University of Wisconsin--Extension. Theater Library: Research Files, undated

Container Title
Series: William Pollock Files, 1937-1972
Scope and Content Note: Commonly referred to as the “Pollock Files” by the TWUA staff, these files are divided into three major areas - Pollock's service in the office of the Secretary-Treasurer, 1939-1953; the office of the Executive Vice President, 1953-1956; and the office of the President, 1956-1972.
Office of Secretary Treasurer, 1939-1955
Physical Description: 8 boxes 
Scope and Content Note: This record group consists of general files, which were Pollock's personal files; reports made by the office of the Secretary-Treasurer and the Finance Department (payroll); and diaries kept by Pollock.
General Files, 1936-1955
Box   573
Advance Control, 1939-1948
Box   573
Batey, John, 1939
Box   573
Budget Information - Payrolls Charters Issued
Box   573
Charles R. Hadley Company
Box   573
District of Columbia - Unemployment Insurance, 1936
Box   573
Executive Order - Overtime Wage Compensation
Box   573
Hearing - Investigating Committee on Charges Filed by Officers of Local 464
Box   573
Hellwig Silk Dyeing Situation
Box   573
Hill, Janet W.
Box   573
Holly, John - North Jersey Joint Board
Box   573
Inter-Office Memoranda - Other Departments, 1946-1947
Box   573
Inter-Office Memoranda - Payroll Department, 1946-1957
Box   573
Box   573
Kendall Mills - Negotiations
Box   573
Long, Luther W.
Box   573
Mid-Hudson Valley Joint Board
Box   573
Naval Affairs Investigating Committee
Box   573
New Bedford, Massachusetts
Box   573
Box   574
Mill Owners, 1946
Box   574
Mortuary Fund, 1939-1947
Box   574
Northern Cotton Case, 1944
Box   574
Political Action Donations, 1944
Personal Files of William Pollock
Box   574
Bank Statements, 1945-1948
Box   574
Government Travel
Box   574
Northern Textile Commission - War Labor Board, 1946
Box   574
Personal, 1942-1944
Box   574
Textile Commission - War Labor Board, 1945
Box   574
Memos, 1943-1946
Box   575
Memos, 1946-1955
Box   575
Stehli Case
Box   575
Southern Drive - G. Baldanzi, Director
Box   575
Staff Reports - Indexed and Condensed, 1944
Box   575
Tariff, 1945
Box   575
“UpTwist-DownTwist” Matter, Local 1874
Box   575
Unemployment, 1950
Box   575
Warehousemen's Union Matter
Box   575
War Labor Board (Hearing - Atlanta, Georgia, 1945)
Box   575
Windsor Case - Joseph Hueter, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Box   576
Textile Workers Organizing Committee, 1937-1940
Reports, 1938-1951
Box   576
Reports of Operations, 1938-1951
Box   576
Statement of Income - Locals, 1940-1945
Box   577-578
Trustees' Report, 1939-1952
Box   578
Audits, 1949-1952
Box   578
General Secretary-Treasurer's Reports, 1945-1947
Box   579
Financial Reports, 1941-1945
Box   580
Financial Reports, 1945-1946
Box   580
Mortuary Benefit Funds, 1940-1945
Box   580
Diaries, 1939-1942
Office of the Executive Vice President: General Files, 1950-1957
Physical Description: 5 boxes 
Scope and Content Note: Arranged in alphabetical order, the general files consist of committee correspondence and reports; department directors meetings and reports; local and joint board correspondence; and other materials relating to Pollock as Executive Vice President. Because of President Rieve's ill health, Pollock assumed a good portion of his responsibilities between 1953 and 1956. As a result, some materials relating to his vice presidential period are to be found in the Office of the President files.
Box   580
American Woolen Arbitration, 1953
Box   580
Arms Textile, 1950-1951
Box   580
Auto Expense Allowance Committee
Box   580
Bag Industry Bi County Joint Board
Box   580
Budget, 1953
Box   580
Canada Trip, 1953
Box   580
Carpet Advisory Committee Minutes, 1952-1957
Box   581
Comparative Report of Operations, 1952
Box   581
CIO, 1953
Box   581
Constitution Committee of Executive Council
Box   581
Cost of Living, 1952-1953
Box   581
Cordage Industry
Box   581
Cotton and Rayon, 1953
Box   581
Cotton and Rayon Industry - Victor Canzano, Director, 1954
Box   581
Credit Unions
Box   581
Department Directors Meetings, 1953-1955
Box   581
Directors' Reports, 1953-1954
Box   582
Directors' Reports - Summaries, 1956
Box   582
Double Woven and Picardy Mills Corporation, 1952
Box   582
Dues and Per Capita, 1953-1954
Box   582
Duplan Corporation
Box   582
Dyers Division, 1953
Box   582
Edelman, John
Box   582
Education Department, 1953
Box   582
Ediphone Transcript, 1953
Box   582
Erwin Mills
Box   582
Executive Council
Box   582
Federal Civil Defense Administration - Labor Advisory Committee
Box   582
General Office Bulletin
Box   582
Holmes (Archibald) and Son Inc.
Box   582
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
Box   582
Johnson & Johnson
Box   582
Legal Department, 1953
Box   582
March of Dimes, 1950-1951
Box   582
Murray (Philip) Memorial Foundation, 1953
Box   582
Payne (Herbert) Memorial
Box   583
Political Action Department
Box   583
NLRB Elections, 1955-1957
Box   583
New England Cotton Strike-Emergency Relief Fund, 1955
Box   583
New England Staff Meeting, 1954-1957
Box   583
New York Joint Board, 1957
Box   583
Northwest Georgia Joint Board, 1953
Box   583
Northern Cotton-Rayon Joint Board Managers Meeting, 1956
Box   583
Ohio-Michigan Area Conference, 1955
Box   583
Payton, Boyd E., 1954-1956
Box   583
Pennsylvania Staff Meeting, 1955
Box   583
Pensions - Industry
Box   583
Personnel Correspondence, 1952-1958
Box   583
Political Action, 1952
Box   583
Political - National, 1952
Box   583
Public Affairs Institute, “Washington Windows”
Box   583
Public Relations Campaign, 1956-1957
Box   583
Publicity Department, 1953
Box   583
Research Department, 1953
Box   583
“Rent Control”
Box   583-584
Report of Operations, 1953-1957
Box   584
Rieve, Emil
Box   584
Rosenberg, Milton
Box   584
Rubenstein, Jack
Box   584
Saco-Lowell Shops Arbitration
Box   584
Sick Leave, 1949-1952
Box   584
Speeches, 1952
Box   584
Staff Curtailment, 1954-1955
Box   584
Staff and Department Head Meetings, 1952-1954
Box   584
Staff Listings, 1954 (Organizing)
Box   584
Staff - Agreement, 1950-1952
Box   584
Strikes, 1953
Box   584
Taft-Hartley, 1953
Box   584
Box   584
“Technological Change in the Textile Industry”
Box   584
Telephone Messages, 1953
Box   584
Textron - Nashua, New Hampshire
Box   584
Unemployment Insurance
Box   584
Wage Stabilization Manual, 1951
Box   584
Woolen and Worsted Negotiations, 1951-1953
Office of the President
Physical Description: 88 boxes 
Box   585
Box   586
Box   587
Box   588
Executive Council
General Files (Minutes and Committees)
Box   589
Box   590
Box   591
1958, 1960
Box   592
1961, 1963
Box   593
Box   594
Box   595
Box   596-597
Verbatim Transcripts, 1963-1964 (Minutes)
Box   597
Mimeographed Minutes, 1950-1956
Box   598
Mimeographed Minutes, 1956-1963
Departments, 1953-1966
Scope and Content Note: The department files are divided into two sections: directors and staff files, which consist of correspondence with the TWUA leadership, and the departmental and industries correspondence, which consists of correspondence relating generally to the departments. There is considerable correspondence with John Chupka and Irving Abramson. In addition, the directors and staff files include materials on department directors meetings, memos and instructions to all offices, and communications with the Charlotte, North Carolina office.
Directors and Staff
Box   599
Department Directors Meetings
Box   599
All Departments
Box   599
Charlotte Office
Box   599
Abramson, Irving
Box   599
Abramson and Lewis
Box   599
Barkin, Sol
Box   599
Canzano, Reba
Box   599
Canzano, Victor
Box   599-600
Chupka, John, 1953-1966
Box   600
Daoust, J. Harold
Box   600
Disend, Harry
Box   600
DuChessi, William
Box   600
Edelman, John
Box   600
Epstine, Irving
Box   600
Gilpin, Reba
Box   600-601
Gordon, William
Box   601
Kahan, Irving
Box   601
Leighton, Joel
Box   601
Box   601
Rieve, Emil
Box   601
Rosenberg, Milton
Box   601
Rubenstein, Jack
Box   601
Samuels, Wilbur
Box   601
Samuels, Wilbur and Harry Disend
Box   601
Stetin, Sol
Box   602
Samuels, Wilbur and Harry Disend
Box   602
Swaity, Paul
Departmental and Industries Correspondence
Box   602
Carpet Division
Box   602
Cotton and Rayon Division
Box   602
COPE and Legislative Departments
Box   602
Dyeing and Finishing
Box   602-603
Education Department
Box   603
Engineering Department
Box   603
Finance Department
Box   603
Hosiery Division
Box   603-604
Legal Department
Box   604
Box   604
Box   604-605
Payroll Department
Box   605
Political Action Department
Box   605
Publicity Department
Box   606-607
Research Department
Box   607
Synthetic Yarn Agreements
Box   607
Washington Office
Conferences, Committees and Meetings, 1950-1965
Scope and Content Note: Arranged chronologically by year and alphabetically thereunder, these files consist of minutes, agenda, reports and correspondence relating to the conferences, committees and meetings which William Pollock attended or planned to attend. Together the files cover a wide range of activities including negotiations of other unions, federal and state labor activities, international meetings, and speaking engagements.
Box   608
CIO Conventions, 1950-1955
Box   608
IUD Executive Council and Executive Board Meetings, 1956-1957
Box   608
CIO, 1953
Box   608
Carpet Conferences, 1953-1957
Box   609
Carpet Advisory Committees, 1953-1958
Box   609
Locals and Joint Boards
AFL-CIO No Raiding Agreement
Box   609
Operating Engineers v. TWUA
Box   609
TWUA v. UTW - Chicopee Manufacturing Company
Box   609
Malina Sales Company
Box   609
National Haircloth Company (Teamsters Raid)
Box   609
Personal Products
Box   609
Rock Hill Printing and Finishing Strike
Box   609
Schlegel Manufacturing Company
Box   609
American Federation of Hosiery Workers
Box   609
American Wool Company, 1954
Box   609
Atomic Chemical Oil - Petroleum - Industry Group Committee
Box   609
Bigelow-Sanford Conference
Box   609
Boxing Managers Association
Box   609
Camp Hilltop Institute
Box   609
Charlotte Conference
Box   609
Chatham Manufacturing Company
Box   609
CIO Flood Relief Committee Meeting, 1955
Box   609
Cone Mills Workers Mass Meeting, 1954
Box   609
Democratic National Convention, 1957
Box   609
Doolan Campaign for Congress
Box   609
Greater New York Joint Board
Box   609
Karagheusian Inc.
Box   609
Local 63, Manchester, Connecticut, 1955
Box   609
Local 122, Yonkers, New York, 1955
Box   609
Mass Meeting - Brookford, North Carolina
Box   609
Local 1733, 1955
Box   609
Organizing Committee Meeting, 1953-1955
Box   610
Organizing Committee Meeting, 1952-1953
Box   610
Southern Industrial Progress, 1952
Box   610
Southern Delegates Conference, 1954, 1956-1957
Box   610
Regional Staff Conferences, 1956
Box   610
Union Label Department
Box   610
Upper South, 1954
Box   610
Virginia CIO Council, 1953
Box   610
Voluntary Assessment
Box   610
West Coast Conference, 1957
Box   610
White Citizens Councils Resolution
Box   610
Woolen and Worsted Industry, 1951-1956
Box   610
AFL-CIO Organizing Assistance
Box   610
Jack Livingston, Director
Box   610
Administrators, 1952, 1956-1957
Box   610
Administration, 1952
Box   610
Berkshire Joint Board Labor Day Outing, 1954
Box   610
Biddeford-Saco Joint Board, 1954
Box   610
Canada - Industry and Wages
Box   610
Canadian Conference
Box   610
Box   610
Canadian Staff Conference, 1953-1957
Box   610
Central Jersey Joint Board Area Conference, 1953
Box   610
Charlotte Crew Leaders Conference, 1954, 1952
Box   611
CIO, 1952
Conference - State, Regional and Industry Directors, 1948
Box   611
Conference - Atlanta, Georgia, 1949
Box   611
Conference - State Directors, 1949
Box   611
Conference - Regional and State Directors, 1949
Box   611
COPE - Staff Contributions, 1956-1957
Box   611
Cotton-Rayon Conference, 1951-1957
Box   611
Delinquency of Per Capita Tax Payments
Box   611
District 0ffices, 1948-1953
Box   611
Expense Allowance - Staff
Box   611
Fall River
Box   611
Fidelity Hosiery, 1956
Box   611
Georgia State Conference, 1950
Box   611
International Federation of Textile Workers' Associations, 1951, 1957
Box   611
Insurances - Employees with Leave of Absence Status, 1954-1956
Box   611
International Committee, 1950
Box   611
Joint Boards
Box   611
Lace Industry
Box   611
Local 6 - Pensioners Meeting
Box   611
Local 122 - Meeting of Executive Board and Stewards
Box   611
Local 250, 1953
Box   611
Local 549 - Meeting
Box   611
Local 550
Box   611
Local 656
Box   611
Local 1034
Box   611
Lockport Mills Inc., 1956
Box   611
Massachusetts State CIO Convention
Box   611
Membership Figures, 1956
Box   611
Mid-Atlantic Regional Staff Conference, 1953-1956
Box   612
Regional Staff Conferences
Box   612
Southern Regional Staff Conference
Box   612
Mid-Atlantic Regional Staff Conference
Box   612
AFL-CIO Economic and Legislative Conference
Box   612
General Board Meeting
Box   612
Cotton-Rayon, Woolen-Worsted Conference
Box   612
Jute and Cordage Conference
Box   612
Philadelphia Joint Board Conference
Box   612
Social Security Standing Committee - AFL-CIO
Box   612
International Federation of Textile Workers' Assoc.
Box   612
Southern Regional Conference
Box   612
AFL-CIO Community Services Conference
Box   612
AFL-CIO Conference on Shorter Hours of Work, 1956
Box   612
AFL-CIO Curtailment of Staff
Box   612
AFL-CIO Research Department
Box   612
AFL-CIO Social Security Committee Meeting, 1956
Box   612
Social Security Subcommittee Meeting, 1956
Box   612
Canzano, Victor
Box   612
Carpet Advisory Committee Meeting, 1959
Box   612
Chupka, John
Box   612
Carpet Conference
Box   612
Conference - Chemstrand, Pensacola, Florida
Box   612
Northern Textile Local Conference
Box   612
Publicity Department
Box   613
CIO Standing Committee on Ethical Practices
Box   613
Canadian Conference
Box   613
DuChessi, William
Box   613
Dyers and Printers Pension Fund
Box   613
Canada - No-Raiding Agreement between Trades and Labour Congress of Canada and Canadian Congress of Labour
Box   613
Canzano, Reba
Box   613
Edelman, John
Box   613
AFL-CIO Unity Conference, 1955
Box   613
American Finishing Company, 1958
Box   613
Amsterdam Joint Board Installation, 1959
Box   613
New England Special Regional Conference
Box   613
Mid-Atlantic Special Regional Conference
Box   613
Midwest Regional Staff Conference
Box   613
New England Regional Conference
Box   613
Ohio-Michigan Area Conference
Box   613
South-Central Regional Conference
Box   613
Southeastern, North Carolina, South Carolina Regional Conference
Box   613
Upper South Regional Conference
Box   613
Cotton-One-Price System
Box   613
Danville Property Litigation
Box   613
Democratic National Committee, 1958
Box   613
International Federation of Textile Workers Association, General Council Meeting
Box   613
AFL-CIO Unemployment Conference
Box   613
Legislative Conference
Box   613
Mergers on State Level
Box   613
Administrative Committee
Box   613
Box   613
Committee Meetings
Box   614
Executive Committee Meetings
Box   614
Staff Meeting-South Central
Box   614
Western Region Staff Conference
Box   614
Mid-Atlantic Staff Conference
Box   614
Regional Convention Conferences
Box   614
Industrial Union Department
Box   614
Legislative Conference
Box   614
Executive Committee Meetings
Box   614
Western Staff Conference
Box   614
Middle Atlantic Staff Conference
Box   614
Regional Conference
Box   614
President's Committee on Equal Opportunity
Box   614
Box   614
Textile Works Asian Regional Organization
Box   614
Voter Registration Drive
Box   614
Woolen and Worsted Conference
Box   614
Wirtz, Willard
Box   614
Welfare Plans
Box   614
Wage Drive, 1964
Box   614
Executive Committee Meeting
Box   614
DuPont Chain (Organizing)
Box   614
Legislative Conference and Congressional Dinner
Box   614
Box   614
Mediation Case - Boilermakers v. Steelworkers
Box   614
Box   614
Mediation Case - Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union v. International Union of Operating Engineers
Box   614
Executive Council on Peace Corps
Box   614
Executive Council Meeting
Box   614
0rganizing Drive - Hampden County, Massachusetts
Box   614
Box   614
Box   615
“Open Letter to Southern Employers”
Box   615
Legislative Department
Box   615
General Board Meeting
Box   615
Legal Memos, 1966
Box   615
Legal Department
New England
Box   615
Staff Conference
Box   615
Trip to Stonington, Connecticut, Local 110
Box   615
Trip to Bradford, Rhode Island, Local 431
Box   615
Trip to Lewiston, Maine, Local 462
Box   615
Trip to New Bedford, Massachusetts, Annual Joint Board Clambake
Box   615
Local 460
Box   615
Synthetic - General
Box   615
Trip to Southwest Ontario Joint Board
Box   615
Upper South - General Correspondence
Box   615
Box   615
Staff Conference
Box   615
Box   615
James Roosevelt Testimonial Dinner
Box   615
Trip to Painesville, Oregon, Local 482
New York State
Box   615
General Correspondence
Box   615
Local 1456
Box   615
Trip to Central and South Jersey Joint Board
Box   615
Algro Knitting-Local 1363
Box   615
C.H. Masland and Sons - Organizing Campaign
Box   615
Indiana Locals Conference
Box   615
Trip to Minneapolis
Box   615
Trip to St. Louis Joint Board
Box   615
Trip to Detroit, Michigan
Box   615
South Administration
Box   615
General Correspondence
Box   616
South - Organizing
Box   616
Swaity, Paul
Box   616
New Orleans-Texas Conference
Box   616
Local 1592, Calhoun, Georgia
Box   616
Southern Staff Conference
Box   616
Leadership Conference
Box   616
Box   616
Committee on Social Security, 1961
TWUA Committees and Conferences, 1955-1966
Box   616
Defense Fund, 1961
Executive Committee Meetings
Box   616
Box   617
Constitutional Changes Committee
Box   617
1959-1960, 1955-1956
Box   617
Contracts Committee, 1962
Box   617
Committee to Work on Denial of Government Contracts to Violators of Federal Labor Laws
Box   617
Committee to Study Gifts to Retiring Staff Members
Economic Prospects in the Textile Industry
Economic Prospects in the Textile Industry
Box   617
Recent Developments in the Knitting Industry
Box   617
Rapid Depreciation
Box   617
New England Textile Commission
Box   617
Contract Negotiations
Box   617
President Kennedy's 7 Point Program for Textile Industry
Box   617
Economic Policy Committee
Box   617
Economic Policy Committee
Box   617
Fringe Benefits for Staff
Box   617
International Affairs Committee, 1958-1962
Box   617
Long-Term Contract and Welfare Fund Committee, 1956-1957
Box   617
Proper Use of Union Funds, 1957
Box   617
Severance Pay for Staff Members Committee
Box   617
Union Label Committee
Box   617
Strike and Defense Fund Committee, 1959
Box   617
Structure Committee, 1955-1956
Box   617
Textile Machinery Committee, 1961
Box   617
Tariff and International Trade Committee, 1964
Box   617
Union Programs for Fair Practices Advisory Committee
Box   617
Welfare Fund Committee, 1963-1966
Box   617
Staff Retirement Committee
Box   618
Public Relations Committee, 1967
Box   618
Committee to Study Problems Arising Under New Constitution
Box   618
Committee to Study the Format of Industry Conferences
Box   618
Committee to Study Program of Relief to Vietnamese Workers, 1966
Box   618
Defense Fund Committee
Box   618
Constitution - Suggested Changes, 1965
Box   618
Committee to Investigate the Election of Staff as Convention Delegates
Box   618
Constitution Review Committee, 1966
Box   618
Committee Study Constitution, 1965-1966
Box   618
Organizing Reports - Boyd Payton, 1957
Box   618
Organizing Committee, 1967-1968
Box   618
Staff Retirement Plan, 1967
Box   618
Welfare Plan, 1967, 1969
Regional Administrative and Organizing Files, 1955-1971
Scope and Content Note: Arranged by region and in some cases by joint board, these files contain the administrative communications and the organizing files of the various regional offices. The administrative communications were addressed to the regional director and include reports, grievances (usually only important cases), material regarding companies, and other general administrative matters. The organizing files consist of correspondence and reports relating to the status of regional organizing efforts.
Box   619
Organizing, 1956-1958
Box   620
Annual Installation Banquet, Local 630 (New Jersey)
Box   620
Local 1034, Fibre Glass, Huntington, Pennsylvania, 1958
Box   620
Local 1874, Cumberland, Maryland, 1958
Box   620
Fall River Joint Board - Installation of Officers, 1957
Box   620
New Bedford Joint Board, 1955-1958
Box   620
North Carolina State AFL-CIO, 1958
Box   620
Rubenstein, Jack, 1958
Box   620
Samuels, Wilbur, 1958
Box   620
Southwestern Ontario Joint Board, 1958
Box   620
Vacation Schedule, 1958
Box   620
Wages, 1951-1958
Box   620
Philadelphia Joint Board, 1959
Box   620
Political Action, 1959
Box   620
Publicity Department, 1959
Box   620
Regional Directors, 1959
Box   620
Canada, J. Harold Daoust, 1959
Box   620
Far West, Neil Griffin, 1959
Box   620
Midwest, William Tullar, 1959
Box   620
New England, J.W. Belanger, 1959
Box   620
North and South Carolina, Boyd Payton
Box   620
Ohio-Michigan, Morris Riger, 1959
Box   620
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware
Box   620
Sol Stetin, 1959
Box   620
South Central, H.S. Williams, 1959
Box   620
Southeastern, Michael Botelho, 1959
Box   620
Upper South, Wesley W. Cook, 1959
Box   620
South Central, 1958-1961
Box   620
Midwest, William J. Tullar
Box   620
Ohio and Michigan, Morris Riger
Box   620
West Coast, Neil Griffin
Box   620
Canada, J. Harold Daoust
Box   620
New England Joint Boards
Regional Reports, 1956-1961
Box   621
New England, J. William Belanger
Box   621
Reports from Local Unions
Box   621
New York, Jack Rubenstein
Box   621
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware, Sol Stetin
Box   621
Upper South, Wesley W. Cook
Box   621
New York State Joint Boards
Box   621
New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware Joint Board
Deep South
Box   621
Boyd E. Payton
Box   621
Deep South Joint Boards
Box   621
South Central Joint Boards
Box   621
Midwest Joint Boards
Box   621
Ohio and Michigan Joint Boards
Box   621
Canada Joint Boards
Box   621
Summary of Monthly Reports
Box   621
Reba Ganzano
Regional Reports, 1961
New England
Box   622
Box   622
Box   622
Improved Machinery - Local 827
Box   622
Greater Fall River and New Bedford Joint Boards
Box   622
William Belanger Speech Material
Box   622
Salco Campaign, New Bedford, Massachusetts
Box   622
Rhode Island State Joint Board Education Dinner
Southeastern Region
Box   622
Michael Botelho
Box   622
Box   622
Box   622
Organizing Campaign - IUD, ILGWU, ACW
Box   622
Local 1465
Box   622
Courtauds - Alabama Agreements
Box   622
J.H. Daoust
Box   622
Box   622
Box   622
Local 1305 - Fiberglass
Far West
Box   622
Box   622
Box   622
Bay Area Joint Board
Box   622
Celanese Corporation
Box   622
T.B. Emory Monthly Reports - Bay Area Joint Board
Box   622
Neil Griffin
Upper South
Box   622
W.W. Cook
Box   622
Box   622
Box   622
Seff v. TWUA
New York State
Box   622
Rubenstein, Jack
Box   622
Box   622
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware
Box   622
Sol Stetin Administrative
Box   622
Box   623
Box   623
Central Jersey Joint Board
Box   623
William J. Tullar
Box   623
South Central
Box   623
H.S. Williams
Box   623
Box   623
Box   623
Cone Mills
Box   623
Box   623
United Papermakers and Paperworks - Olin Mathieson Corporation
New England
Box   623
William Belanger
Box   623
Box   623
Massachusetts Joint Board
Box   623
Lancashire Textile Processing Corporation
Box   623
Belanger Conference
Box   623
Wyandotte Worsted Company
Box   623
Belanger Conference
Box   623
Wyandotte Worsted Company
Box   623
Belanger Conference
Box   623
Wyandotte Worsted Company
Box   623
Berkshire - Hathaway
Box   623
Trip to Willimantic, Connecticut, Local 460
Box   623
Trip to West Warwick, Rhode Island
Box   623
Trip to New Bedford Joint Board
Box   623
New England - Greater Fall River and New Bedford Joint Boards
Box   623
Trip to Rhode Island State Joint Board
Box   623
Improve Machinery
Box   623
Trip to Local 110, Stonington, Connecticut
South East
Box   623
M. Botelho
Box   623
Box   623
Clearwater Finishing Company
Box   623
Indian Head Mills
Box   623
Aragon Mills
Box   623
Upper South
Box   623
Boyd Payton
Box   623
Box   623
New Assignment - Boyd Payton
Box   623
Payton Conference
Box   623
West Virginia Nitro - Local 7 (American Viscose Fibres Division)
Box   623
Local 202
Box   623
Synthetic Yarn - W. Cook
Box   623
Harold Daoust
Box   623
Far West
Box   624
Griffin Conference
Box   624
General Correspondence
Box   624
Bay Area Joint Board
Box   624
Burkart Case
New York State
Box   624
Rubenstein, Jack
Box   624
Box   624
Buffalo-Oswego Joint Boards
Box   624
Trip to Local 3, Rochester, New York
Box   624
Trip to Local 1085, Auburn, New York
Quin States
Box   624
Sol Stetin
Box   624
Box   624
Colonial Piece Dye Works
Central Jersey Joint Board
Box   624
Local 2052
Box   624
Johnson & Johnson
Regional Reports, 1962
Box   624
Philadelphia Joint Board, Muscheck-Powell Banquet
Box   624
Trip to Local 2052
Box   624
Trip to Local 1034, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania
Box   624
Sol Stetin - Philadelphia Joint Board
Box   624
William J. Tullar
Box   624
Box   624
Staff Needs
Box   624
Kansas City Joint Board
Tullar, William J.
Box   624
Local 64
Box   624
Chicago Joint Board
Box   624
Trip to Chicago, Illinois
Wage-Fringe Campaign
Box   624
Wage-Fringe Activities
Box   624
Upper South: Fringe Seminar - Wes Cook
Box   624
Fringe Benefit Seminar - New York
Box   624
William Belanger - Fringe Seminar
Box   624
Wage and Fringe Benefits Meeting
Box   624
H.S. Williams - Fringe Seminar
Box   624
Sol Stetin
Box   624
Wage Fringe Benefits Quiz
South Central
Box   624
H.S. Williams
Box   624
Box   625
IUD: Greenville-Spartenburg
Box   625
Dalton, Georgia Tufted Industry Campaign
Box   625
Williams Conference
Box   625
Cone Mills
Box   625
Memphis Area Joint Board
Box   625
Local 1386
Box   625
Local 324
Box   625
Local 1093
Box   625
Local 325
Regional Reports, 1963
Box   625
Research Department, 1960 and 1963
New England
Box   625
Box   625
Peter Karen - Rhode Island
Box   625
Greater Fall River Joint Board
Box   625
Lewiston, Maine
Box   625
Hayward-Schuster Woolen Mills Inc.
Box   625
New England Regional Conference
Box   625
Local 460
Box   625
Local 590
Box   625
New Bedford Joint Board
Box   625
Northeastern Massachusetts Joint Board
Far West
Box   625
Box   625
Portland Area Joint Board
Box   625
Bay Area Joint Board
Box   625
Great Western Cordage
Box   625
Upper South
Box   625
Box   625
Synthetic Yarns - W.W. Cook
Box   625
Volunteer Organizing
Box   625
Imco Container Corporation
Box   625
Local 759
Box   625
Lees Carpet Company
Box   625
Trip - Washington, D.C.
Box   625
Box   625
Ontario, Canada
Box   625
Box   625
Daoust Meeting
Box   625
Toronto, Canada
New York State
Box   625
Box   625
Capital District Joint Board
Box   625
Ideal Knit Goods
Box   625
Hudson Area Joint Board
Quin States
Box   625
Box   626
Box   626
Philadelphia Joint Board
Box   626
Pennsylvania and Delaware Staff
Box   626
New Jersey Staff Conference
Box   626
Local 874 - Administrator
Box   626
Ohio-Michigan Region
Box   626
Local 1166
Box   626
Central and South Jersey Joint Board
Box   626
Lewistown, Pennsylvania
Box   626
Passaic Joint Board
Box   626
Box   626
Organizing Conference
Box   626
Chicago Staff Conference
Box   626
Midwest Staff Conference
Box   626
Chicago, Illinois
Box   626
Oak Park, Illinois
Box   626
Box   626
Freeman, Robert and Rene Berthiaume - Lyman Leaflet
South Central
Box   626
Box   626
New Orleans - Texas Situation
Box   626
The Carolinas
Box   626
Box   626
Local 250
Box   626
Columbia, South Carolina
Box   626
Rock Hill, South Carolina
Box   626
Cone Mills Meeting
Box   626
South East Volunteer Organizing Conference
Box   626
Allied Chemical Campaign and Organizing Results
Regional Reports, 1964
New England
Box   626
Box   626
Berkshire Hathaway Negotiations
Box   626
Bates Manufacturing Company Negotiations
Box   626
American Thread Negotiations
Box   626
Willimantic, Connecticut - Local 460
Box   626
Bates Manufacturing Company
Box   626
Pepperell Negotiations
Box   626
New England Staff Meeting
Box   626
Local 39
Box   626
Lawrence, Massachusetts
Box   626
New Bedford, Massachusetts Joint Board
Box   626
Providence, Rhode Island
Box   626
Rhode Island State Joint Board - COPE
Box   626
New Hampshire AFL-CIO State
Box   626
Homestead Plant, New Hampshire
Upper South
Box   626
Box   626
Local 1593
Box   626
Local 275
Box   626
Local 1874
Box   626
Local 875
Box   626
Hercules Powder
Box   626
Local 35
Box   626
Local 1874
Synthetic - General
Box   627
Davis, Bill
Box   627
Washington Office
Box   627
Post Convention
Box   627
Box   627
Local 717, Toronto, Canada
Far West
Box   627
New York Region
Box   627
Box   627
Local 898
Box   627
Buffalo, New York
Quin State
Box   627
Box   627
Stetin - Johnson & Johnson
Box   627
Jurisdictional Dispute
Box   627
Local 212
Box   627
Local 178
Box   627
Paterson, New Jersey - Local 87
Box   627
New Brunswick, New Jersey Joint Board
Box   627
Allentown District Joint Board
Box   627
Hudson-Essex Joint Board
Box   627
Ohio-Michigan Conference
Box   627
Box   627
Local 194
Box   627
St. Louis Joint Board
Box   627
Local 695
South Central
Box   627
Box   627
Staff Meeting - C. Auslander
Box   627
Lyman Campaign
Box   627
Wage Agitational Conference
Box   627
South Central
Box   627
Box   627
Fitzgerald Mills Corporation
Box   627
Canton Mills Strike
Box   627
American Thread, Dalton, Georgia
Box   627
Calhoun, Georgia
Box   627
Local 689 - Rome, Georgia
Regional Reports, 1965
Box   628
New England: J. Harold Daoust
Box   628
Upper South: Wayne Dernoncourt
Box   628
New York State: Jack Rubenstein
Box   628
Quin State: Sol Stetin
Box   628
South: Paul Swaity
Box   628
Midwest: William Tullar
Box   628
Lewiston Joint Board: D. Glais
Box   628
Granite State Joint Board: T. Pitarys
Box   628
Central Massachusetts Joint Board: F. Damore
Box   628
New Bedford Joint Board: G. Carignan
Box   628
Northeastern Joint Board: A. Hodgman
Box   628
Western and Berkshire Joint Boards: A. Sullivan
Box   628
Connecticut Joint Board: D. Gallagher
Box   628
Rhode Island Joint Board: Samuel Azzinaro
Box   628
Buffalo and Oswego Joint Boards: Garnold Richards
Box   628
Greater New York Joint Board: Irving Epstine
Box   628
Central Jersey and South Jersey: J. McKnight
Box   628
Passaic Bergen Joint Board: F. Cuccio
Box   628
Allentown Joint Board: Joseph Coponi
Box   628
Garden Spot and Schuylkill Valley Joint Board: S. Sailer
Box   628
Philadelphia Joint Board: Joseph Hueter
Box   628
Cincinnati Joint Board: C. Johnson
Box   628
Cleveland Joint Board: James Edmonds
Box   628
Toledo Joint Board: K. DeLong
Box   628
Bi-County Joint Board: Clem Dowler
Box   628
Memphis Area Joint Board: C.D. Boartfield
Box   628
St. Louis Joint Board: Charles Sallee
Box   628
Kansas City Joint Board: K. Papa
Box   628
Los Angeles Joint Board: F. Nicholas
Southwestern Ontario Joint Board
Box   628
Clair Easto
Box   628
Monthly Reports
Regional Reports, 1964
Box   628
Canada: J. Harold Daoust
Box   628
Upper South: Boyd Payton
Box   628
Quin State: Sol Stetin
Box   628
New York State: Jack Rubenstein
Box   628
Midwest: William Tullar
Box   628
New England and Woolen and Worsted: J. Harold Daoust
Box   628
Regional and Industry: Directors' Correspondence
Box   628
Rhode Island Joint Board: S. Azzinaro
Box   628
Amsterdam Joint Board: F. Krokenberger
Box   628
Buffalo and Oswego Joint Boards: G. Richards
Box   628
Allentown Joint Board: J. Coponi
Box   628
Garden Spot and Schuylkill Valley Joint Board: S. Sailer
Box   628
Philadelphia Joint Board: J. Hueter
Box   628
Cleveland Joint Board: J. Edmonds
Box   628
Bi-County Joint Board: Clem Dowler
Box   628
Chattanooga Area: D. Terry
Box   628
Synthetics: H. Williams
Box   628
Southeastern: M. Botelho
Box   628
Memphis Area Joint Board: C.D. Boartfield
Box   628
Chicago Joint Board: Edward Todd
Box   628
Kansas City Joint Board: K. Papa
Box   628
Eastern Township Joint Board: E. Gagnon
Regional Reports, 1963
Box   628
Monthly Reports
Box   628
Industrial and Regional Directors' Correspondence
Box   628
Southeastern: Mike Botelho
Box   628
Industrial and Regional Directors' Summaries
Box   628
New England: J. William Belanger
Box   628
Canada: J. Harold Daoust
Box   628
Midwest: William Tullar
Box   628
South Central: Charles Auslander
Regional Reports, 1962
Box   628
Upper South: Boyd Payton
Box   628
Quin State: Sol Stetin
Box   628
New York State: Jack Rubenstein
Box   628
South Central: H.S. Williams
Box   628
Cotton Rayon: Victor Canzano
Box   628
Synthetics: Wesley Cook
Box   628
Carpets and Rugs: William DuChessi
Box   628
Dyeing and Finishing: William Gordon
Box   628
Lewiston Joint Board
Box   628
Granite State Joint Board
Box   628
Twin State Joint Board
Box   628
Central Massachusetts Joint Board
Box   628
Greater Fall River Joint Board
Box   628
New Bedford Joint Board
Box   628
Northeastern Massachusetts Joint Board
Box   628
Western Massachusetts Joint Board
Box   628
Connecticut Joint Board
Box   628
Rhode Island Joint Board
Box   628
Amsterdam Joint Board
Box   628
Buffalo Joint Board
Box   628
Capital District Joint Board
Box   628
Greater New York Joint Board
Box   628
Western Massachusetts Joint Board
Box   628
Hudson Essex Joint Board
Regional Reports, 1963
Box   628
Passaic Joint Board
Box   628
South Jersey Joint Board
Box   628
Allentown District Joint Board
Box   628
Delaware Valley Joint Board
Box   628
Garden Spot Joint Board
Box   628
Penn Appalachian Joint Board
Box   628
Philadelphia Joint Board
Box   628
Schuylkill Valley District Joint Board
Box   628
Bi-County Joint Board
Box   628
Memphis Area Joint Board
Box   628
Chattanooga Area
Box   628
Mid Tennessee Area
Box   628
Kansas City Joint Board
Box   628
St. Louis Joint Board
Box   628
Cincinnati Joint Board
Box   628
Cleveland Joint Board
Box   628
Portland Area Joint Board
Box   628
Greater Toronto Joint Board
Box   628
Southwestern Ontario Joint Board
Box   628
Eastern Township Joint Board
Regional Reports, 1962
Box   628
Southeastern: Michael Botelho
Box   628
South Central: H.S. Williams
Box   628
South Central: Charles Auslander
Box   628
New England: William Belanger
Box   628
Canada: Harold Daoust
Box   628
Payton, Boyd
Box   628
Cotton-Rayon: Victor Canzano
Box   628
New York State: Jack Rubenstein
Box   628
Quin State: Sol Stetin
Box   628
Midwest: William Tullar
Box   628
Dyeing and Finishing: William Gordon
Box   628
Carpets and Rugs: William DuChessi
Box   628
Biddeford Saco Joint Board - Passaic Joint Board
Box   629
Penn Appalachian Joint Board - Southwestern Ontario Joint Board
Regional Reports, 1961
Box   629
South Central: H.S. Williams
Box   629
Southeastern: Michael Botelho
Box   629
Cotton-Rayon: Victor Canzano
Box   629
Upper South: Wesley Cook
Box   629
Carpets and Rugs: William DuChessi
Box   629
Dyeing Department: William Gordon
Box   629
New England: William Belanger
Box   629
Canada: Harold Daoust
Box   629
Far West: Neil Griffin
Box   629
Ohio-Michigan: Morris Riger
Box   629
New York State: Jack Rubenstein
Box   629
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware: Sol Stetin
Box   629
Midwest: William Tullar
Box   629
Biddeford Saco Joint Board - Southwestern Ontario Joint Board
Regional Reports, 1966-1968
Box   629
New England
Box   629
Box   629
Quin State
Box   629
New York
Box   629
Box   630
Upper South
Box   630
Box   630
Box   630
Box   630
Carpet Division
Box   630
Box   630
New England
Box   630
Far West
Box   630
New York Region
Box   630
Upper South
Box   630
Quin States
Box   630
Box   631
Box   631
Box   631
Far West
Box   631
Regional Reports, 1969
Box   631
Box   631
Box   631
Eastern Townships Joint Board, 1968-1969
Box   631
Box   631
Far West
Box   631
Upper South
Box   631
Box   631
New England
Box   631
New York
Box   631
Box   632
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights
Regional Reports, 1970-1971
Box   632
Box   632
Far West
Box   632
Box   632
New England
Box   632
New York
Box   632
Quin State
Subject Files - General, 1955-1971
Scope and Content Note

Integrated and filed alphabetically, these files were originally the “special files” and the “miscellany files” of the office of the president. The special files consist of subjects which required a high reference rate such as the Defense Fund Committee and Democratic conventions. The miscellany files which were filed alphabetically, consist of materials on unique events such as the Dinner Committee for Herman Badillo.

These subject/general files cover a wide range of topics concerning TWUA activities, national conferences, politics, regional matters, hearings and financial fund drives and investments. Of particular interest is the information on the Harriet-Henderson Strike, Clement Haynsworth, the Juniata Park Housing Corporation, and the McClellan Committee (concerning UTW and George Baldanzi).

Box   633
Box   633
Local 282
Box   633
Local 254
Box   633
Local 1522
Box   633
Local 146
Box   633
Affiliate Employees TWUA, 1966
Box   633
Affidavits of Non-Communist Union Officers, 1952-1959
Box   633
Agitational Wage Drive, 1966-1967
Box   633
Aleo Manufacturing Campaign, 1953
Box   633
Aleo Strike Situation, 1955
Box   633
“Almost Unbelievable,” 1964
Box   633
Appropriations for Textile Research, 1963
Box   633
Conference on Organizing, 1959
Box   633
Correspondence, 1960, 1966, 1970-1971
Box   633
Inter-American Affairs
Box   633
Legislative Conference, 1960
Box   633
Conference on World Affairs, 1960
Box   633
Box   633
American Institute for Free Labor Movement, 1968-1970
Box   633
American Arbitration Association Awards, 1970
Box   633
American Labor Magazine, 1970
Box   633
Applications for Staff, 1969
Box   634
“America's Stake in the South”
Box   634
American Viscose Advisory Council Meeting, 1964
Box   634
Arbitration Awards, 1963
Box   634
Areas of Cooperation between TWUA, ILGWU and ACW, 1960-1962
Box   634
Area Redevelopment Act, 1961
Box   634
Assets, Liabilities and New Worth, 1951-1961
Box   634
At-Home Expenses, 1966
Box   634
Baron, Sam
Box   634
Bonner, Joe, 1961
Botelho, Mike
Box   634
American Cyanamid Company
Box   634
Chemstrand, 1959-1960
Box   634
Brown, Hugh, 1962
Box   634
Boycott - Shell Oil, 1969
Box   634
Budget Information, 1953-1956
Box   634
Business Agents, 1963
Box   634
Bureau of Labor Management Reports, 1961
Box   634
Cabinet Textile Committee, 1961
Box   634
Canadian Regional Conference, 1960-1961
Box   634
Cannon Campaign, 1956
Box   634
Carpet Advisory Council, 1965
Box   634
Carpet Conference, 1965
Box   634
Carpet - General, 1957-1964
Box   634
Central Labor Council (AFL-CIO) - New York City, 1962
Box   634
Celanese Conference, 1964
Box   634
Celanese Corporation, 1959-1960, 1964
Box   635
Charters, 1949-1964
Box   635
Commission on Human Rights, 1968
Box   635
Civil Rights Conference, 1962
Box   635
Cone Mills, 1953-1957
Box   635
Conference Notes
Box   635
White House Conference on National Economic Issues, 1962
Box   635
TWUA - Suggestions, Forms, General Information and Yearly Lists of Conferences
Box   635
Constitutional Convention, 1962
Box   635
Consumers Information Committee
Box   635
Box   635
Goldberg, Arthur
Box   635
Consumer Soft Goods Committee, 1956
Box   635
Contract Files
Box   635
Convention Finances, 1952
Box   635
Cotton and Rayon Conference, 1960-1961, 1963
Box   635
Cotton and Rayon Negotiations, 1960
Box   635
Cotton-Rayon Joint Board Managers Meeting, 1963
Box   635
Citizens Committee for International Development, 1961
Cotton and Rayon
Box   636
Conference, 1962
Box   636
Policy Committee Meeting, 1962
Box   636
General, 1964
Box   636
North, 1964
Box   636
Joint Board Managers' Conference, 1964
Box   636
New England Managers' Meeting, 1964
Box   636
Conference, 1964
Box   636
Advisory Committee, 1964
Box   636
Conference, 1965
Box   636
Meeting, 1965
Box   636
After Settlement, 1965
Box   636
Wages, 1965
Box   636
Committee - North, 1965
Box   636
Committee Meeting, 1965
Box   636
Carlington Manufacturing Company, 1956-1961
Box   636
Defense Fund, 1962-1965, 1967-1970
Box   636
Democratic Convention, 1968
Box   636
Department of Labor - Committee for 50th Anniversary Celebration, 1963
Box   636
Dinner Committee for Herman Badillo, 1967
Dues Rates
Box   636
Locals and Joint Boards, 1966
Box   636
Canadian Staff Meeting, 1965
Box   636
Regional Directors Meeting, 1966
Box   636
Director's Meeting, 1965
Box   636
Far West Conference, 1966
Box   636
Upper South Staff Meeting, 1966
Box   636
Southern Staff Meeting, 1965
Box   636
Middle Atlantic States Staff Meeting, 1965
Box   636
D-2 Forms, 1966
Box   636
Increase Dues - Canada, 1966-1967
Box   636
Dues and Per Capita Increase after Convention, 1966
Box   637
Dues Increase Program, 1965
Box   637
Dyers and Printers Pension Fund Securities, 1960-1961
Box   637
Dyers Meeting, 1965
Box   637
Dyers' 30th Anniversary
Box   637
Economy - Regional Offices, 1961
Box   637
Economics, 1962
Box   637
Educational Committee to Halt Atomic Weapons Spread, 1966
Box   637
Educational Conference, 1962
Box   637
Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Foundation, 1961, 1963
Box   637
Eleanor Roosevelt Cancer Foundation - George Meany, 1962
Box   637
Election Summaries and Reports, 1955-1956
Box   638
Election Results, 1968
Box   638
Employment of the Handicapped, 1962
Box   638
Equal Employment Opportunities, 1961
Box   638
Erwin Housing Project, 1959
Box   638
Essay Contest on Solutions for Textile Industry Problems
Box   638
EPA (European Productivity Agency) Textile Team, 1960
Box   638
Expenses (Cost for each staff member), 1957
Box   638
Fact Sheet Mailing, 1962
Box   638
Fair Employment Practices, 1961-1962
Box   638
Far West - Administrative, 1959-1960
Federation of Textile Representatives (FTR)
Box   638
Inception of, 1962
Box   638
Quin State Special Project
Box   638
Southern Special Project
Box   638
International Representatives Agreements
Box   638
NLRB -TWUA, 1962
Box   638
Signed Contracts, 1963
Box   638
Contract Attachments, 1963
Box   638
Contract Proposals, 1963
Box   638
Box   638
Progression Rate
Box   638
Barker, Tom
Box   638
Brook, Garland
Box   638
Cearley, Roy
Box   638
Clark, Charles
Box   638
Dunton, Bruce
Box   638
Dyndur, William
Box   639
Dyndur, William (continued)
Box   639
Freer, Escue
Box   639
Freeman, Robert
Box   639
Gareau, Robert
Box   639
Gossett, Lloyd
Box   639
Joseph, Frank
Box   639
Ryn, Ed
Box   639
Smith, George
Box   639
Williams, David
Box   639
Field Representatives Contracts, 1963
Box   639
General, 1946-1954
Box   639
Material, 1963
Box   639
Financial Analyses, 1962
Box   640
Reports, 1955-1965 (Monthly)
Box   640
Statements, 1960-1968
Box   640
Fidelity Bonding, 1966
Box   640
Forand Medical Aid to the Aged Bill, 1959-1960
Box   640
Foreign Service of the USA, 1962
Box   640
Freeman, Orville
Box   640
Fringe Benefits - TWUA, 1965
Box   640
Fringe Benefits - Staff Manual, 1962
Box   640
Fringe Drive
Box   640
Geneva Textile Agreement, 1961
Box   640
General Office Forms - National Headquarters, 1959
Box   640
General Office Forms - Southern, 1959
Box   640
Goldberg, Arthur A.
Box   640
Gordon, William
Harriet Henderson
Box   640
Correspondence, 1962-1964
Box   640
Strike Situation, 1961
Box   641
Strike History
Box   641
Henderson - General
Box   641
Prisoners, 1961
Box   641
Sale of Real Estate, 1961
Box   641
Haynsworth, Clement, 1969
Box   641
Special Subcommittee of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce (United States Senate) - Investigation of Closing of Nashaua, New Hampshire Mills and Operations of Textron Inc., 1948
Box   641
Senate Subcommittee to Investigate Problems of the Textile Industry, 1961
Box   641
Herling's (John) Labor Letters, 1961-1964
Box   641
Histadrut Humanitarian Award - Hubert H. Humphrey, 1967
Hosiery - Staff
Box   641
Broad Street Real Estate
Box   641
Merger Agreement, 1965
Box   641
Federation of Hosiery Workers, 1965
Box   641
Death Benefit Fund
Box   641
Merger, 1963
Box   642
Merger, 1962 and 1964
Box   642
Staff and Financial Information
Box   642
Retirement Fund, 1965
Box   642
Staff Pension Plan
Box   642
Conferences, 1965-1967
Box   642
Box   642
Convention, 1965
Box   642
Holding Company - TWUA, 1962-1964
Box   642
Home Visits of Staff, 1966
Box   642
Immigration Reform Committee
Box   642
Immigration of Aliens for Employment in Textile Mills, 1966
Box   642
Imports and Foreign Trade, 1962
Box   642
Industrial Rayon, 1958
Industrial Union Department (IUD)
Box   642
General, 1958
Box   642
Second Annual Industrial Relations Conference, 1958
Box   642
Committee on Social Security, 1957
Box   642
Executive Council Meeting, 1959, 1958
Box   642
Third Constitutional Convention, 1959
Box   642
General, 1959-1960
Box   642
Executive Committee Meeting, 1960-1961
Box   642
Legislative Conference, 1961
Box   642
Convention, 1961
Box   643
General, 1961
Box   643
Industry Locals and Membership
Box   643
Integration Developments, 1962
Box   643
“Inside TWUA,” 1959-1961
Box   643
Internal Fight, 1952
Box   643
Internal Revenue Service, 1965
Box   643
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, 1959
Box   643
International Labor Office, 1959
Box   643
International Union of Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers (IUE), 1958
Box   643
International Harvester
Box   643
International Textile and Garment Workers Federation, 1960-1969
Box   643
International Trade, 1969
Box   644
International Trade, 1970
Box   644
International Unions, 1961-1963
Box   644
Invitations - Local Unions and Boards
Box   644
Japan - Textile
Box   644
John Birch Society, 1961
Box   644
Joint Boards who Received Funds from Defunct Locals, 1966
Box   644
Joint Board Manager's Expenses, 1959-1965
Box   644
Joint Minimum Wage Committee, 1959-1960
Juniata Park Housing Corporation
Box   644
Box   644
Goldberg, J. and J. Bielitsky Severance Pay
Box   644
Committee on Sale of Juniata Park Housing Corporation
Box   644
Box   644
Apartments, 1967-1969
Box   644
Board of Directors Meeting, 1966
Box   644
General, 1963-1965
Box   644
Financial Statement, 1967
Box   645
Charter and Income Problems
Box   645
Executive Council Meeting, 1966
Box   645
Box   645
Ropes and Gray, 1967
Box   645
Juniata Park Housing Corporation Minutes
Box   645
Kennedy, John F. - 7 point directive, 1961
Box   645
King Anderson Bill, 1962
Box   645
Labor Advisory Council Meeting - President's Committee on Equal Employment, 1965
Box   645
Labor Department (Washington, D.C.), 1961
Box   645
Labor Exchange Program, 1963
Box   645
Labor Legislation, 1959-1962
Box   645
Latin America, 1961
Box   645
Box   645
Lawrence Processing Company
Box   645
Legislative Conference - TWUA, 1966
Box   645
Legislative Institutes of TWUA, 1956-1964
Box   645
Legislative Meeting - TWUA, 1967
Box   645
Regional Directors and Executive Council, 1962
Box   645
Staff and Regional Directors, 1962
Box   645
Staff, Local Unions and Joint Boards, 1962-1963
Box   645
Staff, Regional Directors and Council, 1961-1963
Box   646
Life Extension Examiners, 1956-1959
Box   646
Local 6, 1961
Box   646
Local 464, 1957-1958
Box   646
Local 489, 1959
Box   646
Local 371, 1959-1961
Box   646
Local 710, 1954, 1957
Box   646
Local 1244
Box   646
Local 1465, 1959
Box   646
Local 1652, 1968
Box   646
Local 1874, 1960
Box   646
Local 10, 1960
Box   646
Local 1733, 1959
Box   646
Local 2188, 1953-1955
Box   646
Management - Labor Coverage Committee, 1967
Box   646
Management - Labor Textile, Textile Advisory Committee, 1962-1968
Box   646
Manpower Development and Training Act, 1962
Box   646
March of Dimes
Box   646
McClellan Committee, 1957-1959
Box   646
Baldanzi, George, 1957
Box   646
Mimeographed Copies, 1954-1957
Box   647
Mimeographed Copies, 1961-1965
Box   647
Mill Liquidations, 1946-1954
Box   647
Mills not Organized up to , 1952
Box   647
Mill Maps from Research Department
Box   647
Mills Bill - Letters to Congress
Box   647
Minimum Wage Law, 1957-1962
Box   648
Minimum Wage Hearings - Puerto Rico, 1958-1962
Box   648
Minimum Wage Bill
Box   648
Mortuary Fund, 1954-1967
Box   648
National Council of Senior Citizens, 1961-1966
Box   648
NLRB Elections, 1959-1967
Box   648
NLRB Investigation (Almost Unbelievable), 1961
Box   648
NLRB Investigation Subcommittee Hearings, 1961
Box   649
General Council, 1961
Box   649
Pucinski Committee, 1961
Box   649
Weekly Summaries, 1961
Box   649
Elections - No Contract
Box   649
Legitimate Authorization Cards, 1966
Box   649
Congressional Hearings, 1967
Box   649
Congressional Investigation, 1965-1967
Box   649
National Conference on International Economical and Social Development
Box   649
National Maritime Union, 1962
Box   649
National Multiple Sclerosis Society, 1959
Box   649
Negotiations - Harry Schwartz Yarn Company, 1962
Box   649
New England - William Belanger, 1960
Box   649
Newspaper Releases, 1964, 1967-1970
Box   649
New York State Joint Board: Pharmacy, 1962-1966
Box   649
New York City Labor Movement, 1962
Box   649
New York State - Jack Rubenstein, 1959
Box   649
North and South Carolina, Boyd Payton, 1960
Box   649
Northwest Georgia Joint Board Dinner and Installation, 1960
Box   649
Office Contract, 1955-1960
Box   649
One-Price Cotton Legislation, 1957-1965
Box   649
Lowenstein Mills
Box   649
General, 1958
Box   650
General, 1959
Box   650
Rubinstein, Jack, 1960
Box   650
Training Program, 1961
Box   650
Botelho, Michael, 1960
Box   650
Southern Locals Conference, 1961
Box   650
Stetin, Sol, Organizing and Administrative, 1960
Box   650
Third Shop Stewards Conference, 1960
Box   650
North and South Carolina, Boyd Payton, 1960
Box   650
Ad Hoc Committee, 1968
Box   650
Literature Library
Box   650
General, 1961-1965
Box   650
ORIT (Organization Regional InterAmerica de Trabajadores), 1958
Box   650
Pastore Hearings, 1962
Box   650
Personal Products Inc., 1958
Box   650
Personnel Records, 1962-1968
Box   650
P.H. Hanes Company
Box   650
Philadelphia Joint Board Meeting, 1959
Box   650
Plant Closings in , 1962
Box   651
Box   651
Thank You Letters
Box   651
Regional Directors COPE Activities Political
Box   651
Box   651
President Kennedy's Assassination
Box   651
Progression Staff
Box   651
Raids on TWUA, 1961
Box   651
Regional Reports of Local Union's Income, 1962
Box   651
Report of Operations (Financial), 1952-1958
Box   652
Report of Operations, 1961-1968
Box   652
Reports on Burlington, 1957
Box   652
Resolutions, 1961-1962, 1969
Box   652
Retired Staff Correspondence, 1962
Box   652
Reuther, Walter P., 1961-1966
Box   652
Meeting - International Office, 1962
Box   652
Right to Work, 1959
Box   652
Rock Hill, South Carolina - Local 710, 1955
Box   652
Senate Sub-Committee on Textile, 1962
Box   652
Senate Textile Investigation, 1961
Box   652
Senior Citizens
Box   652
South - Organizing, 1969-1971
Box   652
South Carolina State CIO Industrial Union Council, 1955
Box   652
South Carolina's Labor Council's Convention, 1961
Box   652
Speaking Engagements, 1962
Box   652
Staff Assigned to Regions, 1962
Box   653
Staff Benefits, 1962-1966
Box   653
Staff - Breakdown on Regions, 1960-1962
Box   653
Staff - Medical Examinations Committee
Box   653
Staff Questionnaire
Box   653
Staff Salaries, 1964
Box   653
Staff Sick Leave
Box   653
Staff Training - Directors Meeting, 1965
Box   653
Staff Training Program, 1959
Box   653
Staff Training Institute, 1965
Box   653
Staff Training Program, 1962-1963
Note: Sponsored by AFL-CIO and NILE.
Box   653
Standard TWUA Minute Rates and Average Straight Time Hourly Earnings, 1956
Box   653
Surplus Food Program, 1959
Box   653
Taft-Hartley, 1958-1959
Box   653
Tariffs, 1955-1961
Box   653
Teamsters, 1961-1962
Box   653
Textile Advisory Committee, 1959
Box   653
Textile Development Agency, 1958
Box   654
Textile Development Agency, 1959-1961
Box   654
Textile Workers Organizing Committee, 1964
Box   654
Agreements, Elections and Strikes, 1960-1962
Box   654
Newspaper Releases, 1961, 1971
Box   654
TWUA-CIO Organizing Campaigns
Box   654
Vice Presidents
Box   654
Welfare Plan, 1956-1959
Box   654
Toronto Joint Board, 1958
Box   654
Trustees, 1966
Box   654
“Turkey File”
Box   654
Union Label Department, 1959
Box   654
Unemployment, 1961
Box   654
Unemployment Problem Hearings, 1960
Box   654
United Furniture Workers, 1962
Box   654
United Cement, Lime and Gypsum Workers International Workers Union, 1961
Box   654
United Mine Workers, 1961
Box   654
United Rubber Workers, 1961
Box   654
United Textile Workers, 1961-1963
Box   654
United Southern Employees' Association, 1958
Box   654
United Steelworkers of America Strike, 1959
Box   654
Volunteer Organizing Committees, 1963
Box   654
Wage Drive Campaigns, 1959-1963
Box   654
Wage Guidelines, 1966
Box   654
Wagner, Robert, 1961
Box   654
War on Poverty, 1965
Box   654
Welfare Plan Committee, 1954-1960
Box   654
Wallace (Rolla L.) Memorial Service and Dedication, 1959
Box   654
Walsh-Healey Act, 1954
Box   654
West Coast Regional Conference, 1961
Williams, H.S.
Box   654
DuPont (Chattanooga, Tennessee), 1958
Box   654
Cone Mills, 1956-1960
Box   654
Organizing, 1960
Box   654
Wool Study Group, International, 1962
Box   654
Woolen Advisory Committee, 1962-1963
Box   654
Woolen and Worsted Conference, 1963, 1962, 1960
Box   654
Woolen and Worsted Negotiations, 1960, 1966
AFL-CIO Files, 1956-1971
Scope and Content Note: Arranged alphabetically within the following time periods, 1956-1963, 1964-1967, 1967-1968, 1968-1970 and 1970-1971, these files document Pollock's relationship with the AFL-CIO. William Pollock served on AFL-CIO committees, its executive council, and was made a general vice president of the AFL-CIO in 1967. Included in the papers are COPE materials, a Committee to Meet with President Johnson, mediation documents and AFL-CIO convention materials.
Files, 1956-1963
Box   655
General, 1958-1961
Box   655
Committee on Political Education, 1956-1961
Box   655
Georgia State 5th Annual Convention, 1961
Box   655
Area Conference, “Organizing the Unorganized”
Box   655
Economic Policy Committee, 1961
Box   655
Ethical Practices Codes, 1961
Box   655
Executive Council Meeting, 1961
Box   655
General Board Meeting, 1961
Box   655
Meeting with George Meany of Industrial Unions, 1961
Box   655
Minimum Wage Bill Meeting, 1961
Box   655
Social Security Department, 1961
Box   655
Correspondence, 1962-1963
Box   655
Commission on Status of Women, 1961-1962
Box   655
Civil Rights, 1962
Box   655
Convention, 1961, 1959
Box   655
General, 1963
Box   655
Conferences, 1962
Box   655
Contributions, 1962-1963
Box   655
Executive Board Meeting, 1963
Box   656
Internal Disputes Plan, 1962
Box   656
General Board Meeting, 1962
Box   656
Internal Disputes Plan, 1962
Box   656
Legislative Conference, 1962
Box   656
Harrow Management, 1963
Box   656
Building Service Employees v. American Federation
Box   656
State, County and Municipal Employees, 1963
Box   656
Allied Industrial Workers v. Seafarers International
Box   656
Pulp-Sulphite - UPP-W
Box   656
Shoe Workers v. Leather and Plastic Workers, 1962
Box   656
Meeting-Organizing Campaign, 1962
Box   656
Per Capita Tax, 1961-1962
Box   656
Safety and Occupational
Files, 1964-1967
Box   656
Committee on Social Security, 1965
Box   656
COPE, 1965-1967
Box   656
Contributions, 1966
Box   656
General, 1962
Box   657
Collections, 1964-1965
Box   657
General Board Meeting, 1966
Box   657
Other International Unions, 1965-1966
Box   657
National Defense, Executive Reserve Program, 1965-1966
Box   657
Organizing Drive, 1963-1966
Box   657
Other International Unions, 1967
Box   657
State and Local Central Bodies, 1967
Box   657
News Service, 1967
Box   657
News Releases, 1967
Box   657
Conventions, 1947-1957, 1959
Box   657
Staff Recruitment, 1966
Box   657
Vice President - William Pollock (Congratulatory Messages), 1967
Box   657
Correspondence, 1967
Box   657
Committee to Meet with President Johnson
Box   657
Legislative - COPE, 1967
Files, 1967-1968
Box   657
News Releases
Box   658
News Services
Box   658
Other International Unions
Box   658
Box   658
Executive Council Meetings
Box   658
Mobilization of Labor
Box   658
Special Meeting
Box   658
7th Constitutional Convention of AFL-CIO, 1967
Box   658
Executive Council, 1967
Box   658
Economic Policy Committee, 1967
Files, 1968-1970
Box   658
Community Services, 1968-1969
Box   658
TWUA Locals, 1969
Box   658
Conference on COPE Activities, 1968
Box   658
Executive Council, 1967
Box   658
News Releases, 1969
Box   658
News Services, 1969
Box   659
Other International Unions, 1969
Box   659
Executive Council, 1967
Box   659
Executive Board Meeting, 1967
Box   659
Civil Rights Committee, 1969, 1967
Box   659
Organizing Committee, 1969
Box   659
Organizing Conference, 1969
Box   659
European Trip, 1968
Files, 1970-1971
Box   659
Secretary Treasurer Conference, 1970
Box   659
Executive Council Meeting, 1970-1971
Box   659
Economic Policy Committee Meeting, 1970
Box   659
Education Department Meeting, 1971
Box   659
Convention, 1971
Box   660
Executive Council Meetings, 1971
Box   660
TWUA Locals, 1970
Box   660
Legislative Institute, 1971
Box   660
Connecticut COPE Elections, 1970
Box   660
Operating Committee Meeting, 1970
Box   660
Legislator, 1970
Box   660
DuChessi, William
Box   660
Civil Rights Committee, 1969-1971
Box   660
Conference on Jobs, 1971
Box   660
News Releases, 1970-1971
Box   660
Hard-Core Unemployed, 1968
Box   660
Financial Reports, 1966-1968
Box   660
Executive Council, 1970, 1969
Box   661
Executive Council Meetings, 1969
Box   661
Economic Policy Committee Meeting, 1969
Internal Dispute, 1962-1964
Box   661
Convention Material, 1962
Box   661
Regional Conferences
Box   661
Box   661
Elections - Executive Council
Box   661
Floor Operation
Box   661
Pollock Material - Managers, 1963
Box   661
Executive Council Division, 1963
Box   661
Resolutions Adopted
Box   661
Opposition's Miscellaneous Mailings, 1964
Box   661
Cook-Belanger Discharge, 1964
Box   661
Miscellaneous, 1964
Box   661
Political Notes, 1962-1963
Box   661
Political Drafts, 1963-1964
Box   661
Payton Newspaper clippings, 1964
Box   661
Regional Income and Expenses, 1964
Box   661
Staff Expenses, 1958-1964
Box   662
Reports, 1964
Box   662
Resolution on Staff - Sent to Local Unions, Joint Boards and Staff, 1963
Box   662
Resolution on Special Convention, 1963
Box   662
Requests from Opposition, 1964
Box   662
Rieve, Emil, 1964
Box   662
Rubenstein, Jack, 1964
Box   662
Schlesinger, Emil, 1963-1964
Box   662
September 1963 Hearing
Box   662
Speech Material (Internal), 1963
Box   662
Staff Listing, 1963
Box   662
Staff meetings, 1963
Box   662
Staff Assignments by Regions, 1955-1963
Box   662
Sub-Committee of Executive Council, 1964
Box   662
Suggestions-Regional Director Discussions, 1962
Box   662
Survey of TWUA Agreements, Elections and Strikes, 1962-1964
Box   662
Ushers and Security Officers, 1964
Box   662
UAW Constitution Committee, 1964
Box   662
Wyle, Ben, 1963
Box   662
Opinion on President's Stay of Decisions of the TWUA Executive Council
Box   662
Trip to Washington, D.C., IMCO Campaign, 1964
Box   662
Political, 1964
Box   662
Opposition Communications, 1964
Box   662
Solidarity Fund, 1964
Box   663
5 - Pollock Letter to Ben Wyle, 1963 June 18
Box   663
6 - Pollock Letter to Local Unions, Joint Boards and Staff, 1963 October 30
Box   663
7 - Canzano Letter to Pollock, 1963 May 16
Box   663
8 - Pollock Letter to Canzano for Special Meeting, 1963 May 10
Box   663
9 - Administration, 1964 April 14
Box   663
Chupka Letter to All Locals, Joint Boards and Staff, 1963 November 7
Box   663
Wyle Letter to Pollock, 1963 June 12
Box   663
10 - E. Wynn's Opinion on Pollock's Power to Stay, 1963 August
Box   663
11 - Motion on Tapes being made, 1963 June 4
Box   663
12 - Mailing to all Locals, Joint Boards and Staff - Answers to Schlesinger, 1963 December 6
Box   663
Pollock Letter - AFL-CIO Findings, 1964 April 24
Box   663
Motion Calling on AFL-CIO, 1963 April 25
Box   663
16 - Expenditure of Funds, 1963 June 4
Box   663
17 - Canzano Memo - Addresses, 1963 May 8
Box   663
19 - President Pollock's Statement, 1963 April 25
Box   663
20 - Pollock Letter to Ben Wyle, 1963 November 21
Box   663
25 - General Secretary Treasurer Reply to 11 Appellants, 1963 August
Box   663
26 - Miraglia Statement, 1963 April 25
Box   663
28 - Administration Letter, 1964 May 11
Box   663
Partial TWUA Statement
Box   663
29 - Pollock and Chupka Letter to All Joint Boards and Locals and Staff, 1963 October 14
Box   663
Chupka Letter to Locals, Joint Boards and Staff, 1963 June 11
Box   663
30 - Electioneering, 1963 June 4
Box   663
31 - Constitutional Interpretation, 1963 June 4
Box   663
Chupka Appeal - Miraglia, 1963 May 30
Box   663
Recording of Executive Council Meetings, 1963 June 4
Box   663
33 - Information to be Supplied to the Executive Council, 1963 June 4
Box   663
34 - Chupka Letter Submitting Appeal, 1963 July 2
Box   663
35 - Chupka Letter to Executive Council Calling Hearing, 1963 September 16
Box   663
International Union Expenditures, 1963 June 4
Box   663
36 - Local 1790 Tapes, 1963 June 4
Box   663
New York Times Newspaper Clipping - About Fight, 1963 November 17
Box   663
Pollock Letter Calling Meeting, 1963 May 17
Box   663
39 - Executive Council Meeting Summaries, 1963 June 4
Box   663
Excerpt from W. Cook Affidavit, 1964 January 10
Box   663
40 - Pollock Statement - AFL-CIO Committee Report, 1964 April 28
Box   663
46 - Letter of Transmittal, 1963 June 4
Box   663
Pollock Letter to Local 1790, 1963 August 20
Box   663
47 - Pollock's Greeting Letter, 1963 June 21
Box   663
50 - William Belanger Statement, 1963 April 25
Box   663
Motion Against General President, 1963 June 4
Box   663
Motion of Executive Council Regarding Field Appeals Hearing, 1963 August
Box   663
Request of Pollock to Disapprove 1790 By-Laws, 1963 August 30
Box   663
Appeal from Local Unions from Pollock's Stay, 1963 August
Box   663
Draft Letter on Hearing, 1963 September 23
Box   663
Pollock's Statement at Hearing, 1963 September 23
Box   663
Chupka's Statement at Hearing, 1963 September 23
Box   663
Resolution “Court Action,” 1963 November 13
Box   663
Pollock and Chupka's Letter to all Locals, Joint Boards, 1963 December 2
Box   663
Opposition's Law Resolutions, undated
Box   663
Questionable 1790 Resolutions, undated
Box   663
Administration Letter, 1964 January 9
Box   663
Administration Letter, 1964 January 30
Box   663
Administration Letter, 1964 February 14
Box   663
Administration Mailing, 1964 March 20
Box   663
Administration Letter on Local 1790 Findings, 1964 May 5
Box   663
New York State Letter, 1964 May 5
Box   663
Quin States Back the Administration, 1964 May 14
Box   663
Administration - The Plain Truth, 1964 May 14
Box   663
Mailing to Dyers, 1964 May 19
Box   663
Mailing to FTR, 1964 May 19
Box   663
“The Mid West Backs the Administration,” 1964 May 22
Box   663
“Blueprint for a Power-Grab,” 1964 May 22; “Shall the Courts run TWUA's Convention,” (The Administration)
Box   663
A Fact Sheet
Box   663
Local Unions opposed to a Special Convention
Box   663
Acknowledged Resolutions against a Convention
Box   663
Administration - Bulletin
Box   663
Administration's Bulletin, “The Four Horsemen Go Back to Court Again,” undated
Box   663
Draft Resolutions for Local Unions' Use
Box   663
Acknowledged Resolutions from Joint Boards in favor of Convention
Box   663
Philadelphia Joint Board Meeting of Delegates, Shop Committees, Local Union Officers and Executive Board Members, 1952 May 28
Box   633
Greater New York Joint Board Mailings, 1963
Box   663
FTR Mailings, 1964
Box   663
Field Appeals, 1963
Box   663
Law Resolutions - Administration, 1964
Box   663
Pollock and Chupka Mailings to Locals, Joint Boards, and Staff, 1963
Box   663
Political Activities of Opposition in the Field, 1964
Box   663
Political Trips, 1963
Box   663
Protests from Field, 1964
Box   664
Opposition's Majority Mailings, 1963-1964
Box   664
Political - General, 1963-1964
Box   664
0pposition Areas, 1963
Box   664
New England Meeting, 1964 June 19
Box   664
Newspaper clippings, 1964
Box   664
Pollock Memos, 1962-1964
Box   664
Letters from Staff Against, 1963-1964
Box   664
Major Southern Programs, 1964
Box   664
“Majority” Literature, 1964
Box   664
Mailing Lists, 1963
Box   664
Midwest Situation, 1963
Box   664
Miscellaneous - Opposition Individuals, 1963
Box   664
Box   664
Resolutions, 1963
Box   664
Correspondence from Locals
Box   664
Local 1-100
Box   664
Locals 101-300
Box   664
Locals 301-500
Box   664
Locals 501-700
Box   664
Locals 701-900
Box   664
Locals 901-999
Box   664
Locals 1000-1099
Box   664
Locals 1100-1199
Box   664
Locals 1200-1299
Box   664
Locals 1300-1399
Box   664
Locals 1400-1499
Box   664
Locals 1500-1599
Box   664
Locals 1600-1699
Box   664
Locals 2100-2299
Box   664
Correspondence from Joint Boards
Box   665
Legal Briefs, 1963-1964
Box   666
Opposition's Local 1790 Mailings
Box   666
Abramson, Irving, 1962-1964
Box   666
Actions by Employers Concerning Fight, 1963
Box   666
Administration Mail, 1963-1964
Box   666
Administration Slate, 1964
Box   666
Administration Resolutions, 1964
Box   666
Appeals - Legal, 1964
Box   666
Appeals, 1964
Box   666
Appeal, 1963
Box   666
Auslander, Charles and Rene Berthiaume, 1963
Box   666
Belanger, William, 1964
Box   666
Belanger Paper, 1964
Box   666
Boartfield, C.D., 1964
Box   666
Barker, Tom, 1964
Box   666
Canton Mills Strike, 1963-1964
Box   666
Canzano, Reba, 1961-1965
Box   666
Canzano-Gordon Resolution concerning Irving Abramson, 1964
Box   666
Caucus, 1964
Box   666
Constitutional Changes, 1946
Box   666
Constitutional Interpretations, 1962-1963
Box   666
Cook, Belanger and Canzano's Terminations, 1964
Box   666
Caucus, 1964 April 27
Box   666
Cook, Wesley - New Assignment, 1962
Box   666
Cook, Wesley, 1963-1964
Box   666
Cook's Record, 1964
Box   666
Cole, Dave - Investigation, 1963-1964
Box   666
Cline, Ralph, 1963
Box   666
Convention Meeting
Box   666
Constitutional Convention, 1939
Box   666
Convention Committees to Organize Convention, 1964
Box   666
Convention Planning, 1964
Box   666
Convention Committee, 1962
Box   666
Convention Voting, 1964
Box   666
Convention, 1964
Box   666
Convention Strategy, 1964
Box   666
Defunct Locals, 1963
Box   666
Delegate Breakdown
Box   667
Executive Board Minutes - Summary, 1964
Box   667
Political Actions - Executive Council Meeting, 1963 August 26-30
Box   667
November Meeting, 1963
Box   667
Executive Council Notes, 1964
Box   667
Extracts from January Meeting, 1964
Local 1790, 1961-1965
Box   667
Monitorship, 1964-1966
Box   667
Meeting, 1965-1966
Box   667
Monitorship Report, 1965
Box   667
By Laws, 1965
Box   667
Executive Board Minutes, 1964 June 5, 1964 June 17, 1964 August 5, 1965 March 10
Box   667
Shop Delegates Council Meeting, 1964 June 23
Box   667
Convention, 1964
Box   667
AFL-CIO Hearing
Box   667
Harris Communications Court
Box   667
Request for Joint Board Charter
Box   667
Executive Board Motions
Box   667
Canzano, Victor - Letter on 1790 Hearing
Box   667
Hearing - Local 1790
Box   667
Greater New York Board v. Local 1790
Box   667
Local 1790 By-Laws
Box   667
Local 1790 Charges
Box   667
Separation Pay
Box   668
Artowicz, Stanley - Appeal, 1962
Box   668
Expenditures and Investments
Box   668
Pollock's Statement to AFL-CIO Committee Investigating Local 1790
Box   668
General Material
Box   668
Local 1790 Briefs (By Administration)
Box   668
Local 1790 Joint Board Charter
Box   668
Local 1790 Administrator
Box   668
Charges against 1790
Box   668
Box   668
Local 1790 Administrators
Box   668
Pollock Statement to Local 1790 Hearing Board
Box   668
Newspaper Reactions
Box   668
Box   668
Stay and Appeal, Local 1790 Joint Board Chapter
Box   668
Local 1790 - Greater New York Joint Board Jurisdictional Dispute
Box   668
New York, Local 1790 - Brooklyn, 1962
Box   668
Artowicz Letters
Box   668
Miraglia Statement and Appeal
Box   668
Minutes of Meetings - Local 1790
Box   668
Committee to Review Local 1790's Request for a Charter
Box   669
Notes - Local 1790
Box   669
Transcript of Tape Recordings
Box   669
1790 Testimony, 1963
Box   669
O'Neil Artowicz - Sporn
Box   669
Rubenstein, Jack
Box   669
O'Neil, Joseph
Box   669
Berger, William
Box   669
Artowicz Appeal Exhibits
Box   669
Artowicz, Stanley, Charles Against, 1962
Box   669
Artowicz Hearing, 1963
Box   669
Executive Council Hearing, 1963
Box   669
Delaware Valley Joint Board - Meeting Between Committee and TWUA Officers, 1957
Box   669
Special Viscose Matter, 1939-1940
Secession Files, 1949-1953
Box   669
General, 1952
Box   669
Administrators, 1952
Box   669
Charges filed against individuals attempting to secede, 1952
Box   669
TWUA Leaflets, Pamphlets, and Letters, 1952
Box   669
Legal Matters and Miscellaneous, 1952
Box   669
Trustees - Pre-1952 Convention Situation
Box   669
Baldanzi-Baron-Hughes Caucus, 1951 July 21-22
Box   669
Rhode Island
Box   669
Box   669
Southern Situation
Box   669
New Hampshire - Vermont
Box   669
New Jersey Locals distinguishing between “for” and “against”
Box   669
New Jersey
Box   669
New York
Box   669
Box   669
Bay Area Joint Board
Box   669
Box   669
National Fund - Political
Box   669
Box   670
Local 1252
Box   670
TWUA 1950 Convention Elections
Box   670
TWUA 1952 Convention - Election of Officers
Box   670
Locals Not Entitled to Delegates
Box   670
Delgate Election - Lawrence, Massachusetts
Box   670
Box   670
Local 122 - Charles Hughes
Box   670
Philadelphia - 1952 Convention
Box   670
Newspaper Stories Resulting from Baldanzi Campaign
Box   670
Pre-Convention Committee for a Democratic TWUA (Field Audit of Books and Records)
Box   670
TWUA Split
Box   670
Rieve Letters
Box   670
Southern Organization - Analysis
Box   670
Southern Organizing - Report of CIO Organizing Committee
Box   670
Staff - List of Locals of which they are members
Box   670
Staff Separation from TWUA Payroll, 1950
Box   670
Canada - Miscellaneous Information on Membership, Finances, Local Unions, and Joint Boards
Box   670
Synthetic Yarn Situation
Box   670
Textile Employment and TWUA Membership by State, Joint Board and Independent Local Union, 1951
Box   670
Newspaper Stories
Box   670
National CIO Convention, 1951
Box   670
Officers Expenses
Box   670
Resolutions Adopted by Joint Boards and Local Unions on Internal Situation
Box   670
Leaflets - Administration
Box   670
Leaflets - Opposition
Box   670
Local Unions - Delegates to 1952 Convention and Increase Required to allow for Additional Delegates
Box   670
Local Unions and Joint Boards - Pledges of Support (Post-1952 Convention)
Box   670
Mailings - Political Leaflets - Includes Suggested Mailings
Box   670
Newspaper Organ - Penn-Appalachian Joint Board, “The Joint Board Reporter”
Box   670
Newspaper Organ - Philadelphia Joint Board, “The Voice of Textile”
Box   670
Newspaper Organ - Pre-Convention Committee for a Democratic TWUA
Box   670
Canadian Situation and Baron
Box   670
Danville Situation
Box   670
Box   670
Failure of Opposition to Submit Proposal Dealing with Executive Council
Box   670
Financial Report
Box   670
Inter-Office Memos - Miscellaneous
Box   670
Remarks of Unity Resolution
Box   670
Southern Organizing Drive
Box   670
Barkin, Sol
Box   670
Berryton and Atlantic Cotton Mills
Box   670
Bullet Voting
Box   670
Cahoon, Robert - Attorney, Southern Office
Box   670
Canadian Rump Conference, 1951
Box   670
Business Agents and TWUA Staff - Political affiliates
Box   670
Comparison of Employees in Upper and Deep South
Box   670
Comparative Membership - Southern States
Box   670
Chronology of Major Political Events
Box   670
Box   670
Pre-1950 Convention
Box   670
Post-1950 Convention
United Textile Workers, 1941-1961
Scope and Content Note: These subject files document mainly the merger attempts of the UTW and TWUA, their disputes and their non-interference pacts. Other information included in the UTW files are pamphlets, convention material (UTW and AFL-UTW), general files (1957) and some Baldanzi material.
Box   671
General, 1958-1960
Box   671
UTW-AFL Conventions, 1954 and 1956
Box   671
Executive Council Members
Box   671
Baldanzi - Teamsters Convention, 1961
Box   671
Canada - TWUA and UTW Merger Discussions
Box   671
Box   671
TP Printing and Texicraft, 1961
Box   671
Creative Industries, 1961
Box   671
Minutes of Meetings, 1957, 1956
Box   671
Senate Investigation, 1957
Box   671
Membership and Mills, 1957
Box   671
General, 1957 November-December
Box   672
General, 1957 January-September
Box   672
UTW v. TWUA - Linen Thread Company
Box   672
UTW Mailings
Box   672
Meeting on UTW (Strategy), 1957
Box   672
TWUA-UTW Standby Committee Meeting, 1958
Box   672
TWUA-UTW Standby Committee Meeting, 1957
Box   672
UTW-TWUA Merger Discussions, 1956
Box   672
UTW Standby Committee Meeting, 1956
Box   672
UTW Merger Talks, 1955
Box   672
Standby Committee to Investigate Possibilities of TWUA - UTW Merger, 1955
Box   672
TWUA-UTW Non-Interference Committee - Organizing Field
Box   672
“Operation UTW,” 1957
Box   672
UTW Executive Council
Box   672
General, 1941-1946, 1953-1956
Box   672
UTW and TWUA Meeting, 1956
Box   672
Gonder, Larry, 1963
Box   672
UTW - Information
Box   672
Sobol, Charles - Northeastern Pennsylvania District Council of the UTW (AFL-CIO)
Box   672
UTW - Organized Mills, 1953
Box   672
UTW - Newspaper Organ - “The Textile Challenger”