J. Fred Coots Papers, 1912-1980

Container Title
Subseries: Other Files
Box   54
Folder   6
Actors' Equity League Strike - Correspondence, Contracts, 1960
American Theatre Wing
Box   54
Folder   7
Board of Directors' Minutes, Correspondence, 1942-1961
Box   54
Folder   8
Scripts, Photographs
Committee of Theatrical Producers
Box   54
Folder   9
Correspondence, Financial Reports, Other Papers, 1949-1952
Council of the Living Theatre
Box   54
Folder   10
Correspondence, Minutes, Reports, 1950-1958
Box   55
Folder   1
Film - Main Street to Broadway, 1951
Box   55
Folder   2
Promotional Material
Box   55
Folder   3
Reports and Projects, 1952
Box   55
Folder   4
Fund for the Republic Inc. - Correspondence, 1955-1957
Box   55
Folder   5
Greater New York Fund, 1958 Campaign - Correspondence, Publications
Box   55
Folder   6
Independent Booking Office - Correspondence, Minutes, 1958, 1960
Box   55
Folder   7
Joint Committee of the Theatre Guild-American Theatre Society and the Council of the Living Theatre, 1958-1960
League of New York Theatres Inc.
Box   55
Folder   8
Correspondence, Reports
Box   55
Folder   9
Minutes, 1957-1958
Box   55
Folder   10
Mary McArthur Memorial Fund - Correspondence, 1959-1961
Box   55
Folder   11
New Dramatists Committee - Correspondence, Reports
Box   55
Folder   12
“Seventy Cent Ticket Plan” - Correspondence, 1957-1959