Alvah Bessie Papers, 1929-1991

Container Title
Series: Photographs
Labor Unity photograph file
Box   1
Aberle Hosiery, Tennessee
Box   1
Abel, I.W., AFL-CIO Industrial Union Department and Steelworkers President
Box   1
Abernathy, Reverend Ralph
Note: See also Southern Christian Leadership Conference.
Box   1
Ackley, Gardner
Box   1
Acton Vale, Ontario
Box   1
Adams, Bill
Box   1
Adams, Joey
Box   1
Addabbo, Representative Joseph
Box   1
Addonizio, Hugh J.
Box   1
Box   1
11th Convention, 1975
Box   1
10th Convention, 1973
Box   1
Miami Convention, 1972
Box   1
Executive Council, 1974
Box   1
General Board Meeting, 1974
Box   1
General Board Meeting, 1975
Box   1
Labor Studies Center
Box   1
Labor Studies
Box   1
Regional Cope Conference, New York City, 1974
Box   1
African Trade Unionists
Box   1
Africans and Asians
Box   1
Aglito, Marion
Box   1
Akers, Anthony
Box   1
Alabama Conference to TWUA, 1938-1943
Box   1
Albert, Representative Carl, 1974
Box   1
Aleo Manufacturing, Rockingham, North Carolina
Box   1
Alexander City Case, National Labor Relations Board, 1946-1947
Box   1
Alexander Smith and Company Carpet Workers
Box   1
Alexander, Archibald S., Democratic Senate candidate
Box   1
Alfance, Dean
Box   1
“All About Canada”
Box   1
Altmeyer, Arthur J., Chairman, Social Security Board, 1934
Box   1
Altoona Mattress Company
Box   1
Amazon Cotton, Thomasville, North Carolina
Box   1
American Enka Corporation
Note: See also Belding-Heminway.
Box   1
American Enka Lowland Strike, 1950
Box   1
Community Services
Box   1
Convention, 1955
Box   1
Emblem and seal
Box   1
Convention and conferences
Box   1
Executive Council
Box   1
Box   1
American Federation of Hosiery Workers
Box   1
American Felt Company
Box   1
American Finishing Company, Union Shop Elections
Box   1
American Institute of Free Labor Development
Box   1
American Pencil Company, Local 77A, Union City, New Jersey
Box   1
American Thread Company
Box   1
American Velvet Company, Stonington, Connecticut
Box   1
American Viscose Company
Box   1
American Viscose Corporation Locals
Box   1
American Viscose Advisory Council
Box   1
American Woolen Company
Box   1
American Woolen Company, Assabet Mill, Maynard, Massachusetts
Box   1
American Woolen Company Advisory Council
Box   1
American Woolen Mills, Globe (Utica) Mills
Box   1
Amoskeag Mills
Box   1
Anastasoff, Alexander
Box   1
Anchor Mills, Rome, Georgia
Box   1
Anderson, Clinton
Box   1
Anderson, Douglas B., TWUA Vice President
Box   1
Anderson, Eugenie
Box   1
Anderson, Marion
Box   1
Anderson, Wendell
Box   1
Anderson, Representative William R.
Box   1
Anderson, Willis
Box   1
Animals and fish
Box   1
Androsloggin Mills, Lewiston, Maine
Box   1
Box   1
Annunzio, Representative Frank
Box   1
Anti-labor hearings
Box   1
Antonini, Luigi
Box   1
Apprenticeship training
Box   1
Aragon, Manuel S.
Box   1
Arbitration Institute, AFL-CIO
Box   1
Archer, David, President of the Ontario Federation of Labour, 1971
Box   1
Argentine Trade Unionists
Box   1
Argue, Hazen, Canadian Mounted Police
Box   1
Arivella, Ralph
Box   1
Arkwright Mills, Fall River, Massachusetts
Box   1
Arlington Mills, Lawrence, Massachusetts
Box   1
Armstrong Cork Company strike
Box   1
Art, patterns and designs
Box   1
Art-Craft Glove Company
Box   1
Arpino, John, Local President, Auburn, New York
Box   1
Ashley, Representative Thomas
Box   1
Aspin, Representative Les
Box   1
Athens Manufacturing Company strike
Box   1
Atlanta Woolen Mills strike
Box   1
Atlantic City
Box   1
Atlantic Cotton Mill, Macon, Georgia
Box   1
Atlantic Cotton Mills, Providence, Rhode Island
Box   1
Atlas Fiber strike
Box   1
Atlas Underwear Company, Local 50, South Bend, Indiana
Box   1
Auditoriums and hotels
Box   1
Auslander, Charles
Box   1
Austin, Harry, Jr.
Box   1
Avondale Mills
Box   1
Ayer Mill strike
Box   1
Azzinaro, Samuel
Box   1
Back-pay checks
Box   1
Badillo, Representative Herman, 1970
Box   1
Badrowicz, John
Box   1
Bags and bag workers
Box   1
Bags and Packaging Conference
Box   1
Bag and Packaging Division
Box   1
Box   1
Box   1
Baldanzi, George, TWUA Vice President
Box   1
Ballard, Anita
Box   1
Baltrun, Sonia
Box   1
Bamford, James W.
Box   1
Banachowicz, Major
Box   1
Banner Yard Dyeing Strike
Box   1
Barbee, Millard, President, North Carolina AFL-CIO
Box   1
Barber, Milton, Local 5 President, 1953
Box   1
Box   1
Bard, Ralph A., Assistant Secretary of the Navy
Box   1
Barden, Representative Graham
Box   1
Barker, W.F.
Box   1
Barkin, Solomon
Box   1
Barkley, Alben, former Vice President
Box   1
Baron, Sam
Box   1
Barre Wool Combing Company
Box   1
Barrett, Representative William A.
Box   1
Bartchek, Frank
Box   1
Bartek, Sgt. John
Box   1
Barto, Eugene
Note: See James Kelly.
Box   1
Basmajian, Sam
Box   1
Bates Company union shop election
Box   1
Batt, William, Jr.
Box   1
Bauman, Charles
Box   1
Bayh, Senator Birch
Box   1
Beame, Abraham
Box   1
Beaucage, Azelus
Box   1
Bear Brand union shop election
Box   1
Beimiller, Andy
Box   1
Beirne, Joseph A.
Box   1
Beeland, Ellene
Box   1
Beichman, Arnold
Box   1
Belanger, J. William, TWUA President
Box   1
Belding-Corticelli Ltd.
Box   1
Belding-Heminway, Morristown, Tennessee
Box   1
Belgian Textile Workers
Box   1
Bello, John
Box   1
Bellotti, Francis X.
Box   1
Benet, Adolph
Box   1
Ben-Gurion, David
Box   1
Bemis Bag Company
Box   1
Bennet, Douglas J.
Box   1
Bennet, Frank
Box   1
Benoit, Romeo L.
Box   1
Bemis Cotton Mill strike
Box   1
Benti, Frank J.
Box   1
Benton, Ted
Box   1
Bentsen, Senator Lloyd
Box   1
Bergoff, Pearl
Box   1
Berkshire Fine Spinning Association, Local 780, Adams, Massachusetts
Box   1
Berkshire-Hathaway strike
Box   1
Berkshire Knitting Mills, Reading, Pennsylvania
Box   1
Berthiaume, Ray
Box   1
Bethune, Mary McLeod
Box   1
Bevin, Ernest
Box   1
Bevan, Ted
Box   1
Biaggi, Representative Mario
Box   1
Bibeau, Gerard
Box   1
Bi-County Joint Board Pamphlet: “A Union in Action”
Box   1
Biddeford-Pepperell strike, 1955
Box   1
Bigelow-Sanford Union Shop Elections, 1952
Box   1
Bigelow-Sanford Carpet Company, Thompsonville, Connecticut, Local 2198
Box   2
Bingham, Representative Jonathan
Box   2
Bishop, Mariano S., TWUA Vice President
Box   2
Bisaillon, Adrien
Box   2
Bittner, Van A.
Note: See also George Baldanzi.
Box   2
Blackwell, James
Box   2
Blais, Denis A.
Box   2
Blakley, Alfred
Box   2
Blanton, Representative Ray
Box   2
Blatnik, Representative John A.
Box   2
Blatt, Genevieve
Box   2
Blough, Roger M., Chairman United States Steel
Box   2
Blue Bird Silk
Box   2
Blue Ridge Textile Company
Box   2
Boartfield, Doug
Box   2
Boaz Spinning Company, Guntersville, Alabama
Box   2
Bodvitch, Mike
Box   2
Bogart, Agnes Cohen
Box   2
Bogdan, George
Box   2
Boggs, Representative Hale
Box   2
Boisclair, Gerald
Box   2
Boland, Representative Edward P.
Box   2
Bolling, Representative Richard
Box   2
Bonner, Leo, Utica Joint Board
Box   2
Bookbinder, Hyman
Box   2
Boot Mills, Lowell, Massachusetts
Box   2
Booth, Ernie
Box   2
Botany Worsted Mills, Passaic, New Jersey
Box   2
Bowe, William H.
Box   2
Botelho, Michael
Box   2
Bowes, William J.
Box   2
Bowles, Governor Chester
Box   2
Boyer, Harry
Box   2
Brademas, John
Box   2
Braden, Noble, American Arbitration Association
Box   2
Brader, Rosalie
Box   2
Brand Company
Box   2
Brannan, Charles, Secretary of Agriculture
Box   2
Brantford, Ontario
Box   2
Brennan, Peter J., Secretary of Labor
Box   2
Brewer, S.P.
Box   2
Box   2
Bridges, Harry
Box   2
Brode, Charles
Note: See Frank Davis.
Box   2
Brooke, Senator Edward
Box   2
Brooks, Garland
Box   2
Brookside Textile Mill, Knoxville, Tennessee
Box   2
Brown, Arthur
Box   2
Brown, Governor Edmund G. “Pat”
Box   2
Brown, George E.
Box   2
Brown, George H.
Box   2
Brown, Hugh
Box   2
Brown, Kenneth J., President, Graphic Arts International Union
Box   2
Browning, Governor Gordon
Box   2
Browning, Virginia, TWUA Vice President
Box   2
Bruck Mills, Quebec
Box   2
Brussels Carpet Weavers, Toronto
Box   2
Bubb, Charles
Box   2
Buena Vista, Virginia
Box   2
Bukovina, Martin
Box   2
Burati, Val and Gibaldo, John
Box   2
Burdette, Lew
Box   2
Burger, Chief Justice Warren E.
Box   2
Burke, Admiral Arleigh
Box   2
Burke, James A.
Box   2
Burke, Walter J.
Box   2
Burke, Representative Yvonne Brathwaite
Box   2
Burlington Industries
Box   2
Burns, Arthur
Box   2
Burns, James M.
Box   2
Burns, John F.
Box   2
Burton, Representative Phillip
Box   2
Bush, Carol L.
Box   2
Butler, Senator John
Box   2
Butterick Company
Box   2
Byrd, Lloyd
Box   2
Byrd, Robert C.
Box   2
Byrne, Representative James A.
Box   2
Byrnes, James F.
Box   2
Cadden, John
Box   2
Cahoon, Robert
Box   2
Box   2
Caledonia Mills
Box   2
Box   2
California Executive PAC, 1949
Box   2
California Dyeing and Finishing Company
Box   2
Callaghan, Edward F.
Box   2
Calvine Cotton Mills Inc. Charlotte, North Carolina
Box   2
Cammerata, Rudy
Box   2
Camp, Larry
Note: See social events.
Box   2
Canadian Cabinet
Box   2
Canadian Carpet Convention, TWUA, 1957
Box   2
Canadian TWUA Conference, 1951-1973
Box   2
Canadian Congress of Labour, Vancouver, British Columbia
Box   2
Canadian emblems and art
Box   2
Canadian Cottons council
Box   2
Canadian Cotton Mills
Box   2
Canadian Defense Fund Conference, 1960
Box   2
Canadian Hosiery Conference, 1955
Box   2
Canadian TWUA headquarters
Box   2
Canadian Institutes
Canadian Labour Congress (CLC)
Box   2
Annual brief to federal government, 1961 and 1963
Box   2
Convention, 1955-1960
Box   2
Summer school
Box   2
Memorandum to Federal Government
Box   2
Presentation to Federal Government, 1961
Box   2
Education Director's Conference
Box   2
Canadian National Federation of Full-Fashioned and Circular Hosiery Workers
Box   2
Canadian TWUA Staff Conference, Hamilton, Ontario
Box   2
Canadian TWUA Staff Conference, St. Adele, Ontario
Box   2
Canadian TWUA Staff Seminar, 1968
Box   2
Canadian Steward's Training Course
Box   2
Canadian Wool and Worsted Conference
Box   2
Canfield, Gordon
Box   2
Cannon, Billy
Box   2
Cannon, Representative Joseph
Box   2
Cannon Mills
Box   2
Canton Cotton Mills
Box   2
Cantor, Eddie
Box   2
Canzano, Victor
Box   2
Capitol, United States
Box   2
Box   2
Carey, James
Box   2
Carey, Reverend Philip A.
Box   2
Carignan, George E.
Box   2
Chenilles, Carolyn
Box   2
Carper, Julian F.
Box   2
Carpet Conference, 1947, 1957-1959, 1975
Physical Description: 4 folders 
Box   2
Carr, Judge Philip
Box   2
Carrara, Ralph
Box   2
Carrello, Frank
Box   2
Carroll, Governor Julian Morton
Box   2
“Carry Me Back”
Box   2
Case, Clifford P.
Box   2
Catawba Central Labor Union, Rock Hill, South Carolina
Box   2
Catherwood, M.P., 1962
Box   2
Cavanaugh, John R.
Box   2
Cedartown Textiles Inc.
Box   2
Celanese Council, 1959
Box   2
Celanese picketing at New York office
Box   2
Celanese of Canada
Box   2
Celanese Celco Plant, Narrows, Virginia
Box   2
Celanese Corporation, Newark, New Jersey
Box   2
Celanese Corporation, Local 689, Rome, Georgia, 1948 strike
Box   2
Celanese Corporation, Trenton, New Jersey
Box   2
Celanese Corporation, Local 829, Staunton, Virginia
Box   2
Celanese Corporation, Local 1874, Cumberland, Maryland
Box   2
Celler, Representative Emanuel
Box   2
Central North Carolina Joint Board
Box   2
Chaffee, John J.
Box   2
Chaikin, Sol, Secretary-Treasurer, ILGWU
Box   2
Chase Bag Company, Goshen, Indiana
Box   2
Charhan Manufacturing Company
Box   2
Charlotte Conference, 1973
Box   2
Chatham Manufacturing Company
Box   2
Chatham, Thurmond
Box   2
Chávez, César
Box   2
Chemstrand Corporation
Box   2
Cheney Brothers Local 63, Manchester, Connecticut
Box   2
Cherokee Spartanburg Joint Board
Box   2
Chesser, Al, President, United Transportation Union
Box   2
Chicago Regional Conference, 1945
Box   2
Chicopee (Massachusetts) Manufacturing
Box   2
Child Day Care Confrence
Box   2
Chilean Textile Union Leaders, 1959
Box   2
Chisholm, Representative Shirley
Box   2
Christmas art
Box   2
Christmas parties
Box   2
Christopher, Paul
Box   2
Chupka, Blanche
Box   2
Chupka, Frank
Box   2
Chupka, John
Box   2
Church, Senator Frank
Box   2
Churches and the TWUA
Box   2
Churchill, Winston
Box   2
CIO conventions
Box   2
CIO Executive Committee
Box   2
CIO Organizing Committee
Box   2
City of Hope Medical Center
Box   2
Civil rights political cartoon
Box   3
Clark, Bud
Box   3
Clark, Joseph S.
Box   3
Clarke, Bill
Box   3
Clay, Representative William
Box   3
Clayman, Jacob
Box   3
Clement, Governor Frank G.
Box   3
Cleveland, Ohio
Box   3
Cleveland Rayon
Box   3
Cleveland Worsted
Box   3
Clifton, A.G.
Box   3
Clifton (South Carolina) Manufacturing Company
Box   3
Cline, Ralph
Box   3
Box   3
Cloutier, Conrad
Box   3
Cloutier, Julien
Box   3
Box   3
Cluney, Ed
Box   3
Cobourg Matting and Carpet Company
Box   3
Coffin, Representative Frank
Box   3
Cohen, Sy
Box   3
Colbran, Doris
Box   3
Cole, David T.
Box   3
Columbia Mills
Box   3
Collins and Aikman
Box   3
Columbus Coated Fabrics
Box   3
Columbia Duck
Box   3
Columbian Rope, Auburn, New York
Box   3
Community activities
Box   3
Community services
Box   3
Box   3
Condron, John
Box   3
Cone Mills, Greensboro, North Carolina
Box   3
Congos, Dorothy
Box   3
Congress in session
Box   3
Congressional districts in New York City
Box   3
Congress, members of
Box   3
Congressional hearings
Box   3
Box   3
Conso of Canada Ltd.
Box   3
Conn, Harry, TWUA PAC representative
Box   3
Conn, Lewis
Box   3
Box   3
Connecticut, University of
Box   3
Conroy, Pat
Box   3
Consolidated Textile Company, Lynchburg, Virginia
Box   3
Constangy, Frank
Box   3
Box   3
Cook, Robert
Box   3
Cook, Wesley
Box   3
Cooper, George
Box   3
Box   3
COPE Conference, 1968, 1972
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Box   3
COPE activities
Box   3
COPE general file
Box   3
COPE Legislative Institute, 1972, 1974
Physical Description: 4 folders 
Box   3
COPE Alternates
Box   3
Corcoran, Ed
Box   3
Coponi, Joseph
Box   3
Corman, Representative James
Box   3
Cormier, Gabriel
Box   3
Cosgrove, Thomas
Box   3
Cotnoir, Elzear
Box   3
Cotter, William R.
Box   3
Cotton gin
Box   3
Courtaulous Ltd., Canada
Box   3
Cousy, Bob
Box   3
Cox, Albert W.
Box   3
Cranston, Senator Alan
Box   3
Crosby, Bing
Box   3
Box   3
Crowley, Roger J., Jr.
Box   3
Crown Cotton Mills, Dalton, Georgia
Box   3
Cuccio, Frank
Box   3
Curran, Joe
Box   3
Curtis, Kenneth M.
Box   3
Dalton, Georgia, Organizing Committee
Box   3
Daly, Bernard
Box   3
Dams and irrigation
Note: See also TVA.
Box   3
Damore, Felix
Box   3
Daniel, Franz
Box   3
Dan River Mills
Box   3
Daniels, Representative Dominick
Box   3
Daoust, J. Harold
Box   3
Dare Foods
Box   3
Davidson, Monty, Jr., TWUA international representative
Box   3
Davis, Frank M.
Box   3
Davis, Hal C.
Box   3
Davis, Mendel J.
Box   3
Davis, Walter, AFL-CIO education director
Box   3
Davis, William S.
Box   3
Davoli, Joseph A.
Box   3
Dawbarn Ltd., Brantford, Ontario
Box   3
Dean, Robert
Box   3
Deauville Hotel, Miami Beach, Florida
Box   3
De Long, Kenneth
Box   3
Demers, Bert
Box   3
De Meyer, Julien
Box   3
Box   3
Denison (Texas) Cotton Mill
Box   3
Dennrel, Norbert G.
Box   3
Dent, Representative John H.
Box   3
Dental care
Box   3
Denton, Winfield K.
Box   3
Depression, 1929
Box   3
Dernoncourt, Wayne
Box   3
Design Print Works Exhibit, Bedford-Stuyvesant Section
Box   3
Box   3
Dever, Governor Paul
Box   3
Dewey, Thomas E.
Box   3
Diamond Match Company Strike, 1951
Box   3
Dillman, George
Box   3
Diefenbach, Robert L.
Box   3
Dillon, Douglas
Box   3
Dillon, James
Box   3
Dilworth, Richardson
Box   3
Dirksen, Senator Everett
Box   3
DiSalle, Michael
Box   3
DiSanto, Odorado
Box   3
Displaced persons
Box   3
Dixie Bell, Calhoun, Georgia
Box   3
Dixon, Dean
Box   3
Dixon, Dorsey
Box   3
Dixon, Fred J.
Box   3
Doak Mill, Philadelphia
Box   3
Dodd, Thomas J.
Box   3
Dodds, Max
Box   3
Dodge, Witherspoon
Box   3
Dolloff, Maynard
Box   3
Dolphin Jute Mills
Box   3
Dominion Fabrics, Dunnville, Ontario
Box   3
Dominion Textile Company
Box   3
Donahue, Harold D.
Box   3
Donovan, James B.
Box   3
Doolan, Edward
Box   3
Doolan Senior Citizens Housing Project, Fall River, Massachusetts
Box   3
Doolittle, General Jimmy
Box   3
Dootson, Jim and Ida
Box   3
Dorlexa Dyeing and Finishing Company
Box   3
Dorr Woolen
Box   3
Douglas, Helen Gahagan
Box   3
Douglas, Paul
Box   3
Douglas, Melvyn
Box   3
Douglas, Tommy
Box   3
Douglas, William O.
Box   3
Douty, Kenneth
Box   3
Dove, Roger
Box   3
Dow, Representative John G.
Box   3
Dowd, Edward L.
Box   3
Dowd, Norman S., Executive Secretary Canadian Congress of Labor
Box   3
Dowler, Clem
Box   3
Downes-Coulter Company, Trenton, Ontario
Box   3
Dratch, John
Box   3
Drolet, Reverend Jerome A.
Box   3
Dubell, Hartell
Box   3
Dubinsky, David
Box   3
Dubrow, Evelyn
Box   3
DuChessi, John
Box   3
DuChessi, William, TWUA Carpet Director
Box   3
Dudley, Edward
Box   3
Dues dollar
Box   3
Dues increase
Box   3
Duffey, Joe
Box   3
Dukakis, Governor Michael
Box   3
Dulles, John Foster
Box   3
Dulski, Representative T.J.
Box   3
Dunlop, John T.
Box   3
Dundon, James
Box   3
Dunigan, L.A.
Box   3
Dunton, Bruce
Box   3
Duplan workers' backpay, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Box   3
Durkin, Senator John
Box   4
Dwyer, John
Box   4
Box   4
Dyers pension fund
Box   4
Dyers Federation
Box   4
Dye workers in England
Box   4
Dyson, Alford
Box   4
Eagleton, Thomas F.
Box   4
Eames, Patricia
Box   4
Eanes, R. Douglas
Box   4
Eardley, George
Box   4
Earth Day, New York
Box   4
Easto, Clare
Box   4
Box   4
Economic Cooperative Administration
Box   4
Edelman, John
Box   4
Edelman, Mrs. John
Box   4
Edmonds, James
Box   4
Edmondsen, Representative Ed
Box   4
Box   4
Education Department of TWUA
Box   4
Education--steward training, leadership, workshops, and conferences
Box   4
Edwards, Harry W.
Box   4
Egan Cotton Mills, Easton Point, Georgia
Box   4
Eilberg, Representative Joshua
Box   4
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Box   4
Elections and campaigns
Box   4
Elections-National Labor Relations Board
Box   4
Emblems, posters and seals
Box   4
Emory, Ted
Box   4
Empire Worsted Company
Box   4
Emmerson, Sydney
Box   4
England, Antonio
Box   4
Engle, Clair
Box   4
Box   4
Epstine, Irving
Box   4
Erhard, German Chancellor Ludwig
Box   4
Ervin, Charles
Box   4
Erwin Cotton Mills, Durham, North Carolina
Box   4
Erwin Mill, Coolemee, North Carolina
Box   4
Erwin Mill, Stonewall, Massachusetts
Box   4
Essiambre, Wilfrid, Quebec TWUA director, 1973
Box   4
Esnough, Al
Box   4
Evans, Jack
Box   4
Ewing, Oscar, Federal Security Administration
Box   4
Ewing, William R.
Box   4
Executive Council, TWUA, 1956-1973
Physical Description: 10 folders 
Box   4
FITITVC (Interamerican Textile Garments and Leather Workers Federation)
Box   4
FMC Advisory Council
Box   4
FMC Corporation, Radford Plant
Box   4
FMC regarding Parkersburg Plant closing-rally-press conference
Box   4
Fabrics and textiles
Box   4
Box   4
Fairless, Ben
Box   4
Faith Mills
Box   4
Faragalli, Lindy, pro bowler
Box   4
Farenthold, Representative Frances
Box   4
Box   4
Farming and farming
Box   4
Faupl, Rudolph, President, International Labor Organization
Box   4
Feighan, Michael
Box   4
Feller, Karl
Box   4
Felters Company
Box   4
Festival of American Folklife, Washington, D.C.
Box   4
Fieldcrest Mills
Box   4
Fiester, Kenneth
Box   4
Film Division, TWUA
Box   4
Financial report, TWUA
Box   4
Fiore, Sam
Box   4
Fires, disasters and floods
Box   4
Box   4
Fisher, Dan
Box   4
Fitchburg, Massachusetts
Box   4
Filter, The E.H. Company
Box   4
Fitzgerald Mills
Box   4
Fitzpatrick, Representative Joseph
Box   4
Flaherty, Tom
Box   4
Fleisher Finishing Company, Waterbury, Connecticut
Box   4
Flood, Representative Daniel J.
Box   4
Folcarelli, Giovanni
Box   4
Box   4
Forand, Aime J.
Box   4
Ford Motor Company
Box   4
Ford, Senator Wendell
Box   4
Ford, Representative William
Box   4
Forstmann Woolen Mills
Box   4
Fort Drummer Mill, Brattleboro, Vermont
Box   4
Fort Worth, Texas, TWUA Institute
Box   4
Fox, Martin
Box   4
Frank Associates, Cementon, Pennsylvania
Box   4
Frank Ix and Sons
Box   4
Franklin (Massachusetts) Woolen Mills
Box   4
Franco Canadian Mills
Box   4
Franklin Process Company
Box   4
Fraser, Representative Donald M.
Box   4
Frawley, Chris
Box   4
Fredericka, Queen of Greece
Box   4
Freeman, Orville
Box   4
Freidel, Samuel
Box   4
French textile workers
Box   4
Fretwell, Dr. Elbert, Chief Scout Executive, Boy Scouts
Box   4
Freund, Peter, Knitting Mills
Box   4
Frey, Mayor Louis G.
Box   4
Frontlash voter registration
Box   4
Frost, Sam
Box   4
Frumin, Eric
Box   4
Fulton, Representative Richard
Box   4
Box   4
Furculo, Foster
Box   4
Furness, Betty
Box   4
Fry, Julius R.
Box   4
Gag shots
Box   4
Gaffney, South Carolina
Box   4
Gagne, Louis
Box   4
Gagnon, Edouard
Box   4
Galifianakis, Nick
Box   4
Gall, Tom
Box   4
Gallagher, Cornelius
Box   4
Gallagher, Dan
Box   4
Gallogly, Edward P.
Box   4
Galt, Ontario
Box   4
Galt, Ontario, fire
Box   4
Box   4
Gamel, Veto
Box   4
Games and recreation
Box   4
Garfein, Dorothy
Box   4
Garland, Peter
Box   4
Garmatz, Representative Edward A.
Box   4
Garreau, Bob
Box   4
Gas shortage
Box   4
Gastonia, North Carolina, union election campaign
Box   4
Gardiner, Glenn
Box   4
Gatewood, Richard B.
Box   4
Gaymont Mills, Cavendish, Vermont
Box   4
Gaypos, Representative Joseph M.
Box   4
Geauga Industries, Middlefield, Ohio
Box   4
Gelhorn, Walter
Box   4
Gencarella, Frank
Box   4
General Felt Company
Box   4
General Ribbon Mills, Catasqua, Pennsylvania
Box   4
Genis, Sander
Box   4
George Hancock Textiles
Box   4
Georgia Rug Mills
Box   4
Gersh, Harry
Box   4
Gerber, Martin
Box   4
German Textile and Garment Workers Union
Box   4
German Trade Union Federation
Box   4
Box   4
Giamo, Representative Robert W.
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Box   4
Gibbs Underwear Company
Box   4
Gibson, Assistant Secretary of Labor John W.
Box   4
Gibson Mill, Marysville, North Carolina
Box   4
Gilligan, John J.
Box   4
Gillman, Charles, CIO regional director
Box   4
Glabb, Bernard
Box   4
Glazer, Joe
Box   4
Glenn, John
Box   4
Glickman, Sam
Box   4
Globe Mill
Box   4
Gnidziesko, Stan
Box   4
Goebel, Harry
Box   4
Goldberg, Arthur J.
Box   4
Goldwater, Barry
Box   4
Gompers, Samuel
Box   4
Gonic (New Hampshire) Mills
Box   4
Goode, Eddie
Box   4
Goodkin, Ben
Box   4
Goodman-Theise Company
Box   4
Goodnight, Buck
Box   4
Gordon, William
Box   4
Gordon-Walker, Patrick
Box   4
Gore, Senator Albert A.
Box   4
Gore, Lawrence
Box   4
Goretti, Angelo
Box   4
Gorman, Patrick E.
Box   4
Gossett, Lloyd
Box   4
Gottfredsen, Audrey
Box   4
Grace, Eugene, President, Bethlehem Steel
Box   4
Graham, Billy
Box   4
Graham, Frank
Box   4
Graham, Jerry R.
Box   4
Graham, Robert
Box   4
Granam, J.R. “Bob”
Box   4
Granite Weaving Company strike, Paterson, New Jersey, 1939 June
Box   4
Grasso, Representative Ella T.
Box   4
Gray, Kenneth J.
Box   4
Green, Archie
Box   4
Green, Representative Edith
Box   4
Green, John
Box   4
Green, Theodore F.
Box   4
Green, Representative William
Box   4
Green River Mills
Box   4
Greenhalgh, John
Box   4
Greenway, Dr. Norma L.
Box   4
Gregoire, Doris
Box   4
Gregory, Helen
Box   4
Grider, Representative George W.
Box   4
Griffin, Neil, TWUA West Coast Director
Box   4
Griffiths, Harold
Box   4
Griffiths, Representative Martha
Box   4
Griggs, Archie
Box   4
Grosso, Mary
Box   4
Box   4
Gruber, Mary
Box   4
Guadalupe Valley Cotton Mills, Cuero, Texas
Box   4
Guinan, Matthew
Box   4
Gurney Manufacturing Company
Box   5
Haas, Reverend Francis
Box   5
Hadley-People Manufacturing
Box   5
Haigler, Carey E.
Box   5
Hall, Paul, President, Seafarers of North America
Box   5
Halpern, Seymour
Box   5
Hamilton, Alice, M.D.
Box   5
Hall, Shirley
Box   5
Hamilton Cotton Mills
Box   5
Hanes boycott
Box   5
Hanley, J.M.
Box   5
Hanson, Royce
Box   5
Harmon, Lt. Thomas
Box   5
Harriet-Henderson Company, North Carolina
Box   5
Harriman, Averell Company
Box   5
Harrington, Michael J.
Box   5
Harris, David
Box   5
Harrison, George
Box   5
Harras, Violet
Box   5
Harriman, W. Averell
Box   5
Hathaway, Representative William
Box   5
Hart Cotton Mills
Box   5
Hart, Senator Philip
Box   5
Hartke, Senator Vance
Box   5
Hathaway, William D.
Box   5
Haverstraw Industrial Terminal
Box   5
Hawkins, O.P.
Box   5
Hayes, A.J., President, International Association of Machinists
Box   5
Hayes, Representative Wayne L.
Box   5
Haynsworth Hearings
Box   5
Haysaw, James
Box   5
Haywood, Alan
Box   5
Heald, Doris
Box   5
Health conference
Box   5
Healey, John A.
Box   5
Hearing, Burke-Hartke Bill
Box   5
Hearings-Congressional-Textile and South
Box   5
Hechler, Representative Ken
Box   5
Heckler, Representative Margaret
Box   5
Held, Adolph
Box   5
Helstein, Ralph, President, Packinghouse Workers
Box   5
Helstoski, Representative Henry
Box   5
Hemphill, Robert
Box   5
Hemsing, Albert E.
Box   5
Henderson, Leon
Box   5
Henderson, Truman
Box   5
Henning, John F., Undersecretary of Labor
Box   5
Henrich, William
Box   5
Henry, John
Box   5
Hensley, Donald
Box   5
Herling, John
Box   5
Hettrick strike, Goshen, Indiana
Box   5
Heyes, Tony R.
Box   5
Highland Park Mill strike
Box   5
Hobbs, Horace E.
Box   5
Hobby, Oveta Culp
Box   5
Hodges, Luther H.
Box   5
Hodgman, Alton M.
Box   5
Hoff, Phil
Box   5
Hoffman, Alfred, American Federation of Hosiery Workers
Box   5
Hoffman, Paul G.
Box   5
Hogan, Frank S.
Box   5
Holder, J.W.
Box   5
Holderman, Beatrice
Box   5
Holderman, Carl, Vice President, TWUA
Box   5
Holland, Elmer J.
Box   5
Hollander, Louis
Box   5
“Hollow Promise, The”
Box   5
Homes and residences
Box   5
Hong Kong
Box   5
Hooker, John Jay, Jr.
Box   5
Horton, Representative Frank
Box   5
Hosiery Conference, 1966
Box   5
Hosiery Merger
Box   5
Hosiery Conference, 1965
Box   5
Box   5
Housing for textile workers
Box   5
Howard, Representative James J.
Box   5
Howe, Mary Healey
Box   5
Howell, Representative Charles
Box   5
Howell, Nellie
Box   5
Hudson Shore Labor School
Box   5
Hudson Valley Joint Board
Box   5
Huerta, Dolores
Box   5
Hughes, Gus
Box   5
Hughes, Charles
Box   5
Hughes, Charles Evans
Box   5
Hughes, Governor Richard J.
Box   5
Human Resources Development Institute
Box   5
Human Rights Award-Jewish Labor Committee
Box   5
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Box   5
Huot, J. Oliva
Box   5
Hurt, J.B.
Box   5
Box   5
Box   5
Indian textile workers
Box   5
Industrial Rayon
Box   5
Industrial Union Department, AFL-CIO
Box   5
Industrial Union Department Convention, 1973, 1975
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Box   5
Industry Divisions Conferences
Box   5
Inflated Products Company
Box   5
Inman, Donald
Box   5
Box   5
Institutes, Canadian
Box   5
Institutes and labor colleges
Box   5
Box   5
COPE Institute, 1973
Box   5
COPE Legislative Conference, 1969
Box   5
Institutes, general
Box   5
Institutes, political action
Box   5
Institutes, summer
Box   5
Institutes, Washington legislative
Box   5
International Brotherhood of Electricians
Box   5
International Confederation of Free World Trade Union
Box   5
International Labor Organizaton
Box   5
International Labor Press Association
Box   5
International Textile and Garment Workers Federation, ITGWF
Box   5
International Textile Union Seminar, 1957
Box   5
Israeli textile workers
Box   5
Ivers-Lee Company
Box   5
Iveshewitz, Moe
Box   5
Izzi, Moe
Box   5
Jabar, George
Box   5
Jackson, Senator Henry M.
Box   5
Jackson, Reverend Jesse L.
Box   5
Jackson, Luther
Box   5
Jacobs, Representative Andrew, Jr.
Box   5
Jacobson, Joel
Box   5
Javits, Senator Jacob J.
Box   5
Japanese Textile and Garment Union (Zensen Domei) Conference
Box   5
Japanese textile workers
Box   5
Jefferson, Thomas
Box   5
Jenkins, Ethel
Box   5
Jennings, Paul
Box   5
Jenrette, John N.
Box   5
Jepp, Don
Box   5
Jeremias, Siegmund
Box   5
Jobs rally, Washington, D.C., 1975 April 26
Box   5
Jodoin, Claude
Box   5
Joelson, Charles H.
Box   5
Johnson & Johnson
Box   5
Johnson, Mike, Pennsylvania AFL-CIO
Box   5
Johnston, Olin D.
Box   5
Johnston, Reed
Box   5
Jordan, Representative Barbara
Box   5
Jordan, Daniel B.
Box   5
Jordan, Crystal Lee Stevens
Box   5
Julliard, A.D., Company, Aragon Mill
Box   5
Julliard, A.D., Company, Utica, New York
Box   5
Junaluska, Lake
Joint Boards
Box   6
Amsterdam, New York
Box   6
Bay Area
Box   6
Box   6
Box   6
Box   6
Box   6
Buffalo Regional
Box   6
Capital District
Box   6
Central Alabama-Georgia, Opelika, Alabama
Box   6
Central Pennsylvania
Box   6
Central and South Jersey
Box   6
Central Maine
Box   6
Central Massachusetts
Box   6
Box   6
Box   6
Box   6
Box   6
Box   6
Box   6
Delaware Valley
Box   6
Eastern Townships
Box   6
Fall River
Box   6
Box   6
Garden Spot, Pennsylvania
Box   6
Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama
Box   6
Granite State
Box   6
Box   6
Greater Cornwall
Box   6
Greater New York
Box   6
Hudson-Essex, New Jersey
Box   6
Box   6
Box   6
Box   6
Kansas City
Box   6
Box   6
Box   6
Lowell, Massachusetts
Box   6
Los Angeles
Box   6
Box   6
Box   6
Memphis Area
Box   6
Box   6
New Bedford, Massachusetts
Box   6
New Orleans
Box   6
Northern Texas
Box   6
North Jersey
Box   6
Northeastern Massachusetts
Box   6
Northwest Georgia
Box   6
Oswego County
Box   6
Passaic, New Jersey
Box   6
Box   6
Box   6
Box   6
Pittsylvania-Danville, Virginia
Box   6
Portland, Oregon
Box   6
Rhode Island
Box   6
St. Louis
Box   6
Salem-Peabody, Massachusetts
Box   6
Schuylkill Valley
Box   6
South Central, North Carolina
Box   6
Southwestern Ontario
Box   6
Box   6
Box   6
Twin Cities
Box   6
Western Massachusetts
Box   6
Utica, New York
Box   6
Winooski-Burlington, Vermont
Box   6
Joint Conference of Apparel Workers of United States-Japan, 1977
Box   6
Joyce, Peter J.
Box   6
Kannapolis, North Carolina
Box   6
Kable, Jerry
Box   6
Kahan, Irving
Box   6
Kanin, Clara
Box   6
Karth, Joesph
Box   6
Kastenmeier, Representative Robert
Box   6
Katz, Isadore
Box   7
Kayser-Roth Strike
Box   7
Keating, Senator Kenneth
Box   7
Keating, Peter
Box   7
Kee Lox Manufacturing Company
Box   7
Keenan, Joseph
Box   7
Kelley, Frank J.
Box   7
Kefauver, Senator Estes
Box   7
Kelley, Gene
Box   7
Kelly, Frank J.
Box   7
Kelly, James J.
Box   7
Kelly, Richard
Box   7
Kendall Mills, Paw Creek, North Carolina
Box   7
Kennedy, Senator Edward
Box   7
Kennedy, John F., Memorial
Box   7
Kennedy, Thomas
Box   7
Kerner, Otto
Box   7
Keystone Weaving Company
Box   7
Kilgore, Senator Harley
Box   7
King, John W.
Box   7
King, Frank W.
Box   7
Kirkland, E.T.
Box   7
Kirkland, Lane
Box   7
Kirwan, Representative Michael J.
Box   7
Kiss, Frank
Box   7
Knapik, Joseph
Box   7
Knight, Pat
Box   7
Knox, James W.
Box   7
Knowland, Senator William
Box   7
Knox, L.B.
Box   7
Kouhoupt, Harry
Box   7
Korean Textile Union
Box   7
Kovensky, Sam
Box   7
Kramer, Ken
Box   7
Krebs, Representative Paul J.
Box   7
Krokenberger, Fred
Box   7
Kroll, Jack
Box   7
Krzycki, Leo
Box   7
Kullas, Henry
Box   7
Kuta, Matthew P.
Box   7
Kyros, Representative Peter
Box   7
La Berge, Louis
Box   7
Labor Day Parade, New York City, 1959-1961, 1963
Physical Description: 4 folders 
Box   7
Labor Day Parade, New Bedford and Fall River, 1961
Box   7
Labor Day, 1951-1952
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Box   7
Labor Day Parade, Hamilton, Ontario
Box   7
Labor Day Parade, Toronto
Box   7
Labor Day, Stratford
Box   7
Labor Studies Center (Labor Law Institute in Washington, D.C.)
Box   7
Labor March on Quebec
Box   7
La Flamme, Yolande
Box   7
La Guardia, Marie M.
Box   7
Labros, Judge, C.D.
Box   7
Lamb, Mr. and Mrs.
Box   7
Lambros, Judge C.D.
Box   7
Landis Mills
Box   7
Lane Cotton Mill, New Orleans
Box   7
Lane, Thomas, J.
Box   7
Lanham, Representative Henderson
Box   7
LaPerle, Philias
Box   7
LaPorte, John W.
Box   7
La Rocque, Blanche
Box   7
Laurence, David
Box   7
Lausche, Senator Frank
Box   7
Lawrence, Roy R.
Box   7
Lazzio, Charles
Box   7
Leader, George M.
Box   7
League of Industrial Democracy
Box   7
Lebel, Father Gatain
Box   7
Le Clercq, Fred
Box   7
Leedom, Boyd
Box   7
Leeds, Joseph
Box   7
Legal Department, TWUA
Box   7
Lehman, Herbert H.
Box   7
Leighton, J.B.
Box   7
Lemieux, M.
Box   7
Leonard, James
Box   7
Leone, Giovanni, President of Italy
Box   7
Lestershire Spool Company
Box   7
Levering, Robert W.
Box   7
Box   7
Levine, Louis L.
Box   7
Levitt, Arthur
Box   7
Lewis, David, NDP leader
Box   7
Lewis, Dennis and Kathryn
Box   7
Lewis, Jerry
Box   7
Lewis, Joe R.
Box   7
Lewis, Karen
Box   7
Lewis, Stephen
Box   7
Licht, Governor Frank
Box   7
Lie, Haakon
Box   7
Ligon, Reba
Box   7
Lilienthal, David
Box   7
Limestone Manufacturing Company
Box   7
Lindsay, Mayor John V., New York City
Box   7
Linen Thread Company
Box   7
Lipowski, Joseph
Box   7
Lipper, Elinor
Box   7
Litney, Jerry
Box   7
Lisk, Haywood
Box   7
Livingston, John
Box   7
Litvinoff, Mr. and Mrs.
Box   7
Locals 1-464
Box   8
Locals 471-1733
Box   9
Locals 1739-7587
Box   9
Locker, Sidney
Box   9
Logan, Paul
Box   9
Long, Huey
Box   9
Lonsdale Blackstone Mill, Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Box   9
“Look Inside”
Box   9
Lorrain, Louis H., CLC
Box   9
Louis, Joe
Box   9
Louisville (Kentucky) Textile
Box   9
Lowenstein, Allard
Box   9
Lowenstein, M. and Sons, boycott
Box   9
Lucey, Patrick
Box   9
Ludlow Manufacturing Company, Wilmington, Delaware
Box   9
Lynch, Wade
Box   9
MacArthur, Gen. Douglas
Box   9
MacDonald, Donald, CLC president
Box   9
MacDonald, Representative Torbert
Box   9
MacFadyen, Richard
Box   9
MacMahon, Aline
Box   9
McAlister, Fred
Box   9
McCarthy, Senator Joseph
Box   9
McCarthy, Richard
Box   9
McCllellan, John L.
Box   9
McConnell, Ed
Box   9
McConnell, James
Box   9
McCormack, Edward
Box   9
McCormack, John W.
Box   9
McCulloch, Frank
Box   9
McDevitt, James L.
Box   9
McDonald, Donald C.
Box   9
McDonald, David J.
Box   9
McDowell, Arthur
Box   9
McElroy, Mark
Box   9
McEntee, Frank P.
Box   9
McFall, Representative John J.
Box   9
McGee, Senator Gale W.
Box   9
McGovern, Senator George
Box   9
McGrath, Thomas C., Jr.
Box   9
McGrew, Earl
Box   9
McGuire, Peter J.
Box   9
McIntyre, Thomas J.
Box   9
McIver, Harold
Box   9
McKee, Don
Box   9
McKeown, Alexander
Box   9
McKinney, Texas
Box   9
McKnight, James G.
Box   9
McMahon, Thomas F.
Box   9
McMasters, Clarence
Box   9
McNamara, Pat
Box   9
McNutt, Paul
Box   9
McPartland, Helen
Box   9
McQuatty, Harold
Box   9
Mackey Housing, Philadelphia
Box   9
Madden, Ray J.
Box   9
Magee Carpet Company, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania
Box   9
Magnet Mills, Clinton, Tennessee
Box   9
Mahoney, William, Canadian Steelworkers
Box   9
Maguire, Representative Andrew
Box   9
Maine CIO, 1951
Box   9
Majestic Metals, Moosup, Connecticut
Box   9
Box   9
Maloney, Purnell Johnson
Box   9
Mand Carpet, Los Angeles
Box   9
Mandel, Governor Marvin
Box   9
Mann, Michael
Box   9
Manney, Ben
Box   9
Manney, Bernard
Box   9
Mansfield Footwear
Box   9
Mansfield, Senator Michael
Box   9
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Box   9
March in front of Capitol
Box   9
March of Dimes
Box   9
March on Ottawa, 1953
Box   9
Marconi, Dolores
Box   9
Marion strike, 1929
Box   9
Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania
Box   9
Marshall Field and Company
Box   9
Marshall Manufacturing and Processing Company
Box   9
Marthenke, Harold
Box   9
Martin, Edna and family, Athens, Georgia
Box   9
Martin, Joe
Box   9
Martin, Johnnie
Box   9
Martin, Luke
Box   9
Marionette Mills, Coatsville, Pennsylvania
Box   9
Mary-Leila Cotton Mills, Greensboro, Georgia
Box   9
Masefield, John
Box   9
Masland Carpet Workers, Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Box   9
Mason, Lucy Randolph
Box   9
Massachusetts state Capitol
Box   9
Mathis, Jake
Box   9
Mays Landing Water Power Company
Box   9
Meaney, George, art exhibit
Box   9
Meaney, George, AFL-CIO President
Box   9
Meaney, Helen
Box   9
Medical care
Box   9
Box   9
Meeds, Representative Lloyd
Box   9
Meir, Golda
Box   9
Mercury Yarn, New York City
Box   9
Merion Worsted Mills, Conshohocken, Pennsylvania
Box   9
Mermel, Jack
Box   9
Merola, Michael
Box   9
Merrick, Samuel V.
Box   9
Metzenbaum, Howard M.
Box   9
Mexican Textile Workers Union
Box   9
Meyers, Robert M.
Box   9
Meyner, Robert B.
Box   9
Miami Beach
Box   9
Midland (Ontario) Footwear
Box   9
Midland and Penetang strike
Box   9
Mihlbaugh, Robert
Box   9
Milam, C.H.
Box   9
Milhench, James
Box   9
Box   9
Military materials and equipment
Box   9
Millard, Charlie
Box   9
Mill exteriors, United States
Box   9
Mill exteriors, Sweden
Mill interiors
Box   9
Box   9
Box   9
Box   9
Box   9
Box   9
Box   9
Cotton bales
Box   9
Box   9
Carpets and rugs
Box   9
Dyeing and finishing, machine printing
Box   9
Box   9
Box   9
Knitting and bags
Box   9
Box   9
Rope and cordage
Box   9
Screen printing
Box   9
Box   9
Box   9
Milliken, Roger, Jr.
Box   9
Mills, Chinese textiles
Box   9
Mills, Representative Wilbur
Box   9
Minehart, Thomas Z.
Box   9
Box   9
Minimum Wage Bill, 1961
Box   9
Minimum wage campaigns
Box   9
Minish, Representative Joseph J.
Box   9
Mink, Representative Patsy
Box   9
Miraglia, Joseph J.
Box   9
Miriello, Sam
Box   9
Box   9
Mitchell, James P., Secretary of Labor
Box   9
Mitchell, Representative Erwin
Box   9
Mixon, Earl
Box   9
Modern Upholstered Chair Company, Morristown, Pennsylvania
Box   9
Mohawk Carpet, Amsterdam, New York
Box   9
Mohl, Keith
Box   9
Molisani, Howard, Executive Vice President, ILGWU
Box   9
Mollohan, Representative Robert H.
Box   9
Monagan, John S.
Box   9
Monarch Knitting Mill, Dunville, Ontario
Box   10
Monogan, Representative John S.
Box   10
Monomac Mills, Lawrence, Massachusetts
Box   10
Monroe, Marilyn
Box   10
Monroe Upholstering Company
Box   10
Monroney, Senator Mike
Box   10
Montgomery Mills
Box   10
Box   10
Box   10
Monument Mills, Housatonic, Massachusetts
Box   10
Moreau, Mel
Box   10
Moreno, Murray C.
Box   10
Morgan, Senator Robert Henry
Box   10
Morgan, Tom
Box   10
Morgenthau, Robert M.
Box   10
Morse, Bradford
Box   10
Morse, Senator Wayne L.
Box   10
Mosher, A.R., CCL president
Box   10
Mother Jones
Box   10
Motley, Al
Box   10
Box   10
Movie personalities
Box   10
Muccio, John J., Ambassador to South Korea
Box   10
Mullins, Herman E.
Box   10
Box   10
Murphy, Judge Francis T., Jr.
Box   10
Murphy, Representative John
Box   10
Murphy, Robert
Box   10
Murphy, William T.
Box   10
Murray, Jan
Box   10
Murray, Senator James
Box   10
Murray, Philip
Box   10
Muschek, Fred W.
Box   10
Muskie, Senator Edmund
Box   10
Muscular Dystrophy Association
Box   10
Musicians Federation
Box   10
Myers, Dr. James W.
Box   10
Myers, Robert J.
Box   10
Nader, Ralph
Box   10
Narricot Corporation, Philadelphia
Box   10
Nashawena Mills, New Bedford, Massachusetts
Box   10
National Health Security Program
Box   10
National Heel Company, St. Jerome, Quebec
Box   10
National Labor Relations Board
Box   10
NLRB hearings, 1961
Box   10
National Mattress, Terre Haute, Indiana
Box   10
National Parks
Box   10
Naumkeag Steam Cotton Company, Salem, Massachusetts
Box   10
Neal, Representative Eugene
Box   10
Neeley, Matthew M.
Box   10
Nehmer, Stanley
Box   10
Nejmeh, George
Box   10
Nelson, Gaylord
Box   10
Newark (New Jersey) Celanese
Box   10
New Bedford, Massachusetts
Box   10
New Democratic Party, Canada
Box   10
New Democratic Party, Ontario, First Convention
Box   10
New England Conference, 1976
Box   10
New England staffers
Box   10
Newfoundland Loggers strike, 1959
Box   10
New Jersey State CIO
Box   10
New Jersey Worsted (Gera), Garfield, New Jersey
Box   10
Newlands-Harding Mills, Guelph, Ontario
Box   10
New York City
Box   10
New York City Central Labor Council
Box   10
New York Hilton Hotel
Box   10
New York State AFL-CIO
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Box   10
New York State Labor Council
Box   10
Nicholas, D.
Box   10
Nicholas, Frank M.
Box   10
Nineteenth Biennial Convention, TWUA
Box   10
Nix, Representative Robert
Box   10
Nixon, Richard M.
Box   10
Noel, Philip W.
Box   10
Box   10
Norris, Senator George W.
Box   10
North Carolina Finishing Company
Box   10
Notte, John A.
Box   10
Notti, Representative Emil
Box   10
Nourse, Edwin G.
Box   10
Novo, Joseph
Box   10
Nowicki, Marion
Box   10
Nunn, Guy
Box   10
Nye-Wait, Auburn, New York
Box   10
Oak, Liston
Box   10
Obenhaus, Victor
Box   10
Obey, Representative David
Box   10
O'Brien, Leo W.
Box   10
Occupational health
Box   10
O'Connor, Frank
Box   10
O'Dwyer, Paul
Box   10
O'Dwyer, William
Box   10
O'Grady, Jane, ACLU Legislation Director
Box   10
O'Hara, Barratt
Box   10
O'Hara, Representative James G.
Box   10
Ohio-Kentucky Manufacturing Company, Ada, Ohio
Box   10
Box   10
Oko, Dorothy
Box   10
Old-timers, (TWUA) senior citizens
Box   10
Oliver, James C.
Box   10
Oliver, Robert
Box   10
Olson Rug Company
Box   10
O'Neill, Representative Thomas P.
Box   10
Onondaga Silk Company, Easton, Pennsylvania
Box   10
Ontario Federation of Labour Convention
Box   10
Opilla, Joseph
Box   10
The Organizer, motion picture
Box   10
Box   10
Orient Hosiery, Brockville, Ontario
Box   10
O'Shea, James
Box   10
O'Sullivan Rubber Company strike
Box   10
Ottawa (Parliament)
Box   10
Ottinger, Richard L.
Box   10
Ounegan (Maine) Woolen
Box   10
Outdoor scenes
Box   10
Pacific Columbia Mills
Box   10
Pagano, Mario
Box   10
Palm trees and tropics
Box   10
Palmer, Russell B.
Box   10
Panek, Natalie
Box   10
Box   10
Paradise Manufacturing Company, Los Angeles
Box   10
Paramount Gasket, Toronto
Box   10
Parker, Robert A.
Box   10
Box   10
Parsons, Simone
Box   10
Passamaquoddy Project
Box   10
Pastore, Governor John
Box   10
Pastore Subcommittee
Box   10
Paterson, Chat
Box   10
Patman, Representative Wright
Box   10
Patten, Representative Edward
Box   10
Patterson, J.O., Jr.
Box   10
Box   10
Payne, Senator Frederick G.
Box   10
Payne, Herbert W.
Box   10
Payton, Boyd
Box   10
Peabody, Endicott
Box   10
Peacock, Robert R.
Box   10
Pearson, E.L.
Box   10
Pecora, Ferdinand
Box   10
Pedigo, Joe and Jennie
Box   10
Pee Dee Manufacturing Company
Box   10
Peel, John A.
Box   10
Pell, Senator Claiborne
Box   10
Pellon Chemo Textiles, Cornwall, Ontario
Box   10
Pen Argyle (Pennsylvania) Mills
Box   10
Penn Textiles
Box   10
Pension Fund for TWUA workers
Box   10
Box   10
Pepper, Representative Claude
Box   10
Peraro, Joseph
Box   10
Perkel, George
Box   10
Perkins, Carl
Box   10
Perl, Mr. and Mrs. William
Box   10
Perlis, Leo
Box   10
Perruccio, Michael
Box   10
Box   10
Peterson, Esther
Box   10
Box   10
Pharmacies, TWUA
Box   10
Philip, Jean
Box   10
Philbin, Philip J.
Box   10
Pike, Representative Otis
Box   10
Pilot, Wanda
Box   10
Pilkington, Robert
Box   10
Pinchot, Cornelia
Box   10
Pitarys, Thomas J.
Box   10
Pitman, Walter
Box   10
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Box   10
Pizer, Morris
Box   10
Plaskolite Inc.
Box   10
Plastics and coated fabrics
Box   10
Plata, Walter
Box   10
Police and violence
Box   10
Political action stock shots
Box   10
Pollack, Michael, Textile Labor editor
Box   10
Pollock, William, TWUA Gen-Secretary-Treasury
Box   10
Pollock, William, testimonial dinner
Box   10
Pollock, William, with celebrities
Box   11
Box   11
Pond Lily Company, New Haven, Connecticut
Box   11
Ponemah Mills, Taftville, Connecticut
Box   11
Poor People's March, Washington, 1968
Box   11
Population explosion
Box   11
Portland (Oregon) Woolen Mills
Box   11
Postlethwaite, Jack
Box   11
Potofsky, Jack
Box   11
Potvin, Rosario
Box   11
Box   11
Powell, George
Box   11
Box   11
Pressman, Lee
Box   11
Price, Representative Melvin
Box   11
Procaccino, Mario
Box   11
Protin, George
Box   11
Proxmire, Senator William E.
Box   11
Pryor, Representative David H.
Box   11
Pucinski, Roman
Box   11
Puckett, C.D.
Box   11
Pulmides, John
Box   11
Quebec Federation of Labour
Box   11
Quebec Federation of Labour Convention
Box   11
Querat, Frank
Box   11
Quill, Michael J.
Box   11
Quin State Conference
Box   11
Quinn, Patrick
Box   11
Radcliffe, Cree
Box   11
Rader, Joseph D.
Box   11
Radio, tape recorders, and television
Box   11
Norma Rae, motion picture
Box   11
Ragsdale, Ben
Box   11
Rains, Representative Albert
Box   11
Ramuglia, Tony
Box   11
Rancourt, Gerard
Box   11
Rand, James, Jr.
Box   11
Randolph, A. Philip
Box   11
Randolph, A. Philip, Conference, 1974
Box   11
Randolph, Jennings
Box   11
Rantane, Bruno
Box   11
Rawlings, George C., Jr.
Box   11
Rayburn, Sam
Box   11
Box   11
Reibman, Pennsylvania state Senator Jeanette
Box   11
Regent Knit, St. Jerome, Quebec
Box   11
Box   11
Remsen, Stephen
Box   11
Renet, Adolph
Box   11
Resistoflex Corporation
Box   11
Resnick, Joseph Y.
Box   11
Research Department, TWUA
Box   11
Box   11
Reuss, Representative Henry
Box   11
Reuter, Dr. William C.
Box   11
Reuther, Roy
Box   11
Reuther, Walter P., CIO President
Box   11
Reynolds, John W., Jr.
Box   11
Rhode Island state Capitol
Box   11
Rhodes, George
Box   11
Ribicoff, Senator Abraham
Box   11
Richards, Garnold
Box   11
Richardson, Representative Preyer
Box   11
Rice, Reverend Charles Owen
Box   11
Riddett, Wilbur
Box   11
Riesel, Victor
Box   11
Rieve, Emil, TWUA President
Box   11
Rieve, Emil, with celebrities
Box   11
Rieve memorial service, 1975
Box   11
Rieve, Harold E.
Box   11
Riffe, John V., CIO Executive Vice President
Box   11
Riger, Morris
Box   11
Risley, Robert F.
Box   11
Ritchie, Howard
Box   11
Riviere, Horace A.
Box   11
Roberts, David
Box   11
Roberts, Dennis J.
Box   11
Roberts, Robin
Box   11
Robertson, Harry
Box   11
Robinson Industrial Crafts, London
Box   11
Robinson, Jack
Box   11
Robinson, Reid
Box   11
Rockefeller, John
Box   11
Rockefeller, Nelson
Box   11
Rodino, Representative Peter
Box   11
Roe, Robert A.
Box   11
Rogin, Larry
Box   11
Rolvaag, Karl
Box   11
Romac, Cleveland, Ohio
Box   11
Rooney, Fred B.
Box   11
Roosevelt, James
Box   11
Roosevelt, Franklin, Jr.
Box   11
Roselon Manufacturing Company
Box   11
Rosen, Stanley
Box   11
Rosenberg, Milton
Box   11
Rosenthal, Benjamin
Box   11
Ross, C.L.
Box   11
Rossi, Acquine L.
Box   11
Rothman, Julius
Box   11
Roy, Representative Bill
Box   11
Roybal, Edward R.
Box   11
Rubenstein, Jack, TWUA Executive Vice President
Box   11
Ruggles, Ray
Box   11
“Rules for Union Meetings” cartoons
Box   11
Russell, Governor Donald
Box   11
Russell, Phillips
Box   11
Rustin, Bayard
Box   11
Rutgers University Labor Education Center
Box   11
Ruttenberg, Stanley
Box   11
Ryan, Edmund F.
Box   11
Ryan, William Fitz
Box   11
St. Germain, Ferdinand
Box   11
St. Jerome Strike, 1963
Box   11
St. Laurent, Louis
Box   11
St. Louis Paper Stock Company
Box   11
St. Onge, William L.
Box   11
Sabin, Dr. Albert B.
Box   11
Safie Mills Strike, 1947
Box   11
Salem, Massachusetts
Box   11
Salerno, Joseph A.
Box   11
Salinger, Pierre
Box   11
Sallee, Charles
Box   11
Saller, Simon
Box   11
Saltonstall, Senator Leverett
Box   11
Salvation Army
Box   11
Samis, George
Box   11
Samparo, Howard B.
Box   11
Samuels, Howard
Box   11
Samuels, Wilbur
Box   11
Samuelson, Paul
Box   11
Santa Claus
Box   11
Santangelo, Representative Alfred
Box   11
Santore, John
Box   11
Sataloff, Dr. Joesph
Box   11
Savoie, Lucille
Box   11
Saxbe, William
Box   11
Saxton, June
Box   11
Sayre, Dean Francis B.
Box   11
Schjeldahl Company, Northfield, Minnesota
Box   11
Schenck, Paul F.
Box   11
Schlegel, Rochester, New York
Box   11
Schnitzler, William
Box   11
Schoffstall, E.M., Textile Labor editor
Box   11
Scheur, James
Box   11
Schoonjans, Michael
Box   11
Schuler, Paul
Box   11
Schweiker, Richard
Box   11
Scott, Senator W. Kerr
Box   11
Scranton, Governor William
Box   11
Sedor, Tony
Box   11
Sefton, Larry
Box   11
Seidman, Bert
Box   11
Selikoff, Dr. Irving J.
Box   11
Senior citizens
Box   11
Serraino, Charles
Box   11
Sesler, William G.
Box   11
Seymour, Edward
Box   11
Shamokin (Pennsylvania) Dye and Print Works
Box   11
Shapiro, Irving R.
Box   11
Shapp, Milton
Box   11
Sharp, Bessie
Box   11
Box   11
Shoreham-Americana Hotel, Washington, D.C.
Box   11
Shorts, Clifford
Box   11
Sickles, Carlton R.
Box   11
Sieminski, Alfred D.
Box   11
Simas, Gus
Box   11
Simkin, William
Box   11
Simmons, Lowell
Box   11
Sinclair, Upton
Box   11
Box   11
Skenandoa Rayon, Utica, New York
Box   11
Skurjat, Vic
Box   11
Skydyne Inc.
Box   11
Slack, John M., Jr.
Box   11
Sloan, Grace M.
Box   11
Smith, Alexander and Sons
Box   11
Smith, Francis R.
Box   11
Smith, Representative Howard W.
Box   11
Smith, Hulett
Box   11
Smith, Margaret Chase
Box   11
Smith, Olive
Box   11
Smith, William
Box   11
Snyder, Earl
Box   11
Snyder, John I.
Box   11
Sobol, Charles
Box   11
Song, Representative Alfred H.
Box   11
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
Box   11
Southern Wage Conference, 1973-1975
Physical Description: 4 folders 
Box   11
Southwest Regional Conference, Memphis, Tennessee, 1973
Box   11
Spatex, Charlotte, North Carolina
Box   11
Spears, Ron
Box   11
Spinning wheels
Box   11
Spong, Senator William B., Jr.
Box   11
Sports and contests
Box   11
Sposato, Joseph
Box   11
Springer, Gerald N.
Box   11
Stafford, Robert
Box   11
Staggers, Harley O.
Box   11
Stalbaum, Lynne
Box   11
Stanley, Representative Miles
Box   11
Stanton, Seabury
Box   11
Stark, Abe
Box   11
Stark, Arthur
Box   11
Starr, James
Box   11
Stauffer-Dobbie Ltd., Galt, Ontario
Box   11
Stearns and Foster Company
Box   11
Steele, Robert H.
Box   11
Stegall, James, TWUA Vice President
Box   11
Steiner, Joe
Box   11
Steiner Manufacturing Company
Box   11
Steinkraus, Herman W.
Box   12
Stetin, Sol, TWUA President
Box   12
Stevenson, Adlai E.
Box   12
Stevenson, Adlai E. III
Box   12
Stokes, Representative Louis
Box   12
Stovall, Thelma
Box   12
Stratton, Representative Samuel
Box   12
Street scenes
Box   12
Strike for collective bargaining, St. Jean, Quebec
Box   12
Strike rally, Cranston employees, Fletcher, North Carolina, 1974
Box   12
Studds, Gerry
Box   12
Stulberg, Louis
Box   12
Sullivan, Anna B.
Box   12
Sullivan, J. and Sons, Philadephia
Box   12
Sullivan, Representative Leonard
Box   12
Summerlatte, Reverend John
Box   12
Swaity, Paul
Box   12
Box   12
Sweeney, Robert
Box   12
Switzer, Silas
Box   12
Sylvia, Ferdinand
Box   12
Sylvia, Joseph
Box   12
Sylvis, William H.
Box   12
Symington, Representative James W.
Box   12
Symington, Stuart
Box   12
Synthetic fibers
Box   12
Szkotak, Ann
Box   12
Taft, Senator Robert
Box   12
Taft-Hartley act
Box   12
Talbot, Thomas
Box   12
Talmadge, Governor Eugene
Box   12
Talmadge, Herman
Box   12
Tate, Frank
Box   12
Taub, Jerome H.
Box   12
Taylor Fibre Company, Norristown, Pennsylvania
Box   12
Box   12
Tenzer, Representative Herbert
Box   12
Terry, David L.
Box   12
Tessier, Leo
Box   12
Texas Textile Mills, Dallas
Box   12
Textile exhibit (Festival of American Folkore)
Textile Labor
Box   12
Textile Labor
Box   12
Textile Labor mastheads
Box   12
Textile Labor miscellaneous art
Box   12
Textile Labor staff
Box   12
Textile Workers Organizing Committee
Box   12
Textron Inc., Manchester, New Hampshire
Box   12
Textron Inc., Nashua Division, Jackson Mills
Box   12
Thaler, Senator Seymour
Box   12
Thimmes, James
Box   12
Thomas, R.J.
Box   12
Thompson, Representative Frank
Box   12
Tiernan, Representative Robert O.
Box   12
Tibbetts, Norris
Box   12
Tilco Plastics
Box   12
Timko, Michael
Box   12
Tobey, Charles
Box   12
Todd, Edward
Box   12
Tompkins, Albert S., TWUA Vice President
Box   12
Tonelli, Joseph P.
Box   12
Tortolano, Vincent
Box   12
Box   12
Trottiere, Roland
Box   12
Trudeau, Pierre
Box   12
True Temper
Box   12
Trustees, TWUA
Box   12
Tullar, William
Box   12
Tunney, John V.
Box   12
Tupper, Stanley R.
Box   12
Turner, Jack
Box   12
Box   12
Box   12
Exhibit, 1950
Box   12
Health Plan
Box   12
Box   12
Box   12
Welfare Plan
Box   12
Tydings, Joseph D.
Box   12
Udall, Stuart
Box   12
Box   12
Union at Work, about film
Box   12
Box   12
Union label
Box   12
Union label exhibit
Box   12
Unruh, Jess
Box   12
United Housing Foundation
Box   12
United Mine Workers
Box   12
United Nations
Box   12
Upper South Conferences
Box   12
Utica (New York) Knit
Box   12
Utica (New York) Mohawk Cotton
Box   12
Valente, Anthony
Box   12
Valleyfield, Quebec
Box   12
Van Arsdale, Harry, Jr.
Box   12
Van Heyde, Robert L.
Box   12
Vanik, Charles
Box   12
Vaz, Mary
Box   12
Vehrkamp, Walter
Box   12
Verney Mills, Brunswick, Maine
Box   12
Verville, Ralph
Box   12
Vidal, Gore
Box   12
Box   12
Vietnam Veterans
Box   12
Vigarito, Representative Joseph P.
Box   12
Vincent Horwitz Bill
Box   12
Vinson, F.M.
Box   12
Violette, Representative Elmer
Box   12
Voice of America
Box   12
Volney Felt Company, Emmaus, Pennsylvania
Box   12
Voter registration
Box   12
Wage drive
Box   12
Wage freeze
Box   12
Wagner, S. Addington, American Legion Commander
Box   12
Wagner, Robert F., Mayor of New York
Box   12
Wagner, Senator Robert
Box   12
Wagner Awning, Cleveland, Ohio
Box   12
Waldrun, Dominic
Box   12
Walker, Governor Dan
Box   12
Walker, Warren
Box   12
Wallace, Henry A.
Box   12
Wallace, Rolla L.
Box   12
Walsh, Patrick
Box   12
Walter, Francis E.
Box   12
Wall Street
Box   12
Walton, Harry E.
Box   12
Wamsutta Mills
Box   12
Ward, Patrick J.
Box   12
Washington, D.C.
Box   12
Washington, George
Box   12
Washington, Louis W.
Box   12
Washington Hilton Hotel
Box   12
Watson, George
Box   12
Waynick, Capus
Box   12
Weaver, George
Box   12
Weaver, Robert C.
Box   12
Webber, Reverend Charles
Box   12
Weinstock, Anna
Box   12
Weiser, John B.
Box   12
Weiss, Abraham, Assistant Secretary of Labor
Box   12
Welsh, Mat
Box   12
Wellman Industries
Box   12
West, Dr. James, Chief Scout, Boy Scouts
Box   12
White, Joseph
Box   12
White, Kevin
Box   12
White, Roy
Box   12
White House Conference
Box   12
Whitebrook, Lloyd
Box   12
Whitehouse, John
Box   12
Whitehouse, John
Box   12
Whitney, Eli's cotton gin
Box   12
Wilkinson, J. Stuart
Box   12
Williams, Governor G. Mennen
Box   12
Williams, Grant
Box   12
Williams, Harrison
Box   12
Williams, Herbert
Box   12
Williams, Murat
Box   12
Wilson, Joe
Box   12
Wilson, William B.
Box   12
Wilson, Woodrow
Box   12
Wingate, Livingston
Box   12
Winston, Daniel
Box   12
Wirtz, Williard
Box   12
Wolff, Lester
Box   12
Wolff, Sidney
Box   12
Women in the labor force
Box   12
Wood, M.L.
Box   12
Box   12
Woods, Draper
Box   12
Woodsworth, James
Box   12
Wool and cotton-Synthetic Conference, 1974, 1975
Physical Description: 2 folders 
Box   12
Wool and worsted conference, Hyannis, Massachusetts
Box   12
Workers, blue collar
Box   12
Workers, white collar
Box   12
World's Fair, New York, 1964-1965
Box   12
Woywood, Pam
Box   12
Wren, Nora
Box   12
Wyatt, Wilson
Box   12
Wyle, Benjamin
Box   12
Wynn, Ed
Box   12
Yadon, Lillian
Box   12
Yammarelli, Joseph
Box   12
Yates, Representative Sidney R.
Box   12
Yatron, Representative Gus
Box   12
York Knitting Mills, Woodstock, Ontario
Box   12
Young, Andrew
Box   12
Young, Stephen
Box   12
Zablocki, Representative Clement John
Box   12
Zagoria, Sam
Box   12
Zamulinsky, Betty
Box   12
Zeigler, Eugene
Box   12
Zimmerman, Charles
Box   12
Zon, Henry
Box   12
Zonarich, Nick
Conventions, TWUA and Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)
Box   13
Physical Description: 21 folders 
Box   14
Physical Description: 4 folders 
Box   15
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Box   16
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Box   21
Physical Description: 6 folders 
William Pollock, a pictorial review, scrapbook, 1973
Box   17
Strike of TWUA at Chipman-Union, Union Point, Georgia, 1941
Box   17
Miscellaneous papers
Box   17
Lyndon Johnson
Box   17
Joint Board Staff, 1939 April 29
Box   17
Textile Joint Board, 1939 April 29
Box   17
Pollock, Rieve, and Baldanzi
Box   17
Mariano Bishop, 1952-1953
Box   17
TWUA Biennial Convention, 1956
Box   17
Pollock, Rieve, and Chupka
Box   17
Pollock taking oath as chief executive
Box   17
Pollock and well-wishers
Box   17
Election to American Federation of Labor, Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)
Box   17
Pollock doing paperwork
Box   17
Pollock at Conference
Box   17
Box   17
Philadelphia colleagues
Box   17
Strategy session
Box   17
Congressional Committee
Box   17
National Convention
Box   17
International Convention
Box   17
West Germany, Convention
Box   17
Mexico City, Convention
Box   17
Press and TV interviews
Box   17
March of Dimes
Box   17
Union members, children
Box   17
Pollock, family
Box   17
Navy, inspection cruise
Box   17
Lyndon Johnson, signing legislation
Box   17
John F. Kennedy
Box   17
Lyndon Johnson, shaking hands
Box   17
Richard Nixon
Box   17
John F. Kennedy memorial
Box   17
Eleanor Roosevelt
Box   17
Vice President Humphrey
Box   17
Arthur Goldberg
Box   17
George Schultz
Box   17
Pat Brown
Box   17
John Pastore
Box   17
Birch Bayh
Box   17
Paul Douglas
Box   17
Albert Gore
Box   17
Carl Albert
Box   17
Wilbur D. Mills
Box   17
Frank Thompson
Box   17
Roman Pucinski
Box   17
Robert Wagner
Box   17
L.G. Lavigne, Mayor of Cornwall, Ontario
Box   17
Buzz Aldrin
Box   17
George Meany
Box   17
Phillip Murray
Box   17
Walter Reuther
Box   17
Jacob S. Potofsky
Box   17
Joseph Beirne
Box   17
Al Barkam and Paul Hall
Box   17
Joe Curran
Box   17
Physical Description: 5 folders 
Box   17
Commodore Hotel, tribute to Pollock, 1973 March 3
Box   17
Senator Kennedy
Box   17
Nicholas Zonarich and William Dodge
Box   17
Pollock Family
Box   17
Sol Stetin, Edward M. Kennedy, Joe Keenan, and William M. DuChessi motor boat toy
Box   17
Bill Carr
Box   17
Twin City Joint Board of Minneapolis
Box   18
Chambertin demonstration, Detroit, Michigan
Box   18
Citizens Committee for Justice for J.P. Stevens Workers, 1977
Box   18
Conferences and conventions
Box   18
The Hollow Promise, 1967
Box   18
Joint Conference of Textile and Apparel Workers of the United States and Japan, 1977
Box   18
Oneita march and boycott, South Carolina, circa 1973
Box   18
Portraits of Union officers
Box   18
Stetin, Sol
Box   18
Stetin, Sol, 1970 convention
Box   18
TWUA banquet
Box   18
TWUA officers with others
Box   22
Important people
Box   22
Union leaders and government officials, 1939-1964
Physical Description: 3 folders 
Box   22
Portraits of union leaders; workers on picket lines, ephemera
Box   23
Folder   1
Group pictures from conventions, 1960, 1966-1976
Box   23
Folder   1
Cleveland, Ohio, convention photo, 1952
Box   23
Folder   2
Sol Stetin, Congressional hearings, 1974
Box   23
Folder   3
Portraits and 2 sketches of TWUA officers, certification of affiliation with the Industrial Union
Box   23
Folder   3
Group with President John F. Kennedy signing Minimum Wage Bill, 1961?