   51
Box   120
Folder   52
Box   120
Folder   53
United States Naval History
Box   120
Folder   54
U, V
Box   120
Folder   55
Weaver, “Doodle”
Box   120
Folder   56
Wile, Fred
Box   120
Folder   57
Box   120
Folder   58
Young and Rubicam Advertising
Box   120
Folder   59
Young Mr. Bobbin
Box   120
Folder   60
Box   120
Folder   61
Advertising and Promotion
Box   120
Folder   62
All Star Revue
Box   120
Folder   63
Box   120
Folder   64
Box   120
Folder   65
Barnum, Pete
Box   120
Folder   66
Barry, Charles C.
Box   120
Folder   67
Box   120
Folder   68
Box   120
Folder   69
Cantor, Eddie
Box   120
Folder   70
Box   120
Folder   71
Box   120
Folder   72
Colgate Comedy Hour
Box   120
Folder   73
Comedy Development Plan
Box   120
Folder   74
Box   120
Folder   75
Box   120
Folder   76-79
Correspondence (carbons and logs)
Box   120
Folder   80
Box   120
Folder   81
Day Programming
Box   120
Folder   82
Box   120
Folder   83
Edwards, Ralph
Box   120
Folder   84
Box   121
Folder   1
Face of the Age Plan
Box   121
Folder   2
Box   121
Folder   3
Joe Floyd's Exhibivision
Box   121
Folder   4
Folsom, Frank
Box   121
Folder   5
F, G
Box   121
Folder   6
Harrison, Rex
Box   121
Folder   7
Howdy Doody
Box   121
Folder   8
H, I, J
Box   121
Folder   9
Kukla, Fran and Ollie
Box   121
Folder   10
Box   121
Folder   11
Box   121
Folder   12
Box   121
Folder   13
McAvity, Thomas
Box   121
Folder   14
McConnell, Joseph H.
Box   121
Folder   15
Martin and Lewis
Box   121
Folder   16
Miller, William Burke
Box   121
Folder   17
Miner, Worthington
Box   121
Folder   18
Mr. Peppers
Box   121
Folder   19
Montgomery, Robert
Box   121
Folder   20
Morris, William
Box   121
Folder   21
Box   121
Folder   22
Navy Project (Victory at Sea)
Box   121
Folder   23
News and Special Events
Box   121
Folder   24
Box   121
Folder   25
Box   121
Folder   26
Box   121
Folder   27
Box   121
Folder   28
Pinkham, Richard A.R.
Box   121
Folder   29
Political Conventions
Box   121
Folder   30
Press Releases
Box   121
Folder   31
Procter and Gamble
Box   121
Folder   32
Box   121
Folder   33
Public Service
Box   121
Folder   34
Box   121
Folder   35
Radio Corporation of America (RCA)
Box   121
Folder   36
Box   121
Folder   37
Royal, John
Box   121
Folder   38
Box   121
Folder   39
Sacks, Manie
Box   121
Folder   40
Box   121
Folder   41
Sarnoff, David
Box   121
Folder   42
Don W. Sharpe Agency
Box   121
Folder   43
Smith, Kate
Box   121
Folder   44
Speeches - Correspondence
Box   121
Folder   45
Station Relations
Box   121
Folder   46
Studio Facilities
Box   121
Folder   47
Box   121
Folder   48
Taylor, Davidson
Box   121
Folder   49
Box   121
Folder   50
Trammell, Niles
Box   121
Folder   51
Box   121
Folder   52
Box   121
Folder   53
Box   121
Folder   54
Voice of Firestone
Box   121
Folder   55
Wile, Fred
Box   121
Folder   56
Winchell & Mahoney
Box   121
Folder   57
Box   121
Folder   58
Youth Wants to Know
Box   121
Folder   59
Box   121
Folder   60
Advertising and Promotion
Box   121
Folder   61
All Star Revue
Box   121
Folder   62
American Forum of the Air and Youth Wants to Know
Box   121
Folder   63
Association of National Advertisers
Box   121
Folder   64
Box   121
Folder   65
Box   121
Folder   66
Bel Geddes, Norman
Box   121
Folder   67
Box   121
Folder   68
Box   121
Folder   69
Color Television
Box   121
Folder   70
Advertising and Promotion
Box   121
Folder   71
Box   121
Folder   72
Day Plans
Box   121
Folder   73
Engineering and Equipment
Box   121
Folder   74
Box   121
Folder   75
Box   121
Folder   76
Introductory Year
Box   121
Folder   77
Letter to Agency
Box   121
Folder   78
Box   121
Folder   79
Box   121
Folder   80
Box   121
Folder   81
Program Planning
Box   121
Folder   82
Box   121
Folder   83
Rehearsal Schedules and Demonstrations
Box   121
Folder   84
Correspondence (carbons and logs)
Box   121
Folder   85
1953 January-April
Box   122
Folder   1-2
1953 May-December
Box   122
Folder   3
Box   122
Folder   4
Day, Dennis
Box   122
Folder   5
Daytime Programming
Box   122
Folder   6
Box   122
Folder   7
Educational Television
Box   122
Folder   8
Box   122
Folder   9
Box   122
Folder   10
F, G
Box   122
Folder   11
Hinderas, Natalie
Box   122
Folder   12
Box   122
Folder   13
International TV
Box   122
Folder   14
Box   122
Folder   15
Kukla, Fran and Ollie
Box   122
Folder   16
Box   122
Folder   17
Box   122
Folder   18
Box   122
Folder   19
Miami Beach Organization
Box   122
Folder   20
Miner, Worthington - “G-5” Program
Box   122
Folder   21
Box   122
Folder   22
Box   122
Folder   23
News and Special Events
Box   122
Folder   24
Box   122
Folder   25
Box   122
Folder   26
Box   122
Folder   27
Box   122
Folder   28
Box   122
Folder   29
Box   122
Folder   30
Public Service
Box   122
Folder   31
Box   122
Folder   32
Radio Corporation of America (RCA)
Box   122
Folder   33
Box   122
Folder   34
Box   122
Folder   35
Box   122
Folder   36
Sarnoff, David
Box   122
Folder   37
Box   122
Folder   38
Box   122
Folder   39
Staff Meetings
Box   122
Folder   40-41
Station Relations
Box   122
Folder   42
Subscription TV
Box   122
Folder   43
Box   122
Folder   44
Talent Commitments
Box   122
Folder   45
Technical Developments Committee
Box   122
Folder   46
TV Repertory Theatre
Box   122
Folder   47
Theatre TV (Milton Mound)
Box   122
Folder   48
Box   122
Folder   49
Box   122
Folder   50
Box   122
Folder   51
White, Frank
Box   122
Folder   52
Wile, Fred
Box   122
Folder   53
Box   122
Folder   54
Your Show of Shows
Box   122
Folder   55
Advertising Club of Baltimore
Box   122
Folder   56
Advertising - Commercials
Box   122
Folder   57
Advertising Council
Box   122
Folder   58
Advertising & Promotion
Box   122
Folder   59
American Forum of the Air and Youth Wants to Know
Box   122
Folder   60
Box   122
Folder   61
Box   122
Folder   62
Box   122
Folder   63
Bel Geddes, Norman
Box   122
Folder   64
Biow Company
Box   122
Folder   65
British Broadcasting Corporation
Box   122
Folder   66
Brotherhood Week
Box   122
Folder   67
Leo Burnett Company Inc.
Box   122
Folder   68
Box   122
Folder   69
Box   122
Folder   70
Caesar, Sid
Box   122
Folder   71
Cantor, Eddie
Box   122
Folder   72
Box   122
Folder   73
Coca, Imogene
Box   122
Folder   74
Box   122
Folder   75
Color TV
Box   122
Folder   76
Box   122
Folder   77
Box   122
Folder   78
Coons, Sheldon
Box   123
Folder   1-6
Correspondence (carbons and logs)
Box   123
Folder   7
Cott, Ted
Box   123
Folder   8
Cronyn, Hume
Box   123
Folder   9
Box   123
Folder   10
Damm, Walter
Box   123
Folder   11
Days Before Yesterday (Documentary)
Box   123
Folder   12
Diamond Jubilee of Light
Box   123
Folder   13
Box   123
Folder   14
Box   123
Folder   15
Durante, Jimmie
Box   123
Folder   16
Box   123
Folder   17
Box   123
Folder   18
Box   123
Folder   19
Facts Forum (H.L. Hunt)
Box   123
Folder   20
Box   123
Folder   21
Box   123
Folder   22
Firestone Tire and Rubber Company
Box   123
Folder   23
F, G
Box   123
Folder   24
Haili Choir
Box   123
Folder   25
Heffernan, Joseph
Box   123
Folder   26
Box   123
Folder   27
H, I, J
Box   123
Folder   28
Kagran Inc. (Martin Stone)
Box   123
Folder   29
Kudner Agency
Box   123
Folder   30
Box   123
Folder   31
Legal Department
Box   123
Folder   32
Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce
Box   123
Folder   33
Louisville Advertising Club
Box   123
Folder   34
Box   123
Folder   35
Martin and Lewis
Box   123
Folder   36
William Morris Agency
Box   123
Folder   37
Box   123
Folder   38
Network Participation Program
Box   123
Folder   39
News and Special Events
Box   123
Folder   40
N, O
Box   123
Folder   41
Package Programs
Box   123
Folder   42
Box   123
Folder   43
Box   123
Folder   44
Press Department
Box   123
Folder   45
Procter and Gamble
Box   123
Folder   46
Box   123
Folder   47
Box   123
Folder   48
Public Service
Box   123
Folder   49
Box   123
Folder   50
Radio Corporation of America (RCA)
Box   123
Folder   51
Box   123
Folder   52
Retting, Earl
Box   123
Folder   53
Royal, John
Box   123
Folder   54
Russell, Frank
Box   123
Folder   55
Box   123
Folder   56
Box   123
Folder   57
San Francisco
Box   123
Folder   58
Sarnoff, David
Box   123
Folder   59
Sarnoff, Robert
Box   124
Folder   1
Box   124
Folder   2
Station Relations
Box   124
Folder   3
Box   124
Folder   4
Box   124
Folder   5
Box   124
Folder   6
Sullivan, Ed
Box   124
Folder   7
Swope, Herbert Bayard
Box   124
Folder   8
Box   124
Folder   9
Talent Usage Reports
Box   124
Folder   10
Taylor, Davidson
Box   124
Folder   11
Box   124
Folder   12
J. Walter Thompson Company
Box   124
Folder   13
Box   124
Folder   14
Box   124
Folder   15
Box   124
Folder   16
Box   124
Folder   17
Universal Copyright Convention
Box   124
Folder   18
U, V
Box   124
Folder   19
Wile, Fred
Box   124
Folder   20
Williams, John T.
Box   124
Folder   21
W, Y, Z
Box   124
Folder   22
Advertising and Promotion
Box   124
Folder   23
Box   124
Folder   24
Box   124
Folder   25
Associated Rediffusion - England
Box   124
Folder   26
Box   124
Folder   27
Box   124
Folder   28
Batten, Barton, Durstine, & Osborn
Box   124
Folder   29
Bel Geddes, Norman
Box   124
Folder   30
Box   124
Folder   31
Box   124
Folder   32
Box   124
Folder   33
Chicago Affiliates
Box   124
Folder   34
Chicago Executives Club
Box   124
Folder   35
Chicago, University of
Box   124
Folder   36
Churchill, Winston
Box   124
Folder   37
Box   124
Folder   38
Chairmanships, Memberships, Participation in a Fund-Raising Drive
Box   124
Folder   39
Children's Programming
Box   124
Folder   40
Economic Development
Box   124
Folder   41
Race Relations in Radio, TV, & Cinema
Box   124
Folder   42
Box   124
Folder   43
Box   124
Folder   44
Cornberg, Sol
Box   124
Folder   45
Box   124
Folder   46
Damm, Walter
Box   124
Folder   47
Box   124
Folder   48
Economic Club of Detroit
Box   124
Folder   49
Box   124
Folder   50
Box   124
Folder   51
Box   124
Folder   52
Box   124
Folder   53
General Foods Corporation
Box   124
Folder   54
Goldsmith, Dr. Alfred (RCA)
Box   124
Folder   55
Granik, Theodore
Box   124
Folder   56
John Guedel Productions
Box   124
Folder   57
Box   124
Folder   58
Box   124
Folder   59
Box   124
Folder   60
Institute of Practitioners in Advertising, London
Box   124
Folder   61
I, J
Box   124
Folder   62
King Advertising
Box   124
Folder   63
Box   125
Folder   1
Box   125
Folder   2
Lever Brothers
Box   125
Folder   3
Liebman, Max
Box   125
Folder   4
Box   125
Folder   5
Box   125
Folder   6
McCann-Erickson Advertising
Box   125
Folder   7
Motion Picture Company Tie-ups
Box   125
Folder   8
Box   125
Folder   9
National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters
Box   125
Folder   10
National Negro Opera Company Foundation
Box   125
Folder   11
News and Special Events
Box   125
Folder   12
N, O
Box   125
Folder   13
Box   125
Folder   14
Box   125
Folder   15
Procter and Gamble
Box   125
Folder   16
Box   125
Folder   17
Public Affairs
Box   125
Folder   18
P, Q
Box   125
Folder   19
Box   125
Folder   20
Radio Corporation of America (RCA)
Box   125
Folder   21
Box   125
Folder   22
Sacks, Manie
Box   125
Folder   23
Box   125
Folder   24
Sarnoff, David
Box   125
Folder   25
Social Invitations
Box   125
Folder   26
Box   125
Folder   27
Speech Research Material
Box   125
Folder   28
Box   125
Folder   29
Box   125
Folder   30
Station Relations
Box   125
Folder   31
Box   125
Folder   32
Box   125
Folder   33
Subscription Television
Box   125
Folder   34
Swope, Herbert Bayard
Box   125
Folder   35
Box   125
Folder   36
Talent Development Plan
Box   125
Folder   37
Box   125
Folder   38
Today, Home, Tonight
Box   125
Folder   39
T, U
Box   125
Folder   40
Weiss, E. B.
Box   125
Folder   41
Box   125
Folder   42
Young and Rubicam Advertising
Box   125
Folder   43
Advertising and Promotion
Box   125
Folder   44
Advertising Council
Box   125
Folder   45
Box   125
Folder   46
Box   125
Folder   47
A, B
Color Television
Box   125
Folder   48
Box   125
Folder   49
Box   125
Folder   50
Children's Program
Box   125
Folder   51
Box   125
Folder   52
Radio Affiliates
Box   125
Folder   53
Box   125
Folder   54
Box   125
Folder   55
Box   125
Folder   56-59
Correspondence (carbons and logs), 1956 January-September
Box   126
Folder   1
C, D
Box   126
Folder   2
Box   126
Folder   3
Box   126
Folder   4
Box   126
Folder   5
Box   126
Folder   6-7
Fund for the Republic
Box   126
Folder   8
Box   126
Folder   9
General Motors
Box   126
Folder   10
Gold Seal Company
Box   126
Folder   11
Goldsmith, Dr. Alfred
Box   126
Folder   12
G, H
Box   126
Folder   13
International TV
Box   126
Folder   14
Box   126
Folder   15
Box   126
Folder   16
J.C. Laroche & Company
Box   126
Folder   17
Box   126
Folder   18
Box   126
Folder   19
MacManus, John and Adams
Box   126
Folder   20
Matinee Theatre
Box   126
Folder   21
Box   126
Folder   22
Motion Picture Company Tie-ups
Box   126
Folder   23
Box   126
Folder   24
National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters
Box   126
Folder   25
Box   126
Folder   26
Box   126
Folder   27
Box   126
Folder   28
Box   126
Folder   29
Press and Publications
Box   126
Folder   30
Procter and Gamble
Box   126
Folder   31
Box   126
Folder   32
Project “20”
Box   126
Folder   33
Proposed Speeches
Box   127
Folder   1
Public Affairs
Box   127
Folder   2
P, Q
Box   127
Folder   3
Radio Corporation of America (RCA)
Box   127
Folder   4
Royal, John
Box   127
Folder   5
Box   127
Folder   6
Box   127
Folder   7
Sarnoff, David
Box   127
Folder   8
Social Invitations
Box   127
Folder   9
Box   127
Folder   10
Box   127
Folder   11
Research Material
Box   127
Folder   12
Box   127
Folder   13
Station Correspondence
Box   127
Folder   14
Station Relations
Box   127
Folder   15
Box   127
Folder   16
Development Plan
Box   127
Folder   17
Box   127
Folder   18
Box   127
Folder   19
United States Government
Box   127
Folder   20
Box   127
Folder   21
Weiss, E. B.
Box   127
Folder   22
Wick, Charles
Box   127
Folder   23
Wide, Wide World
Box   127
Folder   24
Box   566
Folder   1-22
Additions: Outgoing correspondence and registers, 1954-1955
Scope and Content Note: These additions consist of carbons of outgoing correspondence of Pat Weaver, December 1954-December 1955. Also included for each month is a correspondence register of letters referred and sent, together with an abstract of the contents of each.
White, Frank K. (1899-). Papers, 1952-1953
Physical Description: 2 boxes (1.0 cubic foot) 
Scope and Content Note: Papers of an NBC executive who joined the network as vice-president and general manager in 1952 and who served as president from January to August 1953. The papers date largely from his tenure as president and are composed of correspondence, memoranda, and occasional program reports. Although they primarily reflect the routine activities of the president's office, the papers include some material on the planning and organization of NBC's coverage of the 1952 election and the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.
Box   128
Folder   1
Advertising Council, 1953
Box   128
Folder   2
American Inventory, 1953
Box   128
Folder   3
Awards, 1953
Box   128
Folder   4
Colgate Comedy Hour, 1953
Box   128
Folder   5
Colgate-Palmolive-Peet (regarding Color Television), 1953
Box   128
Folder   6
Comedy Development Plan, 1953
Box   128
Folder   7
Coronation, 1953
Box   128
Folder   8
Election Coverage, 1952
Box   128
Folder   9
Firestone Tire & Rubber Company, 1952
Box   128
Folder   10
Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1953
Additions, 1953
Scope and Content Note: These additions to White's papers include a portion of his files for 1953, the year in which he was president of NBC.
Box   566
Folder   23
Denny, George V.
Box   566
Folder   24
Dewey, Thomas E.
Box   566
Folder   25
Dreyfuss, Henry
Box   566
Folder   26
Educational television
Box   566
Folder   27
Ernst, Morris L.
Box   566
Folder   28
Federal Communications Commission
Box   566
Folder   29
Ford Foundation
Box   566
Folder   30
Fund for the Republic
Box   566
Folder   31
Goldwyn, Samuel
Box   566
Folder   32
General Foods
Box   566
Folder   33
Goldsmith, Alfred N.
Box   566
Folder   34
Heidt, Horace
Box   566
Folder   35
Box   566
Folder   36
Hope, Bob
Box   566
Folder   37
Box   566
Folder   38
Box   566
Folder   39
Jessel, George
Box   566
Folder   40
Johnson, S C & Son
Box   566
Folder   41
Kennedy, Joseph P.
Box   566
Folder   42
Kraft Cheese Company
Box   566
Folder   43
Kukla, Fran & Ollie
Box   566
Folder   44
Liggett & Myers
Box   566
Folder   45
McCrary, Tex and Jinx
Box   566
Folder   46
National Association of Radio and Television Producers
Box   566
Folder   47
NBC affiliates
Box   566
Folder   48
NBC Year end review
Box   566
Folder   49
Needham, Louis & Brophy Inc.
Box   566
Folder   50
Box   566
Folder   51
Newcomen Society
Box   566
Folder   52
News and Special Events
Box   566
Folder   53
Notre Dame
Box   566
Folder   54
Official films
Box   566
Folder   55
Overseas Writers Committee
Box   566
Folder   56
Pearson, Drew
Box   566
Folder   57
Raies, Norman W.
Box   566
Folder   58
Reynolds, R.J.
Box   566
Folder   59
Roach, Hal
Box   566
Folder   60
Royal, John F.
Box   566
Folder   61
Skelton, Red
Box   566
Folder   62
Smith, Kate
Box   566
Folder   63
Sun Oil
Box   566
Folder   64
Swopek, Herbert B.
Box   566
Folder   65
Theatre Network Television Inc.
Box   566
Folder   66
Thomas, Lowell
Box   566
Folder   67
Transatlantic TV
Box   566
Folder   68
Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
Box   566
Folder   69
U.S. Government
Box   566
Folder   70
Van Item, Jules
Box   566
Folder   71
Victory at Sea