Wisconsin. Department of Health Services. Team, Project, or Workgroup Records, 1984-1985, 1996-2011

Container Title
Subject files
box   1
  Folder   1
Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters
box   1
  Folder   2
Administration, Department of
box   1
  Folder   3-4
Administrative rules
box   1
  Folder   5
Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
box   1
  Folder   6-7
Affirmative action
box   1
  Folder   8
Aging, Board on
box   1
  Folder   9
Aging, White House conference on
box   1
  Folder   10
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, Department of
box   1
  Folder   11
Alien ownership
box   1
  Folder   12
box   1
  Folder   13
Board on Soil and Water Conservation Districts
box   1
  Folder   14
box   1
  Folder   15
Consumer protection
box   2
  Folder   1
box   2
  Folder   2
Dairy price supports
box   2
  Folder   3
Energy, agriculture
box   2
  Folder   4
box   2
  Folder   5
Farm bill, 1981
box   2
  Folder   6
Farm organizations
box   2
  Folder   7-8
Farmland preservation
box   2
  Folder   9
Federal issues
box   2
  Folder   10
Governor's Conference on Agriculture
box   2
  Folder   11
Grain regulation and inspection
box   2
  Folder   12
Land protection policy
box   2
  Folder   13
Loans and aids to young farmers
box   2
  Folder   14
box   2
  Folder   15
box   2
  Folder   16
box   2
  Folder   17
Research funds distribution
box   2
  Folder   18
Rural transportation, advisory task force on
box   2
  Folder   19
Sheep scrapie
box   2
  Folder   20-21
Soil and water conservation
box   2
  Folder   22
box   2
  Folder   23
State Fair Park Board
box   2
  Folder   24
box   2
  Folder   25
Swine research
box   3
  Folder   1-2
Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Council on
box   3
  Folder   3
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
box   3
  Folder   4
American Red Cross, annual reports 1980-1981
box   3
  Folder   5
Appointments, general information
box   3
  Folder   6
Arbor Day
box   3
  Folder   7
Army Corps of Engineers
box   3
  Folder   8
Arts Board
Attorney General
box   3
  Folder   9
General information
box   3
  Folder   10
box   4
  Folder   1
box   4
  Folder   2
Attorneys, directory and general information
box   4
  Folder   3
box   4
  Folder   4
Binding arbitration
box   4
  Folder   5
Blaney Institute
box   4
  Folder   6
Blue Book, introductory article
box   4
  Folder   7-8
box   4
  Folder   9-10
box   5
  Folder   1-3
1979 (continued)
box   5
  Folder   4-10
box   6
  Folder   1-6
1980 (continued)
box   6
  Folder   7-9
box   6
  Folder   10
box   6
  Folder   11
box   6
  Folder   12
Monthly expense monitoring
box   6
  Folder   13-14
box   7
  Folder   1
Office (continued)
box   7
  Folder   2
Budget and office organization
box   7
  Folder   3
Budget materials
box   7
  Folder   4
State budget, fiscal year 1982
box   7
  Folder   5
Contingent fund
box   7
  Folder   6-7
Building Commission
box   7
  Folder   8-16
Meeting materials, 1981-1982
box   7
  Folder   17-18
box   8
  Folder   1
Cabinet government
box   8
  Folder   2
Campaign, 1980
box   8
  Folder   3
Campaign finance
box   8
  Folder   4
Election boards data
box   8
  Folder   5
Special interest clippings
box   8
  Folder   6
box   8
  Folder   7
Census/demographic data
box   8
  Folder   8
Center for Public Policy
box   8
  Folder   9
Center for Public Representation
box   8
  Folder   10-11
Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA)
Chapter laws
box   8
  Folder   12
Vetoed bills
box   8
  Folder   13
Legislative letters
box   8
  Folder   14
Governor's statements
box   8
  Folder   15-16
Bills signed, chapters 1-200
box   9
  Folder   1-3
Bills signed, chapters 91-125, 201-362
box   9
  Folder   4
Bill signing
box   9
  Folder   5
Child abuse
box   9
  Folder   6
box   9
  Folder   7
Claims Board, State of Wisconsin
box   9
  Folder   8
Coastal zone management
box   9
  Folder   9-10
Collective bargaining, binding arbitration, Senate bill 15
box   10
  Folder   1
Community development corporations
box   10
  Folder   2
Competency testing
box   10
  Folder   3
Constitutional convention
box   10
  Folder   4
box   10
  Folder   5
Cost controls
box   10
  Folder   6-8
box   10
  Folder   9
Creative career development
box   10
  Folder   10
Credit unions
box   10
  Folder   11
Crime victims compensation
box   11
  Folder   1-4
Criminal Justice, Council on
box   11
  Folder   5-7
Juvenile justice delinquency prevention funds
box   12
  Folder   1-3
Criminal justice, general information
box   12
  Folder   4
box   12
  Folder   5-6
box   12
  Folder   7
Citizens Utility Board
box   12
  Folder   8
Deaf, Governor's Committee on
box   12
  Folder   9
Deregulation initiatives
box   12
  Folder   10-11
Development, Department of
box   12
  Folder   12
Economic development
box   12
  Folder   13
box   12
  Folder   14
International trade
box   12
  Folder   15
Small cities program
box   13
  Folder   1
box   13
  Folder   2
Urban policy
box   13
  Folder   3
Wisconsin Development Authority
box   13
  Folder   4
Developmental Disabilities, Council on
box   13
  Folder   5
District of Columbia amendment
box   13
  Folder   6
Dreyfus ratings
box   13
  Folder   7-8
Drinking age
box   13
  Folder   9
box   13
  Folder   10
Economic outlook
box   13
  Folder   11
Block grants
box   13
  Folder   12
Education Block Grant State Advisory Committee
box   13
  Folder   13
box   13
  Folder   14
box   13
  Folder   15
box   13
  Folder   16
1202 Commission
box   13
  Folder   17
Education Commission of the States
box   13
  Folder   18
Education Communications Board
box   13
  Folder   19-21
box   14
  Folder   1
Elections (continued)
box   14
  Folder   2
Special interests
box   14
  Folder   3-4
Extremely low frequency
box   14
  Folder   5
Emergency Government
box   14
  Folder   6
Employee Trust Funds, Department of
box   14
  Folder   7
box   14
  Folder   8-9
Employment Relations, Department of
box   14
  Folder   10
Unemployment statistics
box   15
  Folder   1
Youth and minorities
box   15
  Folder   2
box   15
  Folder   3
box   15
  Folder   4
box   15
  Folder   5
box   15
  Folder   6
box   15
  Folder   7
Cicchetti, Charles
box   15
  Folder   8
box   15
  Folder   9
Community Planning
box   16
  Folder   1-9
Energy policy, Mark Popovich
box   16
  Folder   10
box   16
  Folder   11
American Energy Week
box   16
  Folder   12
box   16
  Folder   13
box   17
  Folder   1
Natural resources, hazardous waste speech materials
box   17
  Folder   2
Nuclear safety
box   17
  Folder   3
Solar access
box   17
  Folder   4
Environmental health
Natural resources
box   17
  Folder   5
Milwaukee sewers
box   17
  Folder   6
Outdoor Recreation Act Program
box   17
  Folder   7
Pig's Eye Sewage Treatment Plant
box   17
  Folder   8
Recycling Authority
box   17
  Folder   9
Sewage treatment funding
box   17
  Folder   10
Sheboygan harbor
box   17
  Folder   11
Solid and hazardous waste
box   17
  Folder   12
Midwest Governors' conference
box   17
  Folder   13
Nuclear safety
box   17
  Folder   14
Radioactive waste, legislative committee
box   17
  Folder   15
box   17
  Folder   16
box   17
  Folder   17
Emergency authority
box   18
  Folder   1
Energy, Department of
box   18
  Folder   2
Federal assistance
box   18
  Folder   3
Federal policy
box   18
  Folder   4
Fuel assistance
box   18
  Folder   5-6
Gas, conservation
box   18
  Folder   7
box   18
  Folder   8
Mid-American Solar Energy Complex
box   18
  Folder   9
Murphy Oil
box   18
  Folder   10
National Energy Act
box   18
  Folder   11
National policy
box   18
  Folder   12
National statistics
box   18
  Folder   13
Natural gas
box   19
  Folder   1
Nuclear, nuclear waste
box   19
  Folder   2
box   19
  Folder   3
Point Beach
box   19
  Folder   4
box   19
  Folder   5
Research and development
box   19
  Folder   6
Senate Select Energy Committee
box   19
  Folder   7
Severance taxes
box   19
  Folder   8
box   19
  Folder   9
box   19
  Folder   10
Superior project
box   19
  Folder   11
Supply interruptions
box   19
  Folder   12
Task force
box   19
  Folder   13
Transportation conservation
box   19
  Folder   14
Tyrone nuclear power plant
box   19
  Folder   15
box   19
  Folder   16
box   19
  Folder   17
Wisconsin policy
box   20
  Folder   1
Wisconsin statistics
box   20
  Folder   2
Environmental Decade
box   20
  Folder   3
Environmental organizations of Wisconsin, who's who
box   20
  Folder   4
Ethics Board
box   20
  Folder   5
Extradition manual
box   20
  Folder   6
Federal aid
box   20
  Folder   7
Federal budget cuts
box   20
  Folder   8
Federal issues
box   20
  Folder   9
box   20
  Folder   10
Finance, Joint Committee on, pursuant to section 13.101, Wisconsin Statutes
box   21
  Folder   1-5
Finance, Joint Committee on, pursuant to section 13.101, Wisconsin Statutes (continued)
box   21
  Folder   6
box   21
  Folder   7
Geological survey
box   21
  Folder   8
Governor's Conference on Children and Youth
box   21
  Folder   9
Governor's Employment and Training Office (GETO)
box   21
  Folder   10
Youth employment initiative
box   21
  Folder   11
Summer jobs program
box   21
  Folder   12
Governor's Office Project for the Aging and Disabled
box   21
  Folder   13
Governor's Special Committee on Transportation Aids
box   21
  Folder   14
Governor's Task Force on County Government Organization and Administration
box   21
  Folder   15
Great Lakes Basin Commission
box   21
  Folder   16
Gun control
box   21
  Folder   17
Certificate of need
box   21
  Folder   18
box   22
  Folder   1-2
Costs (continued)
box   22
  Folder   3
box   22
  Folder   4
box   22
  Folder   5
Division of Health
box   22
  Folder   6
Environmental health
box   22
  Folder   7
box   22
  Folder   8-9
box   22
  Folder   10
box   22
  Folder   11
Health maintenance organizations (HMOs)
box   22
  Folder   12
box   22
  Folder   13
box   23
  Folder   1-2
Medicaid, Medical Assistance
box   23
  Folder   3
box   23
  Folder   4
National policy
box   23
  Folder   5
box   23
  Folder   6
box   23
  Folder   7
box   23
  Folder   8-9
box   23
  Folder   10
box   23
  Folder   11
Rural health care
box   23
  Folder   12-13
box   24
  Folder   1
Health and Social Services, Department of
box   24
  Folder   2-3
Aging, Bureau on (elderly)
box   24
  Folder   4-5
Alcohol and drug abuse
box   24
  Folder   6
box   24
  Folder   7
Battered spouses
box   24
  Folder   8-9
Block grants
box   24
  Folder   10
Board on Aging and Long Term Care
box   24
  Folder   11
Children and Families, Bureau on
box   25
  Folder   1
Children and Families, Bureau on (continued)
box   25
  Folder   2
Community services
box   25
  Folder   3
Child abuse
box   25
  Folder   4
Children's services
box   25
  Folder   5
Family planning
box   25
  Folder   6
Community options programs
box   25
  Folder   7-8
box   66
  Folder   1
Corrections Industry Computer Center, 1981
box   66
  Folder   2
Correspondence and memos, 1981
box   66
  Folder   3
Family reintegration
box   66
  Folder   4
Juvenile corrections
box   66
  Folder   5
box   66
  Folder   6
Portage Environmental Impact Statement, memorandum brief of petitioners 1981
box   66
  Folder   7
Prison sites
box   66
  Folder   8
Revocation, alternatives to
box   66
  Folder   9
box   66
  Folder   10
Economic assistance
box   67
  Folder   1
box   67
  Folder   2
Bureau of Social Security
box   67
  Folder   3
Food Stamps
box   67
  Folder   4
4.4% cut
box   67
  Folder   5-6
box   25
  Folder   9
Older Americans Act
box   25
  Folder   10
box   25
  Folder   11
Supplemental security income
box   25
  Folder   12
Welfare reform
box   25
  Folder   13
box   26
  Folder   1
Chapter H32, Wisconsin Administrative Code, nursing home rules
box   26
  Folder   2
box   26
  Folder   3
Insurance, dental
box   26
  Folder   4
Health planning
box   26
  Folder   5
Hygiene, State Laboratory of
box   26
  Folder   6
box   26
  Folder   7
Inter-agency task force on housing for chronically disabled
box   26
  Folder   8
Northern Wisconsin Center laundry
box   26
  Folder   9
Nursing homes
box   26
  Folder   10
Friendship Village of Greater Milwaukee
box   26
  Folder   11-12
box   26
  Folder   13
Fairchild Nursing Home
box   26
  Folder   14
Grassy, Becky, Nursing Home Consumers Who Care
box   27
  Folder   1
Griffiths, Marlys, Strum Nursing Home
box   27
  Folder   2-3
Hillhaven Nursing Home
box   27
  Folder   4
Policy and budget
box   27
  Folder   5
box   27
  Folder   6
Supplemental security income
box   27
  Folder   7
Vocational rehabilitation
box   27
  Folder   8
Waiver requests
box   27
  Folder   9
Hesse partnership
box   27
  Folder   10
Higher Education Aids Board
box   27
  Folder   11
Indian Student Assistance Program
box   27
  Folder   12
Historical Society
box   27
  Folder   13
box   27
  Folder   14
Housing and Urban Development, U.S. Department of
box   27
  Folder   15
Indians (Native Americans)
box   27
  Folder   16
Industry, Labor and Human Relations, Department of
box   27
  Folder   17
Employment statistics
box   27
  Folder   18
Departmental reorganizations
box   28
  Folder   1
Migrant labor
box   28
  Folder   2
Mounds system
box   28
  Folder   3
Unemployment compensation
box   28
  Folder   4
Wisconsin Private Sector Initiative Program
box   28
  Folder   5
Worker's compensation
box   28
  Folder   6
box   28
  Folder   7
Anti-inflation conference, 1979 May 23
box   28
  Folder   8
box   28
  Folder   9
Interest rates
box   28
  Folder   10
box   28
  Folder   11
Intergovernmental relations
box   28
  Folder   12
International agreements
box   28
  Folder   13
Interstate Commerce Commission
box   28
  Folder   14
box   28
  Folder   15
Investment Board
box   28
  Folder   16
box   29
  Folder   1-2
Issues (continued)
box   29
  Folder   3
WISN-TV, "Viewpoint"
box   29
  Folder   4
WTMJ, "Comment"
box   29
  Folder   5
Judicial Commission
box   29
  Folder   6
box   29
  Folder   7
Labor law conference, Marquette University 1981
box   29
  Folder   8
box   29
  Folder   9
box   29
  Folder   10
Law Revision Committee
Legal action
box   29
  Folder   11-13
box   30
  Folder   1
box   30
  Folder   2
Legal services
Legislation, 1979 session
box   30
  Folder   3-9
box   31
  Folder   1-13
Assembly (continued)
box   32
  Folder   1-13
box   32
  Folder   14
Assembly joint resolutions
box   32
  Folder   15
Senate resolutions
box   33
  Folder   1
Senate joint resolutions
box   33
  Folder   2
Legislative Council publications
box   33
  Folder   3
Legislative Reference Bureau publications
box   33
  Folder   4
Bear, Senator
box   33
  Folder   5
Ferrall, Representative
box   33
  Folder   6
Gagin, Representative
box   33
  Folder   7
Gunderson, Representative
box   33
  Folder   8
Hardsdorf, Representative
box   33
  Folder   9
Kedrowski, Representative
box   33
  Folder   10
Lallensack, Representative
box   33
  Folder   11
Lewis, Representative
box   33
  Folder   12
Lingren, Representative
box   33
  Folder   13
Lorman, Representative
box   33
  Folder   14
McClain, Representative
box   33
  Folder   15
Murphy, Senator
box   33
  Folder   16
Omernick, Representative
box   33
  Folder   17
Pabst, Representative
box   33
  Folder   18
Radosevich, Senator
box   33
  Folder   19
Snyder, Representative
box   33
  Folder   20
Soucie, Representative
box   33
  Folder   21
Swan, Senator
box   33
  Folder   22
Wahner, Representative
box   33
  Folder   23
Ward, Representative
box   33
  Folder   24
Legislature, 1979
box   33
  Folder   25-26
Lewis, Margaret 1979-1982
box   33
  Folder   27
Limited term employees (LTEs)
box   33
  Folder   28
Lobby laws
box   33
  Folder   29
box   33
  Folder   30
Marital property reform
box   34
  Folder   1
box   34
  Folder   2
Medical College of Wisconsin
box   34
  Folder   3
Medical Society of Wisconsin
box   34
  Folder   4
Melton, Dan
box   34
  Folder   5
Menomonie solvency
box   34
  Folder   6
Metric board and metrication
box   34
  Folder   7
Midwest Governors' conference
box   34
  Folder   8
Military affairs
box   34
  Folder   9
Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District
box   34
  Folder   10
Milwaukee office
box   34
  Folder   11
Minnesota-Wisconsin Boundary Area Commission
box   34
  Folder   12
Motorcycle helmet law
box   34
  Folder   13-14
National Governors' Association
box   35
  Folder   1-2
National Governors' Association (continued)
box   35
  Folder   3
Catalog of state Medicaid program changes
box   35
  Folder   4
Native Americans
box   35
  Folder   5
Natural Resources, Department of
box   35
  Folder   6
Acid rain
box   35
  Folder   7
Agent Orange
box   35
  Folder   8
Air pollution
box   35
  Folder   9
Army Corps of Engineers
box   36
  Folder   1-2
Board minutes
box   36
  Folder   3
Chub fishing
box   36
  Folder   4
Clean Air Act
box   36
  Folder   5
Endangered species
box   36
  Folder   6
Environmental quality
box   36
  Folder   7
box   36
  Folder   8
Great Lakes
box   36
  Folder   9-11
Ground water
box   37
  Folder   1
Hazardous materials
box   37
  Folder   2
Hunter safety
box   37
  Folder   3
Inland lakes
box   37
  Folder   4
Inspection and maintenance
box   37
  Folder   5
Application for interim authorization of phase I of Wisconsin's program for the regulation of hazardous waste management
box   37
  Folder   6
La Farge dam
box   37
  Folder   7-8
Land acquisitions
box   37
  Folder   9
Milwaukee sewers
box   37
  Folder   10
box   38
  Folder   1-2
Mining (continued)
box   38
  Folder   3
box   38
  Folder   4
Nonpoint source pollution
box   38
  Folder   5
Nonreturnable containers
box   38
  Folder   6
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
box   38
  Folder   7
box   38
  Folder   8
box   38
  Folder   9
Pike Lake
box   38
  Folder   10
Recycling Authority
box   38
  Folder   11
Shoreland manager
box   38
  Folder   12
Soil and water conservation
box   38
  Folder   13-14
Solid waste
box   38
  Folder   15
Sparta, Northern Engraving Company
box   38
  Folder   16
Steel shot
box   38
  Folder   17-18
Task force
box   39
  Folder   1
Task force (continued)
box   39
  Folder   2
Two Rivers
box   39
  Folder   3
box   39
  Folder   4
Water policy
box   39
  Folder   5
box   39
  Folder   6
box   39
  Folder   7
News clippings
box   39
  Folder   8
Citizens' Governmental Research Bureau
box   39
  Folder   9
Cooperative News Service
box   39
  Folder   10
Wisconsin County Boards Association
box   39
  Folder   11
Department of Public Instruction
box   39
  Folder   12
League of Women Voters
box   39
  Folder   13
Legislative Report
box   39
  Folder   14
box   39
  Folder   15
National Assessment of Educational Progress
box   39
  Folder   16
National Governors' Association
box   40
  Folder   1
Public Expenditure Survey
box   40
  Folder   2
Signposts and Roadblocks
box   40
  Folder   3
Council of State Governments
box   40
  Folder   4
Tax Review
box   40
  Folder   5
Towns Association
box   40
  Folder   6
The Association of the University of Wisconsin Faculties
box   40
  Folder   7
Wisconsin Association of School Boards
box   40
  Folder   8
Wisconsin Briefs
box   40
  Folder   9
Wisconsin Canners and Freezers Association
box   40
  Folder   10
Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association
box   40
  Folder   11
Wisconsin Early Childhood Association
box   40
  Folder   12
Wisconsin Farmers Union
box   40
  Folder   13
Wisconsin Federation of Cooperatives
box   40
  Folder   14
Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce
box   40
  Folder   15
Wisconsin Retired Teachers Association
box   40
  Folder   16
box   40
  Folder   17
Northeast-Midwest Institute
box   40
  Folder   18
box   40
  Folder   19
Nursing education
box   40
  Folder   20-21
Office procedures
box   40
  Folder   22
box   40
  Folder   23
Contingent Fund
box   40
  Folder   24
Constituent relations
box   40
  Folder   25
Autopen signature machine
box   40
  Folder   26
Pay plan, 1982-1983
box   40
  Folder   27
box   40
  Folder   28
Constituent relations
box   41
  Folder   1
Pay plan
box   41
  Folder   2
Office equipment
box   41
  Folder   3
box   41
  Folder   4
box   41
  Folder   5
Office upkeep
box   41
  Folder   6
Word processing
box   41
  Folder   7
Administration notes
box   41
  Folder   8
Staff meetings
box   41
  Folder   9
Travel and contingent guidelines
box   41
  Folder   10
Executive office
box   41
  Folder   11
Position descriptions
box   41
  Folder   12
box   41
  Folder   13
Word processing
box   41
  Folder   14
Paper Council
box   41
  Folder   15-16
Personnel Commission
box   41
  Folder   17
box   41
  Folder   18
President's Commission for a National Agenda for the Eighties
box   41
  Folder   19
Prison information
box   42
  Folder   1
Prison safety task force
box   42
  Folder   2
Prison selection
box   42
  Folder   3
Jackson County
box   42
  Folder   4
box   42
  Folder   5
Winnebago conversion
box   42
  Folder   6-7
box   42
  Folder   8
box   42
  Folder   9
Product liability
box   42
  Folder   10
box   42
  Folder   11
Proxmire, Senator William
box   42
  Folder   12-14
Public defender
box   43
  Folder   1
Public defender (continued)
box   43
  Folder   2
Public Instruction, Department of
box   43
  Folder   3-4
Basic skills
box   43
  Folder   5
Bilingual education
box   43
  Folder   6
Binding arbitration
box   43
  Folder   7
Career education
box   43
  Folder   8
Cooperative Education Service Agency (CESA)
box   43
  Folder   9
Special adjustment aids
box   43
  Folder   10
Competency testing
box   43
  Folder   11
Cost controls
box   43
  Folder   12
Declining enrollment
box   43
  Folder   13
Dropout prevention
box   43
  Folder   14
Education aids
box   43
  Folder   15
Education finance
box   43
  Folder   16
Handicapped education
box   44
  Folder   1
Library services
box   44
  Folder   2
Minority education
box   44
  Folder   3
Private, non-public schools
box   44
  Folder   4
School aids
box   44
  Folder   5
Special education
box   44
  Folder   6
box   44
  Folder   7-9
Public Service Commission
box   44
  Folder   10
Roadless Area Review and Evaluation (RARE II)
box   44
  Folder   11
box   44
  Folder   12-13
box   45
  Folder   1-5
Reapportionment (continued)
box   45
  Folder   6
Referendum initiatives
box   45
  Folder   7-8
box   45
  Folder   9
Regional Planning Commission
box   45
  Folder   10
box   45
  Folder   11
Regulation and Licensing, Department of
box   45
  Folder   12
Republican Governors Association
box   46
  Folder   1
Republican Party
box   46
  Folder   2
Retirement systems
box   46
  Folder   3
Revenue, Department of
box   46
  Folder   4
box   46
  Folder   5
box   46
  Folder   6
Budget, miscellaneous
box   46
  Folder   7
Capital gains
box   46
  Folder   8
Cigarette tax
box   46
  Folder   9
Excise taxes
box   46
  Folder   10
Homestead tax credit
box   46
  Folder   11
Income tax
box   46
  Folder   12
Inheritance tax
box   46
  Folder   13
Machinery and equipment exemption
box   46
  Folder   14
Marathon Oil
box   15
  Folder   46
box   46
  Folder   16
box   46
  Folder   17
Payment in lieu of taxes
box   46
  Folder   18-19
Property tax deferral
box   46
  Folder   20
Property taxation
box   46
  Folder   21
Revenue bill, 1979
box   46
  Folder   22
Revenue estimates
box   47
  Folder   1
Revenue sharing (federal)
box   47
  Folder   2
Shared revenue
box   47
  Folder   3
box   47
  Folder   4
Targeted jobs tax credit
box   47
  Folder   5
Tax collections
box   47
  Folder   6
Tax exemptions
box   47
  Folder   7
Tax incremental financing
box   47
  Folder   8
Tax rankings
box   47
  Folder   9
Tax Reform Commission
box   47
  Folder   10
Utility taxation
box   47
  Folder   11
Reverse mortgages
box   47
  Folder   12
Ripon Society
box   47
  Folder   13
Rural and Community Development, Council on
box   47
  Folder   14
Soviet Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT)
box   47
  Folder   15
School Boards, Wisconsin Association of
box   47
  Folder   16
Secretary of State
box   47
  Folder   17
box   47
  Folder   18-19
Small business
box   47
  Folder   20
Social security
box   47
  Folder   21
Special interests
Special sessions
box   47
  Folder   22
box   47
  Folder   23-24
1979 September
box   47
  Folder   25-26
Crime and energy, 1980 January
box   48
  Folder   1-2
Crime and energy, 1980 January (continued)
box   48
  Folder   3-5
1980 June
box   48
  Folder   6
Adjutant general
box   48
  Folder   7
box   48
  Folder   8
box   48
  Folder   9
Home loan program
box   48
  Folder   10
box   48
  Folder   11
Public defender
box   48
  Folder   12
Internal Revenue Bonds
box   48
  Folder   13
Memos and correspondence
box   48
  Folder   14
Speeches, policy
box   49
  Folder   1
Speeches, policy (continued)
box   49
  Folder   2
State Claims Board
box   49
  Folder   3
State fair
box   49
  Folder   4
State Governments, Council on
box   49
  Folder   5-7
State-local relations
box   49
  Folder   8-9
Local initiative
box   49
  Folder   10
Regional planning commissions
box   49
  Folder   11
box   49
  Folder   12
Senate bill 519
box   49
  Folder   13
League of Wisconsin Municipalities
box   49
  Folder   14
box   49
  Folder   15
City Management Association
box   49
  Folder   16
Special session
box   49
  Folder   17
Wisconsin County Boards Association
box   50
  Folder   1
Local government financial management
box   50
  Folder   2
Alliance of Cities
box   50
  Folder   3
Wisconsin Towns Association
box   50
  Folder   4
Sunset laws
box   50
  Folder   5
Surplus property program
box   50
  Folder   6
Tax Appeals Commission
box   50
  Folder   7
box   50
  Folder   8-9
Trade mission
box   50
  Folder   10-11
Transportation, Department of
box   50
  Folder   12
Airport aid
box   50
  Folder   13
box   50
  Folder   14
Car pooling
box   50
  Folder   15
box   50
  Folder   16
Highway plans
box   50
  Folder   17
Drinking age
box   50
  Folder   18
Elderly and handicapped
box   51
  Folder   1
Highway safety
box   51
  Folder   2
Independent Truckers Association
box   51
  Folder   3
Mass transit
box   51
  Folder   4
box   51
  Folder   5
Photo driver's license
box   51
  Folder   6
box   51
  Folder   7-8
box   51
  Folder   9
Six year plan
box   51
  Folder   10
Transportation aids
box   51
  Folder   11
Trucking deregulation
box   51
  Folder   12
U.S. policy
box   51
  Folder   13
Wisconsin transportation policy
box   51
  Folder   14
Travis, Representative Robert S.
box   51
  Folder   15
Trucking strike
box   51
  Folder   16
United Council of Student Governments
box   51
  Folder   17
United Way
box   51
  Folder   18
University of Wisconsin
box   51
  Folder   19
Basic skills
box   51
  Folder   20
box   51
  Folder   21
box   51
  Folder   22
Declining enrollment
box   51
  Folder   23
Enrollment funding formula
box   51
  Folder   24
box   51
  Folder   25
Faculty salaries
box   51
  Folder   26
box   51
  Folder   27
Personnel Management Information System
box   51
  Folder   28
Poverty institute
box   52
  Folder   1
Regents, Board of
box   52
  Folder   2
box   52
  Folder   3
Swine research institute
box   52
  Folder   4-5
Veterinary Medicine, School of
box   52
  Folder   6-7
Upper Great Lakes Regional Commission
box   52
  Folder   8
Upper Mississippi River Basin Commission
box   52
  Folder   9
Veterans Affairs
box   52
  Folder   10
Audit, Legislative Audit Bureau
box   53
  Folder   1-3
Vocational, Technical and Adult Education (VTAE)
box   53
  Folder   4
box   53
  Folder   5
Welfare reform
box   53
  Folder   6
Wheeler Report session, 1979
box   53
  Folder   7
White House conference on aging
box   53
  Folder   8
Wisconsin Association of School Boards
box   53
  Folder   9
Wisconsin Education Association
box   53
  Folder   10-11
Wisconsin Environmental Protection Agency
box   53
  Folder   12
Wisconsin Housing Finance Authority
box   54
  Folder   1
Wisconsin Humanities Committee
box   54
  Folder   2
Wisconsin Natural Resources publication
box   54
  Folder   3-4
Women's initiatives
box   54
  Folder   5
Women's issues
box   54
  Folder   6
box   54
  Folder   7
Displaced homemakers
box   54
  Folder   8
box   54
  Folder   9
Equal Rights Amendment
box   54
  Folder   10
Family planning
box   54
  Folder   11
box   54
  Folder   12
Governor's commission on women
box   54
  Folder   13
Teenage pregnancy
box   54
  Folder   14
Youth awards
box   55
  Folder   1
Youth awards (continued)