Public Relations Society of America Records, 1938-2014

Series: Reports
Organizing, 1945-1990
Box   1
Folder   1
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) elections in Southern States
Box   1
Folder   2
Elections, 1948 June-1950 May
Box   1
Folder   3
Major Plants organized by UTW, 1950 June
Box   1
Folder   4
Method of Designation of Joint Board Managers (Directors), Term of Office
Box   1
Folder   5
Designation of Business Agents and Salary Determination
Box   1
Folder   6
Cases in which the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) found Southern Companies Guilty of Refusing to Bargain, 1945 September-1950 May
Box   1
Folder   7
Analysis of 31 Southern Textile labor contracts
Box   1
Folder   8
Comparison of TWUA and National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) election results
Box   1
Folder   9
Certification Elections in North Carolina and the South
Box   1
Folder   10
Selected Plants where TWUA won Union Shop Authorization Elections
Box   1
Folder   11
Southern Mills where TWUA secured contracts during the War
Box   1
Folder   12
Southern elections or recognition won since August 14, 1945
Box   1
Folder   13-14
Woolen and worsted mills organized by unions other than TWUA, 1946 September
Strikes, 1945 June-1950 July
Box   1
Folder   15
Box   1
Folder   16
North Carolina
Box   1
Folder   17
Box   1
Folder   18
Southern companies charged with Refusal to Bargain, 1945 September-1950 February
Box   1
Folder   19
Disposition of charges against Southern Employers for Refusal to Bargain, 1945 September-1950 August
Box   1
Folder   20
Analysis of Structure of Union Auto Workers, Congress of Industrialized Organizations (UAW-CIO) based on International Constitution, 1949 July
Woolen and Worsted Plants with agreements, 1950 September
Box   1
Folder   21
Box   1
Folder   22
New Hampshire
Box   1
Folder   23
Major Unorganized Woolen and Worsted Mills, 1950 September
Box   1
Folder   24
Box   1
Folder   25
New Hampshire
Box   1
Folder   26
Box   1
Folder   27
Box   1
Folder   28
Massachusetts Woolen and Worsted Plants with agreements, 1950 September
Box   1
Folder   29
Mills and Employees, current employment and earnings in Woolen and Worsted Industry, Rhode Island and Connecticut, census data, 1947
Woolen and Worsted Plants with agreements
Box   1
Folder   30
Connecticut, 1950 September
Box   1
Folder   31
Rhode Island, 1950 September
Box   1
Folder   32
Midwest, 1950 October
Box   1
Folder   33
Strikes, Virginia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, 1945 June-1950 September
Box   1
Folder   34
Analysis of structure of United Steelworkers, Congress of Industrialized Organizations (USW-CIO) based on International Constitution, 1950 May 12
Box   1
Folder   35
Analysis of structure of Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, Congress of Industrialized Organizations (ACWA-CIO) based on International Constitution, 1948 June
Box   1
Folder   36
New Jersey and New York Woolen and Worsted Mills with agreements, 1950 October
Box   1
Folder   37
Woolen and Worsted Plants in Camden, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia
Box   1
Folder   38
Analysis of structure of International Ladies' Garment Workers Union, American Federation of Labor (ILGWU-AFL) based on International Constitution, 1950 May
Box   1
Folder   39
Organization progress in ten Southern States, 1946 June 1-1947 September 15
Box   1
Folder   40
Plants and employees involved in Southern Cotton-Rayon strike, 1951 March 1-1951 August 20
Box   1
Folder   41
Textile elections won and lost in 14 Southern States, 1946 April-1949 August
Box   1
Folder   42
New England elections, after 1950 February
Box   1
Folder   43
Elections and recognitions, Pennsylvania, 1954 March-1955 September
Box   1
Folder   44
All representation elections, 1949 January-1952 March
Box   1
Folder   45
Agreements and elections won, Dyeing and Finishing
Box   1
Folder   46
Textile Plants in New York State organized by unions other than TWUA, UTS, American Federation of Hosiery Workers (AFHW)
Box   1
Folder   47
Termination and reciprocating dates in Synthetic Yarn Company agreements, 1950 December 27
Box   1
Folder   48
Agreements in the South, 1951 March
Box   1
Folder   49
Northern Cotton-Rayon Company joint bargaining, 1942-1947
Box   1
Folder   50
Woolen and Worsted Mills in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area not organized by TWUA
Box   1
Folder   51
Agreements removed from active files, by cause, 1950 March-1952 February 29
Box   1
Folder   52
Agreements removed from active files because of plant liquidations, 1956-1964
Box   1
Folder   53
Agreements, New Jersey, 1952 May 19
Box   1
Folder   54-55
Summary of Union Security and Check-off clauses, agreements in Philadelphia, 1952 May 22
Box   1
Folder   56
Summary of Union Security and Check-off clauses in agreements under jurisdiction of the Passaic Joint Board, 1952 May 22
Box   1
Folder   57
New Jersey Textile Mills not organized by TWUA
Box   1
Folder   58
New England Synthetic Yarn Plants not organized by TWUA
Box   1
Folder   59
Woolen and Worsted Mills under recent UTW agreements
Box   1
Folder   60
Survey by NAWM among plants in Woolen and Worsted Industry with minimum below TWUA standard $1.265, 1952
Box   1
Folder   61
UTW Woolen and Worsted Mills with substandard minimum rates
Box   1
Folder   62
UTW Mills in Cotton-Rayon Industry with substandard minimum rates
Box   1
Folder   63
Mills organized by UTW-AFL
Box   1
Folder   64
UTW Mills
Mills organized by UTW-AFL
Box   1
Folder   65
Box   1
Folder   66
Vermont, New Hampshire
Box   1
Folder   67
Box   1
Folder   68
Box   1
Folder   69
Rhode Island
Box   1
Folder   70
New York
Box   1
Folder   71
New Jersey
Box   1
Folder   72
Box   1
Folder   73
Delaware, Maryland
Box   1
Folder   74
Box   1
Folder   75
North Carolina
Box   1
Folder   76
South Carolina
Box   1
Folder   77
Box   1
Folder   78
Box   1
Folder   79
Box   1
Folder   80
Florida, Mississippi, Arkansas, Kentucky
Box   1
Folder   81
Box   1
Folder   82
Box   1
Folder   83
Box   1
Folder   84
Box   1
Folder   85
Box   1
Folder   86
Far West
Box   1
Folder   87-90
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) elections, TWUA-CIO and UTW-AFL, 1950-1953
Box   1
Folder   91
UTW Mills won by TWUA since secession movement began in 1952
Box   1
Folder   92-94
Textile Coating Plants
Box   1
Folder   95
Synthetic Leather and Shade Cloth Plants
Box   1
Folder   96
Major New England Dyeing, Finishing, and Printing Plants
Box   1
Folder   97
Major Mid-Atlantic Dyeing, Finishing, and Printing Plants
Box   1
Folder   98
Southern Cotton, Silk, and Synthetic Dyeing and Finishing Plants
Box   1
Folder   99
Expiration dates of ACTWU Textile Division contracts in New England, Cotton/Synthetic Industry
Box   1
Folder   100
Major United States Hard Fiber Cordage and Rope Mills which produce Natural Fiber Products
Box   1
Folder   101
Survey of Bargaining Units by Region, State, and Industry, 1976 February 29
Box   1
Folder   102
Survey of Bargaining Units under Textile Division Agreement by Region, State, and Industry, 1978 February 28
Box   1
Folder   103
Union Security Clauses in selected agreements
Box   1
Folder   104
Bargaining Units under ACTWU Textile Division Agreement by Region, State, and Industry, 1981 February 28
Agreements and Elections
Box   1
Folder   105
Box   1
Folder   106
Note: Including strikes.
Box   1
Folder   107
Box   1
Folder   108
Box   1
Folder   109
Box   1
Folder   110
Note: Including strikes.
Box   1
Folder   111
Note: Including strikes.
Box   1
Folder   112
Note: Including strikes.
Box   1
Folder   113
Summary of Report on Agreements and Elections
Box   1
Folder   114
All Bargaining Units by Industry and Industry Subdivision
Box   1
Folder   115
Plastic Film Plants
Box   1
Folder   116
Hard Plastic Companies under agreement
Box   1
Folder   117
Hard Plastic Companies
Box   1
Folder   118
Plastic Film and Film Processing Plants
Box   1
Folder   119-120
United States Plants Manufacturing, Processing, or Fabricating Plastic, 1964 June, 1967 December
Box   1
Folder   121-123
Dyeing and Finishing Plants which print Plastic Film, 1964, undated
Box   1
Folder   124
Manufacturers of Fabricated Plastic Film Products
Box   1
Folder   125
Summary of Activities regarding the Retired Worker
Box   1
Folder   126
Collective Bargaining with Employers after Elections were won, 1961 January 20
Box   1
Folder   127
Elections won in the South, 1942-1952
Box   1
Folder   128-129
Results of representation elections in the South, 1942-1960
Box   1
Folder   130
Results of all representation elections, 1939-1960
Box   1
Folder   131
Results of representation elections for selected periods, comparison of South and other areas
Box   1
Folder   132
Union shop and check-off provisions in Cordage and Jute Agreements, 1953 March
Box   1
Folder   133
Comparison of contract coverage by state as of February 29, 1952, and February 28, 1953
Box   1
Folder   134
Summary by state of loss and retention of bargaining rights, 1952-1953 March
Box   1
Folder   135
Elections involving TWUA, Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) and American Federation of Labor (AFL), 1952 March-1953 April
Box   1
Folder   136-137
Plants engaged in manufacture of machinery and equipment
Box   1
Folder   138-139
Organizational status and ownership of chain mills in Georgia Textile Industry
Box   1
Folder   140
Program for organization targets
Box   1
Folder   141
Preferential probing targets
Box   1
Folder   142
Chain companies in organizational and build-up stages
Box   1
Folder   143
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) elections at Erwin, Cone, and Dan River, locals seceded from TWUA and affiliated with UTW in 1952
Box   1
Folder   144
TWUA and UTW Mills in general area of TWUA locals of 4 major Cotton/Rayon chains involved in Secession Movement
Box   1
Folder   145
Elections, recognitions, and certifications involving TWUA Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 1953 July-1953 September
Box   1
Folder   146
Elections involving TWUA-Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) and International Association of Machinists-American Federation of Labor (IAM-AFL), 1950 March-1953 September
Box   1
Folder   147
“The Crew Leader's Job”
Box   1
Folder   148
Elections won and lost, and recommendations won where it was not prior bargaining agent, 1953 January-1953 October
Box   1
Folder   149
Elections won and lost where it was prior bargaining agent, 1953 January-1953 October
Elections and recognition won and lost, 1953
Box   1
Folder   150
Box   1
Folder   151
New York
Box   1
Folder   152
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware
Box   1
Folder   153
New England
Box   1
Folder   154
Box   1
Folder   155
Election, recognition, and certification results by area
Box   1
Folder   156
Representation elections and recognitions by area, 1955 January-October 14
Box   1
Folder   157
Report on study of organizing problems of the South
Box   1
Folder   158
Knitting Plants in the United States by product
Box   1
Folder   159
Sweater and Sportswear Plants
Box   1
Folder   160
Sweater and Sportswear Plants in the United States
Box   1
Folder   161
Hosiery Mills in the United States and Canada, 1962 December
Box   1
Folder   162
Knitted Garment Plants, 1963 July
Box   1
Folder   163
Mills won by UTW in Secession Movement, 1952-1953
Box   1
Folder   164
Extent of organization of Textile Workers in Mid-Atlantic States, 1954
Box   1
Folder   165
Companies or interests in which TWUA has 2 or more plants
Box   2
Folder   1
UTW Pants where TWUA has active drives, 1954 July
Box   2
Folder   2
TWUA Plants where UTW has active drives, 1954 July
Box   2
Folder   3
Suggested outline for review of administrative activities
Box   2
Folder   4
Agreement coverage in New England by industry, 1954 September 20
Box   2
Folder   5
Provisions in Southern agreements allowing use of Federal mediation and conciliation service before arbitration
Box   2
Folder   6
Southern Plants where TWUA is Technical Bargaining Agent but where general labor agreements have never been signed
Box   2
Folder   7
Southern Plants where TWUA technically retains bargaining rights but is no longer active representative
Box   2
Folder   8
Woolen and Worsted Plants in United States under contract, 1955 January 14
Box   2
Folder   9-10
Pile Fabric Mills
Box   2
Folder   11
Memo on UTW personnel
Box   2
Folder   12
New England Cotton/Rayon Mills which settled by renewing agreements due to expire on or about April 15, 1955
Box   2
Folder   13
Locals and agreements included in Jurisdiction of Industry Directors
Box   2
Folder   14
Problem of absorption of UTW locals
Box   2
Folder   15
Distribution of Mills under contract with UTW-American Federation of Labor (AFL)
Box   2
Folder   16
Knitting Plants in the Mid-Atlantic under contract with TWUA
Burlington Industries
Box   2
Folder   17
Campaign Bulletin #1
Box   2
Folder   18
Compensation of Burlington management
Box   2
Folder   19-20
Campaign Bulletin #1B
Box   2
Folder   21
Company scored spectacular profit gain in 1955
Box   2
Folder   22
Financial results for 6 Months, ended March 1955-1956
Box   2
Folder   23
Company continues to boost profits (Campaign Bulletin #2A)
Box   2
Folder   24
Box   2
Folder   25
Financial results for years ended September 1955-1956
Box   2
Folder   26
Comparison of Burlington profits and sales for Fiscal 1954 and 1956
Box   2
Folder   27
Financial results, 1955-1956
Box   2
Folder   28
Campaign Bulletin #2
Box   2
Folder   29
Campaign Bulletin #3
Box   2
Folder   30
Cash dividend record, 1955-1956
Box   2
Folder   31
Cordage and Jute Agreements
Box   2
Folder   32
Estimated distribution of organic and non-organic textile workers in Pennsylvania by labor market, area, and county, 1955 September
Box   2
Folder   33
Textile plants in Maine, 1973 October
Box   2
Folder   34
Termination dates of Southern agreements
Box   2
Folder   35
Textile Mills with weaving operations in South, 1963 August
Box   2
Folder   36
Yarn Mills in the South, 1964 January
Box   2
Folder   37
Cotton-Synthetic Textile Mills in New England and the South, 1970 June
Box   2
Folder   38
Southern Plants and other union organization of their affiliated plants, 1956 January
Box   2
Folder   39
Termination, reopening dates, and notice requirements under Wool Carpet and Carpet Yarn agreements in United States, 1956 February
Box   2
Folder   40
Synthetic Yarn, Staple, Tow, and Film Plants under contract
Box   2
Folder   41
Synthetic Film Plants
Box   2
Folder   42-44
Synthetic Fiber, Yarn, and Film Plants under contract, 1961, undated
Box   2
Folder   45
United States Synthetic Yarn and Fiber Companies under contract, 1965 May
Box   2
Folder   46
United States Man-Made Fiber Plant locations, 1972 January
Box   2
Folder   47
Manufacturers of Textile Fiber and Related Plastic and Rubber Industrial Products
Box   2
Folder   48
Contracts with companies producing rubber or related products
Box   2
Folder   49
Agreements in the Midwest
Box   2
Folder   50
Plants with 5-year contracts as of October 12, 1956
Box   2
Folder   51
Distribution of estimated employment in New England Woolen and Worsted Industry by state and union, 1956 October
Box   2
Folder   52
Terms and reopening provisions of selected long-term contracts with major textile companies
Box   2
Folder   53-55
Termination and reopening dates of Woolen and Worsted agreements, 1962-1966, undated
Box   2
Folder   56-57
Expiration dates of Wool Textile contracts, 1974-1975
Box   2
Folder   58-60
Termination and reopening dates of Northern Cotton and Synthetic Textile Agreements and Allied Agreements, 1960-1961, undated
Box   2
Folder   61
Termination and reopening dates of Cordage and Allied Products Agreements, 1960-1961
Box   2
Folder   62
Termination and reopening dates of Pile Fabrics Agreements, 1960-1961
Box   2
Folder   63
Termination and reopening dates of Upholstery and Novelty Fabrics Agreements, 1960-1961
Box   2
Folder   64
Workloads and assignments of Fall River, New Bedford contracts, 1948 January-1955 July
Box   2
Folder   65
Major multi-plant companies under agreement with TWUA and other unions
Box   2
Folder   66
Coverage and total production worker employment in New England Textile Mill Products Industry
Box   2
Folder   67
Major unorganized textile companies and chains in New England
Box   2
Folder   68
Unorganized plants of major textile companies in New Jersey
Box   2
Folder   69
Unorganized plants of major textile companies in Pennsylvania
Box   2
Folder   70
Organizational status, Dyeing and Finishing Shops in New York State, outside New York City, 1957
Box   2
Folder   71
United States Mattress Manufacturing Plants, 1968 October
Box   2
Folder   72
Plants under ACTWU contract manufacturing Furniture and Mattresses, 1981 December
Box   2
Folder   73
Agreement coverage by industry, 1956 February 29-1957 August 13
Box   2
Folder   74-75
UTW Mills by state, 1960 October, 1966 April
Box   2
Folder   76
UTW locals in Synthetic Yarn Industry, 1963 March
Box   2
Folder   77
Branded products of Mills
Box   2
Folder   78
Activities for International Federation of Textile Workers Associations (IFTWA), 1955-1958 February
Box   2
Folder   79
Major activities of TWUA-Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 1952-1955
Box   2
Folder   80
Activities in 1959, Report for International Federation of Textile Workers Associations (IFTWA) Congress, 1960
Box   2
Folder   81
Report of activities to International Textile and Garment Workers' Federation, 1964-1968
Box   2
Folder   82
Industry Groups Covered by TWUA Jurisdiction in Fabricated Textile Products, Asbestos, and Plastic Products
Box   2
Folder   83
Fabricated Textile Products, Asbestos, and Plastic Products under the jurisdiction of TWUA
Box   2
Folder   84
Definitions of processes set forth in Article III (Jurisdiction) of the Constitution of May 1958
Box   2
Folder   85
Article III (Jurisdiction) of the Constitution, 1958 May
Box   2
Folder   86
Organization of Production Workers in the South and Southern Cities
Box   2
Folder   87
Results of Southern National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) elections involving American Federation of Labor, Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) Unions, 1958 January-July
Box   2
Folder   88
Prevailing reopening and expiration provisions in agreements by division and region, 1958-1959
Box   2
Folder   89
Locals and membership in “Right-to-Work” Law states
Box   2
Folder   90
Plants under agreement where bargaining rights were lost subsequent to passage of State “Right-to-Work” Law
Box   2
Folder   91
“Almost Unbelievable,” 1961 January 20
Box   2
Folder   92
Regent Knitting Mills
Box   2
Folder   93
Freedom of association for Textile Workers, outline statement for discussions with ILO
Box   2
Folder   94
Analysis of strikes, Fiscal 1952-1959
Box   2
Folder   95
Strikes in which National Office contributed funds for strike benefits
Box   2
Folder   96
Summary data on trade union strike funds
Box   2
Folder   97
Questions to be considered in developing a policy on disbursal of funds for strike benefits
Non-TWUA Dyeing and Finishing Plants
Box   2
Folder   98
New England
Box   2
Folder   99
New England, 1964
Box   2
Folder   100
New York State
Box   2
Folder   101
Middle Atlantic States
Box   2
Folder   102-103
TWUA Curtain Shops
Box   2
Folder   104
Representation Elections Involving UMW District 50 and TWUA, 1959 to date
Box   2
Folder   105
Representation Elections Involving TWUA and Teamsters Union
Box   2
Folder   106
TWUA Plants in Los Angeles County, California, 1961 March
Box   2
Folder   107
Plants and employers in jurisdiction of TWUA Industry Directors, 1960 February
Box   2
Folder   108
TWUA, agreements and workers covered by agreements in the United States by industry, 1962
Box   2
Folder   109
TWUA contracts in miscellaneous industries, 1960 March
Box   2
Folder   110
Non-Directive Interview for information
Box   2
Folder   111
Plants in California, 1962 March
Box   2
Folder   112
Earnings go up with rise in organization in an industry
Box   2
Folder   113
List of possible National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) violators, 1950-1962
Box   2
Folder   114-115
Employees covered by Collective Bargaining Agreements, by state and provence, 1952, 1956, 1962-1963
Box   2
Folder   116
Survey of workers opinions in a Southern Organizing Campaign at a Synthetic Yarn Plant, 1961 Fall
Box   2
Folder   117
Plants where TWUA has won elections or recognition without an election, but never signed a contract, 1957 January-1962 May
Box   2
Folder   118
Report on status of contracts in plants where TWUA won elections or recognition
Box   2
Folder   119
Plants loss of Bargaining Rights, 1957-1961
Box   2
Folder   120
Report on status of plants in which TWUA had a contract and then lost bargaining rights
Box   2
Folder   121
Plants making Textile Glass Fiber in the United States, 1962
Box   2
Folder   122
TWUA Plants in South Carolina
Box   2
Folder   123
Number of employees in bargaining units by industry, Pennsylvania, 1963 February
Box   2
Folder   124
Number of employees in bargaining units by industry, New Jersey, 1963 February
Box   2
Folder   125
Textile Plants organized by the Industrial Trades Union (ITU), Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Box   2
Folder   126
Statement in support of Claim of Jurisdiction over the operations of Puritan Sportswear
Box   2
Folder   127
Unorganized Textile Plants in Maryland, selected counties, 1963
Box   2
Folder   128
Unorganized Plastics Plants in specified counties of Maryland, 1963
Box   2
Folder   129
Strikes in the South, 1956 January-1963 December 5
Box   2
Folder   130
Employment and coverage in United States Textile Manufacturing Industries, 1948-1964
Box   2
Folder   131
Strikes at Plants operated by Synthetic Yarn and Film Companies, 1942-1963
Box   2
Folder   132
Representation elections by state or region, 1956 March-1964 February 29
Box   2
Folder   133
Agreements in the Umbrella Industry, 1952-1964
Box   2
Folder   134
Average annual membership, Local 215 (Umbrella Shops), New York City
Box   2
Folder   135
Southern cities in which more than 40% of plant workers are employed in organized plants
Box   2
Folder   136
Knitting Plants believed to be unorganized, New England, 1964 July
Box   2
Folder   137
Unorganized Knitting Plants in New England, 1964 September
Box   2
Folder   138
Contract terms and expiration dates, selected companies, Rope and Cordage Division, Velvet and Pile Division
Box   2
Folder   139
Elections and recognitions won in the South, 1964
Box   2
Folder   140
Summary report, Staff Training Conference, 1965 March
Box   2
Folder   141
Staff Training Program
Box   2
Folder   142
Report on proceedings of Quin Region Staff Conference Organizers Session, 1965 January 5
Box   2
Folder   143
Textile and Synthetic Yarn Plants represented by District 50, United Mine Workers (UMW), United States and Canada
Box   2
Folder   144
Chemical and Miscellaneous Plastic Product Plants under contract with District 50, United Mine Workers (UMW), United States
Box   2
Folder   145
Chemical Plants under contract with District 50, United Mine Workers (UMW), United States
Box   2
Folder   146
Analysis of Union Constitutions as to: 1) Basis of Delegate Representation at Conventions, 2) Method of Electing General Officers
Box   2
Folder   147-148
Percentage of unionization and average hourly earnings, by state
Box   2
Folder   149-150
Percentage of unionization, average hourly earnings, Workmen's Compensation, and Unemployment Insurance benefits by state, 1971 June 30
Box   2
Folder   151
Termination and reopening dates in Carpet Agreements in United States
Box   2
Folder   152
Carpet Agreements, United States and Canada, 1962 December
Box   2
Folder   153
Surgical Dressing and Related Plants
Box   2
Folder   154
Plants and Coverage in Hosiery Industry, United States, by division and state, 1965 October
Box   2
Folder   155
Provisions in union constitutions for reporting by General President: TWUA and 10 Major Unions
Box   2
Folder   156
Unorganized Southern Mills of major Hosiery Companies (Excluding Burlington and Hanes)
Box   2
Folder   157
Southern Textile Mills in which TWUA has won National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) elections but has been unable to obtain agreements, 1966 November 23
Box   2
Folder   158
Carpet Mills in the United States
Box   2
Folder   159
Material for training organizers, number 1, company financial information
Box   2
Folder   160
Metalworking Plants, 1967 August 3
Box   2
Folder   161
Election won April 1966-September 1966 where no agreement was signed as of November 30, 1967
Box   3
Folder   1
Unorganized Plants in jurisdiction of companies under contract, all regions
Box   3
Folder   2
Plants in Miscellaneous Fabricated Textile Products Industry (SIC #239), 1967 December
Box   3
Folder   3
Plants in Knoxville, Tennessee, within a radius of 100 miles, 1967 December
Box   3
Folder   4-5
Narrow Fabric Plants (SIC #2241), 1967 December, 1973 September
Box   3
Folder   6
ACTWU Plants in United States producing Automotive or Auto-Related Products, 1994
Box   3
Folder   7
Union Security Provisions in Carpet Plant Contracts in states which permit Union Shop Agreements, 1968 April
Box   3
Folder   8
Jurisdiction of TWUA, Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers (OCAW), and United Rubber Workers (URW)
Box   3
Folder   9
Present and potential relations between TWUA and Amalgamated Clothing Workers (ACW), 1974 November
Box   3
Folder   10
Cotton and Synthetic Yarn, and Broadwoven Fabric Mills in New England
Box   3
Folder   11
Plants serviced by J.W. Mathis
Box   3
Folder   12
Plants serviced by C.D. Boartfield
Box   3
Folder   13
Plants serviced by Julius Fry
Box   3
Folder   14
Comparison of experience and all National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) election results, percentage of elections won
Box   3
Folder   15
Comparison of election results in United States and all National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) election results, 1968 September
Box   3
Folder   16
Comparison of election results and all National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) election results, 1974 February 4
White-Collar Organizing Bulletin
Box   3
Folder   17
No. 1, 1968 October
Box   3
Folder   18
No. 2, 1968 December
Box   3
Folder   19
1968 December, 1974 April
Box   3
Folder   20
Selected Knit Fabric and Knit Outerwear Plants represented in United States
Box   3
Folder   21
Renewal of organizations, Midwest Research Institute
Box   3
Folder   22
“In Search of Ideas,” Wall Street Journal
Box   3
Folder   23
“Desirable Characteristics for Local Leadership and Some Ways in Which International Representatives can Contribute to Their Development”
Box   3
Folder   24
Goals for Textile Workers in the South
Box   3
Folder   25
Unorganized Textile Plants in New York State, 1969 November
Box   3
Folder   26
Locations of branches of Amalgamated Lace Operatives of America, 1969 November
Box   3
Folder   27
Data in support of dues increase, 1970 February 24
Box   3
Folder   28
Elections and recognitions won since March 1, 1966, where no agreement has been received as of March 15, 1970
Box   3
Folder   29-30
ACTWU Plants manufacturing Footwear and Leather Products
Box   3
Folder   31
Plants manufacturing Footwear
Box   3
Folder   32
Agreements with contract terms in excess of 3 Years, 1970 July
Box   3
Folder   33
Study of the Failure of Intra-Union Communication in an Organizing Campaign
Box   3
Folder   34
Procedures for Session on Planning, Canadian Staff Institute, 1970 December
Box   3
Folder   35
Evaluation of Canadian Staff Conference, New York, 1970 December
Box   3
Folder   36-37
Knit Products Plants, 1971 November, 1973 August
Box   3
Folder   38
Knitting Plants under ACTWU Contract in United States, 1981 September
Box   3
Folder   39
Analysis of American Federation of Labor, Congress of Industrialized Organizations (AFL-CIO) survey of International Union Per Capita Taxes and related subjects, 1972 January
Box   3
Folder   40
Elections and recognitions won March 1970-February 29, 1972 where no agreement consummated as of June 16, 1972
Box   3
Folder   41
List of elections and RWEs won June 1970-June 1973 where no agreements consummated as of August 3, 1973
Box   3
Folder   42
Cotton-Synthetic Textile Plants where TWUA has won election or RWE but no agreement received as of September 27, 1972
Box   3
Folder   43
Plants in Cotton-Synthetic Textile Industries, United States, 1972 September
Box   3
Folder   44
Outline, planning and evaluation for Organizer Training Program
Box   3
Folder   45
“The Potential for Union Organization in the South”
Box   3
Folder   46
Guide for Investigations of Corporate Management in the Local Area, 1972 November
Box   3
Folder   47
Percentage of unionization and average straight-time hourly earnings, by industry, 1967 October
Box   3
Folder   48
List of strikes started since August 15, 1971
Box   3
Folder   49
Percentage membership in locals in upper South
Box   3
Folder   50
Percentage membership in locals in South, 1973 January
Box   3
Folder   51
Expiration dates of agreements in New York State which expire in 1973, other than Local Union 1790 and Greater New York Joint Board
Box   3
Folder   52
Consumer products manufactured by companies under contract
Box   3
Folder   53
Distribution of employees in bargaining units by level of hourly rates or earnings
Box   3
Folder   54
Plants manufacturing Flock
Box   3
Folder   55
Coated Fabric, Not Rubberized, Plants in United States, 1974 April 5
Box   3
Folder   56
House Furnishings Plants, 1974 May 28
Box   3
Folder   57-58
Dues-Paying membership and bargaining unit employment in states with “Right-to-Work” laws, 1974 1st Quarter
Box   3
Folder   59
Northern contracts without Union Shop clauses, 1975 December
Box   3
Folder   60
New England Cotton-Synthetic and Woolen contracts expiring in 1976
Box   3
Folder   61
Workers covered by agreements, 1946-1974
Box   3
Folder   62
Membership and workers covered by agreements, 1946-1974
Box   3
Folder   63
Broadwoven Fabric Mills represented by ACTWU, American Federation of Labor, Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), and Central Labor Council (CLC), 1976 June
Box   3
Folder   64
Thread Manufacturers under contract to ACTWU Textile Division, 1976 August
Box   3
Folder   65
Strikes at Textile Division Plants starting prior to 1976 June 4
Box   3
Folder   66
Strikes at Textile Division Plants from June 1976 to May 13, 1977
Box   3
Folder   67-69
Strikes in the Textile Division, ACTWU, from May 1977 to May 1979
Box   3
Folder   70
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Elections in Textile and Related Establishments in which the Amalgamated Participated, 1976 June-1977 January 21
Box   3
Folder   71
Recognition agreements for newly organized textile and related establishments, 1976 June-1977 January 31
Box   3
Folder   72
Collective Bargaining Agreements for newly organized textile and related establishments, 1976 June-1977 January 31
Box   3
Folder   73
ACTWU Textile Division membership in New York City, 1974-1976
Box   3
Folder   74
Textile Division contracts in California
Box   3
Folder   75
ACTWU Textile Division contracts in California
Box   3
Folder   76
Bargaining Units under ACTWU/TWUA agreements in Synthetic Yarn, Film, and Allied Products Industry, 1950-1976
Box   3
Folder   77
Regarding ACTWU organizing in Alabama, 1976-1977
Box   3
Folder   78
Union Security Provisions in Bag and Packaging Division Plants
Box   3
Folder   79
Index of workers covered by agreements
Box   3
Folder   80
Cordage and Rope Plants, United States
Box   3
Folder   81
Organizational status of Cordage Plants
Box   3
Folder   82
California Carpet Mills under contract with ACTWU
Box   3
Folder   83
Metal-Working Plants under contract with Textile Division, ACTWU, 1978 May
Box   3
Folder   84
Companies with more than one contract covering Textile Division Plants, ACTWU, 1978 May
Box   3
Folder   85
ACTWU Plants in the Electrical/Electronic Industry
Box   3
Folder   86-87
ACTWU Cotton Textile Mills and Local Unions in the Deep South Region
Box   3
Folder   88
ACTWU Plants Fabricating Inflatable Products
Box   3
Folder   89
Hosiery Plants under ACTWU Agreement
Box   3
Folder   90
Fortune 500 Firms with one component or more under contract to ACTWU
Box   3
Folder   91
ACTWU Plants Manufacturing Foam Products
Box   3
Folder   92-93
Companies under ACTWU contract with both Apparel and Textile Units, 1979 May, undated
Box   3
Folder   94
ACTWU Plants making Chemical Products
Box   3
Folder   95
Organizing targets in Georgia, Tennessee, and Alabama, ACTWU Textile Division
Box   3
Folder   96-97
United States Textile and Synthetic Fiber Plants which are foreign owned, 1984 March, undated
Box   3
Folder   98
ACTWU Plants making Paper Products and Cellophane, 1981 January
Box   3
Folder   99
United States Textile, Men's Apparel, and Synthetic Fiber Plants which are Japanese owned as of December 30, 1980
Box   3
Folder   100
Employees in Bargaining Units under contract with TWUA/ACTWU Textile Division, 1964, 1970, 1976, 1981
Box   3
Folder   101
International Affiliations of ACTWU Plants in jurisdiction of International Federation of Chemical, Energy, and General Workers Union
Box   3
Folder   102
Upholstery Fabric Plants under ACTWU contract, 1983 August
Box   3
Folder   103
Estimate of wage and salary workers covered by labor contracts, by industry, 1983 August
Box   3
Folder   104
Companies under ACTWU contract ranked by estimated number of ACTWU members, 1984 April
Box   3
Folder   105
United States Automobile Carpet Plants, 1984 December 11
Box   3
Folder   106
United States Synthetic Fiber Plants, 1985 June 17
Box   3
Folder   107
ACTWU Textile Plant closings, 1980-1985
Box   3
Folder   108
United States Flag Manufacturing Plants, 1989 June 9
Box   3
Folder   109
Union density, percent organized, an International comparison, 1970-1986
Box   3
Folder   110
Union Representation in the Apparel, Textile, Allied, and Other Industries, 1989
Box   3
Folder   111
Report to the Executive Council, “The Potential for Union Organization in the South,” 1972 December 4
Box   3
Folder   112
Report to Executive Council, “Department of Labor Sets Priority for Health Hazard Inspections in Cotton, Asbestos Industries,” 1972 January 24
Box   3
Folder   113-114
Reports of the Research Department to the Executive Council, including analysis of 4-day, 40-hour week, 1971
Box   4
Folder   1-5
Reports of the Research Department to the Executive Council, 1970-1971
Wages, 1964-1984
Box   4
Folder   6
Woolen and Worsted Wage history
Box   4
Folder   7
Wage and fringe increases in Cordage Plants, 1964
Box   4
Folder   8
Economic gains at Cordage Plants, 1965-1966
Box   4
Folder   9-10
Economic gains at Cordage Plants - contracts negotiated, 1965-1966, 1969
Box   4
Folder   11-12
Wage rates and average hourly earnings for selected jobs and plant average hourly earnings at Coated Fabrics Plants
Box   4
Folder   13-16
Comparison of fringe benefits at selected Coated Fabrics Plants, 1967, 1969, 1970, 1973
Box   4
Folder   17
Fringe benefits at selected Cordage Plants, 1965 January
Box   4
Folder   18-26
Summary of economic provisions in effect at Cordage Plants, 1967, 1969, 1971-1975
Box   4
Folder   27
General wage increases negotiated by major industry division, 1960 July-1965 June
Box   4
Folder   28
Fringe benefits under agreements for Wool Shoddy Plants
Box   4
Folder   29
Industry wage increases IRC, FMC, Beaunit, American Enka (synthetics)
Box   4
Folder   30
Selected data on Cotton Textile Industry, by region, 1924 and 1968, 1968 December 26
Box   4
Folder   31
Comparison of BLS average hourly earnings for Integrated Cotton Broadwoven Fabric Mills, New England v. Southeast
Box   4
Folder   32
Preliminary release of BLS wage studies for Cotton Textiles and Synthetic Textiles, 1965 September
Box   4
Folder   33
Plant minimum rates and average straight-time hourly earnings at major Southern Textile Mills, 1965
Box   4
Folder   34
Pile Fabric Mills, fringe benefits in effect as of February 1967
Box   4
Folder   35-48
Pile Fabric Mills, economic benefits in effect as of 1967-1970, 1972-1973, 1976, undated
Box   4
Folder   49
Outline of possible arguments in support of a general wage increase, 1956 August 23
Box   4
Folder   50
Gap between textile wages and the All-Manufacturing Wage, 1950-1975
Box   4
Folder   51
Statement of George Perkel before the House Committee on Education and Labor in support of amendments to Fair Labor Standards Act, 1970 September 9
Box   4
Folder   52
Statement of George Perkel in support of amendments to Fair Labor Standards Act, 1971 April
Box   4
Folder   53
Carpets and Rugs settlements at Plants, 1967
Box   4
Folder   54
Fringe benefits in major unionized industries
Box   4
Folder   55
Fringe benefits in Automobile Industry, effective November 1970
Box   4
Folder   56
Average percent change in pay of Chief Executive Officer and Production Workers, by industry, 1961-1962
Box   4
Folder   57
Analysis of Wool Textile Industry wage survey
Box   4
Folder   58
Comparison of fringe benefits at Pressed Felt Plants
Box   4
Folder   59
Wage increases in Southern Yarn and Thread Mills, 1963
Box   4
Folder   60
Comparison of fringe benefits in Papermakers Felt Plants, 1964 January
Box   4
Folder   61
Merlin and 2 New York Dyers Associations, wage comparison
Box   4
Folder   62
Merlin and Two New York Dyers Associations, comparison of fringe benefits
Box   4
Folder   63
Comparison of Southern Textile fringe benefits with other industries
Box   4
Folder   64
Percentage of unionization and average straight-time hourly earnings, by industry, 1967 October
Box   4
Folder   65
Percentage of unionization and average hourly earnings, by industry, 1969 September
Box   4
Folder   66
Percentage of unionization, average hourly earnings, Workmen's Compensation, and unemployment insurance benefits, by state
Box   4
Folder   67-76
Blow-Molded Container Plants, economic provisions, 1968, 1970-1977
Box   4
Folder   77
Minimum rates in Northern Plants by major industry division, 1965 July
Box   4
Folder   78
Severance pay plan for plant liquidation, New England Cotton-Rayon Industry
Box   4
Folder   79
Excerpts from annual report of President's Council of Economic Advisers, 1966 January
Box   4
Folder   80
Fact sheet for Southern Textile Wage Drive, 1966 March 1
Box   4
Folder   81
Average straight-time hourly earnings for Women's Seamless Hosiery Knitters in the United States
Box   4
Folder   82
Hourly cost of fringe benefits for Production Workers of General Motors
Downs Carpet, Willow Grove, Pennsylvania, comparison of rates of pay
Box   4
Folder   83
With comparable Tufted Carpet Plants
Box   4
Folder   84
Box   4
Folder   85
With average straight-time hourly earnings at Tufted Carpet Plants
Box   4
Folder   86
General wage increases at selected Tufted Carpet Plants, after 1965
Box   4
Folder   87-88
Agreements in Northern Woolen and Worsted Industry, wage provisions, 1967-1968
Box   4
Folder   89
Wool Textile agreements expiring in 1971 and 1972, wage and fringe gains 1969 to date
Box   4
Folder   90
Fringe benefit program in the United States
Box   4
Folder   91
Summary of fringe benefits in Synthetic Yarn Plants, United States and Canada
Box   4
Folder   92
Average straight-time hourly earnings, Hosiery Industry Divisions, 1963 April, 1964-1966
Box   4
Folder   93
Contract benefits, former American Federation of Hosiery Workers (AFHW) Plants in Hosiery Industry, summary and analysis, 1977 July
Box   4
Folder   94-95
Summary of contract benefits - Hosiery Division Plants, 1966 November
Box   4
Folder   96
Economic improvements achieved by Hosiery Division from 1966
Box   4
Folder   97
Economic gains in TWUA Hosiery Division Settlements, 1967
Box   4
Folder   98
Contract benefit summary - Hosiery Division, Plants in Hosiery Industry, 1968 December
Box   4
Folder   99
Relationship of First Class Trades, Men's to Male Janitor Rates, Synthetic Yarn and Film Plants
Box   4
Folder   100
Increases in hourly rates, First Class Tradesmen in Synthetic Yarn and Film Plants, 1961-1966
Box   4
Folder   101
Survey of First Class Tradesmen Rates, craft conference, FMC-AV Division, Fiber Plants, 1969 March 3
Box   4
Folder   102
Proportions of workers in major collective bargaining settlements, 1961-1965
Box   4
Folder   103
Comparison of maximum wage rates, American Can, Newcastle, Alta Loma, and Batavia Plants, and Imco Container, Belvidere, New Jersey, 1966 November
Box   4
Folder   104-105
Comparison of maximum wage rates at Blow-Molded Plastic Container Plants, American Can, 1967, undated
Box   4
Folder   106-107
Contract benefit summary - Hosiery Division Plants Outside Hosiery Industry, 1966 November, 1968 December
Box   4
Folder   108-110
Chase Bag, summary of economic provisions, 1966 October, undated
Box   4
Folder   111-113
Bemis, summary of economic provisions, 1966 October, 1968 February
Box   4
Folder   114-115
Pattern of wage settlements in Cotton-Synthetic Textile Industry, 1959-1968
Box   4
Folder   116
Wage and price trends in New England and South, Cotton and Synthetic Textile Mills, 1964-1973
Box   4
Folder   117
Wage and fringe increases in New England and Southern Cotton-Synthetic Textile Mills, 1972-1974
Box   4
Folder   118
Wage increase pattern in Southern Textile Mills, 1969-1977
Box   4
Folder   119
Wage and fringe gains in major American industries, 1965-1967 February
Box   4
Folder   120
Current rates of selected classifications, Cellulosic Fibers Industry, 1967 March 30
Box   4
Folder   121
Agreements in Northern Woolen and Worsted Industry, 1967 May
Box   4
Folder   122
Standard contract clause, Cost-of-Living Escalator
Box   4
Folder   123
Guide for negotiating, Cost-of-Living Escalator clauses
Box   4
Folder   124
Wage rates at selected Weaving Plants, 1967 November
Box   4
Folder   125
Summary of insurance provisions, selected Weaving Plants, 1967 November
Box   4
Folder   126
Wage rates in selected Knitting Plants, Warp and Circular Knitting, 1967 November
Box   4
Folder   127
Wage rates in selected Knitting Plants, 1967 November
Box   4
Folder   128-129
Summary of insurance provisions, selected Knitting Plants, 1967 November
Box   4
Folder   130
Comparative contract survey of key clauses, Knitting Industry, Quin State Region, 1967 November 19
Box   5
Folder   1
Minimum guaranteed rates at nine UTW Woven Label Shops
Box   5
Folder   2
Summary of economic gains achieved in first agreements following election victories, 1966 April-1966 September 30
Box   5
Folder   3
Wage rates for Fork Lift and other inside Truck Drivers in Carpet and Other Plants
Box   5
Folder   4
Deferred wage increases due under major union contracts, 1968
Box   5
Folder   5
Fact sheet for Southern Organizers, 1968 January
Box   5
Folder   6
Fact sheet, Southern Textile fringe benefits, 1968 June
Box   5
Folder   7-20
Summary of economic provisions, paper bag and miscellaneous packaging plants, 1968-1976, 1979-1980, 1982-1983
Box   5
Folder   21-36
Summary of economic provisions, Textile Bag Plants, 1968-1977, 1979-1980, 1982
Box   5
Folder   37
Summary of fringe benefits, Woolen and Worsted Plants, 1968 March
Wool Textile Plants
Box   5
Folder   38-40
Summary of retirement, severance, and pension benefits, 1970, 1972, 1974
Box   5
Folder   41-44
Summary of insurance provisions, 1970, 1972-1974
Box   5
Folder   45
Fringe benefits other than insurance and pensions
Box   5
Folder   46-48
Summary of fringe benefits, 1972, 1973, 1977
Box   5
Folder   49
ACTWU, summary of insurance provisions, 1977 March
Box   5
Folder   50
Summary of economic provisions at Woven Carpet Plants
Box   5
Folder   51
Estimated average straight-time earnings in selected textile divisions, by region, 1967 December
Box   5
Folder   52
Estimated net wage gains of unionized workers in manufacturing industries, 1960-1967
Box   5
Folder   53-54
The Kendall Company, summary of economic provisions, 1968 June
Box   5
Folder   55
Hourly rates in plants producing Batts and Quilts
Box   5
Folder   56
Effect of increased prices and taxes on weekly earnings of manufacturing workers in New York State, 1965-1968
Box   5
Folder   57
Widening gap between Southern textile wages and average wage of manufacturing workers
Box   5
Folder   58
Wage and fringe increases at Wool Textile Plants in New England, 1967-1971
Box   5
Folder   59
Arguments in support of a wage increase for New England Cotton-Synthetic Textiles, 1968 June
Box   5
Folder   60
Collective bargaining results in major New England Metal-Working Companies
Box   5
Folder   61
Method of estimating cost per man-hour of fringe benefits
Box   5
Folder   62
Major contract settlements in 1968
Box   5
Folder   63-64
General wage increases in plants, by industry division from June 1966
Box   5
Folder   65
Summary of economic provisions in contracts at Kendall and J and J, Chicopee Manufacturing Division
Box   5
Folder   66
Comparison of fringe benefits in 4 UTW Synthetic Fiber contracts and TWUA contract with FMC, AVD, Fibers Division
Box   5
Folder   67
Comparison of wage rates for representative jobs, TWUA-FMC-AVD Rayon Yarn Plants and UTW, Beaunit, Childersburg, Alabama
Box   5
Folder   68
Rope and Cordage settlements at Plants, 1969
Box   5
Folder   69
Back-Sizing Machine-Dryer Operator rates at Woven Carpet Plants
Box   5
Folder   70
Wage rates at selected Plastics Plants, 1969 October
Box   5
Folder   71
Typical benefits provided in major union contracts, 1969
Box   5
Folder   72
Comparison of fringe benefits at Beaunit, 1969 November 21
Box   5
Folder   73
Shift premiums at major representative manufacturing companies, 1969 June
Box   5
Folder   74
Cost of living in the Midwest is higher than the United States average
Box   5
Folder   75
Comparison of representative occupational wage rates at Frankford Woolen Mills and other Northern Woolen Mills
Box   5
Folder   76
Comparison of selected piece work average straight-time hourly earnings at Frankford Woolen Mills and other Northern Woolen Mills, 1970 October
Box   5
Folder   77
"How Much is a Union Contract Worth?"
Box   5
Folder   78
Notes on Southern Textile wages
Box   5
Folder   79
Fact sheets, Southern Regional Conference, 1971 January
Box   5
Folder   80
Fact sheet, Southern Regional Staff Conference, 1971 May 24
Box   5
Folder   81-85
Fact sheet, Southern Textile wages, 1971-1974
Box   5
Folder   86
Facts in support of a wage increase by the Southern Textile Industry, 1975 May
Box   5
Folder   87-89
Facts in support of wage and fringe increases in the Southern Textile Industry, 1976-1977
Southern wage and fringe drive, fact sheets
Box   5
Folder   90
Textile productivity and wages
Box   5
Folder   91
Southern Textile wages have fallen behind Canadian wages, 1978
Box   5
Folder   92
Cost of living differences cannot justify Southern Textile wage gap, 1978
Box   5
Folder   93
Cost of living differences, Southern wage gap, 1980
Box   5
Folder   94-96
Support of wage and fringe increases in Southern Textile Industry, 1978, 1980-1981
Box   5
Folder   97
Facts for ACTWU negotiators, Southern wage reopeners, 1982
Box   5
Folder   98
Insurance benefits at Carpet Plants, 1971 March
Box   5
Folder   99
Percentages of production workers with specified number of paid holidays, by industry
Box   5
Folder   100
Wool Broadwoven Fabric Mills in New England, average hourly earnings, 1970 December
Box   5
Folder   101
Economic provisions in Carpet contracts, 1971
Box   5
Folder   102
Wage and fringe changes in Women's Hosiery Plants, other than Aberle Hosiery, 1970 May-1971 June 24
Box   5
Folder   103
Deferred wage increases due at plants between August 15, 1971 and February 15, 1972
Box   5
Folder   104
Comparison of representative occupational wage rates at Textile and Paper Bag Plants, 1971 October 31
Box   5
Folder   105
“A Look at the 4-Day Workweek”
Box   5
Folder   106-108
Summary of economic benefits at representative Northern Cotton-Synthetic Textile Plants, 1972, 1973-1974
Box   5
Folder   109
Comparison of fringe benefits in Northern Cotton-Synthetic agreements, 1976 March
Box   5
Folder   110
Fringe benefits in Northern Cotton-Synthetic Textile agreements, 1981 April
Box   5
Folder   111
Contract settlements, New England Cotton-Synthetic Mills, 1972 April
Box   6
Folder   1
Contract settlements, New England Cotton-Synthetic Mills (continued), 1972 April
Box   6
Folder   2
Wool Textile settlements as of April 25, 1972
Box   6
Folder   3
Wage and fringe packages in settlements, New England Wool Textile Industry, 1972
Box   6
Folder   4
Wage and fringe increases at Wool Textile Plants in New England, 1967-1971
Box   6
Folder   5
Summary of Woolen Card Room workload survey, 1972 August
Box   6
Folder   6
Current plant minimum rate and average straight-time hourly earnings at Hosiery Plants, 1973 May
Box   6
Folder   7
Summary of major fringe benefits at Hosiery Plants, 1973 May
Box   6
Folder   8
Statistical measures of Celanese Wage Gap, 1973 May 9
Box   6
Folder   9
Statistical measures of the FMC Corporation wage gap
Box   6
Folder   10
Data supporting general wage increase at FMC Corporation, Fibers Division, 1974 April 15
Box   6
Folder   11
Economic notes, Southwest Regional Conference, 1973 July 29
Box   6
Folder   12
Comparison of average wages and fringe benefits at union and non-union plants, manufacturing industry, 1970
Box   6
Folder   13
Summary of economic provisions in effect at 3 Southern plants, 1973 November
Box   6
Folder   14
Selected data on average straight-time hourly earnings, Textile and Apparel Industries
Box   6
Folder   15
Pension benefit improvement in negotiations, 1973-1974
Box   6
Folder   16
Summary of major contract settlements in the United States, 1973 July-1974 June
Box   6
Folder   17
Summary of wages and fringe benefits at Men's Hosiery Plants
Box   6
Folder   18
Use of statistical data in Collective Bargaining, 1974 July
Box   6
Folder   19
Wage rates in selected Northern Textile Mills, 1974 August 16
Box   6
Folder   20
Percentages by which average employer expenditures for employee benefits in union plants exceed those in non-union plants, Manufacturing Industries, 1970
Box   6
Folder   21
Wage rates and average earnings at Rope and Cordage Shops
Box   6
Folder   22
Wages, prices, and profits, 1971 January-1974 June
Box   6
Folder   23-24
Typical economic provisions in TWUA Packaging Plant agreements, 1974-1975
Box   6
Folder   25
Price and wage increases during economic stabilization periods, 1974 October
Box   6
Folder   26
Comparison of deferred wage increases and cost-of-living increases during 1972-1975 agreements in New England Cotton-Synthetic Textiles, 1974 December 3
Box   6
Folder   27
Comparison of wage increases and cost-of-living increases during the period 1973-1975 in New England Woolen Textiles, 1975 January 22
Box   6
Folder   28
Deferred increases in selected Tufted Carpet contracts, 1974-1976
Box   6
Folder   29-30
Wage and fringe increases at Wool Textile Plants, 1974-1975
Box   6
Folder   31
Comparison of union and non-union wages and fringe benefits in private non-farm industries, 1972
Box   6
Folder   32
Estimated monthly dues of members in the United States if dues were set at 2 hours' pay, 1975 September
Box   6
Folder   33
Average straight-time hourly earnings, Textile, Apparel, and Manufacturing Workers, 1975 October 13
Box   6
Folder   34-35
Deferred wage and fringe increases at New England Cotton-Synthetic and Wool Plants, 1976-1977
Box   6
Folder   36
Summary of fringe benefits, Southern Cotton-Synthetic Textile Plants, 1976 April
Box   6
Folder   37
Fringe benefits in ACTWU Southern Cotton-Synthetic Textile Plants, 1981 March
Box   6
Folder   38
Typical fringe benefits in New England and Southern Cotton-Synthetic Textile Plants, 1976 April 28
Box   6
Folder   39
Typical fringe benefits in ACTWU New England and Southern Cotton-Synthetic Textile Plants
Box   6
Folder   40
Fringe benefits in ACTWU Cotton-Synthetic agreements in New England and South, 1981 January
Box   6
Folder   41-42
Method of calculating cost of living under master agreement with Avtex Fibers, 1974 June-1977 June
Box   6
Folder   43
Comparison of average hourly earnings in 3 most highly organized states and 3 least organized states, 1976 September
Box   6
Folder   44
Statement of ACTWU submitted to Subcommittee on Education and Labor of the House of Representatives on HR 3744, to amend the Labor Standards Act, 1977 March 29
Box   6
Folder   45
Earnings of production workers in all manufacturing industries, 1972-1977
Box   6
Folder   46-47
ACTWU Wool Textile Plants, summary of negotiations, 1977 May
Box   6
Folder   48
Deferred wage and fringe increases due in 1978 and 1979 under Northern ACTWU agreements with Wool Textile Plants which expire after 1978
Box   6
Folder   49
Comparison of ACTWU contracts at Biddeford Textile and Essex Group, 1977 July
Box   6
Folder   50-51
Summary of union agreements with Owens-Corning Fiberglass, 1977 July
Box   6
Folder   52
Average hourly earnings of production workers in Knitting Mills and Floor Covering Mills, 1967-1976
Box   6
Folder   53-54
Summary of economic provisions at ACTWU Carpet Plants, 1977 November, undated
Box   6
Folder   55
Summary of economic provisions at ACTWU Knitting Plants, 1977 November
Box   6
Folder   56
Straight-time average hourly earnings of Textile Mill Products, Industry Divisions, and Synthetic Fiber Industry, 1977 September
Box   6
Folder   57
Summary of economic benefits at Joan Fabrics, Fall River, Massachusetts, 1977 November 23
Box   6
Folder   58
Northern Wool Textile Mills whose contracts expire in 1978
Box   6
Folder   59
Wage rates and insurance costs at Joan Fabrics Inc., Fall River, Massachusetts
Box   6
Folder   60
Report on economic gains in industries represented by the Textile Division, 1976-1978
Box   6
Folder   61
Revised report on economic gains in selected industries represented by the Textile Division
Box   6
Folder   62
Comparison of wages in selected Southern industries, annual wage increases, 1974-1978
Box   6
Folder   63
Comparison of ACTWU contracts with Munsingwear, in Minneapolis, Minnesota and Memphis, Tennessee
Box   6
Folder   64-65
Summary of economic provisions in effect at ACTWU Cordage Plants, 1978 May
Box   6
Folder   66
Settlements in New England Cotton-Synthetic Mills under contract with ACTWU, 1978
Box   6
Folder   67
Wage rates at selected ACTWU Metalworking Plants
Box   6
Folder   68
ACTWU Laminated Products Plants, general wage increases, 1978
Box   6
Folder   69
Summary of benefits in ACTWU agreements with four Southern Textile Companies, 1979 January
Box   6
Folder   70
Summary of benefits in ACTWU agreements at Foam Manufacturing Plants
Box   6
Folder   71
Average wage settlements are over the 7% wage guideline
Box   6
Folder   72
Average straight-time hourly earnings and fringe costs, ACTWU Southern Textile Companies, 1979 April
Box   6
Folder   73-78
Average straight-time hourly earnings and fringe benefit costs, ACTWU Southern Textile Plants, prior to wage movement of 1981-1987
Box   6
Folder   79
Summary of fringe benefits at 10 Wool Textile Companies, 1979 October
Box   6
Folder   80
Cost-of-living escalator provisions in ACTWU Textile Division agreements, 1980 January
Box   6
Folder   81
ACTWU Rope and Cordage contracts, summary of economic benefits, 1980 March
Box   6
Folder   82
Summary of economic provisions at ACTWU Textile Division Knitting Plants, 1980 March
Box   6
Folder   83-84
Summary of economic provisions, ACTWU Flexible Packaging and Film Plants, 1980, 1982
Box   6
Folder   85
Attendance bonus provisions in ACTWU Textile Division Agreements
Box   6
Folder   86
Selected fringe benefit coverages in Cotton-Synthetic Textile Industry, 5 Southern areas, 1980 August
Box   6
Folder   87
United States Textile and Synthetic Fiber Plants under ACTWU contract which are foreign-owned, average hourly earnings, 1981 August
Box   6
Folder   88
Cotton and Man-Made Fiber Textiles, average straight-time hourly earnings of selected occupations by state, 1980 August
Box   6
Folder   89
Woolen (North) and Worsted (South) Textiles, average straight-time hourly earnings of selected occupations, 1980 August
Box   6
Folder   90
Textile Dyeing and Finishing, average straight-time hourly earnings of selected occupations, 1980 August
Box   6
Folder   91
Typical compensation structure, textile production workers in Southeast, 1981 Spring
Box   6
Folder   92
Comparison of hourly straight-time compensation structure, Southern Textile Worker and GM Auto Worker, 1980
Box   6
Folder   93
General wage changes in ACTWU Textile Division settlements made from January to July 21, 1982, 1983
Box   6
Folder   94
Economic concessions under ACTWU Textile Division contracts negotiated prior to 1982
Box   6
Folder   95
Insurance benefits in ACTWU Southern Cotton-Synthetic Textile agreements, 1982 October
Box   6
Folder   96
Quality of work, life, and gain sharing plans at ACTWU Textile Division Plants
Box   6
Folder   97
Health insurance monthly premiums at Southern Textile Companies, 1983 September
Box   6
Folder   98-99
Health insurance monthly premiums, ACTWU Southern Textile Companies, prior to wage movement, 1984, 1986
Box   6
Folder   100
ACTWU Textile Printing Plants, comparison of average earnings and selected benefits, 1984 May
Box   6
Folder   101
Selected ACTWU Knit Fabric Plants, 1984 October 4
Box   6
Folder   102
Annual payments toward group insurance for bargaining unit employees, selected ACTWU Southern Textile Companies prior to wage movement, 1984
Industry, 1965-1982
Box   6
Folder   103-105
Sales of domestic production and imports of Cordage and Twine, 1965-1972, undated
Box   6
Folder   106
United States production and imports of Cordage and Twine
Box   6
Folder   107
Unorganized Synthetic Yarn Plants in the United States, 1975 September
Box   6
Folder   108
Synthetic Yarn Plants in the United States organized by other unions, 1975 September
Box   6
Folder   109-110
Synthetic Division contracts, United States Plants, expiration dates and deferred increases under present agreement as of September 1975
Box   6
Folder   111
Synthetic Fiber fact sheet, 1970 June
Box   6
Folder   112
Synthetic Fiber charts
Box   6
Folder   113
Economic trends in Synthetic Fibers: employment, wages and prices, 1975 June 12
Box   6
Folder   114
Economic trends in Synthetic Fibers, 1975 September
Box   6
Folder   115
Background report, Synthetic Department, Textile Division, 1977 March
Box   6
Folder   116
Synthetics Division annual meeting, Washington, D.C., notes on state of Synthetics Industry, 1977 March
Box   6
Folder   117-123
Economic notes, Bag and Packaging conference, 1973, 1975, 1978-1980, 1982, undated
Box   6
Folder   124-127
Major textile interests in the United States, plants and employment, 1974, 1977, undated
Box   6
Folder   128
Companies over 1000 employees
Box   6
Folder   129-130
Economic notes, Woolen and Worsted and Northern Cotton-Synthetic Conference
Box   6
Folder   131
Employment in the Textile Mill Products Industry, by state, 1951 February, 1966
Box   7
Folder   1
Active Cotton System Spindles in place in the United States 100% Cotton and Blended Fibers, 1970-1976
Box   7
Folder   2
Employment in Textile Mill Products and Synthetic Fiber Industries, 1967-1976
Box   7
Folder   3
Production indexes for Textile Mill Products and Synthetic Fiber Industries, 1967-1976
Box   7
Folder   4
Production worker employment in Synthetic Fibers, 1974 January-1977 July
Box   7
Folder   5
Sales and profits of selected companies with major Synthetic Fiber interests, 1976-1977
Box   7
Folder   6
Synthetic Fibers Industry Production Worker employment and straight-time average hourly earnings, 1960-1977 June
Box   7
Folder   7
Average hourly earnings of Production Workers in Textile Mill Products and Synthetic Fiber Industries, 1967-1976
Box   7
Folder   8
United States general imports of Cotton, Man-Made Fiber, and Wool Manufacturers, 1967-1976
Box   7
Folder   9
Value of Textile Manufacturers' shipments and inventories, 1967-1976
Box   7
Folder   10
Average hourly earnings, average weekly earnings, and average weekly hours in the textile industries, 1967-1976
Box   7
Folder   11
Employment in Knitting Mills and Floor Covering Mills
Box   7
Folder   12
Production indexes for Knit Goods and Carpeting, 1967-1976
Box   7
Folder   13
Carpet and Rug production in the United States, 1975-1977
Box   7
Folder   14
Knit Fabric production
Box   7
Folder   15
Economic developments in industries covered by Textile Division, 1976-1977
Box   7
Folder   16
Trends in United States Knitting Industry, 1970-1977
Box   7
Folder   17
Persons with income below the poverty level, by race, 1959-1976
Box   7
Folder   18
Median family income in the United States by race and after adjustment for price changes, 1947-1976
Box   7
Folder   19
Average duration of work stoppages, Textile Mill Products Industry
Box   7
Folder   20
Retail prices of energy and basic food items, by region, 1981 February
Box   7
Folder   21
Textile Mill Liquidations, non-South and South, 1970-1976
Box   7
Folder   22-24
Textile Plant Liquidations, non-South and South, 1970-1981
Box   7
Folder   25
Percentage of non-White wage and salaried employees in Textile Mill Products Industry, 1950-1977
Box   7
Folder   26
Economic notes, Carpet Industry
Box   7
Folder   27
Economic notes, Knitting Industry
Box   7
Folder   28
Fact sheet, New England in the United States economy, 1980 March 20
Box   7
Folder   29
Fact sheet, The U.S. Textile Industry in 1979 and 1980
Box   7
Folder   30
Into the 1980s-Industry and Labor in Synthetic Fibers
Box   7
Folder   31
Textile and Apparel employment, 1979 November
Box   7
Folder   32
Retail prices of energy and basic food items, by region, 1981 February
Box   7
Folder   33
Energy and basic food items in number of minutes of work by average Textile Worker, 1970-1980
Box   7
Folder   34
Textile Workers in North and South Carolina, by sex and race, 1978
Box   7
Folder   35
Textile Mill Products, miscellaneous Fabricated Textile Products, and Synthetic Fibers, workers, larger plants, and concentration ratios, 1977
Box   7
Folder   36
Wage and salary employees in the United States Apparel, Textile, and Non-Rubber Footwear Industries, by region, 1983 June
Box   7
Folder   37
Employment in the Textile Mill Products Industry, 1973-1974
Box   7
Folder   38
Carpet economic charts, 1973 February
Box   7
Folder   39
United States shipments of Rugs, Carpets, and Carpeting, 1972-1973
Box   7
Folder   40
Carpet and Rug production in the United States, 1975 April
Box   7
Folder   41-59
Textile Mill liquidations, 1969-1982
Box   7
Folder   60-61
Textile Plant closings, 1983-1984
Box   7
Folder   62-66
Textile Plant closings and partial liquidations, 1985-1989
Box   7
Folder   67
Statement of William Pollock on need for import quotas on textiles, 1967 October 20
Box   7
Folder   68
Statement on the need for import quotas on textiles before the Committee on Ways and Means, United States House of Representatives, 1970 May
Box   7
Folder   69
Petition filed in behalf of Production and Maintenance Workers, FMC, American Viscose Division at Nitro, West Virginia and Front Royal, Virginia
Box   7
Folder   70
Statement on impact of imports on the United States Textile Industry before United States Tariff Commission, 1970 December
Box   7
Folder   71
Fact sheet, imports of Textiles and Apparel
Box   7
Folder   72
The Textile Voluntary Restraint Program, An Example of Responsible Government Regulation of International Trade, 1973 March
Box   7
Folder   73
Fact sheet, The Textile Import Problem, 1973 March
Box   7
Folder   74
Statement of Sol Stetin, General President, TWUA, AFL-CIO in support of the Burke-Hartke Bill before the House of Representatives, 1973 June 6
Box   7
Folder   75
United States agreements with Far Eastern Countries to restrain imports of Textile Products
Box   7
Folder   76
Statement before Committee on Finance, United States Senate, in the Matter of HR 10710 by the International Ladies' Garment Workers Union (ILGWU), UTW, TWUA, and Amalgamated Clothing Workers (ACW), 1974 April 11
Box   7
Folder   77
Statement of TWUA-American Federation of Labor, Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) before the United States International Trade Commission on the Probable Economic Effect of Tariff Reductions on the Textile Industry, 1975 April 1
Box   7
Folder   78
Statement of TWUA-American Federation of Labor, Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) before the Interagency Trade Policy Staff Committee of the Probable Economic Effect of Tarriff Reductions on the Textile Industry, Submitted by George Perkel, Research Director, 1975 May 29
Box   7
Folder   79-80
Submissions to the Secretary of Labor and the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations, George Perkel, Research Director, 1975 July 25, undated
Box   7
Folder   81-82
United States general imports of Cotton, Wool, and Man-Made Textiles
Box   7
Folder   83
Statement of ACTWU before the International Trade Commission on Investigation, Tariffs, 1977 June 7
Box   7
Folder   84
Impact of imports on the United States Economy
Box   7
Folder   85
Tariff items of special concern to Textile Division, 1977 November
Box   7
Folder   86-88
Production of Velvets, Plushes, and Other Pile Fabrics, 1958-1973
Box   7
Folder   89
Employment and union membership in textile industry, New England and New York State
Box   7
Folder   90
Employment, union coverage, and organizing potential in textile industry, New England states, 1977
Box   7
Folder   91-92
Hosiery fact sheet, 1970 June, 1973 March
Box   7
Folder   93
Seat Belt Plants in the United States, 1970 January
Box   7
Folder   94
Production Worker employment in Knitting and Hosiery Mills, 1959-1969
Box   7
Folder   95
State and Federal Day Care Licensing and Coordinating Agencies, 1970
Box   7
Folder   96
Day Care fact sheet
Box   7
Folder   97
United States Plants Manufacturing Flags and Pennants
Box   7
Folder   98
“What the U.S. Textile Industry Really Needs,” Fortune
Box   7
Folder   99
Collective Bargaining with multinational corporations, 1970 November
Box   7
Folder   100
Fact sheets, Southern Regional Conference, 1971 January
Box   7
Folder   101
Textile Plants in Oklahoma
Box   7
Folder   102-105
Economic notes, Northern Cotton-Synthetic and Wool Textiles, 1972, 1975-1976, 1978
Box   7
Folder   106
Supplement to economic notes, financial information on Textile Corporation
Box   7
Folder   107
Plant Liquidations in New Jersey, 1968-1971
Box   7
Folder   108
New Jersey Textile Mill Liquidations, 1973-1975
Box   7
Folder   109
The Company State, the “Nader Report” on DuPont in Delaware
Report of TWUA-American Federation of Labor, Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), and Central Labor Council (CLC) to International Textile, Garment, and Leather Workers' Federation
Box   7
Folder   110
For period 1968-1971
Box   7
Folder   111
For period 1972-1975
Box   7
Folder   112
Fact sheet for convention, economic policy, 1972
Box   7
Folder   113
Need for Congressional Action to achieve full employment
Box   7
Folder   114
United States domestic production, including prisons, and imports of Hard-Fiber and Synthetic Rope, 1960-1970
Box   7
Folder   115
Remarks of George Perkel at Southern wage policy meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina, 1972 July
Box   7
Folder   116
Hard-Fiber Cordage Plants in the United States
Box   7
Folder   117
Survey of Cotton Broadcloth and/or Print Cloth Mills in the United States, 1956 October
Box   7
Folder   118
Labor Relations in the Textile Industry
Box   7
Folder   119
Wages, prices, and profits in the Textile Industry in the current inflationary period
Box   7
Folder   120
Textile Mill employment in the Southeast, 1969-1973
Box   7
Folder   121
Selected New Textile Plants in the South, 1972-1973
Box   7
Folder   122
Material for Coated Fabric meeting of April 8, 1974
Box   7
Folder   123
Questions for Local Union Presidents to answer in preparation for contract ratification, 1974 June
Box   8
Folder   1
Japanese textile manufacturing interests in the United States and Canada, 1974 June
Box   8
Folder   2-3
Fact sheet for New Hampshire, 1974-1975
Box   8
Folder   4
Report on Cannon Mills Organizing Campaign, 1974 August
Box   8
Folder   5
Fact sheet for Ohio, 1974 August
Box   8
Folder   6
Consumer Price Index, regional breakdown, 1974 August
Box   8
Folder   7
Textile employment in New England, latest month in 1974 versus 1973
Box   8
Folder   8
Survey of layoffs and short-time operations in United States Plants, 1975 January
Box   8
Folder   9
Facts in support of a wage increase by the Southern Textile Industry, 1975 May
Box   8
Folder   10
Fact sheet for Ohio, 1975 May
Box   8
Folder   11
Draft statement on mergers, 1975
Box   8
Folder   12
Outline of presentation before Labor Subcommittee of the House Committee on Education and Labor, Parkersburg, West Virginia, 1975 July 18
Box   8
Folder   13
Fact sheet for Maine
Box   8
Folder   14
Duke Power, workers' response to rate increases
Box   8
Folder   15
Selected Latin-American Textile Plants owned by United States-Based Companies, 1975 December
Box   8
Folder   16
Status of TWUA contracts with FMC Corporation, 1976 March
Box   8
Folder   17
United States Textile Finishing Industry, employment, hours, and man-hours, 1975-1976
Box   8
Folder   18
Report of on-site investigation at Avtex Fibers, Nitro, West Virginia, 1976 July
Box   8
Folder   19
Personality profile of Southern Textile Workers, 1960 June
Box   8
Folder   20
Economic Impact Statement for the Proposed Occupational Safety Hazard Administration (OSHA) Noise Standard, 1976 September 27
Box   8
Folder   21
Broadwoven Fabric Production, 1975-1976
Box   8
Folder   22-25
Average employment, hours, and gross earnings of Production Workers in the Textile Industry, 1974-1976
Box   8
Folder   26
Selected economic data on United States Textile Industry, 1977 January
Box   8
Folder   27-28
Textile Industry, production, employment hours and earnings, and imports
Box   8
Folder   29
Profile of the United States Textile and Apparel Worker, 1960-1980
Box   8
Folder   30
Foreign direct investment in United States Apparel and Textile Industries, 1981
Box   8
Folder   31
United States direct investment abroad, Apparel, Textile, and Leather, 1977
Box   8
Folder   32
Profile of major ACTWU industries, 1985 April
Box   8
Folder   33
Textile Plant closings, 1980-1985
Box   8
Folder   34
Textile Plant closings and partial liquidations, 1980-1985
Box   8
Folder   35
Production worker wages and supplemental labor costs as percent of value of shipments, 1982-1985
Box   8
Folder   36
Textile Mill products, plant openings, closings, and continuing plants, 1963-1982
Box   8
Folder   37
Geographic distribution of textile employment, 1947-1982
Box   8
Folder   38
Textile Mill Products Industry, plant openings, closings, and continuing plants, 1963-1982
Labor relations, circa 1949-1968
Alabama Mills Inc.
Box   8
Folder   39
Clanton, 1934 July-1944 October
Box   8
Folder   40
Dadeville, 1934 July-1939 August
Box   8
Folder   41
Fayette, 1934 July-1942 December
Box   8
Folder   42
Haleyville, 1934 July-1949 November
Box   8
Folder   43
Jasper, 1934 July-1950 April
Box   8
Folder   44
Russellville, 1934 July-1949 November
Box   8
Folder   45
Winfield, 1934-1937 November
Box   8
Folder   46
Aldora Mills, Barnesville, Georgia, 1945 August
Box   8
Folder   47-48
Aleo Manufacturing, formerly Entwistle Manufacturing, subsidiary of M. Lowenstein and Sons, Rockingham, North Carolina, 1932-1955
Box   8
Folder   49
Amazon Cotton Mills, 1943 December-1948 August
Box   8
Folder   50
American Bonnin, Lewiston, Maine, Summary of Relations, 1948 December-1951 April
Box   8
Folder   51
American Enka, Lowlands, Tennessee, 1948 December-1949
American Thread
Box   8
Folder   52
1947 November-1949 August
Box   8
Folder   53
Bristol, Tennessee, 1949 December-1950 May
Box   8
Folder   54
Dalton, Georgia, 1934 September-1949 September
Box   8
Folder   55
Fall River, Massachusetts, 1941 June-1949
Box   8
Folder   56
Holyoke, Massachusetts, 1942 July-1949 July
Box   8
Folder   57
Pawcatuk, Connecticut, 1938 July-1938 October
Box   8
Folder   58
Tallapoosa, Alabama, 1949 August
Box   8
Folder   59
Anchor-Rome Mills, Rome, Georgia, 1945 August-1949 November
Box   8
Folder   60-61
Anderson County, South Carolina, labor history, 1915-1950, 1950 December 12
Box   8
Folder   62
Arnold Print Works, Division of Aspinook, Adams, Massachusetts, 1937 December-1943 February
Box   8
Folder   63
Athens Manufacturing, 1944-1948 October
Avondale Mills
Box   8
Folder   64
1946 July-1949 April
Box   8
Folder   65
Unfair Practice Cases, 1946 June-1955 July
Box   8
Folder   66
Personnel policies and services with Cowikee Mills
Box   8
Folder   67
Barber Manufacturing, Charlotte, North Carolina, 1944 February-1945 April
Box   8
Folder   68
Baxter, Kelly, and Faust, Stoneville, North Carolina, 1955 August-1959 May
Box   8
Folder   69
Bear Brand Hosiery, Gary, Indiana, 1937 May-1952 September
Box   8
Folder   70
Belding Heminway Company, 1948 December-1953 June
Box   8
Folder   71
Bemis Brothers Bag, 1934 September-1951 October
Box   8
Folder   72
Bibb Manufacturing, 1946 March-1949 March
Box   8
Folder   73
Blue Bird Silk, 1939
Box   8
Folder   73
Boger and Crawford, 1937 August-1953 September
Box   8
Folder   74
Burlington Industries, Individual Plants, 1937-1955
Box   8
Folder   75-76
Celanese Corporation of America, 1944 November-1949 April
Box   8
Folder   77
Cannon Mills, Kannapolis, North Carolina, 1941 November-1948 July
Box   8
Folder   78
Cherokee Textile Mills, Sevierville, Tennessee, 1956 October
Box   8
Folder   79
Chicopee Manufacturing, Gainesville, Georgia, 1946 February-1949 September
Clark Thread
Box   8
Folder   80
Albany, Georgia, 1948 April-1949 September
Box   8
Folder   81
Ackworth, Georgia, 1949 February
Box   8
Folder   82
Newark, New Jersey, 1937 June-1949 May
Cleveland Worsted Mills
Box   8
Folder   83
Cleveland, Ohio, 1934 August-1944 April
Box   8
Folder   84
Redfern Plant, Ravenna, Ohio, 1937 June-1953 March
Box   8
Folder   85
Annevar Dyeing and Finishing Works, Ravenna, Ohio, 1934 August-1953 March
Box   8
Folder   86
Coats and Clark, 1934 September-1954 March
Box   8
Folder   87
Cone Mills, Edna Plant, formerly Edna Mills, 1937 May-1954 November
Box   8
Folder   88
Corsicana Cotton Mills, 1944 July-1950 April
Box   8
Folder   89
Covington Mills, subsidiary of M. Lowenstein and Sons, 1937 April-1955
Box   8
Folder   90
Cranston Print Works
Box   8
Folder   91
Crawford Manufacturing Company, Richmond, Virginia, 1937-1938
Box   8
Folder   92
Crompton Highland Mills, Griffin, Georgia, 1945 August-1953 November
Box   8
Folder   93
Dallas Manufacturing, 1937 April-1949 April
Box   8
Folder   94
C.R. Daniels, 1945 March-1951 August
Box   8
Folder   95
Deering, Milliken and Company, 1956-1962
Box   8
Folder   96
E-Z Mills, Bennington, Vermont, 1937 July-1949 July
Box   8
Folder   97
E-Z Mills, Cartersville, Georgia, 1937 June-1952 December
Box   8
Folder   98
Ewing-Thomas, 1944-1947
Box   8
Folder   99
Fieldcrest Mills, Fieldcrest, Virginia
Box   8
Folder   100
Filatex, Waxhaw, North Carolina, 1959-1960
Box   8
Folder   101
Gaffney Manufacturing, 1938 May-1947 October
Box   8
Folder   102
Gastonia Combed Yarn, 1937 September-1953 September
Box   8
Folder   103
Gastonia Weaving, 1938 March-1954 January
Goodyear Tire and Rubber, Goodyear Clearwater Mills
Box   8
Folder   104
Rockmart, Georgia, 1945 April-1953 August
Box   8
Folder   105
Cedartown, Georgia, 1946 April-1951
Box   8
Folder   106
Atco (Cartersville), Georgia, 1946 August-1950 April
Box   8
Folder   107
Hadley-Peoples Manufacturing, 1945 May-1948 August
Box   8
Folder   108
P.H. Hanes Knitting, 1941 August-1960 September
Box   8
Folder   109
Harriet-Henderson, Henderson, North Carolina
Box   8
Folder   110
Highland Park Manufacturing, Plant #2, Rock Hill, South Carolina, 1946 May-1949 April
Box   8
Folder   111
Huntsville Manufacturing, formerly Merrimack Manufacturing, subsidiary of M. Lowenstein and Sons, 1937-1954
Box   8
Folder   112
Internal Labor Office Petition, Council Committee
Box   8
Folder   113
Inman Mills, Inman, South Carolina, 1937-1949 April
Box   8
Folder   114
Frank Ix and Sons, 1946 November-1949 June
Box   8
Folder   115
January and Wood, Maysville, Kentucky, 1937 August-1953 January
Box   8
Folder   116
Kendall Company
Box   8
Folder   117
James Lees and Sons, Glasgow, Virginia, 1960-1962 October
Box   8
Folder   118
Limestone Mills #1 and #2, 1937-1947 October
Box   8
Folder   119-120
Limestone Manufacturing Company, formerly Limestone Mills, subsidiary of M. Lowenstein and Sons, 1936-1956
Box   8
Folder   121
Linen Thread Company, Blue Mountain, Arkansas, 1937 August-1961 January
M. Lowenstein and Sons
Box   8
Folder   122
1937 May-1950 March
Box   8
Folder   123
New York City, Warehouse and Office, 1936 December-1938 March
Box   8
Folder   124
Labor Policies in Mills of M. Lowenstein and Sons
Box   8
Folder   125-126
Orr Cotton Mills, subsidiary of M. Lowenstein and Sons, 1937-1954
Box   8
Folder   127
Lyman Mills and Lyman Printing and Finishing, subsidiary of M. Lowenstein and Sons, 1934-1956 June
Box   8
Folder   128
Macon Textiles, 1946 May-1946 December
Box   8
Folder   129
Matson Mills, South Glastonbury, Connecticut, summary of relations, 1949-1950
Box   8
Folder   130
Mount Hope Finishing, North Dighton, Massachusetts
Box   8
Folder   131
National Automotive Fibers, California Cotton Mills Division, Uniontown, Alabama, 1946-1954 May
Box   8
Folder   132
National Plastic Products, Odenton, Maryland, 1946 April-1955 April
Box   8
Folder   133
Nye-Wait, Auburn, New York, 1941 March-1952 June
Box   8
Folder   134
Owens-Corning Fiberglass, 1944 March-1950 January
Box   8
Folder   135
Palisade Dyeing, 1945 October-1951 October
Box   8
Folder   136
Philadelphia Upholstery Goods Industry before 1932
Box   8
Folder   137
Rock Hill Printing and Finishing, subsidiary of M. Lowenstein and Sons, 1940 March-1956 June
Box   8
Folder   138
Russell Manufacturing, 1945 February-1949 March
Box   8
Folder   139
Safie Manufacturing, Rockingham, North Carolina, 1947 March-1947 September
Box   8
Folder   140
St. Luke Industries, Montreal, Quebec
Box   8
Folder   141
Saratoga Victory Mills, Albertville, Alabama, 1944 May-1950 May
Box   8
Folder   142
Saratoga Victory Mills, Guntersville, Alabama, 1944 November-1950 May
Box   8
Folder   143
Southeastern Textile Shrinkers, Atlanta, Georgia, 1959 October-1961 March
Box   8
Folder   144
Springs Cotton Mills, 1937 March-1951 May
Standard Coosa Thatcher
Box   8
Folder   145
Piedmont, Alabama, 1938 April-1948 June
Box   8
Folder   146
Chattanooga, Tennessee, 1938 February-March 1952
Box   8
Folder   147
Roseville, Georgia, 1938 March-1941 March
Box   8
Folder   148
J.P. Stevens, Migration from New England to South
Box   8
Folder   149
J.P. Stevens, Industrial Cotton Mills Division, Rock Hill, South Carolina
Box   8
Folder   150
Stowell-MacGregor, Division of Clark Thread, Albany, Georgia, 1948-1949 September
Box   8
Folder   151
Textron, Migration from New England to South
Box   8
Folder   152
Threads Inc., Gastonia, North Carolina, 1958 July-1961 February
United Merchants and Manufacturers
Box   8
Folder   153
Box   8
Folder   154
Union-Buffalo Mills Division, 1937-1953
Box   8
Folder   155
Clearwater Finishing Division, 1949-1961 September
Box   8
Folder   156
Van Raalte, 1943 February-1944 April
Box   8
Folder   157
The Wanskuck Company, Geneva Mill, general wage problem case #1, 1945 October
Box   8
Folder   158
Warner Brothers
Box   8
Folder   159
West Boylston Manufacturing, Division of United Elastic, 1945 February-1952
Box   8
Folder   160-161
"A history of the ACTWU and its predecessor unions" / by Burt Beck: unpublished manuscript
Technical reports, 1953-1988
Box   21
Box   22
Box   22
Index, 1953-1976
Box   23
Box   24
Box   25
Box   26
408-470 (452-470 part I of III)
Box   27
452-502 (452-470 parts II and III of III)
Wage Series (“W”), by industry, circa 1940s-1970s
Box   28
Cotton and Rayon (Section 1)
Physical Description: 4 folders 
Box   28
Woolen and Worsted (Section 2)
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Box   28
Carpets and Rugs (Section 3)
Box   28
Knit Underwear (Section 4)
Box   28
Hosiery (Section 5)
Box   28
Knit Fabric (warp knit) (Section 6)
Box   28
Knitted Outerwear (Section 7)
Box   28
Dye, Finishing, and Printing (Section 8)
Box   28
Cordage, Twine, and Jute (Section 9)
Box   28
Bags (Section 10), index only
Box   28
Synthetic Yarn and Fiber (Section 11)
Box   28
Other Industries (Section 12)
Box   28
All Textile Industries (Section 13)
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Box   29
Miscellaneous (Section 14)
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Box   29
Wage Stabilization Board (Section 15-A)
Box   29
Wage Stabilization (Section 15-B)
Box   29
Minimum Wage Laws (Section 16)
Box   31
Paper Products wage book
Box   31
Thompsonville Plant rate book
Box   31
Bibliographies and references
Box   31
Executive Council, Health and Welfare Committee
Box   31
Labor Arbitration reports
Box   31
Tariff Committee, Hard and Soft Fiber, communications
Box   31
Wages, job rates negotiation cases
Box   31
Equal pay book
Box   31
Elections and recognitions compiled by President's Office
Box   31
Technical case studies
Box   31
Labor relations cases #1-123 and index
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Box   31
Hosiery wage book
Box   31
American Enka Corporation, Lowland Division, Morristown, Tennessee, Campaign, 1959
Box   31
Forms, Book I and II, #1-200 and index
Physical Description: 4 folders 
Box   32
Forms, Book III, #201-253 and index
Box   32
Reports and statements, including mass communication on Textiles (1949), Congressional hearings, the Office of Price Administration, and other activities (1946-1949)
Box   11
Welfare and pension coverage
Box   11
Summary of reports on agreement coverage and bargaining rights, 1955 August 11
Box   11
Executive Council reports and monthly reports to General Officers, 1952-1955
Box   11
Executive Council reports, 1941-1951
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Box   11
Agreement coverage
Box   11
Local Union material, Office Manager W. Samuels, 1941
Box   11
Employers list, Christmas
Box   11
Escalator provisions
Box   11
Extended coverage during layoff
Box   11
Six hour day
Box   11
Guaranteed annual wages
Box   11
Flood, 1955
Box   12
UTW area reports and lists
Box   12
Elections won, no agreement signed list
Box   12
Election lists
Box   12
South organizational material
Box   12
Liquidation, negotiated provisions
Box   12
Wage stabilization manual
Box   12
Textron pattern #950
Box   12
Memo shop elections and clauses
Box   12
Lists regarding secession, 1952 May
Box   12
Box   12
Strike memos 1-15
Box   12
Workmen's compensation
Box   12
Jamestown Worsted Mills, severance pay, Jamestown, New York
Box   12
Reopening classes
Box   12
Arbitration clauses
Box   12
Contract analysis card system
Box   12
Contract division data
Box   12
Strike memorandum, 1946 February 26