Wisconsin. Department of Public Instruction. Division for Management and Budget: Federal Program Files, 1965, 1972-1980

Container Title
General policy files, "remaining" 1979-1982
box   57
  Folder   1
State Planning Council on Radioactive Waste Management
box   57
  Folder   2
Meeting notes
box   57
  Folder   3
box   57
  Folder   4
Meeting materials, 1980 July 9
box   57
  Folder   5
Federal legislation
box   57
  Folder   6
box   57
  Folder   7
Dreyfus staff appointments
box   57
  Folder   8
American Motors Corporation controversy
box   57
  Folder   9
Downtown conservation policy
box   57
  Folder   10
University pay change
box   57
  Folder   11
Dwelling code
box   57
  Folder   12
10% cargo preference
box   57
  Folder   13
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
box   57
  Folder   14
Prevailing wage
box   57
  Folder   15
Development Finance Authority
box   57
  Folder   16
National Governors' Association, Committee on State-Local Relations
box   57
  Folder   17
Small business symposium
box   57
  Folder   18
Tax incremental financing
box   57
  Folder   19
Community economic development, L. Fontras
box   57
  Folder   20
Retirement systems, merger
box   57
  Folder   21
Model boards
box   57
  Folder   22
Board eliminations proposal, background materials
box   57
  Folder   23
Department of Development, miscellaneous
box   57
  Folder   24
Small savers certificates
box   57
  Folder   25
McKelvey 60/40 plan
box   57
  Folder   26
Industrial revenue bonds
box   57
  Folder   27
box   57
  Folder   28
Wisconsin Housing Finance Authority
box   57
  Folder   29
Business block grants
box   57
  Folder   30
Financial institution merger, working file
box   57
  Folder   31
10-5-3 depreciation
box   58
  Folder   1
Legislators' comments, abortion issue, special session 1982 May
box   58
  Folder   2
Legislators' request for special session, 1982 May
box   58
  Folder   3
Key budget information
box   58
  Folder   4
Memos and correspondence, veto message
box   58
  Folder   5
Senate bill 783, miscellaneous items
box   58
  Folder   6
Assembly, budget work
Veto message, Assembly bill 66
box   58
  Folder   7
Corrected copies
box   58
  Folder   8
box   58
  Folder   9
Senate, budget work
box   58
  Folder   10
Soil and Water Conservation Districts, Board of
box   58
  Folder   11
School property tax relief
box   58
  Folder   12
University of Wisconsin System
box   58
  Folder   13
Youth initiatives
box   58
  Folder   14
Budget message, Governor's speech materials
box   58
  Folder   15
Miscellaneous items, notes, memos, et cetera
box   58
  Folder   16-17
Legislators' comments, 1981
box   58
  Folder   18
Veto items, public
box   58
  Folder   19
Agency veto comments, Assembly bill 66
box   58
  Folder   20
Veto items, legislative
box   58
  Folder   21
Initiatives, 1981
Departmental files
box   58
  Folder   22
Administration, Department of
box   58
  Folder   23
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, Department of
box   58
  Folder   24
Development, Department of
box   58
  Folder   25
Finance Committee
box   58
  Folder   26
Health and Social Services, Department of
box   58
  Folder   27
Industry, Labor and Human Relations, Department of
box   59
  Folder   1
Justice, Department of
box   59
  Folder   2
Natural Resources, Department of
box   59
  Folder   3
Property taxes
box   59
  Folder   4
Public Instruction, Department of
box   59
  Folder   5
Public Service Commission
box   59
  Folder   6
Revenue, Department of
box   59
  Folder   7
School aids
box   59
  Folder   8
Secretary of State, lobby laws
box   59
  Folder   9
Transportation, Department of
box   59
  Folder   10
Newspaper clippings, budget 1981
box   59
  Folder   11
Prisons, budget 1981
box   59
  Folder   12
Legislation floor session, 1982
box   59
  Folder   13
Miscellaneous requests and correspondence, special session 1982 May
box   59
  Folder   14
Vetoes, Assembly bill 66 1981 October
box   59
  Folder   15
Legislator correspondence, Assembly bill 818, budget adjustment
box   59
  Folder   16
Retirement trailer
box   59
  Folder   17
Idle chatter, regarding vetoes
box   59
  Folder   18
Usury laws
Subject files
box   59
  Folder   19
box   59
  Folder   20
Adjutant General
box   59
  Folder   21
Administration, Department of
box   59
  Folder   22
Administrative rules
box   59
  Folder   23
Aid to Families with Dependent Children
box   59
  Folder   24
Agency legislative liaisons
box   59
  Folder   25
Agriculture, Department of
box   59
  Folder   26
Air quality
box   59
  Folder   27
box   59
  Folder   28
Applied receipts
box   59
  Folder   29
Arrowhead bridge
box   59
  Folder   30
Assembly Organization Committee
box   59
  Folder   31
Assembly Republican leadership
box   59
  Folder   32
Auto industry
box   59
  Folder   33
Bail reform
box   59
  Folder   34
Basic skills
box   59
  Folder   35
box   59
  Folder   36
Bottle bill
box   59
  Folder   37
Building Commission
box   59
  Folder   38
Business climate
box   59
  Folder   39
Cabinet government
box   59
  Folder   40
Capital gains
box   59
  Folder   41
Assembly Republicans
box   59
  Folder   42
Senate Republicans
box   59
  Folder   43
box   59
  Folder   44
Center for Public Representation
box   59
  Folder   45
Children's code
box   59
  Folder   46
China trade mission
box   59
  Folder   47
box   59
  Folder   48
Citizens Utility Board
box   59
  Folder   49
Civil rights
box   59
  Folder   50
Civil service
box   59
  Folder   51
Community Options Program
box   59
  Folder   52
Competency testing
box   59
  Folder   53
box   59
  Folder   54
Constituent letters, summary
box   59
  Folder   55-56
Constitutional amendments
box   59
  Folder   57
box   59
  Folder   58
box   59
  Folder   59
Crime lab
box   59
  Folder   60
Day care
box   59
  Folder   61
Deregulation, trucking
box   59
  Folder   62
DeSantis, Peter
box   59
  Folder   63
Determinate sentencing
box   59
  Folder   64
Development, Department of
box   60
  Folder   1
Domestic abuse
box   60
  Folder   2
Drinking age
box   60
  Folder   3
Drunk driving
box   60
  Folder   4
Earl, Tony
box   60
  Folder   5
Economic mess
box   60
  Folder   6
box   60
  Folder   7
box   60
  Folder   8
Emergency government
box   60
  Folder   9
Employment Relations, Department of
box   60
  Folder   10
box   60
  Folder   11
Energy task force, Governor's
box   60
  Folder   12
Enterprise zones
box   60
  Folder   13
Ethics board
box   60
  Folder   14
Ethics statement
box   60
  Folder   15
Farm contacts
box   60
  Folder   16
box   60
  Folder   17
Governor's out-of-state correspondence
box   60
  Folder   18
Governor's weekly highlights
box   60
  Folder   19
Hazardous waste disposal
box   60
  Folder   20
Health and Social Services, Department of
box   60
  Folder   21
History, Wisconsin
box   60
  Folder   22
Hispanic affairs
box   60
  Folder   23
Historical Society
box   60
  Folder   24
box   60
  Folder   25
box   60
  Folder   26
box   60
  Folder   27
box   60
  Folder   28
box   60
  Folder   29
Industry, Labor and Human Relations, Department of
box   60
  Folder   30
Independent Business Association of Wisconsin
box   60
  Folder   31
Farmland preservation
box   60
  Folder   32
Federal budget
box   60
  Folder   33
Federal grants
box   60
  Folder   34
Financial institutions
box   60
  Folder   35
Finance committee, joint
box   60
  Folder   36
Forest productivity
box   60
  Folder   37
4.4% appropriations cut
box   60
  Folder   38
Fuel shortage
box   60
  Folder   39
box   60
  Folder   40
Gas tax
box   60
  Folder   41
Government containment
box   61
  Folder   1
Industrial revenue bonds
box   61
  Folder   2-3
Initiatives, 1981, 1983
box   61
  Folder   4
box   61
  Folder   5
Interest rates
box   61
  Folder   6
box   61
  Folder   7
Joint Committee on Legislative Organization
box   61
  Folder   8
Joint Convention
box   61
  Folder   9
Juvenile code
box   61
  Folder   10
Kettle Moraine Correctional Institution
box   61
  Folder   11
King, Tom
box   61
  Folder   12
Lac Courte Oreilles tribe
box   61
  Folder   13
Lake Michigan ferry service
box   61
  Folder   14
Legislative Council
box   61
  Folder   15
Legislative dinners
box   61
  Folder   16
Legislators' news blurbs
box   61
  Folder   17-18
Legislators' synopsis
box   61
  Folder   19
box   61
  Folder   20
Lieutenant Governor Russ Olson
box   61
  Folder   21
Lobby laws
box   61
  Folder   22
Local governments
box   61
  Folder   23
Mandates, state
box   61
  Folder   24
Marital property
box   61
  Folder   25
Mass transit
box   61
  Folder   26
box   61
  Folder   27
Medical school
box   61
  Folder   28
Milbrew, Inc.
box   61
  Folder   29
Minimum markup
box   61
  Folder   30
Milwaukee, City of
box   61
  Folder   31
Milwaukee County
box   61
  Folder   32
Minimum wage
box   61
  Folder   33
box   61
  Folder   34
Minority desk
box   61
  Folder   35
Name tags
box   61
  Folder   36
National Governors' Association
box   61
  Folder   37
Native Americans
box   61
  Folder   38
Natural Resources, Department of
box   61
  Folder   39
Newspaper clippings
box   61
  Folder   40
Nuclear waste
box   61
  Folder   41
box   61
  Folder   42
Nursing homes
box   61
  Folder   43
Ombudsman program
box   61
  Folder   44
Oil company excess profits tax
box   61
  Folder   45
Parking tickets
box   61
  Folder   46
box   61
  Folder   47
Personnel Commission
box   61
  Folder   48
box   61
  Folder   49
box   61
  Folder   50
Policy, bills and meetings
box   61
  Folder   51
Poynette game farm
box   61
  Folder   52
Press conferences
box   62
  Folder   1
box   62
  Folder   2
Private schools
box   62
  Folder   3
Product liability
box   62
  Folder   4
Project ELF (extra low frequency)
box   62
  Folder   5
Property tax
box   62
  Folder   6
Public defender
box   62
  Folder   7
Public employees
box   62
  Folder   8
Public Instruction, Department of
box   62
  Folder   9
Public Service Commission
box   62
  Folder   10
box   62
  Folder   11
box   62
  Folder   12
Regulation and Licensing, Department of
box   62
  Folder   13
Republican Party
box   62
  Folder   14
Revenue, Department of
box   62
  Folder   15
Revenue bill
box   62
  Folder   16
Revenue sharing
box   62
  Folder   17
Rural caucus
box   62
  Folder   18
Sales tax
box   62
  Folder   19
School aids formula
box   62
  Folder   20
Senior citizens
box   62
  Folder   21
Senate Republican leadership
box   62
  Folder   22
Septic systems
box   62
  Folder   23
Severance taxes
box   62
  Folder   24
Shared revenue
box   62
  Folder   25
Snow assistance
box   62
  Folder   26
box   62
  Folder   27
Solid waste
box   62
  Folder   28
box   62
  Folder   29
Special elections
box   62
  Folder   30
Supplemental security income
box   62
  Folder   31
State debt
box   62
  Folder   32
State spending
box   62
  Folder   33
State of the State address
box   62
  Folder   34
box   62
  Folder   35
box   62
  Folder   36
box   62
  Folder   37
Taxes, miscellaneous
box   62
  Folder   38
box   62
  Folder   39
Tax incremental financing
box   62
  Folder   40
box   62
  Folder   41
box   62
  Folder   42
Transportation, Department of
box   62
  Folder   43
Unemployment compensation
box   62
  Folder   44
University of Wisconsin System
box   62
  Folder   45
box   62
  Folder   46
VTAE system
box   62
  Folder   47
Veterans Affairs
box   62
  Folder   48
Veterinary school
box   62
  Folder   49
Voucher system
box   62
  Folder   50
Washington office
box   62
  Folder   51
Water quality
box   62
  Folder   52
box   62
  Folder   53
box   62
  Folder   54
Winnebago Mental Health Institute
box   62
  Folder   55
Winter Olympic hall of fame
box   62
  Folder   56
Wisconsin Difference
box   62
  Folder   57
Wisconsin Employee Relations Commission
box   62
  Folder   58
Women's issues
box   62
  Folder   59
Wood, James B.
box   62
  Folder   60
Worker's compensation
box   62
  Folder   61
Youth initiative program
box   62
  Folder   62
Youth Policy and Law Center, Inc.
box   62
  Folder   63
Agencies, Department of Administration, legislative liaisons
box   63
  Folder   1
Community development block grant, other grants
box   63
  Folder   2
Commission credit unions
box   63
  Folder   3
Investment Board
box   63
  Folder   4
Securities commissioner
box   63
  Folder   5
National Federation of Independent Business
box   63
  Folder   6
McKelvey, Export Impact Board
box   63
  Folder   7
box   63
  Folder   8
Export policy, Department of Development
box   63
  Folder   9
Federal spending
box   63
  Folder   10
Enterprise zones
box   63
  Folder   11
Minority Enterprise Small Business Investment Company (MESBIC), Department of Development
box   63
  Folder   12
box   63
  Folder   13
Industrial revenue bonds
box   63
  Folder   14
Competitive Wisconsin
box   63
  Folder   15
Japan, U.S. economic proposal
box   63
  Folder   16
Export companies/Export-Import Bank
box   63
  Folder   17
box   63
  Folder   18
Employee Trust Funds appointments
box   63
  Folder   19
Investment Board funds, reinvest in Wisconsin
box   63
  Folder   20
Early retirement
box   63
  Folder   21
Retirement systems merger
box   63
  Folder   22
box   63
  Folder   23
Wisconsin Housing Finance Authority
box   63
  Folder   24
Public Employee Retirement Income Security Act (PERISA) legislation
box   63
  Folder   25
Department of Development, Pam Wegner
box   63
  Folder   26
Sunset financial merger
box   63
  Folder   27
Credit unions
box   63
  Folder   28-29
box   63
  Folder   30
Adams County
box   63
  Folder   31
box   64
  Folder   1
Portage (continued)
box   64
  Folder   2
box   64
  Folder   3
box   64
  Folder   4
Richland Center, proposal
box   64
  Folder   5
Jackson County
box   64
  Folder   6
box   64
  Folder   7
La Crosse
box   64
  Folder   8
box   64
  Folder   9
box   64
  Folder   10
box   64
  Folder   11
Green Bay/Waupun, property values
box   64
  Folder   12
box   64
  Folder   13
box   64
  Folder   14
West Salem
box   64
  Folder   15
Prison/crime session information
box   64
  Folder   16
Administrative policies
box   64
  Folder   17
Administrative procedures
box   64
  Folder   18
Kraus, William
box   64
  Folder   19
Secretary of State lobbying activities
box   64
  Folder   20-22
Governor's letters, 1980-1982
box   64
  Folder   23
Surplus military equipment
box   64
  Folder   24
Swain, Paul, Legal Counsel 1982
box   64
  Folder   25-27
Storm, Tom, Assistant Legal Counsel 1982
box   64
  Folder   28-29
McCallum, Laurie, Assistant Legal Counsel 1981
box   65
  Folder   1
McCallum, Laurie, Assistant Legal Counsel (continued) 1981