Griffith H. Williams Papers, 1875-2001

Container Title
Series: Subject Files
Box   1
  Folder   1
Alcohol studies, 1950-1955
Box   1
  Folder   2
American Psychiatric Association correspondence, prior to 1959
Box   1
  Folder   3
Biennial reports, 1952-1958
Box   1
  Folder   4
Citizens Public Welfare Association, 1950-1961
Box   1
  Folder   5
Children and Youth, Division for, 1952
Box   1
  Folder   6
Wisconsin Child Center
Box   1
  Folder   7
Child guidance clinics
Box   1
  Folder   8
Dane County Medical Society
Box   1
  Folder   9
Fiscal notes, 1958-1959
Box   1
  Folder   10
General, information data regarding Division (report to Board of Public Welfare, 1958 February 26)
Box   1
  Folder   11
Griffenhagen survey, 1947
Box   1
  Folder   12
Governor's Committee, community project, 1957-1958
Box   1
  Folder   13
Interdivisional Committee on Staff Development, 1953-1959
Legislative Council
Box   1
  Folder   14
Committee on Child Welfare, 1953-1954
Box   1
  Folder   15
Committee on Mental Health and Problems of Children and Youth, 1956-1959
Box   1
  Folder   16
Legislative Reference Library
Box   1
  Folder   17
Research and statistics, 1952-1958
Box   1
  Folder   18
Business management, 1950-1960
Box   1
  Folder   19
Collection and deportation, 1951-1960
Box   1
  Folder   20
Deputy director, 1950-1954
Box   1
  Folder   21
Director, 1950-1960
Box   1
  Folder   22
Motor Vehicle Department (driver's license), 1957
National Mental Health Act funding
Box   1
  Folder   23
Appleton public schools, 1951-1956
Box   1
  Folder   24
Kenosha County, 1952-1954
Box   1
  Folder   25
La Crosse State College, 1951-1955
Box   1
  Folder   26
Madison public schools
Box   1
  Folder   27
Personnel data, Social Security, 1953-1960
Box   1
  Folder   28
Pre-commitment services, 1954
Box   1
  Folder   29
Research and research projects, 1951-1960
Box   1
  Folder   30
Sexual Deviation Advisory Committee, 1950-1955
Box   1
  Folder   31
Social Security and Old Age and Survivors Insurance, 1955-1961
State Medical Society
Box   1
  Folder   32
General files, 1954-1958
Box   1
  Folder   33
Committee on Nervous and Mental Diseases, 1953-1958
Box   1
  Folder   34
Committee on Mental Hygiene, Institutional Care and State Departments, 1950-1952
Box   1
  Folder   35
Survey of care and treatment of mentally ill in Wisconsin, 1938
Box   1
  Folder   36
Survey of mental health facilities, 1948
Box   1
  Folder   37
Training of practical nurses
Box   1
  Folder   38
Wisconsin Council for Mentally Retarded, 1952-1958
Box   1
  Folder   39
Wisconsin Hospital Association, 1951-1953
Box   1
  Folder   40
Wisconsin Psychiatric Association
Box   1
  Folder   41
Marathon County Mental Health Institute application for construction
Box   2
  Folder   1
Alcoholic centers
Box   2
  Folder   2
Bureau of Research and Statistics (statistical data), 1955-1960
Box   2
  Folder   3
Drugs used in mental hospitals, 1951-1958
Box   2
  Folder   4
Family care program, administrative 1952-1959
Box   2
  Folder   5
Family care homes, 1956-1959
Box   2
  Folder   6
Juvenile judges, information, 1954
Box   2
  Folder   7
County Judges Committee on Mental Hygiene, 1953-1958
Box   2
  Folder   8
Divisional staff, 1951-1955
Box   2
  Folder   9
Fifth International Congress on Mental Health, 1954
Box   2
  Folder   10
Governor's Conference on Mental Health, 1954 October
Box   2
  Folder   11
Inpatient care of emotionally disturbed children, 1960 November
Box   2
  Folder   12
Medical school faculty, 1960
Box   2
  Folder   13
Governor's Conference on Mental Health, 1954 February and June
Box   2
  Folder   14
Midwestern Governors Conference on Mental Health, 1954 November 30
Box   2
  Folder   15
National Institute on Crime and Delinquency, 1960 May
Box   2
  Folder   16
Mental hospital convention, 1960
Box   2
  Folder   17
Eighth Annual Mental Hospital meeting, 1956
Box   2
  Folder   18
National Conference on Social Welfare, 1960 June
Box   2
  Folder   19
Regional Conference on Mental Retardation, 1958 March
Box   2
  Folder   20
[Intellectual disability], Department of Housing, Education, and Welfare meeting 1956 January
Box   2
  Folder   21
Social service, 1958-1960
Box   2
  Folder   22
State and territorial mental health authorities, 1955-1957
Box   2
  Folder   23
Vocational rehabilitation of the mentally ill, 1960 March
Box   2
  Folder   24
Workshops on community mental health services, 1959
Box   2
  Folder   25
[Intellectual disability] workshop, "The Impact of Mental Retardation on the Family and the Community," 1960 January
Box   2
  Folder   26
Nursing training and education
Box   2
  Folder   27
Nursing, general
Box   2
  Folder   28
Public assistance, 1943-1947
Box   2
  Folder   29
Public welfare conference, 1957 April
Box   2
  Folder   30
Divisional meetings, 1952-1960
Box   2
  Folder   31
Institutes, miscellaneous meetings, 1956-1960
Box   2
  Folder   32
Rehabilitation, 1955-1957
Residency training
Box   2
  Folder   33
Committee meetings, 1957-1959
Box   2
  Folder   34
Training, general 1947-1960
Box   2
  Folder   35-36
Wisconsin State Fair, 1958-1962
Box   3
  Folder   1
Agency resources, 1954-1960
Box   3
  Folder   2
Aging, governor's conference, 1956
Box   3
  Folder   3
Aging research project, 1956-1960
Box   3
  Folder   4
Aid to the blind, 1955
Box   3
  Folder   5
Alcoholism Committee, 1956
Box   3
  Folder   6
Alcoholism, 1952-1962
American Psychological Association
Box   3
  Folder   7
Council of Representatives, 1959
Box   3
  Folder   9
Symposium, 1959
Box   3
  Folder   10
American Public Health Association, professional examination service, 1960
Box   3
  Folder   11
Board of Health and Department of Public Welfare, standards for general hospitals and other county institutions, 1960-1963
Box   3
  Folder   12
General, 1960-1961
Box   3
  Folder   13
State Medical Society, Division on Nervous and Mental Diseases, 1959-1963
Box   3
  Folder   14
Inter-departmental staff development, 1962
State Mental Health Advisory
Box   3
  Folder   15
General, 1960-1963
Box   3
  Folder   16
Advisory meetings, 1961
Box   3
  Folder   17
Subcommittee on Mental Health Laws, 1960-1962
Box   3
  Folder   18
Central office files, 1952-1956
Box   3
  Folder   19
Memorandum, 1958-1964
Box   3
  Folder   20
Memorandum, Dr. Ganser, 1961-1962
Box   3
  Folder   21
Publicity and data regarding publications, 1950-1960
Box   3
  Folder   22
Rehabilitation conference, 1960
Box   3
  Folder   23
Journals and test materials at various institutions, 1954-1960
Box   3
  Folder   24
Notices, 1956
Box   3
  Folder   25
Joint Psychologist Training Committee, 1957-1960
Box   3
  Folder   26
intellectual disability project, 1958
Box   3
  Folder   27
Processing of research requests from outside department, 1957-1961
Box   3
  Folder   28-29
Staff Developments Committee, 1959-1961
Box   3
  Folder   30
Wisconsin Thematic Apperception Test workshop, 1958
Box   4
  Folder   1
Annual social work Fall conferences, 1958-1960
Box   4
  Folder   2
Out-of-state, 1954-1960
Box   4
  Folder   3
Bureau of Personnel, 1947-1958
Box   4
  Folder   4
Governor's conference, 1949-1961
Confidential exchange
Box   4
  Folder   5
Eau Claire-Madison, 1954-1958
Box   4
  Folder   6
Milwaukee-Sheboygan, 1944-1958
Box   4
  Folder   7
Cottage home plan, half-way house 1952-1956
Box   4
  Folder   8
Talks, meetings, correspondence 1958-1862
Box   4
  Folder   9
Social Security, 1951-1962
Family care
Box   4
  Folder   10
Preparation of manuals
Box   4
  Folder   11
Manuals: 1. Hospital personnel, 2. Home counselor
Box   4
  Folder   12
General correspondence, 1945-1964
Box   4
  Folder   13
Family service associations, Wisconsin 1949-1961
Box   4
  Folder   14
Wisconsin Public Welfare Association, 1944-1958
Box   4
  Folder   15
Wisconsin Welfare Council, 1946-1964
Box   4
  Folder   16
Division for Children and Youth, 1945-1961
Box   4
  Folder   17
Bureau of Collection and Deportation, 1951-1957
Box   4
  Folder   18
National Mental Health Agency funding for county schools, Kenosha 1948-1956
Box   4
  Folder   19
Public assistance, 1943-1963
Box   4
  Folder   20
Bureau of Research and Statistics, 1960-1961
Box   4
  Folder   21
Department of Public Instruction certification of teachers, 1946-1962
Box   4
  Folder   22
State Board of Health, 1952-1958
Box   4
  Folder   23
Vocational and adult education, Wisconsin 1944-1953
Box   4
  Folder   24
Group for Advancement of Psychiatry, 1947-1950
Box   4
  Folder   25
National Association for Retarded Children, 1953-1955
Box   4
  Folder   26
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare correspondence, 1951-1961
Social service
Box   4
  Folder   27
Studies, 1955
Box   4
  Folder   28
Staff minutes, 1945-1955
Box   4
  Folder   29
Work plan, 1955-1956
Box   4
  Folder   30
Practices and procedures, 1953-1955
Box   4
  Folder   31
Staff meetings, 1954-1956
Box   4
  Folder   32
Staff conference, 1958 January 16-17
Box   4
  Folder   33
Divisional staff meetings, 1951-1960
Box   4
  Folder   34
Minutes of the inter-divisional Staff Development Committee meeting, 1958
Box   4
  Folder   35
County hospitals, social services, current, 1953-1960
Box   4
  Folder   36
Milwaukee County correspondence, 1956-1959
Box   5
  Folder   1
Council of State Governments, 1952-1961
Box   5
  Folder   2
Interstate Compact on Mental Health, 1957-1963
Box   5
  Folder   3
National Mental Health Act educational stipend informational material, 1951-1962
Box   5
  Folder   4
National Association of State Mental Health program directors, 1962-1963
Box   5
  Folder   5
Wisconsin Association for Mental Health, 1956-1962