Bruce Barton Papers, 1881-1967

Container Title
Series: Legal Department
Physical Description: 144 boxes 
Abramson and Lewis Files, 1963-1964
Scope and Content Note: These files contain materials relating to the internal dispute (1963-1964) and consist of briefs, AFL-CIO committee findings, correspondence and other information on this factional fight.
Cook v. Pollock
Box   136
File No. 1
Box   136
Complaint and Motion Papers
Box   136
Box   136
Box   136
File No. 2
Box   136
Box   136
File No. 3
Box   136
Memoranda of Law
Box   136
AFL-CIO Committee, Chairman Harris
Box   136
Briefs and Miscellaneous
Box   136
Factional Fight
Box   137
Dyers Department, 1943-1954
Scope and Content Note: These legal files relate to the Federation and Dyers and their disputes with the TWUA, the Avis Mill Corporation, and other companies.
Box   138
Dyers Negotiations, 1954
Box   138
Dyers Pension Fund
Box   138
Dyers Federation v. TWUA
Box   138
Davis Mills
Box   138-139
Davis Mills Corporation v. Federation of Dyers
Dyers Federation
Box   139
Box   139
Box   139
Officers' Increases in Wages
Box   140 and 148
Cotton-Rayon Division - Legal Cases, 1943-1945
Conventions - TWUA
Box   141
Box   142
Box   143
Box   144
Box   145
Box   146-147
Box   149
COPE, 1961-1963
Legal Cases, 1939-1953
Scope and Content Note: These legal files are divided into two chronological periods, 1939-1953 and 1953-1964, and into a special file for the Southern office, 1950-1951, with all files arranged alphabetically within these three sections. The files contain materials on legal cases, strikes, internal disputes, major grievances, arbitration matters and subjects of interest to the legal department such as dual unionism, anti-trust laws and right-to-work laws. In addition, there are files on Arthur J. Goldberg, the CIO, the NLRB and the Harriet-Henderson strike.
Cases, 1939-1953
Box   150
Abbott Worsted Mills
Box   150
Acme Mattress Company
Box   150
Alabama Court Cases
Box   150
Advance Proofs - Wage and Hours
Box   150-151
Alabama Mills
Box   151
Alabama Unemployment Compensation
Box   151
Alba Mills
Box   151
Alba Twine Mills
Box   151
Albany Felt Company
Box   151
Alberfoyle Manufacturing Company
Box   151
Albion Mills
Box   151
Aldora Mills
Box   151
Alexander Smith and Company
Box   151
Algro Knitting Mills
Box   151
Allied Textile Printers Agreement
Box   151
Allied Textile Print Corporation
Box   151
Allied Yarn Corporation
Box   151
Alma Mills
Box   151
Altoona Spinning Company
Box   151
Altshuler Inc.
Box   151
Alvin Textile Company
Box   151
Amazon Knitting Company
Box   151
American Enka Corporation
Box   151
American Federation of Hosiery Workers
Box   151
American Felt Company
Box   151
American Finishing Company
Box   151
American Hair and Felt Company
Box   151
American Lead Pencil Company
Box   151
American Manufacturing Company
Box   151
American National Bag and Burlap Company
Box   151
American Silk Mills
Box   151
American Spinning Company
Box   151
American Thread Company
Box   152
American Twine and Fabric Corporation
Box   152-153
American Viscose Corporation
Box   153
American White Cross Labs
Anti-Labor Matters
Box   154
States and Business
Box   155
Box   155
Anti-Trust Laws
Box   155
Apex Hosiery Company v. American Federation of Hosiery Workers
Box   155
Arlington - Correspondence
Box   155
Aponaug Manufacturing Company
Box   155
Appalachian Mills Company
Box   155
Aragon Baldwin Mills
Box   155
Arbitration Legislation
Box   155
Arcadia Knitting Mills
Box   155
Arwright Corporation
Box   155
Arlington Mills
Box   155
Arms Textile Manufacturing Company
Box   155
Armstong Cork Company
Box   155
Arnold Print Works Inc.
Box   155
Aronsohn Silk Company
Box   155
Arrow Woven Label Company
Box   155
Arroya, M.
Box   155
Artcraft Company
Box   155
Artistic Pile Fabrics Inc.
Box   155
Asheville Cotton
Box   155
Ashland Corporation
Box   155
Aspinook Company
Box   155
Astoria Weaving Corporation
Box   156
Athens Manufacturing Company
Box   156
Atlanta Woolen Mills
Box   156
Atlanta Cotton Mills
Box   156
Atlanta Footwear
Box   156
Atlanta Mill
Box   156
Atlanta Rayon Corporation
Box   156
Atlas Felt Products Company
Box   156
Atlas Underwear Company
Box   156
Atlas Waste Company
Box   156
Automatic Milk Dispenser Corporation
Box   156
Availability Statements
Box   156
Avon Yarn Dye Company
Box   156
Avondale Mills
Box   156
Bachman v. Sylvia
Box   156
Bachmann Uxbridge Worsted Corporation
Box   156
Baer Company
Box   156
Baker, Voorhis & Company
Box   156
Balakosa, E.
Box   156
Baldwin Manufacturing Company
Box   156
Ball Bill
Box   156
Ballston Stillwater Knitting Company
Box   156
Bancroft, Joseph
Box   156
Barber Manufacturing Company
Box   156
Barbet Mills
Box   157
Barkin v. Atlshuler
Box   157
Barkin v. Fellerman
Box   157
Barkin v. Coast to Coast
Box   157
Barkin v. Cohen
Box   157
Barre Wool Combing Company
Box   157
Batson, Albert J.
Box   157
Baskind and Company
Box   157
Basmajian v. Castalo
Box   157
Bastian Brothers Company
Box   157
Bates Manufacturing Company
Box   157
Bauer and Black
Box   157
Beacon Dye Works
Box   157
Bear Brand Hosiery Company Cases
Box   157
Beattie Rug Company
Box   157
Beaunit Arbitration
Box   157
Becopa Glove Mills
Box   157
Belanger, William
Box   157
Bell Carpet Cleaning Company
Box   157
Bell Company of Rhode Island
Box   157
Bellman Brook Bleachery
Box   157
Belmont Silk
Box   157
Bemis Bag Company
Box   157
Bemis Brothers Bag Company
Box   157
Benay Art
Box   157
Benner v. TWOC
Box   157
Bennett Textile Mill
Box   157
Box   157
Bergnes and Son
Box   157
Berkeley Woolen Company
Box   158-160
Berkshire Knitting Mills
Box   160
Bernson Silk Mills
Box   160
Bethel Silk Corporation
Box   160
Betsy Ross Throwing Company
Box   160
Bi-County Joint Board
Box   160
Bigelow Sanford
Box   160
Biltwell Umbrella Company
Box   160
Bloomsburg Mills Cases
Box   161
Blumenthal and Company
Box   161
Boaz Mills Inc.
Box   161
Bonham Cotton Mills Inc.
Box   161
Bonita Ribbon Mills
Box   161
Boone, A.C.
Box   161
Boonton Umbrella Company
Box   161
Boott Mills
Box   161
Borden Manufacturing Company
Box   161
Bottleg Union Labels
Box   161
Borden Mills Inc.
Box   161
Border City Manufacturing Company
Box   161
Borenstein and Sons, H.
Box   162
Botany Worsted Mills
Box   162
Bourne Mills
Box   162
Boyt Harness Company
Box   162
Bradford Dyeing Association
Box   162
Brampton Woolen Mills
Box   162
Branch River Wool Combing Company
Box   162
Brandon Corporation
Box   162
Brandwein and Company
Box   162
Brawer v. TWOC
Box   162
Bridgewater Woolen Company
Box   162
Bridgewater Paper Company
Box   162
Broad River Mills Inc.
Box   162
Brookings Report
Box   162
Brooklyn Yarn Dye Company
Box   163
Brookside Mills
Box   163
Browder, Earl
Box   163
Bryant Finishing Company
Box   163
Buckley and Mann Inc.
Box   163
Buckley Studios Inc.
Box   163
Buffalo Rayon Workers Independent Union
Box   163
Buffalo Regional Joint Board
Box   163
Burkhart Manufacturing Company
Box   163
Burke Golf Inc.
Box   163
Burlington Textile Mills
Box   163
Burlington Dyeing and Finishing Company
Box   163
Burrows - Camprint
Box   163
Burson Knitting Company
Box   163
Bush Woolen Company
Box   163
C & I Umbrella
Box   163
California Shade Cloth Company
Box   163
Carnation Company
Box   163
Cabot Mills
Box   163
California Cotton Mills
Box   163
Calvin Textile
Box   163
Canada - Defense of Canada Regulations, 1940
Box   163
Cannon Mills
Box   163
Capitol Carpet Cleaning Company
Box   163
Cardinal Sportswear
Box   163
Carey, J.P.
Box   163
Carey (Philip) Manufacturing Company
Box   163
Carmen Hosiery Mills
Box   163
Carnation Company
Box   163
Caroline Mills Inc.
Box   163
Caroline Virginia Service Corporation
Box   169
Carr v. Roberts
Box   169
Cayuga Linen Company
Box   169
Celanese Corporation
Box   164
Celluloid Corporation
Box   164
Central Franklin Process Company
Box   164
Central Processing Company
Box   164
Century Woven Label
Box   164
Chadwick-Hoskins Company
Box   164
Chalmers Knitting Company
Box   164
Chaminade Velours Inc.
Box   164
Charroin Manufacturing Company
Box   164
Chase Bag Company
Box   164
Box   164
Cheney Brothers
Box   164
Cherokee Spinning
Box   164
Cherry Brook Worsted Mills Inc.
Box   164
Chicopee Manufacturing Company of America
Box   164
Cherry Spinning Company
Box   164
Chicopee Manufacturing Company
Box   164
Cincinnati Industries Inc.
Box   164
CIO Council of New York
Box   164
CIO Hearing Committee Against Affiliates Violating CIO Policy, 1949
Box   165
UAW Committee
Box   165
Industrial Union Council
Box   165
Citizen Coat and Apron Company
Box   165
Civil Liberties
Box   165
Clarileen Shops
Box   165
Clark Mills Inc.
Box   165
Clark Thread Corporation
Box   165
Claussner Hosiery Company
Box   165
Cleveland Worsted Mills
Box   165
Clifton Manufacturing Company
Box   165
Clifton Yarn Mills Inc.
Box   165
Clinton Woolen Mills
Box   165
Closed Shop
Box   165
Coal Industry - Effect of Labor Relations in the Bituminous Coal Industry upon Interstate Commerce
Box   165
Coast to Coast Umbrella Company
Box   166
Coats (J & P)
Box   166
Cohen, Abraham
Box   166
Cohen, N & M Binding Company
Box   166
Cohen, Hall & Marx Company
Box   166
Cohoes Textile Print Works
Box   166
Coleman, William Boyd - Arbitration
Box   166
Collective Bargaining Agreements (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Box   166
Collins & Aikman
Box   166
Colonial Woolen Mills
Box   166
Colonial Fibre Company
Box   166
Colored Worsted Mill of Providence v. TWUA
Box   166
Columbus Manufacturing Company
Box   166
Columbia Burlap Bag Company
Box   166
Columbia Duck Mills
Box   166
Columbia Mills Company and the Independent Textile Workers Union
Box   166
Columbia Mills Company
Box   166
Columbia Products Inc.
Box   166
Columbia Shade Mills Inc.
Box   166
Columbian Rope Company
Box   166
Columbus Coated Fabrics Corporation
Box   166
Columbus Yarn Company
Box   166
Comfort, J.G.
Box   166
Company Store
Box   166
Company Unions
Box   166
CIO - Lawyers Meetings
Box   166
Connors v. Juilliard
Box   166
Consolidated Laundries
Box   166
Consolidated Textile Company
Box   166
Continental Mill
Box   166
Cooperative Fellowship Club
Box   166
Cooper-Kenworthy Inc.
Box   166
Cooper's Inc.
Box   166
Copyright Law
Box   166
Box   166
Cost of Living
Box   167
Cotton Negotiations - Northern
Box   167
Cotton Textile Strike
Box   167
Coulters - UTW
Box   167
Covington Mills Inc.
Box   167
Covington Weaving Company
Box   167
Cowan Mills
Box   167
Craft Novelty Shop
Box   167
Cranston Print Works
Box   167
Crawford Manufacturing Company
Box   167
Crompton-Highlands - Arbitration
Box   167
Crown Cotton Mills
Box   167
Crown Worsted Mills Inc.
Box   167
Crystal Springs Finishing Company
Box   167
Dallas Manufacturing Company
Box   167
Dallas Mills
Box   167
Danielson Manufacturing Company
Box   167
Dan River Cotton Mills
Box   167
Darlington Fabrics Corporation and Curielli
Box   167
Dartmouth Woolen Mills
Box   167
Davis and Geck
Box   167
Decisions - Non TWUA cases
Box   167
Delegates Memoranda
Box   167
Declaration of Trust
Box   167
Demarest Silk Company
Box   167
Denison Cotton Mill
Box   168
Dinkelspiel Arbitration
Box   168
District 50
Box   168
Dodge, Dr. W.
Box   168
Dolphin Jute Mill
Box   168
Dorlexa Dyeing and Finishing Company
Box   168
Dorman Mills
Box   168
Double Woven-Picardy Corporation
Box   168
Douglas Mills Inc.
Box   168
Douty, Kenneth
Box   168
Dual Unionism
Box   168
Duffy Silk Mills
Box   168
Dunean Mills
Box   168
Dunn Worsted
Box   168
Duplan Corporation
Box   168
Box   168
Durham Hosiery Mills
Box   168
Dutt Company (R.B.)
Box   168
Dwight Manufacturing Company
Box   168
Eagle Neckband Corporation
Box   168
Eagle Phoenix
Box   168
East Penn Weaving Company
Box   168
East Providence Mills Inc.
Box   168
Eastern Footwear Company
Box   168
Easton Overall Dry Cleaning Company
Box   168
Eaton Brothers Corporation
Box   168
Eavenson and Levering Company
Box   168
Eday Fabrics
Box   168
Edna Mills Corporation
Box   168
Edwards Manufacturing Company
Box   168
Election Analysis
Box   170
Election Returns and Information
Box   170
Elections - Lists
Box   170
Elite Silk Company
Box   170
Elk Piece Dye Works
Box   170
Ellijay, Georgia
Box   170
Elmvale Worsted Company
Box   170
Elmvale Dye Works
Box   170
Emerson Finishing Company
Box   170
Empire Furniture Company
Box   170
Empire State Bag Company
Box   170
Empire Wiping Cloth Company
Box   170
Empire Worsted Company
Box   170
Engirt Manufacturing Company
Box   170
Enka Rayon Mills
Box   170
England v. Devine (New Bedford Manpower Injunction)
Box   170
Enka Rayon Mills
Box   170
Ensign-Bickford Company
Box   170
Ensign Bickford Company
Box   170
Entwistle Manufacturing Company
Box   170
Enterprise Garnetting Company
Box   170
Entwistle Manufacturing Company
Box   170
Erdette Hosiery Mills
Box   171
Erwin Mills
Executive Council Reports to National Executive Council
Box   171
Box   172
Box   172
Executive Council - Other Department Reports, 1950-1958
Box   172
Executive Order 9328 (Hold-the-Line Order), 1943
Box   172
Exposition Cotton Mills
Box   172
Fair Labor Standards Act
Box   173
Federal Paper Stock Company
Box   173
Firestone Plastics Division - Paterson Woven Plastics Company
Box   173
Firth Carpet
Box   173
Box   173
Fishnet and Twine Company
Box   173
Fisk Rubber Corporation
Box   173
Fitchburg Yarn Company
Box   173
Fitler Company
Box   173
Five Vermont and New Hampshire Woolen Mills - NWLB Case No. 111-4229-HO
Box   173
Fietcher, A.L.
Box   173
Flint Manufacturing Company
Box   173
Flintkote Company
Box   173
Florence Cotton Mills
Box   173
Florence Mills-American Spinning Division
Box   173
Florence Thread Company
Box   173
Form 10 Data
Box   173
Box   174
Formal Papers - Firth Carpet
Box   174
Forstmann Woolen Mills
Box   174
Forsythe Silk Company
Box   174
Fort Schuyler Knitting Company
Box   174
Fort Worth Cotton Mills Fortune, 1932
Box   174
Forty-Eight Hour Week in Textile Industry
Box   174
Foster Yarn Inc.
Box   174
Fownes Brothers and Company
Box   174
Fox Square Laundry Company
Box   174
Frankford Woolen Mills
Box   174
Franklin Process Company
Box   174
Franklin Yarn Company
Box   174
Franklinshire Worsted Mills Inc.
Box   174
Free Speech
Box   174
Freund, Peter
Box   174
Freydberg Brothers Inc.
Box   174
Freund (Peter) Knitting Mills
Box   174
Box   174
Freydberg Brothers Inc.
Box   174
Friedlaender (Julius) and Company
Box   174
Friedlaender, Julius
Box   174
Friedman Bag Company
Box   174
Fuld and Hatch Knitting Company
Box   174
Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills
Box   174
Fulton County Silk Mills
Box   174
Gaffney Manufacturing Company
Box   174
Gaffney and Continental Casualty Company
Box   174
Gaffney Manufacturing Company
Box   175
Gaffney Manufacturing Company (continued)
Box   175
Garfield Machine Works
Box   175
Gargano Estate
Box   176
Gate City Cotton Mills
Box   176
Gay Brothers Woolen Company
Box   176
Geb and Garvan Yarn Company
Box   176
General Correspondence
Box   176
General Electric Company
Box   176
General Felt Company
Box   176
General Ribbon Mills
Box   176
General Shale Corporation
Box   176
General Textile Company
Box   176
General Textile Mills
Box   176
Georgi Duck and Cordage Company
Box   176
Georgia Legal Fees
Box   176
Georgia Senate votes Ban on Union Dues
Box   176
Gera Mills - NLRB Representation Cases
Box   176
Gierke and the Corporate Myth ... / by Bernard Freyd
Box   176
Glassgow Mills
Box   176
Gladding (B.F.) and Company
Box   176
Glass v. Greater New York Joint Board
Box   176
Globe Carpet Cleaning Company
Box   176
Glove Industry
Box   176
Gloversville Knitting Company
Box   177
Goldberg, Arthur J.
Box   177
Goldberg (James) Inc.
Box   177
Golden Belt Manufacturing Company
Box   177
Goodall Worsted Company
Box   177
Goodwill Slipper Company
Box   177
Gordon Mills
Box   177
Goodyear Clearwater Mill
Box   177
Gordon (Morris) Yarn Company
Box   177
Gordon Woolen Mills Inc.
Box   177
Gorman v. Hillman
Box   177
Gosnold Mills Corporation
Box   177
Gotham Hosiery Negotiations
Box   177
Gould and Rosenberg
Box   177
Graham, Charles
Box   177
Graham, John
Box   177
Graham, John (continued)
Box   177
Grand Novelty Company
Box   177
Granite Finishing Works
Box   177
Granite Textile Mills
Box   177
Granite Weaving Company
Box   177
Greenhut Fabrics
Box   177
Greensboro, North Carolina
Box   177
Greenwich Mills
Box   177
Grievance Machinery
Box   178
Group Insurance
Box   178
Guerin Mills Inc.
Box   178
Gurney Manufacturing Company
Box   178
Hadley-Peoples Manufacturing Company
Box   178
Hafner Associates Inc.
Box   178
Hague Opinion
Box   178
Haleyville Manufacturing Company
Box   178
Hammer v. TWUA
Box   178
Hampton Looms Propose Agreement
Box   178
Hampton Looms
Box   178
Hammrick Mills Inc.
Box   179
Hanes Corporations
Box   179
Hart Cotton Mills
Box   180
Hart Cotton Mills (continued)
Box   180
Hartford Rayon Company
Box   180
Hartsell Mills
Box   180
Hathaway Manufacturing Company
Box   180
Hayward Schuster Company
Box   180
Hellwig Corporation
Box   180
Heminway and Bartlett Company
Box   180
Henderson Cotton Mills
Box   180
Henrietta Mills
Box   180
Hettrick Manufacturing
Box   180
Highland Cotton Mills
Box   180
Highland Park Manufacturing Company
Box   180
Hill Bus Case
Box   180
Hillman, Sidney
Box   180
Hillsboro Cotton Mills
Box   180
Hodgson Brothers
Box   180
Hoffman Associates
Box   180
Holland Manufacturing Company
Box   180
Holliston Mills
Box   180
Holmes Silk Company
Box   180
Holston Manufacturing Company
Box   180
Holt, Jack
Box   180
Hooven-Allison Company
Box   180
Hoosac Mill
Box   180
Hooven and Allison Company
Box   181
Hope Webbing Company
Box   181
Horton Wiping Materials Company
Hosiery (American Federation of Hosiery Workers)
Box   181
Albany Manufacturing Company
Box   181
Alden Hosiery Mills
Box   181
Branch No. 3
Box   181
Miscellaneous Agreements
Box   181
Atlas Silk Hosiery Company
Box   181
BZB Knitting
Box   181
Banchowicz, John
Box   181
Belding Hosiery Mills Inc.
Box   181
Cooper Wells and Company
Box   181
Corinth Hosiery Dye Works Inc.
Box   181
Eagle Rock Hosiery Mills
Box   181
Edroy Hosiery Company
Box   181
Feinberg (Jac) Hosiery Mills
Box   181
Fiske v. Holeproof
Box   181
Full Fashioned Hosiery Manufacturers of America
Box   181
Gold Seal Knitting Mills Holeproof Company
Box   181
Interwoven Stocking Company
Box   181
Kayser Silk Company
Box   181
Keystone Hosiery Mills
Box   181
Liberty Full-Fashion Hosiery Mills
Box   181
Massachusetts Knitting Mills
Box   181
Mission Hosiery Mills
Box   181
Mt. Holly Hosiery Mills
Box   181
Murphy, Archie
Box   181
Nebel Knitting Mills
Box   181
Nocturne Hosiery Mills
Box   181
Okey Hosiery Company
Box   181
Park Hosiery Dyeing and Finishing Company
Box   181
Pioneer Hosiery Dyeing Corporation
Box   181
Powell Knitting Company
Box   181
Red House Manufacturing Company
Box   181
Rockford Mitten and Hosiery Company
Box   181
Rosedale Knitting Company
Box   181
Sanderson Knitting Mills
Box   181
Se-Ling Hosiery Mills
Box   181
Union Manufacturing Company
Box   181
Vance Knitting Mills
Box   181
Walnut Hosiery Mills
Box   181
Zimbalist v. Carl MacKley Houses
Box   181
Box   181
General, 1947-1949
Box   181
Box   181
Portal to Portal
Box   182
Wage Tribunal
Box   182
Swiss Bleachery - Case 2-CB-1074
Box   182
Housatonic Dye and Printing Company
Box   182
House Resolution No. 258 - Investigation of the NLRB, 1939
Box   182
House Committee on Resolution No. 258, 1940
Box   182
House Committee on Labor, 1940
Box   182
Box   182
“How Liberal Is Justice Hughes?” / Joseph F. Guffey, 1937
Box   182
Howland Croft Sons and Company
Box   182
Hudson Knitting
Box   182
Hudson Worsted Company
Box   182
Huguet Fabrics Corporation
Box   182
Hunter (James) Machine Company
Box   182
Huntingdon Throwing Company
Box   182
Huntsville Manufacturing Company
Box   182
Hyman, Burton
Box   182
Imperial Linens
Box   182
Incoming Office Memoranda
Box   182
Independent Paper Mills
Box   182
“Independent Unionism” / by Henry Mayer
Box   182
Indiana Cotton Mills
Box   182
Indianapolis Bleaching Company
Box   182
Industrial Cotton Mills Company
Box   182
Industrial Rayon Corporation
Box   182
Indian Head Mills
Box   183
Industrial Rayon Company
Box   183
Industrial Trust Company
Box   183
Ingenuity v. TWUA
Box   183
Ingram Spinning Mills
Box   183
Inman Mills
Box   183
Insel Company
Box   183
Box   184
Interlaken Mills (Harris Mill)
Box   184
Interlaken Mills
Box   184
Internal Revenue
Box   184
International Flouncing
Box   184
International Looms
Box   184
International Mule Spinners' Union
Box   184
Inter-Office Memoranda
Box   184
Irving Worsted Company
Box   184
Itasca Cotton Manufacturing
Box   184
Industrial Trades Union
Box   184
IUE-UE, Local Withdrawals
Box   184
Frank IX and Sons
Box   184
Jackson, Thomas and Son Inc.
Box   184
Jaffrey Mills
Box   184
James Thompson and Company
Box   184
Jamestown Worsted Mills Company
Box   184
January and Wood Company
Box   184
Jelliff (C.O.) Manufacturing
Box   184
Jennings Cotton Mills
Box   184
Jerome Knitting Mills
Box   184
Jersey Plastic and Die Casting Company
Box   184
Jewell Brook Woolen Company
Box   184
Jewell Cotton Mills
Box   184
Joelson, Judge Harry E.
Box   184
Johns-Manville Company
Box   184
Johnson & Johnson
Box   184
Jowett Mills Inc.
Box   184
Judicial Interpretation of Labor Laws
Box   184-185
Julliard and Company (A.D.)
Box   185
K-B Products
Box   185
Kahn and Feldman Inc.
Box   185
Kahn Ribbon Mills
Box   185
Kalix Mills
Box   185
Kamoinow Brothers
Box   185
Kaplan Brothers
Box   185
Karagheusian (A & M) Inc.
Box   185
Kaufaman (L.) Company
Box   185-186
Kayser (Julius) and Company
Box   186
Keating Construction Company
Box   186
Kelley v. Sylvia
Box   186
Kemp and Beatley Inc.
Box   186
Kendall Mills
Box   186
Kent (Percy) Bag Company
Box   186
Kerr Mills
Box   186
Kerstetter Silk Throwing Company
Box   186
Keystone Silk Manufacturing Company
Box   186
Keystone Weaving Mills
Box   186
Kickernick Company
Box   186
Kilburn Mills
Box   186
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Box   186
Kitchen v. LaChappelle
Box   186
Klumac Cotton Mills
Box   186
Koberin Manufacturing Company
Box   186
Krongold Umbrella Company
Box   186
Kroy Silk Corporation
Box   186
Kuper, Leon
Box   186
Labor Extension Service Program
Box   187
Labor Publications Foundation
Box   187
Labor Relations and the War
Box   187
Labor's Charter of Rights, 1935
Box   187
Box   187
Lacon Woolen Mills
Box   187
LaFayette Cotton Mills
Box   187
La Favorite Rubber
Box   187
Landers Corporation
Box   187
Lane Cotton Mills
Box   187
Lawrence Duck Company
Box   187
Lawrence Woolen Company
Box   187
Lees-Cochrane Company
Box   187
Leaksville Woolen Mills
Box   187
Lebanon Woolen Mills Corporation
Legal Department
Box   187
Box   187
Rieve and Katz
Box   187
Monthly Reports
Box   187
Box   187
Lehigh River and Brookdale v. TWUA
Box   187
Leibowitz and Son
Box   187
Leicester Woolen Mills
Box   187
Leon-Ferenbach Inc.
Box   187
Lester Shire Spool and Bobbin Company
Box   187-188
Levin, Lester M.
Box   188
Lewiston Bleach and Dye Works
Box   188
Libbey (W.S.)
Box   188
Liebowitz (J.) and Sons Company
Box   188
Lima Woolen Mills
Box   188
Limestone Mills
Box   188
Linda Cotton Mills
Box   188
Linen Thread Company
Box   188
Lion Binding and Trimming Company
Box   188
Little, Herbert
Box   188
Little Steel Decision
Box   188
Local Questions
Box   188
Local 50
Box   188
Local 460
Box   188
Local 112
Box   188
Local 88
Box   188
Local 130
Box   188
Local 204
Box   188
Local 224
Box   188
Local 230
Box   188
Local 254
Box   188
Local 277
Box   188
Local 349
Box   188
Local 408 and 409
Box   188
Local 585
Box   188
Local 511
Box   188
Local 1733
Box   188
Local 1874
Box   188
Local 1935
Box   188
Local 2421
Box   188
Local 1983
Box   189
Box   189
Lockwood-Dutchess Inc.
Box   189
Lone Star Bag and Bagging Company
Box   189
Longlife Elastic Manufacturing Company
Box   189
Long Life Elastic Company
Box   189
Longsdale Company
Box   189
Lorraine Manufacturing Company
Box   189
Lonsdale Company
Box   189
Loomfixers Club Association
Box   189
Lorraine Manufacturing Company
Box   189
Louisville Sanitary Wipers
Box   189
Louisville Textile Inc.
Box   189
Lowell Bleachery Inc.
Box   189
Lowell Woolen Mills
Box   189
Lowenthal (W) Company
Box   189
Ludlow Manufacturing and Sales Company
Box   189
Luther Manufacturing Company
Box   189
Box   189
Lynn Textile Mills Inc.
Box   189
Mace Manufacturing Company
Box   189
Machel Estate
Box   189
Mack Holding Company
Box   189
Mackintosh (D.) and Sons Company
Box   189
Macon Textile Inc.
Box   189
Macungie Silk Company
Box   189
Madden, George L.
Box   189
Magee Carpet Company
Box   189
Mailing Department
Box   189
Majestic Metals Inc.
Box   189
Malden Spinning
Box   189
Malina Arbitration Case
Box   189
Box   189
Manhattan Yarn Dyeing Company
Box   189
Manning, Frank
Box   189
Box   189
Mansfield Mills Inc.
Box   189
Marcalus Manufacturing
Box   189
Marcus and Company
Box   189
Box   189
Marshall Field and Company
Box   189
Marshall (Walter) Spinning Corporation
Box   189
Martel Mills
Box   189
Box   190
Martin Dyeing and Finishing Company
Box   190
Martinsburg Case
Box   190
Marvelous Dyeing and Finishing Company
Box   190
Master Screen Engravers Guild Inc.
Box   190
Matte v. Kosnick
Box   190
Mary Leila v. White
Box   190
Mary Leila Cotton Mills
Box   190
Massollo, Arthur D.
Box   190
Mays Landing Power
Box   190
Maximum Average Price
Box   190
McCallum and Robinson
Box   190
McDermott, Robert J.
Box   190
Box   190
McAllester Hosiery Mills
Box   190
McDowell ads
Box   190
McKee, Don
Box   190
McLaughin Ads
Box   190
McMahon, Thomas F.
Box   190
Meadox Weaving
Box   190
Medford Knitwear Mills
Box   190-191
Memoranda of Law and Briefs
Box   191
Mente and Company
Box   191
Mercer Textile
Box   191
Merchants and Newark Trust Company
Box   191
Meribee Art Embroidery
Box   191
Merrimac Manufacturing Company
Box   191
Merrion Worsted Mills
Box   191
Merrimac Manufacturing Company
Box   191
Metal Industries Inc.
Box   191
Metal Textile Corporation of Delaware
Box   191
Metropolitan Insurance Company
Box   191
Mexia Cotton Mills
Box   191
Michie, (Andrew Y.) Sons Inc.
Box   191
Middlebrook (Joseph A.) Inc.
Box   191
Midwest Burlap and Bag Corporation
Box   191
Mills Mill
Box   191
Mill Villages
Box   191
Milliken (Lancey G.) Inc.
Box   191
Millville Manufacturing Company
Box   191
Minimum Wage
Box   191
Minneapolis Knitting Mills
Box   191
Minneola Manufacturing Company
Box   191-192
Box   192
Missouri Bag Company
Box   192
Mobile Cotton Mills
Box   192
Model Sabotage Prevention Act
Box   192
Mohawk Carpet Mills
Box   192
Monarch Mills
Box   192
Moniteaux Mills
Box   192
Monomac Spinning Company
Box   192
Montgomery Dye Company
Box   192
Monument Mills
Box   192
Moon Silk Mills Inc.
Box   192
Mooney, J.P.
Box   192
Moore (George C.) Company
Box   192
Mooresville Cotton Mills
Box   192
Morgan Laundry
Box   192
Morris Brothers
Box   192
Mortuary Fund - TWUA
Box   192
Mostertz (Ferdinand) Company
Box   192
Mountain Weaving
Box   192
Mt. Vernon-Woodberry Mills
Box   192
Mugno-Unemployment Insurance
Box   192
Box   192
Murray, Philip
Box   192
Musgrove Mills
Box   192
Mutual Box Board Company
Box   192
Muth, Eugene O.
Box   192
Myers, Dr. A. Howard
Box   193
Narragansett Plush
Box   193
Narrow Fabric
Box   193
Narrow Ribbon Specialty Company
Box   193
Nashua Manufacturing Company
Box   193
National Automotive Fibres
Box   193
National Bankruptcy Act
Box   193
National CIO War Production
Box   193
National Defense Executive Research Program
Box   193
National Felt Works
Box   193
National Hair Cloth Company
Box   193
National Lawyers Guild
Box   193
National Labor Relations Act NLRB
Box   193
National Mattress Company
Box   193
National Mediation Board
Box   193
National Musical String Company
Box   193
National Office Bulletin
Box   193
National Slipper Manufacturing Association
Box   193
National Surety Corporation
Box   193
National Surfit Quilting Company
Box   194
National Velvet Corporation
Box   194
National War Labor Board
Box   194
National Waste Company
Box   194
National Weaving Company
Box   194
National Worsted Mills Inc.
Box   194
National Woven Label
Box   194
Naumkeag Steam Cotton Company
Box   194
Naushon Mills Inc.
Box   194
Naval Affairs of the House of Representatives
Box   194
Naahr Bag Company
Box   194
Nedra Finishing Corporation
Box   194
Neidich Cellustra Company
Box   194
Nelson-Columbua (Hugh) Carpet Company
Box   194
Nemasket Mills
Box   194
New Bedford Cordage Company
Box   194
New Bedford Cotton Manufacturers Association
Box   195
New Bedford Cotton Manufacturers Association
Box   195
Newman, Georgia - Anti-Union Ordinance
Box   195
Newnan Cotton Mills Inc.
Box   195
New Bedford Loomfixers Petition
Box   195
Box   195
New Bedford Knitting Mills
Box   195
New Bedford Rayon Company
Box   195
New Castle Products Corporation
Box   195
New England Web Inc.
Box   195
New Jersey Carpet Mills Inc.
Box   195
New Jersey Worsted and Gera Mills
Box   195
New London Fabrics
Box   195
Newmarket Manufacturing Company
Box   195
New York Joint Board
Box   196
New York University - Eleventh Annual Conference on Labor
Box   196
Nina Dye Works
Box   196
Nicolet Industries Inc.
Box   196
New York Mills
Box   196
Nitram Manufacturing Company
Box   196
Norman Finishing Company
Box   196
Normandy Print Works
Box   196
North Star Woolen Company
Box   196
Normandy Print Works
Box   196
Norris-LaGuardia Act
Box   196
Norristown Magnesia and Asbestos Company
Box   196
North American Rayon Corporation
Box   196
Northampton Textile Company
Box   196
North Carolina Finishing Company
Box   196
North Carolina - Service of Process
Box   196
North Jersey Joint Board
Box   196
North River Yarn Company
Box   196
Northern Cotton Wage Negotiations
Box   196
Norwich Mills Inc.
Box   196
Norwich Knitting Company
Box   196
Novelty Binding and Trimming Company
Box   196
Box   196
Nye-Wait Inc., Strike
Box   197
Occupational Disease
Box   197
Old Dominion Housing Corporation
Box   197
Oneita Knitting Mills
Box   197
Office of Price Administration
Box   197
Oregon Worsted Company
Box   197
Organizing Campaign Data
Box   197
Organizing Committee - CIO
Box   197
Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation
Box   197
Olson Rug Company
Box   197
Onondaga Silk Company
Box   197
Oriental Rug
Box   197
Orinoka Mills
Box   197
Orr Felt and Blanket Company
Box   197
Oscar Nebel Hosiery Company
Box   197
Otten, Mary Bauer
Box   197
Outgoing Office Memoranda
Box   197
Box   197
Owens Corning Fiberglass
Box   197-198
Pacific Mills
Box   198
Pacific Slipper Company
Box   198
Palmer Mills Inc.
Box   198
Palmetto Cotton Mills
Box   198
Paragon Umbrella
Box   198
Paramount Textile Machinery Company
Box   198
Paramount Winding Company
Box   198
Park Hosiery Company
Box   198
Park Tissue Mills Inc. and Frost White Paper Mills Inc.
Box   198
Parliamentary Procedure
Box   198
Peerless Woolen Mills
Box   199
Pendleton Manufacturing Company
Box   199
Pendleton Woolen Mills
Box   199
Pennsylvania Labor Mediation Act
Box   199
Pentagon Printing Company v. Rieve and Fiester
Box   199
Pepperell Manufacturing Company
Box   200
Perfect Winding Company
Box   200
Permacel Tape Company
Box   200
Perry Knitting Company
Box   200
Pervel Corporation
Box   200
Perfect Textile Print
Box   200
Perfection Spinning Company
Box   200
Box   200
Petzold, Max
Box   200
Philadelphia Carpet Company
Box   200
Philadelphia Penn Worsted Company
Box   200
Philip, Jean
Box   200
Piedmont Cotton Mills
Box   200
Pickett Cotton Mills
Box   200
Pilling, Ivan
Box   200
Pioneer, Atlanta Company
Box   200
Pittsburgh Garter Company
Box   200
Plaskolite Inc.
Box   200
Plasticloth Products
Box   201
Plastic Woven Products
Box   201
Plastoid Corporation
Box   201
Plaza Silk Mills Strike
Box   201
Plymouth Cordage Company
Box   201
Plymouth Manufacturing Company
Box   201
Poe (Theodore W.) Company
Box   201
Poitras v. Local 2103
Box   201
Pollack (Max) and Company
Box   201
Polyvinyl Corporation
Box   201
Ponemah Mills
Box   201
Pontiac Products Corporation
Box   201
Portal-to-Portal (Law Memos)
Box   201
Portal-to-Portal Act
Box   201
Porter Dearington Company
Box   201
Posner, Herman
Box   201
Postex Mills
Box   201
Potomac Dyeing and Finishing Company
Box   201
Powdrell and Alexander
Box   201
Prairie du Chien Woolen Mills Company
Box   201
Box   201
Premier Worsted File
Box   202
Prentice Hall Inc.
Box   202
Pressman, Lee
Box   202
Progress Works Administration
Box   202
Pressman Toy Corporation
Box   202
Price Spindle and Flyer Company
Box   202
Prim Era Hosiery Mills Inc.
Box   202
Princeton Knitting Mills
Box   202
Princeton Worsted Mills
Box   202
Priscella Worsted Mills v. TWUA
Box   202
Profile Cotton Mills
Box   202
Providence Combing Company
Box   202
Providence Dyeing, Bleaching and Calendering Company
Box   202
Proximity Manufacturing Company
Box   202
Proximity Print Works
Box   202
Prym (William) Company
Box   202
Box   202
Puritan Looms Inc.
Box   202
PVM Corporation
Box   202
Quaker Pile Fabric Corporation
Box   202
Queen Print Works Inc.
Box   202
Queen City Textile Corporation
Box   202
Queen Silk Corporation
Box   202
Quissett Mills
Box   202
Radio Writers Guild
Box   202
Radio Station WSOC
Box   202
Ramapo Piece Dye Works
Box   202
Rambo and Regar Inc.
Box   202
Ranlo Manufacturing Company
Box   202
Ramsay Mills Inc.
Box   202
Rans-Jordan Company
Box   202
Raritan Mills Company
Box   202
Raycrest Mills
Box   202
Raynit Mills
Box   202
RayTex Dyers and Printers Inc.
Box   202
Regis Textiles Inc.
Box   202
Regulation of Labor Unions
Box   202
Reinstatement of Strikers
Box   202
Reiss (Louis) and Sons Inc. v. Greater New York Joint Board
Box   202
Remblad, Walter
Box   202
Removal to Federal Courts
Box   202
Research Department
Box   202
Resistoflex Corporation
Box   203
Return Registry Receipts
Box   203-204
Richardson v. Local 204
Box   204
Riegel Textile Corporation
Box   204
Rieve Memos, 1946-1947
Box   204
Rieve Memoranda
Box   204
Rieve v. Galusha
Box   204
Riverside Cotton Mills
Box   204-205
Riverside and Dan River Cotton Mills
Box   205
Riverside Silk Company
Box   205
Riverside Dyeing and Finishing Company
Box   205
Riverside Mills
Box   205
Roanoke, Virginia, Cooperative
Box   205
Roanoke Mills Company
Box   205
Rochambeau Worsted Company
Box   205
Rock Hill Printing and Finishing Company
Box   205
Rock Hill, South Carolina
Box   205
Rock Hill Printing and Finishing Company
Box   205
Rockland Knitting Mills Inc.
Box   205
Rock River Woolen Company
Box   205
Roger Williams Manufacturing Company
Box   205
Rogers, Melvin L. v. TWUA
Box   205
Roselin Manufacturing Company
Box   205
Rosewood Fabrics
Box   205
Roselle Shoe Corporation
Box   205
Rossie Velvet Company
Box   206
Royal Cotton Mills Inc.
Box   206
Royal Swan Company
Box   206
Royal Textile Company
Box   206
Rubberoid Company
Box   206
Rueping (Fred) Leather Company
Box   206
Rugg (E.T.) Company
Box   206
Rug Renovating Company
Box   206
Run-off Election
Box   206
Russell Manufacturing Company
Box   206
Russellville Mills
Box   206
S & K Manufacturing Company
Box   206
Saco-Lowell Shops
Box   206
Safie Manufacturing Company
Box   207
Sagamore Mills
Box   207
Salaries - Local Union Officers
Box   207
Salisbury Cotton Mills
Box   207
Samarkand Profit-Sharing Plan and Trust Indenture
Box   207
Sanco Piece Dye Works
Box   207
Sanders (J.C.) Cotton Mill
Box   207
Sanford Mills
Box   207
Saratoga-Victory Mills Inc.
Box   207
Schlake Dye Works Inc.
Box   207
Schuster, Alwood
Box   207
Schwab & Schwab
Box   207
Schwartz (Harry) Yarn Company
Box   207
Schwarzenbach Huber Company
Box   207
Scottdale Mills Inc.
Box   207
Sea Island Thread Corporation
Box   207
Selective Service
Box   208
Samson Cordage Works
Box   208
Box   208
Se Ling Hosiery Mills
Box   208
Selma Cotton Mills
Box   208
Seneca Knitting Mills
Box   208
Service of Process
Box   208
Settlement - AFL-CIO
Box   208
Severance Pay
Box   208
Shack (Maurice) and Automatic Milk Dispenser Corporation
Box   208
Shapiro and Son Curtain Corporation
Box   208
Shamokin Dye and Print Works
Box   208
Shannock Narrow Fabric Company
Box   208
Shawnee Finishing Company
Box   208
Sheble and Wood Yarn Corporation
Box   208
Shenandoah Rayon Corporation
Box   208
Sher, Martin
Box   208
Shift Bonus
Box   208
Shirt Works Union
Box   208
Silk and Rayon Manufacturing Association
Box   208
Shoe Lace Company
Box   208
Silk and Rayon Manufacturing Association
Box   208
Silver Lake Mills
Box   208
Silver Line Dye Works Inc.
Box   208
Simas, Joseph C.
Box   208
Simmerson, Ralph
Box   208
Skinner (William) and Sons
Box   208
Skydyne Inc.
Box   208
Slatersville Finishing Company
Box   208
Smith and Sons Carpet Company
Box   208
Smith (Alexander) and Sons
Box   208
Smith-Connelly Act
Box   208
Smith Textile Corporation
Box   208
Smith v. TWOC
Box   208
Smithfield Manufacturing Company
Box   209
Social Security
Box   209
Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Acts
Box   209
Somersville Manufacturing Company
Box   209
South Action Woolen Company
Box   209
Soule Mill
Box   209
South - Economic Report on Conditions in the South
Box   209
Southern Cotton Chemical
Box   209
Southern Mills Corporation
Box   209-210
Southern and Northern Cotton - National War Labor Board
Box   210
Southeastern Industries Inc.
Box   210
Southeastern Mills Inc.
Box   210
Southern Pile Fabric Company
Box   210
Southern Strike Fund
Box   210
Southern Webbing Mills Inc.
Box   210
Southern Wage Brackets
Box   210
Spartan Mills
Box   210
Spatex Corporation
Box   210
Spray Cotton Mills
Box   210
Sperry Rubber and Plastics Company
Box   210
Springfield Woolen Mills
Box   210
Spirella Company
Box   210
Springdale Mills
Box   211
Star Woolen Mills
Box   211
Startex Mills
Box   211
Stead and Miller Company
Box   211
Steele's Mills Inc.
Box   211
Stehli and Company
Box   211
Box   211
Steinco Dyeing and Finishing Company
Box   211
Steinfield Fabrics Company
Box   211
Stephen Spinning Company
Box   211
Sterling Cotton Mills
Box   211
Sterling Glove Company
Box   211
Strong-Hewat and Company
Box   211
Subversive Organizations
Box   211
Summergrade (N.) and Sons Company
Box   211
Talladega Cotton Factory Inc.
Box   211
Tax Problems
Box   211
Terminal Dyeing and Finishing
Box   211
Texas Textile Mills
Box   212
Tex-Ray Fabrics Inc.
Box   212
Tex-Tuft Products Inc.
Box   212
Textile Foam Inc.
Box   212
TWUA - Financial Report, 1947
Box   212
Texticrafters Inc.
Box   212
Textilfoam Corporation
Box   212
Thomson, F. Ehrlich
Box   212
Threads Inc.
Box   212
Triangle Finishing Corporation
Box   212
Tioga Weaving Company
Box   212
Tri-Ess Products
Box   212
Tufted Textile Manufacturers Association
Box   212
Uncas Printing and Finishing Company
Box   212
Union Security
Box   273
United Piece Dye Works
Box   273
United Shoe Workers
Box   273
United States Bobbin Company
Box   273
U.S. Bobbin & Shuttle Company
Box   273
United States Finishing Company and International Brotherhood of Teamsters
Box   273
United States Finishing Company
Box   273
United States Rubber Company
Box   273
United States - Rules of Court
Box   273
United States Supreme Court
Box   273
United States Testing Company Inc.
Box   273
United Wire Goods Manufacturing Company
Box   273
United Wool Piece Dyeing and Finishing Company
Box   273
Universal Cordage Company
Box   273
Up-To-Date Arbitration
Box   274
Box   274
Utica and Mohawk Cotton Mills Inc.
Box   274
Van Raalte Corporation
Box   274
Venus Binding and Trimming Company
Box   274
Wade Manufacturing Company
Box   274
Wage Stabilization
Box   274
Warshow (H.) and Sons
Box   274
Wasek, Stanley
Box   274
Waumbec Mills Inc.
Box   274
West Boylston Western Felt
Box   275
Western Lace and Line Company
Box   275
Western Products Company
Box   275
White, H.P.
Box   275
Whittall, J.J.
Box   275
White, Horace
Box   275
Whittier Mills
Box   275
Williamsport Textile Corporation
Box   275
Wilson Brothers Company
Box   276
Woodside Cotton Mills
Box   276
Woodard, Al
Box   276
Woolen Negotiations
Box   276
Woolen and Worsted Industries
Box   276
Woolen Strike
Box   276
Woolich Woolen Mills
Box   276
Woonsocket Worsted Company
Box   276
Winchester Rubber
Box   277
Work Sheets
Box   277
Wortex Mills
Box   278-279
Cases, 1953-1964
Box   213
A.B.C. Engraving Corporation
Box   213
Acme Bedding Company
Box   213
Box   213
Adler Company
Box   213
Advance Piece Dye Works
Box   213
Alamac Knitting Mills
Box   213
Aldora Mills
Box   213
Aldora Mills
Box   213-214
Aleo Manufacturing Company
Box   214
Alessi, Carmen
Box   214
Allen Bean Company
Box   214
Allen-Morrison Sign Company
Box   214
Allentown Conventing Company
Box   214
Allied Chemical Corporation
Box   214
American Cyanamid Company
Box   215
Amazon Cotton Mills
Box   215
Ames Bag Company
Box   215
American Felt Company
Box   215
American Thread Company
Box   216-217
American Woolen Company
Box   217
American Yarn and Processing
Box   217
Ames Bag Company
Box   217
Ames Harris Neville Company
Box   217
Amoskeag-Lawrence Mills Inc.
Box   217
Anchor Rug Company
Box   217
Anderson, Doug
Box   217
Anderson Mattress Company
Box   217
Androscoggin Mills
Box   217
Ankokas Mills
Box   217
Annual Report of the Attorney General
Box   217
Annson Manufacturing Company
Box   217
Anson Manufacturing Company
Box   217
Ansonia O & S Company
Box   217
Anniston Yarn Company
Box   217
Anchor Aluminum Corporation
Box   218
Amerotron Corporation
Box   218
Anchro Rome Mills
Box   218
Aragon Mills
Box   218
Antipyros Employees
Box   218
Arbitration Act
Box   218
Applicants - Law
Box   219
Arbitration Matters
Box   219
Arista Mills
Box   219
Arnold Print Works
Box   219
Arwright Mills Inc.
Box   219
Arrow Manufacturing Company
Box   219
Atlantic Coast Line R.R.
Box   219
Atlantic Cotton Mills
Box   219
Attorneys' Bills
Box   220
Auto Assembly Plastics
Box   220
Avondale Mills - General
Box   220
Box   220
Bacon Felt Company
Box   220
Balston Novelty Yarn Company
Box   220
Bamford, James
Box   220
Bartson (Albert J.) Inc.
Box   220
Bates Manufacturing Company
Box   220
Bates (R.W.) Piece Dye Works Inc.
Box   220
Baxter, Kelly and Faust Company
Box   220
Bauer and Black
Box   220
Beaunit Mills
Box   220
Box   220
Belmont Cases - Stowe Spinning Company
Box   220
Berkshire Woolen Company
Box   220
Berkshire Fine Spinning Company
Box   221
Berryton Mills
Box   221
Bernhard Altmann International Corporation
Box   221
Bethlehem Silk Company
Box   221
Bethlehem Textile Mills Inc.
Box   221
Bigelow-Sanford Jacquard Strike
Box   222
Bigelow-Sanford Company
Box   222
Bird and Sons
Box   222
Bishop, Mariano S.
Box   222
Bluebird Silk Company
Box   222
Blue Ridge Textile Company
Box   222
Bond Ribbon Mills Inc.
Box   222
Boston Quilting Corporation
Box   222
Botany Mills Inc.
Box   222
Bradford Dyeing Association
Box   222
Brampton Woolen Company
Box   222
Bridgeport Fabrics
Box   222
Brighton Mills Inc.
Box   222
Bristol Worsted Company
Box   222
Broadway, Ralph
Box   222
Brookford Mills
Box   222
Brookline Fabrics Inc.
Box   222
Brown, Hugh
Box   222
Burke Golf Equipment Corporation
Box   222
C & S Rug Company
Box   222
Cahoon, Robert S.
Box   222
Call-In Pay Matters
Box   222
Calvine Cotton Mills
Box   222
Cannon Mills
Box   222
Box   222
Captive Audience Doctrine
Box   222
Carol Curtain Corporation
Box   222
Cedartown Textiles Inc.
Box   222
Chase Bag Company
Box   222
Cheney Brothers
Box   223
Chicopee Manufacturing Company
Box   223
Chopak Fabrics Inc.
Box   223
CIO Conference on Labor Law
Box   223
Clark Mills
Box   223
Clearwater Finishing Company
Box   223
Clearwater Printing and Finishing Company
Box   223
Closter Manufacturing Company
Box   223
Coffin and Logar
Box   224
Cleveland Worsted Mills
Box   224
Cohoes Dyeing and Finishing Company
Box   224
Colgate Piece Dye Works
Box   224
Columbian Rope Company
Box   224
Commander Mills Inc.
Box   224
Consolidated Textile Company
Box   224
Contract File
Box   224
Contract Interpretation and Analysis
Box   224
Cornell University Labor Study
Box   225
Courtaulds Inc.
Box   225
Creative Industries
Box   225
Crown Manufacturing Company
Box   225
Crown Worsted Mills Inc.
Box   225
Crump (B.T.) Company
Box   225
Currency - Federal
Box   225
Dan River Mills
Box   225
Danville Knitting Mills
Box   225
Dartmouth Woolen Company
Box   225
Delaware Mills Inc.
Box   225
Dolores Inc.
Box   225
Donner Corporation
Box   225
Dorman Mills Inc.
Box   225
Drico Industrial Corporation
Box   225
Duplan Corporation
Box   225
DuPont de Nemours and Company
Box   225
DuPont Cellophane Company
Box   225
Duraloom Carpet Mills
Box   225
Dyers and Printers Pension Fund
Box   226
Edelman, John W.
Box   226
Election Laws - New York State
Box   226
Ellington and Anderson
Box   226
Ellsworth Mills
Box   226
Endicott Johnson Corporation
Box   226
Engraving Industry
Box   226
Erwin Mills
Box   227
Erwin Housing Project
Box   227
Eureka Printing Company
Box   227
Executive Council Meetings, 1947-1952
Box   227
Faith Mills
Box   227
Fall Rivers Textile Mills
Box   228
Fall River Negotiations
Box   228
Fawcett Mills Inc.
Box   228
Federal Security Agency
Box   228
Federal Silk Mills
Box   229
Fieldcrest Mills
Box   229
Firestone Plants
Box   229
Fisher and Rudge
Box   229
Flintkote Company
Box   229
Fonda Glove Lining Company
Box   229
Box   229
Fontaine Converting Works
Box   229
Forstmann Woolen Company
Box   229
Foster v. TWUA
Box   229
Freeman, Robert
Box   229
Frank Associates
Box   229
French-American-British Woolens Corporation
Box   229
Fry (Lloyd A.) Roofing Company
Box   230
Garry Manufacturing Company
Box   230
General Latex and Chemical Corporation
Box   230
General Office Bulletin
Box   230
Box   230
Georgia Parlor Furniture Company
Box   230
Gilbert Knitting Mill Company
Box   230
Gering Plastics Company
Box   230
Golden Belt Manufacturing Company
Box   230
Golden-Tex Fabrics Corporation
Box   230
Goodman and Theise
Box   230
Box   230
Gordon Mills
Box   230
Gort Girl's Frocks Inc.
Box   230
Green River Mills
Box   230
Griffin Hosiery Mills
Box   230
Grist, Warren R.
Box   231
Halifax County, Virginia - Anti-Union Ordinance
Box   231
Hanes (P.H.) Knitting Company
Box   231
Harriet-Henderson Strike
Box   231
Hartford Rayon Corporation
Box   231
Haverstraw Dye Cases
Box   231
Hega Knitting Mills
Box   231
Hellwig Dyeing Corporation
Box   231
Heminway-Belding Company
Box   231
Hess-Goldsmith Company
Box   232
Hickory Fabrics
Box   232
Highland Cotton Mills
Box   232
Hird (Samuel) and Sons
Box   232
Homestead Woolen Mills
Box   232
Horne (J.H.) and Sons Company
Box   232
Housatonic Dye and Print Works
Box   232
Home Curtain Corporation
Box   232
Howeland Croft, Sons and Company
Box   232
Hyde Park Mills
Box   232
Improved Machinery Inc.
Box   232
Industrial Cotton Mill
Box   232
Industrial Union of Marine and Shipbuilding Workers of America
Box   232
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
Box   232
International Federation of Textile Workers
Box   232
Inter-Office Memoranda
Box   232
It's the Law
Box   232
James Lees and Sons Company
Box   232
Jefferson Mills
Box   232
Jelliff (C.O.) Manufacturing
Box   232
Jewel Cotton Mills
Box   232
Joelson, Charles S.
Box   232
Jacobs, Joe
Box   232
Johnsonville arrest of Red Lisk and Willie Gordon
Box   232
Joseph, Frank
Box   233
Jonas (O.N.) Company
Box   233
Juilliard and Company
Box   234
Kahn Ribbon Mills
Box   234
Kalco Textile Company
Box   234
Karagheusian (A & M) Company
Box   234
Katz, Isadore
Box   234
Kennebic Mills
Box   234
Kilburn Mills
Box   234
Keasbey and Mattison
Box   234
Keller Dorian Corporation
Box   234
Klenert, Lloyd
Box   234
Keystone Weaving Mills
Box   234
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Box   234
Lachman (Charles) Company
Box   234-235
Lafayette Cotton Mills
Box   235
Lane Cotton Mills
Box   235
Lawrence, Roy
Box   235
Lawtex Corporation
Box   235
Lebanon Woolen Mills
Box   235
Lehigh Piece Dye Works
Box   235
Laycob Hat Company
Box   235
Leedom (Thomas) Company
Box   235
Limestone Manufacturing Company
Box   236
Linen Thread Company
Box   236
Local 364
Box   236
Lodi Piece Dye Works
Box   236
Lorraine Manufacturing Company
Box   236
Lowenthal Company (W.)
Box   236
Ludlow Manufacturing Company
Box   236
Lyman, South Carolina
Box   236
Lynch, Wade
Box   236
Lyntex Corporation
Box   236
McGraw Wool Company
Box   236
Mackintosh (D.) and Sons
Box   236
Majestic Lamp Manufacturing Company
Box   236
Majestic Metals
Box   236
Malone, John
Box   236
Martin Brothers
Box   236
Marbek v. John Miraglia
Box   236
Mary-Leila Cotton Mills
Box   237
Massachusetts Mohair Plush Company
Box   237
Massasoit Company
Box   237
Master Yarn Dyers
Box   237
Mathers (G.)
Box   237
Mill Villages
Box   237
Melrose Hosiery Mills
Box   237
Mexia Textile Mills
Box   237
Minerva Printing Corporation
Box   238
Mohasco Unemployment Insurance Case
Box   238
Monroe Upholstery Company
Box   238
Monument Mills Inc.
Box   238
Moore Textile Company
Box   238
Mount Hope Finishing Company
Box   238
Mount Vernon Credit Union
Box   238
Mount Vernon Woodberry Mills
Box   238
National Automotive Fibres
Box   238
Naumkeag Steam Cotton Company
Box   238
Nel Carpet Mills
Box   238
Owens-Corning Fibreglass Corporation
Box   238-239
Paragon Worsted Company
Box   239
Paris Fabric Mills
Box   239
Pen Argyl Mills Inc.
Box   239
Picardy Mills and Double Woven
Box   239
Pickett, Catherine
Box   239
Pickett Cotton Mills
Box   239
Pond-Lily Company
Box   239
Press Releases
Box   239
Princeton Knitting Mills Rieve
Box   239
Rose Terry Company
Box   239
Rosenberg, Milton
Box   239
Simmons, Lowell
Box   239
Shoe Form Company
Box   239
Southbridge Finishing Company
Box   239
Sterwild Knitting Mills
Box   239
Stevens (J.P.) Company
Box   239-240
Stevens (M.T.) and Sons Company
Box   240
Stewart Silk Corporation
Box   240
Stifel (J.L.) and Sons
Box   240
Stillwater Worsted Mills
Box   240
Stonewall Cotton Mills
Box   240
Stowe Spinning Company
Box   240
Strain (David) Inc.
Box   240
Box   240
Strong Hewat Company
Box   240
S. Stroock and Company
Box   240
Structure of AFL Unions
Box   240
Strutwear Brief
Box   240
Stukelman and Duch Vnay
Box   240
Stylon Corporation
Box   240
Substandard Rates of Pay
Box   240
Sufrin, Sidney
Box   240
Sula Corporation
Box   240
Sun Silk
Box   240
Sun Tent Lubbert Case
Box   240
Sullivan (J.) and Sons Company
Box   240
Suncook Mills
Box   240
Superintendent of Documents - United States Government Printing
Box   240
Supertex Dyeing and Finishing Company
Box   240
Supreme Court
Box   240
Susquehanna Mills
Box   240
Swansea Print Company
Box   240
Swift Manufacturing Company
Box   240
Sylvania Division of American Viscose Corporation
Box   241
Sylvania Industrial Corporation
Box   241
Syntex Fabrics
Box   241
Synthetic Yarns Inc.
Box   241
Tabardrey Manufacturing Company
Box   241
Taccone v. Clifton
Box   241
Taglione v. TWOC
Box   241
Box   241
Box   241
Teaque, W.C.
Box   241
Box   241
Taylor and Friedsam Company
Box   241
Box   241
Tennessee Furniture Industries
Box   241
Texas Textile Mills
Box   241
Tex-Ray Fabrics Inc.
Box   241
Textileather Corporation
Box   241
Textile Printing and Finishing Company
Box   241
Textile Salesman
Box   241
Textile Throwsters of Paterson
Box   241
Textile Workers Home Association of New Orleans
Box   242
Textron Inc.
Box   242
Thermo Mills Inc.
Box   242
Thomaston Cotton Mills
Box   242
Time Studies
Box   242
Toledo Mattress Company
Box   242
Tortolano, Vincent
Box   242
Box   242
Trade Union Accident and Health Association of America
Box   242
Triangle Finishing Corporation
Box   242
Box   242
Tubbs Cordage Company
Box   242
Tubize Chattilon
Box   242
Tubize Rayon Company
Box   242
Tuscan Silk Mills
Box   242
TWOC v. Corbett
Box   242
TWOC - International Ladies Garment Workers Union
Box   242
Boston Lease
Box   242
TWUA Care Committee
Box   242
Contribution from UMWA
Box   242
Employees and Officers
Box   242
PM radio station
Box   242
TWUA v. Howard Gill
Box   243
Textile Processes
Box   243
Political Action
Box   243
Research Memos
Box   243
Office Workers of the National Office of Textile Workers Union of America
Box   243
Tynan Throwing Company
Box   243
Udoff, Albert
Box   243
Umbrella Arbitration
Box   243
Unemployment Compensation
Box   243
Union Asbestos and Rubber Company
Box   243
Union Authorization Elections
Box   243
Union Shop Authorization Elections
Box   243
Union-Employer Responsibility
Box   243
Union Labor Life Insurance Company
Box   243
Union Manufacturing Company
Box   244
Union Shop Authorization Elections
Box   244
Union Star Trimming Company
Box   244
United Handkerchief Corporation
Box   244
United Elastic Corporation
Box   244-246
United Piece Dye Works
Box   246
Vaucanson Silk Mills
Box   246
Box   246
Victory Dyeing and Finishing Company
Box   246
Victory Studies Inc.
Box   246
Virginia Dyeing Corporation
Box   247
Virginia Shoe Corporation
Box   247
Voting in Government Elections
Box   247
Wage Reopening
Box   247
Walker Bag Company
Box   247-248
Walsh-Healey Act
Box   248
Warp-Knit Inc.
Box   248
Warren Thread Works
Box   248
Warshow (H.) and Sons
Box   248
Waumbec Dyeing and Finishing Company
Box   248
Wauregan Mills
Box   248
Welfare Fund of New Jersey - TWUA
Box   248
Wellington Mill Division
Box   248
West Point Manufacturing Company
Box   248
Wilton Woolen Company
Box   248
Work Sheets
Cases - Southern Office, 1950-1951
Box   249
Aldora Mills
Box   249-252
American Enka Corporation
Box   253
Atlantic Cotton Mills - Cannon, Robert S.
Box   254
Cedartown Textiles Inc. - Gregory, John Paul
Box   255
Hart Cotton Mills - Jonnard, G.R.
Box   256
Jonnard, G.R. - Roanoke Rapids
Box   257
Roxoboro Cotton Mills - West Boylston Manufacturing Company
J.P. Stevens
Scope and Content Note: These files consist of materials on the organizing attempts made by TWUA among Stevens employees in 1963 and the legal cases that resulted. It also contains briefs and exhibits of the cases taken before the NLRB from 1964 to 1966.
Box   258
IUD Organizing Campaign, 1963
Box   258
First Round Cases
Box   258
Dunean Plant
Box   258
Estes Plant
Box   258
Waldrop v. IUD
Box   258
Exposition Plant
Box   258
Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina
Box   259
Box   260-261
National Labor Relations Board
Box   262
Index, 1944-1946, to TWUA Cases reviewed by the NLRB
Secession, 1952-1954
Box   263
Bishop charges v. Eanes
Box   263
Letters to 7 Named Individuals
Box   263
Certified Copies of Amendments to International Constitution
Box   263
Canada Secession Litigation
Box   263
Connecticut Secession Litigation
Box   263
Massachusetts Secession Litigation
Box   263
New Jersey Litigation Files
Box   264
Libel Materials
Box   264
North Carolina Litigation
Box   265
Rhode Island Litigation
Box   265
Penn-Appalachian Secession Cases
Box   265
Penn-Appalachian Joint Board NLRB File
Box   265
George Abrams Affidavits - Elections
Box   265
Elections in Secession Situations
Box   266
Resolution of Executive Council Protecting Property of Seceding Locals and Preventing Commingling of Funds
Box   266
Box   267-272
Taft Hartley Cases, 1946-1958
Scope and Content Note: This file contains legal briefs and information gathered by the legal department relating to the effects of the Taft-Hartley Act on organized labor.