Vera Caspary Papers, 1929-1981

Container Title
Mss 396
Part 3 (Mss 396, Micro 631, Micro 770): Installment Three, 1915-1976
Physical Description: 698.0 cubic feet (698 record center cartons) and 18 reels of microfilm (35 mm) 
Scope and Content Note

These records consist of files of the United Textile Workers (UTW), 1915-1916, 1919-1920, 1929-1939; records of the Textile Workers Union of America (TWUA) international office, 1938-1976; records of the New York State Director's office, 1946-1974; and files of the New Jersey State Director's office, 1949-1951. In addition, the first carton of this installment contains reference materials including a brief history of the TWUA; lists of department, division, and regional directors, 1939-1977; lists of joint boards and locals, 1975; and lists of TWUA Canadian office records which are held by the Canadian National Archives.

The general arrangement of the international office files is by office, division, or department within the union. However, there are exceptions to this rule. William Pollock, for example, was the union's first secretary-treasurer and advanced in turn to become executive vice president and president. All of his papers have been kept intact as a single series (Pollock Files) rather than being split among the offices he held. An outline of the arrangement of Installment Three is found in the introductory narrative of this finding aid.

This installment has received only preliminary arrangement and description. Consequently, narrative descriptions have been prepared for only a few of the series in the installment. The file order also is not refined and researchers are cautioned to check the listings thoroughly for all boxes which might be of interest.

Arrangement of the Materials

Outline of Installment Three

Executive Council (Minutes, Correspondence, Reports)
Box 1-4a
Office of the President - Emil Rieve
Executive Council Minutes, 1939-1961
Box 5-8
General Office Files, 1942-1949
Box 9
Economic Advisory Council, 1947-1948
Box 10
Speeches, 1944, 1946-1947
Box 10
Reports - Joint Boards, 1948-1949
Box 10
Secession, 1951-1953
Box 11
Subject Files, 1950-1952
Box 12
Trips, 1955, 1957
Box 12
Correspondence Files, 1954-1958
Box 13
Organization, 1956
Box 14
Monthly Reports, 1958
Box 14-15
Conventions, 1950-1956
Box 15
Chairman of the Executive Board files, 1956-1960
Box 16
Office of the Executive Vice President, Mariano Bishop
Files, 1949-1952
Box 17
Office of the Secretary Treasurer
Files, 1952-1965
Box 18-19
Communications, 1948-1962
Box 19-22
Convention Files, 1950-1960
Box 23-24
Internal Dispute, 1962-1964
Box 25
Local 1790, 1955-1964
Box 25
Trips, 1955-1956, 1958
Box 25
Organizing Files, 1961-1962
Box 26-27
Woolen-Worsted Division Files, 1948-1952
Box 28
Audit Reports, 1937-1968
Box 29-30 and 689-697
General Files, 1942-1952
Box 31-67
Communications - Staff, 1946-1962
Box 68-86
Local Board Files, 1953
Box 87-88
Joint Board Files, 1953
Box 88
Strike Files, 1951-1953, 1959-1960, 1965-1971
Box 89-95
Carpet-Rug Division, Files, 1944-1948, 1956-1965
Box 96-101
Cotton-Rayon Division, Correspondence Files, 1950-1960
Box 102-114
Education Department
Regional Institutes, 1943-1961
Box 115-116
General Files, 1960-1962
Box 117-118
Dyers and Printers Division
Federation of Dyers, Finishers, Printers and Bleachers, 1938-1947
Box 119
Negotiations, 1948-1962
Box 119-125
General Files, 1953-1972
Box 126-133
Retirement Funds, 1962-1970
Box 133
Investments, 1949-1965
Box 134-135
Legal Department
Abramson and Lewis Files, 1963-1964
Box 136-137
Dyers Department, 1943-1954
Box 138-139
Cotton-Rayon Division, 1943-1945
Box 140 and 148
Conventions, 1941-1958
Box 141-147
COPE, 1961-1963
Box 149
Legal Cases, 1939-1964
Box 150-257 and 273-279
J.P. Stevens, 1963-1966
Box 258-261
National Labor Relations Board, 1944-1946
Box 262
Secession, 1952-1954
Box 263-266
Taft Hartley Cases, 1946-1958
Box 267-272
Research Department
Minutes and Reports, 1940-1950
Box 280
Expired Contracts, 1938-1970
Box 281-313 and 319-324
Conference Files, 1964-1974
Box 314-315
Special Projects, 1961-1967
Box 316-317
Inter Office Memos, 1964-1969
Box 318
Employer Files, 1937-1969
Box 325-347
Reports, 1947-1977
Micro 631, Reel 5-16
Synthetic Division
General Files, 1942-1973
Box 428-453
American Viscose Corporation, 1937-1969
Box 454-470
Celanese Corporation, 1937-1971
Box 470-476
Correspondence and Subject Files, 1948-1949
Box 477-481
Political Action Committee (PAC), 1944-1955
Box 482
COPE Collections, 1959-1960
Box 483
Correspondence, 1960
Box 483-484
TWUA Convention
Subject Files, 1962-1963
Box 484
General Files, 1955-1964
Box 485-487
Organizing Department
J. Harold Daoust Files, 1956-1958
Box 488-490
Local 1790 Dispute, 1963-1964
Box 491-493
Organizers' Weekly Reports, 1956-1973
Box 675-688
New York State Director (Jack Rubenstein) Files
Administrative - General, 1943-1948
Box 494-495
Administrative-General, 1948-1954
Box 502-503 and 506-508
Administrative-General, 1954-1964
Box 514-518 and 522-524
Administrative-General, 1969-1971
Box 533-534
Campaign Files
Box 495-496
Communications-General, 1954-1955
Box 503
Communications-General, 1960-1965
Box 512-513
Communications-General, 1966-1968
Box 535-537
Communications-General, 1968-1969
Box 531-532
Communications-General, 1964-1973
Box 558-561
Communications-Department Heads, 1962-1963
Box 511
Communications-Industries Directors, 1959-1964
Box 511-512
Communications-Organizers, 1952-1954
Box 506
Communications-Reports, 1948-1953, 1959-1960
Box 506, 521
Communications-TWUA Executive, 1960-1965
Box 512
Communications-Joint Boards, 1954-1955, 1955-1965, 1966-1970
Box 504-505, 519-521, 532
Communications-Locals, 1949-1954, 1955-1965, 1966-1970
Box 505, 521, 532-533
Contracts, 1940-1971
Box 509, 525-526, 551-558, 561-565
Legal Matters, 1942-1948
Box 497-498
Committees, Conferences and Conventions, 1958-1962
Box 509-511
General File, 1954-1961
Box 566-567
Organizing, 1958-1965
Box 526-530
Employer Files, 1943-1948
Box 499-501
Employer Files, 1959-1974
Box 537-551
Union Label, 1956-1962
Box 513-514
New Jersey State Director (Charles Serraino) Files
General Correspondence, 1949-1950
Box 568-570
Joint Board and Local Correspondence, 1949-1951
Box 570-572
CIO, 1951
Box 572
Subject Files, 1949
Box 572
William Pollock Files: Office of the Secretary-Treasurer
General Files, 1936-1955
Box 573-576
Reports, 1938-1951
Box 576-580
Diaries, 1939-1942
Box 580
William Pollock Files: Office of the Executive Vice President, General Files, 1950-1957
Box 580-584
William Pollock Files: Office of the President
Conventions, 1952-1966
Box 585-588
Executive Council Minutes, 1950-1967
Box 589-598
Departments, 1953-1966
Box 599-607
Conferences, Committees, and Meetings, 1950-1965
Box 608-618
Regional Administrative and Organizing Files, 1955-1971
Box 619-632
Subject Files, 1955-1971
Box 633-654
AFL-CIO Files, 1956-1971
Box 655-661
Internal Dispute, 1962-1964
Box 661-667
Local 1790, 1961-1965
Box 667-669
Secession Files, 1949-1953
Box 669-670
United Textile Workers, 1941-1961
Box 671-672
Engineering Department, 1953-1977
Major Research Projects
Box 673
Technical Administrative Bulletins
Box 673
Convention Proceedings, 1939, 1943-1974
Box 673
United Textile Workers, 1915-1916, 1919-1920, 1925, 1930-1939
Box 674
Biographical Subject File, 1916, 1942-1976
Micro 631, Reel 1-4
Mss 396
Series: Executive Council
Physical Description: 5 boxes and 2 reels of microfilm (35 mm) 
Box   1-2
Edited Mimeographed Minutes, 1937-1966
Box   2-4
Verbatim Minutes (Internal Dispute), 1950-1952
Micro 770
Reel   1-2
Microfilm copy of verbatim minutes for , 1951 June 26-29 meeting
Mss 396
Box   4a
Correspondence, 1941-1957
Box   4a
Reports, 1941-1974
Series: Office of the President-Emil Rieve, 1939-1961
Physical Description: 16 boxes 
Scope and Content Note

These files relate to the activities of Emil Rieve while he was president, 1939-1956; Chairman of the Executive Council, 1956-1960; and president emeritus, 1960-1964.

The files, which cover the period of his presidency (general office files, 1942-1949; the economic advisory council, 1947-1948; and speeches, 1939-1948) reflect Rieve's national and international activities. Other files which contain valuable information on his presidency include the executive council minutes, the secession files, 1951-1953, and the area directors and joint board files, 1946-1960. There is also a considerable amount of his correspondence in the subject file, 1942-1955, and the general files of the office of the secretary-treasurer - John Chupka.

After Emil Rieve retired as president in 1956, he remained active in the TWUA. As chairman of the Executive Council from 1956 to 1960, Rieve attended regional meetings, remained very active in organizing, and maintained good relations with the AFL-CIO and the International Federation of Textile Workers Association. The records series which relate to this period are the correspondence files, 1954-1958; the organizing reports - directors and joint boards, 1958; the monthly reports (on organizing), 1958; and the convention files.

The President and Chairman of the Executive Council files, 1956-1960, contain valuable information on Rieve the man. They cover many of his outside activities and include a biographical sketch, and letters and press notices concerning his retirement from the presidency.

Executive Council Minutes
Box   5
1939 February 27-1946 October 4
Box   6
1947 March 17-1951 November 12
Box   7
1952 April 21-1956 May 7
Box   8
1956 July 9-1961 November 14
General Office Files, 1942-1949
Box   9
Agreement Department, 1942-1942
Box   9
Checkoff Excerpts from Contracts
Box   9
Education Department, 1942-1949
Box   9
Elections Held, 1942-1949
Box   9
Newspaper Releases, 1948-1949
Box   9
Political Letters - Congress, 1944-1945
Box   9
National War Labor Board, 1943-1945
Box   9
National Planning Association, 1943
Box   9
Publicity Department, 1942-1949
Box   9
Strikes in Progress, 1946
Box   9
World Federation of Trade Unions, 1946-1947
Box   10
Economic Advisory Council, 1947-1948
Box   10
Speeches - Rieve, 1944, 1946-1947
Box   10
Reports - Joint Boards, 1948-1949
Secession, 1951-1953
Box   11
Box   11
Art Loom Shop, Philadelphia
Box   11
Misappropriation Claims Filed
Box   11
Changes in Payroll Since May 1952 Convention
Box   11
Secession - Legal Actions to Retain Property
Box   11
Secession Movement Since Convention, 1952 May-December
Box   11
Baldanzi Material, 1942-1952
Subject Files, 1950-1952
Box   12
Box   12
Inter Office Matters
Box   12
Majority Caucus
Box   12
Political Activities in Various States
Trips - Rieve
Box   12
European, 1955, 1957
Correspondence Files, 1954-1958
Box   13
Industrial Union Department, 1956-1957
Box   13
Convention, 1955
Box   13
General, 1956, 1958
Box   13
International Federation of Textile Workers Association, 1954-1958
Box   13
International Affairs Committee, 1957-1958
Conventions and Meetings, 1956
Box   13
1956 July 26-27, New England Staff Conference
Box   13
1956 August 2-3, Mid-Atlantic Conference
Box   13
1956 August 28-29, Canadian Staff Conference
Box   13
1956 September 25-26, Canadian Regional Staff
Box   13
1956 September 13-14, Midwest Staff Conference
Box   13
1956 September 18-19, Western Regional Staff Conference
Box   13
General, 1956
Box   13
Finance Department, 1956
Box   13
Chupka, John, 1956, 1958
Box   13
Payroll Changes, 1956-1957
Box   13
Agreement Department, 1956
Box   13
Department Directors Meetings, 1956-1958
Box   13
Carpet and Rug, 1957-1958
Box   13
Dyers Division, 1957
Box   13
Education, 1956-1957
Elections, 1956-1958
Box   13
NLRB Cases, 1957
Box   13
Summaries, 1956
Box   13
TWUA Elections, 1957-1958
Box   13
Memos - William Pollack, 1956-1958
Box   13
Legal Department
Box   13
Political Action, 1956-1958
Box   13
Publicity, 1956
Box   13
Newspaper Releases, 1957-1958
Box   13
Research, 1956
Box   13
Research Department, 1957
Organization, 1956
Box   14
Organizing Committee, 1956
Box   14
Organizing Committee Meeting, 1957-1958
Box   14
Organizing Directors Meeting, 1956
Box   14
Organizing Committee Meeting - National Office, 1958
Box   14
Organizing Committee Meeting, 1957
Box   14
Burlington Meeting, 1957
Box   14
Organizing Manual, 1957
Box   14
Rubenstein, 1956
Box   14
Stetin, 1956
Box   14
General, 1956, 1958
Box   14
Joint Boards, 1956
Box   14
Joint Boards and Locals, 1957-1958
Box   14
State Directors, Industry Directors and Joint Boards, 1956
Box   14
Carpet and Rug, 1956
Box   14
Dyers, 1958
Box   14
Northern Cotton, 1956
Box   14
Northern Cotton and Rayon, 1957-1958
Box   14
Woolen and Worsted, 1956
Monthly Reports
Box   14
Summaries, 1958
Organizers' Reports
Box   14
Belanger, William, 1958
Box   14
Cook, Wesley
Box   14
Daoust, H.
Box   14
Griffin, Neil
Box   14
Payton, Boyd
Box   14
Riger, Morris
Box   14
Rubenstein, Jack
Box   14
Stetin, Sol
Box   14
Tullar, William
Box   14
Williams, H.S.
Organizers' Reports - Administrative, 1958
Box   14
Botelho, Michael
Box   14
Belanger, William
Box   14
Cook, Wesley
Box   14
Daoust, H.
Box   14
Griffin, Neil
Box   14
Payton, Boyd
Box   14
Riger, Morris
Box   14
Rubenstein, Jack
Box   14
Stetin, Sol
Box   14
Tullar, William
Organizing Reports - Directors and Joint Boards
Box   14
Bamford, James (Woolen and Worsted)
Box   14
Canzano, Victor (Cotton-Rayon)
Box   14
Cook, Wesley (Synthetics)
Box   14
DuChessi, William (Carpets)
Box   14
Gordon, William (Dyeing-Finishing)
Box   14
Lewiston Joint Board
Box   14
Biddeford Saco Joint Board
Box   14
Granite State Joint Board
Box   14
Twin State Joint Board
Box   14
Berkshire Joint Board
Box   14
Central Massachusetts Joint Board
Box   14
Greater Fall River Joint Board
Box   14
New Bedford Joint Board
Box   14
Northeastern Massachusetts Joint Board
Box   14
Western Massachusetts Joint Board
Box   14
Connecticut Joint Board
Box   14
Northern Rhode Island Joint Board
Box   14
Roger Williams Joint Board
Box   14
South County Joint Board
Box   14
Amsterdam Joint Board
Box   14
Buffalo Joint Board
Box   14
Capital District Joint Board
Box   14
Greater New York Joint Board
Box   14
Oswego County Joint Board
Box   14
Utica Joint Board
Box   14
Hudson Valley Joint Board
Box   14
Central Jersey Joint Board
Box   14
Hudson Essex Joint Board
Box   14
Passaic Joint Board
Box   14
South Jersey Joint Board
Box   15
Allentown Joint Board
Box   15
Delaware Valley Joint Board
Box   15
Garden Spot Joint Board
Box   15
Penn Appalachian Joint Board
Box   15
Philadelphia Joint Board
Box   15
Schuylkill Valley Joint Board
Box   15
Bi County Joint Board
Box   15
Greensboro Burlington Joint Board
Box   15
Mullins, H.E.
Box   15
Northwest Georgia Joint Board
Box   15
Box   15
Memphis Area Joint Board
Box   15
Chicago Joint Board
Box   15
Louisville Joint Board
Box   15
Twin City Joint Board
Box   15
Kansas City Joint Board
Box   15
Saint Louis Joint Board
Box   15
Cleveland Joint Board
Box   15
Toledo Joint Board
Box   15
Cincinnati Joint Board
Box   15
Portland Joint Board
Box   15
Bay Area Joint Board
Box   15
Los Angeles Joint Board
Box   15
Greater Cornwall Joint Board
Box   15
Greater Toronto Joint Board
Box   15
Southwestern Ontario Joint Board
Box   15
Local 6
Box   15
Local 250
Box   15
Conventions, 1950, 1952, 1954, 1956
President and Chairman of the Executive Board Files
Box   16
Box   16
AFL-CIO, 1959-1960
Box   16
Advisory Committee - Democratic National Committee, 1956
Box   16
Biographical Sketch - Rieve
Box   16
Department Reports, 1956
Box   16
“Inside TWUA,” 1959-1961
Box   16
International Affairs Committee, 1959
Box   16
International Federation of Textile Workers, 1960
Box   16
International Federation of Textile Workers Association, 1959
Box   16
Jurisdictional Question - TWUA-AFL, 1953
Box   16
Outside Activities - Rieve
Box   16
Letters and Press Notices on Mr. Rieve's Notice of Retirement from Presidency, 1956
Box   16
Organizers' Manual - Replaced Sections, 1958
Box   16
Pollock, William, 1959-1960
Box   16
Personal Mail, 1940-1957
Box   16
Revised Shoppers' Guide, 1958
Box   16
Strikes and Elections, 1959, 1961
Box   16
Summaries, 1959
Box   16
Textile Advisory Committee, 1959
Box   16
TWUA Delegates and Invited Guests to CIO Conventions, 1942-1955
Box   16
TWUA - UTW Jurisdiction, 1958
Box   16
UTW, 1954-1958
Office of the Executive Vice President - Mariano Bishop, 1949-1952
Physical Description: 1 box 
Scope and Content Note: Arranged in alphabetical order, the files of Mariano Bishop consist mainly of subjects related to the Cotton-Rayon Division of which he served as director from 1946 to 1953. The files contain correspondence with Isadore Katz, various TWUA departments and divisions, and information on several cotton-rayon companies.
Box   17
American Enka
Cotton Conference
Box   17
New York, 1950 October 1
Box   17
Pennsylvania, 1950 September 24
Box   17
Rhode Island, 1950 October 29
Box   17
Northern, 1950 January
Box   17
New Hampshire, 1950 September 7
Box   17
New Jersey, 1950 September 30
Box   17
Maine, 1950 October 8
Box   17
Decotah Cotton Mills Dyers Department
Box   17
Firestone Textiles
Box   17
IX, Frank and Son
Box   17
Goodall - Stanford Inc.
Box   17
Hart Cotton Mills
Box   17
Holliston Mills
Box   17
Hoosac Mills
Box   17
Katz, Isadore
Box   17
Mooresville Mills
Box   17
New Bedford - Fall River Area
Box   17
Northern Cotton Conference, 1952 January 5
Box   17
Rayon Throwing Conference, 1952
Box   17
Reciprocal Trade Agreements, 1948-1949
Box   17
Roanoke Mills
Box   17
Royal Cotton Mill
Box   17
Taylorsville Knitting Mills
Box   17
Resolution - Secession, 1952
Box   17
Textron Formula, 1952
Box   17
TWUA Legal Department, 1952
Box   17
TWUA Research Department, 1952
Box   17
Wage Stabilization Board, 1952
Box   17
Woolen and Worsted Division, 1952
Series: Office of the Secretary-Treasurer, 1937-1971
Physical Description: 87 boxes 
Scope and Content Note: These files consist of John Chupka's records as secretary-treasurer, 1952-1967, and as director of the Woolen-Worsted Division, 1948-1952 Also included under Chupka are records of the Finance Department (Payroll Department) and the general files, 1942-1952. The general files were a part of the central filing system of the office of the president, the office of the secretary-treasurer, the office of the executive vice presidents and some department directors.
John Chupka's Files, 1952-1965
Box   18
Personnel Memos, 1962-1964
Box   18
Executive Committee Meeting, 1963
Box   18
Office Workers Union Contract and Correspondence, 1958-1960
Box   18
Agreements and Negotiations, 1945-1955
Box   18
Local 344, Office Employees' International Union, 1956
Box   18
Local 1735, 1955
Box   18
Office Staff, 1945-1954
Box   18
Dyers and Printers Pension Fund, 1956
Box   18
Harriet and Henderson Strike Fund, 1959-1960
Box   19
Box   19
Mortuary Fund Reports, 1956-1959
Box   19
Synthetic Correspondence, 1965
Box   19
Woolen-Worsted Division, 1962-1963
John Chupka's Communications, 1948-1956
Note: These files are grouped in chronological periods but the periods are not in chronological order.
Box   19
Atlanta Office
Box   19
Baldanzi, George
Box   19
Bishop, Mariano
Box   19
Carpet and Rug and New York State Director
Box   19
Charlotte Office
Box   19
Dyers Division
Box   19
Education and Publicity
Box   19
Education Department
Box   19
Insurance and Health Department
Box   19
Legal Department
Box   19
Box   19
Political Action and Legislation Department
Box   19
Publicity Department
Box   19
Research Department
Box   19
Rebates for Managerial Services
Box   19
Rieve, Emil
Box   19
Samuels, Wilbur R.
Box   19
Strike Memos
Box   19
Synthetic Rayon Yarn Division
Box   19
Woolen and Worsted Division
Box   19
Box   19
Comparative Report of Operations
Box   19
Box   19
Baldanzi, George
Box   19
Carpet and Rug and New York State Director
Box   19
Cotton and Rayon Division
Box   19
Dyers Division
Box   19
Insurance and Health Division
Box   19
Legal Department
Box   20
Rieve Emil
Box   20
Samuels, Wilbur
Box   20
Strike Memos
Box   20
Woolen and Worsted Division
Box   20
Baldanzi, George
Box   20
Carpet and Rug - New York State Director
Box   20
Cotton and Rayon Division
Box   20
Dyers Division and Synthetic Rayon Yarn Division
Box   20
Educational and Publicity Department
Box   20
Insurance and Health Department, Legal Department
Box   20
Box   20
Political Action and Legislation Department
Box   20
Rebates for Managerial Services
Box   20
Research Department
Box   20
Rieve, Emil
Box   20
Samuels, Wilbur R.
Box   20
Woolen and Worsted Division
Box   20
TWUA Convention
Box   20
Atlanta Office
Box   20
Baldanzi, George
Box   20
Carpet and Rug and New York State
Box   20
Cotton and Rayon Division
Box   20
Dyers Department
Box   20
Educational and Publicity Department
Box   20
Inter-Office Memoranda
Box   20
Insurance and Health Department
Box   20
Legal Department
Box   20
Political Action and Legislation Department
Box   20
Pollock, William
Box   20
Rebates for Joint Board Managers
Box   20
Rieve, Emil
Box   20
Research Department
Box   20
Samuels, Wilbur
Box   21
Personnel Memos, 1953-1956
Box   21
Barkin, Sol
Box   21
Gilpin, Reba
Box   21
Pollock, William
Box   21
Rieve, Emil
Box   21
Samuels, Wilbur
Box   21
Stetin, Sol
Box   21
Burlington Mills Campaign
Box   21
Carpet Division
Box   21
Charlotte Office Memos
Box   21
Charlotte Office
Box   21
Cotton and Rayon Division
Box   21
Department Heads Meetings
Box   21
Disend, Harry
Box   21
Dyers Division
Box   21
Education Division
Box   21
Legal Department
Box   22
Legal Department (continued)
Box   22
Mid-Atlantic Organization
Box   22
Box   22
NLRB Elections
Box   22
New York State Director
Box   22
Organizing Committee
Box   22
Payroll Information
Box   22
Political Action and Legislation Department
Box   22
Pollock, William
Box   22
Publicity Department
Box   22
Rebates for Managerial Services
Box   22
Research Department
Box   22
Strike Memos
Box   22
Box   22
Synthetic Rayon Yarn Division
John Chupka's Convention Files - TWUA
Box   23
Box   24
Internal Dispute, 1962-1964
Box   25
Committee to Promote Senate Investigation of National Labor Relations Board
Box   25
Court Action Against General Officers
Box   25
Internal Dispute - John Chupka
Local 1790, 1955-1964
Box   25
Artowicz Appeal of Decision of Local 1790's Executive Board
Box   25
Artowicz Exhibits
Box   25
Box   25
AFL-CIO Reports and Charges
Box   25
Committee to Review Request for Joint Board Charter
Box   25
John Chupka's Trips, 1955, 1956, 1958
John Chupka's Organizing Files, 1961-1962
Box   26
New York
Box   26
Box   26
Quin State
Box   26
South East
Box   27
South East
Box   27
Upper South
John Chupka's Woolen-Worsted Division Files, 1948-1952
Scope and Content Note: The Woolen-Worsted Division files are arranged in three segments by state, by joint boards, and alphabetically by subject and correspondent. Within the subject and correspondent files are correspondence with George Baldanzi, Emil Rieve, John Edelman, and William Pollock.
Box   28
Box   28
Box   28
Box   28
Box   28
Far West
Box   28
Middle West
Box   28
New Hampshire
Box   28
New Jersey
Box   28
North Carolina
Box   28
Box   28
Box   28
Rhode Island
Box   28
South Carolina
Box   28
Box   28
Box   28
Berkshire Joint Board
Box   28
Buffalo Regional Joint Board
Box   28
Capital District Joint Board
Box   28
Central Jersey Joint Board
Box   28
Central Maine Joint Board
Box   28
Central Massachusetts Joint Board
Box   28
Cherokee-Spartanburg Joint Board
Box   28
Chicago Joint Board
Box   28
Columbia County Joint Board
Box   28
Durham Joint Board
Box   28
Eastern Connecticut Joint Board
Box   28
Greater Boston Joint Board
Box   28
Greater Hartford Joint Board
Box   28
Greater Lawrence Joint Board
Box   28
Greater Nashua Joint Board
Box   28
Greater New York Joint Board
Box   28
Greater Winooski-Burlington Joint Board
Box   28
Lewiston Joint Board
Box   28
Los Angeles Joint Board
Box   28
Louisville Joint Board
Box   28
Lowell Joint Board
Box   28
Local 199
Box   28
Mid-Hudson Valley Joint Board
Box   28
Northeastern Ohio Joint Board
Box   28
Northern Rhode Island Joint Board
Box   28
Oswego County Joint Board
Box   28
Passaic Joint Board
Box   28
Penn-Appalachian Joint Board
Box   28
Philadelphia Joint Board
Box   28
Plymouth Rock Joint Board
Box   28
Portland Area Joint Board
Box   28
Roger Williams Joint Board
Box   28
South County Joint Board
Box   28
South Jersey Joint Board
Box   28
Twin State Joint Board
Box   28
Western Massachusetts Joint Board
Box   28
Utica Joint Board
Box   28
American Jeweled Watch Industry
Box   28
Arbitration Cases
Box   28
Baldanzi, George
Box   28
CIO Organizing Committee
Box   28
Edelman, John
Box   28
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
Box   28
French Wool Industry Productivity Team
Box   28
Box   28
Box   28
Massachusetts State CIO Council
Box   28
New England Power Problem
Box   28
New England Textile Situation
Box   28
Newspaper clippings
Box   28
Pollock, William
Box   28
Prison Industries
Box   28
Rieve, Emil
Box   28
Southern Negotiations
Box   28
Southern Strike
Box   28
TWUA Insurance and Health Department
Box   28
Union Shop Elections
Box   28
Wage Stabilization Board
Box   28
Walsh-Healey Amendment
Box   28
Woolen and Worsted Employment Data
Box   28
Woolen and Worsted Insurance Proposals
Box   28
Woolen and Worsted Negotiations
Box   28
Woolen and Worsted Pensions
Box   28
Woolen and Worsted Strike
Box   28
Woolen and Worsted Division
Audit Reports
Scope and Content Note: Separated from the joint board files and local board files, the audits consist of financial reports of the operating and investment funds of the local and joint boards conducted by TWUA staff accountants and accounting firms.
Box   29
Joint Boards
Box   30
Joint Boards and Locals, circa 1937-1968
Box   689
Locals 1-65
Box   690
Locals 67-261
Box   691
Locals 262-498
Box   692
Locals 501-710
Box   693
Locals 710-858
Box   694
Locals 860-1098
Box   695
Locals 1102-1364
Box   696
Locals 1365-1874
Box   697
Locals 1874-2268
Box   697
Joint Boards
General Files, 1942-1953
Scope and Content Note: Arranged in alphabetical order, these files were commonly known as “general files.” They arrived at the Archives as part of the “Chupka records.” However, they are the general files of the TWUA officers. This records series contains correspondence of President Rieve, Secretary-Treasurer Pollock, other officers, and some of the office staff with directors of departments, other TWUA personnel, and several outside prominent figures in labor and political activities. Also here is correspondence with federal and state government agencies; textile companies and corporations; and committees and conferences.
Box   31
Box   31
Advisory Council on Social Security
Box   31
Box   31
American Communications Association
Box   31
American Association for the United Nations Inc.
Box   31
American Arbitration Association
Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America
Box   32
Bellanca, August
Box   32
Potofsky, Jacob
Box   32
Rosenbaum, Frank
Box   32
Zwickel, Aaron
Box   32
Rochester, New York
Box   32
Miscellaneous States
Box   32
New York Clothing Cutters Union
Box   32
Potofsky, Jacob
Box   32
Hillman, Sidney
Box   32
New Orleans, Louisiana
Box   32
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Box   32
Neckwear Workers Union
Box   32
American Cancer Society
Box   32
American Enka Corporation
Box   32
American Federation of the Physically Handicapped
Box   32
American Federation of Labor
Box   32
Americans for Democratic Action
Box   32
Meany, George
Box   32
Fleisher, Henry G.
Box   33
Schnitzler, William F.
Box   33
Guernsey, George
Box   33
Box   33
Reuther, Walter P.
Box   33
Ruttenberg, Stanley
Box   33
Washington, D.C.
Box   33
American Enka Corporation
Box   33
American Federation of the Physically Handicapped
Box   33
American Federation of Teachers
Box   33
American Federation of Labor
Box   33
American Friends Service Commission
Box   33
American Labor Archives Research Institute
Box   33
American Labor Education Service
Box   33
American Labor League
Box   33
American Labor Party
Box   34
American Labor Party (continued)
Box   34
American Lead Pencil Company
Box   34
American Oil Company
Box   34
American Overseas Aid
Box   34
American Standards Association
Box   34
American Thread Company
Box   34
American Velvet Company
Box   34
American Woolen Company
Box   35
American Woolen Company (continued)
Box   35
Barre Wool Combing Company and Brampton Woolen Company
Box   35
Bancroft Company
Box   35
Barnes Textile Association Inc.
Box   35
Barkan, Al
Box   35
Bastain Brothers
Box   35
Beaunit Mills Inc.
Box   36
Bigelow-Sanford Carpet Company
Box   36
Bemis Brothers Bag Company
Box   36
Black, Algernon
Box   36
Black Mountain College
Box   36
Blue Bird Silk Company
Box   36
Boott Mills
Box   36
Botany Woolen Company
Box   36
Botany Woolen Mills
Box   36
Bowles, Chester
Box   36
Brampton Woolens Company
Box   36
Bright, Bob
Box   36
British Press Service
Box   36
Bureau of the Budget Bureau of the Census
Box   36
Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce
Box   37
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Box   37
Cahoon and Cohn
Box   37
Cahn, Sidney L.
Box   37
California Institute of Technology
Box   37
Canadian Congress of Labor
Box   37
Cannon Mills
Box   37
Box   37
Carey (Philip) Company
Box   37
Carey, James B. - Industrial Union Department
Box   37
Carnegie Institute of Technology
Box   37
Carpet and Rug Conference
Box   37
Catholic University of America
Box   37
Celanese Corporation of America
Box   38
Central Jersey Joint Board
Box   38
Census of Manufacturers
Box   38
Census of Partial Employment, Unemployment and Occupations
Box   38
Chase Bag Company
Box   38
Cheney Brothers and Cheney Silks
Box   38
Chicago Metal Frame Company
Box   38
Chicopee Manufacturing Company
Box   38
Children's Bureau (Washington, D.C.)
Box   38
Citizens Committee on Displaced Persons (New York)
Box   38
City Editor
Box   38
City of Lawrence
Box   38
Civil Rights Defense Committee
Box   38
Civilian Production Administration
Box   38
Civilian Public Service
Box   38
Cleveland Worsted Company
Box   38
Clifton Yarn Mills Inc.
Box   38
Columbia Broadcasting System
Box   38
Cherryville, North Carolina
Box   38
Colgate University
Box   38
Columbia University
Box   38
Commissioner of Purchases (New York)
Box   38
Commission to Study the Organization of Peace
Box   38
Committee for a Just Peace with Italy
Box   38
Committee for Reciprocity Information
Box   38
Committee on Interstate Commerce
Box   39
Committee on Labor Education
Box   39
Committee on Latin-American Affairs
Box   39
Committee of Trade Union Sponsors
Box   39
Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies
Box   39
Committee for the Nation's Health Inc.
Box   39
Committee for Reciprocity Information
Box   39
Common Cause
Box   39
Commonwealth College
Box   39
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Box   39
General, Washington, D.C.
Box   39
Brophy, John
Box   39
New Jersey
Box   40
Birmingham, Alabama
Box   40
San Francisco, California
Box   40
Georgia - Organizing Committee
Box   40
New Orleans, Louisiana
Box   40
Baltimore, Maryland
Box   40
Boston, Massachusetts
Box   40
Detroit, Michigan
Box   40
Kansas City, Missouri
Box   40
Newark, New Jersey
Box   40
New Jersey Industrial Union Council
Box   40
Binghamton, New York
Box   40
Buffalo, New York
Box   40
Strebel, Gustav A. and Julius Ruthman, New York
Box   40
New York State CIO
Box   40
Greater New York Industrial Union Council
Box   40
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Box   40
Toledo Industrial Union Council
Box   40
Box   40
Box   40
Box   40
Oregon - Portland
Pennsylvania Industrial Union Council
Box   40
Box   40
Box   40
Box   41
Connecticut State Industrial Union Council
Box   41
Box   41
Florida - Tampa
Box   41
Box   41
Iowa - Des Moines
Box   41
Indiana - Indianapolis
Box   41
Indiana and Illinois
Box   41
Kentucky - Louisville
Box   41
Louisiana - New Orleans
Box   41
Maryland - Baltimore
Box   41
Michigan - Detroit
Box   41
Box   41
Box   41
Box   41
New Hampshire - Claremont
New Jersey
Box   41
State Industrial Union Council
Box   41
General and New Jersey State Industrial Union Council
Box   41
New York City CIO Council
Box   41
New York
Box   41
North Carolina
Box   41
Box   41
Oregon - Portland
Box   41
Box   41
Rhode Island
Box   41
South Carolina- Columbia
Box   41
Box   41
Box   41
Box   41
Virginia and West Virginia
Box   41
Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Box   41
Box   41
California - San Francisco
Box   41
Colorado - Denver
Box   41
Delaware - Wilmington (Don Harris)
Box   41
Georgia - Atlanta
Box   41
California - San Francisco
Box   41
Alabama - Birmingham
Box   42
Brophy, John
Box   42
Carey, James B.
Box   42
DeCaux, Len
Box   42
Ellickson, Katherine
Box   43
Ellickson, Katherine (continued)
Box   43
Goldfinger, Nat
Box   43
Guernsey, George
Box   43
Haywood, Allan
Box   43
Hetzel, Ralph
Box   43
Kassalow, Everett M.
Box   43
Kovner, Joseph
Box   43
Lewis, John L.
Box   43
Murray, Philip
Box   44
Murray, Philip (continued)
Box   44
Reuther, Walter P.
Box   44
Riffe, John
Box   44
Ross, Michael
Box   44
Ruttenberg, Stanley
Box   44
Schuler, Paul
Box   44
Smith, Anthony W.
Box   44
Stitt, Louis
Box   44
Swim, Allan L.
Box   44
Yeldell - Correspondence
Box   44
Washington, D.C. - Conference on Economic Progress
Box   44
Walsh, Raymond J.
Box   45
Box   45
Robert Oliver
Box   45
Box   45
Box   45
Utah - Salt Lake
Box   45
Virginia - Winchester and Richmond
Box   45
Box   45
West Virginia Industrial Union Council
Box   45
Washington - Seattle
Box   45
Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Box   45
Community Services Committee
Box   45
Convention, 1944, 1946-1948, 1950
Box   45
Consolidated Textile Company
Box   45
Constitutional Education League of New Haven, Connecticut
Box   45
Box   45
Cooperative Health Federation of America
Box   45
Cooperative League of the USA
Box   45
Corn Exchange Bank and Trust Company
Box   45
Cornell University
Box   45
Cotton Textile Institute
Box   45
Council for Democracy
Box   46
Council for Democracy (continued)
Box   46
Council for Social Action
Box   46
Council of African Affairs
Box   46
Council on Industrial Relations
Box   46
Craftex Mills Inc.
Box   46
Curtain Industry
Box   46
Dartmouth College
Box   46
Democratic Committee
Box   46
Delaware Rayon Company
Box   46
Department of Agriculture
Box   46
Department of Commerce
Box   46
Department of Defense
Box   46
Department of Education
Box   46
Department of Health
Box   46
Department of Justice
Department of Labor
Box   46
Francis Perkins
Box   46
Box   46
Miscellaneous States
Box   46
Boston, Massachusetts
Box   46
New York
Box   46
Washington, D.C.
Box   46
Box   46
Rhode Island
Box   46
Department of State
Box   46
Department Store Organizing Committee, New York City
Box   47
Division of Labor Standards
Box   47
Duke University
Box   47
Duplan Silk Corporation
Box   47
Durham Hosiery Mills
Box   47
Dyers and Printers Pension Fund
Box   47
Dyers Federation - Miscellaneous Papers
Box   47
Dyers Federation - Paterson, New Jersey (Agreements)
Box   47
Brum, John
Box   48
Benti, Frank J.
Box   48
Fritz, Vito
Box   48
Knapik, Joseph W.
Box   48
Kahan, Irving
Box   48
Schmitlinger, Ruth
Box   48
Vespaziani, Louis
Box   49
Dyers and Printers Pension Fund
Box   49
Dyeing, Finishing and Printing
Box   49
Economic Cooperation Administration
Box   49
Economic Stabilization Agency
Box   49
Erwin Cotton Mills
Box   49
Esmond Mills
Box   50
Evans, John F.
Box   50
FM Radio Broadcasting
Box   50
Fairchild Publications
Box   50
Fair Employment Practice Commission
Box   50
Fashion Weavers
Box   50
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
Box   50
Federal Security Agency
Box   50
Federated Press
Box   50
Felters Company
Box   50
Federation of Glass, Ceramic and S.S. Workers
Box   50
Field & Marshall
Box   50
Financial Status of TWUA Locals (Reports)
Box   51
Financial Status of TWUA Locals (Reports) (continued)
Financial Status of TWUA Joint Boards (Reports)
Box   52
Box   53
Box   53
Food, Tobacco, Agricultural and Allied Workers Union
Box   53
Fordham University
Box   53
Foreign Policy Association
Box   53
Forstmann Woolen Corporation
Box   53
Free Italy American Labor Council
Box   53
Free World
Box   53
Friends of Italy Committee Inc.
Box   53
Full Fashioned Hosiery Manufacturers
Box   53
Gaffney Mann Company
Box   53
General Ribbon Mills
Box   53
General Textile Mills
Box   53
Georgia Workers Education Service
Box   53
Giovannitti, Arturo
Box   53
Glazer, Joe
Box   53
Golden Belt Manufacturing Company
Box   53
Gotham Silk Hosiery Company
Box   53
Green Duck Company
Box   53
Hampton Looms
Box   53
Hanson, Alice
Box   53
Hart Cotton Mills
Box   53
Hartford Rayon Corporation
Box   53
Harvard University
Box   53
Hathaway Manufacturing
Box   53
Hayward Woolen Company
Box   54
Hedrick, Travis K.
Box   54
Herald-Square Press Hettricks
Box   54
Highland Cotton Mills
Box   54
Hooven and Allison Company
Box   54
Highlander Folk School
Box   54
Housing Authority of Paterson
Box   54
Hudson Shore Labor School
Box   54
Hull, Cordell
Box   54
Humphrey, Hubert and Max Kampelman
Box   54
Independent Voters for Action
Box   54
Independent Textile Union of America
Box   54
Industrial Commission
Box   54
Industrial Union Department Conferences
Box   54
Industrial Union Department - Albert Whitenhouse
Box   54
Industrial Rayon
Box   54
Industrial Rayon Corporation
Box   54
Industrial Rayon Advisory Council Meeting
Box   54
International Brotherhood of Pulp Sulphite and Paper Mill Workers
Box   54
International Federation of Textile Workers Association
Box   54
International Textile Garment Workers Federation
Box   54
International Labor Defense
Box   54
International Labor Office
Box   54
International Ladies Garment Workers Union
Box   55
International Longshoremen's and Workers Union
Box   55
International Solidarity Committee
Box   55
International Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers
Box   55
International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers
Box   55
International Union of Marine and Shipping Workers of America
Box   55
Industries Conference
Box   55
Imperial Rayon Corporation
Box   55
Inter-American Reports
Box   55
Inter-Union Institute on Labor and Defense
Box   55
Inter-Union Institute
Box   55
Isserman, Isserman and Kapelshn
Box   55
Italian-American Labor Council
Box   55
Italian-American Trade Union Committee
Box   55
Jenkinson, Anthony
Box   55
Jewish Labor Committee
Box   55
Johnson & Johnson
Box   55
Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee
Box   56
Joint Council on Economic Education
Box   56
Box   56
Journal of Accountancy
Box   56
Journal of Commerce
Box   56
Juilliard Company
Box   56
Karagheusian Inc.
Box   56
Katz, Isadore
Box   56
Kendall Mills - Paw Creek, North Carolina
Box   56
Kwasha and Lipton
Box   56
Knitgoods Workers Union
Box   56
Kraus, Gilbert J.
Box   56
Labor Press Association
Box   56
Latin American Affairs
Box   56
Lowenstein and Sons
Box   56
Mimeographed Papers
Box   57-58
Mimeographed Papers (continued)
Box   59
Nashua Manufacturing Company
Box   59
The Nation (periodical)
Box   59
National Association of Cotton Manufacturers
Box   59
National Association of Wool Manufacturers
Box   59
National Broadcasting Company
Box   59
National Committee on Emergency Housing
Box   59
National Committee to Abolish the Poll Tax
Box   59
National Committee for Labor (Israel)
Box   59
National Committee for the Extension of Labor Education
Box   59
National Conference of Christians and Jews
Box   59
National Committee for Labor Palestine
Box   59
National Council of American-Soviet Friendship
Box   59
National Fabrics Corporation
Box   59
National Defense
Box   59
National Defense Mediation Board
Box   59
National Fabrics Corporation
Box   59
National Federation for Constitutional Liberties
Box   59
National Federation of Telephone Workers
Box   59
National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis
Box   59
National Labor Service
Box   59
National Industrial Conference Board
Box   59
National Labor Board Elections
National Labor Relations Board
Box   60
Local 486
Box   60
Local 207
Box   60
Local 75
Box   60
National Planning Association
Box   61
National Planning Association (continued)
Box   61
National Security Resources Board
Box   61
National Sharecroppers Fund
Box   61
New York Adult Education Council
Box   61
New Bedford Cotton Manufacturers Association
Box   61
New School for Social Research
Box   61
New York Post
Box   61
New York University
Box   61
Payroll - Regional
Political Action Committee
Box   61
Box   61
Box   61
Box   61
Press Releases
Box   62
Staff Meeting
Box   62
Strike Fund
Textile Workers Union of America
Staff Communications
Box   62
Barkan, Al
Box   62
Barkin, Sol
Box   62
Carpet and Rug Division
Box   62
Cotton-Rayon Data
Box   62
Dyers Federation
Box   62
Edelman, John
Box   62
Jute (Rope and Cordage) Division
Box   62
Katz, Isadore
Box   62
Pile Fabrics Industry
Box   62
Pollock, William
Box   62
Retirement Plan
Rieve, Emil
Box   62
Box   62
Executive Council
Box   62
Box   62
Box   62
Rogin, Larry
Box   62
Samuels, Wilbur
Box   62
Stetin, Sol
Box   62
Surgical Goods Industry
Box   62
TWUA - Miscellaneous
Box   62
Box   62
New York
Box   62
Box   62
Political Action Committee
Box   63-64
TWUA - Local Communications
Box   65
Third Party
Box   65
Union Ship Elections - Regional
Box   65
Underwear Institute
Box   65
Union Asbestos and Rubber Company
Box   65
Union Casualty Company
Box   65
Union for Democratic Action
Box   65
Union Labels
Box   65
Union Organization for Social Service
Box   65
United Auto Workers of America
Box   67
United Textile Workers, 1937-1939
Box   67
Francis J. Gorman
Box   67
Absorbed Locals
Box   67
Miscellaneous Locals
Box   67
Donations - Agreements
Box   67
Starr, James
Box   67
Supreme Court Decision
Box   66
United Auto Workers of America
Box   66
United Christian Council for Democracy
Box   66
United Construction Workers Organization Committee
Box   66
United Electrical and Radio Workers
Box   66
United Farm Equipment and Metal Workers of America
Box   66
United Nations Committee
Box   66
United Shoe Workers of America
Box   66
United States Tariff Commission
Box   66
United Steelworkers of America
Box   66
United Textile Workers of America
Box   66
United Transport Service Employees
Communications - Staff, 1946-1962
Box   68
Abercrombie, J.P. (Tallapoosa, Georgia)
Box   68
Abney, Ralph (Atlanta, Georgia)
Box   68
Adcock, W.T. (Huntsville, Alabama)
Box   68
Arpino, John
Box   68
Arvella, Ralph
Box   68
Auslander, Charles
Box   68
Avery, Ralph
Box   68
Baker, Russell
Box   68
Baltrun, Sonia (San Francisco, California)
Box   68
Bamford, James (Boston, Massachusetts)
Box   69
Bamford, James (continued)
Box   69
Banzen, Frank
Box   69
Barkan, Al
Barkin, Solomon
Box   69
Barkin - Garfein Agreements
Box   69
Research Department
Box   69
Box   69
Box   70
Baron, Sam
Box   70
Barr, Harry
Box   70
Bartholomew, F.
Box   70
Beaucage, Azelus
Box   70
Basmajian, Samuel
Box   70
Bee, Jimmie
Box   70
Bee, Lawrence W.
Box   70
Belanger, William J.
Box   70
Barker, W. Frank
Box   71
Barkin, Solomon
Box   71
Beaucage, Azelus
Box   71
Beck, Burt
Box   71
Begley, Roy
Box   71
Belanger, William J.
Box   71
Belhemeur, Lillian
Box   71
Bellas, Joseph
Box   71
Bello, John
Box   71
Bennett, Russell
Box   71
Berge, Howard C.
Box   71
Benti, Frank J.
Box   71
Berge, Howard C.
Box   71
Berman, Oscar
Box   71
Berstein, Joanne
Box   71
Berthiaume, Rene
Box   72
Berthiaume, Rene (continued)
Box   72
Blackwell, James
Box   72
Bevan, Fred
Box   72
Billingsley, William F.
Box   72
Billingsley, Florence
Box   72
Bishop, Franklin G.
Box   72
Bishop, Mariano
Box   72
Blackwell, James
Box   72
Blaine, Nancy
Box   72
Blais, Denis
Box   72
Boartfield, C.D.
Box   72
Bogdan, George
Box   72
Botelho, Michael
Box   72
Brown, Arthur
Box   72
Brudnak, Nichlas
Box   72
Bogart, Agnes
Box   72
Bogdan, George
Box   72
Bowes, William J.
Box   72
Blumenthal, Seymour
Box   72
Bowes, Della
Box   72
Boyles, A.C.
Box   73
Bracewell, Fleming
Box   73
Brook, Garland
Box   73
Botelho, Michael
Box   73
Brown, Arthur W.
Box   73
Brown, Hugh
Box   73
Broy, John H.
Box   73
Bryant, Mrs. Evangeline
Box   73
Bubb, Charles
Box   73
Burgess, David
Box   73
Bush, Howard
Box   73
Boggs, Emanuel
Box   73
Booker, Shirley
Box   73
Cadden, John
Box   73
Cahoon, Robert S.
Box   73
Calisci, Angelo G.
Box   73
Caliutti, Frank Emil
Box   73
Callaghan, Edwin F.
Box   73
Camer, A.P.
Box   73
Campanini, Josephine
Box   73
Campbell, Blaine
Box   73
Campbell, William G.
Box   73
Campbell, William L.
Box   73
Canzano, Victor J.
Box   74
Canzano, Victor J. (continued)
Box   74
Capodiferro, John
Box   74
Cardwell, David
Box   74
Cargnan, George
Box   74
Carroll, Luther W.
Box   74
Case, Leon A.
Box   74
Castiglia, Robert
Box   74
Cavanaugh, John
Box   74
Carvin, Mrs. Jean
Box   74
Chabot, Laurent
Box   74
Chapman, Lloyd M.
Box   74
Charlebois, Eugene
Box   74
Chepel, Stanley
Box   74
Chisholm, David C.
Box   74
Christopher, Bernard L.
Box   74
Chupka, Frank
Box   74
Chupka, John
Box   74
Cavanaugh, John
Box   75
Chupka, John
Box   75
Cline, Ralph
Box   75
Cluney, Edward C.
Box   75
Coffey, Mrs. Elish
Box   75
Cohen, Seymour
Box   75
Collins, Clifton
Box   75
Comparato, Anthony
Box   75
Condron, John
Box   75
Conn, Harry
Box   75
Conn, Lewis
Box   76
Conn, Lewis (continued)
Box   76
Conn, Walter H.
Box   76
Conner, Joseph R.
Box   76
Cook, Wesley
Box   76
Cope, Radford
Box   76
Coppola, Rose Mary
Box   76
Corcelius, J.H.
Box   76
Cormier, Gabriel
Box   76
Cosgrove, Thomas J.
Box   76
Costello, Ann
Box   76
Cotting, H.H.
Box   77
Coyle, James P.
Box   77
Cross, Mary
Box   77
Croteau, Frank W.
Box   77
Crumley, Jack
Box   77
Daly, Bernard
Box   77
Damore, Felix
Box   77
Daniel, Dorothy
Box   77
Daniel, Franz E.
Box   77
Danis, Alpha
Box   77
Daoust, Harold
Box   78
Daoust, Harold (continued)
Box   78
Davis, Dorothy
Box   78
Davis, Lloyd
Box   78
Davis, William S.
Box   78
Davis, William L.
Box   78
DeFrancesco, Louis
Box   78
DeLong, Kenneth
Box   78
Demers, Roger B.
Box   78
Demko, Joseph
Box   78
Dernoncourt, Leona
Box   78
Dernoncourt, Wayne
Box   78
Devin, Sydney R.
Box   78
Derr, Lillian
Box   78
Dickenson, Forest M.
Box   78
Dillman, George
Box   78
Disend, Harry
Box   78
Dobrusin, Alfred E.
Box   78
Dodge, L.L.
Box   78
Dollar, Scott
Box   78
Doolan, Edward F.
Box   78
Dooley, Lester
Box   78
Douglas, Donald W.
Box   78
Douglas, Stan
Box   78
Doyle, William
Box   78
Driver, Bob
Box   78
Duncan, Leona
Box   79
DuChessi, William
Box   79
Dundon, James
Box   79
Dunn, Kenneth A.
Box   79
Dyndur, William
Box   79
Eanes, Douglas R.
Box   79
Edelman, John
Box   80
Edelman, John (continued)
Box   80
Edmonds, James
Box   80
Ellington, Columbus P.
Box   80
Ellington, C.F.
Box   80
Ellis, James
Box   80
Ellis, Walter K.
Box   80
Emmerson, Sydney
Box   80
Engler, John W.
Box   80
Esnough, Al
Box   80
Faraday, Donald
Box   80
Faucette, Paul
Box   80
Fedoryn, Joseph
Box   80
Feister, Ken
Box   80
Filizziola, Gilbert
Box   80
Filteau, Theodore
Box   80
Finkle, Dan
Box   80
Fiore, Samuel J.
Box   80
Ford, Harold
Box   80
Foreman, Leslie J.
Box   80
Found, Edward
Box   80
Frantz, Orlean M.
Box   80
Freeman, Robert
Box   80
Fritz, Vito
Box   80
Fry, Julius
Box   81
Fry, Julius (continued)
Box   81
Fullerton, J.H.
Box   81
Gareau, Robert
Box   81
Gersh, Robert
Box   81
Gee, Eddie D.
Box   81
Gersh, Harry
Box   81
Gore, Lawrence
Box   81
Gossett, Lloyd
Box   81
Gracia, Julius
Box   81
Gregory, Helen
Box   81
Griffin, Neil
Box   81
Groce, Marion
Box   81
Hager, William
Box   81
Halstead, F.E.
Box   81
Hammock, Otto
Box   81
Haynes, John O.
Box   81
Himmestein, Seymour
Box   81
Hobby, Wilbur
Box   81
Hodgman, Alton M.
Box   81
Hoffman, Alfred
Box   81
Holderman, Carl
Box   81
Hoyman, Scott
Box   81
Hueter, Joseph
Box   81
Ironfield, John
Box   81
Jabar, George
Box   81
Jay, Lester
Box   81
Johnson, Carl R.
Box   81
Jones, Tom W., Jr.
Box   81
Joseph, Frank
Box   81
Kullas, Henry
Box   81
La Greca, Charles
Box   81
Lawrence, R.R.
Box   81
Lenk, Aileen
Box   81
Lisk, H.D.
Box   81
Lowery, Harry
Box   81
Lynch, M. Wade
Box   81
Maskell, John B.
Box   81
Maken, Morris
Box   81
Maskell, John B.
Box   81
Mercer, Edward
Box   81
Metzger, Frank
Box   82
Miriello, Sam
Box   82
Moody, Archie Lee
Box   82
Mullins, Herman L.
Box   82
McGrew, Earl T.
Box   82
McKeown, Alexander
Box   82
McKnight, James
Box   82
McWilliams, Charles
Box   82
Oliver, Robert
Box   82
O'Shea, James
Box   82
Pagano, Mario
Box   82
Pare, Leandre
Box   82
Paturel, Paul
Box   82
Parker, Robert
Box   82
Payton, Boyd E.
Box   82
Pearson, Edward
Box   82
Peraro, Joseph
Box   82
Perkel, George
Box   82
Philip, Jean
Box   82
Pollock, William
Box   82
Radar, Joseph
Box   82
Rafsky, William L.
Box   82
Rhodes, Ted
Box   82
Riger, Morris
Box   82
Richards, Arnold
Box   82
Riger, Morris
Box   83
Ringuet, Jean Marc
Box   83
Rosenberg, Milton
Box   83
Rubenstein, Jack
Box   83
Ruggles, Ray A.
Box   83
Ryan, Edward F.
Box   83
Ryder, George
Box   83
Samuels, Wilbur
Box   83
Sablosky, Joseph
Box   83
Schiff, Belle
Box   83
Schoonjans, Michael
Box   83
Simmons, Richard P.
Box   83
Smith, Jack
Box   83
Smijon, Michael
Box   83
Smith, Leroy V.
Box   83
Smith, William
Box   84
Smith, William (continued)
Box   84
Snyder, Cobey
Box   84
Spirad, Leonard
Box   84
Starr, James
Box   84
Stetin, Sol
Box   84
Stott, Hattie
Box   84
Sullivan, Anna
Box   84
Swaity, Paul
Box   84
Switzer, Silas
Box   84
Sylvia, Ferdinand
Box   84
Tepper, Seymour
Box   84
Theroux, Hormidas
Box   84
Trippanera, Reno J.
Box   84
Trulson, Majorie
Box   84
Tuck, Dallas
Box   84
Tullar, William J.
Box   85
Tullar, William J. (continued)
Box   85
Turner, Harold
Box   85
Umholtz, Peter
Box   85
Unger, Henry, Jr.
Box   85
Vailes, Jane A.
Box   85
Vaughan, Lloyd
Box   85
Ventura, Tony
Box   85
Vergados, Louis
Box   85
Vespaziani, Louis
Box   85
Villemaire, Leonard
Box   85
Wagg, Larry
Box   85
Waldron, Dominic
Box   85
Wallace, Rolla
Box   85
Wallace, Rolla L.
Box   85
Walters, William H.
Box   85
Walton, Harry F.
Box   85
Ward, Bernard F.
Box   85
Ward, Lanny
Box   85
Ware, Melba
Box   85
Warner, Ned A.
Box   85
Warren, C.
Box   85
Wasilewsky, Rosemary
Box   85
Waters, Kenneth
Box   85
Watkins, Louise
Box   85
Watson, George C.
Box   85
Weslor, George L.
Box   85
White, Horace
Box   85
White, Joseph R.
Box   85
Whitenhouse, John
Box   85
Whittaker, Gordon
Box   85
Williams, Albert S.
Box   85
Williams, Grant L.
Box   86
Williams, Grant (continued)
Box   86
Williams, H.S.
Box   86
Williams, Thomas
Box   86
Wilson, William
Box   86
Wolford, William
Box   86
Wolski, John
Box   86
Wood, David D.
Box   86
Wood, Joseph A.
Box   86
Woodard, A.R.
Box   86
Wright, Ernest
Box   86
Wyle, Benjamin
Box   86
Yadon, Lillian
Box   86
Yakowicz, Joseph
Box   86
Yates, Paul
Box   86
Young, Ray E.
Box   86
Zarnett, Audrey
Box   86
Zeigler, George
Box   86
Zimmerman, Leo D.
Box   86
Zito, Peter
Box   86
Zweifel, William W.
Box   87-88
Local Board Files, 1953
Box   88
Joint Board Files, 1953
Strike Files, 1951-1953, 1959-1960, 1965-1971
Scope and Content Note: The strike files are divided into three sections: general, 1965-1971, documenting strikes by company; strike committee reports, 1951-1953, covering the strikes by joint boards; and the Henderson-Harriet Strike, 1959-1960, which extensively documents an individual strike. Strike materials can also be found in the general office files and subject files of several other departments.
General, 1965-1971 (by Company)
Box   89
Box   90
Box   91
Strike Committee Reports, 1951-1953
Box   92
Local 234
Box   92
Locals 797 and 710
Box   92
Local 830
Box   92
Local 1006
Box   93
Allentown Joint Board
Box   93
Bi-County Joint Board
Box   93
Durham Joint Board
Box   93
Greensboro-Burlington Joint Board
Box   93
Huntsville Joint Board
Box   93
Pittsylvania City Joint Board
Box   93
Locals 250 and 869
Box   93
Locals 251, 676, 550, 677, 770
Box   93
Local 254
Box   93
Local 282
Box   93
Local 317
Box   93
Local 324
Box   93
Local 351
Box   93
Local 576
Box   93
Locals 603 and 906
Box   93
Local 629
Harriet Henderson Strike, 1959-1960
Box   94
Box   94
Hayward Schuster Woolen Mills
Box   94
Hodges, Luther (Governor - North Carolina)
Box   94
Nicholson, W.M.
Box   94
Box   94
Rock Hill Strike - Local 710
Box   95
George, David
Box   95
“Freedom Fighter”
Box   95
Memos - Staff
Box   95
Miscellaneous Correspondence
Box   95
Multilith Data
Series: Carpet-Rug Division, William DuChessi, Director
Physical Description: 6 boxes 
Scope and Content Note: These comprehensive files on the organizing efforts made by the TWUA within the carpet industry consist of material on the Alexander-Smith Company, 1944-1948; the Bigelow-Sanford Carpet Company, 1956-1958; the A & M Karaghensian Company, 1956-1962; and Local 489, 1956-1965. Other files on William DuChessi are in the Committee on Political Education (COPE) - Political Action Committee (PAC) files.
General Files
Box   96
Alexander-Smith, 1944-1948
Box   97-98
Bigelow-Sanford Carpet Company, 1956-1958
A & M Karaghensian
Box   98
Box   99
Box   100-101
Local 489, 1956-1965
Cotton-Rayon Division, Victor Canzano, Director
Physical Description: 13 boxes 
Scope and Content Note: Arranged chronologically by year and divided thereunder by staff-department correspondence and alphabetically by subject, these files extensively document the activities of the Cotton-Rayon Division and the cotton-rayon industry. The subject file contains general correspondence, internal organizational memos, circulars, reports, clippings, research studies, newsletters and pamphlets which relate to organizing and decisions made by officials of TWUA on strikes, arbitrations, and grievances.
Correspondence Files, 1950-1953
Box   102
American Federation of Labor
Box   102
American Woolen Company
Box   102
Air Conditioning in Textile Mills
Box   102
Arbitrating Industrial Efficiency
Box   102
Arbitrators, List of
Box   102
Arbitration Lists
Box   102
Barkin, Sol
Box   102
Cotton-Rayon Negotiations
Box   102
Cotton-Rayon Mills - New England States
Box   102
Cotton-Rayon Contract Information
Box   102
Canada, Dominion of
Box   102
Canzano - Personal File
Box   102
Carignan, George (Joint Board Director - New Bedford)
Box   102
Carpet Industry
Box   102
Causes of Industrial Peace
Box   102
Chupka, John
Box   102
Circular Letters
Box   102
Coated Fabrics Industry
Box   102
Committee on the New England Textile Industry
Box   102
Connecticut - General Correspondence
Box   102
Consulting Engineers
Box   102
Contract Ratifications
Box   102
Conversion - Cost-of-Living (Cotton-Rayon)
Box   102
Demands - TWUA-CIO (Fall River - New Bedford, 1951)
Box   102
Doolan, Edward (Fall River, Massachusetts)
Box   102
Dyeing and Finishing
Box   102
Economic Outlook (periodical)
Box   102
Economic Notes
Box   102
Edelman, John
Box   102
General Information
Box   102
Secession - TWUA and UTW
Box   102
Extension Agreements
Box   102
Fall River-New Bedford Negotiating Group
Box   102
Fiester, Kenneth
Box   102
Filteau, Theodore - Plymouth Rock Joint Board
Box   102
Financial Report - TWUA-CIO, 1950
Box   102
Gordon, William
Box   102
Government Contracts
Box   102
Hard and Soft Fiber Industry
Box   102
Health and Welfare Newsletters
Box   102
Hodgman, Alton M.
Box   102
Hosiery Industry
Box   102
Industry Wide Bargaining
Box   102
Integrated Combined
Box   102
Italian Visitation
Box   102
Job Operations - General
Box   102
Job Primer, Textile Workers
Box   102
Johnson & Johnson Chain
Box   102
Kettlety, George
Box   102
Knit Goods, Technical Material
Box   102
Knit Underwear Industry
Box   102
Kullas, Henry
Box   102
Labor and Public Welfare
Box   102
Leaflets - Pamphlets
Box   102
Legal Department
Box   102
Legislative Data
Box   102
Mills - List
Box   102
Box   102
Maine - General Correspondence
Box   102
Mt. Hope Finishing Company
Box   102
New England Governors' Committee
Box   102
New England Wage Scale New Hampshire
Box   102
New Jersey - State of
Box   103
New York
Box   103
Northern Cotton-Rayon Textile Policy Committee
Box   103
Box   103
Box   103
Pollock, William
Box   103
Press Releases
Box   103
Profits and Dividends - Cotton Textiles
Box   103
Puerto Rico (General Information)
Box   103
Reciprocal Trade Conferences and Agreements
Box   103
Box   103
Retirement Fund
Box   103
Rhode Island
Box   103
Rieve, Emil
Box   103
Ropes, Gray, Best, Coolidge & Rugg
Box   103
Safety Committees
Box   103
South - Correspondence with TWUA South Personnel
Box   103
Speech Material
Box   103
Steward's Dictionary
Box   103
St. Lawrence Seaway
Box   103
Sullivan, Anna
Box   103
Taft-Hartley Law
Box   103
Textile Chain Mills
Box   103
Textron Inc.
Box   103
Textron Type Contracts
Box   103
United Nations
Box   103
United Textile Workers of America
Box   103
Vacation Pay for Laid-Off Employees
Box   103
Vergados, Louis
Box   103
Voting Data
Box   103
Wages - Cotton and Rayon Finishing and Print Plants
Box   103
Wage Data - General
Box   103
Wage Problems - Northern Cotton Textile Industry
Box   103
Woolen and Worsted Industry - Economic Notes
Box   103
Correspondence Files, 1954
Box   103
American Standards Association
Box   103
Box   103
Alzinaro, S.
Box   103
Barkin, Sol
Box   103
Belanger, J. William
Box   103
Blais, Denis
Box   103
Botelho, M. Michael
Box   103
Canzano - Committee Chairmanships
Box   103
Canzano - Personal
Box   103
Carignan, George E.
Box   103
Chupka, John
Box   103
Condron, John
Box   103
Box   103
Box   103
Contract Terminations
Box   103
Cotton-Rayon Conference
Box   103
Damore, Felix P.
Box   103
Box   103
Employment Security Division - Massachusetts
Box   103
Edelman, John
Box   103
Executive Council
Box   103
Fiester, Kenneth
Box   103
Filteau, Theodore
Box   103
Fall River - New Bedford Textile Manufacturers Association
Box   103
Gallagher, Daniel J.
Box   103
Gordon, William
Box   103
Hard and Soft Fiber Industry
Box   104
Local 227
Box   104
McCaig, William B.
Box   104
Box   104
Miscellaneous - Pamphlets
Box   104
Mid-Atlantic States Conference
Box   104
Mill Closing: Causes and Circumstances
Box   104
New England Textile Committee
Box   104
Newspaper articles
Box   104
Nord, Elizabeth
Box   104
New Bedford Cotton Manufacturers Association
Box   104
Northern Textile Association
Box   104
Policy Committee Lists
Box   104
Perkel, George
Box   104
Pitarys, Thomas
Box   104
Pollock, William
Box   104
Permanent New England Textile Committee, 1954
Box   104
Press Releases
Box   104
Rieve, Emil
Box   104
Rubenstein, Jack
Box   104
Ryan, Edmund
Box   104
Box   104
Survey Agreements, Elections and Strikes
Box   104
Schoonjans, Michael
Box   104
Sullivan, Anna
Box   104
Samuels, Wilbur
Box   104
Stetin, Sol
Box   104
TWUA - Eighth Biennial Convention
Box   104
Tariff Commission Hearings
Box   104
Box   104
Umholtz, Peter F.
Box   104
Vergados, Louis
Box   104
Various Departments - National
Box   104
Woolen and Worsted
Box   104
Wyle, Benjamin
Box   104
Agreements - Companies
Box   104
Arbitrations - Companies
Box   104
Barnett, William
Box   104
Extensions - Companies, 1954
Box   104
Hathaway Manufacturing Company
Box   104
Plymouth Cordage
Box   104
Miscellaneous Matters - Companies
Box   104
Reopenings - Companies
Box   104
Box   104
Arms Textile
Box   104
Bates Manufacturing Company
Box   104
Boott Mills
Box   104
Box   104
Fitchburg Yarn Company
Box   104
M. Lowenstein & Sons Inc.
Box   104
Nashua Textile
Box   104
Newmarket Manufacturing Company
Box   104
Ponemah Mills
Box   104
Rosinski, Richard
Box   104
Verney Corporation
Box   104
Waldman, Sam
Box   104
Correspondence Files, 1955-1956
Box   105
American Standards Association, 1955
Box   105
Bench Mark Material
Box   105
Bamford, James
Box   105
Berkshire Joint Board
Box   105
Barkin, Sol
Box   105
Box   105
Cotton-Rayon Conferences
Box   105
Complaints and Grievances of Union Members Referred to Canzano
Box   105
Canzano - Committees
Box   105
Chupka, John
Box   105
Eastern Connecticut Joint Board
Box   105
Edelman, John
Box   105
Fall River - New Bedford Textile Manufacturers Association
Box   105
Federal Labor Laws
Box   105
Gordon, William
Box   105
Hard and Soft Fiber Industry
Box   105
International Federation of Textile Workers
Box   105
Jacquard, Upholsterers and Novelty Weavers
Box   105
Lewiston Joint Board
Box   105
Lowell Joint Board
Box   105
Legal Department
Box   105
Box   105
Minimum Wage
Box   105
Box   105
Miscellaneous Pamphlets
Box   105
New England Strike and Relief Fund
Box   105
New England Summary
Box   105
Northern Rhode Island Joint Board
Box   105
New Bedford Joint Board
Box   105
New England Textile Committee
Box   105
Newspaper articles
Box   105
Northern Textile Association
Box   105
Plush and Velvet
Box   105
Pollock, William
Box   105
Press Releases
Box   105
Pension Material
Box   105
Roger Williams Joint Board
Box   105
Rogin, L.
Box   105
Box   105
Box   105
Stetin, Sol
Box   105
South County Joint Board
Box   105
Box   106
TWUA Executive Council
Box   106
Box   106
Western Massachusetts Joint Board
Box   106
Woolen and Worsted
Correspondence Files, 1955
Box   106
Companies, Miscellaneous Matters
Box   106
Box   106
Extensions and Renewals
Box   106
Box   106
Box   106
Bates Manufacturing Company
Box   106
Continental Mills
Box   106
Everlastik Inc.
Box   106
Fitchburg Yarn
Box   106
Ludlow Manufacturing and Sales Company
Box   106
Kendall Mills
Box   106
M. Lowenstein and Sons
Box   106
Newmarket Manufacturing Company
Box   106
Pepperell Manufacturing Company
Box   106
Plymouth Cordage Company
Box   106
Verney Corporation
Box   106
Box   106
Waumbec Mills
Correspondence Files, 1956
Box   106
Box   106
Box   106
Belanger, William
Box   106
Berkshire Joint Board
Box   106
Biddeford Saco Joint Board
Box   107
Cotton-Rayon Reopenings
Box   107
Cotton-Rayon Conference
Box   107
Connecticut Joint Board
Box   107
Constitutional Changes Committee
Box   107
Canzano - Personal
Box   107
Chupka, John
Box   107
Box   107
Cotton-Rayon - Terminations
Box   107
Granite State Joint Board
Box   107
Gordon, William
Box   107
Greater Lawrence Joint Board
Box   107
International Federation of Textile Workers Association
Box   107
Industrial Union Department
Box   107
International Labour Office
Box   107
Jacquard - Upholsterers
Box   107
Legal Department
Box   107
Box   107
Martin, Lester
Box   107
Newspaper articles
Box   107
Non-Interference - TWUA-UTW
Box   107
Northern Rhode Island Joint Board
Box   107
New Bedford Joint Board
Box   107
Northern Textile Association
Box   107
News Releases
Box   107
Organizing Committee
Box   107
Organization - South
Box   107
Payton, Boyd
Box   107
Pollock, William
Box   107
Pepperell - Lindale, Georgia
Box   107
Pile Fabrics
Box   107
Roger Williams Joint Board
Box   107
Box   107
Rieve, Emil
Box   107
Rogin, Larry
Box   107
Strikes, Elections and Miscellaneous Correspondence
Box   107
South County Joint Board
Box   107
Stetin, Sol
Box   107
Southern Matters
Box   107
Staff Conferences
Box   107
Executive Council
Box   107
Box   108
UTW Merger
Box   108
Tariff and Reciprocity
Box   108
Western Massachusetts Joint Board
Box   108
Woolen and Worsted
Box   108
Box   108
Box   108
Box   108
Box   108
Box   108
Bates Manufacturing Company
Box   108
Box   108
Lincoln Mills
Box   108
Box   108
Box   108
Verney Corporation
Box   108
Waumbec Arbitration
Correspondence Files, 1957
Box   108
Box   108
Activity Reports to William Pollock
Box   108
American Thread
Box   108
Barkin, Sol
Box   108
Barkin Study on Organizing
Box   108
Belanger, William
Box   108
Berkshire Joint Board
Box   108
Biddeford Saco Joint Board
Box   108
Box   108
Box   108
Box   108
TWUA Committees
Box   108
Chupka, John
Box   108
Connecticut Joint Board
Box   108
Cone Situation - South
Box   108
Cook, Wes
Box   108
Cotton Legislation
Box   108
Box   108
Cotton-Rayon Conference
Box   108
Edelman, John
Box   108
Erwin Housing
Box   108
Fiester, Ken
Box   108
Gordon, William
Box   108
International Federation of Textile Workers Association
Box   108
International Labor Office
Box   108
Industrial Union Department
Box   109
Box   109
Box   109
Newspaper articles
Box   109
New Bedford Joint Board
Box   109
Northern Rhode Island Joint Board
Box   109
Northern Textile Association
Box   109
Northwest Georgia Joint Board
Box   109
Northeastern Massachusetts Joint Board
Box   109
One Price Cotton
Box   109
Box   109
Payton, Boyd
Box   109
Pile Fabrics
Box   109
Pollock, William
Box   109
Roger Williams Joint Board
Box   109
South - Organization
Box   109
Southern matters
Box   109
Rubenstein, Jack
Box   109
South Jersey Joint Board
Box   109
Spanish Bulletins
Box   109
Stetin, Sol
Box   109
Executive Council
Box   109
Box   109
Union Label
Box   109
Western Massachusetts Joint Board
Box   109
Welfare Committee
Box   109
Williams, H.S.
Box   109
Woolen and Worsted
Box   109
Bates Manufacturing Company
Box   109
Berkshire - Hathaway
Box   109
Ludlow Manufacturing and Sales
Box   109
Box   109
Box   109
Box   109
Correspondence Files, 1958
Box   109
Box   109
Activity Reports to William Pollock
Box   109
Barkin, Sol
Box   109
Berkshire Joint Board
Box   109
Biddeford Saco Joint Board
Box   109
Botelho, Michael
Box   109
Box   110
TWUA Committees
Box   110
Chupka, John
Box   110
Connecticut Joint Board
Box   110
Box   110
Box   110
Cotton-Rayon Conference
Box   110
Box   110
Development Agency
Box   110
Edelman, John
Box   110
Education Department
Box   110
Erwin Housing
Box   110
Ethical Practices
Box   110
Fair Labor Standards
Box   110
Gordon, William
Box   110
Grand Street Boys Association
Box   110
Gervais Matter
Box   110
International Federation of Textile Workers Association
Box   110
Jackson, Paul
Box   110
Box   110
Mid-Atlantic States
Box   110
Minimum Wage
Box   110
Miscellaneous Pamphlets
Box   110
Box   110
Box   110
Newspaper articles
Box   110
One Price Cotton
Box   110
Payton, Boyd
Box   110
Plush and Velvet
Box   110
Pollock, William
Box   110
Box   110
Rhode Island Economics
Box   110
Right to Work Laws
Box   110
South - Administration
Box   110
Box   110
South - Organization
Box   110
Southern Matters
Box   110
Stetin, Sol
Box   110
Strikes and Elections
Box   110
Sullivan, William F. (Northern Textile Association)
Box   110
Box   110
Box   110
Box   110
TWUA Executive Council
Box   111
TWUA - Resolutions
Box   111
Box   111
Box   111
Union Label
Box   111
United States Department of Labor
Box   111
Various Staff Conferences
Wage Drive
Box   111
Box   111
National Office
Box   111
Box   111
Williams, H.S.
Box   111
Bates Manufacturing Company
Box   111
Box   111
Cone Situation
Box   111
Improved Machinery
Box   111
Ludlow Manufacturing Company
Box   111
Pepperell Manufacturing Company
Box   111
Ponemah Mills
Box   111
Saco Lowell Shops
Box   111
Box   111
Companies - General
Correspondence Files, 1959
Box   111
Activity Reports to William Pollock
Box   111
Box   111
Barkin, Sol
Box   111
Bi County Joint Board
Box   111
Biddeford-Saco Joint Board
Box   111
Botelho, Michael
Box   111
Canzano - Personal
Box   111
Chupka, John
Box   111
Committee on Internal Revenue
Box   111
Cone Mills
Box   111
Connecticut Joint Board
Box   111
Cordage and Rope
Box   111
Cotton-Rayon Conference
Box   111
Cotton-Rayon General
Box   111
Cotton-Rayon - Wage Policy Committee
Box   111
Edelman, John
Box   111
Erwin Housing
Box   111
Granite State Joint Board
Box   111
Harriet - Henderson Strike Situation
Box   112
Industrial Union Department
Box   112
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
Box   112
International Federation of Textile Workers Association
Box   112
Labor Reform Bill (Landrum Griffin)
Box   112
Lewiston Joint Board
Box   112
Local 462
Box   112
Minimum Wage
Box   112
Miscellaneous Matters
Box   112
New Bedford Joint Board
Box   112
Northern Contract Negotiations
Box   112
Payton, Boyd
Box   112
Pollock, William
Box   112
Rhode Island State Joint Board
Box   112
Southern Matters
Box   112
Speech - Boyd Leedom, “Management-Labor Relations”
Box   112
Staff Conferences
Box   112
Southern Conference
Box   112
Stetin, Sol
Box   112
Strike and Defense Fund Committee
Box   112
Box   112
Tariff Committee
Box   112
Textile Development Agency
Box   112
TWUA Executive Council - National Office
Box   112
TWUA Resolution Unemployment Compensation
Box   112
Box   112
Wage Drive - North
Box   112
Wages - North
Box   112
Wage Drive - National Office (South)
Box   112
Wage Drive - Report on Leaflet Distributions
Box   112
Wages - South
Box   112
Welfare and Pension
Box   112
Williams, H.S.
Box   112
Woolen and Worsted
Box   112
American Thread
Box   112
Bates Manufacturing Company
Box   113
Box   113
Bourne Mills
Box   113
Chicopee Manufacturing Company
Box   113
Box   113
Dwight Division
Box   113
Fieldcrest Mills
Box   113
Fitzgerald Mills
Box   113
Fitchburg Yarn
Box   113
Nashua Textile Company
Box   113
Box   113
W.M. Skinner
Box   113
Companies - Miscellaneous
Correspondence Files, 1960
Box   113
Activity Reports to William Pollock
Box   113
Barkin, Sol
Box   113
Bay Area Joint Board Hearing
Box   113
Belanger, William
Box   113
Connecticut Joint Board
Box   113
Cook, Wesley
Box   113
COPE - DuChessi
Box   113
Cotton-Rayon Industry
Box   113
Cotton-Rayon Conference
Box   113
Granite State Joint Board
Box   113
Defense Fund
Box   113
Erwin Housing
Box   113
Harriet Henderson Strike
Box   113
International Federation of Textile Workers Association
Box   113
Labor Management and Disclosure Act
Box   113
Legislative Matters
Box   113
Letters to Staff
Box   113
Lewiston Joint Board
Box   113
Local 371
Box   113
Local 399
Box   113
Miscellaneous Political Matters
Box   113
Box   113
New Bedford Joint Board
Box   113
Box   113
Payton, Boyd
Box   113
Pile Fabrics
Box   113
Pollock, William
Box   113
Rhode Island Joint Board
Box   113
Rope and Cordage
Box   114
Staff Conferences
Box   114
Stetin, Sol
Box   114
Strike and Defense Fund Tariffs
Box   114
TWUA Executive Council
Box   114
TWUA Biennial Convention
Box   114
Tubbs Cordage Company
Box   114
Box   114
Wage Increases
Box   114
Williams, H.S.
Box   114
Woolen and Worsted
Box   114
American Thread
Box   114
Bates Manufacturing
Box   114
Berkshire Hathaway
Box   114
Botany Cotton
Box   114
Chicopee Manufacturing
Box   114
Continental Mills
Box   114
Darlington Manufacturing
Box   114
Box   114
Linebruger-Stowe Interests
Box   114
Ludlow Corporation
Box   114
Pepperell Manufacturing
Box   114
Plymouth Cordage
Box   114
Ponemah Mills
Box   114
Saco Lowell
Box   114
Southern Companies
Box   114
Various Contract Terminations
Series: Education Department
Physical Description: 4 boxes 
Larry Rogin, Director
Box   115-116
Regional Institutes, 1943-1951
Scope and Content Note: The regional institutes were conferences within the various TWUA regions which served as a device of the education department to teach local and joint board officials and staff members better organizational management. In addition, the institutes were used to educate TWUA members about the background of the labor movement.
Paul Swaity, Director
General Files, 1960-1962
Scope and Content Note: Arranged chronologically by year and alphabetically thereunder, these files consist of staff correspondence, local and joint board newsletters, correspondence with other unions, and subject files relating to the promotion of educational materials. In addition, the files contain bibliographical material on labor publications. There is also a considerable amount of material on the AFL-CIO.
Box   117
Collective Bargaining Report
Box   117
Community Services Committee
Box   117
Department of Education
Box   117
Department of Public Relations
Box   117
Department of Social Security
Box   117
Joint Minimum Wage Committee
Box   117
Religious Relations
Box   117
Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America
Box   117
American Federation of Teachers
Box   117
American Labor Education Service
Box   117
Box   117
Box   117
Botelho, Mike
Box   117
Box   117
Department Head Meetings
Box   117
Box   117
Edelman, John
Box   117
Box   117
Industrial Research Films
Box   117
Union at Work
Box   117
A Film Presentation
Box   117
Box   117
Box   117
Box   117
Industrial Union Department
Box   117
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
Box   117
International Ladies' Garment Workers Union
Box   117
Box   117
Box   117
Minimum Wage Pending
Box   117
Memorandums - Inter-office
Box   117
National Institute of Labor Education
Box   117
National Labor Service
Box   117
Box   117
Organizing Material
Box   117
Regional Membership, 1956-1960
Box   117
Regional Organizing Results, 1956-1959
Box   117
Box   117
Box   117
Box   117
Riger, Morris
Box   117
Rosen, Stanley
Box   117
Box   117
Slogan for Banners
Box   117
Stetin, Sol
Box   117
Swaity, Paul
Box   117
Trade Union Orientation Center
Box   117
United Rubber Workers
Box   117
Box   117
Williams, H.S.
General Files, 1961
Box   117
Department of Legislation
Box   117
Department of Public Relations
Box   117
International Affairs Committee
Box   117
American Federation of Teachers
Box   117
American Labor Education Service
Box   117
American Library Service
Box   117
Box   117
Canadian Office
Box   117
Cook, Wesley
Box   117
Box   117
Defense Fund Meeting
Box   117
Edelman, John
Box   117
Box   117
Freedom Fighter
Box   117
Box   117
Industrial Union Department
Box   117
Inter-Department Communications
Box   117
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
Box   117
International Ladies' Garment Workers Union
Box   117
International Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers
Box   117
Box   117
Labor Education Association
Box   117
Box   118
Box   118
National Institute of Labor Education
Box   118
New Jersey State CIO Council
Box   118
Joint Board
Box   118
Kansas City Joint Board
Box   118
Local 1374
Box   118
Local 1495
Box   118
Local 1790
Box   118
Local 250
Box   118
Regional Office Bulletin
Box   118
Special Bulletin, Local 643
Box   118
Textile Topics, Local 482
Box   118
TWUA News and Views and Views, Local 1085
Box   118
TWUA Today - Bay Area Joint Board
Box   118
Riger, Morris
Box   118
Box   118
Staff meetings
Box   118
Staff training
Box   118
Stetin, Sol
Box   118
Swaity, Paul
Box   118
Teaching Leads
Box   118
Box   118
Trade Union Orientation Program
Box   118
Tullar, William J.
Box   118
Union Leadership Academy
Box   118
United Auto Workers
Box   118
United Rubber Workers
Box   118
University of California
Box   118
University of Connecticut
Box   118
University of Minnesota
Box   118
University of Wisconsin - School for Workers
Box   118
Union Newspapers
Box   118
Between Us Workers - Local 1418
Box   118
Education Newsletter
Box   118
Inside Local 642
Box   118
Inter-Department Correspondence
Box   118
Inside TWUA
General Files, 1962
Box   118
Box   118
Department of Education
Box   118
Department of Public Relations
Box   118
Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America
Box   118
Box   118
Box   118
Box   118
Conferences - Staff
Box   118
Edelman, John
Box   118
Box   118
Inter-Department Communications
Box   118
International Union of Electrical Radio and Machine Workers District No. 4
Joint Boards
Box   118
Biddeford Saco
Box   118
Box   118
Delaware Valley
Box   118
Box   118
Twin City
Box   118
Labor Youth Corps Program
Box   118
Box   118
Machine Shops Local 1029 Newsletter
Box   118
Manager's Corner
Box   118
Local 1470 News
Box   118
Luggage Division Local 1339 Newsletter
Box   118
Memos - Inter-Office
Box   118
National Institute of Labor Education
Box   118
Speakers Bureau
Box   118
Stetin, Sol
Box   118
Safe Talk, Local 1495
Box   118
South Central Region Newsletters
Box   118
Box   118
Textile Topics - Local 1482
Box   118
Textile Newsletter - Local 1071
Box   118
Trade Union Orientation Program
Box   118
Union Leadership Academy
Box   118
University of Connecticut
Box   118
Michigan State
Box   118
Box   118
Delaware Valley Joint Board
Box   118
Education Newsletter
Box   118
Inside Local 642
Box   118
Joint Board News - Schuylkill Vail and Garden Spot
Box   118
Tex-Tales, Kansas City Joint Board
Box   118
Marcus Hook, Local 10
Series: Dyers and Printers Division, 1938-1972
Physical Description: 17 boxes 
Scope and Content Note: The Dyers and Printers Division files contain the Executive Board minutes, 1938-1947, of a predecessor organization, the Federation of Dyers, Finishers, Printers and Bleachers of America; negotiations files, 1948-1966; general files, 1952-1972; retirement fund files, 1962-1970; and investment files, 1949-1965. The retirement fund files consist of staff and Hosiery Industry Employees retirements, and the investments cover the Carl Mackley Apartments and Juniata Park Housing Corporation.
Box   119
Federation of Dyers, Finishers, Printers and Bleachers, Executive Board Minutes, 1938-1947
Negotiations, 1948-1966
Scope and Content Note: Arranged in chronological order by year and alphabetically thereunder by company, these files contain the contracts and documents leading to settlements including strike material and correspondence with companies on negotiations and arbitration matters.
Box   119
Box   120
Box   121
Box   122
Box   123
New England Dyers, 1957-1961
Box   123-124
Rock Hill Strike, Local 710, 1956
Box   124-125
Skein Dyers - Guild Yarns Labor Conference, 1955-1957, and Negotiations, , 1955-1962
Box   125
Southern Dyers and Printers, 1956
Box   125-126
United Piece Dye Works
General Files, 1953-1972
Scope and Content Note: Divided chronologically by the periods 1953-1962, 1964-1972, and 1954-1972, these files contain folders of information on dyer and printer companies, TWUA conventions, local correspondence, staff correspondence, dyer and printer technological advances and negotiations. In addition, the files include information on UTW, COPE and other unions.
Files, 1953-1962, A-Z, Part 1
Box   126
Box   126
Colgate Piece Dye
Box   126
Cannon Mills
Box   126
Box   127
Convention Material
Box   127
Cranston Print Works
Box   127
Federal Industries
Box   127
Box   127
Box   127
Box   127
Local 1932
Box   127
Machine Printers and Engravers Association of the United States
Box   127
Master Engravers Guild
Box   127
Old Awards - Decisions
Box   128
Pastore Hearings
Box   128
Philadelphia Joint Board
Box   128
Provident Life and Accident Insurance
Box   128
Plastics (Textile Coating and Plastic Film)
Box   128
Box   128
Sanco Piece Dye Works
Box   128
Santee Print
Box   128
Sayles & Glenlyon
Box   128
Simas, Joseph
Box   128
South County Joint Board
Box   128
Technical Tape
Box   128
Textile Processing Inc.
Box   128
Box   128
TWUA - Staff Conference
Box   128
Twin State Joint Board
Box   128
United States Finishing Company Case
Box   128
United Piece Dye
Box   128
United Piece Dye Works - Negotiations
Box   128
Box   128
Waldrich Company
Files, 1953-1962, A-Z, Part 2
Box   129
Antipyros Company
Box   129
Apponaug Arbitration
Box   129
Box   129
Daoust, Harold
Box   129
Delaware Valley Joint Board
Box   129
Dyers' Leaflets
Box   129
Eastern Connecticut Joint Board
Box   129
Box   129
Franklin Process
Box   129
Fringe Benefit Seminars
Box   129
Local 464 - Trial Committee v. Hughes, Drexlex & Dratch
Box   129
Local 576
Box   129
Hassett, Donald
Box   129
International Federation of Textile Workers' Association
Box   129
Industrial Union Department
Box   129
Industry Directors Conferences
Box   129
Lancashire and Dartmouth
Box   129
Box   129
Local Unions
Box   129
Local 985
Box   129
Local 1038
Box   129
Local 514
Box   129
Local 427
Box   129
Local 482
Box   129
New Bedford Joint Board
Box   129
Northeastern Ohio Joint Board
Box   129
Potomac Dyeing and Finishing
Box   130
Robertson Beachery
Box   130
Rhode Island State Joint Board
Box   130
Richelshagen & Koeppel
Box   130
Screen Makers
Box   130
Silk and Rayon Printers and Dyers
Box   130
Standard Coosa-Thatcher
Box   130
Box   130
Wage Drive Leaflets
Files, 1964-1972
Box   129
Dewey - Almy, Arbitrations
Box   129
Disend, Harry
Box   130-131
New England
Box   131
Weighted Average and Fringe Benefits
Box   131
Pension Conference
Box   131
Overprint and Flock-Supplemental Agreement
Box   131
Plain Dye and Machine Supplemental Agreement
Box   131
Skein Dyers - Termination Notices
Box   131
Terminations - New England
Box   131
Sanco Piece Dye Workers
Box   131
Screen Print - Supplemental Extension Agreement
Box   131
Spofford Mills
Box   131
Skein Dyers
Box   131
Vacations - Mid-Atlantic
Box   131
Williams, H.S.
Files, 1954-1972
Box   131
A.B.C. Photo Engraving
Box   131
Convention, 1962
Box   131
Delaware Valley Joint Board
Box   131
Box   132
Box   132
Federal Mediation and State
Box   132
Box   132
Box   132
Leadership Meetings - Metro Area
Box   132
Legal Department
Box   132
Local 1733
Box   132
Local 1790
Box   132
Local 2052
Box   132
Metropolitan Area - Conference Calls
Box   132
Declaration of Policy
Box   132
Machine Print and Dye
Box   132
Box   132
Mediation Boards - Federal and State Forms
Box   132
Lacquer and Flock
Box   133
Method of Ratification or Rejection
Box   133
Metropolitan Area
Box   133
Plain Dye, Machine
Box   133
Box   133
Screen, Print and Making
Box   133
Box   133
Box   133
Mid-Atlantic Advisory Council
Box   133
Mid-Atlantic Economic Notes
Box   133
Mid-Atlantic Employers
New England
Box   133
Conference and Dinner
Box   133
Box   133
Forms, Terminations and Conferences
Box   133
New England Conference
Box   133
Overprint and Flock Negotiations
Box   133
Plain Dye
Box   133
Rhode Island Joint Board
Box   133
Screen Print Negotiations
Box   133
Skein Dyers
Southern Dye
Box   133
New York and Philadelphia
Box   133
Conference, 1956
Box   133
Stetin, Sol
Box   133
Strike Clause Forms
Box   133
Waldrich Workland
Box   133
Whitman Plastics
Box   133
Wisconsin State Historical Society
Retirement Funds, 1962-1970
Box   133
Box   133
Hosiery Industry Employees
Box   134
Investments, 1949-1965
Box   134
Carl Mackley Apartments
Box   134
Termination and Refinancing
Box   134-135
Box   135
Minutes - Pensions, 1949-1962
Series: Legal Department
Physical Description: 144 boxes 
Abramson and Lewis Files, 1963-1964
Scope and Content Note: These files contain materials relating to the internal dispute (1963-1964) and consist of briefs, AFL-CIO committee findings, correspondence and other information on this factional fight.
Cook v. Pollock
Box   136
File No. 1
Box   136
Complaint and Motion Papers
Box   136
Box   136
Box   136
File No. 2
Box   136
Box   136
File No. 3
Box   136
Memoranda of Law
Box   136
AFL-CIO Committee, Chairman Harris
Box   136
Briefs and Miscellaneous
Box   136
Factional Fight
Box   137
Dyers Department, 1943-1954
Scope and Content Note: These legal files relate to the Federation and Dyers and their disputes with the TWUA, the Avis Mill Corporation, and other companies.
Box   138
Dyers Negotiations, 1954
Box   138
Dyers Pension Fund
Box   138
Dyers Federation v. TWUA
Box   138
Davis Mills
Box   138-139
Davis Mills Corporation v. Federation of Dyers
Dyers Federation
Box   139
Box   139
Box   139
Officers' Increases in Wages
Box   140 and 148
Cotton-Rayon Division - Legal Cases, 1943-1945
Conventions - TWUA
Box   141
Box   142
Box   143
Box   144
Box   145
Box   146-147
Box   149
COPE, 1961-1963
Legal Cases, 1939-1953
Scope and Content Note: These legal files are divided into two chronological periods, 1939-1953 and 1953-1964, and into a special file for the Southern office, 1950-1951, with all files arranged alphabetically within these three sections. The files contain materials on legal cases, strikes, internal disputes, major grievances, arbitration matters and subjects of interest to the legal department such as dual unionism, anti-trust laws and right-to-work laws. In addition, there are files on Arthur J. Goldberg, the CIO, the NLRB and the Harriet-Henderson strike.
Cases, 1939-1953
Box   150
Abbott Worsted Mills
Box   150
Acme Mattress Company
Box   150
Alabama Court Cases
Box   150
Advance Proofs - Wage and Hours
Box   150-151
Alabama Mills
Box   151
Alabama Unemployment Compensation
Box   151
Alba Mills
Box   151
Alba Twine Mills
Box   151
Albany Felt Company
Box   151
Alberfoyle Manufacturing Company
Box   151
Albion Mills
Box   151
Aldora Mills
Box   151
Alexander Smith and Company
Box   151
Algro Knitting Mills
Box   151
Allied Textile Printers Agreement
Box   151
Allied Textile Print Corporation
Box   151
Allied Yarn Corporation
Box   151
Alma Mills
Box   151
Altoona Spinning Company
Box   151
Altshuler Inc.
Box   151
Alvin Textile Company
Box   151
Amazon Knitting Company
Box   151
American Enka Corporation
Box   151
American Federation of Hosiery Workers
Box   151
American Felt Company
Box   151
American Finishing Company
Box   151
American Hair and Felt Company
Box   151
American Lead Pencil Company
Box   151
American Manufacturing Company
Box   151
American National Bag and Burlap Company
Box   151
American Silk Mills
Box   151
American Spinning Company
Box   151
American Thread Company
Box   152
American Twine and Fabric Corporation
Box   152-153
American Viscose Corporation
Box   153
American White Cross Labs
Anti-Labor Matters
Box   154
States and Business
Box   155
Box   155
Anti-Trust Laws
Box   155
Apex Hosiery Company v. American Federation of Hosiery Workers
Box   155
Arlington - Correspondence
Box   155
Aponaug Manufacturing Company
Box   155
Appalachian Mills Company
Box   155
Aragon Baldwin Mills
Box   155
Arbitration Legislation
Box   155
Arcadia Knitting Mills
Box   155
Arwright Corporation
Box   155
Arlington Mills
Box   155
Arms Textile Manufacturing Company
Box   155
Armstong Cork Company
Box   155
Arnold Print Works Inc.
Box   155
Aronsohn Silk Company
Box   155
Arrow Woven Label Company
Box   155
Arroya, M.
Box   155
Artcraft Company
Box   155
Artistic Pile Fabrics Inc.
Box   155
Asheville Cotton
Box   155
Ashland Corporation
Box   155
Aspinook Company
Box   155
Astoria Weaving Corporation
Box   156
Athens Manufacturing Company
Box   156
Atlanta Woolen Mills
Box   156
Atlanta Cotton Mills
Box   156
Atlanta Footwear
Box   156
Atlanta Mill
Box   156
Atlanta Rayon Corporation
Box   156
Atlas Felt Products Company
Box   156
Atlas Underwear Company
Box   156
Atlas Waste Company
Box   156
Automatic Milk Dispenser Corporation
Box   156
Availability Statements
Box   156
Avon Yarn Dye Company
Box   156
Avondale Mills
Box   156
Bachman v. Sylvia
Box   156
Bachmann Uxbridge Worsted Corporation
Box   156
Baer Company
Box   156
Baker, Voorhis & Company
Box   156
Balakosa, E.
Box   156
Baldwin Manufacturing Company
Box   156
Ball Bill
Box   156
Ballston Stillwater Knitting Company
Box   156
Bancroft, Joseph
Box   156
Barber Manufacturing Company
Box   156
Barbet Mills
Box   157
Barkin v. Atlshuler
Box   157
Barkin v. Fellerman
Box   157
Barkin v. Coast to Coast
Box   157
Barkin v. Cohen
Box   157
Barre Wool Combing Company
Box   157
Batson, Albert J.
Box   157
Baskind and Company
Box   157
Basmajian v. Castalo
Box   157
Bastian Brothers Company
Box   157
Bates Manufacturing Company
Box   157
Bauer and Black
Box   157
Beacon Dye Works
Box   157
Bear Brand Hosiery Company Cases
Box   157
Beattie Rug Company
Box   157
Beaunit Arbitration
Box   157
Becopa Glove Mills
Box   157
Belanger, William
Box   157
Bell Carpet Cleaning Company
Box   157
Bell Company of Rhode Island
Box   157
Bellman Brook Bleachery
Box   157
Belmont Silk
Box   157
Bemis Bag Company
Box   157
Bemis Brothers Bag Company
Box   157
Benay Art
Box   157
Benner v. TWOC
Box   157
Bennett Textile Mill
Box   157
Box   157
Bergnes and Son
Box   157
Berkeley Woolen Company
Box   158-160
Berkshire Knitting Mills
Box   160
Bernson Silk Mills
Box   160
Bethel Silk Corporation
Box   160
Betsy Ross Throwing Company
Box   160
Bi-County Joint Board
Box   160
Bigelow Sanford
Box   160
Biltwell Umbrella Company
Box   160
Bloomsburg Mills Cases
Box   161
Blumenthal and Company
Box   161
Boaz Mills Inc.
Box   161
Bonham Cotton Mills Inc.
Box   161
Bonita Ribbon Mills
Box   161
Boone, A.C.
Box   161
Boonton Umbrella Company
Box   161
Boott Mills
Box   161
Borden Manufacturing Company
Box   161
Bottleg Union Labels
Box   161
Borden Mills Inc.
Box   161
Border City Manufacturing Company
Box   161
Borenstein and Sons, H.
Box   162
Botany Worsted Mills
Box   162
Bourne Mills
Box   162
Boyt Harness Company
Box   162
Bradford Dyeing Association
Box   162
Brampton Woolen Mills
Box   162
Branch River Wool Combing Company
Box   162
Brandon Corporation
Box   162
Brandwein and Company
Box   162
Brawer v. TWOC
Box   162
Bridgewater Woolen Company
Box   162
Bridgewater Paper Company
Box   162
Broad River Mills Inc.
Box   162
Brookings Report
Box   162
Brooklyn Yarn Dye Company
Box   163
Brookside Mills
Box   163
Browder, Earl
Box   163
Bryant Finishing Company
Box   163
Buckley and Mann Inc.
Box   163
Buckley Studios Inc.
Box   163
Buffalo Rayon Workers Independent Union
Box   163
Buffalo Regional Joint Board
Box   163
Burkhart Manufacturing Company
Box   163
Burke Golf Inc.
Box   163
Burlington Textile Mills
Box   163
Burlington Dyeing and Finishing Company
Box   163
Burrows - Camprint
Box   163
Burson Knitting Company
Box   163
Bush Woolen Company
Box   163
C & I Umbrella
Box   163
California Shade Cloth Company
Box   163
Carnation Company
Box   163
Cabot Mills
Box   163
California Cotton Mills
Box   163
Calvin Textile
Box   163
Canada - Defense of Canada Regulations, 1940
Box   163
Cannon Mills
Box   163
Capitol Carpet Cleaning Company
Box   163
Cardinal Sportswear
Box   163
Carey, J.P.
Box   163
Carey (Philip) Manufacturing Company
Box   163
Carmen Hosiery Mills
Box   163
Carnation Company
Box   163
Caroline Mills Inc.
Box   163
Caroline Virginia Service Corporation
Box   169
Carr v. Roberts
Box   169
Cayuga Linen Company
Box   169
Celanese Corporation
Box   164
Celluloid Corporation
Box   164
Central Franklin Process Company
Box   164
Central Processing Company
Box   164
Century Woven Label
Box   164
Chadwick-Hoskins Company
Box   164
Chalmers Knitting Company
Box   164
Chaminade Velours Inc.
Box   164
Charroin Manufacturing Company
Box   164
Chase Bag Company
Box   164
Box   164
Cheney Brothers
Box   164
Cherokee Spinning
Box   164
Cherry Brook Worsted Mills Inc.
Box   164
Chicopee Manufacturing Company of America
Box   164
Cherry Spinning Company
Box   164
Chicopee Manufacturing Company
Box   164
Cincinnati Industries Inc.
Box   164
CIO Council of New York
Box   164
CIO Hearing Committee Against Affiliates Violating CIO Policy, 1949
Box   165
UAW Committee
Box   165
Industrial Union Council
Box   165
Citizen Coat and Apron Company
Box   165
Civil Liberties
Box   165
Clarileen Shops
Box   165
Clark Mills Inc.
Box   165
Clark Thread Corporation
Box   165
Claussner Hosiery Company
Box   165
Cleveland Worsted Mills
Box   165
Clifton Manufacturing Company
Box   165
Clifton Yarn Mills Inc.
Box   165
Clinton Woolen Mills
Box   165
Closed Shop
Box   165
Coal Industry - Effect of Labor Relations in the Bituminous Coal Industry upon Interstate Commerce
Box   165
Coast to Coast Umbrella Company
Box   166
Coats (J & P)
Box   166
Cohen, Abraham
Box   166
Cohen, N & M Binding Company
Box   166
Cohen, Hall & Marx Company
Box   166
Cohoes Textile Print Works
Box   166
Coleman, William Boyd - Arbitration
Box   166
Collective Bargaining Agreements (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Box   166
Collins & Aikman
Box   166
Colonial Woolen Mills
Box   166
Colonial Fibre Company
Box   166
Colored Worsted Mill of Providence v. TWUA
Box   166
Columbus Manufacturing Company
Box   166
Columbia Burlap Bag Company
Box   166
Columbia Duck Mills
Box   166
Columbia Mills Company and the Independent Textile Workers Union
Box   166
Columbia Mills Company
Box   166
Columbia Products Inc.
Box   166
Columbia Shade Mills Inc.
Box   166
Columbian Rope Company
Box   166
Columbus Coated Fabrics Corporation
Box   166
Columbus Yarn Company
Box   166
Comfort, J.G.
Box   166
Company Store
Box   166
Company Unions
Box   166
CIO - Lawyers Meetings
Box   166
Connors v. Juilliard
Box   166
Consolidated Laundries
Box   166
Consolidated Textile Company
Box   166
Continental Mill
Box   166
Cooperative Fellowship Club
Box   166
Cooper-Kenworthy Inc.
Box   166
Cooper's Inc.
Box   166
Copyright Law
Box   166
Box   166
Cost of Living
Box   167
Cotton Negotiations - Northern
Box   167
Cotton Textile Strike
Box   167
Coulters - UTW
Box   167
Covington Mills Inc.
Box   167
Covington Weaving Company
Box   167
Cowan Mills
Box   167
Craft Novelty Shop
Box   167
Cranston Print Works
Box   167
Crawford Manufacturing Company
Box   167
Crompton-Highlands - Arbitration
Box   167
Crown Cotton Mills
Box   167
Crown Worsted Mills Inc.
Box   167
Crystal Springs Finishing Company
Box   167
Dallas Manufacturing Company
Box   167
Dallas Mills
Box   167
Danielson Manufacturing Company
Box   167
Dan River Cotton Mills
Box   167
Darlington Fabrics Corporation and Curielli
Box   167
Dartmouth Woolen Mills
Box   167
Davis and Geck
Box   167
Decisions - Non TWUA cases
Box   167
Delegates Memoranda
Box   167
Declaration of Trust
Box   167
Demarest Silk Company
Box   167
Denison Cotton Mill
Box   168
Dinkelspiel Arbitration
Box   168
District 50
Box   168
Dodge, Dr. W.
Box   168
Dolphin Jute Mill
Box   168
Dorlexa Dyeing and Finishing Company
Box   168
Dorman Mills
Box   168
Double Woven-Picardy Corporation
Box   168
Douglas Mills Inc.
Box   168
Douty, Kenneth
Box   168
Dual Unionism
Box   168
Duffy Silk Mills
Box   168
Dunean Mills
Box   168
Dunn Worsted
Box   168
Duplan Corporation
Box   168
Box   168
Durham Hosiery Mills
Box   168
Dutt Company (R.B.)
Box   168
Dwight Manufacturing Company
Box   168
Eagle Neckband Corporation
Box   168
Eagle Phoenix
Box   168
East Penn Weaving Company
Box   168
East Providence Mills Inc.
Box   168
Eastern Footwear Company
Box   168
Easton Overall Dry Cleaning Company
Box   168
Eaton Brothers Corporation
Box   168
Eavenson and Levering Company
Box   168
Eday Fabrics
Box   168
Edna Mills Corporation
Box   168
Edwards Manufacturing Company
Box   168
Election Analysis
Box   170
Election Returns and Information
Box   170
Elections - Lists
Box   170
Elite Silk Company
Box   170
Elk Piece Dye Works
Box   170
Ellijay, Georgia
Box   170
Elmvale Worsted Company
Box   170
Elmvale Dye Works
Box   170
Emerson Finishing Company
Box   170
Empire Furniture Company
Box   170
Empire State Bag Company
Box   170
Empire Wiping Cloth Company
Box   170
Empire Worsted Company
Box   170
Engirt Manufacturing Company
Box   170
Enka Rayon Mills
Box   170
England v. Devine (New Bedford Manpower Injunction)
Box   170
Enka Rayon Mills
Box   170
Ensign-Bickford Company
Box   170
Ensign Bickford Company
Box   170
Entwistle Manufacturing Company
Box   170
Enterprise Garnetting Company
Box   170
Entwistle Manufacturing Company
Box   170
Erdette Hosiery Mills
Box   171
Erwin Mills
Executive Council Reports to National Executive Council
Box   171
Box   172
Box   172
Executive Council - Other Department Reports, 1950-1958
Box   172
Executive Order 9328 (Hold-the-Line Order), 1943
Box   172
Exposition Cotton Mills
Box   172
Fair Labor Standards Act
Box   173
Federal Paper Stock Company
Box   173
Firestone Plastics Division - Paterson Woven Plastics Company
Box   173
Firth Carpet
Box   173
Box   173
Fishnet and Twine Company
Box   173
Fisk Rubber Corporation
Box   173
Fitchburg Yarn Company
Box   173
Fitler Company
Box   173
Five Vermont and New Hampshire Woolen Mills - NWLB Case No. 111-4229-HO
Box   173
Fietcher, A.L.
Box   173
Flint Manufacturing Company
Box   173
Flintkote Company
Box   173
Florence Cotton Mills
Box   173
Florence Mills-American Spinning Division
Box   173
Florence Thread Company
Box   173
Form 10 Data
Box   173
Box   174
Formal Papers - Firth Carpet
Box   174
Forstmann Woolen Mills
Box   174
Forsythe Silk Company
Box   174
Fort Schuyler Knitting Company
Box   174
Fort Worth Cotton Mills Fortune, 1932
Box   174
Forty-Eight Hour Week in Textile Industry
Box   174
Foster Yarn Inc.
Box   174
Fownes Brothers and Company
Box   174
Fox Square Laundry Company
Box   174
Frankford Woolen Mills
Box   174
Franklin Process Company
Box   174
Franklin Yarn Company
Box   174
Franklinshire Worsted Mills Inc.
Box   174
Free Speech
Box   174
Freund, Peter
Box   174
Freydberg Brothers Inc.
Box   174
Freund (Peter) Knitting Mills
Box   174
Box   174
Freydberg Brothers Inc.
Box   174
Friedlaender (Julius) and Company
Box   174
Friedlaender, Julius
Box   174
Friedman Bag Company
Box   174
Fuld and Hatch Knitting Company
Box   174
Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills
Box   174
Fulton County Silk Mills
Box   174
Gaffney Manufacturing Company
Box   174
Gaffney and Continental Casualty Company
Box   174
Gaffney Manufacturing Company
Box   175
Gaffney Manufacturing Company (continued)
Box   175
Garfield Machine Works
Box   175
Gargano Estate
Box   176
Gate City Cotton Mills
Box   176
Gay Brothers Woolen Company
Box   176
Geb and Garvan Yarn Company
Box   176
General Correspondence
Box   176
General Electric Company
Box   176
General Felt Company
Box   176
General Ribbon Mills
Box   176
General Shale Corporation
Box   176
General Textile Company
Box   176
General Textile Mills
Box   176
Georgi Duck and Cordage Company
Box   176
Georgia Legal Fees
Box   176
Georgia Senate votes Ban on Union Dues
Box   176
Gera Mills - NLRB Representation Cases
Box   176
Gierke and the Corporate Myth ... / by Bernard Freyd
Box   176
Glassgow Mills
Box   176
Gladding (B.F.) and Company
Box   176
Glass v. Greater New York Joint Board
Box   176
Globe Carpet Cleaning Company
Box   176
Glove Industry
Box   176
Gloversville Knitting Company
Box   177
Goldberg, Arthur J.
Box   177
Goldberg (James) Inc.
Box   177
Golden Belt Manufacturing Company
Box   177
Goodall Worsted Company
Box   177
Goodwill Slipper Company
Box   177
Gordon Mills
Box   177
Goodyear Clearwater Mill
Box   177
Gordon (Morris) Yarn Company
Box   177
Gordon Woolen Mills Inc.
Box   177
Gorman v. Hillman
Box   177
Gosnold Mills Corporation
Box   177
Gotham Hosiery Negotiations
Box   177
Gould and Rosenberg
Box   177
Graham, Charles
Box   177
Graham, John
Box   177
Graham, John (continued)
Box   177
Grand Novelty Company
Box   177
Granite Finishing Works
Box   177
Granite Textile Mills
Box   177
Granite Weaving Company
Box   177
Greenhut Fabrics
Box   177
Greensboro, North Carolina
Box   177
Greenwich Mills
Box   177
Grievance Machinery
Box   178
Group Insurance
Box   178
Guerin Mills Inc.
Box   178
Gurney Manufacturing Company
Box   178
Hadley-Peoples Manufacturing Company
Box   178
Hafner Associates Inc.
Box   178
Hague Opinion
Box   178
Haleyville Manufacturing Company
Box   178
Hammer v. TWUA
Box   178
Hampton Looms Propose Agreement
Box   178
Hampton Looms
Box   178
Hammrick Mills Inc.
Box   179
Hanes Corporations
Box   179
Hart Cotton Mills
Box   180
Hart Cotton Mills (continued)
Box   180
Hartford Rayon Company
Box   180
Hartsell Mills
Box   180
Hathaway Manufacturing Company
Box   180
Hayward Schuster Company
Box   180
Hellwig Corporation
Box   180
Heminway and Bartlett Company
Box   180
Henderson Cotton Mills
Box   180
Henrietta Mills
Box   180
Hettrick Manufacturing
Box   180
Highland Cotton Mills
Box   180
Highland Park Manufacturing Company
Box   180
Hill Bus Case
Box   180
Hillman, Sidney
Box   180
Hillsboro Cotton Mills
Box   180
Hodgson Brothers
Box   180
Hoffman Associates
Box   180
Holland Manufacturing Company
Box   180
Holliston Mills
Box   180
Holmes Silk Company
Box   180
Holston Manufacturing Company
Box   180
Holt, Jack
Box   180
Hooven-Allison Company
Box   180
Hoosac Mill
Box   180
Hooven and Allison Company
Box   181
Hope Webbing Company
Box   181
Horton Wiping Materials Company
Hosiery (American Federation of Hosiery Workers)
Box   181
Albany Manufacturing Company
Box   181
Alden Hosiery Mills
Box   181
Branch No. 3
Box   181
Miscellaneous Agreements
Box   181
Atlas Silk Hosiery Company
Box   181
BZB Knitting
Box   181
Banchowicz, John
Box   181
Belding Hosiery Mills Inc.
Box   181
Cooper Wells and Company
Box   181
Corinth Hosiery Dye Works Inc.
Box   181
Eagle Rock Hosiery Mills
Box   181
Edroy Hosiery Company
Box   181
Feinberg (Jac) Hosiery Mills
Box   181
Fiske v. Holeproof
Box   181
Full Fashioned Hosiery Manufacturers of America
Box   181
Gold Seal Knitting Mills Holeproof Company
Box   181
Interwoven Stocking Company
Box   181
Kayser Silk Company
Box   181
Keystone Hosiery Mills
Box   181
Liberty Full-Fashion Hosiery Mills
Box   181
Massachusetts Knitting Mills
Box   181
Mission Hosiery Mills
Box   181
Mt. Holly Hosiery Mills
Box   181
Murphy, Archie
Box   181
Nebel Knitting Mills
Box   181
Nocturne Hosiery Mills
Box   181
Okey Hosiery Company
Box   181
Park Hosiery Dyeing and Finishing Company
Box   181
Pioneer Hosiery Dyeing Corporation
Box   181
Powell Knitting Company
Box   181
Red House Manufacturing Company
Box   181
Rockford Mitten and Hosiery Company
Box   181
Rosedale Knitting Company
Box   181
Sanderson Knitting Mills
Box   181
Se-Ling Hosiery Mills
Box   181
Union Manufacturing Company
Box   181
Vance Knitting Mills
Box   181
Walnut Hosiery Mills
Box   181
Zimbalist v. Carl MacKley Houses
Box   181
Box   181
General, 1947-1949
Box   181
Box   181
Portal to Portal
Box   182
Wage Tribunal
Box   182
Swiss Bleachery - Case 2-CB-1074
Box   182
Housatonic Dye and Printing Company
Box   182
House Resolution No. 258 - Investigation of the NLRB, 1939
Box   182
House Committee on Resolution No. 258, 1940
Box   182
House Committee on Labor, 1940
Box   182
Box   182
“How Liberal Is Justice Hughes?” / Joseph F. Guffey, 1937
Box   182
Howland Croft Sons and Company
Box   182
Hudson Knitting
Box   182
Hudson Worsted Company
Box   182
Huguet Fabrics Corporation
Box   182
Hunter (James) Machine Company
Box   182
Huntingdon Throwing Company
Box   182
Huntsville Manufacturing Company
Box   182
Hyman, Burton
Box   182
Imperial Linens
Box   182
Incoming Office Memoranda
Box   182
Independent Paper Mills
Box   182
“Independent Unionism” / by Henry Mayer
Box   182
Indiana Cotton Mills
Box   182
Indianapolis Bleaching Company
Box   182
Industrial Cotton Mills Company
Box   182
Industrial Rayon Corporation
Box   182
Indian Head Mills
Box   183
Industrial Rayon Company
Box   183
Industrial Trust Company
Box   183
Ingenuity v. TWUA
Box   183
Ingram Spinning Mills
Box   183
Inman Mills
Box   183
Insel Company
Box   183
Box   184
Interlaken Mills (Harris Mill)
Box   184
Interlaken Mills
Box   184
Internal Revenue
Box   184
International Flouncing
Box   184
International Looms
Box   184
International Mule Spinners' Union
Box   184
Inter-Office Memoranda
Box   184
Irving Worsted Company
Box   184
Itasca Cotton Manufacturing
Box   184
Industrial Trades Union
Box   184
IUE-UE, Local Withdrawals
Box   184
Frank IX and Sons
Box   184
Jackson, Thomas and Son Inc.
Box   184
Jaffrey Mills
Box   184
James Thompson and Company
Box   184
Jamestown Worsted Mills Company
Box   184
January and Wood Company
Box   184
Jelliff (C.O.) Manufacturing
Box   184
Jennings Cotton Mills
Box   184
Jerome Knitting Mills
Box   184
Jersey Plastic and Die Casting Company
Box   184
Jewell Brook Woolen Company
Box   184
Jewell Cotton Mills
Box   184
Joelson, Judge Harry E.
Box   184
Johns-Manville Company
Box   184
Johnson & Johnson
Box   184
Jowett Mills Inc.
Box   184
Judicial Interpretation of Labor Laws
Box   184-185
Julliard and Company (A.D.)
Box   185
K-B Products
Box   185
Kahn and Feldman Inc.
Box   185
Kahn Ribbon Mills
Box   185
Kalix Mills
Box   185
Kamoinow Brothers
Box   185
Kaplan Brothers
Box   185
Karagheusian (A & M) Inc.
Box   185
Kaufaman (L.) Company
Box   185-186
Kayser (Julius) and Company
Box   186
Keating Construction Company
Box   186
Kelley v. Sylvia
Box   186
Kemp and Beatley Inc.
Box   186
Kendall Mills
Box   186
Kent (Percy) Bag Company
Box   186
Kerr Mills
Box   186
Kerstetter Silk Throwing Company
Box   186
Keystone Silk Manufacturing Company
Box   186
Keystone Weaving Mills
Box   186
Kickernick Company
Box   186
Kilburn Mills
Box   186
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Box   186
Kitchen v. LaChappelle
Box   186
Klumac Cotton Mills
Box   186
Koberin Manufacturing Company
Box   186
Krongold Umbrella Company
Box   186
Kroy Silk Corporation
Box   186
Kuper, Leon
Box   186
Labor Extension Service Program
Box   187
Labor Publications Foundation
Box   187
Labor Relations and the War
Box   187
Labor's Charter of Rights, 1935
Box   187
Box   187
Lacon Woolen Mills
Box   187
LaFayette Cotton Mills
Box   187
La Favorite Rubber
Box   187
Landers Corporation
Box   187
Lane Cotton Mills
Box   187
Lawrence Duck Company
Box   187
Lawrence Woolen Company
Box   187
Lees-Cochrane Company
Box   187
Leaksville Woolen Mills
Box   187
Lebanon Woolen Mills Corporation
Legal Department
Box   187
Box   187
Rieve and Katz
Box   187
Monthly Reports
Box   187
Box   187
Lehigh River and Brookdale v. TWUA
Box   187
Leibowitz and Son
Box   187
Leicester Woolen Mills
Box   187
Leon-Ferenbach Inc.
Box   187
Lester Shire Spool and Bobbin Company
Box   187-188
Levin, Lester M.
Box   188
Lewiston Bleach and Dye Works
Box   188
Libbey (W.S.)
Box   188
Liebowitz (J.) and Sons Company
Box   188
Lima Woolen Mills
Box   188
Limestone Mills
Box   188
Linda Cotton Mills
Box   188
Linen Thread Company
Box   188
Lion Binding and Trimming Company
Box   188
Little, Herbert
Box   188
Little Steel Decision
Box   188
Local Questions
Box   188
Local 50
Box   188
Local 460
Box   188
Local 112
Box   188
Local 88
Box   188
Local 130
Box   188
Local 204
Box   188
Local 224
Box   188
Local 230
Box   188
Local 254
Box   188
Local 277
Box   188
Local 349
Box   188
Local 408 and 409
Box   188
Local 585
Box   188
Local 511
Box   188
Local 1733
Box   188
Local 1874
Box   188
Local 1935
Box   188
Local 2421
Box   188
Local 1983
Box   189
Box   189
Lockwood-Dutchess Inc.
Box   189
Lone Star Bag and Bagging Company
Box   189
Longlife Elastic Manufacturing Company
Box   189
Long Life Elastic Company
Box   189
Longsdale Company
Box   189
Lorraine Manufacturing Company
Box   189
Lonsdale Company
Box   189
Loomfixers Club Association
Box   189
Lorraine Manufacturing Company
Box   189
Louisville Sanitary Wipers
Box   189
Louisville Textile Inc.
Box   189
Lowell Bleachery Inc.
Box   189
Lowell Woolen Mills
Box   189
Lowenthal (W) Company
Box   189
Ludlow Manufacturing and Sales Company
Box   189
Luther Manufacturing Company
Box   189
Box   189
Lynn Textile Mills Inc.
Box   189
Mace Manufacturing Company
Box   189
Machel Estate
Box   189
Mack Holding Company
Box   189
Mackintosh (D.) and Sons Company
Box   189
Macon Textile Inc.
Box   189
Macungie Silk Company
Box   189
Madden, George L.
Box   189
Magee Carpet Company
Box   189
Mailing Department
Box   189
Majestic Metals Inc.
Box   189
Malden Spinning
Box   189
Malina Arbitration Case
Box   189
Box   189
Manhattan Yarn Dyeing Company
Box   189
Manning, Frank
Box   189
Box   189
Mansfield Mills Inc.
Box   189
Marcalus Manufacturing
Box   189
Marcus and Company
Box   189
Box   189
Marshall Field and Company
Box   189
Marshall (Walter) Spinning Corporation
Box   189
Martel Mills
Box   189
Box   190
Martin Dyeing and Finishing Company
Box   190
Martinsburg Case
Box   190
Marvelous Dyeing and Finishing Company
Box   190
Master Screen Engravers Guild Inc.
Box   190
Matte v. Kosnick
Box   190
Mary Leila v. White
Box   190
Mary Leila Cotton Mills
Box   190
Massollo, Arthur D.
Box   190
Mays Landing Power
Box   190
Maximum Average Price
Box   190
McCallum and Robinson
Box   190
McDermott, Robert J.
Box   190
Box   190
McAllester Hosiery Mills
Box   190
McDowell ads
Box   190
McKee, Don
Box   190
McLaughin Ads
Box   190
McMahon, Thomas F.
Box   190
Meadox Weaving
Box   190
Medford Knitwear Mills
Box   190-191
Memoranda of Law and Briefs
Box   191
Mente and Company
Box   191
Mercer Textile
Box   191
Merchants and Newark Trust Company
Box   191
Meribee Art Embroidery
Box   191
Merrimac Manufacturing Company
Box   191
Merrion Worsted Mills
Box   191
Merrimac Manufacturing Company
Box   191
Metal Industries Inc.
Box   191
Metal Textile Corporation of Delaware
Box   191
Metropolitan Insurance Company
Box   191
Mexia Cotton Mills
Box   191
Michie, (Andrew Y.) Sons Inc.
Box   191
Middlebrook (Joseph A.) Inc.
Box   191
Midwest Burlap and Bag Corporation
Box   191
Mills Mill
Box   191
Mill Villages
Box   191
Milliken (Lancey G.) Inc.
Box   191
Millville Manufacturing Company
Box   191
Minimum Wage
Box   191
Minneapolis Knitting Mills
Box   191
Minneola Manufacturing Company
Box   191-192
Box   192
Missouri Bag Company
Box   192
Mobile Cotton Mills
Box   192
Model Sabotage Prevention Act
Box   192
Mohawk Carpet Mills
Box   192
Monarch Mills
Box   192
Moniteaux Mills
Box   192
Monomac Spinning Company
Box   192
Montgomery Dye Company
Box   192
Monument Mills
Box   192
Moon Silk Mills Inc.
Box   192
Mooney, J.P.
Box   192
Moore (George C.) Company
Box   192
Mooresville Cotton Mills
Box   192
Morgan Laundry
Box   192
Morris Brothers
Box   192
Mortuary Fund - TWUA
Box   192
Mostertz (Ferdinand) Company
Box   192
Mountain Weaving
Box   192
Mt. Vernon-Woodberry Mills
Box   192
Mugno-Unemployment Insurance
Box   192
Box   192
Murray, Philip
Box   192
Musgrove Mills
Box   192
Mutual Box Board Company
Box   192
Muth, Eugene O.
Box   192
Myers, Dr. A. Howard
Box   193
Narragansett Plush
Box   193
Narrow Fabric
Box   193
Narrow Ribbon Specialty Company
Box   193
Nashua Manufacturing Company
Box   193
National Automotive Fibres
Box   193
National Bankruptcy Act
Box   193
National CIO War Production
Box   193
National Defense Executive Research Program
Box   193
National Felt Works
Box   193
National Hair Cloth Company
Box   193
National Lawyers Guild
Box   193
National Labor Relations Act NLRB
Box   193
National Mattress Company
Box   193
National Mediation Board
Box   193
National Musical String Company
Box   193
National Office Bulletin
Box   193
National Slipper Manufacturing Association
Box   193
National Surety Corporation
Box   193
National Surfit Quilting Company
Box   194
National Velvet Corporation
Box   194
National War Labor Board
Box   194
National Waste Company
Box   194
National Weaving Company
Box   194
National Worsted Mills Inc.
Box   194
National Woven Label
Box   194
Naumkeag Steam Cotton Company
Box   194
Naushon Mills Inc.
Box   194
Naval Affairs of the House of Representatives
Box   194
Naahr Bag Company
Box   194
Nedra Finishing Corporation
Box   194
Neidich Cellustra Company
Box   194
Nelson-Columbua (Hugh) Carpet Company
Box   194
Nemasket Mills
Box   194
New Bedford Cordage Company
Box   194
New Bedford Cotton Manufacturers Association
Box   195
New Bedford Cotton Manufacturers Association
Box   195
Newman, Georgia - Anti-Union Ordinance
Box   195
Newnan Cotton Mills Inc.
Box   195
New Bedford Loomfixers Petition
Box   195
Box   195
New Bedford Knitting Mills
Box   195
New Bedford Rayon Company
Box   195
New Castle Products Corporation
Box   195
New England Web Inc.
Box   195
New Jersey Carpet Mills Inc.
Box   195
New Jersey Worsted and Gera Mills
Box   195
New London Fabrics
Box   195
Newmarket Manufacturing Company
Box   195
New York Joint Board
Box   196
New York University - Eleventh Annual Conference on Labor
Box   196
Nina Dye Works
Box   196
Nicolet Industries Inc.
Box   196
New York Mills
Box   196
Nitram Manufacturing Company
Box   196
Norman Finishing Company
Box   196
Normandy Print Works
Box   196
North Star Woolen Company
Box   196
Normandy Print Works
Box   196
Norris-LaGuardia Act
Box   196
Norristown Magnesia and Asbestos Company
Box   196
North American Rayon Corporation
Box   196
Northampton Textile Company
Box   196
North Carolina Finishing Company
Box   196
North Carolina - Service of Process
Box   196
North Jersey Joint Board
Box   196
North River Yarn Company
Box   196
Northern Cotton Wage Negotiations
Box   196
Norwich Mills Inc.
Box   196
Norwich Knitting Company
Box   196
Novelty Binding and Trimming Company
Box   196
Box   196
Nye-Wait Inc., Strike
Box   197
Occupational Disease
Box   197
Old Dominion Housing Corporation
Box   197
Oneita Knitting Mills
Box   197
Office of Price Administration
Box   197
Oregon Worsted Company
Box   197
Organizing Campaign Data
Box   197
Organizing Committee - CIO
Box   197
Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation
Box   197
Olson Rug Company
Box   197
Onondaga Silk Company
Box   197
Oriental Rug
Box   197
Orinoka Mills
Box   197
Orr Felt and Blanket Company
Box   197
Oscar Nebel Hosiery Company
Box   197
Otten, Mary Bauer
Box   197
Outgoing Office Memoranda
Box   197
Box   197
Owens Corning Fiberglass
Box   197-198
Pacific Mills
Box   198
Pacific Slipper Company
Box   198
Palmer Mills Inc.
Box   198
Palmetto Cotton Mills
Box   198
Paragon Umbrella
Box   198
Paramount Textile Machinery Company
Box   198
Paramount Winding Company
Box   198
Park Hosiery Company
Box   198
Park Tissue Mills Inc. and Frost White Paper Mills Inc.
Box   198
Parliamentary Procedure
Box   198
Peerless Woolen Mills
Box   199
Pendleton Manufacturing Company
Box   199
Pendleton Woolen Mills
Box   199
Pennsylvania Labor Mediation Act
Box   199
Pentagon Printing Company v. Rieve and Fiester
Box   199
Pepperell Manufacturing Company
Box   200
Perfect Winding Company
Box   200
Permacel Tape Company
Box   200
Perry Knitting Company
Box   200
Pervel Corporation
Box   200
Perfect Textile Print
Box   200
Perfection Spinning Company
Box   200
Box   200
Petzold, Max
Box   200
Philadelphia Carpet Company
Box   200
Philadelphia Penn Worsted Company
Box   200
Philip, Jean
Box   200
Piedmont Cotton Mills
Box   200
Pickett Cotton Mills
Box   200
Pilling, Ivan
Box   200
Pioneer, Atlanta Company
Box   200
Pittsburgh Garter Company
Box   200
Plaskolite Inc.
Box   200
Plasticloth Products
Box   201
Plastic Woven Products
Box   201
Plastoid Corporation
Box   201
Plaza Silk Mills Strike
Box   201
Plymouth Cordage Company
Box   201
Plymouth Manufacturing Company
Box   201
Poe (Theodore W.) Company
Box   201
Poitras v. Local 2103
Box   201
Pollack (Max) and Company
Box   201
Polyvinyl Corporation
Box   201
Ponemah Mills
Box   201
Pontiac Products Corporation
Box   201
Portal-to-Portal (Law Memos)
Box   201
Portal-to-Portal Act
Box   201
Porter Dearington Company
Box   201
Posner, Herman
Box   201
Postex Mills
Box   201
Potomac Dyeing and Finishing Company
Box   201
Powdrell and Alexander
Box   201
Prairie du Chien Woolen Mills Company
Box   201
Box   201
Premier Worsted File
Box   202
Prentice Hall Inc.
Box   202
Pressman, Lee
Box   202
Progress Works Administration
Box   202
Pressman Toy Corporation
Box   202
Price Spindle and Flyer Company
Box   202
Prim Era Hosiery Mills Inc.
Box   202
Princeton Knitting Mills
Box   202
Princeton Worsted Mills
Box   202
Priscella Worsted Mills v. TWUA
Box   202
Profile Cotton Mills
Box   202
Providence Combing Company
Box   202
Providence Dyeing, Bleaching and Calendering Company
Box   202
Proximity Manufacturing Company
Box   202
Proximity Print Works
Box   202
Prym (William) Company
Box   202
Box   202
Puritan Looms Inc.
Box   202
PVM Corporation
Box   202
Quaker Pile Fabric Corporation
Box   202
Queen Print Works Inc.
Box   202
Queen City Textile Corporation
Box   202
Queen Silk Corporation
Box   202
Quissett Mills
Box   202
Radio Writers Guild
Box   202
Radio Station WSOC
Box   202
Ramapo Piece Dye Works
Box   202
Rambo and Regar Inc.
Box   202
Ranlo Manufacturing Company
Box   202
Ramsay Mills Inc.
Box   202
Rans-Jordan Company
Box   202
Raritan Mills Company
Box   202
Raycrest Mills
Box   202
Raynit Mills
Box   202
RayTex Dyers and Printers Inc.
Box   202
Regis Textiles Inc.
Box   202
Regulation of Labor Unions
Box   202
Reinstatement of Strikers
Box   202
Reiss (Louis) and Sons Inc. v. Greater New York Joint Board
Box   202
Remblad, Walter
Box   202
Removal to Federal Courts
Box   202
Research Department
Box   202
Resistoflex Corporation
Box   203
Return Registry Receipts
Box   203-204
Richardson v. Local 204
Box   204
Riegel Textile Corporation
Box   204
Rieve Memos, 1946-1947
Box   204
Rieve Memoranda
Box   204
Rieve v. Galusha
Box   204
Riverside Cotton Mills
Box   204-205
Riverside and Dan River Cotton Mills
Box   205
Riverside Silk Company
Box   205
Riverside Dyeing and Finishing Company
Box   205
Riverside Mills
Box   205
Roanoke, Virginia, Cooperative
Box   205
Roanoke Mills Company
Box   205
Rochambeau Worsted Company
Box   205
Rock Hill Printing and Finishing Company
Box   205
Rock Hill, South Carolina
Box   205
Rock Hill Printing and Finishing Company
Box   205
Rockland Knitting Mills Inc.
Box   205
Rock River Woolen Company
Box   205
Roger Williams Manufacturing Company
Box   205
Rogers, Melvin L. v. TWUA
Box   205
Roselin Manufacturing Company
Box   205
Rosewood Fabrics
Box   205
Roselle Shoe Corporation
Box   205
Rossie Velvet Company
Box   206
Royal Cotton Mills Inc.
Box   206
Royal Swan Company
Box   206
Royal Textile Company
Box   206
Rubberoid Company
Box   206
Rueping (Fred) Leather Company
Box   206
Rugg (E.T.) Company
Box   206
Rug Renovating Company
Box   206
Run-off Election
Box   206
Russell Manufacturing Company
Box   206
Russellville Mills
Box   206
S & K Manufacturing Company
Box   206
Saco-Lowell Shops
Box   206
Safie Manufacturing Company
Box   207
Sagamore Mills
Box   207
Salaries - Local Union Officers
Box   207
Salisbury Cotton Mills
Box   207
Samarkand Profit-Sharing Plan and Trust Indenture
Box   207
Sanco Piece Dye Works
Box   207
Sanders (J.C.) Cotton Mill
Box   207
Sanford Mills
Box   207
Saratoga-Victory Mills Inc.
Box   207
Schlake Dye Works Inc.
Box   207
Schuster, Alwood
Box   207
Schwab & Schwab
Box   207
Schwartz (Harry) Yarn Company
Box   207
Schwarzenbach Huber Company
Box   207
Scottdale Mills Inc.
Box   207
Sea Island Thread Corporation
Box   207
Selective Service
Box   208
Samson Cordage Works
Box   208
Box   208
Se Ling Hosiery Mills
Box   208
Selma Cotton Mills
Box   208
Seneca Knitting Mills
Box   208
Service of Process
Box   208
Settlement - AFL-CIO
Box   208
Severance Pay
Box   208
Shack (Maurice) and Automatic Milk Dispenser Corporation
Box   208
Shapiro and Son Curtain Corporation
Box   208
Shamokin Dye and Print Works
Box   208
Shannock Narrow Fabric Company
Box   208
Shawnee Finishing Company
Box   208
Sheble and Wood Yarn Corporation
Box   208
Shenandoah Rayon Corporation
Box   208
Sher, Martin
Box   208
Shift Bonus
Box   208
Shirt Works Union
Box   208
Silk and Rayon Manufacturing Association
Box   208
Shoe Lace Company
Box   208
Silk and Rayon Manufacturing Association
Box   208
Silver Lake Mills
Box   208
Silver Line Dye Works Inc.
Box   208
Simas, Joseph C.
Box   208
Simmerson, Ralph
Box   208
Skinner (William) and Sons
Box   208
Skydyne Inc.
Box   208
Slatersville Finishing Company
Box   208
Smith and Sons Carpet Company
Box   208
Smith (Alexander) and Sons
Box   208
Smith-Connelly Act
Box   208
Smith Textile Corporation
Box   208
Smith v. TWOC
Box   208
Smithfield Manufacturing Company
Box   209
Social Security
Box   209
Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Acts
Box   209
Somersville Manufacturing Company
Box   209
South Action Woolen Company
Box   209
Soule Mill
Box   209
South - Economic Report on Conditions in the South
Box   209
Southern Cotton Chemical
Box   209
Southern Mills Corporation
Box   209-210
Southern and Northern Cotton - National War Labor Board
Box   210
Southeastern Industries Inc.
Box   210
Southeastern Mills Inc.
Box   210
Southern Pile Fabric Company
Box   210
Southern Strike Fund
Box   210
Southern Webbing Mills Inc.
Box   210
Southern Wage Brackets
Box   210
Spartan Mills
Box   210
Spatex Corporation
Box   210
Spray Cotton Mills
Box   210
Sperry Rubber and Plastics Company
Box   210
Springfield Woolen Mills
Box   210
Spirella Company
Box   210
Springdale Mills
Box   211
Star Woolen Mills
Box   211
Startex Mills
Box   211
Stead and Miller Company
Box   211
Steele's Mills Inc.
Box   211
Stehli and Company
Box   211
Box   211
Steinco Dyeing and Finishing Company
Box   211
Steinfield Fabrics Company
Box   211
Stephen Spinning Company
Box   211
Sterling Cotton Mills
Box   211
Sterling Glove Company
Box   211
Strong-Hewat and Company
Box   211
Subversive Organizations
Box   211
Summergrade (N.) and Sons Company
Box   211
Talladega Cotton Factory Inc.
Box   211
Tax Problems
Box   211
Terminal Dyeing and Finishing
Box   211
Texas Textile Mills
Box   212
Tex-Ray Fabrics Inc.
Box   212
Tex-Tuft Products Inc.
Box   212
Textile Foam Inc.
Box   212
TWUA - Financial Report, 1947
Box   212
Texticrafters Inc.
Box   212
Textilfoam Corporation
Box   212
Thomson, F. Ehrlich
Box   212
Threads Inc.
Box   212
Triangle Finishing Corporation
Box   212
Tioga Weaving Company
Box   212
Tri-Ess Products
Box   212
Tufted Textile Manufacturers Association
Box   212
Uncas Printing and Finishing Company
Box   212
Union Security
Box   273
United Piece Dye Works
Box   273
United Shoe Workers
Box   273
United States Bobbin Company
Box   273
U.S. Bobbin & Shuttle Company
Box   273
United States Finishing Company and International Brotherhood of Teamsters
Box   273
United States Finishing Company
Box   273
United States Rubber Company
Box   273
United States - Rules of Court
Box   273
United States Supreme Court
Box   273
United States Testing Company Inc.
Box   273
United Wire Goods Manufacturing Company
Box   273
United Wool Piece Dyeing and Finishing Company
Box   273
Universal Cordage Company
Box   273
Up-To-Date Arbitration
Box   274
Box   274
Utica and Mohawk Cotton Mills Inc.
Box   274
Van Raalte Corporation
Box   274
Venus Binding and Trimming Company
Box   274
Wade Manufacturing Company
Box   274
Wage Stabilization
Box   274
Warshow (H.) and Sons
Box   274
Wasek, Stanley
Box   274
Waumbec Mills Inc.
Box   274
West Boylston Western Felt
Box   275
Western Lace and Line Company
Box   275
Western Products Company
Box   275
White, H.P.
Box   275
Whittall, J.J.
Box   275
White, Horace
Box   275
Whittier Mills
Box   275
Williamsport Textile Corporation
Box   275
Wilson Brothers Company
Box   276
Woodside Cotton Mills
Box   276
Woodard, Al
Box   276
Woolen Negotiations
Box   276
Woolen and Worsted Industries
Box   276
Woolen Strike
Box   276
Woolich Woolen Mills
Box   276
Woonsocket Worsted Company
Box   276
Winchester Rubber
Box   277
Work Sheets
Box   277
Wortex Mills
Box   278-279
Cases, 1953-1964
Box   213
A.B.C. Engraving Corporation
Box   213
Acme Bedding Company
Box   213
Box   213
Adler Company
Box   213
Advance Piece Dye Works
Box   213
Alamac Knitting Mills
Box   213
Aldora Mills
Box   213
Aldora Mills
Box   213-214
Aleo Manufacturing Company
Box   214
Alessi, Carmen
Box   214
Allen Bean Company
Box   214
Allen-Morrison Sign Company
Box   214
Allentown Conventing Company
Box   214
Allied Chemical Corporation
Box   214
American Cyanamid Company
Box   215
Amazon Cotton Mills
Box   215
Ames Bag Company
Box   215
American Felt Company
Box   215
American Thread Company
Box   216-217
American Woolen Company
Box   217
American Yarn and Processing
Box   217
Ames Bag Company
Box   217
Ames Harris Neville Company
Box   217
Amoskeag-Lawrence Mills Inc.
Box   217
Anchor Rug Company
Box   217
Anderson, Doug
Box   217
Anderson Mattress Company
Box   217
Androscoggin Mills
Box   217
Ankokas Mills
Box   217
Annual Report of the Attorney General
Box   217
Annson Manufacturing Company
Box   217
Anson Manufacturing Company
Box   217
Ansonia O & S Company
Box   217
Anniston Yarn Company
Box   217
Anchor Aluminum Corporation
Box   218
Amerotron Corporation
Box   218
Anchro Rome Mills
Box   218
Aragon Mills
Box   218
Antipyros Employees
Box   218
Arbitration Act
Box   218
Applicants - Law
Box   219
Arbitration Matters
Box   219
Arista Mills
Box   219
Arnold Print Works
Box   219
Arwright Mills Inc.
Box   219
Arrow Manufacturing Company
Box   219
Atlantic Coast Line R.R.
Box   219
Atlantic Cotton Mills
Box   219
Attorneys' Bills
Box   220
Auto Assembly Plastics
Box   220
Avondale Mills - General
Box   220
Box   220
Bacon Felt Company
Box   220
Balston Novelty Yarn Company
Box   220
Bamford, James
Box   220
Bartson (Albert J.) Inc.
Box   220
Bates Manufacturing Company
Box   220
Bates (R.W.) Piece Dye Works Inc.
Box   220
Baxter, Kelly and Faust Company
Box   220
Bauer and Black
Box   220
Beaunit Mills
Box   220
Box   220
Belmont Cases - Stowe Spinning Company
Box   220
Berkshire Woolen Company
Box   220
Berkshire Fine Spinning Company
Box   221
Berryton Mills
Box   221
Bernhard Altmann International Corporation
Box   221
Bethlehem Silk Company
Box   221
Bethlehem Textile Mills Inc.
Box   221
Bigelow-Sanford Jacquard Strike
Box   222
Bigelow-Sanford Company
Box   222
Bird and Sons
Box   222
Bishop, Mariano S.
Box   222
Bluebird Silk Company
Box   222
Blue Ridge Textile Company
Box   222
Bond Ribbon Mills Inc.
Box   222
Boston Quilting Corporation
Box   222
Botany Mills Inc.
Box   222
Bradford Dyeing Association
Box   222
Brampton Woolen Company
Box   222
Bridgeport Fabrics
Box   222
Brighton Mills Inc.
Box   222
Bristol Worsted Company
Box   222
Broadway, Ralph
Box   222
Brookford Mills
Box   222
Brookline Fabrics Inc.
Box   222
Brown, Hugh
Box   222
Burke Golf Equipment Corporation
Box   222
C & S Rug Company
Box   222
Cahoon, Robert S.
Box   222
Call-In Pay Matters
Box   222
Calvine Cotton Mills
Box   222
Cannon Mills
Box   222
Box   222
Captive Audience Doctrine
Box   222
Carol Curtain Corporation
Box   222
Cedartown Textiles Inc.
Box   222
Chase Bag Company
Box   222
Cheney Brothers
Box   223
Chicopee Manufacturing Company
Box   223
Chopak Fabrics Inc.
Box   223
CIO Conference on Labor Law
Box   223
Clark Mills
Box   223
Clearwater Finishing Company
Box   223
Clearwater Printing and Finishing Company
Box   223
Closter Manufacturing Company
Box   223
Coffin and Logar
Box   224
Cleveland Worsted Mills
Box   224
Cohoes Dyeing and Finishing Company
Box   224
Colgate Piece Dye Works
Box   224
Columbian Rope Company
Box   224
Commander Mills Inc.
Box   224
Consolidated Textile Company
Box   224
Contract File
Box   224
Contract Interpretation and Analysis
Box   224
Cornell University Labor Study
Box   225
Courtaulds Inc.
Box   225
Creative Industries
Box   225
Crown Manufacturing Company
Box   225
Crown Worsted Mills Inc.
Box   225
Crump (B.T.) Company
Box   225
Currency - Federal
Box   225
Dan River Mills
Box   225
Danville Knitting Mills
Box   225
Dartmouth Woolen Company
Box   225
Delaware Mills Inc.
Box   225
Dolores Inc.
Box   225
Donner Corporation
Box   225
Dorman Mills Inc.
Box   225
Drico Industrial Corporation
Box   225
Duplan Corporation
Box   225
DuPont de Nemours and Company
Box   225
DuPont Cellophane Company
Box   225
Duraloom Carpet Mills
Box   225
Dyers and Printers Pension Fund
Box   226
Edelman, John W.
Box   226
Election Laws - New York State
Box   226
Ellington and Anderson
Box   226
Ellsworth Mills
Box   226
Endicott Johnson Corporation
Box   226
Engraving Industry
Box   226
Erwin Mills
Box   227
Erwin Housing Project
Box   227
Eureka Printing Company
Box   227
Executive Council Meetings, 1947-1952
Box   227
Faith Mills
Box   227
Fall Rivers Textile Mills
Box   228
Fall River Negotiations
Box   228
Fawcett Mills Inc.
Box   228
Federal Security Agency
Box   228
Federal Silk Mills
Box   229
Fieldcrest Mills
Box   229
Firestone Plants
Box   229
Fisher and Rudge
Box   229
Flintkote Company
Box   229
Fonda Glove Lining Company
Box   229
Box   229
Fontaine Converting Works
Box   229
Forstmann Woolen Company
Box   229
Foster v. TWUA
Box   229
Freeman, Robert
Box   229
Frank Associates
Box   229
French-American-British Woolens Corporation
Box   229
Fry (Lloyd A.) Roofing Company
Box   230
Garry Manufacturing Company
Box   230
General Latex and Chemical Corporation
Box   230
General Office Bulletin
Box   230
Box   230
Georgia Parlor Furniture Company
Box   230
Gilbert Knitting Mill Company
Box   230
Gering Plastics Company
Box   230
Golden Belt Manufacturing Company
Box   230
Golden-Tex Fabrics Corporation
Box   230
Goodman and Theise
Box   230
Box   230
Gordon Mills
Box   230
Gort Girl's Frocks Inc.
Box   230
Green River Mills
Box   230
Griffin Hosiery Mills
Box   230
Grist, Warren R.
Box   231
Halifax County, Virginia - Anti-Union Ordinance
Box   231
Hanes (P.H.) Knitting Company
Box   231
Harriet-Henderson Strike
Box   231
Hartford Rayon Corporation
Box   231
Haverstraw Dye Cases
Box   231
Hega Knitting Mills
Box   231
Hellwig Dyeing Corporation
Box   231
Heminway-Belding Company
Box   231
Hess-Goldsmith Company
Box   232
Hickory Fabrics
Box   232
Highland Cotton Mills
Box   232
Hird (Samuel) and Sons
Box   232
Homestead Woolen Mills
Box   232
Horne (J.H.) and Sons Company
Box   232
Housatonic Dye and Print Works
Box   232
Home Curtain Corporation
Box   232
Howeland Croft, Sons and Company
Box   232
Hyde Park Mills
Box   232
Improved Machinery Inc.
Box   232
Industrial Cotton Mill
Box   232
Industrial Union of Marine and Shipbuilding Workers of America
Box   232
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
Box   232
International Federation of Textile Workers
Box   232
Inter-Office Memoranda
Box   232
It's the Law
Box   232
James Lees and Sons Company
Box   232
Jefferson Mills
Box   232
Jelliff (C.O.) Manufacturing
Box   232
Jewel Cotton Mills
Box   232
Joelson, Charles S.
Box   232
Jacobs, Joe
Box   232
Johnsonville arrest of Red Lisk and Willie Gordon
Box   232
Joseph, Frank
Box   233
Jonas (O.N.) Company
Box   233
Juilliard and Company
Box   234
Kahn Ribbon Mills
Box   234
Kalco Textile Company
Box   234
Karagheusian (A & M) Company
Box   234
Katz, Isadore
Box   234
Kennebic Mills
Box   234
Kilburn Mills
Box   234
Keasbey and Mattison
Box   234
Keller Dorian Corporation
Box   234
Klenert, Lloyd
Box   234
Keystone Weaving Mills
Box   234
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Box   234
Lachman (Charles) Company
Box   234-235
Lafayette Cotton Mills
Box   235
Lane Cotton Mills
Box   235
Lawrence, Roy
Box   235
Lawtex Corporation
Box   235
Lebanon Woolen Mills
Box   235
Lehigh Piece Dye Works
Box   235
Laycob Hat Company
Box   235
Leedom (Thomas) Company
Box   235
Limestone Manufacturing Company
Box   236
Linen Thread Company
Box   236
Local 364
Box   236
Lodi Piece Dye Works
Box   236
Lorraine Manufacturing Company
Box   236
Lowenthal Company (W.)
Box   236
Ludlow Manufacturing Company
Box   236
Lyman, South Carolina
Box   236
Lynch, Wade
Box   236
Lyntex Corporation
Box   236
McGraw Wool Company
Box   236
Mackintosh (D.) and Sons
Box   236
Majestic Lamp Manufacturing Company
Box   236
Majestic Metals
Box   236
Malone, John
Box   236
Martin Brothers
Box   236
Marbek v. John Miraglia
Box   236
Mary-Leila Cotton Mills
Box   237
Massachusetts Mohair Plush Company
Box   237
Massasoit Company
Box   237
Master Yarn Dyers
Box   237
Mathers (G.)
Box   237
Mill Villages
Box   237
Melrose Hosiery Mills
Box   237
Mexia Textile Mills
Box   237
Minerva Printing Corporation
Box   238
Mohasco Unemployment Insurance Case
Box   238
Monroe Upholstery Company
Box   238
Monument Mills Inc.
Box   238
Moore Textile Company
Box   238
Mount Hope Finishing Company
Box   238
Mount Vernon Credit Union
Box   238
Mount Vernon Woodberry Mills
Box   238
National Automotive Fibres
Box   238
Naumkeag Steam Cotton Company
Box   238
Nel Carpet Mills
Box   238
Owens-Corning Fibreglass Corporation
Box   238-239
Paragon Worsted Company
Box   239
Paris Fabric Mills
Box   239
Pen Argyl Mills Inc.
Box   239
Picardy Mills and Double Woven
Box   239
Pickett, Catherine
Box   239
Pickett Cotton Mills
Box   239
Pond-Lily Company
Box   239
Press Releases
Box   239
Princeton Knitting Mills Rieve
Box   239
Rose Terry Company
Box   239
Rosenberg, Milton
Box   239
Simmons, Lowell
Box   239
Shoe Form Company
Box   239
Southbridge Finishing Company
Box   239
Sterwild Knitting Mills
Box   239
Stevens (J.P.) Company
Box   239-240
Stevens (M.T.) and Sons Company
Box   240
Stewart Silk Corporation
Box   240
Stifel (J.L.) and Sons
Box   240
Stillwater Worsted Mills
Box   240
Stonewall Cotton Mills
Box   240
Stowe Spinning Company
Box   240
Strain (David) Inc.
Box   240
Box   240
Strong Hewat Company
Box   240
S. Stroock and Company
Box   240
Structure of AFL Unions
Box   240
Strutwear Brief
Box   240
Stukelman and Duch Vnay
Box   240
Stylon Corporation
Box   240
Substandard Rates of Pay
Box   240
Sufrin, Sidney
Box   240
Sula Corporation
Box   240
Sun Silk
Box   240
Sun Tent Lubbert Case
Box   240
Sullivan (J.) and Sons Company
Box   240
Suncook Mills
Box   240
Superintendent of Documents - United States Government Printing
Box   240
Supertex Dyeing and Finishing Company
Box   240
Supreme Court
Box   240
Susquehanna Mills
Box   240
Swansea Print Company
Box   240
Swift Manufacturing Company
Box   240
Sylvania Division of American Viscose Corporation
Box   241
Sylvania Industrial Corporation
Box   241
Syntex Fabrics
Box   241
Synthetic Yarns Inc.
Box   241
Tabardrey Manufacturing Company
Box   241
Taccone v. Clifton
Box   241
Taglione v. TWOC
Box   241
Box   241
Box   241
Teaque, W.C.
Box   241
Box   241
Taylor and Friedsam Company
Box   241
Box   241
Tennessee Furniture Industries
Box   241
Texas Textile Mills
Box   241
Tex-Ray Fabrics Inc.
Box   241
Textileather Corporation
Box   241
Textile Printing and Finishing Company
Box   241
Textile Salesman
Box   241
Textile Throwsters of Paterson
Box   241
Textile Workers Home Association of New Orleans
Box   242
Textron Inc.
Box   242
Thermo Mills Inc.
Box   242
Thomaston Cotton Mills
Box   242
Time Studies
Box   242
Toledo Mattress Company
Box   242
Tortolano, Vincent
Box   242
Box   242
Trade Union Accident and Health Association of America
Box   242
Triangle Finishing Corporation
Box   242
Box   242
Tubbs Cordage Company
Box   242
Tubize Chattilon
Box   242
Tubize Rayon Company
Box   242
Tuscan Silk Mills
Box   242
TWOC v. Corbett
Box   242
TWOC - International Ladies Garment Workers Union
Box   242
Boston Lease
Box   242
TWUA Care Committee
Box   242
Contribution from UMWA
Box   242
Employees and Officers
Box   242
PM radio station
Box   242
TWUA v. Howard Gill
Box   243
Textile Processes
Box   243
Political Action
Box   243
Research Memos
Box   243
Office Workers of the National Office of Textile Workers Union of America
Box   243
Tynan Throwing Company
Box   243
Udoff, Albert
Box   243
Umbrella Arbitration
Box   243
Unemployment Compensation
Box   243
Union Asbestos and Rubber Company
Box   243
Union Authorization Elections
Box   243
Union Shop Authorization Elections
Box   243
Union-Employer Responsibility
Box   243
Union Labor Life Insurance Company
Box   243
Union Manufacturing Company
Box   244
Union Shop Authorization Elections
Box   244
Union Star Trimming Company
Box   244
United Handkerchief Corporation
Box   244
United Elastic Corporation
Box   244-246
United Piece Dye Works
Box   246
Vaucanson Silk Mills
Box   246
Box   246
Victory Dyeing and Finishing Company
Box   246
Victory Studies Inc.
Box   246
Virginia Dyeing Corporation
Box   247
Virginia Shoe Corporation
Box   247
Voting in Government Elections
Box   247
Wage Reopening
Box   247
Walker Bag Company
Box   247-248
Walsh-Healey Act
Box   248
Warp-Knit Inc.
Box   248
Warren Thread Works
Box   248
Warshow (H.) and Sons
Box   248
Waumbec Dyeing and Finishing Company
Box   248
Wauregan Mills
Box   248
Welfare Fund of New Jersey - TWUA
Box   248
Wellington Mill Division
Box   248
West Point Manufacturing Company
Box   248
Wilton Woolen Company
Box   248
Work Sheets
Cases - Southern Office, 1950-1951
Box   249
Aldora Mills
Box   249-252
American Enka Corporation
Box   253
Atlantic Cotton Mills - Cannon, Robert S.
Box   254
Cedartown Textiles Inc. - Gregory, John Paul
Box   255
Hart Cotton Mills - Jonnard, G.R.
Box   256
Jonnard, G.R. - Roanoke Rapids
Box   257
Roxoboro Cotton Mills - West Boylston Manufacturing Company
J.P. Stevens
Scope and Content Note: These files consist of materials on the organizing attempts made by TWUA among Stevens employees in 1963 and the legal cases that resulted. It also contains briefs and exhibits of the cases taken before the NLRB from 1964 to 1966.
Box   258
IUD Organizing Campaign, 1963
Box   258
First Round Cases
Box   258
Dunean Plant
Box   258
Estes Plant
Box   258
Waldrop v. IUD
Box   258
Exposition Plant
Box   258
Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina
Box   259
Box   260-261
National Labor Relations Board
Box   262
Index, 1944-1946, to TWUA Cases reviewed by the NLRB
Secession, 1952-1954
Box   263
Bishop charges v. Eanes
Box   263
Letters to 7 Named Individuals
Box   263
Certified Copies of Amendments to International Constitution
Box   263
Canada Secession Litigation
Box   263
Connecticut Secession Litigation
Box   263
Massachusetts Secession Litigation
Box   263
New Jersey Litigation Files
Box   264
Libel Materials
Box   264
North Carolina Litigation
Box   265
Rhode Island Litigation
Box   265
Penn-Appalachian Secession Cases
Box   265
Penn-Appalachian Joint Board NLRB File
Box   265
George Abrams Affidavits - Elections
Box   265
Elections in Secession Situations
Box   266
Resolution of Executive Council Protecting Property of Seceding Locals and Preventing Commingling of Funds
Box   266
Box   267-272
Taft Hartley Cases, 1946-1958
Scope and Content Note: This file contains legal briefs and information gathered by the legal department relating to the effects of the Taft-Hartley Act on organized labor.
Series: Research Department
Physical Description: 67 boxes and 12 reels of microfilm (35 mm) 
Box   280
Minutes and Reports, 1940-1950
Box   280
Central Jersey Joint Board Minutes
Box   280
Central Jersey Textile News
Box   280
Essex Jersey Board Minutes
Box   280
Legislative Reports
Box   280
Passaic Joint Board Minutes
Box   280
Paterson Joint Board Minutes
Box   280
Research Department Reports
Box   280
South Jersey Joint Board Minutes
Box   280
South Jersey News
Box   280
Strike Memorandums, 1947-1948
Box   280
Technological Material
Box   280
Wage Problems
Expired Contracts, 1938-1970
Box   281
A & W Products - Brewster Finishing Company
Box   282
Burlington Mills Inc. - Exylin Company
Box   283
Fabric Repair and Examining Corporation - Hart Top Manufacturing Company
Box   284
Hield Brothers Ltd. - Meiman Mills
Box   285
Mercury Yarn Company - Richard Paul Inc.
Box   286
Regal Textile Engravers - Triton Electronics
Box   287
Union Narrow Fabric Corporation - Worcester Woolen Mills
Box   287
American Safety Equipment Company - Natwell Arts
Box   288
Nylon Finishing and Separating - Superior Textile Engraving Works
Box   288
A.C.E. Engravers Inc. - Collins and Aikman Ltd.
Box   289
Crest Screen Print Inc. - Gurney Industries Inc.
Box   290
Hollytex Carpet Mills - Montex Apparel Industries
Box   291
Montex Apparel Industries - R & Z Textile Manufacturing
Box   292
Royle Pilkington Company - Williamsport Textile Company
Box   292
A.P.A. Screen Print Inc. - Bates Manufacturing Company
Box   293
Beaunit Corporation - College Point Finishing Company
Box   294
Columbia Dyeing and Finishing Corporation - Erie Dyeing and Processing Company
Box   295
Fairlawn Textile Processors Inc. - Marcus (J.) and Company
Box   296
Marx Dye Works Inc. - L. Richard and Company
Box   297
Rindge Industries Inc. - Unarco Industries Inc.
Box   298
ARA Services Inc. - Carrier Footwear Corporation
Box   299
Castle Creek Prints - Dehner Company
Box   300
Diamond Print Works Inc. - Hazleton Bleaching and Dyeing
Box   301
Herald Piece Dye Works - Mary-Leila Cotton Mills
Box   302
Millville Dyeing and Finishing Company - Philmont Finishing Corporation
Box   303
Plymouth Printing Company - H. Warshow and Son Inc.
Box   304
U.S. Ribbon Mills - Wyomissing Corporation
Box   304
American Safety Equipment Company - Bemis Company
Box   305
Dolph Dye Works - Kentile Floors Inc.
Box   306
Lincoln Felt Company - Whittaker Textile Service Center
Box   307
ABC Industries - Bigelow-Sanford Inc.
Box   308
Bigelow-Sanford Carpet Company - Celanese Corporation of America
Box   309
Champion Extruders Company - Fabrovin Corporation
Box   310
Foam Fibre Corporation - Hosiery Corporation of America
Box   311
Inflated Products Company - Parados Corporation
Box   312
Print Tuft Inc. - S & G Umbrella Company
Box   313
Schlegel Brothers - World Wide Waste Company
Expired Contracts - Dyers Federation
Box   319
Ablest Screen Print Corporation - Crown Print Works
Box   320
D'Auray Studio - Goffle Steam Corporation
Box   321
Gomory Inc. - Myra Silk Company
Box   322
Naomi Screen Print Company - Emanuel Schreck
Box   323
Harry Schwartz Yarn Company - United Piece Dye Works
Box   324
United Piece Dye Works - S. Zuckerman
Conference Files
Scope and Content Note: The conference files consist of documentation of the meetings, conferences and sessions which members of the research division had with regional offices, joint boards and local unions. Generally the files concern TWUA organizing attempts, rebuttals of various management statements and research on a variety of topics within the textile industry.
Box   314
Box   315
Special Projects, 1961-1967
Scope and Content Note: The special projects files contain research materials relating to such subjects as copyrights, cotton price legislation and equal opportunity employment. Other special projects relate to federal committees such as the Ad Hoc Committee on Textile and Apparel Research, the Labor Research Advisory Committee and the President's Advisory Committee on Labor Management Policy.
Box   316
Automotive Agreement
Box   316
Census of Manufacturers
Box   316
Civil Rights
Box   316
Box   316
Cotton Price Legislation
Box   316
“Export” Meeting
Box   316
Equal Employment Opportunity
Box   316
Equal Employment Opportunity Committee
Government Committees
Box   316
Ad Hoc Committee on Textile and Apparel Research
Box   316
Advisory Committee on Automation and Manpower
Box   316
Office of Special Representative for Trade Negotiations
Box   316
President's Advisory Committee on Labor Management Policy
Box   316
President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped
Box   316
Labor Research Advisory Committee
Box   316
Labor Advisory Committee
Box   316
Labor Advisory Committee on Statistics
Box   316
Labor Advisory Committee for Trade Expansion Act
Box   316
Labor Advisory Subcommittee
Box   317
Labor Research Advisory Council
Box   317
Manpower Development and Training Act Miscellaneous
Box   317
Paterson, New Jersey
Box   317
Research: Apparel - Advisory Committee
Research, Textile
Box   317
Ad hoc Textile Research Committee
Box   317
Agricultural Department
Box   317
C.I.T. Program
Box   317
Box   318
Inter Office Memos, 1964-1969
Employer Files, 1937-1958
Box   325
Johnson & Johnson - Milltone Textiles
Box   326
Millville Manufacturing Company - Mohawk Carpet Company
Box   327
H.C. Mohn Hosiery Company - Na-Rene Hosiery Mills Inc.
Box   328
Narragansett Belting Company - National Fabric Mill
Box   329
National Mattress Company - Newark Plastic Printers Inc.
Box   330
Newark Silk Company - Newton Fibre Manufacturing Company
Box   331
Newton Knitting Mills - Oakes Woolen Mills
Box   332
Oak Grove Hosiery Inc. - Pacific Mills
Box   333
Pacific Mills - Patrician Piece Dye Works
Box   334
Patrician Silk Company - Piedmont Fiber Mills
Box   335
Piedmont Hosiery Company - Powdrell Alexander Inc.
Box   336
Powdrell Alexander Inc. - Purified Downs
Box   337
Puritan Fabric Company - Reading Maid Hosiery Mills
Box   338
Real Silk Hosiery Mills - Riverside Plastics Corporation
Box   339
Riverside Underwear Corporation - Royal Swan Inc.
Box   340
Royal Swan Inc. - Sawyer Mills
Box   341
Saxon Hosiery Mills - Sheero Weaving Mills
Box   342
Phillip Sheerr Brothers - S & L Sportswear
Box   343
Small Brothers Manufacturing - Kent Manufacturing
Box   344
Soule Mill - Standard Coosa Thatcher
Box   345
Sylacauga Fertilizer Company - Tindall Fabrics Corporation
Box   346
United Merchants and Manufacturers - Vee Cee Yarn Company
Box   347
Tingue Mills Inc. - United Merchants and Manufacturers
Box   348
Stifel (J.L.) & Sons - Sykes Inc.
Box   349
Standard Coosa Thatcher - Stifel (J.L.) and Sons
Box   350
Veiling Dyers - Walmore Mills
Box   351
Walmar Screen Printing Company - Waverly Sportswear Mills
Box   352
Waverly Textile Processors Inc. - Wheeler and Son
Box   353
Wheeler Piece Dye Works - Wilson Brothers
Box   354
Wilson Brothers - Wuskanut Mills
Box   355
Wuskanut Mills - Zwicker Mills
Employer Files, 1958-1969
Box   355
A.A.A. Dyers Inc. - Acme Quilting
Box   356
Acme Rayon Corporation - Aloro Knitting Mills
Box   357
Alice Manufacturing Company - American Cyanamid Corporation
Box   358
American Cyanamid Corporation - American Thread Company
Box   359
American Throwing Company - Arwright Corporation
Box   360
Arwright Corporation - Avondale Mills
Box   361
Avondale Corporation - Bates Manufacturing Company
Box   362
Baxter, Kelly and Faust - Bemis Company
Box   363
Bemis Company - Berkshire-Hathway Inc.
Box   364
Berkshire-Hathway Inc.
Box   365
Berkshire International - Biron Knitting Mills
Box   366
Bishopville Finishing Company - Botany Mills
Box   367
Bouchard and Charvet Dyeing and Finishing Company - Burkey Underwear Company
Box   368
Burlington Mills - Canadian Cottons Ltd.
Box   369
Canadian Cottons Ltd. - Cartex Mills
Box   370
Carthage Fabrics Corporation - Celanese Corporation of America
Box   371
Celanese Corporation of America - Charles of the Ritz
Box   372
Charlottesville Woolen - Chris-Craft
Box   373
Chris-Craft - Collins and Aikman Corporation
Box   374
Collins and Aikman Corporation - Columbian Rope Company
Box   375
Columbian Rope Company - Courtaulds (Canada)
Box   376
Courtaulds - Dallas Hosiery Mill
Box   377
Dalton of America - Deerfield Plastics Ltd.
Box   378
Deering-Milliken - W.E. Dickey
Box   379
Dionne Spinning Mills - Dundee Mills
Box   380
Durdee Mills Inc. - Durham Dye Works
Box   381
Durham Hosiery Mills - Erickson-Fife Company
Box   382
E.R.L. Knitting Mills - FMC Corporation
Box   383
FCM Corporation - Famous Keystone Kits Corporation
Box   384
Fannings Launderer and Dry Cleaners - Flagg-Untica Corporation
Box   385
Fleet of America - Frost White Paper Mills
Box   386
Lloyd A. Fry Roofing - General Circuits
Box   387
General Curtain - Globe Dye Works
Box   388
Globe Knitting - Greenville Finishing
Box   389
Greenville Mills - Hansley Mills
Box   390
Hansen - Haywood Woolen
Box   391
Herbert Knitting - Huntingdon Mills
Box   392
Huntingdon Throwing Mills - Indian Head
Box   393
Indian Head - Jackson Hosiery Mills
Box   394
James Textile - Johnson & Johnson
Box   395
Johnson & Johnson
Box   396
Johnson & Johnson - Keller Industries
Box   397
Keller Plastics - Lion Brands
Box   398
Libson Weaving - Magee Carpet
Box   399
Magee Carpet - Mary-Leila Cotton Mills
Box   400
Marshland - Millville
Box   401
Millville - Moniteau Mills
Box   402
Montoe Cotton Mill - Musinger
Box   403
Musinger - Nelson
Box   404
Nelson - Newman Mills
Box   405
Newport Finishing - Owens Corning Fiberglass
Box   406
Owens Corning Fiberglass - Patchogue - Plymouth Company
Box   407
Patchogue - Plymouth Company - Pickett Cotton Mills
Box   408
Piedmont Textile - Quality Mills
Box   409
Quality Skein Dyeing Company - Riegel Textile Corporation
Box   410
Riegel Textile - Rocky Mountain Wool Processing
Box   411
Roje Mills - Sackner Products
Box   412
Saco-Lowell Shops - Sagamore Manufacturing Company
Box   413
Sailstar Boat - Schwarzenbach Huber
Box   414
Schwarzenbach Huber - Skinner
Box   415
Skydyne - Stampa Seta
Box   416
Standard Bleachery - Stretch Fabrics
Box   417
Strickland Cotton Mill - Tackawanna Dye Works
Box   418
Talbot Mills - Textiles
Box   419
Box   420
Textilifoam - Udico Electric
Box   421
Ultra Modern Textile Printers - United Merchants and Manufacturers
Box   422
United Merchants and Manufacturers - United States Rubber
Box   423
United States Rubber - Wachusett Spinning Mills
Box   424
Wadding Converters - Warwick Mills
Box   425
Washington Mills - Whitmire Plant
Box   426
Whittake Corporation - Wood Manufacturing
Box   427
Woodside Mills - Zipco Inc.
Micro 631
Reports, 1947-1977
Scope and Content Note: Thirty-four volumes of research reports compiled by the TWUA Research Department. Included are charts, graphs, fact sheets, reports, surveys, guidelines, outlines, letters, statements, and miscellany which provide a rich source of raw data on the textile industry and unionization. The bulk of the material focuses on the TWUA although information on the rival UTW is also included. Most of the reports document conditions in the United States; smaller files also exist for the Canadian and Latin American textile situation. Among topics discussed are efforts to organize the industry with specific mention of the difficulties encountered in Southern areas; elections, agreements and strikes; economic conditions and trends in specific textile industries; plant migration; and health and occupational safety issues. Most volumes or sections of a volume begin with an index which details its contents. Unless noted otherwise, the frame numbers listed in the container list mark the location of these indices. The reports are organized into nine sub-units and within each sub-unit or volume they are numbered and filed in a roughly reverse chronological sequence.
Organizing Files
Reel   5
Frame   3
Original Volume 1: Elections, Certifications and Recognitions; Non-Bargaining Situations; Unfair Labor Practices; Loss of Bargaining Rights
Original Volume 2: TWUA Plants and Degree of 0wnership
Reel   5
Frame   317
Lists by Geographical Region Only
Reel   5
Frame   346
Lists by Industry and/or Geographical Region
Reel   5
Frame   553
Tables by Industry and/or Geographical Region
Reel   5
Frame   563
Tables by Geographical Region
Reel   5
Frame   593
Miscellaneous TWUA Lists
Reel   5
Frame   620
Original Volume 3: Contract Provisions Other Than Wage and Fringe Benefits
Reel   5
Frame   653
Original Volume 3: TWUA Contract Termination, Renewals and Reopening Provisions
Reel   5
Frame   745
Original Volume 3: Organizational Targets, Methods and Tactics, Campaign Data and Assignments
Reel   5
Frame   888
Original Volume 3: Strikes
Reel   6
Frame   2
Original Volume 4: Non-TWUA Plants Organized by Other Unions or Unorganized (by industry, area, and/or ownership)
Reel   6
Frame   382
Original Volume 4: Labor Unions: Structure and Administration, Constitutions, Jurisdiction
Reel   6
Frame   485
Original Volume 4: Miscellaneous
Reel   6
Frame   553
Original Volume 4: Unionization - All Industries
Agreements, Strikes, and Elections
Reel   7
Frame   1
Original Volume 5, 1947 January-1952 February
Reel   7
Frame   426
Original Volume 6, 1952 March-1976 February
Reel   8
Frame   1
Original Volume 7: Labor Relations Cases
Reel   8
Frame   427
Original Volume 8: General Pension and Profit Sharing
Reel   8
Frame   651
Original Volume 9: Pension and Profit Sharing (filed alphabetically by company), Summaries of Specific Textile Plans
Financial Files
Reel   9
Frame   1
Original Volume 10: No. l-6, No. l-89
Reel   9
Frame   548
Original Volume 11: No. 80
Industry Memoranda
Reel   10
Frame   3
Original Volume 12: Concentration of 0wnership
Reel   10
Frame   263
Original Volume 13: Textile Employment, Hours, Earnings
Reel   10
Frame   501
Original Volume 14: Mill Listings by State, Area
Industry Economic Analysis
Reel   11
Frame   1
Original Volume 15: Cotton and Rayon
Reel   11
Frame   330
Original Volume 16: Woolen and Worsted
Reel   11
Frame   647
Original Volume 17: Carpets and Rugs
Reel   12
Frame   1
Original Volume 18: Knit Goods and Hosiery
Reel   12
Frame   51
Original Volume 18: Dyeing, Finishing, Printing
Reel   12
Frame   247
Original Volume 18: Cordage, Twine, Jute
Reel   12
Frame   294
Original Volume 18: Bags
Reel   12
Frame   342
Original Volume 19: Synthetic Yarn and Fiber
Reel   12
Frame   508
Original Volume 19: Other Industries
Reel   12
Frame   609
Original Volume 20: All Textile Industries
Mill Closings and Liquidations
Reel   13
Frame   1
Original Volume 21: Total United States by Industry
Reel   13
Frame   398
Original Volume 22: By Area
Note: There is no index for this volume.
Reel   13
Frame   447
Original Volume 23: Unemployment and Short Time Work
Reel   13
Frame   762
Original Volume 24: Unemployment and Short Time Work
Reel   14
Frame   1
Original Volume 25: Prices
Reel   14
Frame   203
Original Volume 25: Strikes
Reel   14
Frame   210
Original Volume 25: Government Contracts
Reel   14
Frame   222
Original Volume 26: Miscellaneous
Occupational Safety and Health
Reel   14
Frame   706
Original Volume 27: No. 309-491
Reel   15
Frame   2
Original Volume 28: No. 500
Reel   16
Frame   1
Original Volume 29-31: Tariff Statements
Canadian Textiles
Reel   16
Frame   193
Original Volume 32: General Wage Information
Reel   16
Frame   240
Original Volume 32: Fringe Benefits
Reel   16
Frame   323
Original Volume 32: Cotton-Rayon Industries
Reel   16
Frame   326
Original Volume 32: Woolen and Worsted Industries
Reel   16
Frame   363
Original Volume 32: Other Textiles Industries - Branches
Reel   16
Frame   518
Original Volume 33: Canadian Textile Mill Product Industries
Reel   16
Frame   644
Original Volume 33: Canadian Textile Organizations, extent of, TWUA, UTW
Reel   16
Frame   674
Original Volume 33: Miscellaneous
Foreign Textiles
Reel   16
Frame   926
Original Volume 34: Latin America
Note: There is no index for this volume.
Mss 396
Series: Synthetic Division
Physical Description: 49 boxes 
General Files, 1942-1973
Scope and Content Note: Divided into the periods 1942-1964, 1962-1968, and 1969-1973 and filed alphabetically thereunder, these files contain information on the synthetic industry and on organizing attempts, and correspondence with officers and staff of the TWUA. Of particular interest are the UTW, COPE and election files.
Files, 1942-1964
American Viscose
Box   428
1962-1963 Negotiations
Box   428
Local 8-9 and 371
Box   429
Locals 713, 10 and 6, 1961-1964
Box   430
Celanese Corporation - Courtaulds
Box   431
E.I. Dupont de Nemours and Company
Box   431
Fiberglass Agreement, 1956
Box   431
Front Royal
Box   431
Hartford Rayon Corporation
Box   432
Kennet Fabricators
Box   432
National Rayon Advisory Council
Box   432
New Bedford Rayon Corporation
Box   432
North American Rayon Corporation and American Bemberg Corporation
Box   433
Rayon and Allied Industry
Box   433
Box   433
Roanoke Plant Closing
Box   433
Rubenstein, Jack
Box   433
Samuels, Wilbur
Box   433
Skenandoa Rayon Corporation
Box   433
Synthetic Yarn Data
Box   434
Synthetic Yarn Advisory meeting, 1954
Box   434
Synthetic and Education Conference
Box   434
Synthetic Yarn Locals
Box   434
Taft-Hartley Law
Box   434
Tariff Committee
Box   434
Box   434
Upper South Revolving Fund
Box   434
Upper South Regional Reports
Box   434
Box   435
Locals 10-11, 20, 30, and 202
Box   436
Locals 202, 212, 350, 371, and 482
Box   437
Locals 674, 689, and 1034
Box   438
Locals 1034, 1093, and 1191
Box   439
Locals 1384, 1406, 1446, 1465, and 1548
Box   440
Locals 1526 and 1874
Files, 1962-1968
Box   441
Automatic Retailers of America, 1967
Box   441
American Viscose Corporation
Box   441
American Can Company
Box   442-443
American Viscose Corporation
Box   444
Celanese Corporation of America
Box   445
Celanese Corporation
Box   445
Chupka, John
Box   445
Box   445
American Viscose Advisory Council
Box   445
Carpet Conference
Box   445
Celanese Locals
Box   445
Celanese Advisory Council
Box   445
National Advisory Council - Synthetic Division (TWUA)
Box   445
Skilled Trades
Box   445
Synthetic Locals
Box   445
Convention File
Box   445
Celanese Advisory Council
Box   445
National Synthetic Fibers Council
Box   445
Viscose Fibers Advisory
Box   445
United Mineworkers - District 50
Box   445
Box   445
Dow Badische
Box   446
Box   446
Box   446
Ensign Bickford Company
Box   446
H. Disend and H. Weinberger
Box   446
IRC Corporation
Box   446
Independent Office Employees Union
Box   446
Industrial Union Department
Box   446
Industrial Rayon
Box   446
Synthetic Division
Box   446
Pollock, William
Box   446
Locals 7-9
Box   446
Local 10
Box   446
Locals 99, 1402, 1459, 1472
Box   446
Local 371
Box   446
Local 689
Box   447
Locals 713, 1034, 1093, 1398, 1470, 1678, 1728, 1406
Box   448
Locals 20, 7-10
Box   448
Pollock, William
Box   448
Research Department
Box   448
Skenandoa Rayon
Box   448
Slater System
Box   448
Stetin, Sol
Box   448
Swaity, Paul
Box   448
Synthetic Staff and Task Force Meeting
Box   448
Task Force
Box   448
TWUA - General
Box   448
Upper South Region
Files, 1969-1973
Box   448
American Cyanamid Company
Box   448
American Enka
Box   448
Arbitration - General
Box   448
Cannon, William
Box   448
Cline, R.
Box   448
Committee on Structure
Box   448
Conference: Craft - FMC and American Viscose Division
Box   448
Contract and Wage Changes
Box   448-449
Courtaulds - Local 1465
Box   449
Davis, William S.
Box   449
Engineering Problems - American Viscose - FMC Corporation
Box   449
Federal Textile Representatives
Box   449
“Four Day Week”
Industrial Union Department
Box   449
Box   449
Mathieson, Olin
Box   449
Occupational and Health Safety
Inter-Office Section (Departmental Files)
Box   449
Disend, Harry
Box   449
Education - S. Remsen, Director
Box   449
Engineering Department, John Weiser, Director
Box   449
Finance and General Office
Box   449
Box   449
Box   449
Box   449
Box   449
International Convention
Box   449
Synthetic Fibers Division
Box   449
Locals 10 and 20
Box   450
Locals 30, 99, 371, 482, 713, 689, 1034, 1093
Box   451
Locals 1166, 1191, 1382, 1384, 1402, 1459, 1470, 1472, 1526, 1548, 1557, 1678, 1728, 1874, 2024
Box   442
Local 2024
Box   452
Minutes - Viscose Advisory Council
Box   452
National Labor Relations Board
Box   452
Phillips Fibers - Local 1728
Box   452
Courtaulds - Local 1465
Box   452
IRC Fibers Company - Local 482
Box   452
Dow Badische - Local 1526
Box   452
Kennett Square - Local 1974
Box   452
Celanese - 1973 Conference
Box   452
Rock Hill, South Carolina (1093), Rome, Georgia (689), Cumberland, Maryland (1874) - Celanese Corporation
Box   452
Penn Center Inn
Box   452
Box   452
Occupational Safety and Health Conference
Box   452
Pedigo, J.
Box   452
Pollock, William
Box   452
Swaity, Paul
Box   453
Box   453
Occupational Safety and Health Act
Box   453
Pension Plan
Box   453
Reports - To Pollock
Box   453
Research Department
Box   453
Supplemental Emergency Fund
Box   453
Synthetic Staff
Box   453
Synthetic Task Force
Box   453
Tariff Commission - Imports
Box   453
United Textile Workers of America
Box   453
University of Wisconsin
Box   453
White House - Wage Freeze
American Viscose Corporation
Box   454
Correspondence, 1939-1963
Box   454
Minutes for various Meetings
Box   454
Marcus Hook and Roanoke
Box   454
Box   455
Arbitrator - Dr. Hotchkiss
Box   455
Arbitrator - Herbert L. Spencer
Box   455
Case No. 3-3130
Box   455
Case No. 111-2828-D
Box   455
Kraft, Fred A.
Box   455
Box   456
Box   456
Box   456
Box   456
Miscellaneous Representatives
Box   456
Safety Reports
Box   456
Safety Progress Reports
Box   456
Safety Supervisor's Meeting
Box   456
Wage Stabilization Board
Arbitrations, 1938-1969
Box   456
Attorney - Barry Wright, Rome, Georgia
Box   456
Arbitration Hearing, 1946
Box   456
Arbitration Decisions, 1963
Box   456
Arbitration Proceedings, 1938, 1947
Arbitrations, 1939-1969
Box   457
Box   468
Box   458
Box   467
Subject Files, 1937-1961
Box   467
Arbitrations, 1954-1957
Box   467
Arbitration Decisions
Box   467
American Viscose Correspondence
Box   467
Correspondence, 1956-1961
Box   458-459
Film Negotiations, 1959
Box   459
Kennett Fabrications
Box   459
Local 9, Correspondence, 1937-1949
Box   459
Local 713
Box   459
Marcus Hook, Film Division, 1957
Box   459
Pensions Retirement
Box   460
Rate Schedules
Box   460
Shop Steward's Bulletin
Box   460
Sylvania Industrial Rayon Corporation
Box   460
Technological Changes
Grievances, 1940-1961
Box   461
Locals 6-9
Box   462
Locals 10-11, 371, 713
Negotiations, 1938-1973
Box   462
Box   463
Box   464
FMC Negotiations
Box   465
Box   466
Box   469
Correspondence, Local 8-9, 1954-1960
Box   470
Safety and Health
Box   470
Box   470
Box   470
Leaves of Absence
Box   470
Pensions and Retirement
Box   470
Pensions, 1950-1955
Celanese Corporation
Box   470
Agreements, 1948-1958
Box   471
Locals 689 and 1093
Box   472
Locals 1093, 1166, 1191
Box   473
Rates, Workloads and Schedules, 1937-1951
Box   473
Financial Data
Box   473
Local 153
Box   473
Correspondence, 1952-1958
Box   474
Correspondence, 1943-1949
Box   474
Local 1874
Box   474
Negotiations and Agreements, 1945-1958
Box   475
Arbitrations, 1943-1958
Box   476
Local 2024 - General, 1970-1971
Sylvania Division - Negotiations, 1954-1958
Series: Committee on Political Education (COPE) - Political Action Committee (PAC)
Physical Description: 8 boxes 
Al Barkan, Director
Correspondence and Subject Files, 1949
Box   477
Box   477
Box   477
Box   477
Box   477
Box   477
Box   477
Box   477
Box   477
Box   477
Box   477
Box   477
Box   477
Box   477
Box   477
Box   477
New Hampshire
Box   477
New Jersey
Box   477
New York
Box   477
North Carolina
Box   477
Box   477
Box   477
Rhode Island
Box   477
South Carolina
Box   477
Box   477
Box   477
Box   477
Washington, D.C.
Box   477
West Virginia
Box   477
Staff Reports
Box   477
Gammon, Hugh
Box   477
Conn, Harry
Box   477
Gilbert, David
Box   477
O'Brien, Cyril
Box   477
Panek, Natalie
Box   477
Rantane, Bruno
Box   477
Rieve, Emil
Staff Correspondence
Box   477
Conn, Harry
Box   477
Gammon, Hugh
Box   477
George, David
Box   477
Gilbert, David
Box   477
O'Brien, Cyril
Box   477
Panek, Natalie
Box   477
Baldanzi, George
Box   477
Pollock, William
Box   477
Rieve, Emil
Departmental Correspondence
Box   477
Education Department
Box   477
Other Divisions
General Correspondence
Box   478
Addresses - Changes, New Committees, Mailing Lists
Box   478
Americans for Democratic Action
Box   478
Americans Veterans Committee
Box   478
Capital Comment
Box   478
Political Action Committee Newsletter
Box   478
Communist and Anti-Communist Literature
Box   478
“Congressional Opinion”
Box   478
Economic Outlook (periodical)
Edelman, John
Box   478
Washington Bulletin (periodical)
Box   478
Box   478
Reference Material
Box   478
TWUA People
Box   478
“General Office Bulletin”
Box   478
Health Insurance
Box   478
Box   478
League Reporter
Box   478
Box   478
Legislative Report
Box   478
Legis-Letter - CIO
Box   478
Political Action of the Week
Box   478
Political Action Committee
Box   478
Departmental Reports
Box   478
Dollar Drives
Box   478
Literature - CIO
Box   478
Mailings to Staff and Locals
Box   478
Box   478
Registration Material
Box   478
Tyler, Gus
Box   478
TWUA - Other Literature
Correspondence and Subject Files, 1948
State Correspondence
Box   479
Box   479
Box   479
Box   479
Box   479
Box   479
Box   479
Box   479
Box   479
Box   479
Box   479
New Hampshire
Box   479
New Jersey
Box   479
New York
Box   479
North Carolina
Box   479
Box   479
Box   479
Box   479
Rhode Island
Box   479
South Carolina
Box   479
Box   479
Box   479
Box   479
Box   479
West Virginia
Box   479
Staff and Departmental Correspondence Files
Box   479
Pollock, William
Box   479
Rieve, Emil
Box   479
Education Department
Box   479
Other Divisions
Box   479
Boartfield, Douglas
Box   479
Conn, Harry
Box   479
Gammon, Hugh
Box   479
Gilbert, David
Box   479
O'Brien, Cyril
Box   479
Nejmeh, George
Box   479
Rantante, Bruno
Box   480
Petkis, Stanley
Box   480
Shuster, Arthur
Staff Reports
Box   480
Blackwell, James
Box   480
Boartfield, Douglas
Box   480
Conn, Harry
Box   480
Horton, Charles
Box   480
Nejmeh, George
Box   480
Lisk, H.D.
Box   480
O'Brien, Cyril
Box   480
Panek, Nathalie
Box   480
Petkis, Stanley
Box   480
Shuster, Albert
General Correspondence
Box   480
Americans for Democratic Action
Box   480
Box   480
Bowles Campaign Fund
Box   480
Celanese Campaign - Newark
Box   480
Community Services Committee
Box   480
Box   480
General Files
Box   480
Democratic National Committee
Box   480
Congressional Opinion
Box   480
Department Reports - Political Action Committee
Box   480
Economic Outlook (periodical)
Edelman, John
Box   480
Box   480
Washington Bulletin (periodical)
Box   480
General Office Bulletin
Box   480
“Ideas for Action”
Box   480
“Labor and Nation”
Box   480
Box   480
Legislative Reports
Box   480
“The Marshall Plan”
Box   480
Model Legislation
Box   480
New Republic
Box   480
Political Action of the Week
Political Action Committee (PAC)
Box   480
Campaign Material
Box   480
Campaign Expenditures
Box   481
Dollar Drive
Box   481
Mails to Staff and Locals
Box   481
National CIO
Box   481
Reitman, Al
Box   481
Statement to Government
Box   481
Box   481
Registration Material
Box   481
Republican Campaign Literature
Box   481
Students for Democratic Action
Box   481
Box   481
Tyler, Gus
Box   481
United Auto Workers
Box   481
United Steelworkers - Pennington
Box   481
Wallace and Third Party
Box   481
Third Party - Red Ally of Reaction
Political Action Committee, 1944-1955
Box   482
Early PAC Collections
Box   482
William DuChessi, Director
Box   483
COPE Collections, 1959-1960
Correspondence, 1960
Box   483
National COPE Training Institute
Box   483
Letters - COPE Staff and Regional (Election Reports)
Box   483
COPE Staff
Box   483
Jabar, George
Box   483
Richard, Garnold
Box   483
Bowes, William J.
Box   483
Switzer, Silas
Box   483
Lisk, H.D.
Box   483
McCaig, William B.
Box   483
Box   483
Connecticut Joint Board
Box   483
Box   483
Box   483
Box   483
Box   483
Box   483
Box   483
Box   483
Box   483
Box   483
Box   483
Box   483
Box   483
New Hampshire
Box   483
New Jersey
Box   483
Box   483
Box   483
Box   483
Rhode Island
Box   483
South Carolina
Box   483
South Dakota
Box   483
Box   483
Box   483
Box   483
West Virginia
Box   483
Series: TWUA Convention
Physical Description: 4 boxes 
Subject Files, 1962-1963
Box   484
AFL-CIO, Education
Box   484
Community Services
Box   484
Bill - Truth-in-Lending
Box   484
Equal Pay Act
Box   484
Equal Opportunity Employment
Box   484
Federal Standards - Unemployment Compensation
Box   484
Federal Standards Bill
Box   484
Manpower Training
Box   484
Unemployment Insurance
Box   484
Artowicz, Stanley
General Files, 1955-1962
Box   485
Correspondence by State
Box   485
Economic Conference
Box   485
Voter Registration Conference
Box   485
International Ladies Garment Workers
Box   485
Women's Activities Committee
Box   485
United Auto Workers
Box   485
TWUA Convention, 1958
Box   485
COPE Collection Records, 1955-1956
Box   485
Democratic and Republican Conventions, 1956
Box   485
New Jersey Democratic State Committee
Box   485
1957 State Area Conferences
Box   486
General Files, 1963
General Files, 1961-1964
Box   487
Foreign Aid Bill
Box   487
Convention, 1964
Box   487
Collections, 1963
Series: Organizing Department, J. Harold Daoust, Assistant to the President, 1956-1958
Physical Description: 20 boxes 
Scope and Content Note: Daoust's files, which primarily cover organizing activities, are divided into three groups: communications, which contain correspondence with directors and staff members; administrative and organizing reports, which consist of reports on organizing efforts by directors and staff members; and employer files, which document organizing campaigns by company. Files on Local 1790 are at the end.
Communications, 1956-1958
Box   488
Allentown District Joint Board
Box   488
Amsterdam Joint Board
Box   488
Bay Area Joint Board
Box   488
Berkshire Joint Board
Box   488
Bi-County Joint Board
Box   488
Biddeford-Saco Joint Board
Box   488
Buffalo Regional Joint Board
Box   488
Capital District Joint Board
Box   488
Central Maine Joint Board
Box   488
Central Jersey Joint Board
Box   488
Central Massachusetts Joint Board
Box   488
Chicago Joint Board
Box   488
Cincinnati Regional Joint Board
Box   488
Cleveland Joint Board
Box   488
Connecticut Joint Board
Box   488
Delaware Valley Joint Board
Box   488
Garden Spot Joint Board
Box   488
Granite State Joint Board
Box   488
Greater Cornwall Joint Board
Box   488
Great Fall River Joint Board
Box   488
Greater New York Joint Board
Box   488
Greater Toronto Textile Joint Board
Box   488
Greensboro-Burlington Joint Board
Box   488
Hudson-Essex Joint Board
Box   488
Kansas City Joint Board
Box   488
Lewiston Joint Board
Box   488
Los Angeles Joint Board
Box   488
Louisville Joint Board
Box   488
Memphis Area Joint Board
Box   488
Mid-Hudson Valley Joint Board
Box   488
New Bedford Joint Board
Box   488
New Orleans Joint Board
Box   488
North Central Joint Board
Box   488
Northeastern Massachusetts Joint Board
Box   488
Northern Rhode Island Joint Board
Box   488
Northwest Georgia Joint Board
Box   488
Oswego County Joint Board
Box   488
Passaic Joint Board
Box   488
Paterson District Office
Box   488
Penn-Appalachian Joint Board
Box   488
Philadelphia Joint Board
Box   488
Pittsylvania County Joint Board
Box   488
Plymouth Rock Joint Board
Box   488
Portland Area Joint Board
Box   488
Roger Williams Joint Board
Box   488
St. Louis Joint Board
Box   488
Schuylkill Valley District Joint Board
Box   488
South Central Joint Board
Box   488
South County Joint Board
Box   488
South Jersey Joint Board
Box   488
Southwestern Ontario Textile Joint Board
Box   488
Taunton Joint Board
Box   488
Texas Locals
Box   488
Toledo Joint Board
Box   488
Twin City Joint Board
Box   488
Twin State Joint Board
Box   488
Utica Joint Board
Box   488
Western Massachusetts Joint Board
Local Unions
Box   488
Local 7
Box   488
Local 75
Box   488
Local 202
Box   488
Local 250
Box   488
Local 406
Box   488
Local 576
Box   488
Local 679
Box   488
Local 712
Box   488
Local 717
Box   488
Local 806
Box   488
Local 826
Box   488
Local 962
Box   488
Local 973
Box   488
Local 1061
Box   488
Local 1034
Box   488
Local 1733
Box   488
Local 1790
Box   488
Local 1983
Box   488
Bamford, James
Box   488
Canzano, Victor
Box   488
Industry Directors Reports
Box   488
Bamford, James
Box   488
Canzano, Victor
Box   488
Cook, Wesley
Box   488
DuChessi, William
Box   488
Gordon, William
Box   488
Gilpin, Reba
Box   488
United Textile Workers of America
Box   488
Staff meetings
Box   489
Chupka, John
Box   489
Pollock, William
Box   489
Rieve, Emil
Box   489
Barkin, Sol
Box   489
Canzano, Victor
Box   489
DuChessi, William
Box   489
Kahan, Irving
Box   489
Rogin, Larry
Box   489
Rubenstein, Jack
Box   489
Samuels, Wilbur R.
Box   489
Wyle, Ben
Administrative and Organizing Reports
Box   489
Swaity, Paul
Box   489
Payton, Boyd E.
Box   489
Freeman, Robert
Box   489
Williams, H.S.
Box   489
Tullar, William J.
Box   489
Belanger, J. William
Box   489
Stetin, Sol
Box   489
Rubenstein, Jack
Box   489
Riger, Morris
Box   489
Cook, Wesley
Box   489
Edelman, John
Box   489
Griffin, Neil
Employer Files, 1956-1958
Box   490
Box   490
Alabama Mills
Box   490
Blumenthal, Sydney
Box   490
Burlington (Drive)
Box   490
Cannon (Drive)
Box   490
Box   490
Carpet Plants of Wool Carpet
Box   490
Coated Fabric and Plastic Sheet
Box   490
Dartmouth Finishing Company
Box   490
Box   490
Elastic Corporation
Box   490
Box   490
Firestone Workers
Box   490
Box   490
Box   490
Hanover Cordage Campaign
Box   490
Madison Throwing
Box   490
Molded Plastics
Box   490
Old Dominion Finishing Company
Box   490
Penman's Ltd.
Box   490
Sevier Workers
Box   490
Sharnay Hosiery Mill
Box   490
Southern Manufacturing Company
Box   490
Spinrite Workers
Box   490
Stearns and Foster
Box   490
Stevens, J.P.
Box   490
Synthetic Yarn and Fiber Plants
Box   490
Textiles Inc.
Box   490
United States Rubber (Drive)
Box   490
Unsupported Plastic Film and Sheeting Manufacturers
Box   490
Vinton Campaign
Box   490
Watsons Manufacturing Company
Local 1790 Dispute, 1963-1964
Box   491
Volume 1-16
Box   492
Volume 17-32 - Exhibits
Box   493
Organizers' Weekly Reports, 1956-1973
Scope and Content Note: These forms provide a summary of the activities and expenses of each organizer. The files represent a qualitative sample of about 30 per cent of the original volume of reports. For the years 1956-1967 the Society received all the organizers' reports. For 1968-1973 we received only a sample chosen by the TWUA staff. All these records are an addition to similar reports covering the years 1953-1955 which are contained in the first installment of the collection. The 1953-1955 records also are a qualitative sample chosen by the TWUA staff. To sample the 1968-1973 reports the supervising archivist drew up lists of the organizers covered in the 1957, 1962, and 1965 files. These lists were compared with the lists for the 1953-1955 and 1968-1973 reports. All 1956-1967 files for every individual who appeared on at least three of the five lists were then selected for preservation. In addition we also selected reports of a few individuals who went on to attain important positions within the union. By following this technique it was felt that we were preserving reports from the long term organizers, and that these would reflect the more significant organizing campaigns.
Box   675
Auslander, Charles
Box   675
Bamford, James W.
Box   675
Barker, Tom
Box   675
Barkin, Solomon
Box   675
Belanger, J. William
Box   676
Belanger, J. William (continued)
Box   676
Benet, Adolph
Box   676
Berthiaume, Rene P.
Box   676
Boartfield, Charles D.
Box   676
Botelho, Manuel Michael
Box   676
Canzano, Victor J.
Box   677
Chupka, Frank L.
Box   677
Chupka, John
Box   677
Cline, Ralph W.
Box   678
Cluney, Edward
Box   678
Cohen, Seymour
Box   678
Cook, Wesley
Box   678
Coyle, James P.
Box   679
Daoust, Harold J.
Box   679
Dernoncourt, Wayne L.
Box   679
Disend, Harry
Box   679
Doolan, Edward
Box   680
DuChessi, William M.
Box   680
Ellington, Columbus P.
Box   680
Freeman, Robert
Box   680
Fry, Julius R.
Box   681
Fry, Julius R. (continued)
Box   681
Gallagher, Daniel J.
Box   681
Goad, Joel
Box   681
Gordon, William
Box   681
Gore, Lawrence J.
Box   682
Gore, Lawrence J. (continued)
Box   682
Gossett, Lloyd A.
Box   682
Gracia, Julius
Box   682
Griffin, Neil
Box   683
Hoyman, Scott M.
Box   683
Jabar, George
Box   683
Jay, Lester
Box   683
Johnson, Carl
Box   684
Lisk, Haywood D.
Box   684
Mermelstein, Sol
Box   684
Mullins, Herman
Box   685
Payton, Boyd
Box   685
Perkel, George
Box   685
Pitarys, Thomas
Box   685
Pollock, William
Box   686
Rieve, Emil
Box   686
Rubenstein, Jack
Box   686
Schoonjons, Michael
Box   686
Smith, Olive
Box   686
Stetin, Sol
Box   687
Sullivan, Anna
Box   687
Swaity, Paul
Box   687
Trottier, Roland
Box   687
Tullar, William
Box   688
Watson, George
Box   688
Whitehouse, J.R.W.
Box   688
Williams, H.S.
Series: New York State Director's Files, 1943-1974
Physical Description: 74 boxes 
Scope and Content Note: The New York State files consist of the papers of its only director, Jack Rubenstein. In addition, they contain Rubenstein's records as director of the Carpet-Rug Industries from 1942 to 1952. The Rubenstein files are divided into the following areas: administrative-general; campaign files; communications; contracts; legal matters; committees, conferences and conventions; organizing; and employers files.
Administrative - General, 1943-1948
Box   494
Box   495
Administrative - General, 1948-1954
Box   502
Americans for Democratic Action
Box   502
Box   502
Cotton and Rayon Conference
Box   502
Dyers File
Box   502
Industrial Union Council
Box   502
Interoffice - General
Box   502
Katz, Isadore
Box   502
Leaflet Distribution
Box   502
News Releases and Bulletins
Box   502
New York State CIO Council
Box   503
Political Action
Box   503
Printed Materials
Box   503
Reports to Executive Council
Box   503
Research Department
Box   503
Rieve, Emil
Box   503
Woolen and Worsted
Administrative - General, 1948-1954
Box   506
Box   506
Box   506
American Arbitration Association
Box   506
Americans for Democratic Action
Box   506
American Woolen Company
Box   506
Audit Reports
Box   506
Box   507
Bag Industry
Box   507
Balch, Richard H.
Box   507
Barkan, Al
Box   507
Balch, Richard H.
Box   507
Box   507
Box   507
Canzano, Victor J.
Box   507
Carpet Industry
Box   507
Certificates of Appreciation
Box   507
Chupka, John
Box   507
Coating and Plastic Film Industry
Box   507
Company Housing
Box   507
Complaints - Employees
Box   507
New York
Box   507
Convention, 1949-1953
Box   507
Consumers Price Index
Box   507
Contracts Expirations
Box   507
Cook, Wesley
Box   507
Cotton and Rayon Policy Committee
Box   507
Cotton - Rayon
Box   507
Box   507
Democratic State Committee
Box   507
Dewey, Thomas E.
Box   507
Duffy (Edward J.) Memorial Fund
Box   507
Dyers File
Box   507
Box   507
Economic Statistics
Box   507
Edelman, John
Box   507
Education Department
Box   507
Election Results
Box   507
Expiration-of-Contract Reports
Box   507
Filed Charges
Box   507
Box   507
Federal Credit Union
Box   507
Fiester, Ken
Box   507
Financial Reports
Box   507
Box   507
Harriman, W. Averell
Box   507
Box   507
Industry Shrinkage
Box   507
Interim Agreements
Box   507
Ives, Irvin
Box   507
Box   507
Box   507
Legal Department
Box   507
Box   508
Leighton, Joel B.
Box   508
Box   508
Mid-Atlantic States Conference
Box   508
Middle Income Housing
Box   508
Miscellaneous Books and Pamphlets
Box   508
Box   508
National Labor Relations Board
Box   508
New Bedford Joint Board
New York City CIO
Box   508
Box   508
Political Action Committee
Box   508
No Contract - No Work
Box   508
No Strike
Box   508
North-East Electric Consumers Conference
Box   508
Organizational Report - New York State
Box   508
Box   508
Payton, Boyd
Box   508
Pension Agreement Plants in other States
Box   508
Political Action Committee Reports
Box   508
Pollock, William
Box   508
Box   508
Rayon - Cotton Rate Folder
Box   508
Silk Rates
Box   508
Rieve, Emil - Reports
Box   508
Research Department
Box   508
Rieve, Emil - Correspondence
Box   508
Rogin, Larry
Box   508
Rosenberg, Milton
Box   508
Box   508
Safety Committee
Box   508
Safety - Labor and Management
Box   508
Samuels, W.
Box   508
Slave Labor Camps
Box   508
State Department of Labor
Box   508
Steward's Manual
Box   508
Strikes - Data, Bulletins
Box   508
Strikes - Agreements Strikes - Contributions
Box   508
Structure - Committee on
Box   508
Survey of Plants that have been liquidated
Box   508
Box   508
Taft-Hartley Compliance
Box   508
Taft-Hartley Requirements
Box   508
Wage Information
Administrative - General, 1954-1964
New York State - General
Box   514
Executive Council
Box   514
Legislative Conference
Box   514
Box   514
Convention, 1963
Box   514
Executive Council
Box   514
Committee - Joint Minimum Wage
Box   514
New York State
Box   514
Constitution and Resolutions
Box   514
Legislative Conference and Resolutions
Box   514
Box   515
Box   515
Americans for Democratic Action
Box   515
Auburn Button Works
Box   515
Bamford, James
Box   515
Chupka, John
Box   515
CIO Convention
Box   516
CIO - General
Box   516
Correspondence - Congressmen, Senators, and Rockefeller
Box   516
DuPont Multilith
Box   516
Education Department
Box   516
Dyers Division - William Gordon
Box   516
Education - Tom Cosgrove
Harriet Henderson Donations
Box   516
Box   516
Box   516
Job Placements
Box   517
Promotional Material and Policy
Box   517
Box   517
Multilithed Material
Box   517
Minimum Wage
Box   517
Box   518
New York State Department of Labor - Charles Hughes
Box   518
New York State Council on Economic Education
Box   518
New York Mills Leaflets
Box   518
Organizing Committee Meetings
Box   518
Organizers' Manual
Box   518
Pollock, William
Box   518
Puerto Rico Industry
Box   518
Special Industry Committee
Box   518
Research Department - Sol Barkin
Box   518
Richards, Garnold
Box   518
Stehi Wage File
Box   518
Stroock and Company
Box   518
Synthetic Yarn Conference
Box   518
Box   518
Union Label
Box   518
Walton, Harry
Administrative - General, 1954-1964
Box   522
American Trade Union Council
Box   522
Box   522
Association of Catholic Trade-Unionists
Box   522
Artowicz, Stanley
Box   522
Bronx Democratic Party
Box   522
Box   522
Civil Rights
Box   522
Civilian Industrial Technology
Box   522
COPE - Conference
Box   522
Compulsory Arbitration Legislation
Box   522
Convention - AFL-CIO (New York State)
Box   522
Cotton Bill
Box   522
Box   522
Box   522
Experience Rating Bill
Box   522
Economic Progress Conference
Box   522
Economic Data and Statistics
Box   522
Economic Policy
Executive Council
Box   522
Box   522
New York Report
Box   522
Box   522
Box   522
Fairchild Publications
Box   522
Flammable Materials Advisory Board - New York
Box   522
Box   522
Greenville Mills
Box   522
Box   522
Hanes Boycott Resolutions Adopted by TWUA Locals
Box   522
Box   522
Box   522
Erwin Housing
Box   522
Humphrey for President Committee
Box   522
Box   522
Improved Machinery Campaign
Box   522
Independent 0ffice Employees Union
Box   522
International Federation of Textile Workers Association
Box   523
Industrial Union Department
Box   523
Industrial Union Conferences
Box   523
Box   523
Independent Unions, Alliance of
Box   523
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
Box   523
Independent Unions
Box   523
Industrial Rayon Corporation
Box   523
International Leather Goods, Plastic, and Novelty Workers Union
Box   523
Jewish Labor Committee
Box   523
Joint State Conference
Box   523
Jurisdictional Dispute, TWUA v. URW
Box   523
Jurisdictional Agreements: Machine Printers and Engravers Association of the United States
Box   523
Jurisdictional Committee, American Federation of Hosiery Workers
Box   523
Jute and Cordage
Box   523
Box   523
Labor Day Parade
Box   523
Labor Reform Bill
Box   523
Labor Organizations in New York State
Box   523
Meeting Rules
Box   523
New York City
Box   523
Box   523
League for Industrial Democracy
Box   523
Lowenstein Material
Box   523
Box   523
Box   523
Mergers in Textile Industry
Box   523
Mid-Atlantic Dyers
Box   523
News - AFL-CIO
Box   523
New York State Elections
Box   523
Box   523
Nabet - Strike and Correspondence
New York City
Box   523
Mayor's Office
Box   523
Community Services Committee
Box   523
Box   523
State Commission Against Discrimination
Box   523
New York Committee for Democratic Voters
Box   524
Niagara Power Development
Box   524
Statement by TWUA at Hearing
Box   524
Statements made by Various Persons and Organizations
Organizational Reports
Box   524
Geisz, Helen Blanchard
Box   524
Kardas, John
Box   524
Klinger, Guy
Box   524
Luce, Kenneth
Box   524
Nusbaumer, Russell
Box   524
Wolski, John
Box   524
Krokenberger, Fred
Box   524
O'Sullivans Heel Boycott
Box   524
Pattern Makers
Box   524
Pastore Hearings
Box   524
Pollock, William
Box   524
Rockefeller “Fee” Tax Plan
Box   524
Box   524
Rope and Cordage Information
Box   524
Staff Salary Structure
Box   524
Saturation Leaflet Distribution - Allied Products
Box   524
Sablosky, Joseph
Box   524
Box   524
Social Security Amendments
Box   524
Box   524
Sumergrade and Sons
Box   524
Taft Hartley Act
Box   524
Tariff Committee
Box   524
Tennessee State Labor Council
Box   524
Box   524
TWUA - Staff Expense Reports, Fred Krokenberger
Box   524
Wage Drives
Box   524
Wage Assignments
Box   524
Wage Increase Leaflets
Box   524
Welfare Plans
Box   524
White Collar Workshop
Box   524
Woodard, Albert R.
Administrative - General, 1969-1971
Box   533
American Felt
Box   533
Airlite Manufacturing Company
Box   533
Airport Carwash Corporation
Box   533
American Safety Equipment Company
Box   533
Arlington Plastic Prints
Box   533
Arlen Industries Inc.
Box   533
Armstrong Cork Company
Box   534
American Safety Company
Box   534
Van Raalte
Campaign Files
Box   495
Box   495
American Woolen Company
Box   495
Box   495
Firth Carpet
Box   496
Fuld and Hatch Knitting Company
Box   496
Hornell Industries
Box   496
Box   496
Julius Kayser Company
Box   496
Box   496
Oneita Knitting
Box   496
Seneca Knitting Mills
Box   496
Willowvale Bleachery
Communications - General, 1954-1955
Box   503
Textile Labor - Special Political Information
Box   503
CIO - Second Region
Box   503
TWUA Convention
Box   503
Cohen, Sy
Box   503
Kardas, John
Box   503
Luce, Kenneth
Box   503
Perez, Manuel
Box   503
Richards, Garnold
Box   503
Walton, Harry
Communications - General, 1960-1965
Box   512
Circular Letters
Box   512
Box   513
Organizing Leaflets
Box   513
Statewide Leaflet Distribution Drive
Box   513
Cope Leaflets
Box   513
Locals - Miscellaneous
Box   513
Union Label and Service Trades
Box   513
United States Department of Labor
Box   513
New York State AFL-CIO
Box   513
Official News
Box   513
Publicity Department - TWUA
Box   513
TWUA - Leaflets
Box   513
John Herlings Labor Letter, 1965
Box   513
“Inside TWUA” Bulletin
Box   513
Box   513
“League for Industrial Democracy”
Box   513
Legislative Report
Box   513
National Labor Relations Board
Box   513
Leaflets - General
Communications - General, 1966-1968
Box   535
Box   535
Ad Hoc Committee
Box   535
Box   535
Department of Community Service
Box   535
Union Label and Trade Service Department
Box   535
American Arbitration Association
Box   535
American Trade Union Council for Histadrut
Box   535
Box   535
Conferences - Carpets
Box   535
COPE Conference
Contracts - Others
Box   535
Northern-Cotton Synthetics Conference
Box   535
Woolen Worsted - Cotton Synthetics
Box   535
Box   535
Box   535
Canadian Office
Box   535
Carpet Locals
Box   535
Daoust, Harold
Box   535
Education Department
Box   535
Election Results
Box   535
Epstine, Irving
Box   535
DuChessi, William
Box   535
Executive Council
Box   535
Finance Department
Box   535
Legal Department
Box   535
Mail Room
Box   535
Pollock, William
Box   535
Public Relations Committee
Box   535
Research Department
Box   535
Stetin, Sol
Box   535
“Textile Labor”
Box   535
Jurisdictional Disputes
Box   535
Jewish Labor Committee
Box   535-536
Joint Boards
Scope and Content Note: Concerns Buffalo Regional Joint Board, Capital District Joint Board, Central Massachusetts Joint Board, Delaware Valley Joint Board, Greater New York Joint Board, Hudson Valley Area Joint Board, New England Regional Joint Board, Northeastern Massachusetts Joint Board, Oswego County Joint Board, Passaic Joint Board, Philadelphia Joint Board, Quin State Board, and Utica Joint Board.
Box   536
Box   536
Local 1790
Box   536
New Releases - TWUA
New York
Box   536
AFL-CIO Convention, 1968
Box   536
Council on Economic Education
Box   536
Box   536
Political Correspondence
Box   536
Political Endorsements
Box   536
Rhodes, Hartwell D.
Box   536
Box   536
Box   536
Convention, 1968
Box   536
Employees Federal Credit Union
Box   536
Staff Retirement Plan
Box   536
Welfare Plan
Box   537
Box   537
Union Label and Service Trades Department
Box   537
United States Department of Labor
Box   537
Communications - General, 1968-1969
Box   531
COPE - William DuChessi
Box   531
Education Department - Steve Remsen
Box   531
Epstine, Irving - Greater New York Joint Board
Box   531
Finance Department
Box   531
Legal Department
Box   531
Mail Room
Box   531
Multilith Department
Box   531
Pollock, William
Box   531
Publicity Department
Box   531
Research Department
Box   531
Stetin, Sol
Box   531
Swaity, Paul
Box   531
Synthetic Fibers Division - William Davis
Box   531
Textile Labor - Irving Kahan
Box   531
Welfare and Pensions - Dorothy Garfein
Box   531
Ad Hoc Committee
Box   531
Art Work Binch (H & F) Company
Building Loans
Box   531
Local 406
Box   531
Local 482
Box   531
Local 1604
Box   531
Building Service
Box   531
Building Loans Committee
Box   531
Box   531
Box   531
Conference Calls
Box   531
Box   531
Davoli, Joseph
Box   531
Box   531
Industrial Union Department
Box   531
Box   531
Box   531
Box   531
Glass Union
Box   531
Industries - Hosiery
Box   531
Knitting Outerwear Industry
Box   531
Metal Trades
Box   531
Box   531
Box   531
Rope and Cordage
Box   531
Surgical Needles
Box   531
Box   531
Weaving and Knitting
Box   531
Woolen and Worsted Industry
Box   531
Interim Temporary Agreement
Box   531
Jewish Labor Committee
Box   531
Box   532
Box   532
New Members' Material
Box   532
News Releases
New York
Box   532
Box   532
Committee on Economic Education
Box   532
Noise Abatement
Box   532
Organizers' Weekly Reports
Box   532
Box   532
Patrick Vending Inc.
Box   532
Political Correspondence
Box   532
Political Endorsements
Box   532
Reports of Organization
Box   532
Staff Meeting - New York State
Staff Files - New York State
Box   532
Cohen, Sy
Box   532
Rawer, Warren
Box   532
Hissam, William
Box   532
Kay, William
Box   532
Livingston, Harry, Jr.
Box   532
Sherman, Edward A., Jr.
Box   532
Szyjkra, Frank
Box   532
Thomas, William
Box   532
Weintraub, Joseph
Box   532
Strike Assistance
Box   532
Strike Requests
Box   532
TWUA Employees Federal Credit Union
Box   532
Box   532
Weekly Expense Accounts
Box   532
Anania, Oswald
Box   532
Cohen, Sy
Box   532
Hawver, Warren
Box   532
Hissam, William
Box   532
Kay, William
Box   532
Livingston, Harry, Jr.
Box   532
Richards, Garnold L.
Box   532
Rubenstein, Jack
Box   532
Sherman, Edward A.
Box   532
Szyka, Frank
Box   532
Weintraub, Joseph
Box   532
Whelan, Kathryn
Communications - General, 1964-1973
Box   558
Angle, Norman
Box   558
Beaunit Corporation
Box   558
Empire Bedding
Box   558
Hudson Yarns
Box   558
Joint Board Correspondence
Box   558
“Proposal to Eliminate Racket Unions and Sweetheart Contracts”
Box   558
Sealy Mattress
Box   559-561
UMWA - District 50
Box   561
Empire Bedding
Communications - Department Heads, 1962-1963
Box   511
Popilarski, Louis J.
Box   511
Cohen, Sy
Box   511
Falzone, Anthony J.
Box   511
Perez, Manuel
Box   511
Sherman, Edward
Box   511
Report of Organization
Communications - Industries Directors, 1959-1964
Box   511
Education Department
Box   511
Belanger, William
Box   511
Cook, Wesley
Box   511
DuChessi, William
Box   511
Canzano, Victor
Box   511
Dyers Matters
Box   511
Gordon, William G.
Plastics Industry
Box   512
Dyeing and Finishing - William G. Gordon, Director
Box   512
Man-made fibres and Non-Woven Fabrics
Box   512
“Observations on Trends and Developments in the Fibre, Textile and Related Plastic Industries and its Implications for the Textile Workers Union of America”
Box   512
Plastics - General
Box   512
Plastics Film, Directory
Box   512
Summergrade and Sons - Local 29 (UTW)
Box   512
Rubenstein, Jack
Box   512
Tullar, William J.
Box   512
William, H.S.
Communications - Organizers, 1952-1954
Box   506
McKnight, James
Box   506
Perez, Manuel
Communications - Reports, 1948-1953
Box   506
Ventura, Tony
Box   506
Tortalano, Vincent
Box   506
Springstead, Wesley
Box   506
O'Shea, James
Box   506
Zito, Peter
Box   506
Woodard, Al
Box   506
Wolski, John
Box   506
Walton, Harry
Box   506
Richards, Garnold
Box   506
Knapp, Roscoe
Box   506
Luce, Kenneth
Box   506
Perez, Manuel
Box   506
Padgett, Walter
Box   506
Krokenberger, Fred
Box   506
Killian, Joseph
Box   506
Knapp, Roscoe
Box   506
Heidorf, Dorthy
Box   506
Hilton, Daniel S.
Box   506
Graham, John
Box   506
Dundon, James
Box   506
Cohen, Sy
Box   506
Bartholomew, F.J.
Box   506
Campell, John
Box   506
Armao, John
Box   506
Staff Salaries
Box   506
Workers Defense Bulletins
Box   506
Workmen's Compensation Board
Box   506
Box   506
Wage Stabilization
Communications - Reports
Box   521
Report of Organizations, 1959-1960
Box   521
Audit Reports, 1959
Communications - TWUA Executive, 1960-1965
Box   512
Defense Fund Committee
Box   512
Executive Council Meetings
Box   512
Executive Council Correspondence
Box   512
Executive Council Resolutions
Box   512
Employees Federal Credit Union
Box   512
Essay Contest
Box   512
Strikes and Settlements
Box   512
Welfare Plan
Communications - Joint Boards, 1954-1955
Box   504
All Joint Board Managers
Box   504
Allentown District Joint Board
Box   504
Amsterdam Joint Board
Box   504
Buffalo Regional Joint Board
Box   504
Capital District Joint Board
Box   504
Central Jersey Joint Board
Box   504
Columbia County Joint Board
Box   504
Delaware Valley Joint Board
Box   504
Garden Spot Joint Board and Schuylkill Valley Joint Board
Box   504
Joint Boards - Financial Reports
Box   504
Mid-Hudson Valley Joint Board
Box   504
New York Local Unions
Box   504
North California Joint Boards
Box   504
Oswego County Joint Board
Box   504
Passaic Joint Board
Box   504
Penn-Appalachian Joint Board
Box   504
Philadelphia Joint Board
Box   504
South Jersey Joint Board
Box   504
Utica Joint Board
Box   504
Luce, Kenneth C.
Box   504
Richard, Garnold
Box   504
Rubenstein, Jack - Revolving Fund Correspondence
Box   504
Southern Area - Plants, Joint Boards, Directors
Box   504
Southern Organizing
Box   504
Rosinski, R. - Organizer Correspondence
Box   504-505
Utica Joint Board
Communications - Joint Boards and Staff, 1955-1965
Box   519
Directors Regional - Mid Atlantic (Sol Stetin)
Box   519
COPE Conference
Box   519
Executive Council - William Pollock
Box   519
Organizational Reports - Ryan, James F.
Box   519
Executive Council - John Chupka
Box   519
Contract Correspondence
Box   519
Jewish Labor Committee
Box   519
Organizational Reports - Richards, Garnold
Box   519
Samuels, W.R.
Box   519
Western Regional Staff Conference
Box   519
Washington Representative - John Edelman
Box   519
Amsterdam Joint Board
Box   520
Buffalo Regional Joint Board
Box   520
Capital District Joint Board
Box   520
Columbia City Joint Board
Box   520
Greater New York Joint Board
Box   520
Hudson Valley Joint Board
Box   520
New England Joint Board
Box   520
Mid Hudson Valley Joint Board
Box   521
Oswego County Joint Board
Box   521
Utica Joint Board
Communications - Joint Boards, 1966-1970
Box   532
Amsterdam - Cohoes Joint Board Planned Merger
Box   532
Capital District Joint Board
Box   532
Box   532
Buffalo Regional Joint Board
Box   532
Greater New York Joint Board
Box   532
Hudson Valley Area Joint Board
Box   532
Oswego County Joint Board
Box   532
Quin State Region
Box   532
Utica Joint Board
Box   532
Jurisdictional Disputes
Box   532
Southern Division - John Kissack
Communications - Locals, 1949-1954
Box   505
Local 1
Box   505
Local 3
Box   505
Local 20
Box   505
Local 49
Box   505
Local 70
Box   505
Local 78
Box   505
Local 79
Box   505
Local 88
Box   505
Local 89
Box   505
Local 95
Box   505
Local 96
Box   505
Local 122
Box   505
Local 152
Box   505
Local 221
Box   505
Local 221A
Box   505
Local 222
Box   505
Local 398
Box   505
Local 409
Box   505
Local 464
Box   505
Local 488
Box   505
Local 489
Box   505
Local 501
Box   505
Local 574
Box   505
Local 601
Box   505
Local 607
Box   505
Local 628
Box   505
Local 629
Box   505
Local 645
Box   505
Local 673
Box   505
Local 675
Box   505
Local 683
Box   505
Local 701
Box   505
Local 791
Box   505
Local 793
Box   505
Local 856
Box   505
Local 898
Box   505
Local 933
Box   505
Local 950
Box   505
Local 964
Box   505
Local 982
Box   505
Local 988
Box   505
Local 1001
Box   505
Local 1010
Box   505
Local 1024
Box   505
Local 1052
Box   505
Local 1056
Box   505
Local 1067
Box   505
Local 1085
Box   505
Local 1088
Box   505
Local 1095
Box   505
Local 1102
Box   505
Local 1121
Box   505
Local 1122
Box   505
Local 1126
Box   505
Local 1132
Box   505
Local 1149
Box   505
Local 1161
Box   505
Local 1242
Box   505
Local 1246
Communications - Locals, 1955-1965
Box   521
Amsterdam Joint Boards Locals 1, 489, 646, 835, 1303
Box   521
Columbia County Joint Board Locals 96, 791, 792, 938, 1122, 1246, and 1342
Box   521
Local 221
Box   521
Local 222
Box   521
Local 464
Box   521
Local 856
Communications - Locals, 1966-1970
Box   532-533
Local 3
Box   532-533
Local 20
Box   532-533
Local 49
Box   532-533
Local 129
Box   532-533
Local 221
Box   532-533
Local 237
Box   532-533
Local 346
Box   532-533
Local 372
Box   532-533
Local 464
Box   532-533
Local 489
Box   532-533
Local 646
Box   532-533
Local 701
Box   532-533
Local 791
Box   532-533
Local 792
Box   532-533
Local 835
Box   532-533
Local 898
Box   532-533
Local 933
Box   532-533
Local 964
Box   532-533
Local 976
Box   532-533
Local 1010
Box   532-533
Local 1032
Box   532-533
Local 1067
Box   532-533
Local 1085
Box   532-533
Local 1095
Box   532-533
Local 1122
Box   532-533
Local 1126
Box   532-533
Local 1149
Box   532-533
Local 1161
Box   532-533
Local 1183
Box   532-533
Local 1246
Box   532-533
Local 1285
Box   532-533
Local 1318
Box   532-533
Local 1351
Box   532-533
Local 1410
Box   532-533
Local 1420
Box   532-533
Local 1456
Box   532-533
Local 1537
Box   532-533
Local 1536
Box   532-533
Local 1579
Box   532-533
Local 1596
Box   532-533
Local 1617
Box   532-533
Local 1627
Box   532-533
Local 1638
Box   532-533
Local 1644
Box   532-533
Local 1684
Box   532-533
Local 1705
Box   532-533
Local 1724
Box   532-533
Local 1761
Box   532-533
Local 1800
Box   532-533
Local 1790
Contracts, 1949-1954
Box   509
American Woolen Company - Yonkers Glove Finishing Inc.
Contracts, 1940-1958
Box   525
Armstrong Cork Company - A.D. Juilliard and Company
Box   526
A.D. Juilliard and Company - Stroock Company
Contracts, 1964-1971
Box   551-552
A & W Products
Box   552
Arlington Plastic Prints - Bemis Brothers Bag Company
Box   553
Bemis Brother Bag Company - Columbian Rope Company
Box   554
Conway Manufacturing Company - Garneville Holding Company
Box   555
Globe Woven Belting Company - Lifalco Manufacturing Company
Box   556
Lynrus Finishing Company - Schlegel Manufacturing Company
Box   557
Schlegel Manufacturing Company - Stern and Stern Textiles
Box   558
Stern and Stern Textiles - Zamax Manufacturing Company
Contracts, 1956-1971
Box   561
Bates Piece Dye Works - Faith Mills
Box   562
Faith Mills - Gablock Packing Company
Box   563
Garlock Inc. - Leedom (Thomas L.) Company
Box   564
Lestershire Spool and Manufacturing Company - Sheble and Wood Yarn Corporation
Box   565
Shoe Form Company - Winston Prints Inc.
Legal Matters, 1942-1948
Scope and Content Note: Arranged alphabetically by company, these files consist of briefs, correspondence and other materials relating to attempts to organize the Carpet-Rug Industry.
Box   497
Armstrong Cork Company
Box   497
Box   497
Columbia Mills
Box   497
Columbia Shade Mills
Box   497
Felters Company
Box   497
Hightstown Rug Company
Box   498
Huguet Fabrics Inc.
Box   498
Jamestown Worsted Company
Box   498
A.D. Julliard Company
Box   498
Jamestown Worsted Company
Box   498
Mohawk Carpet Company
Committees, Conferences and Conventions, 1958-1962
Box   509
Defense Fund Committee
Box   509
Constitution Changes Committee
TWUA Committees
Box   510
New York State Legislature
Box   510
Legislative Committee Programs
Box   510
Committee - Miscellaneous
Box   510
Box   510
Barkan, Al
Box   510
Forand Bill
Box   510
$1.50 Minimum Hourly Wage Citizens Committee
Box   510
Freedom of Association Committee
Box   510
Staff Retirement Fund Committee
Box   510
Real Estate Committee
Box   510
Welfare Fund Committee
TWUA Conferences
Box   510
Canadian Regional Staff Conference, 1958
Box   510
Mid Atlantic States, 1958-1959
Box   510
Ethical Practices - TWUA
Box   510
Fringe Benefits Conference
TWUA Conventions
Box   510
Convention, 1964 - Emil Rieve's Speech
Box   510
Executive Council, 1963
Box   510
Convention, 1962
Box   511
New York State Delegation Convention Party, 1962
General Files, 1954-1961
New York State
Box   566
Evaluation - Staff and Organizing Methods
Box   566
Compensation Insurance
Box   566
Expense Reports
Box   566
Notice of Meetings
Box   566
Washington Representative - John Edelman
Box   566
Artowicz, Stanley
Box   566
Richards, Garnold
Joint Boards
Box   566
Amsterdam Joint Board
Box   566
Buffalo Regional Joint Board
Box   566
Capital District Joint Board
Box   566
Greater New York Joint Board
Box   566
Hudson Valley Area Joint Board
Box   566
Oswego Joint Board
Box   566
Utica Joint Board
Box   566
Locals 1-1085, 1954-1961
Box   567
Locals 1095-2052
Box   567
Inactivated Locals
Organizing, 1958-1965
Box   526-528
Box   528
Box   529
Adirondack Finishing Corporation
Box   529
Aetna Mill
Box   529
Albany Felt Company
Box   529
American Silk Label Manufacturing Company
Box   529
American Viscose Company
Box   529
Auburn Industries
Box   529
Auto Assembly Plastics
Box   529
Autosemble Plastics Company
Box   529
Auto Body
Box   529
Ballston Knitting Company
Box   529
Beacon Looms
Box   529
Beacon Piece Dye and Finishing
Box   529-230
Norwich Knitting Mills
Box   530
Perry Knitting Mill
Box   530
Pittsburgh Glass Company
Box   530
Pleasant Valley Finishing Company
Box   530
Tioga Weaving
Employer Files, 1943-1948
Box   499
Box   500
Box   501
Employer Files, 1959-1974
Box   537
Abex Corporation
Box   537
Academic Press Inc. and Johnson Reprint Books
Box   537
Aeolian American Corporation
Box   537
Aire-O-Dyne Filter Corporation
Box   537
Albany Felt Company
Box   537
American Metal Recovery Corporation
Box   537
Anchor Aluminum Company
Box   537
Avon Products Inc.
Box   537
Binch (H & F) Company
Box   538
Armstrong Cork Company
Box   538
A & W Products Company
Box   538
Atlas Fibres
Box   538
Bam Inc.
Box   538
Art Footwear Corporation
Box   539
Beaunit Company
Box   539
Beaunit Fibers - Skenendoa Division
Box   539
BarClay Knit
Box   539
Beech-Nut Packing Company
Box   539
Bemis Brothers Bag Company
Box   539
Bernel Foam
Box   539
Box   539
Birma Products Corporation
Box   539-540
Binch (H & F) Company
Box   540
Birdair Structures
Box   540
Birds Eye Inc.
Box   540
Burma Manufacturing Company
Box   540
Braendly Dye Works
Box   540
Breneman Inc.
Box   540
Brennemann-Hartshorn Company
Box   540
Brooks and Perkins
Box   541
Buffalo Batt and Felt Company
Box   541
Cannon Mills
Box   541
Carrier (J.D.) Footwear Corporation
Box   541
Car Wash Establishments
Box   541
Cato Sho Printing Inc.
Box   541
Champion Products Company
Box   541
Chase Bag Company
Box   541
Chemical Rubber Company
Box   541
Chesebrough-Ponds Inc.
Box   541
Chili Plastics Company
Box   541
Clinton Cosmetic Company
Box   541
Clover Industries
Box   541
Cohoes Screen Printing Company
Box   541
Cole Craft
Box   541
Colecraft Manufacturing Company
Box   541
Columbia Mills
Box   541
Columbian Rope Company
Box   542
Columbia Mills
Box   542
Columbia Rope Company
Box   542
Building and Mobile Housing
Box   542
Cordage Institute
Box   542
Continental Combing Company
Box   542
Conway Manufacturing Company
Box   542
Cox Plastics Inc.
Box   542
Crescent Silverware Manufacturing
Box   542
Craftsman Electronic Products
Box   542
Curbell Inc.
Box   542
Decora Inc.
Box   542
Divine Brothers
Box   542
Delaware Minit Car Wash Inc.
Box   542
Dunlop Tire and Rubber Company
Box   543
Duo Temp Corporation
Box   543
Dolomite Glass Fibers
Box   543
Box   543
Box   543
E & S Finishing
Box   543
Elite Manufacturing
Box   543
Elk Piece Dye Works
Box   543
Elm Coated Fabrics
Box   543
Empire Bedding
Box   543
Endicott-Johnson Newspaper clippings
Box   543
Esquire Novelty Company
Box   543
Excel Plastics
Box   543
E Z Knitting Company
Box   543
Faith Mills Inc.
Box   543
Fairfield Color Corporation
Box   543
Federal Silk Mills
Box   544
Fasco Industries
Box   544
Feldlink Silk Company
Box   544
Fiber Container Company
Box   544
Filmer Leather Company
Box   544
Fisher Price Company
Box   544
Fleet of America
Box   544
Fonda Glove Lining
Box   544
Forstmann Woolen Company
Box   544-545
Fownes Brothers
Box   545
Frankel-Franklin Company
Box   545
Frost White Paper Mills
Box   545
Fuller Brush Company
Box   545
Fulton Instrument Company
Box   545
Futura Fabrics Corporation
Box   545
Gabriel Manufacturing Company
Box   545
Garnerville Holding Company
Box   545
Geb and Garvan Company
Box   545
Geigy Chemical Corporation
Box   545
General Looms
Box   545
Gilbert Knitting Company
Box   545-546
Glomac Plastics
Box   546
Go Bar Footwear Inc.
Box   546
Globe Woven Belting Company
Box   546
Glove Workers United
Box   546
Godde (Albert) Beddin Inc.
Box   546
Gloversville Leather Inc.
Box   546
Grace (W.R.) Company
Box   546
Graphic Techniques Inc.
Box   546
Gruman Boats
Box   546
Hallmark Plastics Inc.
Box   546
Hand Prints Inc.
Box   546
Heil Grinding Company
Box   546
Hercules Packing Corporation
Box   546
H & M Knit Company
Box   546
Hertel Auto Wash Inc.
Box   546
Hickock Manufacturing Company
Box   546
Holliday Batting and Accurate
Box   547
Hornell Industries
Box   547
Horrocks-lbbotson Inc.
Box   547
Hudson Knitting Mills
Box   547
H & F Binch Inc.
Box   547
Huyck (F.C.) and Sons
Box   547
I H I Industries Corporation
Box   547
Inflated Products Company
Box   547
International Cord and Thread Corporation
Box   547
Irvin Industries Inc.
Box   547
Irving Air Chute Company
Box   547
Jamestown Finishes
Box   547
Jamestown Finishing Products Inc.
Box   548
Johnson & Johnson
Box   548
Julius Kayser Company
Box   548
Jupiter Textile
Box   548
Keystone Rubber Products Corporation
Box   548
Kent, Percy Bag Company
Box   548
Box   548
Kolmar Laboratories Inc.
Box   548
Kwik Car Wash Inc.
Box   548
Label Products Corporation
Box   548
Lady Mac Corsets
Box   548
Lebondale Woolen
Box   548
Lee Dyeing Company
Box   548
Levis Box Company
Box   548
Lifalco Manufacturing Company
Box   548
Lifetime Foam Products
Box   548-549
Lion Brand Inc.
Box   549
Lockport Cotton Batting
Box   549
Lockport Felt Company
Box   549
Lockwood Dutchess Inc.
Box   549
Lowenthal (W.) Company
Box   549
Lynrus Finishing Company
Box   549
Main Automatic Car Wash
Box   549
Majestic Weaving Company
Box   549
Marlette Plating Company
Box   549
Mastercraft Industries Inc.
Box   549
Marshall Eclipse Division
Box   549
Marshall Field Towel Mill
Box   549
Martin (Andrew M.) Company
Box   549
Mastic Tile Corporation of America
Box   550
Meakins-McKinnon Inc.
Box   550
Mellenville Warp Knit Plant
Box   550
Merrill Hosiery Company
Box   550
Metro Tex Inc.
Box   550
Milstein (Joseph A.) Company
Box   550
Minit Car Wash Inc.
Box   550
Misteb Ease Inc.
Box   550
Modern Dust Bag
Box   550
Mohasco Industries
Box   550
Mohawk Brush
Box   550
Montague Upholstering Company
Box   550
Monte Crosto Dye Company
Box   550
Montco Manufacturing Company
Box   550
Montgomery Worsted Company
Box   551
NorthTown Auto Wash Inc.
Box   551
Norwich Mills Inc.
Box   551
Nye-Wait Company
Box   551
Percy Kent Bag Company
Box   551
Paper Tubs Inc.
Box   551
PM Fabric Printing Inc.
Box   551
Prince High Rock Mills
Box   511
Printex Corporation of America
Box   551
Redmond Plastics
Box   551
Rochester Envelope Company
Box   551
Rockelman Appliance Service
Box   551
Rockland Knittings
Union Label, 1956-1962
Box   513
Approaches to the Application Union Label Contract
Box   513
Union Products Promotion
Box   513
Union Label - Committee Meeting Minutes
Box   513
Labor-Management Exhibition
Box   513
Staff and Joint Boards - Correspondence
Box   513
Samples Union Label
Box   513
Executive Council Reports
Box   513
Box   513
Licensing Procedures
Box   513
Tobacco Workers International Union
Box   513
Box   513
Union Industries Show
Box   514
Shoppers Guide
Box   514
Box   514
Staff and Joint Boards
Box   514
Union Products Show
Box   514
Convention, 1958
Series: New Jersey State Director's Files, 1949-1951, Charles Seraino, Director
Physical Description: 5 boxes 
Scope and Content Note: These files consist of the following series: general correspondence, 1949-1951, which is chiefly comprised of TWUA correspondence and materials; joint board and local correspondence, 1949-1951, which contains organizing materials; correspondence on routine matters and employers; CIO files, 1949-1951, which pertain mainly to New Jersey activities; and subject files, 1949, which relate to federal legislation on labor issues. Topics of interest include Baldanzi correspondence, PAC and the international TWUA.
General Correspondence, 1949
Box   568
Baldanzi, George
Box   568
Barkan, Al
Box   568
Barkin, Sol
Box   568
Carpet and Rug Division
Box   568
Community Services Committee
Box   568
CIO Regional Office
Box   568
Dyers Department
Box   568
Edelman, John
Box   568
Kramer, Kenneth
Box   568
Katz, Isadore
Box   568
Legal Department
Box   568
National CIO
Box   568
New Jersey CIO
Box   568
Carl Holderman
Box   568
Pension Plan Committee
Box   568
Pollock, William
Box   568
Rieve, Emil
Box   568
Rogin, Larry
Box   568
Samuels, Wilbur
Box   568
Stetin, Sol
Box   568
TWUA - Executive Committee
Box   568
Woolen and Worsted
Box   568
Box   568
Box   568
New York
Box   568
Box   568
Box   568
“Textile Labor”
Box   568
Press Releases
Box   568
Revolving Fund
Box   568
State Fund
Box   568
Union Shop Elections
Box   568
Bergen County Council
Box   568
Essex-West Hudson County Council
Box   568
Passaic County Council
Box   568
Union County Council
General Correspondence, 1950
Box   569
Baldanzi, George
Box   569
Barkan, Al
Box   569
Barkin, Sol
Box   569
Carpet and Rug
Box   569
Dyers Department
Box   569
Edelman, John
Box   569
Education and Publicity Department
Box   569
Katz, Isadore
Box   569
Kramer, Kenneth
Box   569
Legal Department
Box   569
Rieve, Emil
Box   569
Rogin, Larry
Box   569
Samuels, Wilbur
Box   569
Stetin, Sol
Box   569
Woolen and Worsted
Box   569
Committee of Executive Council - Affiliation of Local 422 with South County Joint Board
Box   569
Executive Committee
Box   569
Box   569
Box   569
Box   569
New York
Box   569
Box   569
“Textile Labor”
Box   569
Regional Correspondence
Box   569
Press Releases
Political Action Committee
Box   569
Barkan, Al
Box   569
Dollar Drive Reports
Box   569
CIO-PAC, Correspondence - National
Box   569
CIO-PAC, State Correspondence
Box   569
Reports - Pennsylvania
Box   569
TWUA-PAC, Executive Committee Minutes and Howell Campaign
Box   569
Box   569
Box   570
PAC - General, 1949
Joint Board and Local Unions
Box   570
Correspondence, 1949-1951
Central Jersey Joint Board, Simon Sailer, Manager
Box   570
American Velour
Box   570
Cold Springs Bleachery
Box   570
Foster Yarn Inc.
Box   570
Gloucester Carpet Company
Box   570
Gulbenkian Seamless Rug Company
Box   570
Hightstown Rug Company
Box   570
Johnson & Johnson
Box   570
Karagheusian (A & M) Inc.
Box   570
Lawrence Hose Company
Box   570
Middlesex Fabric Print Works
Box   570
Nappe-Smith Company
Box   570
National Musical String Company
Box   570
Raritan Mills
Local Unions 77, 77A, 103, 696
Box   570
Hudson-Essex Joint Board, Jack Mermell, Manager
Box   570
Bitwell Umbrella Company
Box   570
Consolidated Bleaching Company
Box   570
Duro Persian Manufacturing Company
Box   570
Jersey Plastic and Dye Casting Company
Box   570
Riverside Dyeing
Box   570
Hudson-Essex Joint Board
Box   570
Passaic Joint Board
Locals 343, 654, 655, 656, 850, 871, 931, 1983
Box   570
Manney, Ben, Manager
Box   570
Braunsberg Brothers
Box   570
Botany Woolen Mills
Box   570
Dick (R.J.) Company
Box   570
Fabien Textile Company
Box   570
Box   570
Flintcote Company
Box   570
Forstmann Woolen Company
Box   570
Garfield Box Company
Box   570
Gamil Company
Box   570
Lemke (B.L.) Company
Box   570
Leopold Gang
Box   570
New Jersey Worsted Mills
Box   570
Pantasote Leather Company
Box   570
Prescott, J.L.
Box   570
Rochelle Park Velvet Company
Box   571
United Piece Dye Works
Box   571
Victor Electric
Box   571
Winchester Rubber Company
Paterson Joint Board
Box   571
Daley, Bernard, Manager
Box   571
Locals 75, 179, 336, 481, 647, 884, and 1022
Box   571
Local 75
Box   571
Heres, Herman
Box   571
Beattie Rug Company
Box   571
Dolphin Jute Mills
Box   571
Box   571
Meadox Weaving Rayco
Box   571
Union Asbestos
Box   571
Silk Committee Manufacturers Association
Box   571
Silk Committee Manufacturers Association
Box   571
Silk and Rayon Manufacturers Association
South Jersey Joint Board
Box   571
Basmajian, Sam, Manager
Box   571
Ankokas Dyeing
Box   571
Box   571
Eavenson and Levering
Box   571
Florence Thread
Box   571
Howland Croft
Box   571
Moss Rose Manufacturing Company
Box   571
Martin Dyeing
Box   571
Mays Landing Water Power Company
Box   571
Millville Manufacturing Company
Box   571
Twitchell, E.W.
Box   571
Wall Rope Works
Box   571
Locals 87 and 104
Box   571
Local 707 - Bellman Brook Bleachery
Box   571
Local 139 - Princeton Worsted
Box   571
Local 831 - Resistoflex
Box   571
Local 1733 - Dyers - Paterson
Box   571
Local 2052 - Dyers - Paterson
Box   571
Local 1932 - Dyers - Passaic
Box   571
Local 2136 - Advance Piece Dye Works
Joint Board and Local Correspondence, 1951
Central Jersey Joint Board
Box   571
Local Unions, 26, 200, 363, 455, 506, 630, 660, 682, 971, and 972
Box   571
American Velour Mills and Algro Knitting Mills
Box   571
Bonnie Plush Mills and Cold Springs Bleachery
Box   571
Chicoppee Manufacturing Corporation and Forster Yarn
Box   571
Lawrence Hose Company and Hightstown Rug Company
Box   571
Middlesex Fabric Print Works and Nappe-Smith Company
Box   571
National Musical String Company and Raitan Mills
Hudson-Essex Joint Board
Box   571
Local Unions, 77, 77A, 103, 696
Box   571
Mermell, Jack - Manager
Box   571
Accurate Yarn Dyeing Company and American Lead Pencil Company
Box   571
Bervick Manufacturing Company, and Bilt Well Umbrella Company
Box   571
Northern Feather, Rhodes and Company, Riverside Dyeing, Rubin Trimming and H.B. Wiggins Sons
Box   571
National Velvet Corporation and Nitram
Box   571
Irvco Umbrella and Mars Silk Mill
Passaic Joint Board
Box   571
Manney, Ben - Manager
Box   571
Local Unions, 343, 654, 655, 656, 850, 871, 931, 1983
Box   571
Botany Woolen Mills
Box   571
Dick (R.J.) Company
Box   571
Flintcote Company and Forstmann Woolen Company
Box   571
Garfield Box Company and B.L. Lemke
Box   571
Pantasote Leather Company and Prescott
Box   571
New Jersey Worsted and Gera Mills
Box   571
United Piece Dye Works
Paterson Joint Board, 1951
Box   571
Bernard Daly - Manager
Box   571
Local Unions 75, 179, 336, 481, 647, 884, 1022
Box   571
Dolphin Jute Mills, and Leaver-Bias
Box   571
Paterson Silk Shade Company, Pressman Toy Company, and Union Asbestos and Rubber Company
South Jersey Joint Board
Box   571
Sam Basmajian - Manager
Box   571
Pressman Toy Company
Box   571
Local Unions 76, 229, 326, 364, 416, 480, 733, 944, 1073, and 1114
Box   571
Ankokas Mills Inc., Beaunit Mills and Bonnie Plush Mills
Box   571
Eavenson and Levering, Florence Thread, and Howland Croft
Box   571
Moss Rose Manufacturing Company, Millville Manufacturing Company and E.W. Twitchell Company
Box   571
Mt. Holly Textile Company and Wall Rope Works
Box   571
Local 139 - Princeton Worsted
Box   571
Local 707 - Bellman Brook Bleachery
Box   571
Locals 87 and 104 - Weaver Institute
Box   571
Local 1166 - Celanese Corporation
Box   572
Local 1733
Box   572
Local 1932
Box   572
Local 2052
Box   572
Local 2136
CIO, 1951
Box   572
Box   572
Box   572
Community Services Committee
Box   572
Political Action Committee
Box   572
Essex-West Hudson Council
Box   572
New Jersey State Council Minutes
Box   572
New Jersey State Council Correspondence
New Jersey State Council
Box   572
Carl Holderman, President
Box   572
Local 831 - Resistoflex Corporation
Box   572
Harry Krantz, Legislative Director
Box   572
Regional Office
Subject Files, 1949
Box   572
Civil Rights
Box   572
Committee for the Extension of Labor Education
Box   572
Fair Employment Practice Commission
Box   572
National Health Insurance
Box   572
National Veterans Legislation
Box   572
Housing - Rent Control
Box   572
Minimum Wage
Box   572
National Veterans Legislation
Box   572
Social Security
Box   572
Box   572
Unemployment Compensation
Series: William Pollock Files, 1937-1972
Scope and Content Note: Commonly referred to as the “Pollock Files” by the TWUA staff, these files are divided into three major areas - Pollock's service in the office of the Secretary-Treasurer, 1939-1953; the office of the Executive Vice President, 1953-1956; and the office of the President, 1956-1972.
Office of Secretary Treasurer, 1939-1955
Physical Description: 8 boxes 
Scope and Content Note: This record group consists of general files, which were Pollock's personal files; reports made by the office of the Secretary-Treasurer and the Finance Department (payroll); and diaries kept by Pollock.
General Files, 1936-1955
Box   573
Advance Control, 1939-1948
Box   573
Batey, John, 1939
Box   573
Budget Information - Payrolls Charters Issued
Box   573
Charles R. Hadley Company
Box   573
District of Columbia - Unemployment Insurance, 1936
Box   573
Executive Order - Overtime Wage Compensation
Box   573
Hearing - Investigating Committee on Charges Filed by Officers of Local 464
Box   573
Hellwig Silk Dyeing Situation
Box   573
Hill, Janet W.
Box   573
Holly, John - North Jersey Joint Board
Box   573
Inter-Office Memoranda - Other Departments, 1946-1947
Box   573
Inter-Office Memoranda - Payroll Department, 1946-1957
Box   573
Box   573
Kendall Mills - Negotiations
Box   573
Long, Luther W.
Box   573
Mid-Hudson Valley Joint Board
Box   573
Naval Affairs Investigating Committee
Box   573
New Bedford, Massachusetts
Box   573
Box   574
Mill Owners, 1946
Box   574
Mortuary Fund, 1939-1947
Box   574
Northern Cotton Case, 1944
Box   574
Political Action Donations, 1944
Personal Files of William Pollock
Box   574
Bank Statements, 1945-1948
Box   574
Government Travel
Box   574
Northern Textile Commission - War Labor Board, 1946
Box   574
Personal, 1942-1944
Box   574
Textile Commission - War Labor Board, 1945
Box   574
Memos, 1943-1946
Box   575
Memos, 1946-1955
Box   575
Stehli Case
Box   575
Southern Drive - G. Baldanzi, Director
Box   575
Staff Reports - Indexed and Condensed, 1944
Box   575
Tariff, 1945
Box   575
“UpTwist-DownTwist” Matter, Local 1874
Box   575
Unemployment, 1950
Box   575
Warehousemen's Union Matter
Box   575
War Labor Board (Hearing - Atlanta, Georgia, 1945)
Box   575
Windsor Case - Joseph Hueter, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Box   576
Textile Workers Organizing Committee, 1937-1940
Reports, 1938-1951
Box   576
Reports of Operations, 1938-1951
Box   576
Statement of Income - Locals, 1940-1945
Box   577-578
Trustees' Report, 1939-1952
Box   578
Audits, 1949-1952
Box   578
General Secretary-Treasurer's Reports, 1945-1947
Box   579
Financial Reports, 1941-1945
Box   580
Financial Reports, 1945-1946
Box   580
Mortuary Benefit Funds, 1940-1945
Box   580
Diaries, 1939-1942
Office of the Executive Vice President: General Files, 1950-1957
Physical Description: 5 boxes 
Scope and Content Note: Arranged in alphabetical order, the general files consist of committee correspondence and reports; department directors meetings and reports; local and joint board correspondence; and other materials relating to Pollock as Executive Vice President. Because of President Rieve's ill health, Pollock assumed a good portion of his responsibilities between 1953 and 1956. As a result, some materials relating to his vice presidential period are to be found in the Office of the President files.
Box   580
American Woolen Arbitration, 1953
Box   580
Arms Textile, 1950-1951
Box   580
Auto Expense Allowance Committee
Box   580
Bag Industry Bi County Joint Board
Box   580
Budget, 1953
Box   580
Canada Trip, 1953
Box   580
Carpet Advisory Committee Minutes, 1952-1957
Box   581
Comparative Report of Operations, 1952
Box   581
CIO, 1953
Box   581
Constitution Committee of Executive Council
Box   581
Cost of Living, 1952-1953
Box   581
Cordage Industry
Box   581
Cotton and Rayon, 1953
Box   581
Cotton and Rayon Industry - Victor Canzano, Director, 1954
Box   581
Credit Unions
Box   581
Department Directors Meetings, 1953-1955
Box   581
Directors' Reports, 1953-1954
Box   582
Directors' Reports - Summaries, 1956
Box   582
Double Woven and Picardy Mills Corporation, 1952
Box   582
Dues and Per Capita, 1953-1954
Box   582
Duplan Corporation
Box   582
Dyers Division, 1953
Box   582
Edelman, John
Box   582
Education Department, 1953
Box   582
Ediphone Transcript, 1953
Box   582
Erwin Mills
Box   582
Executive Council
Box   582
Federal Civil Defense Administration - Labor Advisory Committee
Box   582
General Office Bulletin
Box   582
Holmes (Archibald) and Son Inc.
Box   582
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
Box   582
Johnson & Johnson
Box   582
Legal Department, 1953
Box   582
March of Dimes, 1950-1951
Box   582
Murray (Philip) Memorial Foundation, 1953
Box   582
Payne (Herbert) Memorial
Box   583
Political Action Department
Box   583
NLRB Elections, 1955-1957
Box   583
New England Cotton Strike-Emergency Relief Fund, 1955
Box   583
New England Staff Meeting, 1954-1957
Box   583
New York Joint Board, 1957
Box   583
Northwest Georgia Joint Board, 1953
Box   583
Northern Cotton-Rayon Joint Board Managers Meeting, 1956
Box   583
Ohio-Michigan Area Conference, 1955
Box   583
Payton, Boyd E., 1954-1956
Box   583
Pennsylvania Staff Meeting, 1955
Box   583
Pensions - Industry
Box   583
Personnel Correspondence, 1952-1958
Box   583
Political Action, 1952
Box   583
Political - National, 1952
Box   583
Public Affairs Institute, “Washington Windows”
Box   583
Public Relations Campaign, 1956-1957
Box   583
Publicity Department, 1953
Box   583
Research Department, 1953
Box   583
“Rent Control”
Box   583-584
Report of Operations, 1953-1957
Box   584
Rieve, Emil
Box   584
Rosenberg, Milton
Box   584
Rubenstein, Jack
Box   584
Saco-Lowell Shops Arbitration
Box   584
Sick Leave, 1949-1952
Box   584
Speeches, 1952
Box   584
Staff Curtailment, 1954-1955
Box   584
Staff and Department Head Meetings, 1952-1954
Box   584
Staff Listings, 1954 (Organizing)
Box   584
Staff - Agreement, 1950-1952
Box   584
Strikes, 1953
Box   584
Taft-Hartley, 1953
Box   584
Box   584
“Technological Change in the Textile Industry”
Box   584
Telephone Messages, 1953
Box   584
Textron - Nashua, New Hampshire
Box   584
Unemployment Insurance
Box   584
Wage Stabilization Manual, 1951
Box   584
Woolen and Worsted Negotiations, 1951-1953
Office of the President
Physical Description: 88 boxes 
Box   585
Box   586
Box   587
Box   588
Executive Council
General Files (Minutes and Committees)
Box   589
Box   590
Box   591
1958, 1960
Box   592
1961, 1963
Box   593
Box   594
Box   595
Box   596-597
Verbatim Transcripts, 1963-1964 (Minutes)
Box   597
Mimeographed Minutes, 1950-1956
Box   598
Mimeographed Minutes, 1956-1963
Departments, 1953-1966
Scope and Content Note: The department files are divided into two sections: directors and staff files, which consist of correspondence with the TWUA leadership, and the departmental and industries correspondence, which consists of correspondence relating generally to the departments. There is considerable correspondence with John Chupka and Irving Abramson. In addition, the directors and staff files include materials on department directors meetings, memos and instructions to all offices, and communications with the Charlotte, North Carolina office.
Directors and Staff
Box   599
Department Directors Meetings
Box   599
All Departments
Box   599
Charlotte Office
Box   599
Abramson, Irving
Box   599
Abramson and Lewis
Box   599
Barkin, Sol
Box   599
Canzano, Reba
Box   599
Canzano, Victor
Box   599-600
Chupka, John, 1953-1966
Box   600
Daoust, J. Harold
Box   600
Disend, Harry
Box   600
DuChessi, William
Box   600
Edelman, John
Box   600
Epstine, Irving
Box   600
Gilpin, Reba
Box   600-601
Gordon, William
Box   601
Kahan, Irving
Box   601
Leighton, Joel
Box   601
Box   601
Rieve, Emil
Box   601
Rosenberg, Milton
Box   601
Rubenstein, Jack
Box   601
Samuels, Wilbur
Box   601
Samuels, Wilbur and Harry Disend
Box   601
Stetin, Sol
Box   602
Samuels, Wilbur and Harry Disend
Box   602
Swaity, Paul
Departmental and Industries Correspondence
Box   602
Carpet Division
Box   602
Cotton and Rayon Division
Box   602
COPE and Legislative Departments
Box   602
Dyeing and Finishing
Box   602-603
Education Department
Box   603
Engineering Department
Box   603
Finance Department
Box   603
Hosiery Division
Box   603-604
Legal Department
Box   604
Box   604
Box   604-605
Payroll Department
Box   605
Political Action Department
Box   605
Publicity Department
Box   606-607
Research Department
Box   607
Synthetic Yarn Agreements
Box   607
Washington Office
Conferences, Committees and Meetings, 1950-1965
Scope and Content Note: Arranged chronologically by year and alphabetically thereunder, these files consist of minutes, agenda, reports and correspondence relating to the conferences, committees and meetings which William Pollock attended or planned to attend. Together the files cover a wide range of activities including negotiations of other unions, federal and state labor activities, international meetings, and speaking engagements.
Box   608
CIO Conventions, 1950-1955
Box   608
IUD Executive Council and Executive Board Meetings, 1956-1957
Box   608
CIO, 1953
Box   608
Carpet Conferences, 1953-1957
Box   609
Carpet Advisory Committees, 1953-1958
Box   609
Locals and Joint Boards
AFL-CIO No Raiding Agreement
Box   609
Operating Engineers v. TWUA
Box   609
TWUA v. UTW - Chicopee Manufacturing Company
Box   609
Malina Sales Company
Box   609
National Haircloth Company (Teamsters Raid)
Box   609
Personal Products
Box   609
Rock Hill Printing and Finishing Strike
Box   609
Schlegel Manufacturing Company
Box   609
American Federation of Hosiery Workers
Box   609
American Wool Company, 1954
Box   609
Atomic Chemical Oil - Petroleum - Industry Group Committee
Box   609
Bigelow-Sanford Conference
Box   609
Boxing Managers Association
Box   609
Camp Hilltop Institute
Box   609
Charlotte Conference
Box   609
Chatham Manufacturing Company
Box   609
CIO Flood Relief Committee Meeting, 1955
Box   609
Cone Mills Workers Mass Meeting, 1954
Box   609
Democratic National Convention, 1957
Box   609
Doolan Campaign for Congress
Box   609
Greater New York Joint Board
Box   609
Karagheusian Inc.
Box   609
Local 63, Manchester, Connecticut, 1955
Box   609
Local 122, Yonkers, New York, 1955
Box   609
Mass Meeting - Brookford, North Carolina
Box   609
Local 1733, 1955
Box   609
Organizing Committee Meeting, 1953-1955
Box   610
Organizing Committee Meeting, 1952-1953
Box   610
Southern Industrial Progress, 1952
Box   610
Southern Delegates Conference, 1954, 1956-1957
Box   610
Regional Staff Conferences, 1956
Box   610
Union Label Department
Box   610
Upper South, 1954
Box   610
Virginia CIO Council, 1953
Box   610
Voluntary Assessment
Box   610
West Coast Conference, 1957
Box   610
White Citizens Councils Resolution
Box   610
Woolen and Worsted Industry, 1951-1956
Box   610
AFL-CIO Organizing Assistance
Box   610
Jack Livingston, Director
Box   610
Administrators, 1952, 1956-1957
Box   610
Administration, 1952
Box   610
Berkshire Joint Board Labor Day Outing, 1954
Box   610
Biddeford-Saco Joint Board, 1954
Box   610
Canada - Industry and Wages
Box   610
Canadian Conference
Box   610
Box   610
Canadian Staff Conference, 1953-1957
Box   610
Central Jersey Joint Board Area Conference, 1953
Box   610
Charlotte Crew Leaders Conference, 1954, 1952
Box   611
CIO, 1952
Conference - State, Regional and Industry Directors, 1948
Box   611
Conference - Atlanta, Georgia, 1949
Box   611
Conference - State Directors, 1949
Box   611
Conference - Regional and State Directors, 1949
Box   611
COPE - Staff Contributions, 1956-1957
Box   611
Cotton-Rayon Conference, 1951-1957
Box   611
Delinquency of Per Capita Tax Payments
Box   611
District 0ffices, 1948-1953
Box   611
Expense Allowance - Staff
Box   611
Fall River
Box   611
Fidelity Hosiery, 1956
Box   611
Georgia State Conference, 1950
Box   611
International Federation of Textile Workers' Associations, 1951, 1957
Box   611
Insurances - Employees with Leave of Absence Status, 1954-1956
Box   611
International Committee, 1950
Box   611
Joint Boards
Box   611
Lace Industry
Box   611
Local 6 - Pensioners Meeting
Box   611
Local 122 - Meeting of Executive Board and Stewards
Box   611
Local 250, 1953
Box   611
Local 549 - Meeting
Box   611
Local 550
Box   611
Local 656
Box   611
Local 1034
Box   611
Lockport Mills Inc., 1956
Box   611
Massachusetts State CIO Convention
Box   611
Membership Figures, 1956
Box   611
Mid-Atlantic Regional Staff Conference, 1953-1956
Box   612
Regional Staff Conferences
Box   612
Southern Regional Staff Conference
Box   612
Mid-Atlantic Regional Staff Conference
Box   612
AFL-CIO Economic and Legislative Conference
Box   612
General Board Meeting
Box   612
Cotton-Rayon, Woolen-Worsted Conference
Box   612
Jute and Cordage Conference
Box   612
Philadelphia Joint Board Conference
Box   612
Social Security Standing Committee - AFL-CIO
Box   612
International Federation of Textile Workers' Assoc.
Box   612
Southern Regional Conference
Box   612
AFL-CIO Community Services Conference
Box   612
AFL-CIO Conference on Shorter Hours of Work, 1956
Box   612
AFL-CIO Curtailment of Staff
Box   612
AFL-CIO Research Department
Box   612
AFL-CIO Social Security Committee Meeting, 1956
Box   612
Social Security Subcommittee Meeting, 1956
Box   612
Canzano, Victor
Box   612
Carpet Advisory Committee Meeting, 1959
Box   612
Chupka, John
Box   612
Carpet Conference
Box   612
Conference - Chemstrand, Pensacola, Florida
Box   612
Northern Textile Local Conference
Box   612
Publicity Department
Box   613
CIO Standing Committee on Ethical Practices
Box   613
Canadian Conference
Box   613
DuChessi, William
Box   613
Dyers and Printers Pension Fund
Box   613
Canada - No-Raiding Agreement between Trades and Labour Congress of Canada and Canadian Congress of Labour
Box   613
Canzano, Reba
Box   613
Edelman, John
Box   613
AFL-CIO Unity Conference, 1955
Box   613
American Finishing Company, 1958
Box   613
Amsterdam Joint Board Installation, 1959
Box   613
New England Special Regional Conference
Box   613
Mid-Atlantic Special Regional Conference
Box   613
Midwest Regional Staff Conference
Box   613
New England Regional Conference
Box   613
Ohio-Michigan Area Conference
Box   613
South-Central Regional Conference
Box   613
Southeastern, North Carolina, South Carolina Regional Conference
Box   613
Upper South Regional Conference
Box   613
Cotton-One-Price System
Box   613
Danville Property Litigation
Box   613
Democratic National Committee, 1958
Box   613
International Federation of Textile Workers Association, General Council Meeting
Box   613
AFL-CIO Unemployment Conference
Box   613
Legislative Conference
Box   613
Mergers on State Level
Box   613
Administrative Committee
Box   613
Box   613
Committee Meetings
Box   614
Executive Committee Meetings
Box   614
Staff Meeting-South Central
Box   614
Western Region Staff Conference
Box   614
Mid-Atlantic Staff Conference
Box   614
Regional Convention Conferences
Box   614
Industrial Union Department
Box   614
Legislative Conference
Box   614
Executive Committee Meetings
Box   614
Western Staff Conference
Box   614
Middle Atlantic Staff Conference
Box   614
Regional Conference
Box   614
President's Committee on Equal Opportunity
Box   614
Box   614
Textile Works Asian Regional Organization
Box   614
Voter Registration Drive
Box   614
Woolen and Worsted Conference
Box   614
Wirtz, Willard
Box   614
Welfare Plans
Box   614
Wage Drive, 1964
Box   614
Executive Committee Meeting
Box   614
DuPont Chain (Organizing)
Box   614
Legislative Conference and Congressional Dinner
Box   614
Box   614
Mediation Case - Boilermakers v. Steelworkers
Box   614
Box   614
Mediation Case - Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union v. International Union of Operating Engineers
Box   614
Executive Council on Peace Corps
Box   614
Executive Council Meeting
Box   614
0rganizing Drive - Hampden County, Massachusetts
Box   614
Box   614
Box   615
“Open Letter to Southern Employers”
Box   615
Legislative Department
Box   615
General Board Meeting
Box   615
Legal Memos, 1966
Box   615
Legal Department
New England
Box   615
Staff Conference
Box   615
Trip to Stonington, Connecticut, Local 110
Box   615
Trip to Bradford, Rhode Island, Local 431
Box   615
Trip to Lewiston, Maine, Local 462
Box   615
Trip to New Bedford, Massachusetts, Annual Joint Board Clambake
Box   615
Local 460
Box   615
Synthetic - General
Box   615
Trip to Southwest Ontario Joint Board
Box   615
Upper South - General Correspondence
Box   615
Box   615
Staff Conference
Box   615
Box   615
James Roosevelt Testimonial Dinner
Box   615
Trip to Painesville, Oregon, Local 482
New York State
Box   615
General Correspondence
Box   615
Local 1456
Box   615
Trip to Central and South Jersey Joint Board
Box   615
Algro Knitting-Local 1363
Box   615
C.H. Masland and Sons - Organizing Campaign
Box   615
Indiana Locals Conference
Box   615
Trip to Minneapolis
Box   615
Trip to St. Louis Joint Board
Box   615
Trip to Detroit, Michigan
Box   615
South Administration
Box   615
General Correspondence
Box   616
South - Organizing
Box   616
Swaity, Paul
Box   616
New Orleans-Texas Conference
Box   616
Local 1592, Calhoun, Georgia
Box   616
Southern Staff Conference
Box   616
Leadership Conference
Box   616
Box   616
Committee on Social Security, 1961
TWUA Committees and Conferences, 1955-1966
Box   616
Defense Fund, 1961
Executive Committee Meetings
Box   616
Box   617
Constitutional Changes Committee
Box   617
1959-1960, 1955-1956
Box   617
Contracts Committee, 1962
Box   617
Committee to Work on Denial of Government Contracts to Violators of Federal Labor Laws
Box   617
Committee to Study Gifts to Retiring Staff Members
Economic Prospects in the Textile Industry
Economic Prospects in the Textile Industry
Box   617
Recent Developments in the Knitting Industry
Box   617
Rapid Depreciation
Box   617
New England Textile Commission
Box   617
Contract Negotiations
Box   617
President Kennedy's 7 Point Program for Textile Industry
Box   617
Economic Policy Committee
Box   617
Economic Policy Committee
Box   617
Fringe Benefits for Staff
Box   617
International Affairs Committee, 1958-1962
Box   617
Long-Term Contract and Welfare Fund Committee, 1956-1957
Box   617
Proper Use of Union Funds, 1957
Box   617
Severance Pay for Staff Members Committee
Box   617
Union Label Committee
Box   617
Strike and Defense Fund Committee, 1959
Box   617
Structure Committee, 1955-1956
Box   617
Textile Machinery Committee, 1961
Box   617
Tariff and International Trade Committee, 1964
Box   617
Union Programs for Fair Practices Advisory Committee
Box   617
Welfare Fund Committee, 1963-1966
Box   617
Staff Retirement Committee
Box   618
Public Relations Committee, 1967
Box   618
Committee to Study Problems Arising Under New Constitution
Box   618
Committee to Study the Format of Industry Conferences
Box   618
Committee to Study Program of Relief to Vietnamese Workers, 1966
Box   618
Defense Fund Committee
Box   618
Constitution - Suggested Changes, 1965
Box   618
Committee to Investigate the Election of Staff as Convention Delegates
Box   618
Constitution Review Committee, 1966
Box   618
Committee Study Constitution, 1965-1966
Box   618
Organizing Reports - Boyd Payton, 1957
Box   618
Organizing Committee, 1967-1968
Box   618
Staff Retirement Plan, 1967
Box   618
Welfare Plan, 1967, 1969
Regional Administrative and Organizing Files, 1955-1971
Scope and Content Note: Arranged by region and in some cases by joint board, these files contain the administrative communications and the organizing files of the various regional offices. The administrative communications were addressed to the regional director and include reports, grievances (usually only important cases), material regarding companies, and other general administrative matters. The organizing files consist of correspondence and reports relating to the status of regional organizing efforts.
Box   619
Organizing, 1956-1958
Box   620
Annual Installation Banquet, Local 630 (New Jersey)
Box   620
Local 1034, Fibre Glass, Huntington, Pennsylvania, 1958
Box   620
Local 1874, Cumberland, Maryland, 1958
Box   620
Fall River Joint Board - Installation of Officers, 1957
Box   620
New Bedford Joint Board, 1955-1958
Box   620
North Carolina State AFL-CIO, 1958
Box   620
Rubenstein, Jack, 1958
Box   620
Samuels, Wilbur, 1958
Box   620
Southwestern Ontario Joint Board, 1958
Box   620
Vacation Schedule, 1958
Box   620
Wages, 1951-1958
Box   620
Philadelphia Joint Board, 1959
Box   620
Political Action, 1959
Box   620
Publicity Department, 1959
Box   620
Regional Directors, 1959
Box   620
Canada, J. Harold Daoust, 1959
Box   620
Far West, Neil Griffin, 1959
Box   620
Midwest, William Tullar, 1959
Box   620
New England, J.W. Belanger, 1959
Box   620
North and South Carolina, Boyd Payton
Box   620
Ohio-Michigan, Morris Riger, 1959
Box   620
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware
Box   620
Sol Stetin, 1959
Box   620
South Central, H.S. Williams, 1959
Box   620
Southeastern, Michael Botelho, 1959
Box   620
Upper South, Wesley W. Cook, 1959
Box   620
South Central, 1958-1961
Box   620
Midwest, William J. Tullar
Box   620
Ohio and Michigan, Morris Riger
Box   620
West Coast, Neil Griffin
Box   620
Canada, J. Harold Daoust
Box   620
New England Joint Boards
Regional Reports, 1956-1961
Box   621
New England, J. William Belanger
Box   621
Reports from Local Unions
Box   621
New York, Jack Rubenstein
Box   621
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware, Sol Stetin
Box   621
Upper South, Wesley W. Cook
Box   621
New York State Joint Boards
Box   621
New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware Joint Board
Deep South
Box   621
Boyd E. Payton
Box   621
Deep South Joint Boards
Box   621
South Central Joint Boards
Box   621
Midwest Joint Boards
Box   621
Ohio and Michigan Joint Boards
Box   621
Canada Joint Boards
Box   621
Summary of Monthly Reports
Box   621
Reba Ganzano
Regional Reports, 1961
New England
Box   622
Box   622
Box   622
Improved Machinery - Local 827
Box   622
Greater Fall River and New Bedford Joint Boards
Box   622
William Belanger Speech Material
Box   622
Salco Campaign, New Bedford, Massachusetts
Box   622
Rhode Island State Joint Board Education Dinner
Southeastern Region
Box   622
Michael Botelho
Box   622
Box   622
Box   622
Organizing Campaign - IUD, ILGWU, ACW
Box   622
Local 1465
Box   622
Courtauds - Alabama Agreements
Box   622
J.H. Daoust
Box   622
Box   622
Box   622
Local 1305 - Fiberglass
Far West
Box   622
Box   622
Box   622
Bay Area Joint Board
Box   622
Celanese Corporation
Box   622
T.B. Emory Monthly Reports - Bay Area Joint Board
Box   622
Neil Griffin
Upper South
Box   622
W.W. Cook
Box   622
Box   622
Box   622
Seff v. TWUA
New York State
Box   622
Rubenstein, Jack
Box   622
Box   622
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware
Box   622
Sol Stetin Administrative
Box   622
Box   623
Box   623
Central Jersey Joint Board
Box   623
William J. Tullar
Box   623
South Central
Box   623
H.S. Williams
Box   623
Box   623
Box   623
Cone Mills
Box   623
Box   623
United Papermakers and Paperworks - Olin Mathieson Corporation
New England
Box   623
William Belanger
Box   623
Box   623
Massachusetts Joint Board
Box   623
Lancashire Textile Processing Corporation
Box   623
Belanger Conference
Box   623
Wyandotte Worsted Company
Box   623
Belanger Conference
Box   623
Wyandotte Worsted Company
Box   623
Belanger Conference
Box   623
Wyandotte Worsted Company
Box   623
Berkshire - Hathaway
Box   623
Trip to Willimantic, Connecticut, Local 460
Box   623
Trip to West Warwick, Rhode Island
Box   623
Trip to New Bedford Joint Board
Box   623
New England - Greater Fall River and New Bedford Joint Boards
Box   623
Trip to Rhode Island State Joint Board
Box   623
Improve Machinery
Box   623
Trip to Local 110, Stonington, Connecticut
South East
Box   623
M. Botelho
Box   623
Box   623
Clearwater Finishing Company
Box   623
Indian Head Mills
Box   623
Aragon Mills
Box   623
Upper South
Box   623
Boyd Payton
Box   623
Box   623
New Assignment - Boyd Payton
Box   623
Payton Conference
Box   623
West Virginia Nitro - Local 7 (American Viscose Fibres Division)
Box   623
Local 202
Box   623
Synthetic Yarn - W. Cook
Box   623
Harold Daoust
Box   623
Far West
Box   624
Griffin Conference
Box   624
General Correspondence
Box   624
Bay Area Joint Board
Box   624
Burkart Case
New York State
Box   624
Rubenstein, Jack
Box   624
Box   624
Buffalo-Oswego Joint Boards
Box   624
Trip to Local 3, Rochester, New York
Box   624
Trip to Local 1085, Auburn, New York
Quin States
Box   624
Sol Stetin
Box   624
Box   624
Colonial Piece Dye Works
Central Jersey Joint Board
Box   624
Local 2052
Box   624
Johnson & Johnson
Regional Reports, 1962
Box   624
Philadelphia Joint Board, Muscheck-Powell Banquet
Box   624
Trip to Local 2052
Box   624
Trip to Local 1034, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania
Box   624
Sol Stetin - Philadelphia Joint Board
Box   624
William J. Tullar
Box   624
Box   624
Staff Needs
Box   624
Kansas City Joint Board
Tullar, William J.
Box   624
Local 64
Box   624
Chicago Joint Board
Box   624
Trip to Chicago, Illinois
Wage-Fringe Campaign
Box   624
Wage-Fringe Activities
Box   624
Upper South: Fringe Seminar - Wes Cook
Box   624
Fringe Benefit Seminar - New York
Box   624
William Belanger - Fringe Seminar
Box   624
Wage and Fringe Benefits Meeting
Box   624
H.S. Williams - Fringe Seminar
Box   624
Sol Stetin
Box   624
Wage Fringe Benefits Quiz
South Central
Box   624
H.S. Williams
Box   624
Box   625
IUD: Greenville-Spartenburg
Box   625
Dalton, Georgia Tufted Industry Campaign
Box   625
Williams Conference
Box   625
Cone Mills
Box   625
Memphis Area Joint Board
Box   625
Local 1386
Box   625
Local 324
Box   625
Local 1093
Box   625
Local 325
Regional Reports, 1963
Box   625
Research Department, 1960 and 1963
New England
Box   625
Box   625
Peter Karen - Rhode Island
Box   625
Greater Fall River Joint Board
Box   625
Lewiston, Maine
Box   625
Hayward-Schuster Woolen Mills Inc.
Box   625
New England Regional Conference
Box   625
Local 460
Box   625
Local 590
Box   625
New Bedford Joint Board
Box   625
Northeastern Massachusetts Joint Board
Far West
Box   625
Box   625
Portland Area Joint Board
Box   625
Bay Area Joint Board
Box   625
Great Western Cordage
Box   625
Upper South
Box   625
Box   625
Synthetic Yarns - W.W. Cook
Box   625
Volunteer Organizing
Box   625
Imco Container Corporation
Box   625
Local 759
Box   625
Lees Carpet Company
Box   625
Trip - Washington, D.C.
Box   625
Box   625
Ontario, Canada
Box   625
Box   625
Daoust Meeting
Box   625
Toronto, Canada
New York State
Box   625
Box   625
Capital District Joint Board
Box   625
Ideal Knit Goods
Box   625
Hudson Area Joint Board
Quin States
Box   625
Box   626
Box   626
Philadelphia Joint Board
Box   626
Pennsylvania and Delaware Staff
Box   626
New Jersey Staff Conference
Box   626
Local 874 - Administrator
Box   626
Ohio-Michigan Region
Box   626
Local 1166
Box   626
Central and South Jersey Joint Board
Box   626
Lewistown, Pennsylvania
Box   626
Passaic Joint Board
Box   626
Box   626
Organizing Conference
Box   626
Chicago Staff Conference
Box   626
Midwest Staff Conference
Box   626
Chicago, Illinois
Box   626
Oak Park, Illinois
Box   626
Box   626
Freeman, Robert and Rene Berthiaume - Lyman Leaflet
South Central
Box   626
Box   626
New Orleans - Texas Situation
Box   626
The Carolinas
Box   626
Box   626
Local 250
Box   626
Columbia, South Carolina
Box   626
Rock Hill, South Carolina
Box   626
Cone Mills Meeting
Box   626
South East Volunteer Organizing Conference
Box   626
Allied Chemical Campaign and Organizing Results
Regional Reports, 1964
New England
Box   626
Box   626
Berkshire Hathaway Negotiations
Box   626
Bates Manufacturing Company Negotiations
Box   626
American Thread Negotiations
Box   626
Willimantic, Connecticut - Local 460
Box   626
Bates Manufacturing Company
Box   626
Pepperell Negotiations
Box   626
New England Staff Meeting
Box   626
Local 39
Box   626
Lawrence, Massachusetts
Box   626
New Bedford, Massachusetts Joint Board
Box   626
Providence, Rhode Island
Box   626
Rhode Island State Joint Board - COPE
Box   626
New Hampshire AFL-CIO State
Box   626
Homestead Plant, New Hampshire
Upper South
Box   626
Box   626
Local 1593
Box   626
Local 275
Box   626
Local 1874
Box   626
Local 875
Box   626
Hercules Powder
Box   626
Local 35
Box   626
Local 1874
Synthetic - General
Box   627
Davis, Bill
Box   627
Washington Office
Box   627
Post Convention
Box   627
Box   627
Local 717, Toronto, Canada
Far West
Box   627
New York Region
Box   627
Box   627
Local 898
Box   627
Buffalo, New York
Quin State
Box   627
Box   627
Stetin - Johnson & Johnson
Box   627
Jurisdictional Dispute
Box   627
Local 212
Box   627
Local 178
Box   627
Paterson, New Jersey - Local 87
Box   627
New Brunswick, New Jersey Joint Board
Box   627
Allentown District Joint Board
Box   627
Hudson-Essex Joint Board
Box   627
Ohio-Michigan Conference
Box   627
Box   627
Local 194
Box   627
St. Louis Joint Board
Box   627
Local 695
South Central
Box   627
Box   627
Staff Meeting - C. Auslander
Box   627
Lyman Campaign
Box   627
Wage Agitational Conference
Box   627
South Central
Box   627
Box   627
Fitzgerald Mills Corporation
Box   627
Canton Mills Strike
Box   627
American Thread, Dalton, Georgia
Box   627
Calhoun, Georgia
Box   627
Local 689 - Rome, Georgia
Regional Reports, 1965
Box   628
New England: J. Harold Daoust
Box   628
Upper South: Wayne Dernoncourt
Box   628
New York State: Jack Rubenstein
Box   628
Quin State: Sol Stetin
Box   628
South: Paul Swaity
Box   628
Midwest: William Tullar
Box   628
Lewiston Joint Board: D. Glais
Box   628
Granite State Joint Board: T. Pitarys
Box   628
Central Massachusetts Joint Board: F. Damore
Box   628
New Bedford Joint Board: G. Carignan
Box   628
Northeastern Joint Board: A. Hodgman
Box   628
Western and Berkshire Joint Boards: A. Sullivan
Box   628
Connecticut Joint Board: D. Gallagher
Box   628
Rhode Island Joint Board: Samuel Azzinaro
Box   628
Buffalo and Oswego Joint Boards: Garnold Richards
Box   628
Greater New York Joint Board: Irving Epstine
Box   628
Central Jersey and South Jersey: J. McKnight
Box   628
Passaic Bergen Joint Board: F. Cuccio
Box   628
Allentown Joint Board: Joseph Coponi
Box   628
Garden Spot and Schuylkill Valley Joint Board: S. Sailer
Box   628
Philadelphia Joint Board: Joseph Hueter
Box   628
Cincinnati Joint Board: C. Johnson
Box   628
Cleveland Joint Board: James Edmonds
Box   628
Toledo Joint Board: K. DeLong
Box   628
Bi-County Joint Board: Clem Dowler
Box   628
Memphis Area Joint Board: C.D. Boartfield
Box   628
St. Louis Joint Board: Charles Sallee
Box   628
Kansas City Joint Board: K. Papa
Box   628
Los Angeles Joint Board: F. Nicholas
Southwestern Ontario Joint Board
Box   628
Clair Easto
Box   628
Monthly Reports
Regional Reports, 1964
Box   628
Canada: J. Harold Daoust
Box   628
Upper South: Boyd Payton
Box   628
Quin State: Sol Stetin
Box   628
New York State: Jack Rubenstein
Box   628
Midwest: William Tullar
Box   628
New England and Woolen and Worsted: J. Harold Daoust
Box   628
Regional and Industry: Directors' Correspondence
Box   628
Rhode Island Joint Board: S. Azzinaro
Box   628
Amsterdam Joint Board: F. Krokenberger
Box   628
Buffalo and Oswego Joint Boards: G. Richards
Box   628
Allentown Joint Board: J. Coponi
Box   628
Garden Spot and Schuylkill Valley Joint Board: S. Sailer
Box   628
Philadelphia Joint Board: J. Hueter
Box   628
Cleveland Joint Board: J. Edmonds
Box   628
Bi-County Joint Board: Clem Dowler
Box   628
Chattanooga Area: D. Terry
Box   628
Synthetics: H. Williams
Box   628
Southeastern: M. Botelho
Box   628
Memphis Area Joint Board: C.D. Boartfield
Box   628
Chicago Joint Board: Edward Todd
Box   628
Kansas City Joint Board: K. Papa
Box   628
Eastern Township Joint Board: E. Gagnon
Regional Reports, 1963
Box   628
Monthly Reports
Box   628
Industrial and Regional Directors' Correspondence
Box   628
Southeastern: Mike Botelho
Box   628
Industrial and Regional Directors' Summaries
Box   628
New England: J. William Belanger
Box   628
Canada: J. Harold Daoust
Box   628
Midwest: William Tullar
Box   628
South Central: Charles Auslander
Regional Reports, 1962
Box   628
Upper South: Boyd Payton
Box   628
Quin State: Sol Stetin
Box   628
New York State: Jack Rubenstein
Box   628
South Central: H.S. Williams
Box   628
Cotton Rayon: Victor Canzano
Box   628
Synthetics: Wesley Cook
Box   628
Carpets and Rugs: William DuChessi
Box   628
Dyeing and Finishing: William Gordon
Box   628
Lewiston Joint Board
Box   628
Granite State Joint Board
Box   628
Twin State Joint Board
Box   628
Central Massachusetts Joint Board
Box   628
Greater Fall River Joint Board
Box   628
New Bedford Joint Board
Box   628
Northeastern Massachusetts Joint Board
Box   628
Western Massachusetts Joint Board
Box   628
Connecticut Joint Board
Box   628
Rhode Island Joint Board
Box   628
Amsterdam Joint Board
Box   628
Buffalo Joint Board
Box   628
Capital District Joint Board
Box   628
Greater New York Joint Board
Box   628
Western Massachusetts Joint Board
Box   628
Hudson Essex Joint Board
Regional Reports, 1963
Box   628
Passaic Joint Board
Box   628
South Jersey Joint Board
Box   628
Allentown District Joint Board
Box   628
Delaware Valley Joint Board
Box   628
Garden Spot Joint Board
Box   628
Penn Appalachian Joint Board
Box   628
Philadelphia Joint Board
Box   628
Schuylkill Valley District Joint Board
Box   628
Bi-County Joint Board
Box   628
Memphis Area Joint Board
Box   628
Chattanooga Area
Box   628
Mid Tennessee Area
Box   628
Kansas City Joint Board
Box   628
St. Louis Joint Board
Box   628
Cincinnati Joint Board
Box   628
Cleveland Joint Board
Box   628
Portland Area Joint Board
Box   628
Greater Toronto Joint Board
Box   628
Southwestern Ontario Joint Board
Box   628
Eastern Township Joint Board
Regional Reports, 1962
Box   628
Southeastern: Michael Botelho
Box   628
South Central: H.S. Williams
Box   628
South Central: Charles Auslander
Box   628
New England: William Belanger
Box   628
Canada: Harold Daoust
Box   628
Payton, Boyd
Box   628
Cotton-Rayon: Victor Canzano
Box   628
New York State: Jack Rubenstein
Box   628
Quin State: Sol Stetin
Box   628
Midwest: William Tullar
Box   628
Dyeing and Finishing: William Gordon
Box   628
Carpets and Rugs: William DuChessi
Box   628
Biddeford Saco Joint Board - Passaic Joint Board
Box   629
Penn Appalachian Joint Board - Southwestern Ontario Joint Board
Regional Reports, 1961
Box   629
South Central: H.S. Williams
Box   629
Southeastern: Michael Botelho
Box   629
Cotton-Rayon: Victor Canzano
Box   629
Upper South: Wesley Cook
Box   629
Carpets and Rugs: William DuChessi
Box   629
Dyeing Department: William Gordon
Box   629
New England: William Belanger
Box   629
Canada: Harold Daoust
Box   629
Far West: Neil Griffin
Box   629
Ohio-Michigan: Morris Riger
Box   629
New York State: Jack Rubenstein
Box   629
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware: Sol Stetin
Box   629
Midwest: William Tullar
Box   629
Biddeford Saco Joint Board - Southwestern Ontario Joint Board
Regional Reports, 1966-1968
Box   629
New England
Box   629
Box   629
Quin State
Box   629
New York
Box   629
Box   630
Upper South
Box   630
Box   630
Box   630
Box   630
Carpet Division
Box   630
Box   630
New England
Box   630
Far West
Box   630
New York Region
Box   630
Upper South
Box   630
Quin States
Box   630
Box   631
Box   631
Box   631
Far West
Box   631
Regional Reports, 1969
Box   631
Box   631
Box   631
Eastern Townships Joint Board, 1968-1969
Box   631
Box   631
Far West
Box   631
Upper South
Box   631
Box   631
New England
Box   631
New York
Box   631
Box   632
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights
Regional Reports, 1970-1971
Box   632
Box   632
Far West
Box   632
Box   632
New England
Box   632
New York
Box   632
Quin State
Subject Files - General, 1955-1971
Scope and Content Note

Integrated and filed alphabetically, these files were originally the “special files” and the “miscellany files” of the office of the president. The special files consist of subjects which required a high reference rate such as the Defense Fund Committee and Democratic conventions. The miscellany files which were filed alphabetically, consist of materials on unique events such as the Dinner Committee for Herman Badillo.

These subject/general files cover a wide range of topics concerning TWUA activities, national conferences, politics, regional matters, hearings and financial fund drives and investments. Of particular interest is the information on the Harriet-Henderson Strike, Clement Haynsworth, the Juniata Park Housing Corporation, and the McClellan Committee (concerning UTW and George Baldanzi).

Box   633
Box   633
Local 282
Box   633
Local 254
Box   633
Local 1522
Box   633
Local 146
Box   633
Affiliate Employees TWUA, 1966
Box   633
Affidavits of Non-Communist Union Officers, 1952-1959
Box   633
Agitational Wage Drive, 1966-1967
Box   633
Aleo Manufacturing Campaign, 1953
Box   633
Aleo Strike Situation, 1955
Box   633
“Almost Unbelievable,” 1964
Box   633
Appropriations for Textile Research, 1963
Box   633
Conference on Organizing, 1959
Box   633
Correspondence, 1960, 1966, 1970-1971
Box   633
Inter-American Affairs
Box   633
Legislative Conference, 1960
Box   633
Conference on World Affairs, 1960
Box   633
Box   633
American Institute for Free Labor Movement, 1968-1970
Box   633
American Arbitration Association Awards, 1970
Box   633
American Labor Magazine, 1970
Box   633
Applications for Staff, 1969
Box   634
“America's Stake in the South”
Box   634
American Viscose Advisory Council Meeting, 1964
Box   634
Arbitration Awards, 1963
Box   634
Areas of Cooperation between TWUA, ILGWU and ACW, 1960-1962
Box   634
Area Redevelopment Act, 1961
Box   634
Assets, Liabilities and New Worth, 1951-1961
Box   634
At-Home Expenses, 1966
Box   634
Baron, Sam
Box   634
Bonner, Joe, 1961
Botelho, Mike
Box   634
American Cyanamid Company
Box   634
Chemstrand, 1959-1960
Box   634
Brown, Hugh, 1962
Box   634
Boycott - Shell Oil, 1969
Box   634
Budget Information, 1953-1956
Box   634
Business Agents, 1963
Box   634
Bureau of Labor Management Reports, 1961
Box   634
Cabinet Textile Committee, 1961
Box   634
Canadian Regional Conference, 1960-1961
Box   634
Cannon Campaign, 1956
Box   634
Carpet Advisory Council, 1965
Box   634
Carpet Conference, 1965
Box   634
Carpet - General, 1957-1964
Box   634
Central Labor Council (AFL-CIO) - New York City, 1962
Box   634
Celanese Conference, 1964
Box   634
Celanese Corporation, 1959-1960, 1964
Box   635
Charters, 1949-1964
Box   635
Commission on Human Rights, 1968
Box   635
Civil Rights Conference, 1962
Box   635
Cone Mills, 1953-1957
Box   635
Conference Notes
Box   635
White House Conference on National Economic Issues, 1962
Box   635
TWUA - Suggestions, Forms, General Information and Yearly Lists of Conferences
Box   635
Constitutional Convention, 1962
Box   635
Consumers Information Committee
Box   635
Box   635
Goldberg, Arthur
Box   635
Consumer Soft Goods Committee, 1956
Box   635
Contract Files
Box   635
Convention Finances, 1952
Box   635
Cotton and Rayon Conference, 1960-1961, 1963
Box   635
Cotton and Rayon Negotiations, 1960
Box   635
Cotton-Rayon Joint Board Managers Meeting, 1963
Box   635
Citizens Committee for International Development, 1961
Cotton and Rayon
Box   636
Conference, 1962
Box   636
Policy Committee Meeting, 1962
Box   636
General, 1964
Box   636
North, 1964
Box   636
Joint Board Managers' Conference, 1964
Box   636
New England Managers' Meeting, 1964
Box   636
Conference, 1964
Box   636
Advisory Committee, 1964
Box   636
Conference, 1965
Box   636
Meeting, 1965
Box   636
After Settlement, 1965
Box   636
Wages, 1965
Box   636
Committee - North, 1965
Box   636
Committee Meeting, 1965
Box   636
Carlington Manufacturing Company, 1956-1961
Box   636
Defense Fund, 1962-1965, 1967-1970
Box   636
Democratic Convention, 1968
Box   636
Department of Labor - Committee for 50th Anniversary Celebration, 1963
Box   636
Dinner Committee for Herman Badillo, 1967
Dues Rates
Box   636
Locals and Joint Boards, 1966
Box   636
Canadian Staff Meeting, 1965
Box   636
Regional Directors Meeting, 1966
Box   636
Director's Meeting, 1965
Box   636
Far West Conference, 1966
Box   636
Upper South Staff Meeting, 1966
Box   636
Southern Staff Meeting, 1965
Box   636
Middle Atlantic States Staff Meeting, 1965
Box   636
D-2 Forms, 1966
Box   636
Increase Dues - Canada, 1966-1967
Box   636
Dues and Per Capita Increase after Convention, 1966
Box   637
Dues Increase Program, 1965
Box   637
Dyers and Printers Pension Fund Securities, 1960-1961
Box   637
Dyers Meeting, 1965
Box   637
Dyers' 30th Anniversary
Box   637
Economy - Regional Offices, 1961
Box   637
Economics, 1962
Box   637
Educational Committee to Halt Atomic Weapons Spread, 1966
Box   637
Educational Conference, 1962
Box   637
Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Foundation, 1961, 1963
Box   637
Eleanor Roosevelt Cancer Foundation - George Meany, 1962
Box   637
Election Summaries and Reports, 1955-1956
Box   638
Election Results, 1968
Box   638
Employment of the Handicapped, 1962
Box   638
Equal Employment Opportunities, 1961
Box   638
Erwin Housing Project, 1959
Box   638
Essay Contest on Solutions for Textile Industry Problems
Box   638
EPA (European Productivity Agency) Textile Team, 1960
Box   638
Expenses (Cost for each staff member), 1957
Box   638
Fact Sheet Mailing, 1962
Box   638
Fair Employment Practices, 1961-1962
Box   638
Far West - Administrative, 1959-1960
Federation of Textile Representatives (FTR)
Box   638
Inception of, 1962
Box   638
Quin State Special Project
Box   638
Southern Special Project
Box   638
International Representatives Agreements
Box   638
NLRB -TWUA, 1962
Box   638
Signed Contracts, 1963
Box   638
Contract Attachments, 1963
Box   638
Contract Proposals, 1963
Box   638
Box   638
Progression Rate
Box   638
Barker, Tom
Box   638
Brook, Garland
Box   638
Cearley, Roy
Box   638
Clark, Charles
Box   638
Dunton, Bruce
Box   638
Dyndur, William
Box   639
Dyndur, William (continued)
Box   639
Freer, Escue
Box   639
Freeman, Robert
Box   639
Gareau, Robert
Box   639
Gossett, Lloyd
Box   639
Joseph, Frank
Box   639
Ryn, Ed
Box   639
Smith, George
Box   639
Williams, David
Box   639
Field Representatives Contracts, 1963
Box   639
General, 1946-1954
Box   639
Material, 1963
Box   639
Financial Analyses, 1962
Box   640
Reports, 1955-1965 (Monthly)
Box   640
Statements, 1960-1968
Box   640
Fidelity Bonding, 1966
Box   640
Forand Medical Aid to the Aged Bill, 1959-1960
Box   640
Foreign Service of the USA, 1962
Box   640
Freeman, Orville
Box   640
Fringe Benefits - TWUA, 1965
Box   640
Fringe Benefits - Staff Manual, 1962
Box   640
Fringe Drive
Box   640
Geneva Textile Agreement, 1961
Box   640
General Office Forms - National Headquarters, 1959
Box   640
General Office Forms - Southern, 1959
Box   640
Goldberg, Arthur A.
Box   640
Gordon, William
Harriet Henderson
Box   640
Correspondence, 1962-1964
Box   640
Strike Situation, 1961
Box   641
Strike History
Box   641
Henderson - General
Box   641
Prisoners, 1961
Box   641
Sale of Real Estate, 1961
Box   641
Haynsworth, Clement, 1969
Box   641
Special Subcommittee of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce (United States Senate) - Investigation of Closing of Nashaua, New Hampshire Mills and Operations of Textron Inc., 1948
Box   641
Senate Subcommittee to Investigate Problems of the Textile Industry, 1961
Box   641
Herling's (John) Labor Letters, 1961-1964
Box   641
Histadrut Humanitarian Award - Hubert H. Humphrey, 1967
Hosiery - Staff
Box   641
Broad Street Real Estate
Box   641
Merger Agreement, 1965
Box   641
Federation of Hosiery Workers, 1965
Box   641
Death Benefit Fund
Box   641
Merger, 1963
Box   642
Merger, 1962 and 1964
Box   642
Staff and Financial Information
Box   642
Retirement Fund, 1965
Box   642
Staff Pension Plan
Box   642
Conferences, 1965-1967
Box   642
Box   642
Convention, 1965
Box   642
Holding Company - TWUA, 1962-1964
Box   642
Home Visits of Staff, 1966
Box   642
Immigration Reform Committee
Box   642
Immigration of Aliens for Employment in Textile Mills, 1966
Box   642
Imports and Foreign Trade, 1962
Box   642
Industrial Rayon, 1958
Industrial Union Department (IUD)
Box   642
General, 1958
Box   642
Second Annual Industrial Relations Conference, 1958
Box   642
Committee on Social Security, 1957
Box   642
Executive Council Meeting, 1959, 1958
Box   642
Third Constitutional Convention, 1959
Box   642
General, 1959-1960
Box   642
Executive Committee Meeting, 1960-1961
Box   642
Legislative Conference, 1961
Box   642
Convention, 1961
Box   643
General, 1961
Box   643
Industry Locals and Membership
Box   643
Integration Developments, 1962
Box   643
“Inside TWUA,” 1959-1961
Box   643
Internal Fight, 1952
Box   643
Internal Revenue Service, 1965
Box   643
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, 1959
Box   643
International Labor Office, 1959
Box   643
International Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers (IUE), 1958
Box   643
International Harvester
Box   643
International Textile and Garment Workers Federation, 1960-1969
Box   643
International Trade, 1969
Box   644
International Trade, 1970
Box   644
International Unions, 1961-1963
Box   644
Invitations - Local Unions and Boards
Box   644
Japan - Textile
Box   644
John Birch Society, 1961
Box   644
Joint Boards who Received Funds from Defunct Locals, 1966
Box   644
Joint Board Manager's Expenses, 1959-1965
Box   644
Joint Minimum Wage Committee, 1959-1960
Juniata Park Housing Corporation
Box   644
Box   644
Goldberg, J. and J. Bielitsky Severance Pay
Box   644
Committee on Sale of Juniata Park Housing Corporation
Box   644
Box   644
Apartments, 1967-1969
Box   644
Board of Directors Meeting, 1966
Box   644
General, 1963-1965
Box   644
Financial Statement, 1967
Box   645
Charter and Income Problems
Box   645
Executive Council Meeting, 1966
Box   645
Box   645
Ropes and Gray, 1967
Box   645
Juniata Park Housing Corporation Minutes
Box   645
Kennedy, John F. - 7 point directive, 1961
Box   645
King Anderson Bill, 1962
Box   645
Labor Advisory Council Meeting - President's Committee on Equal Employment, 1965
Box   645
Labor Department (Washington, D.C.), 1961
Box   645
Labor Exchange Program, 1963
Box   645
Labor Legislation, 1959-1962
Box   645
Latin America, 1961
Box   645
Box   645
Lawrence Processing Company
Box   645
Legislative Conference - TWUA, 1966
Box   645
Legislative Institutes of TWUA, 1956-1964
Box   645
Legislative Meeting - TWUA, 1967
Box   645
Regional Directors and Executive Council, 1962
Box   645
Staff and Regional Directors, 1962
Box   645
Staff, Local Unions and Joint Boards, 1962-1963
Box   645
Staff, Regional Directors and Council, 1961-1963
Box   646
Life Extension Examiners, 1956-1959
Box   646
Local 6, 1961
Box   646
Local 464, 1957-1958
Box   646
Local 489, 1959
Box   646
Local 371, 1959-1961
Box   646
Local 710, 1954, 1957
Box   646
Local 1244
Box   646
Local 1465, 1959
Box   646
Local 1652, 1968
Box   646
Local 1874, 1960
Box   646
Local 10, 1960
Box   646
Local 1733, 1959
Box   646
Local 2188, 1953-1955
Box   646
Management - Labor Coverage Committee, 1967
Box   646
Management - Labor Textile, Textile Advisory Committee, 1962-1968
Box   646
Manpower Development and Training Act, 1962
Box   646
March of Dimes
Box   646
McClellan Committee, 1957-1959
Box   646
Baldanzi, George, 1957
Box   646
Mimeographed Copies, 1954-1957
Box   647
Mimeographed Copies, 1961-1965
Box   647
Mill Liquidations, 1946-1954
Box   647
Mills not Organized up to , 1952
Box   647
Mill Maps from Research Department
Box   647
Mills Bill - Letters to Congress
Box   647
Minimum Wage Law, 1957-1962
Box   648
Minimum Wage Hearings - Puerto Rico, 1958-1962
Box   648
Minimum Wage Bill
Box   648
Mortuary Fund, 1954-1967
Box   648
National Council of Senior Citizens, 1961-1966
Box   648
NLRB Elections, 1959-1967
Box   648
NLRB Investigation (Almost Unbelievable), 1961
Box   648
NLRB Investigation Subcommittee Hearings, 1961
Box   649
General Council, 1961
Box   649
Pucinski Committee, 1961
Box   649
Weekly Summaries, 1961
Box   649
Elections - No Contract
Box   649
Legitimate Authorization Cards, 1966
Box   649
Congressional Hearings, 1967
Box   649
Congressional Investigation, 1965-1967
Box   649
National Conference on International Economical and Social Development
Box   649
National Maritime Union, 1962
Box   649
National Multiple Sclerosis Society, 1959
Box   649
Negotiations - Harry Schwartz Yarn Company, 1962
Box   649
New England - William Belanger, 1960
Box   649
Newspaper Releases, 1964, 1967-1970
Box   649
New York State Joint Board: Pharmacy, 1962-1966
Box   649
New York City Labor Movement, 1962
Box   649
New York State - Jack Rubenstein, 1959
Box   649
North and South Carolina, Boyd Payton, 1960
Box   649
Northwest Georgia Joint Board Dinner and Installation, 1960
Box   649
Office Contract, 1955-1960
Box   649
One-Price Cotton Legislation, 1957-1965
Box   649
Lowenstein Mills
Box   649
General, 1958
Box   650
General, 1959
Box   650
Rubinstein, Jack, 1960
Box   650
Training Program, 1961
Box   650
Botelho, Michael, 1960
Box   650
Southern Locals Conference, 1961
Box   650
Stetin, Sol, Organizing and Administrative, 1960
Box   650
Third Shop Stewards Conference, 1960
Box   650
North and South Carolina, Boyd Payton, 1960
Box   650
Ad Hoc Committee, 1968
Box   650
Literature Library
Box   650
General, 1961-1965
Box   650
ORIT (Organization Regional InterAmerica de Trabajadores), 1958
Box   650
Pastore Hearings, 1962
Box   650
Personal Products Inc., 1958
Box   650
Personnel Records, 1962-1968
Box   650
P.H. Hanes Company
Box   650
Philadelphia Joint Board Meeting, 1959
Box   650
Plant Closings in , 1962
Box   651
Box   651
Thank You Letters
Box   651
Regional Directors COPE Activities Political
Box   651
Box   651
President Kennedy's Assassination
Box   651
Progression Staff
Box   651
Raids on TWUA, 1961
Box   651
Regional Reports of Local Union's Income, 1962
Box   651
Report of Operations (Financial), 1952-1958
Box   652
Report of Operations, 1961-1968
Box   652
Reports on Burlington, 1957
Box   652
Resolutions, 1961-1962, 1969
Box   652
Retired Staff Correspondence, 1962
Box   652
Reuther, Walter P., 1961-1966
Box   652
Meeting - International Office, 1962
Box   652
Right to Work, 1959
Box   652
Rock Hill, South Carolina - Local 710, 1955
Box   652
Senate Sub-Committee on Textile, 1962
Box   652
Senate Textile Investigation, 1961
Box   652
Senior Citizens
Box   652
South - Organizing, 1969-1971
Box   652
South Carolina State CIO Industrial Union Council, 1955
Box   652
South Carolina's Labor Council's Convention, 1961
Box   652
Speaking Engagements, 1962
Box   652
Staff Assigned to Regions, 1962
Box   653
Staff Benefits, 1962-1966
Box   653
Staff - Breakdown on Regions, 1960-1962
Box   653
Staff - Medical Examinations Committee
Box   653
Staff Questionnaire
Box   653
Staff Salaries, 1964
Box   653
Staff Sick Leave
Box   653
Staff Training - Directors Meeting, 1965
Box   653
Staff Training Program, 1959
Box   653
Staff Training Institute, 1965
Box   653
Staff Training Program, 1962-1963
Note: Sponsored by AFL-CIO and NILE.
Box   653
Standard TWUA Minute Rates and Average Straight Time Hourly Earnings, 1956
Box   653
Surplus Food Program, 1959
Box   653
Taft-Hartley, 1958-1959
Box   653
Tariffs, 1955-1961
Box   653
Teamsters, 1961-1962
Box   653
Textile Advisory Committee, 1959
Box   653
Textile Development Agency, 1958
Box   654
Textile Development Agency, 1959-1961
Box   654
Textile Workers Organizing Committee, 1964
Box   654
Agreements, Elections and Strikes, 1960-1962
Box   654
Newspaper Releases, 1961, 1971
Box   654
TWUA-CIO Organizing Campaigns
Box   654
Vice Presidents
Box   654
Welfare Plan, 1956-1959
Box   654
Toronto Joint Board, 1958
Box   654
Trustees, 1966
Box   654
“Turkey File”
Box   654
Union Label Department, 1959
Box   654
Unemployment, 1961
Box   654
Unemployment Problem Hearings, 1960
Box   654
United Furniture Workers, 1962
Box   654
United Cement, Lime and Gypsum Workers International Workers Union, 1961
Box   654
United Mine Workers, 1961
Box   654
United Rubber Workers, 1961
Box   654
United Textile Workers, 1961-1963
Box   654
United Southern Employees' Association, 1958
Box   654
United Steelworkers of America Strike, 1959
Box   654
Volunteer Organizing Committees, 1963
Box   654
Wage Drive Campaigns, 1959-1963
Box   654
Wage Guidelines, 1966
Box   654
Wagner, Robert, 1961
Box   654
War on Poverty, 1965
Box   654
Welfare Plan Committee, 1954-1960
Box   654
Wallace (Rolla L.) Memorial Service and Dedication, 1959
Box   654
Walsh-Healey Act, 1954
Box   654
West Coast Regional Conference, 1961
Williams, H.S.
Box   654
DuPont (Chattanooga, Tennessee), 1958
Box   654
Cone Mills, 1956-1960
Box   654
Organizing, 1960
Box   654
Wool Study Group, International, 1962
Box   654
Woolen Advisory Committee, 1962-1963
Box   654
Woolen and Worsted Conference, 1963, 1962, 1960
Box   654
Woolen and Worsted Negotiations, 1960, 1966
AFL-CIO Files, 1956-1971
Scope and Content Note: Arranged alphabetically within the following time periods, 1956-1963, 1964-1967, 1967-1968, 1968-1970 and 1970-1971, these files document Pollock's relationship with the AFL-CIO. William Pollock served on AFL-CIO committees, its executive council, and was made a general vice president of the AFL-CIO in 1967. Included in the papers are COPE materials, a Committee to Meet with President Johnson, mediation documents and AFL-CIO convention materials.
Files, 1956-1963
Box   655
General, 1958-1961
Box   655
Committee on Political Education, 1956-1961
Box   655
Georgia State 5th Annual Convention, 1961
Box   655
Area Conference, “Organizing the Unorganized”
Box   655
Economic Policy Committee, 1961
Box   655
Ethical Practices Codes, 1961
Box   655
Executive Council Meeting, 1961
Box   655
General Board Meeting, 1961
Box   655
Meeting with George Meany of Industrial Unions, 1961
Box   655
Minimum Wage Bill Meeting, 1961
Box   655
Social Security Department, 1961
Box   655
Correspondence, 1962-1963
Box   655
Commission on Status of Women, 1961-1962
Box   655
Civil Rights, 1962
Box   655
Convention, 1961, 1959
Box   655
General, 1963
Box   655
Conferences, 1962
Box   655
Contributions, 1962-1963
Box   655
Executive Board Meeting, 1963
Box   656
Internal Disputes Plan, 1962
Box   656
General Board Meeting, 1962
Box   656
Internal Disputes Plan, 1962
Box   656
Legislative Conference, 1962
Box   656
Harrow Management, 1963
Box   656
Building Service Employees v. American Federation
Box   656
State, County and Municipal Employees, 1963
Box   656
Allied Industrial Workers v. Seafarers International
Box   656
Pulp-Sulphite - UPP-W
Box   656
Shoe Workers v. Leather and Plastic Workers, 1962
Box   656
Meeting-Organizing Campaign, 1962
Box   656
Per Capita Tax, 1961-1962
Box   656
Safety and Occupational
Files, 1964-1967
Box   656
Committee on Social Security, 1965
Box   656
COPE, 1965-1967
Box   656
Contributions, 1966
Box   656
General, 1962
Box   657
Collections, 1964-1965
Box   657
General Board Meeting, 1966
Box   657
Other International Unions, 1965-1966
Box   657
National Defense, Executive Reserve Program, 1965-1966
Box   657
Organizing Drive, 1963-1966
Box   657
Other International Unions, 1967
Box   657
State and Local Central Bodies, 1967
Box   657
News Service, 1967
Box   657
News Releases, 1967
Box   657
Conventions, 1947-1957, 1959
Box   657
Staff Recruitment, 1966
Box   657
Vice President - William Pollock (Congratulatory Messages), 1967
Box   657
Correspondence, 1967
Box   657
Committee to Meet with President Johnson
Box   657
Legislative - COPE, 1967
Files, 1967-1968
Box   657
News Releases
Box   658
News Services
Box   658
Other International Unions
Box   658
Box   658
Executive Council Meetings
Box   658
Mobilization of Labor
Box   658
Special Meeting
Box   658
7th Constitutional Convention of AFL-CIO, 1967
Box   658
Executive Council, 1967
Box   658
Economic Policy Committee, 1967
Files, 1968-1970
Box   658
Community Services, 1968-1969
Box   658
TWUA Locals, 1969
Box   658
Conference on COPE Activities, 1968
Box   658
Executive Council, 1967
Box   658
News Releases, 1969
Box   658
News Services, 1969
Box   659
Other International Unions, 1969
Box   659
Executive Council, 1967
Box   659
Executive Board Meeting, 1967
Box   659
Civil Rights Committee, 1969, 1967
Box   659
Organizing Committee, 1969
Box   659
Organizing Conference, 1969
Box   659
European Trip, 1968
Files, 1970-1971
Box   659
Secretary Treasurer Conference, 1970
Box   659
Executive Council Meeting, 1970-1971
Box   659
Economic Policy Committee Meeting, 1970
Box   659
Education Department Meeting, 1971
Box   659
Convention, 1971
Box   660
Executive Council Meetings, 1971
Box   660
TWUA Locals, 1970
Box   660
Legislative Institute, 1971
Box   660
Connecticut COPE Elections, 1970
Box   660
Operating Committee Meeting, 1970
Box   660
Legislator, 1970
Box   660
DuChessi, William
Box   660
Civil Rights Committee, 1969-1971
Box   660
Conference on Jobs, 1971
Box   660
News Releases, 1970-1971
Box   660
Hard-Core Unemployed, 1968
Box   660
Financial Reports, 1966-1968
Box   660
Executive Council, 1970, 1969
Box   661
Executive Council Meetings, 1969
Box   661
Economic Policy Committee Meeting, 1969
Internal Dispute, 1962-1964
Box   661
Convention Material, 1962
Box   661
Regional Conferences
Box   661
Box   661
Elections - Executive Council
Box   661
Floor Operation
Box   661
Pollock Material - Managers, 1963
Box   661
Executive Council Division, 1963
Box   661
Resolutions Adopted
Box   661
Opposition's Miscellaneous Mailings, 1964
Box   661
Cook-Belanger Discharge, 1964
Box   661
Miscellaneous, 1964
Box   661
Political Notes, 1962-1963
Box   661
Political Drafts, 1963-1964
Box   661
Payton Newspaper clippings, 1964
Box   661
Regional Income and Expenses, 1964
Box   661
Staff Expenses, 1958-1964
Box   662
Reports, 1964
Box   662
Resolution on Staff - Sent to Local Unions, Joint Boards and Staff, 1963
Box   662
Resolution on Special Convention, 1963
Box   662
Requests from Opposition, 1964
Box   662
Rieve, Emil, 1964
Box   662
Rubenstein, Jack, 1964
Box   662
Schlesinger, Emil, 1963-1964
Box   662
September 1963 Hearing
Box   662
Speech Material (Internal), 1963
Box   662
Staff Listing, 1963
Box   662
Staff meetings, 1963
Box   662
Staff Assignments by Regions, 1955-1963
Box   662
Sub-Committee of Executive Council, 1964
Box   662
Suggestions-Regional Director Discussions, 1962
Box   662
Survey of TWUA Agreements, Elections and Strikes, 1962-1964
Box   662
Ushers and Security Officers, 1964
Box   662
UAW Constitution Committee, 1964
Box   662
Wyle, Ben, 1963
Box   662
Opinion on President's Stay of Decisions of the TWUA Executive Council
Box   662
Trip to Washington, D.C., IMCO Campaign, 1964
Box   662
Political, 1964
Box   662
Opposition Communications, 1964
Box   662
Solidarity Fund, 1964
Box   663
5 - Pollock Letter to Ben Wyle, 1963 June 18
Box   663
6 - Pollock Letter to Local Unions, Joint Boards and Staff, 1963 October 30
Box   663
7 - Canzano Letter to Pollock, 1963 May 16
Box   663
8 - Pollock Letter to Canzano for Special Meeting, 1963 May 10
Box   663
9 - Administration, 1964 April 14
Box   663
Chupka Letter to All Locals, Joint Boards and Staff, 1963 November 7
Box   663
Wyle Letter to Pollock, 1963 June 12
Box   663
10 - E. Wynn's Opinion on Pollock's Power to Stay, 1963 August
Box   663
11 - Motion on Tapes being made, 1963 June 4
Box   663
12 - Mailing to all Locals, Joint Boards and Staff - Answers to Schlesinger, 1963 December 6
Box   663
Pollock Letter - AFL-CIO Findings, 1964 April 24
Box   663
Motion Calling on AFL-CIO, 1963 April 25
Box   663
16 - Expenditure of Funds, 1963 June 4
Box   663
17 - Canzano Memo - Addresses, 1963 May 8
Box   663
19 - President Pollock's Statement, 1963 April 25
Box   663
20 - Pollock Letter to Ben Wyle, 1963 November 21
Box   663
25 - General Secretary Treasurer Reply to 11 Appellants, 1963 August
Box   663
26 - Miraglia Statement, 1963 April 25
Box   663
28 - Administration Letter, 1964 May 11
Box   663
Partial TWUA Statement
Box   663
29 - Pollock and Chupka Letter to All Joint Boards and Locals and Staff, 1963 October 14
Box   663
Chupka Letter to Locals, Joint Boards and Staff, 1963 June 11
Box   663
30 - Electioneering, 1963 June 4
Box   663
31 - Constitutional Interpretation, 1963 June 4
Box   663
Chupka Appeal - Miraglia, 1963 May 30
Box   663
Recording of Executive Council Meetings, 1963 June 4
Box   663
33 - Information to be Supplied to the Executive Council, 1963 June 4
Box   663
34 - Chupka Letter Submitting Appeal, 1963 July 2
Box   663
35 - Chupka Letter to Executive Council Calling Hearing, 1963 September 16
Box   663
International Union Expenditures, 1963 June 4
Box   663
36 - Local 1790 Tapes, 1963 June 4
Box   663
New York Times Newspaper Clipping - About Fight, 1963 November 17
Box   663
Pollock Letter Calling Meeting, 1963 May 17
Box   663
39 - Executive Council Meeting Summaries, 1963 June 4
Box   663
Excerpt from W. Cook Affidavit, 1964 January 10
Box   663
40 - Pollock Statement - AFL-CIO Committee Report, 1964 April 28
Box   663
46 - Letter of Transmittal, 1963 June 4
Box   663
Pollock Letter to Local 1790, 1963 August 20
Box   663
47 - Pollock's Greeting Letter, 1963 June 21
Box   663
50 - William Belanger Statement, 1963 April 25
Box   663
Motion Against General President, 1963 June 4
Box   663
Motion of Executive Council Regarding Field Appeals Hearing, 1963 August
Box   663
Request of Pollock to Disapprove 1790 By-Laws, 1963 August 30
Box   663
Appeal from Local Unions from Pollock's Stay, 1963 August
Box   663
Draft Letter on Hearing, 1963 September 23
Box   663
Pollock's Statement at Hearing, 1963 September 23
Box   663
Chupka's Statement at Hearing, 1963 September 23
Box   663
Resolution “Court Action,” 1963 November 13
Box   663
Pollock and Chupka's Letter to all Locals, Joint Boards, 1963 December 2
Box   663
Opposition's Law Resolutions, undated
Box   663
Questionable 1790 Resolutions, undated
Box   663
Administration Letter, 1964 January 9
Box   663
Administration Letter, 1964 January 30
Box   663
Administration Letter, 1964 February 14
Box   663
Administration Mailing, 1964 March 20
Box   663
Administration Letter on Local 1790 Findings, 1964 May 5
Box   663
New York State Letter, 1964 May 5
Box   663
Quin States Back the Administration, 1964 May 14
Box   663
Administration - The Plain Truth, 1964 May 14
Box   663
Mailing to Dyers, 1964 May 19
Box   663
Mailing to FTR, 1964 May 19
Box   663
“The Mid West Backs the Administration,” 1964 May 22
Box   663
“Blueprint for a Power-Grab,” 1964 May 22; “Shall the Courts run TWUA's Convention,” (The Administration)
Box   663
A Fact Sheet
Box   663
Local Unions opposed to a Special Convention
Box   663
Acknowledged Resolutions against a Convention
Box   663
Administration - Bulletin
Box   663
Administration's Bulletin, “The Four Horsemen Go Back to Court Again,” undated
Box   663
Draft Resolutions for Local Unions' Use
Box   663
Acknowledged Resolutions from Joint Boards in favor of Convention
Box   663
Philadelphia Joint Board Meeting of Delegates, Shop Committees, Local Union Officers and Executive Board Members, 1952 May 28
Box   633
Greater New York Joint Board Mailings, 1963
Box   663
FTR Mailings, 1964
Box   663
Field Appeals, 1963
Box   663
Law Resolutions - Administration, 1964
Box   663
Pollock and Chupka Mailings to Locals, Joint Boards, and Staff, 1963
Box   663
Political Activities of Opposition in the Field, 1964
Box   663
Political Trips, 1963
Box   663
Protests from Field, 1964
Box   664
Opposition's Majority Mailings, 1963-1964
Box   664
Political - General, 1963-1964
Box   664
0pposition Areas, 1963
Box   664
New England Meeting, 1964 June 19
Box   664
Newspaper clippings, 1964
Box   664
Pollock Memos, 1962-1964
Box   664
Letters from Staff Against, 1963-1964
Box   664
Major Southern Programs, 1964
Box   664
“Majority” Literature, 1964
Box   664
Mailing Lists, 1963
Box   664
Midwest Situation, 1963
Box   664
Miscellaneous - Opposition Individuals, 1963
Box   664
Box   664
Resolutions, 1963
Box   664
Correspondence from Locals
Box   664
Local 1-100
Box   664
Locals 101-300
Box   664
Locals 301-500
Box   664
Locals 501-700
Box   664
Locals 701-900
Box   664
Locals 901-999
Box   664
Locals 1000-1099
Box   664
Locals 1100-1199
Box   664
Locals 1200-1299
Box   664
Locals 1300-1399
Box   664
Locals 1400-1499
Box   664
Locals 1500-1599
Box   664
Locals 1600-1699
Box   664
Locals 2100-2299
Box   664
Correspondence from Joint Boards
Box   665
Legal Briefs, 1963-1964
Box   666
Opposition's Local 1790 Mailings
Box   666
Abramson, Irving, 1962-1964
Box   666
Actions by Employers Concerning Fight, 1963
Box   666
Administration Mail, 1963-1964
Box   666
Administration Slate, 1964
Box   666
Administration Resolutions, 1964
Box   666
Appeals - Legal, 1964
Box   666
Appeals, 1964
Box   666
Appeal, 1963
Box   666
Auslander, Charles and Rene Berthiaume, 1963
Box   666
Belanger, William, 1964
Box   666
Belanger Paper, 1964
Box   666
Boartfield, C.D., 1964
Box   666
Barker, Tom, 1964
Box   666
Canton Mills Strike, 1963-1964
Box   666
Canzano, Reba, 1961-1965
Box   666
Canzano-Gordon Resolution concerning Irving Abramson, 1964
Box   666
Caucus, 1964
Box   666
Constitutional Changes, 1946
Box   666
Constitutional Interpretations, 1962-1963
Box   666
Cook, Belanger and Canzano's Terminations, 1964
Box   666
Caucus, 1964 April 27
Box   666
Cook, Wesley - New Assignment, 1962
Box   666
Cook, Wesley, 1963-1964
Box   666
Cook's Record, 1964
Box   666
Cole, Dave - Investigation, 1963-1964
Box   666
Cline, Ralph, 1963
Box   666
Convention Meeting
Box   666
Constitutional Convention, 1939
Box   666
Convention Committees to Organize Convention, 1964
Box   666
Convention Planning, 1964
Box   666
Convention Committee, 1962
Box   666
Convention Voting, 1964
Box   666
Convention, 1964
Box   666
Convention Strategy, 1964
Box   666
Defunct Locals, 1963
Box   666
Delegate Breakdown
Box   667
Executive Board Minutes - Summary, 1964
Box   667
Political Actions - Executive Council Meeting, 1963 August 26-30
Box   667
November Meeting, 1963
Box   667
Executive Council Notes, 1964
Box   667
Extracts from January Meeting, 1964
Local 1790, 1961-1965
Box   667
Monitorship, 1964-1966
Box   667
Meeting, 1965-1966
Box   667
Monitorship Report, 1965
Box   667
By Laws, 1965
Box   667
Executive Board Minutes, 1964 June 5, 1964 June 17, 1964 August 5, 1965 March 10
Box   667
Shop Delegates Council Meeting, 1964 June 23
Box   667
Convention, 1964
Box   667
AFL-CIO Hearing
Box   667
Harris Communications Court
Box   667
Request for Joint Board Charter
Box   667
Executive Board Motions
Box   667
Canzano, Victor - Letter on 1790 Hearing
Box   667
Hearing - Local 1790
Box   667
Greater New York Board v. Local 1790
Box   667
Local 1790 By-Laws
Box   667
Local 1790 Charges
Box   667
Separation Pay
Box   668
Artowicz, Stanley - Appeal, 1962
Box   668
Expenditures and Investments
Box   668
Pollock's Statement to AFL-CIO Committee Investigating Local 1790
Box   668
General Material
Box   668
Local 1790 Briefs (By Administration)
Box   668
Local 1790 Joint Board Charter
Box   668
Local 1790 Administrator
Box   668
Charges against 1790
Box   668
Box   668
Local 1790 Administrators
Box   668
Pollock Statement to Local 1790 Hearing Board
Box   668
Newspaper Reactions
Box   668
Box   668
Stay and Appeal, Local 1790 Joint Board Chapter
Box   668
Local 1790 - Greater New York Joint Board Jurisdictional Dispute
Box   668
New York, Local 1790 - Brooklyn, 1962
Box   668
Artowicz Letters
Box   668
Miraglia Statement and Appeal
Box   668
Minutes of Meetings - Local 1790
Box   668
Committee to Review Local 1790's Request for a Charter
Box   669
Notes - Local 1790
Box   669
Transcript of Tape Recordings
Box   669
1790 Testimony, 1963
Box   669
O'Neil Artowicz - Sporn
Box   669
Rubenstein, Jack
Box   669
O'Neil, Joseph
Box   669
Berger, William
Box   669
Artowicz Appeal Exhibits
Box   669
Artowicz, Stanley, Charles Against, 1962
Box   669
Artowicz Hearing, 1963
Box   669
Executive Council Hearing, 1963
Box   669
Delaware Valley Joint Board - Meeting Between Committee and TWUA Officers, 1957
Box   669
Special Viscose Matter, 1939-1940
Secession Files, 1949-1953
Box   669
General, 1952
Box   669
Administrators, 1952
Box   669
Charges filed against individuals attempting to secede, 1952
Box   669
TWUA Leaflets, Pamphlets, and Letters, 1952
Box   669
Legal Matters and Miscellaneous, 1952
Box   669
Trustees - Pre-1952 Convention Situation
Box   669
Baldanzi-Baron-Hughes Caucus, 1951 July 21-22
Box   669
Rhode Island
Box   669
Box   669
Southern Situation
Box   669
New Hampshire - Vermont
Box   669
New Jersey Locals distinguishing between “for” and “against”
Box   669
New Jersey
Box   669
New York
Box   669
Box   669
Bay Area Joint Board
Box   669
Box   669
National Fund - Political
Box   669
Box   670
Local 1252
Box   670
TWUA 1950 Convention Elections
Box   670
TWUA 1952 Convention - Election of Officers
Box   670
Locals Not Entitled to Delegates
Box   670
Delgate Election - Lawrence, Massachusetts
Box   670
Box   670
Local 122 - Charles Hughes
Box   670
Philadelphia - 1952 Convention
Box   670
Newspaper Stories Resulting from Baldanzi Campaign
Box   670
Pre-Convention Committee for a Democratic TWUA (Field Audit of Books and Records)
Box   670
TWUA Split
Box   670
Rieve Letters
Box   670
Southern Organization - Analysis
Box   670
Southern Organizing - Report of CIO Organizing Committee
Box   670
Staff - List of Locals of which they are members
Box   670
Staff Separation from TWUA Payroll, 1950
Box   670
Canada - Miscellaneous Information on Membership, Finances, Local Unions, and Joint Boards
Box   670
Synthetic Yarn Situation
Box   670
Textile Employment and TWUA Membership by State, Joint Board and Independent Local Union, 1951
Box   670
Newspaper Stories
Box   670
National CIO Convention, 1951
Box   670
Officers Expenses
Box   670
Resolutions Adopted by Joint Boards and Local Unions on Internal Situation
Box   670
Leaflets - Administration
Box   670
Leaflets - Opposition
Box   670
Local Unions - Delegates to 1952 Convention and Increase Required to allow for Additional Delegates
Box   670
Local Unions and Joint Boards - Pledges of Support (Post-1952 Convention)
Box   670
Mailings - Political Leaflets - Includes Suggested Mailings
Box   670
Newspaper Organ - Penn-Appalachian Joint Board, “The Joint Board Reporter”
Box   670
Newspaper Organ - Philadelphia Joint Board, “The Voice of Textile”
Box   670
Newspaper Organ - Pre-Convention Committee for a Democratic TWUA
Box   670
Canadian Situation and Baron
Box   670
Danville Situation
Box   670
Box   670
Failure of Opposition to Submit Proposal Dealing with Executive Council
Box   670
Financial Report
Box   670
Inter-Office Memos - Miscellaneous
Box   670
Remarks of Unity Resolution
Box   670
Southern Organizing Drive
Box   670
Barkin, Sol
Box   670
Berryton and Atlantic Cotton Mills
Box   670
Bullet Voting
Box   670
Cahoon, Robert - Attorney, Southern Office
Box   670
Canadian Rump Conference, 1951
Box   670
Business Agents and TWUA Staff - Political affiliates
Box   670
Comparison of Employees in Upper and Deep South
Box   670
Comparative Membership - Southern States
Box   670
Chronology of Major Political Events
Box   670
Box   670
Pre-1950 Convention
Box   670
Post-1950 Convention
United Textile Workers, 1941-1961
Scope and Content Note: These subject files document mainly the merger attempts of the UTW and TWUA, their disputes and their non-interference pacts. Other information included in the UTW files are pamphlets, convention material (UTW and AFL-UTW), general files (1957) and some Baldanzi material.
Box   671
General, 1958-1960
Box   671
UTW-AFL Conventions, 1954 and 1956
Box   671
Executive Council Members
Box   671
Baldanzi - Teamsters Convention, 1961
Box   671
Canada - TWUA and UTW Merger Discussions
Box   671
Box   671
TP Printing and Texicraft, 1961
Box   671
Creative Industries, 1961
Box   671
Minutes of Meetings, 1957, 1956
Box   671
Senate Investigation, 1957
Box   671
Membership and Mills, 1957
Box   671
General, 1957 November-December
Box   672
General, 1957 January-September
Box   672
UTW v. TWUA - Linen Thread Company
Box   672
UTW Mailings
Box   672
Meeting on UTW (Strategy), 1957
Box   672
TWUA-UTW Standby Committee Meeting, 1958
Box   672
TWUA-UTW Standby Committee Meeting, 1957
Box   672
UTW-TWUA Merger Discussions, 1956
Box   672
UTW Standby Committee Meeting, 1956
Box   672
UTW Merger Talks, 1955
Box   672
Standby Committee to Investigate Possibilities of TWUA - UTW Merger, 1955
Box   672
TWUA-UTW Non-Interference Committee - Organizing Field
Box   672
“Operation UTW,” 1957
Box   672
UTW Executive Council
Box   672
General, 1941-1946, 1953-1956
Box   672
UTW and TWUA Meeting, 1956
Box   672
Gonder, Larry, 1963
Box   672
UTW - Information
Box   672
Sobol, Charles - Northeastern Pennsylvania District Council of the UTW (AFL-CIO)
Box   672
UTW - Organized Mills, 1953
Box   672
UTW - Newspaper Organ - “The Textile Challenger”
Series: Engineering Department, 1953-1977
Physical Description: 1 box 
Scope and Content Note: These files consist of two headings, general publications and technical administrative bulletins. The general publications consist of Work Duty Charts for Textile Operations; Textile Workers' Job Primer, Volumes I and II; and Air Conditioning in Textile Mills. The technical administrative bulletins, which are arranged in numerical order, contain material mainly relating to technological advances in production and work environments within the textile industry. However, the bulletins also contain information on arbitration, engineering policies and practices and efficiency evaluation techniques. The Engineering Department was an entity within the Research Department until the late 1960s when it became a separate department.
Major Research Projects
Box   673
Work Duty Charts for Textiles Operations
Box   673
Textile Workers' Job Primer, Volumes I and II (Supplement)
Box   673
Air Conditioning in Textile Mills
Box   673
Technical Administrative Bulletins
Box   673
500 - An Inventory of Wage and Related Practices in Factories, by S. Barkin and F.G. Bishop
Box   673
501 - Workers Frequency Checks
Box   673
502 - Agreement on Wage Incentive Systems, Supplement to General Contract, Sewing Jobs
Box   673
503 - Building a Union Through Effective Local Activity on Wage Issues
Box   673
504 - Worker Frequency Checks (G-43)
Box   673
505 - An Inventory of Wage and Related Practices in Textile Mills
Note: Also French translation.
Box   673
506 - A Checklist of Procedure for Handling Employer Proposals on Workload Changes
Box   673
507 - Instructions for Investigation of Workload Problem by TWUA Research Personnel
Box   673
508 - Analysis of Approaches to Control of Wage Incentive Plans
Box   673
509 - Portable Speed Measuring Instruments for Local Union Use
Box   673
510-1 - Memo on Northern Cotton-Rayon Workload Conference of Joint Board Managers, 1953
Box   673
510-2 - North Carolina and South Carolina Administrator's Work Assignment, Charlotte, North Carolina, 1953
Box   673
510-3 - Canadian Staff Workload Conference, 1953
Box   673
510-4 - Notes for Policy meeting on Workload Problems - Cotton-Rayon Group, 1953
Box   673
510-5 - Alabama, Georgia and Texas Administrators' Work Assignment Institute, 1954
Box   673
511 - Instructions on Correspondence Course in Textile Workers' Job Primer
Box   673
511-A - Correspondence Course on “Primer”
Box   673
512 - Tentative Bench Marks for Cotton Textile Mills
Box   673
Illustrative Application of Card Tenders Bench Mark
Box   673
513 - Statement on Work Assignments for Committee on the Bench Mark Technique
Box   673
513-A - Bench Mark Technique - An Answer to Time Study
Box   673
514 - Orientation Lecture on Time Study and Incentive Plans, Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation
Box   673
514-A - Outline of Orientation Lecture on Job Evaluation and Workloads
Box   673
515 - The Unifil Loom Winder
Box   673
516 - Glossary of American-French Trade Terminology
Box   673
516-A - Glossary of Spanish-American Trade Terminology
Box   673
517 - An Introduction to Time Study, 1960
Box   673
517-A - An Introduction to Time Study, 1963
Note: French translation and exhibits.
Box   673
517-B - An Introduction to Time Study, 1963
Note: In English.
Box   673
518 - Nylon Production Process, 1961
Box   673
519 - Description of Jobs in the Cotton Textile Industry and Synthetic Yarn Weaving, 1963
Box   673
Box   673
Box   673
519C - Description of Cotton Textile Manufacturing Processes and Common Workload Complaints, 1963
Box   673
520 - An Arbitrator's View of the Industrial Engineer - Memo with pertinent quotes, 1963
Box   673
520A - An Arbitrator's View of the Industrial Engineer, Speech by Peter Seitz before the 11th Annual Conference on Industrial Engineering and Society for Advanced Management, 1961 March 24
Box   673
521 - Examples of Wage and Workload Improvements Obtained by local unions as a result of Technical Engineering Studies Conducted by TWUA Research Department, 1964
Box   673
522 - The Fiberwoven Process - A New Technological Development in Nonwovens, 1964
Box   673
523 - Occupational Cancer Hazards of Asbestos Workers, 1964
Box   673
524 - TWUA Policies and Practices in the Industrial Engineering Field, 1965
Box   673
525 - IUE, AFL-CIO Resolution on Industrial Engineering Practices Adopted by Executive Council, 1964
Box   673
526 - Recommended Procedures for Union Engineering Studies - Memo to Regional Directors
Box   673
527 - Automation, Notes for Canadian Conference, 1965
Box   673
527-A - Automation, Address by John Weiser, 7th Biennial Canadian Conference
Box   673
528 - Simplified Motion Standards
Box   673
529 - An Introduction to Benchmark System
Box   673
530 - Canadian Time Study Education Conference, 1965
Box   673
530A - Canadian Time Study Education Conference, Review Exercises - Sewing
Box   673
531 - Contract Clauses Dealing with Piece Rates, Standards, and Workload Changes
Box   673
532 - Union Safeguards in Time Study
Box   673
533 - Industrial Engineering Problems
Box   673
533A - Industrial Engineering and Collective Bargaining, by Paul N. Lehoczky
Box   673
534 - Introduction to Methods-Time Measurement
Box   673
535 - Glossary of Apparel Terms by Howard L. Daniels
Box   673
536 - A Significant Arbitration Award on MTM Standards
Box   673
537 - “Buy-Outs” in Cases of Wholesale Changes in Work-loads, Job Classifications, or Incentive Rates
Box   673
538 - Administration of Production Standards and Rates, Handling of Disputes
Box   673
539 - Common Job Evaluation Plans, 1968
Box   673
540 - MTM Science or Science Fiction?, 1966
Box   673
541 - New Federal Regulations Concerning Occupational Noise Exposure, 1969
Box   673
542 - Suppression of Cotton Dust and Lint in Textile Manufacturing Operations, 1969
Box   673
543 - Agreement Covering Operation of Wage Incentive Plan and Establishment of Time Standards, 1970
Box   673
544 - A Systematic Method for Setting Fatigue Allowances
Box   673
545 - Exploiting the Issues
Box   673
546 - How to Find Out Whether Plant Conditions are Hazardous
Box   673
546A - How to Find out Whether Plant Conditions are Hazardous (Safety only)
Box   673
547 - Circular Knitting Machine Operators - How to Train Knitting Machine Operators
Box   673
548 - Viscose Rayon Fibers - Flow and Description of Operations, 1972
Box   673
549 - Viscose Rayon Film - Flow and Description of Operations, 1972
Box   673
550 - Viscose Rayon Fibers - Flow and Description of Operations, 1972
Box   673
551 - Summary of Woolen Card Room Workload Survey, 1972
Box   673
552 - Summary of Woolen Spinning Frame Operators' Workload Survey, 1972
Box   673
553 - Countering False Employer Propaganda, 1973
Box   673
554 - Stevens Leaflets on Union Engineering Services
Box   673
554A - Stevens Leaflets on Union Engineering Services (Rev)
Box   673
555 - Work Duties and Workloads - Circular Knit Machines, 1973
Box   673
556 - Time Study - Stevens
Box   673
557 - Description of Production Processes in the Dyeing, Printing and Finishing Industries
Box   673
558 - Arbitration: Start with the Basics by Robert G. Carson Jr.
Box   673
559 - Technological Changes and Labor Productivity in the Textile Industry, 1977
Box   673
560 - Labor Productivity and Technological Developments in the Synthetic Fibers Industry, 1977
Box   673
561 - Knit Product Plants - Non TWUA, 1976
Box   673
Series: Convention Proceedings, 1939, 1943-1974
Physical Description: 1 box 
Series: United Textile Workers, 1915-1916, 1919-1920, 1925, 1930-1939
Physical Description: 1 box 
Scope and Content Note: This series contains information on the United Textile Workers (UTW) and other predecessors of the TWUA. The files relating to the UTW consist of correspondence, 1919-1920, 1925; council minutes (which closely relate to material in the TWOC files), 1935-1937, 1939; Emergency Committee Minutes files, 1930; and a large number of financial reports and audits, 1932-1939. The files relating to other unions consist of leaflets, pamphlets and the 1921 convention proceedings of the American Federation of Textile Operatives. Additional materials on the UTW appear in the general files, 1937-1939, of the Office of the Secretary-Treasurer.
Box   674
Correspondence, 1919-1920, 1925
Box   674
Executive Council Minutes, 1935-1937, 1939
Box   674
Emergency Committee Meeting, 1930
Box   674
Convention Proceedings, 1930
Box   674
Financial Reports and Audits, 1932-1939
Box   674
Locals - Status, 1934-1936
Box   674
Manual of Accounts, undated
Box   674
Magazine (UTW), 1929 February
Box   674
Publication Patents, 1915-1916, 1936
Box   674
Amalgamated Textile Workers of America, 1921
Box   674
Leaflet - “Our Demands in the Woolen and Cotton Industry,” undated
Box   674
“WHO? and WHAT? are the Amalgamated Textile Workers of America” / by UTW
Box   674
American Federation of Textile Operatives Convention Proceedings, 1921
Box   674
Conference of Independent Unions Minutes, 1921
Box   674
Leaflets, undated
Box   674
“Odell Goes to Cohoes,” undated
Box   674
“Open Shop v. Union Shop” / by John Golden, UTW President
Box   674
United Cloth, Hat and Cap Makers of North America, “Rule or Ruin Policy”
Micro 631
Series: Biographical Subject File, 1916, 1942-1976
Physical Description: 4 reels of microfilm (35 mm) 
Scope and Content Note: This file includes announcements, biographical sketches, broadsides, clippings, correspondence, newsletters, pamphlets, press releases, speeches and statements regarding the union's local and national leadership. The quantity of such items for each individual varies greatly with some files containing only sparse, sporadic documentation while others (particularly those of Solomon Barkan, John Edelman, William Pollock, Emil Rieve, and Sol Stetin) have a more complete run. The bulk of the records date from the early 1940's to 1976 with the one exception being a 1916 pamphlet entitled “Lo Sciopero Dei Tessitori di Seta di Paterson New Jersey di Giuseppe Iannarelli.” (This pamphlet can be found in Joseph Yanarelli's file.) The entire series is arranged alphabetically and roughly chronologically thereunder.
Reel   1
Frame   0
Aaron, Harold E., 1961, undated
Reel   1
Frame   7
Abramson, Irving, 1949, 1965, 1971, undated
Reel   1
Frame   12
Artowicz, Stanley, undated
Reel   1
Frame   14
Auslander, Charles E., 1952, 1961
Reel   1
Frame   21
Azzinaro, Angelo, 1950
Reel   1
Frame   23
Azzinaro, Samuel, 1959-1976
Reel   1
Frame   32
Bamford, James W., 1949-1958, 1974
Reel   1
Frame   63
Barkan, Alexander, 1956-1976
Reel   1
Frame   104
Barker, Frank W., undated
Reel   1
Frame   106
Barker, Tom, 1969
Reel   1
Frame   110
Barkin, Solomon, 1945-1974, undated
Reel   1
Frame   347
Baron, Samuel, 1944-1960, 1973
Reel   1
Frame   398
Bartek, John, 1942-1943, undated
Reel   1
Frame   461
Batty, William G., undated
Reel   1
Frame   465
Belanger, J. William, 1948-1959, undated
Reel   1
Frame   514
Benet, Adolph, undated
Reel   1
Frame   516
Benti, Frank J., 1949, 1951, 1955
Reel   1
Frame   520
Berthiaume, Rene, undated
Reel   1
Frame   525
Bishop, Mariano S., 1945-1953, undated
Reel   1
Frame   569
Blackwell, James, 1967, 1970, undated
Reel   1
Frame   584
Blais, Denis A., 1976, undated
Reel   1
Frame   592
Boartfield, C.D., 1953
Reel   1
Frame   594
Bogdan, George, 1948
Reel   1
Frame   596
Botelho, M. Michael, 1951-1964, 1976, undated
Reel   1
Frame   610
Bowes, William, 1962, undated
Reel   1
Frame   614
Brook, Garland, 1975
Reel   1
Frame   616
Brown, Arthur W., 1949
Reel   1
Frame   618
Brown, Hugh, undated
Reel   1
Frame   620
Brown, Virginia, undated
Reel   1
Frame   624
Burgess, Dave, 1947
Reel   1
Frame   626
Burlak, Anna, undated
Reel   1
Frame   630
Cadden, John, 1950
Reel   1
Frame   632
Cahoon, Robert S., 1953
Reel   1
Frame   634
Calisti, Angelo G., 1949
Reel   1
Frame   636
Cammerata, Rudolph, 1952, 1970, 1973
Reel   1
Frame   643
Canzano, Victor J., 1945-1955, 1975
Reel   1
Frame   672
Carignan, George E., 1953, undated
Reel   1
Frame   676
Carrara, Ralph, 1958, 1959
Reel   1
Frame   680
Casey, William P., 1944
Reel   1
Frame   686
Chico, Sam, 1972
Reel   1
Frame   690
Christman, Henry, 1956-1957
Reel   1
Frame   708
Chupka, John, 1943-1976, undated
Reel   1
Frame   766
Clark, Charles E., undated
Reel   1
Frame   774
Clift, Donald E., 1968-1969
Reel   1
Frame   781
Cline, Ralph, 1972, 1975
Reel   1
Frame   788
Cloutier, Julian, undated
Reel   1
Frame   793
Cluney, Edward C., 1948
Reel   1
Frame   795
Cohen, Seymour, 1955, 1956, 1974, 1976
Reel   1
Frame   812
Condron, John, 1949, 1958, 1968
Reel   1
Frame   820
Congos, Dorothy E., 1974, undated
Reel   1
Frame   823
Conn, Lewis M., 1948
Reel   1
Frame   827
Cook, Wesley, 1948-1964
Reel   1
Frame   839
Cope, Radford, 1957
Reel   1
Frame   841
Coponi, Joseph P., 1971
Reel   1
Frame   844
Cosgrove, Thomas J., 1959
Reel   1
Frame   846
Couture, Jean-Marc, 1976
Reel   1
Frame   849
Coyle, James P., 1972, undated
Reel   1
Frame   854
Cuccio, Frank, 1953, 1972, 1976
Reel   1
Frame   865
Curry, Jackson, 1968
Reel   1
Frame   875
Damore, Felix P., 1969, 1970, 1973
Reel   1
Frame   883
Daoust, J. Harold, 1949-1974
Reel   1
Frame   914
Davis, Frank M., 1959
Reel   1
Frame   916
Davis, William S., 1967, 1970, undated
Reel   1
Frame   922
DeGinet, Roger, 1969
Reel   1
Frame   931
DeLong, Kenneth, 1976
Reel   1
Frame   937
Demeyer, Julian, undated
Reel   1
Frame   939
Dernoncourt, Wayne L., 1969, 1975
Reel   1
Frame   947
Dillman, George, 1970, 1973
Reel   1
Frame   952
Doolan, Edward, 1975, undated
Reel   1
Frame   960
Douty, Kenneth, 1948
Reel   1
Frame   964
Dove, Roger, 1970, 1974
Reel   1
Frame   968
DuChessi, William, 1943-1976, undated
Reel   1
Frame   1011
Dunton, Bruce A., 1973-1976, undated
Reel   1
Frame   1022
Duva, Carl, 1959
Reel   1
Frame   1025
Dyson, Alford, 1950, 1967, 1975
Reel   2
Frame   0
Eames, Patricia, 1969
Reel   2
Frame   5
Edelman, John W., 1944-1974, undated
Reel   2
Frame   191
England, Antonio, 1944-1950, undated
Reel   2
Frame   246
Epstine, Irving, 1973
Reel   2
Frame   257
Essiambre, Wilfrid, undated
Reel   2
Frame   261
Ewing, William R., 1959
Reel   2
Frame   264
Fera, Paul, 1955
Reel   2
Frame   266
Fernandes, Manuel, 1976
Reel   2
Frame   268
Fiester, Kenneth, 1950, undated
Reel   2
Frame   293
Fisher, Christine, 1973, undated
Reel   2
Frame   297
Fortin, George A., Jr., 1951, undated
Reel   2
Frame   302
Frawley, Christopher, 1974
Reel   2
Frame   306
Frazier, Carl E., 1974, 1976
Reel   2
Frame   311
Frost, Samuel, 1968, 1971
Reel   2
Frame   321
Fullerton, James H., 1951
Reel   2
Frame   324
Galloway, Charles R., 1956
Reel   2
Frame   326
Gatewood, R.B., 1954
Reel   2
Frame   329
Gencarella, Frank, 1975, undated
Reel   2
Frame   334
Gilpin, Leonard, 1943, undated
Reel   2
Frame   381
Glazer, Joseph, 1947-1976
Reel   2
Frame   392
Gordon, Lillian, 1968-1969
Reel   2
Frame   409
Gordon, William, 1955, 1976
Reel   2
Frame   421
Gore, Gene, 1970
Reel   2
Frame   431
Green, James E., 1945, undated
Reel   2
Frame   436
Griffin, Neil, undated
Reel   2
Frame   439
Griffiths, Harold, 1974
Reel   2
Frame   443
Hall, Shirley, undated
Reel   2
Frame   447
Hankins, Bryan, 1949
Reel   2
Frame   449
Harras, Violet Lora, 1970
Reel   2
Frame   453
Harris, David T., 1973
Reel   2
Frame   456
Hedgepeth, Maurine, 1976, undated
Reel   2
Frame   460
Hemsing, Albert, 1951
Reel   2
Frame   462
Henderson, Truman, 1945
Reel   2
Frame   464
Henrich, William J., 1952
Reel   2
Frame   466
Hensley, Donald, 1974, undated
Reel   2
Frame   475
Hodgman, Alton Marshall, 1970, 1974
Reel   2
Frame   479
Hoff, Sue, undated
Reel   2
Frame   481
Holderman, Carl, 1954-1959, undated
Reel   2
Frame   510
Hoyman, Scott, 1969, 1970, 1976
Reel   2
Frame   525
Hueter, Joseph Leo, 1968, 1973, undated
Reel   2
Frame   536
Hughes, Charles, 1945, 1953
Reel   2
Frame   542
Hughes, Gus, 1953
Reel   2
Frame   545
Hughes, James F., 1945
Reel   2
Frame   553
Hurt, J.B., 1953
Reel   2
Frame   556
Izzi, Basil, 1943
Reel   2
Frame   583
Janaskie, Andrew, 1971
Reel   2
Frame   586
Jay, Lester H., undated
Reel   2
Frame   588
Jenkins, M. Ethel, 1960
Reel   2
Frame   595
Jones, Marie Washington, 1967, 1968
Reel   2
Frame   609
Jonnard, G.R., 1950
Reel   2
Frame   615
Jonsson, Carl W., undated
Reel   2
Frame   617
Jordan, Crystal Lee, 1963, 1974, undated
Reel   2
Frame   657
Jordan, Daniel B., undated
Reel   2
Frame   660
Kahan, Irving, 1976, undated
Reel   2
Frame   664
Kanun, Clara, undated
Reel   2
Frame   666
Katz, Isadore, 1946-1950
Reel   2
Frame   673
Kirkland, Edmund T., undated
Reel   2
Frame   677
Kiss, Frank J., 1945, undated
Reel   2
Frame   689
Kissack, John, undated
Reel   2
Frame   691
Kramer, Kenneth L., 1949-1953
Reel   2
Frame   751
Lary, Edgar, 1953
Reel   2
Frame   753
Lawrence, Roy R., 1946, 1954
Reel   2
Frame   756
Lazzio, Charles, 1967-1968
Reel   2
Frame   762
Leeds, Joseph, 1944
Reel   2
Frame   768
Leighton, Joel B., 1945, 1953
Reel   2
Frame   775
Lemos, Frank F., 1953
Reel   2
Frame   778
Librizzi, Ray, 1945
Reel   2
Frame   784
Lipowski, Joseph W., 1975
Reel   2
Frame   786
Lombardi, Armond, undated
Reel   2
Frame   788
Maken, Morris, 1960
Reel   2
Frame   793
Manney, Bernard J., 1951
Reel   2
Frame   804
McDowell, Art, 1944, 1949
Reel   2
Frame   813
McKee, Don, undated
Reel   2
Frame   819
McKnight, James G., 1970
Reel   2
Frame   822
McLaughlin, Nickoli T., 1976
Reel   2
Frame   825
McMahon, Ed, 1973-1974
Reel   2
Frame   834
McQuatty, Harold, 1956
Reel   2
Frame   836
Martin, Edna, 1947
Reel   2
Frame   851
Miller, Kazimer, 1949
Reel   2
Frame   853
Miller, William F., 1970
Reel   2
Frame   856
Misiaszek, Teddy, 1952, undated
Reel   2
Frame   859
Moore, Herschiel E., 1953
Reel   2
Frame   861
Moreno, Murray C., 1972
Reel   2
Frame   864
Morrill, Dorothy M., 1970
Reel   2
Frame   867
Munroe, William J., 1944
Reel   2
Frame   869
Muscheck, Fred, 1943
Reel   3
Frame   0
Neal, Eugene C., 1948, 1950
Reel   3
Frame   3
Neal, John, undated
Reel   3
Frame   5
Nejmeh, George J., 1946-1947
Reel   3
Frame   9
Nicholas, Frank, Jr., 1972
Reel   3
Frame   11
Nord, Elizabeth, 1946-1955, undated
Reel   3
Frame   29
Novo, Joseph C., 1944-1952, undated
Reel   3
Frame   43
O'Brien, Cyril A., 1948
Reel   3
Frame   48
O'Shea, James F., 1951, 1971, 1972, undated
Reel   3
Frame   53
Pacifico, James, 1953
Reel   3
Frame   55
Panek, Nathalie, undated
Reel   3
Frame   58
Parker, Howard E., 1948
Reel   3
Frame   60
Payne, Herbert, 1946-1972
Reel   3
Frame   100
Payton, Boyd, 1944-1975, undated
Reel   3
Frame   140
Pedigo, Joseph, 1962, 1973, 1976
Reel   3
Frame   148
Percel, Joseph, 1951
Reel   3
Frame   155
Perkel, George, 1948, 1949, 1976
Reel   3
Frame   160
Pitarys, Thomas, 1957, 1970, 1976
Reel   3
Frame   172
Pilot, Wanda, 1947, 1948, 1954
Reel   3
Frame   181
Pollack, Michael, 1969, undated
Reel   3
Frame   189
Pollack, William, 1942-1972, undated
Reel   3
Frame   344
Prestwood, James, 1970
Reel   3
Frame   346
Puckett, Charles, 1946-1947
Reel   3
Frame   355
Radcliff, Cree, 1947, 1955, 1956, undated
Reel   3
Frame   367
Renfroe, James, 1976
Reel   3
Frame   370
Richards, Garnold, 1968, 1971
Reel   3
Frame   374
Rieve, Emil, 1943-1975, undated
Reel   3
Frame   682
Rosenberg, Milton, 1950
Reel   3
Frame   685
Rowe, Mary Estelle, undated
Reel   3
Frame   688
Rubenstein, Jack, 1947-1972, undated
Reel   3
Frame   715
Ryan, Edmund, 1943, undated
Reel   4
Frame   0
Salee, Charles, undated
Reel   4
Frame   3
Saller, Simon, 1949, 1969
Reel   4
Frame   9
Santore, John, undated
Reel   4
Frame   12
Savoie, Lucille, 1948, 1950, undated
Reel   4
Frame   21
Shackley, Thomas E., 1949
Reel   4
Frame   23
Schoonjans, Michael, 1953, 1954, 1967
Reel   4
Frame   28
Schuler, Paul, 1947-1955, undated
Reel   4
Frame   99
Scully, Charles, undated
Reel   4
Frame   107
Serraino, Charles, 1949, 1956, 1970, undated
Reel   4
Frame   115
Seymour, Edward, undated
Reel   4
Frame   117
Simmons, Lowell, 1951, 1952
Reel   4
Frame   220
Slisz, Richard A., 1976
Reel   4
Frame   223
Smith, Emilie, 1945
Reel   4
Frame   225
Sobol, Charles, 1955, undated
Reel   4
Frame   259
Sparks, Philip, 1973
Reel   4
Frame   262
Spears, Ron, 1953
Reel   4
Frame   283
Stegall, J.E., 1949
Reel   4
Frame   264
Steiner, Joseph, 1949, 1950, 1952
Reel   4
Frame   287
Stetin, Sol, 1944-1976
Reel   4
Frame   661
Strength, Bill, 1950
Reel   4
Frame   663
Stroud, Harry, 1946
Reel   4
Frame   676
Stump, Arthur J., 1969
Reel   4
Frame   679
Sullivan, Anna B., 1946-1974, undated
Reel   4
Frame   692
Swaity, Paul, 1966-1976
Reel   4
Frame   708
Switzer, Silas, 1960
Reel   4
Frame   711
Sylvia, Ferdinand, 1951
Reel   4
Frame   713
Terry, David, 1969
Reel   4
Frame   716
Thody, Ron, 1968
Reel   4
Frame   722
Thomas, John G., 1949
Reel   4
Frame   724
Thomas, R.C., 1953, undated
Reel   4
Frame   727
Tibbetts, Norris, 1949
Reel   4
Frame   729
Tompkins, Albert S., 1959, undated
Reel   4
Frame   736
Truman, Walter, 1946
Reel   4
Frame   738
Tullar, William J., 1949, 1955, 1966
Reel   4
Frame   945
Umholtz, Peter, 1964, undated
Reel   4
Frame   751
Vergados, Louis, 1949
Reel   4
Frame   753
Vigorito, Thomas Francis, 1943
Reel   4
Frame   755
Wallace, Rolla L., 1952
Reel   4
Frame   769
Watson, George, undated
Reel   4
Frame   771
Webber, Charles C., 1953
Reel   4
Frame   776
Weintraub, Joseph, undated
Reel   4
Frame   778
Weiser, John B., 1968
Reel   4
Frame   787
West, Warren C., 1944
Reel   4
Frame   792
White, Horace, 1944-1975
Reel   4
Frame   809
White, Joseph R., undated
Reel   4
Frame   812
Whitehouse, John, 1966-1972, undated
Reel   4
Frame   824
Williams, Herbert S., 1947-1962
Reel   4
Frame   844
Williams, Thomas, 1957
Reel   4
Frame   846
Wittschen, Harry, 1970, 1973
Reel   4
Frame   851
Wood, Edith, 1944
Reel   4
Frame   853
Woodard, Albert R., 1949, 1974
Reel   4
Frame   856
Woywod, Pam, 1969
Reel   4
Frame   862
Wyle, Benjamin, 1954, 1956, 1958
Reel   4
Frame   874
Yadon, Lillian, undated
Reel   4
Frame   878
Yannarelli, Joseph, 1916, 1950, 1960
Reel   4
Frame   925
Zeichner, Irving, 1951